> Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 16 "True Noir" > by Jacoboby1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 "Out of the Past" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria Noir 2 Case 16 “True Noir” By Jacoboby1 and The Incredible Werekitty Chapter 1 “Out of the Past” The smell of cigarette smoke and broken dreams entered my nostrils as I stepped into the bar. It was a swanky place, filled with joes and jills eager to either drink or dance their problems away. Business ponies trying to find a new way to make money now that the war had passed, soldiers hoping to find comfort to forget what happened over in the griffon lands, or just folks hoping for a good time. I was none of those people. I was Case File, private eye, and I was on a job. But that’s not to say I couldn’t enjoy a little bit of pleasure on the side of business. Instead of downing the whiskey the bartender provided I carefully sipped from it. That got his attention at least. I looked over to him, gaze firm as I said, “I was hoping you could help me, sir. I’m looking for a dame.” He smiled and went to wiping down one of the glasses. “Aren’t we all?” “Looking for a specific doll,” I said, as I reached into my trenchcoat and pulled out a picture, showing it to him. “Name’s supposed to be Redlight, ever heard of her?” “Know her? Try lookin’ behind you,” He said, gesturing to behind me. I turned around and time just seemed to stand still. Her short mane was like a fiery beacon, and fell in waves around her face. Her intense blue eyes were like chips of sapphires, and they hit me like a pair of hammers, when they met mine. The feathered collar of her golden dress framed her face, providing a backdrop for that red red hair, and contrasting with her cream colored coat. That dress clung to her like a jealous lover, and glittered in the lights of the bar, and shimmered with every movement. Her voice was in the medium range, but she knew how to use it. The sound of it was sultry, though the song was rather unconventional. When you speak I hear silence Every word a defiance I can hear, oh I can hear… _____________________________________________________________ Perspective: Private Eye “So you and Applejack may or may not be cousins?” I asked Pinkie as I sat in the office. She laid down on my couch smiling as usual. “Yeppers, “ She said happily. “Though to be honest we didn’t exactly figure out how we were related. But, hey, who cares about that? Family sticks together no matter if it’s blood or just love that causes us to stick.” “I can agree with that,” Private said, “though I gotta wonder how your family will react.” “Aww, I’m sure Maud will love Applebloom. Limestone can be rather mean but she means well. And Marble...well I really think her and Big Mac would get along considering how quiet she is,” Pinkie said with a shrug. “I’m starting to see Big Mac’s, ‘type’,” I said with a chuckle. “Anyways, it was nice talking to you Privy, but I gotta go meet up with Rarity. We’re going to see about getting cheerleader outfits so we can cheer Dashie on this week!” Pinkie said with a smile as she headed out the door. “She’s really putting herself into this relay race,” I said thoughtfully, “I just hope she doesn’t do anything rash.” “She doesn’t strike me as the type to learn from mistakes too often.” I looked up and saw my new apprentice, Evenstar, coming in, sporting goggles to protect his Bat Pony eyes. He put down a stack of old case files and began filing them back in. “One of these days, somebody is going to invent a better way to store these,” He grumbled. “Hey, I had to put up with sorting my own files for over a year now,” I replied. “Least you can do is help out.” “I was really expecting a big case ya know, intrigue, nobles getting trounced, conspiracy and all that jazz.” Even snarked. “You watch too many movies,” I said with a chuckle. “Most of the time, cases around here aren’t all murders, most of the time it’s ‘who stole mah apples’ or ‘what happened to the corn cakes’.” “Fluttershy becoming a bat pony, and Pinkie Pie?” Even guessed. “See, you’re learning already.” I said back. Before Even could say anymore the door opened causing the bell to ring. Standing there was a middle aged Mare with short bushy brown hair a light blue coat and brown eyes. She sported a cutie mark of an open textbook. She looked over and said at me worriedly, “Are you Private Eye? Is this the detective agency?” She asked. “You did see the sign right?” I replied, “Yes, I’m Private Eye. This is my assistant Evenstar.” She looked over at Even, and her eyes grew wide for a second on seeing his bat pony features. “Oh, uh, well I didn’t know you…” “Can we help you lady?” Even said, trying as best he could to keep the edge out of his voice. “Right, um…” The mare said, and looked back at me. “My name is Typer,I’m afraid, there has been a terrible murder… You know the Ponyville History research building?” “That rundown, underfunded place just on the outskirts of town?” I asked. “Yes. I was a temp who worked there, under the owner, Historic Exhibit,” She explained. “He was… murdered…” Immediately all jokes and pretense moved away as we heard that word. I got out my notebook quickly and said, “Where and when?” She sat down on the couch and looked over at me, trying to get her thoughts together. “I was his secretary, honestly I was just taking the job so I could help support my daughter who’s going to a school up in Manehatten. Historic was a... strange fellow, always away on some business venture or finding…” “Finding?” Even said, “Doesn’t sound like a pencil pusher for old files.” “Historic got into reading some old files from Manehatten,” Typer said, “And after watching that documentary about Treasure Seeker...he became obsessed with looking for something called the ‘Medalia del Sol’.” “Treasure Seeker?” Even said, “You mean the stallion who runs around looking for lost gold and treasures of old Equestria. A guy who thinks he’s Daring Do but really is just an arrogant pretentious tool?” “Yes… My daughter described him like that…” Typer said, shocked at how Even put it. “Our next generation,” I snarked. “So, you say he was looking for a… Medalia del Sol?” “Yes, have you heard of it?” She asked. “Only rumors,” I said with a shake of the head. “Apparently, the medallion was supposed to be a gold and jeweled encrusted medallion that was made by some of the first jewelers of Equestria. Said to be part of Princess Platinum’s treasury, but I thought it was lost for centuries.” “Historic was obsessed with that Medallion, he would have me drag out all the files on it for weeks and weeks,” Typer explained. “Then one day he called me up, told me to bring some authentication texts on EW2 documents. Apparently he ‘found the gold’ or something. But when I arrived it was late last night… I came up and… heard the gunshots… two of them… I screamed when I heard them, and then when I came to my senses I was inside… and he was…” There was a silence after that, as she held her hooves to her chest, clearly worried about all she had witnessed. “Did you tell the police…?” Even asked, coming up and sounding gentler than he normally did. “I did, but they… want to rule it off as a robbery gone wrong… the detective they put in charge of my case won’t listen to me…” She said sadly, “Told me I was ‘too close to the victim’. I didn’t do anything wrong, I just… I just…” “And the detective they assigned…?” I asked. “He was a brown pegasus, with gold hair and a very…” She began. “Clippers…” I said, shaking my head. “C’mon Even, we’ll take it from here.” “You know the guy?” Even asked. “Oh yeah, oh so very well…” I said, shaking my head. ________________________________________________________ The office had seen plenty of better days. The desk’s veneer was peeling, and was absent in places, and it groaned under the piles of files that were stacked upon it. Old rusty filing cabinets lined one wall, and a grimy window lurked behind the threadbare office chair. There was no telling what color the carpet had been in its heyday, but now it was kind of a mottled beige. The only bright spots were the bloodstains and the yellow police tape. Police officers, and forensic technicians crawled all over the place, gathering evidence, and the files that were on the desk. Even and I walked up to the police tape, and saw Clippers ordering around the uniforms. “Inform Chief Insight that his case is little more than a simple robbery gone wrong, probably done by that false drabby witness.” He said in that way that makes you wanna punch him. “But, wasn’t she the-” One of the uniforms tried to say. “She was obviously lying, robbery gone wrong, end of story. Now find and arres-” “There won’t be any arresting,” I said as Even and I entered the office, ducking under the police tape. “YOU!” Clippers yelled. “Get out, this is my investigation!” “Sorry, Clippers, but I can already tell you’re going to screw this one up,” I said, rolling my eyes. “It’s CLIPARD!!” He yelled. “I told you that a million times! Anyways you can’t be in here, I’m under orders from Chief Insight to handle this investigation.” “That you want to make into a robbery gone wrong,” Even said, looking around. “When the safe over there is intact, the perpetrator ran without taking anything even after Typer screamed and that there was nothing in here of value beyond some old papers?” “Who is this? Some stray?” Clippers growled. “Sorry, boy, but the grown ups are talking.” “I’m sixteen, that’s grown up enough to use your brain,” Even snarked. “You might wanna try that some time…” While Clippers was fuming from the comment...Even and I hoofbumped. “YOU TWO!” He yelled at the uniforms. “Get them out of here!” “Sorry sir,” One of the uniforms said, “He’s allowed to be here, as a special agent of Celestia. He can aid in solving any case he desires… and… well...a lot of us on the force respect him.” “YOU SHOULD BE RESPECTING ME!!” Clippers yelled. “I’m the official detective here!” He then turned to me. “You may have gotten into a case this time, but I’ll inform Chief Insight about this!” “Go ahead,” I said. “Tell Insight how you tried to take the easy way out in a case. Then tell him I took over, I’m sure that’s gonna put him in a great mood.” Clippers fumed, and stomped out of the office swearing up a storm. Several of the uniforms laughed at that. One of them came up to me and said, “Bout time somebody stood up to Clippers. We’re at your disposal sir.” “Don’t start going up in arms just yet,” I said. “I don’t want internal affairs on any of you for causing trouble. Just tell us what happened Officer…” “Hoofcuff,” The uniform said, “We had Doctor Forceps look over the body before Clippers yelled him out for ‘seeing what isn’t there’ or something.” “Geez, how did this guy get to become detective?” Even said, rolling his eyes. “Grandpa was a Captain,” I explained, then said to the red earth pony officer, “What did Forceps find out?” “Two shots,” Hoofcuff explained, “One to the chest and one to to the forehead.” “If this was a robbery gone wrong, the shot to the chest would’ve been enough,” I said, going over to the body. Historic was a dark blue pony with a salt and pepper colored mane. He was bent over the desk in front of him, bleeding from both bullet holes… Even looked at the body, and gulped nervously. “You gonna be okay?” I asked. “Yeah, yeah I’ll be okay, saw enough horror movies…” Even said nervously, “Just… hard when it’s in real life…” I turned back to Historic and saw something under the desk. He must have been hanging onto it before he got shot. It was a small safe, laying there open with some blood stains on it from Historic. I pulled it out from under the desk, and opened it slowly. Inside was a journel, one of those older ones that was leather and bound