> Magic Life Is Showtime! > by Dedmanbonez > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > No Tricks Or Gimmicks Here! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a wonderful summer day in Ponyville, not that that mattered much to Princess Twilight Sparkle. At this moment she was enraptured by an  old spell book that belonged that belonged to Starswirl herself! The one thing that she found vexing was that the first half of the book was completely blank. Twilight had tried various forms of stimuli to awaken the clearly lost pages but nothing worked. In fact, all the other Alicorns had come together to attempt to magically restore the pages. However even that failed. This was one of the few times where Twilight had found herself mad enough to consider destroying a book to be done of it. But that thought vanished as soon as it appeared. It was valuable part of history and should be treated so. That and it been in her friends family for generations. Twilight had given up and went to return the book she had borrowed from Apple Bloom. It was rightfully hers, she did discover it in her family’s shed after all. Twilight had only kept it since she was more intune with magic than her friend Bloom. Apple Bloom was happy to see Twilight as always. While she may have started as her sister’s friend in school, they had bonded in the years past. Twilight gave her the book in person and Apple Bloom gave thanks. After Twilight left, Bloom took another look at the book.  However she had no idea what she was expecting to find books don’t just… For a moment she thought her eyes were deceiving her but with a second look (and a third one) it was clear that her eyes were correct. Within this dreadful yet wonderful book, there was a new page which contained a new spell!. Twilight was long gone and most likely out cold in the castle She quickly read through the spell and began to cast it. Louisville KY Young Imber Stella was reading that damnable unfinished spell book that had been left in his old bat’s lair that he had long since made his own. It bugged him to no end that he was missing a little less than half of the book! Imber stepped away from the podium to polish his focal rings that he made to aid with magic. When he finished polishing them, he opened a chest and pulled out a belt that had the image of a hand on it and a ring chain that was filled with rings. Imber placed the belt on his waist and put on two rings. The belt he pulled out was one of his favorite ways of taking a break.  Imber loved the Kamen RIder Series but his favorite by far was Wizard. He loved the fact that Wizard was a ring bearing mage and wondered if whoever wrote this was a mage themselves, somehow tied to the magic community, or just plain made a lucky guess. Either way he loved the show!  He smoothly waved his left hand over the belt. Driver on!  Echoed in the room followed by singing  Shabadoobie touch to henshin.  Imber pulled a red ring off of the chain and placed it on his right ring finger. “Henshin.” He calmly stated and then words came out of the belt. Flame please! Hi Hi HI, Hi Hi Hi!  “Showtime!” Imber focused magic through his ring (the focal ring, not the toy one) his shadow came to life and squared up for a fight.  With that, he calmly began his daily workout of sparring with his shadow. After about an hour had passed, Imber returned to the podium to give the book another shot. Imber had already studied every page in the book that was available to him. What really annoyed him was the fact that there he couldn’t stop wanting to know what was in the rest of the  book. He didn’t know what he was looking for, after all books don’t just fill missing pages on their own… That book just filled a missing page on its own! Imber looked at the spell on the page with a hint of glee and began to study it. It seemed like a gate spell. He knew to be cautious with those, who knows where you’re going. Imber was excited at the thought of going to a new world. That is until he read the caption next to the spell. It was merely a viewing spell, it would not take him to a new land. He began casting the spell regardless of that fact. Apple Bloom’s Spell Room, Sweet Apple Acres Bloom read the new spell over and over and realized she could cast it but it wouldn’t work. The spell referenced another spell that lay in a page she did not possess. She lamented at her predicament. Just as she began to close the book, a gateway appeared. This is it! with this she’d be able to cast the spell to open the gate! Bloom wasted no time in doing what Twilight herself couldn’t  and casted the spell with a quickness. Imber’s Lair Imber couldn’t believe his eyes. The spell was meant to summon the gate, not open it. There could only