> The Bonds of Brothers > by Marshal Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Quality Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusk Shine stepped off the train onto the platform, groaning as he stretched his limbs out, stiff from the long trip to the Crystal Empire. He shrugged his shoulders, working out the last of the tightness in his muscles before turning his gaze north, to the Crystal Palace that towered above the rest of the city. He smiled at the sight, excited for the chance to meet his brothers in law and blood after months with nothing but letters exchanged. He secured his saddlebags to his back before setting off, heading for the palace at the center of the city. As he walked, he took in the scenery of the Crystal City. From the vibrant plant life to the glimmering crystal buildings. From the food stands (actually made of wood!) to the shining streets on which it all rested. Even the ponies themselves were made from a form of warm, living crystal. Dusk still had trouble wrapping his mind around that one. He exchanged smiles and nods with the ponies that recognized him. There were a few, even though most of them knew Barb, of all creatures, as their savior. Dusk couldn’t help but chuckle to himself at the thought. The little dragoness had grown up so fast, and Dusk was happy that she was finally getting some of the recognition she’d craved. The main road of the city lead directly up to the front gate of the palace, so Dusk had no need of a guide or even familiarity with the city. Before he knew it he stood before the gates of the palace, greeted by a pair of stoic stallions clad in armor and holding spears. The two guards snapped to attention and crossed their spears across the entrance, barring the way for Dusk. He came to a stop, confused for a split-second before remembering that these weren’t the Canterlot guards, of which he knew many by name. “State your business,” the one on the left spoke. Dusk looked him over briefly, seeing he was a unicorn stallion with dark fur that starkly contrasted the glitter of his crystal skin. “Prince Dusk Shine, here for a personal visit to Prince Bolero and Prince Shining Armor.” For emphasis, he flared his wings to expose them to the guards, making his status unmistakable. To their credit, or perhaps their commanding officer, the two stallions didn’t seem surprised. They returned their spears to the vertical positions and bowed to Dusk. “Greetings, Prince Dusk,” the one on the right spoke. This one was a pegasus, lightly colored unlike his partner. “We apologize for the inconvenience. Do you require an escort?” Dusk smiled at the guard. “No, I can manage. I think I’ll ask my brother where my room is.” The guard nodded to him. “Understood, sir. Have a pleasant visit.” The unicorn channeled magic through his horn, the soft green glow spreading to the crystal gate behind him. Dusk watched as the gate parted seamlessly in the middle, allowing him entry to the palace grounds. He folded his wings against his back and trotted inside, the gate closing behind him as he paused to look around. It was just as he remembered it, with the well-kept grounds proving to be a breath of fresh air compared to the crystal… everything. Dusk kept himself to the path as he walked forward, his saddlebags getting a little heavy on his back as he approached the grand staircase that led up into the palace itself. He looked forward to offloading his burden as soon as he found Shining and Bolero. He stopped at the base of the stairs, where two other guards stood on either side. He cleared his throat. “Excuse me, sirs,” Dusk said. “Can you tell me where the Princes are?” The one on the left replied, “They have retreated to their chambers for the time being, Prince Dusk. They have asked not to be—” “Thank you!” Dusk said, excitement overcoming him. He continued up the stairs, a pace between a trot and a gallop as he entered the palace. He remembered where the room was—he didn’t forget much, after all—but he didn’t look forward to the trip. Several flights of stairs, at least a couple more guard postings, and quite a lot of regret for his book-heavy bag later, Dusk finally stood before the grand doors that led into the royal chambers. He found it a little strange that there were no guards posted here, but he didn’t think much of it. Eager