> Another world in the darkness > by Thunder Facade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > decisions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *11:30* “What time is it, Alex?” asked my friend Daniel, “only half hour man, why the rush?” I asked waiting no response from him “it’s getting really cold in here” he was embracing himself while shivering, honestly, I’ve never seen him act like this, he was cold and precise and from afar he seemed like a numb living soul, still, he could be the only funny guy in a cold room if he’s on the mood. Mean while, Anthony hadn’t said a word since we arrived to Greece, which in the other hand, he was acting just the opposite of Daniel, and that just wasn’t normal, not for me and not for him, one of my most crazy friends was now a silent rock just waiting to explode, of course he had his moments of numbness but most of the time he was pure randomness, one minute he was quiet and the other he was screaming and making the oddest sounds I’ve ever heard, he then get violent and start to laugh at anything that came out of your mouth, he was kind of bipolar but nothing I couldn’t handle. *11:37*it was getting colder and darker in the Olympus, the storm was getting closer and every second that passed my heart pulsate faster and faster, fear ran through my veins and I sigh constantly, Daniel was trembling either from fear or the death cold, and Anthony with his arms crossed and looking fearless at the “portal” or at least that’s what we thought it was. *11:45* As the time closed in for the huge rock with a hole on it to “open” we could only wait and hope that the danger of the storm did not harm us. *11:50* The storm started to burst in thunders from the black clouds, none of us said something but we all knew that we might die in here, still the thought of another world and a “portal” in front of us kept us in place. *11:52* I started to look at my watch more frequently, I was getting desperate and the sound of thunders falling all around us felt like a stick in my brain, “too much pressure, too much waiting, too much to care about” I thought, so I finally decided to close my eyes and think about my past, my parents always fighting, my sister with her poker face and her bully jokes that always made me laugh, my mom frustrated and alone always blaming me for any little mistake I made, my dad with he’s cheerful smile and his patience, faces I didn’t even remember to meet, too much to remember…too much to care about… *11:58* “Just two minutes to go” finally Anthony spoke a word with the numbest of voices and a very concerned but sleepy face looking at the portal. Daniel turned his head to look at the portal as soon as he did so he started to walk closer to it, I was just inches away from it, Anthony’s words made me get out from all the flashbacks in my mind and put all my attention to the portal as well. What was going to happen? It was going to be worth the risk? I kept asking myself and I even thought about quitting and go home, but that thought only lasted a few seconds. *12:00* It was time, the only reason we came to this hell hole, we were finally going to get some answers , most of my thinking at that moment were only negative assumptions about the portal. A bright blue thunder hit the top of the portal; we all jumped in fear and amazement but soon came back closer to the portal, it was 12:05 and nothing happened or at least that’s what Anthony and I thought, but Daniel stared worriedly at the it, getting closer every second, like if waiting for something to come out of it. “Leave it Daniel, we’re losing time here” I shouted at him but he didn’t seem to care a bit. Anthony was almost half way out of the Olympus, I began to follow him with a very disappointed look on my face and looking at every step I take. *12:10* “WHAT THE FUCK?!” I heard the sudden shout from Daniel and began to run towards him, when I finally made it to there I the hole of the rock getting darker and darker filling the complete hole of it. “ANTHONY! ANTHONY COME HERE DUDE!” I turned my head but still there was no sight of him, I knew that the portal may close very early and that if I went to search for him I might lose my chance to enter the portal, we stared at it for several seconds and then Daniel with a cold voice said “come on, let’s go find him before we lose our opportunity”. We ran to the location I last saw him go, we arrived in about 15 seconds, but still no sight of him, not a sound just the sound of the storm in its last minutes “ANTHONY!!! ANTHONY WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” we called him for a few seconds and nothing came out in response. *12:25* “ANTHONY WE NEED YOU TO GO WITH US” I said my last word before me and Daniel ran to the portal, there we saw someone standing in front of the portal, we started to run faster and faster “who the hell is that guy?” I thought, when we made it we could finally see that it was indeed Anthony the one staring at the black hole in the rock, I couldn’t breathe, the air was escaping somehow out of the Olympus, I began to cough and falling hardly on the ground, I looked to my right an there was Daniel shocking as well “what a way to lose my life, no more air for me to breathe in here, I guess I’ll finally find out if god exist” just making a last attempt to laugh in my coughing. *12:30*”Well here goes nothing, I feel glad I met ya’ guys” I could barely hear the sentence that Anthony spoke, I was feeling weaker, I wanted to sleep forever and forget all the pressure in this chaos world. I felt a hand grabbing my shirt and dragging me closer to whoever that was and then I entered the portal, my senses we’re hardly awaken and felt the biggest weigh push deeper in my chest, like a damn building falling in front of me, I felt no pain but my whole body felt like expanding to the right and to the left, I had my eyes closed so I couldn’t see anything when I entered the portal…”This feels…AMAZING!” those we’re the last words I heard from Anthony before crashing into the tall and wide grass of a forest… it was nighttime… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would really appreciate some feedback, you liked it, you didn’t? this is my very first fafic, so I wanna know how I did, thanks, also those likes will make me continue with the fic.