> Button's Date With Silver Spoon > by TheOneAJ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Button Mash, and tonight, I'm on a date with the second most popular girl at Canterlot High. The problem is, I don’t want to be here. Though, how this happened is quite a story in itself. It all started last Friday, I guess, when mom woke me up to get ready for school... ***** "Button! You awake?" I groaned at my mother’s words as I stretched under the covers. "Yeah, mom, I'm awake!" "Alright! Hurry up, or you’ll be late for school.” There was a pause. “Oh, and don't forget, you have an appointment today!” "I won't, mom!" After a moment to make sure she wasn't going to shout anything else, I turned to my dog, Charlie, and scratched his ear. "You doing okay, boy?" He gave a loud yawn and stretched on the bed. "Yeah, me neither, but what are you going to do?” I pulled him into a hug. “Now come on, we better get our day started." He gave a moan, then slowly pulled himself up off the bed. Next, we made our way towards the back door, where I could let him out so he could do his business. "Come on," I encouraged, "you’re not that old." He gave me a pout, but regained his vigor, wagged his tail, and raced towards the backyard. I smiled "That's a good boy." Once I had showered and all that, I let him back in so we could have some breakfast. “Come on,” I told him while I slipped in some bread with his regular meal, “how about we eat all the food today?” He gave me another moan. I leaned down next to him. “Oh, come here.” I then wrapped my arms around him, forgetting I had school in about an hour while he returned the hug. “Button!” Mom called. I jerked away from Charlie’s hug. “Coming!” Mom shook her head and laughed when I entered the kitchen. “We really need to talk about your excessive nighttime gaming.” I grabbed a waffle. “Ah, come now, I’m almost at level 67!” “And I bet you were also going to bring your games to school?” I held my backpack close to my chest. She chuckled. “The least you could do is find someone to play with.” “I do!” I lowered my head, “I trades at school and online rpg.” “Un-huh, well,” she beamed while she messed up my hair. “just don't forget about your doctor's appointment after school and have a good day.” I rolled my eyes. “Yeah,” I then gave her a genuine smile when I said, “thanks for letting me go by myself again.” As I ran out, she called to me, “You’re welcome, and I love you!” Charlie barked in response while I hopped onto my bike. By which I mean that I rode a bicycle. Sure, I could have gotten a driver's license whenever… It was just something not a lot of people encouraged me to do. In any case, I liked the smooth and gentle ride of getting from one place to the other. Going down hill, only having to bike up, pretending I was a starfighter in battle, and then to just being able to pass stop signs, as long as I at least yielded. It was almost as good as when I hugged Charlie or—on occasion—mom. **** One unimportant bike ride later, I made it to school, passed the wondercolt statue, and headed to my first hour class where my closest acquaintances were waiting. I say ‘acquaintances’ since I wouldn’t call them friends. Not that they do not mean anything to me, far from it. “Hey, Button,” my closet acquaintance, Rumble, said as he pulled out his handheld, “ did you bring it?” I nodded. “Yeah, so what else is new?” A guy named Featherweight said, “Had a little fun this weekend at the lake. Sure was a good time.” I nodded. While I wasn’t ‘friends’ with any of them outside of school, I found the time I had some company within school was satisfying enough for me. After all, the longer I hung out with people, the more likely they would say something that would make me uncomfortable. "Also,” Featherweight said as he pulled a magazine out of his bag, "look what I got!" The guys all started to snicker as they zoomed into it. Shortly after, I got my look, and groaned at what I saw. I mean, a copy of sports illustrated, swimsuit edition, really? "Dang," Rumble whistled, "where did you get that?" "I know a guy. Anyways,” Featherweight said while he flipped through it, “they got Britney Hays in here." They all raced forward as I hung back. Which, to my dismay, caught Featherweight's attention. "What?” He smirked at me. “Not into girls?" "Ease off him," someone else, who I wasn't that close to, said, "not his fault he's gay." They all snickered while my hand curled into a fist behind my back. "Haha, very funny." I crossed my arms and used all my willpower not to say what I wanted. "I just don't see the big deal. I mean, it's not like we're ever going to meet any of these women." Rumble shrugged. "Come on, man, you know we're just messing with ya. Though," he held up the magazine to my face, "how can you not be into that?" Having no choice but to look, I gazed at the picture. I had to admit that it was a nice photo. She wore a yellow two piece and was sitting on a rock with her back to a seaside cliff. It was well shot, but I know that's not what they wanted or cared about. "Well, she's hot," I lied, "but not as hot as Diamond Tiara." Pipsqueak nodded. “That is true, that is true." Rumble pulled the magazine away, handed it to another guy, then opened his joyboy. "In any case, sorry you couldn't come to the lake with us." I chuckled nervously. "Yeah, was a shame." He narrowed his eyes. "One of these days though, Button." I let out a sigh as we simply played our game while the other guys looked over the magazine till class started. **** That Friday passed much like any other, english, math, social studies, lunch, then science, followed by P.E—most of which I played video games whenever I could—and then my last class of the day, chemistry. The only class I had with Silver Spoon. I suppose I should talk about her just a bit since she would play a big part in my life the following days. Though, I guess I could sum her up as; 2nd most popular—and 2nd hottest according to every guy—at CHS. Along with her best friend, Diamond Tiara, they ruled Canterlot High at the top of the food chain. Acting like they owned the place while the only ones who cared were those of us who they laughed with or at. As I walked in, I saw one guy whistle, to which Silver Spoon gave him a less than amused look, waved him off, and joined the her friends of the hour in the back of the classroom. Since Diamond Tiara wasn't in this particual class, she was the head queen of the hour, while her king, Tray, co-captain of the football team, did all they could to soak in the attention. "Hey, Button!" a familiar and sweet voice called to me, snapping my attention away from the primadonna. "Hey, Sweetie!" I waved at my closest female acquaintance, Sweetie Belle. We had met on the first day of Jr. High where I ended up being partnered up with her for something. She had a nice and caring personality, though would often feel guilty if something went wrong. It once took me a whole week to get her to relax when she thought she messed up whatever that first homework assignment of ours was. In the end, we both got B’s for it, but I kept it to myself that it really was her fault we didn’t get A’s. However, since then, we've always seemed to have one class together, sometimes even play something online or on our joyboys, and would always sit by each other whenever we could. Also, yes, I have been teased by people as to why I didn't just ask her out already. I mean, even I could tell she was somewhat 'interested' in me. Or a least, I think she was. Though while I made many excuses as to why I didn't try to make her my girlfriend yet, I like to think the real reason was because neither of us seemed pushy towards the idea. I never tried to hit and her, she never tied to hit and me, and it worked for both of us rather well. I think there were a few times she gave subtle hints that went over my head, but for the most part, we were happy to just be close acquaintance at school. To top it off—if truth be told—I didn't find myself attracted to her. Okay, that wasn't entirely true, but more or less, I didn't feel like I had any form of crush on her. Sometimes, when I would think about wanting Sweetie Belle alone, trying to picture her as my girlfriend, I could get really happy at the thoughts of us holding hands and dating. Then, the next day when I would see her in class, something just—I guess for lack of a better word—turned me off. Which I really hated about myself more than anything. She certainly wasn't ugly by a long shot, I knew of few other guys who'd be happy to date her. However, whenever I thought of a girl just as a friend or acquaintances, I found myself content. The moment I thought about them as a girlfriend, that was when things turned sour inside my mind. But hey, maybe it was better that way. As I said, I liked Sweetie Belle just as an acquaintances, and she seemed happy to be likewise. "So, how was your day?" I asked, sitting down next to her. She shrugged. "Not all that special. My sister was talking about Sunset Shimmer, Scootaloo did a neat trick on her skateboard, and there's a new Daring Do video game coming out, but that's all." I nodded, and was about to talk about my day when the teacher walked in and class began. ***** Looking back at that afternoon, all I can remember was hearing Silver Spoon and Tray talking, and not in the good way. Friday might have still ended there—appointment not included—until Silver Spoon’s problems had to become my own. It started just before the bell rang as everyone got ready to take off when it did. Sweetie Belle and I were all packed and about to talk about our weekend plans, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw Silver Spoon pushing Tray’s arm away. Then I heard Tray say, "Come on, babe, why don't you and me go to my place and we can..." he flexed a muscle, "do stuff?" "Ugh," she moaned, "is that all you ever want to do?" Tray scratched his chin. "Well, what else do you want to do? Go pointless window shopping?" Silver Spoon narrowed her eyes and glared at him. "I don't know. But believe it or not, I don't want to spend every weekend watching you flex your muscles." Tray huffed. "Typical girl." He crossed his arm. "All you girls want to do is go to the mall and spend hours deciding between dresses." With that, Silver Spoon slammed her hands on the table. "Fine! If that's what you think, then I guess we're over!" The girls around her gasped while the guys went, ‘Oooo!,’ while Sweetie Belle and I shook our heads. “I got five bucks they’re back together on Monday." Sweetie Belle whispered to me. I nodded. “I’ll take that bet. Least I'll have something to look forward to next week aside from their, 'will they make up, will they kiss it out? nonsense.” I then made a kissy face that Sweetie Belle giggled at. From behind us, we heard Tray say, "Fine, good luck finding another guy to take you to the fall formal!" "Oh, I will!" Silver Spoon added as the bell rang. "Good luck finding a new date yourself." She then raised her chin, as all the popular girls trotted off behind her while I just stared. I'm sure everybody stared, but for some reason, she chose to draw her attention towards me. "What are you looking at, retard?" she said, voice full of spite. Clenching my fist, I looked down, remembered my consoling, and said, "Nothing." "Hey!" Sweetie Belle spoke, "One of your silly little break ups is no reason to pick on him!" I really wish she hadn't said that. Silver Spoon reacted by putting a finger on her chin. "Oh look at this, the little nerd’s girlfriend is standing up for him." We both blushed. "She's not—" "We're not—" "Come off of it, Silver Spoon," Tray said. "I mean, it's not like they can like each other." He looked towards us and said, "both being both gay and all." Silver Spoon chuckled. "Good one." I was about to say something, when I notice Sweetie Belle starting to quiver. 'Huh, what?' I though, only to be interrupted when Silver Spoon said, "Still not enough to charm me back, Tray." Tray huffed. I stomped my foot and shouted at them, "Oh why don't you two grow up or something?" Everyone gasped, except for Tray, who have the smart remark of, "Says the guy with no balls. I bet you don't even consider Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon hot." I was about to say something, anything, when one of the girls said, “Yeah, like, I don't even think he thinks you're hot, Sil." Some of the girls chuckled, while Silver Spoon flinched. Crossing her arms, she sighed, pushed in her glasses, ten leaned towards me and said, "Is that true? You wouldn't want to make out with me?" "I, uh... um..." Looking into her eyes, I quivered and shrank down. While I might not have problems saying what I think to people, when I’m on the defense, that’s when I break. "That's enough, all of you!" The teacher commanded before anything could escalate. At his word, most of the crowd that had gathered scattered, including Tray and Silver Spoon. “You two alright?" Our teacher, Mr. Carmel, asked us. "Ye... Yeah," I nodded, "thanks." He smiled. "It's no problem. Just got to keep your head up and not let them get to you.” He went back to his desk to gather his things. "You two have a nice weekend." He then waved us off. Once he left, I turned to Sweetie Belle, who had her head down and was still shaking a little. "Sweetie..." I asked, reaching a hand out. She jolted back, and began to look up and down at me for the longest time. I didn't really feel comfortable as she was trying to, I suppose, analyze me, but figured it was best just to be quite till she said something. "Bu... Butt... Button?" she eventually squeaked nervously. "Um... Yeah?" She began to say something, but then swung her backpack over her shoulder and ran off. "Sweetie, wait!" I cried out, running after her. However, she disappeared into the halls, and that was the last I saw of her all week. > Chapter 2; Dr. Hooves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that little incident, I looked all over the school for Sweetie Belle. While I wouldn’t know where she would go that wasn’t home, I tried the soccer field where her friend Scootaloo's soccer practice, but had no luck. I tried at the buses, parking lots, and I even dared to ask some girls coming out of the restrooms if they had seen Sweetie Belle in there. ...It went as well as it sounded, but they at least humored me when I told them Tray and Silver Spoon called her gay, and they told me Sweetie Belle wasn’t hiding out in any restroom.   So, after I had checked the field and parking lots a few more times, I came to the realization that Sweetie Belle wasn’t on school grounds. Which meant, she was either at home—likely crying—or anywhere in town, hopefully with one of her friends.   In the end, as I saw that I was going to be late to my doctor’s appointment, I hung my head in defeat, and walked to my bike. “Perfect!” I then let out my anger by kicking at a loose piece of grass a few times.   “You seem down today.” I heard Rumble say as he walked towards me.   I turned to glare at him. “Back off!” I hissed as I lifted my head off and began to unlock my bike.   “Hey! Sorry, don’t shoot the messenger, dude.”He playfully held up his hands. “Anyways, what’s up?"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I ignored him, but then a thought crossed my mind. So, I turned around to look at him for a moment. My eyes started to drift up and down his body, looking at every inch of—   “What?” he asked me, clearly getting a little uncomfortable.   I jumped back. “Nothing! Just… gah!”   He stuck his hands in his pockets and looked around. “Okay… so, rough day then? If you want, we could—”   “Sorry, gotta be somewhere, but thanks for the offer!” I replied quickly and raced off on my bike.   I would apologize to Rumble later, though how I would was another matter entirely. Then again, maybe he hadn't noticed I was checking him out, trying to figure out if he was attractive, and therefore if I really was gay. He looked nice, but I certainly didn't think of him like that. Or at the very least, more or so less than what I thought of Sweetie Belle or any other girl at school.   At least now I knew what to talk about with Dr. Hooves this week.   *****   Dr. Hooves, as his name implied, was my doctor and go to therapist. I was required to see him every second and fourth Friday of the month after school. It’s not worth the time to say how that came to be, I just had a lot of issues that came with my autism.   Either way, I used to have to go every week with my mother, but then things started to change. I got older, I didn’t get offended anymore and randomly lashed out at other kids, and everyone began to trust me to go by myself and take my meds.   "Hello, Button," the receptionist nodded at me as I entered the building, " did you have a good day at school? You’re a bit late.”   I cringed but nodded politely. "A problem with my bike tire. But same old, same old." I carefully made my way to a seat, hesitant that anything I did could show signs that I wasn’t doing well. No way was I going through the fifth grade again.   She nodded and went back to whatever she had been doing before. “Just have a seat, Dr. Hooves will be with you in a moment.”   I hadn’t even looked at the magazine covers lining on the desk when Dr. Hooves came out, adjusted his tie, and said, "Ah, Buttons! Good to see you again. Was almost worried you were going to be late since you’re often here so early."   My eyes widened. “I… I just had a tire problem, I didn’t do anything wrong—”   He held up his hand. "Whoa, whoa, relax! You're fine, Button.” He held  the door open. “Please, right this way.”   With a deep, soothing breath, I slowly made my way into the halls, took a left, then a right, and I was in Dr. Hooves office. With one of my favorite ‘toys’ of his, a plushy clock with eyes that I liked to hold and squeeze to make these sessions more relaxing.   Dr. Hooves smiled at me as I held Turner—as I called him when I was six— and he then asked, "So, Button, what's on your mind this week? Anything I should know about? Are you still taking your medication regularly?"   “Yes,” I began to fidget with Turner more. “I… I haven’t done anything bad.” I gave a small smile. “Still the same, I'm able to keep any anger in check, as always.”   “I see,” he picked up his, “Make any new friends?”   “I—” I almost answered right away, when I realized what he meant. “I got, well…” I sighed. “No, haven’t hung out with anyone outside of school. I played a few RPG games with Rumble and Sweetie Belle from time to time.”   He nodded. “I see.” He then wrote something down before reaching for a glass of water.   Maybe he wouldn’t have asked, or maybe he would have. I knew the issues of my feelings towards Sweetie Belle had been brought before, with less than motivating results.   Either way, I felt it could have been something that would be brought up sooner or later. “Hey, doc, do you think I’m gay?” I asked as he took a sip, causing the man to gag. He took a quick moment to breath and set down the glass. “Wh… what? I mean…” he regained his professionalism. “I mean, what brought this on? Someone at school called you that?”   I stuttered. “No. I mean, well...” I shook my head, “this stuff stays in the room, right?”   “Of course,” he nodded.   It took all my will not to roll my eyes. Still, I knew that unless it was something really serious, I could somewhat trust Dr. Hooves. “Well,” I began, before I gave him a rundown of my last class—or at least just enough so he wouldn’t think it was a real issue.   Instead, I simply told him one of my ‘acquaintances’ poked some harmless fun at me and Sweetie Belle getting together, and that she asked me if I ‘liked’ her or not. I didn’t answer right away, Sweetie Belle running off, and part of the reason—aside from my flat tire lie—was why I was so late, looking for Sweetie Belle.   Once I had finished, he took a moment to take it all in. Then he calmly asked, “Well, do you think you’re gay?”   One of my eyes began to twitch. “Aren’t you supposed to know that?” I asked with maybe a little more force than was required as my eyes scrunched up and Turner began to squeeze and flatten in my hand.   He raised a finger. “Button.”   I shrank in my seat. “Sorry.”   “It’s quite alright.” He collected. “If you are, then there’s nothing to be ashamed of. There are people who would criticized you, true, but we live in a better world. In fact, I have a few patients who go to your school I council that are openly… homosexual, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”   I was sure Diamond Tiara would disagree.   “Either way, it’s good that you’d want to find this out now, while you’re still young.” He adjusted his watch. “So let me ask you again, do you think you’re gay?”   “I…” I began to fidget with Turner faster, “I’m… not sure, honestly.”   “Oh. What makes you think that?”   I confessed to him about checking Rumble out after the incident to see if I found him attractive, and that I hadn’t.   “So I’m not really sure,” I held Turner close to my chest. “What do you think I should do? I mean, I don’t find Sweetie Belle attractive, yet, I don't think she's ugly but...  well she’s nice, and i'm sure I like her, but... I can’t seem to think of her as a girlfriend, but I don’t think that way of guys either. The thing is, I guess when I think about her, I can picture her as my girlfriend, but then when I see her, it's like those feelings fade. I don't think that she is gross or anything! I just don't seem to feel as strongly for her when I'm looking at her."   "Huh," he nodded as he wrote something done. "A curious case, I admit, Button." He looked through his notes. "I'll have to think more about this to give you an answer. Although," he put down his pen, "are you interested in having a special someone?"   I was about to answer immediately, but then I began to wonder; did I want a girl, or boyfriend? I was a teenager, so of course I thought about it since everyone seemed to talk about it every day. But, did I? It honestly wasn't something I really thought of or cared about if I could help it.   "Button?"   "Huh? Oh, right, sorry, doc."   He nodded. "It's alright, but do you have an answer to my question?"   I fidgeted with one of Tuner's arms. "Which one?"   "Do you want to date at all?"   I was silent for a few more seconds. "I... I..." I rubbed my head. "Well, how would I even ask out anyone on a date?"   He paused and rubbed his pen across his chin. "Not sure if I would be the best to answer that. However, if you really want to try so badly, start small." He snapped his fingers. "Why not, on Monday, the first single and attractive young lady you run into, you say, she looks beautiful, or she has a pretty necklace or something like that? If you think some guy is like-wise, do the same.”   I nodded. "You mean, say something like Sweetie Belle has pretty hair?"   He chuckled. "I suppose. Although maybe you could practice on another girl? Any girl you run into, and see how it goes."   My eyes widened. "But Sweetie—"   "Then go for it if your heart is telling you so. Although, for all the drama of high school, it's also an opportunity to find out about yourself now, so you can know what you'd want to be for the future. Besides, most first relationships don't work out anyways due to inexperience. Though, if you and Sweetie Belle happen to end up together, great. Nonetheless, it wouldn't hurt for you to try now."   I smiled. “Alright, I think I can do that.”   “Wonderful. Now,” he flipped through some notes, “shall we continue this next time? I would love to hear about how it went.”   *****   “Hey mom, I’m home!”   “Button!” My mom called from the kitchen. “How’d it go?”   My mouth began to dry as I answered, “Nothing special, he said I’m doing great.”   She smiled. “Wonderful! Now do your homework, I don’t want to ground you from video games because you play too much of them.”   I chuckled, “Okay, mom!” and made my way to my room where Charlie was waiting for me.   “Hey, boy! Did you miss me? Did you miss me?”   His breathing grew heavier as he slowly made his way off my bed to greet me.   “That’s a good boy!” I responded as he licked my hand. “So, Dr. Hooves wants me to either compliment a girl on Monday. Think I can do it?”   He looked up to me and tilted his head.   “Me, either.” I tossed my backpack to the side. “Maybe with Sweetie Belle, but who—” I then stared at my laptop.   It was possible she was online, playing mineworld or on some social media. Maybe there was a way I could reach her, see if she was okay.   Instead, I found myself in front of my hoofstation for most of the weekend. The few times I did log on to play anything RPG, she was nowhere to be found. > Chapter 3; Spoons, Scooters, and Belles > --------------------------------------------------------------------------  I did sleep on Sunday, it just wasn’t a lot. The problem was, when I woke up at around 2 o’clock after Charlie nudged me, I couldn’t get back to sleep. All I could think of was Sweetie Belle. How would she feel if I took things further with her? How would things change? Would I even like it? Why wouldn’t I like being her boyfriend? What if I didn’t run into her first thing at school tomorrow and I had to compliment some other girl? What if I couldn’t defeat her in War World anymore because I was worried about anniversaries?   In the end, I gave up on trying to get back to sleep, and spent the rest of the morning playing video games. At some point, while I was lost in my game, Charlie wobble off the bed and placed his head on my legs.   I sighed. “Oh what would I do without you, buddy.” I rubbed his ears and was at least able to enjoy the game till I had to get ready for school.   *****   Contrary to what some people will have you believe, Silver Spoon and I didn’t ‘bump’ into each other like it would be done in a movie. Instead, it happened much more like this:   I had just parked my bike at the bike rack and was marching towards the school doors, my mind still focused on finding Sweetie Belle. At that point, I had gone into a form of hyper focus. Basically, it’s when all my mind could think about and focus on was one thing. In this case, it was finding Sweetie Belle and talking to her about what happened last week. The trouble is, it tends to block other things out. Like, when someone else is about to cross the same path as you.   Thinking back, I did see Silver Spoon coming towards me. Although, even though she was somewhat to blame for what happened to Sweetie Belle, I didn’t notice her any more than anyone else. As I scanned the school and anyone who was walking, she was just another face that wasn’t Sweetie Belle's. When I caught her coming towards me, I tried to move out of her way. However, since she was texting and walking, she didn’t see me. And, since I was hyper focused on Sweetie Belle, I went on thinking she would see me, and she reacted likewise not seeing me.   However, since none of that was the case, when I reached for the handle of the school door, Silver Spoon’s hand came into contact with mine at the same time as we momentarily collided, only to reel back when we realized who we had bumped into.   “Like, secuse me," she huffed and made her way past me into the school.   I gritted my teeth. "Pardon, you too.”   She wiped her head around and glared at me.   Which might have been the end of it, if I hadn’t remembered what Dr. Hooves said about trying to compliment the first pretty—and single—girl I ran into that day. Which meant, Silver Spoon qualified. She was, technically if you called her and Tray’s little ‘breakups,’ single, and while I didn’t find her all that hot and attractive, every other guy at school seemed to think so. Which meant, there was no way out of this for me.   I guess, because of my delayed response, she just said, “Whatever,” and began to leave.   "Wait!" I said.   She came to an abrupt stop, looked at me and demanded, "What?"   At the moment, I really wished it had been Sweetie Belle. She would have smiled at me, maybe we could have talked, been a couple, and held hands—. I shivered, but then I had another quick thought. I mean, if I said the wrong thing to Sweetie Belle, that was it, our friendship would be over. With Silver Spoon, a girl I didn’t care about and I knew cared about me less, I really had nothing to loss here.   Though, I didn’t say anything smart, I did what I knew Dr. Hooves would have wanted me to do. With a quick gasps for air, I  gave her the best compliment I could have at the moment. "I think you have pretty hair."   She didn’t say anything, I didn’t do anything. Her mind seemed to be working at a million miles an hour, as if she never heard such a thing before.   Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she raised a finger, began to say something, and then stopped. She did this a few times, before she said, rather awkwardly, “Thanks?”   “Well, um..” I stuck my hands in my pockets.   This was as far as Dr. Hooves told me to go. I didn’t have to say anything else, however for whatever reason, I did. “Yeah, I think you have really pretty hair.”   She then turned off her phone and slid it into her purse without breaking eye contact with me.   At first, I thought she was going to call me a freak, say I was wired, or worst case scenario go running and screaming down the hall. Instead, with a mix of confusion, but also a ping of…—Happiness? I could have been wrong— she said, “Um, thanks. I should…. get going, but, thanks.”   She then walked away, and would occasionally look back at me, even dropping that look of confusion, but never showing any signs of disgust either.   Which, even when she was out of sight, might have been the end, if it weren’t for somebody else—this time a bit more intentionally—running into me.   "Whoa, dude!" Rumble said rather loudly, causing me to jump. "You totally just got it on with Silver Spoon! Didn’t know you had it in you."   "Wha—" Soon enough, everyone within a five mile radius began to stare at us, as my other guy acquaintances began to appear.   "Hey, man, that's awesome," Pipsquek said slapping me on my back.   My eyes began to twitch. "Wait... what?!"   "I knew you had it in you. And to think, just as she broke up with Tray!"   Once I came back to earth, my mind rationalized itself as I annoyingly replied, "No... I, look, I just thought I'd be polite to say that her hair looked nice, that's all!"   “Didn’t you see him,” a guy said, “he timed the whole thing perfectly to bump into her. She even put her phone done.”   “No way!”   I slapped my face. "No way is right. And you're not—"   "Though," Rumble said as he scratched his chin, "I always thought it be you and Sweetie Belle. Oh well, I suppose starting high doesn’t hurt."   I shook my head. “Cut it out!” However, that reminded me of something important. "Speaking of, have any of you guys seen Sweetie Belle? I really need to talk to her."   Rumbled whistled. "That's the stuff, two girls in one day! You, man, are on a roll."   I groaned and shoved past them. "Just move!"   “Come on,” I heard Pip say as I walked away, “we were just being funny.”   I ignored that and continued my hunt for Sweetie Belle. Hopefully, as long as I didn’t make a big deal about it, the incident would blow over. Then, everyone would find something else to talk about sooner or later.   *****   Sadly, later usually doesn’t happen in one day, at least in high school. My little 'compliment' was all people could talk about with me in class that day. Thanks to Rumble, I was able to get some peace of mind, though. I knew he wanted details as much as anyone else. I would think of something to say to them about Silver Spoon later, but right then, I still hadn’t found Sweetie Belle. Also, the topic of my new ‘love life’ with Silver Spoon kept worming it's way wherever I went. It soon became not just my acquaintances. Oh no! It seemed as if that was all the whole school could talk about. Wherever I went, someone always gave me a wave or a thumbs up. During class, everyone wanted to ask me how I—and I quote directly from one of them—swept Silver Spoon off her feet with my romantic charm.   Although, that was only the tip of the iceberg with how all this had grown. Some said we feel in love at first sight when we ran into each other and I helped her up. One kid claimed I saved her life from a speeding bus. There were even a few student who seemed to think I saved her from an armed robber when I slammed my bike into him. To which I pulled off my golden helmet raised my sword as a rainbow appeared behind us, to which I said Silver Spoon had the most beautiful hair in the land. However, no stupid rumors or gossip was going to stop me from talking to Sweetie Belle.   Shame to say, I guess it would have been inevitable that Sweetie Belle hadn’t heard herself. Which was why I assumed it was so hard to find her. At the very least, it explained why a pair of orange, rather scrawny, arms suddenly grabbed me by my shirt collar, dragged me into one of the quitter halls of CHS, and slammed me against a locker door.   "Hitting on Silver Spoon when you have a crush on Sweetie Bell?" none other than one of Sweetie Belle's closet friends, a girl named Scootaloo, barked while she held me. Arms shaking a little, but none-the-less able to keep me in place. “What is wrong with you?”   "I did... Wait, what crush? I never said anything about a crush!"   She slammed me again against the locker. “Don’t play dumb, you little twerp!” she shouted, then let out a little 'meep' of pain.   “Hey now!” Sweetie Belle’s other close friend, Apple Bloom, interjected. Eyeing her friend's trembling arms. “Killing him won’t do any good, Scoots. For Sweetie Belle or yourself.”   "I could be gay you know!" I defended, only to have Scootaloo push on me harder.   A few things to know about Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. First off, Scoot’s is gay. So what I said probably didn’t help my case. And I do mean that in the most literal way possible. She even once had a girlfriend, and didn't try to hide it even if it meant being picked on more along with her disability. To top that off, the three girls were like sisters. They meet sometime in grade school when Scootaloo was going through some hard times. I’d rather not go into gory details for her own well being unless I have too, but apparently Scootaloo had just come out of an abusive family and was still bouncing around the system. She might have still kept moving, if she hadn’t meet Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, who were there for her. They helped her with some of her anger problems that probably kept her with her current family and in our school district to this day.   "Why you—" Scootaloo began, raising a fist, only to have it pulled back by Apple Bloom.   “Come now, Scoots, what would Sweetie think if you hospitalized him?”   Scootaloo took a moment to ponder that, until she decided to release her grip on me. "Alright." She then pointed a finger at me, breathing a little heavy. "Although you are aware of the mess you're in, right?"   I nodded vigorously. "Yes! She ran out of class in tears last week and left before I could talk to her." Their eyes widened. "Wait a minute, you mean to say you've been hitting on Silver Spoon prior to today?" I thought I saw  steam coming out of Scootaloo’s ears.   "No, I...” I threw both of my hands on my head. “Gah! Okay, can we back up and get on the same level here?"   With a nod from both of them, we did so. I explained to them about Silver Spoon calling Sweetie gay—after Scottaloo took some offense to the mis-terming, saying I should have used the word lesbian—which lead to some time keeping Scoot’s from seeking out and destroying Tray and Silver Spoon. For now, to Dr. Hooves’ suggestion about complimenting the first girl I—wisely left out the pretty part—ran into today. Which all I did was say Silver Spoons hair was nice, and that was all before Rumble made a big deal out of it. Which lead to all the rumors that had been floating around school, which lead to Scootaloo attacking me. Apple Bloom chuckled at the mentions of Rumbles named before Scootaloo glared at her. “Sorry, but, that sure sounded like ah rough day.”   I shrugged. “More or less.”   “Alright,” Scootaloo said right afterwards. “Right now, all I care about is Sweetie Belle.”   “Yeah," I chose to answer, "speaking of, where is she? I really need to talk to her. What happened after school on Friday?”   The two girls looked at each other nervously, then back to me. “Well…”   Seemed they had no idea either. They most they got was Scootaloo having seen Sweetie Belle running out of school, crying, and trying to chase after her. She never caught up to Sweetie Belle, and since then, the pair had tried to contact her all weekend to no avail.   “We kinda hoped ya would know or had talk to her. We were gonna ask ya, but then we heard about ya and Silver Spoon and….”   Scootaloo turned her head to blush. “Yeah, yeah.” She then crossed her arms. “So I haven’t talked to her, you haven’t talked to her, and now you haven’t either, great!” She leaned up against a locker.   A blew at a piece of hair in my face, rubbed my head, and said, “Alright, let’s just deal with this rationally. Don’t one of you two have a class with her soon?”   "Um,” Apple Bloom’s face lite up. “Yeah! I do next hour.” I clapped my hands together. “Right then.” The warning bell range. “Don’t suppose that’s class is on the east side of the school.”   Apple Bloom shook her head. “Nope.”   I lowered mine. “Alright, well, could you talk to her for me? See what’s up and if she even wants to talk to me?”    Apple Bloom smiled and nodded. “Sure thing.”  Scootaloo stuck her hands in her pockets. “Let me know too, please.” I rubbed my hands a put on a smile. “Alight then, see, everything’s going to be fine, and I don’t have to die. So I’ll see you ladies later than.” I then made a run for it. More worried about being late for class than I was for any retaliation from Scootaloo.   *****   Class passed like a blur up until lunch. I’m sure more students asked me about how I ‘wooed’ over Silver Spoon, but I just tuned them out. All that mattered was getting to lunch and talking to Sweetie Belle. What I would say, thought, I really had no idea. A part of me worried how, at the end of this, the only happy ending I could give her was if I asked her on a date or made her my girlfriend.   Which again, lead to my frustration on why I just couldn’t want Sweetie Belle, or any girl—or guy—to be mine.   When it was time for lunch, none of that mattered. All I cared about was making Sweetie Belle happy. As I walked towards the cafeteria, all I cared about were her feelings, and what I might need to do for her happiness. Besides, I'm sure i could eventually get comfortable with having Sweetie Belle as my girlfriend. I had done so in my mind, and I was sure once we started dating, everything would work out. As soon as I walked into the cafeteria, I saw her sitting there at the table we usually all sat at.   Apple Bloom was rubbing her shoulder as Sweetie Belle kept staring at the table under her. She looked up for a moment, and saw me. I gave her a small and nervously smile along with a wave, and she did likewise. Thinking I should have just walked up to her, she held up her hand, and then gestured to the back door   I looked to Apple Bloom, who gave me a sympathetic smile, and then jerked her head in another direction. My Head quickly turned to see that Apple Bloom’s head was pointing towards Diamond Tiara’s, and Silver Spoon’s table. With a quick nod back at them, I headed towards the back of the school, where Sweetie Belle—by herself—headed in the same direction. > Chapter 4; Sweetie's Idenity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not saying a word, we walked to the football field, made our way under the bleachers—where no couples seemed to be making out today—and stood in awkward silence for awhile.   “So,” I finally asked Sweetie Belle, “are you okay?”   She began to breathe through her nose, then rubbed the back of her head. “Well I… Button, do you like me?”   I nearly gagged on my own spit. “Wha… I, I mean, well…” I sighed. “Okay, what brought this on? Does it have anything to do with why you ran off on Friday?”   She put her hands in her pockets. “Just… could you just be honest with the question?”   I didn’t even know what the honest answer was. Yet, I had to answer her right here, right now.   “I… well… I…”   She lowered her head.   “What, no!” I jumped up and reached a hand out to her's. “No, you’re beautiful, and wonderful to be around, and I'd... I’d be happy to be your boyfriend if that’s what you want.”   I was ready to do whatever it took to make her happy, even if it meant a little short term discomfort for myself. However, as soon as i said I would be her boyfriend, she began crying.    “Oh, Button, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean…. I…” She turned her back towards me. “I’m a horrible person, worse than Diamond Tiara!”   I tilted my head. “What? No, no! Sweetie, why?”   She sighed, and with dead-shot eyes, said. “I’ve always known you liked me, Button. And, well, for years, I’ve… I’ve always tried to like you back, but I couldn’t, for some reason. Then I… after Tray called me gay, then I guess I looked up some stuff and, well,” she closed her eyes and gulped, “I’m gay!”   I’m sure a normal person would have felt hurt, betrayed, or even angry. Yet, when she said it, I felt, relived. If that was true, then I didn’t have to date Sweetie Belle! I didn’t have to make myself uncomfortable and risk any friendship we had being ruined.   “Sweetie," I said, "it’s okay. I never had a crush on you.”   She groaned. “You’re just saying that.”   “No, I mean it!” I put a hand on her shoulder and gave the widest smile I could muster. “Hey, if being with a girl instead of me would make you happy, then it would make me happy too!” I then chuckled nervously. “Though, we can still be friends, right? I really like talking to you and doing school projects together.”   She wiped away a tear. “And getting your butt kicked by me TF2?”   “Yes, and… HEY!”   She gave a giggle and I returned it with a playful nudge. “But yes, Button, we can still be friends.” She twirled a strand of hair around. “I like being friends.” She then raced up to me and gave me a hug.   Now normally, I’m not a huger. Since I don't like being touched beyond maybe a high five or occasional pat on the back. But for Sweetie Belle, and along with everything else I was feeling, I happily hugged back.   After we pulled away, she  asked. “I suppose I acted a little immature on Friday. I mean, I guess I always knew. I was just afraid to come out because of how people would treat me. Namely you and all.”   “Hey! I won’t treat you any differently.” She cooed. “Thanks. Though,” she clicked her heels, “now that it’s out, there is someone I think I have a crush on.” “Oh, who?” I then said the first name that came to mind. “Scoo—” a lightbulb went off in my mind. “Wait a minute,” I grinned mischievously, “do you have a crush on—”   She threw a hand on my mouth. “Hush!” she said turning red. “Well… I, I, I…”   I moved her hand away and rolled my eyes. “Hey, I think it’s cute. Besides, you two would make a perfect couple.” I felt a tingle around my neck as my shirt collar began to itch. “If it helps, I have a strong feeling she feels the same way. If not stronger.” I scratched my neck. “Just call it a hunch.”   Sweetie Belle groaned. “Yeah, I heard from Apple Bloom. Sorry about that.” She then sighed dreamily. “Although, she must really care about me if she went through that much trouble.” Her smile began to form a frown. “Though, I’m afraid of how Apple Bloom would take it. I mean, we’ve all been close, wouldn’t two of us dating mean the other have to be left out?”   “Well,” I scratched my chin, “I’m sure she’ll understand. And I’m sure that’s something you can all work out. Though, I suppose you might want to tell her before you ask Scootaloo out?”   She nodded. “Good idea.”   I closed my eyes and grinned. “Still, I’m glad you have someone.”   She cocked an eyebrow at me. “You mean like how you have Silver Spoon?”   My blood ran cold. “What?!” I facepalmed. “Not you too! Okay, look, it’s a long story. My therapist said I should try and compliment the first girl I ran into, and it happened to be Silver Spoon. I promise, end of story!”   To my horror, she began to laugh. “I figured there was something off about that. Either you were dared too or were just trying to be nice.” She then looked at me quizzically. “You don’t’ actually have a crush on her, do you?”   “Of course not! I mean…” I took a deep breath. “Besides, you really think she’d even say yes if I asked her out?”   She rubbed her chin. “Good point.” We then heard a bell ring and she looked up at me and smiled. “Oh well, I’m just happy this drama is all over.”   I picked up my backpack and led her back inside. “Yup, I’m sure now things will only get better from here.”   *****   To my past self’s credit, even if I had gone back in time to slap myself silly for saying that—which if I gotten the chance to time travel, I wouldn’t have wasted it to do that. Instead, I would have win the lottery, or at least have stopped myself from complimenting Silver Spoon—it wouldn’t have changed anything that had already been set into motion. When I got to my last class, I had gone in expecting it to be nothing more than asking Sweetie Belle if she had talked to Apple Bloom or Scootaloo yet. Instead, the second I sat down, a gray hand touched the corner of my desk. Looking up, I saw none other than Silver Spoon, giving me a nervous glance.   “Um…” she muttered   “Hi?” I looked around to make sure she wasn’t talking to anyone else, then back to her.   This was it, the moment she would get me back for this morning. She was probably mad at me, and just waiting for the right moment to humiliate me. She would say something mean, at the very least, or one of her friends was going to do something to me any second. Either way, I didn’t care. Silver Spoon could do whatever she wanted. I just wanted to get to it over with. With that, she fumbled around with her braid, then asked “Did you...” she took a small breath, “did you really mean it?”   My eyes began to scan the room. “Huh?”   “About me being pretty and all?” she questioned me again.   Firstly, I just said her hair was pretty. However, seeing as how this was just some kind of trap, I figured I’d be the better person and answered. “Um, yeah. I mean, sure, you are pretty, and I like your hair style. Must take a lot of time and detail to get it how it is, and… well I guess I just think it’s really nice.”   Might have been a bit of an overkill, but then again, I had nothing to lose. Besides, I thought, aside from everything else, she did have a unique and interesting hair style. A single braided ponytail, only it went over her shoulder and in front of her.   She smiled, face flushed red. “Well, I…” we then heard the sound of some girls giggling. She turned to see her friends—and Tray—coming towards her. She snapped back to me and glared. “Well, like, you should really do something about that dorky hat then.” She then swatted my hat off my head.   This caused her friends who were watching to laugh.   “Like, later, loser,” she fished off before she headed back to her desk.   With that, each and every one of her friends gave me a wayward look while they muttered something I chose to tone out. The only person I remembered was Tray. Who made sure I knew about his presence as he bumped into my desk, nearly toppling it over.   I looked up to him, as he gave me a nasty death stare. “She’s mine, and will never be yours, got it, twerp?”   Hastily I nodded, and he made his way to the back as I kept myself facing forward.   “You okay?” Sweetie Belle asked, sitting down next to me.   I held my head with my hands. “That depends, how much did you see?”   “I saw Tray giving you a nasty look. He not taking your flirting with Silver Spoon well?”   My hand found its way to my forehead. “It would seem like it.” For comfort I began to fidget with my pencil. “Oh, what am I going to do?”   Sweetie Belle rubbed my shoulder. “Hey, it will blow over. Just you wait and see.”   I sighed, thinking for a moment about telling her about my earlier confrontation with Silver Spoon. However, I had other thing I needed to know. “I guess. Though, how’d it go with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo?”   Her face turned red and she stuttered, “Well…”   My eyes narrowed. “You haven't told either of them yet, have you?”   She bit her lip. “I’ll try after school! Though, would you go with me for some moral support?”   The pencil stood still in my hand.   I had never hung out with her, or anyone for that matter, outside of school. Though in this case, it wouldn’t be ‘outside’ of school. We could just met up at the bleachers. Besides, if it was for a good cause, why wouldn’t I do so?   “Of course,” I gave her a warm smile, "everything will be alright."   She smiled, and then class began shortly after.   Although, the whole time I was in class, I couldn’t help but feel as if I was always being watched. Sure enough, whenever I looked behind me. I would see Silver Spoon quickly avert her eyes from my direction. I couldn’t stare long without getting noticed by our teacher. So I just left it at that, and worried about how I was going to get Sweetie Belle to confess to her friends.   *****   One thing we both decided after class was that Sweetie wasn’t going to tell Scootaloo she had a crush on her. Instead, with my help, we would tell them that she was a lesbian, and go from there.   “I’m still—” Sweetie Belle began, only to be cut off as Silver Spoon and her friends passed us. They didn’t cause us too much trouble, although they all kept looking at me funny. Most of them gave me some usually mean jesters, but when Silver Spoon caught my eye, at first, she looked disgusted. Then, when her friend’s weren’t looking, she gave me a warm smile and a wave. I caught it, but I guess Sweetie Belle, or any other student, didn't.   I turned back to Sweetie Belle, who began to fidgit. “I guess aside from them, I’m worried about my family. I haven’t told anyone, not even my sister! I mean, what if—“   “Hey,” I said as I boldly took her hand, “they will be fine with it. Just trust me, they want to see you as happy as I am.”   She blushed, but not before Tray and some of his friends bumped our hands apart and said, “Guess the retard is into chicks.”   They laughed, then went on their merry way.   I grabbed Sweetie by the shoulder and led her away from the classroom. “Come on, let’s go find the girls.”   We then headed to the top of the bleachers—the bottom was being used—where Sweetie Belle said she wanted to meet them today to tell her big secret.   When we arrived, Apple Bloom was anxiously looking at her watch while Scootaloo was in her soccer uniform, twirling a soccer ball on her finger.   “Ready?” I asked.   She nodded. “Ready.”   I suppose there wasn’t much to say about what was said up until the very end. Apple Bloom was eager to get whatever this was about done because she had to get home to get her chores done. Because of that, she just guessed that we were dating.   “What!?” Sweetie and I said together.   “No!” I said. “She told me how she felt and-, GAH!”   Scootaloo charged at me. “You dared turn down such an amazing person as— Hey, get your hands off me and let me kill him!” she hissed as Apple Bloom held her back.   “Down, girl, down!” Apple Bloom pled as she held Scootaloo back.   “He hurt Sweetie Belle! How can I—” “Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle said, putting her foot down as she held Scootaloo in place and glared into her eyes.   Scootaloo froze, not daring to move, and not even daring to breath for a second. Somehow—and all the better for what I was hopping would soon happen—there was something about Sweetie Belle that brought out the best in Scootaloo. No matter how angry or hurt Scootaloo was, all Sweetie Belle had to do was to tell her to calm down, and that would be that. “I’m okay.” Sweetie Belle said in her calm and soothing voice. “He didn’t hurt me, so will you please let us tell you what we have to say?” “Alright,” Scootaloo said with a deep breath. Though she was still giving me the occasional death glance. She then looked back at Sweetie Belle. “So... you two aren’t a couple now?”   Sweetie Belle lowered her head and smiled. “We talked about it, and…” She looked at me with concern, and I gave her an encouraging nod. “I… I’m…” she closed her eyes. “I’m gay.”   Once she said it, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked to one-another in utter silence, until Apple Bloom said. “About time.”   We all looked at her, and said, “Huh?”   “Oh come on! Ah mean, if that weren’t da case, ya would have been in his pants by now.”   We all turned red—even Scootaloo—as we made various protest before Apple Bloom cut her off, laughing her head off.   “It’s okay, I think this is great. Because, funny enough,” she then pushed Scootaloo forward, “we were just talkin’, and don’t ya have something to say, Scoot?”   Sweetie Belle looked to the glowing orange girl. “Um….?”   Wide eyes, Scootaloo glared at Apple Bloom. “Bloom!”   Apple Bloom raised her hands. “What? Now we know, so ya might as well before some other gal beats ya to it.”   “Before someone else beats her to what?” I asked, not catching on like I suppose Sweetie Belle must have as she held her mouth agape as she started to shake.   Sweetie Belle, though, said, “Scoo… Scootaloo?”   With a groan, Scootaloo said, “Okay,” while taking many deep breaths.   She scratched the back of her neck as Sweetie Belle held a hand to her mouth, blushing red as my mouth dropped since my brain finally caught up to what was happening.   “Um… Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo gulped. “Would you… um… maybe, go on a date with me? And then if that works, maybe the dance—”   “YES!” Sweetie Belle cried as she threw her arms around her friend.   Apple Bloom just sat there giggling while I felt my head explode.   Once I regained scene, I shouted, “Yes!” along with Sweetie Belle and threw my arms around Apple Bloom.   “Ugh,” she moaned in my arms.   I quickly pulled away. “Sorry.”   “S’kay, least they seem happy.” With that, she looked to me. “You sure ya okay with this?”   With a smile, I said, “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? She’s happy, what more could I want?”   “Hey!” Scoots said as she fought the hug. “Easy up on the cuddling! I got a reputation to keep!”   Sweetie Belle jolted away. “Oh, um, right.” Still, she couldn’t hide her wide smile. “Can’t believe it took me this long to figure things out.”   Probably not thinking, I asked, “How did you find out anyways?”   I took an uneasy step back as they all whipped their necks at me. “I mean… never mind—”   “Actually,” Sweetie Belle said as she fished into her backpack, “when I… ran home last week, I ended up by the library and found this.” She handed me a book titled, Sexualtiy and You. “I looked in it, took one of its test near the end that is supposed to help you find out what sexuality you are, and it marked me as a lesbian.”   “Huh,” I said looking it over, wondering...   I then looked up to see Sweetie take Scootaloo’s hand. “Guess it worked.”   Scootaloo blushed and pulled her hand away. “Okay, okay. How about we save the mushy stuff for our date? How does,” she looked around briefly and whispered. “tonight sound, after practice?”   Sweetie Belle grinned and nodded her head. “It’s a date.” Her eyes widened. “Oh! I got to get ready then.”   Scootaloo moaned.  “Sweetie Belle, You don’t need to doll up. I like you—”   “Oh, but,” she looked at me and the book, running in place. “Button, would you take that back for me? Got so much to do, and I don’t want anyone in my family to find it.”   With no reason not to, I nodded and said, “Of course. I imagine this is a big night—”   She threw me into a quick bear-hug. “Great, thanks, I got to go, bye!” She then swooped up her backpack and raced home.   “Well… that was fun.” I couldn’t tell if Apple Bloom meant it or was still as dazed as I’m sure Scootaloo and I were. “But Ah gotta get goin’ too.” She scooped up her own backpack. “Bye, take care!”   I was about to leave too, before Scootaloo said, “Whoa, whoa, Apples! You’re… you’re not, well, I mean, I wouldn’t want you to feel—”   She held up a hand. “It’s fine, Scoots. I know this won’t change anything between all three of us. And besides,” she began to chuckle, “guess this will give me reason to get my own guy now.”   Scootaloo crossed her arms. “Who?”   “Well…” Apple Bloom kicked a stone, “um... got to go, buy!" she then raced off, leaving just Scootaloo and I alone.   “So,” Scootaloo said in a flat tone, “sorry about… Sweetie, but,” she then glared at me, “don’t be getting any second thoughts now, got it?”   I saluted. “Crystal! I don’t think I’m even into girls anyways.” She stayed stern for a moment, till she eased up as her face beamed. “Well, in any case, sorry about before. But, you really sure you’re okay? I mean, I guess we're friends so… Yeah, hope I didn’t hurt you.” I winched at the F word, but said, “It’s okay. And hey, I never really had a crush on Sweetie Belle. I just liked hanging out with her.” Scootaloo clenched her fist. “I just… I mean, I would have been happy if it was you. If it made her happy.” Her breathing began to quicken as she fought back tears. “That’s… that’s all I cared about. She’s always been there for me, and I love her so much I… I…” I hesitantly placed an arm on her shoulder. “Hey, I know how you feel.” I chuckled. “Believe me, this is the best outcome I could have hoped for.” She then did the last thing I expected, tears still fresh in her eyes, she quickly threw her arms around me. I flinched and she quickly pulled away. “Anyways,” she said as she rubbed her eyes, “I’ll see you later.”  Alright,” I called off as I saw her bound her way to the soccer field, “just tell me how it went!” She gave me one last sarcastic grin and made her way to the field. All alone, I found myself looking at the book Sweetie Belle had asked me to return. With nothing else better to do today, I glanced over the first fifteen questions on the quiz before i even got to my bike. > Chapter 5; Button's Idenity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not in a hurry, I walked beside my bike while I read the sexuality book. I almost got hit by a car, but after that, it was smooth sailing as I answered question after question. Of course, once I had gotten to the library, I had all but two of my questioned answered with a score of 124. Taking a seat on a beach near the library, I looked over my last two questions again. One of them was, “What sounds better, sex or cake?”   I circled cake. “What could be better than cake?” I asked myself.   The next question, I stopped on for a bit. On it, were a picture of several people, men and women of that I guessed were suppose to have various levels of appeal. It ranged from them being in swimwear, to having nerdy glasses. One was even a warrior elf from a painting, and the answer of nothing. Worried about what each answer would bring, I decided to just look at the points I would get between my final three choice (the normal looking girl, nothing, and the elf) and decided, based on which points what would give me, to look up the answer. Which I thought would be around the same area. Turns out, with my luck, each choice landed me on a different option.   I boldly followed the instructions to the page to what the ‘none’ answer would give me.   A-sexual.   I didn’t read the content right away, I just stared at that word.   Then, taking a deep breath, I read on.   "An asexual (slang term: "ace") is somebody who experiences no (or very little) sexual attraction. Many asexuals grow up believing they are homosexual, and while some are homoromantic, there is no physical part of them that desires sex. This does not necessarily mean they cannot be attracted romantically. Asexuals can be hetero. Some might experience sexual arousal, but not feel the need to act upon them. Aces usually favor strong platonic relationships over sexual ones, even with their partners...."   I just sat there for awhile, letting it all sink in for me. Though, not satisfied yet, I decided to see what the other option would land me on.   Demi-sexual. Demisexuality is a sexual orientation in which someone feels sexual attraction only to people with whom they have an emotional bond. Most demisexuals feel sexual attraction…   Either way, I allowed myself to let out a long relieved laugh and leaned myself on the nearest bench. “It all makes sense now!”   Quickly setting myself up, a mother and her two kids walked by glancing at me. I gave them a nervous wave, and they went on their way. albeit, at a little faster pace.   Shaking my head, I looked at my two options. The book—and myself—couldn’t truly decide whether I was Asexual or Demi-Sexual. Either way, it didn’t matter. I wasn’t some weirdo, I just didn’t like boy, or girls! As my hand was about to release the book into the book return, I held onto it for one second, realizing what I had just said. Though, maybe if I didn’t want to find love, everyone else in the world did. Which meant, by default, I was weird. I pulled the book back to look at a troubling spot I had glanced at.   It is harder for asexuals to come out than it is for homosexuals. As they only make up one percent of the population and most people do not know about asexuals. They are even discriminated by members of the LGBTQ community. many people think that it is not a "thing," that they are cold and insensitive, that they are too afraid to admit they are homosexual. Some think there is something wrong with asexuals and they can fix that with…...   Taking many deep breaths as I dug my hand into my pocket and found two coins. In which, I began to hastily rub them together as I thought, ‘Okay… Oh, now what?’   I had just found one thing that made me happy, only to find another that made things worse. Would I now get teased more, would my mom understand? What if she kicked me out or tried to get me ‘cured’ or—   I shook my head. Standing around wasn’t going to do anything. So, I slipped the book back into my backpack—with every intention to return it the next day—and took off home as fast as I could.    ****   The next day when I came to school, while still feeling as if I had heavy boots for not telling mom yet. I also felt lot lighter for knowing who I was. Nothing was going to stop me, but first i had to tell someone. It was not something I was going to be happy with. Unless there was someone I could talk to about this with. So, I chose to tell Sweetie Belle, and maybe Apple Bloom and Scootaloo if it came to it. while I would have just felt better with only one person knowing, I would understand if I found myself with all three of the girls around if Sweetie Belle wanted to.   My guy acquaintances, though, could never know. Unless something came up that—between two evils—my life would be simpler if they knew. I couldn't imagined a time that anything would make me bring it up, but that’s how it stood right then and there as I walked into school, looking for the girls. The search didn’t take me long as I saw Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo leaning against the lockers while they laughed at something.   I smiled and waved at them.   Sweetie Belle saw me and waved back. “Hey, Button, how’s it going?”   “Been going great!” I then looked around cautiously. “How did… things go last night?”   They began to act nervous until Scootaloo gestured to the gymnasium. A good place I suppose as any to have a private conversation, which worked for me tool.   One hop and skip later, and one quick little look around to make sure we were alone, I asked, “Okay, so how was the date?”   With nothing to hold it in, both of their faces flustered red as their fingers began to interlock.   “Well,” Sweetie Belle cooed, “it was really sweet.” She giggled. “Scootaloo first took me out to a diner, then we went to see a movie,” she sighed, “then we—”   “He doesn’t need all the details!” Scootaloo shouted, perhaps a little too loudly.   We waited a bit till we felt certain no one had heard, then I commented, “So, good then?”   They both turned to face each other, gazing at each other with lust filled eyes, and said, “Yeah…”   They then kissed, and as I turned around, I swore I heard a little squeak from the far end of the gym. Thought, I was sure it was nothing, so I looked back at them after they pecked and said, “Well, I’m very happy to hear that.”   “Thanks,” Scootaloo said as she placed her hands behind her head. “Though I suppose—”   “Actually,” I cut off, “I got something I need to tell you two.”   They blinked at me. “Oh?”   “Yeah,” I began to fish the book out of my backpack, “I kind of held onto your book a bit longer, Sweetie Belle.” I pulled it out. “Sorry about that. I would have just returned it and checked it out myself, but…” I shook my head. “In any case I’ll return it soon if you don’t mind.”   Sweetie Belle said nothing as I flipped through the book.   “Anyways, I took that little test and—”   “And it says you're gay?” Scootaloo guessed   Sweetie Belle glared at Scootaloo.   “What? I didn’t mean it in a bad way!. Geez. I mean, if he’s interested in the opposite gender—”   “Actually, no.” I corrected. “It didn’t say that.”   Scootaloo stared at me. “So…”   Sweetie Belle’s smile began to demise, “So you are into girls?”   Thinking this was funny, I began to chuckle. “Not quite.”   Both of their eyes widened till Scootaloo asked, “If you don’t like boys and you don’t like girls, then what do you—”   “I’m asexual,” and with that, all my fears melted away as they at least looked confused at this.   “A what now?”   “Asexual.” I opened the book and flipped to the page. “That or Demi-sexual, either way,” I got to the page as they began to lean in, “it means I’m not interested in either boys, or girls. Of course, it’s possible that I might be a bit Demi-sexual, which means I can only like someone if I’m really close to them.” I quickly looked at Sweetie Belle who had just bite her lip. “Though it’s likely I just don’t want to date or ever have sex with anyone.”   “Huh,” Scootaloo said as she looked the page over. “So thats a thing?”   “Yup,” I nodded. “Though, I’m still kind of worried, since… well, you’re the first I told.”   Sweetie Belle tapped her chin. “I guess that would explain a lot.” She then scooted over next to me. “If that’s the case, sorry for, if I ever… tried to make advances towards you, Button. I didn’t mean it and—”   A put a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, I don’t want any of that, Sweetie.”   “But—”   “It’s done, you’re with Scootaloo, and even if I was interested in romance, I’d much rather see you happy.”   This brought a tear to her eye. “Thanks, Button.” She then wrapped her arms around me.   I happily hugged her back.   “This is a great greeting card moment and all,” Scootaloo said, bringing us back to attention, “but I think we need to get to class. The bell should be ringing—”   The bell rang.   “Right,” Sweetie Belle squeaked as she picked up her bag.   I followed suite, as I asked, “You promise not to tell anyone?”   “Sure,” Sweetie said. “Though, I don’t think it’s a big deal.”   “Yeah,” Scootaloo said with one of her hands in her pocket as the other held her backpack. “I mean, if anyone else found out, think of the teasing. Sweetie Belle and I would just be jeered at for a while, you’d never see the end of it with guys shoving playbunny magazines in your face.”   I gulped.   “Scoots!” Sweetie Belle gritted.   Scootaloo held up her hand. “Sorry, but like I said, safe with me.” She then lowered her head and scratched her nose. “Come on. You both know I’d be the last person to do anything mean like that.”   Sweetie Belle sighed. “Yeah, I guess.” She then looked up dreamily at Scootaloo.   Scootaloo looked back.   Their faces inches towards one another.   I made a bee-line for the door with the widest smile on my face as the sound of a quick peck on their lips echoed throughout the gym.   *****   You know the worst thing with days that seem to be going great? There always seems to be something that has to go wrong.   I’m not trying to sound pessimistic, blame the autism, but that always seems to be the case.   Some days I can just have a day where no one teases me and we don’t get a lot of homework. But then you get days where you win a student raffle, and then find out your homework was late. You go to an amusement park, and the one ride you wanted to go on breaks down. Then again, a lot of it on these days were fault to begin with. For example, one day, I could be feeling on top of the world, but because of this, I sometimes get the impression that nothing can go wrong. Which causes my guard not to be so up, and what little filters my mind had to begin with break down on me. So I end up saying or doing stupid things. I’d rather not give a long history of examples, instead let's focus on how that became the case the day I told Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo about my asexuality.   I still had to tell my mom, but at the moment, everything was Perfect. No longer did I have to wonder if I would find someone I liked, because there probably wouldn’t be anyone. So with that, I began to walk with a little swagger in my step between classes. This seemed to catch a lot of attention as people began to stare at me. Maybe if I wasn’t on cloud nine I would have toned it down. But instead, I kept acting like I was a big boy, even to the point of replying to ‘compliments’ some people would make.   “Hey, Button,” one guy said, “you eat some chili, or just got to the dump?”   “Chilly,” I replied casually, “and it was delicious.”   “You got a wedge or something?”   “Maybe, but it’s doing a better job than yours.”   I think you get the idea, so let me get to what I said to Silver Spoon.   Still walking with a little bounce in my step, I happened to pass by her friends. Their leader—and by default most popular girl in school—Diamond Tiara, snickered, “What’s up with the dork—”   I didn’t let her finish. “Ladies,” I aimed both of my pointing fingers at them, “you all look great today.”   Not what they were expecting, they all stared at me with dropped jaws, save for Silver Spoon who began to blush.   I then looked to her. “Especially you, Silver! Still as beautiful with the best hair ever!” I then gave a laugh and walked off, never looking back.   Now, at the time, I kind of meant that as an insult.   Bear with and forgive me.   See, sometime that day, my mind began to wonder towards Silver Spoon and her actions around me. While I wasn’t an expert, I began to think more and more that she was acting flirty. Of course, me being me and her being her, my first thought was she hadn’t taken kindly to when I said her hair was nice. So i figured, she was just trying to make me think she liked me so I’d do something such as ask her out and be made a fool off. So when I complimented her hair, I was saying—least in my mind— ‘I know what you’re up to, and I’m not falling for it. It wouldn’t work anyways.’   Again, sorry, I know how it sounds even if that was just in my head. Though I suppose I got what was coming to me after school that day. When I walked into chemistry, I was immediately met with a warm smile by Sweetie Belle, followed by several glares when Silver Spoon's friends noticed me.   I rolled my eyes. Although, those same eyes widened as a hand slammed onto my desk once I took my seat. I looked up, to see Tray giving me a death stare. So for the rest of class I stayed facing straight forward even when I felt small objects bombarding my backside. Which Sweetie Belle tried to stop, but I squeezed her hand and shook my head.   “Oh, relax,” Sweetie Belle mouthed. “You know he’s all bark but no bite.”   “Yeah,” I replied, “except you didn’t flirt with his on again off again girlfriend, twice.” I felt something hit my head again.   “I thought you said you didn't—”   “I don't!” I said quietly. “I might have been a little cocky and wasn’t thinking straight today, so...”   Sweetie Belle rubbed her forehead. “Oh, Button. Look, just stick with me and the girls after class. You just gotta let this blow over and everything will be fine.”   “Yeah,” I chuckled, “everything will be fine.”   *****   When the bell rang, the only reason I didn’t immediately make a dash for it was because I figured it would be safer in numbers with Sweetie Belle, rather than facing the hallways alone. Shame to say, two didn’t seem enough, because as soon as we exited the classroom, Tray blocked our path.   “Well, well, well,” Tray said glaring smugly at us. “Look at what we have here. The gay retard with his little girlfriend trying to hit on my girl.”   “Just let it go, Tray,” of all people, Silver Spoon, said.   “Stay out of this, babe,” he then pushed her to the side. “This is between—”   “Hey!” Scootaloo said, having rushed to the scene, seeing Sweetie Belle in distress, she put herself between Tray and us. “You better back off or—”   “Or what?” Diamond Tiara said, coming out of nowhere. “You and your little gay friend are going to make out?”   No one seemed to get that right away, and I guess the few who did thought she was talking about me and Scootaloo.   “Or," Diamond Tiara continued, "was making out in the gym before class with that little whore over there not hot enough for you?” She then laughed to herself as a group of cardboard valley girl cut outs laughed along with her.   We followed her finger to Sweetie Belle, whose eyes widened.    “I…” Sweetie Belle stammered.   “What’s that,” Diamond Tiara pestered as her group of friends laughed more. “Lost for words?”   “Scoots,” Sweetie Belle whispered in Scootaloo’s ear as she held herself onto her back. Though, as Sweetie Belle's face began to puff, she wouldn’t put that much effort into stopping Scootaloo’s rage.   “Aw,” one of the other popular girls cooed, “is—”   “It’s true!” I announced, stepping in front of Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.   “Huh?” a few dozen voices replied.   There comes a time—or a lot of times—in every autistic boy's life when, in the same time it takes to blink, they act without thinking because they believe it will do someone they care about a favor. Then, after you did so, you had a moment to take it back and walk away, no harm, no foul. Myself, on the other hand, took in a deep breath, and said, “I do have a crush on Silver Spoon!”   “What?” twice as many voices—namely Tray’s, Diamond Tiara’s, Sweetie Belle’s and Scootaloo’s—rang out.   Scootaloo was the first to act. “What are you—” she started to stomp forward when I held my hand up.   “You can’t stop me,” I said with a quick little wink. “And I thank you for helping me in the gym to find the courage to do this.”   Having picked up on it, Sweetie Belle started to race forward, saying, “Button, don’t—”   “It’s okay, Sweetie,” I said as I stepped away from them and made my way towards Silver Spoon. Which first required me to push past Tray—who had been stunned enough for me to do so—and walked right up to Silver Spoon, staring her in the eyes.   “Silver Spoon?”   Her face, wide eyed and glowing red, answered, “Um… Ye…”   While I no longer had any hope of getting myself out of whatever mess I was sure to experience, I decided to go full out romantic. At first, I considered grabbing her by the waist, leaning her back, and saying how sexy she was like I assumed any other guy at school might. Instead, I decided to play it a bit more chill. While at least making a show for everyone. But at the same time doing what I considered the proper and most romantic way to ask a girl out. So I might have a chance to get away from this with a little dignity when it was all over.   I took both of Silver Spoons hands into mine.   The mob of students gasped behind me, but I kept my eyes on Silver Spoon's.   “Silver Spoon,” I began, “I think you are the most beautiful girl in school.”   I took a momentary pleasure as I heard—what I assumed was—the sound of Diamond Tiara’s’ teeth grinding against each other.   “Ever since I first laid eyes on you, all I wanted to do was be with you, to hold your hand, and to make you mine. It took all my courage to even compliment your hair. But now, I at last have the strength to ask, Silver Spoon, would you go on a date with me?”   Maybe in any other story, there would be nothing but deadly silence, to the point where you could hear a pin drop. In my story though, there were nothing but daws and aww’s. Cell phones clicking, and the mummer of students not sure what to think about this, or wondering what would happen next. As for me, all I could do was brace myself. Any second, Silver Spoon would jerk her hands away from me, shoot me down, call me a loser. Then, everybody at school would be more interested in me rather than finding out if Sweetie Belle was a lesbian. If not indefinitely, then at least long enough for her to be comfortable with the idea. Instead, as I just continued to stare at silver Spoon, I saw her face not changing expressions. She continued to let me hold her hands without any disgust or protest. I might have even though she would have kissed me then and there, if Tray didn’t break my hold on Silver Spoon by pushing me away. “Nice try, Romeo. You really think she’d ever—”   “As a matter of fact,” Silver Spoon, head held high, pushed past Tray and made her way to me. With a smile plastered on her face, she said, “Yes, Button, I would like to go on a date with you.”   One could call the hallways after that organized chaos. All around, boys were cheering, girls were texting like mad. Silver Spoon’s friends looked concerned or were ranting off like hens. And Diamond Tiara’s face began to wrinkle and twist as I worried her head might explode.   Tray, on the other hand, began to whimper as he pleadingly reached out to Silver Spoon.   “Bu… but, babe!”   Silver Spoon swatted his hand away. “Don’t babe me, Tray. We broke up, so I’m free to see other people.”   “But, but…” he then gazed at me, a look of murder in his eyes.   I shrank, but then Silver Spoon put a hand on his chest. “And if you, any of your friends,” she looked to the crowd, “or anyone, touches him, you can forget about getting into the yearbook.” She then narrowed her eyes and looked at Tray. “As for you, those ‘special’ shots you wanted will ‘mysteriously’ be deleted.”   His pupils shrank as he backed up. “Fine.” He then raised a finger. “Just don’t expect me to let you so easily come crawling back to me.”   Silver Spoon flipped her hair at him. “Whatever.”   While his friends helped Tray to walk away, Silver Spoon focused her attention on me, face bright red and smiling she said, “So, um, is by any chance tomorrow night fine?” She eyed the immobilized Diamond Tiara. “I have a few things to take care of, or, any time you like.”   I blinked myself out of the trance I found myself in. “Um… yeah, tomorrow, sure thing.”   “Great!” she beamed, then raced forward onto me with a hug, only to pull away just as quick and blush. “Right, I’ll see you then.” She then waved at me seductively and pulled along her friend Diamond Tiara, and along with it, most of the hallway began to clear out.   As for me, I just stood there, trying to figure out what had happened. Though, all I was able to say was, “Wait, she's in yearbook?”   “Dude,” Rumble said, popping out of nowhere, looking at me with the look of one who had just met an all-star. “That was… that was…   “Hey, y’all!” I heard Apple Bloom say, racing up to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, who had a series of mixed emotions crisscrossing on their faces. “What I miss?” > Chapter 6; A Real Date? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey, wait up!” Rumbled called, racing to keep up. “I don’t see why any of this would be a bad thing, I mean, what am I missing?” “It’s s’okay,” Apple Bloom patted his shoulder, “I’m just as lost too.” I groaned. “I said someplace private.” They nodded, and I just kept moving forward, with my hands in my pockets. While I wished Rumble hadn’t tagged along, I found that there was no way out of it. Apple Bloom had demanded answers for me asking Silver Spoon out, and nothing I did could get Rumble to leave. Not that I knew of a lot of nice ways to say 'go away,' but I still wished I didn’t have to tell him of all people. “Um, sure,” Rumble said rather nervously, “though, you’re starting to worry me here, dude.” Scootaloo shot him a mean stare. “You know, no one asked you to come along!” “Scoots!” Apple Bloom said. Scootaloo stepped back, and Sweetie Belle caught her. “I’m, um…” “It’s okay,” Sweetie Belle whispered into her ear as she slipped a hand into her’s. Scootaloo smiled as Rumble’s eyes widened. “Wait a minute!” He pointed at them, “You two—OW!” Apple Bloom pulled her arm back. “Sorry, but I have a feeling they don’t want that public.” The girls pulled apart and blushed brightly as they tried to avoid contact. “Okay, Rumble,” I explained, “do you really want to tag along? Seriously, you don’t have to.” Rumble threw his hands in the air. “Come on! Really, Button?” He walked up to me. “I’m your friend, and this is a big deal for you.” He placed his hands on his head. “I won’t tell anyone, promise, but will you just trust me?” Trust, I cringed at the word. It wasn’t as if I couldn’t trust people. I just had a hard time with it. While I had been able to tell Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo about my asexuality, that was because Sweetie Belle had trusted me with something personal already. For that matter, I’d worked with Sweetie Belle before, and I… “I…” “Yeah, Button, aren’t we ya’ll friend?” Apple Bloom asked. I looked up at all four of them. They were looking at me with wide smiles and worried eyes before I realized we were all about to hang out outside of school together. By definition, once I stepped outside the school parking lot, we’d all be hanging out. We’d no longer just be acquaintances. “I…” we’d reached the edge of the parking lot, and I sighed as we crossed over. “Sure.” “I promise not to tell, whatever this is all about,” Rumble encouraged. I nodded. “Yeah, and,” I smiled at him, “thanks.” “My pleasure. Now, would you please tell me why you don’t seem pleased to be on a date with Silver Spoon?” I laughed. “Well, all joking aside, and apart from how mean she is, the thing is…” ***** “So,” Rumble began as he sipped on his soda in my living room. “You’re asexual. Yet, before you found out, your doctor told you to tell a single girl she’s attractive, who happened to be Silver Spoon? Then you helped Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo get together. Then, when Diamond Tiara almost forced them into the open, you asked Silver Spoon out to humiliate yourself to drawn attention away from them? And she said yes?” I nodded. “Pretty much.” I sipped on my tea, “It’s been one of those weeks for me.” Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow as she patted Charlie’s head. “So, this happens often?” “What?” I said. “No, I was… Never mind, the joke failed.” While sitting backwards in her seat, Scootaloo said, “Right, so now that we got these two caught up and in an oath of silence, can we talk about what we’re going to do about Silver Spoon?” Sweetie Belle sat her juice done and glared. “What do you mean?” Scootaloo explained. “I mean, isn’t it obvious? Clearly the only reason she didn’t just embarrass him then and there was because she wants to set him up and humiliate him on the date.” Apple Bloom rubbed her head. “Really, Scoots?” Sweetie Belle huffed and crossed her arms. “I’m sure she’s—” “She’s right,” I said, leaning back and sipping on my tea. “Though, I do give Silver Spoon credit for putting a good act.” Sweetie Belle stared at me. “Button–” “Sweetie, it’s okay,” I placed my hands behind my head and leaned back into the couch. “I mean, I wished she’d just get it over with, but I don’t mind. Besides as long as the attention is drawn away from you two, then I've done my job. After all, it's not like I won't be expecting her to haze me.” I looked up at them, darting back and forth from there various forms of confused expressions. “What?” “You’re not serious?” Scootaloo said. “I think he is.” Apple Bloom added. Sweetie Belle's hands met her lips. “Button, no! You’ve done so much already!” “What’s he going to do, turn her down?” Rumble pointed out. “Fake or not, if he didn’t show up, he’d just look like the bad guy by standing her up.” Apple Bloom raised a finger. “Well that’s a… good point.” He chuckled. “Thanks, I can be smart from time to time, you know.” Apple Bloom giggled. I shook my head. “Yeah, else I…” my stomach began to churn. Since I didn’t care, I hadn’t worried about the date. Now, thanks to Rumble pointing out that little detail, I saw I really had no choice now. If I stood up Silver Spoon, I would look like the bad guy, so there was really no way out. “I don’t like this,” Sweetie Belle murmured, “he shouldn’t have to do it if he doesn’t want to.” I raised my head up. “Sweetie, I… well, I want to do this.” “You do?” they all said in unison, even Rumble. “Well… yeah,” I nodded, and put on a smile. “Okay, maybe not with Silver Spoon, but look at it this way; This might be the only time I ever get to go on a date. Sure, it might not last long, but this way, no matter what happens to me, I can say that I at least tried while in high school.” Scootaloo grinned evilly. “Oh yeah, and then, like, when she eggs you, you can be like, ‘meh, I saw this coming, and I was like, expecting more. Then we can egg her!” Sweetie Belle crossed her arms and shook her head. “Remind me again why I’m in love with you?” Scootaloo began to count on her fingers. “Because I’m hot, confident, we’re the best of friends, you lov… Wait! What?” Sweetie Belle’s face glowed bright red. “Um, I mean… eep! Wait, no, I…I…” “Just make out already!” Rumble teased. Apple Bloom rewarded him with a punch to the shoulder. “Can’t you be mature for once?” Rumble rubbed his shoulder. “Hey, I’ll have you know, I have to babysit my cousins at least once a week. So I can be mature!” Apple raised her eyebrow. “Yeah, and Ah have to work on a farm every day!” In another conversation, Scootaloo explained to Sweetie Belle. “Anyways, I’m not saying we should stoop to her level, but a tub of ice-water in the right place—” Sweetie Belle huffed and turned her back on Scootaloo. “I can’t believe you!” Scootaloo stomped her foot. “Oh, look at you, acting so proud, when you know you want to use Button to get revenge on Silver Spoon just as much as I do.” Sweetie Belle gasped. “I don’t like Silver Spoon either! But I don’t want to—” “Oh, you’re softer than a marshmallow, you know that, right?” Scootaloo challenged. Sweetie Belle’s mouth twisted. “Take that back!” At the same time, Apple Bloom and Rumble were going at it. “I’m not saying farm work is easy.” Apple Bloom crossed her arms. “Ya just did.” Rumble rubbed his head. “Fine, but it can’t be that hard.” Apple Bloom snickered. “Yeah, ya’ll wouldn’t last one day with your, itty bitty gamer arms.” He flexed an elbow. “I can lift a bundle of hay.” Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “It’s called, a bushel.” Sweetie Belle’s and Scootaloo’s conversation was going less than well. “Marshmallow, marshmallow.” “Ugh,” Sweetie Belle moaned, “ever since we started dating, you’ve been acting cocky.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Like when?” “How about last night when you tried to impress me by telling those guys to bug off when they walked by.” Scootaloo began to sweat. “They were trying to hit on us! Besides, you liked it.” Sweetie Belle began to blush. Scootaloo snickered. “Knew it.” Sweetie pouted, “But it was still rude and—” “Um, guys?” I said. They all stopped and looked at me, I shrank back into my seat. Was this what having friends was like? It made me question if this was even worth it, until Scootaloo sighed and turned to Sweetie Belle. With a sigh, she said, “Alright, so maybe I acted a bit immature.” Sweetie Belle crossed her arms. “A bit?” Scootaloo huffed. "Or a lot..." Sweetie Belle giggle. “It’s okay.” She ran a hand across Scootaloo’s cheek. “Maybe I was a bit too sensitive as well.” Rumble grinned at the sight, before he quickly looked back to me and said, “Right, sorry Button, you were saying?” I blinked. “Um, well, I…” I shook my head. “Okay, so back to my date with Silver Spoon, and… well, I guess the reason I have you guys here is… How do you do a date?” They looked quizzically at me for a moment, before Rumble stood up. “Well first off, from my experience—” “And what experience is that?” Apple Bloom teased. Rumble glupped. “Well, um,” he sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around me, “So what do you want to know?” Charlie picked his head off of Apple Bloom's lap and growled. “Charlie, easy, it’s okay,” I assured him, “these are my… friends,” I sighed, then looked up at them with a smiled. “Well, alright, if you guys really want to help, what's the first thing you should do once the date starts?” ***** “Do I really need different cloths just for a date?” I asked while we sat around my game station. It had been an hour. By then, we hadn’t really done much about the date. My friends agreed to tag along wherever we went to be there for me if the worst happened. Though, Scootaloo insisted we wouldn’t get past the parking lot. Throughout it all, I began to have a panic attack. So we switched. Instead to play some first person shooter games. Problem was, I only own two controllers, so only two of us could play. So, for the moment, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were going at it. While Sweetie Belle, Rumble and I were discussing what I should wear. Rumble clasped his hands together. “Button, I don’t mean to offend you, but you don’t have a history of wearing the best clothes.” “Okay, so I may not dress the… best,” my eyes looked up at my propeller hat, “but it’s not like I care that much.” “Oh absolute,” Apple Bloom nodded as the game ended, “ but ya’ll the one who wanted to treat this as a real date. So that means we’ll need to clean ya up a bit.” Scootaloo scratched her head. “Yeah, I mean,” she lifted up her baggy jeans, “I wasn’t going to go on my first date with Sweetie in this thing.” I groaned, not seeing fashion as the most important thing in the world since it took away time from homework and video games. Then again, so was doing all this. “Fine! What do you have in mind?” “I got a few things I can lend you,” Rumble offered, “I think we’re about the same size.” “Give or take a few less muscles,” Apple Bloom muttered. “Yeah, I…” Rumble stopped. “Hey!” Apple Bloom laughed her ass off. “Oh, it’s on!” Rumble declared as he jumped down to the controller. “May I!” Scootaloo handed him the controller. “Be my guest.” “Alright, game on.” The game started. “Game on!” Apple Bloom declared. We watched on. “They sure make a nice pair,” Sweetie Belle whispered. I blinked. "Huh? Don't tell me she likes—" "Shh!" They both commanded. After I was quited, Scootlaoo glanced to our friends. “Guess they’re okay,“although, why—” “Button?” We jumped a little when we heard my mom call for me as she opened the door. I looked at the clock, and realized just how long we had been going at this. “You home? I need some help with—” She walked into the living room where we had all been playing. “Oh my! I mean,” she blinked a few times to set down her grocery’s. “But… Button I… I um, wasn’t told you’d have… friends over.” She tried to look disappointed, but failed to hide her smile. I simply rubbed my neck. “Er, sorry, I mean, I didn’t—” “No, no, it’s okay. Just, um,” she looked around, “maybe you could have, let me know,” we saw what looked to be a tear. “Can I get you kids anything? Drinks, snacks?’ “That sounds—” Rumble began before Apple Bloom cut him off. “Actually, we all were about ta leave.” Rumble blinked. “We were?” Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened. “Oh, yes.” She tugged on Scootaloo’s arm. “We were going to have dinner with my family tonight, and don’t want to be late.” I raised an eyebrow at them. “Already?” I looked at my mom from the corner of my eyes as I looked at them. “You mean?” I pointed back and forth between them. “You’ll be okay—” “Yes, I’ll be fine,” Sweetie Belle confirmed as she squeezed Scootaloo’s arm. “Sooner the better. Plus, I’ll talk to my sister about your attire for tomorrow night. She knows a few things about fashion.” “Tomorrow night?” My mom asked. My skin crawled as Sweetie Belle began to panic. “I’ll…” I looked nervously between Sweetie Belle and my mom, “explain in a bit, mom.” “Alright,” Rumble said, “that’s fine, but why do I have to leave?” “Cause,” Apple Bloom said, arms crossed behind her back, feet kicking, “I thought I’d give ya a chance ta show ya muscles off.” “Huh?” Apple Bloom shot him an evil grin. “Unless ya afraid to get dirty at the farm. Rumble jerked away and placed his hands on his hips. “Hey, Rumble doesn’t back down from a challenge!” He banged on his chest. Apple Bloom chuckled as her face glowed red. “Well see, tough guy.” As she walked off, he shot me a nervous glance. I shrugged. “You’ll be fine,” I then whispered, “isn’t this why you tagged along anyways?” I gave him a wink He began to heat up. “You know, maybe—” “Ya coming?” we heard Apple Bloom call. He turned around, looked at her, she looked at him with a wide bright smile. “Yeah,” he grinned stupidly. He began to walk forward, only to stop and turn back to me. “Anyways, I…” he rubbed his hands together, then said, “I promise, not to tell anyone about,” he worriedly looked to my mom, “you know.” He ran two of his fingers across his lips. I grinned “Yeah, and thanks, Rumble. TF tonight after this is over? If you survive?” Rumble closed his eyes and shook his head. “Yeah, yeah, take care.” He grabbed his backpack and raced after Apple Bloom. Once they were gone, Sweetie Belle asked, “So, you think he’ll be alright?” “Oh she’ll destroy him,” Scootaloo confirmed. “What does she see in him anyways?” Sweetie Belle titled her head. “He seems sweet, and not bad looking.” She looked wide eyed at her girlfriend. “Anyways,” she walked up to me and pulled out a notepad. “Give me a call if you need anything, Button.” She then wrote some numbers down and handed it to me. “Um, okay,” I said, holding the piece of paper. “Great.” She nodded and gave me a quick hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow!” “Yeah,” Scootaloo nodded, “take care, Button.” With the slam of a door, it became just Charlie, my mom, and I. “So,” my mom asked, “did you have fun?” “Yeah.” I responded as Charlie walked up and nuzzled my arm. She made her way back outside to get the rest of the groceries. "What was that about tomorrow night?" "Well, I... I sort of have a date..." My mother's eyes enlarged as it looked as if she was bound to exploded with joy. "Oh, really? Who? Was one of them that girl you often talk about?” My face reddened. “Mom!” “Sorry,” my mother flushed, “but a mother needs to know these things.” I sighed. “Yeah.” With that, I realized what I was about to tell her. Though..." I lowered my head and stuck my hands into my pockets. This was my mom, and as much as it hurt, I didn’t want to hide any of this from her. While I had some trouble trusting her as much as anyone. I still cared for her. Plus, I owed her much for how I behaved as a kid. What it would do to her, was anybody’s guess. “You see…” ***** We sat at the dinner table, food long gone, as my mother digested everything I had told her. At first, she didn’t believe me. Then I showed her the book, told her a little more about how it made sense to me, and then she just sat there, really quiet like. “Mom,” I eventually asked, “you okay?” She placed a hand to her head. “I just… I mean, you sure? It could just be a phase—” “Mom!” She flinched. “Alright, alright!" She bit her lips. "So you’re really not into girls, or boys?” I nodded. “Yeah... I hope you’re not mad.” Mom gave a light sigh. “Oh, Button, I’m never mad at you.” I shrank into my seat. She gave me a smile. “This may be a little new to me, but I promise, if it makes you happy, then I can live with it. You’re my son, and I love you.” I shot her a half smile as I rubbed Charlie's head. “Thanks, mom. I love you too.” She then scratched her chin. “Though, you sure you’re not demisexual?” I groaned, but answered, “I think I’m ace, but, maybe.” Mom nodded. “Yes, though, what about this date then? Don’t take this the wrong way, but how did you get one? With you being asexual and all?” Her eyes began to beam. “Who is she?” She gasped. "I bet it is that Sweetie girl!” I chuckled nervously. “Um, that’s kind of an even funnier story, if… if you don’t mind.” She leaned on the table, resting her head in her arms. “I’m all ears.” ***** “That was very brave of you,” Mom complimented after I told her about how I ended up on a date with Silver Spoon. “But you do realize that there is no way I’m letting you do this.” My pupils shrank “What? Mom—” “Button,” she rubbed her hand on her head, “I don’t mind a lot of things about you.” She ran both her hands through her hair. “I love you very much. So can you explain to me how I can just stand by and let you get hurt like that?” I lowered my head. “I… look. People are counting on me. I won’t get hurt, because I know what’s coming. Besides, I already went over this with my… friends. If don’t show, I’ll just look like the bad guy for standing her up. She raised a finger. “That’s,” she lowered said finger, “a good point.” She lowered her head onto the table. I looked at Charlie for a moment, then walked up to my mom. “Hey, it’s okay. Besides, I… sort of want this. I might not be into dating, but I’ve always wanted to go on at least one. Worst come to worse, she and her friends will get it over with quickly. Though, maybe we’ll get a bit into the date. This way I can say that I at least gave it a try in high school.” I, hesitantly at first, rubbed her back. “Also, even without that little detail, I’m doing this for Sweetie Belle and my friends. What more could one ask for?” Mom lifted her head up and shook it. “Some days, Button.” She took a moment to breath. “So, where do you plan to take this, Silver Spoon, out on your date?” “I… didn’t really plan for it.” Even with the gang over, we mostly just talked about how a date should work. How to look and act, and how to dress nicely. “She kind of just asked if tomorrow night would work, and I said sure.” Mom nodded her head. “Did you at least get a number or contact information from her.” I bit my lip. “Button!” “Hey! I didn’t think she’d say yes!” I began to fidget. “If anything, I wish she just shot me down then and there. Though,” I thought, “maybe I can find her online?” Mom nodded. “Sounds like a good idea. Why don’t you log onto your laptop and see if we can find her?” I nodded, and we made our way to my bedroom Once I turned on my laptop, we looked around for a bit, till we were able to find her home page online. “My,” mom complimented, “she sure can make a home page.” “Yeah,” I said, tilting my head as I looked at the screen. It was rather flashy, but not so flashy that it hurt the eyes. It was a page that looked like it took hours to put together. All around, next to her status updates, she had what looked like professional shots of herself and some of her friends. Around them, there would be various icons that were animated. Some simply bobbled and spun, but a few, such as a pony, ran, then jumped over a fence. A few even celebrated as fireworks exploded around it. Others would do things that I didn’t even think could be done with a computer. “Right,” I said a moment later, when I tore my eyes away from the dancing spoons to her mail icon. I typed; 'Hey, Silver Spoon, it’s Button Mash, I forgot to ask, when do you want to go on our date tomorrow, and where would you like to go?' A send click later, and the message was on its way. “Guess we just wait,” I said as I leaned into my chair. “Sounds good.” Mom took a seat on my bed. “Though, do you have any ideas of what you’d like to do if she gives you options?” “Well, Rumble said a place for dinner could be nice. But Scootaloo said—” I then heard a slight whimper. Our attention was drawn as I saw Charlie stumble in the room. “Oh, Charlie, you slowpoke. What took you so long?” I got up to lead him inside to his favorite corner of the room for him to lay down. “That’s a good boy.” My mom looked at us funny. “Um, Button. I know you don’t like to talk about it, but,” she paused, “you do know Charlie’s an old dog? And, dogs don’t live forever? I’m not saying now, but,” she rubbed her hands, “he is getting weaker, and, well, what do you think?” I looked at her as the words processed in my mind while I rubbed my chin. There was a bing from the laptop. “Oh, good, she responded!” Mom looked to protest, but she decided to put it on hold now that we had my future dates attention. It read; ‘Button my love so glad you contacted me. Miss u so much.’ <3 I rolled my eyes an imagined she was typing this with her friends around to snicker. ‘After School work? We could go 2 the mall, grab a bite, and see a movie? I’ll drive.’ I shot a glance to my mom. “That´s alright?” My mom gave a nervous nod. “I… I guess that will be okay.” We didn’t move, till I said. “It will be okay, mom. At least I can’t get my heart broken.” “Yeah, but I…” she glanced down, then looked up at me. “Alright. I trust you then.” I quivered, and went to the keyboard to type, a mischievous gleam in my my eyes. ‘Sure thing, beautiful Silver, and might I say, I love your profile page, just adds an extra layer to how incredible you are with all the detail you put into it.’ With a chuckle, I sent it. “No sexy or hot in there?” Mom asked as she caught onto my mischief for playing along. I shrugged. “Eh, not my thing. Even in an act.” There was a bing. 'Sure thing, hotie, see you soon! <3’ My mom sighed. “Guess that’s that.” “Yeah.” “… So, you need anything else?” “I’m good,” I said slowly. “Okay, just, you will be careful, right?” I nodded. “Of course, mom.” I winced as she pulled me into a hug. however, with out protest, I allowed her to smother me. It took away the fear I had, not knowing what was going to happen, but willing to do it anyways. “My boy,” she messed up my hair, “growing up so fast.” “Aw, mom!” She chuckled. “Alright, well, don’t stay up late playing video games.” I nodded. “Okay, mom.” She then left, and I was alone to play some TF2 to relax till I had to go to bed. But before I could change the page on my screen, there was another bing. I was tempted to just leave it be, but decided to look at the message in case it was important. 'Did you really mean that about my home page?’ It caught me a little off guard. Exspecting whatever else she would have said to me to fall along the lines of taunts or flirts to get me ‘hyped’ for the date. Still, my fingers found their way to the keyboard, where I hesitantly typed, ‘Yeah, I love the detail you put into some of the animation icons. Must have taken a lot of time.’ That, or whoever’s time she paid to make it. I laughed at my own humor and opened a new page to get my game started as I waited for her response. Curious to see where this went. My curiosity was reward when Silver Spoon replied, ‘Thank you, it could take about six hours when I first started. I telmor l8er by!’ ‘Okay.’ I replied. There was nothing more after that, even after I left the page open for the rest of the night. ***** “Alright,” mom confirmed the next morning, “you’ll let me know where you are at all times?” “I will, mom.” Backpack ready, phone fully charged, and nothing to do but to walk out the door. Charlie was lying down by my leg while my mother was standing by trying to figure out if there was anything else I needed. “Okay, so…” I sighed. “You know, you could still back out. I’m sure a simple excuse of, ‘something came up last second,’ would do wonders.” she suggested. I trembled a bit. “Thanks, but, no. I want to do this. Besides, “I unzipped my backpack and pulled out a towel and winked, “I got it covered.” “Alright, just... let me know if you need an early pick up. Don’t forget to at least act mature! You’re the better person.” I nodded. “I will.” I then bent over and rubbed Charlie’s head. “Will you make sure Charlie gets food, water, and is let out if I don’t make it back home by seven?” She held her hands together. “Sure thing.” We stood there for a moment, neither of us eager to have me step out that door. Although, time moved on, and I had no other option but to go to school. “I’ll see you later, thanks, mom,” I said as I raced to my bike, and took off. “Don’t forget your manners, open the door for her first, and remember to say excuse me if you burp!” Mom called out to me as I raced away. “Second thought, just eat slowly so you don’t burp at all!” I chuckled as I made my way out of ear range. ***** When I made it to school, it was nothing but silence and stares as I parked my bike. No one said anything, but I could feel everyone at the school watching me. I walked up to the school doors— without bumping into Silver Spoon—where a few girls saw me, looked, whispered something, then acted like they hadn’t seen me. Keeping a low profile, I walked into first hour class, where Rumble was waiting for me, arms laying on his desk with bags under his eyes. “Hey,” he looked up to me without moving his arms, “went well with your mom?” I sat down next to him. “Pretty good, actually. If anything, she tried to talk me out of it with a sick day or sudden family reunion.” He slowly raised an arm. “Good to… OH!” I laughed. “Went well with Apple Bloom I take it?” He glared at me. “Hey, you didn’t have to follow me after school.” He rolled his eyes. “Oh please, I didn’t mind.” He rolled his head to the side to face me. “She more or less put me to work once we got to the farm.” “Sounds like a lot of trouble just for a girl.” He smiled. “I thought so too, but then we took a break. When we did, we just talked. Thought I’d take a page out of your book by treating her nicely. Found out, we’re both really into football, hockey, and we even share a knack for building things.” I started at him. “Building things?” “Oh yeah. Don’t let the guys know, but I’m really into building blocks and things like wood shop. She is too. Showed off some of her birdhouses she’s built.” He tried to reach for his backpack, but gave up. “I also brought some of my own creations to show off to her later today.” “That’s nice and… wait, what’s this about a page out of my book?” He shrugged. “Hey, if not calling a girl sexy can get you a date with Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon, then why jinx my chances with your friend?” I rubbed my head. “Oh stop it! You know this isn't a real date, right?” He shrugged as best as he could. “Maybe, maybe not. But you’re all anyone has been talking about.” I slumped into my seat. “I suppose that was the idea.” “I mean that in a good way. Though, I suppose results will vary. I heard Snips tried hitting on Diamond Tiara after you asked Silver Spoon out… didn’t end well. Then Pipsqueak tried, only by saying she had a beautiful face. She still told him off, but reports are in that she did blush.” I covered my face with my hands. “Oh, I am a dead man.” With a groan, Rumble lifted up one of his arms and placed it on my back. “Hey, if it means anything, you’re my hero.” I rolled my eyes, but gave a legit smile. “Thanks, man.” He nodded. “Though… now that we’re friends, um, is there any chance you´d want to hang out with me and the guys this weekend? Or maybe just play some games at one of our houses or the arcade?” “Well,” I thought for a moment, “you know what, if Apple Bloom doesn’t kill you, maybe we could do something… pal.” He shot up and threw his fist into the air. “Yes! About time too!” He paused for a moment, looked at his arms, then screamed in pain. ***** Thanks to my new best friend, the talking around the other guys in class was minimized as Rumble told them I was saving my strength for the date tonight. I still had to talk a little, but for the most part, I was left in peace. Though, it occurred to me that most of the space people were giving me had more to do with Silver Spoon’s threat more than anything else. Although, thinking about it, I couldn’t get my mind off the fact that she was on the yearbook staff. Not that I thought—or cared if—she was a cheerleader, but a yearbook editor didn’t seem to fit with what I assumed her personality was. It was something I would have to put on hold, as I heard a familiar voice shout to me, “Button, ya have a second?” I looked up to see Apple Bloom all by herself in the halls. “Sure,” I replied, nervously looking around as I approached her. “What’s up?” “First all, ya doin’ alright?” I rubbed my neck. “Yeah, been's quite.” She chuckled. “Ah bet. Anyways, that’s not what Ah wanted to talk to ya about.” “Um, okay?” She took in a deep breath and rubbed her head. “Right, so how can you get someone ta ask ya out?” I blinked. “What?” She rubbed her head. “Well, it’s about Rumble. I had fun messin’ with him yesterday, and when Ah wasn’t, we had fun. Ah know he has a crush on me, but, not once did he try ta ask me out. Ah mean," she twirled a strand of hair, "I liked that he didn’t try anything funny, but I’d wish he just ask me.” “Hey now, Bloom,” I comforted, “first off, and I hope this doesn’t come across in a bad way, but why Rumble?" She rubbed her chin. “Well, we share a wood shop class, and he’s funny, not to bad lookin’, and we have a lot in common.” She blushed. “Anyways, I don’t mind how he tried ta impress me last night, but he didn’t have to almost get himself killed for me.” I backed up a little, not sure on how literally she meant that. “Yeah, he was pretty sore this morning. Though, between you and me, all he talked about in english was how much he enjoyed his time with you.” She flushed. “But, why don’t you just ask him out then? No reason why you just can’t.” Her face flustered. “Well, Ah… Ah mean… Ah don’t know, and, Ah…” Was it really that hard to ask someone out on a date? Then again, I was not one to talk, considering the dilemma I had faced before Sweetie Belle before we discovered our identities. If I had tried to ask her before then, it would have only made things awkward between us, and possibly ruined any friendship we had. It now made sense why people would be impressed by me. Though the only reason I had acted so confident with Silver Spoon was because I wasn’t her friend and had nothing to lose if it went badly. “Nevermind!” I interjected. The bell rang. “I know you two will work out. See you at lunch?” “Kay.” she nodded. “Oh, and Button?” I looked at her. “Yeah?” “Ya’ll awesome. Don’t forget that?” I looked around nervously. “Um, thanks.” She smiled at me. “Anyways, see ya.” Up until lunch, the word ‘awesome’ kept echoing throughout my mind. ***** “That bad then?” I asked Scootaloo as we—myself, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Rumble and Sweetie Belle—sat on the field bleachers to avoid attention. While nothing bad had happened, I couldn't go anywhere without someone either saying good luck or how awesome I was. Or just acted like I wasn’t there. Keeping any comments—good or bad—to themselves while everyone stared at me. “I wouldn’t say It was, that, bad.” Scootaloo answered, holding onto her sobbing mess of a girlfriend. “Yes it was!” Sweetie Belle cried. “They’re going to disown me. I know it!” Scootaloo hugged Sweetie Belle tighter. “Oh please! Your sister seemed okay with us.” Sweetie Belle sniffled “She fainted when we held hands to ‘demonstrate!’” “Yes... but she recovered and gave her blessing! What about your dad? He didn’t say much?” Sweetie Belle sobbed. “He’s just getting over the shock! Once he gets composed, he’ll lock me up, and I’ll never see you again!” Scootaloo groaned. “You don’t know that. What about your mom? She couldn’t stop smiling. Even said she called it.” Sweetie Belle paused for a moment, before she erupted into a stream of tears. “She was just acting! I know it, AND IT WAS EMBARRASSING!” Apple Bloom covered her ears. “Okay, OKAY! Chill girl, I’m with the majority of this, you're overthinking it.” Sweetie Belle's cried turned into sniffles. “I know,” she whimpered, “but it… but I just know dad’s not pleased his little girl is a gay.” Scootaloo smacked her forhead. “Oh for...." She coughed. "Anyways, please! If he’s upset, I’m sure it’s more because of the fact that his daughter is dating a rebel like me rather than you being a lesbian.” She put emphases on 'lesbian, while Sweetie Belle muttered, "Sorry, but I… I…” she turned the waterworks back on, “I WANT THEM TO LOVE ME! WA!” Rumble rubbed his head. “Ugh, is having a girlfriend always like this?” He shrank into his seat as Apple Bloom cast him a glare. “I bet having a boyfriend ain't that fun either,” she slouched He rubbed his shoulder. “Well I…” he nervously looked at Apple Bloom, “I, um…” He flustered. I slapped my forehead. “Dude!” I said, giving a nudge. Rumble stuttered. “What I mean is…” He took a deep breath, and composed himself. Standing up, and putting on a smile despite the pain I knew still ran through his body. “I had fun last night with you, Bloom, want to hang out together sometime?” Apple Bloom’s face reddened, she then smirked. “You mean, like another hay liftin’ contest?” Pupils shrinking, Rumble shook his head as he restored his moxie. “If you want to. Or I mean…” He paused, “well, maybe we could do something tomorrow night? After everything with Button is done?” He tried not to look nervous when he said, “Maybe we could make it a... A date?” Sweetie Belle stopped crying as we all looked at Rumble. Apple Bloom, red as an apple, said, “Wh—, Ah… meep!” she blinked a few times, before Scootaloo said; “Oh for the love of, it’s about time you two!” Apple Bloom shot her a glare, before, with a gleeful smile, raced to Rumble, took one of his hands, and said. “Yes!” “Gah!” Rumble cried in agony as his arm was being lifted. “Sorry.” Apple Bloom said as she let go. “But don’t worry, the pain goes away after the first week.” He blinked. “First week?” “Yeah, no offense, Rumble, but if we’re going ta be dating, ya need a little muscle ta impress my family.” “Wh—, What?” His legs began to get woozy. “I… wait, so that was a yes to the date at least?” She giggled. “Of course, you dunderhead! I had fun last night.” He blushed. “Yeah.” He scratched his head, then gave her a mischievous smile. “I mean, we can do dinner, my treat. I wouldn’t mind a little more of that farm work. After all,” he slowly flexed a newly forming muscle on his arm. “I think I could dig it.” She giggled. “Good boy.” We heard the bell ring. “See ya then.” She then flicked her hair, so it sailed across Rumble’s face, and made her way back to school. “Well, that was fun,” I said, “but did you guys get the clothes for my date tonight?” “Yeah,” Sweetie Belle nodded as we headed towards the school, “I was able to get Rarity’s input before the big news.” “And I was able to bring the wardrobe,” Rumble added. “All in my locker ready to go.” I smiled. “Thanks.” Sweetie Belle added, “You still don’t have to do this.” I crossed my arms. “Nope. Still going to happen.” I looked at Rumble. “Though I guess it will be yesterday’s news when people hear you asked Apple Bloom out.” Rumble stuttered, “I… um,” Scootaloo gripped his arm. “Yeah, but a few things first.” “Scoots!” Sweetie Belle warned. Scootaloo released him. “Fine.” She went to her girlfriend. “I still got my eyes on you.” She then pointed from her eyes to him. “Though, whatever you did last night, keep it up, you’re already showing promising results.” Rumble chuckled nervously. Once the girls walked ahead a little, he whispered to me, “You know, I think I’m starting to get a little envious of your asexuality.” I cringed, but choose to lighten up at the chosen words. “Oh we’ll see about that after tonight.” ***** The hours came and went, and soon, I was in the last class of the day. ...Where to start? How about when Silver Spoon walked in. Not wanting to walk into a full class of students staring at me, I raced to chemistry to be the first inside. I wanted to avoid it, but I knew one way or another—much like the date—I had to do this. At first, it was just a few students who filled in and stared at me. Then, it was Silver Spoon, with her friends, looking distressed till she eyed me, and put on a smile as she walked towards me. “Hey,” she said, hands held together in front of her. My breaths deepened as my anger began to boil. “Hi, Silver.” My sensitive hearing caught onto her friends giggling behind us. “Anyways,” she said pushing in her glasses, “we still good for right after school?” “Um,” I mentally slapped myself, “Yeah. Actually, I wanted to dress into something nice first, but I’ll meet you in the parking lot right after, okay?” She gave off a small cough, before her eyes widened and she frowned. “Oh, I mean,” she quickly put on a fake smile, “don’t be late, handsome.” She ran her hand over my arm, and made her way to her desk. I looked around at her friends, who were giving me the thumbs up with evil smiles on their faces.” I turned around, but kept the corner of my eyes on them for a moment. When they thought I couldn’t see them, they snickered and began to compliment Silver Spoon. When I snapped my head back at them, there thumbs went back into the air as Silver Spoon took her seat next to them. Her head facing downwards, and maybe it was the light bouncing off her glasses, but it looked like she was... sad. “Don’t let her get to you.” Sweetie Belle said, sitting down next to me. With a sigh, I said, “I’m not, mostly. And no, I don’t regret it, nor am I backing out,” I told Sweetie Belle before she could protest. “It’s just like getting a shot. Putting it off won’t do it. The sooner the better.” “Alright. But thanks again, Button, it means a lot.” My palms began to moisten. "I know, Sweetie, I know.” ***** Class ended, and when it did, everyone filed out as chaotically as any class would. Backpacks pre-packed, darting at the bell, and I was no exception. Being more upfront in the class, Sweetie Belle and I were able to make it out ahead of Silver Spoon. All I wanted was to get to the locker rooms, change, and get this date over with. We made our way through the school, passed by several more people who shouted ‘good luck’ to me, and made it to the edge of the smaller boy’s locker room. The girls and Rumble were already there waiting. "Alright,” Scootaloo said, cracking her knuckles, “you ready to do this?” I lowered my head. “Yeah.” Rumble stomped his foot onto the ground. “I didn’t hear you! You’re about to go on a date with one of the most popular girls in this school! For noble reasons I might add. So, are you ready!” I jumped a little, straighten myself, breathed, and then my eyes glimmered as I forced out a loud, “Yeah.” “Yeah?” I flexed my arms, then bleated out. “YEAH!” “Ya, let’s get movin,” Apple Bloom interjected, “ya got the clothes, Rumble?” There was a pause. “Oh, um, yeah,” he said while getting a little red. “Let’s go! Alone in the locker room, the girls separated by just a door, I said, “So, you got a real date with Apple Bloom?” “Don’t we have a date to get, you, ready for?” I nodded, and he handed me some pants and pointed to a stall I walked into. A moment later, I emerged. “How do I look?” He put his finger on his chin and looked at me up and done. “Not bad. Just need a little help with the hair.” I groaned. “Do I have to?” “Yeah, but we can let the girls do that.“ He dragged me to a mirror where he straightened out a few wrinkles where he could. I stared at myself. For some reason, I had thought I was going to be dressed up in a business suit or a tux. While I didn’t dress horrible, even I could admit I didn’t have the best fashion sense. I wore a rather clean pair of jeans with what looked to be a rather high priced collared shirt. Still, what I saw was, well, it wasn’t what I liked to wear, but I looked nice enough to go on a date I suppose. At least it wasn’t too flashy. Rumble patted me on the shoulder. “Looking good, man.” “You sure you don’t mind lending me these? They're likely going to get covered in egg yolk.” He waved a hand. “Nothing I’m sure a quick wash can’t fix. Besides, this might make her feel guilty about doing anything like that to you.” I shook my head. “Thanks.” I reached for the door, then pulled back. “And, um, thanks for… you know, everything. Helping and wanting to be my friend even if I never seemed that interested.” He chuckled. “It was no problem at all, I knew you’d warm up eventually. Plus, I’m getting a beautiful girlfriend out of this.” I raised an eyebrow. “Beautiful, huh? I though Diamond Tiara was the hottest girl in school? Also, don’t you need to go on a date first before you can call her a girlfriend?” His eyes derped. “I suppose. Hey, the hottest girl thing might be true too, but I’d still take Apples over Diamonds any day. Now quit stalling!” We headed back into the hallway where our friends were waiting. ***** “Alright,” Apple Bloom said looking over me, “so you got the plan of if you make it as far as the mall. A little window shopping wherever she wants to, then dinner, then a movie at five? Anything we’re missing?” “Nope,” I confirmed, “though, you all got it that you won’t try anything, that you’ll just be there, hidden in the background?” Scootaloo nodded. “Promise.” She squeaked when Sweetie Belle gave her a nudge. With a blush, she pulled her hands out from behind her back. “Pinkie promise,” she muttered. “Good,” Sweetie Belle rewarded with a kiss. “Though, you ready, Button?” I stared straight ahead at the doors to the parking lot. “No. Just like getting a shot.” A hand gripped my shoulder. “Well, thanks again for doing this,” Sweetie Belle comforted, “I’ll be ready for whatever may come my way tomorrow.” I squeezed and removed her hand from my shoulder. “No problem at all, friend.” I gave her a soft smile, let go, and walked away. “Just remember, distance! Or she’ll be on to me!” I added. They waved me off, wished me well—and muttered under their breaths how doomed I was—till I reached the door. One last breath, one last chance to get out of this, I pushed the doors open and headed outside. Where Silver Spoon, by herself, car running, was already waiting for me. > Chapter 7; Button's Date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I carefully made my way toward Silver Spoon's car, horror movies and PSA endings flashed into my mind the closer I approached. While waiting for me, Silver Spoon had been fiddling around with her hair, and I couldn’t help but noticed how nice she looked. She did have a little makeup on, something I had never been a fan of to begin with. Though, she wasn’t as dolled up as I would have fear, which confused me. Wasn’t she supposed to be setting me up by looking hot to make so i'd my guard? As I got closer, she saw me coming, and waved. “Hey, Button. Ready?” she asked while leaning over to unlock the car’s door. Once I made it to car—egg free—I took my seat. “I suppose so. I mean… yeah, looking forward to this.” I grabbed onto the door as the engine roared to life. “Just relax,” she assured, “I promise, I don’t bite.” I nodded, then put on a fake smile. “Of course, having fun already.” She laughed. I cringed. Once we left the school parking lot, she said, “Hey, I know I said the mall, but, could we go, somewhere else?” I snapped my neck at her. “Huh?” Her fingers began to tap on the steering wheel. “Yeah, I mean, malls are so like, a week ago. How about um…” The car stopped as we reached a traffic light. “We could go to a bowling alley?” I suggested. “Sounds perfect!” she stepped on the gas as the light changed. “Sorry,” we slowed down. “I mean, if that’s what you want to do.” I leaned back and shrugged. “Sure, maybe we can play some arcade games since we’re not going to the mall.” I began to pull out my phone, typing a message to my mom and my friends. “You sending any good messages?” she asked, with a hint of worry in her tone. Nearly dropping my phone when she spoke, I answered, “No! Just my mom, she wants to know where I go.” Silver Spoon kept her head forward, slouched into her seat, then spoke with a hint of depression, “Sure.” “Uh-huh.” I pressed the send button, telling Rumble and mom not to worry and that we were going to the bowling alley. I then leaned myself against the door. While I sat there, it began to truly sink in; I was on a date with Silver Spoon, the second most popular girl in school, and I didn’t want to be here. As I said earlier, I did want to do this, for Sweetie Belle’s and my own benefit, but it was still nothing more than a waiting game to see what Silver Spoon and her friends would do next. Obviously this change of plans was to throw my mind for a loop and confuse any friends I might have told. Though, why the bowling alley? It wasn’t as if a lot of students hung out there, so what was her plan? “Well,” she said once we arrived, snapping me out of a semi-conscious trance, “here we are.” It was a rather quiet day at the alley, no leagues at the moment, with most other Jr. High and High School having something better to do. There were only the occasional grade student and their family entering and exiting the building. Other than that, it was just me and Silver Spoon as far as I could tell. “I wouldn’t think you’d like bowling,” I said, breaking the ice while I kept looking around for any suspicious activity. “Not really,” she then looked up at me and smiled. “But, how about that arcade? I take it you like video games.” I sighed. “Sure.” Her eyes narrowed. “You okay?” My hands slid into my pockets. “Peachy.” She chuckled nervously. “Right…” she then held out her hand for me to take. “Shall we?” I looked at it while a sickening feeling began to raise in my stomach. “S… Sure.” Hesitantly, I took it and felt chills run up my arm. “Okay then,” she added, “lead the way, good sir.” I just kept my arm locked, not changing mood as we made our way forward. The whole time, I kept scanning the parking lot for Diamond Tiara or anyone else popular. Then, just as we were about to enter, Silver Spoon pulled her hand out of mine and looked to her feet. “You don’t think this is real, do you?” she said. I stared at her. “What?” She huffed and pushed her glasses in. “You think this is just some set up, don’t you?” I let out a satisfied breath. “Okay, so you know that I’m onto you.” She gasped. “Wh—” “Can we just get whatever you’re up to over with?” I shouted to the parking lot, “If all you want to do is humiliate me, go ahead and try!” I placed my hands on my hips. “You think you got me, but I got—” A small hand swatted me on the back of my head. After I moaned in pain, I turned to see Silver Spoon, on the verge of tears. She started to say something, but nothing came. Then, she stomped her foot, screamed, and stormed back to her car. Stunned, I looked around my surrounding. A few people were staring, but none of them came from Canterlot High. It could be she was still trying to set me up to let my guard down by making me feel bad for her, but… “Silver Spoon!” Chasing after her, I caught her stumbling to unlock her car. “Just go away, you retard!” she cried as she fumbled with the keys. I flinched, but held firm as I pushed past her to keep her from getting into the car. “I’m sorry, okay!” “Oh?” she said, full attention on my, eyes flaring, “So you’re not just some jerk who really wanted to go on a date with me?” “Well… I, um, you see,” sadly, when in a tight corner, I wasn’t the best at lying. She groaned and pushed me. “Just get out of my way and we can forget this ever happened.” Her tears began to form up again. “Can’t believe I thought I could have something nice for once.” She unlocked her car. I pushed it closed. All I had to do, was let her go. She would leave, tell her friends who would make sure my life was a hell for a while until Sweetie Bell’s new girlfriend stole their attention and everything would go back to normal. Meanwhile, I could go home, cuddle with Charlie, and tell everyone tomorrow that when we got to the bowling alley, she just told me to wait inside and then ran away. Yet... “Look, I,” I looked at her, head down, eyes teary and head quivering. “Um, can we talk?” I used both of my hands to hold her shoulder. This, I guess, calmed her down a bit, and it didn’t feel too awkward for me. “Can we just… talk about this like adults for ten minutes? Ten? If you still want to leave afterwards, I won't stop you, okay?” She pushed my hands off, but stopped and leaned onto the car. We didn’t talk right away, neither of us sure what to make of this. Which I suppose allowed us to calm down to think about what to say. Although, what was I going to say? That I just did this to protect my friends and that I didn’t trust her? I wanted to believe this was all an act, but if it was, she was putting on one good show. Thankfully, she was the first to speak. “So… Monday, when you said my hair was pretty, did you even mean it?” “Well…” how much did I want to say? She whimpered as her head slaked. “My counselor told me that weekend to compliment the first pretty girl I saw that day!” maybe not the whole truth, but either way, I didn’t care. One way or another, this date had to go on. Even if it meant more humiliation, it would at least help Sweetie Belle. She shot her head up. “Oh, well,” she twirled her hair before she coughed. “So someone had to tell you to say that?” She then adjusted her glasses. “I suppose someone told you to ask me out and to say you liked my profile page too?” “I…” I blinked, and switched to the offensive. “Wait, what about you?” She snapped her attention toward myself, “Excuse me?” Memories from when she called Sweetie Belle gay while taunting me began to flash in my mind, and I got a bit angry. “How do I know this isn’t some prank you’re setting up and that you are just trying to make me feel sorry for you?” She gasped. “What? I…! Why would I do that?” My mind was thinking, really? “Why wouldn’t you? You never had a problem doing something like that to me or my friends in the past. And you certainly didn’t seem to think twice when you called me and Sweetie Belle gay last week.” She tried to look angry and pissed off, yet, even with Asperger syndrome, I could see her cracking up as she slumped against the car and slide down the door till she sat on the ground. There, she hugged her ankles and began to sniffle. “I… first off, that was just Tray. Second…yeah, you’re right, not like I acted any better, and it’s not like I stopped him.” she sobbed. “Why would you trust me? Why did I ever think I deserved a decent guy?” Cautiously after I looked around a bit, I sat myself down next to her. “Have I… is that really what I’m like?” She asked. “Of course I am! I couldn’t even tell my friends that I really do like you and had to make it seem like this was just some haze I was setting up.” I knew it! “Though, now I have to explain to them why we never showed up to the mall tomorrow.” I felt myself frown. She then cried some more and turned her back on me. “If you want to, go, I won’t blame you.” I saw her lift her glasses off. “I can… at least drive you home if you want. I’ll even promise to say I stood you up.” That sounded nice, just laying on my bed playing video games with Charlie. However, as I clenched my fist and rubbed my head, I said, “Look, I…” I blinked. There was no way I was going to tell her I was asexual, however, there was something I could do. “If you want to go and tell everyone what a jerk I’ve been, I won't stop you.” I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and lifted a hand towards Silver Spoon. “However, if you like, I wouldn’t mind trying this date again, see where it goes. You look like a… nice girl.” I forced past my comfort zone to hold her hand. “Come on, I didn’t ask the most popular girl in school to not go on a date with her.” She looked back from my hand to my face. “So, you…” she snorted in some mucus, “you trust me?” ‘Not in a million years.’ “I do.” She then giggled and took my hand. “Alright.” She then stood up and locked my arm again. “I’m sorry I’ve always been so mean to you and your friends, but, I hope to make this night worth it.” I nodded and we walked inside. While I wanted to jerk away from her touch as we held arms, it didn't feel so bad. ***** One thing we quickly agreed on was to not bowl. Neither of us really played, and we both just looked dumb doing it when we tried one round. So instead, we headed to the arcade to play some video games. At first, for a good hour, we didn’t say anything. We would just play games in awkward silence, although things began to lighten up a bit as time went on, mostly from my end. Even as time ticked by, I never once saw any students from my school. Not even my own friends seemed to be around. I had thought about texting them to see where they were at, but I was to afraid with Silver Spoon watching me. However, truth be told, as no humiliation happened to me, I began to relax more because, I was having fun. Maybe not perfect, but just playing games, not worrying about school, it put me in a calming and more pleasant mood. “Didn’t think you be into video games, let alone being not half bad at them.” I complimented Silver Spoon. “Um, no offense.” Her lips twitched. “He speaks. Glad to know you think so highly of me.” “That’s not what I… nevermind.” I slapped my forehead as I handed her some more quarters. “You have any favorite non-arcade games?” She made her way to one of the fighting games. “I do, a few here and there believe it or not.” She looked around then back at me. “Hey, can I tell you a secret.” A secret, huh? I though. “Go ahead.” “Well,” she said as the last quarter went in our fighting game. “I kind of want to be the person who makes the graphics for computers and video games.” I nearly got KO’ed. “Be serious!” “I am!” she hit me with a right uppercut in the game. “I mean, it’s clearly a promising market, and I’ve always enjoyed doing graphic effects.” She tried to sneak in an attack, but I caught her in a little slip up and won the round. “Grr. You should see what I have planned for the yearbook.” I grinned at my victory. “Can’t wait.” The next round started off. “Wait, is that why your homepage had so many neat little effects?” She straightened her glasses and muttered, “Yup.” I ended up getting punched in the face and KO’ed. “I meant what I said!” I quickly turned my attention to her. “I don’t go online a lot, but that was by far one of the best sites I have ever seen.” “Thanks.” Her attention quickly turned towards the screen for the final round. “So, if that’s what you want to do, why the yearbook?” She bit her lips. “I figured it was one of the few classes that allowed me to work with a computer. Thought about doing the newspaper for a while, but it wouldn’t have allowed as much time with working on designs.” I ducked under one of her kicks. “You know we have a tech class and club, right?” She moaned. “Yeah, and then what would Dia and Tray think?” Taking the opportunity while she sighed to power up my attack, I sent in one last blow to win. “Well, popular or not, they are your friends. Why wouldn’t they understand?” She flipped herself around to lean on the machine. “You wouldn’t get it.” I frowned and leaned against the game too. “Probably. I mean, what would I know about friendship anyways?” I turned my head to her when she started to giggle. “What?” She sighed and began to smile. “I mean, I’m on a date, with you.” She joined her fingers and rested her hands on her chest. “I had to convince the girls and Tray that this was just some sort of haze, and I’m sure any minute one of them is going to text me wondering where I am.” Her phone began to ring. “Speak of the devil.” She then pulled it out, quickly looked over whatever it said, and shoved it back into her pocket. “Who was it?” I asked. She adjusted herself. “The devil herself.” She then leaned up, grabbed my hands and said, “Come on, how about some air hockey? Bet I can beat you this time.” I smirked. “Yeah right.” **** Ten minutes and a score of 24-3 in Silver Spoon’s favor later, my head rested on the table as she began to do a victory cheer. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up.” I said as I pushed myself up. “I still rule in the virtual world.” She stuck out her tongue. “Hey, just because I’m miss popular, doesn’t mean I can’t beat you at your own games.” I crossed my arms. “Is that so?” She grinned. “Okay, how about we make this night a little more interesting.” My ears twitched. “I’m listening.” “From now on, when we play a game… the loser has to answer a question about themselves. Whatever the winner wants.” I raised my eyebrows. “Within reason.” She shook her head. “We’ll see.” I nodded. “Right, so what game—” “Hang on, I won this one, so you have to pay up.” My eyes widened. “But… But—” “I told you about wanting to be a game designer when you beat me in the last game we played.” Technically true, so I crossed my arms and nodded. “Okay… what do you want to know about me?” “Do you have a crush on Sweetie Belle?” My eyes widened. “Pass.” “Oh come now, Button. I mean, since she’s with Scootaloo—” My mouth fell to the floor. “What, how?” “It’s just a hunch I had, though your reaction confirmed it.” I slapped my forehead. “She’s coming out about it tomorrow!” I said before quickly covering my mouth. Silver Spoon held up a hand “Hey, it’s safe with me, I promised. Besides, I had a feeling you just asked me out to stop Dia from pushing that truth out of her anyways.” I hissed at her, but held in any words. My hands reached for my phone, only to have it slide away. It wasn’t as if people wouldn’t find out, and I found myself wanting to hear more about what she had to say first. “So,” she went on, “I guess the better question would be,” her smile began to falter, “did you ever like her, or do you still?” “Well, I,” I paused. “She was one of my first friends, if she…” “If she, what?” Silver Spoon looked hurt. “Button, I—” “Okay, to make a long story short, I don’t have a crush on Sweetie Belle.” That seemed to cheer her up a bit. “Though, I could tell a longer version if you like.” She smiled. “Alright, go ahead.” “Thank you,” I then felt myself relaxed as I told the story. “Prior to Sweetie, I only had my dog that I could talk to and find comfort with. Mom too, I guess, but I didn’t mind. However, I would have liked a friend, but considering how many would look at me funny, I never tried very hard.” I stretched out my arms. “Then one semester, I ended up sitting next to her in a class. At first, there wasn’t too much to it, just someone I sat next to everyday, a polite hello every morning, and she would smile back. “I then thought to how, when I was with her, I never really thought about her as a possible girlfriend. Mostly because she didn’t try to act flirty with me, and because no one at the time thought she would date me, so they didn't bother to tease us back then.” I stiffened up. “I… I don’t really think there was much more to it than that. We slowly became friends, sat next to each other next semester, and then she offered me a seat next to her other friends at lunch and that was that. The idea of me liking her as my girlfriend didn’t cross my mind for a while until someone asked me about it in high school.” “So,” she began to twirl her hair, “did you ever at one point like her? Sounds hard to believe you never had any feelings towards her.” I started to protest, until I decided to answer, “Maybe a little, but I’m okay that I didn’t end up with her.” I guess it was still true enough that I felt somewhat like that to Sweetie Belle. “She’s still a sweet girl to hang out with, but I think I do like her much more as a close friend.” Silver Spoon cooed. “Alright, I suppose that’s enough.” She then flipped a quarter and headed to a shooter game. “I’ll get more out of you in time.” I shook my head. “You are so on.” Although, as she walked past me and smiled, I couldn’t help but feel my cheeks warm up. ***** “We’re doing basketball next time.” Silver Spoon moaned once the game had ended. “Come now, you didn’t do that bad,” I lied. “However,” I set the rifle down and cracked my knuckles, “my turn to get to know you some more.” She flushed. “Okay,” she adjusted her glasses, “What would you like to know?” There was a lot I did ‘want’ to ask her, but I didn't know of which questions I could count on her telling the truth. So I asked, “Do you really like Tray?” At the moment, I was thinking, since she asked me about my 'suppose cruse' I’d ask about her supposive boyfriend. Of course, being me, I only thought about that being a bad idea after it had left my mouth. “No, wait! Never mind, you don’t have to answer!” I began to sweat. ”How about—” She held up a hand. “Relax, I asked you about your love life, seems only fair I answer you about mine, dork.” My eyes narrowed. “Hey!” She giggled. “I meant it as a compliment.” I shrank back. "Alright.” Her playful tone then began to diminish as she rubbed one of her elbows. “If I’m honest… it’s something I’ve wanted to get off of my chest for a while.” She took a seat on one of the benches and I joined her. “I… I can’t say I don’t like him, or never did, I do! Sort of. Or, rather, did…” She took off her glasses and wiped them off. As she did so, I found myself mesmerized by her eyes. Something about— She put them back on. “ You know, lets not talk about it. Most guys wouldn’t care anyways.” I knew I should only have cared because this was supposed to be a distraction from Sweetie Belle's identity. Yet, when I told her, “I care.” And I found I really meant it. She gave me a small smile, believing I meant it as well. “Thanks. Well, we met sometime in Jr. High. I didn’t think about it much then, him and I as a couple. However, as Dia and I began to get popular, and he became quarterback of the football team, well, it honestly just kind of happened. Like, one day we weren’t a couple, the next, we just were, as if it was how things should be. We went on a date shortly after, but it started off more or less as; this is High School, you’re supposed to be paired up with this person kind of deal.” I lowered my head and placed my hands in my pockets. “No offense, but that sounds like pretty dumb logic to me.” She sighed. “Yeah, but it wasn’t as if I had a lot of other options.” I blinked. “Wait, what? Aren’t you one of the prettiest girl in school? I’d have thought guys would be asking you out all the time.” She blushed. “Um, well,” her smile faded, “you know, no one ever calls me beautiful.” “Huh?” I found that hard to believe. “Hot and sexy, sure, but never just beautiful.” I could buy that. “Ah! I guess that makes sense,” I said dryly, quilt rising. We had reached the next game, a zombie shooter game with a red and blue shooter. “Though, is that a problem?” She picked up the red one. “Well,” she looked at the game, then back at me with a smirk, “that is another question, I’ll answer it if you win.” I grabbed the blue gun and inserted my coins. “Sounds like a plan.” ***** “Oh wow,” Silver Spoon breathed, “that was… that was sure a close match.” “Yeah,” I panted alongside with her as we looked at our scores, Button 4,391, Silver 4,252. “I…” I put the gun down, “why don’t we call it a draw, and we can both freely ask each other something.” She made a cute little giggle and replied, “It’s a deal.” We then made our way to the snacks bar, ordered some nachos, and I went first. “Alright, so, do you not like to be called sexy or...” I paused, and thought of something else. “Actually, forget that, I have another question that’s been on my mind.” “Alright, shoot,” she offered as she began to munch on a chip. “Why do you like to pick on us?” Her whole body froze up as she stopped chewing. She then swallowed, and said, “Ask something else.” My eyes narrowed. “Silver.” She turned away from me. “Can we just drop that?” Not this time. I hadn’t realized it until I said it, but this was still Silver Spoon. The girl who had cheered on when some of the guys flushed my head in a toilet, called me gay, and even had, herself, once slipped me a very specail valentine card one year saying, ‘no one will ever love you.’ It took Charlie a whole week to calm me down from that one. “No, or does a certain cheering when I got swirlies in the elementary school not ring a bell?” Her chest began to tighten. “I… that was you?" I crossed my arms. “Or how about recently when you cheered on Tray as he hurt Sweetie Belle on Friday, then decided to pestered me about possibly being gay?" He fingers tightened in her lap. “Okay, so that was a little mean, but—” My face began to convulse. “Or does a certain Valentine’s day in the fourth grade slip your mind?” That seemed to really hit a nerve. “No, I… NO! That couldn’t have been you!” “Oh, like it would be better if it was some other poor autistic kid.” Her breathing began to quicken. I wasn’t done. “Or how about when—” “I’m sorry, okay! I know it was wrong, and that this doesn’t make up for it, but I wasn’t always like that!” I stopped and blinked “Huh?” She sighed and turned to face me while she pointed at her glasses. “Second grade, that's when I first got my glasses. The moment I walked into class, people started calling me four eyes. It… I guess it wasn’t that bad, but it still hurt.” She folded her hands together. “Though, after class, I let out my anger on some girl with freckles. Next thing I knew, instead of everyone laughing at me, they were laughing with me.” She then began to smirk sadly. “Was how I first meet Dia actually...” With that, she stopped and looked nervously up to me. “Of course, now you’re going to criticize me, aren’t you?” I did want to, after all, even if she was picked on, that did not make it okay to pick on others. However even so I said, “Well, I guess I can see where you’re coming from.” I stuck my hands in my pockets. “You do?” “Yeah,” I tapped my knees together. “I mean, whenever someone says something mean to me, I usually like to play some action games to let my frustrations out.” I gave her a smile. “Guess you just didn’t have a better way.” “Yeah, and,” she paused and began to fidget around with the last chip, “I guess, while I should have known better, it just seemed like, if I’m not the one picking on someone, I would have been picked on myself.” She then looked at me. “Course,” her face began to scrunch up, “by doing that, all I’m doing is hurting people and making them hate me, but if I don’t, I’ll just get picked on and… and…” She was silent after that. Meanwhile, I was taken back. But I stayed in my seat, fighting myself back and forth on if I should get up or not. Then at last, remembering that I had nothing to lose since there was a still a chance this was a trap, I hopped out of my seat and took her hand. “Hey, now, don’t be like that, Silver." She stopped for a moment and looked me in the eyes. “Sure, you may have done some rotten things, but, I forgive you.” I then really pushed my luck, and drew her into a hug. While she didn’t hug me back right away—perhaps a bit off guard—she did return the hug shortly after. She wrapped her arms around my neck, rested her head on my shoulder, and just laid there for a while. At first, I wanted to push her away. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, and I still didn’t fully trust her. Yet, after seeing her open her whole heart up for me, and in this warm embrace, I felt, happy. It was nice, comfy, and I soon found both my hands holding onto her back as she continued to hug me and sobbed a little more while I rested my own head on her shoulder. I admired the sweet—yet not heavily perfumed—scent of her hair as we held each other for a bit. At last she pulled away, turned her head and blushed, then said, “So, um…” I looked at a nearby clock. “Up for another game? We sure have been here a while, but I still have an hour or two before I have to be home. Oh wait, you still get to ask something.” She adjusted her glasses. “Actually, if you’re up for it, want to do something else?” I raised an eyebrow “Um… okay, what?” She grabbed my hand and led me to the exit. “Just trust me, I’ll tell you anything else you want about me.” Any joy I had felt melted away at the words ‘trust.’ It was all too good to be true, this was the moment she would surprise me with some mean prank. Although, I fought every urge to show it. “Alright,” I said as she dragged me outside, “whatever you say!” ***** We drove for a little bit, and before any panic attacks could sink in, she made a sharp turn and ended up in Canterlot Gardens, the local community park. “Come on!” Silver Spoon said as she unbuckled her seat belt, rushed over to my side, and opened the car door for me. I turned my head around so she wouldn’t see my face or disappointment. “Come now,” she encouraged, “I promise, nothing will happen.” I didn’t move. Instead, I crossed my arms and looked away. It was starting to get the best of me. While I knew I had to do this, all the years of being picked on and harassed. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. “Please, Button,” she spoke in a calm and welcoming tone. Seeing as how I had to do whatever this was, I took one last deep breath and put on a false smile. I then turned around to face her. “Alright, I…I—” I caught her looking right at me, inches away from my face as I had nowhere to stare except for her eyes. Something about her eyes, the way the reflected off her glasses, the way it reminded me of the past two hours we had played arcade games. The things we had done, talked about, and bounded over. Apparently, she felt something too as beads of sweat started to run down her face, her hand not leaving my shoulder as the other one held the car door. That soon changed as the car door hand made it’s way onto my hand that had rested on my lap. Then, as we stared at each other, her head began to inch closer, and closer to mine— I jolted up, nearly knocking her back. “Right,” I said from outside the car, hand still held in hers. “So, where are we going?” With a sigh, she mopped, “This way.” She then pulled me along, as all I could think about was the idea of kissing Silver Spoon, or rather, the idea that I found the idea of kissing disgusting. It wasn’t just Silver Spoon herself, it applied for any kisses. I would always feel off put when I would see a couple kiss in the hallway or a pair of actors make out in a movie. Whenever a pair of characters in a game or novel kissed, I would skip over it. Even when I had tried to imagine Sweetie Belle and I being a couple, no matter how comfortable I would get with the idea, the furthest my asexual mind would let me get was holding her while on a park bench. If I ever tried to think of a kiss… In any case, I put my mind off it as Silver Spoon led me on. She picked up a little as we moved along, but her tight grip on my hand kept me on guard. Now, aside from worrying if her friends were hiding in the bushes, I now had to deal with feelings that I might be falling for her and then the dilemma— I realized what I just though as I held her hand. It couldn’t be, it wasn’t supposed to be, even if I was straight. This wasn’t right, no matter how I looked at it. Those nacho’s at the bowling alley must have been bad, that was why my stomach felt tingly, and why I was worried about possibly hurting her feelings. Silver Spoon seemed to notice as well when she came to a stop and looked at me. “You okay?” she asked. “Yeah fine! I mean, never better.” She bite her left cheek, then added, “Well, it’s just around this turn.” “What is?” I was soon answered as we made our way to the statue section of the park. It was a quiet place around this time, likely because there were better places for anyone to do things at night. There were lights, but it wasn’t the brightest part of the park. All around, the park had about fifteen different statues of various things and people. Here rested about eight of them. Silver Spoon then let go of my hand and pulled something out of her pocket. “Say cheese!” My eyes widened as my hands shielded my face. Eyes closed, I heard a groan. “What part of no funny business did I not make clear, you egghead?” I lowered my hands, only to see nothing had happened save for a camera in Silver Spoon's hands. “Um… sorry. Just not a… camera guy.” Her eyes narrowed. “Whatever.” She turned away from me and began taking pictures of the statues. I watched. “So… you come out here a lot?” “Uh-huh.” She blankly said as she took another picture. I gulped. “So… for any reason? I mean, it’s a good location, I guess.” She puffed, lowered her camera, then plopped down on a park bench. “Okay.” I made my way over to her. “I guess I made you upset—” She slowly clapped. “Bravo, Button, bravo.” Women, I thought, but held in. “Look, I—” I sat down on the bench, and she scooted away. “Can’t we—” “What’s it going to take?” she snapped. I stumbled back. “What?” She stared at me. “I know I’m a horrible person, and that you’re just doing this to help your friend.” She then began to fidget with her camera. “But I thought we were having a good time, I thought you were starting to like me.” “I… I do, Silver.” I placed a hand on hers. She jerked it away. For a moment, I had a thought. A rather dangerous one, but one I couldn’t stop thinking about. She wanted me to trust her, she wanted to know more about me, why I couldn’t kiss her back there. However, it also meant doing something every part of my autistic and childhood told me not to. “I’m asexual!” I said before I could stop myself. She blinked a few times, then said, “What?” “I’m… I’m…” it was too late now. I realized that this would only make it worse. Now she would really hate me (which I shouldn’t have cared about anyways). So with that, I said, “You see…” ***** I told her what asexual meant, and how I had found out through a book that I was either asexual or demisexual. After I told her the difference, I explained why I felt uneasy around the idea of kissing and (to a lesser effect) sex and why I more easily called her beautiful rather than sexy. Once I was done, she just stared straight ahead, not sure what to think or even if she could believe it. “Um… Silver Spoon?” I snapped my finger and got no response. “If you um… want to scream at me or tell everyone—” “So you might be a demi instead?’ she asked in a desperate way. I looked around nervously. “Well… I suppose so. Then again, the book never said I couldn’t fall in love either way. It’s just that I can’t get comfortable—” I blinked at her pleading eyes. “Wait, you’re not mad at me?” “Um, why should I?” she said as she scooted closer to me. “I mean,” she exhaled, “yeah, it’s a bit to take in,” she placed a hand on mine, “but I’m glad you came forward and didn’t try to hide it.” Hesitantly, I chose to interlocked my fingers with her's. “Um, thanks.” As our fingers intertwined, she gazed into my eyes. “How much then, did you really mean?” “Huh?” “With me being pretty? I guess a lot of it was just to draw attention away from Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, but…Well, didn’t we have fun tonight? Did you, at any point, mean any of it?” I bought myself some more time to think. “First, can you answer me something, then I’ll answer you honestly.” Her grip on my hand loosened, then she held on even tighter and said, “Okay.” “If this is real, then why do you like me? In all honesty? Forgive me, but, a loser like me, with a popular and beautiful girl like you? All I did was call you beautiful and ask you out, then I say I’m asexual and you still seem to be into me. Why?” She bit her lips and looked down, her cheeks flushed, then she said, “Be… because you’re the first person to ever call me pretty.” I gulped. “You… you seemed like a guy who didn’t just think of me as some sort of sex toy.” Her breath became puffy. “Though, I admit, when you first complimented me on Monday, I didn’t know how to feel, may have even though you were just another dumb guy. Then... I don’t know, I guess I did some self-thinking as the rumors about us floated around, and then when I asked you in chemistry if you really meant it, and you said yes, I guess that´s when I started to think of you differently.” She used her free hand to twirl her hair. “It took a little more time after that, since I was in denial, and thinking about when, and if, I would get back with Tray. Then, when I realized I was thinking about if I really wanted to get back with Tray, that’s when I knew I had a crush on you.” She looked back into my eyes, as I felt my arm hairs rising. “Then, when you acted all cool yesterday and called me beautiful, that’s when I knew, no, hoped that you would ask me out. While you caught me a little off guard right after class, along with everything Dia was saying and with how rude Tray had been acting, when you made that cute little act to ask me out,” she dreamily sighed and squeezed my hand, “I guess that’s when I truly started to like you, and wanted to give this a chance.” I tried to look at her, but I couldn’t. “Thanks, but… I just said what I thought would give me the best chance at asking a girl out. For a bit, I thought I’d tried to act like Tray would. You know, call you hot and sexy? But that didn’t feel right, so I went with what I though was the more gentlemen approach even though I was counting on you to reject me.” “Why?” she paused, “No, I guess that’s a dumb question.” I shot up. “No, I think it’s a good question.” She smiled, then asked, “So… It’s your turn to answer my question.” ‘I… ” I thought a bit on it, before I said, “Well, I guess you only wondered if I thought you were attractive last Friday. And I guess it was Tray who called Sweetie Belle gay.” “Lesbian.” Silver Spoon corrected. I raised a finger, only to laugh as I realized that she said something funny that wasn’t too offensive. We ended up laughing with each other. “Okay.” I squeezed her hand. “I mean, you even told Tray to back off yesterday before I asked you out.” “Well, yeah, I was sick of him acting like a jerk.” It was then, with that one little detail, I could no longer deny it; this was real. Silver Spoon really did like me, and she had no intention to hurt me. “This… This is real, isn’t it? You really do like me, and you don’t have some plan to humiliate me? Ow!” Her response came in the form of her hand unlocking from mine and punching me in the shoulder. “Of course it’s real, you idiot!” I rubbed my shoulder. “You know I still have a lifetime of grudges towards you!” She leaned onto the bench. “Yeah, so imagine my surprise when you actually asked me out.” I thought on that, and said, “I guess,” I set my hand next to hers, not touching it just yet. “Though, I guess I’m the one who’s been acting like a jerk.” She turned her head towards me with a puzzling look in her eyes. “I thought this whole time you were just trying to haze or do something mean to me, so I went along with all this, having no intention to… to…” Silver Spoon began to lean in. I sighed, and let it out. “I guess if you don’t want to stick around, that’s fine, I deserve it. But,” I looked down to our hands and placed mine on top of hers, “I had fun tonight, and I even got to like you a little. You’re an incredible person when you’re not being a bully. I’m not sure what I can tell you, being asexual and all, but,” I took a deep breath, sat myself up and took her other hand. As I did so, for once, I felt a tingle run up my spin. Only this time, as I looked into those eyes, the eyes I was starting to adore, it felt good. "I think you are beautiful, Silver Spoon. Maybe I didn’t mean it before, but, I mean it now.” She then began to sniffle up as she pulled one of her hands away to wipe her eyes clear. “Sorr… sorry,” she said. She then looked at me, same dreamy expression Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo now shared with each other. “I…” she looked down at our hands, “this, um, isn’t too uncomfortable for you, is it?” I blinked, then I nearly panicked and said, “NO! No, I mean,” I closed my eyes. “it's fine." I made a point by scooting closer while I pulled her to my side. She let out a cute little ‘eep’ and I laughed along then wrapped my arm around her to experience more of this feeling of… Was love the right word? In any case, that was the best word I could think of to explain how I felt then, holding her, looking into her eyes. “Yeah,” I nodded, “this is nice.” Silver Spoon beamed. “Thanks, Button.” She then rested her head on my shoulder as I leaned on her. We then sat there for a bit, looking at the statues around the park, not speaking but occasionally one of us would adjust a little till we got comfortable. After a while though, I began to have a thought. I wasn’t sure how well it would end, but I decided to go for it anyways. “Hey, Silver?” “Yeah?” “…About earlier, in the car, were you trying to kiss me?” She squirmed in my arms. “Maybe, but, if you don’t—” “Well,” I said, feeling my skin crawl as I thought about such an act. “If you want, and if it’s okay, I… I wouldn’t mind giving it a try. Or, is that even something you’re supposed to ask?” She then pulled herself off of me, but kept a hand held to mine. “Are you sure? I…” she ran her free hand through her hair and blushed. “Button, we really don’t have to. If you’re not ready,” she closed her eyes. “I have no problem with that. If it’s something you don’t like, I can live with it.” “Well, it isn’t,” I confessed, “I always thought kissing was… unappealing, but,” I took her hand out of her hair and held it, “I’m here to try out new things, and I’ve already stepped far outside my comfort zone, so what’s one little kiss?” She looked up at me,smiled and placed one of her hands on my head, “Okay.” My breathing picked up as her hand contacted my head. Though, I kept myself under control as I stared into her eyes and held her other hand, my second arm not quite sure where to go so I placed it on the bench. I leaned forward a little, and she did likewise. My eyes drifted to her lips, and all my asexual and ASD mind could think was, germs, bacteria, saliva, chemicals in her lip gloss, grossness, do not— Do. I told myself Seeing as how putting it off wasn’t going to do any good, I broke our distance and connected my lips with hers. ***** How would I describe it? Well, it was… I want to say good, but I felt myself sickened as I tasted her lip gloss. Shamefully, I backed away to gag. “Oh god,” she said. “No… no!” I panted. “I…” I kept a tight hold on her hand while I recomposed her. “I’m… I’m sorry. I guess I just don’t like the taste of lipstick and—” She pulled her hand away from me. “Oh, if that’s all!” She then dug around into her purse until she found a pack of cleaning towels. She then began to wipe away at her lips until the swab transformed into a wad of bright pink. She then took a deep breath and turned to face me. “Is it… could we maybe try again?” With a nervous stare, she held out a wipe to me. I took it and began to wipe the gloss off my lips. “Um, thanks.” I took a moment to breath. “Though, you’d really want to? Wouldn’t most girls—” She gripped my hand. “I’m not most girls, and I’m willing to do whatever you want,” her fingers started to tremble, “if you’ll still let me.” I smiled. “Thanks I…” I paused as I returned her gaze. While I had just acted rather immature, she still wanted to be here with me. Her, this girl who I had just spent a couple of hours with getting to know and bond with. As I began to lean in again, gone was the face of the person who had made mine and Sweetie Belle’s life a hell. Instead, looking into those eyes, was someone who I wanted to be next to, who I might even want to kiss (so long as she didn’t have any lip gloss on). This time though, this time I didn’t rush it. We found ourselves lost in each other’s eyes, as our heads and bodies began to inch closer. She put one of her arms on my neck, I followed suit, she wrapped her arm around my back, I held onto her waist with my own. I kept my eyes locked onto hers, fearful of what I’d do if I looked at her lips. Eventually, when we both seemed ready, and when we felt as if there was no reason not to, we kissed. And when my lips met hers, without any lipgloss on her mouth, I was able to feel just her. There wasn’t anything fake, just a girl whom I had grown closer to than any other person I had known. Instead of a quick little kiss, I found my eyes closing as I melted into her embrace. We pulled our bodies closer to one another and continued into our first, real, kiss. It might have lasted a while longer, if Silver Spoon’s tongue hadn’t began to work its way out of her mouth and into mine. My eyes shot open and quickly pulled back. Silver Spoon blushed and looked down. “Sorry.” I smiled and freed my hand that had supported her head to lift up her chin. “Hey, small steps, though, aside from the start and end, I really liked the middle.” She giggled and looked back at me. “Yeah, I did too.” We then kissed again, only this time for a short while till she pulled away. “So, um, Button, how late is it?” I shrugged. “Not sure.” I began to reach for my phone when I stopped. “Maybe, we can just sit here for a bit. And… While I didn’t mind the kissing, could we just…” I felt my cheeks heat up, “Cuddle? Sorry if it sounds weird, but, it is the only form of affection I ever got comfortable with when trying to think about romance.” She rolled her eyes, then leaned into my chest. “Sure.” With the sound of her coo, I rested myself onto her as my arms wrapped around her. Mind content, we sat there with each other doing nothing for half an hour on that bench. ***** Before I could think about it, my phone rang with a text message from my mom, along with the time being well past 10 o’clock. We sat ourselves up, Silver Spoon getting one last kiss in with me, and walked to the car with our fingers interlocked. Once in the car, though, we found ourselves with nothing to say, and with nothing more than the radio and the night to break any silence. We didn’t hold hands—for obvious reasons while driving—but we also didn’t find any desire to do anything other than sit there whenever we came to a red light. Eventually, we made it back to my house, where Silver Spoon turned down the radio. “So…” I began, looking forward in the car. “That was fun.” I caught her head nodding out of the corner of my eye. “Yeah." She turned to look at me and I did so too. “Um,” I said as I scratched my neck, “so, what now? Does this mean, we’re a couple or something? I mean, what are we supposed to do?” She let out a sigh. “Guess I'm not the only one who’s worried about tomorrow?” “God, grr!” I sighed and rubbed my head. “It’s going to be a big day for both then, isn't it?” I placed my hand on hers. She rubbed her nose. “Yeah, I have to tell Dia why we never showed up at the mall, and…” she rested her chin on the steering wheel. “Sorry, I’m sounding selfish, aren’t I?” I leaned into my seat. “Not any worse than I’ve been tonight.” I smiled at her. "Listen, Silver, I think... I think I really like you.” I rubbed my head. “And, while I don’t like it, if you, um, want this all to end here, I’d understand. I mean, you got a reputation, I’m asexual and not that romantic—” She put a finger on my lip. “Now look here, I don’t give a damn about that.” My eyes widened. “You’re more of a romantic than any other guy at school.” She moved her finger away. “Maybe you’re not perfect, but you know how to treat a lady right.” She crossed her arms, after taking a moment to adjust her glasses. Although, her smile never faltered. “If anything, I should be begging you to give me another chance.” She slumped. “Although…” “Yeah,” I nodded. “Still… if you sort things out, maybe after our next date they won’t care anymore or— “Next date?” I blushed. “I mean… Well… I,” She giggled. “Well, are you asking me out on another date?” Was I? Was she really hinting at that she wanted to? “I… Okay,” I said, “how about, after we sort things out with our friends, we can go on another date, say, this weekend or something?” My body gave a jolt as I felt her hand slip into mine. “Sounds lovely.” “Yeah,” I smiled back at her. My eyes twitched to the house, where I saw my mom ducking behind a curtain as I looked her way. “Um, either way,” I unlocked my seat belt and made my way out, “I should get going.” She frowned as I pulled away, but I surprised her when I tapped on the driver side window. “Though, will I at least see you tomorrow?” She rolled down the window. “Sure. Can’t promise I’ll be waiting for you first thing in the morning, if only because of things, but, here,” she jostled around her compartment and pulled out a piece of paper, “send me a message when you can?” I looked at the card, not a hastily written piece of scrap paper, but a pretty professional looking business card with her number on it. “What?” she said as I looked at her funny, “I like to be professional.” I smiled and shook my head. “Well, don’t change anything about this real you, okay?” She beamed. “We’ll see.” I began to walk away, only to double-time it back to the car. “Oh, almost forgot.” “Wh—mufh!” she sounded as my lips connected with hers. I made it quick, but with a clear enough message. “Have a good night.” I then headed inside, glancing back at the bright red Silver Spoon who stayed in my driveway till I made it to the door where Charlie was already barking. She then pulled away, but not without one, last, loving smile and wave. ***** “Charlie, stop it!” my mom ordered as I made it inside, already bouncing as she got into my face. “So, how’d it go?” I groaned, “Mom!” and pushed past her and beeline to my room. Though, I dropped my act when I looked back at her and said, “I think it went well. Maybe I’ll have a girlfriend after all.” I couldn’t get out of telling her, in detail, how it went. While she wasn’t pleased at some of the things I did, or having gone to the park without her knowing, she allowed it to slide as long as I did better next time. “There will be a next time, right?” mom inquired. I blushed. “I… I think so. Well, I know I want it to be so.” She pulled me into a hug. “I’m so proud of you, Button.” I sighed and hugged her back. “Yeah, thanks mom.” She pulled away, and said, “Now off to bed. I’m sure you’re going to have quite a day tomorrow.” She smirked at me. “I was young once too, you know.” Replying with a yawn, I said goodnight and made it to my room, taking extra time to ponder about what had happened while Charlie kept up. “Come on,” I patted my bed. Charlie gave a little, *hump, and was only able to get his top half on. I smiled as I got the rest of him up. “Boy, do we need to get you to lose some pounds.” He gave me a lick to the face before he settled on his side of the bed. However, before I dozed off, I remembered Sweetie Belle and my friends. I clicked on my light, turned on my phone, and sent a message to Sweetie Belle. Her response a moment later was: ‘Button, what happened? You never showed up and we didn't get any texts from you. Did she hurt you, what did they do? How are you?’ I looked at my messages, and found my message to Rumble was never sent. Which explained a lot, but it wouldn’t cover why I never sent them another text later on. I bit my lip, and typed; ‘Well, first, sorry, we went to the bowling alley, the message I wrote for you didn’t send. And, about my date with Silver Spoon…’ > Chapter 8; Crush > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sure you don’t want to call in sick?” Mom offered for the seventh time that morning.   I stirred my cereal. "No, it's not like I can avoid it forever. The sooner the better.”   Mom smiled and shook her head. “What am I going to do with you, Button?”   “Love me for all time?” I suggested. I tried to stand up, but Charlie kept his head pressed on my lap. “Hey now, boy, I know you don’t like me in distress, but you gotta let me go.”   Mom gave a nervous chuckle.   “Come on,” I pushed him off and headed for the door. “I’ll see you later, mom.”   “Okay, bye.” She waved as I made it down to my bike, the lump in my throat soaring and my hands trembling.   I could still remember my conversation with Sweetie Belle from the night before.   ‘She didn’t try anything funny at all?’   I had replied, ‘No, I think she really likes me.’   ‘So, what, do you like her?’   I had hesitated in my response, so I asked, ‘Would it be bad if I did?’   I had spent three hours waiting for a response, half of which I played on my Joyboy, only to fall asleep, then to wake up with no response from anyone.   I was just about to put my phone away and hop on to my bike, when it rang. I looked at the screen to see my chat with Sweetie Belle, where she had just sent, ‘meet you by the bike racks?’   My fingers flew across the keyboard, ‘Be there in a bit.’   ***** The first thing I saw when I pulled into the school parking lot was Sweetie Belle, all by herself, leaning against the bike rack, fingers interlocked as her thumbs danced with each other.   “Hey, Sweetie,” I called out to her.   She turned towards me and gave me a wave and a fake smile. “Um, morning Button.”   As I came to a stop, I stared at her and asked, “What’s up?”   She didn’t answer.   “Everything alright?”   “So,” she asked suddenly, “the date went well?”   “Well, yeah, I mean, I was skeptical at first, but, I think she’s really into me. Sorry again I didn’t tell any of you guys about the changes of plans. Well, I did, but the text didn’t get through.”   “Oh, it’s fine.” She turned a little from me and began to shake. “We, um, well, we sort of went on a double date as we waited. And, well… Rumble and Apple Bloom had fun—”   “Okay,” I cut off, “what’s wrong?”   She jumped. “What, I mean…” she sighed. “Sorry I, I guess I shouldn’t hide it. See—”   “There you are!” I stiffened as I heard Scootaloo stomping towards us. “The witch do anything to you?” she bumped her fist into her hand. “Just say the word and I will make her day a living hell!”   “Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle cried as she held onto her girlfriend's arm. “We’ve been over this.”   Scootaloo frowned, but allowed Sweetie Belle’s touch to calm her down.   Right behind her, Apple Bloom appeared, panting heavily from keeping up with Scootaloo. She said, “So, um—”   A moment later, Rumble appeared behind them as well, clearly out of breath from keeping up, but not as much as I would have thought. “How did the… date go?”   “Yeah,” Scootaloo grinned maniacally, “what you got for us? We didn’t hear from you. Did she do something?”   “I, um…” I rubbed my head, “okay, first, can you tell me what this is all about? What did you guys do last night?” I figured it was a good idea to find out why Sweetie Belle was in distrust and Scootaloo seemed to be on more pissed than normal before I told them anything.   Scootaloo huffed. “Fine,” she swung an arm around Sweetie Belle, “though… can we find a place to sit? Was kind of a, long night.”   Sweetie Belle leaned in Scootaloo. “I know,” she looked down, a little guilty.   “Sure,” I nodded and we made our way to some benches away from the crowds.   *****   Apparently, while they waited for me last night, they decied to treat their time toughter more as a double date rather than a stake out. At first, thing had been going well, till Tray and Diamond Tiara along with some of their friends ran into them. The next thing they knew, Tray was going on about my date, saying he knew they were waiting for me.   “How’d they know that?” I asked.   Scootaloo groaned. “Beats me.” Her fist began to clench as Sweetie Belle held her. “Anyways, we got into a little heated debate, I…”   “They tried to get a rise out of us by calling Scoots and Sweetie gay.” Apple Bloom concluded. Sweetie Belle took a moment to beam. “I said we were lesbians, not gay, that he should grow a brain to learn the difference, and declared my love to Scootaloo in front of all of those snobs.”   "You tell them, honney," Scootaloo beamed before Sweetie Belle went back to moping.   Rumble added in. “We started to leave, and I tried to send you a text about it, then...” he paused.   Scootaloo began to cry. “Then Diamond Tiara called me a retarded special ED orphan, and that my parents and Sweetie Belle only loved me out of pity!”   Rumble rubbed his head. “Took all our strength to pull Scootaloo away from them.”   Apple Bloom crossed her arms. “Didn’t wanna.”   Scootaloo let out a deep breath. “I’m… I’m okay,” she nodded as she held onto Sweetie Belle.   “So…” Rumble began looking at me, “how’d your date with Silver Spoon go? Did you two kiss?”   Apple Bloom narrowed her eyebrows. “Rumble!”   He held up his hands? “What? It could have happened.”   Sweetie Belle looked away, and it could have been just me, but I thought I saw her face reddened.   “Um, well,” I said nervously, not sure what to expect when I told them. “We, well, we went to the Bowling Alley to play some video games…”   *****   “…then I thought it would be a good idea to kiss her goodnight, so I did.” I let out a breath once my story was done even though I hadn’t told the whole thing non-stop.   Rumble would at times say I did a good job here and there, Apple Bloom would shake her head whenever I told her about the parts where I was a jerk and Scootaloo would laugh and ask when I would get to any good parts. And while she didn’t say it, it was obvious she wanted to know if I did anything to prank or get even with Silver Spoon.   Sweetie Belle… Sweetie Belle just sat silently, head down, even when I got to the part about the kiss. She only buried her head into her shirt as the others exploded into a choir of questions and comments that I held off while I finished the story.   Now that I was done, they all—save Sweetie Belle—stared at me, not sure what to make of my story.   Finally, Scootaloo began to laugh. “That a boy, Button, set her up to make her feel bad, then break her heart when she least expects it, clever.”   We all looked at her horrified, Sweetie Belle still keeping her head down.   Apple Bloom shot Scootaloo a glare. “Ya´re unbelievable.”   Scootaloo began to fidget. “What? I can’t be the only not buying this act?” “No,” I said, arms crossed, “but you’re the only one who wants to sink to their level.” "Oh, like you haven’t thought of that at all? How do you know she and her friend’s aren't waiting to ambush you with paint at the doors?” I found myself unable to protest as I remembered the first few minutes of the conversation. It was hard to be mad at Scootaloo for being angry. When I first meet Scootaloo through Sweetie Belle, Sweetie told me after a rather nasty incident during school that when Scootaloo was younger and first got diagnosed with a similar form of autism much like my own, her already unstable and alcoholic parents lost it. They began to beat her more, putting it into her mind that she was some kind of mistake.   They got away with it for the longest time, until her parents went too far and broke both of Scootaloo’s arms one night in a drunken fury after some of their friends teased them about their ‘retarded’ daughter. While Scoots recovered, she still has trouble with her arms here and there. If she’s not careful, she could hurt herself, so the only sport she can play is soccer and track.   Social services finally stepped in shortly after, and the rest became history. Scootaloo ended up with the family she’s with now thanks to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.They kept her sane and from possibly becoming the same type of bully she now wanted to get even with. I shook my head, then looked to Scootaloo and said, “Well, what if she is real? Maybe she does want to change and needs the right friends.” “Like ya,” Apple Bloom pointed out. “Ah mean, she’s acted rotten, but that doesn't mean we shouldn´t give her a chance if she want’s ta be good.” Scootaloo leaned back into the bench.   Sweetie Belle crossed her arms, and in a small voice, squeaked, “Um, maybe she’s not that bad?”   Scootaloo glared at her. “Oh, this is rich, Sweetie, now you’re defending Silver Spoon when she’s been nothing but a pain. Next you’ll be telling me you have a crush on her.” Scootaloo laughed, but began to nerve when Sweetie Belle looked down and didn’t answer.   “Oh, my,” Apple Bloom muttered.   My eyes widened at the realization.   “Oh god,” Scootaloo said, “You don’t—”   “So I think she's attractive!” Sweetie Belle confessed, then shrank into her seat.  “I mean... she dresses nice and all”   Scootaloo’s mouth began to open and close rapidly. “Bu-but… but it’s Silver Spoon!”   Sweetie Belle crossed her arms. “Oh? It’s not like I haven’t seen you check out Diamond Tiara’s rear from time to time!”   Scootaloo’s face reddened. “Ta… take that back!”   “Um, guys,” I interjected, “could we drop this? I know tensions are high, and I don’t mind if you had or have a crush on my girlfriend, I’d just rather not hear it.”   “Seems alright to me.” Rumble added in. “I still don’t— wait, what?”   “Girlfriend?” Apple Bloom said.   I blinked. “Um…”   “Aren’t you supposed to be asexual?” Scootaloo questioned. “Shut up, Scoot!” Apple Bloom snapped. “Ain't ya doing enough?”   “I am! I mean…” wasn’t I? Didn’t I feel some something with Silver Spoon last night? I kissed her, yet, truth be told. “Look, I… I don’t know. Maybe I do like her, and maybe I’m demisexual after all and can only feel love for people I’m really close with.”   “Then why did you never have a crush on me?” Sweetie Belle shouted, almost out of place.   Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “I knew it!”   I jumped a little.   Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened. “No, I, that’s not what I…” “Ugh!” Scootaloo snorted as she jerked away from Sweetie Belle and began to walk away. I got up and blocked her path. Scootaloo narrowed her eyes. “Really?” My body began to shake, but I stood my ground. “Yes, really. You’ve been nothing but a bitch this whole time.” They all gasped. Scootaloo’s eye began to twitch. “Why you—” “Go ahead,” I said, “do whatever. Unless I recall, I didn’t have to ask Silver Spoon out! I could have just let Diamond Tiara and the whole school mock you both, but I didn’t! And this is how you repay me?” I felt my adrenaline rise as I gave her the last straw. “I say I might like her, and you think I’m horrible for wanting to give her a chance, AND, you act mean towards your girlfriend just for wanting to give Silver Spoon the same chance I do?”   Scootaloo flinched, then looked to Sweetie Belle, the girl of her dreams, and the girl who we’ve both have done so much to make happy, a mess. Frown on her face, Scootaloo sat back down besides her girlfriend. “I… I’m sorry, don’t be upset, Sweetie.” “Yeah,” I assured Sweetie Belle as I sat down next to her as well. “I mean, I don’t want to upset you, and I’m sorry I never have a crush on you and that I now might like a girl you dislike.” “That’s a lot when you say it all at once.” Rumble felt like he had to say. Apple Bloom grinned and slapped her head.   “Don’t be,” Sweetie Belle plead to us, ignoring Rumble while she squeezed Scootaloo’s and my arm.  “I… I only love you, Scoots.” she turned to face her girlfriend and sighed. “I… Okay, I'm a lesbian,100%, but, I don’t know. When I heard from Button last night that he liked Silver Spoon, after saying he’s asexual,” she sighed again, “I guess it made me jealous I mean,” she looked to me, “you’re my friend, we've had fun, and then to hear you had a crush on a girl i might of had a crush on and not me… Then I remembered, I’m in love with Scootaloo, and, well, here we are.” She began to tear up. “I’m sorry, I’m a horrible person!”   Arm still held by Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo frowned, and sat back down with her. “No… I am, you’re right, Button. Here I am, damming someone for being a bitch and saying they will never change, when really, it was because of you that I’m a better person now.” She squeezed Sweetie Belle’s arm.   Sweetie Belle let go of my arm to hug Scootaloo, who returned the embrace.   Sweetie Belle sighed. “Right.” She let go of Scootaloo’s hand and looked at me. “So… um, about all that stuff I said Button, about being jealous and—” I stopped her. “I’ve said worse things over the years, friend.”   She crossed her arms and smiled. “Sorry, didn’t realize I could be such a… a… well, I’m not good when jealous.”   “Duly noted.” I nodded, then the bell rang and students began filing into the school. “Besides, the last thing I need is a lack of any friends.” I picked up my backpack. “Shall we, together?”   Sweetie Belle grabbed my hand. “Of course.”   Apple Bloom nodded. “Ya bet.”   Rumble rubbed my shoulder. “Bros for life.”   Scootaloo pouted her lips, then slowly, eyes closed and chest pouted, said, “Alright, whatever happens, if Silver Spoon, for some reason, wants to be nice and your girlfriend, I’ll give it a chance like you guys did for me.” She then raised her finger. “Though, if she even thinks about hurting you!”   Sweetie Belle released my hand to place them both on Scootaloo’s shoulders. “I know, Scoots, I know. You can be so cute when you care.” She gave Scootaloo a peck on the cheek.   Scootaloo blushed. “You still owe me for saying you have crush on other people,” she said playfully to Sweetie Belle.   Sweetie Belle giggled and used one of her fingers to draw circles on Scootaloo’s sleeves. “So do you, but I have a few ideas for that.”   I turned away and shuttered as my imagination started to betray me. “As much as I love hints of lesbian lovemaking,” Rumble pointed out, “I don’t think any of us wants to be late.”   “Sure thing.” Apple Bloom nodded as she held out her hand to Rumble. “Um, shall we?”   He nervously took her hand.  “You mean it?”   She beamed. “Come on, it’s what couples do, so we’d better.”   He grinned stupidly. “Well alright, angel cakes.”   I rolled my eyes as their fingers locked, and with that, we entered the shark tank. > Chapter 9; Thursday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So how was the date?” Pipsqueak asked as soon as Rumble and I made it into class.   I’m sure Rumble wanted me to go into full detail with them, but we had already decided to keep everything as low key as possible until I was sure on how comfortable Silver Spoon and I were with all of this.   So, I responded. “Oh, it was okay. We just, you know, did stuff, held hands, it was a fun time. However, I think my buddy here has some bigger news.” I nudged Rumble as he smirked.   “Oh what?” he said in a bad actor's voice. “You mean my date with my new girlfriend?”   Every person in the room  turned their attention towards him.   “What, who?” one of the guys asked.   I smiled before Rumble gave me sympathetic glance and I knew what he meant. Next hour, it would just be me and the school. While I could tell people to just leave me alone, it wouldn’t be long before more details came out. Although, as soon as Rumble went on to say his new girlfriend was Apple Bloom, my phone received a message.   After pulling out my phone, I found that it was from Silver Spoon.   “New girlfriend?” Featherweight asked when he saw the phone.   My face began to heat up and waved them off. I then looked at the text.   ‘Can you met me in the gym between periods next hour? <3’   “Um…” I put my phone away, “just, you know a thing.”   “Did I mention Apple Bloom kissed me?” Rumble spat out.   “What?” we all said.   It was new to me too. Apparently, after the mall incident and they all had to part ways, Rumble offered to get Apple Bloom home, where they bonded some more and even kissed. I was suddenly interested in that little detail he had left out during our earlier conversation. So much so, I almost didn’t send Silver a reply before the teacher walked in.   With less than five seconds to type and send, I sent, ‘Sure I will try.’   *****   When the bell rang, I quickly made my way out of the hall, and to my relief, no one stopped me or pestered me with questions about the date. It didn't last long though. Once I had made it halfway to the gym, an eerily familiar voice said.   “So, I heard your date went well last night.”   I groaned, and turned to face Tray.   “What do you want, to humiliate me?” I challenged. “Then why don’t you just get over it.”   He clicked his tongue and shook his head. “I would, but my babe wouldn’t like that.”   My blood began to boil. “You—” I stopped as I realized I wouldn’t have time for this.   ‘Unless this is still some plan by Silver to finally get back to you,’ my mind thought even though something kept me from believing it.   “Just don’t get your hopes up, creep,” he continued, “sooner or later, she’ll move on, and you’ll be nothing but grim.”   “Sure thing,” I said and headed off, “just don’t get any of it in your mouth, it’s disgusting enough as it is.”   I was then forced onto the ground, and I only heard Tray say, “Retard,” as he walked away.   “Right then,” I said to myself as got up and cautiously made my way to the gymnasium, time ticking away between classes.   As soon as I entered, i heard her whisper, “Pss, Button, is that you?”   I followed the sound—not without looking behind my back several times—before I found her behind the bleachers.   “Hey, she said, left hand running through her hair. “Sorry I didn’t try to find you before school. I’m still a little—”   I cut her off with a hug.     She was surprised, but soon returned the embrace. “Um, thanks.” She leaned onto my shoulder. “Happy to see you too.”   “Yeah,” I assured, feeling more confident this was real thanks to Tray. At least in my mind, if this was still just a setup, then why would Tray—if they were secretly together—push me down without a lot of witnesses around and tell me to stay away from his ex-girlfriend? It didn’t, so I hug Silver Spoon more tightly.   When I pulled away, I saw her face flushed red.   She leaned in for a kiss, but I pulled away.   She stopped before looking down. “Sorry.”   “No, I am, I… Never mind, Silver, another time. I did enjoy kissing you.”   She giggled. I took her hand and continued.   “So, how’s your morning been?”   She puffed. “Oh, the hard stuff’s about to come up. My next class is with Diamond Tiara, and I don’t know what to do.” She pulled her hand out of mine. “I… grr! You probably think I’m the worst.”   I chuckled nervously. “I still have problems giving you a good morning kiss, so I suppose feeling ashamed to date me is fair enough.”   She turned her head towards me. “Well, I just…” she sighed. “I wish I could say I don’t give a damn, and if they’re my friends they should understand, but I guess I’m scared.”   “Silver…”   “No, I mean, I never had it as bad as you or any of your friends, but the teasing and loneliness still stung.” She took in a deep breath. “It was hard enough for me not to say anything mean during first hour.”   My head titled. “Loneliness? You never mentioned that on our date.”   She adjusted her glasses. “Yeah, long story, I promise to tell you on our next date.”   “I’m sure you will,” I assured, knowing enough already. While my stomach began to stir at the mention of another date, I focused on the topic at hand. “Though, you could always say nothing in class, you know.”   She rubbed her shoulders. “Easier said than done.”   I started to protest, till i admitted, “Don’t I know it.”   The bell rang.   I shook my head. “Eh, stupid class bells, they always ring too early.” I looked at her. “Hey, Silver, whatever happens, I’ll understand.”   Silver Spoon lowered her head and shook it. “Oh, Button, you are something.” She looked up at me, arms crossed. “Do me a favor, no matter what happens, don’t stop trying to be such a hero to those you care about.”   I nodded. “Of course.”   We got to the edge of the hall, where several students were passing by and looked at each other.   “Um…” I began.   “Go ahead,” she offered, “I don’t want you to be late.”   “Okay,” I started off, “I’ll see ya later?”   “Yeah, before the day’s over for sure.”   Before I walked off, I swung around and gave her a surprise kiss.   She went “Eep!” in surprise before she returned said kiss.   “See ya,” I said as I headed off, noting how much I enjoyed it because she had nothing on her lips.   *****     For the next two hours, even without any of my new friends for most of the day to help, I was able to avoid most confrontations with the other students about the date. If they asked me for more detail, I figured out an effective way to get them to stop talking about me was to mention the incident that happened with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle last night at the mall where Tray and Diamond Tiara harassed them.   While I felt bad when it was first brought it up to one of my acquaintances, Sweetie Belle, by text, assured me that she and Scootaloo didn’t mind, saying it was the least they could do for what I did for them on Tuesday and this morning.   Then when I got into fouth hour, that’s when I first got a taste of what was to come. When I walked in, one of the popular girls shot me a series nasty glances.   She didn’t say anything, but soon some of her friends started to look at me too.   Being smart, I kept myself away from that class till the bell rang and I only had seconds to take my seat.   *****   Next up for the day, lunch, but not before I received another text from Silver Spoon.   ‘Hey, don’t suppose you want to have lunch outside, away from people?’   All this was going on during class so I quickly hide the phone under the table.   I’d never texted during class before, and it was nothing I was too eager to do now if it got me in trouble. However, with lunch next hour, I decided to take the risk when an idea popped into my mind.   ‘Sure, don’t suppose you want to hang out with my friends as well?’   She reply a minute later.   ‘Can’t it just be us?’   I sighed, but nonetheless, I told her, typing fast to get it sent undetected ‘they dont hate u, mostly, not sure if u hearr bout last night 2 thm, but I said u r not them. Please, 4 me.’   I felt uncomfortable to type with such poor grammar, but that was that. Though, I worried she wasn’t going to reply when, five minutes later, she answered ‘Okay. CU then <3.’   ‘Sure thing. <3’ I replied, then went right to texting my friends.   ‘Hey, guys, triple date out by the field today? Silver Spoon wants to befriend you.'   Rumble replied first. ‘Awesome!’   After him, Apple Bloom answered, ‘Okay.’   Scootaloo answered, ‘As long as she behaves.’   Sweetie Belle took longer, right up to the last minutes before lunch. Then at last, she responded, ‘Okay, I’ll meet you there.’   I nodded, and made my way slowly out of class, careful to make it to the cafeteria with minimum attention. Lunch today was a sandwich, an apple, and a granola bar I brought from home. Often times, I’d also buy a bag of chips and a candy bar from the school cafeteria. Instead, with my lunch already in my backpack, I snuck right to the soccer field, where Scootaloo and Rumble were already waiting and playing rock paper scissors.   “One for the win,” Scootaloo muttered as they readied their hands.   “Hey, Button,” Rumble waved.   Scootaloo flashed a scissor. “Ha! I win!”   “What?” he looked at his open hand. “Hey!”   Scootaloo chuckled and looked towards me. “So where’s your girlfriend?”   I flinched. “I, um.. sorry, but can we not refer to her as my… you know?” I waved my hand. “I know how that sounds, but—“   “Got it.” Rumble winked. He scratched his chin. “Though, I thought you were okay with calling her your girlfriend.”   I shoved my hands into my pockets. “I am, or, I think so… I mean,” I shook my head. “Sorry, I guess I’m making this whole thing more complex than it needs to be.”   “And what about any of this isn’t complex?” Scootaloo questioned.   “Hey, ya’ll!” Apple Bloom waved, Sweetie Belle pacing behind. “Where’s the guest of honor?”   “Come on,” Sweetie Belle encouraged, “let’s not go making a big deal about this. I mean, she might be popular, pretty… having a nice personality,” she grinned nervously at Scootaloo who had raised an eyebrow, “but the thing is, we should all be open minded with her, she's still human.”   Scootaloo nodded. “Okay, sure. Now get over here, Sweetie,” she said with a wink.   Sweetie Belle chuckled and took a seat next to her on the ground.   “So, where is...” Rumble began to look around and then pointed towards the entrance, “ah, there we go.”   We all turned to see Silver Spoon coming towards us, head held down in a hoodie, wearing a pair of large sunglasses and looking constantly back and forth.   Scootaloo slapped her head. “She has to know that’s the worst way to be discreet, right?”   Sweetie Belle gave Scootaloo a nudge, and I kept my eyes firmly locked on her. Once she saw us, I gave her a strong reassuring smile and she advanced.   “Hey,” she said as she removed her sunglasses for her regular pair.   “Hey,” I replied, “glad you could make it.”   We smiled at each other till I took her hand. “Don’t worry,” I whispered, “they’ll like you.”   She nodded and, fingers interlocked, I led her on.   “So,” I began, “I presume you all know each other. Silver Spoon, my friends, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Rumble, and… Sweetie Belle.”   “Hey,” they all said.   “Guys, Silver Spoon.”   “Hey.” she said rather quietly.   “So,” Rumble said after a moment of silence, “are we, like, going to eat or what? I’m starving.”   We all simultaneously agreed.   I dusted off a spot clean for Silver Spoon and began to eat. All the while, I could feel how the tension in the air began to grow as no one spoke.   “So,” Silver Spoon said at one point, “this um… do you guys often eat lunch here?”   “No,” Scootaloo said blankly.   “Oh, um, okay,” she nodded and went back to her own sandwich.   I sighed. “So, Silver, didn’t you—”   “Can we just cut this crap and get right to it!” she blurred.   We all looked to her in confusion. “Huh?   She rubbed her glasses. “Look, I know I’ve been a… well a stuck up bitch who probably deserves to rot in hell, you know that. Some more than others.” She looked to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. “I’ll be honest, a part of me wants to make mean jokes, if not at any of you, then at someone else just so I’ll get some attention. But, I don’t want to be like that, I just want to be liked without having to resort to such extremes. And if you all can’t get through a lunch without thinking I’ll call you all faggots at some point, then I’ll leave.”   I placed my hand on hers. “Silver, they—”   “No, she’s right,” Scootaloo admitted.” She stood up, hands in pocket, and walked up to us. “But, from one ex-bad girl to another, I wouldn’t mind if you made a gay, preferably lesbian,” she winked, “joke from time to time.” She chuckled. “Within reason of course.”   Apple Bloom gave her a small smile. “Well… alright, Ah forgive ya for all the things ya done, long as ya mean it.”   Rumble shrugged. “Hey, as long as Button and Apple Bloom are alright with you, then you got no conflict from me, Silver.”   That left Sweetie Belle, who hadn’t replied, and was looking away.   “Sweetie Belle?” I spoke to her.   “Sweetie,” Scootaloo encouraged.   With a moan, Sweetie Belle addressed us. “Alright, sorry, Silver Spoon, I can forgive you too.” She smiled at us. “If you make one of my best friends happy, then I don’t see why I should hate you.”   Silver Spoon nodded vigorously. “Thank you, thank you all.”   I squeezed her hand. “See, what did I tell you?”   She nodded.   Sweetie Belle rubbed her nose. “So, if I may ask, are you two a couple now?”   We all looked at her.   “Oh, um, what I mean to say is… well, I don’t mean any ill will if you are or aren’t, high school is a bitch, didImentionIloveScootaloo!”   Scootaloo sat down beside her and wrapped her arm around Sweetie Belle. “You’re a dork you know that?" she smiled mischievously. "But my dork.”   Sweetie Belle flushed.   Silver Spoon turned to me.   “Long story, leave it at that,” I whispered. “Though, I guess I should ask, how’d it go with your friends? Again!” I assured, “I don’t care, I mean, if you said we weren’t a couple, that’s fine, but what did you tell them?”   Silver Spoon crossed her arms and sighed. “Well, I… I may have said…”   I rubbed her hand. “Silver?”   She rubbed her neck. “I told them… I made our date and this whole thing seem real so I could haze you at the fall formal!”   *****   I blinked at her several times. “Oh, I guess that’s not too bad, it’s actually pretty clever.”   Silver Spoon stared at me. “It is?”   “Yeah, well, I suppose it will cause less drama on our… next date?” I took a deep breath as everyone—namely Silver Spoon—stared at me. “I mean, now we won’t—”   “You know putting it off isn’t going to help, right?” Scootaloo muttered.   “Scoots!” Sweetie Belle whispered yelled at her.   “What? I’m just saying it as it is.” She leaned back, and was about to say more before her girlfriend casted a mean glare. “Well, I… never mind, I’m sure you two will work it out if you both really like each other.”   I felt Silver Spoon slouch. “Me too.”   With that, I wrapped an arm around her. “Things will be fine, trust me.” I took a bite of my sandwich before she added;   “So, sorry again about the drama they caused you at the mall.” She adjusted her glasses. “They can be real jerks sometimes.”   Rumble nodded. “Duly noted.” He munched on a chip. “So anyone hear that they have a new Fallout game coming out?”   “Really?!” Silver Spoon and I shouted simultaneously.   I turned to her. “Wait, you play?”   She beamed. “Are you kidding?” she looked nervously at my friends and blinked. “wait, I don’t have to care!” Hands in the air, she continued, “Anyways, yeah, it’s one of my favorites. Though, I do have some standards and only like how much effort they put into their backgrounds.”   I shrugged. “I guess that’s true.” Though to be honest I could not have cared less about that as long as the action was good. “Though, I like it more for the stories. Between you and I, I always go for the evil route on my first play.”   Silver Spoon rolled her eyes. “Oh you would.”   Sweetie Belle cooed, “Ah, young love.”   Scootaloo and Rumble stared dumbfounded.   Apple Bloom added, “Why did Ah see this comin?”   *****   For the rest of the lunch, we all eventually got into talking about more video games. The only ones who didn’t have a clue about what Silver and I were talking about was Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, but they had their others to help fill them in even if they weren’t likely to play with their own schedules.   As for Silver Spoon and I, I was having a blast. While she didn’t play every game I liked, she did know of a few others I promised we would ‘geek out’ as she put it, some other time, and not once did I see her as the same girl as last week. The longer we talked, the more she smiled at me, the warmer I began to feel. Looking at her, she began to, radiate, shine? Either way, the more I felt for her.   Maybe I still had a few things to sort out, and maybe there would be things in a relationship I’d never get comfortable with, but as long as she was being real and this wasn’t a set up, I wanted Silver Spoon to be my girlfriend.   Eventually it was time to leave. The gang headed out first, two at a time, each saying their farewells to Silver Spoon and hoping to get to know her better, which left us with some alone time.   “That was fun.” Silver Spoon nodded once we were alone   “Yeah,” I said, “I told ya.”   We smiled at each other.   “So,” she began to twirl her hair, “Are you, um… free this afternoon?”   “Maybe video games at my place?” I suggested.   She beamed. “Sure thing.”   I smiled. “Alright.”   The bell rang.   “After you?” I offered her to go first.   She nodded. “Thanks.” Before she walked off, she asked, “so, would it be okay if we…”   I rubbed my elbows. “I can be okay with kissing. I’m actually getting pretty used to it.”   She chuckled. “I meant… never mind, I’ll talk about it later.”   I blinked. “Okay.”   “It will be fine,” she giggled, then gave me a kiss that I returned. “I’ll see you later.”   She raced off, and a moment later, I made a mad dash to my class.   *****   After that, I made it through the day with the least amount of conversation about my date with Silver Spoon. If someone asked, I answered, “It went great.” and aside from a few harsh or uncertain glares from some of Silver’s friends, everything flew by smoothly as the bigger news was the incident with our friends at the mall last night.   Then I got to chemistry.   When I walked in, I was immediately greeted by a choir of girls whistling at me.   “Hey, handsome,” one of them teased, “want to ask me out and then tap this?” she motioned to her rear.   They all laughed and I rolled my eyes as I took my seat.   A moment later, Sweetie Belle joined me. “This class should be fun.”   “You said it, lesbo,” we heard one of the girls whispered.   I rubbed my head. “Do they really have nothing better to do?”   Sweetie Belle bit her lip. “Well, don’t worry, it will pass.”   I sighed. “Will it? I couldn't care less what they say, but Silver, I…”   Sweetie Belle rubbed my shoulder. “You really care about her, don’t you?”   I nodded. “Weird, right?”   “Not at all,” she assured, “love works in strange ways my friend. One moment, the school think we’ll make the best couple, the next, I’m with the girl of my dreams, and you’re with Silver Spoon.”   I began to glance to the door. “So, have Scootaloo asked you to the dance yet?”   Sweetie’s face began to color. “Um…”   I giggled. “Oh, I’m sure she’s going to make it really special.” The final bell rang, and Silver Spoon was nowhere to be seen as the teacher walked in.   “Good afternoon, class, today, we will be going over our notes for tomorrow's test…”   I looked at Sweetie Belle, and she looked at me, silently thinking one thing as my hand raced to my phone, typing to Silver Spoon, ‘where are you?’ > Chapter 10, Cool as Ice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’d say the worst part of that class hour wasn’t how many times I got hit in the head by spit-wads, or the ever looming gloom that Tray and his friends seemed to cast on me. Instead, the worst part was knowing that Silver Spoon felt as if she couldn’t walk into class without ridicule and that she was too scared to deal with the stress our date had caused her.   For a moment, I considered just ending whatever I had with Silver Spoon, thinking that was the kinder option. Even if she was hurt, at least it would have meant she wouldn’t become a target of her friends.   I bit my pencil as the time ticked by, waiting for the bell to ring or for Silver Spoon to respond.   Then, right at the end when we were given free time to study, my phone vibrated, and I got a message from her.   ‘Free to hang out tonight? Maybe help me out for a test?’   Sweetie Belle held her chin as she looked at the text. “Guess she just wanted your brains after all.”   I shot a glance at her. “Sweetie! I—”   Her face was fighting back a smirk before she realized I thought she was serious. “Oh, I mean… Hey, I’m done with that!” She sighed dreamily. “I do remember all those nights I helped Scootaloo with her math homework before we became a couple.” She giggled.   I shook my head. “Yeah, well, in all seriousness Sweetie, I’m worried about her.” I looked at Tray, who saw me and gave me a glare.   I turned back to Sweetie Belle.   “Hey, he’s a jerk,” she assured, “and Silver Spoon clearly likes you, and that’s all that should matter.”   I sighed. “Yeah, she is something.”   Going back to the text, I sent Silver Spoon, ‘Sure, want to come over to my place? Any ideas on how we shall get there if you have a car and I have a bike?’   She responded, ‘I’ll take care of it, just meet me by the vending machines after class?’   I answered, ‘Sure.’ Knowing that they were on the far side of the school by the locker rooms, where people like Tray and Silvers friends would not be.   The bell rang shortly after.   “Want me to tag along?” Sweetie Belle offered as we held our seats, waiting for Tray and his friends to leave.   “I think I’ll be fine.” I looked behind myself, only to see Tray and his friends still seated, staring at us. “Besides, weren’t you and Scootaloo going to do something tonight?”   “Not necessarily...”   I raised a eyebrow. “Your family getting any more used to the idea of you dating Scootaloo?   She leaned into her seat. “I guess. Mom and Rarity seemed to be interested in Scootaloo last night. Dad… well, he just doesn’t talk a lot. Then again, he wasn’t too thrilled when Rarity started dating either, so you never know.”   “Indeed," I nodded my head to the back, "and I’m pretty sure they’re waiting for me to leave.”   Sweetie Belle frowned, then leaned in towards me and whispered, “On three, you make a dash for it, I’ll block their path, get to Silver Spoon.”   “Oh, um… okay.” I smiled. “Thanks.”   She gripped onto her backpack. “Don’t thank me yet. Ready? 1…2…3!”   Being smart, I didn’t run towards the door, but I quickened my pace to put as much distance between me and Tray’s friends as possible before they got past Sweetie Belle. Though, how she was supposed to stop them was anyone’s guess, all I cared about was getting to Silver Spoon.   ***** I found her hunched behind the vending machine, phone in hand, fidgeting between having the phone on and off. Once she saw me, she put it away, jumped up, then pulled me into her hiding spot with a hug.   “Are you alright?” I asked hugging back   “No.” she pulled away and straightened her glasses. “I… grr! I’m such a coward.”   I put a hand on her elbow. “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. To be honest, I was a little scared to walk into chemistry myself.”   She lowered her head. “I know. I’ll come clean soon but,” she placed her hand on her elbow, “just for a little while?”    I sighed. “Alright, but if I may, I think we should get going. Sweetie Belle’s holding off Tray, so we don’t have a lot of time.”   “Yeah,” she grabbed my arm and pulled, “we should head out.”   With a burst of speed, we made our way out the back of the school.   “Well look who’s looking cute today?” Someone said before we could get halfway across the parking lot.   Faces cringed, we turned to see Diamond Tiara, phone in hand, snickering at us.   I could feel Silver Spoon’s hand shaking.   “Ugh, what do you want?” I challenged. “Don’t you have a crown to make sure your inflated head will fit?”   Diamond Tiara's face began to boil. “Well, at least I’m not the, cool one.” She began to laugh.   Before I could think of something else to say at whatever that was suppose to mean, I was hit by a cold, wet mass of ice water.   Screaming as some of the water hit her, Silver Spoon’s pulled away from me. We then looked behind us, were two large guys were laughing their asses off as more and more students, most of them popular kids, gathered.   “Oh wow,” Diamond Tiara said, laughing the loudest, “that took a lot longer than Sil and I planned, but it was so worth it.”   I rubbed my eyes several times. “Wha—”   “Button,” I heard Silver Spoon plea, “don’t listen to them. I didn’t—”   I opened my eyes to see Tray’s arm wrapped around Silver Spoon’s waist, already starting to squeeze on her ass.   “It’s alright, babe,” he said, “we got him, you can drop the act.”   Tears began to streak down her face as she fought his touch. “I swear, Button, I did—”   She never got a chance to finish. I had already rushed forward, and gave Tray a fierce right uppercut that sent him to the ground.   Nobody spoke after that. Even Tray seemed a little stunted by what had just happened as he laid on the ground.   Eventually, Tray picked himself up, and I began to back off as he looked at me.   “Yeah, whatever, retard.” He reached for Silver Spoon’s hand.   She slapped it away, then looked at me.   Anger rising, I took a deep breath, then reached my hand out to her. “Come on, we better get to my place if we want to get my notes dry for our study date, don’t you agree, Silver?” I gave her a wink and a smile.   She stared at me, baffled, but wasted no time in taking my hand.   “You know what,” she took a deep, long, breath, “boyfriend,” everyone else gasped, “let’s get going.”   We started to walk away, only to have Diamond Tiara block out path.   “You can’t be serious?” Diamond Tiara challenged.   Silver Spoon adjusted her glasses. “More so than I have ever been. Now if you’ll excuse us.”   We pushed past her friends and made it to the car, when Diamond Tiara shouted, “Fine, whatever, you slut!”   I glared at her. Then Silver Spoon’s hand tightened around mine. "Can we please just go?" she asked me.   I nodded. "Sure thing.” But before we did, i turned to the judgmental crowd. “What? If you have nothing better to do with your lives than to make fun of people in order to feel better, that’s fine, go ahead! I got better things to do with mine.”   We reached Silver Spoon's car, and we hopped inside.   “You’re making a big mistake!” Tray said as his hand gripped the car door.   “Scratch it and you’re paying for it.” Silver warned him.   He backed off and Diamond Tiara moved in. “Hey, this was all your idea.” The car powered on. “If you want to waste weeks of planning just to run off with poindexter here and throw away everything we’ve worked for, go ahead, and don’t think I’ll miss you! I don’t need you!” For a moment, I caught a tear running down Diamond Tiara’s face.   Silver Spoon shook her head at her then looked away. “Really? Weeks? It was one night, and all I did was make sure you wouldn’t ruin my date.”   We pulled away, while Diamond Tiara’s mouth hung open.   “Fine!” the diva shouted as we pulled away. “Just don’t think you’ll be invited to parties anymore!” We drove as Diamond Tiara said that, the school disappearing in the distance. Soon, it became my wet backpack, Silver Spoon, the road, and I.   “Are you okay?” She asked, still a little shakey.   “I’m fine,” I began to rummage my bag. “Doesn’t seem like anything got badly soaked,” I looked up at the streets. “Take a right here.”   She made the turn.   I sighed and looked at her with a small smile. “I thought you were incredible back there.”   She slammed her foot on the pedal at the next stop sign. “You do? Well, I didn't know you had that in you with Tray.”   "Neither did I," I said while my fist started to feel sore. "Guess I take on from action hero's.   She giggled then started at the road. “Though I’m pretty sure I’ve just committed social suicide and I’ll never be able to go to school again.”   I rubbed her shoulder. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ll beg for your forgiveness tomorrow.”   We pulled up to my house, and  just sat   I stared at her for a bit before I said, “Um, Silver?”   "Yeah?"   I put my fingers between her's. "I'm sorry if I ever had any doubt in you, but now, you have my complete trust. Thanks for not humiliating me back there when you had the chance."   She processed it for a bit, before saying, “Button, I… did I mention you’re amazing?”   I shrugged. “You could do it more often.”   She narrowed her eyes, then lightened my mood with a laugh. “Alright, so, I um…” she began to fidget with her hair. “I guess it’s time to meet your mother?”   I nodded. “Oh yeah.” My eyes widened. “I mean, I guess I should let her know.” I went to my phone, and sent her a message. “Mind if we wait here for a bit?” I squeezed her hand. “and, um, I wouldn’t mind if we kissed again.”   She looked down and blushed heavily. "Sure, if you’re okay with it.”   I nodded. “I am, you’re my girlfriend after all.”   Her head snapped towards me. “Girlfriend, huh?”   My face flushed. “I mean, I guess, um—”   My phone binged.   ‘Sure thing, I’ll be home in a while. No funny business ;)’   I chuckled at that, assuming she was being funny and turned back to Silver Spoon. “She says we can go in, assuming we don’t try anything funny.”   She rolled her eyes, and began to exit before I grabbed her arm. “Though… would you like to be my girlfriend, officially?”   While there were still a few things I was sure I would have to deal with down the line, I knew now that I wanted to be with Silver Spoon.   “Of course,” she said , and then booped my nose, “after all that, of course I want to be, my brave little boyfriend.” She gave me a kiss. “Now come on, I want to relax my beating you in a few Brothersmack rounds.”   I was smiling dumbfounded, then it hit me what she called me and I chased after her. “Hey! It is so on!”   She laughed all the way into the house. > Chapter 11, To The End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, this is your place?” Silver Spoon asked me when we walked inside my house.   I nodded. “Yeah, nothing fancy, but I got my gamebox downstairs.” As we stepped in, it suddenly occurred to me, I had my girlfriend over, and I hadn’t even cleaned my room.   “So, um,” Silver Spoon began as she put her bag down, “after you, well, change and make sure nothing in your backpack is ruined, can we get some gaming? Still looking forward to beating you.”   I stuck out my tounge. “You wish. But totally, I’ll be right back.”   “Okay and… Ugh! What is that smell?”   I stared at her, eyes widened. “Smell?”   A moment later, Charlie limped into the room, noticed Silver Spoon, then began to bark.   “Hey boy! Oh hush, she's my guest. You sure do take your time though.” I leaned down to scratch his head, then turned back to Silver Spoon, whose nose was still wrinkling. “Sorry, if I had known, I would have given him a bath. Guess he has been rolling in the mud again.”   Silver Spoon nodded her head. “Yeah, that’s what it is.”   I raised an eyebrow as she gave me that same silence mom would give me whenever we talked about Charlie. “What?”   She blinked. “Oh, um… it’s nothing, but he’s sure is old. How long have you had him?”   My eye began to twitch. “Oh,” I said with a smile as I wrapped my arm around Charlie, “he’s just a big lazy baby, aren’t you boy.”   Charlie responded with a groan.   “We’ve been best friends forever.”   “Uh-huh,” Silver Spoon nodded.   “So,” I said, clapping my hands together, “I’ll get changed. Why don’t you two try to bound, or if you want, you can set up the gamebox and I’ll be right back.”   Silver Spoon clicked her tongue. “Sure thing.”   I raced upstairs, and quickly changed into some fresh clothes. I struggled a little getting a shirt off the hanger, nearly ripping it in the process. Next, I reached for my bottle of pills, swallowed two pills instead of one, then, I found myself punching a pillow until I headed downstairs where Silver Spoon was staring at the gamebox screen and was avoiding eye contact with Charlie.   “You two having fun?” I asked.   She nodded nervously, a fresh tear seemingly rolling down from her eye.   “Of course but, um... I’m sorry, Button, but, could you put Charlie outside?” She rubbed her eye. “I know how that might sound—”   “Oh! I’m sure he needs to go potty anyways. Come on boy.”   Charlie moaned and remained in place.   “Come on,” I said after a few more nudges, to which he reluctantly budged and I put him outside. “That’s a good boy." I turned back to Silver Spoon. "Now, where were we?”   “Um,” she said with a twirl of her hair, “about to play some games.”   I smiled and nodded. “Right, shall we?”   “Sure.”   We started up the game, but just as we began, Silver Spoon said, “Um, sorry if I might have overreacted with your dog. I love dogs, and don’t mind if they smell bad… I just, have some bad experience with old dog smell.” She fumbled with the controller. “My own dog passed away a while ago.”   I gave her a curious glare, then said, “Well, sorry to hear that.” I turned to look at the game. “No idea why you think of an old dog by smelling Charlie, though.”   She stared at me puzzled for a moment, before her eyes widened. “Um, Button, I don’t mean to sound rude, but you are aware Charlie isn’t a puppy, right?”   My teeth began to grind against one another. “Of course, he wasn’t born yesterday.”   The game started, but Silver Spoon didn’t move.   “Come on, you’re going to get killed if you don’t move.”   She blinked. “Oh, um, yeah.” She said and grabbed on to the controller.   Halfway through, she said, “You know, I went through the same thing you’re going through. My lab, Daisy, was one of my best friends till high school. I mean, you still have Charlie for now, but—”   I paused the game. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Ugh, you’re just like my mom, thinking every little mishap he has is the end of the world.”   Silver Spoon sighed and leaned backwards. After a moment, she sat back up and adjusted her glasses. “Yeah, denial, the first stage in the—”   “WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT DENIAL?” I said, tears forming in my eyes.   Silver Spoon jumped at my sudden outburst. “Button, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any offense. It’s just that having a dog who’s about to—”   “Don’t say it!”   Silver Spoon narrowed her eyes. “What, die? You don’t think—”   “HE’S JUST A LITTLE TIRED!’ My breathing began to quicken. As I pushed myself up and raced towards the door.   “Button, what are you—”   I scooped Charlie up from where he was lying and carried him towards my room.   “Button, stop, what are you doing?!”   I ignored her and carried on.   “Button, please, I know it hurts but—”   “Then maybe you should stop saying hurtful and mean things like you always do!”   My eyes, still watery, widened as I looked at her stepping back, her own tears forming as she held a hand to her lips.   “Well, I… I…" I glared at her. "You don’t have to stay you know!” With that, I raced with Charlie to my room, slammed the door, put him on my bed and then cuddled up next to him.   “Stupid Silver Spoon,” I muttered, stroking his back, “what does she know, old dog, bah, you’re just a big puppy, Charlie.”   As I stroke his coat, he looked at me.   “What? Don’t give me that. She’s just a stupid girl.”   He continued to give me that same look he always did when he knew I was acting like a fool.   “Oh, stop it, you silly puppy.” I sighed and continued to pet him.   I did nothing more than pet him for some time, until there was a knock on the door.   “Button, sweetie, would you open up?” It was my mother's voice.   “It’s not locked.”   The door creaked open.   “You got a second?”   I sat up, Charlie still in my lap. “Sure.”   She placed her hands together and advanced. “So, I heard what happened with you and Silver Spoon.”   My eye started to act up again. “Oh yeah, hey, did you know she’s on the yearbook team at school?”   Mom sighed. “Button…”   “Oh, and she’s also good with a camera.”   Mom sat herself down on my bed. “Button, I know you don’t like to talk about Charlie, but—”   “Hey… hey,” I stumbled, getting teary eyed for some reason, “I’m beginning to think I’m actually demi-sexual after all.”   Mom placed a hand on my shoulder. “Button,” she said, tears streaming down her face as well, “please. I… I don’t like to think about it either, but this amount of denial, it’s not healthy.”   My hand began to shake as it tightened its grip on Charlie. “I… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”   “Button, Charlie is old. It will not be today, but soon, he’s going to—”   “He’s just needs a little more exercise.”   “Button, stop, he’s soon he's—”   “Silver Spoon and I are boyfriend and girlfriend now!”   “Going to die.”   “And I… I…” I held Charlie tighter as I started to cry.   Who was I kidding? I knew from the start of this year that my buddy wasn’t doing well and was on his last legs. A part of me always believed that he would get better if I just took him on shorter walks and improved his diet. But in the end, it was just me more trying to deny the inevitable; I was going to lose my best friend.   While I cried, mom rubbed my back. “Oh, Button,” she said as the tears rolled down her eyes, “It’s hard, I know, but… Oh, I know how much you love him.” She squeezed me. “You’ll always have me, and now you have friends who will be there for you.”   I sighed, scratching Charlie’s ear. “I’m pretty sure my outburst ruined it for me with Silver Spoon, though.”   Mom chuckled. “I wouldn’t say that. She’s still downstairs, waiting for you.”   I let go of Charlie and sat up. “She is?”   “Yup. She told me about your little meltdown and offered to come up with me, but I said I was better at handling these things by myself. Also,” she kicked a pair of underwear away with her foot. “I figured you hadn’t planned for this date by the shape of your room.”   I groaned. “Thanks, but, what am I supposed to do? I mean… I think I really freaked her out.”   “Only one way to find out.” She gestured towards the door.   I pushed Charlie off me, but not before we looked at each other one last time. “I’ll be okay,” I told him, “you can come if you want, or just… just rest here.”   He looked at me for a moment, considering the offer looking all comfortable on my bed. But, as the good boy he always was, he didn’t take no for an answer, and hopped off the bed.   “That a boy, Charlie, that a boy.”   ****   I saw Silver Spoon at the foot of the stairs with her fingers tapping her jaw as she immediately saw me.   “Hey,” I said.   “Hi,” she quietly replied back.   I walked down to meet her on the ground level. “So… I, um, I’m sorry for that. I guess I acted a little over the top.”   She shrugged. “Better than I did when my dog died.”   I tilted my head. “Really?”   She blinked. “No.”   We stared at each other, before we burst out laughing. “But seriously,” she continued, “I know how you feel, and I want to be here for you.” She held out her hand.   With only a moment’s hesitation, I took it. “Guess you still want to be my girlfriend.”   She blushed and gave me a smirk. “Maybe... if you want to keep being my handsome boyfriend.” I smiled and began to lean forward.   “Uh-hum!” my mom interrupted. “Don’t you two have homework to do?”   “Yes ma’am,” we both said at the same time, before smiling back.   “Come on, we’ll get this done quickly then get to some action games. How’s that sound?”   She grinned. “Only if you don’t mind losing.”   I shook my head. “Oh, missy, it is on!” > Chapter 12, A Diamond— > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Thanks for driving me to school.” I said when Silver Spoon picked me up the next morning.   She kissed me on the cheek. “Don’t mention it. Was the least I could do for making you leave your bike behind.” She adjusted the mirror. “And for last night when—”   “Hey, don’t apologize. I acted like a brat, and I shouldn’t have shouted.” I breathed. “Just a lot to get through. Still, thanks for being there.” I boldly ran a finger across her hair. “I had fun, with everything else." I paused then gave her a sly smile. "Everything.”   