> The Midnight Special > by Dusty Miller > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Midnight Special > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The little bison stood on the train station platform. She looked at the tracks leading from the mountains, as the big bison sat beside her and viewed the great prairie. “Oh, Auntie, I’m so nervous. What if I make a mistake?” “If you do not make mistakes you will not learn, you will not grow.” “I need to grow because I’m small for my age. But I’m big and unsightly next to a pony and I don’t even know what size these creatures will be. I wish I had clothes like ponies to hide in.” “You have your ball dress, you’ll be just fine.” “But it’s burlap and canvas. Ponies have the best dresses and the people on the train are royalty.” “Not all of them are royals. They are potential, young junior ambassadors just like you.” “Father said that the Zebras were already on the train. I think I’m scared of Zebras. What if I don’t understand what they’re saying and then cause a fight or some sort of incident between our tribes?” “They will speak Equestrian just as we do.” “Oh, I see the train. What now? Do I bow at the Zebra?” “You will be yourself and you will be fine, dear.” The train whistle blew a long sharp note just before chugging up to the platform. One Guard Pony in light armour stepped off and moved baggage onto the carriage. The conductor put a step for the little Buffalo then called “All aboard!” as the Guard Pony, conductor and the station attendant pushed the large Buffalo through the door. “Oh, Auntie, please don't be so big this weekend.” “It takes a lifetime to become this size eating nothing but prairie grasses. I'm proud of my life.” They walked down the isle of the carriage. Train crews had removed a seat for the large bison and put down a rug. On the back seat were two Zebras. Their manes were long and straight like striped crests. Their eyes observed all motion. The slightly larger one stated: “My ward does not speak to common folk. She is noble and will not converse with a cowpoke.” Auntie settled down on the rug and the little bison sat on the bench seat, quiet and wide eyed. The old train switched tracks and headed off to another series of mountains. The gryphons arrived. “Auntie, why didn't they fly?” “The train being the collector of ambassadors from this territory, we all arrive together.” The two gryphons strutted to their seats. As they plonked themselves down, they put their feet up on the seat in front of them. A tall, thin green dragon danced down the aisle. “I'm here, I'm here! Let the bells ring out and the banners fly! Feast your eyes on me! It's too good to be true, but I'm here! I'm here!”* He flopped into a seat and put his feet on the seat in front, trying to be more nonchalant than the gryphons. The carriage rocked from side to side and the dragon quickly sat up straight. “Auntie, are we moving?” She raised her eyes up from her crocheting.  “No dear. Look out the window.” A long, green dragon’s tail with scales like mossy shakes hung from the roof to the ground. It lifted up and disappeared as the very large dragon settled on the carriage. Near a growth of long, tall grass that is located beside a forest, the train pulls to a stop. Two thin tan coloured deer with small delicate antlers walked slowly and gracefully to their seats. “Auntie, are they enchanted or spirit deer?” “No dear, they are white-faced deer. Beautiful aren't they.” They moved with fluid grace and joy. They sat in their seats as thick cold liquid settles in a glass. The guard pony stood at the head of the train car. “Welcome to the Midnight Special. The overnight train to Richmane. The worst kept secret in Equestria, you’re all going to the World’s Fair!” He waited for applause that didn’t come. “Anyway, my name is Coachmen. If you have any questions, I’ll be in the caboose. Now, why don’t all you junior ambassador candidates and guardians introduce yourselves.” The Gryphons didn’t wait to be asked. The larger one spoke. “I am Grit and this is my student, Grind. We are of the house of Granite Mountain. We are traveling to the Young Ambassadors conference.” Grind added, “We’re going for free! Even better, we’re going on the princess’s bit.” They talon fist-bumped each other. The tall lanky dragon stood. “Dextrose is in the house. I must give you fair warning, I am