with a strap. I set it on the desk, Even looking over my shoulder. I opened it slowly and read, “This is the Journal of Case File, Sergeant 1st class, and private detective…” “A diary?” Even said, picking it up. “Somebody tried to kill him, over a diary?” “It looks old, real old,” I said looking at it. Even rifled through the pages a little, “Wait...this is dated...This is from the tail end of the 940s. Right after EW2” He said, looking it over. “And this guy writes like one of those old Noir detectives. Listen to this,” “Most wives turn on the water works when shown pictures of their husband stepping out. But not this dame, this dame wanted payback. So what’s worse? That I pitched woo with a client? Or that I invoiced her for services rendered after…” “Hehe, sounds like Fenlock after drinking too many shots of whiskey, gets all the Noir cliches.” I said with a laugh. “Maybe there’s something here on that medallion…” Even said thoughtfully. “We can’t exactly take it from evidence…” I said. “Don’t worry chief,” Hoofcuff said, “As far as everyone here is concerned, the journal is just one of the old relics. It’s not evidence yet.” “So we can borrow it?” Even asked. “Hey, your mentor here helped put away some of the worst this kingdom has to offer. It’s the least we can do.” Hoofcuff said with a smile. “We’ll take it back to the office and see what we can find.” ___________________________________________________________ Even and I set down the journal on my desk, and Even carefully opened it with a pair of tweezers, didn’t want something this old to break or tear. Even carefully read it aloud, he’s got a surprisingly good reading voice. To add to the mood, I dimmed the lights and closed the curtains to make sure nobody else saw what we were reading. I used my magic to move a desk lamp over to help Even read it… a perfect atmosphere for a Noir tale… Honestly the only thing missing was some jazz music and a bottle of bourbon. “June 18th 947,” Even began, “The day began like any other day, pulling myself out of my chair with a fine bottle of Fillydelhia’s finest whiskey, a dry throat, and a head that rang louder than a grouchy dragon’s roar. So, I figured I’d kill two birds with one stone, one shot to slay the dragon and quiet it at the same time.” ______________________________________________________________ I opened the window to gaze out towards the streets of Manehatten. So many little ponies running around going this way and that. Honestly I wished they could go this way and that a little quieter. But I couldn’t exactly yell at them to do so, don’t have a lawn to yell at kids to get off of. I downed a little more of the stuff when the door opened, revealing Boo Betty my secretary/babysitter/nanny. She was an old horse, with hair that had long turned silver, a bright yellow coat and gold eyes that had seen better days. She rolled her eyes at the sight of me with the bottle again. “Why even have an apartment when you just plop over here?” She groaned, usin’ that unicorn magic of hers to yank the bottle out of my hoof. “Least I’m never late for work,” I replied dryly, trying to get my shirt and tie in order. “So what gives? You don’t usually harp about the drinking until at least two hours from now.” “Well, turns out we have a client for once. I’d like you to at least not seem like a drunk.” She replied, using her magic to swipe the glass too. “Let’s try to make this month’s rent.” She proceeded to use her magic and I looked at myself in the mirror. Tall, handsome maybe at one time before the war took everything. Dandy brown hair, and a coat as blue as a baby’s bonnet. I sighed and sat at my desk, awaiting the client to come in. Just another day on Manehatten, that was until this one came in, with a case that would change my life. Wearing some fine looking white shoes over her pink colored coat along with a fine dress, I could tell this girl did not belong on the streets of the city. She belonged more in Canterlot, wooing some dandy feller with a college degree and gossipin’ with the noble folk. She held herself rather nervously. I could tell this is her first time, then again it says a lot about a person who does come in here more than once. I gestured for her to have a seat at the chair opposite me. She sat down in it and said, “I’m Chandelier Light, I hope this isn’t a bad time.” “Don’t think nothin of it, little lady,” I said with a shrug, “Name’s Case File, and I would say you came here for more than just my secretary’s coffee. So, what brings you knockin’ on my shingle?” “Well, see I recently got married to my wonderful husband,” She explained with a dear smile that most newly weds carry. “I told him we should honeymoon up here, not just because it’s a beautiful city...but for another reason. I was hoping to find my sister, Redlight. There was bad blood back home and she ran off years ago with dreams of being a showpony here in the big city, maybe even hitting Bridleway.” “She didn’t send you a postcard, wire, or anything with a return address?” I asked. She shook her head. “No, can you find her mister? My-my mother is sick and she...doesn’t have long..” She took out a hanky and wiped her eyes a little. If I didn’t know better I’d say she just missed her sister and wanted to see her. But I guess that’s the romantic in me. “Of course he can help,” Boo said, “For fifteen bits an hour plus expenses.” She smiled at Boo’s brazen attitude then reached into her purse, and pulled out a small photograph. She held it for a second, “Could we keep this quiet like? Like I said there was bad blood back home and if Red heard from a stranger that I was looking for her..well…” I stood and said firmly, “Mrs Light, if I’m anything, I’m descrete.” She nodded and gave the photo to me...and when I took it in my hoof and saw the dame for the first time… all I could think of was… what a beautiful doll. _____________________________________________________ I started looking around in every bar and performance hall I could find. Not one of them had seen this beautiful doll. Honestly all I had to go on was the idea of this Redlight doll becoming a showpony. Stranger things have happened in this town. My last stop took me to one of the fancier swing places in town...the Goldilock The place was swank, with wood and brass shining in the electric lights, a long polished bar with cushioned stools standing before arched shelves filled with a treasure trove of various liquors. Across from the bar were leather booths, where patrons went for a little more privacy, and maybe to have some bar food served to them. Toward the back was red velour chairs situated around cosy bar tables with little lanterns as their centerpiece. At the very back was a stage, with red velvet curtains trimmed with gold bullion. Whoever had this place built had money to burn. I was sure the drinks weren’t going to be cheap, and neither was the whiskey. Would be quite the few steps up from my usual rotgut. Honestly I was hoping for my favorite performer Satchmo would be playin’, but no such luck. But on the stage tonight was Muimbaji, a sweet little zebra girl. One of the many refugees from EW2. Sure some didn’t like a zebra singin’ up there at first, but one song from those golden pipes of hers and everybody’s hearts melted. I walked up to the bar and ordered a drink, I wasn’t about to let the old shrapnel get the better of me from all this walkin’. Soon Muimbaji would step off after finishing her little number. Instead of downing the whiskey the bartender provided I carefully sipped from it. That got the bartender’s attention at least. I looked over to him, gaze firm as I said, “I was hoping you could help me, sir. I’m looking for a dame.” He smiled and went to wiping down one of the glasses. “Aren’t we all?” “Looking for a specific doll,” I said, as I reached into my trenchcoat and pulled out a picture, showing it to him. “Name’s supposed to be Redlight, ever heard of her?” “Know her? Try lookin’ behind you,” He said, gesturing to behind me. I turned around and time just seemed to stand still. Her short mane was like a fiery beacon, and fell in waves around her face. Her intense blue eyes were like chips of sapphires, and they hit me like a pair of hammers, when they met mine. The feathered collar of her golden dress framed her face, providing a backdrop for that red red hair, and contrasting with her cream colored coat. That dress clung to her like a jealous lover, glittered in the lights of the bar, and shimmered with every movement. Her voice was in the medium range, but she knew how to use it. The sound of it was sultry, though the song was rather unconventional. A song of all of us, becoming one... “Where have you been all my life…” > Chapter 2 "The Dame and Dick" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 “The Dame and Dick” What was I thinking when I let my gaze linger on that scarlet haired dame? I knew she was trouble on four legs and I should’ve just looked away. She was with Presto Rigatoni, one of the most ruthless mob bosses that Manehatten had ever given birth to. For crying out loud, I knew this was doomed to fail from the start. Presto must’ve thought so too, so he sent over two of his gorillas, a Lyrish pony and a griffon on loan from one of those birdbrained mobsters that came round after the war. They came up to me all casual like, although I could tell they weren’t going to ask me for my opinion on whether or not the Wonderstars are going to win tonight. “The boss would like a word with ya, boyo,” The Lyrishcolt said, scuffing the floor with a hoof to show he meant no kind word. I set my glass on the bar counter and casually tossed a few bits the bartender’s way. “Sorry fellas,” I said, stepping off and looking at them with a smile, “the dance card’s full.” “This ain’t a request ya furry…” The griffon said, casually putting a talon on the piece he was obviously carrying inside his chest. Now I was capable in a fight, but even I didn’t want this place to turn into a shootout. So when they grabbed my legs and dragged me backstage to beat me to next year, I tried to take it like a champ. I was held against the wall after a few punches were thrown, Presto came out, dressed in a suit bought with money that ran red with blood. The tall Bitallion stallion glared at me, “You have any idea who I am?” I smirked, trying to keep my cool. “The waiter? Can I file a complaint for the lousy service?” “You better watch your tongue, boyo,” The Lyrish one said, “lest you wanna lose it.” “So he’s a wise guy huh?” Presto said, then punched me hard in the stomach, before holding my neck up with that magic of his. “I hate wise guys as much as I hate crumbs who check out my girl. It’s rude, and uncivil.” “I like to think my mama raised me right and decent…” I snarked back. “Then let my boys remind you of your manners.” Presto said, letting me go with his magic and gesturing for one of his boys to come over and finish the job. “Okay boyo,” The Lyrish one said, smirking. “First lesson…” He was about to punch me when I ducked and gave him a nasty buck to the chin. The griffon tried to hold on better to me but I remembered how to fight these fellas. I grabbed him by the head and flipped the bird over over my shoulder, sending him flying into some kitchen ware. I was about to hit him some more when the Lyrish one grabbed me from behind and threw me over one of the counters. I stumbled over, was grabbed by the griffon and thrown out the back door. I rolled and landed in some garbage, the gorillas seemed to have had their fun and walked back into the bar. I groaned as the pain caught up to me once the adrenaline passed by. I got up, dusted myself off and slapped my fedora on. I tried to get myself up by leaning against the wall, using a protruding brick as a hoof hold, only for it to fall