> The Blind Box Challenges > by Night_Moon60606 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First Pull: The Two Twilights > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Two Twilights Twilight Sparkle slowly regained consciousness as the room spun back into view, her memories starting to come back. She had been returning from the market after an experiment failed in her lab at the castle, she walked in the door and then…everything went black. Looking around, the lavender Alicorn quickly identified the room she was currently in, she was back in her laboratory, deep in her castle’s sub-basement. All of her personalized equipment that had been painstakingly salvaged from the old Golden Oaks Library and meticulously repaired by her own hoof was within her sight, all in their proper place. That fact brought some calm to the young mare’s mind as she started to get up from where she lay, and found herself unable to. “What? What’s going on? Spike, is this some kind of joke?” Twilight carefully tested her every limb, but she was firmly bound to an examination table with magically hardened metal shackles around her fetlocks, ankles and wings. Further investigation revealed additional restraints around her neck and just under her ribcage, ensuring that she could not move a single inch. She attempted to light her horn, but the feedback she got when the attempt failed suggested a magic suppressor ring, indicating that she was completely helpless. With her limbs in a spread eagle position on the tables, the Alicorn also realized that she was completely exposed as well, and what calm she was feeling quickly evaporated, despite the order and science that surrounded her. “Spike! This isn’t funny!” “Spike can’t hear you right now Twilight, he went over to Carousel Boutique about an hour ago to assist Rarity with her dressmaking..” Twilight froze the new voice spoke. It sounded vaguely familiar, but she was having trouble placing it. The voice sounded like it came from a mare, her tone was condescending with just a hint of snark and far from being warm or friendly as it continued to speak. “So for the time being, it’s just you…and me…” the table Twilight was bound to began to tilt upward to a forty-five degree angle, letting the lavender mare see her captor for the first time. The mare’s coat was dark, practically black, save for her mane and tail which were very familiar to Twilight and made her realize why this mare’s voice sounded so familiar. Her mane was a three tone purple, exactly like Twilight’s. Even the mare’s Cutie Mark was identical “You’re…you’re…!” Twilight felt her eyes widening as she tried to find her tongue to give voice to her amazement. The other mare simply nodded. “I’m you, well, not quite you. I’m from what you might call an anti-universe to your own, the result of your little experiment earlier. You may refer to me as Twilight Shadow, or for the sake of convenience, simply Shadow.” The now named Shadow walked slowly around the chamber that contained Twilight’s lab, almost marveling at the crystalline architecture. Twilight, meanwhile, was marveling at Shadow’s admission, still, the mare’s manner was disconcerting. “So, what do you want? Why did you…?” “Tie you down like a specimen in your own lab? It’s quite simple Twilight, because that’s exactly what you are right now. I have a little experiment of my own that I’ve been meaning to conduct. I simply required the right test subject to see if my theory was correct, and then you opened a breach into my world by sheer accident and gave me the opportunity I required.” Shadow was smiling at her now, but it was a cold smile, and it made Twilight almost feel dirty the more she looked at it. “W-what exactly do you mean? What theory and what is your experiment?” Shadow regarded her for a few moments, still smiling that cold smile, before she finally answered. “To understand my theory, a little background is required. You see Twilight, everypony in my world is completely sterile, and incapable of breeding. We have survived only because we developed the magic and technology to clone ourselves and manipulate the DNA of those clones, literally building our own foals from the ground up. Only now, many of the DNA samples in our cloning banks are beginning to degrade and become unusable, so we face something of a crisis.” Shadow trailed off as she began to gather a few objects beyond Twilight’s sight, before coming back into view again. “I had the theory that it might be possible to breed a solution to the problem, literally rewriting our genetic code. The main problem I encountered was that the cloning tanks couldn’t handle growing the new life form that would be required to alter us, so I thought, why not take a more…natural solution? Of course, this would mean finding a mare who could not only withstand the about of raw magic that was required, but also one who could breed.” “But you said that nopony in your world