> A change of Careers > by z_shimada > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked sadly at Rarity, looking down. "I think I finally understand the 'Rules of Rarity,' and will apply them...at my next job." I slowly turned and started to walk towards the door. "I beg your pardon?" Rarity interjected. I stopped, looking back at her with a puzzled expression. "The Rules of Rarity are ONLY to be applied at Canterlot Carousel! Which is why you must continue to manage the Boutique while I'm in Ponyville." It took everything I had not to jump for joy. To continue to learn under this master of coutour and business was more than I deserved. "Bobbins and Bodkins Rarity!" I Shook her in an uncontrolled excitement. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And I promise to run everything following YOUR rules!" She smiled softly. "I would expect nothing less." We shared a soft hug. With her warm, tender touch, it was easy to see why many called her a marshmallow. "But I would like to speak with you tonight about this little...incident." I let out a sigh and a soft gulp, suddenly nervous as to what sort of punishment she had in mind. "I....I understand, Rarity. I will assist these customers, then await whatever you have in store for me in your study." Her sly smile was hiding something. At the moment I couldn't place it, but I had a feeling she was going to enjoy it. 'Maybe I'm overthinking things.' I thought to myself. 'For all I know, it's probably just a warning, followed by a night out to celebrate becoming her business partner.' I gave a soft smile back and helped the remaining customers out and waiting in her study as instructed. I adjusted the frills on my dress while I waited. Listening to the clock tick by, I pondered over all the trouble I had caused. Well, no. Trouble wouldn't quite be the right word for it. I truly meant well, and never intended to force myself on her quite like I did. Though I admit I probably took it a little too far, my intentions WERE pure. Snapping out of my thoughts, I shook my head rapidly, clearing the remaining fuzz out of my thoughts, to keep my mind clear when Rarity finally enters. Looking at the clock, it must have been an hour before she finally walked in. It wasn't very ladylike to keep somepony waiting. She trotted in from behind me, her gait as light and casual as ever. "Do forgive my tardiness, but some things had to be put in place and some precautions taken." "That's all right, miss Rarity." I replied, my mind going over her words, which seemed carefully chosen. "Wait, what do you mean, 'precautions'?" "Oh, nothing to worry about. A little of this and that is all, but I won't bore you with the intricate details. You're here for the fun part, to see the joy on the customers' faces when they see that dress that just sings to them!" "I'm so glad to hear that, Rarity. I was worried you were cross with me." "Oh I am, you can rest assure of that dear." Her tone sounded somewhat dark, despite being no less cheerful and casual, as if she had told me she had spent the weekend watering roses. "I'm terribly sorry. It will never happen again." For the slightest second, I could have sworn her smile turned sinister, though never once changing in the slightest. "That was never in question, dear Sassy. I've already made sure of that." I started to get slightly uncomfortable. I had no idea what she was planning, but it was starting to sound less and less like it would be as enjoyable for me as it will for her. "Right...I should probably get going. I'm getting a little hungry, and I'd like to make some din-" There was a flash of bright light, then nothing but darkness. I woke up with a splitting headache. "Ow....what happened? Where am I?" I was suddenly aware of how dark it was. I was completely unable to see anything. "I wouldn't worry about that dear. What happened is of little importance. What you SHOULD be asking is what WILL happen." "I don't understand." "You're not as quick as I thought, but you will." I tried to charge my horn to illuminate the room, but my head just pulsed with more pain, causing me to stop. "Yes, that concussion should keep you from using your magic for a while." Rarity said, matter of factly. I tried to get up, realizing I was being restrained. My head and forelegs were secured by some sort of device, allowing me no freedom to move or struggle. I could feel my hindquarters in a similar position, though my hind legs were extended, hanging below me. They must be tied to a table or something, spread out a distance slightly wider than my body, leaving me in a rather undignified position. "What is going on!? Let me go! You can't do this!" Rarity chuckled. "Oh, but I can, dearie. And there's absolutely nothing you can do about it!" I thrashed about as best I could, only serving to tire myself out. These restraints were tight, though soft. She clearly didn't want it leaving any identifiable marks, as everything was padded fairly well, and admittedly, would have been comfortable had I not been tied here against my will. "What about the royal guard? I'll call them." "Scream all you like dear, this room is soundproof. Though do be a dear and scream like a lady. I so hate it when my captives act undignified. Just because you're going to be broken doesn't mean you can't be a proper lady." 