The Long Life of Breeze Rider

by Tyler-the-Brony

First published

The story of a human turned pegasus, turned teacher, turned Wonderbolt. Follow Breeze Rider's Life.

This is the story of a Brony with nothing to lose and everything to gain. Given a chance to start over in Equestria as a Pegasus Pony, he relearns everything he ever knew thanks to Princess Celestia and 3 very special little fillies. He goes from Student, to Teacher, to Mentor, to Wonderbolt, to Friend. Follow Breeze Rider as he flies through life, facing danger and love in equal parts, where he finally gains everything he ever wanted and more.

NOTE : I marked it Teen because there is a bit of more Romantic Shipping near the End and I don't wanna get in any trouble. There also is an injury or two at one point, but as its not of the butchering variety and I dont go into anything but base detail, I didnt feel the need to put a content rating for Gore.

Enjoy. I appreciate any feedback, as long as its not made to be intentionally hurtful.

Chapter 1: The Sad Tale of a High School Brony

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I am a Brony. For quite a few years now, that’s been the defining feature of my life. I’ve had a long life, fraught with more despair than happiness.

For 5 years of my life, I was beaten nearly every day because I was slightly smarter than the rest of my classmates. For 2 years after that, I was verbally harassed for the same reason. I lived every day of my life in those years in constant pain, for one reason or another.

High school really was hell. I was eternally eclipsed by everything and everyone. I was never the focus of any event, but for one reason or another, I was always there. I’m the entire reason our class even had a prom and a dry grad. Did I ever receive any compliments or commendation for it though? Not once during or since.

I had spent 3 years of my life in love with a beautiful girl. Once I had finally amassed the courage to ask her out, she shot me down without a second thought. I spent prom, graduation night, and every other night of the year without a significant other. Whoever said high school prom is a dream come true clearly never attended mine.

On my actual prom night, I was humiliated not only by my peers, but my teachers as well. After having 4 hours of my life whiled away listening to the athletic and academic based praise of my other classmates, the student humiliation began. Who would ever think that in today’s day and age people would still imitate Carrie? I know I didn’t. I didn’t give my classmates much credit in the ways of how they would insult me, but I expected slightly better than that.

The rest of that night was a blur. I only wish I’d had the power Carrie had possessed in order to make my tormentors suffer. Instead, all I could do was leave, and look for an appropriate way to end it all. I remember climbing to the top of our building and standing on the absolute edge of the roof. The only reason I didn’t and couldn’t move that last inch over was because of my 2 best friends.

One, my true best friend, was a Brony like I was. We’d been friends for years. People always saw that I was near the top of the class in marks, but I was always far more impressed by what he could do. I admire him still to this day.

The other, who still was one of my best friends for what he did that night, rejected Bronies. We’d grown slowly apart as the years past, and we barely communicated near the end. Even so, I was still invited to be an usher at his wedding.

My friends stayed with me from then on until graduation night. I appreciate what they did, but I knew their true motive. They were afraid that if they left me alone too long, I’d attempt to end it all again. They weren’t wrong about that.

What reason did I have to live? I could never answer that question for 17 years after my prom night. Then, at last I saw my reason for life. I had lived my whole life to be a test subject.

Chapter 2: The Dream Machine

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A dream machine. Or, more accurately, a machine that allows the fulfilment of a single dream. How it worked, no-one was ever certain. Some believed it had tapped into the power of God himself. Others believed all it did was put people in a delusional state. Whatever the reason for its power, I was glad to be selected as the first test subject for it.

They wanted someone with a wild dream. They wanted a dream that couldn’t be realized at all without the help of the machine in other words. Not making someone fall in love with you, or becoming the worlds richest man, or something commonly cliché.

I’d certainly filled out a wild dream on my application to all who viewed it. I’d wished to go to Equestria.

I’d wished to go very specifically however. I didn’t want to go as a human, nor just appear there in the timeline the show is set in.

I wished to be reborn there, as a Pegasus pony, 2 years before Fluttershy would be born. I'd wished to have my memories of Earth and my first life removed completely until such a time as my hearts true desire was achieved. I’d wished to be born in Canterlot.

Wild dream eh? I was selected out of all the applicants thought to be the first one to try the machine to make sure it could do what it said it could. If it really didn’t work, I’d made a promise to myself to fully end it this time. If science couldn’t bring me my dream, maybe death would.

I’d let only my true best friend know about my intended “trip”. I’d instructed him to tell everyone who asked, if anyone ever did, that I was dead. No matter what, the human me would die today. Can you really say that I was asking him to lie?

Chapter 3: Preparation and Departure

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“Are you sure about this man?” he asked me. “You know it probably won’t work anyway right?”

“I’m quite aware of that possibility.” I replied. “I’ve lived these past 17 years for a reason though. And I choose to believe that that reason is to use this machine to go to Equestria.”

“Man, I envy you.” He shook his head at the last words of my sentence. “You never had to grow up.”

I looked quizzically at him before I responded.

“I’m no child. I did grow up. I simply had nothing else to hold onto other than My Little Pony.”

“Come on man. You can’t expect me to honestly believe that.” he stated.

“You have your parents, your job, and your girlfriend man.” I told him bluntly. “I have only one of those three things. And unlike yours, my job isn’t a dream come true.” He looked down at his hands for a while before he responded.

“I’m sorry man. I’d forgotten. I never meant to dredge up any of that.” He apologized.

“No need to apologize. I’m not going to lie and say I’ve moved on from my parents death, my one love having shot me down to marry one of my friends, or my failed business.” I said. As I said each of those facts, the memory of each went through my mind.

A gas leak they had officially called the explosion that killed my parents. I know for a fact that’s not the case. I know that my parents had enemies, some who were now in an Asylum somewhere offshore. Hell, the bastard behind it all confessed in court, while laughing. He’ll spend the rest of his miserable life in that nuthouse. It won’t bring my parents back, but it gave me some closure. Enough closure to let me keep going for a few more years at least.

The girl I loved had turned me down in Grade 11. 4 years later, I was invited to one of my best friend’s weddings. And who should he be marrying but her? I was grateful to only be an usher at that event. Being one meant I got to stay out of all the events and not have to hear or see most of anything. To this day I won’t openly admit it, but I came to that wedding with a gun in my pocket. As the day had gone on, I'd considered using it for various reasons; to end my own life, to end the life of my friend and his… bride, or to simply ruin the happiest day of their lives. I still don’t know what prevented me from doing any of that. It could’ve been anything. Maybe an urge to not see her cry. Maybe because he was once my friend. Regardless of why I didn’t do it, that had still been one of the toughest days of my life.

8 years after graduating, I had my dream job; running my own anime and special interest store. I was, for the first time in a very long time, happy. Until one day when I saw an old classmate walk by my store. I hadn’t exactly kept tabs on all my old classmates and tormentors, but I was aware this one in particular was bitter about a lot of things and flat out broke. I never expected him to come by and torch my store though. The stupid bastard had made a Molotov and thrown it too close to himself and his alcohol drenched clothes. He died in the fire that took my last hope for happiness on Earth. My insurance wouldn’t cover any of the damages from the fire, and I had put every cent I possessed at that time into my store.

As each memory resurfaced, a few tears came with them. I’d had nothing to look forward to after each of those days, and today was the first day I earnestly had something to look forward to.

“This is my last chance at fixing my life. If it doesn’t work, I will still never be seen or heard from again. You’re the only one I’m telling this to. Please man, just keep your word and tell people I’m dead no matter what if they ask you. In either case, it’ll be true for the most part.”

It took him a very long while to fully comprehend what I'd asked of him. I simply sat and waited. Regardless of what he said, I’d go through with this decision. He may have been the last important feature of this life, but not important enough for me to give up this last hope. Finally, he told me of his decision.

“Okay man. I promise to do that.” For the first time in years, I felt a genuine smile spread across my lips.

“Thank you. You really were the best friend I could have ever asked for. You’re the only regret I have leaving this life. I hope you understand the significance of that after our conversation.”

“I do. Believe me I do.” He said.

“Well then, let me say goodbye. My appointment with the machine is in an about an hour. This was the last thing I had to do. Goodbye bro. And thank you for everything you did for me. I wish you a happy life.”

As I stood up and walked away, leaving far more money than I needed to cover the bill, I almost thought I heard my friend start to say something or reach out to me. As I looked over my shoulder to check, I saw nothing of the sort. My last tears of this life left me. Even my best friend would be able to move on from my death easily. That was the last push I needed.

Chapter 4: Commence the Dream

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“Are you absolutely certain about this?” I heard the question come from somewhere to my right. “There’s no guarantee this will work like you want it to, or that it will even work at all.”

I smiled. He didn’t care about my answer. If I said no, he’d just go to the next name on the list. If I said yes, I was still just a guinea pig to him.

“I’d already made peace with this decision long before I came here. There’s no point in asking me anything else. Unless you happen to need more specifics about my ‘dream’.”

I’d told them everything they’d needed to make my dream come as true as possible.

I’d told them I wanted to be born a Pegasus Pony. I wanted to be “born” 2 years before the oldest of the Mane 6; the yellow Pegasus Fluttershy. I’d also wanted to be “born” in Canterlot. They had actually hired several Bronies to make sure these decisions were sound to the extent they could be.

Each of them asked me ‘Why Canterlot?’ The answer was simple. I didn’t want to be just “born” a pony. I wanted to be transported over to Equestria as a new born colt. And what better place to make that happen than in the middle of Canterlot?

The next thing I’d requested was my occupation and name. I wanted to be a flight instructor at the Flight School in Cloudsdale. But, as I wouldn’t end up much older than Rainbow Dash, Derpy and Fluttershy while they would be there, I’d wished to be an amazing flier so I could be an Under Instructor to them whilst they were in school.

I rather enjoyed the name I had picked for myself. Breeze Rider. I had no idea how to go about influencing my Cutie Mark’s appearance, so I left that area of inquiry alone, content that I would be satisfied when it did appear. This next decision is what truly shook most of the Brony interrogators.

I told them I wanted to go to Equestria without any memories of anything from Earth, including all the information I had learned about the MLP Universe. This was what shocked them. ‘Why go to Equestria without any Brony knowledge?’ they asked me. I smiled at that question.

I was going to start over completely, and I wasn’t about to bring anything over with me from Earth. I wanted a completely clean slate. I wanted to learn all I had about the show and its characters through the eyes of a pony this time. I was content that my subconscious link to knowledge of the show would still carry over in some way to Equestria, just not in the form it took now. Perhaps a mild hint of Unicorn magic would be within me in Equestria? I had no idea at that time, but I was eagerly waiting to find out if my hunch was right.

After that, I had no real specifics needed. I had no preferences in terms of which family would take me as their own, how I would grow up, or anything else of that sort.

As I recounted all this, I could hear the electricity begin to buzz all around me. This signalled to me that it was at last about to begin, and in a way, also end. I waited eagerly as I heard the scientists in the room question each other for the last time before they would start the experiment itself.

“Channel 1?”


“Channel 2?”


“Channel 3?”

“Clear. All remaining channels coming in as clear.”

“Very good. Power levels?”

“Exceeding minimum and optimal levels.”

“Very well. Begin the experiment while we have clear channels and optimal power.”


At these words, I did not panic. I did not glance around for a last look at Earth. I did not run through my memories before they would vanish.

All I did do was close my eyes and calmly wait. I began to feel a tingling in the air all around my body. I knew this was the moment. At last, I was about to get my second chance.


That was the last word I heard before all color and sound sped away from me. Not just that, I felt my body curl in upon itself, almost collapsing. I felt my memories vanish as they flashed one last time. And, as soon as all these sensations began, they were over. I know because the next thing I saw, through newly opened eyes, was the proud Princess Celestia standing over me looking confused.

Chapter 5: The Lightning from Nowhere

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“Another year gone.” Celestia thought to herself.

Her sister’s return grew closer and closer. Celestia herself was quite powerful, but even with her strength and the power of The Elements of Harmony, she had only been able to seal her sister away for 1000 years.

She had kept track of the long years since that dreadful day since then by help of the Summer Sun Celebration. Celestia always thought it strange that her subjects had chosen to celebrate the day they had lost a Princess. Celestia had not told them that Nightmare Moon was indeed Luna however. She herself had spread the rumour that Nightmare Moon had kidnapped and imprisoned Luna in a faraway land in order to make certain that the subjects would only fear Nightmare Moon and not Luna. Celestia maintained that Luna and Nightmare Moon were indeed separate entities.

Celestia also knew that one day Luna would return to her true self. She had seen this herself. She knew she would one day instruct a unicorn who would lead a team of her friends to challenge and vanquish Nightmare Moon. As the Princess of the Sun, Celestia had several unique powers granted only to her. One of these powers was a gift of premonition. Celestia had never loved this power, but neither had she loathed it.

It had allowed her to make many good decisions on behalf of her subjects. And it had shown her the path to halting her sister’s power until such a time that she could be fully stopped. She also knew that she had the power to bequeath this power to anypony she wished. She dared not just give it away to just anypony though.

The gift of premonition was as much a gift as a curse. In the wrong hooves, it could spell disaster. She still feared what would have happened to her and Luna if Discord had possessed such a power. She had a strange feeling that somepony who could properly use this power better than her was approaching but, for the first time in a very long time, she was unsure.

She had flashes of this feeling, but she could not fully “see” it. All she got were a broken few words and a feeling. This troubled her greatly. Celestia feared that perhaps she was losing her power. Taking over the role of the Lunar Princess had certainly taken a toll on her, but she had not though it so great a strain that she would lose some of her powers. She was still able to view all events unrelated to this feeling however. Perhaps, she was simply not allowed to see some events.

Perhaps some events were so inevitable that they cannot be changed. Thus, her own power worked against her in this manner to prevent her from attempting to change what she might have seen. As she came to this realization, she had a vision against her will. It had been many years since she had been unable to fully control her ability, and she worried this meant something dreadful was approaching.

What she saw was a bolt of lightning, that seemingly came from nowhere but the sky itself, touch down in the middle of her courtyard. As the extreme flair of light and sound from the lightning faded, she heard in her vision a sound not unlike the crying of a foal. As she shook her head to clear this startling vision from her mind, one of her Guards came barging into her study.

“Forgive me for the intrusion, your Highness. But a strange bolt of lightning seemingly just struck the center of our courtyard. The rest of the guards have gathered there, but what they tell me makes no sense. They say they see…..a foal where the lightning struck.” The Guard quickly said.

As Celestia took all this in, she felt her eyes widen. Had her vision come to pass so fast? She then began to ponder for a moment.

“I felt no particular sense of dread come from that vision. Not like the visions where I saw how to defeat Discord or the vision of my sister becoming Nightmare Moon. In fact,” she recalled. “She felt a large amount of happiness emanating from that vision. Did this mean this foal heralded a new age for Equestria? I must see this for myself.” She decided.

“Take me there immediately.” She said.

“Of course. This way your Highness.”

The trek to the courtyard was quick, as both ponies were in quite a hurry. Celestia arrived to the courtyard to quickly see that all her other Guards had formed a ring around the center of the blast. They all bowed to her as she entered. They parted to allow her a path to the blast sight, tightening their circle as she walked closer, ready to act at a moment’s notice should anything attempt to harm her.

As Celestia at last reached the site of the lightning strike, she still felt shock at what was before her eyes. A foal was indeed there, wrapped tightly in a blanket. The foal was crying whilst Celestia approached, but as she finally reached him, he stopped. The eyes of the foal looked up at Celestia, and the foal began to smile, as though he had known her all his short life. She felt startled to feel such a strong sense of recognition come from this foal who she had just witnessed fall seemingly from the sky. As she studied the foal, she noticed a note pinned to the side of his blanket. She reached down to pick up the note and read it. It was short and only slightly informative of the situation.

Hello there.

My name is Breeze Rider. I am a Pegasus pony.

I have no family that I am aware of here. Please help me find a family.

Celestia stared down at the foal she now knew was named Breeze Rider. The note seemed to be written, somehow, by the foal himself and not by a family member merely depositing him somewhere. As she again looked at the foals face, she realized he was still smiling up at her. Celestia felt herself begin to smile as well. She looked down and began to speak to the foal.

“Hello Breeze Rider. My name is Princess Celestia. I know that you may well not understand me now, but something tells me you do.” Celestia paused.

The foal only continued to smile larger at her words. She continued.

“I am not fit to raise you myself, but I will help you find somepony who is. Know this though Breeze Rider; you will always have a place in my court, and in my family.”

The foal began to drift into sleep as Celestia spoke her last words to him, a smile still on his face. Celestia at last felt content with this situation. This foal was destined to bring a new age to Equestria. One that would surely be written in history.

Chapter 6: Raising a Breeze

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Celestia had kept her promise to the foal. She had found him a caring pair of ponies who had more than agreed to raise him as their own. The couple were not widely known throughout Canterlot, which Celestia was glad about. The foal already got enough attention due to his mysterious appearance and connection with the Sun Princess.

The couple and Breeze Rider were always welcome to come and visit Celestia whenever they or Breeze Rider wished to. The doctor’s best estimate at the foal’s age was just under 3 and a half weeks. And although they had been able to get such a close estimate to the foal’s true date of birth, Celestia and his adoptive parents decided the day he appeared in Equestria would be his birthday.