to meet his brothers again, Dusk reached up and knocked on the door. However, to his annoyance, the hard crystal barely made a sound, even when he knocked harder a second time. “Too dense,” he muttered. “Nothing for it, then.” He called on his own magic, the purple aura enveloping the enormous doors. Despite their weight—normally requiring two unicorn guards working in tandem to open—Dusk had little difficulty with it and opened them enough to squeeze himself inside. The doors closed themselves behind him, causing him to muse that they must be enchanted. He shook his head and returned his thoughts to the situation at hoof. The first thing he did was kneel and shrug his bags off, letting him sigh in relief as the weight disappeared. Normally he wouldn’t have just left his things lying around, but he’d pick them up on the way back out. “Shining?” he called. No reply, which caused him to frown. “Bolero?” he tried again, again receiving nothing in reply. Hmm, the guard said they were here. He took a few steps forward into the hall, looking around contemplatively. He didn’t even know where to begin his search, considering he could see six rooms on each side of the hall already, and that was only the entrance. Really, I can understand wanting to enjoy the perks, but this is just ridiculous. At least he’d get the chance to explore. He walked deeper into the chambers, looking at the paintings that adorned the walls with mild curiosity. Many of them depicted scenes of historical importance to the Empire, from the forging of the Crystal Heart, to its rediscovery (Dusk had to admit, he liked how they portrayed Barb there), and even Sombra’s rise to power, followed immediately by his fall at the hooves of Princes Artemis and Solaris. Dusk had never been much of an art enthusiast, though he imagined Elusive could spend hours here. Just the same, he could appreciate the fine work of the paintings before he walked forward and continued his search. It was then that he heard something off, causing his brow to crease as he strained to hear. Muffled words, but he couldn’t tell what they were. Dusk smiled, assuming they belonged to one of his brothers. He trotted forward, his ears twitching as he turned his head from side-to-side, trying to pin down the source. The sounds led him further down the hall, and he frowned in confusion as they grew clearer. “Nghh, you like this, don’t you?” That’s weird… He sounds almost… angry? Dusk came to a stop outside a door along the wall inside the antechamber, listening intently at the door for more. He heard a muffled reply, though he could tell it wasn’t because of the door. Shining spoke again. “Of course you do.” He grunted. “Dirty little colt like you?” Dusk’s eyes widened and he drew back, mentally preparing himself to play mediator as he so often did for his other friends. Without pause he pushed the door open, stepping into the bedroom. He froze, mind not registering what he saw. There on his back, all four legs tied to the bedposts, lay Prince Bolero, sporting a thick erection between his pink hind legs. The stallion atop him drew Dusk’s attention next. He stared with wide eyes at the sight of Shining hunched over Bolero at the head of the bed, standing on his hind legs and bracing his forehooves on the wall as he thrust his own hard cock deep into Bolero’s muzzle. Dusk watched in a mixture of shock and fascination. Shining’s thrusts went so deep into Bolero’s throat that even from where he stood, Dusk could see a bulge moving up and down Bolero’s neck. Then his ears woke up again, and he heard the sounds in all their clarity. “Haah, damn tight and hot, just made for this,” Shining said. He grunted and bucked his hips harder, his groin slapping against Bolero’s neck and the heavy balls beneath swinging to meet his neck. Bolero could only give a muffled groan in reply, but Dusk could see a subtle twitch of his erect member at the words. Only then did Dusk realize that he intruded on a very, very private moment, and that he should really leave especiallysincehecouldfeelhimselfgetting— He cut off his frantic thoughts by speaking in his equally panicked voice. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!” Shining shouted in surprise and stumbled back, his cock slipping out of Bolero’s mouth as he fell flat on his back. As Shining awkwardly fumbled and tried to turn around to face Dusk, Bolero was left helpless to do anything besides stare at Dusk with wide eyes. “Dusk!” Shining blurted, cheeks burning red as he rushed to cover himself up. “What’re you doing?!” Shining’s attempts to cover himself only drew more attention to it, his enormous, black stallionhood impossible to conceal with mere hooves. Dusk found his eyes drawn to it, causing his own blush to flare up. “I-I was just here for the visit!” Dusk said, tearing his eyes away from Shining’s hard-on and instead looking at his embarrassed face. “Don’t you remember?!” Shining groaned. “That was today?” Bolero gave a frustrated sigh and yanked at his ropes. “Okay, this is getting awkward. Can somepony untie me?” “In a minute,” Shining said, still looking at Dusk. He gave up trying to cover himself with his hooves and instead grabbed a pillow to cover his lap. “B-but… What are you two doing?!” Dusk asked. He pushed his hind legs closer together, feeling something shifting between them. “Well, it was his idea.” Shining nodded his head at Bolero, who looked rather annoyed despite his flushed face. Not to mention, as Dusk couldn’t help but notice, his still fully-erect length between his legs. Dear Celestia, he’s almost as big as Shining… Dusk squirmed. “Just something interesting for our anniversary,” Bolero said. He yanked at the ropes. “Seriously, at least cover my—” “You’re still staring,” Shining said, quirking an eyebrow at Dusk. He looked more amused than annoyed. Dusk only blushed harder when he realized Shining was right. “S-sorry!” He fidgeted in place, trying his hardest not to look. “It’s just…” “...Kinda hot?” Bolero asked, giving up on pulling at his ropes. Dusk hesitated, then nodded. “That obvious?” “Well…” Shining pointed a hoof, and when Dusk followed it he realized with horror what he meant. “Oh no!” Dusk plopped down and tried to cover himself, but like with Shining before him, he had no luck at all. Shining snickered. “Come on, Duskie. We’re all adults here.” Bolero gave Shining a look. “You haven’t kicked him out. Or untied me. You’re thinking something, aren’t you?” “Maybe.” Shining smirked at Dusk. “He hasn’t left yet, either.” Dusk squirmed. “That doesn’t mean anything!” “You sure?” Shining stretched, letting the pillow fall and expose his still-hard length to Dusk’s hungry eyes. “Because, you know, Bolero and I might be able to make some room on the bed...” “But you’re my brother!” Dusk shifted and gave up trying to cover himself. It didn’t do any good anyway. Shining arched an eyebrow. “So? It’s not like any of us are going to get pregnant.” Dusk frowned. “It’s still really sudden…” Shining grinned. “But?” Dusk sighed and gave him a weak smile. “Well, I guess it’s quality time, isn’t it?” “Is anypony going to ask for my opinion?” Bolero asked. Shining started. “Oh, right. Uh, what do you think?” Bolero paused and turned that over in his thoughts. “Actually, I’m okay with it.” He fluttered his eyes at them. “I wanna watch you two make out.” Shining smirked at Bolero. “You just wanna get spitroasted.” Bolero shrugged, or at least he would have if not for the bindings. “Guilty.” “Uh… Can we warm up first?” Dusk asked. “I mean, I’m kinda new to this.” Shining chuckled. “We’ll warm you up, alright.” The white stallion stood and turned, straddling Bolero and leaning over him, stance wide and downright predatory. “Just watch and enjoy, Duskie,” Bolero said, breathless and rather excited. Shining leaned down and pressed his lips to Bolero’s, silencing the stallion except for the quiet groan of satisfaction at the contact. Shining pushed his tongue hard against Bolero’s soft lips, forcing them open and allowing him entry. Shining grunted in satisfaction, poking his tongue around inside Bolero’s mouth. Slipping easily into his role, Shining lashed his tongue and pinned Bolero’s to the bottom of his mouth, holding it there for a few seconds as a declaration of his control. Bolero relaxed beneath him, and Shining moved on. He lowered his hips, pressing his aching hard cock against Bolero’s, causing both of them to groan into each other’s mouths. Shining bucked his hips slowly, rubbing their lengths together and coaxing droplets of precum from their tips. Shining broke the kiss, tongue hanging out of his panting mouth as he stared into Bolero’s light purple