“Pathetic men kill each other” -Alex > on the other side > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “HOLY FUCK” Anthony hardly said because of the “expanding” feelings we felt while traveling through the portal. I could only hear his weak voice, I felt the fresh air pass through my face and filling my lungs with air “at least I didn’t died shocked” I thought, the feeling of fresh air entering my lungs and the tall wide grass feeling like a bed of dark green, I could finally open my eyes, “dark grass? tall trees? Where the hell am I?” I had questions all over, filling my mind with confusion, I saw Daniel getting up and talking with Anthony, strangely I could not stand nor hear their voices, I still felt under a building, desperately I started sweating, baring my teeth and squeezing my eyes trying to make a single move, but still nothing, not even a finger. Daniel saw me in death man pose and helped me get on my feet again, the time I was standing normally I felt like if I was under a big pool and someone pulled me out of it. “Are you alright Alex?” Daniel’s voice sounded worried and Anthony’s gaze was upon me, he had a very frightened face, at last I found my voice again “I’m alright guys” “I thought you were a dead man he he he” said Anthony bursting into laughter; I stretched myself to repair some of the pain in my back. “Where the heck are we Daniel?” “I honestly don’t have a single clue…” “Seems like a forest doesn’t it?”he didn’t answered me, insted Daniel turned his head back, as soon as he did so did I, and there it was: the other side of the portal, we were to concentrated on the portal that we didn’t noticed that there was a human skeleton on the ground close to the portal, as soon as I saw it my heart beating increased suddenly and my eyes were wide open, “who killed this guy? Or what killed him?” my mind asked, there was a very big backpack on his bony back; it didn’t seem to suffer of any damage “Watcha’ guys looking at?”Anthony came slowly at where we were standing “Oh my god! ,what the fuck happened in here?!” “I don’t even wanna now Anthony” I told him, Daniel walked in closer to the sack of bones to reach the back pack, he took a while to take it from the dead man, it felt bad even seeing that, like stealing a coin out of a dead man’s pocket, “Rest in peace my friend” Daniel whispered to the skeleton. We opened the back pack and smiled at what we saw in it: there were 2 m1416’s (knives) and 2 butcher knives, one cocktail Molotov; (though there was nothing to fire it) 5 bottles of water and some canned meat. “Well whoever this guy was he sure was well defended” said Daniel “And what or who could have killed such a well armed man?” said Anthony with a little fear in his voice “I guess…”I stared at one of the m1416’s for a second “I guess we’ll find out soon enough” trying to sound as brave as I could to increase the moral of my friends, but the thought of someone with army weapons killed in here just made me tremble from the fear. Anthony grabbed one of the m1416’s and I took the other one, while Daniel closed the back pack and put it on his back. “Soooooo…” Anthony started “Where shall we go now?” with an intriguing face begging for an answer “Don’t look at me” said Daniel, “Hey Alex, what do you think? “ “Uh, wa?” I hadn’t slept since we arrived at Greece, and I was almost daydreaming “I said, where you think we should go?” I looked around, we were surrounded by trees the moon was in its 12o’clock position, for some reason it looked different, it was brighter, a little bigger and it didn’t had that bunny shape anymore. ”Uhmmm…” I turned to look at my watch I’ve almost had forgotten that I had one “its 167 hours with 30 minu???...” I didn’t know what was happening, how can there be 167 hours? And how the seconds could be on a countdown? “Huh?, did you said 167 hours?” Daniel now the one with the intriguing face. “Let me see that” said Anthony as both Daniel and Anthony walked forward me. “What the hell means this, why is your watch on a countdown for one week?” said Daniel with a frustrated voice, Anthony just sigh at the sight of the countdown, I took another look at the portal while Daniel tried to “fix” my watch, the portal still had the black ether in its hole. “Maybe…”I whispered “Maybe what?” said Daniel; frustrated because he couldn’t fix the watch, I didn’t respond to any command it was given. “Maybe it is the time have until the portal closes” my voice sounded like if it was asking that sentence instead of saying it, Daniel, angry, turned his head to take a look at the portal, he saw that indeed it still had its black ether in its hole. “Seems fair enough” his voice now with more confidence, I was expecting another answer but then he told Anthony and me with an almost leader pose and voice. “Ok, this seems like another old forest, I guess we are still on earth, let’s go find the damn city and get out of this hellhole, before any animal(with his sarcastic voice) tries to eat us. “Where to then Danni?” said Anthony with a tired voice and almost closed eyes, and really, I was surprised that Daniel seemed like if he had just waken up from a long sleep. There was an minute silence in the group, Daniel was still trying to think of an idea, me and Anthony were to sleepy to even think about it. “Well, how about going to the west, where the sun rises?” I was thinking about what Daniel said, but Anthony was sleeping in his