> LT: Drowning in her eyes > by Harmony Split > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A date with various flavors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter one: A date with various flavors I was nervous. Today would be my first date with Blue Moon, and it sent my mind into overdrive. With all that happened last week during the drills, the run against the royal guards, it seemed almost like a dream. Internally I was doing a little dance. She’s finally mine. Well, she agreed to go out with me, anyway. My thoughts haunted me through the day as I did my duty. Needless to say, my performance that day was lackluster. I kept missing minor details, screwing up easy battle formations or assignments. Who could blame me? My mind always with Blue Moon. “Hey filly, what’s up?” I jumped up and glared at the speaker. It was a pale-blue mare with a light-black mane. Her cutie mark was a moon around a shield,  “Whoo, calm down.” “Moon Shield, I don’t know if this is a good idea,” I mumbled. “What do you mean, Night?” “I’m nervous, scared! What if I buck up? If I do something stupid and she never wants to see me again?” I exclaimed in a whiny, high-pitched voice. Any other day and I’d have made fun of me for that. To everyone else I was basically a foal, as I was easily the smallest thestral in the night guard. But what I lacked in size I made up for in smarts. I kept my dark grey coat clean, my bright green eyes sharp, my lavender armor shined, and, more importantly, the hoofblades in my greeves sharp. More than one member of the guard has felt their kiss. I don’t get made fun of that much anymore. “Hey, relax. She kissed you, right?” I could only nod as she continued, “She said she is interested in you, and I’ve seen you two kiss and cuddle through the whole week, so it’ll be fine!” Shield smiled reassuringly. Normally that smile did just that. Normally. Today, not so much. I had the monster of doubt hanging on my shoulder, and it wouldn’t be appeased that easily. Sure, we had a three day pass, which meant we could spend the whole weekend together. But, of course, that was only if she wanted to spend the weekend with me. There were a million and one ways this could go wrong, and my tactical mind reviewed each and every one. It seemed to be stuck on repeat. “Hey, stop over-thinking it like you did in training. Think about it like a pony about to go out with the mare of her dreams for the first time!” Shield snapped me out of my mind. “It’s not that easy,” I replied, “And thanks for that, helpful,” I growled the last words. “You know I should’a put you on extra duty for that abysmal performance today.” I shrunk back to the ground, “I know,” I mumbled. “You’re lucky I like you, silly filly.” Celestia, I’ll never be rid of that nickname. “There’s nothing I can do to help you relax, is there?” Moon Shield asked. “Not unless you have a crystal ball,” I mumbled to myself. “Very well,” she spoke softly. She then straightened to her full height, “Night Watch, you are hereby ordered to run three laps.” My jaw dropped, “What?” “I’m sorry, is that the proper response to give a superior officer?” “No, ma’am,” I straightened. “Well? I’m waiting.” Why the buck is she doing this to me?! I turned around and walked down the hallway, my head low as I made for the training area. “Like you’ve got a purpose!” Moon Shield shouted behind me. I ran after that, pissed that she’d make me do this right before I was supposed to meet Blue Moon on our date. But an order was an order. I made it outside and stripped off my armor. With one last glare to double check if she was serious, I saw that in fact, yes, she was serious. I growled internally and started to run. There was no choice, she ordered it. It wasn’t beyond her authority to give any of us extra training, and as such, I had to run. The first lap I completed in four minutes flat, one minute shy of a new record, but respectable nevertheless. I gave her a look of death when I passed. She just smiled at me. The second lap saw that look fall off my face, after a five minute mile, I was too tired for that. The third saw me finish with two mares watching. Moon Shield and Blue Moon. The latter of which was smiling, at me. I finished the third lap in five minutes four seconds, highly respectable, but still embarrassing. After all, now I was sweating in front of Blue Moon. She was a pale-purple, tall thestral mare with pinkish-red eyes. A moon and stars cutie mark with an eye in the center. Her mane was a two tone blue, kept short, just like her tail. I couldn’t take my eyes off her uniform, snuggling quite nicely over her body. It was a simple night-uniform with midnight-blue marks, but on her it simply looked amazing, “Hey Night, how was your run?” she asked. “Oh… you know… just a quick workout,” I said between deep breaths. “She’s training to join you for the fifty mile dash,” Moon stated with a smile. “Really? We’d be lucky to have you on the team,” Blue smiled. Superior or not, I wanted to hurt Moon Shield. The fifty mile dash was a run from Canterlot to Ponyville and back. Only those ‘gung ho’ ever signed up for it, and I sure as hell didn’t want to. But now I was stuck, “Yeah… I… figured I could… help.” “So, we’ll get to spend more time together?” Blue Moon asked with a smile. Okay, now I did want to join. “Yep, sorry I need a shower before we can head out.” “Be quick, don’t want to keep such a cute mare waiting,” Moon Shield said with a laugh. It took me some effort, but I managed to keep the furious blush off my muzzle as she gave me a peck and I quickly made my way towards the barracks. Of course, I could’ve showered at home, but for no bits in the world did I want that mare wait for me. Not even for a warm shower, because those in the barracks were ice-cold. When the water hit my coat I nearly jumped out of my fur. I think they purposely made it that cold just so you didn’t loiter in the shower. Not that I had the slightest intention of doing that. I quickly washed my coat, mane, and all the ‘sweaty spots’. Then left as soon as possible. She was worth a lot, but after two minutes in there, I had to figure she didn’t want a date with a pony popsicle. Drying off took another minute, but after quickly running a towel over my mane I was out, trotting back to the training grounds as fast as I could.   It was then I realized that Moon Shield’s plan was pure genius. Not only did she get me to stop worrying about the date with her cousin, but she also found something else we could talk about, even bond over. And I’m supposed to lead ponies like her into battle? Yeah, right…. My thoughts of that died as I rounded the corner and saw her. Blue Moon was a full head taller than me, her pale purple coat shining in the sunlight. The uniform fitting nicely into this view didn't make it any better for my consciousness.  Staring at her pinkish-red eyes, I felt like I was drowning, and I didn’t even care. It was a depth that I’d be happy to get lost in. Unfortunately, staring at her eyes and walking in a straight line proved a little too difficult for me. I tripped and fell, right into the dirt. After I hit the ground, I shut my eyes, not wanting to live there anymore. There being anywhere in Equestria, the land I had just embarrassed myself in front of her in. “Are you okay?” Her voice was soothing, almost like a mother’s voice. I felt her hoof run through my mane. I opened my eyes. She was standing over me, her eyes spoke of concern, and humor. “Did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are? They even make me fail,” I chuckled before stopping, “Uh, not that it is your fault, but… I mean, it’s just that they are amazing-,” I stopped and smacked my muzzle back into the ground, groaning. I’m really terrible at this. She chuckled, laughed even. That only made me feel worse. “You really are too adorable, you know that?” I looked up at her, an ‘are you serious’ look on my face. But, somehow, she was still smiling at me. It was like… “You gonna get up, or do you want to spend the evening with me in the dirt? Either way, I think we’ll have fun,” she added the last part with a giggle.   “You really are serious, aren’t you? You think I’m cute?” “Of course I do. Night Watch, even if this wasn’t planned, I can tell you that I’m still confident about you and me,” she smiled sincerely before brushing some dirt from my muzzle with her wing. With a grin I didn't’ really feel, I got to my hooves and started to dust myself off. She helped as much as she could, but there was only so much we could do without another shower, and that wasn’t likely. ”Now, get dressed and let’s go, I’m looking forward to tonight,” she said with that same smile on her face. My smile started to become a little more real at that as I walked over to the pile of my armor. “Oh, and Moon Shield says if you leave your armor unattended again, she’ll put you on weekend duty for the next month.” My smile faded, “Horseapples.” She was right, that was rule number one in the night guard. You never left your armor unattended, heck, for us it was our dress. I had broken that rule, and I deserved the punishment. I think it was only the fact she liked me that I didn’t already have it. Given, she was the only one that did like me. Well… maybe there’s two now? As I slid on my greaves, I smiled and flexed the hoofblades, retracting and expanding them with but a twitch of my hoof. They had been a gift from Princess Luna herself. She had said at the time that even the largest enemy can die from a death by a thousand cuts. Despite the fact that I hadn’t actually killed anyone with them, I had made a name for myself with them. “Oh, are you going to protect me?” Blue Moon teased. “Why not? You are my mare,” I replied with confidence in my voice before I could even stop myself. Her expression killed that confidence; she glared at me like I had just insulted her mother. “No, I don’t mean like that, I know you can take care of yourself, I—,” Her hoof cut off my rambling. “And don’t you forget it,” she said under her breath, “Now, let's get started, the day’s about over and you promised me dinner tonight." We walked over, the atmosphere kind of killed. Neither of us said anything, and it drenched my heart. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled after a few moments. Her gaze met mine, unreadable before a small smile sneaked up her muzzle, “I can’t be mad at you. And to be honest, just between us two, I liked the sound of you protecting me,” her smile turned warm and loving. I smiled warmly as we left the palace grounds and made for town. As much as I wasn’t sure if I should, I couldn’t help myself. I started walking closer to her, our coats almost—but not quite—touching. My head glanced up, only to see her look down on me with a smile. That smile made me a little more comfortable and soon, we were touching coats. To anyone that looked at us, they’d be forgiven for thinking she was my mother, and I nothing more than her teenage daughter. Given, one in full battle plate. Being said, I don’t even know how old she is. If she is nearly as old as Shield, heck, I’m really the filly here. I chuckled at that thought, drawing her gaze back to me, “What’s funny?” “Just… picturing what we look like,” I replied back with a smile. “Why don’t you look over there?” she asked, gesturing with a hoof over to the empty glass windows with our reflection. I looked at the window and my breath stocked. No, we didn’t look like mother and daughter. To me, it looked like a beautiful princess was on a stroll, protected by her guard. “You look like a princess,” As soon as I said the words, my hooves went to my muzzle, trying to get them back. Alas, it was no use. Once said, they could not be unsaid. “Oh, I’m a princess, huh? Does that make you the captain of my guard?” she asked teasingly. “Only if you want me to be,” I replied in a whisper. The next action came that fast and surprisingly, it practically completely stunned me. As soon as my words were out, her muzzle pressed against mine, her wings embracing me in her soft and comfortable embrace. When she pulled her head back, I became so lost in her pinkish-red eyes that I almost didn’t hear her next words. Almost, “Well, if you're going to be my captain, I’ll need your oath. After all, every captain pledges themselves to their charge.” I blinked twice at that, then stood to my full height, my chest held out in front of me, my back straight, “I, Night Watch, captain of Blue Moon’s Night Guard, do solemnly swear that I will serve my princess at all times. I pledge my life to see that her needs are met, that her safety is assured, and that my body is always there to serve as her shield and weapon.” She stood up as well, which made me feel that much smaller. That was until I realized if I was a normal-sized thestral, she really would be a princess, “I, Princess Blue Moon accept your bond and your word.” My smile split my face as she ‘knighted’ me with her wing. “I’m starving,” she then said, and my smile slightly faltered. She walked right by me, her tail ran across my muzzle as she did so, “You coming, my captain?” “Yes, my princess,” I said back and quickly ran to her side again. This time there was no hesitation, we pressed our coats as close as we could to one another. As close as it was possible with my armor anyways. We walked the rest of the way just like that. Several ponies crossed the streets when they caught sight of us. I paid them no mind. Thestrals had a bad reputation with normal ponies, and I wasn’t about to let something like that ruin such a perfect day. In my head, I started to run through all the dumb things I had already done, mapping out a million and one better ways I could have done it. And yet, in every single one of those ways, she didn’t laugh. It was only in my mistakes that she laughed. I loved that laugh more than I could say. “Mmhmm, this place smells great!” her words stole me from my thoughts. I looked up to see we had made it. The Seafresh was an unusual restaurant in Canterlot. But that was to be expected; it's main dish was fish. Something most ponies had no taste for, but thestrals and griffons simply loved to eat. Needless to say, it was run by a thestral. He was an older stallion, one retired from the guard and knew our plight in finding our ‘ideal’ meals. His restaurant was empty, but that was no surprise, most of us were on duty at that time. Only Blue Moon, Moon Shield and me had won the three day pass, and Moon Shield had other plans for tonight. “Welcome, Night Watch, Blue Moon!” “Hey, Midnight Spear, how’s business?” I asked the old joke. “Sucks, like always,” he replied back, smiling at this oldest joke between us. “One day they’ll figure out how good fish is.” “Hope not, then we’d have to share,” he laughed, as did I. Blue Moon smiled at that, “I had no idea you were so friendly with him?” “Well… he kinda helped me,” I said back with an uncomfortable grin. “How so?” Blue Moon asked as we took our seats. There was no need to place an order, Midnight knew exactly what I’d order. “I…” She placed her hoof on my own, and for the first time since I could remember, I wished I wasn’t wearing my greaves, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” “No, it’s fine,” I replied, giving her a small smile in return for her kind gesture, “I’m not really well liked. In other words, I was always the smallest, the weakest. I was about to quit, when he... “ “He talked you out of it?” I nodded, “He told me I was only as small as I felt. That it didn’t matter what other said, but only what I thought. I thought, I knew, I could do it. So I stayed.” “I’m glad you stayed,” she said, gently smiling, “Otherwise we wouldn’t be here.” “I am, too,” I said, biting back the ‘now’ I wanted to add to the end of that sentence. “Here you two go!” Midnight said as he brought our meals to us. It came as no shock he was so quick, there was no one else there, and he only served a few items. I was practically drooling when the smell of the fish hit my nostrils. Medium-rare catfish always had a sweet sent to me, and it went down so smooth. “What’s that?” Blue Moon asked. I blinked twice, almost in disbelief that she was serious, “You’ve never had catfish?” “I’ve only been here once in my entire time in Canterlot, and that was with my cousin years ago,” she answered with a blush. “Just try it, you’ll love it,” I smiled. She looked once at me, almost like she was unsure, then reached down and took a bite of the fish. Her eyes went wide as the taste hit her tongue. She went back for a third and a fourth bite in as many seconds. “I think she likes it,” Midnight Spear said with a grin. “Two more orders,” I replied before picking up my own meal and eating half in one go. The moist and succulent meat danced upon my tongue, playing over my mouth almost like it was a lover’s tongue exploring what was by all rights hers. I couldn’t help but imagine who that tongue belonged to. It was Blue’s tongue playing in my mouth, causing me to salivate in desire. I was sure that my furious blush could be noticed by her, but looking up, I saw that she sported exactly the same. If we think the same… just, woah. Blue quickly dove back into her plate, finishing her fish just in time as the second plate for each of us came. That one disappeared just as quickly, leaving us both smiling and stuffed. Midnight joined us with a smile on his muzzle, “I take it you both liked it?” We looked up with huge smiles on our faces, “As always, Night Watch, It was a pleasure having you and your marefriend here,” I blushed at those words. “It was a pleasure being here,” Blue Moon said with a smile. “I trust I’ll see more of you?” He asked her. “Oh, you won’t be able to keep me from this place.” “Then consider tonight on the house,” he stated as he cleared our table. “You… you don’t have to do that,” I said, shocked, “I was gonna…” “I know I don’t have to, but I want to. Anything for you, Night Watch. And besides, I think you can find something better to spend your bits on. No? Another blush appeared on my cheeks. “Night’s just so adorable when she blushes like that,” Midnight Spear said teasingly. “Yeah, she is,” Blue Moon replied with a grin. I looked over at Blue to see a smile on her face, one that I couldn’t help but return. There was just something about seeing her smile, seeing her happy, that made me happy as well. “Oh, you got a little,” she picked up her napkin and dabbed the side of muzzle. My blush got bigger, “Thanks…” “No problem.” It was then I noticed the sun going down in the distance, our movie started thirty minutes after Princess Luna rose the moon, “We should get going, the movie starts soon.” “Okay,” she said chipperly and made to get up. I saw her grab her stomach with a hoof. “What’s wrong?” I