out, leaving a hole. Overall, could’ve been worse… So there I was, covered in the discards of the special and possibly some discarded bottles of medicine. And the whole time I kept asking, was it worth it? Redlight suddenly came bursting out the back door...as she stood there I knew the answer to my dumb question...she was worth every punch… “Are you hurt?” She asked. “What? This?” I said, trying to save what little pride I had left. “You should’ve seen what my face did to the other guy’s hoof.” She smiled, and gave out a small laugh that was music to my ears. “So what’s your name tough guy?” “Does it matter? What good is a name if your going to forget it?” I asked, with a smile. “I don’t think I can forget you…” She said with a smile so lovely and tender I wanted to just take her right then and there. But the mood was interrupted by the griffon yelling, “Hey! Doll! You’d better come back in here! Boss doesn’t like you out of sight with his hardware on!” I then looked around her neck, and sure enough there was a gold medallion across it, pure as gold and sporting a sun without Princess Celestia inside it. There were enough jewels covering it to buy a small island in the Maribbean. Whatever that was, it was apparently worth more to Presto than even the girl who’s wearing it… ________________________________________________________ “This medallion is a huge historical artifact,” Twilight said as she was flipping through her entire history section inside the library. I was beside her while Even was continuing to read the diary. “Supposedly, according to what books I had on it, it was a gift from Celestia to Platinum and traded hooves over the years.” “Until Presto got a hold of it somehow,” Even said. “Find anything on Presto?” I asked. “Nothing very flattering,” Twilight said, “I found at least a dozen old newspaper reports about his crimes. Drugs, fixing races, racketeering, all sorts of nasty things that he got away with.” “And if Historic found it,” I said, “Anypony would have killed him to try and get the medallion. Millions of bits are quite the motive for murder.” “And Presto would’ve wanted to keep it safe…” Even said, “Then that means…” “The medallion is still at the Goldilocks!” Twilight said, “All we gotta do is find it and-” “Problem,” I explained, “The Goldilocks has been closed for years. I remember passing it a few times on patrols.” “But Historic would’ve had to have gone down there,” Even said, “ Presto has a secret safe in there according to the diary. We should check it out cuz if Presto kept it anywhere, it’s there.” “Right,” Twilight said, “You two go on ahead, I’ll stay here and see what else I can dig up.” “In the meantime, Even and I will see what exactly is down the-” I said. “Down where?” A voice said from behind us. Standing there was none other than Sparkler, tilting her curious head to look at the three of us. Immediately I could see Even trying to make himself smaller and hide in the diary. Heh, seems your crush came knocking huh Even? “Oh, hey Sparkler,” Twilight said, walking up to her. “Sorry but we’re a little busy working on the latest case.” “The murder that happened in that old office?” Sparkler asked. “Yeah, I saw the police, any idea who did it?” “That’s what we’re about to find out,” I said, “Was there something you needed?” “Not really,” Sparkler said, “I was just going to return some library books, Mom tends to forget them at times.” She then levitated some books out of her saddle bags, putting them in Twilight’s ‘return’ basket. “But really, I was kind of...sort of...hoping…” “Hoping what?” I asked. “Well, see my school is kind of doing this thing, about future careers.” Sparkler explained. “So I was hoping, maybe, you’d let me tag along.” Even dropped the diary in shock, “What?!” “You want to tag along?” I said, “But Sparkler, this isn’t a game or some-” “I know what you’re going to say Mr. Eye.” Sparkler said, firmly. “I know it’s dangerous, but you saved my sister from a fire, and between you and Twilight we all kind of owe you a zillion times over.” “Bu-but it’s I mean…” Even said, blushing and stammering. “I’ll be fine Even, and I think it would be great if I spent some time with my friend don’tcha think?” Sparkler said, smiling at the bat pony. “I...I…” Even stammered. “If you’re really sure it’s okay with your mother,” I said, pointedly, “I’ll let you tag along, but you do exactly what I say. No crazy heroics or anything, got it? I don’t want your mother to drop a piano on my head for getting you hurt.” Twilight grimaced at the memory. “I’ll be fine, this could be fun huh, Even?” Sparkler replied. “I...yes..it could….” Even said, fiddling with his hooves. “Great, maybe you can read that cool diary you got there to me on the way,” Sparkler said, turning around. “Just let me grab some things and I’ll meet you guys at the train.” She walked out and both Twilight and I smiled at the blushing Even. I smiled and slung a leg around Twilight. “I’m starting to see a beautiful pattern here.” I said with a smile. Twilight smiled and nuzzled me in turn. “Yeah, hopefully she doesn’t have to save him from a fire in order for him to get it,” She said happily. “So, Even, you going to ask her to prom soon?” I asked, cheekily. “SHUT IT!!” Even yelled, blushing brightly while the pair of us laughed our flanks off. ______________________________________________________________ After a short train ride, with Even catching Sparkler up on all that’s going on, we managed to reach the city of Manehatten. After some asking around, we found the old Goldilocks bar… This place had obviously seen a lot of better days. The tables were broken, the bar was dull, and partially collapsed. Behind the bar, the shelves had sagged, and broke, scattering the bottles that were once upon them. Behind the bar was littered with broken glass. Any fabric was moth-eaten, and would probably disintegrate at the least little touch. All the gilding on any of the light fixtures was long gone. Flocked shoddy, and thinner-than-paper gold leaf had turned into rotten piles of dust and sagging tin. “Yeesh, dust everywhere.” Sparkler said as we came inside. “I can’t believe they haven’t torn it down yet.” “It’s Manehatten, unless somepony is going to move back in, nopony’s tearing anything down.” I said, running my hoof over the dusty surface of the bar. “Anyways Even, you were going to continue the story?” Sparkler said. “Yeah uh..” Even said, then cleared his throat. “Well Case told Chandelier that he found his sister here at Goldilocks.” “So did Chandelier go meet her sister?” Sparkler asked. “Well, no he was worried that with Chandelier being an naive girl she’d have trouble handling a mob boss,” Even explained, “So he offered to go and make contact with her.” “Totally out of the goodness of his heart.” I said, chuckling I then saw some stairs leading down. “I think this is it.” The stairs creaked in an eerie fashion as we went down into a dilapidated hallway, with what looked like a small break room, and a door at the far end. Opening the door revealed an office space that, like the club, had seen a lot of better days. Wallpaper had long peeled, and the desk that was there was dull, and its veneer was peeling. The carpet had darkened, and could rip with every step. “Chandelier agreed to the meeting,” Even said as he followed behind me downstairs. “But still insisted that Case not tell Red due to all the animosity back home.” “Hey!” Sparkler walked over and lifted a crowbar off the floor, “I’m guessing this is what Historic used to pry open the safe.” Even looked up and saw the open safe, he peeked inside and then sneezed when a cloud of dust was kicked up. “Nah, nothing’s been in here in years. Guess Historic missed out.” “If that was the secret safe,” I said, and looked around some more. “Most ponies keep two safes, one that was easy to find to store minor valuables…” Even blinked and opened the journal, “And another that was harder to find that hid special objects!” “Like priceless medallions,” Sparkler said with a smile. “Okay, I think we’ll find it if we dig in the story, I read ahead,” Even explained. “So five days after they met, Case and Red were absolutely in love.” “After five days?” I said, tilting my head. “Hey, ponies didn’t waste time in the 940s,” Sparkler said with a chuckle. “They were so in love,” Even said, putting the journal on the desk for us all to see, “that they were willing to risk it all. It happened backstage...” ________________________________________________________ We had to steal a moment backstage. It was hard because she was Presto’s girl. He was always watching her. As we gazed into one another's eyes...Sparkler… My heart quick- ____________________________________________________ “Did you just say Sparkler?” Sparkler asked, looking wide eyed at Even. Even’s face turned red, and he started blubbering again. “Don’t tell me you’re imagining you as the P.I. and her as the gangster’s girl…” I said, trying soooo hard not to laugh. Sparkler put a hoof to her mouth, clearing trying to suppress a giggle at Even’s embarrassed face. “My uh, no I wasn’t! I just uh goofed!” Even yelled at me. “Goofed was right…” Sparkler said, smiling. “So, anyways, let’s keep reading…” Even said, firmly. ____________________________________________________________ We were about to affirm the love we held so dear. We were going to kiss, seal the deal when… “HEY!” We both stiffened when we saw Presto’s goons coming out way. The Lyrish pony smirked, “Hey boyo, you must be a slow learner.” I braced myself for another brawl, something told me I wasn’t going to get out of this one with just a few scars and the old shrapnel wound kicking up. We heard applause outside and Muimbaji, that zebra singing girl moved through the curtains, walked down the steps and smiled at me. “There’s my baby,” She then planted one right on me, in full view of both Red and the two goons. “He’s with you?” The griffon asked, shocked that a zebra had the audacity to lay one on a pony. “Yes, and I would appreciate it if you boys wouldn’t mop the floor with him,” Muimbaji said with more courage than I had in my whole body. She knew exactly what she was risking my doing this. Girl like her doesn’t get in easy to places like this, and it ain’t because of her singing. “Weren’t for nothing,” the Lyrish pony said, “But you might wanna keep this on the hush hush. Presto’s not too keen on there being stripes mixing in with pony laundry.” “Then I suppose we keep this our little secret then,” I said, straightening my tie. The two gorillas high-tailed it out of there, but kept their glares. They would be back for sure. I owed that zebra girl my life, and she was about to make sure I knew it. “I can’t believe how stupid both of you are being. If Presto finds out he’ll have you both butchered and tossed into the river faster than a dragon at an all you can eat gem buffet,” Muimbaji said with a huff. “It’s worth it, Muim,” Red reassured, slinging a leg round me. Muimbaji rolled her eyes. “You both are just a walking fairy tale.” She then went off, ranting in her native tongue. I thanked Celestia that I didn’t understand Zebracan. Red and I moved to one of the dressing rooms and locked the door. Hopefully it would keep any eaves from dropping. I sighed and shook my head, “She’s right Red, we can’t stay here. If Presto finds out-” “We gotta get away from here,” Red said, sighing. “From Presto, all of it.” “Nice of a thought that is there’s still a very big problem,” I said to her, “We can leave town right now and make for a train to Hicksville or somethin’, but how far will we get? I only make so much on a P.I.s earnings.” Red then thought for a moment, then put a hoof on the medallion round her neck. “We got all the money we need, if we just sell this…” “Are you daffy?” I said, “You got at least two bodies on ya whenever you wear that thing.” Red smiled a little and sighed, “To think, back when I was a cigar girl I saw Presto’s old girl come in with this and all I could think of was that I wanted it. Pretty soon I was this girl and it was mine. Didn’t take long to figure out it wasn’t a necklace...but a gilded, jeweled noose...” I walked up to her, put a hoof on her cheek and said oh so sweet and gentle like, “We’ll turn that noose into a life line.” At her smile I tilted my head thoughtfully. “Only question is how?” Red then said, “When I’m not wearing it, Presto keeps it in a secret safe and I know where it is…” > Chapter 3 "A Plan" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 “A Plan” Perspective: Private Sparkler and I looked at Even in eager anticipation as he looked at both of us. After a brief silence Sparkler was finally the one to speak up. “And?” She said. “And, what?” Even asked, flicking his ears. “What do you mean and what?!”  