an agent of chaos, on my way to being famous. Hey, I rhymed like a zebra.” He looked up as the train car rocked a little. “Oh yah, that’s Dentus, my entourage.” The dragon on the roof snorted loud enough for all to hear. The elder of the two white faced deer stood. “I am Salia, guardian of Anya. She is of the title La Dauphine. Royal birth. Do not speak to her unless she speaks to you.” All heads turned to the back row. “I am Zed and she, Zee to attend the sparing competition, She is my trainee.” The little Bison stood. “Um, I’m Bridgett, it means resolute or strength. Please call me, Lil Bridge and this is my auntie. My father is Chief Big Smoke. And were going to the Young Ambassador thing too.” Lil Bridge sat down then stood quickly to say ‘thank you’. Zed addressed the group with a little more friendliness and civility. “It seems we are all, brought together on a journey noble on this long haul. This train this moment, one place, one life experience in time together, enjoyment.” /]*[\ Lil Bridge watched the sun set and yawned. She stood and walked in a tight circle on the rug and nestled in next to Auntie. Salia rose up. “It seems it’s getting late. We shall retire to the sleeping carriage. Is anyone coming with us?” The Gryphons were already asleep, leaning on each other and whistling through their beaks. Dextrose lay on his side, pulling his wing over himself like a blanket. “I don’t feel like getting up. I’m staying here.” Zed sighed. “Zebra cannot sleep alone, like death, it is something we wish to postpone. If we could stay together, this carriage our funny little Herd, we would be birds of a feather.” Locking the doors, a shaggy stuffed bear drew the blinds around the sleeping compartment. She hissed, “It’s safe to talk now but I recommend we remain discreet. The walls and ceiling have ears. Tell me, what have you observed about these creatures?” Salia sat upright on the bed. “They’re all so different from us. They are as the scrolls described physically, but they are living breathing creatures, like us. And they have feelings and worries as I do. The buffalo form may have been a better choice. She is so plain, she's almost invisible.” “You show proper reasoning child. But as a beautiful creature, in their eyes, they are more likely to accept you and believe what you say. If they ask something you can't answer, smile joyfully at the silly ponies. They will think that they are at fault because they will see you as spiritually enlightened.” “I think I’m too inexperienced to engage in this charade.” “Shush! This is your life now. You will be made a young ambassador then a full ambassador. You will have an embassy office in their city and it will be your home and our base of operation. Is this not better than exile or death? Is our sovereign not generous with someone who was born flawed? You will do your duty as will I. Can you sleep?” “Yes, I think so. The rocking movement and a soft bed are very comforting compared to the frozen rocks. How can I be an ambassador if I don't know anything about my people?” “They don’t know anything about this species of deer, and because it is in your blood to mislead. Remember, there is always danger from one who is not your kind.” “It was my kind that wanted to kill me.” “I raised you, I protected you from the others and I intend to deliver you.” “It still feels like exile to me.” “Salia, please, I know it's difficult for you. But you must do what you are directed to do.” /]*[\ The old steam locomotive pulled into the station in Richmane. Black smoke from the stack spread across the station ceiling. The cars banged into each other as the train slowed. Dextrose woke with a start. “That wasn't me!” Grind glanced out the window. “Look. The Royal Canterlot Express!” The five young ones peered out the windows on the left side of the carriage. A very colourful and large, ornate train was docked at its special platform. The engine was large and sleek without a smoke stack. The cars had two floors and skylight domes. “I hear it runs on crystals and magic.” Said Dextrose. The group became very aware of the lack of paint and insulation on the walls of their car. Dentus uncoiled herself from the top of the carriage and took flight. Grind added. “Kinda glad we don't have a glass roof.” The conductor and Coachmen loaded the dignitaries and baggage into an open air stagecoach. They rode