Fractured Octaves

by Broken0strings

First published

One thing in Miss Octavia's sane life gets destroyed, changing her whole entire life.

Octavia's music gets very popular after she does a concert with the one and only Lyra Heartstrings in Manehattan, and everything goes as planned, but once returning home, things don't work out too well. Terrible things happen, leading Octavia to depression, but there is a pony at the dark side of the rode there for her. Even though most of her depression disappears from mind, there's still strange things happening, and why is Octavia becoming the lesser of the music group? And what ever happened to DJ PON-3, did she quit her job?

Double Bass

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(Pretty much Prologue Part)

Every single pony in Equestria, mare, stallion, or foal, all have dream jobs, or flat out dreams. But, not many chose to be a musician or singer, or pretty much anything that has to do with music. But, one earth pony has wanted to play an instrument her whole entire life, and she is determined to turn that dream into a goal, and achieve her goal.

This grey-coloured mare is in her teenage years now, and has went out to the shops on this sunny afternoon to buy a specific instrument, this instrument being the double bass. She has been roaming the grassy paths to stores just to find her precious item of choice, yet she has obviously lucked out, for now.

"Octavia! Hey, you know me, right, y'know, Vinyl Scratch: the unicorn who loves music, preferably rock n' stuff like that, techno, all that."

"I do not believe I know, say, do you happen to know where you might be able to find a double bass, Miss... Scratch?" Octavia, the grey coated pony, questions, staring into the white-coloured unicorn's unbelievably red eyes.

The unicorn thinks for awhile, rubbing her blue-patterned mane with her white hoof, looking up at the semi-cloudy afternoon sky, her eyes gleaming in the bright sunlight. "Uhm... What?" She finally says, confused of how the earth pony had worded what she said.

With that, Octavia knew she had asked the wrong mare, of course Miss Scratch wouldn't know that, she's only obsessed with techno and DJ stands. Might aswell ask my parents, I'd bet they'd be a better help than this record-brain... The mare had thought as the trotted off through the pasture to the Canterlot garden, where nature would be the only thing in her way, and all would be peace and quiet. She had to hurry, though, because sooner or later it would turn out that the sun had been set by Princess Celestia of Equestria, and the moon had been risen by none other but Princess Luna.

Once Octavia had found herself face-to-face with all of the royal statues of Canterlot's lush garden, she had sat down right next to the 'Great Canterlot Battle' statue, which was a stone replica of two royal guards, a flag on Canterlot's side, attacking each other, resembling the fight between Tartaurus and Canterlot, in which Canterlot had won the bloody war. That, most ponies had learned in the third grade, and had to remember it for tests that would be later on and follow you up to college.

The teenage earth pony began to write down some music notes with a quill on a scroll, when she heard trotting nearby, which immediately made Octavia turn her little grey head to where the sound was coming from. A teal-coloured blur could be seen faintly in the distance, and the blur seemed to be coming toward Octavia with all of its speed and might. As the teal blur came to a stop, a bit of dust rustled, you realized that you knew this pony from grade school, her smirk warm with delight, the sun setting, shadowing the face of this teal pony's face. The mare just kept on smiling, and Octavia knew what she would want her to do, so she sat, in despair and agony, almost about to tear up, but then, the mare spoke, laughing quite a bit in her high-pitched tone.

"Miss Octavia, have we really waited this long, you're running has never helped you, you should know this by now, but really, Double Bass? You might aswell be left to scream and shout..." The pony began to clench her teeth while talking, "Why don't we... Start fresh?"

"Say as you might but the dream you have shan't be overcome within my brain, so don't even try!" cried 'Miss Scratch' from behind a statue, as she stared into those shining purple eyes of the grey mare's. "Please, just go, don't talk, leave Octavia, now. Please..."

Not believing anything, Octavia did as the 'DJ' said, she ran out of sight, running through the paths she had taken, she had to get home. Now. Out of Canterlot, that's the dream, to never face these things in her life that were never meant to ever be. Crying tears of a symphony, all she ever wanted was to be a musician, but she had the feeling these things in life weren't just personal, she would have to pass them by her whole life. Is this what she needed, a way to get out of the fancy place in which she had lived in? Away from the dream life of many, the love of her life, the nice ponies, the garden, and the castle of which Celestia had lived in?

This was too much to handle for a teenage mare named Miss Octavia. Her only dream could be ruined depending on the choice she picks. The dream of the double bass, yet seeing a very honest, hurtful, face from the past that is from the third grade class.


Up awoke Miss Octavia, feeling terrible for early morning, Monday already? thought the mare, as she looked up at the ceiling, but one thing disturbed her, it didn't feel right at all, it didn't feel... Canterlot. She had gotten up to look out of the window, when all of the sudden she heard the creak of a door, which caused her to turn around. It was Octavia's parents, Viola Harmony, a mare of purple eyes, a grey swirly mane with purple highlights, wings, and a yellow hide, and Midnight Madness, a stallion with dark blue eyes, a brown combed mane with bangs, and a grey coat.

"How are you, my little curious filly?" Viola Harmony had asked, looking out of the window at the blue sky above.

"One, mother, I am not a filly, I am in high school, and two, good, but may I ask, where are we?"

"Well silly f-, I mean, well Octavia, we are in wonderful little Ponyville, the friendlies town we could find!" Announced the earth pony's mother, astonished at how much Octavia was into asking questions than ever before.

"THIS IS SUCH A SICK JOKE! MOTHER I THOUGHT MORE OF YOU THAN JUST SOME REGULAR PONY! AND FATHER, WHY DID NO PONY EVEN TELL ME ABOUT THIS?!" Octavia shouted, anger going through her voice, she hadn't realized how sad she was on the inside.

"Y-You told us you want t-t-..." Her father had stuttered, looking away.

"You wanted to move, you said, and we thought it w-would..." Sniffled the pegasus, her purple eyes shining with tears.

"They thought it would be a nice change, but apparently it isn't, to you." A familiar voice blurted out, causing Octavia's eyes to water with regret.

Up from the stairs came a white-coloured unicorn with purple glasses, and a blue mane with a stripe pattern.

All the grey mare could do was stare in horror and awe as the unicorn shot a grin toward Octavia, could this really be who she thought it was, could she really have done what has happened?