eyes. A strand of saliva connected their open lips as they caught their breath, Shining’s dominant persona faltering momentarily as he lost himself in that loving gaze. “Oh, that’s amazing,” Dusk murmured. Shining glanced back at him, wearing a lopsided grin. “You haven’t seen anything yet.” He rolled his hips, again rubbing his cock against Bolero’s. The pink stallion tensed and moaned, shifting his hips as much as the ropes would allow, while Shining just grunted in satisfaction and thrust a little harder. Shining leaned in and again caught Bolero in a heated kiss, stifling the stallion’s pleasured sounds as he took on a steady pace, humping his hips and grinding their cocks together, all while an increasingly flustered Dusk Shine looked on. Dusk’s hoof drifted low, between his legs. He didn’t even think about it as he curled his hoof around his length, grunting softly as he stroked himself up and down. Shining and Bolero didn’t notice, of course, focused on each other as they were. Dusk took the time to look at Shining in a new light. His breaths became shallow and heated as he saw less of his brother, and more of that strong, forceful stallion that so easily dominated the one beneath him. The firm motions of Shining’s hips kept him and Bolero moaning continuously. Dusk fidgeted as he watched the muscles ripple along Shining’s back, imagining what that stallion could do to him, and seeing what he did to Bolero. Shining broke the kiss with his husband, again holding eye contact for a moment before looking back at Dusk, lust and amusement in his blue eyes. “C’mere, Dusk,” he said. “Bolero’s getting all excited.” Bolero giggled. “Like you’re not.” “Hush,” Shining replied, giving Bolero a stern look. Shining took hold of the ropes in his magical aura, loosening them and freeing Bolero from his restraints. Shining didn’t even let him flex his freed limbs. “Turn around.” Guiding him with his hooves, Shining positioned Bolero on his back with hind legs dangling off one edge of the bed and his head the other. He then tied Bolero back up, binding his hind legs to the bedposts. “Hooves together,” Shining said. Dusk shivered at the sheer authority in Shining’s voice. “Sir, yes sir,” Bolero purred. He put his forelegs together, letting Shining tie them together and leaving him helpless once again. “I think I know what you’re planning…” Shining smirked down at him, then looked over at Dusk. “Come show him a better way to use his mouth.” Dusk stood, practically tripping over himself to get to Bolero, his own aching length bouncing between his hind legs and flinging precum across the carpet. Shining tossed the spare rope away and drew back, looking down at Bolero with an expression of satisfaction. The stallion lay helpless before him, hind legs spread and leaving his own dark-colored cock proudly on display, already dripping warm precum that ran down the underside. “Look at you, all ready and eager,” Shining said, a taunting note in his voice. “You couldn’t stop us even if you wanted to, could you?” As Dusk positioned himself in front of Bolero, his first instinct was to point out that the bound stallion could still use magic. That, of course, caused him to feel a bit stupid when he realized that just meant this was part of the act. “Okay, so…” Dusk trailed off, looking at Shining helplessly. Shining rolled his eyes with a fond smile. “Put it in his mouth.” Dusk nodded and reared up, planting his forehooves on the soft bed on either side of Bolero. He worked his way forward, standing over Bolero until the tip of his cock dripped precum on Bolero’s face. “Oooh, very nice,” Bolero said from under him. Dusk shivered at the seductive words, Bolero’s hot breaths and soft fur brushing against his cock and making him shiver needily. “Shut up and suck him off!” Shining barked, the sheer force in his tone startling Dusk. Bolero tilted his head back and Dusk gasped as something warm and wet wrapped around the head of his cock, a deft tongue gliding over the tip and scooping up the salty precum that had already appeared there. Bolero moaned at the taste, giving Dusk a flutter in his chest. He liked it. Shining’s horn glowed again, his own dark shaft becoming slick with lubricant as he stepped forward, pressing the tip of his cock against Bolero’s tight, puckered entrance and rubbing against