through downtown Richmain. “Ohhh Auntie, look at all the colourful ponies. They're so beautiful. Most of them have fancy clothes and everyone else is so well dressed.” Auntie spoke from the back of the coach, “Critters can’t take dust baths with clothing on.” Lil Bridge gasped and blushed when she realized that the others on the wagon overheard her. Grit mentioned, “Gryphons take dust bathes all the time. They are best for feathered creatures. I doubt if a snooty Pegasus ever tried it.” “Hot fresh volcanic ash is the best dust bath for scales.” Dextrose stretched his arms and wings. “Now that's luxury, baby!” Zee added: “To do our bidding, We train fire ants to remove parasites, To any other creature, it would be most forbidding.” All of them gawked at the hotel. A rectangle block of glass reaching for the sky. Lil Bridge asked no one in particular, “Is that for us?” Bell hops rushed to collect the meagre baggage. Lil Bridge, Grind, Zee Salia and Dextrose entered the elevator with the Unicorn bellhop who wore a red felt uniform. The young ambassadors gripped the floor with their hooves when the elevator moved. Dextrose grinned at them hiding the death grip on the brass banister with his tail. The other chaperons arrived on the next elevator. Auntie was placed in the service lift with the luggage. Dentus was nowhere to be seen. The hotel suite had five bedrooms with a central living area. The bellhop spoke as if he had just woke up. “Reception wine and cheese in one hour in the hotel tea room. Then your first trip to the Fair Grounds.” The two greyhens rolled their eyes at each other, “Here it comes, the tip, the want for monies.” Grit remarked. With half-open eyes the bellhop muttered “I trust everything is to your liking.” He cleared his throat and stood still with his hoof upturned. “You want a tip?” Grind slid a blade from between her flight feathers. “If you make it to the lift before the door closes, you can keep your life.” The bellhop’s eyes widened as he got the hint. After galloping to the elevator, he stomped the ‘close’ button repeatedly.  As the door slid across, he sighed in relief before noticing the feather-shaped knife by his head.  He fell to the floor in a faint. “What was that about?” Lil Bridge said dismayed. Grind answered, “They grossly hint that they want a gratuity for doing the job they are paid to do. We consider it foolish and rude to ask for money after the job is done. Payment upfront or nothing. Guaranteed we get better service from now on.” Grit pointed out, “But you lost a dagger.” “That pretentious pony can keep it as a tip or it will still be in the lift next time we use it.” Salia looked around and asked, “Um, who brought extra clothes or any clothes for that matter?” “I have a dress for the Ball.” Anya asked, “You, have a dress?” Lil Bridge blushed, “My tribe made me a gift, nothing more.” Grit declared, “It is decided, we of the Midnight Special, shall be the same. Undressed together in front of the pony masses!” Dextrose tented his claws and sneered. “The bellhop said ‘wine and cheese’, did he not? Excellent. I'm gonna steal some wine, get drunk and cause chaos. This is where I become famous.” Grind walked to the window, “Oh really? They put us on the top floor for a reason. She pulled back the curtain to reveal a very large, very angry dragon’s eye peering through the glass.” Zee spoke up. “You all missed something else important that was said, we get… our own bed!” The young ones squealed and jumped on their beds. /]*[\ The gang was shown to a large round table covered with pastries and tea. Dentus lay on the lawn just past the French doors to the garden. The ambassador candidates and chaperones ate and drank their fill with little thought of manners. Auntie sipped tea then crouched from her carpet bag, “I feel the need to walk the prairie alone.” Lil Bridge blushed. “No Auntie, not here.” Grind asked, “What does she mean?” “She has to relieve herself.” Dextrose picked his teeth with a silver fork, “I know what the ponies do.” The girls spoke in unison, “You?” “I was chatting with a cute little filly when she suddenly walked away to a room that does not allow males. Can you imagine? My massive intellect has deduced that it is a facility of some sort.” Auntie put her crocheting down and walked toward the room. The group walked backwards covering her exit. They smiled and nodded to