'Broken!? She's going to make me her SLAVE!?' "You're going to make me a slave? I refuse. I'd rather die." I could hear her hoofsteps walking around to my front. Her horn glows softly, giving me a full look at her cocky smile and completely unthreatened posture, leaning over the table with her head on one of her forelegs. "No, that wouldn't do at all. A lady doesn't simply kill another mare. Besides, after your little accident, you really need all the care I can give." "Accident?" "Yes, it was a terrible shame about those dress racks falling and crushing your bladder." "What in Tartarus are you-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" I could only scream as a metal bar, about the width of a tomato smacked into my right side, striking me halfway between my hind leg and my ribs. "What are you doing!? Please stop!" The assault continued, unabated, blow after blow striking me. The pain was unbearable. The metal pipe just continued to collide with various parts of my body, leaving me with nothing to do but cry helplessly from the pain. "Do be a dear and stop crying. I don't feel like mopping up the mess." "Do be a dear and go to Tartarus." I retorted between sobs, bitterly hating every fiber of her being at this point. She tsked me. "Such language." The next blow was across my face, causing my vision to momentarily blur from the impact. "I'll expect you to mind your tongue in the future." "Psychotic bitch." I spit at her, only succeeding in receiving another smash to the face. "I'll have none of that, dear Sassy. This is for your own good." Her assault continued, beating the softer parts of my underside. Each strike hit harder than the last, until finally I felt a warm sensation traveling down my right hind leg. I could do little more than sob in mourning for my destroyed bladder. From the smell of it, it was half blood. She may be crazy, but she knows her anatomy. With one kidney still functioning, I wouldn't die from these injuries. "Would you please be quiet? I am trying to concentrate." "STOP HITTING ME!" I yelled. To my surprise, it worked. I quickly realized how much I wish it hadn't, however. I could feel her magic messing around in my hindquarters. "Oh my, still a virgin? Then again, a bitch like you probably wouldn't get a lot of men knocking on her door." "I was saving myself for the stallion of my dreams...the one I knew would love me for me." "Oh, well, I hate to break it to you, Sassy, but that stallion is me." "Don't you Da-NGH!!!" Something penetrated my opening, forcing its way deep into my body. It felt cold, like ice. I began to shiver heavily. "What's the matter, don't like my little toy?" "It's cold! GET IT OUT!" Her chuckle chilled me to the bone. "No no, dear. You see, that's not how this works. I'm going to rape you with this ice dildo, and you are going to thank me for it when it fully melts." The cold dildo chilled my entire body, the ice hurting my passage. It was so cold, and I had the feeling Rarity had used her magic to increase its size to further up my humiliation and discomfort when it violated my body. Each thrust elicited a pained and tortured gasp, tears flowing down my eyes while she raped me. I could hear her moaning occasionally. She was actually getting off to this! I realized this wouldn't stop until I accepted her and submitted to her. "Alright! I'm sorry! Please stop and I'll do anything!" 'I just have to make her think I'll behave, and run for help the moment she looks away. No guard in Equestria will believe her story. I have to see the princesses, they'll lock her up forever.' The assault continued regardless. "Very well, dear sassy, I shall stop after this little toy melts completely. I look forward to working with you." She continued to moan, finally giving a soft shriek of ecstasy as she reached her climax. "I do too...miss Rarity." "Oh no no, dear. Mistress to you." "Mistress...Rarity." 