it. Bolero groaned and pulled against his bindings, though they held him firm. Shining snickered and pushed a little harder against Bolero’s muscular ring, though never quite getting it inside. “Look at how eager he is,” he said to Dusk, smirk on his face. Dusk moaned as he rolled his hips, sinking more of his aching length into Bolero’s hot, welcoming mouth. That wet tongue responded with vigor, lavishing what few inches it could reach in eager affection and making Dusk weak in his knees. “Y-yeah,” Dusk said. “He’s… really slutty?” Bolero’s tongue paused, and Dusk could just tell he’d mentally rolled his eyes at that. Shining gave him a pitying look. “You’ll get there.” Bolero gave another needy squirm and suckled on Dusk’s cock, causing him to gasp and spurt another burst of precum into Bolero’s mouth. Shining chuckled. “Fine then.” Shining angled himself and began to press inside. Bolero gave a muffled groan around Dusk’s cock as he tried to still himself to make Shining’s entry easier. Dusk shook at the vibration, thrusting again and bumping the head of his cock against the back of Bolero’s throat. Bolero’s tongue only welcomed him deeper, licking his cock up and down in deft, practiced motions that had Dusk trembling and moaning in hopeless desire. Bolero’s mouth was so hot and wet, that tongue so skilled, that Dusk already felt that curious pressure building in his loins. Bolero groaned as the head of Shining’s cock popped inside him, causing Dusk to grunt in satisfaction. He pushed deeper, the academic side of him curious to find Bolero’s limit, and the more primal part simply demanding satisfaction from the submissive stallion beneath him. Dusk exhaled sharply, pushing his hips again until he’d buried two-thirds of his cock inside Bolero’s hungry throat. Bolero responded by swallowing repeatedly, making Dusk toss his head back and gasp for breath as the room swayed around him. “Done this a lot, haven’t you?” Dusk said, surprised to hear a certain predatory note in his own voice. “Sure has,” Shining said. He grunted and bucked his hips, forcing another few inches of his shaft inside Bolero. The pink stallion gave a low squeal and thrashed against his bonds, frantically lapping and swallowing at Dusk’s cock, still deep in his throat. “Used to this, too,” Shining said, smirking down at Bolero. “I’ll bet.” In reply, Bolero sucked harder on Dusk’s cock, making him gasp and moan at the sudden flare of pleasure. Dusk hadn’t felt a single sign of gagging. Did Bolero even have a gag reflex at this point? “Come on, fill him up already!” Shining growled, looking at Dusk with surprising ferocity in those blue eyes. Dusk shivered, that look alone making him feel so submissive. To make the point, Shining shoved himself deeper inside, and Dusk’s eyes were drawn downward as inch after inch of Shining’s twitching black cock sank inside Bolero. The pink stallion’s widely spread legs and flanks offered no resistance whatsoever, and his muffled squeals and groans betrayed his ecstasy. Bolero writhed and pulled as his binds, and Dusk could see precum leaking out of his cock in a steady stream. The stallion loved this, and Dusk was all too happy to oblige his desires. Finally, Dusk drew back, steadied himself, and thrust his hips harder than ever. This time every bit of his length slid into Bolero’s throat, the pink stallion groaning in contentment even as Dusk gasped in ecstasy. “That’s better,” Shining said, his voice a low, pleased growl. He thrust his hips again, sinking all of his own enormous girth into Bolero’s tight, clenching rear entrance. That left Shining and Dusk rather close together, forcing Dusk to put his head in the crook of Shining’s shoulder. He inhaled, the scent of Shining’s musk making the room sway as Dusk twitched deep in Bolero’s throat. Bolero thrashed again and tried to shout something, causing Shining and Dusk to chuckle. “Alright, speed it up,” Shining said. He drew back, leaving Bolero achingly empty. Dusk did the same, pulling back until, like Shining, only the head remained inside. Shining nudged his head against Dusk, cuing them both to thrust back inside, sinking the entirety of their lengths into the submissive, needy stallion below them. Bolero groaned as they filled him once again, right along with Shining and Dusk as that incredible tight heat enveloped