bipod position. “I’m fine with it, how about you Tony?” as I thought he didn’t respond me, I asked him a second time, this time lauder. “Oh, I don’t know (yawn) whatever” in his sleepy tone again, so we started walking through the trees to the west, Anthony finally got awake and was ready for anything that jumped from the darkness, as well as me, though a little afraid once again, Daniel followed us from behind, it was time to know if we really were in another world or if we were still on earth… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I think im gonna need a little more time for chapter three (first contact) I would really appreciate I you could give me some advices on how to wright correctly the unique character of the main 6, thanks again for reading and rating/commenting “the truth is hidden inside our conscience”-Alex > first contact > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *166:15*It was becoming boring to walk now, all that fear kept me awake for more than I had expected. “This damn forest just won’t end Daniel” said Anthony, he was awake and still on his guard position. Daniel, with his usual poker face, moaned slightly in frustration. I began to hear some snoring, though I didn’t know if it was close to us or some distance away. “Are you sleepin’ again Anthony?” I asked him with a sarcastic grin. “Wa?, no I’m not, why?” I didn’t cared at the time but suddenly, a rush of nerves and fear ran through my veins again, I seriously doubt that Daniel was the one snoring, since he was fully active and in his sleep he never snore a bit. “Daniel, a- are y-you sleeping?” I whispered, still thinking that it was almost impossible for him to snore. The fear was slowly turning into adrenalin, I turned my head to look at Daniel, his eyes widening as we walked closer and closer to the snoring. “Umm, g-guys?, what’s that? It isn’t you Alex, r-right?” Anthony’s voice now trembling from the fear of the snoring and of who or whatever was doing it, I didn’t even pay attention to Anthony’s words when Daniel whispered. “Stop”, Anthony didn’t catch it so I grabbed his shirt and told him to stay down. We looked closely between the trees for anything that could tell us who or what was it that was making all the snoring noise, a squirrel ran in front of us, it disappeared in a few seconds, I thought that that was enough to tell myself that this was earth and not another world, that thought made me calm down a bit, suddenly the squirrel came back, this time it stopped in front of Anthony, he didn’t move a finger, and his face was now with a look of fear, the squirrel then tried to climb Anthony’s shirt, he stood up and with a big smack he throw it on the grass, it started making some very acute noises while running to the forest again. When it left, there was no more snoring, my fear increased, I could feel my heart in my throat, a big roar could be heard a half mile away, we all started to panic, it began to walk, trembles in the floor and constant roars. “What the hell do we do now?!” I whispered to Daniel, he seemed fearless of the situation, still, his breathing increased. “When I say now, we make a run for it, ok?!” we was indeed breathing faster and Anthony was a living rock, we looked at Daniel and nodded, it was just some meters away from us, my breathing increasing with every second that I loosed in the forest. (RUMBLE) We quickly looked to the left and gasped at what we saw. “NOW!, RUN!” Daniel screamed, we all started to run as fast as we could to avoid getting crushed by the giant bear chasing us, I literally felt my inside bouncing, I’ve never run that fast in my life, I turned my head only to see the bear was getting closer every second, Daniel was just inches away from me running as well, but Anthony, he was shocked at the sight of the bear so he was the one that was left behind us, and the bear was almost licking him. “Hurry the hell up Anthony!” I shouted at him, he quickly got my words and speeded up his feet, we seem to be losing the bear when the worst happened, Anthony started screaming in pain, I turned my head and saw that the bear had enclosed its claws in Anthony’s right hip; I started to panic at the blood splashes. “Daniel we have to do something!” I shouted him before stopping; he quickly turned to look and stopped as well, Anthony grabbed his m1416 in a desperate action to remove the claws from him, the bear pulled them off, in response of the sudden pain, Anthony dropped his knife and blacked out, at the sight I thought he was dead, adrenaline and anger filled my brain and wouldn’t let the bear have “fun” with his corpse. I grabbed my m1416 and sprinted towards the bear, the bear raised his left arm in order to give the final strike to Anthony, it dropped its claws and at that moment I raised my knife just below his incoming arm. The bear gave an extreme loud roar at the sudden pain, he then saw me and grabbed my feet, which caused me to fall hardly on my back, after giving an angered big roar he then proceeded to raise its right arm to enclose its claws in my chest, as soon as he dropped the claws on me I closed my eyes for the inevitable, I heard another extremely loud roar, surprised I opened my eyes to see that Daniel did the same I did with the knife Anthony dropped, he quickly stepped away and now the bear had both of its arms with two deeply embedded knives. It stood on a bipod position while roaring, I told Daniel to pull the other two butcher knives from the backpack, he ran immediately to do so, the bear started to calm down its roars, and quickly looked at us with the most angered face I have ever seen in my life, just seeing it made me close my eyes from fear, the bear put his feet in the grass again, it started to walk towards us, my heart pulling out of my chest again, it then started to run and it opened its mouth, more fear filled me at the