I demanded, raising my hooves in the air. “What about Case? What about Red?! What about the necklace!” “Is that really all there is?” Sparkler asked, telekinetically lifting the journal and sifting through it as if expecting more of it to suddenly appear. Even shrugged hopelessly, “That’s all there was. I’m guessing diaries, unlike books, don’t have to concern themselves with beginnings, middles and ends.” “Well we all know where we can get stories that do,” I said, and then looked around a little more. “Sadly it didn’t tell us where the secret safe was…” “But Historic had to have found it, he had the crowbar and everything.” Even speculated. “Probably to pry open a wall…” I scanned the room and my eyes came across an old part of the wall with wood paneling on it...but the molding looked a little off. I came and used my magic to pull on it, the panel came off cleanly and I set it off to the side as the two teenagers watched me. Sure enough, behind it was metal safe with a single dial and handle on it. I was about ready to assume the position to crack it...only to discover that it was already opened. I moved the door open with my hoof and found that the safe was empty. “So Historic did find the safe…” Even said looking inside. “So we know where he was killed…” I said thoughtfully. The only question now is who killed him. ______________________________________________________ Sparkler and Even sat on the sidewalk as I fiddled with the payphone to call Twilight. I hoped her digging into the mystery back at Ponyville had turned up something. I was still a touch disappointed about the ending, or lack thereof, to Red and Case’s story but at least we can move on to finding Historic’s murderer. Eventually I picked up the phone to hear my lovely wife’s voice on the end, “Hello?” “Hey it’s me, we found the secret safe,” I explained to her. “Turns out Historic did manage to get what was inside but so far no ancient medallion.” “Well I decided to do a lot of digging, helps that a lot of the staff at the station are eager to help a princess, and I managed to trace your diary. Turns out Historic got it from the granddaughter of some secretary. I called her and she’s sending anything else she may have to me now.” “That’s fine Twilight but turns out the detective’s story was a bust.” I explained. “Might not have anything to do with why Historic was killed.” “Actually that’s what I wanted to call you about too. Your ballistics report on the bullets came back. Turns out they’re matched to a .38 revolver that was used in an unsolved double homicide back during EW2, when the medallion was taken.” “Somebody held onto a gun for that long?” I said to myself. “Wait, who were the victims?” “Two ponies, Case File and Red Light.” “Twilight, those are the names of the author and his love.” I then went on to give her the abridged version of the story. “Good thing Ballistics have been around for almost a hundred years.” “Unfortunately detailed records weren’t popular at the time. The record says they were found in the back of a carriage at the time, parked outside of the club and both victims were shot with our revolver. They were then put in the car and it was set on fire.” Twilight explained. “And the carriage driver?” I asked thoughtfully. “Was sampling the whiskey in the bar at the time, he’s the one who found the bodies.” Twilight answered. “Only suspect at the time was Presto, your local crime boss there wasn’t enough evidence to arrest him though.” “Thinking he may have killed them after catching them running off with their medallion?” I asked. “But how did our killer get ahold of his gun so many years later?” Twilight replied. “Could be possible he killed Historic to get at his medallion...but that would make him like 90…” I speculated. “Unfortunately he died four months after the murder. Can’t be our killer…” “Alright, I’m gonna send Even and Sparkler to dig up the old case files.” I said, “Keep digging and send any files you find to Manehattan's division of the EPD. Any luck finding where Presto’s revolver may have ended up?” “Hmmm...Ah! Here it is now! Thank you Officer Dunnit.” She said to somepony on her end. “Turns out somepony did buy Presto’s stuff, including two .38 revolvers. The famous hunter of treasure, Treasure Seeker.” she chuckled a little at that. I smiled a little back. “Didn’t the witness say that Historic became interested in hunting treasure because of this guy?” I asked. “I also got word thanks to television that Treasure Seeker made a rather public return to Manehatten from Prance. Treasure has been seeking the medallion for almost fifteen years at this point. I also got word from one of his cast that he did indeed scamper off to meet our victim before the murder.” “I’m starting to think Treasure got a little too desperate to find his medallion…” ________________________________________________________________ Perspective: Evenstar Private ran off to start making the calls to hunt Treasure Seeker down. That left...me...alone...with Sparkler. We walked down Manehatten’s streets towards the old evidence storage facility that Private pointed us too. It was an older brick building, from when the city was founded, and nowadays looking pretty shabby and worn down. The dim interior held lots of shelves, and even more dust. Barring the way was a gate, and a desk behind which an older officer sat waiting for his pension. We both walked in and I said to Sparkler, “Even with Private’s authority as Celestia’s personal crime fighter how are we gonna convince the guard to let us in? If Insight finds out it was us who accessed the files we’ll be screwed.” I asked Sparkler, pointing to the rather old pony manning the desk, casually rifting through files. Sparkler smiled and said, “Well I have an idea, just follow my lead.” She then trotted towards the front desk. She’s so amazingly confident and cool...gosh she’s amazing… I shook my head as Sparkler came up to the desk. The old police pony looked at us and said, “Can I help you two?” “Hi my name is uuuuh,” Sparkler hesitated for a minute and then said, “Starlet Butterfly! And this is my friend and partner Matzo Ball.” “Well how can I help you youngins?” the stallion asked us. “See my friend and I are writing a report about local history. We’ve been looking into doing a report on some of Manehatten’s oldest buildings,” Sparkler said, poking me with her hoof to get me going. “Uh, yeah and we uh, heard there was a case that went down at the Goldilocks Bar years ago. We were wondering if there was any information we could look at in evidence?” I added, still not sure this was a good idea. “You kids kinda need a warrant and an officer’s permission to look at evidence like that.” The old stallion said with some suspicion. That would take ages and knowing Insight he’d get all the detectives and cops in the EPD to not give us permission. He can’t technically keep Private out of cases, but I’m guessing bureaucracy will always be an issue… I tried to come up with an alternate plan but Sparkler suddenly reached and took the old man’s hooves, looking at him pleadingly. “Sir please, we really need to get a good grade on this report. I’ve been up from the crack of dawn to midnight in order to take care of my sick and ailing mother. That means some assignments got put on the side out of necessity. If I don’t get a good grade I’ll be forced to drop out of school and I won’t be able to get a job to take care of my poor, sick mother! Please sir! Please!” Tears flowed from her eyes as she pleaded with him. The old stallion, obviously moved by this sudden outpouring of emotion wiped his eyes with one hoof and said, “All right little lady, if you think it will help with your report, then you can go and look at the evidence box.” “Really?! Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou!” She said happily. “Just be sure to wear gloves, be very careful with the evidence and put everything back where you found it.” He said gently as he opened the door to the evidence locker. “Don’t worry sir, we’ll be very careful.” Sparkler said, wiping her eyes and leading the way back into the evidence locker. I looked around the dusty shelves that was the evidence locker. Thankfully this place was so old no cameras were installed. That’s budgeting for you I guess. We then began the long process of locating and trying to find the next piece of this crazy puzzle As Sparkler pulled the evidence box off the shelf I said, “So, pretty convincing back there.” “I was an orphan for a little while, you kinda have to learn to beg and play up the sympathy card.” Sparkler explained as her magic gently set the evidence box on the floor. She gave the box a look and said, “Somepony else messed with this, some of the dust is brushed off.” “Historic must’ve dug through this thing.” I said, opening the box and looking at the pieces of evidence inside. “Can’t help but think we’re just following his hoofsteps” Sparkler pulled on some hoofgloves and gently picked out a picture from the evidence box. “A picture of Case and Red...after the fact…” She said, showing the picture to me. Two corpses in the trunk of a carriage, burned almost beyond recognition. “Damnit Case…” I said, shaking my head. “You risked everything for her and what did that get you?” “Well at least they were together in the end…” Sparkler said with a quiet sigh. “Shame they didn’t get away.” “I just hope we can find out just what connection this murder has to our murder in the present…” ________________________________________________________ Perspective: Private Eye After a few phone calls I managed to track down Treasure who agreed to meet me at an old diner. I sat across from the earth pony stallion as he casually sipped tea as I had just a little bit of coffee. Treasure was a rather older stallion who didn’t seem to let age get him down. Tall, with features onepony might think were handsome at one point but age was just starting to catch up. He had a gold colored coat and greying hair in his mane. “So you bought all of the revolvers?” I asked him when he was done sipping his tea. “Yes detective and you are welcome to test fire them all yourself. I had nothing to do with Historic’s tragic death but I wish to help however I can.” He said with a smile that was clearly practiced. He wasn’t lying though...that much was true. “So how did you know Historic?” I asked candidly. “You have to understand, detective, that as one of the more...public treasure hunters and an actual real one unlike fictional treasure hunters like Daring Do, I get a lot of amateurs knocking on my door. This or that pony claiming to have a lead on the lost treasure of Griffonstone or whatever. So Historic came knocking on my door, like many before and asked about the Medallion.” He said, and sighed. “The most elusive treasure yet…” “And what did