> Date Night > by Star Sage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Small Experience > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was embarrassing for you. Not that there were many things that weren’t all things considered, but this was one of the worst experiences in your whole life. You’d been given an assignment, something to bring up your flagging grades in college. It seemed so simple really, just be a teacher’s aid for a class of high school kids. Of course, you’d forgotten what high school was like, with everyone picking on you, and making fun of you, and otherwise making you miserable. Sighing, you walked towards the door to the office of the school, having to stand on your toes to reach the knob, and push it hard, as the thing was made of solid wood. For most of the students, of course, that wasn’t a problem, they were all average as things of size and power went. Not you though, not you at all. You weren’t a person who suffered from dwarfism exactly, as that would at least alter the proportions of your body a bit, and maybe give you a bit more power in your arms and legs. No, you were just short, around three feet tall, with spindly little arms and legs. “Need some help?” asked one of the students, one of the ones you didn’t have class with. You just huff a bit, but then nod, and the guy, Flash Sentry you think is his name, pushes the thing open for you easily. That only increases your bad mood, of course, but you thank the kid anyway. It’s not his fault you’re small, after all. Heck, compared to your college, most of the kids here are pretty nice about it, never grabbing your books or stuff and holding them over your head, or stuffing you into high places you can’t get out of. Not that them not being jerks makes it easier, as you’d been knocked down more than once because some student carelessly tossed their bag and smacked you with it. “Ah, there you are. The Principle is in a meeting with her sister, but I don’t think they’d mind if you go on in,” said the person at the desk. You nod, walking up to the door to the office, and just to be polite, knocking on it, which causes two voices inside to go silent for a moment. “Who is it?” rings out a lovely voice from inside, and you quickly squeak out your name as your heart leaps into your throat. “Oh, come in, come in,” says the voice, and you leap up to grab the handle to the door, which clicks much easier than the main office one had. It also swings open much easier too, letting you into the room, and getting a view of the two women who are inside. One is standing, her midnight blue hair fluffed up around her, a bit frazzled, but otherwise looking soft, with a sheen that ran through it. The other is delicate as a sunbeam, her ivory skin seemingly glowing, as if her pastel colored hair were giving off a soft light all its own. “Ah, we were just talking about you,” said Celestia from her seat, Luna standing beside her. It was rather obvious the two of them had been having a heated, if quiet, discussion before you’d come in, which causes your face to feel like it was on fire as you wonder just what they could have been saying to cause them to argue about you. “Um, anyt-thing g-o-ood?” you stammer out as you walk inside, pushing the door closed behind you. Of course, you have a bit of trouble getting it to latch, and Vice Principal Luna chuckles a little as she walks over and helps you, pushing the door closed with a click, as you chuckle a bit, scratching behind your head, and then scramble over to the chair that Celestia gestures towards, taking a seat as the two sisters resume their positions, Celestia sitting at her desk, and Luna standing beside her. “So, tell us, what do you think of CHS and its student body?” asked Luna as she looked at you, and you could feel your face grow even hotter under their scrutiny. “Well, the stu-students are ve-very nice and kind. None of them make fun of me. But they don’t have to. They always open doors for me, and always make me feel small just by being themselves. Even that gi-girl you had escort me those first few days, Ms. Fluttershy didn’t he-help much,” you say, trying to complete your thoughts, even as they jumble all up in your brain. “Ah, I see. Still, is Blueblood treating you well? Not patronizing you, I hope?” asked Celestia, and you swallow hard, trying to get your throat to take in a little moisture. It doesn’t help much, as the walls in your throat just seem to dry out instantly. Still, you cough, and then turn to face them. “He’s been fine. A good teacher, really he is, even if he can be a bit rude sometimes,” you say, and then think back to all the times he’s inadvertently made a short joke about you. Never on purpose, of course, but sometimes he’ll ask you to get things in high cabinets, or just forget you’re in the other seat beside him and toss his materials into it, as habit Rarity, upon getting you uncovered, said he had had for as long as she’d known him. “Yes, so I see. Well, that’s good to hear. Most of the student say you’re quite the skilled engineer, always willing to help them. That’s