asked, concerned. “Nothing, just… full,” she said. “You sure you want to go?” “Oh yeah, I’m sure the walk will settle my stomach.” I wasn’t entirely convinced about that, but I nodded and left the restaurant with her. During our walk, she winced more than once, but always said she was fine. Something that changed in front of the theatre. As soon as we were there, she shot a glare up at the program of the theatre, before clutching her stomach and wincing more than loudly. “I think I’d rather go home,” she breathed out. Right. I bucked up. I’ve never known a thestral that got sick on fish, much less catfish. She must have ate so much it made her sick. I really bucked up. My ears pressed flat against my head as I nodded, “Alright, let’s get you home.” She smiled at my answer, but it only lasted for a second, and it could’ve easily have been nothing more than my imagination. My thoughts started to betray me again as we made our way to her home. My mind was telling me that she just played it to get rid of me; I was seriously concerned. “Are you okay?” she suddenly asked me. “Um, yeah, just worried about you,” I stammered. She smiled and pecked me onto the side of my muzzle, causing me to blush, “You’re cute,” she stated as we continued on our way. Her apartment was one of the only ones in Canterlot, since most of the city consisted of stuck-up, classy houses and small castles. That being said, it was a lot bigger than my own place. I had to say I was a little impressed. “Thank you for walking me home,” she smiled as we entered the hallway. “Anything for you,” I replied. We stopped at a door with the number fourteen as she turned and stared into my eyes, “You are simply too cute,” she said, then kissed me. The kiss was my hope that not everything was lost, and I pressed back, just to have it end too soon for my taste. As she turned and opened the door, I quickly mumbled a goodnight before making my way home. I didn’t even get near the stairs to exit the apartment-complex. “Would you mind… helping me to bed?” she asked as I was almost at the stairs. I blinked three times before turning my head back to look at her. She was staring at me, halfway through the door. “What?” I asked, flabbergasted. “You know, it’s the captain’s job to help her princess with everything she needs. I just thought…” “You’re not feeling well and need help?” I asked. She grinned at me, “Yeah, that.” “Umm, okay. I mean, you are my princess.” She smiled as I made my way back down the hallway and to her apartment. She moved to the side and let me through, closing the door behind me quickly. As she moved past me, her hips swung slightly as she lead the way, the uniform pronouncing her well-toned flank perfectly. The apartment itself was nice and very spacious. I couldn’t help but look over to the huge couch and the giant balcony behind it. But before I could look further, I was turned around and soft lips met mine. It took me by surprise, and it took me a second to lean in, just to have it end again, “I’m sorry that I was so harsh to you before. I know you only meant well for me,” I looked confusedly at her and she sighed, “When you said you’d protect me because I’m your mare.” “I didn’t think you were that harsh,” I replied sheepishly, “I just thought you were independent and strong, something I've always admired about you.” “You’re simply cute,” she snickered and gave a teasing lick up my muzzle,”Bedroom’s this way.” I audibly gulped when she said that. She didn’t wait for me to reply. The mare of my dreams simply turned around and sauntered down the hallway, her flank bouncing with her steps, swaying like a feather in a breeze. “Are you coming?” Blue Moon turned her head and smiled at me when she realized I was not right behind her. I gulped, again, “Y-yes, my princess,” At that, I found my hooves and quickly made my way to follow her. She smiled and led the way into the bedroom. The bedroom was decent sized, with a nice, lush, fit-for-a-princess sized bed directly in the center. Blue Moon sauntered up to the bed and jumped up, laying on her side with her hooves dripped over the edge. “I wish to be free from these royal garbs,” her voice was almost a perfect match for Luna’s, no doubt something she had been practicing during her free time. “Yes, your highness,” I replied curtly, hoping that the blush on my face wasn’t too noticeable. “My captain, if you’re blush gets any deeper, your coat will permanently change colors.” Buck me, it was, “Understood, your highness.” If she thought I was blushing before, it was nothing compared to how I felt when my muzzle found her zipper. I latched my teeth on it and pulled slightly down, however, when I did so I breathed in through my nose, my nostrils filling with the smell of her. “Slower, my captain,” she gently said, giving me a loving gaze. I couldn’t help but comply as I drowned in her eyes once more. The sound of the zipper coming undone filled my ears as our eyes never left each other. I could hear the beating of my heart, the pounding in my chest, and the smell of her scent. Far too soon, the zipper was all the way down and I watched as she pulled one hoof out of the uniform and then the other. The whole scene was mesmerizing, enticing, and left me wanting for more. Much more. Something I didn’t want to push upon, so I stepped back, causing her to raise an eyebrow. “You are not done here. I think it is your duty to keep me warm during this cold night,” she ordered me with a smile. “Blue Moon, I…” “Princess,” she corrected with a smile, “And if you come to bed in your armor, it’ll chaff me.” My mind went blank, it stopped working, almost like there were two sections; the section that comprehended what she had just said, what she wanted, and the section that was in denial over what was about to happen, that it couldn’t be that. Could it? Unconsciously, I started to remove my armor. Her smile the only thing I was focusing on. Normally I took great care to make sure each piece had it’s own place on the floor, normally I wasn’t staring at my princess, looking at me with those eyes. Before I knew it, the armor was off. It was just me, staring at her, staring at me. That was the first time I saw hesitation in her face, “Night, if you don’t want to…” “I… I want… It’s just the first time I’m that close to another in years, to be honest,” I hesitantly answered. The smile she gave me was loving and understanding all the same, “It is my first time ever, actually.” To invite another mare into her bed or doing.... I couldn’t even end the thought, distracted by her gaze. My body moved on it’s own, I went to the edge of the bed and jumped onto it, quickly making my way up to her and locking lips with the thestral that won my heart. She rolled over and caught me in her hooves, pulling me down onto her, to be closer to her, to drown in the touch. It was exactly what I did as her hoof cupped my muzzle, slightly stroking my cheek. Everything burned in my mind like a dream come true. I had to admit that it wasn’t just one time I imagined me with her, alone in my bed, cuddling and kissing. That it was real after so long made everything better. Emboldened by the moment, I pushed my tongue forward, asking for entry as her hooves moved up and down my body. She responded, opening her muzzle and letting me inside, inside of her. My tongue explored every nook and crevice of her mouth. I ran it along her teeth, her upper jaw, and even her fangs. My eyes went wide at that one. She giggled a little as I cut myself upon her fangs. The blood seeped down my tongue and into her mouth. That’s when her tongue made itself known. She lightly caressed my own, almost as if she were rubbing it, trying to make it better. I’ve no doubt that the blood itself was soaking her tastebuds, and that thought only turned me on even more. After all, that’s the thing about thestrals that leave us so mistrusted from the other races. We like meat, and even the blood of others from time to time. This was no different. I had never done it before, but, when one of our kind shares themselves with another, it’s considered the greatest act of love you can show them. When I pulled back, her front teeth latched onto my tongue, almost like it didn’t want to let it go. She grinned before finally releasing me, the copper taste in her muzzle must have been like heaven to her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—” She interrupted me with a kiss, just a simple peck on my lips to shut me up, “Thank you for that. Even if it wasn’t… planned.” My face flushed at that, “They say the key to any battle is not the plan you go in with, but the one you can develop in response to your opponent.” “You’ve always impressed me, Night.” “Me?” “Yes, I don’t think you realize just how smart you are, how much the rest of us—those not trying to win a popularity contest—respect you.” I laughed at that, “You’re kidding?” “Night Watch, I’ve never been more serious,” she replied with a gaze that seemed to devour me completely before she moved closer, her muzzle near my ear,. “I want this to be about us. Let me be yours and you be mine,” she whispered before biting gently into it. I could feel her fang pierce my ear, the flesh broken by the sharp bone, the stinging sensation traveling to my brain as she drank from me. I couldn’t help but shudder with a low moan, enjoying it more than I thought I could.   “Blue,” my lips released the sound as she pulled her fangs out of my ear and licked at the wound she caused. “Go ahead, my captain,” she whispered into my ear. I looked down at her perfect pale-purple coat, it’s flawless nature, the way it just shined and found myself torn. It was so perfect, she was perfect, and I didn’t want to stain that, I didn’t want to ruin something of such beauty. And yet… It would be my mark on her, it’d be the signal that she was mine, something of me to add to the perfection that was her. I think she sensed my hesitation, as at that moment her hoof moved down my belly and brushed against my throbbing clit. That was the end of it, I couldn’t hold back anymore even if I wanted to. My muzzle open wide and my fangs bit deep. I did it quickly, and then wished I hadn’t. The taste, her moans, the flavor, the juices, they were the greatest symphony of sensation I’d ever known in my life. “Night… Oh… Night,” She moaned into my ear. Her words egging me on to take more and more from her, to feed from her, almost as if she were asking me to take a chunk of her flesh. I think at that point she would have let me. I know I would've let her if our situation was reversed, and a part of me, a rather large part, wanted to. But I didn’t, I held back and simply drank of her. Her blood flowing into my mouth and down my throat. “Night, I’m gonna… I’m gonna….” At that, I pulled back, unsure what she meant. She kept her eyes closed, her mouth open, panting as she simply enjoyed the pain, and the pleasure. When she opened her eyes, there was fatigue there, but also love, and sorrow, “Why’d you stop?” “I… I didn’t want to hurt you more than needed,” I stammered back. She gave me a loving smile back, “Night, I asked you to make me yours. Take everything that is yours, because this invitation is for you and for you only,” she whispered. My mouth hung open at that, she giggled and reached up to kiss me again. I could feel her tongue almost immediately go into my mouth. And, unlike me, she wasted no time cutting herself on my fangs. That sweet, coppery nectar rushed into my mouth, and I savored it. I drank as much as I could, wanting more and more of her, of her taste inside of me. It was almost a cardinal need that caused me to want to devour her whole. She wasn’t just on the giving end, either. Her own fangs latched onto my lips, drinking from me as well. My own pain simply became one with the pleasure I was feeling. Together, we simply shared ourselves in a way that the ‘normal’ ponies would never know. They’re missing out. With a facility I’d never known in myself, I pushed her down onto the bed, feeling a small rip in my bottom lip when I did so, but not caring one way or another. It was rare for such small wounds to even leave a scar on thestrals. She giggled at me, the bite in her shoulder still leaking blood from where I bit it earlier. I reached down and licked her shoulder clean, and was almost, almost about to sink my fangs back in, when another smell altogether hit my nose. “That’s what you meant when you said you were gonna,” I replied with a seductive smile. She grinned back as I made my way down to the other part of her I wanted to taste. I couldn't have missed it if I tried. If what she said was true—and I had no reason to believe it wasn’t—she was as horny as I was at that moment. The scent of her marehood was like a beacon that would lead anyone to it from a hundred miles away. Only that I knew that this one was locked with a key only I had. She purred as I moved closer, breathing in her scent like it was my nectar of life. It’s own juices were already coating her nethers. I had never seen one up close, not like this anyway, but her marehood was already open, waiting for me, waiting to accept me. My very breath seemed to cause it to shiver in anticipation of what was to come. Giving Blue a questioning, loving stare, she nodded and licked her lips, revealing her fangs for me in a smile. I didn’t need more, and served her the first, hesitant lick that put the nerves on my tongue in fire. If I thought her blood tasted good, her juices were amazing. They dance, played over my tongue, electrifying every taste bud I had, almost like they were the sweetest nectar of the gods. I lashed out with a second, and then a third, each lick causing me to take more and more of her wonderful taste upon my tongue, each one causing her to shiver and moan in enjoyment as she was worked over by her captain. At that moment, I knew she was all I needed, all I’d ever need. And all I would ever want. I started to get more daring, while she’d replace what I licked up with each lick, she didn’t replace it fast enough, not for my taste anyway. So I started to push into her, my tongue reaching out to explore her deepest depths, to try and get as much of the tasty juices as I prossably could. If she was close before, this was pushing her right up to the edge. Her hind legs kicked and bucked around my head as she fought her own body for control. Her head fell back, screaming out sweet nothings as I licked even deeper and deeper into her. The true pleasure came for both of us completely by accident. In retrospect, I should have seen it coming, but at that moment my head simply wasn’t thinking, not about risks or possibilities anyway. If my instructors knew, they’d have chastised me on the spot. When I quickly pulled back to get a lungful of air before starting again, her right leg hit my head, causing my fangs to seek deep into her vulva. That was the end of the line, the final push that simply sent her over the edge of the cliff into a cascade of pure pleasure. My ears echoed with the sound of her yells, her curses, and her screams of both pain and joy. My mouth was soon filled to the brim with the dual taste of her juices and blood. And as much as I didn’t mean to, at that moment, I was addicted. The flavor, the sensation, all of it. Her, she was my goddess, and I was nothing more than the ground she walked on. I drank and drank, not knowing or caring about anything else around me. It wasn’t until the screaming and thrashing stopped that I even realized something had changed. With reluctance, I pulled away and lapped up the small trail of blood that was left over. My eyes moved up her body seeing her simply panting, out of breath, but oh-so satisfied. When they found hers, I could tell she was tired, but grateful. “That was… that was… amazing,” she said between pants, “I’m finally your mare.” My mare. She gestured for me to come up to her. I did as I was asked, and she locked lips with me again. We shared in the taste of her, what was left in my mouth anyway. After all, nothing compared to what I had just experienced. When she pulled back, she smiled again, a little bit of her left on her muzzle. I quickly wiped it up with a few licks of my own tongue, “Keep me warm tonight?” she asked. “Of course, my queen.” “Queen?” She asked. “You’re far more than a princess to me,” I replied as I wrapped my hooves around her and snuggled up to her back. It was an impossible task, my own body far smaller than hers. But I wouldn’t let that stop me from trying. And besides, with my wings, I could keep us both more than warm. As her breath steadied out, I could feel her fall into blissful slumber. I don’t know why I said what I said next, I think I know, I thought I was in the clear, that she wouldn’t hear it. “I love you, Blue Moon.” I wasn’t, and she did hear it. “I love you too, Night Watch.” The greatest gains come with the greatest risks. > Solid bonds of Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter two: Solid bonds of Love I was in bliss, one that couldn’t get any better. That was exactly the description that matched my feelings. My eyes were still closed, I felt warm, protected, and loved. The tiny, throbbing pain in my tongue, my muzzle and my ear was only co-existent. My wings were a bit numb, wrapped around something soft and warm while my muzzle was enveloped by something soft as well, embraced in a scent I was addicted to. The soft bundle in my wings started to stir slightly, then a movement caused me to open my eyes and stare into Blue Moon’s sleepy, but loving gaze. “Good morning,” she breathed with a smile. “Good morning, beautiful,” I replied and she snuggled forward until her lips met mine. I was more than surprised as her muzzle opened and her tongue pressed forward. Despite the small pain from last night, I granted her access and wrapped my own tongue around hers, the pain immediately soothed only like a lovers touch could manage. It ended far too soon for my taste. “As much as I would love to spend all day with you in bed, maybe we should do something? We have two more days left to spend how we want,” she said with a loving smile. “We could do everything or nothing together. I don’t mind at all, no matter what it is, as long as I’m at your side,” I whispered back before planting a peck on her muzzle. It didn’t stay like that. The small peck soon turned into a deep and passionate kiss as her muzzle pressed back, capturing my lips firmly with hers. “I can get used to this,” Blue giggled as we broke, “Mind joining me under the shower, my captain?” Despite my sleepy mind, my wings went stiff in the blink of an eye, causing me to blush furiously. “Oh, you dirty mind,” Blue winked before slowly standing up, “How about we test if we think the same?” she added huskily before leaving the room with