At 6 months age, the colt was proving himself to be quite the advanced learner. He was already able to stand and walk short distances on his own. He was even beginning to flutter his wings to move faster and was capable of hovering. One month later, he spoke his first words.

He spoke during one of the couples “play dates” with Celestia. As the colt was running around and playing, he suddenly came over and looked at Celestia. Celestia noticed him and turned to look at him, interested in what the colt had come over for.

The colt then walked right up to Celestia, hugged her and said “Love…..Princess…..Celestia.” Once he had done this, not only were his parents in shock, but so was Celestia herself. The colt eventually released her from the hug and then looked up at her again, another smile plastered over his young face. Celestia smiled right back and gave him a reply.

“Thank you Breeze Rider. As thanks for that very kind act, I have a gift for you. Can you kneel down and cover your eyes?” She inquired.

Breeze Rider immediately nodded and did exactly as he was told. He was shaking with excitement.

Celestia let her magic flow through her horn and knelt down until her horn made contact with Breeze Rider. The magic flowed between them for a few seconds, then slowly left Celestia to illuminate Breeze Rider brightly for a moment. Celestia did not feel drained, rather she felt very content in what she had given Breeze Rider. She then spoke to Breeze Rider again.

“Okay Breeze Rider. You can get up now.”

Breeze Rider immediately leapt up, temporarily taking to the air with his wings. He began spinning around, checking himself all over. As he finished his inspection, and realized that nothing about him looked different, he looked quizzically up at Celestia. Celestia had known he wouldn’t immediately understand fully. So she proceeded to explain the situation to Breeze Rider.

“The gift I have given you cannot be seen Breeze Rider. You will not fully understand what I have given you for quite a while, but I am assured that when you do realize it, you will be happy and be able to use it better than even I can.” She smiled as she explained.

Breeze Rider smiled and nodded again. He immediately turned around and began to play again. Celestia, content that Breeze Rider was happy with her explanation, returned to her conversation with his parents.

“So, as I was saying before we were treated to that surprise, have you given any additional thought to my suggestion of enrolling Breeze Rider into flight school early? I can pull some strings you know. You need not have any fear of that.” Celestia inquired.

Breeze Rider’s parents exchanged glances. His mother nodded to his father, who began to voice their worries about the idea.

“We intend no offense by anything we say now your Highness. We simply wish to voice our worries to you. Our first and foremost worry is this; how soon do you think Breeze Rider should be enrolled there?” He asked, not forcefully, simply worriedly.

“I think Breeze Rider would be fine if he were enrolled when he turned 2. It would allow him to graduate 2 years early.” She stated.

“No offense Princess Celestia, but what is the significance of that to Breeze Rider?” His mother voiced.

Celestia smiled at being asked that. She had long since wished to tell another of her vision abilities, aside from Luna that is.

“To be entirely truthful with you, I have a premonition ability that allows me to see some events that will occur in the near and distant future. A privilege to being a Princess I suppose.” She giggled at that. “In one of these visions, I saw Breeze Rider as an amazing flier, who even the Cloudsdale Flight School Administrators and the Wonderbolts will admire. And judging from what he can do already, with no instruction, I have no doubt in my mind that he will be able to do all they ask of him in a year and a half’s time.”

Breeze Riders parents were shocked to hear not only of the Princess’ ability, but to hear of how confident she was in Breeze Rider. A godmother’s duty they supposed. They looked over at Breeze Rider as they thought this, and were again amazed to see how easily he worked his wings to hover and run fast. He was even beginning to already be able to move while hovering. They looked at each other again and an understanding passed between them. They knew Celestia was right.

“Well, we can hardly doubt all that. We know you have Breeze Rider’s best interest at heart, just as we do. So, we trust you judgement on this. Breeze Rider can go to Flight School in Cloudsdale when he turns 2.” They stated, feeling hope in their words and in the smile Celestia gave them after they finished.

“Thank you for understanding. I will contact the School in a while and prepare the arrangements. I am absolutely certain Breeze Rider will do great.” Celestia assured them.

Chapter 7: Outsiders Perspective of a Flight School Legend

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Celestia had been right about Breeze Rider’s path through Flight School. He was an amazing flier in everypony’s eyes. He was not only acing all of his classes without much effort by his 4th year, but he was even tutoring some of the other students. The teachers saw this, and began to talk amongst themselves. They were considering something they’d never done before.

They were going to extend an offer to Breeze Rider to stay on as an Under-Instructor when he graduated. This position was extended only to those the Cloudsdale Flight School Administrators acknowledged as Teacher material in the future. The position had never been extended to somepony as young as Breeze Rider. Come to think of it though, a student as young as Breeze Rider had never even been admitted to the school before he came along.

Breeze Rider happily accepted the offered position when he graduated. All he asked was to teach a class all on his own, made up of ponies he himself would select from the entire school. The faculty happily agreed. Within 4 months of Breeze Rider starting, his class was the most popular and most applied for. He also made it a point to meet all of the applicants for his class, and personally tell them if they had made it and explain greatly if they hadn’t. He had a “gift” as they called it for picking the best and most troubled students and fine tuning them into future Best Young Fliers. Nopony at the school knew that his gift was actually real.

His decisions came from peeks into the future, courtesy of a gift from his Godmother. As a very young colt, Princess Celestia had personally blessed him with a gift only she had possessed before that point. Breeze Rider was able to take glimpses into the future and see how the applicants or current students of his class would do with or without his personal instruction. He only selected those that would truly need it. No more, no less.

Chapter 8: My Favorite Little Fillies

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I couldn’t have wished for a better life. Not only was I considered a Noble, but I got to get up every day and go and teach little Pegasi how to fly. The Administrators and parents constantly bragged and told me that I was the best flight teacher around. I’m not pigheaded, but I couldn’t deny what seemed to be proving itself true. I had a “gift” for finding the Pegasi that would most benefit from my personal instruction, ponies would often say. Nopony knew that my gift was genuine though.

My gift came from a long time connection with my godmother, Princess Celestia. After I had spoken my first words, she told me she had given me one of her own personal abilities to have for my very own. I was now able to peer in the near and distant future whenever I saw the need to. This ability helped greatly in connecting with my students. I was able to see ahead of time how each of them would react to my lesson plans, who would need extra assistance, and who would grasp the techniques fully from the get-go. It made sense then, that I was commonly called the “Best” and “Favorite” teacher by my little ponies.

Some of my students really did need my personal instruction. Not because they would fail otherwise. Simply because I could give them the personal connections they needed to truly soar. As an Under Instructor, I wasn’t a full teacher, and was thus allowed to connect on a more personal level with my students. Other Teachers couldn’t exactly do that. I had three little Pegasi who I absolutely adored in my recurring class.

The first little Pegasi was a spunky little cyan pony with a rainbow mane, aptly named Rainbow Dash. Rainbow instantly jumped at the mention of any kind of new tricks or speed tests. The little filly was always pushing herself, trying to go faster and do more. We all knew well why she did all that though. She wanted to join the Wonderbolts, a superb team of fliers hailed as the best and fastest Pegasi in Equestria, one day. She told everypony this at least twice a week, ever since I had first asked her what her dream was in our first day of class. I admired her drive and aspiration. I also knew for a fact she’d be a Wonderbolt someday. It’s one of the upsides of being a prophet. She was always requesting personal sessions and extra assignments to extend her range of tricks. I never begrudged her when she asked. She was quite a contrast with her two best friends in flight school, though they hadn’t all always been friends, who happened to be my other 2 favorites.

The next little filly was a yellow Pegasi with a long pink mane who went by the name Fluttershy. Fluttershy was quite timid and reserved, as her name might imply. She also happened to hit a growth spurt long before the other pegasi did, making her wings reach full size early and making her legs lanky. She was often teased as being unable to fly. It only made sense though. No pegasi is ready to have their full sized wings while still attending flight school. I spoke from experience, as I too had grown long before the others in my class. It took quite a while to get used to in my experience, and I had needed to practice several special flying tricks in order to adjust to my wings. I commonly made time to teach her these moves and help her practice them. Though I often spoke to my other students telling them not to mock anypony else, they still got away with it while I wasn’t around. However, being a prophet has its advantages. And one of them is being able to reprimand ponies for things other teachers wouldn’t notice if they did them in their classes. Over time, Fluttershy slowly began to change, becoming more emotionally stable and able to handle herself in the air. This gave me extra time to go and work on the last of my favorites.

My last favorite was also a filly, a small grey one with a blonde mane. She was named Derpy Hooves. She was a different kind of Pegasus, much like I was. She too hailed from Canterlot instead of Cloudsdale. She was the daughter of a member of the Royal Guard and one of Equestria’s most prominent actors. Her parents often ignored her though, never coming to attend events at the school or allowing her to come home and visit. Because of this, I had basically adopted Derpy as a sister. I made sure that she always had at least one friendly face to look for in a crowd or to come and talk to if she needed to. The reason her parents never appeared was because, sadly, they wanted no association with her after the accident that turned her into the filly she is now. I was the first one she ever told about it.

Derpy had always been fascinated by magic, ever since she was born. Her mother often took her to Unicorn shows, so she could enjoy herself. Unicorn magic is always very unpredictable, especially when used by a showpony. Most of the spells they use in their shows are made simply to be visually appealing and are never tested fully to see what effects they may have. All it took was a single moment. Derpy’s mother turned away for a moment and Derpy got a little too close to the climax of the unicorn show. The various spells picked her up from the ground and trapped her within them. The Unicorns tried their best to stop their spells once they noticed their terrible mistake, but it was too late. The spells collided in such a way that Derpy was changed slightly. The best the Canterlot doctors could figure was that the colliding spells had placed Derpy in a permanent disorientated state. This meant that while she visualized doing something one way, the magic would make her do it another. Once her parents realized that this meant Derpy could spread a bad reputation to them, they sent her away to Cloudsdale and forbade her to return home until such a time as she was “fixed.” I had cried when I heard her story. I decided then and there that I would be the parent Derpy needed, no matter what. She came to love me as a brother too, over time. I was always the most proud of her out of all my students.

Over the years though, Derpy continued to be teased. Once, when she was teased badly enough about her clumsiness, she had been so hurt that she ran way to cry. I had made certain the students who had forced her to do this were expelled. This was not the first incident they had been responsible for. They were also responsible for much of the teasing towards Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and all the other Pegasus ponies. This had been the final straw though. Once I had dealt with them, I immediately set out to search for Derpy, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy with me. We would find her. There was no other option.

Chapter 9: Derpy’s Best Friends

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“Rainbow, I want you to run to every place you can think of that somepony might hide and look for Derpy. Check every dark corner, every alley. Just don’t take any unnecessary risks. Fluttershy, check around the places where you usually see Derpy. She might have gone to one of her usual spots in thinking that we wouldn’t look there. If you happen to find her, fly as high as you can and alert the others to where you and Derpy are if you can. Can you do that?” I asked them, worry clearly showing in my face and my words.

Rainbow saluted me with her hoof, a serious look plastered over her normally joking features.

“Sure thing Teach. I’ll be done in no time. They don’t call me Rainbow DASH for nothing.” She told me. As she finished her last sentence, she was already off to look. I turned to look at Fluttershy. She looked up at me and replied.

“O-Oh yes I will. I just hope Derpy’s alright. I’m not as fast as Rainbow, but I-I’ll do my best to look quickly.” She said looking even more worried than she usually did.

“Alright. I’m going to go around to everypony and ask if anypony has seen her.” I told her. That would only be my back up plan though.

Fluttershy nodded and set off at a gallop around the corner. As soon as she was gone, I looked around, making sure I was quite alone. No pony in Cloudsdale knew of my ability. I didn’t want them to. If they did, I’d be harassed night and day to tell everypony their futures.

I began to awaken my power, feeling it begin to gloss over my closed eyes. I saw flashes of several different things, not knowing or caring what they were or when they would happen. At this point, I had only one thought on my mind. “Show me where Derpy Hooves is.” I repeated over and over, feeling my power adjusting to show me what I needed. After another few seconds passed, I opened my eyes, now knowing where Derpy was hiding. I was definitely closest to her, so I immediately set off as quick as I could.

Within 5 minutes, I was at the alley where I knew Derpy was hiding. I had seen her sitting on a box in this alley, crying her little eyes out. It had temporarily constricted my breath to see Derpy like that. She had never even cried in front of me before. As I took another step towards the alley, I began to finally be able to hear her. I chose to speak up and let her know that I was there.

“Derpy? It’s Breeze Rider. Can you please come out here? You don’t need to hide from me. I know what those colts said to you, and I’ve already dealt with them. Please Derpy. I can’t stand to have you crying in front of me and be unable to do anything about it.” I pleaded with her.

I heard some shifting of hooves as I finished speaking. I looked down and out trotted the little filly I had come to love as my sister, tears filling her eyes. I nuzzled her close and brought her into a tight hug, letting her know it was okay to cry now that I was here. I also told her to please never run away again. We stayed like that for quite a while. After about 20 minutes of this, I felt a vision surface.

I saw Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy come around the corner, and then proceed to cry and hug Derpy, much like I was at the moment. I smiled, realizing that this meant they were here now, but were afraid to come out, lest they frighten Derpy.

“Would you like to come out now? Eh, Rainbow Dash? How about you too Fluttershy?” I asked aloud.

Derpy stammered for a moment in her crying, turning to look where I had directed my voice. Out of the shadows came Rainbow and Fluttershy, both looking embarrassed and sad. Rainbow moved ahead of Fluttershy and asked Derpy one of the most important questions of her life.

“Derpy, why are you crying so much? What did those jerk colts say to you?” she asked, worry heavy in her voice. Fluttershy stepped up too.

“Y-Yes I was wondering that t-too. I can’t stand to see you cry Derpy. Could you please tell us what they said?” she paused before adding. “T-That i-is if you don’t m-mind telling us.”

I smiled, happy that Derpy could now see that others beside me also cared for her deeply. She looked up at me as I looked down to her.

“Do you mind if they know Derpy?” I asked.

She shook her head side to side.

“Do you want me to tell them?”

She nodded up and down.

“Okay then. Just let me know if you want me to stop, or you want to add or change anything. Okay?”

She nodded again. I then hugged her close again, letting her know I was proud of her. I then looked up to Rainbow and Fluttershy.

“Okay girls. Why don’t you come close and take a seat? It’s a short story, but I’d prefer to speak quietly to not let others hear.” I told them.

Rainbow and Fluttershy both nodded, moving closer to take seats only a small ways back from me and Derpy.

“Okay girls. The first thing you need to know is that Derpy is a Pegasus very much like me. She wasn’t born here in Cloudsdale like you were. She was also born in Canterlot. Her father is a member of the Royal Guard.” I began.

Although both fillies were clearly shocked to learn this, they kept their mouths closed, waiting for me to continue and finish. I continued Derpy’s story.

“Although she was a Pegasus, Derpy had always been fascinated by Unicorn magic, ever since she was born. Perhaps it’s simply normal to enjoy Unicorn magic if you’re an Earth Pony or a Pegasus. Derpy’s mother often took her to Unicorn shows, so she could enjoy watching their magic tricks. As you may be unaware, unless it is used by only the very best of the best, and even sometimes then, Unicorn magic is always very unpredictable. Especially when it’s used by a showpony unicorn. Most of the spells they use in their shows are made simply to look pretty, and are never tested fully to see what effects they may have if they hit somepony.” I said.

Rainbow and Fluttershy both looked up at me. It seemed they both knew where the story was going, but were afraid to go there themselves. I began again.

“All it took was a single moment of distraction. Derpy’s mother turned away for a moment and Derpy got a little too close to the ending of the unicorn show. The various spells swirled around her and picked her up from the ground. She was trapped within them. The Unicorns tried their best to stop their spells once they noticed their terrible mistake, but they were too late. The damage had already been done. The spells had collided in such a way that Derpy was changed a little bit. The best the Canterlot doctors could figure out was that the colliding spells had placed Derpy in a permanently disorientated state.” I said with a heavy heart, imagining every moment in my head.

Rainbow and Fluttershy were beginning to tear up, but they also seemed a little confused as to the exact meaning of my words. I elaborated on what I had meant.

“This meant that while she visualized doing something one way, the magic would make her do it another. For example, if she wanted to fly to the right, she would have to go to the left and do a loop first. All the magic collision did was make her a little more unpredictable in terms of her flying. Though, once her parents realized that this meant Derpy could spread a bad reputation to them, they sent her away to Cloudsdale and forbade her to return home until such a time as she was ‘fixed.’ Derpy hasn’t been home in more than 8 years.” I finished, excluding the near family relationship me and Derpy now had. That part wasn’t important to the current situation.

Rainbow and Fluttershy both looked at Derpy, tears fully streaming down their eyes now. Rainbow spoke up first.

“Derpy…why didn’t you ever tell anypony else?” she asked.

Derpy finally lifted her head to look over at Rainbow Dash and answer her. She didn’t stammer, but you could feel the sadness in her words.

“I was afraid. I’m already made fun of for being clumsy. If anypony had known it was like this, I was afraid they would have called me worse names.” Derpy said, almost crying at the end.

Seeing that Derpy was about to begin crying again, Fluttershy too stood up and addressed Derpy.