any pony that noticed their casual retreat. Lil Bridge whispered to them, “I can't believe you're all helping us.” Grind answered, “We're a gang or a herd or something. What happens to you reflects on all of us.” “And you, Dextrose?” “I want a see what goes on in there.” “That’s not gonna happen.” Lil Bridge and Dextrose leaned on a wall as they waited. She asked, “You seem very sober?” “Unicorn Guard Ponies keep turning the wine I nick into warm apple juice. It's just the worst thing ever.” “Here she comes. Quick girls, get behind her. Dextrose, you pull.” /]*[\ A pony opened the gate to the Ferris wheel bench. Lil Bridge wove through the crowd so she and Salia would sit together. “I can’t believe I’m finally here. Are you scared of heights too, Salia?” “No I’m fine.” “But we’re both land creatures.” The carriage rocked. Lil Bridge gripped Salia’s hoof. “We’re moving!” “Please don't touch that leg. It, um, disturbs my concentration. Here hold this one if you must. That was just one section moving up so they could fill the next seat.” “What’s happening? I can’t look back.” Salia looked over her shoulder, “Grind and Dextrose are getting in the carriage behind us. Dextrose is faking a yawn and putting his arm around Grit! And she let him!” Salia gripped Lil Bridge's shoulder. “She let him! Is this how you do a mating dance?” “No! Let me see.” Lil Bridge and Salia held hooves and squealed together. “She's going to kill him!” The Ferris wheel rotated forward a couple of turns then it stopped and then moved in the opposite direction. The girls heard the sound of very large leathery wings. When their seat came over the top they saw that Dentus had Auntie in the gentle grip of her claws.  Auntie raised a hoof to wave at the girls. They cheered and waved back. Dentus gave Auntie a flying tour of the fairgrounds. /]*[\ Auntie slept on the floor between the five rooms. Every other creature was asleep in their bed. In the Deer’s bedroom, a navy blue Breezie the size of a pony checked the drapes for openings. “It is going well. They are all so friendly and gullible. They accept you because you are beautiful to them. We will return home after the Ball and wait for your summons as ambassador. You must concentrate on maintaining your form as you sleep. You only have one form to learn. Soon it will be second nature to you in case you are disturbed at night as ambassador.”  Salia asked, “What is expected of me once I return?”  The Breezie answered, “You will know.” “How?” “You just will. Salia, you must arrive with an open mind, without preconceived ideas or their ideals and biases. Watch and learn, speak little, answer questions with questions or in the philosophic riddles as I taught you. Seek out non-ponies that are sympathetic to our Queen.” “It's very frustrating. I've never been alone. Even in the ice caves when you stood there between me and those that wanted to destroy me.” “You feel the weight of this lone assignment while the others have it easy remaining in the hive mindset. You’re not sure you'll live up to Her Majesty’s expectations.” “It's not only that. Nobody's even asked me if this is something I want.” “It is the consequence of your birth.” “And I have no choice.” “Hive-born have little choice in life. It won't be as bad as you think. In fact, it could be quite wonderful once you get used to the strangeness of this place and their silly superficial ways. You can never think of your old home. And why would you want to? You are deformed and outcast in our view. It is the only option for you. You will be our eyes and ears in this city. If nothing else, you will have a bed. Is that not something? Salia sighed, “I really hope that my intuition will be enough.” /]*[\ THE BALL The five young ones met at a stand up table. Lil Bridge asked, “Is this what it’s like to be an ambassador? I thought it would be desks and debates but it’s just people asking for favours and trading stuff. We haven’t even been introduced to the princess yet.” Grind commented, “It’s hard to promise goods and services for the future when we’re used to dealing up front. Ours is the most honest and sensible means of doing business. Everything out in the open and paid for.” “Where’s Auntie?” Salia looked around the ball room. “I'm surprised I can't see her.” Lil Bridge sighed, “It’s like a family reunion for her. Auntie found some old friends from when she