sight of the big sharp teeth. It was just some 50 yards away from us running faster every second, I saw a knife bursting in front of the bear and it hit its left shoulder, it fell but shortly got on its feet again, and now it started to sprint for us once more, a second knife bursting in front of it for another time, this time it hit his right shoulder, still, he only gave a loud roar but didn’t slowed his speed, just when it was in front of me I gave it a big hard kick on the nose while in my crawling position, and that was enough for it, that was the final blow, he fell in front of my feet. I thought he was dead but it had only blacked out, I knew that because I could hear his breathing, which only angered me more. Anthony my most cheerful friend had died and for what, he wanted to discover another planet, he gave up everything he got to enter this place, which I still thought was earth, that was enough for me, I could not handle myself any longer. I stood up and began searching for the m1416 in his left front leg, I pulled it off and grabbed it with anger, I mounted its back, grabbed my knife with both hands and raise it slowly just above its head, it was time to finish him, to end its suffering and mine as well. “STOOOOOOOP!” was that a female voice coming out of the woods? Daniel stepped away from the direction the shout was heard, I started searching for any sign of life that could have shout that, I heard galloping coming in fast, once again fear raise in my soul and my adrenaline started building up, in the darkness I could see a yellow pony with pink mane running towards me, I didn’t cared since I knew ponies couldn’t talk, as I search the area for another sign of life my mind quickly dragged itself to a blank room, and as the pony came closer and closer, I started filling myself with questions “there truly is no more sign of life…how could a pony talk? Why is this one slimmer? How could its eyes be that big? And how could it have a tinier nose?” my head was hurting; I just couldn’t explain the shape of that pony. “STAY AWAY FROM THE BEAR YOU MONSTER!” did that pony just…spoke? I quickly stepped away from the bear, my mind could not process what just happened, what it was seeing, and Daniel was just as confused as I was, the yellow pony began to pull the other knives with her teeth, at that time I saw that she had something drawn on her flank, it was three butterflies, I also notice she had wings wrapped in her belly, that calmed down my confusion, and I supposed she was a Pegasus, but soon more questions began to appear on my mind “the myth didn’t told us about any talking abilities nor care for the wounded” I just stared at what I saw, a Pegasus pony comforting a deadly big bear. Daniel walked where the body of Anthony slept, he burst into crying at the sight of him lying in the grass in that dead man position, I turned my head and walked towards him, I was speechless, I wanted to cry as well but my adrenaline faded out and I instantly felt all the past pain, I fell on my knees with a groan of pain. “Are you alright Alex?” said Daniel between sobs. “Yeah, yeah I’m good, go check Anthony will ya’?” he then started walking slowly to the body of Anthony, he fell on his knees and began to cry again, requesting pardons at a speechless body, he moved closer to Anthony’s chest, he cried a bit when he shouted at me. “ALEX, COME HERE MAN, HE’S STILL ALIVE!” between all my pain and agony, I slowly pulled myself back on my feet and started walking happily to where Daniel was, I fell on my knees once more right next to Anthony, I could clearly hear his breathing now, I began crying of the happiness when I heard his breathing, me and Daniel burst into laughter, it felt weird but we continued to do so. “Fluttershy? Where are you?” another female voice came from the woods, I could hear more galloping, assuming it was another talking Pegasus; I didn’t care at all to look. “A unicorn?” Daniel whispered in surprise, as soon as I heard the word unicorn, I quickly turned back to see that a purple unicorn with a darker purple mane was staring at us, she had a confused look on her face, and so did I. “YOU!” the yellow Pegasus turned to look at me with an angered look on her, I gasped in fear and said: “Y-yes?” I was expecting the worst from the Pegasus. “JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOUNG MONSTER?!” she stepped closer to me and her eyes seem to become bigger and…hypnotizing? “YOU THINK YOU CAN GO AROUND KILLING OTHER ANIMALS?!” As she stepped closer and closer to me, my mind started to bring me flashbacks of the past, I wanted to tell her that the bear attacked us first, but those eyes; they were attacking my brain with flashbacks going faster as she got closer. The memories finally stopped and only one remained, the weird part was…that it didn’t belong to me. I was a soldier in the Nazi army; we were trenched and contained by enemy machine guns, my friend Krauss was crying on my left, some of the soldiers kicked him and told him strong words, he was just afraid to die, I told him something I did not understood, I felt trembling coming in, in my flashback someone shouted “OH SCHEISE, PANZEEEEER!” I knew what that meant for all the time I spent playing Battlefield on German, it felt so vivid; Krauss raised his head to look, he screamed a few seconds before a tank round ripped half his upper body. All the blood, I could see his heart beating and his bony throat, it was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen, I raised my hands and saw that they were all covered in blood, stupidly, I raised my head as well to see what was going on, I saw the black hole in the tank long barrel pointing at me, the tank fired. The flashback faded before the tank round hit me, and quickly another flashback came in. This one was in another land and I was watering some flowers, some girls