“D-Derpy…we’re sorry for what you’ve gone through. I promise you I’ll be here to help you from now on. A-And I bet Rainbow Dash will be too.” Fluttershy paused, looking scared of what she had said. “R-Right Rainbow Dash? S-Sorry I didn’t m-mean to speak for you.” She finished blushing, worried she had said too much.

Rainbow Dash shook her head at Fluttershy.

“No Fluttershy, you don’t need to apologize for that. I was getting ready to say that too.” She smiled at her friend, before turning to Derpy to finish. “That is…only if you want us to be there.” Rainbow asked, pawing the ground nervously.

For the first time since I had found her in the alley, Derpy let go of me to jump down and hug Rainbow and Fluttershy. Both fillies looked shocked at first, but then smiled and cried as they hugged Derpy back.

Even though she wasn’t really my sister, I felt brotherly pride swell in me as I saw Derpy hug Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. I felt content now. In a few years when Derpy would graduate, even though we wouldn’t be able to be as close as we are now, she would still have her new best friends by her side.

Chapter 10: Cutie Marks Acquired

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Derpy, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash were next to inseparable from that day on. They did everything together, including flight practice. Within 6 months, Derpy and Fluttershy were unrecognizable when they flew thanks to Rainbow. They stayed close together over the summer, even going to the same flight camp together. And when they came back after summer break, I got a very nice surprise.

All 3 of them had earned their Cutie Marks. Though I had happened to already glimpse them getting their Cutie Marks, I still let them regale me with their respective stories.

It turns out that the colts who had bullied Derpy into running away had also attended this camp. And while they were insulting Derpy and Fluttershy, Rainbow had come along to defend them. She had then challenged them to a race for Derpy and Fluttershy’s honour. During the race, not only had Rainbow won, she had achieved victory by performing a legendary Sonic Rainboom. After crossing the finish line, she turned and discovered that she’d also won herself a Cutie Mark.

Little did she know, I had been there to actually witness said Rainboom. I’d asked for Aunt Celestia’s help in disguising myself so I could watch over my favorite fillies during summer break without them knowing. I was quite certain I’d never let any of them know that little tidbit though. I then was treated to Fluttershy’s story.

I’ve often believed that friends have intertwined destinies. Fluttershy’s story truly helped prove that. It turns out that during the race where Rainbow had gotten her Cutie Mark, Fluttershy had also gotten hers. She had been a little too enthusiastic in her cheering, and ended up falling from the stands. Nopony else had noticed and, in her panic, she had forgotten how to correct herself out of a fall. That turned out to be a good thing however. When she got to the ground, instead of hitting hard ground, she had instead come into contact with a swarm of butterflies that had saved her. Then, in the resulting boom from the Sonic Rainboom, she had learned of her gift to communicate with wildlife and earned her Cutie Mark.

Even Derpy’s story related somewhat to the Sonic Rainboom. It turns out that Rainbows race wasn’t exactly a planned event. They had just raced through all the natural obstacles in Cloudsdale. Including the houses and roads. And during that race, they had crossed several Postal Ponies, startling them and causing them to drop much of their mail. Derpy was quick on the uptake though. She not only quickly recovered the lost mail, but even managed to take it where it was needed. Although, she hadn’t liked the shapes of the mail box clouds, so she reshaped them into balls, making them look like bubbles. Very appropriately, her Cutie Mark reflected that. Several close “bubbles” as it would appear to somepony not in the know.

I was extremely proud of my 3 little favorites, and not just because they had earned their Cutie Marks. I had been worried they might drift apart without school to keep them close. I saw now that my fear was entirely ungrounded.

Hearing their Cutie Mark stories also made me reminiscent of my own. I had never even truly noticed when I had gotten mine. All I knew was that after a great flight session, where I also had my first vision, I touched down and it was there. A large pink heart with wind lines blowing through it. Although most Cutie Marks are achieved when you realize your true talent, I had the strange feeling I wouldn’t understand mine until much later in my life. I was still overjoyed to have it. I later looked back on it with different feelings.

My first vision still baffled me no matter how much I thought of it or tried to see more. All I had seen, or rather simply heard and felt, was a large, overwhelming pain, and then I had heard myself say “I love you.” I had tried to see more once I had realized my power and learned to control it. I had been unable to gleam anything more, making me believe I was still a long ways away from experiencing it. I did not fear for when my vision would come to pass, but simply accepted the fact that it would one day become reality for me rather than just an uncertainty. I had a different vision to think about now.

Chapter 11: Graduation and Retirement

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It had finally come. Graduation day. And Rainbow Dash, Derpy and Fluttershy had not only made it, but they were graduating top of their class. This was a very happy day for me, as well as the end of an era of my life.

I had announced my retirement to the staff and students 3 weeks previous. When asked why, I simply stated that I was no longer needed, as the only class I had ever taught were all graduating this year. I had a secondary motive I didn’t reveal to anypony though.

2 months before graduation, I had gone to a secret appointment with the Wonderbolts. They had asked me to join them every 4 months or so ever since I had become a teacher. I had never told them “No”, I had simply said “Not right now.” After 2 years of replying this way, Spitfire had finally asked me what was more important that becoming a Wonderbolt right there and then. I simply answered that I had to finish prepping the Wonderbolt that would join after I did. They were certainly shocked to hear that. When pressed for details, I told them “You’ll know her when you see her yourselves. She has a very special calling card; the Sonic Rainboom.” That had really shocked them.

None of them had ever achieved a Sonic Rainboom themselves. Not even Soarin or Spitfire. They agreed then that this was definitely an important matter, and chose to leave me to my own devices until I chose to contact them. 10 years after first telling them that, I had arranged a meeting with Spitfire incognito. We met at a donut shop in Canterlot, an inauspicious place for both of us. As I waited for her to appear, I kept myself occupied by looking at Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Derpy’s respective futures. I was happy to see that even after school, they’d remain close, both metaphorically and physically. I also saw that I’d have to help with that particular aspect. I made a mental note to get right on that just as I heard a bell ring and saw Spitfire walk in, sans her uniform.

“Hey there Breeze Rider. You know, me and Soarin were beginning to think you’d forgotten all about us and our proposition what with all the ‘next Wonderbolt after me’ training.” Spitfire said as she took a seat across from me. I smiled, glad to see that Spitfire hadn’t changed from our last meeting.

“Good to see you too Spitfire. Well, you and Soarin will be glad to know I’m finished with all that. And I’ve decided to take you up on your offer, if it still stands that is?” I inquired, cocking one eyebrow at her shocked expression.

“Wow. Sure wasn’t expecting that kind of response.” She stated, simply continuing to look shocked. I didn’t press earnestly, merely jokingly prodding her for a full answer.

“Well Spitfire? Is that offer still valid?” I asked again. She finally grinned up at me.

“Of course Breeze Rider. We’ve wanted you to join us ever since we split at Graduation. When do you want to start? I know you don’t need any training. We’ve kept you up to date on our routines and you’ve kept yourself pretty well in shape.” She said, surveying me as though seeing me for the first time.

“Better not let Soarin hear you saying things like that.” I winked at her.

Spitfire immediately began to blush and look away. Then she looked up at me, looking truly girlish for the first time in a very long time.

“How long have you known?” she asked, looking back down to her hooves.

I smiled malevolently as I answered.

“I never fully knew. I’d had plenty of hints and feelings, but I’d like to thank you for solidifying that idea.”

As I finished, I felt her flare up in anger as well as in embarrassment.

“You tricky foal. If you hadn’t just agreed to finally join us, I’d slug you.”

“Relax Spitfire. I mean no harm. I won’t tell anypony if you don’t tell anypony I’ll be a Wonderbolt til I join.”

She looked up quizzically at that statement, but answered rationally nonetheless.

“Deal. What do you mean ‘when’ you join though? You never did answer me earlier.”

I took my time in answering, choosing to sip my coffee some first.

“I’d like to join in about 2 months. I have a little bit of teaching left to do. I’ve done all I can for my students, aside from more moral support for the final show and then graduation. I still need to let them and the faculty know though. And give them time to find a replacement for me.”

Spitfire sighed and smiled, very content with my answer.

“I wouldn’t have expected any different of an answer from you Breeze Rider. Fine. I accept your terms. Come to Manehattan in two months. It’s where we’ll be then. Now, as I believe we’re done here, I need to get going.”

“Late for a date with Soarin?” I asked.

“I told you’d I’d slug you and I wasn’t joking.” Spitfire hissed menacingly at me under her breath.

“Relax. Kidding, kidding. See you there and then Spitfire. I’ve got get going soon too.” I replied.

I saw Spitfire smile one last time before she exited the shop and took to the skies.

“Well, it’s official.” I thought to myself.

“I’m a Wonderbolt. Definitely can’t tell Rainbow for a while.” I silently added.

I paid my tab, then left and took to the air myself.

Lost in my memories, I realized I’d missed all the names of my students as well as Rainbow’s speech. Good thing I’d had the foresight to watch the whole thing through my visions to make sure I wouldn’t miss anything when it actually came about. As I finally came back down to my senses, I heard words I was sure I’d remember for the rest of my life.

“And, as the ceremony comes to a close, I present to you this year’s graduating class of the Cloudsdale Flight School. You may now throw your caps.” The principal said.

Even with the huge swarm of movement as the over 100 graduates stood and threw their caps in the air, I was able to pick out the 3 that mattered most to me. Derpy had ecstatically thrown hers straight up and over in an arch. Fluttershy had timidly thrown hers only a few feet in the air. Rainbow flew up, threw her own cap as though it were a boomerang, and then proceeded to retrieve not only her cap, but Derpy’s and Fluttershy’s from the crowd as well.

I looked out at my students, happy as could be. I then proceeded to rise from my seat, knowing I had a long day ahead of me. I was after all, moving 4 times.

Chapter 12: Rainbow Trail through the Clouds

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I had scheduled important meetings with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Derpy, all for after graduation. I had scheduled them to begin an hour or so after graduation was over, so they could have some time to just enjoy the feeling of freedom. My first meeting would be with Rainbow Dash, and I had scheduled it to take place at the edge of Cloudsdale. I got there far ahead of time and decided to while away the time by future gazing.

As I looked into the future, I was distressed by what came to my attention first. My very first vision was beginning to appear more often. It still gave me no more information then I already had, but the rapid increase of its presence in my viewing sessions was mildly worrying. I had little time to ponder more than that, as I quickly heard fast beating wings and felt a strong gust of wind next to me. I opened my eyes to see Rainbow Dash right beside me, on time for the first time ever.

“Hey former teach. What’d you wanna see me about?” she asked, as much impatient as curious.

“Not much. Was wondering if you’d be up for a race with you ‘former teach’?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“OHHHHH You’re on. Where to?” she asked, already in a starting position.

“Not far from here.” I replied, stretching myself out. “You ever hear of the town of Ponyville?”

“A bit, but I dunno where it is exactly.” She replied, not at all fazed by having to race to an unknown destination.

“That’s fine.” I replied, knowing my next comment would really get to her. “You can just follow my trail there.”

“Oh. Now. It. Is. ON!” she huffed, rearing to go.

“Alright. 3, 2, 1…GO!” I shouted taking off, Rainbow hot on my trail.

I had massive wings and a fair pace, allowing me to get more distance from each wing beat, but Rainbow had a more aerodynamic shape and was smaller, meaning less distance, but more stamina. Within 5 minutes the race was over, Rainbow having just barely beaten me to the first fluffy cloud over Ponyville.

“YAY! I win!” Rainbow yelled, jumping up and down excitedly.

“I may have lost, but I’m still happy.” I told her, only being slightly winded after such a tough race.

“Alright then.” She said, already stretching out on the cloud. “Anything else in particular you wanted? Why’d you pick to race here anyway?” she asked, looking only mildly interested at my response. I was sure to change that attitude with my answer.

“Well, how would you like a job here?” I asked her, making her nearly fall off the cloud she had been nestling into.

“A job?! HERE?!” she asked, as excitedly as worriedly. “What kind of job are we talking?”

I smiled, happy Rainbow was excited at the prospect.

“I’m old friends with the head of the Weather Team here. He offered to give you a job if you want. Its only entry level to start, but with lots of room for advancement if you do well enough.” I was certain that would secure her interest in the job.

“Awesome! I’ll take it! I’ll be running this team in under a year! I can’t wait to…Oh.” Rainbow sighed, looking mildly sad. “But...what about Fluttershy and Derpy? We said we’d all stick together after grad.” She asked as much as told me this.

I replied to her calmly.

“You don’t need to worry about that at all. I’ve actually got jobs here for all of you if you want. So you'll still be together with Fluttershy and Derpy.” I smiled as I saw her light up at the news.

“Great!” she said, clearly ecstatic.

“Head over to the Central Weather Tower if you would; it’s that big tower over there.” I pointed it out to her. “I’d love to stay and go with you, but I have to go meet Fluttershy, and then Derpy. We’ll all see you shortly.”

I took off, back towards Cloudsdale as Rainbow flew off towards the Weather Tower. By tonight, everyone I cared about would have new homes and new jobs. And then, I’d be Okay to go and meet up with the Wonderbolts.

Chapter 13: Ponyville’s New Veterinarian

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I’m still surprised Fluttershy agreed to meet with me. Not because I thought she didn’t like me, but because I was sure she’d still be a little scared of the venue of the meeting. I sat perched on the top of Cloudsdale’s tallest building, waiting, hoping that Fluttershy would still come here.

Within a couple minutes of sitting down to wait, I began to hear light wing beats. A couple minutes after first beginning to hear her, Fluttershy swooped over the edge of the building in a very Rainbow Dash manner. Though she did seem a little scared of the high altitude, I was proud to see that her large amount of self-confidence had mostly eclipsed her small amount of fear. She came over to me, and sat down next to me before speaking.

“Hello Instructor Breeze Rider. Oh wait. T-that’s not right anymore is it? Can I just call you Breeze Rider? I-I mean if that’s not weird or anything.” Fluttershy asked me, looking only slightly worried about my answer instead of fearful of it.

“It’s fine to just call me Breeze Rider now Fluttershy. After all, as of today, we’re both full Pegasi ready to take on the world. “I smiled at her, happy to see her smile back.

“Yay. Okay then, Breeze Rider, do you mind me asking why you asked me to meet you here?” Fluttershy asked, making me proud that she not stammered or hesitated at all as she said it.

I sat back on my haunches fully, unsure of how to fully address my intent.

“Well Fluttershy, I’ve noticed that you really do have quite a talent with animals. So I was wondering what your plans for after school were and how they’d play towards that strength of yours.”

Fluttershy blushed, still not all that used to compliments. She then began to tell, me stuttering only a bit from nervousness and not fear.

“W-Well me, Rainbow Dash and Derpy all want to stay together after graduation. So I was probably just going to go wherever they wanted to, and get some kind of job there. T-That’s not silly i-is it?” She asked, still worried what her old teacher might think of this.

“No Fluttershy. I wish I’d followed some of my friends from my own class like you are. I do want to say one thing though.” I told her, sad to see her ears droop for a moment. “While following your friends is great, you must also follow your heart. Don’t take a job just because it will keep you near Rainbow and Derpy. Take the job because it’s what you love and want AS WELL as it will keep you near them.” I finished, glad to see that only a tiny bit of worry remained on her face.

“O-Okay. Thank you for the great advice.” Fluttershy told me, smiling again before she continued. “But none of us had any solid plans for where or what to do. We were supposed to meet up again after we finished out meetings with you to talk about it. W-What should we do?” She asked me, earnestly worried.

I stood up in response to her question, then turned back to look at her to answer.

“Well, first things first, you should follow me. I think I have the perfect solution for you.”

Fluttershy too stood up, looking excited.

“O-Okay. I’ll try and keep up.” She trailed off towards the end. I laughed at the idea of her falling behind, not at her herself.

“Fluttershy, after all those years of training with me and Rainbow, I have no doubts that you’ll be able to keep up fine.” I said as I looked over my shoulder to make sure she had heard me. I could tell she had.

The flight to Ponyville took only a bit longer this time, and only because me and Fluttershy weren’t racing. We eventually landed near the edge of the town, near a cottage nestled just slightly into the woods, but still within the town itself. As I saw Fluttershy look around at the cottage, I turned to offer her the solution I had promised.

“Well Fluttershy? What do you think?” I asked her.

Fluttershy seemed confused.

“Think of what?” she earnestly asked me.

“Well of your new home and office silly.” I told her, watching her jaw drop slightly.

“W-W-What do you mean?” she asked, pawing the ground nervously.

“Well, it turns out that Ponyville’s veterinarian recently had to transfer to Trottingham, leaving the town without one. This was her office as well as her house. I know how great you are with animals, and I mentioned it to her. She seemed very confident in your skills from what I told her about you. And, if you want the job and the place, she already happened to sell it to me in your name. And,” I said, pausing as I saw Fluttershy begin to open her mouth to protest. “I won’t accept a single bit in return from you. Think of this as a graduation gift.”

Fluttershy pawed the ground clearly happy, but conflicted over how to accept such a generous gift.

“O-O-Oh b-b-but I-I just couldn’t accept all this from you. Y-You already did so much for me in school. I-I wouldn’t know how to ever thank you enough.” Fluttershy said, clearly speaking what was on her mind.

“Would it help you make the decision if I told you Rainbow Dash and Derpy will be living and working here in Ponyville as well?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Fluttershy instantly picked up at the news, even fluttering slightly off the ground.