swaying hips. In my hurry to leave bed and following her, I struggled in the sheets, just to meet the ground snout first. However, it only stopped me for barely a second before I darted after Blue Moon. She smiled at that, chuckling at my antics. Normally I hated that. To an eye that didn’t know me, I looked like a foal, and concisely tripping over my own hooves did nothing but reinforce that belief. However, right now, I didn’t mind in the slightest. How could I? They made her laugh. She smiled as she went for her toothbrush on the sink. I paused at that, wondering just how well my own breath smelled, and almost gagging when I tested it. Hopeful that she didn’t see, I tiptoed past her and made to get the water running. “You know, if you want, you can use mine?” “You want to share your toothbrush?” I asked, somewhat taken aback by the offer. “It’s not like I’m sick or infective,” she giggled, “And I thought we were together after last night? Marefriends?” “Well… I guess we did already….” “Yeah, we did, and I have the bite marks to prove it,” she said with a laugh, gesturing to the two wounds on the side of her shoulder. “Me as well,” I chuckled. “Yes, you do, although you never got the attention you deserved. How about I try to fix this today?” she asked with a sultry grin. I simply stood there, my wings stiff as she brushed her teeth. As soon as she was done and cleaned it, I darted forward and quickly brushed mine, not caring in the slightest that we shared it anymore. In my haste, when I squeezed the tube of paste, it splattered out onto the mirror. I almost banged my head against the edge of the sink. Almost, anyway. I only stopped when I felt a soft wing wrapping around my barrel to turn me around. “Night, you don’t have to be nervous. I’m yours, and nothing that you do will change it. You are adorable how you are, and I’m proud to be yours,” Blue said, looking directly into my eyes, catching my gaze with her pinkish-red orbs before kissing me deeply. When we broke apart, I felt like I was flying. And while my hooves were still firmly planted on the ground, my heart wasn’t, “Now, brush your teeth so I can enjoy kissing you some more.” “Yes, my queen,” I replied with a grin as I watched her saunter up to the shower and get inside. Immediately her short mane fell back and clung to her face as her head turned up into the water. My eyes darted down her muzzle, her neck, the bite marks on her shoulder, and then to her flanks and curves. It was so hard for me to believe that this mare, this queen, that she was mine. But she had let me drink from her, something only two bat ponies that mated for life ever did. My attention tore itself away from her and back to the mirror. I quickly brushed my teeth, making sure to not make a mess this time on her mirror. When I spat out into the sink, I turned and almost fell flat. She was sitting on her haunches in the shower. Her head held up to the water, letting it pour off her and down her back. Her short mane flat against her face, and the loveliest smile upon her muzzle. It was as if it were a painting. I saw her eyelids open up in slow motion and turn to look at me. She grinned and blushed at the way I was staring at her, “You going to just look or do you want to join me?” “Y-yes,” I stammered. She giggled, “Yes to what?” “Both?” I asked as I smiled back and walked into the shower. As soon as the water hit my fur I pulled back, the heat surprising me. That got another laugh from her, “Sorry, should have warned you, I like my showers like my mares; hot. And besides, after last night, I kinda need to keep my body temperature up a little.” I swear my face was going to turn red, “Sorry.” “There’s nothing to be sorry for,” she grinned, “Well, other than me not returning the favor.” “Something you wanted to fix,” I continued, and a grin sneaked up my muzzle. Suddenly the water just wasn’t all that hot anymore. “Mhh, yes, I did say that,” she purred and came closer until her coat gently touched mine. I glanced over at her. It still felt unreal to me, like everything we had done last night was nothing more than my fantasies, the best dream I’ve ever had. Granted, I knew it wasn’t, my dreams were never that good. Even through the minty toothpaste I could still taste her, her blood, her pussy, her juices, her very essence. Everything that made Blue Moon, Blue Moon. Her wing stretched out and wrapped around my back. It was by far the most cliche move she could of made, but I melted at her touch. I could feel every inch of membrane on her wing as it ran up and down my fur. Almost like she was saying ‘stop worrying’. “Stop worrying.” Of course her actually saying it only confirmed it. “I can’t help it,” I said back. “Why?” she giggled. “Because, it feels like a dream. You are the most beautiful mare, smart and strong, yet you chose me. I’m nothing besides you,” I whispered and her smile faltered, “I mean, look at me, I look like a filly next to you.” I waited for her to speak up, then I felt her hoof at my muzzle. Hard, “Don’t you ever say that again! I chose you because you are worth it! You are smart, brave, cute, and in my opinion, also beautiful. Why shouldn’t I be with a mare like you? Besides, I’m only twenty-one.” “Wait… what?” I asked, flabbergasted. “I’m twenty-one,” she repeated with a smile. “I always thought you were much older than me, now you are younger,” I mumbled, still surprised. “That’s rude!” She said playfully. “Oh shush,” I replied, my thought in thermal. “How old are you?” She asked. “Twenty-five,” I replied. “Really?” “Yeah, I know, I look twelve.” “I always thought you were older than that.” I perked up, “Really?” “Yes. Before you ask why, let me answer that already. You act mature. Much more than most of the others around us.” “But I always stumble and trip, and say dumb things at the worst times.” “You only say dumb things if you think you do. Everything I’ve heard from you so far has made sense, and was smart as well as impressive,” she replied. “But my epic failure at the test yesterday? I mean, I tripped going up a flight of stairs.” “And?” “I mean… foals do dumb things like that.” “Okay, stop,” She glared at me, “You’re aware you set an academy record then, right? That is the only time in history that no one has ever—ever had to repeat that obstacle course. Sure you tripped, who cares? You did the impossible, something no one has done before, and I’m willing to bet that no one will do again.” “Yeah, but those jerks—” “Are some of the best of the best of Celestia’s royal guard. They’re experienced veterans that have been working together for years. Even still, the team you built, you put together. Me, Shield, and you, we beat them. We did it using your strategy and your tactics. What about that is not impressive?” “I… I… I…” She laughed, “You really can’t see your own self worth, can you?” “I…” “You know, when it became common knowledge we were going out, three stallions and four mares told me how lucky I was.” “What? Now I know you’re pulling my leash.” “Nope, they were just too scared to ask you out. They all said how jealous they were that I got to you first.” “But… everypony always avoided me… they treated me like I had the feather flu or something.” “They were intimidated by you, not avoiding you. I must admit, I was in that group, too. When you asked me out, my heart jumped into my throat. I mean, think about it. You think Moon Shield takes just anypony under her wing? That any old pony would be trusted into tactician training? Destined to be in the higher echelons of command, leading ponies into battle?” “I’m not that special. I m—,” I never got to finish that sentence, she cuffed me over the back of my head with a hoof. I turned my head to look at her, expecting to see her smiling or a sense of playfulness, instead I got anger, “Too bad, I only share my shower with special ponies. So if you’re nothing special, leave. However, if you can comprehend a fraction of what I’m trying to tell you, if you can start to see your own self worth, you can stay. So, which is it?” “You’re serious?” I asked. The look on her face told me that yes, she was serious. “Leave or stay. Are you special or are you not?” “You are using my feelings to force an answer, that’s just mean.” “Yep.” “...” I mumbled. “What was that?” She asked “I’ll stay.” “Sorry, little louder.” “I said I’ll stay,” I grimaced, “You’re… you’re right. I may have been a little hard on myself. A little.” She chuckled and held me tighter, “Night Watch, all you need is some self-confidence and there’s no limit to how far you can go.” “Can I buy that at the store?” I asked with a grin. “Nope, but you can get it from having a wonderful marefriend that’ll show you every day just how special you really are.” “Oh? What would this wonderful marefriend do?” I asked, the smile never leaving my muzzle. “Well first, she’d share her shower with you, and not let you get away with berating yourself.” “Sounds good so far,” I said. “Then she’d nuzzle up to your muzzle ever so slightly,” Blue said as she rubbed her muzzle against my own. “Mmhmm,” I cooed. “Then she’d look you dead in the eyes and simply stare at how beautiful your green eyes are.” I blinked my eyes twice as she stared dead into them, “I hope that’s not all she’d do.” “Then she’d lean in and kiss you, over and over again, letting her tongue play in your mouth ever… so… slightly…” After each kiss the smile on my face grew ten-fold. “Then she’d ravish you to an inch of your life, and finally, take that last inch for good measure.” “Wh—” She practically threw me to the ground and pounced on me. My head almost slapped against the shower floor, but before I could even voice a complaint, her muzzle attached itself to mine. I could feel the weight of her body pressing onto of mine, pushing me down, crushing me against the tile. And for the love of Luna, I loved it. Her hooves trailed up and down my coat, feeling every inch of me and more. I didn’t blink, I couldn’t blink. I wouldn’t blink. There was a hunger on her face, a savage need in her eyes to make me hers, and that desire was simply irresistible. I wanted her to want me, I wanted her to need me, and oh my Luna she did. Her right thigh started grinding itself against my marehood, electing coo after coo from my muzzle. I simply couldn’t move as her body found all my right spots, taking care of me like just the perfect lover could, and Blue Moon was my perfect lover. “Mhh, you like that?” she cooed gently into my ear, and I could only nod, “Then you’ll love the rest so much more,” she continued, before going a bit deeper, biting right into my neck. Her teeth penetrated my skin, piercing me, sending spikes of pain through my skin, and up to my brain. I cried out before cooing as I felt my own blood, my own life being drained from my body. It was like she was taking me in, she was getting her nourishment directly from my being. Even through the water flowing over us both, I felt myself growing wet with desire for her. I wanted her to continue, to take from me, for me to be hers in mind, body and soul. And she did, she drank and drank. I cried out as her thigh continued to press against my marehood. My left hoof wrapped around her head to try and push her deeper into me. She responded in kind, sinking her fangs deeper into the flesh of my neck. A tidal wave of pleasure overtook me and my flank pushed deeper into her thigh as it did so. I cooed as my orgasm overcame my being, feeling myself soak her thigh completely with something that was entirely different than water. Much, much, much too soon for my liking, she removed her fangs from my neck and licked her muzzle clean. My head was still leaning to the side, my tongue hanging out, panting and out of breath. It hurt worse for her to pull out then it did going in. I wanted her back inside of me. However, she simply licked my wounds clean as my own body quickly healed the hole, “Night, you taste divine.” “So did you last night,” I cooed back weakly. “I seem to recall you enjoying an entirely… different taste though.” “Let’s say it was a mix of both of your splendid juices. And I have to admit that I could easily grow addicted to that mix,” I giggled and spread my hind legs as far as I could. An obvious invitation for her to sample me the way I had done her. She didn’t need a second invitation. I saw her smile as she worked her way down my chest. Leaving little lickes, kisses, and bites as she found something juicy enough to sample. Others, some of the lesser races, might take it as us eating each other. They simply didn’t understand. This was the greatest gift you could give another thestral. It wasn’t barbaric or cannibalistic, it was sharing yourself fully. Giving yourself over to the one you loved. So what if it gave us a bad rep, they’d never understand. They couldn’t. She moved her way between my hind legs, and I could already feel myself wetter than ever. I yearned for her touch, for her tender kiss, and for her fangs. Sadly, she decided to tease me first. Which turned out to heat me up even more. As soon as her muzzle reached my marehood, she carried on with small licks, teasing slightly between my labia only to pull back again. From time to time I could feel one of her fangs scratch over my lower lips, but she just wouldn’t sink them in. It drove me up the wall. I felt my flank lift from the floor, my marehood pressing, searching for her tongue to latch on, for her teeth to sink in, anything to get the sweet realm of her touch. She seemed to anticipate this. When I pushed up, she’d push back ever so slightly and tease me more. Her mouth even started licking the inside of my thighs. “Plleease…” I mumbled. “Oh?” she asked with a smile. “Please, stop teasing,” I pleaded. “I don’t know, I only enjoy pleasuring mares that are worth it.” I held a hoof to my muzzle to scream out my frustration as she lightly ran her fangs upon my thighs. “Say it,” she smiled at me. “I... “ “C’mon, just two little words and I’ll give you what you want,” As if to punctuate her comment, she licked from the bottom of my slit all the way to my clit, “I meant, to me you taste special, but I could be mistaken.” “You love teasing me don’t you?” I asked. “You mean do I love having my extra-special marefriend writhe under my touch, fully exposed to me and begging me to eat her out? Yes, I love everything about it.” “Well then, you shouldn’t keep your extra-special marefriend waiting.” “There, was that so hard?” she asked right before diving into my slit. I cried out as I felt her tongue force its way as deep inside of me as she could possibility get it. I moaned and wiggled as she licked my innermost walls. “I love you,” I moaned between breaths, “My queen.” Blue looked up at me, her eyes showing everything that words never could. In those pinkish-red eyes I saw her heart, her love for me returned a hundred, a thousands times over. And at that moment, right when my own pleasure was at its peak, she bit down, directly into my labia. The pain was as sharp as being stabbed, but it only lasted a second. We were naturally resistant to such things, our bodies easily able to compensate. However, even if that wasn’t the case, at that point in time my brain couldn’t tell pain apart from pleasure. As my blood drained into her mouth, so did my juices. My body responded to her touch and and I came, I came harder than I ever had in my entire life. My wings shot out to either side, knocking over bottles of shampoo, soap, and conditioner. My neck arched back and I let out an ear-piercing shriek of pleasure. Blue road it out, never once removing her mouth or pulling back. She simply kept her eyes on me and drank deep of everything that was me, everything I had to give her. I blinked and she was beside me. Laying right beside me with the warm water flowing over us both. I felt weak, weaker than I ever had in my life. My hooves felt like they weighed a ton. My wings were stuck extended, me unable or uncaring to fold them back against my side. And my pussy throbbed in pain. But I had never been more satisfied in my entire life. “Don’t move,” she whispered as I tried to move even a bit, “Your body needs a bit to compensate for all the blood I drank from you.” I managed a weak smile at her as she kissed me. I had no idea how long I had passed out for, but my taste was still in her mouth. It was a taste she was more than willing to share with me. She coxed her lips against my fangs and I bit down, feeding from her. When we broke the kiss, she licked her lips clean, “My little Night Watch.” “Yours forevermore,” I replied back, grateful for the warmth of the shower and her tender kiss. My strength began to return to me after the small amount of blood I got from her. She closed both eyes and slowly opened them, looking like the epitome of a goddess in my eyes as she did so. Then she rested her head upon my chest and cooed softly at the sound of my heart beating away, “I wish we could stay just like this, all day.” “We might get a bit pruney, but I’m game if you are,” I replied back, lifting my hoof to her coat and softly stroking it. I was already starting to feel better. Well, save for my pussy, that still hurt. But in a way, it was a good pain. It reminded me who it was that did that, who I belonged to. “I would rather spend the day with you around and showing everyone what a special marefriend I got,” Blue said back, and a look into her eyes told me that she wasn’t joking at all. “As long as I get to spend the day in your hooves, we could go to the moon for all that I care.” She grinned at me, that same smile I’d catch out of the corner of my eye at times. I’d defy death itself for that smile, it simply meant that much to me. But, as I moved to get up, she lay a hoof back on my chest, “Take your time, I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere.” “You mean that, don’t you?” I asked. She kissed me in response, “Do you think there’s anywhere else I’d rather be?” My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest, “I know there’s nowhere else I’d rather be but in your hooves.” I must admit I took longer than I needed, but hey, can you really blame me? Eventually though, I couldn’t milk it any further. I think she knew too, she knew and approved. Blue was just happy to hold me, almost like a little sister. A little sister who just made love to her, but still. When I did get up, my hoof shot right to my marehood as I winced in pain, “Yeah, that may hurt for a little while,” she giggled. “Does yours still hurt?” I asked. “Yes, a little, anyway. But it just reminds me of you.” At those words I smiled and put my hoof back to the ground. If she could bear it, so could I. Even if she had the night to recover and me just an hour. We got out of the shower and starting drying off. Her smiling