Forbidden Legend


First published

In the old days of Equstria an evil cult of the undead was killing innocents however they where all wiped out by a hero, however now they have returned and Apple Bloom holds the power to save Equstria.

There was once creatures that existed in the world of Equstria...their names? Humans. They had one purpose on their mind, worship of the god Zalugon, the ancient god of the undead, one day Zalugon used his magic to transform his cult into an army of undead demons with the power of immortality and there was only one hero to defeat them, and he defeated the monsters with a skill known as the Azaku, a powerful god spell that could summon a blade to kill immortals.

However, after being defeated they have finally returned, now Apple Bloom finds out she is related to the hero in the past and has the same powers as he had, now she is the last hope of Equstria will she prevail over evil or will she fail and lose everything she loves and holds dear?

Chapter 1: The decent of darkness Pt.1

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Forbidden Legend
The decent of darkness Pt.1

Eons ago there was a time where creatures would walk upon Equstria, these creatures called themselves humans, they where strange creatures that would stand on two legs and use their other two to pick up items and cast forbidden magic. Quite peculiar indeed. They where instantly accepted into society by our original ruler, Solar Sun, for she was kind, almost too kind and the wretched humans took advantage to it! They worshipped a god known as Zalugon, which in the god tongue's meant Destruction. We was more then happy to allow them to worship their own god, until we found out that they ripped ponies apart limb from limb as a tribute to the god.

An image with a man covered with a cloak and a strange helmet that was shaped like a human's face was standing over a body of a pony who had his limbs all over the floor, an axe could also be seen on the floor.

When our ruler discovered this piece of information, she gave them another chance but banned the worship of Zalugon, some humans was fine with this, however the majority wasn't. They wanted to have revenge because we stopped their dark activity's, however their god, Zalugon appeared to them in their dreams and granted them the power to become immortal, at a price, their life, they had to become the dead for Zalugon's spell to work, they instantly agreed and became the living dead, there was ten that was believed to be Zalugon's elite, they wore god like masks that had otherworldly powers, they was also given staffs that was filled with unbelievable dark magic.

An image appeared again, this one had a human skeleton wearing a mask that had two horns on the top of it's head, the human skeleton was floating in the air with half a body, he also wielded staff in his right hand and a strange purple orb in the other. There was also certain words written on the staff, the worlds where - Tamoratii - which stood for Doom in the old language.

These monsters was dangerous, they killed anypony that they saw, not only as a way as a tribute, but for revenge for banishing the worship of Zalugon. However, a pony seen as a hero to Equstria rose up to the challenge and with an ancient spell that he had, known as Azaku - meaning 'Eternal' , he was easily able to take down the dead, however there was one that he wasn't able to beat, Dazukka - meaning 'Nightmare', Dazukka according to the ancient writing on the tomb of Tromka - the hero whose name meant 'Peace' , was given the full power of Zalugon, the only way Tromka was able to beat him was to use a spell that was rightly feared by gods, 'Nazumirikka' - meaning 'Eternal Imprisonment' using this spell will imprison the user and the enemy, with Dazukka locked away forever the world was slowly turned back to normal

An blue old pony with a beard used a spell with his horn to show another image, it had A pony with blue orbs on his first two hooves flying in the air, and a 'Elite' Human Skeleton with his body arched back in fear.

"The moral of this story fillies and colts, is never give up because there is always a way to win, even when faced with immortals with god like powers" Said the old pony to a class of ponies.

"Thank you Mr. Alugin, sadly that is all we have time for, since the bell is going to go in four minutes, so everypony pack your bags because it's home time" Said a purple pony with a pink mane and three flowers as her cutie mark.

"YAY!!!" Shouted everypony in the class as they put their books in their bags.

"Hey Apple Bloom did you hear that?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Hear what?" Asked Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes "What the old man told us about"

"Oh yeah, that was intrestin' knowin' that there was another species that had god like powers" Said Apple Bloom.

"Yeah and that Tromka guy sounded really cool" Said Scootaloo as she packed her pencil case away. "But not as cool as Rainbow Dash of course"

"Ah wonder if that Dazukka guy could escape, he sound strong enough to" Said Apple Bloom.

"I've got an idea!" Said Scootaloo.

"That's a first" Said Apple Bloom.

"Hey!" Shouted Scootaloo.

"I'm just joking! Jeez, lighten up will ya?" Asked Apple Bloom.

"Anyways, what is this idea you was talking about?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oh yeah, we could get our cutie marks at exploring!" Said Scootaloo.

"And how do we do that?" Asked Apple Bloom. "Because Ah don't want to get hurt or nuttin'"

"Don't worry we won't get hurt" Said Scootaloo. "Trust me on this"

"Well ok then..." Said Apple Bloom.

"Excuse me old pony can you tell us where all this happened?" Asked Scootaloo, loudly.

"Scootaloo, show Mr. Alugin more respect when you talk to him" Said the teacher.

"Sorry Mrs Cheerlie" Said Scootaloo with her ears folded back.

"No, no, it is fine, it does not matter what they call me, what does matter is why they called me" Said Mr. Alugin. "So what did you need again?"

"Where did the battle take place?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Ah, very good question, but why do you ask?" Asked Mr. Alugin.

"I want to know so we can study it more, because me and my friends are interested in this" Said Scootaloo.

"I have lived for seventy-two years I know when you're lying, so allow me to ask again why do you want to know?" Asked Mr. Alugin.

"We..umm....." Said Scootaloo, not knowing what to say.

"*Sigh* Look, I will tell you where this took place but don't bother going there, you won't get in since it is locked by the power of the gods, and only one that can open it is a demi-god half pony and half god, however the only demi-god was Tromka" Said Mr. Alugin.

"Ain't Celestia a god?" Asked Apple Bloom.

"No, she is immortal, but she is nowhere near a god, in fact a god can take her out just by flicking her" Said Mr. Alugin. "Anyway, it is located inside Gannyon Rock, an abandoned mine not far from Canterlot and they call the place the Pit of Destiny and the only way to enter is by putting the symbols right, and the symbols are made of the language used by Demi-Gods, a true Demi-God would know the language of it without needing to learn it or seeing it, as it is more natural than breathing to them"

Just as he finished his explanation the bell went and everypony left in a hurry.

"We've gotta check this out" Said Scootaloo. "This'll be so awesome!!!"

"Yeah, Ah agree with ya scoots, but last time Ah checked none of us are Demi-God's" Said Apple Bloom.

"Well, it doesn't stop us from trying" Said Scootaloo.

"I guess you won't stop goin' on about this, so meet me at my sisters house tomorrow and be prepared because we're going to the Pit of Destiny!" Said Apple Bloom.

Meanwhile in an place between heaven and hell

A strange skeletal creature was floating in the air with a staff in his hand, he was inside some kind of non-ending void of darkness that was completely black, accept from the purple smoke that was also noticeable in areas.

"That's right little pony" It said through it's horned mask. His voice was distorted and deep, sounding like a demon from hell. "Come to my tomb and awaken me once again....." It said before braking into a disturbing laugh.