“O-Oh really? Well then, I would like to thank you with all my heart and cordially accept you gift.” Fluttershy smiled, happy now that she would be with her friends as well as doing her dream job.

I smiled, happy that Fluttershy was happy.

“Excellent. Rainbow is off getting her job details worked out as we speak, and I still need to go and meet with Derpy. Here’s the deed to your new home.” I said, handing her the scroll from my saddlebags. “Now, Mayor Mare expressed great interest in meeting with you if you happened to take the job. She’s over at the Town Hall, that building near the centre of town. Are you okay to go and meet with her while I go meet with Derpy?” I asked, only slightly worried over Fluttershy’s response, more out of habit than actual fear.

“I’ll be okay I think. I’d also like to get to know my new town. Thank you Breeze Rider. I hope to see you again soon.” She replied.

“Oh you will. You see that building there? That’s a sweet shop called Sugarcube Corner. Once you happen to cross Rainbow Dash, and I’m sure you will soon, tell her to go there in a couple hours for a nice surprise. You too ok?” She nodded yes to my question. “I’ll tell the same thing to Derpy. We’ll all meet there and have a proper celebration.”

“I can’t wait.” Fluttershy told me, a smile wide across her face.

As I turned to fly back to Cloudsdale for my last meeting with Derpy, I saw Fluttershy turn and head towards Town Hall, stopping and investigating some of the stores and stalls along the way. Now two of my students were all set for life on their own. And my last one would soon be as well.

Chapter 14: Mail and Muffins

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I had arranged to meet Derpy near the alley were she had become best friends with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy a few years ago. I felt it a fitting place to meet with her for what would have to be the last time for a bit. I wasn’t overly worried about her anymore though. She would have Fluttershy and Rainbow to talk to if she needed.

I arrived at the alley, and within a few seconds, I was tackled to the ground by a very enthusiastic Derpy. She had the widest smile I’d ever seen plastered across her face.

“YAY! I did it Breeze Rider! I graduated!” Derpy shouted as she enthusiastically circled over me in the air.

“I know Derpy. And I couldn’t be more proud of you. I hope you know that.” I told her, shocked as she smiled even wider.

“So what didja want to meet with me about?” Derpy asked, her tail swishing back and forth excitedly.

“Well, we need to fly a little ways to go where I want to show you something. You up for a little fly with your old teacher?” I asked, certain she wouldn’t object at all.

“YAY! Flying with Breeze Rider! Where to? Huh? Where to?” Derpy asked, somehow appearing to hop in the air as she said it.

“Just to a small town over the way called Ponyville. Follow me and we’ll be there in no time.” I said as I took to the air myself, my wings finally starting to feel tired from all of today’s back and forth flying.

Derpy immediately followed me, stopping to fly even with me once she caught up. Aside from the occasional dive or swerve to the side, she was indistinguishable from any other Pegasus in the air. I was happy I’d been able to help her so much. The flight to Ponyville with Derpy by my side was the fastest of the day, even faster than the race with Rainbow.

“Oh. I like this town.” Derpy said, happily looking around at all the new sights. She hadn’t been out of Cloudsdale since she’d first enrolled in Flight School.

“I’m glad you like it Derpy. Because there’s a job here for you if you want it.” I smiled as I saw her turn and begin jumping up and down at my news.

“A job?! What kind of job?! Huh?!” she asked me as excitedly as she ever had. I don’t think a dragon coming down right now would have affected her happiness.

“The Postal Service here in Ponyville really needs another Mail Pony. I told the boss how great you were at delivering and organizing mail, and he said he’d be happy to give you a job if you want one.” I explained.

“YAY! I accept! Oh…” I heard her say, seeing the same expression I’d already seen on Rainbow and Fluttershy today. “But what about Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy? I don’t want to leave my best friends.” She asked, honestly worried that she’d have to give up her friends for a job.

“Don’t worry Derpy. Rainbow and Fluttershy both already have jobs set up here in Ponyville. I met with them earlier and arranged it all.” I told her, almost as ecstatic as she was at the news.

“YAY! A job and my friends! I’m so happy!” She laughed, before adding something only Derpy would say. “Now only if there were a muffin store around here.”

I laughed at the comment about muffins. Derpy had loved muffins ever since I’d brought her one for her birthday many years ago.

“There actually is one Derpy. Over there see?” I pointed out Sugar Cube Corner again. “They make the best muffins around, or so I hear. I arranged a meet up with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash there in an hour and half or so. I assume you want to join us?” I asked, knowing the answer before I even asked.

“Yay! Muffins with my best friends and my teacher brother! I‘ll be there!” Derpy said, ecstatically jumping again.

“Alright. I’m going to go set things up with Sugarcube Corner. The post office is straight down this road.” I said pointing it out to Derpy. “Are you okay to go get all your job info while I do this?” I asked.

“Yup! See you soon Breeze Rider!” Derpy told me as she already started to fly down the road towards the Post Office.

Watching her go, I was as happy as sad. My sister student had grown up into a beautiful and capable Pegasus. And my other two favorites weren’t doing too shabby either. I set off over towards Sugarcube Corner, already knowing the pink earth pony inside even before she bounded up and introduced herself to me.

Chapter 15: Cotton Candy Colored Party Master

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“Hi there! I’m Pinkie Pie! You’re new aren’t you? You must be cause I don’t know you and I know everypony! And I mean everypony! Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! I hope to see you hear lots? What’s your name, what do you do, and what can I do for you?” Pinkie Pie said, marvellously all in one breath with no pauses.

I smiled as I looked at one of the new future best friends for my students. There were 3 other ponies I knew I’d meet that would have the same destiny, but I’d meet them when time allowed. That didn’t matter at the time though.

“Hi there to you too Pinkie Pie. My name is Breeze Rider. I was a teacher at the Cloudsdale Flight School until just yesterday. I’ve never been here to Sugarcube Corner but I’ve heard lots of great things. I’m hoping to organize a little celebration get-together for my 3 graduates who just moved here today. Do you think you can help me out?” I asked, seeing her barely contained enthusiasm go over what I thought had been the peak.

“Oh yes! I love to throw parties. It’s even how I got my Cutie Mark! But that’s a story for another time! I can’t wait to meet 3 new ponies AND throw them all a party! Do you have any special requests? Huh? Huh? Huh?” Pinkie asked me.

“One of my students is a big fan of cider, so if you have any cider or other specialty drinks, I’m sure she’ll love them. She’s also a huge Wonderbolt fan and has a Rainbow colored mane if that gives you any ideas. One of the others isn’t all that picky, but she has a gift with animals, so maybe something animal based or shaped. Bunnies are her favorite. As long as it’s not actually MADE from bunnies or other animals.” I jokingly added to Pinkie, who smiled even brighter. “And my last student absolutely adores muffins. I hear you make a pretty mean muffin?” I asked, cocking one eyebrow up.

“Oh yes! We make the best everything! When do you want to do all this?” Pinkie asked me, somehow already having memorized everything I said.

“I think they should be by in about an hour or so. I hope that’s not too short notice.”

“Nope! It’ll all be Okie Dokie Lokie in an hour! I’m the master of parties!” Pinkie told me.

“All right then.” I told her, turning to leave for a short while. “I’ll leave it all in your capable hooves.”

As I exited Sugar Cube Corner, I already heard Pinkie begin to decorate and squeal excitedly as she did so. Derpy would adore her, I was certain. I decided to go sit on a cloud, and ponder how I would go about telling them what I was about to go do without actually telling them.

Chapter 16: New Friends and New Adventures

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It was a fun ending to a great day. Me, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Derpy, and our new friends Pinkie Pie, the bakery’s owners assistant, Applejack, a local apple farming earth pony, and Rarity, the unicorn fashion designer, sat around and talked about all sorts of things, from Cloudsdale to cupcakes to high end fashion, which apparently weren’t as different topics as I thought.

It turns out that, shortly after I had left to have my meeting with Derpy, Fluttershy had happened across Rarity’s store, Carousel Boutique, and they had gotten to chatting. The girls were already planning a spa day trip which, thanks to my visions, I knew would quickly become a weekly ritual for the two. I was happy that Fluttershy was already beginning to branch out to others in Ponyville.

Applejack was an unexpected member of our contingency. It turns out, that after Rainbow had gotten all the details of her new Weather Pony job, she had gone off to do some aerial acrobatics to celebrate. She’d ending up crashing into Applejack while she was working. I had been about to go off on Rainbow, until Applejack stepped in and said that the two had gotten to talking, though it sounded more like arguing from my perspective, and found out they were quite similar. They’d done a little bit of competing before coming here and had found a rival and friend in each other. I was glad to find out that there was someone here in Ponyville that could continue to push and challenge Rainbow after I left.

Pinkie had joined our group because none of us could bear to turn her down when she sat down and started chatting with us. After a few minutes though, we realized that Pinkie was quite the fun pony to be around. A little intoxicating at some times, but fun nonetheless. She was currently in the middle of telling us about her “Pinkie Sense”, an ability much like my own, just a lot more vague. Pinkie would certainly keep everypony on their toes all the time. I was assured of that by Pinkie herself.

As the night got darker and darker outside, I was faced with a grim fact. I would have to tell Derpy, Fluttershy, and Rainbow that I would be leaving for at least several months, and possibly a few years. I decided it was best to just outright tell them once we reached a lull in the conversation. The opportunity presented itself when Pinkie went to check on her latest batch of cupcakes.

“Ehem.” I began, waiting for everypony to hear me.

Everypony could tell I needed to say something important, so they all stopped their own conversations and turned to look at me, waiting for what I had to say.

“I just wanted to let you all know that this will be the last time I’ll be able to see any of you for a while.” I announced, and waited for the inevitable questions from my fellow pegasi.

“What do you mean teach?” I heard Rainbow speak up.

“First, Rainbow, it’s okay to call me Breeze Rider now. I’m no longer your teacher.” Rainbow nodded to me to let me know she understood that. “And second, I mean that after tonight I will be going very far away and am unsure of when I’ll be able to stop by and visit again.” I explained, clearly and calmly to the ponies before me. I finished, waiting for what I had said to sink in.

“W-Where are you going?” I head Fluttershy ask. I could see she was worried, but didn’t ask if it was okay if I told her.

“I had a meeting with a certain pony a couple months back. I was offered a full-time position and have decided to pursue it after tonight. It’s a very time consuming job, so I don’t know when I’ll be able to visit again. I promise you all that I will visit though.” I said, making sure to assure them that this was not a ‘Goodbye’, just an ‘I’ll see you later.’

I felt a rushing sensation knock the wind out of me as I toppled out of my chair. I looked down to see Derpy hugging me, a few tears in her eyes.

“I’m gonna miss you, brother Breeze Rider.” She said, her voice full of sadness.

I stood up from my toppled chair, and leaned down to comb her mane out her eyes. I saw and felt Rainbow and Fluttershy come over and hug me too as I did that.

“I’ll be back as soon as I possibly can. You’re all no longer the little fillies I had to help fly. You are young, beautiful mares ready to take the world on. Just promise me you’ll look after each other while I’m not here to do it for you.” I told them all.

They looked up at me and nodded. I knew that this was a promise none of them would ever take lightly or break. I looked up from them to look over at Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie, who had all frozen in place as they now clearly understood the bond we shared.

“And you three.” They looked attentively at what I said, even Pinkie. “You take care of my little ponies too okay?” I asked.

“Of course darling.” Rarity spoke.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way, sir.” Applejack told me.

“I promise they’ll never be lonely or sad because you’re not here. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Pinkie did all these motions as she described. “That’s my special ‘Pinkie Promise.’ I never, ever, ever, ever, EVER break them!” She told me, a trusting smile on her face.

My former students had released me while their new friends had said all that. I looked at them again, and then to their new friends one last time.

“Thank you everypony. This means a lot to me.” I told them, directing my voice to all of them at once. They nodded and smiled at me.

“I’m really sorry to have to say this, but I have to go now.” I told them.

It seemed everypony was shocked at that as well.

“You can’t stay any longer?” Derpy asked me.

I shook my head.

“I’m sorry, I wish I could. But I promised my new boss that I’d be in Manehattan by tomorrow. And if I want to keep that promise, I’ve got to leave now and fly at top speed. Even for somepony like me, that’ll take a while.” I explained.

“Alright then.” I heard Rainbow speak up. “We understand. Don’t we girls?”

“O-Oh yes.” Fluttershy responded.

“I don’t like it, but I do get it.” Derpy said.

“Don’t be sad girls. You’ve all got new jobs to look forward to tomorrow, just like me. I will be back as soon as I can. And I’ll have a surprise and gifts for all of you. That’s a ‘Pinkie Promise.’” I winked at Pinkie as I said that, seeing her beam.

I then proceed to head out the front door without looking back. I knew that if I did look back, I’d never leave. And I needed this. So did they. They’d see it soon enough. I took flight into the cool night air, knowing that soon enough, Ponyville would definitely play as big a role in Equestria as Canterlot did. Maybe it would even play host to its own Wonderbolt shows someday. I smiled at that thought, as I headed off towards the next era of my life.

Chapter 17: Time Flies when you fly

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Phew. Another tough day on the course. All this intense flying was doing me good though. I’d never felt better in my life. I felt I could almost pull off a Sonic Rainboom myself. But that was the calling card of another pony, not me. A pony I hadn’t gotten to see in a very long time.

Thinking of Rainbow Dash made me reminiscent of my teacher days.

“Wonder how the girls are doing. What’s it been? 4 years or so? I really ought to ask Spitfire or Soarin for a few days off to go visit soon.” I thought aloud.

“All you had to do was ask.” I heard a familiar voice come from behind me.

“Too much to ask for some thinking room Spitfire?” I asked sarcastically.

“Thinking’s with the head, not the mouth Breeze. “ Spitfire retaliated.

“Fair point. So, since you heard me, you know what I’d like to ask. It is possible to have some time off?” I asked earnestly.

Spitfire smiled at me before saying.

“Of course Breeze Rider. You haven’t missed a single day in 4 years. Even Soarin takes one day or two off a month. We’ve got a leeway in shows for a while. You can have 2 weeks.” She told me.

I felt the shock and happiness on my own face, and also saw it mirrored on Spitfire.

“Thanks a lot Spitfire. Where should I meet up with you guys in 2 weeks?”

“Head to Cloudsdale. The best Young Fliers Competition is coming up soon. We’ve been asked to judge, so we’ll be staying there for a while. And then we gotta go prep for our show at the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot. So we’ll be nearby.” Spitfire explained.

“Cool. I’ll see you in a couple weeks then.” I replied, going to the showers to change and prep for my trip.

2 hours later, I was ready to go. I was still wearing my Wonderbolt suit. I HAD promised the girls a surprise when I came back. I also had a gift for each of them. For Fluttershy, a care book for the rarer creatures of nature. As far as I knew, the Everfree Forest she lived near did in fact house quite a lot of rare creatures she might not know how to help. For Rainbow, I had a signed Wonderbolt poster with every other Wonderbolts signature on it. I’d sign it for her personally there. And for Derpy, I’d brought her a special muffin from Baltimare. I’d also made sure to get some ingredients and the recipe so she could make some herself.

I also had a large amount of bits in my saddlebags, in high hopes that I’d be able to convince Mayor Mare of something. I wanted a home in Ponyville. Sort of a vacation house. I could pay somepony to maintain it while I wasn’t there. It would be good to have a place to go whenever I took a break. Plus, with a house in Ponyville, it would be easier to rationalize more frequent visits. Hopefully Spitfire and Soarin would be okay with the occasional break, and maybe even want to come along on some. I’m sure Rainbow would love to get some tips from the Wonderbolts Leaders personally, if I could convince her and Soarin to come with me to visit. I should see if there’s some kind of special food there to convince Soarin, who would it turn convince Spitfire.

I’d worry about all that when I got there. It shouldn’t be too long of a flight. Las Pegasus to Ponyville was only a daunting distance to somepony who wasn’t one of the Wonderbolts.

“Let’s see if I can make it there in less than a day.” I challenged myself.

As I took off, my first vision once again clouded my vision, for the first time in years. I’d kept my ability very well in check since I had left Cloudsdale. I’d told Spitfire and Soarin about it, and they’d promised to tell nopony else. I’d just used my ability to check on new tricks, routines, injuries and flight conditions for the most part these last 4 years.
I worried for the first time in years. Maybe my vision was fast approaching. But I wouldn’t let it dampen my spirits. I was going to Ponyville to see my former students for the first time in 4 years. Nothing could be better.

Chapter 18: Ponyville, Sweet Ponyville

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“Well, I did even better than I thought I would. It took me less than a few hours to get here.” I spoke aloud to myself, finally seeing Ponyville in the distance.

“I wonder what else the girls have been up to.” I thought aloud again, remembering the article I had read a while before.

The article had talked about how 6 ponies from Ponyville had joined together and defeated Nightmare Moon to rescue Princess Luna. I had clearly recognized 2 of the ponies pictured, and remembered 3 of the others after a bit. Who would’ve thought my former students and their friends would grow up to be bearers of The Elements of Harmony? Not me, that’s for sure. I hadn’t seen anything like that in my visions. I had seen the addition of the purple unicorn, Twilight Sparkle I believed was her name, to their group of friends though. They hadn’t made the news since then, but that didn’t mean they weren’t having adventures all their own.