'Celestia, please let this kill me. I hate this crazy mare, and I don't want to be her slave.' What do you wish your...slave to do?" "Slave is so unladylike. I prefer to call you required help." I sighed, trying to sound broken, if only for now. "Yes, Mistress Rarity." It must have taken an hour for that stupid dildo to melt. I wasn't released, however. "Mistress, I'm still stuck." She chuckled softly, losing any hint of her wicked true nature. "Well of course dear...restraints don't suddenly unlock the moment you decide to behave. You have to earn your way out. I didn't like the sound of that. "What did you have in mind, Mistress?" "You may have heard about the time I was captured by the Diamond Dogs. I learned a couple things down there. The first was how to manipulate a stallion. The second was how good it feels to have a warm tongue on your plot." I suddenly smell something foul in front of me. She grunts softly, seeming to be moving into position. "Lick. And if I so much as think your teeth are anywhere near me, I'm going to rip them out one at a time." I slowly stuck my tongue out, only to taste her tailhole. My tongue quickly retreated into my mouth. No amount of coaxing would get it out again. "I said lick." "No...please. I can't. That's just...ew...please understand, miss Rarity." She scooted off of the table. "Very well. I understand. You're free to go then." She unlocked whatever it was holding me down and untied my hind legs. I Slowly got off the table, wobbling slightly. I had apparently been there for quite some time." "Thank you, Miss Rarity." "Did I not specifically instruct you that you were to address me as MisTRESS Rarity?" Her hoof came across my face. Anypony who ever called her a marshmallow has never seen her backhoof. A sharp pain shot through my leg, causing me to fall to the ground. I held it tightly. "WHY DID YOU BREAK MY LEG!? I thought I was free to go!" "Oh, you ARE dear. If you can get up and walk away..." She sits on my face, forcing my muzzle INTO her tailhole. She slaps me several times to make sure I get the message. "And after you clean me out like a good little assistant." I had no choice but to accept. I got the feeling she would have suffocated me in there had I not accepted her "Proposal." After a minute, she got off of my face, but held me down gently. "Now do be a dear and hold still." "What for?" "For your diaper, of course. I don't normally enjoy these things, but one has to make sacrifices with ponies such as yourself. I'm sure it won't be that bad." My hindquarters were lifted up. It was at this point I realized I was naked. "Where is my dress, Mistress?" She stopped. "Oh, I put it away. Don't worry, you'll get it back." She patted my head like I was some sort of child. I was disgusted, and wanted to kill her. But I had to wait for my chance. My hindquarters rested now on a thick layer of fluff. As it was pulled up between my hind legs, to cover my mare parts, it crinkled loudly. It was far from comfortable. Each movement felt as if it were rubbing sandpaper against my poor body. I hated her even more, not just for picking this diaper out, but for making me need one in the first place. To think I once respected her as an honorable mare. Rarity secured the diaper tightly around me, allowing me to stand on my three good legs. I let out a shriek of pain as she splinted the leg she broke. "I expect you to keep your weight off of this leg. At least now I know you won't be running off the moment my back is turned." "You think of everything, mistress rarity...heh heh..." I chuckled, but inside, my heart sunk. I felt like a hollow shell, just watching as my freedom slipped away, replaced with the shackles of her abuse and this diaper. "You must be hungry, Sassy. I took the liberty of preparing you some food." "Yes, mistress. Where is the table? I can't see it." "Table? No no dear, only ponies eat at tables." "Am...I not a pony, mistress Rarity?" Slave or not, I'm still a pony. "Certainly not. You're just an object. Something I use, and something that serves my every need until I tire of it or it wears out. But don't you worry about the former. I'm so generous I'll probably just let you lounge about all day next to my bed. The rest of your life, you will be well cared for, dear Sassy." It took everything I had not to lunge at her. I was desperate. The thought of my hooves crushing her throat, squeezing the life essence from her body until her body was a hollow, lifeless husk made me wet, the fluids dribbling into my diaper and filling the room. I quickly shook the thoughts from my head. That wasn't who I was. I would report her, and let the justice system do the rest. "Yes, mistress Rarity. Where do I eat?" "On the floor, silly." I heard something being slid in front of me. I leaned down to eat it, fully aware of how it pushed my diapered rump into the air for all to see. I'm sure this was a fortunate side effect of humiliating me. I sniffed the bowl in front of me. With no scent to go on, I slowly took a bite. It was dry and crunchy, with a disgusting taste I couldn't put my hoof on. "Blech! Sashes and Sequins, what is this!?" "It's dog food. I