> The Rise and Fall of Equestria > by rainbow dash 4Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 In the small town Ponyville, everything is peaceful, nice day everything is going good…. Until dark black skies appear and thunder occurs everypony was wondering what was happening? If it was a normal storm? That scene had everypony thinking what is that? Usually Ponyville didn’t have big storms usually no storms at all, what could this mean? Everypony gathered together by the edge of ponyville and they saw a big dark shadowy figure not too far away. It was Discord. EveryPony ran in fear! scared of the mighty Discord. Even the most fearless ponies! ...Except for one brave blue and red mane haired little pony, The living Tomb Stone! He stared into the monsters eyes, and the Monster stared right back. But the was one difference Tomb Stones eyes where filled with hatred, and anger, but Discords eyes where filed with pleasure as if he loved to torture everypony with fear. “Hey so are just going to come and ruin Ponyville just for your own pleasure?.” Tomb stone yelled. “Why yes! Isn’t that what villains are for ? bwahahaha! Ohh, and what are u going to do? Throw your little earphones at me? Aha. Pathetic.” Discord replied. “Well I'm going to do more then that, well not even close. I'm going to make you regret you where ever born, after I'm done with you our going to wish you where still in your little egg like a little coward.” Tomb Stone told Discord while getting ready to attack. “Okay you little pony stop with the whole tough guy act go back in our little stable before I pound you into the ground alright.” said Discord while laughing. “Come at me bro.” Replied Tomb Stone sounding more mad than before. “Well you asked for it. BRO!” Replied Discord taunting Tomb Stone. “Aha what can you d...”Discord brutally punched tomb stone in the face swinging tomb stone across Ponyville! “You still want me to come at you bro?!?!?! Huh? Ill take that as a no that's what I thought.” Said Discord. The bruised up pony picked himself up and told Discord. “Is that all you got?” Tomb Stone said with a grin on his face, while blood started to drip down onto the ground from the edge of his mouth. “Well, my little pony your asked for it!!” As Discord charged at Tomb Stone, Tomb Stone fell to his knees and braced for Discord's attack. “STOP!” Yelled an anonymous voice in the distance, Discord stopped dead in his tracks and looked for where the voice was coming from. As Discord saw who it was he was very surprised. “Well, well, well Rainbow dash we meet again. How is cloudsdale I heard last time we fought you ran crying worried about your home.” Said Discord. “Well actually you made me with your mind game's you pulled in the maze. You almost broke me and my friends up but our friendship will last forever!” Rainbow Dash replied to Discord remembering what had happened that day. “Oh my Celestia. Are you foreal? A little filly? Ha and what can you do shoot rainbows at me? Hahaha. Your just as pathetic as the other pony, just give up now.” Said Discord trying to break Rainbow dash. “Excuse me?!?!?!! Just as pathetic? No I'm awesome! And well, 20% cooler if not more! Oh and umm no I'm going to put you back in check!” Rainbow dash said with confidence in her voice. “Haha wow Dash good one.” laughed Tomb Stone. Rainbow Dash suddenly dashed at Discord and started spinning so fast around Discord that she formed a tornado! Getting so fast that Discord got so dizzy that he fell to the floor! Everypony that was watching jaws dropped in amazement! “Aha see! I'm awesome!” Rainbow Dash said proudly, letting her guard down just a bit thinking that this fight will be a FAST one. “YOU LITTLE PONY I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU REGRET THAT!” Discord said with anger and stress. “Oooh I'm so scared of a little dragon looking old bat!” Said Rainbow dash laughing at Discord. “COME HER YOU LITTLE FILLY!” Said Discord trying to get her closer so he can hit her and show her the true power of Discord. As Discord got closer and closer. Suddenly out of no where somepony yelled out. “AYYYY! Back off bro!” Said another anonymous voice. “Really?!?!?! Really?! Another worthless annoying pony?! Now you guys are just trying to tick me off!” Said Discord. “Well then leave!, look just chill bro?” Said the anonymous voice. “Leave you can't tell me to..” Discord was suddenly interrupted. A turn table came out of no where and hit discord in the face! Leaving a huge scratch! “The name is Vinyl! Vinyl Scratch! Whats up?!?!” Said Vinyl Scratch jumping down in front of Discord. “So what are you some pony DJ or what? Hahaa” Asked Discord trying to taunt the DJ. “Well actually yeah! Well they call me DJ PON-3! Not spelled like pony though like P , O , N , - 3 but wait! That’s not the point I'm here to settle this! Bro you need to leave you can't keep coming in like this all the time! “ Said DJ PON-3. “Leave?!? Hahaa no never! I'm going to destroy you all before I'm going anywhere! After I'm done , this will no longer be PonyVille anymore! It will be a dead ghost town!” Yelled Discord. Discord drew out a knife and lounged it at Vinyl ,but it didn’t hit?! “You’re not hurting any of my friends not now, not ever,…ahhhhh!” Tomb stone yelled in pain. “Noo!” Yelled rainbow dash and Vinyl both crying. “Well, you little brave pony.. to bad, it had to end like this.” Said Discord laughing at Tomb Stone. “What do you mean? Ughhh.” Tomb stone said in pain. “The knife? Yea it has poison. Don’t worry you’ll be gone sooner or later.” Said Discord giving him a very evil smile. “Whh- what .. no nn- n- not no- now.” Said Tomb Stone trying to resist the poison in his body. “Now let me see who I want next.” Said discord. (Tomb stone layed there helpless.) Discord lunged at Rainbow dash. “Its time!.” Discord stabbed Rainbow dash right in the chest! The pain was so unbearable that Rainbow dash fainted! “Noo!! Rainbow Dash No! …. I love you.” Tomb said crying and in sadness and trying fight his aching body. “Discord, I'm coming after you. I wont sleep, I wont rest until I find you and when I do .. I'm going to kill you .. and enjoy every second of it and you will too, you killed the girl I loved! And now.. its your turn! “Said Tomb Stone. Tomb Stone dashed at Discord but before he knew it he vanished. “One day, I will find you and when I do your going to pay for what you have done!”