> Not what you're thinking... > by Visible spectre > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Scouting (Prolouge) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thissssssssss ssssspot ssssseemmssss good.." The overseer watched as the changeling slunk away into the woods, hopefully it would find something sentient here.Last time the pair was punished by the queen for starting an invasion in an uninhabited settlement, this time will be different he thought. "Now remember, don't come back until you have confirmed sentient beings, we don't want a repeat of last time..." said the overseer through the swarms mental connection. "yyyeeeaaahhh w-w-whaaattteeevvvveeerrr" groaned the changeling but in it's mind it was partly worried, this mission was vital. If it couldn't find food soon the swarm would go hungry, then no-one would be happy, especially him, he'd seen how the larvae were fed... As the overseer found a quiet tree to nest in, it thought of everything that could go wrong. " ugh stop being paranoid, just watch and everything will be fine." The changeling or sssssssssssllllllllllllllccckkkaaarrgghhhkkkk as he was known in the swarm headed through the dark mysterious forest at a slow casual pace, ignoring all the creaks and groans and the occaisonal howl.But unbeknownst to him a small cluster of green orbs were following him through the thick foliage. And above the treetops a shadow loomed in the night sky emitting a small humming sound that could barely be heard by anything within the immediate area. "go!" whispered something from the forest, but the changeling didn't hear and continued on its path, with a little friend in tow... "So, did you guys hear about that story in the news today?" "No I was too busy practicing my violin, then my friend Vinyl said she had a friend that she wanted me to meet, it didn't turn out too well..." "well sucks for you anyways I heard about some new species of animal being discovered last week!" "hey um excuse me-" "NO nonnonon listen these things they found were all weird and-" "excuse me!!" "WHAT!?!?!" "meep. there's something outside" [hheeeeeyyyy] thought the changeling to the overseer [What, did you find something?] replied the somewhat irriitated overseer, his counterpart could be annoying at times, especially during missions. [I found animals, but they're inside what seems to be a shelter.] thought the changeling [it's called a barn, Terrans build them to store work animals and food.] replied an annoyed overseer.[but i'd advise not-] [yyyeah not going in] recited the bored changeling [But that means there's life nearby, i'm investigating this "barn" for any signs of the terrans, wether you like it or not!] "sssssshhhhhhh", hissed the music pony "don't make any loud sounds, it could be a timberwolf!" "I told you it was a bad idea to liv-" started the second pony, "SHUT UP!" hissed the music pony. "i'm gonna go check it out, if i'm not back in oohh, 30 minutes go get help." "i-I'm not so-o sure ab-bout this, you shouldn't go out there." whispered the third pony, her pink hair covering her face. "Alright well i'll show you there's nothing to be afraid of, i'll be alright, you'll see!" said the second pony confidently, as he stepped out of the house through the back door. "then things got quiet, too quiet,and all of a sudden-" "stop that, its creepy that thing you do with your voice...." CRASH! "eeep...what was that?" said an almost inaudible voice. BUMP THUMP "It wasn't me..." "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" screamed a voice from outside. "That's it i'm going outside! Iv'e had enough of this hiding!" stated an angry, but slightly worried pony "but-" Slamming the front door as he walked out, he slowly approached the shed. *15 minutes earlier... [there seems to be a small side structure, i'll check in there first.] [you do know you dont need to update me on every single unimportant isignificant little-] [aaalllrrriiiiggghhhtttt I get the point, i wont contact you unless its important.] "uuggghhh do this do that don't do that, does he ever stop complaing?" "I might as well just settle down and see if I can- why am i talking out loud?" The changeling found a good hiding spot behind an erect ladder and a couple of barrels, but in his rush to settle down he forgot about protection. Just as the changeling decided to grab a plank of wood across the room, the door swung open spilling the light of the moon on to the floor causing the changeling to scurry inbetween someshed tools knocking a few rakes over. "Hello?"asked a high squeaky voice "I-Is anypony there?" Just as the pony said that the changeling leaped from his hiding spot tackling him and then pinning his legs with his body and covering his mouth with his frail claws. "Ssssshshshsh, don't squirm it'll just make things harder for you..." The pony watched in horror as the thing on top of him slowly changed into a pony that looked almost- no just like him, cutie mark and everything. "Thankssss for the body" and that was the last thing the pony heard before being knocked out cold... The door to the main building slammed shut and the changeling heard something approaching the shed, he quickly hid the unconcious pony, and found some rope to bind his hooves behind his back. "Alright come out wolfie, i'm gonna beat the crap outta you!" yelled a confident and dangerous sounding pony. "uuugggghhhh there's nothing here, sorry if I scared you..." replied the changeling in disguise "wait so what was with the banging ang thumping?" asked the suspicious pony. "oh...heh...i freaked out and tripped and knocked some stuff over, it's alright nothings here lets go back inside." "OK, are you sure you're not hurt?" "yeah yeah, im fine, everything's perfectly fine..." > The message > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hey] [hey!] [Hey!] [WAKE UP!!] mentally screamed the impatient overseer. [AHHH dafuq man?] sleepily replied the changeling. [I just recieved some disturbing news...] explained the overseer, [It seems the swarm is attacking a place called Canterlot?] [but we just got here, now they're ordering us somewhere else?] [get this, It didn't sound like the hatchery queen, it must've been a different brood.] [hmmmmm, well i'll see if i can find anything strange in this settlement, i already met some ponies who were kind and helpful enough to let me stay the night with them.] [wait...did you say ponies?] [Yes. Yes I did, do you have a problem?] [No, it's just strange, that's all.]