could breed! That would make your efforts completely pointless!” Twilight sympathized with Shadow’s plight to a degree, but she still had no idea what this Dark Mare was planning. “You are right of course, no mare in my world can breed, and even if we could, I deduced that I was probably the only pony who could even hope to withstand the sheer level of magic this experiment would require. That is why I was quite pleased to be brought into this world, you have an ability that I do not and cannot possess. You are exactly what I need to save my world’s ponies from the death of genetic fading that has all but destroyed our cloning banks.” Twilight's eyes widened again as she realized what Shadow was saying, connecting the dots faster and faster before Shadow even spoke her next words. “You will be the mother to our saviour.” “WHAT?! I…I can’t! There’s too many variables, to much that could go wrong, not to mention that you haven’t exactly conducted yourself in a manner that’s even slightly trustworthy!” Twilight started to struggle against her bonds again, even knowing that it was useless. “I’m too busy to be a mother! And too young besides, let me write to Princess Celestia and maybe we can find another wa-“ “There is no other way Twilight, and I wouldn’t trust Celestia in a million years after what she did to my world. I will perform my experiment, save my ponies, and you are going to help me do that…” Shadow began to set up some kind of equipment around Twilight, magically stuffing a ball gag into the lavender mare’s mouth and tying it in place as she did so. Before long, Twilight had what appeared to be a long, ribbed shaft on a piston connected to the base of the exam table and aimed at her marehood while Shadow attached some kind of canister filled with a thick white liquid that glowed with a faint indigo light. Despite the situation, Twilight couldn’t help but wonder about the fluid and the apparatus that Shadow was using, as well as what her method of testing would be. Shadow, perhaps noting her interest, began to explain. “Based on my research of this world, I’ve tried to design this experiment to at least be pleasant for you, or as pleasant as I can make it. The shaft is my best approximation of what would not only sexually stimulate you, but serve as the delivery medium for the mixture in the canister, which is an amalgamation of Spyke’s potent Dragon semen, Gryphon semen acquired from the Gryphon Emperor, and both my and Queen Luna’s Alicorn magic. After you are adequately prepared, we can begin…I might even take that gag out so you can comment and provide feedback if you promise to cooperate.” Shadow picked up a syringe filled with a faintly glowing yellow fluid and a fairly long needle that made Twilight stare for a moment. Shadow glanced at it in answer to the question in her eyes. “Oh, this? This serum is one of the preparations I was talking about, it will be injected directly into your ovaries to trick your body into thinking you’re in heat. An additional injection into your mammaries to induce lactation will further this and supplement the child you are to conceive.” With that said, Shadow proceeded to do exactly as she proposed, her magic easily holding Twilight still and locating the exact spots on her belly to inject her serum into the lavender mare’s ovaries. For Twilight, the experience was…uncomfortable to say the least. The secured mare was completely helpless to stop the needle from penetrating deep into her body however, or the emptying of half the syringe’s contents into each of her ovaries. The process with her modestly sized udders was the same, though the needle wasn’t as long. Some minutes later, Twilight started to feel the effects of the two serums, her udders felt suddenly heavier and had grown a little larger, as well, her marehood had begun to drip with arousal in her induced heat. Shadow nodded in satisfaction as soon as she saw the effects and turned on her apparatus, pressing the phallic substitute into Twilight's marehood. The young alicorn had to admit that it didn’t feel that bad to be penetrated this way, Shadow had done her research well in that regard. Twilight’s body even gladly accepted the invader and the pleasure it was bringing her, anything to satisfy the now needy mare’s sexual drive. The fact that the shaft was starting to inflate some kind of ‘knot’ seemed to only heighten her pleasure every time it bumped into her pussy lips every time it was thrust into her body by the piston. Shadow increased the speed of the piston’s thrusting slightly as Twilight neared her orgasm, the pleasure all but overwhelming her mind before the fully inflated ‘knot’ of the shaft was slammed into her pussy and triggered her climax, causing Twilight to scream her pleasure as loudly as she could. A minute later, as she rode out the bliss of orgasm aftermath, she felt the first jets of the semen and magic mixture being pumped into her womb. It brought