in the distance caught my attention, they seemed so pretty and peaceful, I said something to myself and I couldn’t recognize the language I was talking in, “Japanese?” I thought, In that very moment I heard the sound of a plane, but nothing like the planes that I had heard before, it was louder and stronger noises, I raised my head and saw that the plane dropped something, it seemed little from where I was standing, as it got closer to the ground I heard some screaming. It touched the ground, the floor trembled and a very bright light appeared, I tried to block it with one hand, as soon as I did I saw my bones, like if my eyes had x-ray, then fire started to come from where the object landed, the girls screamed and began to burn alive, I was luckily far enough to not be reached by the flames, instead I started to feel dizzy and my head hurt like hell, my hands now turning into a dark green, my chest expanding waiting to explode, it felt so vivid that I started to scream and shout: “PLEASE MAKE IT STOP, ILL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT PLEASE JUST STOP!” as soon as the yellow pony heard my words she closed her eyes and returned them to their normal size, the flashback faded away, I could hear the unicorn blaming the yellow Pegasus. “Flutteshy are you crazy?! Why did you use the stare on him?” “Oh sorry twilight, I-I didn’t wanted to do that, please forgive me creature” she was now crying silently, but I was still very shocked to answer her. “Oh who have I become to do such pain to other creatures” she was now crying more loudly. “Its, its o-ok” I began to feel sorry for the Pegasus, even if just a minute ago she was torturing me with those memories. “Um, t-thanks” the Pegasus said between sobs. “Who are you anyway” said twilight. “And for that matter, what are you?” I was preparing a big resumed explanation when Daniel spoke. “If you help us save our friend, we’ll tell you anything you want to know” his voice sounded a little angry. “And what about that bear back there, how do we know you’re not dangerous?” said twilight with a worried tone and look. “We’ll help you save the bear if you help us save our friend, I can assure you we’re not dangerous, promise” I did my best to beg them to help our friend, I even got on my knees and begged at the unicorn, for all I know, unicorns were mythical and powerful creatures. “Ok, but you have to follow us from a distance, and maybe later we can talk, I need to tell princess Celestia about this and make some research on your ability to speak our language” I found that ironic as a teddy bat, still I kept my mouth close, I didn’t want Anthony to lose more blood. “Alright then” said Daniel in an angry voice, he then went to take all the knives loose in the grass, and I slowly grabbed Anthony and put him on my back, Daniel came with the backpack with his usual poker face. “Ok, follow us please” the purple unicorn then started to walk to the west, just where we were heading, the bear started to move without even being awake, he was floating, and covered by a purple aura, I saw that the unicorn’s horn was glowing too, in the same color, I had my questions but that told me that if unicorns are able to do that, they could save Antony’s life too. “Where do you think they’re taking us Daniel?” I asked him with a worried face. “I honestly…don’t care Alex, as long as they can save Anthony, I don’t really care” he whispered with the angriest of voices. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Help me with the grammar errors please! Give a like and comment, thanks for reading. “Take all your childhood away, somewhere far and close it very deep inside your heart”-Alex > the division > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 162:25 the moon was going down in the horizon and just a few rays of the bright yellow sun could be seen ahead of us. I began to hear some chicken in the distance and more trotting. The forest finally ended in a curious little town the purple unicorn introduced. "This is Ponyville po... I mean ahm? How should I ca..." "Humans, just humans" said Daniel still a little angry. As we walked in the villa or 'ponyville' as they called it, I would had care more about the complexity in the area, and how they could have shops, houses and roads like the ones I’ve seen in my past world; why would these ponies live in houses and small towns when they were gods?. Earth ponies still confused me, they don't have any wings or horn, and so how could they live among the ‘gods’?. But then again, my mind needed some sleep and asking didnt come to me at all. My head needed some sleep and all this happening at once made my senses spin. The closer we were to ponyville the more ponies that would hide in their respective houses and whisper about our presence. 'Wait the "gods" are scared of...us?' I thought, I fell a little strong among all my questions but it didn’t last long. A white horse with a colored mane and tail came out of the sky standing in front of the purple pony. I couldn't believe my eyes. “A damn alicorn!” I whispered, the purple pony talked to her and occasionally pointing her hoof at us. I tried to read the alicorn’s face but she had one of the best poker faces I’ve ever seen. “Did you, humans, were the ones who injured this bear in that rough way?” she said, she was a little disgusted at saying humans and I could only imagine the worst of reactions. “That bear was the one who wanted to…” I was cut off by Daniel who walked closer to the alicorn and told her. “Yes, I did” those cold words again, the alicorn only looked at him a little confused and eventually she responded. “Can you explain yourself, human?” again with that disgust at saying human, a few seconds of silence and intense gazes between Daniel and the alicorn passed by before Daniel spoke again. “I will explain everything if you care to save our friend