Meet The Power Ponies

by Monie Le Brony

First published

This story stars the Mane 6 as the Power Ponies! Their adventures as superheroes are told through their eyes.

This story stars the Mane 6 as the Power Ponies! Their adventures as superheroes are told through their eyes.


They don't listen to police radios. They do not just save cats from trees. The Power Ponies, The Masked Matter Horn, Fili Second, Mistress Marevelous, Zapp, Radiance, and Saddle Rager, save Maretropolis in their own ways. And sometimes, life gets in the way as well.


Ships: SoarinDash (of course :rainbowkiss:), Sparity, Flashlight (Idc about your pointless hate for Flash Sentry), CheesiePie (*Squee*), and many more. :pinkiesmile:


Hey, guys! :twilightsmile:


I'm trying something new with the description, so bear with me. :twilightblush:


I'll be trying to separate my little notes (see what I did there?) from the stories' descriptions. :raritywink:


Thank you for reading this story! :pinkiehappy: Bye! :twilightsmile:


Created: 9-13-15/7:54-8:12am
Edited: 8:21-22am
Edited: 9:15am
Edited: 9-15-15/11:01-03am
Edited: 9-17-15/12:01-03pm

The Awkward Leader

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The Awkward Leader


||Twilight Sparkle's POV||

{Wednesday, June 24, 2015/7:00am, Secret Location, Maretropolis}


"Ughn!," I groan aloud, mad at myself for getting an alarm clock this damn loud, "Shut up!"

Still lying in bed on my belly, I reach my left hand out from under my navy-blue quilt and gently press the snooze button of my violet alarm clock with my left index finger, it's nail coated with fuchsia nail polish. I sigh happily and try to sleep again, but...


"UGH!," I yell out, feeling that familiar warmth behind my eyes that indicates that my eyes are glowing white with magic, "Stupid alarm!"

As I hop out of bed angrily, dressed in simple, plum, silk pajamas, my lavender horn shoots a beam of my magenta magic at the annoying alarm clock, causing it to... explode. Wonderful.

"Greeeaaat," I say to myself, slightly irritated, "Now I have to get a new one. That's the third alarm clock I blew up this week! I gotta control my anger in the morning."

I hear familiar voices outside my... open door?! I closed that thing last night!

"The kid's so gullible!," I hear Rainbow Dash's raspy voice say, followed by her laugh.

"You'd think she'd use that big brain o' hers to realize you two are usin' your powers all willy-nilly ta prank 'er!," I hear Applejack say with a hint of anger in her southern-accented voice, "Now y'all quit it."

"We finally agree on something, darling!," Rarity's voice joins in, "While I do find you two's powers to be amazing, you mustn't waste your talents on silly, childish little pranks."

So the pranksters of our home, which is in a location you'll never know of, are responsible for my alarm clocks malfunctioning. My anger is reaching a boiling point. I walk outside my room to find Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack standing near my door.

"We're sorry about their pranks, dear," Rarity says kindly, pointing to Rainbow and Pinkie, wearing a sky-blue, lace-trimmed nightgown, "They were just being... them."

"I'm gonna go make breakfast now, sugar cube," Applejack tells me with a warm smile, her simple, red, plaid pajamas providing an interesting contrast against Rarity's gown, "Want anythin' special?"

"No thanks," I tell Applejack, still somewhat angry, "(To Rainbow and Pinkie) Tell me: what, exactly, did you two do to my alarm clocks?"

"Well, we did something different every time," Rainbow replies in nothing but a violet robe, a smug grin on her pretty face.

"Oh boy, this is gonna be good!," Pinkie says in her pink, candy-printed pajama pants and white, short-sleeved T-shirt, staring at Rainbow and radiating admiration like the sun.

"Using my awesome powers over the forces of nature, which, of course, includes the elements, I turned the knob of your bedroom door to open it," Rainbow says happily, her smirk as devious as usual, "Please note that I'm explaining the first time we pulled the 'Annoying Alarm' prank on you. That was Monday morning. Pinks ran in your room at the speed of light, brought your clock out here, set it to go off every ten seconds, and placed it back on your nightstand before seven A-M hit!"

"New record, too!," Pinkie adds, grinning, "It was six-fifty-nine when we started! I got outta there right as it went off! Dashie managed to close your door softly, too."

My mouth gaping open makes the two, older pranksters smirk and high-five each other.

"W-what about Tuesday and today?," I ask the two, 22-year-olds, who snicker.

"Tuesday was my crowning achievement," Rainbow replies, a happy sigh escaping her lips, "It. Was. Awesome!"

"OMC, it was amazing!," Pinkie says, staring at Rainbow with the "I admire your very existence!" expression.

"Thanks, Pinks," Rainbow says happily, "Anyway, on Tuesday, I wanted to try a new, more awesome method to make your clock annoy you. That, and I wanted to do more; Pinkie did most of the work Monday."

"Uh, huh," Applejack says flatly with fake interest.

Rainbow catches her tone and rolls her violet eyes. Rainbow continues,

"Anyway, I pressed my hand against the wall and let electricity run from my fingers, along the wall by your door, and into your room. I made the electricity move across the walls to your clock. (*Laughing with Pinkie*) Then I finally made your clock go off! I made it go off every few seconds! Pinkie and I were dying inside! But it took most of my energy for that prank, so I decided to do something different this morning. Well, more like 'last night'. All I did was set your clock to go off every five seconds. Nothing special. (*Laughing harder than before*) But you demolished your clocks every time! Like, geeze kid, calm your tiny tits!"

I cover my chest with my arms, a little embarrassed. FYI: I'm a 36A.

You're probably also wondering why Rainbow keeps referring to me as "kid". Well, I'm the youngest out of our small group; I just turned 18 last month, on the 16th. Like I said before, Rainbow and Pinkie Pie are 22. Rarity is 24. Applejack, the oldest, is 26. The last member our group, Fluttershy, who's in her room, is 23.

"Who are we?", you ask? We're the Power Ponies, the defenders of our city, Maretropolis. With excellent leadership skills, I lead my great team of superheroes into battle against the likes of the Maneiac, our greatest foe. No evil will get past us!