that adorable smile as she knowingly let me lean against her. Of course I tried to play it off, but she saw right through that line of horsefeathers. When she grabbed me a towel she didn’t even ask, Blue simply started to pat me down, paying close attention to where she bit me. Her eyes glanced up from the wounds on my neck to my eyes. I smiled back at her, letting her know that I was fine with it, for me it was a badge of honor, a way to mark me as belonging to her. Something I’d never feel ashamed of. “How do you feel about visiting the castle to ask Shield how her evening was?” Blue asked with a smile. “Sounds like a good idea to show my marefriend around, and that she’s mine now,” I grinned back. “Mmhmm, the mare of Night Watch, I like the ring of that,” she hummed as she patted down my back and whacked me on the flank, and indicator that I needed to stand back up on my hooves. I did so and hissed a little as she started to dry off my nethers. In truth, I think she just wanted an excuse to play with me a little more. Not that she needed it, mind you, “Better get used to it,” I said with a grin, even through the pain. “I think I already am,” she said with a smile as she finished up, leaving me more wet than dry, “That’s one thing I’ll never regret being called. Now let’s go, we can have some more fun later tonight.” “Just going to leave me all worked up?” I asked with a frown. “Gotta keep my mare wanting more,” she seductively winked at me and went into the other room. I winced a little as I followed behind. The wound in my neck hurt, for sure, but it was nothing compared to my labia. Still, I do have to admit I enjoyed it, probably more than I should have. As I rounded the corner, I already saw her getting dressed, sticking each hoof, one at a time through her night-uniform with midnight-blue marks. Her getting dressed caused me to look for my own armor. Buck me, what did I do? I had always, always been so careful with my armor. Taking care to stack it neatly, to shine it, to make sure it was parade ready at all times; but, looking around the room, you’d never know it now. My armor was strawn about like a first year cadet. The back piece at the edge of the bed, the sides almost under. The four greaves? Well, I could only see three right then. Blue Moon chuckled as I started getting dressed, “You know, I never did hear how you got those greaves.” “Huh?” I asked, “Everypony knows I got them from Luna.” “Yes, but how? Everypony knows the story, but rumors never quite match the reality.” “What do the rumors say?” I asked. “That it happened during the changeling attack, all by yourself you defeated a hundred of Chrysalis’s children.” I laughed at that, “Don’t believe the rumors.” “I don’t, but I know you did something. After all, there’s always a mark of truth to such things.” “Well, it was during the changeling attack. My first year of study, in fact,” I started the tale while going through the motions, “My instructors, somehow, had marked me out as first in my class, sighting something about my intellect. Honestly, I was just embarrassed to be getting such attention.” “You? Modest? No…” I ignored the small jab, “Well, Celestia's pupil wasn’t the only one that figured out that something strange was going on. I was meant to go to an award ceremony, but when I took another look at the way our forces were arranged, I just…” “Wait, you figured out there was going to be an attack?” “Well, I had a feeling. So I went to alert Princess Luna.” “That’s kinda jumping the gun?” “Well, yes, but there was no time. If I was right, the chain of command had to be put to the side.” She chuckled, “I can see it now, a first year cadet running to tell the princess of an attack only she saw coming.” “Stupid, huh?” “Go on, what happened next?” “That’s… they were waiting in ambush for her. I think they meant to attack her while she slept. I knew something was wrong because the guards to her chambers were missing. So I busted right into her room.” “Oh…” “Yeah, there were at least twenty of them in there. My actions woke her up, and, well…” “She defeated them with ease?” “I helped, as much as I could anyway.” “How many did you get?” “If you can believe Luna, eight.“ “You defeated eight changelings in your first year as a cadet. I’m truly impressed, my mare,” Blue purred and rubbed herself gently against me. “Honestly, I was just scared. It was more like my body just did what it needed to do,” I shook a little remembering what had happened, even as I was putting on my blades, “Had I paused to think, to consider, I probably would have died.” She came up and wrapped me in her wing, “I, for one, am glad you didn’t.” I cooed softly at her touch, “So, after, Princess Luna had these made for me,” I flexed out the hoofblades on my front right hoof. “And the legend of Night Watch was born, the little spunky tactician that defeated fifty changelings single hoofed. Rescuing Princess Luna in the process.” I laughed, “Believe me, she didn’t need my help in that fight. I’d say she saved me far more than I saved her.” “I don’t know about that.” “What do you mean?” I asked, confused. “Well, look at it this way. What if you hadn’t woken her? I mean, sure, the princesses are powerful, but can they defend against what they don’t know is coming?” “Well, yeah, but I mean, anyone could have woken her.” “True, but it was you, not anyone. You figured out the plan, you woke her up, and you saved the princess. Not anypony else, you did. Is it little wonder they chose you for tacticians training?” “Blue… I…” “If you say what you wanted to, I’m going to be really mad at you and a certain mare will go to bed full of blood and with no new pain,” Blue growled with a hard expression. I simply shut my muzzle and kissed her, knowing that arguing didn’t help in that case. Blue seemed to try everything to boost my self-confidence along with other traits. Not that I cared with all the tender pleasure I received, mind you. “OWW!” I screamed. It seemed that pleasure also came with pain, as Blue picked that moment to wack me right on my slit, sending bolts of pain shooting through my system and making me scramble to my hooves, “You’re mean,” I protested. “And you’re adorable. Now, come on, I’m sure you could use some protein, and if we spend any longer in this room, neither of us will be in a position to leave it.” “Oh?” “You have no idea how badly I want to put you on your back again,” she winked at me, “But if I take any more from you, we’ll have to call for help.” “You know, some protein sounds nice. I could also use a nice breakfast. Now that I think about it, you should eat well, too,” I added with a grin. “Oh? Why’s that?” “Because I’m sucking you dry and fucking you wet tonight,” I grinned, letting my fangs shine. “You little tease,” she spoke in a seductress's whisper as she moved right by my side and wrapped her wing around me, “Save it for tonight though.” “Well, now I’m going to be antsy all day,” I pouted. “Exactly as I like you,” she grinned back as we walked out of the room and then her apartment. To say we got some strange looks is to say that Luna’s pelt is kinda dark. Thestrals are a rare enough sight as is, two is almost unheard of, and to see two walking like we were in the streets of Canterlot? Well, needless to say, the sidewalk in front of us was very devoid of other ponies. Despite it being one of the busiest times of day. I didn’t care. In truth, I was used to it. My own shyness and lack of self-esteem didn’t exactly make me used to being around others. How I even worked up the nerve to ask Blue Moon out in the first place remains a mystery I don’t think I’ll ever figure out. And I lived it. For her part, Blue Moon kept her good nature about her, even despite the looks of others, “How do you do it?” I asked. “Do what?” “Well, I’m used to being alone, so their stares don’t bother me all that much, but you…” “How do I deal with all them?” She asked. I nodded. “Well, it helps that I had more than one suitor try and win my heart.” I cocked an eyebrow at her choice of words. Something that caused her to laugh, “What can I say? They wanted to tap this.” Now I laughed. “So, I’ve never really felt alone. Sure, the townsponies might avoid me, but at the castle I never had that issue.” “They avoid me at the castle, too,” I mumbled. “They were intimidated by you. Heck, I was intimidated by you.” “Yeah, well, it still sucked…” “Let me ask you, what did you do to try and open up?” “Huh?” “Did you try anything to make friends, or did you simply keep to yourself?” “Nopony wanted to be my friend.” She ran a hoof over my head, “Hey, what are you doing?” I asked. “Hmm, you don’t seem to be a unicorn. So how’d you know?” I huffed, “Because no one would even give me a chance.” “So the world was out to get you then? Of all the ponies in the night and day gard, not a single one would ever possibly be interested in you being their friend?” “I… I…” She giggled a little and pushed herself against me. Never before had I cursed wearing armor, “You know friendship is something you have to go seek, nopony is going to blast you with a friendship beam and suddenly be your friend. Life just doesn’t work that way. You’ve gotta put yourself out there.” “Just to get hurt,” I mumbled. “The greater the risk…” “The greater the gain,” I finished with a sigh. “You’re learning, my captain,” she teased with a flick of her tail, “Oh, let’s eat here.” I looked up at the sign of the small and cozy restaurant in front of us. It looked like a nice quaint little place called Little Hooves.The exact opposite sort of place our kind would be welcome, “Umm… you sure about this?” “Yeah, I’ve come here plenty of times,” Her smile did little to reassure me. Together, we walked in, only to be greeted by the exact sort of reception that I was expecting. Every unicorn in the place turned to face us, “Hey, Mac, two of the usual,” Blue stated as we walked past the counter and to a table in the back. I didn’t even blink an eye as the customers back there moved out of our way. Say what you will about Equestria being a land of ‘harmony’, some things never change. On the plus side, we soon had the entire section to ourselves. “Don’t worry about them. All that counts for me is you, and I hope you see it the same way,” Blue whispered as she placed her hoof one mine. Damn, I really gotta stop to wear those greaves in private. “I do. I wouldn’t care if the rest of the world would ignore us as long as you are at my side. They can disagree, fear us, yell at us, I don’t care. I already have the most precious treasure I could’ve ever hope for,” I smiled gently. “You are simply cute,” she replied before leaning in, kissing me softly, “I love you, Night Watch,” she added once we broke. “I love you too, my queen.” She grinned at me, that same grin that simply made my world. I blushed back, feeling myself overcome with a strange feeling, one I had not expected to feel again; contentment. As long as I got to see that smile, I felt content. She switched sides in the booth and wrapped a wing around me. I nuzzled closer to her, enjoying the warmth of her body and the beating of her heart. Right then, if the world had come to an end, I’d have died a happy mare. “Two of the usual,” a unicorn spoke, levitating a plate in front of him with two juicy looking fish on top. I felt my mouth watering at the sight, “That looks good.” She chuckled, “It’s not quite as good as The Seafresh, but since you shared that with me, I wanted to share this with you.” “I’m happy just spending the day with you,” I said with a smile. “Cute kid,” the serving pony said as he walked away. I could feel my ior rise at that, but she calmed me with a hoof over my shoulder, “Relax, I don’t care what they say, and neither should you.” It’s hard to stay mad at that logic, believe me, I tried. “It just scratches my pride that they assume you are my mother instead of my lover,” I chuckled, enjoying her touch despite my armor. “If it helps, you can always call me mommy in bed?” I glared at her. “Kidding,” she chuckled. “I hope you are, because that fetish is not in my book for our nights,” I deadpanned. “Mhh, trust me, I got way better ideas than that,” she purred, and my expression immediately softened. “Oh, is that so?” I teased her. She leaned in until her muzzle was as close to my ear as she could, before gently nibbling at the wound she caused last night, “I’m going to show you my ideas tomorrow night, count this as a promise. Biting can be soo much fun, you know that?” That sent shivers down my back, and I cooed slightly, as her teeth reopened the wound of my ear, causing me pain and pleasure, “Not in public,” I mumbled. “Why not? You’re mine, and I’m yours,” she purred back. “Because you start that, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop. And that’ll get us both in trouble.” “Mmhmm, I can see the headlines now. ‘Two Night Guards Caught Eating Eachother Out’. Both figuratively and literally.” “You are such a tease,” I smiled. “Who said I was teasing? If it was up to me, I would suck you dry right now,” she whispered before licking over her fangs. Fuck me, I wanted her to, I wanted her to soo badly. I almost said yes, almost. The greaves on my hooves reminded me that I had other responsibilities, promises, and duties. Moon Shield had faith in me to do the right things, and there was also Princess Luna, and her reputation. Then Blue Moon ruined my last bit of restraint, “You know, there is a restroom back there with pretty thick walls,” she practically moaned into my ear. That was the last straw. I grabbed her by the hoof and we practically knocked over the table in our mad dash to the restroom. I knew we got some rather rude looks, but I didn’t give a damn. We made it to the restroom, barely able to keep our hooves off each other. When the door shut, I immediately turned around and slammed her against the wall. She grinned at such rough treatment as our lips found each other. I could feel her hooves running along my exposed sides where the armor didn’t quite cover. I had never hated wearing my armor before, but at that moment, that’s exactly how I felt. I wished I could just magic it off like a unicorn, so I could know her touch that much more intimate. Alas, such things would have to wait. She attacked my mouth with reckless abandon, exploring every inch and every tooth. I felt myself melting from the fire burning in my loans. We only broke our kiss when the small amount of air we took in through our nostrils proved insufficient for our physical lust. As soon as we did, I was left panting, but still I bent my neck to the right side, begging her to sink her teeth into me. She didn’t need another invitation. At this moment I simply didn’t care if we left the bathroom sweating, covered in juices and blood. As soon as her fangs made contact, I cooed and she added more pressure, piercing the freshly healed flesh. The feeling was so much better than earlier. The sheer need I felt for her lead my body to react accordingly as I felt my pussy tighten up just by her inserting her fangs into me. It was indescribable, incredible, and I fucking wanted so much more. She cooed and sighed as she drank and drank, taking me into her, tasting me. I was overcome with joy—rapture, even. That’s why it came as a surprise when she pulled back. “What are you?” I mumbled. She answered with a smile. She answered by pushing me to the ground and changing the door from unlocked to locked, “I want to feed from the other end.” I grinned in understanding as I spread my hind legs apart for her to take me. She surprised me one more time though, she didn’t simply dive right in. Rather, she walked up to my head, “And I want you to feed from me, too.” She placed her hind end over me, giving me free sight and access to her already dripping marehood. It was an invitation I simply couldn’t deny. Taking a full whiff of her scent, I put my hooves on her flank and lowered her onto me until I could reach her, scratching her labia teasingly with my fangs. She cooed and responded in kind, save she went straight for my clit, her rough tongue playing over the surface of my love button, carressing it, tasting it, tenderizing it. I felt both ecstatic and fearful that she might actually bite into such a tender part of me. The pain alone would be excruciating, but the pleasure, I almost came right then and there just thinking about it. I couldn’t take it, she was following my lead and I wanted her to bite into me again. Part of me, a very, very large part hoped she would bit me there. I couldn’t bring myself to do that to her, not yet anyway. So once I had her nice and wet, I sank my teeth directly into her labia, piercing into her flesh. A flood of juices came out of her just on the contact alone. I drank up everything she had to offer; cum, blood, everything. And, at that moment, she did the same to me. I felt her fangs pierce directly into my marehood, disappointed and relieved that she had not bitten into my clit. As I drank from her, she drank from me. I felt myself drained and rejuvenated at the same time. Her fangs taking, my fangs taking. Together, we both gave and received. Never before that moment had I felt so close to another pony in my entire life, not my parents, no one. She was me, and I was her. As her hoof came up and started playing with my clit, my body responded in kind. I felt myself cum again, and again. Not wanting to leave her hanging I did likewise and was rewarded just as much if not more so than she. Our dual moans of pleasure were only muffled by each other’s flesh. The flesh we currently drank from. My nostrils became full with the smell of sex, and the coppery smell of blood. But I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. I could feel myself growing light headed as my body fought to compensate between our dual actions. I know if I felt that way, she must be too. In the end, it was I who had to let go first. I didn’t want to, not by a long shot, but the room was spinning in orgasmic bliss far too much for me to keep my head up. I withdrew my fangs and lay my head back. Not knowing or caring if she stopped in turn. Part of me didn’t even want her to. Alas, she did. Her fangs withdrew from me and she rolled to the side, panting, sweating, and completely satisfied. I looked over at her, seeing a small trail of blood trickling down her soaking-wet neithers and knowing that mine must look the same, if not worse, “Now that, that was so much better than The Seafresh.” “I never thought I would do this, but you’re just sexy and beautiful, it drives me up the wall,” she breathed out. “You really think I’m beautiful?” “Of course I do,” she smiled and huffed as she bent over to plant a small kiss on my muzzle. I smiled at that as my eyes finally took in where