here” He pointed at Anthony who was resting on my back. “And about the bear?” the alicorn insisted, Daniel sighed and said calmly. “My friend Alex will fix it and take care of it until it recovers… deal?” those last words came numbly and cold, the alicorn turned to look at me, I was a little scared but I slowly nodded without even considering Daniel’s words. She then whispered something to the purple pony besides her and again looked at Daniel. “On my back now please” Daniel was stunned at this but rapidly did as she said, the alicorn then flew away to what it appeared to be a hanging city on a mountain, with Daniel on her back. “Lucky bastard” I told myself, I forgot I had Anthony on my back and quickly turned to look at the purple pony. “Where did she took him?” “Oh don’t worry, he’ll be alright” I didn’t trusted her words but I was not going to question her. “So…are you going to help us with that bear?” of course the damn bear, shit shit shit, Daniel said something about fixing him? And taking care as well, how the hell would I take care of the animal that just tried to murder us, I was about to refuse and right before that I heard that cold “deal?” inside my head, Daniel meant that I had to help them with the bear if I wanted Anthony alive. “Uhm, s-sure” how stupid I felt. Really? I was supposed to heal an almost dead bear? Hell, no turning back now. “Aright, please follow me” again we started walking to an odd structure with what it seemed like camping sites on its left. “I’m twilight sparkle by the way” she said softly, I just nodded at the odd name. We made it to the emergencies room and as soon as the ponies saw me and my friend on my back they all run away with fear locking themselves on some of the rooms, only some stallions held their positions investigating my anatomy curiously. Twilight then walked near one and whispered something on his ear, he widened his eyes and ran to a close room to prepare everything inside, he then shouted me. “Quickly get him inside and lay him on the bed” I ran to the room and sneaked in because the doors were kind of smaller to the "normal" ones, I laid him on the little bed, he barely fitted in, I gasped in fear as I saw his wounds again and they seemed to get worst every minute. “Don’t worry; he’ll be alright in a sec” said the doctor stallion breathing heavily and looking deep in Anthony’s wounds. “We’ve had this problems before, you know, of ponies wondering carelessly in the Ever Free forest, I just need to…NURSE!” in a just a dash of time a white pony with light pink mane came in and attended the doctor. I must admit that in all the tension I found this very odd, odd because it was like hearing and seeing human doctors in a pony shape. “Uhm, s-sir?” I heard a very familiar little voice coming from behind me, as I expected it was the yellow Pegasus, she was covering her head with that long mane of hers and looking down on embarrassment. “Oh, yeah, how can I help you?” she stepped slowly away from me and suddenly gasping at the feeling of the cold white wall behind her. “I uhm…I just needed to t-tell you that…uhm, Oh never mind!” she ran away sobbing and in the edge of tears, and as weird as that was I felt hurt inside and felt like a monster, I couldn’t think about anything but to apologize to that Pegasus. I went out of the room and asked Twilight if she could put an eye out for Anthony, she happily nodded and I went out to follow the trail of the Pegasus, some of the ponies saw me chasing the crying Pegasus, some of them stepped away of my path and ran to their houses, and some others looked at me with angered faces and it seemed like they were about to chase me as well, strangely none of them did and I continued my ‘chasing’. She was running towards an alleyway that later continued to the forest, I gasped at the sight that she might enter to the forest again and that I could find myself another angry bear in there. I followed her into the alleyway, she had stopped at the end of it crying and sobbing silently, the sight of that made me want to cry, but I held my tears and slowly walked next to her and crouched, I slowly wrapped my arms against her back, I heard a little squeak and felt the intense heat coming out of her. “Hey, Fluttershy right? I’m so sorry about earlier, if I harmed your feelings in any way, I want you to know that I’m very sorry about it, I didn’t mean it” I heard her crying had stop and she became lighter, I unfold her and turned her around. I saw those red cheeks of hers and a stunned freighted watering teal eyes looking at me, I realized I just had apologized and hugged a pony, a beautiful female Pegasus, ‘ah! Damn what am I thinking? She’s an animal for god sake’ I thought. “I’m sorry for that, I-I wasn’t thinking” hopping that the yellow mare would not take that too seriously. “Oh, you don’t have too, thanks for helping me” I hardly heard those final words, and the little squeak she gave afterwards them, I gave her a grin and began to ask her about what she called for me in the first place. “So…you wanted my help for something right?” she shook her head to take off the dizziness she had on her mind. “Oh, yes, I wanted to ask you for help with the bear…if that’s ok with you” just how could I refuse that? “Of course, shall we get going?” “Oh, uhm, yes” So there we go out of that alley and every pony looking weird at us, since I was…Well time we got to the hospital, the bear was on his last hours and I quickly started to drag the bear slowly to Fluttershy’s cottage, which was at a ridiculous distance judging on the weight of the bear. As I walked to the cottage between all the weight of the huge animal, I began to think what was it that I was going to do to even help the dying bear. Before I could think of something, Fluttershy welcomed me to her cottage; I walked in and let loose the bear on the ground. A lot of small