you say to him?” I asked. “First he burdened me with his preposterous story about a journal that was supposed to hold the missing piece of the puzzle to finding it. Something about an old private investigator's diary holding all the clues.” He said dismissively. “Totally preposterous of course.” I tried not to smirk and simply said, “And you obviously didn’t believe him.” “Of course not,” He said, shaking his head. “When I asked him if I could see the alleged diary he refused. But he still wanted access to all of my research on the Goldilocks itself. The whole thing was truly absurd. He even asked to walk out the back door, said somepony was following him.” “Who? Did you see who was following him?” I asked quickly. “Somepony wearing a white suit, didn’t really get a good look at him.” Treasure said, shaking his head. “Guess everypony’s after that Medallion these days.” I really should inform Twilight about this development… ____________________________________________________ Perspective: Evenstar “This feels like we’re looking for a needle in a haystack,” I said frustratedly as I pushed aside a photo of Presto. “Except we have no idea where the haystack is.” Sparkler pulled out a folder and smiled, “I think we found our Needle,” She said, looking through it. “It’s a witness statement from one Boo Betty…” “That was Case’s secretary.” I said, taking the statement and looking it over. “This statement was made by her after Case’s death. Boo Betty witnessed this conversation… Sparkler was suddenly looking over my shoulder, getting awfully...close...when did it get hot in here? “Uh, Sparkler why…” I stuttered. “Because I like it when you read it,” Sparkler said with a smile. “You got a great, Noiresque voice.” “Uh yeah sure…” I gulped and then read the conversation… ____________________________________________________ “I’ve worked this from every angle doll…” I said with a sigh as Red and I sat in my office. It had been a few days since we tried coming up with a plan to get into that secret safe. Things were looking better for me, I was cleaner, sporting a better suit and most of all haven’t touched a drop of liquor since Red came into my life. I wanted that life to be long and with her forever. But… “There is no way we’re gonna be able to break into Presto’s secret safe.” I admitted, “I can’t crack it, and the goons will get me or you before we can even look at it.” “So then how do we get it?” Red asked worriedly. “Simple,” I replied, “You’re gonna walk out the front door with the medallion around your neck tonight.” “How?” Red asked, shaking her head. “It was hard ditching Presto’s goons just to come here and they will never leave me alone if the medallion’s round my neck.” “Well it’ll be a cakewalk with the help of one Mighty Punch.” I said with a nod. “Mighty Punch?” “A prize fighter, he’s goin’ up against Butter Bee tonight for the title of welterweight champion,” I explained. “So?” “So every good clover lovin Lyrish pony is gonna be on that radio cheerin Mighty on. And the griffons in Presto’s goon squad won’t be able to resist a good fight. So they’ll be huddled around the radio so focused they’ll barely pay attention to anything. You then wait for a rousing part of the fight, then excuse yourself. Nopony or griffon is gonna be paying much attention so you’ll just slip right out the back door.” I said with a confident smile gracing my face. That same smile came on Red’s face as she said happily, “It’s perfect Case! Nopony will be the wiser!” “It ain’t perfect it’s stupid!” Boo Betty said coming in looking like she was about to beat me seven ways to Sunday. “Are you really gonna place all of your bets on this ludicrous plan Mr. File?” “Red turned me into a right proper stallion from the moment I met her,” I retorted. “If that ain’t a miracle I don’t know what is.” “And what are you even basing this relationship on huh?” Boo said, pointing first to Red, “A robbery?” Then she pointed to me. “And a lie?” “A lie?” Red asked, looking at me. Gosh those eyes there was no way I could keep this hidden for long. I sighed and admitted, “Truth is, doll, it was no coincidence I met you in that club tonight. I was hired to go look for ya, only I couldn’t tell ya who hired me.” I hesitated but Red was havin’ none of that. “Celestia’s left teat Case, who hired ya to find me?” Red asked, not letting me get away with this one. “It...was yer sister…” I admitted. I was expecting anything, outrage, anger, maybe a little happiness at knowing her sister cared for her..instead all I got was a confused look. “Case...my sister has been missin’ for years…” _________________________________________________ “Her sister was the one who was missing?!” Sparkler said in surprise. “What happens next?!” “I don’t know, the statement ends there.” I replied. “But why did the sister not want to be found?” “I don’t know!” “She set up Case File to find Red but why?” “I don’t know!” “This is so cool!” “I know!” After all of that...we realized how close we got and I scooted away, packing up the evidence box. “We’d uh, better get back to Private…” “Uh, yeah sure.” Sparkler said, helping out. What was wrong with me? I just clicked with her for some reason. I can’t...really like her can I…? Well...part of me wishes but...well… I put it out of my mind and went back to work. ___________________________________________________________ Perspective: Twilight I stood in the old library as I worked my side of things. While I did miss the days of trekking around here and there with Private I told myself that I was better off here. Still...part of me wishes that we’d work together more often but, well, when the wings came out there were more priorities for me to worry about. I finished telling the officers about Private’s interview with Treasure. Something told me he was hiding something. Dunnit was running around, something about digging up another witness. I was about to close another book on the Goldilocks when my door opened. I turned and saw a uniform come in and bow his head. I shook my head and gave a motion for him to rise. Sweet Celestia this was annoying… “Your highness, remember when Treasure said he saw a pony with a white suit following Historic around? Well we caught this one trying to break into Historic’s office.” He said, and behind him two more uniforms came up with a pony in a white suit only… I squinted and held up the picture of Presto, the mob boss at the center of all this..and then saw...that this young stallion looked almost exactly like him. “Are you...Presto…?” I asked the stallion as he looked a little worried, dusting off his white suit. “Uh, yeah that’s me.” He said, obviously nervous at both being caught and talking to a Princess. “I’m Presto Advacado...Presto the mob boss you all are thinking of, he’s my grandfather…” > Chapter 4 "Long Dead Faces" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 “Long Dead Faces” Perspective: Twilight Presto Avocado sat across from me as I held up the picture I had of his grandfather. We both sat in the interrogation room at Ponyville’s police station. Princess Perks got us some time together to talk things out. As I sat there I marveled at just how much he looked like his grandfather. “Uncanny…” I said to myself. “It’s not magic your highness I swear, just genetics,” Presto replied. “Now can you tell the police that I’m sorry for breaking in a door? I have more than enough money to pay for the damages.” “Actually Presto I was wondering if you got anything else from your grandfather aside from his looks.” I said firmly. “Like a pair of revolvers that were used to kill Historic.” Presto’s eyes grew wide, “Wait you think I killed him?” He said frantically. “You did have access to those guns…” I pointed out. He leaned forward and said, “Look your highness, Historic came to me. He told me his name was Tell Tale, and that he was a biographer. He offered to write a piece on my grandfather focusing less on his underworld dealings and more on how he helped the community.” Yeah, helped by stealing and killing said community… “I’ve been wanting to fix the family name for years,” Presto admitted. “So when he gave me the pitch I gave him everything I had on my grandfather. His old papers and whatnot. I figured I could do what I could to help him out.” “Except…” “Except it was all a lie,” He said with a shake of his head. “See there was this zebra singer who used to headline at my grandad’s club. Her name was Muimbaji, and a couple of weeks ago she passed away. Wanting to pay my respects to an old employee of my grandads I stopped at her funeral. And lo and behold I found “Tell Tale” chatting it up with some old guy. He saw me and bolted out the back way. I wondered what was up and I looked at the guest list and turns out he signed his real name.” “And that’s how you figured out he wasn’t just some biographer hoping to fix your family name.” I said, writing all of this down. “Just another low life treasure hunter looking for Celestia’s Medallion.” He said with a shake of the head. I narrowed my eyes at him, “And of course the one person most deserving of the medallion would be you of course. Maybe you followed Historic back to his office and shot him, and frantically searched for the Medallion to reclaim your lost inheritance.” “No, your highness, you have to believe me!” Presto said frantically. “I read about historics death in the Equestrian Times. I was in a coffee shop up near Manehatten at the time. The staff saw me there you can call them.” __________________________________________________ “So his alibi checked out,” I said to Private over the phone inside the police station. “Coffee shop owners had him at the time of the murder sipping an espresso.” “I figured as much, still uncanny for Presto’s grandson to show up out of nowhere.” Private replied. “Yeah, I’m having Dunnit and several other officers asking around hoping to find a witness or two.” I said with a sigh. “Let’s hope we find a witness who can shed light on what happened to Historic.” “Well if he can’t, maybe Whiskey Rocks can.” “Whiskey who?