an odd smile to the tired mare’s lips. Perhaps it was just the orgasm talking, but Twilight somehow knew this would make her become pregnant, and she was coming to terms with that. More and more of the mixture was pumped into the mare, bringing a warm feeling with it even as her belly began to balloon with the sheer amount. It was an odd feeling, having her body already looking about four months with foal, then five…then six…but Twilight’s mind didn’t seem to care at this point. Maybe she would have more time to study it after the baby was born… > Second Pull: Mage Against the Machine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mage Against the Machine Trixie carefully poured the contents of the flask she was holding into the mixture she prepared last night, the silvery Dragoness keeping her claws as steady as possible. Just last week, she had issued a new challenge to Twilight Sparkle, and this time she was sure that she would win! It was a stroke of pure brilliance of course, while the Royal-Class Dragoness was completely out of her weight class, magic-wise, Trixie had thought of an interesting way for Trixie, even as a mortal Magic-Class Dragon, to compete with her friend. She had challenged Twight’s mastery of Science over her mastery of Magic. Which was why the Showdragoness was being so careful with her current potion work, everything had to be perfect if she was going to defeat the lavender scaled Princess this time. To that end, Trixie had created her greatest and most powerful magic brew yet, even going so far as to use her own blood and scale in its creation. This last flask held the final component of the brew that would finally bring Trixie the victory she sought, and she had gone to great lengths to ensure she would not be disturbed until she was done. With the last of the flask’s contents added to the cauldron in a very precise pattern, Trixie muttered the final spells under her breath to complete the effect. As a light began to spread from the centre of the brew to the edge of the cauldron, the Silvery Dragoness began to smile. ‘Let’s see Twilight top this with her Science!’ The next day, both Dragonesses, silver scaled and lavender, stood outside the Castle of Friendship’s main gate. Twilight’s friends all stood to one side as she and Trixie approached each other. The lavender Princess was wearing her regalia as a matter of course, Trixie knew that the enchanted limiters within the various pieces were all that held that Princess’s tremendous power in check, making it far safer for mortals like Trixie to get close to her. Trixie herself wore her usual star and moon spangled cloak and wizard hat, though she had also taken great pains to ensure that her horns and scales were polished to almost mirror brightness this morning so that she looked her best. The silver Dragoness was a bit surprised to see a new Dragoness among Twilight’s friends, another Magic-Class no less, but she focused most of her attention to the blanket wrapped basket that contained her entry into the challenge than what had changed with Twilight’s friends for now. “Greeting Twilight Sparkle, Trixie has arrived on the agreed upon Day of Challenge and stands ready to defend her statement that your Science can never match the glory that is Magic. The spell that Trixie has worked can surly never be repeated by any save the greatest of Mages, let nodragon question that Trixie has succeeded! Behold!” Trixie pulled the blankets from the basket with a dramatic flourish, revealing the tiny Dragoness sleeping within. Several of the onlookers cooed at the sight of her as Trixie carefully picked the little one up and held her close. As silver as her mother, though with small purple highlights such as her belly scales, claws and wing membranes, the little Sky-Class was completely adorable. “This is Trixie’s creation, as well as her child, a child forged of Magic and given life through the aether. Trixie presents the future Great and Powerful Moonbeam Lunawing!” Twilight smiled at the little Dragoness in Trixie’s arms, her tail flicking a little to the left and the right. “She’s adorable Trixie, congratulations. Not only do you now have a daughter to love, but very few Magic-Class dragons have ever fully created new life using nothing but Magic. You should be very proud of your accomplishment and I wish you luck in your new role as a mother, Sky-Class hatchlings can be quite the clawfull. As for me, what I bring to the Challenge is much the same as you likely did with your new daughter.” She beckoned to her assistant-slash-brother, Spike, and he brought out three steel coloured pods. “It was a lot of work without the aid of Magic, but I think that I managed well enough. But may I present Twinkle, Soar and Ironclaw, the Children of Science given life through genetic engineering and alchemy?” the three pods opened and within each was another tiny Dragon, two males and a female, as well as each of them being a different Class. Twinkle, the female, was a Magic-Class hatchling, her scales a light pink and her horns and claws being pure white. The smaller male, Soar, was a Sky-Class hatchling, having mostly blue scales with a rainbow crest and yellow highlights. Ironclaw was a sturdy little Earth-Class, somewhat pudgier than Soar, with russet red scales that carried a slight orange undertone. Trixie stared at the three hatchlings for a few moments before turning to Twilight in shock. The unspoken ‘how?’ must have been visible in her expression because the lavender Dragoness started to speak again. “Donations of blood from my friends to start with, from their DNA I created the genetic bases, then it was just a matter altering the genetics of the embryos generated though the use of alchemy and growing them in artificial eggs at a slightly accelerated rate. I didn’t do as well as you though Trixie, I created four, but only thee survived.” “That is still more than Trixie…but how to judge the contest…” “How about we call this one a draw Tixie? We both succeeded after all, and the next few months are going to be kind of trying for both of us. You have your new daughter, but I have three little terrors now!” “Heh heh, true enough, true enough Twilight. Trixie agrees to the draw, though she must say that she will be victorious in our next battle as a matter of course.” “Sure you will Trixie, the score is only thirty five to one, my favour after all. By the way, why does Moonbeam have some purple scales when you don’t?” “Um, Trixie may, or may not, have bribed your little brother with a bag of emeralds for some of his scales and blood.” “Oh Spike…” > Third Pull: A Day on the Farm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Day on the Farm Big Macintosh Apple was a Stallion of few words. He preferred it that way as it meant little attention was sent his way. Having the more outspoken Applejack near by always suited him to a ‘tee’, his younger sister was usually better at handling other ponies’ needs and wants around the farm, though not always. Life on the farm was simple and straight forward, mostly, being right on the edge of the Everfree Forest as well as being near Ponyville in general was not the best place for a sensible, solidly practical Stallion like Big Mac to work, but it was for his family and that was enough for him. His parents had always told him that family was the Apple way and the greatest of Apple riches. What need have they of gold when the golden delicious was ready for buckin’? What need have they for wealth when Family gave them the greatest of wealth that could never be bought or sold? True, the farm needed money to stay in operation and produce the apples and apple products it sold, but that was secondary in the true Apple mindset. The so-called wealthy ponies could brag about their mansions, rare art works, or commissioned statues of themselves, Big Mac privately thought them all fools. Let them think that things made them bigger or more important, it mattered little to him. More important than mere things in his mind were the more practical items that would improve the farm, new ploughs and tack, better and healthier apple trees to improve the farm’s yield…that new hip for Granny Smith to ease her old body and the few farm responsibilities that she simply refused to let go of… Big Macintosh Apple was a Stallion of few words. Only a few words were needed for his business and investments, and giving as short an answer as possible while still as actuate as possible meant that his business practices, passed down through the family for years, stayed in the family and could not be stolen. When those two conponies, Flim and Flam, tried to take the farm away with their more questionable business practices, Big Mac wasn’t overtly worried, he knew that the con would come back to bite them on the plot sooner rather than later. A fancy machine was nice and all, but it was no substitute for good, solid, practical work, or the family working together as a whole. In Big Mac’s humble opinion, ponies like the Flim Flams, who preferred to take shortcuts, would never amount to anything and would probably end up in jail, while ponies like the Apples would all do great things, even if they were not celebrated. He was happy with that. True, the faster life was well suited for some ponies, Rainbow Dash and even Cousin Pinkie Pie were examples, but such ways were not for him. And looking over the vast expanse of Sweet Apple Acres, seeing all of his family’s hard work and toil, and knowing that he had a hoof in making the dream of his great grandfather a reality brought a warm glow to his chest. With that thought in mind, Mac returned to the farm house to wash up before dinner, but taking one last look at the rows of apple trees that he helped to grow strong. With a slight nod and a quiet “eeyup,”, the red Stallion went in to join his family. Nothing more needed to be said, because after all… Big Macintosh Apple was a Stallion of few words… > The Milked Mare (working title) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack moaned softly as she started to wake up…the last thing she remembered she was working on the farm and then; everything went blank. As her senses continued to return to her, the Earth mare took further stock of her surroundings, not that there was that much to see. She appeared to be in a simple brick room with few adornments, the closest comparison that the apple farmer could come up with was the Ponyville hospital, but she didn’t think Red Heart went with the ‘creepy and gloomy’ look for the hospital. Applejack herself was resting against what felt like a stone slab with a thick padding over top, though the fact that her clothing was gone wasn’t lost on the mare either. She couldn’t see any kind of windows or door in the room, but she did catch a few glimpses of magic circles and runes in a few places, the kind Twilight sometimes used with her most powerful spells. It wasn’t something that Applejack knew a lot about of course, being a simple farm mare and being as traditional as she always was, she had little need of magic on the farm. As she tried to get to her hooves, Applejack became aware of the chains holding her down. A quick examination showed them to be thin, golden in colour, and glowing faintly. Applejack might not know much about magic, but she knew enough to know that glowing objects were never a good thing. The Apple mare was not give much further time to contemplate that though, as a new magic circle appeared in the wall opposite her just long enough for another mare to step out, though this was a mare that AJ knew quite well, and she snorted hard at the sight of Trixie. “Ah, Trixie sees that her guest is finally awake, good, that means we can get started.” The powder blue Unicorn was dressed as she usually was, in that ridiculous ‘wizard robe’ of hers as well as her star and moon spangled cloak and pointy hat that always drove Rarity through the roof with how it was a ‘crime against fashion’. The showmare started to walk around AJ, occasionally running her hand over various parts of the Apple mare’s body and ignoring her protests on the matter. “Hmmn, good and strong, its clear to Trixie that you take care of yourself, all to the better. Trixie is also impressed with these…” the Unicorn briefly hefted the other mare’s ample breasts in her hands. “Full and heavy, exactly what Trixie would expect of an Earth Pony, and perfect for Trixie’s needs.” “W-what in th’ hay are y’all jawin’ about? An’ stop doin’ that! Ah ain’t yer plaything! Thought y’all had learned yer lesson after th’ Alicorn Amulet thang…” Applejack wanted to say more, but she was very suddenly cut off as Trixie’s horn glowed and a bridle gag appeared on her muzzle. “Oh, Trixie learned her lesson alright, and she is ever going to be grateful to Sparkle, but a mare still needs to eat you know. With her shows no longer bringing in the bits, Trixie must look elsewhere to make her living, which is where you come in. Trixie is looking to corner an untapped market, and with her latest magical creation, she hopes to do just that.” Trixie waved her hand to summon another magic circle and pulled what looked like a fairly large machine out of it. It looked a lot like the kind of thingamabob that Twilight would use, all brass casing, glass chambers and clear tubes. “Trixie calls this device the ‘Megamilker Mk VII, a little pet project that she’s been working on for a few years now, ever since the rock farm. You see, there’s a growing movement for mare’s milk as a health beverage among the most elite of Unicorns and the upper crust, and its starting to filter down to the lower classes as well, the problem though is an old one that Trixie is certain a business mare like you can appreciate: supply and demand. Right now there is a high demand, but the supply is not enough to meet that demand, thus, Trixie hopes to change that. And with this device, she will.” Trixie quickly moved around Applejack, attaching a pair of devices to her breasts that linked to the main machine by a pair of clear tubes. She then summoned another magic circle and pulled a large glass tank frilled with some kind of faintly glowing blue liquid from it with her magic and levitated the tank to attach to her machine. Applejack struggled in her bonds while this was happening, but she stopped as Trixie slipped a pair of stout wooden poles into slot in the stone slab she rested against and guided her hands to grip them. Seeing her confusion, Trixie smiled weakly. “Trixie tested the prototypes of the device on herself, trust me, when it’s first turned on, you’ll want something to hold on to…speaking of, here, bite this…” she banished the gag to offer the Apple mare a wooden bit wrapped with leather. At Applejack’s incredulous look, the other mare sighed. “Trixie doesn’t want you biting