we were. We were on the floor of a public bathroom and had just eaten each other out like two mares in heat. And, oddly enough, I didn’t really give a damn. I had just done something I would have considered indefensible last week, but because of who I did it with, I enjoyed every bucking moment of it. And I’d do it again in the drop of a bit. She scooted up and moved my head into her chest. I let her, and together, we shared in each other’s warmth as our bodies worked to replace the blood we lost with what we drank. A process that would only take a few minutes, but for now, it simply brought us closer together. “I guess I need to get used to this feeling,” I stated. “Oh? Being held in the hooves of the mare you love?” “No, being dry every few hours,” I chuckled, “And my pussy stinging me.” She laughed at that, “I think we’ll both quickly become accustomed to it.” I glanced up and saw a small, smiggen of blood on her chin. I playfully licked it off with my tongue, cleaning her off and tasting myself all at the same time. She chuckled and held me tighter, “I tell you what the true challenge will be.” “Oh, what’s that?” I asked. “Cleaning each other off without starting back up again.” I looked confused at what she meant until my eyes traced the line her’s were drawing. She was staring right at my soaking wet flank with hunger in her eyes. She wanted to lick me clean of cum and blood before it dried. And I wanted her to, Luna I wanted her to so badly. “Think you can hold yourself back?” I asked. “Could you?” She asked. “Nope.” “Me neither.” “So, shall we spend the day having sex on the bathroom floor?” I asked in an, ‘I’m only joking unless you actually want to’ tone. “We could be in the coldest place on earth or sitting in a rotting cell, I wouldn’t care with you at my side,” she chuckled. I kicked myself for what I said next, “Then let's hold off for now, after all, we can have more fun tonight.” She watched in awe as I managed to—somehow—overcome my urges to start back up. Her awe turned to confusion as she saw me head to the door, “What about--?” “Guess I just smell like sex,” I said with a smile, “After all, you get started and I’ll never want you to stop.” “Knicky mare,” she smiled as she stood up as well. “You bring that out of me,” I grinned back as she wrapped me up in her wing and we left the bathroom together. The obviousness of what we did would have been apparent to anyone that went into that room in the next few minutes, or for that matter, anyone that walked behind us. For me, I was reminded by every step I took, my freshly-bitten pussy throbbing with each step. Not that I was complaining mind you, after all, I know who did it and that was something I’d never complain about. We finished up our meal in a hurry, mainly because neither of us wanted to sit down for very long. They were quick to give us our bill and see us out the door. Passing by, we got some disgusted looks from a few of the mares and some rather interested looks from the stallions. They can stare all they want. I got the mare of my dreams right at my side. I had to chuckle at that, causing her to look at me curiously, “What’s so funny?” “Just thought how those stallions bugged out because of us and your sexy flank,” I grinned. She kissed me on the side of my muzzle, “I think your sexy flank caused some of that, too.” “Nah, my flank will get you arrested for being with a minor,” I chuckled. “Did you just… did you just make an age joke about yourself?” she asked with a grin. I paused. I did, didn’t I? “Yeah, I guess I did.” Her muzzle pressed against my own in a clear sign of her approval at my own growing confidence, “I think that calls for a special treat.” “I’m sure we can find another bathroom,” I chuckled. She laughed, “Let’s save that for later, but for now let me ask, have you ever been flying with me?” “Well, no, not really.” “You want to?” she asked. “Sure, but I mean, won’t that get us there quicker? I’d kinda like to take my time with you by my side.” “We’ll take the scenic route. Besides, I don’t know about you, but my pussy hurts every time I take a step.” It was my turn to laugh, “Same. Well in that case, you’re on!” She gave me a soft giggle, then a nice wink with her flank before taking off. It took me seconds to realize that she wasn’t there anymore. Shaking my head, I quickly took off after her, trying to catch her. All I got was a teasing mare that slipped through my hooves. “Where’s the fast mare I met? You gotta be a bit faster if you want to flyfuck with me!” she called out. I stopped dead in my tracks, nearly falling from the sky. Flyfuck?! As soon as my mind proceeded the meaning, I glared lustfully at her and shot off, nearly crashing us both from the sky. “Whoo, there she is, but that aiming was pretty off,” Blue continued to tease me as we rolled through the clouds together, tumbling and laughing all the while. I still felt a little dizzy, but right then, that was replaced with sheer exuberance. She recovered nicely and took my hoof in her own. Together, we flew hoof and hoof, our wings stretched wide, our smiles never leaving our faces. “Tell me, when’s the last time you went out flying during the day?” Blue asked. “Umm… been a long time to be honest.” We both knew why. We’re thestrals, and thestrals fly at night, not during the day. It’s just what we did, our eyes were simply made for night flying, not day flying. Also, nopony likes to be gawked at. In the bright sky, we kinda stood out. She blew me a raspberry, “Well, as long as you’re my mare, that’s going to change.” “If my reward is to flyfuck you, hell yeah, why not?” I giggled. She giggled, “You only get that if you can actually beat me.” “Beat you?” I asked. “Around that tower, over the castle, and back here. First one back wins.” “I win, we flyfuck?” “Yeap.” “And if you win?” “I get whatever I want tonight,” she said with a grin. “Well, what if we tie?” “Then I’ll show you a little secret,” she whispered with fluttered eyelids. “Well, hell, now I want all three.” “If you can beat me and be minimum five seconds faster, you get all three,” Blue replied with a kiss. I grinned at that as she begun the countdown. “On your mark, get set…” I may not have gone flying with you before, but that also means you’ve never been flying with me. “Go!” she shouted after taking off at full speed. Which was cheating in my book, but I wasn’t about to call her on it. With a smile on my muzzle, I beat my wings as hard as I could, angling them to catch the downdraft and using gravity and the wind to my advantage. While I had no doubt I would win, that didn’t mean Blue Moon was a slouch herself. Given, she didn’t have my eye for tactics or my natural speed, she made up for both with brute size and strength. We were past the tower before I even caught up with her. I was so close that I could almost reach out and bite her tail. I could hear her giggling and laughing. Both sounds causing me to stop trying to win, to simply enjoy this moment, to enjoy her smell, her laughter, the sight of her flank, all of it. Realization that we were on the final leg of the race came to me after we past the castle. As much fun as it was to trail behind her, I had another goal in mind all together. I pushed myself to my max, blowing past her in the blink of an eye and hearing a shout of ‘Hey’ for my effort. I came to a stop a bit after crossing the finish line, knowing I had won but not knowing by how much. My head shot back as I saw her close behind. One Celestia. She was impressive in the air, all night guard were naturally train in flying, and she was no different. Two Celestia. I could see her angle her wings, the front of each cut into the air like a hot knife through bread, the center cupped it, and the rear slammed it back, each beat giving her a boost. Three Celestia.   She was close now, a second, maybe two away from crossing the finish line. I saw it then, she’d beat the five second handicap. Four Celestia. Inches from the finish line, she stopped. Five Celestia. “What… what did you do?” I asked. She grinned, “What do you mean? Oh, I didn’t quite pass it did I? Guess that means you win,” At that, she crossed over the imaginary line in the sky. “It doesn’t count as winning if you let me win,” I grumbled. She pulled her head back in surprise then glared at me, “And you holding yourself back to sniff my flank does?” ”You noticed?!” “Night, I’m not dumb, nor blind. Let’s say you won fair and get everything you want,” Blue giggled, putting her flank in display, “I’m sure after the bathroom, bucking on a cloud sounds really nice.” I smiled at that, my eyes immediately darting for the highest up cloud we could take. Spotting it, I swooped low and caught her in both of my hooves. She cried out in a fit of laughter at my eagerness and in anticipation. I flew us both right through the cloud and came to a landing upon it. When I placed her down on her back, she exclaimed, “That was fun!” . “That was only the beginning,” I said back, moving my entire body over her. She cocked her head and stared up at me with that lovable smile upon her muzzle, “Oh, does my captain need a little bedtime comfort?” “It was a rough day, my queen,” I said back with a dorky grin on my face. “Well then, what sort of queen would I be if I didn’t see to the needs of my favorite subject?” At those words she cocked her head to the side ever so slightly. My mouth watered as I looked down upon her neck. Even with my bite marks still healing, it looked perfect, not a blemish or a scar. I wanted to taste her, to take from her and make her mine all over again. “What are you waiting for?” she purred softly, “Take what is yours.” She didn’t have to tell me twice, but I didn’t went straight for her neck. Nuzzling her gently, I kissed her, pushing my tongue forwards to start the battle of the appendages; just to cheat. As soon as her tongue was out of her muzzle, I latched and gently sank my fangs into it. She giggled and moaned a little, her enjoyment at what I had done was obvious. However, she was not without her own bag of tricks. With her mouth locked on mine, me biting into her tongue, she raised her hoof and started to rub it between my hind legs, right over my still-swollen pussy. I almost let go when her touch registered as pain, almost. It quickly become pleasure to me. I don’t know if I was become a sado-masochist or if it was just her. No, that’s not true, I knew it was her. She could do whatever she wanted to me, and I’d simply want more. She pressed down harder and harder as I suckled on her tongue. Eventually, I couldn’t hold myself back and ended up letting go. A cry of pleasure escaping my lips as she pulled her tongue back and licked it clean, “Now that’s a sound I’ll always enjoy.” “Good, because I have a feeling you’ll be hearing it a lot,” I stated with a smile. “Oh, like if I do this?” She asked, her front hooves swept mine out from under me and she rolled over, I grunted in surprise as she took charge and simply smiled at me. That smile became desire as she started leaving a trail of kisses down my muzzle, my neck, and then chest. I spread my legs wider in anticipation of what was to come. It’s funny, a week ago I’d go weeks if not months between needing to get off, now if I didn’t feel her touch several times a day, I’d be lost. She seemed to feel the same as she left a trail of kisses and nibble down my fur. Always just shy of biting in, always leaving me right on edge. When she made it to my throbbing pussy, I was in ecstasy, so much as she looked up and smiled, “You want it, don’t you?” I nodded like a foal being asked if they wanted a lollipop. “How bad?” “Please, my queen, I want you.” “Just what I like to hear,” she smiled as she blew up the length of my slit. I cooed in delight at the sheer thought of what was to come. In my excitement I took my eyes off the playful queen. Much to my detriment and enjoyment. I felt something long, long and leathery pierce right into my slit. It traveled up my vagina and vibrated ever so softly. My eyes shot open and I gasped as I looked to see what she had done. She was grinning at me, one of her leathery wings sticking into my pussy. “What ar—” My question was answered for me as she slowly started to pull her wing tip out, only to—almost agonizingly slow—push it back in. I felt my chest heave and my muzzle fell open. It felt amazing, better than amazing. I loved the feeling of her inside of me. “Mmh, you like that?” she asked the rhetorical question. “No… worst feeling ever,” I said through my moans of pleasure. “Oh, is that so? Maybe you just need more.” At that her other wing swung around and entered along with the first. My eyes went wide as her second wing slowly spread my marehood more than it should be possible, but it did. She slowly switched places between her wings, causing me more pleasure that I was able to withstand. “You like it now?” she cooed with a smile. “Oh good, yes,” I just screamed. I knew my voice carried much further than I had intended it to, but at that moment, Luna herself could have heard and I wouldn’t have cared. She started to gyrate her wingtips ever so slightly, rubbing across my walls, my folds, and even the bite marks. The latter of which hurt, but it was a good pain. I cooed and arched my back every time she’d touch them. Enjoying the pain, the feel of her inside of me, and the love I knew she had for me, all in equal measure. Blue Moon began thrusting harder. Pulling her wingtips out and back in, out and in. I felt myself rising up with every single thrust, and limiting every pull out. I wished, I wished she could just stay in me, forever. Alas, it was it was not to be, I could feel myself quickly approaching the edge of pleasure. my own body giving away how close I was by my pussy clamping down upon her wings, making it harder and harder for her to move them. It was in that orgasmic haze that I knew I’d love this mare forevermore. I could only make her actions out through a blur, but I saw her lick her lips and move down on me. Then I felt her fangs enter my labia once again and my world crashed down into an ocean of pleasure. My hind legs clamped down on her head, keeping her stuck in place and her fangs deep in me. I could feel her suck my life juice among others out of me, keeping me in a great state of bliss. “Oh, sweet Luna!” My voice echoed across the skies, my moans of passion reining in my ears as my body responded to the dual sensations of pleasure she gave me. Blue never stopped, never relented, she fed and vibrated her wings as best she could, the walls of my pussy unwilling and unable to let me move around much if at all. After a good minute, my head fell back and my hind legs went loose. I lay panting and sweating under her touch. To my disappointment she pulled back and licked her fangs. “Mmhm, I’ll never grow tired of that taste.” I smiled up at the sky before feeling her lay right beside me on the cloud, “Give me a moment and I’ll return the favor,” I panted. “Nah, you can later tonight, this was your reward after all.” “You are rejecting your captain?” I asked, trying to muck hurt despite the need to rest a bit. “I’m not rejecting you, I simply want you in your best condition if you make me yours again this night,” she smiled before kissing me. “Mhh, that sounds nice actually,” I cooed back after we broke. “Do you want to do something or does resting on a cloud with your marefriend in your hooves sound nice?” “Resting with you in my hooves sounds actually nice,” I smiled softly. “Count your request granted, my captain,” she said and held her head high. She continued that pose until we both broke into a fit of laughter, one that carried on until she rested her head on my breast plate, sighing softly, “I love you, Night Watch. And I always will.” “I love you too, Blue Moon. Forever and more than you can imagine,” I whispered gently back. Her warmth felt amazing pressed against me, I placed my hooves upon her head and smiled. I’d never fallen asleep on a cloud before, they were simply too soft, but with her in my hooves, I couldn’t help myself. My eyes gently shut and I drifted off to slumber for a quick nap before we headed off to the castle. > I want to make you mine. Again. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Three: I want to make you mine. Again. I blinked my eyes clear as the sun sat in the distance. That alone shocked me, I had not been expecting to sleep until nightfall. Nevertheless, I would not move, not yet anyway. There were just too many feelings flooding through my body. The amazing feeling of the sun’s last rays shining down upon me. The cooling feelings of the wind’s gentle caress as it ran over my coat. The loving feeling of the mare holding me in her hooves. It was like being wrapped in a wonderful blanket of love. And finally, the rather painful pulsing coming from my pussy every time I so much as moved my hind legs. I tensed up when the wind hit me in just the wrong spot, hoping that my actions didn’t wake up Blue Moon. They did. “Mmhmmm, lets sleep like this every day,” Blue said as she pressed her head against my chest. I almost laughed at that, almost. However, the more I thought about it, even with everything, the more I liked the idea, “You know, I could get behind that idea.” She chuckled at me, “How do you feel?” “Fine,” I lied. “Uh-huh. So this doesn’t hurt at all?” Blue ran a hoof right between my legs. “N-no, not at all,” I hissed. She laughed again, “Well good, because we gotta get up and head to the palace.” “Why’s that?” “Because Shield promised me to tell me everything about her date and how well or bad it went,” Blue chuckled. “Wait, Shield went out on a date?” “Yes.” “Like a… date-date?” “Yes.” “Shield.” “Yes.” “Are we talking about the same pony?” “Night, my cousin, Moon Shield, went out on a date, yes. I have to say I’m really curious. She refused to tell me anything; I don’t even know if it is a mare or a stallion,” Blue hummed. “Let's go find out!” I shouted and went to stand up. Oh dear Luna was that a mistake. I had to bite my lip to prevent from screaming out in pain. “We can rest here for a little while longer,” Blue stated with humor in her voice. “No, I’m… I’m good,” I chuckled and flapped my wings, “See? Doesn’t even hurt.” “I bet,” Blue laughed and did likewise. I placed a hoof on her shoulder before we left, “Blue, I just wanted to say…” “Yes?” She asked. “I love you. And I wouldn’t change a single thing about what we did.” She smiled at me, it was that same smile that sent my stomach fluttering with desire for her. That one smile was more valuable than all the treasure in Canterlot. If I saw it every day of my life, it’d be a life well lived, “I love you, too, and neither would I.” At that, she flew over and kissed me on the lips. Her tongue licking mine clean from where I bit down a little too hard to silence myself, “Now, come, let’s go see how her date went.” “Sounds like a plan,” I replied as she took off, me right behind. It was weird,  I still hurt, but the pain was already fading. We flew together, her taking the lead and me staying right behind her. I admit, I couldn’t help but look at her flank as we flew through the air. My eyes drawn to her smooth marehood that was all but winking with me as she swayed her tail back and forth. She was playing with me, I knew it and she knew it, and I loved it. So much so that when she asked the obvious question it took me by surprise. “So who do you think it is?” “What?” I asked, my head taking a second to realize she had even spoke. Blue laughed and decreased her speed to fly next to me, “I asked who you think she’s going out with?” “Oh… how would I know?” “Oh, come on, you’re telling me you haven’t already started to analyze this mystery?” “What can I say? My mind has been on… other things,” I replied with a wink. “Flattering, but really?” I paused and thought about it as we made our final approach to the palace, “Honestly, I never even considered that she’d actually date anypony, or that anypony would actually have the nerve to ask her out.” “Why? Do you think she is that bad?” Blue asked me with mocked offence. “She’s so…” “So?” “Intimidating,” I said under my breath. “Night! She’s never been anything but nice to you.” “Yeah, but I mean, you know how she is.” “No, how is she?” “You’re bucking with me, aren’t you?