> Private Concert > by Lunasservant1985 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > It gets better. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lights went dim, the crowd held their breath, the fog floated softly over us. Sure it was just a charity gig by a cover band, but it was The Great and Powerful Trixie and the Illusions. How could you not enjoy it? I had seen the posters for the concert all over Canterlot, and it looked pretty promising. I remembered the band from school, and the Battle of the Bands that was held a while back, I kinda felt like the band had been snubbed from a win, but then again, The Rainbooms wanted it to not be a competition at all. The posters were for the band holding a charity concert at the community center, Trixie had funding backed by some...new and very close friends. The "charity" the band was raising money for was Leukemia research. That was well and good don't get me wrong, but I was more into the band itself. Maybe it was the music they made at the battle, maybe it was they way they played and sounded, and most like of all, I thought they were all so damn cute. Okay maybe not the best of reasons to want to see them in concert, but I really liked them. Trixie, Lullamoon, Lavender Lace, and Fuchsia Blush. They just...I felt like I could float on air every time I saw them, and I saw them around school all the time! So why did I feel like I was only fooling myself when I handed the ticket into the taker and took my seat in the auditorium of the community center? Why did I approach the situation like I was some hapless fan boy going to a big name star concert and they were famous beyond all belief? I mean not that I didn't hope that maybe someday they would be famous. I just...felt like I was out of their league. I took my seat and adjusted the straps on my jet black hoodie and stained sweats, I know the band wasn't a grimy trashy band, but as someone not very social and without many friends, I really didn't care for how I looked when I went to see my dream girls in concert. The curtain rose over them slowly, the light shinned on Lavender, her soft blonde hair as she slowly built up a tempo on that sound box she used to play for her "mistress." Another light hits Fuchsia, she smirks smugly as she lets a few of those warped beats, a three girl band is somehow able to produce tunes that make me feel great inside whenever I hear it. Then the light Shines down on Trixie Lullamoon herself. She looked up from her guitar and and smirked with the confidence that I loved so much. She strummed a few notes on her instrument and began to play. Figures she'd open with her band's signature song, I didn't care. I love that song just as much and never get tired of it. What really impressed me was that Trixie was playing a big double necked guitar, I'd heard about how she wanted one like that a while back but couldn't afford the twelve thousand dollar price for it, how in high hell did she raise the money for a guitar like that? Oh it didn't matter, all that mattered was the way Trixie strummed every cord and hit every note in her songs. Her voice, was angelically soft and tuned perfectly to compliment her skills with that guitar. By the time she finished, I was enraptured by her. She surprised both myself and the crowd by swapping her double guitar for a golden one, but she wasn't going to play any songs with it. ''Helllo Canterlot City! Did you enjoy our show!?'' She shouted into her mic. The crowd of the concert cheered their approval at her words and she strummed a single chord on the golden guitar. With that she turned around and tossed her guitar into the air behind her. No one was expecting that, so almost no one reacted to it. Maybe it was fate, maybe it was my reflexes just reacting to the unexpected, but I was one of few who reached out and caught her guitar in my hands, I could still feel the warmth of her hands on it. Fuschia blushed and covered her mouth as Lavender licked her lips just as the curtian fell. Twenty minutes later I was wandering around looking to see if any one on The Illusion's stage crew could bring the guitar back to Trixie, most of the guests had left after making donations. I ran into a blue haired girl wrapping speaker wires back up to put it away, I tapped her lightly on the shoulder and asked, ''Excuse me miss? Any chance you could return this to Ms. Trixie?'' The girl only giggled and blushed bright red as she took it from me. ''I see you're new to Trixie and her girl's little game?'' She said playing with her ponytail and chuckling softly. "Beg pardon?" I said with a little bit of confusion. "Oh I like how you're going with the "innocent cute boy" look, the mistress hasnt been too keen on boys latley, they all get the guitar and then they turn the bus into their own little frat house." She scoffs then giggles cutley before resuming, "but you're cuter and a lot sweeter than those other guys," she smiles and gets closer to me "I...uhh...eep," is all I can get out. "Ohh I could just eat you up!" She says the way girls say those things about beagle puppies and baby ducks. But it's the mistress turn for that now, she says deviously and gives me a little peck on my cheeks. "Have fun! A LOT of fun." She said with a sly smirk. The Illusion's "tour bus," was a class A RV that had Trixie's motif of stars, a big moon, and a midnight blue paint job. The walls where slid out for the RV to park before being moved, I wondered if the girls had made it a permanent residence here, given how we hadn't even finished