going to look well on your evaluation at the end of the month,” said Luna, ticking a few things down on her paper in front of you, while Celestia just stared, trying her best to put on a comforting smile, but your heart refused to see it that way, as it raced a million miles a minute. “Tell me then, you seem to be getting along well here, but the college was saying your grades were always slipping, despite this. What makes that happen?” she asked sweetly, and you swallow again, before unloading suddenly. You don’t know why, but you just start listing out all the things those jerks at the college do to make your life miserable. From that time they slashed the tires on your car, requiring you to call someone else since you can’t fix them, to stuffing you into a materials box and then closing it up and leaving you there to be discovered during the next class. Belting all this out in a single breath, you gulp in air as he finish before sighing. “I’m sorry to hear all that. You seem like such a sweet young man, to have such cruelties visited upon you. Is there anything we can do to help you?” she asked, and your mind latches onto the first thing it thinks of. “Would you go on a date with me this friday, the two of you?” you say before you consider the words coming out of your mouth. In your emotionally drained state after the outburst just a minute ago, you don’t even realize what you’ve said, until you notice them staring at you, and then your brain kicks you. Suddenly you find yourself sweating, and wishing you were even smaller than you already were, like mouse sized or something so you could scurry into the walls and hide, even as it feels like your face will literally pop with all the blood rushing to your cheeks. “An interesting proposition,” said Luna after a moment, and then pulled some book out of a drawer on Celestia’s desk, one that Celestia tried to snatch out of her hands, but found her sister walking away too quickly for her to do so. “Hmm, yes, I believe we’re both free on Friday Night, say around 8ish?” she comments, as Celestia finally pushes her chair out from her desk and walks over, snatching the book from her sister’s grasp. “Luna! Please don’t tease the man,” she says as she snaps the little black book closed. “I’m not teasing him, Tia. If he’s serious about this being something to help his emotional state, it would be good for him. Besides, it’s not like either of us have been on a date in going on a thousand years,” she chides her sister, as Celestia walks back over to the desk and slams the book into the drawer. She raises her head to face you, trying her best to smile, despite a rather annoyed glint in her eyes as she glances over at her sister. “I apologize for Luna. You don’t have to offer such things to us,” she begins, but you shake your head, trying to screw up your courage. “No, I was serious, I know a great little place downtown, I can get us reservations and everything. Only if you want to, of course,” you blurt out, and Celestia seems to freeze in place as she considers this, a hundred lonely nights with just her sister for company flashing through her eyes for a moment, before she finally sighs and smirks at you. “That sounds lovely. We’ll pick you up for it, since I don’t think you’re car can hold all three of us, Just give us your address, and we’ll see what comes of this,” she says, and you quickly jot down your information, before rushing out of the room, trying to hold everything in, before you run into a nearby bathroom, and start hyperventilating in one of the stalls. When you finally, after a long time, feel you’ve gotten yourself under control, you make a few quick calls on your phone, and then leave the bathroom, positively glowing with excitement of what’s to come at the end of the week. OoOoO You were trying you best to smile at the two women sitting in the front seat before you. It had taken way more of your money than you cared to admit, but you’d gotten the three of you seats at one of the most expensive restaurants in the city. The candlelight dinner sort of place. At eight, right on the nose, they’d pulled up in their car, a rather large, at least to you, two door thing that looked a bit more ‘cool’ than one would expect of a Principal and her sister, with a unique two sided design, the front being very bright, while the back was dark. “Ready for some fun?” asked Luna as she got out of her seat to let you get into the back. Smiling up at her, you’d nodded enthusiastically, taking a seat behind them, and glad you hadn’t taken your own car, which could have fit inside theirs. You had then been treated to Celestia’s driving, which wouldn’t have looked out of place in a demolition derby save for the fact that as she spun around the other cars on the road, she never hit a single one, though you found yourself whooping excitedly the whole time. The date itself had been...embarrassing at points. The first being the need for a high chair, something you never liked, but did indeed find necessary more often than not. The second was your coughing at some of the prices. Still, you