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “See while you were tracking Presto's alibi Even, Sparkler and I stopped by the funeral home where Muimbaji was serviced. We wondered why Historic would go to her funeral.” “Research hoping to find where the medallion was?” I suggested. “Not on the medallion actually, but he did spend a lot of time talking with one Whiskey Rocks. He was a friend of Muimbaji back when the Goldilocks was still open. And get this, Whiskey was the bartender at the time.” “Well you track down that lead, I’ll see what I can find out on my end.” I said with a firm nod. “Hopefully this lead can finally get us somewhere…” ________________________________________________ Perspective: Private We were led inside an old apartment building by a rather older mare with glasses and fading pink fur. Even, Sparkler and I stepped into an old but well loved apartment. I could hear music playing on an old phonograph, and saw two old ponies sitting at a dinner table with one another. The stallion looked like back in the day he was quite the fighter, with silver hair and a light blue coat. The mare was clearly a former looker, despite age taking her she still looked lovely with long silver hair and a red coat that faded a little with age. The nurse looked to them and said, “Whiskey? Gin? This is Detective Private Eye and his two assistants, they wanted a word with you two.” “Hey, aren’t you the detective on the television?” The mare, who I assumed was Gin, asked. “Care for some soup?” “Actually no ma’am, we shouldn’t be too long.” I said politely. “I just wanted to ask your husband some questions.” A look passed between the pair and Whiskey simply shrugged and said, “Sure thing, have a seat.” As we all sat down Sparkler’s ears perked up at the sound of the music playing. “Hey isn’t that, “I can’t give you anything but love?” Mr Rocks?” “You got a good ear, young lady, that’s the best recording of the song,” Whiskey said with a smile at Sparkler. “Didn’t figure a youngster like you would know about the music of my day.” “Oh my mom was always a fan of the old stuff.” Sparkler said, and then quickly fixed herself. “Not that you’re old I mean I-” Whiskey chuckled. “Ah it’s alright. Gin and I accepted being old a long time ago.” He then looked at me. “I don’t suppose you came here just to talk about music did you?” “No actually, we came here to talk about a stallion named Historic.” I said, pulling out a picture of Historic to show to Whiskey. “He was murdered, and we’re wondering if you’ve met at Muimbaji’s funeral.” Even added. “Murdered?” Whiskey said, blinking. “Poor kid…” “Did he mention anything about Celestia’s Medallion?” Sparkler asked. “Oh sure,” Whiskey said. “He asked a lot of questions about it. Where it was, where it could be, did I know anything about it’s history. Truth is I was just the bartender at the time, wasn’t much help.” I frowned, so much for this lead… “This is gonna sound like a weird question.” Even said, picking up where I dropped off. “But do you remember anything about the night when Red Light and Case File were murdered?” “Oh sure,” Whiskey said, only hesitating a minute. “Everybody was talking about it back then. Presto, fella who owned the club took them out back and shot them both in cold blood.” “Well what about a mare named Chandelier Light?” Sparkler asked. “She would’ve been like, Even and I’s age back in the day. She also had a pink coat if that helps.” “Oh I think I know who you were talkin’ about,” Whiskey said, nodding. “About a year before the murders I was hired to be the bartender. I remember it clear as day that Chandelier was there. See, Presto wasn’t dating Redlight back then. He was dating a gal named Nova Bloom, pretty little thing.Nova was given Celestia’s Medallion to wear by Presto and as a result he brought her everywhere. But everywhere the pair went they were always followed by Nova’s best friend Chandelier Light. They were thick as thieves, at least they were until Presto saw Red Light. Not long after he dropped Nova like an old hat and Chandelier along with her. Poor Nova ended up dying from an overdose of Mageth not long after.” “And Chandelier?” I asked. “Well a few months after Case File and Red Light’s murders she up and vanished. That was until Presto died of a heart attack. Chandelier showed up at the funeral all dressed up and pretty, ordered one of the hard donkey stuff I kept on the top shelves, downed a whole glass and grinned. She said she was ‘free’. That was the last time I saw her.”  Whiskey said with a quiet look. “Guessing Chandelier blamed Red Light for what happened to her friend and somehow tried to set her and Case up.” Even said thoughtfully. “Yeah but how…” Sparkler said, tilting her head a little in thought. “Sadly none of this helps us figure out who killed Historic,” I said with a sigh and then looked at Whiskey. “So uh, do you mind if I use your phone?” “By all means,” Whiskey said, pointing to it. I picked up the phone and called Twilight. After a minute I got my answer, “Hello?” “Hey Twi, it’s me Private. Any luck on the witness?” “I was just about to call you. I found a witness, On the night when Historic was murdered a building inspector, Buzz Saw nice guy, was coming by to check the building. When he arrived he was shoved out of the way by none other than Treasure Seeker. He glared at Buzz and told him to get lost. Buzz then left but heard Treasure ruffling around the office before he left.” Twilight explained. “Seems Treasure Seeker wasn’t entirely honest...I’ll get Officer Yang to bring him in…” “And what about Insight? Your not worried he’ll cause trouble with you using the EPD Building?” “He’ll play nice, lest he wants Celestia to come knocking again.” I said with a sigh. For a brief beautiful moment I forgot Equestria was saddled with the most hard-headed idiot for a police chief. “Thankfully I have a neat way to ensure that he can’t cause trouble even if he wanted to.” ______________________________________________________ The precinct had seen better days. The black and white checkered floor was shabby and worn, the utilitarian gray metal desks showed chipped paint and dents from unruly suspects. Filing cabinets were pretty much in the same condition, files stacked atop them, waiting to be put away. The place was buzzing with activity, as one would expect from a large metropolitan police station. Insight looked like he was about to pop eight different veins as he looked at the scroll unfurled in his hooves. I tried not to look smug as I stood there with Officier Yang standing next to me. I had to leave Even and Sparkler at the entrance waiting room though. Shame, Even would’ve loved to see this. “By royal order, Preventus Phelps Eye is to be put in charge of the case involving the lost medallion of Celestia.” Insight growled as he read the scroll. “The previous detective was cited as being incompetent and as a result is to be relieved of the case in favor of one who has regularly proven himself on numerous occasions to be an asset to Equestria’s well being. Any further attempts to obstruct him will be met with swift punishment and the relievement of those in charge...signed...Celestia de Sol and Luna de Sol….crown princesses of Equestria…” “So Chief, I’d like access to Treasure if that’s alright with you.” I said politely. “You think this is funny!? Do you realize how you are making me look! Clipper’s family are big wigs in Manehatten and if he doesn’t get many cases cleared we could-” “Lose the oh so generous donations his family gives to the department?” I replied. “Need I remind you that Clippers is the genius who almost got a hero of Equestria, I.E. Spitfire, arrested?” “Don’t think this is over! One of these days Private Eye you won’t have the royals to back up your arrogance!” He said, and stomped off. Yang sighed, “It’s getting worse and worse around here, Insight is way more interested in ensuring the department looks good to the right ponies instead of helping out ponies involved…” I just shook my head. “Shinebadge had his faults but even he wouldn’t like how Insight does things…” I observed with a sigh. “So, are you gonna thank me for getting the other unis together to pull Treasure out of his condo?” Yang said with a smirk. “Yes, you are welcome and all of you unis would get raises tenfold if I had that kind of power,” I said with a chuckle as she lead me towards the interrogation room. I stepped inside to find Treasure looking nowhere near as smug as he did in the diner. He glared at me as I sat down. “I was under the impression I was to see Detective Clippard or my lawyer.” “Your Lawyer is being held up in traffic and Clippers is going to go whine to daddy that the mean old detective is being competent while he’s incompetent.” I snarked a little. “Now, you were at the offices of one Historic on the night he was murdered. One Buzz Saw claimed you were there before you shooed him off.” “You expect to take the word of a peasant over mine!?” Treasure yelled. “I have TV deals! Hundreds of books about real historical finds! And you want to take the word of some no name blue collar earth fu-” “I will ask you to watch your tone...this is being recorded…” I said, pointing to the little mike in front of him. That shut him down real quick and he sat down, glaring at me. “Well, if you want we can end this right now, you’ll got to prison because you were the only person there when Historic would’ve died. So if you don’t want to make a new show called ‘How I languished behind Bars’ I suggest you start spilling.” I replied. “Fine! I was there the night Historic was killed but it wasn’t me that killed him!” Treasure yelled. “Then enlighten me as to why you were there, for the record…” I said, pointing to the mike. “Like I said before, Historic came to me to help find Celestia’s Medallion. He wanted all of my research about the medallion.” Treasure admitted. “And you said no.” “Of course I said no. I spent fifteen years searching for that damn medallion and I was to hand it over to some no name? The glory was to be mine.” He said coldly. “But he clearly was onto something,” I pointed out. “And you knew it.” “I did, I could tell that he was close, so very very close. Historic knew things about the medallion, the club, the night it disappeared, so many things that I had never even heard of!” “So when he wouldn’t hand over what he knew you figured you could sneak into his office and steal it.” I guessed. “Only he was there and possibly in a moment of shock, you pulled out your gun and shot him.” “That wasn’t what happened.” Treasure fired back. “Yes I had a gun, part of my trademarks but I was only going to use it to scare him. I also had a mask in my jacket and some hoof gloves to make it look like a regular robbery. If he was there I was going to threaten him and take what was mine.” “So I figure that didn’t happen.” I replied. “After telling off that peasant of a building inspector for daring to get in my way I laid in wait for Historic. He came into his office, and pulled…” He looked at his hoof, clearly imagining the medallion in his hooves. “The medallion...out...it was the most beautiful treasure I had ever seen.” “And then what?” I asked. “Well I was about to go at him when suddenly I was grabbed from behind. I struggled for a minute with my attacker until he put something over my muzzle. A rag that smelled sweet…” “Chloroform…” I surmised. “Yes, everything went dark after that and when I came to Historic was dead. I searched his body but whoever knocked me out must have taken the Medallion with him because it was gone.” Treasure implored...he wasn’t lying I could tell. That only made this more odd. _________________________________________________________ “Sweet Celestia I wish it was him.” Even grumbled as all three of us sat on a park bench taking in some ice cream. “How did you hear the conversation?” Sparkler asked curiously as she licked up some strawberry swirl. “Are your ears really that good?” “When I uh...concentrate enough…” Even said blushing a little and getting a lot more interested in his chocolate chunk ice cream. “Sadly without a confession from him the evidence is circumstantial.” I explained. “We’ll have to settle for getting a warrant to search his condo. I’ll pick one up after we finish here.” “It’s kinda disappointing though.” Even said with a sigh. “I was hoping that solving Historic’s murder would give us some answers as to what really happened to Case and Red.” “Yeah but we do know what happened.” I said, “Presto shot them both.” “Yeah well that’s the obvious,” Even argued. “What about Chandelier though? What’s her part in this? Why in Equestria would she hire Case in the first place?” “I guess we’ll never know…” Sparkler said, shaking her head. “Something else was going on…” Even said, and pulled one of the journals out of one of the saddle bags. He scanned the journal for a moment and then said “Wearing some fine looking white shoes over her pink colored coat and her fine dress, I could tell this girl did not belong in the city…” Sparkler then blinked, “Wait what did you just say?” she asked Even. “It’s uh, Case’s description of Chandelier, when she first came in-” Even began. “No I mean about the shoes.” Sparkler said, “Because…” She then pulled out an old photograph of the back of the carriage… “Did you take that from the evidence storage?” I asked. “No I had it copied, special copying spell I picked up working retail.” Sparkler admitted, showing the picture to the two of us. She pointed next to the carriage a white shoe was