school yet. It was an unimportant thought that I shuffled aside before I proceeded to softly knock on the door. "Hello? Trixie? I've brought your guitar back to you." I said as a redhead opened the door. She stood there in her band outfit, including the irresistibly cute, star wizard's hat. "Oh hey! You made it." She said wrapping her arms around me in a rib breaking hug. "Hey...a little...sporadic there don't you think? I don't even think I got your name Ms..." "Fuchsia, Fuchsia Blush, and its a pleasure to meet you, you are?" "Harvey, Harvey Maxell...no relation to the electronics company." I said which made Fuchsia giggle cutley at my joke. "So I'll just give ms Trixie her instrument back...hey where is Trixie anyway?" Fuchsia chuckled again and took me by the hand leading me into the RV. The floor was a solid hardwood floor that made echoing taps on the wood with our shoes as we crossed it. The place had a decent TV, a comfy velvet couch, and a mini fridge at one end. Fuchsia got comfy on the couch and stretched. "Shes just having a quick shower, why don't you and my friend Lavander." "Get to know more about each other hmmmm?" A hot blonde girl said, she stood in the door way to kitchen in lacy negligee that matched her soft well coiffed hair, and socks.Long knee high socks, hot pink with rose red stripes. She blushed hard and sauntered over to us, a tray of four mugs of steaming hot cocoa on it. "Uhhh should I just...show myself out?" I said turming apple red and very warm. "You just got here silly! Lavander said leaning on me so close her long blonde hair was tickling my smooth shaven skin, I hate facial hair and do well to keep my face hairless. Lavander ran a hand through her friend's hair. "So...tell us about yourself cutie, what do you say to a little quid pro quo? You tell us about yourself, and we do the same okay?" Fuchsia said as she petted the blonde hair as Lavander purred at her touch. "Well...I've seen you girls around school a lot, but untill recently never got your names, but I just love your music and I'm glad to be able to make the concert you had tonight. I said as Lavander opened her top and slipped out of her blue skirt, my eyebrows raised but she...wasn't phased. "Go on handsome, you dont mind if I get a little comfy do you?" She said as I got a good look at the pink PJ shorts and matching tee shirt. Hey it's your trailer, what do I care? If you want to prance around half naked, go ahead." "Oh is that so? Fuchsia said taking her lace negligee off revealing a pair of skimpy white panties and a white bra underneath. "Ladies...are you two doing what I think you're doing?" I asked though I should mention at this point I'm not a complete idiot. "Because...I still think this is progressing a bit too fast." I said as I felt a hand guiding my hand to Fuchsia' bare belly. "Why? We just met, and...you don't really know me all that well." I said feeling both uncomfortable and yet allso...interested. "You caught the mistress guitar, so you get to be back here with us. Lavander said now as half naked as her friend. "Besides, your a LOT cuter then the last guy who caught the guitar." "Total frat house pig that one was." Fuchsia emphasized with a scoff. "Prime example of what happens when colleges give out way too many athletic scholarships." Lavander retorted with a femme "vogue" of her hands and a tinge of valley girl in her tone. "Not like you...Harvey." She said trailing my hand and making it rub in slow circular motions around her bare belly, making sure my tips just teased her light skin around the edge of her belly button. "I just love that hoodie you got on, it's so...mysterious." Fuchsia commented as she teased the strings to tighten it before flipping it up exposing my soft curly rusty reddish hair, she chuckled. "Well well well, what have we here? Your a red like me." She said slowly drawing me close to her, her lovely blue eyes were locked into the gaze of my light red ones. Lavander was guiding my hand even lower down her belly, until I was touching the hem of those ivory white panties. In a slow and sultry voice that I could practically see the words dripping from her tongue like sketch lines in a Don Hurtzfeild cartoon, she said. "Hey Harvey? You wanna know how I'm a natural Blonde?" "Your eyebrows are blonde too?" I said even though at this point it was usless to play innocent with them. Lavander giggled and turned red in more than her face. "No silly, like this." She said as she made her and by association MY own hand pull the panties down off her, she closed her eyes as the silky fabric traversed dowm her thighs and legs, to the tip of her toes which she used to kick them away shamelessly. My eyes had been following those panties, so I looked up only to feel a hand, I couldn't tell whos, on the back of my head pressing me just inches from that wild untamed bush of curly blonde pubic hair. The scent of the girl's namesake lavander wafting up from the folds of her flower, begging to be touched so her delicate and sensitive petals could bloom and blossom open. "Go on Harvey, have a taste." Fuchsia egged me on, pushing my head closer to her friend's lower lips. I stuck my tongue out and gave her pussy a little restrained lick, it was enough to make her shiver and moan loudly as her rosebud began to slowly blossom. I gave another lick on the slowly opening petals, this time the tip of my tounge was on the bell of her clit as it winked from the hood of flesh covering it. "Fu fuu fuc Fuck! Harvey, kk keee..." She said trying desperately to