be one explanation, someone opened it from the other side! “Oh shit, this could either be really awesome or really bad. I gotta dispel the gate!” However before he could do that chains wrapped around him and a giant hand pulled him through the gate. Imber attempted to cast magic to escape but the chains appeared to cancel any mana he channeled. At that moment. He couldn't help but think about the hell gate from bleach. Imber didn’t even bother resisting after his failed attempt at magic and tried to enjoy the ride to wherever it was he was heading. Imber could see the other side of the gate was closing in. He’d soon arrive wherever it was he was going. To actually pull him in and bind his magic, either the accompanying spell was massively powerful or the world he was heading for has an ungodly amount of mana. If it was the second one he’d probably be in trouble. He’d just have to cross that bridge when he got there.  “Here I come, wherever you are!”   Apple Bloom’s Spell Room As soon as she had cast her spell she could see a large hand pulling something bound in what appeared to be chains from the distance.The spell itself couldn’t be canceled. It was far too late for that! Bloom panicked for a second then thought about it. She had access to a magical armory and guards that she could summon If things went wrong. Worst case scenario, she’d have to call Twilight and she’d call her father and aunt from Canterlot. They would tease her immensely but they wouldn’t be mad at her. They’ve made their fair share of magical mishaps. Apple Bloom called Twilight and told her to bring some guards so she’d be prepared for whatever she had summoned through the gate. The giant hand stopped and threw out what appeared to be pony at first glance. “Ouch, that really hurt. I seem to be fine otherwise I might as well find out where I...am.” Spears were pointed at the creature that Twilight and Bloom would temporarily deem the visitor. The visitor whistled at the spears. Bloom perceived it as a ‘whoa there’.  “Ain’t no need for all the hostility, I don't mean ya no harm. However things will get ugly if you continue to point them weapons at me.” He spoke with a drawl slightly thicker than Bloom’s. The fact that this stallion had a down home feel to him made her smile a bit. But Twilight was staring at him with caution. (Doma:From this point on, the story is from Imber’s point of view unless stated otherwise. My role is done) My focal ring was cracked, so I took the one I keep on my neck and put it on my finger. The guards, or I’m assuming they’re guards. Yep definitely guards. Were’nt jarred by my obvious threat and from their perspective I was just going for a ring not something dangerous. Oh if only they knew! I took a second to notice that the locals were perfectly anthropomorphic horses. No, not horses. Their frames are way too small for that. Ponies...I think. Some had wings and some had horns while others just looked normal. Earth ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns. If I didn’t know any better I’d think I was in….If these are guards who are they guarding? One look at that beautiful purple Alicorn and I knew where I was. I. Was. In. Equestria. Holy fucking shit! Before me stood Princess Twilight Sparkle in all her glory. It was obvious to everyone...everypony...no, I’m not saying that. Everyone knew full well that I was getting me an eyeful of some twilight sparkle. A yellow pegasus whom I’m assuming is Flash Sentry pointed a spear at my neck and drew blood. Twilight’s eyes went wide. All bets were off. I cast a shockwave spell that knocked everyone on their asses and made my way to the fool that made me bleed. “Flash Sentry do you enjoying drawing the blood of someone who was complying? Or are you just a complete and total asshole? As for the rest of you guards, I wouldn’t raise your arms against me. You’ll find that I am a powerful wizard that spell was just me teaching this fool a lesson.” I said calmly. I wasn’t mad just annoyed. Flash got up with defiance in his eyes. “I don’t know how you know my name. But I’m not scared of you, you pointy eared freak!” He bumrushed me. This idiot actually bumrushed a spellcaster I didn’t even waste the mana. I just decked the fool right in the snout. “Two things. First, don’t ever bumrush a spellcaster. It will end badly for you. Second, who the fuck are you calling a pointy eared.” As soon as I said that, I saw my reflection in a mirror. My ears were pointy. My skin had a beautiful caramel like sheen. My hair was white and lastly, my eyes were fucking gold instead of amber. Motherfucking Gold eyes! “By the source, the magic in this world has turned me into a friggin dark elf!”  