“We have a lot to catch up on. On both sides.” I said aloud.

Then I stopped, just outside of Ponyville’s farthest limits. An idea had sprung into my mind. Why not make a grand entrance for myself? I immediately set off flying up and over Ponyville, to make a noticeable entrance right in the center of town.

I had to start off with our signature Thunder Stream. Once I had established my own Thunder Stream, I began to make large, interlocking oval shapes with it trailing behind me to create the The Culmination Cloud. This move was typically done by 2 or 3 Wonderbolts to save time and make it larger, but any of the Wonderbolts could also do it solo. Once I was satisfied with the size of my Cloud, I began to start using my own moves.

I looped up and over my Cloud to use the Hook Kick. This move allowed you to kick the cloud away without dissipating it, which would then play a large part in my own signature move, The Breeze Stream.

The Breeze Stream involved pivoting yourself at a very high speed while diving, creating a downward Jetstream. Using the intense speed generated by this move, you can part the Culmination Cloud without having to use the various kicks and moves of most of the Wonderbolts.

If all that didn’t give me an entrance, nothing would. As I prepared my Breeze Stream and The Culmination Cloud reached the predicted height I had kicked it towards, I could just see a couple of ponies off to the edge of the town square. I smiled as I recognized both of them, although the umbrella hats were new.

Chapter 19: Flashy Entrance Achieved

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“Huh. That’s weird.” Pinkie said as her tail began twitching side to side.

“What does side to side twitching mean Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

“Hmm…If I remember right, my tail swishing side to side means ‘an old friend coming to visit’, but my twitchy tail means ‘falling objects’, so I guess it means ‘old friend falling in for a visit.’” Pinkie replied.

Twilight chuckled at Pinkie’s nonsense of that prediction.

“Oh Pinkie. I may believe in your Pinkie Sense now, but how could an old friend be ‘falling in for a visit’?” Twilight asked.

Instead of replying, Pinkie looked up and pointed at something.

“Ohhhh Loooke lookie Twilight!”

Twilight looked up and saw a thundercloud seemingly falling from the sky and stop just above the center of the town square. While fascinating all the same, Twilight was more interested in getting an answer from Pinkie. As she started to open her mouth to ask again though, she saw something that defied even what she now believed in with Pinkie Sense.

A Jetstream had formed just above the cloud, which descended rapidly and parted the cloud, leaving trails of sparks everywhere as a loud thud emanated from the ground just below where the cloud had been moments before. Twilight looked again and was shocked to see a Pegasus Pony standing where the thud had emanated.

This particular Pegasus looked nothing like any Twilight had ever seen in Canterlot or Ponyville. She knew he was wearing a suit and that couldn’t be his true coat colour, but even the Royal Canterlot Guards had never worn an outfit like that before. Twilight tried her best to remember where she had seen an outfit like that before. And then it hit her. It was a Wonderbolt suit. A Wonderbolt, one of Rainbow Dash’s idols, was standing a few feet from her, looking as though what he had just done was as natural as brushing your mane. She then saw the Wonderbolt, whose name she did not know or care to guess, turn his head and look directly at them.

He then proceeded to walk over towards them. Once he was within a few feet of them, Twilight realized just how huge he was. He was easily twice her height, maybe even being taller than Big Macintosh. He smiled at her, convincing her that he was a gentle giant, and then turned to Pinkie to address her like an old friend.

“Hey there Pinkie Pie. Long-time no see. You wouldn’t happen to know who I could ask to throw a ‘Welcome-back-Breeze-Rider-to-Ponyville-to-visit-for-2-weeks’ party would you?” He asked, seemingly already knowing Pinkie’s response to that question.

Chapter 20: Catching Up

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I certainly caused a commotion, just like I’d intended. It’s not every day a Wonderbolt comes to visit any town, let alone one like Ponyville.

Almost immediately after I finished asking Pinkie about my party, she lit up at my presence and pounced on me. Pinkie really does remember everything about everypony. After that, Pinkie set about introducing me to Twilight who was delighted to meet not only somepony as well recognized as one of the Wonderbolts, but also one of Rainbow and Fluttershy’s old teachers. Pinkie then assured me that she’d have the party all ready by tonight. I asked her if she could try and get Mayor Mare there too. She said she’d do her very, very best and said her goodbyes, bouncing away as only Pinkie can.

Twilight stayed and offered to take me around town while letting me know all about the other girls and major events that had happened in my 4 years away from Ponyville. It turns out quite a lot had happened just since Twilight herself had come to Ponyville.

It turns out I had missed out on many things, the least of which including a Parasprite Invasion just before a visit from Princess Celestia, an “Iron Pony” competition between Rainbow Dash and Applejack during the Running of the Leaves, and 2 fashion shows put on by Rarity to impress the well know fashion designer from Canterlot, Hoity Toity. I was also very impressed by the story of her and her friends standing up to a full grown dragon whose smoke was polluting Equestria.

I could hardly believe that Fluttershy had stood up to a full grown dragon, being full aware of her former fear of them myself. I knew that she would become stronger while I was gone, but I hadn’t expected her to become nearly THAT strong.

I also learned about Rainbow Dash a bit. Nothing truly notable had happened with her, aside from my learning that she was in fact Leader of the Weather Ponies like she had predicted so long ago. I also found out that she was preparing herself to enter the Best Young Flier Competition. What a surprise it would be when she found out I would be judging alongside the other Wonderbolts.

“…and I believe that covers most everything of importance that has occurred since you left and since I arrived that I’m aware of. I hope I was helpfully informative.” Twilight said, looking up at me with a happy smile on her face.

“You were most helpful Twilight. I had no idea so much had happened while I was away. It would’ve taken me days to find all that out on my own. I thank you for saving me that precious time. I do only have 2 weeks off after all.” I responded to her, seeing her light up even more.

“Thank you sir Breeze Rider.” Twilight said, mildly bowing to me.

I laughed, not insulting, just jokingly.

“You can just call me Breeze Rider Twilight. I may technically be a member of the Royal Court and the Godson of Princess Celestia, but I was never a fan of my ‘sir’ title. I’ve barely been back to Canterlot at all in 20 years, aside from a show at the Grand Galloping Gala these last 4 years.” I explained, looking over at her, expecting her to be there. Instead, she was a few feet back, a shocked look on her face.

“Twilight? Have I said something wrong?” I inquired.

Twilight took a little while to respond. When she did, it was slow and broken, as though she were still comprehending it while she spoke.

“You’re…Princess Celestia’s…GODSON!?” She practically yelled.

Ah. So that was it.

“Well, yes. I was found in Canterlot as a newborn colt. Princess Celestia was the first one who found me. She also helped me find my adoptive parents. They asked her if she would mind being my Godmother, and she agreed. Ever since then, I’ve been allowed to call her Aunt Celestia if I want. I’d kind of forgotten how big a deal that was. It’s been many years since I told anypony.” I replied to her almost apologetically.

Twilight shook her head to come back down to her senses before responding.

“Oh. It’s quite all right with me. I was just a little caught off guard was all. I’ve never heard any of that before.” Twilight said, almost seemingly hurt by Celestia’s lack of forthcoming.

“It’s not such a big deal anymore. It’s been nearly 25 years since the colt you see before you was found in the middle of Canterlot. It was quite a scandal for the first couple of years, but then quieted right down. I doubt anypony would recognize me if I were to go out without my Wonderbolt suit on anymore. And I’m quite glad for that. Don’t blame Celestia for any of this. It’s not that she didn’t want to tell you. She just didn’t see it as overly important to your studies.” I explained.

Twilight seemed content again after I finished. She at least had a smile on her face again.

“Alright. Is there anything else you would like to know by the way?” Twilight asked me.

“Just one thing Twilight; can I count on seeing you at my party tonight? I’d very much like all my friends to be there, if I can count you as a friend that is.” I asked her.

Twilight nodded, happily realizing this was yet another chance to study the magic of Friendship.

“Certainly. I promise you that I will be there. Now, if you’ll please excuse me, I must attend to my daily research and work with Spike. I hope that’s alright?” Twilight asked, almost afraid of offending me.

“Don’t worry Twilight. I showed up quite unexpectedly, even to myself. I couldn’t expect you to not have your own plans and duties to attend to. I’m happy as long as I can see you again tonight. Besides, I think it high time I went and visited my old students. Goodbye for now Twilight.” I nodded to her as we reached her library.

“And the same to you Breeze Rider.” Twilight replied.

I watched her go and pondered who I should first visit. Deciding that she was closest, I trotted off towards the house that I had given to Fluttershy as a gift many years ago.

Chapter 21: Visiting the Element of Kindness

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It took me a very short time to reach the cottage, though it looked different from the last time I had seen it.

There had been several additions and refurbishments that made it far more accessible to the surrounding wildlife. It truly looked like the house I would’ve expected to find Fluttershy living in. I walked up the path towards the cottage while recounting all this and proceeded to knock on the door.

I heard a shuffling on the other side and saw the door open a crack.

“Y-Yes? How can I help you?” Fluttershy asked me, clearly not recognizing me in my new attire.

I decided to use this to my advantage for a moment.

“Yes ma’am. I’m looking for a Pegasus pony named Fluttershy. I trust you know who I represent?” I inquired, relishing this moment.

“Y-Yes sir. I can tell you’re one of the Wonderbolts. I’m Fluttershy, but I believe you’d be better off looking for Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy replied, nervously pawing the ground and barely glimpsing up at me for more than a second at a time.

“Oh? And why’s that?” I asked, preparing to end this charade soon.

“W-Well Rainbow Dash is faster, and stronger and braver than me.” Fluttershy said whilst blushing.

“Miss Rainbow Dash never stood up to a fully grown dragon and told him off though did she?” I inquired, clearly shocking her with my information.

“H-How d-do you know a-about that?” She asked, visibly scared.

“I like to keep up on my former students happenings.” I replied simply.

Fluttershy stopped pawing the ground, to finally fully look up at me.

“B-Breeze Rider?” she asked, already knowing my answer.

“Do you know any other who would know all that and call you one of his favorite little students?” I asked.

Fluttershy immediately galloped forward and hugged me once I finished. She then immediately began blushing, and pulled away, realizing her possible faux pas.

“S-Sorry for that.”

“You never change Fluttershy. At least, not in the ways I expect. No need to apologize for being happy to see me again. I’m happy to see you too.” I told her, moving forward and moving her hair to the side of her face so she could see me.

Fluttershy looked up at me, now smiling.

“Do you mind if we catch up?” I asked her. “I also have a gift for you if you want it.”

“Of course. Come right in. Just let me go get Angel. I’m sure he’d love to meet you.” Fluttershy said.

I came in and looked around. It was simple, but very nice. I took a seat on Fluttershy’s couch and waited to meet this “Angel”, while shuffling through my saddlebags for her gift.

“Hope I didn’t make you wait.” I heard Fluttershy said. “This is Angel Bunny. Say Hi to my old teacher Angel.”

I took notice of the rabbit, Angel. What an ironic name. That bunny couldn’t have looked less angelic if he had horns. He waved quickly at me, and then hopped away. I turned to look at Fluttershy.

“Don’t mind Angel. He’s like that with everypony.” Fluttershy told me. “He really is quite helpful to me though.” She smiled while saying.

I began to take notice of how Fluttershy had changed these last few years. She was a bit more confident in her steps, and her hair was longer that I had last seen it. She also seemed to finally be the thing I had wished most for her; happy with everything she was. The true reason I felt such happiness at seeing Fluttershy again wouldn’t reveal itself for a long time.

Over the next couple of hours, we recounted tales between each other. Fluttershy, telling me of the various animals she had and still cared for as well as more about the various ponies she counted amongst her best friends. I had heard much about the other ponies of their group, but Fluttershy had different perspectives on them than Twilight had possessed, so I listened eagerly.

When she had finished her tales, I gave her an overview of how my last 4 years had gone. I didn’t bother to go into too great of details, knowing I would save that for Rainbow Dash. Once I had finished, I gave Fluttershy her gift. She was quite overjoyed.

“Yay! I’ve wanted this book for quite a while. Twilight doesn’t have it in her library and there’re so many animals that could use care I don’t know how to give. Thank you so much Breeze Rider.” Fluttershy told me, proceeding to hug me again.

She didn’t back away this time, and neither did I.

"Well Fluttershy, I’m sure Pinkie Pie will be by soon enough to invite you herself, but I still wanted to invite you personally to my ‘Welcome-Back’ Party tonight. Pinkie will have the rest of the details later I’m sure.”

“I’ll be sure to be there. Will Rainbow Dash and Derpy be coming by too?” Fluttershy inquired.

“Well actually, I was about to go and catch up with them and invite them as well. If you don’t mind that is.” I added, not wanting to make her think I just wanted to up and leave without explaining myself fully.

“It’s quite alright. I have a couple of otters I need to help anyway. I look forward to seeing you and them tonight at the party.” Fluttershy told me.

We quickly said our goodbyes and went off to do what we needed to. I knew of a cyan Pegasus that I’m sure wouldn’t begrudge a visit from a Wonderbolt.

Chapter 22: Ohmygoshes all around

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Rainbow Dash didn’t know it was me either at first. The second she saw me in my Wonderbolt costume, she simply began to freak out BECAUSE I was in my Wonderbolt costume.

It took her about 5 minutes to calm down and come back down from the sky to finally figure out which Wonderbolt I was. She was even more shocked to find out that it was me, who she merely considered ‘her boring old flight school teacher who could maybe keep up with her.’

“Is this what you were talking about on grad night 4 years ago?” Rainbow asked me.

“Yep. I didn’t want to tell you and ruin the surprise. I did promise you a surprise when I came back.” I told her.

“Awesome! What’s Spitfire like? How’s Soarin? Oh! Oh! You gotta tell me about…” Rainbow started.

“Hold on a sec there. I can’t really tell you all that. We promised not to intermix our personal lives with our work.” I told her, seeing her ears and eyes droop at that.

We sat silently for a moment.

“But, I do have a gift for you. Courtesy of the other Wonderbolts.” I told her.

Rainbow instantly picked back up, almost as if she had never been sad in the first place.

“What is it? What is it?” She begged.

“This.” I told her, extracting the poster from my bag.

I’d done it. I’d made Rainbow’s day, probably even her whole week. She spent a full 20 minutes just looking at the poster before she looked up.

“Hey. Your signature’s not on here.” She said.

“There’s a reason for that. I’d hoped I could sign it for you now, in person.” I calmly replied.

Rainbow would’ve fallen through the cloud she was sitting on if Pegasus magic was anything like Unicorn magic.

“Would you really? Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou! Breeze Rider, you’re the best!” Rainbow bounced up and down as she said this. Very uncharacteristic for her.

I took the poster back for a moment. As I thought for a moment, the perfect signature came to mind.

To Rainbow Dash,

Keep aiming high. I expect you to take my place someday.

I’ve been bragging to Spitfire about you for years now. She interested in seeing the pony with the “Sonic Rainboom calling card” as I’ve called you when talking with her.

Can’t wait to see how you do at the Best Young Fliers Competition.

Always on your side,

Breeze Rider

As I finished my signature, I handed the poster back to Rainbow. I immediately saw her eyes go right to it. I saw immense happiness, and then some worries creep into her features.

“Anything wrong Rainbow?” I asked, worried I’d accidentally worded something the wrong way.

“Not really. It’s just…I haven’t been able to do a Sonic Rainboom again yet. I’m worried I won’t be able to when I try at the Best Young Fliers Competition either.” Rainbow said, clearly speaking what weighed on her heart.

I had a monumental decision before me. I knew that if I didn’t do what I was thinking of, her depression might carry over to her routine during the Competition. But I didn’t want her to get bullheaded either. I knew what I had to do.

“You really don’t need to worry about that Rainbow. I know you’ll be able to do a Sonic Rainboom and wow the Wonderbolts, myself included.” I told her, sure she would interpret it the way I guessed she would.

Rainbow didn’t disappoint me.

“You’re just saying that cause you’re my old teacher.” Rainbow said dejectedly.

“No I’m not. I’ve seen your Sonic Rainboom at the Competition myself.” I replied.

I saw the gears begin to turn in her head, trying to comprehend what I said.

“What the hay do you mean? The Competition hasn’t even happened yet.” Rainbow questioned.

“I know that. I can see the future you know.” I finally told her outright.

She seemed too stunned to interrupt, so I powered on.

“It’s how I chose my students, how I saw their potential. It’s how I found Derpy first when she ran away and how I knew you and Fluttershy were there. And,” I paused, still deciding whether or not to go through with this. What the hay. “It’s how I know you’ll be the next Wonderbolt to join after me. I saw this years ago. I never told you because I didn’t want you to get arrogant. If I didn’t tell you now though, I know that you wouldn’t do as well as you’re able to in the Competition. So there it is.” I concluded.

Silence followed for a few minutes. I chose not to try to break it. Rainbow would have to make the first move here.

“Wow. I can’t believe it. I know it’s gotta be all true, but still…” Rainbow said after a few minutes.

I waited, knowing there would be more. I definitely wasn’t wrong about that.

“You really…you really think I’ll do that great?” Rainbow asked me.

“No. I KNOW you’ll do that great.” I replied.

After a few minutes, Rainbow perked back up to her usual self. Maybe even happier.

“Thanks Breeze Rider. Is this something I’m not supposed to tell anypony else?” Rainbow asked me, turning her head to the side.