off your tongue before you get used to the machine, again, Trixie knows because she tested it on herself.” Given that kind of argument, Applejack had little choice, and bit down on the bit. Trixie nodded and returned to her machine, throwing a switch to activate it. “Alright, the first phase will be to kickstart your production, Trixie will warn you now, this is a very…intense…feeling!” Applejack tensed herself as the fluid in the tank started to drain, before flowing along the tubes attached to her breasts. She felt a sharp pinch in each breast as the fluid reached her. Then, a strange warmth flooded her chest, warmth and…pleasure. It surprised the Apple mare at its intensity so much that her eyes closed for a moment as her hands gripped the poles and the bit in her mouth struggled to keep her jaw at bay. When she was able to open her eyes again, she found them widening at the sight before her. Her breasts were growing larger, and with that greater size came more of the pleasure. She felt her back arch as her breasts continued to grow in response to whatever Trixie was pumping into them. Taking a glance at the still visible machine, Applejack saw that the tank was only a quarter empty at this point and her breasts had doubled in size already and were still growing. By the time the tank was empty, her breasts were enormous, weighing heavily on her chest, she had also climaxed at least twice from the pleasure she felt at her breasts expanding. So powerful was her orgasm that even Trixie seemed amazed, giving her a small amount of privacy to enjoy herself. When the showmare returned though, she had a second tank of the growth fluid and quickly swapped out the empty tank for the full one before starting to pump that into Applejack’s breasts as well. She also attached milkers to AJ’s nipples and turned on that pump, drawing twin streams of white milk and a loud moan from the Apple mare as her breasts started to expand even larger. Trixie nodded in satisfaction before turning to Applejack. “This will probably be the last tank of breast growth formula that you ever get Applejack, too much and you’ll overclock the milkers after all…” AJ barely heard her, she was too focused on the pleasure she felt at the moment. *** The next time the Apple mare saw Trixie, she had an odd rod with her. “Hello Applejack, how are we feeling today?” Applejack’s pleasure flooded mind struggled to focus on the Showmare, but she managed to get out a low moan that made Trixie chuckle. “Well, Trixie has come to tell you that you’ve become a big hit around Equestria, everypony loves your milk as much as Sweet Apple Acres’ famous apple cider. So, Trixie brought this,” she held up the rod, “which will make your new breast size permanent! We’ll both be making a lot of money from this venture AJ, I promise you!” Before Applejack could say anything, Trixie had started using the rod on AJ’s enlarged breasts, energy arcing out to strike the tender, milk-laden flesh. The shocks seems to go right to the Apple mare’s brain, sending small explosions of pleasure and slight pain through her body as the rod passed over the first of her massive milkjugs, she could feel her next climax rushing toward her and tensed for that feeling of release that had become so familiar and desirable ever since she started being milked. It didn’t come though, the feeling just kept building and building, making her whine a little in need, until at last, with her second breast thoroughly shocked, she came…and hard. What happened next was largely a blank to Applejack as she rode the waves of her massive orgasm. Then the milker started up again and she moaned in pleasure. *** Trixie sighed as she left the milking room, the Fixer Rod Mk IV still in her hand. She was so distracted that she almost bumped into another pony who had entered the facility. “Well? How’s AJ-4 doin’?” “Oh she’s just fine Applejack, in fact, Trixie just finished Transfixing her, so she’s on a more permanent production level now, like the others.” The Showmare smiled as she saw her partner grinning. “Never woulda thought this could actually take off when you an’ Twi first came ta the farm with this. Who’da thought that darn Mirror Pool would actually have a use besides giv’n ponies a headache?” “Trixie is certain she does not know. Well, please excuse Trixie, but she has to look in on the new project.” “Shure thing Sugarcube, an hey, y’all’re invited ta supper later, Granny insisted.” “Trixie will certainly be there, she has developed a fondness for your family’s apple pie.” Both mares laughed fondly to each other before Trixie teleported to another chamber, looking over the naked pony clone held there, six enlarged breasts adorning her adolescent chest and torso, just waiting to be milked. “Hello Applebloom…” And there we go, another story done for this pull, and drawing from the Series 2 toys as well...i suppose we'll see how this one is taken, i had a bit of fun with it