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. Blue grinned as she landed in the courtyard, “How’d you tell?” I landed next to her, surprised that—while it did still hurt—the pain was a lot less than I expected it to be, “Because, I’ve had some experience with you bucking me, and the bite marks to prove it.” There was an audible gasp as at that moment two ponies came out of the castle and paused as they looked at us in shock at what was just said. Blue blushed at that, I expected to do the same, but honestly, it was a mark of pride in my book, “But instead of guessing, let's go find out.” “Sure,” Blue said with a small smile. I suppose I didn’t care about their attention, because, well, I never have before. The fact I had said something shocking didn’t really matter to me. But it was something I’d have to consider in depth later, as somepony wouldn’t leave well enough alone. “But if you had to take three guesses, who would it be?” Blue asked. “I don’t have a clue. If I had to guess, I’d say it wasn’t someone in the palace, though.” “Why’s that?” “Well, I don’t think she’d date someone lower ranking, and the other Captains are largely taken, but…” “Oh, that mind going again?” “But I kinda hope she is, um,” my face was going red at the thought. “Who, who?” “Maybe her and… Red Wave?” “Red Wave?” Blue look taken aback by that, “The mare that ran the obstacle course with us?” “Yeah, her, the black thestral with the fiery red mane and bright crimson eyes,” I said with a smile. “Why her?” Blue asked. “Well, you might have missed it, but when you three were running, she kept looking over at Moon Shield during the run. Maybe she… maybe she asked her out?” “I… hu…” “What?” I asked “Well, now that you say it… it does kinda fit. I just always thought she’d date somepony more commanding, like a prince or something.” “Just because Captain Armor ended up marrying a princess doesn't mean all of them will.” “Yeah, I know, but I mean someone that would be comfortable enough to be themselves around her. I mean, you don’t become Captain of Strategic Planning by not being forceful.” “What happened to ‘not knowing what I meant’?” I asked with a chuckle as we rounded the bend. “I was just bucking with you.” “For the third time today,” I replied with a wink that earned me a playful cuff on the shoulder. She said the next words as we approached Moon Shield’s door and knocked, “And not the last time either.” “What can I say? I’m irresistible, and so are you, my love,” I chuckled. What I heard from that room, however, made me stop dead in my tracks. “Is that what I think it is?” Blue asked me with wide eyes and I just nodded. With a daring that would have made the fictional heroine Daring Do proud, Blue opened the door. My brain scuffed at the thought of going into a Captain’s office without permission, but before I could even ask what she was doing, the thought left me at what we saw inside. I had already seen the small, provisorium bed near the wall in Shield’s office before, she kept for the late nights at the office, but I had never seen it occupied. Moon Shield stared in shock at us, while Red Wave just chuckled, her muzzle deep between Shield’s legs. Moon Shield's eyes popped open as she heard the door swing wide. With speed that was a little disconcerting, she almost jumped to her hooves, Red Wave left to wonder what the hay had just happened, “What are you two doing here?!” “I-I, um,” I stammered, my jaw still on the floor. “We wanted to figure out who your date was, or in this case; is,” Blue Moon chuckled while I still tried to form full words. I could see the rage building up in Moon Shield. Any second she was about to go off on us, about to lecture us on not entering a Captain’s office without permission, about how we were both in so much shi— She laughed. It felt like there was a speeding train in my mind that just slammed at fifty miles into a mountain, “What?” the world dribbled from my mouth. She smiled at me, “It’s not like Red Wave and I nearly crashed into a cloud two mares were bucking on just hours ago.” Blue Moon grinned as she shut the door behind us, “I thought I saw you.” “I definitely saw you two,” Shield said with a laugh. “That’d be two of us,” Red Wave added with a laugh as she stood up next to Shield. “Busted,” I blushed. “I think your moans are quite adorable, by the way. But biting there, doesn’t that hurt?” Red Wave asked. “Umm... yeah, a little,” I have no idea how the conversation turned like this, but now that it had, we were both kind of screwed. “Hey, don’t back out from that!” Shield growled at Red Wave, “As soon as this turns out well, I expect you to make me yours as well!” Red blushed at that. I had to admit, she was kind of cute when she did. Given, I was still one-hundred percent devoted to Blue Moon, but there’s no harm in looking. “So, tell me, who asked out who?” Blue asked. “I asked her, actually,” Shield replied, making me gasp in shock. “Really? Isn’t that… fraternization or something?” “Not technically. Red is in the Night Guard and falls under Captain Eventide. Now, if I dated you, that’d be fraternization.” Blue wrapped a wing around me, “Well, you can’t. She’s mine.” “And I’m glad that she is, considering how nervous and wrecked she was the day before the course,” Shield laughed. “You do know half the ponies on the Night Guard are totally jealous of you, right, Blue?” Red Wave asked with a grin. I sunk into her wing, unused to, and not enjoying being talked about like this. “Yep, totally. Still hard to believe Night Watch asked me out,” Blue said with a smile, “I felt like I just won the lottery or something.” “I think her face is going to turn pink if we keep this up, girls,” Shield said with a smile as she grinned at me. “Okay, then let me make the decision,” I said with a small smile, “So, that’s the plan. Moon Shield, Red Wave, continue whatever you were doing. Blue Moon? You come home with me, right now.” Shield, Red, and Blue all jerked their heads back in surprise, “Did… did little Night just give out orders?” Red asked in faux shock. “I think she did,” Blue said, surprised. “Well, you heard her, girls. Don’t want to disobey your future Captain, now do you?” Shield said with a smile before turning her head to Red, “Besides, you left a task unfinished.” As Red whispered something to Shield that got her even more excited, I grinned as I saw it. The look of joy on both of their faces. It was odd. Now that I saw it on Shield’s muzzle, I couldn’t unsee it. It overlayed and replaced the view of my Captain I used to have. I smiled as I pictured the look of joy she had with Red’s muzzle buried between her legs, and the look of simply being the mare that had the same bodily desires I had. Part of me knew I might be in trouble, that ‘that’ image might get in the way at the wrong time during training or something. I wrote that off as future me’s problem. For now, I simply grinned as Blue led us out of the palace. “Totally worth it,” Blue said with a grin.. “What? Walking in and seeing your cousin being eaten out?” Even I knew better than to spread the dirty laundry of who her cousin was out loud. “Yep,” Blue replied. “Get you back in the mood?” I asked. “Yep.” “Me, too,” I smiled, “You know, my place is a little closer than yours.” She smiled that damn smile again, “You had me at ‘Me, too’. Besides, after fucking on the bathroom floor, I’m halfway tempted to take you right here and now.” “Well, I would say yes, but this is the patrol route of some guards,” I chuckled. “I wouldn’t care right now,” she whispered huskily with a flick of her tail. I started to move faster, my walk becoming a trot, and then a run. “You’re no fun!” she pouted. “I’m just hurrying before I say yes,” I replied with a laugh. “So, that’s a yes?” she grinned and jumped forward, pulling me into her wings. I giggled and laughed as she pulled me under her, her body pressed upon mine. I knew we were in trouble, as we weren’t even out of the place yet. However, right that second, I didn’t care, “Blue, we, I—” “You what?” Blue said with a sultry smile as she looked down upon me. I lost myself in those crimson eyes, those soft perky lips, those pearly white fangs that kissed me more intimately than any other pony could ever hope to know. I placed my hooves up on either side of her muzzle and stared directly into her eyes. Once more, I silently cursed the armor I wore, as it prevented me from knowing her touch again, “Take me.” “As you wish,” Blue stated as we locked lips again. “Eh em,” A loud, princess-like echo scared the hell out of both of us. Neither of us had to look to know who it was, we all knew that voice better than our own. Blue Moon shot up off me and jumped to attention. I scrambled to my hooves and did likewise. My eyes darting from the night-black alicorn to the small spot I had left upon the floor. “Princess Luna, I—,” Blue tried to explain. “You were simply… engaged in a training activity that got out of hoof, is that correct?” Luna asked. “Uhh… your highness.. we.. .I,” I stammered, not able to bring myself to lie to her. “Just say yes, I’m trying to help you,” Luna sighed, “You have exactly twenty seconds before the guards pass this hallway.” “Yes, your highness,” Blue said. “Yes, princess,” I managed. “Then there is no harm,” Luna said with a smile and a wink, “However, I highly encourage you to find another area to engage in such training. After all, no pony wants such training interrupted when it begins.” “Of course, your highness,” Blue quickly bowed before turning. I bowed as well and shot a worried glare at the rather wet spot on the floor, as Princess Luna winked, yes, winked at me and the spot was gone in a flash of magic. We both blinked our eyes clear after after her teleport, “Did… did that just happen?” I asked. “What, did princess Luna catch us almost bucking on the floor of the hallway?” “Too bad she wasn’t a minute later.” “Night!” Blue said with a shocked look on her face. “I’d have had you moaning out her name,” I replied with a grin as I sauntered out of the palace. “Wait, but, I, we, can…” Hearing her stammer like I normally do just caused me to smile as I spread my wings and turned my head back to her, “My house?” I asked. “Oh, we’ll see who’s going to be moaning soon enough.” “Challenge accepted,” I grinned, “But you’ll never beat me,” at those words, I shot upwards as fast as a single, hard beat of my wings could take me. I heard her yell something, and follow quickly behind, but she had no hope of catching me, not when I didn’t want to be caught anyway. As she’s learning, what I lack in strength, I make up for in speed. That being said, it wasn’t like I wanted to lose her or anything. So I played with her, never quite giving her the opportunity to catch up to me, but not losing her in the dust either. “Night, if you keep that up I’m going to suck you dry of all your juices till you beg me to stop!” she screamed suddenly loud enough for me to hear. That only caused me to smile as I veered upwards at a ninety degree angle. It was a dumb move, but only if I still wanted to lose her. Shooting several hooves to the left, I dropped like a rock strength down, knowing she’d easily overtake such a maneuver. She did, right into my hooves. I caught her, my hooves wrapped around her barrel and spinning three full rotations to break off her momentum. Before she could so much as catch her breath, my lips caught hers in a kiss as we spun in the air, the moon shining brightly in the night sky. When I pulled back, there was a look of complete and utter bewilderment on her muzzle. “Welcome to my home,” I said as our foreheads rested upon each other. She looked at me in confusion until she looked down at the apartments we were floating over. “You just wanted to make sure we couldn’t start again—” “—until we got to a place we wouldn’t be stopped,” I finished with a smile, “Not that I mind putting on a show, well, not with you as my dance partner, anyway.” She giggled and pulled me closer to her. I could feel the heat coming from her body, the sweat on her coat, and the rapid beating of her heart, “Night Watch, my Night Watch. You never cease to impress me. Tell me, do you see the new you?” “I-I don’t—” She kissed me on the top of the nose as we slowly made our way down together, “You don’t, do you?” I still had no idea what she was talking about. She grinned at me, “Picture this little, cute, self-conscious mare that would trip and stumble everywhere she went. One too shy to make friends, to talk to others. One with all this potential locked up in her cute little head. That was you.” “That is me, you mean,” I said, my head glancing down and to the right. She placed a hoof on the side of my muzzle and forced me to look up at her again. “Is it? Because the mare I see in front of me almost got busted having sex by Princess Luna herself. The mare in front of me caught her Captain being eaten out, and then, had the gall to give her an order. The mare in front of me knows how to tease, how to please her lover. And believe me when I say, I’m more than pleased.” “I… um…” “Are those two mares the same?” “That wasn’t,” I mumbled as I looked down again. “Night Watch,” her words were like a seductive whisper into my very being, they penetrated every fiber, every cell of my body. “No,” I replied with a little more confidence than I felt, “I guess they’re not.” “You’re going to be a great commander, they will write stories of the victories you will plan, the victories you will win.” “You mean won,” I corrected her. “Oh?” “After all, I have you, that’s the greatest victory I’ll ever achieve.” “I’m touched more than I can say,” Blue softly whispered as she leaned down and kissed me. Our lips met in the night sky, the pressure, the feel, the taste, all of it, it all sent shivers down my spine. Like small little goosebumps over my fur. When our hooves touched down on the roof of my apartment it came as a surprise to me. Part of me was surprised that I didn’t trip and fall right then and there. It would have been very characteristic of me. I felt like an entirely different pony. I know I’m not, I’m that same pony I was, obviously, and yet... “I think you did it to me,” I said with a smile. “Who, me?” she asked playfully. “Blue Moon, it was you, wasn’t it? You changed me into someone better. You little minx, you made me into a better pony without me even realizing what you were doing.” She ran her muzzle across my own, “You still don’t understand. I didn’t change anything. I just brought out who you really are, who you were always destined to be.” I lowered my head and glanced up into her eyes. She was smiling at me, causing me to smile as well, “Come with me.” She did, I lead the way to the edge of the roof and jumped down onto the porch. Fishing the key out of my armor, I unlocked the door and held it open for her. She walked in and looked around. I have to admit, I was a little self conscious about her seeing my place, it wasn’t exactly the cleanest I’d have liked it to be. The carpet needed vacuuming and more than one place needed a good scrub down. I wouldn’t go as far as to call it dirty, just lived in. If she noticed, she paid it no mind. I could see her looking to the right and left, just taking in the area, “I know it’s small—” “It’s cozy,” she interrupted with a grin. “Cozy,” I replied with a smile of my own, “I like that word. It’s a two bedroom, one bath. You can see the kitchen and living room, the main bedroom is down the hall, that’s where we’re going.” “Oh, you going to order me to bed now?” “Nope,” I replied, not taking that bait, “Rather, I’m just going to extend you the invitation to join me. However I could really used another set of hooves to get this armor off.” “Well,” Blue replied with a raised eyebrow, “With an offer like that, how could I say no?” For the first time in my life I felt self-assured. With confidence, I strolled down the hallway, not even looking to see if the love of my life was right behind me or not. I simply knew she was, it was like knowing my fangs were sharp, I just did. And that confidence came at a cost. With my head held high, I walked right into the doorframe to my bedroom. Muzzle first. “Oww! Who put that there?” “The contractors, I think,” Blue said with a laugh as she rushed to my side. “Luna, I just can’t catch a break,” I said as a small amount of blood started to leak from my nose. Blue led me to the bed and sat me down on the edge. The smile on her face told the story as clear as day. She thought the whole thing was rather humorous. I hung my head low only for her to start licking my muzzle clean, serving the dual purpose of cleaning me up while giving her a nice treat, “Night, don’t worry about it.” Once the bleeding stopped, Blue started to remove my armor piece by piece. I should have enjoyed it, but I just couldn’t, “Why am I still like that?” I asked. “Like what?” she replied, removing my vambraces. “I felt so cool, so confident, and still I walk muzzle-first into a door like a filly that can’t put one hoof in front of the other. I thought I had changed…” “You have changed, you believe in yourself now, you’re starting to see the mare the rest of us can. That’s something to be proud of.” “But… the door?” I asked with a cocked