“If you don’t mind. If everypony knew, I’d never get any rest. I’d be giving out fortunes left, right and center.” I explained.

“Okay. I Pinkie Promise not to tell anypony else unless you say it’s okay.” Rainbow said.

“Thank you Rainbow.” I began “Speaking of Pinkie, she’ll be by later to invite you to a ‘Welcome-Back’ party for me. Can I expect to see you there?” I asked.

“You can count on it. I’ve never missed a Pinkie Party yet, and I wouldn’t miss a party for you either.” Rainbow blatantly said.

“Cool. I’d like to go and catch up with Derpy too now if that’s cool.” I turned checking to see her reaction.

“That’s fine. I need a nap before I get to my Weather Pony duties anyway.” She said, dozing off at the end.

I laughed to myself. Rainbow never changes the ways I expect either. And now to go find that lovable grey Pegasus sister of mine.

Chapter 23: My not so little anymore Sister

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Catching up with Derpy had been the most fun of the day, and had definitely taken the longest. Upon seeing me again, she tackled me and hugged me hard enough to break a few ribs. She then began to recount every day of her life since I’d left.

To others, most of the information Derpy was telling me was trivial gibberish. But to me, it was having a nice visit with your little sister. I was glad to hear she still though of me as her brother too, even after all these years.

“By the way Breeze Rider, I smell muffin smells coming from you. You didn’t go and get a muffin without me did you?” Derpy asked, looking worried over my response.

“Of course not Derpy. I’d never do that to you. I do have a muffin on me though. It’s a gift for you from Baltimare.” I explained.

Derpy had been happy to hear I hadn’t gotten a muffin without her, and was ecstatic when I mentioned the foreign muffin gift.

“Oh! Baltimare muffins are good I hear.” Derpy told me as I handed her the muffin from my bags.

“I heard that too. I also brought you the recipe and some of the local ingredients you can’t get here so you can make your own too.” I elaborated.

“YAY! I have the best brother ever!” Derpy yelled as she hugged me again.

Seeing Derpy again, and seeing her as happy as she was, was the perfect topping to my already great day. Thinking about my day, I also remembered about my party in a little while.

“Oh yeah Derpy. I’m not sure if Pinkie Pie was by to tell you already or not, but I’m having a ‘Welcome-Back’ party tonight. Can you come?”

“Of course! Pinkie Pie did come by and invite me already, but I’m happy to have you invite me too! Now I’m twice as wanted there!” Derpy clapped her hooves together as she said that.

“You’re always wanted Derpy. Never forget that.” I told her.

Derpy smiled even brighter at that. I looked down at my watch, thinking perhaps it would be a good time to begin heading over to Sugarcube Corner.

“Should we start heading over to the party then Derpy?” I asked.

“Okay! I’m done with my Pony Post job for today so I’m good to go!” Derpy replied.

We turned around and began heading towards Sugarcube Corner, Derpy pointing out all sorts of things about the various houses and businesses. I could never learn enough about Ponyville it seemed. Between Fluttershy, Twilight and Derpy, I thought I’d have already learned everything about Ponyville. I was very wrong it seemed.

Chapter 24: No Party like a Pinkie Party

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Pinkie never does anything halfway I quickly learned. She’d literally somehow decorated all the balloons to look like the Wonderbolts symbol or my own Cutie Mark. How she did that, having only seen my Cutie Mark once 4 years ago, I would never know.

Everypony I knew and didn’t was there at the party. I quickly set about catching up with Rarity and Applejack, as I hadn’t gotten a chance to see them earlier. Derpy quickly got to chatting about muffins with a light brown Earth pony over in corner, so I didn’t need to worry about abandoning her at the party. My Wonderbolt costume also made that a semi-impossible feat to begin with.

Applejack and Rarity were both doing quite well in their own professions. Applejack told me she was a little behind on her apple stocks due to the Parasprites, but her friends help during Applebuck season before that had allowed her to mostly break even. I told her that I was interested in buying a couple bushels of her apples, if she could spare them, to give them to Soarin, possibly making them the signature snack of the Wonderbolts. She was overjoyed at that idea.

Rarity told me that she was in a somewhat partnership with Hoity Toity, supplying him with some of her dresses she had designed for her and the rest of the girls upcoming trip to the Grand Galloping Gala. She had originally been overwhelmed by the amount he had asked for, but had convinced him that having less of each dress would allow him to sell each for more. I quite enjoyed her business savvy attitude towards Canterlot markets. I had never enjoyed the snootiness of Canterlot either, but had used it to my advantage much like she was.

Once I was content that I’d heard all things of importance and some more light-hearted subjects from them both, I excused myself to go and talk with Mayor Mare. I knew that the party wasn’t exactly the best place to negotiate real estate, but I wanted to get this idea out in the open as soon as possible.

I told her of my intent to purchase a house her in Ponyville. She was far more thrilled at the idea than I thought she would be. She then explained that if she could be allowed to spread the word that a member of the Wonderbolts as well as a member of Canterlot’s Royal Court had chosen Ponyville as his vacation spot, it could generate vast revenue for Ponyville in tourist season as well as year-round. I wasn’t upset or opposed at the idea. I was just happy that I would indeed be allowed to have a house here.

With far greater speed that I expected, we’d already negotiated a place, a price, and had signed all the papers as well as passed the bits. I would be able to buy a place near the center of town, directly across from Sugarcube Corner in fact. I was overjoyed. I immediately thanked Mayor Mare greatly as she did the same, then I took off to tell the girls the good news.

Every one of them was thrilled. Pinkie was happy because she’d have a new friend just a few steps away to test recipes on. I was always tired and hungry after a show or practice so I would be happy to test anything she offered. I knew Soarin would be too, once I mentioned the idea to him.

Rainbow was happy to have a Wonderbolt as a personal coach, a decision I thought I might regret later. She didn’t really need the training though. She just wanted to learn more about the Wonderbolt’s personal moves and routines, which I was happy to teach enough about. I couldn’t just give away all the Wonderbolts secrets, but there’s no harm in just giving out a bit of general information.

Twilight was happy to have a fellow Canterlotian in town who she could discuss things with, from Ponyville and beyond. I had happened to gleam many different kinds of magic in my visits to the various other cities of Equestria, and Twilight wished to learn all I could ‘remember’ about them. Another upside of being a prophet.

Applejack was happy to have both an additional worker when she would need it. As well as grateful a representative of the Wonderbolt’s and Canterlot was there to offer new ideas for apple snacks to. She was hoping to set up an Apple Stand at the Grand Galloping Gala and wanted to know what I thought of the various snacks as a former resident of Canterlot and its High Society.

Rarity was also happy to have a Canterlotian there. I had never been one for practicing the teachings of high society, but I remembered them all and was more than willing to teach her. She also asked if I wouldn’t mind modelling for her sometimes. She rarely got willing colt models she said. I told her I’d be more than happy to help whenever she needed or wanted it.

Fluttershy was happy to have me there too. She told me she didn’t usually need help with the animals, but if she did that she would make sure to come and call upon my services. She was really more happy to just have me there to visit more often she told me.

Derpy was the happiest I’d ever seen. She promised that she’d bring me a muffin with my mail every day, as long as I visited with her often. That was an easy promise to make, and an even easier one to keep.
I was happy that I’d be able to do so much for everypony now. Even though I still had 13 days to try and get used to all this, I knew I’d never get fully used to it all, no matter how much time I had.

Chapter 25: Downward Rainbow

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The rest of my time off had gone by way too fast. It seemed like just the next day I was already heading to Cloudsdale with Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Derpy for the Best Young Fliers Competition. Derpy and Fluttershy weren’t competing. They were just there to offer moral support to Rainbow Dash. And Rainbow needed every bit.

Being her old teacher had its advantages. I was able to pick up on the subtle things most others wouldn’t. Her eyes darted often and her back legs twitched whenever she was nervous. The quicker and more frequent the twitches and darts, the more nervous Rainbow was. And she was doing those telltale signs the fastest I’d ever seen.

“Relax Rainbow. You’ll do fine.” We had told her again and again over the past few days.

She never seemed to fully hear us though. I only hoped Twilight and Rarity’s surprise would perk her up enough to do what I knew she could.

“Come on Rainbow. I know you’re nervous, but I also know you’re the best flier here today.” I told her, hoping that my different wording would warrant a different response.

“I’m just worried. I still haven’t been able to recreate the Sonic Rainboom. And with you saying that the way you are now, it really doesn’t perk me up all that much.” Rainbow said dejectedly, looking over at me with envy.

I was flying in my full Wonderbolt attire, with 2 baskets of apples on my back, courtesy of Applejack. Today was the day I was intending to present Sweet Apple Acres Apples to the other Wonderbolts, in hope that they’d like them and give Applejack a new cliental. I suppose I could see her point, but gave the answer I’d intended to anyway.

“This stamina and strength didn’t come easy. It took years of relentless training to get. You’ll see one day. But for now, just keep looking ahead and keep your mind focused on your flying and not on anything else.” I told her.

Rainbow nodded and sighed. I knew she’d heard and understood my response, but probably wouldn’t grasp how good of information it was until after the Competition.

“I wish I could stay, but I have to go meet with Spitfire and the others to get ready. I can’t act bias during the competition itself, but know that I’ll be cheering you on from the inside okay?” I told Rainbow.

Rainbow nodded, seemingly indifferent to anything I could say. I looked over to Fluttershy and Derpy, who both picked up and came to fly next to Rainbow Dash.

“Don’t worry Breeze Rider. We’ll make sure she’s okay for the Competition and makes it there.” Fluttershy said, reinforcing what she said with a determined face.

“Alright. See you later.” I replied, turning off towards where Spitfire had told me to be.

I touched down shortly after leaving the girls, coming up right near Spitfire, who looked like she was ready to do what her name implied.

“You’re almost late Breeze Rider. What took you?” Spitfire demanded, venom dripping from every word.

“Sorry Spitfire. I come bearing gifts and information though.” I said, indicating to the apples on my back.

Soarin instantly came over to help take the baskets off my back and take part in them. He certainly sounded like he was enjoying them. I dared not look away from Spitfire to check though.

“Hey! These are great! Where’d you get these? I could deal with a few more baskets!” Soarin asked me, before Spitfire continued.

“We can worry about that later Soarin. You said you had information too Breeze Rider. What is it?” Spitfire asked, seeming to calm down as she watched Soarin enjoy my peace offering.

“Of course. You all remember the ‘Sonic Rainboom pony’ I’ve talked about for a while right? Well, she’s here in the Best Young Flier Competition. And I guarantee a Sonic Rainboom.” I told Spitfire, seeing her jaw drop at my news. She clearly hadn’t expected news like that.

Content that she wouldn’t smite me down if I looked away now, I turned to view the expressions on the other Wonderbolts. Soarin was partaking of the apples again, clearly not as shocked at my news as the others. Afterburn also looked a little un-nerved at my news. Fleetfoot looked happy, excited even, to finally meet this pony who I had bragged about for so long. Rapidfire was over to the other side, doing his pre-show routines, seemingly unaware to anything that had just transpired. Spitfire finally stopped gaping to respond.

“Well then, I’m looking even more forward to today. I’ve wanted to see this so-called ‘Future Wonderbolt’ of yours. I hope she can deliver what you promise.” Spitfire asked, cocking her eyebrows.

“She can. I bet my goggles on it. She may be a bit shaky at the start, but she’ll show her true colors for sure. All the ones in the Rainboom at least.” I replied, seeing Soarin and the others enjoy my word play.

“All right. Let’s get to the podium. We don’t wanna be late. Ponies might get disillusioned with us.” Spitfire said, directing her voice mostly to Soarin, who was again into the apples, and Afterburn, who was nervous at her first judging event.

I walked over to Afterburn and put my hoof on her shoulder. She looked over to me, confused slightly.

“Don’t worry Afterburn. You’ll do fine. You just might regret not bringing padding later.” I told her, satisfied I’d confused her thoroughly.

Chapter 26: Rainbooming Popularity

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I was happy to see Rainbow so excited to hang with us, especially after the near disaster she had just averted.

I had certainly been mildly surprised to see Rarity come flying out with Rainbow Dash during the Competition. I certainly hadn’t seen her elaborate getup or the full extent of her fake wings in my visions. She certainly seemed to have forgotten her mission of cheering Rainbow up too, as Rainbow looked even more nervous than I had last seen her. I quickly scanned the crowds, making sure that Fluttershy and Derpy were still where they said they’d be. They were there, but so were Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. I made a mental note to ask how exactly Twilight had gotten them all here and had helped them stay here.

I turned back, making sure to be critical of Rainbow and Rarity’s joint performance. Just because I knew what would happen didn’t mean I needed to act any different.

I watched and waited, seeing Rainbow go through “Phase 1” and “Phase 2” as she had called them during practice. Though she did great for most of components of each Phase, her nerves were clearly affecting her performance, making her fail where I knew she could’ve succeeded.

Rarity was a pretty flier, but no more than that. She was showvanistic, relying on her looks instead of any solid skills. She was clearly not used to the extraneous effort flying required and was tiring easily. She began to ascend at the same time as Rainbow Dash began “Phase 3.” Almost time for the Sonic Rainboom.

I knew what was about to happen, but watching it beforehand didn’t make it much easier to watch in real time. Rarity began to plummet and the other Wonderbolts leapt up to go save her. I knew it wouldn’t work, but hadn’t been able to inform them of that before they were already on their way. As I watched them, waiting for the inevitable hero I knew would emerge shortly, I felt another set of hooves touch down beside me. I looked over to see before me my very angry Godmother.

“Hey Aunt Celestia. Long-time no see. How’s Luna coming along?” I asked, attempting to deter her anger a bit.

“Breeze Rider! I am very disappointed in you! Why did you not leap to save Rarity as your fellow Wonderbolts did?” She demanded.

“Because of that.” I replied, pointing below to the scene I knew had just occurred.

Celestia looked over, terrified to see the now unconscious members of my team continue to fall with Rarity. She turned to me again.

“Why do you not go now though?” She asked, rage building behind her words again.

“Because another hero is already on her way.” I said, pointing up to Rainbow.

Within 10 seconds of my reply to Aunt Celestia, Rainbow dashed past and achieved the Sonic Rainboom I had promised the other Wonderbolts. A true shame they couldn’t see this one.

“Ah. I see. Very well measured reactions Breeze Rider. I assume you need to go and awaken your teammates?” Celestia asked me, clearly aware of my answer. We followed Rainbows path to just slightly in front of us where it ended.

“I suppose. This’ll be the longest Spitfire’s never yelled at me though. I wish I could enjoy it more. I suppose you need to present the award too?” I replied, ending with an obvious question of my own.

Celestia chuckled, taking to the air again. I rose a few second later to go revive my teammates.

“What? What happened?” I heard Afterburn ask as I moved to wake Soarin with a ‘smelling apple.’

“The Unicorn you were trying to save kicked you unconscious and you were saved by a Sonic Rainboom performed by Rainbow Dash. I told you that you’d regret not bringing padding.” I explained simply and honestly.

“I still wish I’d seen it.” I heard Spitfire pitch in. “Nothing else could have saved us in time though, so I know it’s no lie.”

“Yep.” I said, turning to answer her as Soarin awakened and quickly devoured the apple I had. “Let’s go present the award to Rainbow Dash now shall we?” I asked all around.

I heard no worded replies, and saw no negative nods either. We all knew nopony else but Rainbow Dash deserved to win the best Young Fliers Competition after that performance.

The rest of the day was very much a blur. Rainbow had wanted to do so much with us, I kinda lost track of everything we had done somewhere along the way.

Now all I could hope was that the Grand Galloping Gala might go a bit easier than this day had gone.

Chapter 27: Love is on the Breeze

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The Grand Galloping Gala. To some, it’s an elegant affair where the wealthiest of the wealthy and the smarmiest of the smarmy gather to discuss trivial matters. To others, it’s an excuse to come to Canterlot and try and meet some well-known names or achieve some other type of reasonable goal. To me, it’s always usually just a waste of an evening.

I’ve been getting 2 invitations every year for the past 4 years, one for being “Sir Breeze Rider” and one for being “Breeze Rider of the Wonderbolts.” As the most exciting thing of the night is our opening performance, I always show up as a member of the Wonderbolts. I could show up just in a tuxedo as well and be allowed in, but then I wouldn’t be able to partake in what little fun there is to be had at the Gala. I had gained a unique nickname from my work involving the Gala though.

Some people called me “The Breeze of Love” whenever the Gala would roll around. This was because while my Wonderbolt ticket was only for me, my other ticket was for a ‘Pony’ and a ‘Plus One.’ I didn’t want my tickets to go to waste, so I usually spent a day or so using my powers to go out and find a couple that would enjoy going to the Gala. These couples usually always ended up married, or at the least, madly in love with one another. It was for this reason that I had a nickname around Gala time.

The day before the Gala, as we wrapped up our final practice session before the Gala tomorrow night, I went to ask Spitfire if I could be excused to go and find this year’s ticket bearers.

“I really don’t know why you go to all that trouble Breeze Rider, but I have no reason to stop you. I have to go and get prepped for the Gala soon too.” Spitfire told me, seeming to almost blush a bit at telling me something like that.