them again. Bolero groaned, slurping and gulping at Dusk’s cock as a reward. The fight had long left Bolero, replaced with helpless shivers and squirms. The two stallions atop him paid no mind just yet, pulling back again, then thrusting back inside, again earning a muffled moan from him. “That’s it, give it all,” Shining grunted. He thrust hard into Bolero, enough force behind it to shove the pink stallion further down onto Dusk’s cock. That ignited an odd competitive streak inside Dusk, who thrust hard against Bolero’s face and shoved him back against Shining. His muscles strained against Bolero’s mass as well as the ropes, but the little smirk he got from Shining was plenty of reason to continue. Dusk ground hard against Bolero’s face, shaft still buried in his throat. His heavy balls rubbed against Bolero’s muzzle, flooding the stallion’s nose with his musk. Bolero shivered at the scent, and Dusk felt a certain streak of vanity at the thought. “Same time,” Shining said, panting between words as he looked at Dusk. “He wants to be full." Dusk twitched in that tight throat at those words, and gave Shining a shaky nod. He pulled back at the same time Shining did, looking into his eyes for the unspoken order to continue. They bucked their hips at the same time, sinking their entire lengths into Bolero until Dusk’s balls slapped against Bolero’s nose and Shining’s against his tail. The pink stallion writhed and screamed his muffled delight, his cock twitching and shooting another small spurt of precum onto his stomach. Dusk wanted to lean down and lap it up, but with Shining in the way he’d just have to wait. “Didn’t Bolero say something about making out?” Dusk asked as they both thrust again. He panted as he looked at Shining, taking in his flushed face and gritted teeth. Shining smirked and shifted himself, pushing his lips hard against Dusk’s and shoving his tongue inside. Dusk moaned into his brother’s mouth, tasting him for the first time as his heavy, flat tongue writhed around inside his mouth. Dusk instinctively gave control to Shining, the powerful stallion easily dominating his mouth as he played with his tongue. Dusk and Shining drew their hips back, quivering and leaking precum into Bolero all the while, and thrust back inside, again causing the submissive stallion to squeal and squirm. At the same time Shining shifted his tongue to draw a path along Dusk’s even white teeth. Dusk responded by sucking softly on Shining's tongue, earning him a pleased little grunt from the other stallion. Dusk and Shining matched their pace easily, pulling out and stuffing Bolero full in perfect sync. The stallion sucked and swallowed eagerly around Dusk’s cock whenever it entered his throat, his ability to get these pleasured reactions from Dusk the only semblance of control he had left. Shining rutted Bolero so hard that each time his hips smacked against his rump, it would shove him back against Dusk, helping him sink his own cock back down into that hungry, eager throat that swallowed around him. Dusk and Shining moaned into each other’s mouths, sucking on and playing with each other’s tongues as they rutted Bolero in perfect harmony. Dusk had to spread his hind legs for balance, his strength leaving him as Bolero continued to suck and gulp around him. The simple fact that this stallion loved what he was doing to him pushed him closer and closer to the edge. Shining broke their kiss, panting hard against Dusk’s face with hot breaths as a sloppy string of saliva connected their lips. “Haah, don’t hold out too long Dusk,” Shining said, grunting hard as he gave Bolero another powerful thrust. “Bolero wants us to cum all over him, doesn’t he?” “Mmfh!” Bolero swallowed harder in reply, earning him another pleasured gasp from Dusk. Shining grunted too as Bolero clenched around him, as though trying to milk him of his seed. The two dominant stallions drew back and slammed back inside another time, squeezing Bolero between them and making him thrash with need. “H-how do we finish?” Dusk asked, his words more like gasps as he thrust into Bolero again. He threw his head back and moaned in delight as Bolero swallowed around him. “Just follow my lead,” Shining growled, staring down at Bolero with a predatory expression. The next time Shining pulled back, he did so only halfway before thrusting