maintain her composure and will. I briefly retracted my tongue back allowing her to speak. "Keep doing that." She said winking at me. I decided to surprise her and I got up face to face with her, I looked into her soft Beryl eyes, I placed a hand behind the locks of wavy blonde hair. I pressed her head into mine, I was finally gving in to the lust. The taste of her dripping juices no doubt a major contributing factor to caving in to my desires, and allowing my dominant side out to force her lips onto mine. She didnt seem to mind the vaginal discharge that was driping from lips, if anything the taste had made her only hungrily lap at her juices, every sweet and succulent drip she licked as our kiss became a hot and impassioned tounge kiss. The soft but flexible muscles curled around each other as our eyes closed in bliss and the tounges clobbered and smacked together with wet slick smacks and clicks as I made out with Lavander. In my lust addled state I almost forgot poor lonesome Fuchsia, I made a wiggling motion with my fingers and hoped she understood, she did. I decided to get a little creative and lined the two lovley ladies side by side on the couch as I was leaning over them, looking down at the them smirking, they they looked back with half lidded lustful gazes. "Okay girls, prepare yourselves for one hell of a ride." I said smugly as I folded my ring fingers back on my respective hands. I'd like to take this time to mention that, while I wasnt very experienced in tthe acts of all things erotic and sexual, I'm far from being not versed in the acts at all. So with my fingers in position, I slid the middle and index ones slowly inch by inch into those puffy and swelling rose blooms of the smoking hot ladies, which made them bite their lips before parting them ever so slightly in pleasure. My pinkie? I hear you ask, well not to blow my horn but you see... "Ohhhh! FUCKING SAINTS V PATRIOTS! DID YOU JUST?! Fuchsia cried out feeling my pinkie slip into the tight ring of her anus. I drew back at how tight their butt holes were, and was relived that even though I hadn't gone all that far, there weren't any..."brown stains" on my fingers. I took a moment to look for lotion, Vaseline, or even if they had it...KY jelly lube. As if they understood, Lavander opened up a drawer on the side of the couch, and took a tube of clear KY from it and handing it to me. "Thanks." Was all I could say to her as she got back into position. My fingers, now glistening wet with lubrication, slide past the tight grips of Lavander and Fuchsia's anal rings. While my two fingers slid in and out of their steamy cunts. My prior sexual hangups that made me question the merritt of this, had gone out the window, and I only too happy to pleasure the gorgeous rocker gals beneath me. Hhhmmm more." Fuchsia said with her own knuckle in her mouth, it doing little to surpress the sultry and lust filled moans of pained ecstasy, from her bliss. I complied with her desire, and moved my thumb into position on my hand, the way a child makes his hands for the "hammer" of a gun. I guess like a certain episode of South Park, I was giving a new meaning to the phrase...finger bang. My thumbs rubbed the swollen and throbbing bells of their clits with each wet, slick pump of my fingers, their eyes shot open and they let out a lond screeching shriek of over indulgence. My fingers hitting EVERY spot a female is sexually pleasured by, they hit high C notes and held them, as I held and exchanged kisses between them both. As I switched from the blonde Lavander, to red headed Fuchsia. Their womanhood's erupted like volcanoes. Thick slippery juices squirting like geysers onto my fingers, soaking them with every drop they gave. I practically heard the slick, loud "POP''from each hole as I finally drew my hands free. "Oh...fuck that was...woah..." Lavender said too dazed by the after glow of her orgasm. I heldy hands to their faces, mixing the juices up so that Lavander was given Fuchsia's sweetness and vice versa. They took turns obediently licking my hands clean, giggling and looking at me with lustful gazes as the licked, and soft moans indicating they wanted more. "We're not done yet my sexy and voluptuous peaches." I said getting buck naked. I need to be honest here, I'm not very well built in the physique, and my..."equipment" was very...average to be honest. They didn't care, they only smiled and adjusted their positions and waved to me to get busy. Just as I hovered over Lavander I felt another hand on my shoulder before Fuchsia giggled and said. "Hello Mistress Trixie." There was no doubt in my mind who's hands were slowly running down my back. "Not what it looks like Trixie..." > Much better... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was caught dead to rights about to fuck the living daylights out of her bandmates, that had to be the worst possible thing I could have said but rather than be angry she only leaned in and nibbled my ear before softly whispering in it. "It better damn well be exactly what it looks like, you have no idea how great and powefully horny the great and powerful Trixie is now." As she said this I felt something hard and plastic rub against my leg, I turned around to see Trixie had a big red strap on around her waist, she smirked and cocked her hips to the sides. "Oh don't worry handsome, this isn't meant for you,I just have...uhhhh," she said before popping the toy from her pussy revealing it was a big double ended toy that was as long as an arm and had two cock heads at the ends. "To