“All right then Spitfire. You’re more than welcome to come with me to Ponyville. There are several amazing make-up and clothing artists there, who I am well acquainted with. Bring Soarin too.” I added, worried she might have misunderstood me. I also doubted anything could come between her and Soarin though.

“That sounds lovely. I know Soarin will be excited to go. He hasn’t stopped talking about those apples you brought from there. Can you maybe show him where they come from so he can get his head back IN the clouds?” Spitfire asked.

“Sure. I’ve got enough time to show you two where to go before I go pick the lucky couple.” I told her, seeing her head shake at my last few words.

“I know about your ability, but how you do all this still amazes me. Just give me and Soarin 10 minutes and we’ll be here.” Spitfire told me, heading to the locker rooms to change.

I nodded to her, going to grab my own supplies. I didn’t need much other than my tickets, but I wanted a bit of time to look into the future to see if Rarity was available to help Spitfire and Applejack was available to talk ‘business’ with Soarin.

As I looked, I got a pleasant surprise. It turns out today was Fluttershy and Rarity’s weekly visit to the Ponyville Spa. If I had my timing right, I could drop Spitfire off as a new member of their ensemble. Applejack was also just about to finish for the day. I couldn’t have timed everything better.

I went back outside just as Soarin and Spitfire flew down to join me.

“It’s not a long flight, but we’re a bit short on time. Let’s go.” I told them, taking to the air as I finished.

We were within Ponyville in minutes. I took Spitfire straight to the Spa, having never been there myself, but being familiar with its location. I was right. I had just seen a purple tail swish through the door as we arrived. I stepped in through the door, thoroughly surprising Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Hello Rarity, Fluttershy.” I nodded to each of them as I said it. “I know that this is your weekly routine, but I wondered if you’d object to adding a third member to your party for the day?” I asked.

“Surely you don’t mean yourself darling?” Rarity asked, almost scared of the answer.

“No, not me. I have other business to attend to. I’d like you to meet Spitfire, the leader of the Wonderbolts.” I introduced her as she walked through the door, pawing the ground. She was nervous because she was out of her element.

“We wouldn’t mind having her here. Right Rarity?” Fluttershy asked, almost giving Rarity ‘The Stare.’

“Why not at all. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Spitfire. I am Rarity. We can exchange further pleasantries as we partake of our usual please?” She said, turning her last three words into a question directed at the Spa ponies.

The ponies immediately nodded and set about bringing Spitfire forward to the back with Rarity and Fluttershy. Spitfire still looked nervous, but far less than before.

I stepped back out to meet back up with Soarin. He was tired looking, as was usual, but still seemed to have energy.

“Hey again Breeze. So now that we dropped Spitfire off here, what’s next?” He asked me directly.

“I have other work to do as well. But first I thought you might enjoy going to the place where I got those great apples from.” I inquired, seeing him perk up at the prospect of food.

“Awesome! Let’s go.” Soarin exclaimed.

The trip to Sweet Apple Acres was short. Applejack was right where I knew she would be. She looked up as she heard us, only a little surprised.

“Well howdy Breeze Rider. And the same to yer companion. What can I do fer ya?’ Applejack asked me.

“Hey Applejack. This is Soarin.” I introduced him, seeing he was already lost in trance staring at all the apples around. “He really enjoyed those baskets of apples I brought to the Best Young Fliers Competition. He was hoping to get some more now and strike a deal to supply him and the other Wonderbolts after all our shows and practices. Can you maybe work something out?” I asked, seeing Applejack light up greatly at the mention of being able to give Sweet Apple Acres such great publicity.

“Well I’d be happy ta. Soarin was it?” Soarin nodded. “Well, if y’all don’t mind following me, I can give you a good example of all we can do with these here apples. Then we can strike a deal if yer still interested.”

Soarin walked off, following Applejack, very happy that there were other apple based dishes he could see and try.

I chuckled to myself, happy that my two teammates would be set for the next few hours. Now time to find this year’s lucky couple.

I set off to find the best vantage point in Ponyville. Unsurprisingly, it turned out to be Twilight’s Library. I approached the door and knocked. Twilight answered promptly.

“Hello there Breeze Rider. What can I do for you today?” Twilight asked me.

“Hello to you too Twilight. I was searching around Ponyville for a good vantage point. The top of you Library is perfect, but I didn’t want to be rude and just fly up to use it. May I please use the top of your house to view Ponyville in all its glory?” I inquired, deciding honesty was the best policy.

“Absolutely Breeze Rider. May I ask what you need a vantage point for though?” Twilight responded.

“I could tell you, but I know you enjoy research. You’ll find out the reason for all this at the Grand Galloping Gala tomorrow. That is if you still intend to hang around Princess Celestia for some of the night.” I said, winking at her.

Twilight knew of my gift. I had done a few things too cautiously and knowingly around her and she had gotten curious. She assumed I must have had Pinkie Sense too. I explained that was not the case. She was quite thrilled to learn about such a unique bit of magic, having been researching time magic a bit herself.

“Excellent. I always enjoy a challenge. I will alert you when I have come to a conclusion.” Twilight responded, being giddy about being able to do research at the Gala as well as have fun.

“Excellent. I look forward to it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must get to looking.” I told Twilight.

She nodded and re-entered her Library. I took to the air for a few seconds to get to the most secured part of the roof. I then began my search, using one eye to view a pony, and the other to look at their romantic prospects.

Within about 30 minutes, I had chosen my couple. There were many couples around Ponyville, but they were already well on their own path to happiness. Who was I to interfere in what didn’t need fixing?

I took off from the roof of the Library, heading to Sugarcube Corner, where I had just seen my prospective couple enter. I arrived within moments.

I entered the sweet shop, happy to see that Lyra and Bon Bon were indeed there. I decided to speak up and come right out.

“Excuse me, Lyra? Bon Bon?” I asked, seeing them turn to look at me. “I apologize for possibly interrupting anything, but I had something to give you. I am Breeze Rider by the way.” I replied

“You’re that Wonderbolt with the house across from here right?” Bon Bon asked me. I nodded.

“Cool! You’re my neighbor then!” Lyra exclaimed. I nodded at her to, deciding to return to my intended purpose.

“Indeed. Now, as I was saying, I have a gift for you if you want. I again received 2 invitations to the Grand Galloping Gala tomorrow. One is for my position in the Wonderbolts, the other for my position in the Royal Court. I don’t wish these tickets to go to waste and have no use for them myself. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind taking them?” I asked, seeing their jaws drop as I produced the tickets.

“But aren’t they addressed to you?” Bon Bon asked me.

“Fortunately no. I have been away from Canterlot for so long they do not know if I still choose to be addressed by my title. The tickets are simply addressed to ‘A Pony’ and a ‘Plus One.’ You are more than able to use them.”

Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other, then back to me.

“If that’s the case, and you really don’t want them, we’d be happy to take them off your hooves. Thank you so much. It’s always been a dream of ours to go to the Gala together, but we could never afford tickets.” Lyra explained, blushing as she revealed all this to somepony she had just met.

“I’m happy to be able to help. Enjoy the Gala. I hope to see you there.” I told them, turning to leave. I waved goodbye to them, and they did the same.

As I left Sugarcube Corner, I immediately heard loud shrieks. I knew these were from excitement though.

“Another two up on the ‘Breeze of Love’” I thought to myself, smiling.

Chapter 28: The Grandest of all the Galloping Gala’s

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Well, this Grand Galloping Gala would certainly be remembered. For the wrong reasons by some, but for the right reasons by others.

Fluttershy and the girls had certainly made a name for themselves. It seems they’d each had much better and much different visions of how it should have gone.

Pinkie had though that the Gala was a party much like the ones she enjoyed throwing. She had tried to pick it up to her usual levels, and I appreciated the effort, but most of Canterlot’s High Society are far too set in their ways to change. Even a pony with as much energy as Pinkie had no hope of changing them.

Applejack had wanted to sell all sorts of apples and apple flavored products here. Me and the other Wonderbolts supported our official snack vendor, but I had explained to her that apples just probably wouldn’t make the cut of the kinds of food the Hoity Toity’s of Canterlot would enjoy. She had tried various methods, including building a quite magnificent cake. Pinkie had dive bombed into it though, bringing that idea to a halt.

Fluttershy had wanted to make friends with the animals in the Canterlot Gardens. Most of those animals were beyond antisocial though. I hadn’t wanted to crush her hopes myself, so I had just told her to try her best. Her best ended up causing a stampede through the ballroom.

Twilight had wanted some alone time with Princess Celestia. Being the official greeters for the Gala though doesn’t allow much privacy. She had come across Lyra and Bon Bon though. She told me afterwards that she had figured out I had given them my tickets. I maintained the idea that Lyra and Bon Bon themselves probably told her.

Rainbow had wanted to party with us. She had chosen a bad venue to try to though. Every single Gala, all of us are harassed for pictures, Spitfire and Soarin more so do to their captainship. We’re also constantly bombarded by trivial talk every which way nearly every minute of the night. I do wish we’d been able to hang with Rainbow more. She would’ve been one of the few people there you could enjoy talking to. She got quite angry at the ‘snobs’ as she called them. She was constantly trying to show off to us, ending up with her causing an almost complete architectural collapse of the Ball Room. I had enjoyed watching that.

Rarity had by far the craziest dream of all though. She’d hoped to come here, impress the Highest of High Society, and meet her ‘Prince Charming.’ Instead, she got Prince Blueblood, probably the worst ‘cousin’ I ever met. Rarity tried her best to last the night, waiting for at least one show of chivalry. That hope died along with Applejack’s cake, which Blueblood had protected himself from with Rarity herself. What Rarity did next, telling him off like that, I’d always wished I could do to him.

They all ended up making a run for it near the end of the night, while me and my fellow Wonderbolts dashed about, having quite a lot of fun cleaning up all this. We all agreed that this was the most interesting Gala any of us had attended. And we certainly sent letters to Princess Celestia, asking that Twilight and all the others be invited back next year and every year after.

What’s a party without a little bit of craziness? And from what I heard, the girls had enjoyed hanging out afterwards and sharing all their individual stories. I was glad I’d decided not to have any visions before the Gala. It had made it that much more enjoyable all around I thought.

Chapter 29: Catching Up to a Hurricane

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If anypony ever said not much happened in and around Ponyville, they’d have to be crazy. I hadn’t been able to come back and visit much what with the loss of practice time due to weird circumstances, but I’d kept up on the happenings. Mostly cause some of my team had been injured after a couple of them.

Afterburn had been downed during the short return of Discord, God of Chaos. Trying to fly through all sorts of weird stuff as fast as you can is never a good idea. Good thing Discord had been resealed by the Elements of Harmony, or we might all be out of commission right now. Afterburn would still be out for another month or so with a sprained wing. We had Mach step up and fill in for her. He wasn’t used to being upfront, but he was happy for a chance to prove himself. He certainly got it a little while later.

A while after Nightmare Night, we got reports of a full grown Dragon destroying Ponyville. Spitfire, Gale and Mach set out immediately. I caught up, but by the time I got there, Spike was back to normal and Mach was also out with a sprained leg. Spitfire and Gale hadn’t walked away without any injury, but at least they could still fly. They just had to take it easy for a few weeks.

Those weren’t the only events that happened in Ponyville during my absence, but they were the ones I was most aware of. I was reading the paper, looking for anymore major news out of Ponyville, when I heard Spitfire come up behind me.

“Hey Breeze Rider. Got a minute?” Spitfire asked me.

“Sure. You sure you’re okay to still be up and around? The doctor said to take it easy after practice for a while.” I said, indicating the bandage around her head.

“I’m fine. Besides, doing this now will save me a big headache later. Literally” she explained.

“Okay. So what do you need?” I asked, content enough with her answer.

“Cloudsdale’s organizing a hurricane to bring in water. I was supposed to go and supervise it at Ponyville, but I really don’t think I should risk it. Can you take my place?” Spitfire asked me.

“Sure. But wouldn’t you rather send Soarin? He is the other captain.” I asked, not begrudging myself the duty. I was just curious.

“I’d like to, but Soarin’s out helping bring Afterburn and Mach up to speed on our new moves. It’ll take a while. You’re the next in line, so I came to you.” She explained, smiling at me.

“Wow. I’m honoured. Of course I’ll go. Should I head there now?” I asked.

“I would. Better to be early than late.” Spitfire told me.

“Okay. I’ll see you guys soon.” I replied, taking off as I did.

It’d been awhile since we needed to form a hurricane. They were typically organized to take place once a year or so. This one seemed rather quick though. Or maybe I was just losing track of time.

I touched down just outside of Ponyville and looked up to see all the nearby Pegasi flying towards the other side of town.

“Of course I would end up on the other side of town. Ugh. Let’s just do this. I’d like to go to my house for a bit afterwards.” I thought aloud.

I took off again, wondering if Rainbow, Derpy and Fluttershy would be participating in this hurricane.

Chapter 30: A Cousins Wedding Invite

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Life never stays the same. Proof of that was before me now as I saw my ‘cousin’ Cadance kiss the unicorn, Shining Armor I believe he was named, who was now her husband. I was allowed to call her my cousin just like Blueblood, as she was a niece of Aunt Celestia. It’s a wonder how genetics work out sometimes.

It had been an ordeal to get here though. A Changeling invasion tends to put most wedding plans on hold. What a Changeling even really WAS, I was still confused about. But all that could wait until later. No need to bring up any bad stuff on this happy day. I sat watching as Rainbow Dash took off to do a Sonic Rainboom to signal the end of the ceremony itself.

Looking over at my former students and their friends, I really began to feel my mortality. Life wasn’t going to wait around for me. It didn’t wait around for any one of them either. I had watched Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Derpy grow up before my eyes, and they kept growing every day. Maybe it was time I grew up a little too.

While I was thinking all this, the celebratory part of the reception had begun. Vinyl Scratch and Pinkie Pie were leading the music. A better team couldn’t have been chosen. I looked around to see everyone enjoying themselves.

Pinkie had left the rest of the music to Vinyl and was enjoying the cake with some of the more enjoyable members of Canterlot society. Applejack was off playing her fiddle, which I had no idea she had, with Apple Fritter and some of the more modern music loving ponies. Spike and Sweetie Belle were off dancing together. Spike really outta try going out with her instead of pining after Rarity. Soarin and Rainbow were off dancing to the side, neither exactly great, but neither of them was particularly bad either. Can’t tell Spitfire about any of that though. And I looked to see that Rarity and Fancy Pants were starting to hit it off even better than I already knew they did.

Before I even knew it, it was nighttime and the bride and groom were off on the way to their honeymoon. Rarity had gotten the bouquet of course. The girls now stood together happily laughing at something Spike had seemed to have just said.

Looking over at them all, I felt as though I should just leave them to it. So I did just that. I took to the air, looking for a nice area to just lie down and think. I hadn’t rented a room anywhere as I didn’t really see the need to. I had eventually already made it back to Ponyville, landing just outside my house. I was surprised how fast I’d gotten here. Even Rainbow and Spitfire would have been impressed, had they been around.

I walked inside and proceeded to head straight to bed. I’d had a long enough day as it was. As I laid down on my bed, sleep overtaking me, a vision flashed. It was one I knew well, but with new details.

My first vision had risen up again. This time though, it had a flash of white, and then a blur of yellow. I was also able to distinctly identify Spitfire’s, and then Fluttershy’s voice. I hadn’t been able to make out what they said, but I knew them each well enough to identify their voices. I awoke in panic.

This was it. I was sure of it. I was close to living out my first vision, closer than I’d ever been before. I had so much I needed to do and say. I’d have to tell them I was leaving and have to tell her I loved her. Whether before or after my vision, I knew I’d have to say it sometime around then. Time waits for no colt.

Chapter 31: Grounded

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Fluttershy was out giving food to all the various animals around her house. She didn’t know why, especially when it was such a lovely day out, but she had a tingly feeling in her gut today. She thought maybe she was getting sick.

It was when she finished giving the worms to her birds that she heard the wing beats behind her. They weren’t like what she usually heard when Rainbow Dash came to visit. They sounded strained and panicked. Fluttershy turned around to look for what was distressing Rainbow Dash, when she saw Rainbow coming with another 2 Pegasi by her sides.

“Rainbow Dash, Derpy, Miss Spitfire. What are you all doing here? What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked as the 3 Pegasi stopped in front of her, clearly out of breath and worried.

“Fluttershy! You have to come with us to the hospital now!” Rainbow shouted.

“W-Why? What’s wrong? Who’s hurt?” Fluttershy asked, now as worried as they were.

“It’s Breeze Rider! He was hurt during a new stunt! He’s in emergency surgery now! We gotta go!” Derpy yelled, clearly even more worried than the others.

“Of course. Angel!” Fluttershy yelled down to the ground. “Keep everypony safe and healthy until I get back!” Fluttershy added, seeing Angel look his most serious as he saluted her.

Moments later, they were all on their way. Even Fluttershy and Derpy, who weren’t the speed specialists of the group, were keeping up with Spitfire and Rainbow. They arrived at the hospital within minutes.

Spitfire entered first, leading the others. She walked straight up to the receptionist at the counter, followed by the 3 younger Pegasi.

“How’s Breeze Rider doing?” Spitfire asked, worried about her teammate greatly.

The receptionist looked as though she had been expecting this question and wasn’t ready to give the answer.

“He’s in very bad condition. We’ve never had a Pegasus with such bad injuries come here. We’re calling in doctors from all over Equestria to try to help.” She told everypony, horrified to see their expressions worsen. “We also have your 2 unicorn friends helping. We’re doing everything we can. Currently, his survival chances are below 20 percent.” She finished, feeling horrible with herself for having to have say such things.

Derpy looked as though she had been told she was fired and forced to leave Ponyville. Rainbow even stopped flapping her wings, keeping them stiff at her sides. Fluttershy felt herself get very visibly pale. Spitfire, even with all her practice at not showing distress, appeared worried.

“Please let us know absolutely anything as it happens. We’ll be waiting in the waiting room.” Spitfire answered, barely able to look at anypony.

All of them went to sit in the waiting room. Barely a minute passed before the inevitable question was asked.

“What happened?” Rainbow asked, looking over to Spitfire. Derpy and Fluttershy looked over to, wanting to know how this had come to be.

“We were practicing a new trick over at the far edge of Ponyville, close to Cloudsdale. We called it the ‘Thunder Twister.’ We’d start with our Thunder Streams, and then begin circling all together, around and around, like you all did to make that Hurricane.” Spitfire motioned to them. They nodded, not knowing if she had seen them. She continued on though. “We weren’t certain how stable or durable this trick would be. Breeze Rider volunteered to use his Breeze Stream to try and dissipate it to see. Everything was fine until he got to the eye of it. Then, everything went wrong. Breeze Rider lost control and got sucked into the Twister. He got shocked badly and then got spit out at the fastest speed I’ve ever seen a Pegasus hit the ground at. He landed directly on his wings. Soarin, Rapidfire and I quickly brought him here. Soarin and Rapidfire went to go tell his parents and Princess Celestia about this. They should be back here with them at any time.” Spitfire finished, feeling even more shame that she had let this happen.

“How could I let this happen?” Spitfire asked aloud. “How could I be so stupid to let him try to break that Twister apart on his own?” Spitfire felt horrible as she finally asked it aloud, waiting for any and all answers she deserved.

“It’s not your fault Spitfire. It’s nopony’s. Nopony knew what would happen. You can’t torture yourself with ‘What If’s.’ Come on.” Rainbow Dash offered. “Let’s go outside and get some air. Derpy, Fluttershy, let us know anything okay?”

Both ponies nodded as the Wonderbolt and her biggest fan headed outside. Derpy looked far worse than Fluttershy felt, so she went to sit by her and comfort her.

“It’s okay Derpy. He’ll make it. I know he will.” Fluttershy felt bad saying that. She really wasn’t certain, but she had to try to pick Derpy’s spirits up a bit.

“What if he doesn’t though? I don’t want to be alone again.” Derpy voiced her worries to Fluttershy.

“You won’t be alone Derpy. Rainbow Dash, Me and the rest of the girls will always be here for you. Never forget that.” Fluttershy told Derpy, hugging her.

At the feeling of the hug, Derpy began to cry. Fluttershy just let her get it out, feeling her own tears begin to flow too. How long they stayed there and cried, they never knew. All they knew was that when they looked up again, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire had rejoined them. Applejack and Pinkie Pie had joined too. They explained they’d have been there sooner but they had to finish up their jobs for the day. Everypony just nodded. Nopony really felt like talking much more than that.

2 hours later, Princess Celestia, Breeze Rider’s parents and the remainder of the Wonderbolts showed up to join them in their vigil. Nopony spoke, they simply waited.

An hour after that, Rarity and Twilight came out from behind the emergency doors. Everypony looked up at them.

“We were told there was nothing more we could help with. We were told to come out here and wait with the rest of you. I’m sorry we don’t have any more information.” Twilight told them, their spirits falling slightly again.

Eventually, after about 4 more hours, most everypony had fallen asleep. Only one remained awake. It was Fluttershy.

“Why am I so worried? I know he’s my old teacher and was a big part of my life back then, but why do I feel like it hurts me even more than the rest of them?” Fluttershy thought to herself.

As she continued to ponder, a doctor pony finally came out. He cleared his throat to rouse everypony and get their attention.

“I’m about to give you permission to see Breeze Rider, now that he’s stable. But I must give you all fair warning first.” He explained.

“What do you mean doctor?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Well, we worked tirelessly on him for well over 20 hours, and we were only able to stabilize him within these last few hours. That was because we were unable to accomplish what we had been attempting before now.” He elaborated, worrying over how he would answer the next question.

“What were you attempting to do before now then?” Spitfire asked.

“We were trying to save his wings.” The doctor stated as quickly and loudly as he could, not wanting to have to repeat that part.

“Are you saying that…” Rainbow Dash began.

“Correct. Breeze Rider no longer has his wings. We had to amputate them off. He’ll spend the rest of his life as an Earth pony.” The doctor blatantly stated.

Chapter 32: Adapting to many new things

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It had finally happened. My vision was no longer a vision. It was a fact. An inescapable fact of my life that would alter it in so many different ways.

I had woken up for a short time while I was being operated on. At least, that’s when I think I had woken up. My vision had been quite blurry and my hearing garbled. I had blacked out again so soon that I wasn’t sure though. All I knew was that I wasn’t able to feel my wings.

I remembered most of what had happened. I’d been testing out the Thunder Twister’s capabilities with my Breeze Stream. I remember feeling like I’d hit something solid, and then a very strong feeling of wind. I remembered a lot of spinning and a lot of pain. Then I remember being spit out of it, and crashing before I could do more than extend my wings to try and slow or stop myself. I blacked out at impact.

I remember waking up on something much softer than the ground. It took me a couple minutes to come to my senses before I realized somepony was talking to me. I turned to look at him fully for the first time.

“Mr. Breeze Rider? Can you hear me?” He asked, looking directly at my eyes to look for any misleading signs.

“I can hear you. Who are you? Where am I? Why can’t I feel my wings?” I asked him.

“My name is Doctor Jonas Saltlick. You are in the Ponyville Hospital. You had a terrible accident during your training with the Wonderbolts. And the reason you cannot feel your wings is…” The doctor paused. “Well, because you no longer have them.” He finished, looking at me for my reaction.

I was shocked. I had known that my vision would mean big things were happening, but not this big. My wings had been a huge part of my life. They had allowed me to attend and teach at Flight School. They’d allowed me to join and train with the Wonderbolts. I knew that I’d be able to live without them, but it would still be a huge difference to my life.

“I…see. Thank you for telling me this outright Dr. Saltlick.” I told him, looking him full in the eyes.

He was quite shocked.

“I must say you’re taking this quite well. I expected a few outbursts.” Dr. Saltlick told me.

“I won’t lie and say it’s not shocking or it won’t be hard to get used to. But I’m not gonna fight what I can’t change. I just have to live my life day by day. And right now is a day I’ve thought about for a while.” I told him, surprisingly not shocking him.

“Yes I can imagine that. I was informed of your ability by your friends out in the waiting room for your information.” He replied to my quizzical look. “Would you like to see any of them now?”

“I would like that. But I’d like them to come by in certain groups. For example, can you send my Parents, Derpy Hooves and Princess Celestia first? And then the Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash? I’ll have worked out who I want to see next after I see them.” I asked him.

“Of course. Let me go inform them of your current condition and your visiting limitations to paraphrase.” Dr. Saltlick said, exiting the room as he finished.

I waited, wondering how each of the ponies waiting for me would react.

My parents had been greatly worried, but were far more overjoyed that I was still with them. After visiting with them for a little while, they left to return to Canterlot as they needed sleep. I didn’t mind. So long as they knew I was, for the most part, okay now.

Derpy had cried for a long time. I just held her and brushed her mane until she cried herself out. She left soon afterwards, promising to visit me with a muffin everyday while I was in the hospital, and then every day at what would now be my permanent home in Ponyville.

Princess Celestia’s visit had been different, but still some of the same. I asked her if my ability might have been affected by the crash. She was unsure, having never suffered such an injury while she possessed the power. I told her it didn’t really matter anyway. I was done with future gazing for a while. Celestia too had to leave soon to deal with Royal Duties. I told her to say Hi to Luna for me.

The visit with the Wonderbolts was harder. Simply getting Spitfire to calm down and explain to her that it wasn’t her fault was another thing altogether. Eventually, once I had gotten all of them, including Rainbow Dash, to sit and listen, I began saying some of the hardest words I ever had.

“Well, as you can all probably guess, I’m going into retirement from my days as a Wonderbolt. I know that you’ve all adapted your shows to include me amongst your numbers and it would be too much to ask you to readapt. That’s why, if she’ll consent, I’d like Rainbow Dash to replace me as a Wonderbolt.” I told them.

The debate had not lasted long. All of them had witnessed Rainbow Dash’s skills firsthand, and had no doubts she’d be the perfect replacement.

“Well Rainbow Dash? Do you accept our offer of having you join us to take the place of our retired member Breeze Rider?” Spitfire asked her.

Rainbow remained speechless for a little while. She then immediately leapt up and did a couple loops while going “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh.” She then returned to the ground, worrying she’d made a fool of herself.

“Um I mean I’d love to Spitfire. If you think I’m worthy.” Rainbow added.

They soon began discussing practice dates and uniform sizes. Once a few of the details were worked out, they all left to go about their business, promising to visit often. I was happy about what I had done.

Dr. Saltlick re-entered and asked me who I wanted to see next.

“Please send in Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle. I’d like to see Fluttershy separately after all of them are gone if you could inform her of that.” I told him.

He nodded and left to relay my messages.

The 4 ponies I had asked for first were here quickly; almost surprised I’d wanted to see them. I quickly assured them I was okay, just a little stiff, before going into detail about why I’d called them there.

“Well girls, as you can probably tell, I can no longer be a Wonderbolt. I called you here to offer myself up to each of you. I’d like a job.” I told them, seeing their jaws drop. “I’ve helped around your various employments before, so you know I’m capable. I don’t need much pay, just a few bits for food and necessities really. Do you think you could help me out once I’m recovered?” I asked, hoping at least one of them would have a place for me.

All of them were more than willing to offer me employment. I told them I could do a Job Rotation of sorts, working at each of their various places for 2 weeks at a time, before moving onto the next establishment for 2 weeks. They all seemed to think that was fair. After a few more bits of chit-chat, they all left to return to their daily lives, telling me they’d visit once a week or so.

This was bound to be the hardest talk of the day, even harder than my talk with the Wonderbolts. I waited, knowing Fluttershy would be in shortly. She came in about 5 minutes after Rarity had left.

“Hello Breeze Rider. I came alone after the others left like you asked me to. I was so upset to hear you were hurt. Is there anything I can do?” Fluttershy asked me, her eyes pleading.

“Hey Fluttershy. First, let me thank you for coming like I asked. It means a lot to me. Secondly, there is something you can do for me. Can you please listen to what I have to say now? I probably won’t be able to say it all again afterwards, and I’d like to keep focused while I say it.” I asked her.

Fluttershy nodded at me, indicating she’d stay quiet while I talked. She then pulled up a chair and waited for me to begin.

“Alright Fluttershy. I’ve never been all that great with words. You know that. I was always more of a physical demonstration teacher. So it may be hard for me to properly say what I need and want to.” I looked over at her again, to make sure she was listening. Content that she was, I continued. “Here goes. I care about you Fluttershy. More than I thought I did. I’ve always cared for you, ever since you were a tiny little filly in my class. Somewhere along the line though, those feelings became something more. I think I began to realize it when I saw you the first time I came back to Ponyville to visit. It just never solidified in my head until just after Cadance and Shining Armor’s wedding. I love you Fluttershy. I know you may not feel the same way for me, but I just needed you to know.” I finished, closing my eyes as I wasn’t certain I wanted to see Fluttershy’s reaction.

A few minutes of silence followed what I said. I had expected that though. I had said all I needed too. I’d have no regrets living the rest of my grounded life now. I heard a shuffling of hooves, and opened my eyes to see Fluttershy attempting to tell me something.

“I-I….do feel the same way t-though….B-Breeze Rider. I think I started to realize it when you came back too. I only came to somewhat terms with it while I was waiting out in the waiting room though. And now hearing you say it, I think I can too. I love you too Breeze Rider.” Fluttershy told me, looking at me with those eyes I knew I’d never stop looking at.

Fluttershy then trotted over and gave me a kiss. In this kiss, all our feelings were solidified. We would never willingly part from each other again, for any reason. We would never want for anything else as long as we had each other. We would be happy, as long as we were together.

It was the single greatest moment of my life. Better than watching her and the other girls graduate. Better than joining the Wonderbolts. Better than even a few moments ago, when I had finally confessed my love.

In the moments while we kissed, I felt as I never had before. I knew that, from that day on, even if I were stuck on the ground, I’d always feel like I was walking on clouds and flying through the skies.

Chapter 33: Epilogue of it all

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Truly, my life has been far greater than I deserve. It’s been 9 years since that wonderful night in the hospital. I’ve been happily married to Fluttershy for 8 of those years.

Twilight Sparkle had long since finished her research on the Magic of Friendship and returned to Canterlot. She visited frequently though, being able to teleport between Ponyville and Canterlot as easily as the rest of us breathed. She kept coming back here to take stabs at her new assignment; studying the Magic of Love. She was looking for her own special stallion or mare while observing the other couples in Ponyville, especially Lyra and Bon Bon.

Rainbow Dash had been a Wonderbolt ever since I had retired, and was still loving every minute. She had taken to hiring her Sonic Rainboom out to special events. There was barely a day when there wasn’t a rainbow or two somewhere in Equestria. Me and Fluttershy had even had her do one for our wedding.

Rarity had risen to fame all over Equestria as the best fashion designer there was. The Wonderbolts had come to her 5 years ago asking for a new uniform design. She had gone above and beyond on that request. Ever since then, massive orders for ‘Rarity Originals’ have been coming in from all over Equestria. Rarity delivers on them all.

Pinkie Pie had taken over Sugarcube Corner from the Cakes 3 years ago. The shop had expanded, taking over almost a third of downtown Ponyville. She had also begun hiring herself out as a caterer and ‘Party maker-or breaker’ all over Canterlot. She spent more time at parties and in her balloon then she did at the shop anymore. For the most part, it was run Twist, who in turn managed Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. She always made time for her friends when we needed her though.

Applejack still worked Sweet Apple Acres, though she had to take more time off due to her family. She had married a stallion by the name of Hay Bale. He and his family had made a partnership with Sweet Apple Acres a few years back. One day, Hay Bale had come over to inspect things instead of the colt that usually did and had come across Applejack. Within a year and a half they were hitched. By today, which was near their 7th anniversary, they already had 2 foals; a young colt and a newborn filly. Apple Bloom was more or less in charge of everything around the farm now. This was really no big deal to her once she’d finally gotten her Cutie Mark.

Derpy had been promoted to Head Post Pony a couple years ago. She also worked part time at Sugarcube Corner, getting to take home all the excess muffins at the end of the week. Somehow, there always seemed to be 6 extra tins at the end of the week.

Sweetie Belle had been discovered by Vinyl Scratch and Octavia a couple years ago. They were currently touring Equestria, booking all sorts of venues due to their diversity. Scootaloo also still got to work with her idol, Rainbow Dash; she now opened for Wonderbolt shows by doing all different kinds of stunts for them.

Fluttershy continued her job as Ponyville’s resident veterinary, just with an extra wingless Pegasus under her care now. We’re also on our way to a larger family. Fluttershy is currently 6 months pregnant as I write this. Twilight offered to use a divination spell to tell us whether it would be a colt or a filly, but we turned her down. We had names and plans set for either eventuality.

I’d also stopped my divination. That fall years ago had jarred something in me. I could now set my ability to be on or off if I wanted. I was also able to look into the past now. That’s how I learned my Earthly origins.

I told everypony once I had found them out. They were certainly surprised, but I was happy I wasn’t treated any differently by anypony. That had made me feel truly happy.

I write this now at 34 years Equestrian age, 34 years Earth age. I’ve had a much longer life than most anypony gets, except maybe for Granny Smith. I am getting ready to head out the door to my weekly job, for this week and next at least, at Sweet Apple Acres.

This will be my final entry. I have no reason to record anymore of my life. I record this more to keep myself certain that this has all really happened, and I’m really not just zonked out somewhere in a delirious state.


“Honey! Aren’t you gonna be late?” I hear Fluttershy call me.

“I’m just about to head out. I just had to finish some important business.” I tell her as she comes around to look.

“What is it?” She asks, nuzzling me.

“Just the babblings of a colt and a man. Nothing more, nothing less.” I tell her, giving her a kiss.

“Oh you. Now get going. Applejack will only be mad at you if you’re late, but Apple Bloom will be furious.” Fluttershy tells me, giggling at the end.

“Yeah. I suppose I don’t wanna test a former Cutie Mark Crusader. I’ll be home at 9. Stay safe.” I kiss her and pat her tummy.

I head out the door, looking up at sky I can no longer be in. I see Rainbow Dash fly over and wave at me, the rest of the Wonderbolts just a little ways behind her. I wave back at them all, glad to see them and hoping I’ll still be allowed the weekend off to go see their show. Applejack was sure to understand. She was going to want to attend it to.

I don’t regret a single thing I’ve done or a single choice I’ve made. I still have a lot of it left to live, but I’ve had good, Long Life as Breeze Rider.

The End