was a young ambassador. She’s having fun. I’m not. I’ve had all the new Aunties and face-pinching I can take.” “You have that too?” Grind looked up. “We call it beak twerking. The old ones grab us by the tip of our beak and examine us.” “During the Great Migration, ancient ancestors we’ve never even heard of pick us up by the wing tip or tail and inspect us.” Salia asked, “Why do dragons migrate?” “It’s like a family reunion away from our territories and mountain homes. We can’t just come together in one place. Relatives and in-laws might move in and never leave. They would eat us out of house and home in a few hours. There is no room for movement for the big ones. So we fly, travel and mingle. The ancient ones solve old disputes between clans.” Zee rested her head on her hoof. “We have inspection, scars and fight records must line up. or there could be, rejection.” “We have that too. We are a very perfectionist species. If one is born with a flaw, life is very hard for them.” Salia crossed her right forleg over her left. Lil Bridge stood up straight. “Let’s make a pact that we will never to that to someone younger than us, ever.” “I know what will cheer up the posse of the Midnight Special! Dextrose must dance and since these ponies are afraid of the power of pure chaos, let's all of us cut a rug.” “Aren’t you and Grind a couple?” Lil Bridge asked. Dextrose cleared his throat, “She isn’t speaking to me since she lost her sparring competition. I may have looked at a cute competitor at the wrong moment.” The music slowed. Lil Bridge and Salia stood close. “I don't think I can. I must concentrate all the time.” “It's okay, we’ll just hold each other and sway with the music. I promise it feels wonderful.” Salia whispered into her ear, “Please don't expose me.” A snow white flash washed up over Salaia unbeknownst by Lil Bridge. She was so entranced by the music and the moment that it didn’t register that her friend had changed. “Oh, look, your antlers are like a unicorn horn. You are so much more beautiful than a Unicorn.” “No. You’re wrong. I'm malformed. I'm a freak even to my own people. I can’t even hold form when you hold me like that.” Lil Bridge closed her eyes and tried to get Salia to move with her to the music. “You’re so cold. Let me hold you. My bulky muscles will warm you.” Ponies and non-ponies alike on the dance floor were becoming aware that an Arctic Changeling with a white birch branch lashed to the stump of her undeveloped foreleg was with them. Salia was more ashamed of her birth defect than her Changeling self. She tried to cover the branch with her other leg. The ponies on the dance floor gasped, then the audience. Everyone stood around glaring at Salia and Lil Bridge. Lil Bridge felt something different in her friend as the music stopped. She saw the Arctic Changeling standing there with her forleg covering her wooden leg. Then Lil Bridge spotted the princess approaching. A wave of bows from the crowd moved with her. Lil Bridge stood between Salia and Princess Apricity. “No! Don't hurt her! Don't imprison her. She's one of us. A misfit. Let us leave and we won't ever bother you again. I know everypony is beautiful and I'm just a lumpy brown bison, but she's my friend and I love her. Please, let us go!” The others took a stance circling and shielding the two. Zee, nodded to Zed. “Time for a real fight. We may be on the wrong side, I’m sick of being polite.” Grind added, “You said it sister.” Dextrose imitated the Gryphons’ fighting stances with his wings open and claws forward. "Oh, my little Bison.” said Princess Apricity, “You are most incorrect. I would be happy to have an Arctic Changeling ambassador. I will send a letter to Queen Volucris, asking for her permission. I was going to announce at my closing speech that I have accepted all of you as my ambassadors if you will accept. Will you accept, Arctic Changeling?” Salia continued to hug her prosthetic leg. “We don't have names like you. My guardian is simply Mentor. I failed on my mission. She's gone now. Disappeared into the crowd and escaped. I am known as Broken. I am Broken. I am a broken failure.” “I believe Mentor may encounter our Changeling protocol. Please, with your permission, may I address you as Ambassador Salia?” Let’s all of us come together and have a heart-to-heart conversation.” *A-Lad-In His Lamp. 1948, Looney Tunes cartoon.