took the liberty of asking Applejack if I could borrow some for a stray I noticed behind my home. Not to worry, I shall buy you your own dog food for next time. This was something of a spur of the moment need. Please have your fill. You won't be getting anything else." I continued to eat, wanting to throw up. The more I considered this, the more I realized I would rather not have to experience this disgusting kibble twice, trying to force my stomach down where it belonged as I choked down bite after bite. I was too hungry and in too much pain to care. My stomach, however, did. I started to heave uncontrollably before spilling it all back out into the bowl, feeling dizzy. Rarity slapped me. "You have no manners. I gave you food because you were hungry, and you just spit it all back up!? I DEMAND you eat every single bit of that. You will not leave until that bowl is empty!" I gagged momentarily, but managed to force it all down again, sniffling to myself. I felt a chain tighten around my neck, nearly choking me. "Good. Now let's bring you to your bed." She led me forward on what seemed to be a leash. I truly didn't care at this point, a soft bed would feel wonderful against my sore body. Alas, I was denied even this, as I was forced down over what amounted to little more than a ratty carpet. I could hear her tying the chain leash off. "Don't get any ideas. This chain is magically treated. Besides, the doors will only open to my magical signature. Rest well, my dear Sassy. I shall return in the morning." I curled up and cried as she left. How could she be so cruel? And to talk to me so kindly as she left! Like she had just provided me some comfort! I felt confused and disgusted. I hated her. I wanted her dead. I didn't care about my morals anymore. I would murder her in front of the entire store if I could get free. My tears were my only company that night. I woke up stiff and in tremendous pain. Rarity continued to jerk my leash, trying to force me to move. I ignored her. I will have none of this crazy mare. A lingering, very powerful pain racked my leg as she stomped on it, causing me to yell out. "When I say get up, you had better do it immediately!" Her hoof came across my face again, confirming that none of my nightmare was, in fact, a dream. I slowly stood, looking at the floor as light finally entered my eyes, blinding me temporarily. "And it looks like sompeony needs her diaper changed too." I looked, sighing at the yellow hue in the garment now blocking my beautiful flanks. I couldn't fight her. I was in no condition to struggle, so I just flopped to the ground, sniffling while she tugged and scraped at my marehood. A quick glance revealed she was wiping me down with common paper towels. I sighed, tears no longer coming to me. Even my liquid friends had abandoned me for better things. To my surprise, she threw the diaper in a garbage bin. With what I had been through, I had half expected her to force me to eat it. Rarity helped me gently to my hooves, giving a soft smile and helping me into my dress. "There now, you look like a proper lady again. Don't worry about your little accident, and just go out there and do your best. If any customers give you a hard time, I will deal with them personally." Why was she acting like my friend? She had just raped and abused me all night, and now was acting like she was helping me get over something! What made me even more angry is that the doors were still locked! I couldn't even dismiss this as putting on a show for the public! I disguised my bitter death glare with a submissive smile, slowly walking passed a mirror to the register. I looked terrible. A black eye, multiple bruises, and a puffy diaper now exposed behind my dress. Most of my abuse was hidden beneath the dark colored fabric, and I had a feeling she had a plan to dismiss what wasn't, but that wouldn't stop me from trying the moment I got a chance. For the majority of the day, she stood in the lobby, mingling with customers. Every couple hours she walked by and patted my backside to see if I needed a change. It was shortly after the second check that I felt a warm sensation between my hind legs. I lowered my head and let out a resigned sigh. I Couldn't stop it. I just stood there, listening softly to the sound of the urine hitting the padding before being absorbed. A tear fell down my cheek. "Are you alright, miss?" A stallion's voice shook me from my trance. I looked up at him, then around the room, noting that Rarity was no longer there. This was my chance. I quickly scribbled a note down, lest she overhear what I try to tell him. I slip it over the counter to him and watch, pleading silently that he aid me and get me out of this prison. He read over it slowly, then looks up at me, then over to Rarity, leading a customer out of her design room. She walks over. "Is something the matter?" 