back inside. Dusk quickly followed suit, both of them thrusting hard and fast into Bolero with the full intent to push themselves over the edge. The pressure between his legs became too much for Dusk. He cried out and came hard, cock fully buried in Bolero’s mouth as he shot the first hot, sticky strand of his cum right down Bolero’s eagerly swallowing throat. Bolero moaned in ecstasy, a sound which rose in pitch when Shining gave a deep, feral cry as he hilted himself inside Bolero, grinding his hips as he pumped his own thick, virile load inside Bolero. The pink stallion twitched with every spurt Shining pumped into him, but Shining quickly pulled out and pushed his spurting cock up against Bolero’s, pressing it down against his stomach. Shining continued to cum, spurting thick strands of spunk all over Bolero’s stomach. Dusk followed suit, pulling out of Bolero’s eager mouth to aim at his face. Spurt after spurt of his own spunk splattered against Bolero’s face, coating his cheeks, chin, lips and muzzle in that thick, potent cum. Shining covered Bolero’s stomach, chest, and the underside of his neck in cum, even as it continued to leak out of his entrance. The pink stallion thrashed and moaned as he was coated in that thick, gooey cream, the ropes making sure he didn’t go anywhere as Dusk and Shining finally rode their orgasms to completion. As Dusk came down from his high, cock softening against Bolero’s face, he realized there was one loose end. He licked his lips and dived forward, wrapping his lips around Bolero’s cock, still pressed against Shining’s. Dusk moaned, rewarded with the taste of Bolero’s hot, dripping cock and the smell of Shining’s musk against his nose. He sucked hard, swirling his tongue around the first few inches of Bolero’s cock, determined to finish him off. It didn’t take long. Bolero bucked his hips as fiercely as the ropes allowed, and Dusk gagged as a thick, heavy spurt filled his mouth. He swallowed it down on instinct, the hot salty fluid rolling down his throat as he gulped over and over at that stallion’s virile pride. Again and again Bolero filled his mouth, and the excess cum leaked out from between his lips as he fell behind. Eventually Dusk had to pull back, panting as cum drooled out of his open mouth as Bolero shot the last few strands of cum without direction, splattering himself, Shining’s underside, and one even landing across Dusk’s face, causing him to close his eye in alarm. As Bolero’s climax finally came to an end, leaving him whimpering and shuddering in delight, Dusk swallowed what he had left in his mouth and halfway collapsed on top of Bolero, uncaring of the cum that covered him. Shining followed suit, rolling over to lay on his side next to the two of them. He grinned at their awkward-looking position that Dusk was simply too tired to leave, and Bolero was still unable to move at all. “Oh Celestia, that was amazing,” Dusk groaned, eyes closed tight. The single strand of cum that had marked his face didn’t quite cross his eye, but he wanted to be sure. “Agreed,” Bolero said in the same exhausted tone. “You two were incredible.” Shining chuckled and gave Bolero a pat on the shoulder. His magic enveloped the ropes and gracefully untied them, leaving Bolero free to move physically, but too drained to actually want to. “Not a bad way to spend our anniversary,” Shining said. “Told you a threesome was a good idea.” Bolero turned his head and smirked at Shining. “What makes you think we’re done? Before we’re through today we’ll have you tied up.” Shining’s eyes widened and he looked at Dusk with a panicked expression. Dusk cracked one eye open and looked back at Shining. Even as exhausted as he was, he still caught the hint. “Actually, I kinda wanted to try it first,” Dusk said, nudging a hind leg against Bolero’s neck. Shining gave him a thankful look, but if Dusk was honest he really wanted to be in Bolero’s role for the next round anyway. Bolero chuckled and rubbed a hoof along Dusk’s flank. “Okay, okay. No ropes for Shining.” “Yet,” Dusk said, causing Shining’s relief to fall right off his face. “But for now…” “A nap?” Bolero asked. “Definitely a nap.” Dusk rolled off of Bolero, putting himself between Shining and Bolero. The two of them weakly put a hoof over him, causing him to sigh in contentment as he drifted off to sleep.