eyebrow. She laughed at me, something that caused me to frown, “Who gives a shit about the door?” “What?” “Night Watch, you have the speed that would see you in the Wonderbolts, a tactical mind recognized by everyone around you and even rewarded by Princess Luna herself, and you’re the cutest mare I’ve ever known in my entire life. So bucking what if you’re clumsy? I’d say you have every right to have one little flaw given all your strengths.” “But… I thought—” “Night Watch, you will lead armies into battle, you will advise the princesses themselves on the correct tactical application of forces. You will go down in legends for what you will do. Do you think, do you honestly believe that in a hundred years anyone will care that General Night Watch tripped going up the stairs to receive her hundredth medal for bravery and valor?” “You know, sometimes exactly what I need to hear isn’t exactly what I want to hear.” She removed the last piece of armor from my back and then quickly stripped out of her own uniform, “Well, tough. I consider it my duty to bonk you in the head when you’re being dumb,” As if to emphasis that point, she playfully hit me over the head. “Ouch,” I said in a deadpan voice. She grinned at that and got in bed behind me. I laid down on my back, feeling her hooves wrap around me and pull me closer to her. It was so strange to be cuddled by a younger pony that was so much bigger than me. And yet, I enjoyed every second of it. “Can I tell you my dream?” Blue asked as she started to lightly nibble on my ear. “You can tell me anything, Blue Moon. You know that.” “I know. My dream, my dream is to watch how far you will go. To be witness to the rise of the great Night Watch. Come what may, that’s all I want.” “I think you’ll do more than watch.” “Night, we can’t know the future,” her voice was almost mournful. “No,” I agreed, “But if you plan for every eventuality, nothing will take you by surprise,” I rolled on my side, facing her now. “Save for a door frame?” she asked with a grin. I chuckled a bit and buried my forehead into her coat, “Well, maybe that. But as long as we’re never attacked by an army of door frames, I think we’ll be alright on that front.” She squeeze me tighter to her. “My point, Blue, is that I have planned for a million different futures, and, in them all, you’re by my side.” “Night, I—” “I know this, I know this like I know the proper formation to block a pegasus charge in it’s tracks. There simply doesn’t exist a future that we’re not together.” “You can’t know that,” she replied, shaking her head. “I—,” I paused, it was the romantic thing to say, but she was right, “You’re right, I lied. There are a few, but I can tell you this, there’s never been a future that I stop wanting to be with you.” “You’d love me forever?” She asked. “I think… I think relationships only stop when one or both parties stop trying. I know they’re hard, I’ve seen more than I care to count form and break up in front of me. Ponies saying they’re in love, professing their hearts to one another, then the honeymoon stage wears off and they realize it’s a challenge, that they have to work at it. Then that work starts to cloud why they got together in the first place, and then somepony gives up and it ends.” “You’ve seen all that?” she asked. “I may not be social, that doesn’t mean I don’t pay attention,” I replied. “Save for door frames.” “Yes, save for those,” I chuckled. I had a bad feeling that’d become a running joke between us, so it was best to just get used to laughing about it now, “But I won’t give up, will you do the same?” I asked. She leaned down and kissed me on top of my head, “Night Watch. I promise you that as long as life floods through these veins, I’ll always love you, and I’ll always come back to you. For as long as you want me to.” There were a lot of caveats to that statement, but I didn’t care, “I’ll take it,” I nuzzled into her coat again, breathing in her scent, her smell. It was the greatest thing ever to simply be held by her. I could feel her, literally feel her. I could feel her heart beating in her chest, every rise and fall of her stomach, and even her tummy growl a little as she held me, “Hungry?” I asked. “Actually, I need to use the restroom,” she said with reluctance in her voice. Part of me didn’t want her to, even with all the negatives that would bring, keeping this moment going was priceless to me. In the end I had no choice but to relent, “It’s down the hall to the right.” “I… I kinda, don’t want to let you go.” “You going to pick me up and carry me to the bathroom with you?” I asked sarcastically. “Don’t tempt me,” she replied with a grin and a kiss to my forehead. “Well, hurry back, I’ll get cold without you.” “You know what? Buck it,” she giggled and dragged me along with her. “Hey, it was a joke!” I giggled playfully. “And I wasn’t joking,” came the snort. When she practically lifted me up in one hoof and held me over her shoulder, part of me knew I should probably be offended to be treated like a foal by my marefriend, but I just couldn’t stop giggling and laughing about it. I know had I tried, I could have escaped her grasp, I just didn’t try because I didn’t want to. We were having way too much fun together and I didn’t want it to end, even if it did end up in a bathroom. Hell, after eating each other out in a public restroom, doing something in mine seemed almost tame in comparison. Blue hobbled down the hallway with me wiggling just enough to give the illusion I didn’t want to do it. She laughed out loud as I screamed out in a playful manner, “Blue, stop!” “Nope, not going to stop!” “Blue!” “That’s my name, don’t wear it out!” “Moon!” I laughed. “Night, you are coming with me, if you want or not, and now hold still before I break the flood right here because I have to keep you from struggling too much!” Blue complained playfully. I stopped moving and grunted with a smile upon my face. “Good girl,” Blue laughed as she turned the corner into the bathroom. I reached for the light and turned it on for her as we walked through together—or more preciously—she carried me through with her. It was hilarious, really. She placed me down into my small bathtub and even closed the curtain around it. “Hey, what the hay?” I complained with a laugh. “Just because you’re my marefriend and bucking me doesn’t mean you can watch everything,” came the dry reply. I frowned at that, not so much because I wanted to, but because she still felt like she had to hide something from me. That being said, my mind was already going a mile a minute at ways to get her back. With a smile, I looked up and saw the detachable shower head. Reaching up to pull it off the wall, I said, “You know you don’t have to hide anything from me.” “I know, but do we really want to cross that barrier already?” “Well, I did drink from your pussy,” I chuckled. “Yeah, but…” I could hear the tone in her voice becoming a little less unsure. That in turn made me doubt my plan. Although, when I heard the unmistakable sounds of liquid hitting the bowl, I threw caution into the wind, “Hey, Blue?” “Yeah?” “Think fast!” At once I pulled the curtain back and turned on the water, the shower head pointed right at her. “Night!” Blue shouted as she was doused with water while sitting on the toilet. From day one of my real training, they beat into our heads the first rule of battle: no battle plan survives contact with the enemy. I know this like I know the back of my hoof, I know this because they’d never let me not know it. Part of me is surprised that they don’t make us tattoo it on our flanks. Yet, at that moment, I didn’t even consider it. My intent had just been to embarrass her, to play with Blue while she was at her most vulnerable. I assumed I’d have the upper hoof. How wrong I was. If Moon Shield could have seen what happened next, my flank would be doing laps for the next three months. Blue Moon didn’t shriek—well, she shrieked but she didn’t pull away, rather she jumped at me instead. My epic ambush had been effectively countered and turned into a defensive maneuver in the blink of an eye. Before I was even aware of it, the halfway soaked mare had pounced on top of me and used her greater strength to rip the shower head away from me. My soaking came next. I shrieked in surprised as I was doused in cold water from head to chest. Her own body covered my lower half, so I knew she got some too, but there was no doubt about it, I had won the battle, only to lose the war. “I surrender, I surrender!” I shouted in a laugh. “Sorry, I don’t take prisoners,” she laughed keeping up the water stream. “Please, mercy!” “Mercy, huh?” at that she paused, turning the shower head away from me, “I don’t know, what do I get out of it?” “Everything you want!” I shouted. “Everythiiiing?” she drew the word into length, giggling madly. “Everything!” “There’s only one problem with that,” Blue stated as she reached behind her and turned the water off, “I already have everything I want. After all, I have you.” I sat up and kissed her right than and there. It mattered not that I was soaking wet, cold, and had just been defeated in an epic maneuver. Those words were the most romantic thing I had ever heard in my entire life. Our lips met, our tongues quickly reaching out for one another. I released, letting her’s find it’s way into my mouth. After all, she had won the battle, it was only right that she should get the spoils of war. The appendage felt amazing, knowing her, a part of her anyway was inside of me. I played with it, treating it like a long lost pet that finally found it’s way home. When she pulled back there was a small string of saliva connecting her mouth to mine, and an uncharacteristic blush on her face. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “I kinda… um…” I felt it then, there was a warm spot growing on my stomach. With a laugh, I just said, “Just turn the water back on. After all, as Princess Luna said, no one likes their training sessions interrupted.” “I guess we broke more than one barrier tonight?” she asked as she turned the water back on, adjusting the temperature this time to clean us both off. I couldn’t exactly be mad, it was a result of my actions anyway. You can’t do what I did to someone actively peeing and then expect everything to work on in the end. Besides, in truth it felt like nothing more than spilling warm tea on myself. “You could say that,” I replied pulling her muzzle to mine for another kiss, “And before you say anything, I don’t care.” “You really don’t, do you?” “Not even a little,” I said with a smile as the showerhead was directed over the both of us. This time the water was a lot warmer, more relaxing than shocking. I moaned softly as I felt it run over my fur and drip down my coat. “Seems that you like warm fluids,” Blue mocked me. “Mhhh,” I murmured, ”Especially if they come from a certain mare called Blue Moon.” She kissed me again, all the while keeping the shower directed at us both. I even grinned when I felt it angled at our groins. There was a reason why I had the detachable shower head installed, after all, “I’ll keep that in mind.” “Blue?” I asked with a smile. “Yes, my love?” “I don’t think we’re going to make it back to the bedroom.” “Best news I heard all night,” Blue whispered as she kissed me several times on the lips and then moved to the side of my muzzle and started to work her way down my neck. I could feel her lightly licking and nipping at my neck, the pain and pleasure was just amazing, and I cooed in reply. Her body didn’t move, rather it simply rocked, grinding her marehood upon my own. Even with the shower head going, I could feel her rubbing upon me, the heat of her pussy sending sparks to my own and, oh dear Luna, I loved it. Her teeth scraped the skin of my neck, teasing me with the possibility of a break, yet I was to be denied. Rather, she moved her hips more and more forcefully against me. My hooves shot up to her cutie mark, rubbing her flanks in small circles, the toned muscles of her ass with just enough fat upon them to make her that much cuter in my book. Her right hoof moved up and down my chest, rubbing my fur, causing me to go wild from her touch alone. I cooed, loudly, my moans growing with intensity and volume with her every actions.   With her left hoof, she positioned the showerhead over my head, letting it spray down upon us both and forcing me to close my eyes. Somehow, it made every touch she gave me, every rub of her upon me that much harder. Given, I did lament the fact that I could no longer see her. For an eternity I felt her keep this up, teasing me, rubbing me, pushing me to the edge of my desire, every single cell in my body demanding more, more, more. I couldn’t see anything she was doing, but I felt it, I felt it all like I had never felt anything before in my life. I wanted her to do more, I wanted her to commit to something; bite me, suck me, lick me raw, fuck me until I scream in desperation for you to stop, something dammit! She was simply doing everything and nothing, teasing my neck and muzzle with her teeth, rubbing my clit raw with her own, letting the shower keep me blind, helpless to what she was going to do next. I felt her hooves play with my nipples, squeeze my own flanks until they hurt, only to lightly rub them tenderly afterwards. It was at once the greatest and worst feeling ever. Like having the greatest treasure in the world but being told you cannot spend it. Being given the tastiest food in existence but not being allowed to eat it. My body was screaming at me to do something. My mind acted without my conscious will. Without thinking, my tactician's mind took over. In a second I placed both hooves on her shoulders and pushed with a strength that belittled my size. There was just one little problem with my epic plan to take charge of the situation. What I had wanted to do, all I had wanted to do was force her on her back, so I could take over and move the show along. Well, it worked, kinda. What I had not counted on, what I should have factored into my plans but didn’t; we were in my tub. And while it was big enough for a normal sized pony, as in too big for me but more than enough for Blue, both of us were in it. I managed to push her on her back alright, but her head rang out when it slammed up against the faucet. I thought that it was over on that, that I just ruined our night. What I didn’t count on, was that she growled and looked at me. Hungrily. “So you want to play rough? You can have that!” she growled lustfully before pushing against me. The look of horror on my face at what I had done turned to bewilderment as she practically leapt at me. Together, we both fell out of the tub and rolled on the bathroom floor. Our very wet, very soaked, and very horny bodies tumbling over and over as we fought for who would end up on top. In the end, we hit the door frame and I went through while she came to a stop. I got to my hooves and stared at her with a smile upon my face, relieved and grateful to no end that she not only seemed unhurt, but was still in a playful mood, “Oh no,” I said with a smile. “Oh yes, that flank is mine!” she growled and leaped forward again. This time she smashed me against the wall, my wings slamming painfully against the hard obstacle, but I couldn’t care less. Even that pain was sweet, and I loved it as I pushed her over and sent us crashing on the floor again. I was pretty sure that all the neighbours would call the guards for that loud sound soon. Blue didn’t care, and in the next kiss, she bit into my lips, lightly pulling back to open the wound some more. It wasn’t really surprising, after our last few ‘training sessions’, I knew that she loved my blood, and I couldn’t say that I disliked hers. Hell, I loved her’s just as much as she did mine. When she reached down for another kiss, it came as no surprise that her fangs sunk into my lips. I could feel her drinking from me and my body responded in kind. My own nethers became wetter and wetter. My left hoof reached up to her waist, pulling her closer. My right moved to the back of her head as to push her even deeper inside of me. That… was a mistake. “Ouch!” Blue exclaimed as she pulled back suddenly and rubbed the back of her head, “Careful, that’s still tender.” I blushed at ‘that’ injury being enough to cause us to stop, “Are you okay?” I asked, concerned. “Yeah, just a little banged up,” However, when she pulled her hoof back, there was a small amount of blood there. “We should get you cleaned up, I don’t want anything to happen to my marefriend, especially not when it was my fault.” “Night, it was an accident, but… yeah, that might be a good idea.” “I have some antiseptic in the spare bedroom,” I stated as I got to my hooves and turned moved down the hall. “I meant to ask, why’d you get a two bedroom apartment anyway? Do you have a roommate I need to know about?” “What, no—” “‘Cause I don’t like to share my toys.” “Nothing like that,” I said with a smile as I opened the door, “It’s well… it’s…” “What the…,” she gasped upon seeing what was inside. “It’s more of a training room,” I stated. The room itself was the same size as my bedroom, there were just a few major differences. This room had tactical maps and battle plans strung up all along the walls. Tacs covered the vast majority of them, Red for our enemy forces, green for ours. Roll upon roll of scrolls were stacked upon the sides of the room, the center of which had a huge table with a map of Equestria that was scientifically accurate to the tenth degree. “What is this?” Blue asked with wide eyes as she made her way into the room, both of us still dripping water from our coats. “I’ve gone over every major engagement of Equestria’s forces for the past few hundred years. I replay them, figuring out where we went wrong if we lost, or where we could do better if we won. I’m proud to say that had my strategies been used, we would have suffered eighty-seven percent less casualties.” “Hindsight's always twenty-twenty.” “Uh-uh, I based my calculations only on information they had at the start of the battle, then run a simulation based on information gained after the battle was over and how it played out.” “You’re… you’re serious?” She looked up at me with wide eyes. “Yeah, I mean, it’s not real and all bu—” “Have you shown this to Moon Shield? Luna?” “Of course, I couldn’t have gotten this information without the princess’s support.” “W-what?” “Actually, I look over it every first sunday of the month with Luna,” I added with a giggle, “Some of my strategies are already being adapted, in fact they’re already reconstructing the right wing of the castle. Of course had it been done four hundred years ago we could’ve avoi—” I never got to finish that sentence, Blue Moon interrupted me with a kiss to my lips, “You are amazing to me, Night Watch.” I blushed, “I mean, it’s obvious when you stop to think about it.” She laughed at that, “Obvious, right.” I sheepishly grinned as I went to grab the first aid kit. Blue sat down on her haunches and waited for me to get back. I placed it on the table and opened up the kit, reaching in I grabbed the antiseptic and a sponge, “This might hurt a little.” “I think that’s the motto of our relationship,” she said with a grin. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—” “Relax, I don’t blame you for it. Besides, I did kinda pee on you.” “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” I replied with a grin as I picked up the sponge in my mouth and started to dabble in on the small scrape on her head. In truth I suspect that she was fine, that it was nothing to worry about, I was just grateful that that was the case. “So, um, maybe we should talk about limits? Like, what do you not want to do, any lines you don’t want to cross?” I placed the sponge back down on the table and went to dabble some more antiseptic on it, “Blue, as long as it’s with you, we can do anything.” “Really? I mean, that could get kinda... kinky,” I know she was kinda worried about having peed on me, but honestly, it wasn’t even that bad. “Promise?” I asked as I picked up the sponge and took it back to her head. “I’ll remember you said that,” she smiled as she moved her head back in position and let me get back to work. There was something about taking care of her, something about me being the one to care for somepony else’s injuries, almost like she was dependent on me for her own well being. That thought made me smile, even chuckle a little. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” she asked. “A little,” I mumbled as I finished up and placed the sponge back in the kit. “Does this mean I have to hurt myself some more from now on?” she joked. “To get me to take care of you? Nah, you just gotta… ask,” I whispered the last word into her ear seductively. Seeing chills run up and down the back of her neck at the thought of it. She cooed excitedly and then turn her head to face me. “Bedroom?” “Here, now,” I replied back with a lustful grin. She started to turn around, but before she could finish, I pushed her down upon the table, sending centuries old scrolls flying in all directions and scattering small tokens representing battalions of soldiers to the floor with my actions. “Night… your work,” Blue whispered, but I quickly shushed her. “Not… caring,” I growled lustfully, starting to nip at her neck. “I like you in charge like this,” she cooed playfully to my nips. “Get used to it, General Night Watch takes what she wants,” I said after breaking the skin upon her neck with my fangs and licking up the small amount of blood that poured out. “Mmhmm, is that so?” “Yes, ma’am.” “So, how are you going to conquer this challenge?” “Well, when dealing with a foe that’s stronger than you, you never want to attack them head on,” I whispered staring down upon her. My front hooves on either side of the chest, my back hooves still on the floor, “So you chip away at their flanks.” At that I moved to her right front hoof and started leaving a small trail of kisses upon her fur, going all around even to her shoulder joints. When the right was done, I moved to the left and repeated that action. “A sound strategy, but one they’ll quickly adapt to,” She replied, moving her wings out as if to represent a reinforced enemy. “Then you withdraw your forces and attack from where they’ll least expect it, right behind them.” Her eyes went wide as I moved to her lower hooves, starting to leave a trail of licks and caresses directly up her inner thighs. “Right after their commander?” She asked in hope. “Nope,” I replied, pulling back right before reaching the honeypot between her legs, “While you can win with a swift decapitation of the enemy’s leadership, it’s also the most guarded. As such your casualties will be a lot higher.” “So what do you do then?” “Simple,” I stated, my head moving back up to hers, kissing her again and again, “As the old saying goes, be where your enemy doesn’t want you to be. Once you have them completely confused, expecting attacks from every single angle and every direction, strike in the last place they now expect.” “Where’s that?” she asked. I could literally feel the heat coming from the mare, it was like the area around her was ten degrees hotter. “Her front.” Her eyes went wide as she felt me starting to leave a trail of nips, kisses, and licks down her stomach. I hit every area I could on my way down, being merciless and methodical in my actions, not leaving a single area untouched but not stay at any area for too long either. She cooed, moaned and kicked to every single one of my ministrations. I was relentless and it drove her wild. I knew she was beyond horny at this point. Her entire body longing for my touch, her nipples and teats almost pulsing with a life of their own, “And when you reach their most vulnerable locations, you attack, relentlessly.” I bit down, hard upon her right teat. My fangs penetrated her skin without a second’s hesitation. No mercy, no chance for her to adjust in the slightest. The room filled with the cries of pleasure that escaped her lips, the pure cry of enjoyment mixed with just the right amount of pain as I drank from her. The taste of her blood was an ambrosia the likes of which I’ll never get enough of. It was her, it was us, it was everything we stood for, all the love we had for one another. And even that, it simply failed to describe the full impact of what it was like. It was like drinking pure love, mixed with nurturing springwater, and pure concentrated sunlight all in one. Every sip I took left me more needing of it, and yet satisfied in a way I could never hope to describe. In seconds, I could feel her body responding in kind, I could feel her cumming just from my touch, from my bite. Reluctantly, I pulled back, “And now, when they know they’ve lost, they’ve accepted it, and resigned themselves to their fate, you strike at the head.” She looked at me, confusion on her face, she was still in her blessed delirium. A state I only enhanced as my muzzle came in contact with her marehood, gently teasing her. She threw her head back as I basically nuzzled her inner folds. “Oh… dear Luna! Yes!” She was dripping, wetter than I’ve ever known her in my life. If drinking from her teat had been dinner, this was the followup desert. I still had no idea which one I liked more, but, luckily for me, I didn’t have to choose. My tongue worked in and out, every time I penetrated her with it, I felt her walls clamp upon the appendage, almost like she never wanted it to leave. In truth, I didn’t want it to go either. Even if the thought of walking around all day with my tongue buried in her snatch was a rather funny one. As much of her juices I’d drink, she’d simply replace them with more, and more, almost as if it were a never-ending reservoir of my own personal wine. My muzzle became soaked, my nostrils filled with the scent of her, and I loved it. My eyes caught sight of her little bud sticking out of its hood. I grinned and quickly moved up to latch my lips upon her clit and suckle as hard as I could. Almost as if I were a foal and this was the last meal I’d ever have in my entire life. Her screams became louder and louder, her actions more and more extreme. I heard several more items fly against the wall and smash upon contact, and yet, I just didn’t give a damn. In truth, I had no idea if this was simply one long orgasm for her, or if I was simply showing her new levels of pleasure in my actions. I was good with either actually. Alas, everything comes to an end. After seconds, minutes, or hours, I’m not exactly sure, her head fell back against the table and she stopped screaming. Her body far to exhausted by the overwhelming pleasure she had just experienced. She smelt like sex, sweat, and blood. I was almost tempted to ask her to never shower again, just so she’d always smell like that. I stopped and pulled up. Licking my muzzle clean as I jumped up on the table and laid down by her side. I whispered into her ear, “And that’s how you win the war.” There’s an old adage I forgot when it comes to warfare: you’re at your most vulnerable, right before you win. I should’ve thought about it, because as soon as I settled down at her side, she rolled over onto me, with a strength and speed I thought was impossible after everything I just served her. Yet, she pinned me easily onto the table. She growled one phrase right before going to town on me, “Always prepare for the sudden counterattack.” Her fangs immediately sunk into my neck and I hissed in agony when they penetrated my skin. Her back hoof started to rub up and down my slit, grinding upon me, directly as it felt like it was trying to split me in half. Her front hooves had my body pinned as she let go of my neck and looked up, a small amount of blood covering her muzzle as she licked herself clean and began moving down my chest. Her kisses were full on bites, her licks were more like sandpaper against my skin. She was being forceful, using me, taking from me everything she wanted with no regard to how I felt. Luna help me. I love it. Removing her hooves from mine, she placed them on my flanks and pushed me up the table. I felt my body slide across maps and scrolls as she moved me into the position she wanted me to be in. She looked down upon my marehood with a hungry look in her eyes, it was like a predator's gaze staring at her prey. Save I was that prey. Any second now I expected her to dive right in, to eat me out, viciously, without mercy, until I begged for her to stop. And she did, just not in the way I expected. Goes to show, I need to stop underestimating her. In a flash her muzzle dived down, slightly lower than I expected. My eyes went wide as I felt her tongue press against my anus, “Blue, I… Oh… wow.” She didn’t reply, her tongue going to work on the area surrounding my brown hole, she licked me, coating my ass in her saliva before her tongue started to push in, licking me from the inside out. It blew my mind. I had never, never expected her to just do something like this to me, but… we did kinda say no restrictions between us, and with everything else we had done today alone, this wasn’t exactly a huge leap or something. It quickly became enjoyable in a way I had never expected it to be. She lifted my back hooves over her shoulders and pulled my flank off the table as to give her better access. Her tongue kept inserting itself, licking up and down, her slobbers echoing in my ears as I relaxed and let her do whatever she wanted. “Oh, Blue!” My mind quickly decided that this was something we would add to our repertoire after tonight. I couldn’t wait to return the favor and show her what this end felt like.  Her right front hoof moved up and started to play with my slit, I could feel it stroking over me while her tongue went to work, her hoof rubbing up and down my soaking wet marehood. However, when it struck my clit, I almost lost it in that one instant. “AHH!” my cry of please let itself out without any regard for what I wanted it to do. At that, just as suddenly as it started, it stopped. She moved her muzzle back and let my flank rest against the table again. I laid there, panting, sweating, and worse, unsatisfied, “W-why’d you stop?” “I want to try something,” she said with a blush. “I think you already did. Spoiler, I liked it.” “Something, else, but… it might hurt. Like, a lot.” “Do it.” I stated. “But… you don’t even know what it is.” “You act like I care, if it’s you, do it.” “Night…” “Blue, we talked. Do it,” I whispered gently, my look full of love. She didn’t say anything, rather, she simply smiled an unsure smile and moved back down, hesitantly. That part had me worried. I don’t know why she was so reluctant to do whatever it was she wanted to do. Part of me was kind of nervous, but a larger part of me was excited about what she would do. Her lips soon found my marehood and started to leave little kisses up and down my slit. It felt good, but that conversation had kind of put me off. Idled me down, so to speak. She took her time, working me back up with little kisses and licks and even a few nips against my sensitive lips. I cooed, loudly when her tongue made entry. Feeling her inside of me was simply amazing, so much so I had almost forgotten our conversation. Almost. Her muzzle moved up and latched itself upon my slit. Suckling on mine in much the same way I had hers. And just like when I did hers, it felt bucking amazing. I could feel every impulse being set from it like lightning bolts striking my body. I started to kick and cry out rhythmically in pleasure. And then her fangs sunk in. Penetrating my clit. “AHHH!” There was no pleasure mixed with that cry, it was pain; nothing but pain as she bit into my clitrous with her fangs. My head shot up with tears streaming from my face. To her credit, she didn’t stop. She sank her fangs deeper into me as blood began pouring from me in waves upon waves, directly into her mouth. However, she did stare up at me, her eyes finding mine. There was something about those pools of pinkish-red that simply made me lost, I stopped crying, losing myself in the depths of her eyes. It still hurt, mind you, it hurt like being bucked by an earth pony directly in the pussy. But…. I knew, logically, it was the venom in her fangs numbing where they bit, but to me, it was her eyes. The pain started to become something else, something I had never expected in my life: it became pleasure. My hind legs spread apart as far as they could and then went numb. My hooves moved up to the sides of my groin, spreading myself apart even further to give her better access. I was bleeding, a lot. I could see that it was too much for even her to drink it all, a decent amount was dripping getting past her, pooling below my flank. “Ohhh… yes….” It took me a moment to realize those words had came from me. She raised her hoof and held onto mine. I could feel her, could feel her strength holding onto me as another wave of pleasure washed over me. The blood she was drinking was soon met with more and more juices, just not of the red variety. I had no idea how she felt when I did what I did to her, but I knew it couldn’t hold a candle to this. My body was exhausted, its life force draining, but for every bit of my strength that left me, it was replaced by pleasure.  I felt my breathing slow down, my breaths becoming shallow, my limbs going limp. Truly the only part of me that was still going strong was my pussy. I could feel my vaginia contract and release as she kept me pushed off the edge of ecstasy. At some point. I had stopped cumming on her, but only because I no longer could. while I was still in the bliss of pleasure, my body simply couldn’t make any more juices. I cried out when her teeth pulled out of me. It hurt, yes, something made worse when the air of the room touched the open wound, but that wasn’t the reason I cried. I cried because she had stopped.   She quickly moved up me and locked her lips into mine. I realized why, she bit her lip hard for me to drink from her. When our mouths opened I was overcome with the taste of my blood, cum, and her blood. It was a smorgasbord of delectable flavors that filled my mouth and made me hungry for more. I drank and drank until the wound on her lip had healed. When that happened and it became obvious to the two of us we were just trading spit now, she pulled back and offered me her neck. I didn’t need a second invitation. My fangs instantly found the same wounds I had made earlier. My fangs found the same spot and I plunged them into her, rejuvenating myself on her. She cooed softly, holding my head in her hooves as like a needy foal, I simply took as much as I wanted. I only drank from her for a minute. When I felt enough of my strength had returned I pulled back, lowing my head back to the table. “You… you don’t want any more?” she asked, surprised. I shook my head no as Iicked my lips clean. It was then I really got a look at her, her muzzle was soaked with cum and blood, almost as if she had just been in the best orgy ever and then went to hunt afterwards. “You just want me to keep you warm tonight, don’t you?” I grinned, it didn’t surprise me that she’d figure it out so quickly. She lay down next to me and wrapped me up in her hooves and wing. I had never been so grateful to be so small in my life. Her wing wrapped over my used and abused clit. Protecting it from the very air around us. I knew, logically, that I was going to hurt, probably for a few weeks after tonight. The last two days of our leave would probably see me spending them in bed, unable to walk. But oh Luna, that had been amazing. “Blue?” “Hmm?” she cooed. “What do you think leads this here?” “What do you mean?” she raised her head and looked at me. “I mean us. Is this a thing forever? Not that I already want a ring around my hoof, but just… I don’t know, I somehow want to know,” I whispered. “I think… I think we’re going to spend a few weeks simply loving each other, just like this. Then… then we’ll meet each other’s family, well, the rest of our families. We’ll laugh, cry, and make love a hundred, no, a thousand times more. And then one day that ring will be around both of our hooves. Maybe after that, we look at adoption?” “I love the sound of this,” I murmured sleepily, but happy. She pushed my muzzle deep against her chest, I breathed in deep her scent, and mine, no, our scent. It was the scent of blood, sweat, and sex. The scent of us. I cooed softly as my eyes closed on me. And yet, yet as much as I wanted to give into sleep, to simply fall asleep in the mare who’s touch I knew I could not go a day of my life without knowing. I didn’t want to at the same time. Sleep would take me from her, it would separate us for hours, hours I didn’t want to lose. At that time, I wished there was a way that I didn’t need to sleep. A way I could just stay up and be held by her, forevermore. Alas, I knew it was not to be. I would, sooner that I wanted, fall asleep. I could already feel the tendrils of sleep warming their way around me, making my eyelids heavy. I looked up at her at that moment, knowing I was not long for the conscious world and wanting to see her one more time before it happened. She was staring down right at me, that wonderful smile upon her muzzle, and those beautiful pinkish-red eyes peering into mine. It felt like a total loss of self just staring at her, but it was a sensation that I looked forward to. It was like I was drowning in her eyes. And as my eyelids closed and the sweet embrace of sleep finally claimed me, I smiled.