'I've got her now.' I thought. There's no way he would let this go. To my surprise, he handed the letter over to her. She read it semi-quietly, so only the three of us could hear. "Please help, Rarity assaulted me, and wants to make me her slave. Call the police..." She let out a sad sigh. I knew she had been caught, and she would hopefully face her punishment "Like a lady" as she so loved to call it. "I'm so sorry sir. She is right. After that accident, I guess I just didn't consider her feelings enough. She seemed alright this morning, but clearly it's just too much of a strain, too soon. I'll give her a nice relaxing break." She finished with a coy smile. The stallion smiled. My heart dropped. I couldn't believe it. There was just no way she lied her way out of this. I soiled my diaper, unable to believe that he just bought this lie. The thick paste spilled around the itchy padding, providing me with some degree of relief from the rough interior. "You truly are a great mare, Rarity, offering to help this poor mare after she was hurt so badly. You can rest assured that I will be recommending this store to everypony I know." The stallion shook her hoof and walked out with an excited trot. Rarity's gaze at me was puzzling. She wasn't furious. She was...concerned. Why was she concerned? She clearly wasn't scared for her own well-being. This must be an act. "I'm so sorry, dear Sassy. Clearly I've been working you too hard. Let's get you to the back and change out that messy diaper before letting you take a long, well-deserved nap." I stayed put, knowing that the moment I am out of sight, that her facade will drop and I will be beaten, probably to death this time. I wanted to run, but my legs wouldn't move. My right front leg couldn't bear my weight. I would have been overpowered in seconds. "Let's go, Sassy." She was firm, but still kind. I sighed, limping after her. I watched her as I got into the room. "Just...get this over with." "Whatever are you talking about, dear?" "You know I'm not really going to accept you, and you're going to beat me to death for lying." She sighed. "Yes, you will be punished...but I meant what I said about the change and nap. Please, lay on your back." "Stop playing nice. You're not generous. You're disgusting. I hate you. I want to kill you...I want to watch as I strangle you...my only wish is to see your life choked out of you by my own hooves." I can't believe I have turned into as big of a monster as her. She simple stroked my head, hugging me. "We'll discuss this later, dear. For now, just close your eyes." I didn't sleep well, so my eyes closed, despite my pleas for them not to. I awoke back into the dark room, returned to the table again. My diaper had been removed, as I awoke to the sound of a liquid draining into a bucket. A quick shift of my ears confirmed it was coming from between my hind legs. I stayed there for some time. There was no light, so I have no idea how long I was there, but I felt like it must have been several days, considering how hungry I was when I finally heard a noise some distance away. I could hear her approaching. "Is it finally time for you to beat me again?" "Perish the thought, dear Sassy. You're only here to keep you from hurting yourself." She gave me a kiss on the cheek. If I had any saliva, I'd have spit on her. "How long have you held me hostage here?" I spat at her bitterly. She walked around behind me. "Just long enough for you to think about your attitude. But at least you see that there is no escape. You are mine, Sassy. I would appreciate it if you would just accept it and we could be the friends I had always hoped we could be." "Friends!? You beat me until I needed to wear diapers!" "And look how close we are because of it." "You disgust me. I hate you, and I don't EVER want you near there." She chuckled. "Well I'm sorry dear Sassy, but I'm the only pony who can change you. It wouldn't do to have my customers in a relationship with my best salespony, would it?" "I'm going to escape, and you're going to suffer." She shuffled with something behind me. I hated her more for ignoring me. "ANSWER ME!" "Just be quiet and enjoy this." Her hooves clopped on either side of my body. She reared up quietly, forcing something into my opening again. Thankfully this time it was room temperature, but it still hurt. "GET OUT! NOW!" I thrashed about, not wanting any of this. "I'm not going to stop this time, Sassy. I may have been lenient the first time, but you showed me that I can't be soft with you." Instead of a metal tube, she now whipped me, eliciting screams of pain with each crack of the whip or thrust of her hips. Rarity stroked my cutie mark. My eyes burned with rage, not that she could see it. "This strap-on was a good buy...oooh, I can feel the pleasure all over my body...How about I try a little higher?" "NO! Please! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" I screamed loudly as my tailhole was violated, the dry rubber scraping and rubbing its way into my fleshy hole. The pain was too much, leaving me with nothing to do but cry, my sore body unable to fight it anymore. She had won. "I'm sorry..." I sniffled, only able to talk in a soft whisper. "I will be a good Sassy." "I know you will, Sassy. But as I told you, this training session will go the whole way through. I cannot pull back just because you are done lying to me." I still hated her, and with her sincere, sympathetic tone, even more than ever. I HAD to kill her, once I found the strength to even get up. My dry crying left me helpless, taking up what remaining strength I had. She was free to rape my tailhole to her heart's content, climaxing with a loud groan. My relief was peaked when my bladder released again. Rarity pulled out, slapping my hip. "Thank you, Sassy. I needed that after a hard day of work." She helped me down, stroking my back. "It's going to be alright, Sassy. Just listen to me, alright? Let me handle everything. Just focus on sales." She laid me on my back and put another diaper on me, tying me down in my bed area. To my surprise, there was a soft dog bed there, large enough to accommodate my body. I laid on the floor. How dare she rape me, then act like my friend and pretending to care by buying me yet another humiliating object just to keep me down. I don't care if it was a step up from the floor, I would not play into her sick hooves. The next few days were more of the same. She would bring me out onto the floor, give me a change and a comforting pat before setting me at the counter. At night, she would take me back to the dark room for more of her "Training sessions." The days just blurred together, until one day, when she skipped a diaper check. I had soiled heavily that day, having felt unusually sick after eating my kibble. It only took a single wetting for the urine to leak out and dribble onto the floor. I panicked, knowing that Rarity would NOT tolerate such a desecration of her perfect haven of a store, so I quickly turned to lick it up, desperate not to arouse her wrath, lest she suddenly become far more abusive. In my panic, I forgot about the customer, who now was staring at my raised diaper, giving him a full view with my front half turned away and lowered to the floor to lick it up. By the time I regained my senses, he had run out. I was horrified. Rarity would surely beat me for this! I started to cry, collapsing to the floor. Rarity quickly rushed out, helping me to the back. She laid me on my bedding in the dark room, leaving me there for the day and coming down after. To my amazement, she left the door open. I still was in too much pain from my training to get up, so I just laid there and cried. I sobbed at my loss of control of my life, and in anger at my captor for doing this to me. She returned after hours and lifted my head, giving me a soft kiss on the muzzle. "Just relax, Sassy. I know you chased off a customer. I was planning on surprising you with something, but it seems I must punish you instead." I started to cry again, furious. How dare she! I wanted to get away, but I couldn't even walk without help. She patted my hoof, removing my diaper and pinning me down gently. Her hoof collided with my backside. Though the pain was far less than her usual training, I could think of nothing more humiliating. I was getting spanked. An adult, spanked and diapered...by a crazy, psychotic mare. I wanted to die, now more than ever. It continued for an hour, even my soiling myself not slowing her down. Quite the contrary, she just grabbed a paddle, mushed it into the mess, and swatted me with it. The wooden thwack will haunt me for the rest of my life, the smell even longer. It must have gone on all night, as it was light when she finally stopped. The smell of blood and the warm burn on my rump were overwhelming. I passed out right there. I don't know how long I was out, but when I woke up, it was dark again. Warm water was being sloshed over my backside. I realized I had been moved. A tub...no, I was laying on the ground. Did she build a tub into the ground? "Just relax, Sassy...this will soothe some of the pain." She stroked me gently, her hoof running smoothness over my rump. She held me gently, finally pulling me out. Something cold squirted onto the area. I didn't care anymore. I was tired of fighting. I stayed still as she rubbed it into me and helped me onto my back. She lifted my legs up quietly. When they were set down, I was surprised to feel something soft. "You've been good, Sassy. I wanted