rodents and other tiny creatures frightened in the dark, behind furniture, I felt a little scared at the moment, but then I heard her sweet little voice again. “What can we do for him? I’ve never seen such wounds before” she said, those were some ugly wounds right there, I almost felt bad for the bear. “Do you have some hardy thin thread and a pin?” there was a short silence that seemed like hours to me, I raised my head to look at Fluttershy, she had a worried face and widened eyes. “Why do y-you need that?” I thought she was joking with that but soon realized that she wasn’t. “Well, because I’m gonna sew his wounds, haven’t you’ve done that before?” “Of course not!” she said with a higher tone. “Oh excuse me, I’m such a big mouth” she hid behind her mane and lowered her head. “Don’t worry Fluttershy, it’s not that big deal, but don’t you know anyone who can help me get those?” personally I was thinking about her flying to the hospital, but then another funny name came up. “Uhm, well Rarity may lend you some of those” why did my mind go to a mental picture of a disfigured pony? “Who is this ‘Rarity’?” “Oh, she’s one of my best friends, she works out on the boutique, she’s one of the best stylist in all of equestria” that sounded very ironic if my mental image was right, and equestria? Well that made sense if ponies were like people around here, though we never had a territory called humantria or something like that. Anyway, the health of that bear was my priority so I didn’t ask more about the Rarity and Equestria topic. “Oh great, can you help me and go ask her for some please?” I tried to talk as normally as I could. “Uhm, are you r-really going to do t-that?” she said frightened “Sorry Fluttershy but for that kind of wound there’s no other way, but worry none, it won’t be hurtful for the bear, I promise” “P-pinkie promise?” I was stunned at these words, a moment of silence passed until I got back to life. “Wa…what did ya said?” she just blushed and turned to the entrance. “Oh, n-never mind, I’ll be back as soon as possible with the…things” she said quickly before she left and almost slammed the door, and the bear snored a bit, I pushed back and sat on one of the little sofas in fear. All the tiny creatures shinny eyes staring at me, not to mention all this fatigue because of my sleeping problems at night, shit I’m just gonna take a little shut eye. “Please do” I whispered to myself before falling asleep on that soft little green sofa…of hers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry for not posting earlier but i had a rough week of exams and i had no time to write. any grammar errors? repetitive words? please leave a comment with them. also put i like if you want moar. if i get 5 likes i'll continue to the next 3 chapters called "day one" and the name of the person i would be representing. it ends a little like this day one(Alex), day one(Daniel) and day one(Anthony). thanks for reading. "SHARE IT FAIRILY, BUT DONT TAKE A SLICE OF MY PIE" -Roger Waters > day one(Alex) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Um, hello?” I heard a weak voice greeting me, but I could only see butterflies flying on top of my head as the cool wind stroke my hair. Oh that beautiful sun, warm, free and careless, though very dangerous to some people, I want to wake up from this dream called life, I want to be free and run below the clear blue sky while the big ball of light touches my skin softly. Im in a world full of madness, greed, grief, sorrow, violence and god knows what else. Humans are stupid, weak, they eat themselves only to hail at the one who has killed the most, this is going to end soon, I could feel that very inside me, but now, now it was time to dream again. As I wake up in a yellow/green cottage I could see two big teal eyes staring at me looking for answers, my mind began to wake up as well and so my memories came back as I fully realized my situation still a little confused from earlier. “Oh, what’s up Fluttershy (yawn) do you have the materials?” she then took out something from her saddlebag and laid them next to the bear, who was either death or acting death. “Right there, um…Human?” oh I had forgotten that my name hasn’t being heard by her. “Thanks, you can call me Alex by the way” she nodded and I proceeded to heal the bear or at least try to close his wounds. I grabbed the pin and the thread and began to make it go through the pin top little TINY hole, after a few tries finally I could start sewing. Something hit me right in my forehead, and it was doubt, I had only sew twice in my life and what I had sew was no more than 100% cotton cloth my mother forced me to sew, and I’ve never tried sewing flesh before, bear flesh. “Are you sure there is no other way?” she asked worriedly, I wanted to say there was another since I had almost no idea what was I doing. “Sorry…but this is the only way” my voice trembling a bit from the inexperience of the pin and thread. As I reached his left shoulder I enclosed my hand with the pin to start sewing. “Oh, just be careful, ok?” “I got it babe” I blushed I little not thinking my words, I could see her red cheeks in my mind and the little “ok” she gave afterwards. And so the pin passed through the top of the wound slowly, my hand was shaking a bit as it did, slowly, I began to sew and soon learned that slowly just wasn’t the way with flesh. I tried my best not to pinch myself with the pin, that was because Fluttershy would often distract me saying “be careful” or “watch out” inside my silence. I had already sewed the two shoulder wounds as well as the left foreleg one, and it was time for the final one. I remembered that this was the one which he was the one he got from me for trying to finish Anthony, so I imagined that it would be slightly bigger, but not in the worst of shapes. I almost puked at the sight of the 9 inch cut he