Flash got up again. This time however, he had a weapon. Looks like it’s spell time… “FLASH SENTRY, CEASE AND DESIST!” He cringed at Twilight’s use of the royal Canterlot voice but he obeyed. “I apologize for my guard captain’s behavior. She is also my friend and she can be very brash at times. That spell you used earlier was meant to immobilize, I assume.” Hold on a second,  did she just say Flash was a mare? One look at her and it was confirmed. I was about to say she was right. But she got in my face and pulled a Lyra on me. “Your hands are smoother and you lack a horn. I’m going to assume that this ring acts as a focal point for you to channel mana.”  I nod. That's when she got a little twazy and went on a rampage of questions that lasted about an hour. After I answered her questions, she came to her senses. “I haven’t even given you my name yet! I am Twilight Sparkle, one of the five Alicorn princesses of Equestria. Magic and friendship are my domain. And this is Princess Apple Bloom,agriculture and commerce.  May I have you name sir?”  Hold the phone did she just say….Sweet Jesus in a cowboy hat, Apple Bloom is an Alicorn?! “Officially, it’s Imber Stella. But you may call me Star Shower. I answered your questions and I would like to return to my world if'n ya don’t mind. Maybe I can cast that gate Spell again. Shit, the book is in the chamber of stars!” I turn to a podium in the room to see. “The Tome of Stars. So you must’ve had the other half.” I head to the book to look for a return spell but I gave up on that. My new form alone is proof that I had absorbed way too much mana and if I’m not sick, that means this was a transformation caused by a one way trip to prevent my death from mana poisoning “Princess Apple Bloom, I beseech you. I cannot return to my home. And since you are the reason I am stuck here with no home. May I have lodgings here? I’m willin ta pull my weight.” Flash was outraged by my request but Bloom didn’t even think twice. “You can stay as long as you like. Let’s go find you a room “ She came closer. “And maybe Twilight and  I could ask you a few more questions about your form of magic while we search for it.” I said yes since I ain’t a fan of biting the hand that feeds. I just asked for one thing though, I didn’t want Flash to be on security detail. Something about her rubs me the wrong way. We asked each other questions back and forth as we searched for a room. As time passed, the guard detail gave us more space as we talked magic and science. It’s odd how I don’t even find it weird that I’m flirting with Bloom right now. She’s smart, cute and she’s a farm girl despite being a princess now; species be damned! After about thirty minutes of talking science magic and agriculture to each other, I find a room that had the perfect feel to it.   “Star Shower, this room is a closet.” Bloom said in concerned tone. “Not for long it ain’t” I knocked on the door twice then began the incantation. “Chamber of Stars open to me. Reveal yourself on the knock of three.” I give the third knock and my lair is now in Equestria. Twilight had a few questions and I explained that the Chamber follows the bloodline.  Twilight and Bloom walked after me as I walked in and hit the force field. “Sorry, you may enter. The guards too.” Twilight seemed like a kid in a candy store as she perused my lair. Bloom seemed just as interested at how in tarnation did it get here. Her words, verbatim. Both princesses and their  guards of course, didn’t touch a thing without my express permission. It’s good that they're smart enough to know not to touch unknown things. I find it good that Twilight doesn’t have that nasty quirk of being an absolute idiot at times that the one from the show had.  It came to my attention that I would have to tell them about My Little Pony eventually, but Imma hold back on that one. “While this is a nice place for your lair, ya still need an actual room. There’s one not far from here, if yer interested.” I walk out with her. She’s right, I can’t sleep here it’s just a magic room. We were walking for another three minutes when she opened a door. “This room belonged to mah sister. But she ain’t been here in ages.” How am I supposed to handle this. Guess there’s only one way to go about that, huh. “What happened to Applejack? If ya don’t mind telling me.” Apple Bloom was about to answer but Twilight stopped her and I knew why. That was the second time I had used a name without being informed. “How do you know so much about this place? You’re clearly not using any spells. I can tell just by looking at you. If you want more information, you’ll have to explain yourself right now.” I had been caught. I had no choice left but to tell them about the show. They didn’t believe me so I pulled up a comic and let them read