you to know that. I went out and spent some money on a better quality diaper for you." I couldn't respond. I hated her, even more so for pretending to be nice, but something felt wrong about it. She was being kind. I was just an object to her. Why would she care about my comfort? Why pay more for soft diapers? Why did she not block me from using my magic? Surely she knew I would be able to use it eventually. I could kill her with it. I was just going to wait for the chance, and I would end her life magically. The smell of foal powder filled my nose. I sniffed quietly, but said nothing. "Some foal powder to keep you dry. This should prevent a rash." She rubbed it into my nethers. The dry powder smelled wonderful, reminding me of the foals I once wished to have when I met my perfect stallion. She continued to rub it into my coat, caressing my teats as I lay there. I bit my lip, not wanting her to have the satisfaction of hearing me moan as she fiddled with my most tender parts. over and around, rubbing softly, her soft words, nothing would stop the pleasure from growing. I squirmed softly and tried to get away. I didn't want to enjoy this. This is worse than when she raped me. "Ngh..." I forced out, trying to sound as unhappy about it as possible. "I know...all that pent up stress. I'm such an idiot for not noticing it sooner. Don't worry, we'll get it all out of you, just relax." She continued to rub my marehood. I tried to kick and buck, but my past trainings left me with lasting injuries. I couldn't run, I couldn't fight. The only part of me left intact was my magic. She was a fool. My body continued to grow warm as she rubbed it, finally tensing up and releasing a sweet fluid into the open diaper beneath me. Rarity sprinkled the powder again, liberally before closing the diaper around my waist again. She helped me up with a kiss. "I've decided to move my headquarters here, to be with you, Sassy. You clearly need my company. Ponyville was never as profitable anyway. I'm sure my friends will manage without me. They just have to call if they need anything." I could only snarl, too weak to say anything. That was my first ever orgasm, and I was completely drained. She helped me to the bed and slid my bowl in front of me. I braced my stomach for the kibble she would inevitably pour in, but to my surprise, she opened up a can and poured its contents in. It wasn't pony food, but at least it looked edible. I started to nibble on it, testing its taste. It wasn't bad. I scarfed it down as quickly as I could, giving a soft belch. "Well, I see you took to that quickly." She giggles and levitates me, bringing me and my bed to a new room, next to the foot of her bed. I must have passed out right then and there, because the next thing I knew, it was morning. It must have been a week since my training started. Since I accepted my fate, she has stopped hurting me, and just raped me, though going slow enough for me to enjoy it. My bruises and cuts started healing, and the new diapers were both quieter, and more comfortable, making work easier. She stopped checking me after a while, encouraging me to seek her out and ask for her to change me. I actually started to look forward to these changes, since she placed a package of foal wipes in the window, making them nice and warm when she rubbed them against my nethers. She soon started trusting me to go out and pick up some packages when the mail was delayed or lost. She always made sure to send me out in a clean diaper. I always drank a little extra before we went just so I could feel her soft hooves caress my tender parts when I got back. I still don't understand why she was being so kind to me...we share a room, she was putting me closer and closer to her. I was almost free. That night I managed to force myself to stand, watching her sleep. Her soft, pure, white body was so adorable in what little light peeked through the fancy drapery. Now was my chance. My horn started to glow softly. All I had to do was focus my magic around her neck, nothing could stop me. My smile faded as I watched, the spell dissipating. How could I do this? To kill the pony who was so gentle and loving whenever she changed my diaper...the pony who fed me, housed me, and even repaired my clothing when it was damaged. It no longer mattered that she was the pony who did this to me in the first place. I felt close to her now, and it felt...good. Though I will never run, never know freedom, and never truly be equal to her, I wondered if that's really what I wanted anymore. I took one final look at her and sighed, tears once again rolling down my cheeks. I leaned over and gave her a soft kiss, whispering into her ear. "I love you, mistress Rarity." I curled back up in my bedding and fell asleep, excited for the next day.