wanted to show the two a good time, and the meal was fantastic, with the three of you talking about everything from politics, which the two were almost diametrically opposite on, to shows they liked to watch. It was, all told, not the best date in the world, but for your first try, you liked it, and you did indeed get the two of them laughing at least a few times, which felt like a success in your book. Now you were sitting in the back, letting the music from the radio wash over you as Celestia tore through the streets like a woman convinced she was immortal. Somehow, you felt safe, despite her seeming recklessness, and after a few minutes, you arrived at your destination. Climbing up into the seat, you looked outside to find that, rather than your own small….modest home, you were at something far different. It took only a glance at the sun and moon motif to realize you were at the sister’s home, and the pair of them looked back at you with smiles. “We felt that, after the drinks Tia had, it would be best to get off the road as soon as possible. We hope you don’t mind spending the night, tonight,” said Luna, as she unbuckled, and helped you out of the car. “Um, no, I don’t, but I didn’t bring a change of clothes or anything,” you say to the woman, looking up at her, and feeling like she was getting bigger in the night. Still, her smile as she squatted down so her face was only a bit higher than your’s made you feel somehow safer. “Oh, I doubt that’s going to be much of a problem,” she said, rubbing her hand on the side of your face in a way that implied something a lot more intimate than you had expected of the night. She then stood up to her full height again, her dark blue skin making her seem almost like a patch of the night sky having come down to lord over you. She then took your hand, like you were a child, and led you to the door of their home, Celestia opening the portal wide, so the three of you could enter together. The home was...interesting, to say the least, a fusion of themes of light and dark all around, with several rather dark curtains hung over the windows to create a shadowed feel to the place, while above a huge chandelier lit up with a single flick of a switch, casting a thousand beams of light in every direction, like a noon day sun. Somehow, the two aesthetics together combined to create something that felt like twilight, neither day nor night, but the time between the two, with crystals all around the room on bookshelves twinkling like stars slowly revealing themselves. “Home sweet home,” said Celestia, as she led you towards another oddity. The front room of the house, normally a sitting or living room, was instead a bedroom. Well, it had a bed in it, anyway. A huge one, fit for at least a half dozen normal sized people, and taking up more than a quarter of the room. The pair of women, walking towards it, sat down on the side, and then ran their fingers through their hair, the billowing masses of light and dark strands framing their bodies in odd ways, as they patted the side of the bed, urging you to come nearer, though when you finally made it, they had to help you up together. “It’s not often anyone gets to see this room, or anything in our home really,” began Luna, as she began to strip out of her dress. The thing, dark and subtle like the woman herself, slipped off easily, falling to the floor around her ankles and revealing that what she wore underneath hid nothing at all, just a small bra and a pair of panties. “We don’t normally share our lives like this, but you are the first person to ask either of us out in a long time,” continued Celestia. Her dress, bright and powerful, didn’t come off as easily, requiring that she stand at first to undo a strap at her waist. She then slowly began to pull on the sleeves and then the pants, opening them up like they were snap on bracelets or something, before finally pulling herself into it. When she then pushed it off, you found, much to your surprise, she was wearing nothing beneath the thing at all, and her bare skin now stared at you as she smiled down and stroked her finger along your cheek. “Uh, I’m not so sure about,” you started to say, and then she kissed you. Not a light peck, or a simple smooch, but something a lot deeper than that, her tongue roaming around inside your mouth as she forced her body onto yours. You try to fight at first, feeling something is wrong, but then a thrill like a bolt of electricity shoots up your spine, causing your brain’s objections to get drowned out in a sea of hormones. Mind, the pink electricity coming from her lips probably also had something to do with it, but not one of the three of you noticed that as Celestia pushed you back onto the bed. A few movements of your waist, and one roll of your shoulder and you slipped out of the tux you’d been wearing. The ease of getting it off was a result of its intended purpose for children. Better, since it had been so tight, you, like Celestia, had been wearing nothing beneath, and as she dominated you, towering above you in every sense of the word, you found your body