punish my naughty pets for getting the "private concert" started with out me." "We're sorry misstress Trixie." Fuchsia said as if she was a little girl caught playing with mommy's expensive make-up. "You know the positions my naughty pets, so assume them." She said with an air of dominance. As Lavander and Fuchsia got on their hands and knees before backing their asses together. It suddenly made sense, the double ended dildo, the position. "Oh yeah baby, me likey that, that ass to ass action." I said rubbing my hard shaft, but just as I stroked "mistress Trixie" smacked my hand playfully. "No, no, no my new playmate, can't have you cumming before you pleased your mistress, but don't think I'm so cruel I won't let you enjoy the show." As she said this she placed the dildo heads at the girl's backdoor openings, and they scooted down the full fourteen inches of the toy's usable lenght. I licked my lips as I grew hotter and flustered with what I was looking at. They moaned, bit their lips, and made an assortment of slutty noises as their asses crashed and rubbed together. "Do you like what you see?" Trixie said as she stood over me, her beautiful naked light blue body and soft, silky white hair draped over her shoulders. She straddled me, her perky bossom rubbing against my bare creamy chest as she nipped my ear playfully. "Yes..." I could just barley get out as it felt like I could just shuck my flesh off and melt into the haze of sloppy, kinky sex these wild girls had introduced me too. For once the girls taking a doubled ended rubber dong into their tailpipes wasn't some cheesy porno, not even the best porn made could compare to the intoxication of lust that I was enraptured in with them. "Do you want to fuck me?" Trixie said licking her lips and hovering her wet needy snatch over my rock hard shaft. "Since eighth grade sex ed Trixie." I said with a truth to every word, years later and she was making something even my wildest dreams couldn't have conjured up a reality. She looked down at me as she ran her hands down my chest. I shifted my gaze from her to the two bandmates taking the toy, their buttocks slamming together as their faces dripped with sweat. "Then come to mama big boy." She said as she impaled herself on my shaft. I let out a sharp gasp as the smell of sex permeated the air. The sounds of flesh slapping flesh filled the room, and had this RV not been so big, I'm sure it would have been rocking, so don't come knocking. I reached up and gave jer soft ample breasts a carress with my hands as she bounced up and down on my shaft. "Oh Trixie! I...I love you!" I cried out giving her dark blue nipples a pinch, she bit her tounge and moaned, her eyes closed in delight as she rode me in a cowgirl position, grinding her hips and riding me good, she must have taken lessons from Applejack. As she rode, her friends shouted as thrir pussies quivered and orgasmed again from the toy. "Misstress...we..we're exhausted can we...just watch you break the new guy in?" Lavander asked her and Fuschia's bodies dripping with sweat. "Almost...almost...hold on for just a bit...mmm morreee!" Trixie cried out in pleasure as she felt her pussy quiver and temble as it gripped me like a cross between a velvet sock and an iron vice. I was so lost in pleasure I didnt take into consideration a little thing that could happen if I came inside her. "Trixie...I'm, I'm not wearing a..." I could just barley say what I could but she understood. "Don't worry about it cutie, I thought ahead of everything. I didn't quite get what she meant but I shuffled the though aside, not that I only wanted her for this one night, but simply because I wanted her to not end up regretting the whole thing. I shut my eyes, saw stars, and felt my hot sticky streams of jizz shoot into her again and again. She collapsed on top of me, all four of us finally spent. It felt beyond words to have finally cum in something not a crusty old sock or some balled up Kleenex, but don't you go thinking for a single second that's all I saw the great and powerful Trixie as, or her bandmates. A cool down session later Lavander to my left, Fuchsia to my right, and Trixie ontop of me. The four of us cuddled and snuggled as I gently stroked Trixie's long beautiful and soft hair. "Trixie?" I asked in a gentle and loving tone my old persona returning a bit. "Yes Harvey?" She replied her own self returning after her "show self," had been mote than sated. "What...what happens now? I mean...I really enjoued this, honestly I did, and I think your a class A musician and all, but I want to...stay with you and your band." I said looking at her with soft almost...sad pleading puppy dog eyes. "You're more than welcome to be part of The Great and Powerful Trixie's entourage Harvey, but...your also now considered my closest and best friend...with VERY good benefits." She said giving the heads off the two girls to my sides gently rubs making them coo lovingly. "I think I'd like that very much." With that I clixked on The TV and tuned to the classic cartoon channel, a familiar lion roaring title card with MGM faded into focus, accompanied by a famillar fanfare as another title card faded in with two familiar faces and names on it. "Ooooh Trixie just loves Tom and Jerry cartoons! " she said clapping her hands together and squeeing in delight as she turned to watch with me. "Trixie?" I said smiling at her. "Yes my new bandmate?" She said as she got all snuggly with me. "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." I said as the cartoon started.