She blushed. “Oh, you.”   I grinned before clicking in my seat belt. “Yeah, though, are you going to be okay?”   She pushed in her glasses into her face. “More or less.”   My seatbelt clicked. “It will be fine. Although, seriously, what’s the deal with Diamond Tiara anyways? I mean, next to Tray, she seemed to have it out for me more than anyone else.”   “I… beats me. Figured she’d be happy to see my reputation demise, yet, she’s also been one of my best friends since, forever.” Silver Spoon clicked her tongue. “I know she can be a… decent person.”   I laughed, then asked. “So, if I may ask, what was Tray’s ‘oh so special’ photo you threatened to take down if he tried anything funny?”   Silver Spoon smirked. “Oh, it was just him flexing his muscles on the field. Actually, I asked that day if he wanted one with us in it. His response,” she coughed a little then deepened her voice to say, “no thanks, babe, my muscles and I are fine.”   I burst out laughing and she laughed along with me.   Then, I shrank into my seat. “Sorry.”   Silver Spoon raised an eyebrow. “What for?”   I twiddled my fingers. “I mean… this probably sounds stupid.”   “Button…”   “Alright, but it’s just this thought I had. I mean, he’s always saying mean things about me to get a laugh, and her we are, laughing about him. Doesn’t that make us hypocrites?”   Silver Spoon tapped on the wheel.   I shrank into my seat. “I know, it sounds stupid.”   “Never said it was.” She touched her glasses. “Though, I wish I had a good answer for it.”   Seeing as how I had caused her distress, at the next stop sign, I ran my hand over her back. “Hey, don’t overthink it. I mean, it wasn’t as if we were trying to hurt the guy.”   She smiled, and stared back at me. “Yeah…”   We lost ourselves in each other’s eyes for a moment, only to find ourselves kissing shortly after. While our lips were locked, I played the memory of the night again, just the two of us. We did some homework at first, then went right to the games, then we held each other close, then kissing—   A car horn beeped behind us.   “Move it!” the drive shouted.   “Um, er,” we both said as we broke away.   “Yeah, we better—”   “Totally!” Silver Spoon nodded and drove off. “Though, I’m happy to see you’ve gotten more comfortable with all of this. Maybe next time I can get your tongue.” She stuck out her own to make her point.   “Maybe soon I’d be okay with sharing a bed with you.” I teased.   She giggled. “Yeah, that would…” Her eyes widened. “Did… did you just make a sex joke?”   My pupils shrank. “Oh, um… er, I’m sorry! I…” My eyes narrowed as I watched her smirk. “Haha.” We laughed for a bit, and then the car ride became very quiet.   “I mean… we don’t have to, do we—.”   “Hey,” Silver assured, “we’ve only been together for a few days. We can cross that bridge when we get to it. Besides, I’m in no hurry, not like I ever did it with Tray.”   I stared at her. “Really?”   She rolled her eyes. “Seriously?”   I began to fidget my toes. “Sorry, I mean…” I shook my head. “Hey, I don’t care!”   She sighed. “It’s alright, guess it’s what anyone would think. Though no, we never have.” She tapped the wheel. “Oh, he’s always hinted at it, but I always pushed it off, saying let’s make it a special night during prom or something.” She frowned.   I looked at her. “You just hoped some guy you’d actually like would come along beforehand...”   She looked away from me, took a deep breath, and then turned to smile. “Like I said, it’s okay, but that’s enough if you don’t mind, Button.”   I nodded fiercely. “Yeah, totally, cool. Though,” I said as we pulled into the parking lot. “sure you want to do this?”   She bite her lip then turned to me and squeezed my hand. “Hey, I’m Silver Spoon, I’m not going to let some hothead's push me around or dictate who I’m allowed to like.”   I chuckled. “Feisty, I like that.”   She stuck out her tongue, and I went in to a surprise kiss.   Unfazed, she kissed back, and I even allowed her tongue in. While I wouldn’t say it was uncomfortable, it was still a bit nerving taking another step outside my comfort zone. I fought past it, the whole way thinking, this is Silver Spoon, the last person I would have found comfort in letting my tongue dance with a week ago.   Our kiss was shortly interrupted by a loud bump. Jolted from our seats, we looked to the passenger side to see a familiar mass of light violet and pink hair fly by.   “I’ll be right back,” Silver Spoon said as she hopped out of the car.   I followed right behind her.   “What is your problem?” Silver Spoon called after Diamond Tiara.   Hand gripping her purse, DiamondTiara flipped around and said, “Like, my problem? I wouldn’t know what you’re talking about, Sil.”   Silver Spoon groaned. “Seriously? Look, I know things have been going crazy, Dia, and that even though we're supposed to be best friends who are also rivals for power, we still care about each other.”   Rivals for… My brain clicked that she must have been talking about a history of competing with each other to be the most popular, even though I’ve only ever know Silver Spoon as the second most popular girl in school.   Silver Spoon crossed her arms. “You win, so why do you even care? Why are you making such a big deal about this?”   Breath’s long and deep, face turning red, Diamond Tiara looked like she was going to say something, only to step back. She did that for a few moments, nearly saying something, then taking another step back as Silver Spoon tried to get closer. Finally, she just said, “Losers,” and stormed off.   I raced over to Silver Spoon and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You alright?” She rubbed her head. “Yeah, I mean,” she coughed a little and put on a fake smile. “Just another hot headed brat I have to deal with today, no problem.” She chuckled nervously.   I sighed, and planted a kiss on her cheek.   She giggled, then locked her fingers with mine and brought our hands down. “Come on, boyfriend, let’s face the last day before the weakened together.”   I smiled. “Sounds like a plan to me.”   Hands held, ignoring any gasps and whispers as we headed inside, I saw Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo trying to wipe something off of my locker.   “What the—”   “Oh, hey, Button,” Sweetie Belle waved at me, “how’s it going?”   “Um, fine,” I said as I looked to my locker, only to find a capital F remaining where the pair worked.   “You didn’t have to.” I told them.   “We wanted to.” Scootaloo insisted though she gritted her teeth as she fought the pain in her arms to get the F removed. “Would have if I had known Diamond Tiara would be more of a bitch today.”   “Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle scolded.   “What?" Scootloo questioned. "Good ass or not, that queen bee has what’s coming to her.”   After blinking and rubbing her eyes, Silver Spoon added, “Ignoring that, what else did she say?”   “Well,” Sweetie Belle said, “she came storming in, saw us cleaning off your locker, and called us freaks of nature, then pushed some guy carrying a bunch of books to the ground.”   I stared at them. “And…”   “That’s all.”   Scootaloo clicked her tounge. “More or less, but yeah.”   Silver Spoon sighed. “Well, I wish I could help, but I doubt things will calm down anytime soon.”   I squeezed her shoulder. “Oh come now, I’m sure by now everyone will have matured and will be more focused on the fall formal next weekend. The most we can do is not give a dam ad ignore it, and i'm sure no one will care.”   Seemingly on cue, a water balloon whacked me on the back of the head.   Even though my blood began to boil, I knew blowing up wouldn't do any good for my friend's moral. “Well,” I said brushing it off, “in any case, it could have been eggs, and i’m not in a tux.”   “Speaking of, Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo began, “about that dance…”   Sweetie Belle shot up. “Oh my, did the bell just ring? I gotta go bye!” And with that she raced off.   We didn’t come out of our gaze until the bell rang.   Scootaloo scratched her neck. “Was it something I said?” She picked up her backpack. “Either way, you two have fun and play nice.” She gave us a wink and headed off.   “So,” I began, “I guess we should get to class too?”   “Totally,” Silver Spoon nodded.   Though, neither of us moved for a moment, there was a lingering of awkwardness in the air between us.    “Er,” I muttered and gave her a kiss, “see ya at lunch?”   “Sure thing,” she nodded. “see ya.”   Dazed, we headed to our classes, and to my relief, when I said hi to my friends, they didn’t pester me about Silver Spoon. Apparently, things did move on in high school.   “Hey, Button,” Rumble called out to me, “how’s it going?”   I sighed as the guys all looked at me. “Oh, not too bad. What about you and Apple Bloom…” I bit my pencil., having just thought of the fall formal.  “Um,” I said to every guy, “by chance any of you asked anyone to the dance next week?”   That surprisingly got every guy within earshot to quiet up.   Rumble nervously took his seat. “So… you guys all having trouble asking someone to the dance as well.”   They all nodded.   “Or even asking a girl out in general.” one guy said.   Pipsqueak scratched his neck. “Yeah, I mean, I was kind of thinking of asking Diamond Tiara since I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have anyone.”   I realized something just then. Out of all the popular girls, I was sure that Diamond Tiara—the most popular of all—had never had a boyfriend before. I even recalled a time where she shot down every team captain in school.   “Might be a bit too high for you to aim, dude,” Rumble assured, “still, would our odds be any other time of the year?”   I looked between them. “So, what’s so hard about just asking someone to the dance?”   They all looked towards me.   “Yeah,” Pipsqueak said, “be easy for you. I mean, you asked Silver Spoon out like it was nothing. I’m sure you wouldn’t have any problems.”   I felt a bead a sweat run down my neck. “Actually…”   “Ah, he’s right,” Rumble interjected, “I mean, what’s so hard about asking a girl to a dance?”   “Being rejected,” Featherweight pointed out, “looking like a fool—”   “Aside from the usually reasons?”     I leaned into my seat. “Yeah. I guess it’s just… a thing? Either way…” I then thought back to the awkward silence with Silver Spoon. Was it really that complicated just to ask someone, even if you were dating them, to a dance.”   “Look,” Featherweight added, “all I know is, girls like a sort of, show, or something. You can’t just ask them out.”   I wanted to protest, saying I had done so with Silver Spoon. Yet, that was when I didn’t care. Now that I did…   I shook my head. “You know what? I’m just going to straight up ask Silver Spoon to go to the fall formal with me. No gimmicks like you see in movies, just ask her.”   Everybody gasped at me.   “What? Maybe it won’t always work, but hey, it worked for me asking her out, I don’t see why I wouldn’t work for just a dance.”   Rumble clicked his tongue. “Some days, Button. Still, I guess I could try that with Apple Bloom.”   “Yeah,” Pipsqueak nodded, “I mean, if Diamond Tiara says no, I could always ask another gal.”   They talked about girls they wanted to ask out as I stared at my desk, pondering the thought of having to ask Silver Spoon to the dance.   *****   A pair of scrawny orange arms pulled me into the dead end hallway after second hour.   “I didn’t do anything wrong this time, Scoot—”   She threw a hand over my mouth. “Yeah, keep it down, will ya?”   I moved her hand away. “Alright.”   She winced in pain.   “Sorry.”   She waved me off. “It’s fine, but can we get down to business?”   “Um, sure… And that would be…?”   “I’m worried Sweetie Belle doesn’t want me to ask her to the dance, I want to know why, you know?”   I blinked at her. “Um, okay.”   “I mean, what if she’s falling out of love with me?” She rubbed her hand across her bangs. “I know she has some issues with crowds, but what if it’s a deal breaker?” I can’t go back, I need her and—.”   “Scoots," I warned, "you’re making a scene!”   Her eyes widened as several students stared at us before heading off.   “Anyways, Scootaloo, take it from me, you’re overthinking this.”   She glared at me.   “I mean, nothing wrong with it… Look, she hasn’t said anything, but I’ll talk to her when I can if you want, okay?”   She bit her lips. “I don’t know—”   “Hey, trust me, I promise, Sweetie Belle isn’t going to break up with you. Though, if you’d rather talk to her yourself—”   She scratched her ear. “Um, well… okay, just to be safe.”   I patted her shoulder. “Very good.”   The bell rang.   “So,” she said with a sly grin, “you asked Silver Spoon to the dance yet?”   I winced. “Er, no, but, can you answer me a few questions?”   *****   Depressed that Scootaloo hadn’t been much help in knowing if a girl preferred to be asked to a dance in a big way or not, I decided to just straight up ask Silver Spoon to the dance later that day, might have made this day worth getting out of bed. Despite my belief of things moving on, it seemed as if the whole school—or at least a small portion of it—didn’t want to stop bugging me over everything.   For the whole day, I kept finding things on and under my desk, was continually pushed around, and got my fair share of taunts. It must have been worse for Silver Spoon since I would get at least five messages pre-class and seven in-between, about her former friends giving her the cold shoulder at best.   Though, at least for the taunts on my end, they weren’t that bad. I found myself able to keep in control, and when I asked any of my friends, they weren't letting the popular kids get to the either. Oddly enough, it seemed to work. If anything, as the day went on, it seemed as if all the popular kids—mostly the girls but some of the guys—seemed to be growing tired of the taunts and even began to speak them without passion. It was as if they didn’t want to do it, but something was making them. Whatever it was, they seemed to get more bored and frustrated with bullying me. So much so at one point, as a girl started to call me a fag behind my back, she stopped halfway and declared,   “Oh fuck this, let her do it if she wants to.”   I shook it off, until it was time to head to lunch, talk to Sweetie Belle about Scootaloo asking her to the dance, then see if Silver Spoon wanted to go to the dance with me. Simple enough, till I heard something that I couldn’t ignore.   “Come on, why not? I need someone, you want revenge, and I don’t see Gold Digger getting in your pants anytime soon.”   “Ugh, you’re an animal, Tray.”   Cautiously, I peeked around the hallway to see Diamond Tiara swat Tray’s arm away.   “Oh come on,” Tray said, “what’s your deal anyways? Why do you even care about who my EX dates so much?”   Diamond Tiara wrinkled her nose. “Geez, you sure are one quickly to rebound.”   Tray crossed his arms. “I’m just thinking long term, babe.”   I shook my head, figuring something like this would happen, and was about to walk away when Diamond Tiara said, “Oh you are getting back with Silver Spoon once she’s over that retard. Everything will go back to what it was, and she won’t be considered a loser either.”   Tray clicked his tongue. “Why do you evencare? Wouldn’t you be happy there’s no one competing for your crown anymore?”   She lowered her head, looked away, and said, “Just make him look like a fool, and if you don’t get back with Silver Spoon before the dance, I’ll go with you.”   “You better.” He then walked off, as Diamond Tiara was allowed to pout. As she did so, she caught me spying on her.   I hightailed it out of there before she could say anything, but the dance was no longer on my mind.   *****   “Hey,” Silver Spoon said, as I met her in the lunch line, “You okay?”   I stuttered, “Fine, I mean… Have you talked to Diamond Tiara at all today?”   She deadpanned me. "What happened?"   I sighed. “Well, alright you see…”   I told her everything about what I saw with Diamond Tiara and Tray beforehand.   Afterwards, all Silver Spoon could do was rub her head. “Yeah, haven’t heard from Dia since yesterday, but that would explain why the girls in every other class kept giving me a hard time.” She adjusted her glasses. “You know what?” she pulled out her cell phone. “I’m ending this.”   “Silver, what are you doing? It’s not worth—”   “Oh it is!” she then sent whatever message she had typed. “I’m getting sick of this, I just want to be happy with you, and she won’t let me. ” Her phone vibrated in her hands. “I’m getting to the bottom of this. I’ll see you later.”   “Um…I, you want me to come along?”   She frowned. “Thanks but… this is my fight.” I tried to follow, but she put her hand on mine. “Button, you’re wonderful, and I wouldn’t change a thing about you, but, would you just let me do this, please?”   I began to protest, but one look into her mesmerizing eyes made me stop, I gave a small sigh, “Alright, just be careful.”   She nodded and gave me a peck on the lips. “Promise, see ya.”   I cooed at her touch. “Alright, take care.”   She smiled and headed off.   Once i waved off, i moved forward only to be trip and get my face planted on the ground.   A few people laughed at my misery when I heard a guy whisper, “Loser, stick to men,” but most of them seemed unimpressed once i got up and acted like nothing had happened.   After I got my lunch, I made my way to my favorite indoor table where Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were eating away till I showed up.   “Did you talk to Sweetie?” Scootaloo asked between sandwich bites.   I shook my head. “No, but I think we got bigger problems.”   Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “Let me guess, her name is Diamond Tiara?”   I slapped my head. “What did she do now?”   “Oh, nothing directly,” Scootaloo said, “but we couldn’t go into one class without someone trying to get under our skin by calling me gay. I only looked at them if they called me a lesbian. One class even made a choir out of it until our teacher put a stop to it.” She then began to pull her hair.   “Scoots, easy,” Apple Bloom said   Scootaloo waved her arm. “It’s fine. I got through it with how hilarious it became. Once they got to the choir, they started to sound bland, as if they didn’t even want to tease me anymore. I actually showed pity on them by telling Mr. Carmel that it was just a game. He didn’t buy it, but went along seeing I was alright.”   “Yeah,” I nodded as I began to sit down. “Silver Spoon is putting in a word with Diamond Tiara now.”   Scootaloo snickered. “Now that would be something I’d pay to see.”   Before I could comment, my phone began to ring.   “Speaking of.” I looked at it, to see that it was from Sweetie Belle instead.   ‘Meet me outside, guys?’   I saw it was a group message, and I shortly after heard Scootaloo’s and Apple Bloom’s phones ring.   “Hey, Apple Bloom,” Rumble said as he was about to take a seat, “I was wondering—”   “Hold that though, Sweet’s needs us outside.”   “Oh, um, okay,” he stuttered.   I shrugged and mouthed a “don’t worry,” and we headed outside.   “So in any case, you don’t think this is anything bad?” Scootaloo asked as she fumbled her hands.   “Oh I bet it’s nothing for you to worry about.” I held open the door for them. “It’s probably something Diamond Tiara did, or perhaps she wants to be the one to ask you out to the dance.”   Once we were outside, we heard a large group of students, whom I recognized for being in the school’s choir, start to hum.   We all stopped to stare at the sight.   "Ready, ladies?" One of the choir girls said.   "Ready." all the students in the choir said, one after the other.   Then, they began to hum as one kid strung a guitar.   "What the..." Scootaloo said, just as dumbstruck as the rest of us.   They continued on for some time, until one of the guys had to force Sweetie Belle forward.   Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. "Sweetie Belle?"   Face flushed red, Sweetie Belle was given another nudge from her friend. After taking a deep breath, she began to sing;   “Lights fade out in this crystal hole I can't see you from down below I can't do this without you”   She started off nervously at first, each word a struggle, but as she looked at the starstruck Scootaloo, her charisma and courage picked up and she chimed.   “The green haze hides me from brighter days All I'm seeing are shades of grey, I can't do this without you”   “The shield has crumbled, the fight begun The sky is buzzing, I'll never run”   “Scootaloo, my love song These stars are shining for you alone, I know I can't win without you by my side”   “Best friends ever since we were young I should have known. Can't believe I was wrong I need you here by my side”   “I've loved you since the day we met I know your heart wouldn't stray from me yet. I need you here by my side”   At that point, Sweetie Belle walked up to the teary eyed Scootaloo, and sang the rest of her song,   “My Scootaloo, my love song Love's in bloom everywhere you go I know I can't win, without you by my side!”   Once she finished, we—my friends and a crowd of other students drawn into the spectacle, clapped and cheered.   When we stopped clapping, Sweetie Belle went to address her girlfriend. "Sorry I acted so weird today, after we became official to the whole school," without turning her head she looked to the choir, "they insisted I do something special."   They all giggled at the remark.   Sweetie Belle took a deep breath. "Besides I... kind of wanted to ask you to the dance." She took Scootaloo’s hands into her own. "So, would you go to the fall formal with me, as your date?"   The crowd that had gather dawed, and with tears in her eyes, Scootaloo said, "Yes, but, I'm asking you to prom."   Sweetie Belle beamed. "Fair enough." They sealed the deal with a kiss as everybody clapped along.   Apple Bloom sighed. "Ain’t it just the most romantic thing?"   Rumble tugged on his shirt collar. "You... you think so?"   "Definitely." She turned to him. "Oh, um, ya wanted to say something beforehand, Rumble?"   He tensed. "I... um, it was nothing."   "Okay then..." Apple Bloom looked down.   They stared quietly at each other till I slapped my head, walked up to Rumble, put an arm around him and said, "Actually, he wrote something for you, but asked me to draft it."   They both looked at me.   "You did?" Apple Bloom asked.   "I di—" I squeezed his elbows tight. "That's right!" I handed him a piece of paper and whispered, "Take it or leave it, just replace Silver Spoon with Apple Bloom."   It was something I had worked on to ignore all the spitwads throughout the day. Something romantic to ask Silver Spoon to the dance with in case I needed it.   After glancing over it, he said, "Alright, it's not bad." I caught him mumble, "Better work." He turned to Apple Bloom. "Apple Bloom, you are not the second most beautiful girl in this school, you are the most beautiful. You shine more brightly than gold, and make me feel alive. Would you want to go to the fall formal with me?"   He put the note down, and saw Apple Bloom give him a love filled smile. He tossed the note aside. "Okay, maybe my thing was not as big as what Sweetie Belle did," he waved off to the choir kids, "and we haven't been together that long, but I really like you. And, if you say yes to that, would you like to truly consider me your boyfriend?”   Eyes wide, smiling strong, she answered, “Yes.” And wrapped his arms around him. “Though, great speech, Button, I’m sure Silver Spoon will love it too.”   Rumble backed away. “Oh, um…” he started to glare at me before Apple Bloom took his hand.   “Relax, I still want to go with ya.”   Looking back and forth between Apple Bloom and I, he shrugged and said, “Cool.” Apple Bloom then surprised him with a kiss as the crowd went wild.   I joined along, until my phone vibrated, and I looked to see a message from Silver Spoon. ‘Can you meet me by the vending machines? ASAP!’   I didn’t respond, opting instead to just walk away from the crowd and head in her direction. My only thought was on what had Diamond Tiara and Tray done this time? Did it go badly, or did it go well and they were done picking on us? Whatever it was, I soon found Silver Spoon pacing back and forth, her hand held on her chin as she kept going back and forth, back and forth, back and—   “You okay?” I asked.   She jumped at my arrival, but soon took a moment to race towards me and threw her arms around my neck.   “What, did it no go—MMMM!” I moaned as she kissed me.   “Sorry,” she said pulling away, only to sigh dreamily at me. She then shook her head. “Right, so, um, about Diamond Tiara…”   “Oh boy, what did she do?”   Silver Spoon didn’t answer.   “Silver?”   Biting her lip, she spewed, “So it turns out Dia might be a lesbian, and it might be that she’s has had a crush on me for the longest time, and I know this because she kissed me. But other than that, I say this day hasn’t been half bad, how’s yours been?” she said sarcastically. “Oh, and she promised to destroy me if I told anyone.” > Chapter 13: Breaking Point > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaning against the vending machine with silver Spoon, my brain was finally able to accept the reality of the situation.   “Alright,” I confirmed, “so, she has a crush on you, you never noticed it during all these years, and the fact that she is into girls is why she’s been so hard on us, but especially to couples like Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?”   Silver Spoon slammed her head into the machine. “Yeah.”   I looked around nervously. “So… do you have feelings for Diamond Tiara? I mean, I wouldn’t—”   “NO!” she covered her mouth. “No I don’t…” she adjusted her glasses. “I’m straight, and even back then I just looked at her as a friend.”   I squeezed her hand. “Sounds like a long complicated backstory is about to take place.” I snickered.   She nudged my shoulder. “Stop being cute.”   “Cute? I was just being…” I blinked, “Oh! Never mind, let’s get on with Diamond Tiara. How’d you two even become friends and what’s your history?”   She sighed, and started told me everything.   *****   So apparently, Silver Spoon, while not from a poor and middle class family, wasn’t what would be considered rich either. However, Diamond Tiara was all that. But while she did have a mansion she also came from a very strict, high exceptions, and very religious family.   “The kind that would take it very poorly if they found out if she was a lesbian?” I questioned.   Silver Spoon nodded. “Maybe not the most extreme, but if any of the trips I’ve made to her house is any indication, she has every reason to be worried.”   I rubbed my head. “Frickin hate religious families sometimes.”   Silver Spoon growled.   “Oh, um, no, no! I’m not anti-religious or anything. I…” I lowered my head. “ I’ll shut up now.”   “It's okay," she said, adjusting her glasses, "my family just go to church and a few summer camps. Diamond Tiara’s… yeah, I’ve seen her mother at a number of anti-abortion rallies, and helped to push evolution out of class curriculum meetings. Though, don't get me started with anti-pride parades.”   I rubbed my head. “I see, though, why are you two such good friends though?”   “I was getting to that.” She looked around nervously before going on.   After she was teased about her glasses, Diamond Tiara showed up in the stall Silver Spoon was crying in, and told her the only way she would get those kids to stop was if she did something about it.   “She bought me some ice-cream after I made fun of that one freckle girl, and I guess we’ve been friends since. Though, we would just be your stereotypical bullies through grade school. It wasn’t until high school that we became anything like divas trying to become the most popular or really caring about our appearances.” She tapped her heels together. “Still, even if we acted like drama queens, we still remained friends who could trust each other… To some extent.”   “That is something,” I admitted as the bell rang. “So, what now?”   “Don’t know,” she said. “I mean… if her family knew, if anyone knew…”   I held Silver Spoon's chin. “It will be fine. Though, I admire how much you care.”   She looked down. “So I do, actually. Either way,” she gave me a kiss, “see you in chemistry?”   I pulled her up with me. “Of course.”   We hugged each other one last time and headed our separate ways.   *****   One long day of carrying the burden of truth I now held, I walked into chemistry at last, ignoring the board choir of students—save for Tray—singing, “For he’s a jolly good loser, when will Silver Spoon dump him?” and walked right past them without a second glance. It caused most of them to groan and give up as Tray tried to rally them up, but to no avail. I just took my seat and fished out my books while wondering if Silver Spoon would come to class today at all.   “You okay?” Sweetie Belle asked, taking her seat next to me.   “Long story short, can’t talk about it, promised Silver Spoon.”   She nodded. “Gotcha. I was wondering where you went after all that.”   I pulled myself up. “Yeah." I gave her a devious grin. "Never would have thought you’d be able to do something like that. You were amazing.” She cooed. “Thanks. Anyways, I didn’t either. I’m still worried that Scootaloo didn’t like it, or was embarrassed by it.”   A placed a hand on her shoulder. “She loved it.”   She sighed. “Thanks Button.”   “Um,” we both turned to see Silver Spoon looking down at us, books held to her chest, saying, “don’t suppose, um, I mean…”   I was about to say sure, when I notice Sweetie Belle’s nails scraping on the table. “Oh, um… you want to sit next to Button?” “No!" Silver Spoon began. "No, I mean, yes I… sorry.”   "Well I..." Sweetie Belle began, nervously looking between us. “Sorry,” she said twiddling her thumbs and looked at Silver Spoon. “You can have him, if you want.”  She started to stand up when I suggested,   “We could just pull up another seat.” I nervously looked between them. “That is, if you don’t mind?”   “Of course,” Silver Spoon began, “I was going—”   A loud whistle interrupted her. We looked to the back, to see Tray giving Silver Spoon a sexy smile while patting on her prior seat.   “One sec." With that, Silver Spoon walked up to Tray, gave him what a first seemed like a lust felt smile, till she swiped her chair away from under his hand, carried it across the room, and sat it down next to me before sitting down.   “Right then,” she said wiping off her hands, “where were we?” She looked at Sweetie Belle. “Oh… sorry, I guess if you’d rather have time with—”   Sweetie Belle held up a hand. “Now what kind of friend would I be if I just tossed you out.” She held out her hand to Silver Spoon.   With a nod, Silver Spoon shook it in return. “Thanks.”   I sighed in relief. “So, any word from Diamond Tiara?” My eyes widened as I looked between my curious best friend and worried girlfriend.   Silver Spoon looked to me, and nodded. “I trust her if you do.” I looked at Sweetie Belle, and careful told her everything.   *****    The rest of the class came down to us paying attention, and to my short live reluctance to play a couples game called footies with Silver Spoon as a way to comfort her. After all, what else could we say that hour about Diamond Tiara? I think Sweetie Belle might have wondered why we should care, but she didn’t say anything. At the very least, it didn't feel awkward for any of us to just sit there together.   Then at last, the final bell rang of the week range.   “Maybe we can talk to her over the weekend?” I suggested.   “We will see,” Silver Spoon said, “in any case, want to go to the arcade again?”   “You bet.” I nodded, then looked at Sweetie Belle. “Or, you and Scoots want to come too? I’m sure Apple Bloom and Rumble won’t mind. "Well I actually—” Sweetie Belle winced in pain as a piece of paper hit her between the eyes. I turned to see Tray giving me a look, then disappearing into the halls. So, I picked up the paper, now seeing that it was a note, and read, ‘Vending machine, bring the slut, or both if you prefer.’   It crumbled in my hand, but not before Silver Spoon could see it. “God, what does he want now?”   “What is it?” Sweetie Belle asked.   “Trouble.”   ***** We had just gotten to the last turn before the machines, when we spotted Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Rumble, one by one, looking around the cornor to where we texted them to meet us beforehand.   “Hey,” Scootaloo said when she saw us, “everything’s alright?”   I answered. “Not sure, but either way, I’m ending this with Tray.”   Scootaloo punched her hands together. “Alright, sounds like a plan.”   Apple Bloom rubbed her head. “Ah don’t think he want’s that.”   “Yeah,” I confirmed, “but if it’s alright, I’d rather face him alone.”   “What?” Sweetie Belle cried. “But—”   “No, this has to end. Whatever he wants to do, I’m going to tell it to him straight.” I started to walk forward when Silver Spoon caught my arm. “Silver…”   “Oh, no you don’t," Silver Spoon said. "This is just as much of my fight as it is yours.” She straightened her glasses. “I don’t’ know what’s going to take him to stop, but I’m going in there too.”   I fought her pull, but when I realized it was fruitless. “Fine, but would the rest of you just stay here please? I promise to shout if we need you.”   They all agreed to this, Scootaloo’s camera phone in hand, ready to record for evidence. With my arm in Silver Spoon’s, Silver and I made our way around the corner, to where Tray was waiting. *****  “Well, well,” he said as soon as he saw us. “Only one? I thought someone like you would bring all his girlfriends.”   I squeezed Silver Spoon’s arm. “Cut the crap, Tray.” I barked once we got as close as we dared to him.   He clicked his tongue and shook his head. “I wouldn’t shout if I was you.”   Silver Spoon rolled her eyes, while trying to avoid eye contact with him. “What do you want? I have told you, we’re done.”   He chuckled. “Funny choice of words. Either way, I don’t want you anymore.”   I felt Silver Spoon’s arm hair prickle.   He cracked a wide smile. “What I want, is Diamond Tiara. After all, what would be better than bagging the most popular fag in school?”   Our eyes widened as we looked at the note Silver Spoon. “How do you know?” Just as surprised, he soon got over his shock and chuckled. “Heard a rumor from someone that you and DT kissed. Didn’t think it was true, but thanks for confirming it.”   I stomped my foot. “You don't’ have any proof!”   He glared at me. “Maybe, but tell that to all the people I’ll tell, and let’s see how it goes.” I marched forward, but Silver Spoon held me back.   “So here’s the deal since you seem to care a lot about her,” Tray explained, “you get Diamond Tiara to go to the dance with me, and become my girlfriend. In return, as long as she’s with me, I’ll leave you two alone, and let your friend make out with a chick from time to time.” He coughed. "In front of me and the boys of course."   Silver Spoon pushed away from me and stormed up to Tray. "You pig!"   He huffed. "Say what you want, but it's that or the whole school knows, and I'll make sure she knows it was you that told me."   Eyes widened, Silver Spoon shrank down and retreated back to me.   "Well," I said, "if you want to black mail Diamond Tiara, why don't you just do it yourself?" I then whispered under my breath, "Coward."   He tapped his fingers. "Now, now, wouldn't want to start off on a bad foot with my new queen."   I felt Silver Spoons blood boiling. "Did you... did you ever love me at all when we dated?"   Tray crossed his arms. "Sure I did. I loved the attention, though you could have done with your skirt down a bit more."   "Why you—" I pushed away from Silver Spoon and charged him.   Tray flinched and pulled out his cell phone, holding it as a shield. "One more step and I hit send!"   I froze, which allows him smile and regain his composer. "Besides, you should consider yourselves lucky, I'd say I've been reasonable." He reached a hand towards my girlfriend. "Though, it would be my pleasure, and your privilege, if I demanded—”   I slapped his hand away, and while he cried in pain, I said, "Touch her again, I dare you! See what happens."   He looked at us and snickered. "Well, don't forget I could make more demands. Meantime, get my message to Diamond Tiara... Unless you don't care about her anymore that is."   Holding onto me, Silver Spoon looked away.   Tray grinned. "This is what you get by playing nice and with retards, babe, you become weak, and you get taken advantage of."   Both of my eyes fidgeted. "Oh yeah, there is one good thing about not being popular."   "And, what's that?"   "I don't give a damn what people think of me, but I'm sure you would care if a lot of people know you had to blackmail someone just to get laid, or got beat up by a retard like me." I curled my hand into a fist.   He stuttered for a bit, tried to speak, but all he was able to come up with was, "Homo-retard." He looked at silver Spoon. "Say goodbye to the good life Sil, and now, you have to get Diamond to ask me out to the dance, in front of the whole school. Later too, whore.” Chin held high, he walked off.   Breathing heavily, I didn't celebrate, for as soon as he was gone, Silver Spoon wrapped her arms around me, placed her head on my shoulder, and cried.   "So much for a relaxful weekend," I mouthed. Though, all I really wanted to do was let Silver Spoon cry on me while I rubbed her back. > Chapter 14; Why Wouldn't We? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We sat at our local coffee shop, Sugarcube Corner, for over an hour before Diamond Tiara showed up. After Silver Spoon and I made sure our friends were up to speed, all we could do was sit and drink.   As for Silver Spoon, after she sent a text asking Diamond Tiara to meet us here, all she did was look at her phone every thirty seconds while she rested her head on my shoulder. I tried to tap her foot and cheer her up, but each time, I was met with no response.   The others weren’t in too high of spirit either. Apple Bloom played with her phone while Rumble twirled his drinking straw, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo sat close to each other while Scootaloo slowly sipped on her tea.   Then, a few minutes before Diamond Tiara showed up, Scootaloo threw her hands up and said, "Are we really just going to let him get away with this? It's not frikin fair!"   Sweetie Belle was too tired to even look up. "Scootaloo—"   "No,” Scootaloo continued, “it's not right! We shouldn't just let him get away with this! We need to do something, fight fire with fire!"   "You know," Silver Spoon said, tapping a finger on her chin, "I was just thinking of copying and pasting a picture of, say... Tray making out with a guy to blackmail him."   Scootaloo looked at Silver Spoon with an evil grin. "Go on."   I looked horrified to see Silver Spoon smirking. "You'd be amazed just how many pictures I have of him kissing his muscles. I could Photoshop him kissing a guy and—"   "And who would that guy be?" I asked. “You’re not saying we humiliate someone else just to get get back at Tray?   Scootaloo shrugged and flopped back into her girlfriend’s embrace. "Meh, good point. Bit to harsh even for me taste."   "Oh yeah?" Silver Spoon asked, her wicked smile more radiant than ever. "I'll just pull some guy from the internet or from another school." She looked excitedly at her cell phone. "Oh yes, in fact, I can even have one—hey!" She cried as I covered her phone. "What's your deal?"   "My deal?" I fumed, "My deal!” I took a moment to breath. What about you? I don't want you to fall back on their level, Silver.” I rubbed my head. “You showed me that you can be a bett—"   We were interrupted by the shop’s doorbell. Turning to the door, we saw Diamond Tiara walk in. She looked to Silver Spoon, then at me, wrinkled her nose, and stormed off.   "I'll be right back," Silver Spoon said as she chased after her.  We wait for a couple minutes, until Rumble said, "That could have gone—”   A loud, “WHAT?” Boomed throughout the cafe. Then, Diamond Tiara rushed in towards us, and in a hushed scream shouted, "If you say anything to anyone—"   Silver Spoon put herself between us. “Dia, they are not the problem. You can trust them to keep a secret.”   Diamond Tiara glared. “Yeah, well, now you got something against me, so what do you want?”   For a moment, it looked like Rumble was about to say something. But, even if it wasn't going to be humorous, Apple Bloom put a stop to it with just one look.   I, on the either hand, sighed and said, “Look, you have every reason to be pissed, but you have bigger problems than us right now.”   Diamond Tiara crossed her arms. “Like what?”   Twiddling her thumbs, Silver Spoon said, “Tray found out as well.”   At first, Diamond’s eyes began to twitch, “You backstabbing little—”   “It wasn’t my fault!” Silver Spoon said in tears. “He… Well, what matters is, he wants you to ask him out and be his girlfriend.”   I had never seen Diamond Tiara scared before. Threatened, maybe, but never scared. Her skin began to pale as her breathing became noticeably heavier. “He…I.. you…” She fell into a seat “Ugh! You see, Sil, this is just what happens when you play nice and associate with retarded—”   Silver Spoon stomped her foot. “Don’t you call any of them that! Besides,” she bit her lips, then, a smile spread across her face that made my skin crawl. “I already have a plan to end this.” There was a gleam in her eyes. “You remember Dustin? Same deal, only this time we don’t show off Tray making out with a guy, just make him—”   Having enough, I jumped from my seat and grabbed Silver Spoon’s arm. “Can I have a quick word, alone?”   Before she could answer, I dragged her to the outdoor tablets, which were conveniently unoccupied. Once we came to a stop, she looked at me, eyes like daggers, and asked, “What?”   “What?” I questioned back. “I don’t know, how about you wanting to sink to Tray’s level just to beat him?”   “Ugh,” she said, “why are you so against it? He deserves it. Besides, it's just one picture, he’ll back off, leave us alone and—”   “What’s wrong?” My eye began to twitch. “What’s wrong is that it’s not right! I thought you didn’t want to be that type of person anymore!”   My response shocked her. She stopped, looked at me concerned for a moment, and then said, “Well I… Do you have any better ideas?”   I was unable to answer her.   “Thought so.” She sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Look, I… I can’t take it, Button, okay? Maybe none of the teasing or harassment got to you today, but you know what? It did to me! All I could think of all day was, ‘how can I make them stop?' 'How can I get them back and show them not to mess with me?’ It was sickening, alright, but it’s what I’ve always done.” She took a breath. “And now, one of my best friend is going to be ruined, not just at school, but with her family as well, if we don’t play dirty.”   I answered. “I… I didn’t know it bother you that much.” I looked away. “I mean, I…” I grunted. “Nevermind. Believe me, more than anything, I want to get Tray back too.” Eyes narrowed, she pushed her glasses into her face. “So, like, what’s the problem?” I thought on that for a moment. What would be the problem? I mean, it wasn't like we didn't say mean things about Tray already. Besides,no one was going to see the picture Silver Spoon would create... Hopefully. Either way, while Tray said he would leave us alone, a part of me knew that was nothing stopping him from telling me to break up with Silver Spoon, or to do any less wicked things while he had the upper hand. Maybe just this once— “Oh don’t worry,” Silver Spoon assured me, “like, I won’t use anyone important. I’ll just take some loser from the yearbook, maybe one of those chess kids no one—” I quickly pointed my finger at her. “See, that’s why! Did you even hear what you just said? We can’t sink to Tray’s level. You can’t! I don't want you to become something ugly!”   She looked angry at first, but then, as she fought for the words to say, her body began to shake. “Well, I… Too bad, that’s reality!” She crossed her arms and looked away from me. “I’m sorry, Button, but being nice has never worked out for me, and it never leads to anything good. I don't like it any more than you do, but it works.” She pushed her glasses into her face. “Besides, can you name me one time someone’s good deed lead to anything nice?”   I thought for a moment, till I looked at her with a tired expression, and said, “It gave me the chance to get to know you, the real you.”   She was taken aback by that, remembering that the only reason I had asked her out was because I was being a hero for Sweetie Belle.   We didn’t speak, and a part of me just wanted to push her away. While I was able to handle teasing from strangers, the idea over the week of how friends, my girlfriend—that I originally never wanted—could behave had begun to send me into a spiral.   Silver Spoon broke the silence. “Button, are you alri—”   “I’m fine!” My eyes widened as she jumped back. “Sorry, I just… Sorry. Is it wrong to say this is all very stressful to me?”   She didn’t say anything.   I took a seat in one of the chairs.   