had, I didn’t want to go through this one, but I knew that Fluttershy would appreciate me doing it. Again the same process: top slow, middle fast, bottom slow. When I forced the flesh to come together in the middle to have a chance of sewing it I almost jumped from the sudden shout. “Wait! You’re hurting him” Fluttershy called out loud. “SHUT UP, I KNOW WHAT IM DOING!” I didn’t realize at first but then I felt that stick hitting my chest, and as soon as I did I turned to look at a crying yellow Pegasus running to the second floor. ‘What have I done’ this and similar thoughts came to my pulsing head, I didn’t know what to do next: should I go apologize? No, she doesn’t want to see you; should I finish this damn sewing? Yes, that’s the least you can do know. Funny how I consulted my mind for actions like I did with other persons, sometimes my mind was the only one to talk to, it felt pathetic doing so, but since I get a lot of odd feedback from my self, I sometimes say that I’m kind of schizophrenic, my last doctor said that I don’t know the slightest of what being a schizophrenic means, so I feel more pathetic. “Done” I whispered to the walls as I finished fixing the bear right foreleg wound. In all the silence the room was covered in, I could fairly hear her crying and sobbing, I felt worse with every sudden loud cry scream she let out, I finally decided that I should go inform her that the bear was patched up and maybe also beg her to accept my pardons. I began to walk up the little stairs; I noticed a short and reduced corridor in which I had to almost crouch. At the end of it, there it was, a mid closed door, inside the room: a single yellow mare, with her head buried in a white pillow, trembling and sobbing loudly, I would have thought that it was a ridiculous pose for a single shout but inside I felt like if committing murder. I slowly peeked in the room trying my best not to make a sound out of my steps; I reached her large bed and crouched slowly in her right, I could hear those little “I’m sorry” between her sobs. “Sshh” I leaned closer to her right ear and whispered: “Fluttershy, I’m so sorry about shouting you earlier, but if you keep it this way, I’m gonna be the one crying and sobbing of regrets” I started to feel like crying myself; I hardly held back my tears and continued “if you don’t stop, babe, I will never forgive my self for what I did”. She began to take her head out of the pillow while still sobbing loudly; she arched her back, hooves holding her weigh as she looked over me. I began crying with the sight of her beautiful watering teal eyes, they were looking right inside my soul, penetrating every last inch of my sorrow and troubles, I could not hold this any longer, I had to hug her and physically show her how sorry I was. I kneeled and turned to embrace her as hard and lovingly as I possibly could, she hugged me back in response, though a little harder, mares surely are strong, but that only made me have more confidence of my actions, she was sobbing and crying next to my left ear, her head resting heavily on my shoulder. My eyes were dropping a rain of tears on her back, my head buried inside that beautiful light pink mane of hers. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to distract you” she silently said between sobs. “don’t be, please, I’m the only one who should be sorry for my rude attitude” we held the embrace a little longer before I realized that much of her weigh was growing more and more, her hooves no longer were wrapped around me, instead, they were freely hanging above her chest. I pulled my head back and saw her cute face now sleep and a little grin on her muzzle. I chuckled and grabbed her head in my left hand while still close to her shoulder and slowly laid her angel body on her bed, her left ear resting on the pillow, she let out a cute soft yawn and pulled her pillow to hug it tightly, maybe thinking it was me. “Phew” well at least I had apologized to her, my mind was now finally clear and my soul purified, I began feeling like sleeping too, since I didn’t sleep much in her couch. I let out a yawn, kissing her forehead and trying to lie down slowly on the bed, a sigh of relief came out and my eyes shut down in peacefulness. Several hours passed by, and I found myself awake in the room of a beautiful Pegasus just right beside me, sleeping silently, and with a big grin on her. I could see that it was about sundown already as the orange sky painted the windows, it was a beautiful sight, something I just never had a chance to see back in earth. Some loud knocking could be heard in the not so distant first floor door. “Alex! Come here right now, we need to talk!” I recognized the voice immediately, it was Anthony. A rush of happiness run through my body as knew that he was still alive, but in all happiness I began to think about his words, ‘he never talks like that and…why is he talking that serious? What does he means by “we need to talk”?’ He began knocking again, this time harder and it seemed important. I saw that Fluttershy was getting awake, so I quickly got out of the bed and closed the door behind me, of course I did my best to do it stealthy, I reached the stairs and walked to the front door. I saw Anthony in different clothes; they seemed like the ones I’ve seen in a game, the assassins? this simply too confusing to process. A mare on his left was covered in the same clothes as well as the little filly on his right. “Do you think you can leave this place for a walk?” he said again in a cold tone, which just wasn’t normal for him talking like that. “Um…s-sure”. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You did not expected that did you? anyway, tell me if any grammar errors were done, and feel free to tell me if anything doesn't seems right. "in the deeps of dreams, the aswers to your broken questions await your visit"-Alex