> To love a creature. > by Lunasservant1985 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Its always the same dream. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm standing full of confidence and arrogance. As I look at her, she's been a very bad girl. Fluttershy stares back, it's one of those" powers" she has, the ability to stare into your eyes and take over the person inside, we hunters call it, "taking your soul." She wears a black cape with shoulder spikes that look lile fangs, but the intimidation factor is a little lost when the inner lining is fucking pink....Pardon my French, it's just, Im tired. As I stare,"I see you've been busy Fluttershy, taking heads to ensure there's no...competition." My leather trench coat flips as I draw two short wakizashi swords and strike the folded titanium bonded aluminum alloy blades together making them spark, they are nearly impervious to corroding in the rain that pelts us, city rain is filthy, so its why she's not smoking from it. "Is that supposed to scare me little Mark? Maybe the sword would scare a lesser vampire, but I am...a creatue of the night! Come at me if you dare...little man." she said with all the smug smart allecky bravodo a creatue like her would have, I only smirked, she staed at me, I stared right back at her glowing pink eyes. ''you know Flutterbat...Fluttershy, whatever you call yourself, it really doesn't have to end this way, you only need to just give yourself up and..''' ''Awwww Mark, my old beloved boyfriend, my sweet , innocent little Mark, have you not realized it it yet? I love this form, such power and grace the likes of a little mortal like you would never understand, if you want me to be that weak little punching bag I was when I was like you, then you're gonna have to force me to be the girl you once knew.'' She said as her thick, leathery wings unfolded and she stared at me with a gaze that melt most men. Not I, not Mark Phantasm, Canterlot High student turned vampire hunter by this strange and unusually unpleasant hunt this bat like girl had emposed unpon me. Oh Flutterbat, my sweet, loving Fluttershy turned into this, bizzare and unknowingly horrid form. What I must do, know that I shall do it out of love. I said as my deep and sincerely as I could, goodbyes to the girl I loved, she was no more. What had once been the deep and emotional animal lover I fell in love with, now only was this monster that God or the being that I knew as Celestia, would never see as holy was walking freely. I longed to reason with the creatue, but here I was smirking as I drew my sword, a Japanese wakisahi, like the one I had drawn at her that other faithful night, in another world. Oh why must it be this way?! I silently asked all the forces of the universe, Princess Celestia in particular, wait...Princess Celestia? Wasn't it Principal Celestia? wasn't I just an eighteen year old Canterlot high student? why was I about to end my girlfriend's life like an episode of Buffy? ''Fluttershy, please...I know deep down, it's still you...would you only...I love you my sweet, loving little flutterbat....no Fluttershy.'' With that I take my blade and dive at her, she's in flight with those wings of her's unfurled and her fangs bared as I take a swing at her with my short swod, part of myself wants to miss...the other half realizing that it's a necessary task I have to perform. Then I woke up, ''Mark?'' My half vampire girlfriend Fluttershy asks as daylight makes her old self return to me. ''You okay my darlin?'' the pretty Fluttershy asks as her power fades, back into that girl my fellow schoolmates know her as. ''Yeah, I'm fine.'' I say to her as the nightmare fades away from me, for how long I cannot say, but all that matters anymore is her, the girl of my dreams, Fluttershy. > Early morning fun. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I gaze into her eyes as she sits up. In just her lacy pink bra and panties, they hug and fit to every curve and contour of her soft, buttery yellow skin. I wrap my arms around her waist and draw her close, making her eep and squeak softly as I plant soft kisses on the back of her neck. ''Ah Mark!'' She cries out when my hands go low, low to her hips which I hold and caress gently. ''We have class in a few hours.'' She says even though it means nothing. ''Plenty of time,'' Is my response. As I feel a spot on my neck above my shoulder, and I know that she bit me in my sleep. I don't need a mirror to know it's purplish and brused with two pinpricks where her teeth poked me. ''I'm sorry Mark, she says facing me with her sapphire blue eyes, a lock of her hair blocking one a bit. She's so damn cute. I can't be mad at her, though this probably explained the crazy dream I had again. ''Let me make it up to you?'' She asks sliding down my bare chest to my shorts I slept in, she moaned softly into my stomach as she took the waist band in her teeth. ''No, babe that's nooooooot!...Ohhhh yesss!'' I said melting in bliss, my toes curling up as she kissed my flaccid man hood along its shaft. She stuck her long pointed tounge, like a nectar sucking apendage, out and licked my shaft moaning and purring softly sending pleasant vibrations down it. ''Oh Fluttershy!'' I said through gritted teeth as she licked my low hanging fruit slowly. the tip of her tounge swirled and played with the left one that hung lower than the right I stroked and scratched her pink hair lovingly in gratitude. '' You love to tease don't you girl?'' I said as she took my balls into her mouth, she giggled and slowly took her mouth off my testicles to speak. ''Predators love playing with their food Mark.'' She said, even though it was five in the morning, she still had a touch of that hunter of the night in her. I saw a hint of her red eyes, pointed fluffy ears, and long pink nails for a quick instant before I saw only my girl Fluttershy, nothing more. ''I haven't had a shower since last night you know.'' I informed her as she kissed the mushroom head of my dick moaning around it and ever so gently biting it with her front teeth. ''I don't care, you have...a unique taste for a human mark. So...sweet so bold, a hint of spicy like cinnamon too.'' She unhooked her bra letting her perky mounds spill out and bounce a bit before she gave them a side to side sway with her chest. ''You're still human too...aren't you.?'' I asked her as she tugged at her panties making the front tighten up and dig into her glistening, pink pussy. She winked and bent lower to my know rock hard member and took the first few inches into her mouth, as her fingers rubbed and teased her through the fabric of her panties. She sent more pleasant vibrations around my cock by moaning as she took the rest of it into her throat. ''Ohhhh Fluttershy!'' I screeched feeling myself teetering over the edge, about to...''Fluttershy! Fluttershy! I'm gonna cum!'' I gave her fair warning but she refused to listen. She giggled cutely as she took her mouth off my pole she expertly polished as my tip began to squirt seed out and painted her pretty face white. Her lips dripped wet with my jizz as stray streams glued her eyes shut and even got in her pretty pink hair. ''I'm sorry Fluttershy.'' I said wiping her clean with my hand though her soft hair was harder to get the jism out of. I felt bad getting her all sticky from my own juicy payload. ''I love you.'' ''It's okay Mark, I love you too.'' She said as she lay on her back a pair of leathery wings slowly unfurled behind her. ''How did you...?'' I asked a bit shocked given that the sun was now up. "My...My power is growing...to where I can control it even in the day time...it's not as strong...in fact in direct light it makes my blood hot...but it's not enough to kill me as I'm still human inside." I hovered over her gazing into her now soft glowing red eyes. I placed a hand on her cheek and slinked down her body. "My turn." I said as i gripped her pink panties in my teeth and pulled them down. She had a robust and musky scent. A hint of buttercups wafted from the slick wetness. "Do your powers, enhance the sensation?" I asked as I ran the tip over her clit, making her shiver and moan in pleasure. "My senses are able to "feel" changes at a rate far more than a normal human girl, not to mention...you'll scent. I like it. Its like your blood, in some ways." "Can we not talk about blood right now? It's kinda weird to talk about blood when your beinf intimate." I ask as I plant my lips on her lower ones and sucked her sweet syrupy nectar like a hummingbird. "Weirder than making love to a vampire when hwr power is in full bloom?" She said through clamped teeth. As i kissed her pubic mound just above the folds and licking around her belly button. "I see your point." I got back above her and looked down at her her eyes locked with mine as I felt a pleasant sensation coursing through my body. "What did you?" "Bedazzled you, the Dazzlings taught me that siren trick." She said with a giggle. "They know you're a?" I said stammering as I reached for the Trojans. "They don't care, amd don't worry about those things Mark, not that I need to worry around you but I'm completely immune to all disease in my form." "And the other reason? Wouldn't we have some half human daywalker or Damphir on our hands?" I asked putting them down and lining my male hood with her dripping wet slit. "What? No that's sci-fi fantasy B.S. It's because my womb is hotter than an oven and your human seed would burn up and die in my crucible of a..." I silenced her with a hard, passionate kiss full on her lips. Our tounges danced and lapped at each other as I felt the warmtg of her entrance on my pole. "Fluttershy, I love you...just dont spoil the mood with jargon kay?" Her response was a soft hiss as I "impaled" the vampire on my "stake." I wrapped my arms around her waist as I thrust into her again and again, the warmth from her body and slit was indescribably pleasant. I nuzzled her head and took in the strawberry smell of her hair as her tight love muscles gripped amd clenched around my shaft. "I love you Mark." She whispered into my ear as I whispered back. "I know." I don't know why I didn't say I loved her too, but she knew that's what I meant. Maybe it was the bliss of our intimacy dispite the hour drawing ever closer to class time, and we still had to get ready. Or maybe It was just my own special way of yelling her I loved her. Fluttershy, my sweet loving Fluttershy. Kindness personified and a girl to die for...Why then did it feel like I might do just that? I felt my second orgasm rupture deep inside her and she bit the still purple skin on my shoulder drawing fresh blood, I winced at the inital pain but her tounge made it stop almost like her licks could heal. "Oh, I'm sorry Mark, I got...a bit too excited and I just...I." I placed a finger on her lips and shushed her with another kiss, more loving and tender this time and held her close. "Let's shower together cutie, we're on a time crunch you know." I said smiling at her as she smiled back. "I'm right behind you lover boy." As she said that, her wings folded back, her eyes became blue again, and her voice grew soft and hushed again, her inner self was satisfied, and thats all I ever wanted from her...my Fluttershy.