She began to sit next to me when I said, “If it’s alright, can I just have a moment alone please?”   “Oh, um, okay.” She slowly made her way inside, leaving me to my thoughts.   I heard Silver Spoon sniffle as she headed back inside, but my head was hurting too much for me to do anything about it. My vision began to blur, and suddenly, anything around me started to become too loud. All I could do was to place my head on the table and block out the world.   *****   A couple of minutes later, I felt someone nudge my shoulder. It might not have been fun, but I was enjoying myself more alone than with the stressful company of friends. My loneliness didn’t think of ways to hurt people.   With a moan, I lifted myself up to see who it was. “Hey, I’m—” I gasped when I saw it was Diamond Tiara. Averting eye contact I said, “Oh, hi.”   “Hi,” she said back   Being in a sour mood, I said the first thing that came to mind. “Come to call me a retard or something?” She puffed, but answered. “Not this time.” Taking a seat next to me, she said, “Though, I have something to ask. Do you really like Silver Spoon?”   I made a circle on the table with my finger. “We’re dating, aren’t we?”   She kicked my knee. “Man up, will you? All I want to know is how much you care about my friend? Cause she seems to care an awful lot about you!”   I clenched my fist and looked at her. “You didn’t seem to care about her today.”   Her expression weaken. “Maybe, but even if it was twisted, all I have ever done was for her. Trying to get everyone to tease her so you’ll break up, I was thinking of her reputation.”   I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I’m sure she’d be very proud you made people pick on us all day.”   She groaned. “Alright, so I didn't think it completely through.”   I gave her a curious look.   “It is complicated, but I suppose since it’s already out to you, a lot of it is from the fact that I have a crush on her.” She closed her eyes and nodded her head. “That doesn’t matter anymore though, what  does is her." She opened her eyes. "When she came back inside on the verge of crying, unable to look at me from whatever you two were yelling about, I realized what I had to do.” She took in a deep breath. “If I… If I agree to go out with Tray, will you promise to always be there for her? Make sure that she’s happy, and treat her the way she deserves?”   My mouth dropped. “Of course, I really do care about her, but really? You’re just going to agree to his commands?”   “What other choice do I have?” She spoke in a slow deep monotone. “Besides it’s the best outcome for everyone. I’ll be the most popular girl in school without question, you and Silver Spoon will be happy.”   Moved by her sincerity, I said, “But you won’t.”   She glared at me. “What do you know about me, huh? Do you know what my parents would do if they found out I like girls? Or worse, do you know what they would think if they thought I was weak?”   I took a breath. “I…I…”   “Didn’t think so.” She stood up. “So just keep Sil happy, and I’ll make sure you and your friends are left alone.”   I couldn’t let it end there. “So you’re just going to let people like Tray get away with whatever they want?”   She kept her back to me, hand clenched.   “Just don’t give a damn what happens.” I challenged. "Maybe it won’t turn out well, but it works! I’m sure most of your so called ‘friends’ said it got really old and frustrating when they couldn’t get a rise out of me today. Who’s to say anyone would even believe Tray? And your family… I wish I could say what will happen, but you can’t truly believe they would hate you just for being a les—”   She whipped around, almost hitting me with her purse. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop there!” Breathing heavily, she headed towards the parking lot. “Thanks for the chat, but just don’t worry about me anymore, okay? It will make all of your friend’s lives easier.”   With that, she was gone. But before she completely left my view, I caught one last glimpse of her face as her tears started to ruin her massacre.   As I stared, I felt a hand slip into mine. Looking behind me, I saw everyone looking at me with sad and depressed faces.   I squeezed Silver Spoon’s hand back. “Don’t suppose you’d be up to playing some video games at my place? I think I could use some company.” > Chapter 15; —In The Rough > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only thing that kept the weekend from being the absolute worst of my life was spending time with Silver Spoon.   After Diamond Tiara left, we didn’t feel like hanging out as a group anymore, so we opted to go our separate ways with our significant other. I’m not sure what the others did, but all Silver Spoon and I could do once we got home was sit on the couch together. We didn’t feel like playing video games, or even talking. However we found comfort in each other as Charlie cheered us up a bit too, old dog smell and all.   Things got better the next day though when Silver Spoon invited me over to her house to play some video games and meet her parents. At first, they were surprised to see she really wasn’t dating Tray anymore, but they were more than happy when they realized I wasn’t Tray. To top it off, her father turned out to be an executive with Horsestation. As such, I found out where Silver got her interest in wanting to be a game designer, because her father had a gaming room with a 80’ screen TV, HD surround sound, as well as a copy of KingdomSouls 3.   I cried.   For a while, everything was perfect. I dominated Silver in Haylo and Ponycart, and I never seen her so happy before. Though, while it came and went, she seemed out of it at times. When I asked if she was okay, she’d just say she was and looked at her cell phone before we went back to our fun.   **** Then on Sunday, when she came over to spend some time with me, I finally got her to open up.   We were sitting at the table having a snack while trying to get some homework done, and I asked again, “Silver, are you okay?”   She began to answer ‘no’, before she bit her lips, and said, “Alright, I guess this whole… thing with Tray is getting to me.”   I slumped into my seat. “Hey, I’m sure it has for all of us.”   “Well, yeah,” she groaned, “I keep thinking back to wanting to blackmail Tray.”   My eyes narrowed.   “Then I remember that you wouldn’t approve of it and overall and... Yeah, you're right, I don’t want to play dirty anymore just to win.”   I reached a hand towards her and smiled. “Thanks, you’re beautiful when you’re not trying to be wicked.”   She blushed. “Thanks, but… I still feel bad. Mostly because I’m not a lesbian.” She looked nervously at me. “Not that I’m not happy being your girlfriend, but because of Dia secretly having a crush on me all these years and then me being unable to return her feelings.”   I felt Charlie nuzzle my free hand, so I rubbed his head as Silver Spoon continued. “Plus there’s the whole Tray wanting to use her thing.” I grunted, but held onto her hand. “So, she’s really going to go through with it?”   Silver Spoon blew a strain of her hair. “Not like it’s our problem anymore.”   I squeezed her hand. “It should be. I mean, yeah, she’s acted like… well, you know, but it still doesn’t mean she deserves this.”   Silver Spoon sighed. “Look, I understand, I do. But if we do anything, Tray will make sure her secret gets out.” She adjusted her glasses. “Maybe if it was just a matter of pride and popularity, I’d be all for telling her to screw it. However, she’s got her family to think of.”   “You never know,” I said, “maybe they could learn to love their daughter for who she is. I mean, I haven’t read the bible in a while, but isn’t the idea behind it to ‘love’ people, not hate them.”   She huffed. “Yeah, it’s always nice in theory.”   I nodded, thinking about of how some of the bible stories I heard could be pretty dark when you thought about it. “Indeed. Still, I just can’t believe her parents would kick her—”   “Button,” she cut me off, “if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to drop this.”   I pulled away and shrank into my seat. “Sorry.”   She rubbed her head. “It’s fine, I just don’t want to think about it.”   I didn’t either, but before I could let it go, I suddenly thought of one more suggestion. “Why don't you just offer to let her stay at your place if things go bad? I mean, your parents seemed rather cool.”   “That’s…” She paused and pondered, “not a bad idea.” She then shook her head. “No, it would still mean her family would hate her and not pay for her to go to college.”   “Look," I said, "maybe not, but all I know is she can’t expect to go her whole life without them ever knowing.” I patted Charlie’s head. “Still, why not text her the idea? Although, what would I know? Maybe her best solution is to just rough it out during high school till she’s free.”   Silver Spoon pulled out her phone. “Well,  I guess it's worth a try.” She typed something, then placed her phone on the table while leaning back into her seat.   Thinking it was a good idea, I scooted my chair over next to her. “You know, if I’m honest, sometimes I wonder if any of this was worth it.”   She shot me a glance.   I rubbed her shoulder. “Then I think of how beautiful you are and the fun we’ve had, and I realize, it’s worth it.”   She smiled and nodded. “I could say the same for you.” She leaned onto my shoulder. “Yet I don’t regret one minute of going out with you.” She added, “I guess the same can be said for Dia and I. We weren’t always perfect and on top of the food chain. Matter of fact, she used to have braces.”   I laughed. “You're  kidding?”   “Nope, but, out of it, now she has great teeth. Hell, at one point I even considered getting laser surgery so I wouldn’t need my glasses anymore.”   I blinked. “Really? Why didn’t you?”   She took off her glasses and stared at them. “Not sure, maybe I was afraid of the surgery or maybe it was because I don’t have that bad of a vision.” She put her glasses back on. “Maybe it’s just cause they’re a reminder of our earlier times before things got really complicated.”   I wrapped an arm around her. “Didn’t know you wanted to be a poet as well.”   She blushed. “Oh—”   Her phone binged.   “Well, speaking of.” She released herself from my arm and looked at the phone.   “What does it say?”   With mixed expressions, she told me, “It just says, meet me by the bleachers tomorrow before school.” She rubbed her phone. “That can’t be—”   I put a finger on her lip. “Hey, you got a response. See if you can find out more tomorrow, but until then,” my hand moved down to her phone, “can't we just enjoy today? Maybe try some video games again?”   She put her phone away and held my hand. “Yeah, you’re right.” She then drew me into a hug. “Thanks, Button.”   I withheld the first joke that came to my mind and I spent the rest of that Sunday teaching her how to play TF2 once we got out homework done… Well, that and we made out for a good hour when my mom wasn’t looking.   *****    Of course, Monday had to come. While Silver Spoon was insistent on going alone to meet Diamond Tiara, I wouldn’t hear it. So, she picked me up before school and we arrived about fifteen minutes before the bell. Once parked, we headed to the bleachers, where Diamond Tiara was with Scootaloo and Rumble, talking to each other.   It took us both a moment to figure if we were seeing things right.   “What the?” Silver Spoon spoke first.   Shocked, Diamond Tiara jumped and looked wide eyed at us.   Scootaloo placed a hand on Diamond Tiara’s shoulder while Rumble shouted, “Hey, Button, Spoon, you’re both early.”   “We are?” I asked looking at the clock on my phone. “Well, what are you two doing here?” Scootaloo and Rumble looked to each other. “We saw miss universe here looking sad,” Scootaloo explained, “and figured we try and ask how she was.”   Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “Anyways,” once we got close enough, Diamond Tiara put her hands behind her back, and lowered her head while looking at Silver Spoon, “So… did you really mean it? I can stay with you if my parents kick me out?”   Silver Spoon clicked her tongue. “Well… yeah, I mean, I know you would do the same for me.” Diamond Tiara frowned and shook her head. “Ugh! Why would you do that? I’ve treated you like crap and you still want to be nice to me, why?”   Silver Spoon sighed. “Because you are my friend, and I want to help you. Is that so hard to believe?”   Diamond Tiara's lip twitched. “Maybe a little.”   Rumble shook his head and stepped forward. “Come on, Diamond, you’re not a bad person. And hey, if you’re a friend of Silver Spoon, you can be a friend of mine too, no tricks.“   “Believe me,” I smiled at my girlfriend who smiled back, “I’m still getting used to it as well, and I don’t regret anything I’ve done for a moment.”   Silver Spoon nodded. “Neither do I.”   She was then crushed by Diamond Tiara in a bear hug as she whimpered into her friend’s chest saying, “I’m sorry.”   Silver Spoon hugged back. “It’s okay, it’s okay.”   After about five seconds though, Diamond Tiara pulled away, wiped her tears, and puffed out her chest. “Yeah, well, like, whatever.” Scootaloo and I giggled at her horrible attempt to play cool. “Either way, turns out I won’t need it.”   I stopped laughing.   “Yeah,” she explained, “after I got your text, I, sort of questioned my parents on how they would feel if I was gay.”   Scootaloo slapped her forehead, but didn’t’ say anything.   “So, like, at first, mom freaked out, and I was about to say I was just curious, when dad stopped her. Then… I guess it has been something going on between them for awhile now. He said, that while he was behind some of her more extreme religious tendencies, even she was pushing her luck around him.”   “He did?” I asked.   She nodded. “Yeah, I mean, he believes in God and creationism as well as straight marriage like my mother, but even he though the idea of her throwing me out if I was gay—”   “Lesbian!” Scootaloo blurted.   We all stared at her.   “Sorry,” she said, “it’s just been really annoying. I know it feels easier to say when… Please continue.”   Rumble patted her on the shoulder.   Diamond Tiara nodded. “Thank you. So, after that, they started to argue, and I went to my room. Then my dad came in and asked if I was alright. Then, he asked if I was a... lesbian. I tried to say otherwise, but he admitted that he kind of knew.”   Silver Spoon’s eyes widened. “He did?”   Diamond Tiara scratched her head. “Well, not ‘know,’ but he did have his suspicions. Either way, he promised that he wouldn’t hate me, and even if mom would take awhile, she would accept me as well. Though, even when I told him what I was, he still wanted me to be sure about it at the same time.”   “Alright then!” Rumble said while slapping his hands together. “Problem solved. Now we can tell Tray he can stick it—”   “Um,” Diamond Tiara interrupted, “I’m still going to ask him to the dance.”   We didn’t say anything for about five seconds, not sure if we had heard her right.   “Excuse me?” Scootaloo asked. “You can’t be serious? Didn’t we just have a heart-to-heart about you not caring if you’re a lesbian.”   Diamond Tiara sighed. “Yeah… and I’m not, and I swear to never make gay jokes again to any couple. But, if I don’t, he’ll just make your lives miserable. At least now I can let him know he doesn’t have as much on me anymore, but I’m not ready to come out about this….”   “Like how Sweetie Belle wasn’t ready to come out the day Button asked Silver Spoon out?” Scootaloo shouted.   We all glared at her.   Diamond Tiara’s eyes widened. “I… I…”   Scootaloo rubbed her head. “Sorry, but you’re right—”   “No.” I said. What I said might have been pure aspie emotion, but this whole thing was getting to me. “What? That’s bull, we don’t care if we get picked on, you saw it had no effect on us last week. The only reason you’d still want to do this is because you want to remain popular.”   “Button!” Silver Spoon hissed at me.   I gulped. “Oh, sorry, I—”   “Maybe it is,” Diamond Tiara admitted, “or maybe this is just my punishment for all I’ve done. Either way, it doesn't matter what you say. It’s not your call what I do.”   “Dia,” Silver Spoon said, “it’s not—”   “She’s right.” Rumble added.   “What?” we all said.   He scratched his neck. “Yeah, it’s not fair, but she’s right. Is it the right choice? Maybe not, but it doesn't matter If that’s what she really wants to do. What right do we have to stop her?” He looked at Diamond Tiara. “I just hope you know what you’re doing.”   Nodding, Diamond Tiara said, “Yeah well… Don’t worry, it’s not your problem.”   She started to walk off before Silver Spoon grabbed her arm. “Please, we don’t need to be popular to be happy.” I stepped in front of her. “Please, don’t let him win.”   She stared between for a moment, eyes narrow, palms sweating. Then, she jerked her arm away and shoved past me. “The show’s about to start if you want to see it. I told Tray to meet me in the cafeteria before class so we could make it public.” She headed into the school.   Scootaloo sighed. “I hope she knows what she’s doing, she’s really not that bad, and kind of reminds me of myself before I met Sweetie Belle.”   Rumble ground his teeth. “Damn, and here I thought we got through to her earlier.”   “Speaking of,” I asked, “what were you guys doing here?”   “Well,” Scootaloo said, “I came early to practice some free shots when I caught her checking chatting, and I swear, flirting with one of the girls on the soccer team. Next minute Rumble saw me and saw her and then, after some protest—”   “Much protest,” Rumble added.   Scootaloo shook her head. “We talked, and we thought we got her feelings and worries off her chest, but I guess not.”   “Oh,” Silver Spoon raised her head. “She has a new crush already?” She bit her lip. “Not that I mind, but, who is she?”   “She,” Scootaloo blinked and blushed, “um… Sorry, can’t say, promised I wouldn’t tell.”   “Well, thanks.” I told them. “Hope she can have a happy ending too.” Mostly, I just didn’t want Tray to win. However, that would still mean Diamond Tiara had to lose.   *****   We met up with Sweetie Belle shortly after, and found Apple Bloom wondering around in the cafeteria, already packed with students who ate breakfast there.   No sooner had I caught them all up on what happened when we heard Diamond Tiara shout, “Everyone, I have an announcement to make.”   “Oh no,” Silver Spoon said as we all looked at where Diamond Tiara was.   “So this is it, I suppose?” Rumble said.   “Ah can’t watch,” Apple Bloom said turning around.   “Oh,” Sweetie Belle moaned as Scootaloo held her.   I rubbed Silver Spoon’s shoulder. “It will be okay.”   Silver Spoon didn’t say anything.   We looked at the scene unfolding, as nearly every student in the cafeteria looked to see what Diamond Tiara would say.   “Tray Platers?” she said, noticeably shaky.   “Yeah?” we heard him say, already looking smug and confident while acting surprised.   “Ow!” Silver Spoon winced as I accidentally squeezed her hand.   I loosened my grip. “Sorry.”   “Don’t be,” Silver said, “if it weren’t for Dia, I’d probably beat him up too.”   I smiled and fantasized us doing just that for a date.   Then, the reality in front of us continued.   Chest puffed out, Tray asked, “Yeah, what can I do for you, princess?”   One eye blinking rapidly, I rolled up my sleeve. “That’s it! I can’t just stand here and let this happen, consequences be damned.”   Apple Bloom grabbed my arm. “No! We can’t.”   Scootaloo stomped her foot. “I agree, screw this. Let’s—”   “What?” We heard Tray shout.   We all froze up, and only a second later we heard Diamond Tiara say, “You heard me, I think you’re a pig, just wanted everyone to know that.”   Scootaloo, Rumble and Silver Spoon o’ed and smiled, while I stared wide eyed at Diamond Tiara.   “Did she really—” Sweetie Belle began to question.   “Um,” Tray said, that clearly not being what he had expected to hear, “you sure there isn’t, something else you wanted to ask me?” I was able to hear him mutter, “Something you won’t regret?”   Diamond Tiara hesitated for a moment. It wasn’t too late to take it back, say it was a joke, and save her reputation. “Actually,” she finally said, “I heard a rumor that you wanted to ask me to the dance.”   He raised a finger, “That’s… um… fine.” He grumbled something I thought was along the lines of talking later, then cleared his throat and asked, “Will you go to the Fall Formal with me?”   Before anyone around Diamond Tiara could say anything, she said, “No, turns out I’m not into guys, especially morons like you.”   Everyone gasped.   “So?” Diamond Tiara asked, head down as everyone stared at her. “It’s not like—”   “Wait,” one of her supposed friends said, “you’re gay?”   “Ew,” another said, “I bet she caught it from one of those girls she picked on.”   “Don’t touch her then,” a blonde said.   After blinking a few times, Tray wiped his hair and said, “Yeah, like, totally. I actually saw her making out with Silver Spoon last week. I knew she was a freak.”   At once, everyone looked at us—or more specific at Silver Spoon and I —s a clear path between us and Tray became visible.   I readied myself to race forward, step in front of Silver and say something about how wrong it was and that they should all mind their own business when Diamond Tiara beat me to it.   “No,” Diamond said, “she’s just one of the few people who made me realize what a bitch I’ve been, and who gave me the courage to not let you blackmail me into asking you out to the dance.”   Everyone o’ed and aw’ed.   Enraged, Tray hissed, “Oh, just wait till you’re parents find out—”   “I've already told them,” Diamond Tiara said proudly, “and they’re okay with it.”   That really sent the school into a frenzy. Mrs. Rich’s was not the kind of person you’d think would be okay with her daughter being a lesbian. Yet, here was Diamond Tiara Rich, saying just that.   Among all the chaos, my friends and I hurried over to Diamond Tiara’s side as her old group of friend’s began to back away.   “What?” She questioned. “You didn’t think I was actually going to let someone push me around?” She closed her eyes and flipped her hair. “I’m still the queen at this school.”   Tray, meanwhile, quickly recovered, stormed at us, and muttered, “Well… I… I—”   “Actually,” one of Tray’s friend’s on the football team said, “I’m gay too.” Everyone gasped as he glared at Tray. “But if Diamond Tiara’s say’s that’s okay, then that’s fine by me.”   “Why you—” Tray began.   “Um, if I may,” one of the blonde girls who had before mocked Diamond Tiara spoke up.   A girl besides her eyes widened. “You too?”   “No! But… you know, I've always hated making lesbian jokes and teasing people like that.”   Diamond Tiara smiled and placed her hands on her hips. “Like, yeah, it’s totally not funny,” she looked at me with a sincere smile before she addressed the crowd, “no more than it is to call someone retarded either. For that,” she looked to me and my friends, “I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you.”   I was the first to hold out my hand. “It’s okay, I never took it that hard.”   With a pause, she slowly reached out and shook my hand, which soon turned into a hug between us. Which only seconds later became a hug from all of us, with Rumble and Scootaloo squeezing a little harder than they should have.   “Well, I…” Tray began as only a few girls and guys stood beside him, the rest already making their distance. “You can’t really be siding with… with these fags?”   Everyone gasped. “Oh, you hypocrites!” he challenged. "A moment ago you had no problem laughing with me for saying that.”   Before he could gain any momentum, I broke free from the hug, and said, “Maybe you’re right, and I used to be a troublesome child with autism that would run around screaming just because it was easier and more fun than being mature. But you know what,” to make my point I used my fingers to push on his chest, “grow up.”   The next thing I knew, his fist connected with my face and I fell to the floor.   While I was being helped up by Apple Bloom, with Rumble and Scoots were already racing forward, fist clutched, Diamond Tiara shouted, “Enough!” just as a teacher raced forward. “Enough of this, it’s not worth it.”   At her command, Rumble and Scootaloo backed down.   “Young man,” the teacher said to Tray, “principal's office, now!”   He laughed. “Oh, I’m so scared, what’s she going to do, expel me? You can kiss any state championship goodbye.”   “I think we’ll be just fine without you,” our principal said, having just seen Tray punch me in the face. We looked at her, arms crossed and with a wrinkled eyebrow she said, “As I understand, a month’s detention, and suspension from all school events and activities until further notice is the minimal I can give for assaulting, and, if what Ms. Rich has said is true, multiple harassment of students.”   Diamond Tiara looked down and away from principal Celestia.   “What?” Tray shouted. “You can’t do that!”   “I can,” Principle Celestia said, “and I did. And unless you want to see expulsion I’d walk away now.”   He started to rush forward till his brain caught up to him realizing he wouldn’t be any better off. “Fine,” he glanced one last time at me and my friends, “but don’t think this is over. I hope you like it in Loserville.”   “That’s another week, Mr. Plater.”   He cringed, but with that, threw his hands into the air as—somehow—a handful of his closest friends and popular students followed behind, though noticeably fewer than what he usually hanged out with.   “Don’t you all have classes to get ready for?” Principal Celestia told the rest of us.   With that, it was all over… mostly over.   “Principal Celestia,” Diamond Tiara began as she walked up to the principal, “I… I may not have punched anyone, but I have harassed a few students as well in the past couple of days.”   Celestia put a hand on her shoulder. “I think I can let you off with a single detention this afternoon, with no activities revoked, if, you've learned your lesson.”   Teary eyed, Diamond Tiara nodded. “Of course.”   Celestia smiled. “Good.” She then looked at us. “Though, don’t forget who your real friends are.” She then waved us goodbye and left the seven of us with three seconds before the bell rang to hang out. > Chapter 16; Longstockings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While it might not have been a high school musical where everyone—nerds, geeks and jocks—came together and swore never to bully again, everything after that morning turned into one of the best and most peaceful school years we could hope for. There were still students who liked to call a freshman or someone a fag or such for attention, but, it certainly never became popular again. Thanks large in part to Diamond Tiara just saying it was unethical and by being who she truly wanted to be.   Although, I’m getting ahead of myself, it was still the Monday before the fall formal.   We didn’t stick around to chat for long after Diamond Tiara came out and Tray got near-suspended. With one last goodbye, we simply hugged, of course, and then headed our separate ways to being the day.   “Pretty crazy, huh?” Rumble asked me as we made our way to first hour.   I agreed. “Yeah, you said it! Though, thanks for being there for me, for us.”   He smiled. “Hey, what are friends for. Knew you’d be worth the wait.”   I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Though, there is one thing I never got." I rubbed my chin. "Why did you want to be my friend so badly? I mean, I’m not cool, and I sure as hell rejected you and the guys on hanging out way too often.”   “Well,” he said looking at a couple of students who waved and said hello to me, “wouldn’t know about being cool, but as for the rest, I guess I just wanted to because you looked like you could use a friend.” He lowered his head. “Sorry if my scene of humor put you off from time to time.”   “Oh don’t worry,” I smiled, “I think that if I can handle a choir of students calling me a retard, I can handle your comedy.” We reached our classroom, but before we walked in I pulled him back, gave a mischievous grin and asked, “Although, did you wanting to befriend me have anything to do with my contentions with Apple Bloom by chance?”   He blushed. “Maybe… But I still want to hang out with you even though she’s my girlfriend.”   I shook my head, punched him on the shoulder, and laughed as he punched me back.   *****   ‘… and just a reminder that Tray Plater will no longer eligible for fall formal prince. Thank you, and have a good day.’   The PA shut off while I continued to rub my head and looked at the fall formal voting box in front of me.   “I still can’t believe you got nominated for fall formal prince,” Featherweight said.   “I sure can.” Rumble said.   I shrugged and held the ice-pack tightly to my eye. “Well, I don’t see it as a big deal. I’m sure by this time next week someone else will have done something to become a better choice than me.”   “Oh don’t be so pessimistic, champ,” Pip said, “ and if that turns out to be true, then you should enjoy your moment in the sun even more.”   I looked down at my name next to Silver Spoon’s and the unchecked box. While I might still have liked time alone as much as ever, I had grown to like the attention as much as a normal kid would have. So, I pulled out my pen, and checked mine and Silver Spoon’s name. “Speaking of,” Pip asked me, “have you asked your gal to the dance yet?”   I dropped my pen. “Crap! I never did. Got a little busy with… things”   “Well, now would be the time to do so.”   “Oh?” Rumble asked Pipsqueak. “Speaking of, you have someone new in mind now that Diamond Tiara is officially out?”   He blushed. “Well... I think I may have someone else in mind.”   “Oh?” Rumble said, “Who?”   “Well,” he smiled, “see, there’s this girl in my history class named Dinky. I hadn’t thought about her before, but she always gives me one of her mum’s home baked muffins if she has an extra one. We also like to talk, and we get paired up a lot for projects and I think I’ve fallen for her.”   I smiled contently the rest of that class hour, listening to Pip’s crush as I thought about asking Silver Spoon to the dance. Yet, no matter how often I said it, I never could get over just how off the idea would have sounded two weeks ago.   *****     For lunch, I asked the gang if they wouldn’t mind eating outside under the bleachers again. They hastily agreed since the attention they were getting as well was starting to get overbearing and some quiet time with just the six (now seven) of us sounded nice. Thankfully, because of good luck or because people wanted to give us space—which didn’t seem impossible as I saw a couple scurry away upon seeing me—and the only one who didn’t show up right away was Diamond Tiara.   “You think she’s okay?” Rumble asked.   “She just texted me,” Silver Spoon confirmed, “said she was bringing someone.”   “Huh,” Apple Bloom said, “sounds cool ta me.”   “Yeah,” I nodded before Sweetie Belle nudged my shoulder and eyed at Silver Spoon.   “Oh, um,” I said standing up, “Silver?”   Sandwich halfway to her mouth, she looked up at me. “Yeah?”   I sighed as Sweetie Belle slipped the flower she gotten for me in her agriculture class from two hours ago. “Silver Spoon,” I held out one of my hands to her. “I know we may have started off rocky,” She took my hand and I pulled her up to eye level, “the first time I asked you out, I didn’t really mean a single word I said.” I presented her with the flower. “However, this time, I mean every word I’m about to say. I think you’re the most beautiful girl in school. Would you like to be my date for the fall formal?”   Head nodding fast, a smile physically impossible to fit on one’s face, she screamed, “Yes, yes, yes!” and threw her arms around me.   “Aren’t you two sweet?” We turned to see Diamond Tiara and a short violet girl keeping her head down next to her.   “Um,” Silver said, breaking away blushing, “Hey, Dia. Who’s your friend?”   Diamond Tiara placed a hand over the girl. “Oh, this is Lily Longstockings… She is my, um, er, well date for the dance.”   All our jaws dropped.   “Um, she said rather quietly, “hi.”   We gave her a series of awkward smiles before Scootaloo said, “Wait, Lily? I mean, i saw you two talking this morning, but didn't think you'd actually go through with it.”   Kicking some dirt, hands behind her back, Diamond Tiara said, “Well, she would sometimes like, help with my homework in math class and such. So like, today, I sort of, accidentally,’ dropped my phone behind my locker.”   Lily raised an eyebrows. “Accidentally?”   Diamond Tiara blushed. “Well, in any case, she was more than happy to lift up my locker to get it for me.” She smiled. “Then we talked and—”   “Wait,” I added, “lifted up your locker?”   “Oh, um,” Lily mumbled, “it’s um… It’s nothing.”   “Oh come now,” Scootaloo said, “you’re like, one of the strongest girls in school.” She looked at me. “I tell ya, she could lift a tow truck clear up the ground with her bare hands.”   I examined Lily Longstockings several times over. She didn’t look weak, but she didn’t look like a hulk either.   Lily blushed. “Well, I wouldn’t say I´m—”   “Take this, fag!” One of Tray’s well muscled friends shouted, bucket of something in hand ready to pour over Diamond Tiara’s head.   However, before he could do so, Lily grabbed him by his collar, used her other hand to punch him in the stomach, then threw him several yards away, causing the vile content in his bucket to spill all over his body, all without looking at the guy once.   “That strong.” She finished.   Eyes widened, I simply nodded and said, “Well, congratulations you two, I’m happy things worked out so well.”   Hands behind her back, face bright red, Diamond Tiara nodded, “Yeah, me too.”    ****   Not much more could have been said after that. We got to know the shy girl for a bit, and acted like nothing was wrong because, for once, nothing was. As for Silver Spoon and I, we couldn’t have been happier. For the first time, there was no doubt between us, nothing that was weighing us down, we could just sit together at lunch, and then during chemistry, we were happy just to be with each other.   After school, she dropped me off at my house and asked, “Hey, Button?”   “Yeah?”   She kissed me. “Thanks for everything. I… I guess I don’t know what I’d do without you. You… well, you make me want to be a better person, and I couldn’t be happier than when I’m with you.”   I kissed back. “No problem. Though, if you wouldn’t mind, I think I’ll just ride my bike to school from now on. Not that I don’t like driving with you, I just don’t want you going out of your way for me.”   She nodded. “I don’t mind but, okay.”   I gave her another kiss. “Hey now, if it’s raining, I wouldn’t mind a lift." I ran a finger through her braid, admiring how beautiful she was. "But, seriously, thank you for everything. You’re the best girlfriend an asexual autistic guy could ask for.”   She rolled her eyes and bopped me on the noise. “Just don’t forget it.”   As I admired how cute she looked when processing that, I got out of the car and headed inside. Catching one last glance and wave when she honked the horn at me, she blew me a kiss and drove off.   “Mom,” I shouted when I walked inside, “I’m—”   She was already waiting for me, sitting down, hand on her chin, looking nervous.   “Mom? Is everything okay?”   Quivering, she said, “Button, its Charlie…” > Chapter 17; One Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What… what do you mean?" My breathing began to pick up. "Mom, what happened to Charlie? Is he…”   “No, he is alive, but...” she took a deep breath, “he… he fell down, outside. He's—” I didn’t hear a word she said after ‘outside,’. I raced to the door to see him lying in the back yard. There, I found him just laying there, occasionally wincing in pain.   “Come on, boy,” I urged, giving him a nudge with my foot, “you have to get up. Get up for me.”   He looked at me, whimpered a few times and tried to stand as he always did. However, unable to do so, he plopped back down to the floor. There, I could see that his back leg muscles were swollen as he sat in an awkward position with his feet under his belly that couldn’t have been comfortable.   “Button,” mom said, placing a hand on my shoulder.   I was already crying, trying to act strong. “So… um.. he’s… he sure l… looks li…like he slipped. Sil…silly doggied.”   Mom gave a weak chuckle.   “So,” I asked, palms shaking, “What… um… What now?”   She sighed. “I couldn’t get him a vet appointment till tomorrow. So I figure we should put him in the garage with some old blankets for him to lay on so he can… Go if he needs to. After that, maybe they’ll be a way to help him, but…”   “I know.”   She looked worriedly at me. “Yes, but…  you do?”   I nodded. “Yeah, but.. but I…”   She pulled me into a hug. “I know, son, I know.”   *****   Once we had moved Charlie into the garage, we spent most of the evening talking about what would happen next. Mom went over the details about how vet bills worked, questioned how, even if he could get surgery, would it be worth it if he’d only lived a few more months. And a lot of other hard realities of the situation. Throughout it all, I just nodded.   While I was happy Charlie hadn’t died, a part of me wondered if this was worse. Because now, I couldn’t deal with the fact that he died because he hadn’t died yet. making it worse, I knew he still was going to die soon.   “It’s something you’ll have to think about when you live on you own and…” she paused and watched me play with my food. “Button!”   “What?” I snapped back to reality. “Oh, yeah, cost of pets, got it.”   She sighed. “I understand, but, for all you know, he could be better tomorrow.”   I groaned. “What’s the point? Maybe… maybe just putting him down would be better… easier.”   She gasped. “Button!” She took a moment. “I… Yes, it might be, but don’t forget, you have him now, and that’s what matters.”   I clicked my tongue. “Sorry.”   “Don’t be, it’s alright to feel this way.”   I nodded, smiled and ate the rest of my dinner in silence.   Once I was done and began to walk away, mom asked, “If you want, I can get an air mattress set up in the garage so you can be with him.”   My eyes widened. “Really?”   “Yes,” she smiled, “I know he wouldn’t mind the company.”   I raced forward and threw my arms around her neck. “Thanks, mom, you’re the best.” I snickered. “You just saved me the trouble of sneaking out when you fell asleep.”   She hugged back. “I figured you would.”   We shared a laugh and then got everything set outside after changing out the sheets Charlie had already used. By then, we had set up a nice little corner where I could connect my Joyboy’s charger to a wall and where I could lay next to Charlie and make sure that no waste of his seeped into the mattress.   “Right,” mom said looking things over, “you sure you’ll be okay?”   I slowly nodded. “Yeah, mom.”   “Need anything else?” She began to fidget. “Maybe we could bring the TV down, set up your game station, I’m sure we could also—”   “Mom!” As tempting as that all sounded, I didn’t want to push my luck and have her freaking out anymore.   “Right! In any case,” she kissed me on my forehead, “call me if you need anything.” She then rubbed Charlie’s head. “And you be good too, you hear.”   He grinned and licked her face.   She pulled away and we all laughed as she went, “Blah.” Then she said, “Goodnight, Button.”   “Goodnight, mom, I love you.”   She said she loved me too, and closed the door to the garage.   Of course, I didn’t go to bed right away. As soon as she was gone, I hopped off the air mattress to lay next to Charlie, spending most of the night playing with him and texting my friend’s about happened. They all gave their condolences and asked if I was online—to which I explained why I couldn’t play TF tonight—with Rumble, Sweetie Belle, and Silver Spoon asking if I wanted either of them to come over.   I politely told Sweetie Belle and Rumble that I was fine, but I joked around with Silver Spoon texting, ‘Sure, we can share the air mattress, should fit us both :p.’   It was the last text I sent before I started to get tired. With no more responses from any of them, I decided to call it a night with one last text saying, ‘thanks for the support, guys, see you tomorrow.’    “Well,” I said to Charlie, “big day tomorrow, huh?”   Despite the pain, he wagged his tail and smiled at me.   “Yeah, we sure have been through a lot, huh?” I tried not to think too hard on what would happen next, opting instead to think about having him here next to me right now. “Well, goodni—”   There was a tapping sound, followed by Charlie’s bark.   “Shush, quiet,” I told him, thinking it was nothing.   However, when it happened again, this time with a voice whispering `Button´ through the garage walls, I jumped up and slowly made my way to the side door. Once I stepped outside, I saw Silver Spoon, dressed in pajamas, carrying a small pack, about to knock on the garage again.   “Silver?” I replied.   “Geez,” she jumped back and looked at me. “You scared me.”   I blinked. “I scared you! What are you doing here?”   She walked towards me. “Well, didn’t you say I could come over if I wanted?”   My eye began to twitch. “What! I… Wait, you took that seriously?”   She cocked an eyebrow. “Well, yeah, why wouldn’t I?”   I rubbed my head. “Well, I figured the tongue icon would have hinted at that.”   She straightened her glasses. “Well, I…” She bit her lip as the reality of the situation sank in. “Oh… Sorry, I don’t have to stay if you don’t want me too.”   I thought of at first to say just that—it would be trouble if my mom knew—however, looking at her staring away from me, her beautiful eyes looking sad and depressed, “You know… since you’re here…” I felt my face heating up, “If you really want to, that is.”   She looked up and beamed. “There’s no place I’d rather be.”   I chuckled nervously and lead her in. “Right, shall we?”   She giggled and took my hand, “Lead the way, oh prince of mine.”   I rolled my eyes at her while blushing as we made our way into my little set up.   “No gamebox?” she questioned.   “Nope, didn’t want to overdo it. Charlie, hush, it’s Silver Spoon.”   He began to bark and attempted to stand up.   “Hey, hey,” I walked up to him and rubbed his head, “it’s alright, silly boy, she’s my guest. Which, speaking of, you… Oh!” I looked at her already sitting on the air mattress. ”Um, you got a sleeping bag, or, I can go get my own or—”   “Didn’t you say there was room for… two.” Her eyes widened. “Ah, right.”   I nervously chuckled. “Oh... I mean, yeah, we could both easily fit on it, but I could—”   She held up her hand. “Hey, if you want to… I’d be okay with it. Besides, I guess I thought you’d be up for it coming over.” She smirked at me. “Of course, provide we just cuddle all night, with no funny business.”   I flushed. “What? I wouldn’t! Besides, I’m asexual, or demisexual… Not that I think you’re not hot enough to do anything with you. Oh, wait, I mean—”   “Oh shut up,” she said playfully and grabbed my hand, pulling me forward.   However—as it goes—she pulled a little too hard, catching me off balance. Thus, I stumbled forward and was only able to react fast enough to land on top of Silver Spoon without crushing her. Leaving us chest to chest, nose to nose, laughing at the love cliché we had just pulled off.   I didn’t let the humor last long though, my lips meeting hers, hers meeting mine, we kissed for about ten minutes, tongues and all. The only time we stopped was when Charlie whimpered for attention.   “Right,” I said, pushing up, and sitting on the mattress. Once Silver Spoon got up to sit next to me we both scooted over to rub Charlie’s ear.   “You scared?” she asked me. "About if... You know?   I sighed. “A little… okay, a lot. But why wouldn’t I be? Charlie and I have been through everything together.” I rubbed his chin. “He’s always been there for me when things got rough. Every day, no matter how bad of mood I was in, he was there, wagging his tail, wanting to go for a walk, to make me happy.” I pulled one of my hands away from my dog to my girlfriend. “At least, I don’t have to worry about being alone anymore.”   Silver Spoon nuzzled my chest. “You can count on that. Like I said, it was hard when I lost my own pet a couple of years ago.”   I began to wiggle my toes.  “Is it… Painful, when it happens?”   She didn’t say anything for a moment, opting instead to let me enjoy the warmth of her body. “Well, yes. It’s like a pain you can’t fix with a bandage or stitches. It’s not something you can just get over. At first, all you can do is cry, curse yourself, and wonder if you could have done more.” She used one of her hands to caress my shoulder. “Then, after some time , you’re over it. You still feel sad, and it may take a while for things to feel natural around the house again. But things do get better. Especially when you have someone to cry with. In my case, for all their flaws, my old friends, but mostly Dia. Sure, she acted though and, in front of everyone told me to ‘grow up,’ but when no one was looking, she hugged me and allowed me to cry.”   I smiled while I freed a hand to rub Charlie’s head. “I still can’t picture a world without him. Though, who knows, maybe he just needs some painkillers and I can keep him a little while longer.”   “Maybe,” Silver Spoon said with a yawn.   “Ready for bed?” I teased. “Though, if you really don’t—”   Before I could protest, she flipped me onto my back, pulled the cover over both of us and wrapped me into a hug.   Charlie protested at the excitement, but a quick rub of his head put him at ease. I then moved my hand away from him and wrapped it around Silver Spoon’s waist.   “I guess disagreeing would be foolish at this point?” She giggled, kissed me, and wrapped her arms around me. “That’s a good boyfriend.”   I stuck out my tongue, then pulled her in, resting my head on her shoulder. “Hey, Silver?”   “Yeah?”   I nuzzled into her, holding her tight. “Thanks.”   “No problem, not the first time I have snuck out.”   I pulled back to look her in the eye. “Well, yeah, for this, but also for wanting to be my girlfriend. Still seems crazy, doesn’t it?”   She chuckled. “Yeah, it still kind of does.”   I adjusted our snuggling position. “Yeah, the princess and the geek.”   She moaned. “I was thinking more because I have such a kindhearted as well as handsome boyfriend." She sighed. "Sometimes, I still think this is all too good to be true. I mean, why would I deserve it?”   Smiling weakly, I lifted up her chin. “Hey, you do. Though, it’s just like me thinking I don’t deserve someone as pretty as you.” She blushed. “Someone I… I… well, I…”   Her eyes began to widen.   Flustered, I lessened my grip on her chin.   One of her hands pressed itself against my face. “It’s okay, I love you too, Button.”   I blinked several times. “Really?”   She nodded. “Yeah, I love you.”   Smiling wide, I put a hand on her beautiful neck, and said, “I love you too, Silver Spoon.”   She then coughed and raised an eyebrow. “This isn’t some trick to get me to start stripping, is it?” If to make her point she began to grind her hips against mine.   I hadn’t noticed since it rarely happened, but my pants had began to feel tight. “What… no!” I tried to pull my bottom half away from her. “I would never… Wait a minute, you said it first!”   She began to laugh hysterically and used her legs to pull me back into a tight hug. “Only because I knew you were too nervous.”   We laughed, till our laughs became awkward as we realized the position we were in.   “Silver.”   “Button.”   We said at the same time.   “So,” I asked, “am I supposed to go first, or you? I’m still not sure how this works.”   She clicked her tongue. “Oh stop it.” Her face turned beat red as she looked away from me. “If you were… You know, I never thought I’d say it, but…” She looked up at me lovingly, “we don’t have to do anything else tonight. Personally, I wouldn’t mind waiting. I know something like,” she looked beneath us, “that may not be your thing, but just know, I don’t care.”   I could tell she did want it, so I said. “Thanks, but,” I placed a hand on her hip. “Believe me, I’d rather not.” I looked into her beautiful eyes. “But just know, while it’s not something I’d like to do all the time, for you, I’d do anything to make you happy.”   She smiled and leaned her face close to mine. “Thanks, Button.”   I leaned in closer.   We kissed.   *****   I woke the next morning with what at first I thought was Charlie in a spooning position cuddled up to me. A little shift of my hand towards Silver Spoon’s chest confirmed to me what I should have already know. Sometime in the night she must have shifted position so her back was towards me while I held her (fully clothed) stomach and lower chest (which I kept there upon realizing my predicament).   Still, with a smile, I carefully squeezed upon the girl I love, as my chest holding hand slipped behind me to give Charlie a good morning pat on the head. At first, I felt nothing and began to feel around more hoping to find him. However, when I made no contact I slipped free of Silver Spoon's body to look at the spot where he had laid the night before, only to see him not there.   “Charlie?” I cried, causing Silver Spoon to stir.   “Wha… what is it?” she asked.   “Charlie! He’s—”   We snapped our attention to the door that lead to the backyard, where Charlie bounded in, tail wagging, panting happily.   “Charlie!” I cried as he leapt towards me, placing his head in my lap.   “Sure is a pleasant surprise,” mom said, right behind him.   I smiled. “It sure is.” I continued to stroke and hug him before my brain clicked. I shot up, Silver Spoon behind me, as I looked from mom to Silver Spoon, back at my mother, then back to my girlfriend.   “So, um, Silver Spoon,” mom said, arms crossed while hiding a smirk, “care for some breakfast since you’re here?” > Chapter 18; What A Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We had some pancakes, made form scratch, that morning, not really saying anything as Charlie laid at the side of the table, looking nervously between the three of us.   “We, um.” Silver Spoon eventually said.   Mom looked away and raised a hand. “It’s fine, missy, though,” she said looking towards Silver Spoon. “I take it your parents don’t know you’re here.”   Silver Spoon looked away.   Mom giggled. “Didn’t think so. Why don’t you take a shower in the second bathroom? Up the stairs, third on your right.”   Silver Spoon looked at mom and blinked a few times. “You mean it?”   Mom smiled. “Oh please, do you think I wasn’t your age once? Now hurry along, wouldn’t want to be late for school.”   Wasting no time, Silver Spoon leapt from her seat, gave me a kiss on the cheek and raced upstairs.   Mom then glared at me. “I assume you’re aware we’re going to have a ‘talk’ about this later.”   I shrank in my seat. “I didn’t invite her over… okay, I kind of did, but I meant it as a joke! Then when she showed up, I couldn’t just turn her away…”   Mom raised an eyebrow at me.   I groaned.   “Though, we can have´the talk´ another time.” She looked at Charlie. “I just set up an appointment with the vet right after school. Also, Dr. Turner called yesterday as well, he say he’ll have to reschedule your own doctor's appointment to next week.”   I let out a sigh of relief. “Oh good, more time to get ready for the dance.”   Mom cocked her head. “Dance?”   I slapped my head. “Oh, right, I was kind of crazy yesterday." I looked up at her with a devilish smirk. "I asked Silver Spoon to be my date for the fall formal, and she said yes.”   Mom clapped her hands together. “Button, that’s wonderful,” She raised up and pulled me into a hug. “I’m so proud of you.”   “Mom! Don’t embarrass me, she’s right upstairs you know!”   Laughing, she pulled away. “Sorry.”   “It’s okay.” I brushed off my sleeve. “Though, who would have thought we could turn into a couple in a few days just because I said one of the most popular girl's at school had pretty hair?”   Mom shrugged. “Who knows?” She then looked at Charlie. “Though, I was just as surprised when I saw him scraping at the door this morning. Maybe not as surprised as seeing you and your girlfriend sleeping together, but it was still a pleasant surprise.”   I blushed. “Yeah… I mean, I guess this is good.” I sighed. “I know he won’t last much longer, but I suppose some more time with him is better than none.”   In response, Charlie slowly lifted himself up, and made his way towards me.   I rewarded him with a pat. “Good boy.”   Mom smiled. “Now, why don’t you get ready yourself?”   Seeing as how late it was, I gulped down my breakfast, patted Charlie on his head, and raced upstairs.   *****   After one near awkward moment of Silver Spoon and I almost running into each other naked, we got cleaned up and raced downstairs for school.   “Hurry along now,” mom urged. “You need a ride?”   “No,” Silver Spoon answered, “I parked my car a few blocks away.” She blinked and looked nervously at my mom.   “Just hurry along.” Mom assured.   “Oh wait,” I said, “got to let Charlie out.”   “It’s fine,” mom promised, “I´ll let him out. Now get going, you two.”   I thought about ignoring her and giving Charlie a goodbye hug, however, when I saw what time it was, I realized we had to get going. So I nodded and raced out the door with Silver Spoon.   *****   “What are you two hiding?” Diamond Tiara asked during lunch as we all sat in our usual spot in the cafeteria.    While I was still the talk of the school, most of the heat had started to die down, and things slowly had begun to fall into, what I felt was going to become, routine nowadays.   “Wh… what?” Silver Spoon stuttered after being quiet all day. “Nothing, why would—”   Diamond Tiara put up her hand and smirked. “Sil, I’ve known you for years, you can't hide anything from me.”   “You sure?" Rumble questioned. “Though, I guess it dose seem like something is up.”   “Well,” I said looking at my food, “I mean, I thought my dog was going to die last night, so there was that.”   Apple Bloom rubbed her chin. "Maybe, now that ya mentioned it.”   “Yeah,” Sweetie Belle nodded. “I mean, what did you two do sleep with each other or something?”   A little jump on my part was all it took to give the game away. I looked up to see them wide eyed, and I panicked. “It was her idea! She wanted to come over and comfort me!”   “Shut up!” Silver Spoon said, stomping on my foot.   I screamed in pain as the whole table erupted in laughter.   “Hey now,” Rumble said as the laughter died down, “it’s none of our business, but good for you.”   I rubbed my head. “Well, in any case, it turned out well. No more than mom giving me a ‘talk’ when she has time. The good news is, when we, woke up, Charlie was walking again. He coughed a few times at breakfast, but it looks like he’ll be around for a little while longer.” I tried to lean back into my seat. “Although, we’re still going to the vet today.”    “Want us ta tag along?” Apple Bloom offered.   I smiled and shrugged. “Sure, if you all want to, that is.”   Scootaloo bit into her sandwich. “Sorry, can’t, I have soccer practice, otherwise I’d have no problem.”   “Same,” Lily whispered.   Diamond Tiara cooed and rubbed Lily’s head. “So sweet.”   Lily blushed.   “I wouldn’t mind.” Sweetie Belle offered.   “Same here,” Rumble nodded.   “Of course I would.” Silver Spoon assured.   Diamond Tiara looked around nervously for a bit before Lily placed a hand on her shoulder and warmly smiled. “Well I…” she sighed, then smiled. “Alright, like, I guess I wouldn’t mind… if you want me.”   I reached over and rubbed her shoulder. “Of course, friend.”   The bell rang shortly after.   ****   “That’s more than generous,” I said for the twelfth time, “but you don’t have to.”   Diamond Tiara huffed as we pulled up to my house. “Oh please, I’m not doing it for you, I’m doing it so Sil here can have her date show up to the dance in style.”   “Dia!” Silver Spoon scolded while blushing.   “What?” Diamond Tiara questioned. “I mean, what’s the point of having money if you don’t’ spend it?”   “Can’t argue with that,” Rumble said, stepping out and holding the door for everyone in the back of Silver Spoon’s car. “Though, are your parents really okay with… you know, your date?”   Diamond Tiara bit her tongue. “Er… could be better, but for now, they’re not protesting. I think dad is completely okay with me, but mom, who could tell?”   “It will be okay,” I assured her as I led them towards my house. “Either way, thanks for doing this, means a lot.”   “Anytime,” Sweetie Belle said before we reached the door.   We walked inside, where silence greeted us.   “Mom?” I called out. “You ready to go?” I looked to my left. “Mom?” Then I saw her sitting in the living room, tapping her fingers on her chin rapidly.   She looked up at me when we walked in. “Button, I… oh, and you brought your friends over.”   My friends began to anxiously glance between one, not saying a word as they set their gazes at my mom.   “Is everything okay?” I asked.   She sighed. “Have a seat.”   I reluctantly did so, wanting to get Charlie to the vet as soon as possible so we could plan more about our big night on Saturday.   “Charlie... Charlie died while you were at school, Button.”   I blinked, before the expected rush of emotions came over me. “Wha… I…” I was upset, and wanted to cry, but I knew there were a few things that needed to be done first. “Where is he? What happened?”   Mom brought her fingers to her lips. “He… he died when you were at school, shortly after you left. I… I went to let him in, and he was just, laying at the door.” She began to cry.   I jumped to my feet. “I… I guess we should do something about him.”   I started to head for the backyard when mom stopped me. “I… I already took him to the vet to be cremated when you were at school.”   Standing there, I felt my world beginning to spin, not able to believe what mom had just said.   While I had been—all things considered—okay with Charlie dying, what I was not okay with was how she could just take him away, without me here, to say goodbye.   My hand tightened into a fist. “I… you, what?! Why you... you… you couldn’t have waited for me to come home?!”   I felt Silver Spoon put a hand on me. “Button—”   Mom continued, eyes watery. “I’m sorry, but what was I supposed to do? Leave him there for hours to rot on the pouch?”   My eye began to twitch. “I didn’t even get to say frickin goodbye!”   “Dude, chill,” Rumble said, “I’m sure we can—”   “Can what?” I snapped at him. “What? My best friend is gone, and I never got to say goodbye! What can you do?” My breathing became rapid, my mind was working overtime when I had a thought. I turned towards mom. “You planned this, didn’t you?”   Mom’s eyes widened. “What? Sweetie, you’re not making—”   “No! Don’t play dumb!” I demanded pointing a finger at her. “You were worried that I couldn’t handle it if it turned out we had to put him down. So you went ahead, took him to the vet to do it while I was at school. Just so I wouldn’t feel upset or have to make that call.” I threw my arm down. “Well guess what? Now I feel like shit!”   Teary eyed, but now enraged, mom shot up from her seat. “Button, I would never! You think I didn’t know how you would feel?”   I snapped. “Don’t lie to me!”   “Button,” Silver Spoon said tugging on my hand, “please, you have to—”   “Don’t touch me!” I shouted at her, jerking away and pushing her back into the wall in the process.   As I did so, I looked at her, and she looked back at me, eyes full of fear.   Still breathing heavily, I looked around and saw that everyone was looking at me the same way. Diamond Tiara was even inching towards the door.   I tried to say something, I tried to do something. I wanted to race outside to find Charlie there, I wanted to race to my room and lock the door. I wanted so many things, but all I was able to do was fall onto the couch, pulling my legs in, and cry.   I cried for a few seconds, before mom sat down beside me. “Button, I’m so sorry. I… I didn’t want this to happen either.”   I didn’t respond, as I opted to let her rub my back. I let her do this for a while, before wrapping my arms around her. Then I cried some more, until I felt someone—looking behind me I saw it was Silver Spoon—leaning on me, wrapping her arms around my waist.   Once I began to calm down a minute later, I saw the others had also sat down either next to or adjacent from me. With no one saying a word, not even Rumble, I was allowed to cry in silence.   About two minutes later, I started to pull away from my mom, choking out. “I’m… I’m,” I hiccuped, “I’m sorry. I’m… I’m good.”   Silver Spoon sighed, knowing I really wasn’t, but at least now I could be reasonable.   “It’s okay,” Silver Spoon said, moving her hands from my waist to my shoulders.   “Yeah,” Rumble nodded, holding onto Apple Bloom’s hand for comfort on the adjacent couch as she did likewise. “I’m sorry for your loss.”   “Me too,” Diamond Tiara groaned.   Sweetie Belle took a seat on the armrest next to Silver Spoon. “Yeah.”   I continued to tear up, but was able to control myself. “Than… thanks, guys.” I turned to mom. “Sorry. Though, I wish we buried him. You got anything left of him, mom?”   She got up," Actually, I do have his ashes. I figured i'd keep them away till you calmed down. I'll be right back." she then left us all alone.   I stayed silent, keeping my head low.   Silver Spoon lifted up my chin. “Hey, it will be okay.”   I sighed. “I know, and, sorry for scaring you like that.”   She leaned her head on my shoulder. “It’s alright.”   I noticed Rumble and Diamond Tiara raise an eyebrow.   “Love, huh?” Rumble asked.   I chuckled and pulled Silver Spoon into a tighter embrace. “Yup, I’m one lucky guy to have you, you know?”   Silver Spoon nuzzled me. “Me too.”   A moment later, mom returned carrying a vase with a picture of Charlie on it, along with a lock of his hair. “Figured I’d let you vent before bringing this in.” She set it down on the table. “I suppose if we can’t have a funeral, this will have to do.”   I nodded. “Okay.” I then looked to my friends. “You guys want to… stick around, say a few words.   Not one of them protested.   ***** We sat around for a few minutes, crying, holding each other, and said our goodbyes. Each of them—for how little they knew him—gave a few kind words of goodbye as mom decided to light a candle.   Then, after Silver Spoon had spoken, saying to him how she would take good care of me, I stepped up and looked down at the picture.   “So… um, I guess this is it, my friend.” His picture looked up at me, never moving. “Sorry I didn’t get a chance to properly say goodbye today, was kind of in a hurry.” I rubbed the back of my neck and weakly chuckled. “Um, I guess I should have at least let you in… then I could have given you one last ear rub.”   The tears started to form in my eyes. “I… I’ll try to be okay. You wouldn’t want me to miss you all the time and be sad. I…” I breathed. “I just never knew a day when I came home, and you were not there to greet me. Whenever things got hard, whenever I was at my lowest, whenever I was having a really bad day for whatever reason, you were there.” I coughed up as tears started to run down my face. “So I’m… yeah, I’m really going to miss you, buddy.” I dropped to my knees and placed a hand on the vase. “Than… thank you for everything, boy.” I sniffled. “I promise, for you, I’ll try every day to be better.” I pulled my hand away. “Thank you… and goodbye.” > Chapter 19; The Dance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thankfully, despite my lose, it wasn’t that bad a day after that, all things considered. With nothing better to do, we all played video games, and even ordered some pizza once Scootaloo and Lily got off of practice and came over.   It was nice. I still found it hard to enjoy myself when my best friend had just died, and it created a few awkward moments when I started to think that I had to feed him. Though, the worst came the next morning. I woke up feeling something was off. My bed didn’t feel as cramped and the room seemed to smell better. Once I realized why, I cried.   “Doing alright?” Mom asked when she saw me before I headed off to school.   “Yeah,” I quietly nodded.   She rubbed my head and gave me a hug.   I hugged her back.   “At least now we don’t have to put up with his smell.” I laughed and cried at the same time.   Mom did likewise. “Yeah, I know. Believe me, I miss him too.”   “Well,” I said pulling away, “I better get going.” I lifted up my backpack and departed. “And… sorry again about yesterday.”   “It's fine, honey.”   I weakly smiled. “Okay… I love you.”   She nodded. “I love you too, Button.”   For better or worse, the rest of that week up to Saturday passed by uneventful. No one tried anything funny around me, mostly because now they were either talking about Lily and Diamond Tiara, or were scared of them. They sure made a powerful duo, and a perfect match as well. The best part, they didn't have to tease anyone, and instead, made sure no one was a bully with their powers. Diamond Tiara with her 'influence,' Lily with her mussels.   As for me, I chose to spend most of that week heading straight home like before. I hung out with Silver Spoon once, but that was it. It took a while to convince everyone that I was okay and just wanted some alone time, but came around when I promised I would go to Scootaloo's and Lily's soccer game next week. However, I did make it a point to spend as much time online playing RP games with everyone whenever I could.   I did go to the game the whole dance was centered around on Friday after some reluctance as well. Never was much of a sport fan, and never really played any sports games either. Still, everyone else was going, so I figured it would be good for me to do likewise. Which worked out, because I did have a good enough time.   We lost, but we didn’t do poorly. While a lot of people said we lost because Tray couldn’t play, a lot more believed we would have had a more crushing defeat if he had. I guess it was one of those thing you had no way of knowing, although Silver Spoon and I happily supported the worst defeat theory.   Then came Saturday. I woke up, tried to rub Charlie’s head again before I remembered... ate some breakfast, did some chores, then an hour before Diamond Tiara’s limo was set to show up, I showered, and mom spent the remaining time making sure I looked nice.   “Alright,” she said for the seventh time while straightening my collar, “you got the money?”   “Yes.” I grumbled, thankful I just had to wear some nice looking clothes that were a step above what I wore from my first date with Silver Spoon.   “Right, now, how about the flower? Do we need anything else? Maybe we should go to the store and—”   “MOM!”   She chuckled. “Sorry, just, oh wow, my baby is going to a dance, with a date.”   I rolled my eyes. Even if I didn’t act like it, I was excited, too. While large crowds at dances didn’t turn me off, they usually weren’t my favorite things in the world either. Of course, what made this dance so special was the fact that I was about to go on it with one of the most beautiful girls in school, and I really wanted to be there.   We heard a knock on the door.   My mom took a deep breath. “Right.” She then eyed me. “You’ll be home around 11, right?”   I stuck my hand in my pocket. “Yes, mom.”   She then smirked. “I presume you won’t forget our talk?”   My face heated up and I deadpanned.   She laughed her head off. “Alright now, get going.” Before then, she pulled me into one last hug.   “Thanks, mom.”   “You’re welcome, Button.”   We then pulled apart and made our way to the door, where an elderly man was waiting.   “Right this way, sir,” he said gesturing to the limo out front.   I flashed my mom one last smile, said I loved her and followed the chauffeur out to the driveway where he opened the door to the limo.   Inside, Rumble and Scootaloo were playing some games on their phones while Diamond Tiara and Lily laughed at something.   All of their attention drew to me as soon as I stepped inside.   “Wow,” I said looking around at the large interior, “this is cool.”   “Why thank you.” Diamond Tiara nodded.   My attention was drawn to Scootaloo.   She raised a finger. “Yeah, I’m in a dress, not one word.”   I shrank back as the car started to move. “I wasn’t going to say anything bad! If anything, I think it suits you.”   And it did, it still caught me off guard, but Scootaloo’s dress really fit her. It was orange, but it wasn’t to girly. It seemed to strike a perfect balance with her personality.   Scootaloo blinked. “Well… thanks.”   “You don’t look bad yourself, man.” Rumble complimented.   “Shut up,” I jokingly replied.   He laughed and looked around the limo. “All of this, and to think, all I had to do was follow you and the girls two weeks ago.” He leaned back into his seat. “Totally worth it.”   I shock my head as the car came to a stop.   “Miss Belle’s place.” The driver told us.   Diamond Tiara nodded to Scootaloo. “Go get her, girl.”   Taking a deep breath, Scootaloo stepped out of the car, and we all raced to the adjacent window to see her heading up to Sweetie Belle’s front door.   “You know,” Rumble said, “I just had a thought. I mean, I get why you picked me and Button up first, being guys and wanting us to walk up to our dates’ door. Though, if that’s what you’re going for, why didn’t you pick up Sweetie Belle? Didn’t she ask Scootaloo to the dance?”   Diamond Tiara chuckled weakly. “Um… er.”   “Eh,” I said, seeing Scootaloo knock on the door, “well, technically Scootaloo kind of actually asked Sweetie Belle first. You see, when Scootaloo asked Sweetie Belle on their first date—”   I shut up as the door opened, revealing Sweetie Belle in a—dare I say—kind of a knock up dress. I’m sure it wasn’t as fancy as Diamond Tiara’s or as elegant as a prom dress, but, it was a dazzling white and blue gown with a streak of purple running along one of the streams. The only thing that threw me a little off was her makeup.   Don’t get me wrong, it made her look great, and maybe a normal guy would say it was dazzling, but it was something that always turned me off. I had grown used to seeing Silver Spoon with some eyeliner. However, the more I thought about it, the more I worried that Silver Spoon was going to pile on the makeup and lipstick.   A loud giggle snapped me out of my trance. If Sweetie Belle had caused me to go starstruck, Scootaloo was KO’ed. Mouth hanging open struggling for words, Scootaloo gawked and turned red hot in the face as she stared at her beautiful date. Then when Sweetie Belle giggled, they talked for a bit till her parents came out, anxiously—mostly her father—looking over Scootaloo before giving their daughter’s girlfriend a reassuring nod.   They took their pictures, smiled, and arms locked together, made their way to the limo.   “Hey, guys,” Sweetie Belle said, stepping inside, “you ready for the best night ever?”   “Yeah,” I nodded, looking up and down her dress. “You look amazing!”   She blushed. “Thanks, Button.”   “Hey,” Scootaloo said, playfully pointing a finger at me, “what did I say about having second thoughts about, MY, girl?”   I scooted back before the entire limo erupted with laughter.   Slowly, but surely, I joined in too.   We chatted for a bit longer, mostly about where we would go for dinner and what we would do at the dance, but throughout it all, I couldn’t help but to just stare out the window.   It wasn’t very long, however, before I felt Sweetie Belle scoot over to me.   “You okay?” she asked.   I jolted up a little. “Yeah, I mean, it’s the fall formal. Why wouldn’t I be?”   She deadpanned at me.   I sighed. “Alright… I guess I am a little…”   “Nervous?”   I nodded. “Yeah. It’s not like I can’t handle large crowds, and I’m not even that bad at dancing... I think. However…” I bit my lip, before I made eye contact with my friend. “Well, I guess I’m just worried Silver Spoon will… turn me off.”   She nearly gasped.   “Not like that! But, you know…” I twiddled my thumbs, “That first kiss thing. And now I’m sure she’s all dolled up, wearing a gallon of makeup and,” I nervously looked at Sweetie Belle. “Sorry.”   She rubbed my shoulder. “Hey, don’t be, it’s just who you are.” She sounded a little uneasy, but got comfortable in the seat next to me. “Still, you love her, right?”   I shot her a look. “Of course I do!”   She put her arms behind her head. “Well, then it shouldn’t matter what she has on, or how much lipstick or blush is on her face. She’s still your girlfriend, and this is her night too. Do I need to say anything else?” She really didn’t. In fact, I began to question what I was even worried about.   The car came to a stop.   “Button,” Diamond Tiara grinned, “your turn.”   Blinking a few times, I came to as my pupils shrank. “Um… don’t suppose we can just have your butler go get her?”   Diamond Tiara narrowed her eyes at me. “You’re not getting cold feet, are you?”   “What?! Wait a minute, it’s not like we’re getting married!” I gulped. “I mean, I’d rather save my energy for dancing… right?”   Diamond Tiara crossed her arms and nodded. “I thought as much.” She looked smugly at her date. “Lily, darling, would you be a dear and help Sir Button Mash out?”   The next thing I knew, I was being thrown out of the car, feet first, a good five yards from the limo, up Silver Spoon’s driveway, my flowers thrown at my head a moment later. I then heard the click of a lock, and after glaring at the blackened windows, I looked towards her house and made my approach.   Ringing the doorbell, flowers in hand. I took several deep breaths, wondering if I should have taken more medication before leaving home. While Silver Spoon knew I didn’t care for girls in makeup and lipstick, I did know she would go to dances just as dolled up as the other girls, if not more so. Not that I particular made an effort to look at her at a dance, but having been the second most popular girl, it was hard not to notice her. Though, it wasn’t until I thought about it, after thinking about how wonderful it was to be with her. To hold her hands, to kiss, spend nights together, to—   The door began to creak open.   I readied myself. Telling myself over and over again, ‘It won’t matter what she looks like, it won’t matter, she’s Silver… Spoon.’   The door fully opened, and I felt my heart race a thousand miles an hour.   The only way I could describe what I saw then, ‘perfect.’   While I thought Sweetie Belle’s dress was nice, Silver Spoon’s dress was a light silver, crisscrossed with a darker shade of gray with white highlights. She had a camera around her neck, and her face… dear god, her beautiful face.   She wasn’t wearing a shred of makeup. No lip gloss or lipstick, eyes non-highlighted, and while I had thought she did apply a little blush—which out of everything didn’t bother me too much—I had realized it was just the way she really looked. How she shined in the evening light, hair fixed up in her regular style with a few more braids and curls for the occasion. To me, she was everything I wanted to be with that evening.   “Hi… hey.” I stammered out.   She gulped. “Hey, Button.” She looked up and down at me. “You look stunning.” She gave me a grin.   I sighed dreamily. “Yeah, well… no makeup?”   She blinked. “I thought you didn’t like makeup?”   “What! No,no! I mean...” I held up my hands, closed my eyes and took a breath. “Sorry, I don’t. “I smiled at her. “You look absolutely beautiful, Silver. Though, if you want to put something on, that’s fine. It is your night.”   She laughed and looked at me. “Naw, it’s your night too, you know.”   I felt my cheeks warm up. “Thanks.” I then looked at her camera. “Though, are you bringing your special camera?”   She held it up. “Yeah, got to take pictures for the yearbook. Don’t worry, though,” she ran a hand up my arm.“ I’ll still make plenty of time for you.”   “Uh-hum!” her father interrupted. “If I may, shall we get our pictures made, so you kids can be on your way?”   So we did so. After a couple dozen shots—holding my beautiful girlfriend tightly in my arms for most of them—we said our goodbyes, and I led her down the sidewalk, where our friends were going gaga at just how precious we looked.   Arm in Silver Spoon’s, I ignored them and led her to the car, where we were met with a series of loud hellos until Diamond Tiara said,   “Oh, Sil, you don’t have any makeup on. Everything okay?”   Silver Spoon looked down for a moment, then said, “Um… yeah, I,” she looked nervously at me. “I sort of don’t care for it anymore.”   Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow. “Not even a little lip—”   “NO!” Silver Spoon and I cried out at the same time.   “I mean,” Silver Spoon said, leaning back, “It’s just no big deal.”   Diamond Tiara slowly nodded, and didn’t bring it up again as Silver Spoon and I shared a silent laugh.   ****   When we got to Apple Bloom’s place, Rumble had no trouble hopping out of the limo and walking up to the house. He never lost his nerve, not even when Apple Bloom opened the door in her gorgeous yellow and purple gown.   I silently swore at his confidence, but kept it to myself as Silver Spoon rested a hand on me for support to watch the pair take pictures.   Then at last, with our little group complete, we had some dinner at some fancy place I could not pronounce with food I didn’t care for, and more or less did what we had done in the limo. Once we paid for our meals, we headed back into said limo and made our way to the school for the dance, where most of the lot had already filled up with cars and students.   We did likewise, and upon exiting the limo we were waved down by a few other students.   “Hey, Button!” Pipsqueak shouted with a few of the other guys and their dates.   After I pulled Silver Spoon out of the limo I waved to them. “Hey, guys, how you doing?”   “Us?” Featherweight asked. “Look at you, arriving in style.”   Rumble patted my back. “Yup, and I’m his best friend.”   I rolled my eyes then looked at their dates. “Well, glad to see you and Dinkey worked out well.”   The girl named Dinky giggled. “Thanks, about time this dodo asked me out.”   “Ya tell um,” a butch girl holding Featherweight's arms said. She then looked at Apple Bloom. “Oh, hey cus.”   “Babs?” Apple Bloom asked, wide eyed and gleeful. “What ya doing here?”   “Welp, this chap and I do some—”   “Hang on a sec.” Diamond Tiara said, pointing towards the end of the parking lot.   There, Tray, along with his few remaining friends—whom had all been suspended from the dance as well thanks to Principal Celestia’s new crackdown on bullies, helped by Diamond Tiara's new fame for snitching them out—were sneaking through the parking lot, carrying an assortment of cans and plastic bags full of who knows what. Though, I was sure I saw a few yellow features leak out of the bag.   Silver Spoon moaned. “Oh god, are they serious?”   Diamond Tiara held up a hand and closed her eyes. “Allow me.” She turned to one of the police officers on duty for the dance. “Oh, officer Shining! I don’t think those boys should be here!”   The officer looked at Diamond Tiara, and then to the boys whom she had been pointing towards.   “Hey!” The officer called out.   “Crap.” Tray replied.   With one loud shriek, his goons dropped everything and made a run for it. Tray held his ground for a little while, till officer Shining Armor and a few other adults chaperoning the dance rushed towards him.   We all blinked at the panicked sight of the once head shot of the school till I looked towards the school. “Right,” I said over what I thought sounded like a high pitched scream and a tazer, or I could dream. “Shall we continue on?”   I held out my elbow for Silver Spoon.   “Hang on,” she said, adjusting her camera, “let me get a shot in front of Diamond’s limo.” She then pulled a tripod out of her purse, set the camera on bench, and we all lined up—even the other guys and their dates—as the camera’s timer was set.   Once that was done, arms locked together, we headed into the gym where the music was already playing loudly.   Of course, being a school dance, no one started to dance right away. Personally, I didn’t mind because I was just happy to sit and chat with some of my closest friends while my girlfriend held onto my arm and leaned on me.   Then, once the night began to move on and more students started to show up, a few made their way onto the dance floor.   “Um, Sweetie Belle,” I heard Scootaloo say as a popular fast song started to play, “may I have this dance?”   Sweetie Belle giggled. “How sweet, of course you may.”   Blushing, Scootaloo pulled Sweetie Belle out to the dance floor, where several others followed behind them. Scootaloo put her hands around Sweetie’s waist as Sweetie’s Bell’s arms connected with Scootaloo’s shoulders.   I felt a sharp kick in my leg as I looked to Diamond Tiara, leading Lily to the flow, giving me a bemused look as I shook my head and turned to Silver Spoon. “So, ready to dance?”   Silver Spoon took another snapshot of the dance, then beamed at me. “Of course I do.”   Smile never fading, I led her out on to the dance floor. Where, at first, I just sort of shuffled my feet as everyone else just seemed to do their own thing.   “Come on,” I heard Rumble say to me over the next song, “don’t think about it too much.”   I glared at him. “I’m not!”   Apple Bloom, who was next to him, shook her head. “Chill, ya’ll,” she then demonstrated by jumping up and down a little and pulling Rumble with her, “just go!”   I tilted my head, but decided to just go with it. Though, looking at Silver Spoon for comfort, I felt confident. I began to do a few more things that I felt made me stand out, but soon found no one caring if I was making a fool of myself, because that was more or less what everyone else was doing as well.   Then the first slow song of the night started.   Having gone from a fast beat to a slow one, we all looked at our partners with red faces and awkward smiles.   “Shall we?” Silver Spoon asked as the others started to hold their dates.   I slowly nodded. “Of course.”   She smiled, and I did what half of the other guys were doing. While some had both of their hands on their date’s waist, I only placed one of my hands on Silver’s as my other held her back while she wrapped both of her arms around my neck.   I suppose, as I looked into her beautiful eyes, I should have said something. I certainly heard a few of our friends talk about how lucky they were with their dates. Although, I didn’t feel like talking then, and Silver Spoon seemed just as content to just let me dance with her as we smiled at each other.   Then the song ended, and one kiss later we were back to the faster songs of the night.   ****   About five songs later, there was a loud tapping of the microphone as Principal Celestia spoke. “Attention, students, it’s time to select this year’s fall formal prince and princess.”   We all turned our attention to the stage while a few students cheered.   I cheered as well, until I noticed that everyone was staring at me.   “Oh right,” I blushed, remembering that I was supposed to go on the stage with the other nominees along with Silver Spoon.   “Ready for this?” Silver whispered to me.   I shrugged. “More or less. I mean, what’s a little more attention?” I emphasized by sticking out my tongue and blinking.   She giggled. “Come on, hero.”   With a sigh, we made our way onto the stage along with Diamond Tiara, who I had to feel a little sorry for. Not that she didn't always had to be paired up with some other guy because she never brought a date to a dance before, but because now when she had, she was forced to stand next to some other guy as her actual date looked on from the crowd.   However, even with all that, I saw Lily giving Diamond Tiara a reassuring nod while she helped Silver Spoon out by taking pictures for the year book.   Diamond Tiara eased up and stood confidently next to one of the football players.   “Right then,” Celestia nodded, “I just want to say, this has so far been an incredible year. For some, more so than others.” She tried not to look directly at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon when she said that, but it was hard  not to, “Though, through many changes and hard work, I feel as if the rest of the year will be even better. And I hope, for your parts, you will all work harder and be the wonderful young adults I know you are. But I suppose you want me to just get to who your prince and princess are.”   There was a loud cheer from the crowd.   “Very well then, may I have the envelope?”   As her sister, vice-principal Luna, made her way to Celestia with the envelope, Silver Spoon whispered to me, “What are the odds you think our names are in there?”   I clicked my tongue, “Well, judging by my luck, and with how these stories usually go, I’d say they likely are.”   She giggled. “Well, to be honest, I couldn’t care less if it was Diamond Tiara.”   I squeezed on her arm. “So would I...”   “And,” Celestia said, speaking slowly for dramatic effect, “Your prince and princess is…” she looked over the paper a few more seconds, making sure she read the names right, then said, “Diamond Tiara,” the crowd clapped, “and Button Mash.”   The crowd went wild.   My eyes widened as I forgot how to breathe for a while until Silver Spoon nudged me.   “Wa?!” I said through the cheering crowd. “Sorry, Silver, I just had this crazy hallucination that—”   “It’s real,” she deadpanned, and began to push me forward, “now go on, princy.”   “What?” My mouth said once my brain started to catch up. “Wait, what about—”   I caught her eyes rolling. “I’ll still be here when it’s over, dork.”   I shook my head and started to make my way towards Diamond Tiara, who was just as shell shocked as myself.   Once we met in the center of the stage, Celestia, who had also realized the awkwardness of the situation, continued, “Right, then, congratulations, may I have the crowns.”   Luna did just so, and placed a crown on Diamond Tiara’s head, and on my own.   “For bravery, in the face of doubt, and for putting the ones they cared about ahead of their own needs, I give you, you fall formal prince and princess!”   There were a few more cheers and flashes before the music started to pick up and another slow song started, to witch DT and I were supposed to share the fall formal royalty dance.   “Right,” Diamond Tiara said, clicking her heels, “Shall we?”   “Um,” I stammered, “Su…sure… Not that I wouldn’t want to dance with a girl as beautiful as—”   She placed her hands on my shoulder and pulled me out on the dance floor. “Just shut up and dance.”   I nodded vigorously as the music continued.   I took Diamond Tiara into my arms, holding her with both arms at the waist as she placed both of her arms on my neck.   “So, um…” I began.   “Awkward, huh?” she asked as everyone else was either dancing or staring at us.   I shrugged. “Could be worse.”   She looked me in the eyes, and the crown above my head, and sighed. “Yeah, I guess. Though, I’m going to have a talk about allowing same sex couples to be nominated.”   I raised an eyebrow. “Well, how would that work? I mean, who would be the prince and who would be the princess? Come to think of it, what if they both want to be the same thing?”   The song picked up a bit as it reached its end.   “Not sure,” Diamond Tiara answered, “but that’s the least of our problems.”   The song ended and we pulled away, but not before the crowd cheered and there was a bright flash and click.   “Oh this is one people will remember for a long time,” Silver Spoon chuckled as she lowered the camera. “I mean, I hate to admit it, but you two make a good pair.”   Our faces heated up.   “Hey… hey now!” I stuttered.   “Ye… yeah,” Lily muttered, clicking her heals and trying to sound tough, “She’s, um... mine.”   Silver Spoon shook her head. “Just line up so I can get one more shot of you two for the yearbook,” she then stared dreamily at me, “then, you’re all mine.”   I grinned like an idiot until Diamond Tiara stomped on my foot.   “Right!” I said, offering Diamond my hand. “Shall we get this over with?”   Diamond Tiara shook her head, but was smiling stupidly at Lily. “Yes, let’s do this.” She grabbed onto my arm, and Silver Spoon took only one picture.   “Right now—” my date began began.   “Mine!” Lily said as she raced forward and pulled Diamond Tiara away from me.   “It’s alright, dear,” Diamond Tiara assured by rubbing Lily’s shoulder. “Hey, DJ, like, play something to pick up the mood!”   The DJ nodded, flipped a CD, and the music picked up.   I chuckled at the pair of arms that wrapped around me.   “Now, then, my handsome prince,” Silver Spoon teased.   I turned to face her, putting my hands into hers.   “Shall we?”   I held her tightly. “Wouldn’t want to with anyone else but you.”   I heard Rumble next to me cough.   I chuckled. “And of course my closet friends too… Oh let’s shut up and party!”   And so we did. From time to time I’d let go of Silver Spoon to dance with Rumble or Sweetie Belle, but I’d always make sure I was with Silver Spoon whenever there was a slow song.   This went on for many hours, with Silver Spoon taking as many picture. Then, right as the last song played, Silver Spoon called us all together for one last large group photo.   “Well,” she told me as she set up the camera, “I have to say, this was one of the best nights ever.”   “Don’t suppose that has to do with me being your date, would it?” I asked, unable to resist being humorous.   She laughed. “Absolutely, my dork.”   “Um,” I pointed at my crown, “that’s prince dork now, my lady.” I rubbed my chin. “Though, you do realize, that by definition, you are now dating the most popular guy in school?”   She knocked on my skull. “Oh don’t let it get to your head.” The camera gave a beep, indicating the timer was set. “Now come on.” She then pulled me to the rest of our friends, who had set themselves up in a variety of silly poses.   Rumble was flexing his elbows as Apple Bloom crossed up arms and raised her eyebrows, but not without giggling. Lily was lifting Diamond Tiara as she was posing like a model laying down in midair, while Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were standing on one foot each while their cheeks rubbed against each other.   As for Silver Spoon and I, maybe it was just because we had to rush to the photo, or perhaps because of other reasons, but, with so many things we could have done for this picture, we just smiled at each other while holding hands   Then the camera clicked. > The End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE END