> The Elements of InSANITY story 1:Death Has A Shadow > by Twilight the alicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarifruit looked up at the sky it was filled with all kinds of clouds as she trotted to Brutalight Sparcake's cabin she had found and decided to take over. Brutalight opened the door slowly and looked at Rarifruit. "What do you want was another pony found and made into one of us?"Brutalight said as she smashed a can of soda. "No, it's that Fluttershout and Rainbine want us to come over to there place and you can walk with me''Rarifruit explained looking at her leader. ''Sure is Apple Pills and Pinkis Cupcake coming?''Brutalight asked. ''Yes everypony is coming, let's go''Rarifruit said as she trotted with Brutalight to Fluttershout's cabin. When Brutalight and Rarifruit got to Fluttershout's house Rarifruit knocked with her hoof. The red and white door slowly opened they saw a blood-shot eye scan them back and forth. ''Hello girls you took long enough!''Fluttershout said, leading them inside with her hoof and shutting the door. Rainbine, Pinkis Cupcake, Apple Pills and Derpigun were sitting on a couch with red and white stripes on it. ''Well we're here today for a battle plan. Sunset Shimmer and Trixie have found us and they are now Painset Shimmercakes and Magic Mare and they're planning to attack!''Fluttershout explained trotting back and forth from Rainbine, Apple Pills , Pinkis, Derpigun, Rarifruit and Brutalight. ''I'm primed, locked, loaded and ready to go!''Rainbine said in her robot voice. Fluttershout nodded for them to go home now. Brutalight was getting a little board so she decided to make a huge cabin from start for her fellow elements so they could all live in it together like a family. ''I wish I had a family'' Brutalight sighed. ''Well now you do Brutalight and were all right here with you for anything and everything till we all die". "Well not Rainbine and Derpigun of course'' a voice said to Brutalight. It was Fluttershout and all of her ''family'' with her forever. > Memory and Mind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbine trotted in the old house that Painset and Magic Mare live in.''Where are they Fluttershout said they plan here!?''Rainbine said to herself. Rainbine saw a yellow alicorn with blue burrs all over her and a light blue unicorn with a blue and pink mane. ''It's them!''Rainbine yelled quietly hiding under the old bed that seemed to be falling apart. The door slowly opened as Painset and Magic Mare walked in,as the alicorn flew to her bed to take a nap,she felt the bed move. ''Stop that Magic you always do this!''Painset yelled getting up from her bed and going where her friend was.Rainbine slowly creep from under the bed and flew out and slammed the door. Pinkis and Apple Pills were watching the ponies behind:Happy Farmers. ''Ok let's go Apple Pills!''Pinkis shouted throwing a bottle of painkillers to the old house that the two ponies live in. ''PILLS!''Apple Pills yelled and ran over to the pills but she toke a break for breath. Magic Mare trotted outside with her friend complained her head was hurting. ''Look!I could use those painkillers!''Magic Mare said grabbing the pills with her magic. Apple Pills couldn't bear what see saw with her holly colored eyes. Apple Pills ran to her pills and bucked Magic Mare in the in the face three times in a row noting but scarlet blood was left on her pill bottle as she stuck her muzzle in the air in a sassy manor. Pinkis saw Magic covered in scarlet red blood. ''That's good Apple Pills maybe it will show this motherbuckers to BUCK OFF AND STOP PLANING!''Pinkis yelled over to the two ponies. ''Magic open the portal and let them fall for counterparts and forget that equestria even exists!''Painset said with a devilish smirk of evilness. > Elements of Madness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rose over Garry's mod and Brutalight woke up with the sunlight. She went to a room witch was red and white with a bed that had red and white stripes with three white butterflies with eardrums in the corner of the wings and blood splatters all over them.''Fluttershout you in here!''Brutalight yelled as she called the ear raping pony.''What are you doing in Fluttershout's room?''a robot voice said as Brutalight turned around she saw Rainbine. ''What are you doing in here huh?''Brutalight asked back with a smirk as she floated in the air.''Well she said my shot gun was in here so yeah still tell me why your in here?''Rainbine explained getting her shot gun and putting it in her robot hoof. ''I was looking for her...is she making blood cider and blood cocktail again with Rarifruit again?''Brutalight guessed as Rainbine nodded and trotted out to get some food.Downstairs Fluttershout and Apple Pills were done with there food.''How was your night leader?''Derpigun said walking with a cup of blood cider in her hoof.''Good,noting new''Brutalight replied. CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everypony heard a loud crash almost louder then Fluttershout's screaming. Apple Pills was still chewing on her pill bottle.The ponies all went outside and saw seven colts that looked look them.''Um....Hello there my name is Brutaldusk Shinecakes and me and my friends are...kinda...lost do you know the way back to Karry's mod?'' Brutaldusk asked Brutalight as he shook her hoof.''Karry's mod...um...right now your in Garry's mod''Brutalight replied looking at Brutaldusk with wide eyes.A dark pink earth pony stallion with a dark red mane hopped over to Pinkis.''Hello i'm Bubblis Cupcake and you are?-'' ''Cupcake...Pinkis Cupcake''she replied and shook his hoof.''These are my six friends Elusifruit,Bubblis Cupcake,Apple Drugs,Buttershout,Rainbine Blitz and Dopigun''Brutaldusk said pointing to the over colts with his dark blue,purple,red and black tail. ''We need a place to stay and we are the elements of madness''Brutaldusk said to them as the girls lead them inside the huge cabin that Brutalight made for all of them.''Ok girls let the ones that look like you stay in your room.Got it?''Brutalight whispered to her friends. ''Sure i'll take Rainbine Blitz!''Rainbine said flying away.All of them picked there pony and toke off. > Insanity and Madness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkis and Bubblis were trying to make the portal work but they heard the noise of a pony chewing on a pill bottle and it was Apple Pills and Apple Drugs.''Would you stop that chewing we are trying to work!''Pinkis yelled to the pill-chewing ponies. ''She said stop!!!!!!''Bubblis yelled waking everypony up with there screaming all but Fluttershout and Buttershout.Rainbine was in her battle room making robot-like armor for the battle they would have with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Derigun knocked it over with just the push of her wing.''Why did you do that to make hard work!?!?''Rainbine said about to yell her wires out of her.''Sorry I just don't know what went wrong''Derpigun said to Rainbine. Brutalight went to get some dinner and Fluttershout was angry about her paperwork being stepped on by Blood Angel,her pet blood bunny.''Fluttershout can you make me some blood-shot apples?''Brutalight said trying to help Pinkis and Bubblis with the portal to equestria. ''No what am I your maid or SLAVE like you made Spike into Im not getting you SH....fine since your the leader''Fluttershout shouted fixing to burst. Rainbine Dash and Rainbine Blitz were getting angry at Derpigun and Dorpigun for breaking there armor,Pinkis and Bubblis couldn't focus on the portal,Fluttershout was about to shout at Rarifruit and Buttershout was about to do the same to Elusifruit. ''EVERYPONY STOP!!!!!!!''Brutalight and Brutaldusk screamed holding them with there magic.Pinkis and Bubblis were about to eat Apple Pills and Apple Drugs,Dash and Blitz were about to kill Derpigun and Dorpigun with there shot guns,Fluttershout and Buttershout were about to ear rape Rarifruit and Elusifruit. ''What is going on down here !?!?''Brutalight asked everypony.''Oh noting dear!''Rarifruit replied as all the others nodded in agreement with Rarifruit. > Drowned In Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbine was with her counterpart looking at a human walking to Happy Farmers. ''Get down!''Rainbine whispered to Blitz wanting to shout at him. ''Fine,ok''Blitz said getting down under the bush that they were hiding in. Blitz looked over the bush and flew swiftly to the next bush.''Get over here Blitz your gonna' blow our cover!''Rainbine whisper-shouted to him as he pushed a button on his hoof to make his shot gun come out. The human was inside the store already.''Buck,buck,buckity,buck buck!!!!!!''Rainbine yelled with anger as she charged at Blitz going to pull the trigger on her shot gun.''Wait!I'm sorry really!''Rainbine Blitz said covering his face with his wings. ''Fine,let's just go home then.''Disappointed,Rainbine walked off with her head down and slipped in a bottomless puddle of mud and Blitz saved her before she fell and not stopping,so he went in the puddle it's exit shrink. Luckily they both got out just in the nick of time.''Now to get you home''Rainbine Blitz said,holding her in his hooves and flying to inSANITY headquarters with his love in his hooves. * * * * * Back at inSANITY headquarters Brutalight put a spell on Rainbine so she could go in the water and the mud puddle was made by water.Blitz hade the spell on him too.Rainbine had been drowned by the mud so Blitz gave her a bath.''What were am I?''Rainbine said waking up in the bathtub.''Hello i'm glad your awake you almost got drowned in a mud puddle!''Blitz said. Then why are you taking a bath with me?''Rainbine questioned.''Well,I was holding you so we could get back home''Blitz explained washing her wings. ''I hate you for holding me you jerk!''Rainbine blushed.''Are you...blushing!?!?''Blitz giggled. Rainbine's cheeks got redder and darker once he saw that he kissed her with passion and pushed her closer with his hoof and wing.He held her face and Rainbine held on to his hoof there manes were both shining and water dripping from there everything.Rainbine soon closed her eyes and kissed back. ''Now i'm going to wash you!''Blitz said letting go of a flushed Rainbine.''Oh brother''. > A Brutal Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brutalight woke up and went downstairs to get some breakfast see saw Fluttershout making some blood-shot bacon.Brutaldusk was eating his blood pie and drinking blood cider.''Hello everypony!how was your sleep?''Pinkis yawned coming in the kitchen for some food.''Um...Pinkis are you....Ok?''Rarifruit said looking at her tired friend walk into the kitchen.''Of course she's not she's been up all night trying to finish the portal!''Apple Pills said trotting in behind her.''You should get some sleep dearie''Rarifruit said carrying Pinkis to her bedroom with her magic.''I don't want to...''Pinkis trailed off as she dozed off in Rarifruit's bed.Rainbine walked downstairs and sat down next to Apple Pills and Brutaldusk.''So who will finish the portal now since Pinkis is to tired and so is Bubblis?''Fluttershout asked Apple Pills and Apple Drugs.''I think Brutalight should''Apple Drugs said.They soon decided that there leader can finish the portal that she came up with. * * * * * Brutalight looked in Pinkis's workbox for the right tools like wires and magic witch she had.Brutaldusk trotted in from outside from drowning the flower bed.''So did you find the tools yet Brutalight?''Brutalight felt a pang of love in her heart for Brutaldusk like she loved him.''Um...Not yet i'm looking though I don't want you to think i'm slaking off or something like that''Brutalight blushed looking at Brutaldusk with hearts in her eyes.''Are you ok...mmmmmh!''Brutaldusk's voice was muffled because Brutalight tackled him and kissed him.''Brutaldusk I think I like you''Brutalight blushed again.''Um...''Like'' ''think'' more like ''Love'' and ''know''Brutaldusk corrected and kissed her back. > Painset's and Magic Mare's plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Painset and Magic Mare trotted to inSANITY headquarters to see if Brutalight had a spell for them to turn Magic Mare into an alicorn.''Hello anypony home!?''Painset shouted as she knocked on the door and it slowly opened and she walked in.''I don't think any of them are home let's go''Magic Mare said trotted out of the door waiting for her friend.''Maybe we should stay here we can find the transformation book on our own''Painset said as she flew up stairs.''Fine,but I warned you''Magic Mare warned trotting upstairs with Painset. * * * * * Brutalight trotted around Happy Farmers as she looked around for the bread.''Rainbine did you find the bread yet!?!?''Brutalight yelled as she ran into a human.Brutalight cut the human's stomach open with her two sharp-bladed swords and trotted to find Rainbine.Fluttershout and Apple Pills were in the isle with Rainbine. ''What did you say Brutalight?''Rainbine asked. ''Did you find the bread!''Brutalight cursed. ''Oh! it's other there were I told you to go,RED BREAD!Buck you don't listen!''Rainbine cursed back looking at the store across the street.''Fine let's go there then.''Brutalight said trotting out the store.They all trotted out of the store and saw there door open.''Girls let's get home somepony is asking for a beating!''Brutalight bursted with furry as she blasted throw the half open door and found Painset and Magic Mare. ''What the buck is going on in here!?!?''Brutalight said tackling her and getting her two swords out that she had cut the human with and cutting her horn slowly waiting it to burn her.''Stop please it burns!''Painset yelled as blood drizzled from her horn as it was cut off.''Fine then get out NOW!!!!!''Brutalight shouted useing her magic and carrying Painset out the door and Magic Mare stayed.''Your next!''Brutalight hissed.''Um...Bye!''Magic Mare said gallping out the door going to where her friend was on the dirtplace.''We need to bandage that half cut horn''Magic said getting a bandage from nowhere.''We will get our revenge soon just you wait.'' > Forever And Always > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moon bathed inSANITY headquarters as Brutalight trotted outside with the moon shining above.''Um...Maybe the wire goes here or there I don't know anymore everything is just to hard how does Pinkis do this!!!!!!''Brutalight yelled waking up Rainbine and Rarifruit. Rarifruit and Rainbine walked downstairs and saw the front door open.''Um...Brutalight are you ok?''Rarifuit said as she trotted up to her and petted Brutalight's mane. ''I just don't know were this wire goes''Brutalight explained pointing to the blue wire and the portal.''I got this Brutalight'Rainbine said getting in front of Brutalight and doing the work that her leader couldn't finish. * * * * * The sun washed away the moonlight from the dawn and Rainbine was inside talking with Rainbine Blitz.Pinkis was making the portal now because she had got three days of sleep since Rarifruit let her sleep in her room. ''Hello everypony!''Buttershout said trotting down the stairs with Fluttershout. ''Me and Fluttershout have news''Buttershout said hugged up with Fluttershout. ''What kind of news?''Rarifruit asked making breakfast. ''Yeah.What kind of news''Apple Pills said taking a break from her chewing on her pill bottle. ''Well,Fluttershout is expecting a foal with...Me''Buttershout explained looking at the eleven ponies nervously with worry clouding his eyes.Brutalight's eyes blazed with pure purple furry in her purple eyes. ''WHAT!?!?!?!''Brutalight yelled as she flew up to Buttershout and was ready to cut his insides out with her sharp-bladed sword. ''You can't have a foal Fluttershout then...''Brutalight trailed off as her eyes watered and a tear ran down her muzzle. ''Then what Brutalight?''Fluttershout asked coming up to her and wiped the tear on her muzzle. ''We wouldn't have our Fluttershout anymore if you care for...for...THAT BRAT!!!''Brutalight yelled again setting down. ''I will aways be the same Fluttershout forever and always.''