growing limp. She pressed her chest against yours, her breathing coming so hard and strong that you found it emptying and refilling your lungs, like she was now using you as her own personal toy. Then you felt a tickle at your feet. Trying to tear your gaze away from Celestia, who had somehow maneuvered you so that your rather healthy manhood was now trapped between her breasts, you spotted the intrusion immediately. It was Luna, her fingers dancing over the soles of your feet, before she smirked up at you, and then fell onto the bed beside the two of you, her tongue running over your toes and causing you to feel light headed, while her own foot ended up in your face, pressed firmly against your eyes, blocking your view of the purple arcs playing across her lips onto your skin. The feeling of the two sisters on your body was far too much for your mind, and the tingle of the twin arcs seemed to meet somewhere in the center of your being, right behind your manhood. So your muscles jerked till they were taughnt, forcing the breath from your lungs, and your moans of pleasure being trapped inside Celestia’s body. Then you felt it, release. But not in the normal way. You felt the world release itself from you, and suddenly you were not as you had been. Your body feeling like it was both floating and falling at the same time. The sisters, ignorant of what you felt, continued to use you until Celestia noticed something odd. Your body, formally about half as large as her’s was now small enough that your manhood was pushing against her chin. Worse, her lips not covered your face completely, her kisses now trying to suck not only the air from your lungs, but also the face from your head, forcing you to gasp for air as she finally pulled back, noticing that you were getting smaller, and smaller, your body melting away to nothing. You were aware of this as well, and looked up into her face, your mind somehow not panicking as it flew away into the heavens, going for the face of an angle, with a halo of pastel hair, to one of a great titan, a massive being that towered over the world. And finally, it was the face of a goddess of beauty, her visage filling your sky, even as your body continued to feel the ecstasy of release, continued to grow smaller and smaller. Somehow, when it stopped, you found yourself on a solid surface, rather than the soft bed, and breathing heavily, you looked around. Above you, you could see the faces of the sisters, hanging in the air, your own personal sun and moon, their eyes ones of concern as they looked down at you. Within you though, you still felt the warmth and power of the release, your mind refusing to process what had happened, and so as you stood up, you weren’t panicked, weren’t even concerned really. Instead you looked around finding that about you stretched forth a plain of solid blue, seemingly made of some kind of rock, but warm to the touch. It took you looking back farther and farther to realize where you were, and still your mind refused to see it as a thing of concern. Beyond the plain, somewhere around a thousand miles distant, you could see the start of a tower, one that was the same blue as the plain, but a shade lighter. Then it rose into the heavens, your view of it twisting around until it met a second tower somewhere a continent away, coming together at a place of black lace that then rose and gained a broadness, before finally ending at the top with Luna’s head, a head that floated in the heavens, a world away. You were on Luna’s toes, and far above, you could see the faces of the sisters, concern melting away as they looked down at you, then at each other, and then down at you again. They said something, but you couldn’t hear it. You realized, somewhere in the back of your mind, that there was no way they should have been able to see you, or know where you were at your size, somewhere lost as a single mite on Luna’s big toe. Still, they seemed to know where you were, and after a few minutes, that seemed to satisfy them, as they laid back in their bed. You then felt a warm wind, something muggy, like the air of a swamp being blown towards you, but with a far sweeter smell. It took the view of a massive pink wave of flesh to realize that Celestia was now sucking on Luna’s toes, her tongue licking at the digits, and pushing between them, rivers of saliva working their way into every nook and cranny, while above, Luna’s panties had somehow been discarded, and the pair were now pushing their fingers into each other’s womanhoods. It was a few minutes later, of the sweet, warm wind blowing over you that they stopped, your own body reaching release almost at the same time theirs did. Then the three of you rested, your body staying level with Luna’s, even as the blue woman rolled onto her stomach, and laid with her sister in the huge bed. The next day, and the day after, and the year after, the sisters would keep you there, your disappearance a mystery to all but the sisters, who would sometimes look down at you, and smile, before enjoying an evening with just the three of you together.