laying there on the ground. “That’s a white shoe alright, the kind you wouldn’t wear to a club outing…” I said, looking at the picture, and then at Sparkler, “You don’t mean…” “If Red Light was going to a fancy club that night she’d be wearing an elegant dress and some hoofwear a lot nicer than those shoes, if any at all.” Sparkler explained. “Then that means this isn’t Red Light at all.” Even said, pointing to the picture. “This has to be Chandelier.” “But that can’t be Chandelier,” I said. “The bartender said that she showed up at Presto’s funeral months later.” “He must’ve lied!” Even and Sparkler said at the same time. I tried not to let my inner shipper squee too much. “But that was decades ago, why lie?” I asked them. “Wait,” Sparkler said, “Remember that song that was playing at the bartender’s apartment? ‘I can’t give you anything but love’?” “He said that was the best version of the song.” Even added. I thought for a moment and then things started clicking. “That was Long Hoofstrong’s version of the song.” “Case File said his favorite musician was Satchmo!” Sparkler added quickly. “Satchmo was Hoofstrong’s nickname when he was a performer.” “Put it all together…” I said with a smile, “and it’s all coming together. Crystal Clear…” ________________________________________________ The three of us arrived at Whiskey and Gin’s front door. I knocked lightly and the old couple opened the door to see us three standing there. Gin smiled upon seeing us, “Oh, hello again.” “Hello Red Light.” I then looked to Whiskey. “Hello Case File.” > Chapter 5 "Answers at Last" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 “Answers at Last” We stood in the little apartment Case and Red looked at us three with nervous trepidation. Now there were no more secrets, we knew their real identities and it was time for them to come clean. “Case File and Red Light, back from the dead.” I said to the pair of them as the orderly from before looked up at all of us. “All this time you were just living in this little apartment. Unbelievable.” Sparkler said, looking at the pair of not so dead victims. “So what happened?” Even asked them. “Historic find out the truth and that you murdered two ponies in order to disappear with the medallion? Then you confronted him at his office and shot him?” Case spoke up for the first time since the little greeting we gave, “Look it’s not what you think. Historic corned me at Muimbaji’s funeral, wanting to know how I knew her. In order to keep me and Red safe I pretended to be the bartender.” Red took her husband’s hoof and looked at us, “But Historic was too clever, he figured us out and came here demanding to know where the Medallion was. He threatened to expose us…” She said quietly as she nuzzled into Case, who nuzzled back. “But we know it has to be you two.” I explained. “The same gun used in that case was used to kill Historic.” Case looked at me, puzzled. “But that can’t be right, I keep it in the-” “Cabinet? Oh you have no idea what a find that was.” All five of us turned and saw the orderly pointing a gun at us. She held the gun in her magic and aimed it at me. “Do drop your weapons detective, I’d hate for this to get messy.” I frowned and used my magic to pull out Golden Eagle, Blackhawk and White Tiger and set them on a coffee table. Case and Red looked at the orderly in shock. “Tea? What’s all this?” Red asked, confused. “It’s me getting my revenge you harlot. After all this time I figure it’s time I dropped the subtlety.” Tea said with a malicious grin. “Now you are going to tell me where the real medallion is!” “Tea, what is the meaning of this? Why are you threatening us?” Red asked. “Because I’m tired of hiding!” Tea shouted at us. “After almost half a century it was high time I got what was meant to be mine!” “Meant to be…” I said with a frown. Case then got a better look at Tea and said, “No...it can’t be…” “Surprised to see me again Case? I’m amazed it took three months for you to figure me out.” Tea said, “Yes, it’s me...Chandelier.” “WHAT?!” Sparkler and Even said in unison. “But how? You were one of the bodies…” I pointed out. “Oh that was easy, I dolled up some gal to look like me, offered her a batch of money in exchange for threatening Case and Red into giving up the Medallion. I sent my idiot of an ex husband, the real Whiskey Rocks, along to make sure it got done. Only I didn’t count on you two murdering them both.” Chandelier said with a glare. “It was an accident!” Red pleaded. “I tried to get the gun away from her and she shot Whiskey in the back. I then wrestled with her and she shot herself...I’m...sorry…” “After all these years you apologize to me!” Chandelier shouted. “If it wasn’t for you I would’ve had the medallion! Do you realize how long it took me to get in good with Presto? I was ready to go and take the medallion after a little ‘accident’ would befall Presto. I was going to be the richest mare in town until you came around and stole my chance! I figured I could get rid of you too...by hiring some handsome young stallion to get you away from Presto long enough for me to take the medallion.” “So you hired Case.” Even concluded. “Only you didn’t count on them falling in love.” “Smart boy,” Chandelier said with a frown. “So after years of tracking you down I got in contact with Historic. I figured it would be simple, use his obsession and steal the medallion when he wasn’t looking. He then tried to hand me off some cheap knock off and told me it was the real medallion.” “But it-” Case said. “When I demanded he hand me the real one he tried to claim it was the real one. Things escalated and I shot the fool for his trouble. I figured I could come back here, pretend to be meek little Tea Time until I find the real medallion. I didn’t count on Private Eye taking the case though…” She said, pointing the gun at me. “The one you have was the real medallion…” Red explained. “What?! But I-” “After we defended ourselves from your goons we decided to disappear. We grabbed as much oil and whiskey as we could and set fire to the bodies.” Case explained. “But...the medallion…” Chandelier said, her eye twitching. “We hid it in a loose brick behind the bar.” Red explained. “We sent Historic there and he called to confirm it was the actual medallion. It was the same medallion we hid.” “But...you had it right in your hooves…” Chandelier said, shocked. “Why would you toss it aside like some bit of trash!” “We figured we could come back for it later if we needed it.” Case explained. “But after a few years of running around we found out that well...to use a tired old cliche all we needed was each other…” “That’s horse apples!” Chandelier yelled, pointing the gun at us. “GIVE ME THE REAL MEDALLION! Nopony would do something so stupid! You obviously took the real medallion and gave Historic a fake one!’ “They aren’t lying,” I said looking at the couple and then at Chandelier. “There’s another possibility for the confusion...the medallion itself was a fake in the first place.” “No…” Chandelier said in disbelief. “Cheap costume jewelry that was only designed to look pretty and valuable to show off Presto’s wealth and power.” I said, “And you shot Historic because you didn’t get a good look at the medallion before it was stolen. You couldn’t examine it up close because of how paranoid Presto was about it. Historic didn’t know it was fake either, probably because he didn’t get a really good look at it before showing you. He was probably too blinded by greed and glory to see the truth…” “SHUT UP! If I don’t get the real medallion right now I’ll-” Suddenly a vase fell on her head and she fell to the floor unconscious. I looked over and saw Sparkler had levitated the vase. She smiled at all of us and said, “Do they always have to monologue so much?” ______________________________________________________ After a phone call to the police, Chandelier was carted off by them shouting that she wanted what was hers all the way to the carriage. I then went to search her apartment and came back with the actual medallion itself. At the police station I gave the medallion to a rather lanky looking unicorn with dark brown hair and a white coat. This was Artifact Finder, a member of the Equestria Historical society. He examined the medallion as I stood next to him, the police station in a flurry to wrap up the loose ends of the case. Dig looked at me and said, “Indeed my boy, this is little more than costume jewelry, really well painted costume jewelry but not a true medallion of Celestia.” “A shame really,” I said, shaking my head. “All of this over a fake medallion. I wonder if it’s possible that somepony else swapped the medallion out years ago and hid this fake one in the hiding spot.” “We may never know lad, but this is still an important part of Equestria’s history.” Dig explained and packed the medallion carefully into a briefcase. “I shall take this to Canterlot University for further study. Give my regard to Whiskey and Gin Rocks, for such a historic find.” He left after that and I began walking out the building. As I walked out I heard Clippers arguing with Insight inside his office. Something about ‘it wasn’t fair that Private took my case’ or something like that. I stepped outside and saw Even and Sparkler talking to Case and Red. “So you really just disappeared like that?” Sparkler asked. “You really just left the medallion behind?” “Didn’t you think about going back to get it?” Even asked them. “Sometimes,” Red said with a little chuckle. “But we got too caught up in the thrill and adventure of running off together to think much about it.” “It just left our minds, honestly if we did try to sell it in some other city I think the press would’ve found out.” Case explained. “So we just settled down and hid for a few years. Then we had four kids, seven grandkids and next thing you know we were doing what we always wanted.” He then leaned into his wife lovingly. “Just being together.” I smiled at the scene and came over, “I also have some good news for you two. I called my wife Twilight and she explained everything to Celestia. Her royal Highness will ensure that as far as the world is concerned, Whiskey and Gin helped us solve the mystery.” The old couple looked at me and Case said, “But aren’t you-” “I didn’t find Case File and Red Light, and the murders sound like self defense. Nothing short of a time machine can allow me to prove that wrong. And besides, I solved the murder of Historic thanks to a little dna scanning. You two can keep living your lives together without having to worry about me knocking on your door,” I said with a smile. Case and Red smiled wide and came over. Case shook my hoof and said, “If you ever need an old PI to show you a few things just let me know.” Red hugged me and said, “Thank you so much, we won’t forget this.” I just hugged her back and eventually the two old ponies walked away together. I then looked at Even and Sparkler. Sparkler smiled and said, “It’s kinda romantic in a way. I’m happy for them.” I then chuckled a little, “Uh, don’t tell your mother about the fact that somepony was holding us all at gunpoint okay? Ditzy won’t let me hear the end of it.” “I’m just lucky she was so focused on monologuing to pay attention to my horn glowing.” Sparkler said with a chuckle. “I’ll get us a train back home,” I said, walking off. I then heard them talking behind me. “You uh, really helped out on this one.” Even said nervously to Sparkler. Sparkler laughed a little and said, “You guys did all the heavy lifting. I just tricked a guard and dropped a vase on somepony’s head.” “I’m just saying it was, nice to have you around…” Even said, and I could picture him blushing behind me. “Heh, maybe we can do this again sometime.” Sparkler said, and I heard her fur brush against his for a brief moment. Even kinda, stuttered and petered out as we ventured all the way home. I tried not to laugh at the parallel between those two and Twilight and I… Got me feeling just a hint nostalgic… Frankly though, I was going to look forward to being with Twilight and taking in a good long rest after this insane case. It felt like it took years to get all of the answers but… In the end as I rode the train home with Even and Sparkler...I realized it was worth it. Worth it just to push a little more to getting this story to a close. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case 16 Epilogue Perspective: Private By the time we got back it was fairly late so I sent Sparkler on home. She gave one last goodbye to Even before we decided to settle into the office and do a little cleanup. I was surprised to see the letter on my desk when I got there. “Even, go call the our client and inform her that we got the case completed.” I said in a rather serious tone. For once Even didn’t argue as I went to the rather serious looking envelope. It was a thick envelope with a large symbol on the front of it. That of the DAs office...oh boy… I opened the envelope with magic and read the inside. My eyes scanned the contents and sighed at the result. I could just hear Clipper’s smug voice reading the whole damn thing. Dear Preventus Eye, It was brought to the DAs attention that you had been interfering with numerous police investigations unsanctioned and without authorization from the Chief of Police. Though you have the crowns authority to do so, the department of justice is concerned with you involving minors in your investigation. We do not want to see harm done or have you lead the minor astray in believing the law can so easily be disregarded. Consider this a word of warning, if you interfere without authorization again or put your assistant in harm's way again the Equestria Police Department as well as the Department of Equestrian Justice shall pursue full legal action to overturn Princess Celestia’s decree for you to continue working as Equestria’s protector. Signed, District Attorney Open Court. Oh geez, Open Court hated my guts back when he was an overly ambitious prosecutor who wanted nothing more than to string me up as the departments problem foal. Nothing ever stuck, mostly because I was always ready to point out my success within the department and how much I did while the rest of the cops were content to pump up their arrest records by catching and imprisoning whoever looked suspicious and/or poor enough to have done it. He was clearly working alongside Insight… I got on the phone and made a call, Twilight was just going to have to wait a little longer before I went home. I called up Sanda, one of the only lawyers worth a damn. “Do you have any idea what time it is? I JUST got Kaze asleep. Fifteen stories before he finally managed to go to slumberland.” Sanda’s rather tired voice said over the line. “I know and I’m sorry but-” I began. “Let me guess, you got a little letter from Open.” Sanda said, “I heard rumors around the office, I had no idea that he would just come out like that.” “Why now though?” I said, looking at the letter with no mixture of confusion and contempt. “I know I got Insight bitching at me about interfering with cases before but I never had Open swoop down from his high rise apartment to give me lip.” “I’m guessing he finally had an excuse or Insight finally got talking to him.” Sanda replied with a yawn.   “Well, I guess I did have Even with me but-” “That explains it. I can’t believe you would just bring a teenager along like that.” “I’m training him.” “Still, you gotta be more careful Private. What if he had gotten seriously hurt on your watch? You’d never be able to work in any town again. Look, take my advice and leave off on the cases for a little while.” “Sanda you know I can’t just-” “If you want to keep your royal right to jump headfirst into police cases than you gotta show you aren’t abusing it. Celestia could swoop in and save your ass but that makes her look bad for covering for you. She can only do so much pulling on her end. I say take a couple of days off, close the office and redirect calls to the police. I know it’s not ideal and it goes against every bone in your body to do so. But for once in your miserable life put aside that damn pride of yours and take a bullet.” Sanda intoned very seriously. I frowned, it was not what I wanted to hear at all. But at the end of the day he was right. It was the best course of action. I sighed and set my hat down on my desk, staring at it for a long time. I finally then said, “I’ll just say that I need to do some cleaning in the office and redirect some calls to another agency. I know at least some private detectives who can help out clients if anything comes up.” “See, was that really so hard?” “Oh bite me featherbrain.” I groaned as Sanda laughed on the other line. “Okay okay, it shouldn’t be too long before Open gets a new pet cause to deal with.” Sanda said, chuckling before getting serious again. “Listen beyond that I-” “I haven’t seen him.” I said, still frowning and thinking on Raiden. “I just worry about him, Mom and Dad are worried and I can’t seem to reach him no matter what I do.” Sanda said sadly. “Kaze keeps asking why he never visits anymore.” “I wish I could tell you where he is.” I said sadly. “He may be a complete idiot at times but he’s still a friend.” I looked over at one of the few pictures on my desk. Right next to Tailspin and my parents was Twilight. Her picture was her sitting with me on a park bench. “And I’d be awfully hypocritical for giving up on a friend when I’m married to the Princess of Friendship.” ______________________________________________________________ Perspective: Even By the time I was done with my half of the cleaning it was already late at night. I didn’t much mind though, the batpony part of me was enjoying the cool night air. The twinkling stars shone above me as well as Luna’s moon. Gorgeous night for flying. I laughed and flew around the night air, gleefully doing loop de loops and spins. With the case done maybe I could actually get some free time to myself and- I then saw Sparkler sticking her head out her window and she called out to me. I wanted to immediately find the nearest hole and hide in forever. Here I was flying around like an idiot Wonderbolt wannabe. “Hey come on! I wanna talk to you!” Sparkler yelled. I flew down to her hovering in front of her open window, okay Even just play it cool! “HEE!” I squeeked, causing her to laugh and my ears to start burning. STUPID PUBERTY WHY MUST YOU BETRAY ME!!? “Aww, you even squeak like a bat.” Sparkler said with a laugh. “Ki-kinda uh...hi...you uh..I figured you’d have gone to bed or something.” I said, rubbing my mane nervously. “You did just totally knock a gal out after all.” “Yeah! It was awesome! The whole case was awesome!” Sparkler said, hopping up and down inside her room. “Oh man, the clues, the solving, the suspect interrogating. It was all so exciting.” “Gl-glad you enjoyed it.” I said, watching her bounce in the most adorable way possible. “Oh sorry, here I am jumping around like a maniac and not paying attention to my guest.” Sparkler said with a light chuckle. “Listen, thanks for taking me along and everything.” “It was no problem,” I said, coming to sit on her window cill. “I’m just happy that those two old folks get to keep their happily ever after. Even if the medallion was a total fake.” “Hey, they got to be together for such a long time.” Sparkler said, and then looked me right in the eyes. I was suddenly self conscious about a lot of things. What was wrong with me? My heart was getting all flared up and my head was all fuzzy and…. “Listen,” Sparkler said finally. “I’m wondering if we could try hanging out more often.” “Well, yeah we’re like, friends and all.” I said, as she suddenly took a step closer. My wings were threatening to pop something fierce. I sat on them to keep such an embarrassment from happening. “I dunno Even, I’m thinking…” She then blinked, smiled and said, “Eh, screw this old song and dance.” She then grabbed my face and ki….kiii….. I got this really stupid grin on my face after her lips touched my forehead. I suddenly felt light as a feather...I got...kissed by...she….likes….oh sweet Luna I- Crash! I leaned back and fell from the window sill and into the family’s trash can. Dinky stuck her head out the first floor window and sighed. “Sparkler! Stop dropping trash from your room! Ya gonna make a mess!” Sparkler was laughing that sweet beautiful laugh of hers. Yea though my body was now stinky and covered in trash, my mind was in heaven and my heart sang. HELL YEAH! ________________________________________________________ Perspective:Adamus I walked through the pits of Tartarus. I had not been down in this fiery place for some time. Smoke and smog pillowed out from the lava below as I walked up a set of stairs. This failed body slow to climb them. It will all be worth it soon… I finally got to the top and saw a creature with it’s arms chained. It was like as if some kind of madpony fused an apes body on top of a black pony some time ago. This miserable creature with red skin, sort white hair and black fur on it’s pony half was looking up at me with black eyes. “The mighty Tirek, laid low after all this time.” I said with a frown as the creature laughed. “You have quite the foolish soul pony.” Tirek said with a weak laugh as he moved forward to meet my gaze. “Were these chains not keeping me bound I would suck your magic dry.” “Oh you are not getting my magic you wretch.” I said as my eyes glowed green, I then laid the beast low with telekinesis laiden with dark magic. He struggled under the weight and glared at me. “The only reason I am down in this miserable hole is because my master needs you.” “Your master? Who do you serve mortal? Discord? That wanna be conqueror the Storm King?! Or those miserable princesses who imprisoned me in the first place?” Tirek demanded, struggling against my magic. “Oh, I serve a great being, one whom has promised to set all things right within my world.” I said, lowering my head to look him in the eye. “And you will play your part, I will release you soon and you will hunt down Discord.” “Bah, I heard he had gone soft. Decided to shack up with the ponies he almost managed to take over.” Tirek said dismissively. “Oh no, there is still a part of that creature that longs to return to the old days.” I said, making a point to pull on one of the beast’s horns with my magic to drive home the point of who was in charge. “Arr...fine!” Tirek said and I released him from my magic. He groaned and got to his hooves, keeping up his glare. “My master needs you to target the four princesses once you have achieved your freedom.” I said, plainly. “Is that supposed to be humorous? There are two-” “No, there are quite a few Alicorns running around, many who survived the cataclysm my lord tried to unleash upon the world long ago.” I said, and looked at him, “But your job, is to take care of the four who rule Equestria at this moment. Celestia of the sun, Luna of the moon, Cadenza of the Crystal Empire and Twilight Sparkle” “And what do you hope to gain by siding with this master of yours? Do you wish to rule Equestria at his side?” Tirek asked. I decided to indulge his curiosity. “Oh no, I simply plan to correct a mistake I should’ve taken care of years ago.” “And I suppose my last question is, what will you be doing while I am dealing with those miserable ponies…?” Tirek asked, narrowing his eyes at me. I laughed and turned to begin walking back down the stairs. I then simply said, “Oh, I will pay a visit to my grandson...as everything he loves gets taken away...and he becomes a true vessel of despair...and my master…”