it. They were reading the one on Nightmare Rarity. Their faces had a look of silent horror on them. “How much of our lives is your world privy to?” Twilight asked in a meek manner afraid of my answer. I had to stop to think before I could answer her question. “Not much since Flash is a girl in this world and you’re practically human. And stop your panicking Twilight the show was meant for children so it’s likely that someone caught glimpses of your lives through the veil via dreams. I have a few questions to ask since I’m officially stuck here.” After a few minutes of asking questions, I learned that Twilight was a natural born alicorn and the daughter of Prince Solaris and  Lady Nightlight. And her sister Gleaming Shield was also an alicorn who was married to Princess Cadence. The invasion happened but the ending was different instead of expelling the changelings to meet their certain death of starvation. A treaty of sorts was formed.  What got me the most however was the bearer of the elements. Magic: TwilightLoyalty: Flash Laughter: SurpriseGenerosity: Still the divaKindness: Fluttershy of courseHonesty: Applebloom (Applejack [Bloom’s twin sister] has been comatose via a curse of Nightmare moon that Luna is still working to find a cure to There was one question left unasked though. “Who is Solarice’s prize student and where is the dragon egg?” They gave me yet another surprise and told me that it was Trixie and she couldn’t hatch the egg. They were confused when I mentioned a rainboom and told me that no such event happened at least not that long ago. There was a rainboom a few years ago but no one knew who it was. However I reckon I do. “Twilight, could you please get me that egg?” Twilight made a quick call and requested the egg be brought to her. “Out of curiosity, what are you going to do with that egg?” I winked at her. “You’ll see when I get it.” Both alicorns pouted at my statement but let me have my moment. Twilight made her way home and left a few guards with us out of protocol. She knows that I’m not going to do anything stupid. “Star, what’s with that belt on your waist.?” Belt what’s she talking about. Oh right I had the Wizard Driver on and…. By the source it turned into a belt! “It was a toy when I was in my world.” I took a ring from my ring chain and inspected it. Much to my surprise the rings were real and the belt looked like it did on Haruto before he turned the driver on. “You got a warded room in here?” Bloom shook her head and we walked for it. I could’ve done this in the chamber but I wanted to test this here. As we walked to the room, a scream could be heard followed by the howls of timberwolves. Practice would have to wait. I ran straight to the danger with a few guards. Much to my dismay, Flash Sentry was one of them. “The screams came from around here. Split up and call out when you find the source. Do not engage the timberwolves if you can avoid it. Star Shower, with me. I could use your spells.” I didn’t argue with her she seemed like a different woman entirely, one I could respect. No better time to test it then now. WIth a swift swipe of my left hand, the driver activated. Lupachi magic touch to go Garuda please. Kraken please. Unicorn please. After I had placed the corresponding rings to the familiars they were ready for orders. “Find the girl NOW!” They were off and went in three opposite directions from us.  “Those were familiars. I’ll explain the rest later.” Flash didn’t question me at all and we were back on the hunt. Kraken came back with results five minutes later and we followed. Garuda and Unicorn were doing their best to hold off the wolves. They may be small but they are fierce! Must have to do with the rich mana of this world. A larger howl could be heard and  being that I could only compare to a werewolf emerged from the distance. “Flash, get those fillies the hell outta here. I got this!” “I’d love to get them out but we’re surrounded. I’ll do what I can to defend them until reinforcements arrive.” If the familiars worked it was time to see if I could henshin. It was our only hope at this point. Shabadoobie touch to henshin. “Henshin.” Hi Hi Hiii. Hi Hi Hii! In a matter of moments, I had doned the ruby armor of Flame. This is awesome. “Showtime” The beast stepped out of the shadows and spoke. “Our quarrel is not with you warrior. All we want are those infidels who released our meal and all shall be well.” If we gave them the girls, they’d be dogfood. I couldn’t let that happen. “Yeah, that ain’t gonna happen. And the name is Kamen Rider Wizard!” I quickly grabbed another ring. Big please.  My arm extended and I smacked the timberwolves down. “Run now!” Flash didn’t waste time and took to the skies with the  terrified girls. The wolves and the biggun weren’t very pleased with me.           “You cost us our meal. You shall be their replacement!” The biggun scowled at me and the smallfry pounced. Connect, please!  I wasted no time in drawing my magic sword-gun which was also real! Copy please. Now that I had two sword-guns, it was time for me to go on the offensive. In mere seconds a volley of pyro blast were let off and almost all timberwolves were dead. And I do mean dead they had been burned alive by magic fire. “Be careful my brethren, he is a pyromancer!”  The remaining timberwolves cowered but the biggun seemed to not be afraid. He must be made of tougher stuff. I had no plans of letting any of these wolves leave here alive. I couldn’t risk them hunting the girls or me down later for revenge.  With a swift flick my guns had become swords and I made short work of the remaining force. It was just me and the biggun now and boy was he mad. “I will devour you!”  His arm extended and landed a blow on my stomach. That one winded me a bit. He rushed me while I was down and I realized one thing. I was only using the Wizard rings, I had my own focal ring and set of spells to cast. However I was pretty sure that I was limited to fire spells while in this form.  Defend, Please! Cast, Please! Wall of Flame, Please! My hunch was right. By using the focal ring I was able to buff the defend ring with an additional spell. This meant I was more than a spell caster cosplaying. I am Kamen Rider Wizard V2! “Aw what’s the matter. Did the little puppy burn his paw?” That got him mad and he came at me as soon as the defend was down.  Lupachi magic shake to strike. Very nice finale!  I used a twin spinning strike ending with a thrust to take him down. All together it felt too easy. A form that could only be a pony appeared “Thank you. You have gotten rid of a creature that has been perverting my wolves. I am Everfree and for the past few months I have been unable to commune with the guardians of this forest. The being you slew was once my champion but he gave into the rising darkness.  You appearence  here is nothing short of a blessing. I believe that you were sent here to fight the darkness and I don’t think I need to tell you that the battles to come will not be as easy as the last one. Train hard Wizard.” Everfree faded after she said her piece and I was going to walk back home when I remembered the connect ring. If sword-gun and the other items were real, then Machine Winger had to be real as well. Turns out I was right and it was nowhere near as loud as a bike should have been in fact it was damn near silent. I was assaulted by a wave of filly kisses as soon as I got off my bike. The girls were safe, that’s good. The girls introduced themselves even though I didn’t need one. They may be fillies in this world but I could never forget those faces or cutie marks. “Hiya, mister Star Shower. I’m Pinkie Pie and I’d love to throw you a thank you party sometime.” I patted her on the head with a smile. Pinkie was adopted by Carrot cake who ran Sugar Cube Corner. The second filly gave me a hung and stated her name. “I’m Gl...Glitter Shell. Thanks for coming to save us.”   “Why don’t think nothin of it. What kinda man would I be if I done went and ignored a little girl’s cry for help?”  Flash informed me that Glitter was the child of Sugar and Snails. “Terrestrial human. You feel recent. You reek of interdimensional travel. How did you get here anyway. Oh bother, I haven’t even given you my name. Princess Bright Tomorrow. I’m Twilight's daughter and I think you can tell who my father is by my pattern of speech, yes?” I shook my head. Bright wasn’t an alcorn like her mother but she was a unicorn with an exceptional gift for magic. I can sense it just from hugging her. The fourth and final Filly who also helped flash by carrying Bright spoke up. “Names Rainbow Dash. Thanks for saving us from those timberwolves. You look weird but you were pretty cool.” Rainbow Dash was living in the local orphanage with no family and no one seems interested in adopting her either according to how she worded it. Flash had insisted that I should be looked over since I fought all those wolves alone. She was surprised when she saw no injuries on me other than a bruised abdomen. “How in the world did you get out of that virtually unscated?” I told her everything that went down. “We have to tell the princesses at once!” Bright put on a look that screamed “What am I, chuck liver?”  Flash restated and made it clear she meant the older ones. I gave Bright a ride on my bike and we headed to Bloom’s Castle. Which was about a mile away from the main farm. A small group of guards escorted the other girls home with an exception of Dash who I insisted come with us. Dash was a little sad that she didn’t get to ride Machine Winger and made a point of stating how awesome it was. This world is just beginning its automotive revolution despite clearly having phones, tv, and internet. Talk about back asswards. Bloom was in the middle of a court and the discussion was about  creatures from the everfree attacking farms and caravans. The creatures in question were of course timberwolves so I had to butt in. “You’ll find the routes near the forest safer now. At least from timberwolves. I have spoken with Everfree herself and she assures me that the raids made by timberwolves will cease so long as you leave their territory alone. “ They looked at me like I was a fool. How in the world am I supposed to convince these stubborn earth ponies. Everfree manifested next to me with a small group of timberwolf guards. “This one speaks true, Princess Apple Bloom.  It is good to meet you once more. I believe last we meet you were that one’s age over there correct?” Bloom nodded. “Do not defile the homes of my timberwolves and they shall not cause you harm. They may even defend you ponies. I have one more condition however.” “Name it and it’s yours. Oh spirit of the Everfree.” Good she knows to honor spirits. “The warrior known as Star Shower must be given full citizenship and be treated as equestrian born. It has been long since Elvenkind has left this world and I would rather keep this one here in hopes of more returning. They are a noble race that live in harmony with the land and I miss them greatly. Imber Stella I hope that you will come and visit me often.” She kissed me. Not as a show of passion but as a farewell. Elvenkind were physical like that.   “Star, I believe what you just said. But how in tarnation did ya take down a whole pack of timberwolves?” With no choice left I chose to henshin and display a little of my power. “Now I see. I’ll get with Twilight on your citizenship. I think Solarice will be understanding of this. He might want to meet the stallion his grand daughter seems to be smitten with though!” I hadn’t noticed that Bright was lovingly hugging my arm. “It’s alright star she’s legal, barely. But she’s legal all the same and not that much younger than I am. She might look young but she’s sixteen!” You’re kidding me. This brings babyfaced to a whole new level. “She’s not lying. My wings were defective and were killing me due to an alicorn disease known as darkwing. My wings were eating my life force so the were cut off. Wingless I may be but I am an alicorn. They keep me out of the count to keep me away from nobles who would seek to use me.” I took a long look at her she was maybe 5’2” her face was young but i could see some adult features in her. “My eyes are up here, perv.” I could tell she was joking with that. I think I may have made three very powerful friends today. “I ain’t seen Granny or Mac arround. What happened to them if you don’t mind me asking?” Bloom got sad. “Granny died in the Tirek incident and that’s why I killed him instead of banishing him to Tartarus. A lot of the older folk didn’t survive that man’s rampage and blatant draining of our magic. I like to think that I avenged all the lives lost in killing him but sometimes I just don’t know. And Mac settled down with Cheerilee. He still works at the farm, he just doesn’t live here anymore. The farmhouse itself is mostly housing my guards and workers. I made a point in moving sis’ room into the castle but things got worse and she’s in a medical ward in the hospital. Mac comes by just to see me a few times a month but he mostly oversees the orchard. Sis would never forgive us if we gave up on the farm completely.” I gave Bloom a hug. “Trust me if he was anywhere near as evil as he was in the original version, you did the right thing. Consider me the resident Knight of Ponyville. I’ll do my best to protect it so you don’t have to go through something like that ever again.” Bright grumbled a bit. I’m guessing that hug and speech made her a bit jealous. Her back was engulfed in energy and wings were formed. “Wait a minute, you coulda flown out at any given time!” Bright goes on to tell me that she couldn’t have. She was far too terrified and couldn’t focus on anything other than staying alive and I don’t blame her one bit for that. WIth my citizenship now pending thanks to Everfree, I decide to hit the hay. However there’s one thing I needed to do before I can do that. I used the connect ring and pulled out a box to see four rings and sealed the box. I don’t want to think about what could happen if I tried using those things. That night I had a dream about Bright. I was just glad it wasn’t a sex dream. We seemed to be on a date of sorts enjoying each others company