> Stormy Night Away From the Rest of the World. > by Radiated Darth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Stormy Night Away From the Rest of the World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Over to the right Spike!” Fluttershy commanded, Spike jumped to the right, scaring the chickens backwards and to the left, “Now just walk forward until they all get back into the fence.” Spike motioned towards them, forcing them back, once they were all in he shut the gate and put the pin inside it. Fluttershy approached him smiling brightly with her hands behind her back, “See you’re a natural. Thanks for helping me out today Spike, I have no idea how the latch got loose.” “Don’t worry Shy, I wasn’t doing anything at the Library anyway, during weekends is when I’m most busy restocking shelves, or running to the store.” “Say since you’re here, wanna help me feed the ducks? Their feed bags are kinda heavy.” Fluttershy asked rubbing her arm. “Sure, where the ba-” Spike’s sentence was cut short by a water droplet striking him on the nose. He looked towards the sky, only then realizing how dark grey the clouds were. Earlier there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, nor was there even much humidity. “Uh oh. A storm’s brewing. Well I guess the little duckies will be alright on food until it passes.” Fluttershy sighed. “We better get inside before we get drenched.” Spike nodded in agreement and followed Fluttershy inside. “Hell… Even though it’s not a problem being here, Twilight would worry about me staying out late.” Spike realized, scratching the back of his head. Fluttershy giggled, “That’s cute. You’re 18 now Spike, and she still worries about you like you’re little.” “And I still got the mindset of one, worrying about Twilight scolding me for being home late.” Spike pouted. “Oh no no no, Spike. I didn’t mean to insult you. I jus-” There was an abrupt lighting struck and clapping of thunder, causing Fluttershy to collapse to the floor in fear. “And I’m little you say?” Spike laughed, “C’mon Shy it’s just thunder, it can’t hurt you. Let’s turn on the News and see what they’re saying about it.” He extended his hand to help her up. “S-sorry Spike… I have Phonophobia,” she stuttered as she stood up. “Phono-what?” “It’s when you have a fear of loud noises…” Fluttershy mumbled, embarrassed. “I’m gonna go check on Angel, see where he’s at.” Fluttershy then ran up the stairs towards her bedroom, “Angel, you in here baby?” Spike sat down on her sofa, and turned himself towards in the Television as turned it on, as he switched through the channels, he finally landed on The News station, it just so happened that they were broadcasting the weather at the time. “As you can see by the radar here, Ponyville is in the yellow to orange territory, and will be under flood watching until 4 am next morning.” Spike directed himself to the clock mantled on Fluttershy wall, the clock read 8:12 pm. “This is the worst to expect as of now, after we clear the 12 am hour mark, it’s smooth sailing from there, now back to the News.” “Shit, even then I won’t be able to see my way back. Let alone walk through Everfree forest at night.” Spike said aloud to himself. “You can spend the night here.” Fluttershy replied. Spike jumped in surprise, not expecting Fluttershy right behind him, “Shit Shy, you just scared the crap outta me… How’s Angel?” “Knocked out like a rock. The only time he really wakes up is to eat... “ She replied whilst rolling her eyes. “You’d really okay with me spending the night Fluttershy?” Spike asked “Of course,” Fluttershy said reassuringly, “I can’t just send you out in the rain.” The two looked outside, earlier it was only a little drizzle and some unappealing clouds. But now it was almost impossible to see out into the impenetrating darkness, except the occasional bolt that struck here and there. “Besides, you're an adult now, you don't need to worry about Twilight's curfew anymore. We can play games together, or just talk. Oh, that reminds me, I better text Twilight that you’ll be staying the night, I’m sure she’s already said something to me.” she plopped down on the couch next to Spike and whipped out her phone. “Worried about your outside animals at all?” Spike asked curiously. “Well you guys know me to be over worrisome, but they’re houses are spacious for their size, and more than prepared against a rain like this.” Fluttershy assured, “So… wanna play something?” “Anything two player?” Spike asked. Fluttershy chuckled embarrassed to herself, “I never bothered buying a 2nd controller anyway, no one ever stays down here long enough to play with me… W-wait I didn’t mean for it to come out like that!” Spike laughed to himself, “She’s too cute,” he thought. “Alright, let’s just take turns playing GTA V.” The two continued to play together, talking and laughing. Until there was another clap of thunder louder than the previous, shaking the house and shutting the power off. Fluttershy let out a mixed scream of surprise and terror, as she grabbed onto Spike. “Hey, Shy it’s alright, the storm must’ve shut off the power, it’s alright.” he said as he put his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her. “There’s someone in the house, I think I just saw a figure outside, what was that noise?!” Fluttershy shouted, shaking and quivering. “Now that’s just ridiculous, look I’m gonna go look at the power breaker,” Spike said, trying to get up but was quickly tugged back down. “N-no! Please don’t leave me here,” she whined holding onto his shirt sleeve tightly. Spike looked to her and only sighed, “Shy..” “I’m a big baby, I know. I know I am, but please don’t go, I’m scared.” She ranted, on the verge of tears. Spike removed her hand from his shirt sleeve and hugged her tight, “Shy, it’s only a storm, no one’s in the house, no one’s outside, and there was no noise. You're twenty years old, not a five year old, so stop thinking like one. But if it makes you feel safer, you can follow me to the power breaker, actually I preferred if you did, cause I… have no idea where it’s at.” “O-okay.” was all Fluttershy could muster up the courage to speak. Fluttershy pointed Spike in the direction of the power breaker, after switching some switches and pushing this and that, the power quickly flashed back on. Spike turned around to Fluttershy, who was mere inches from his back, and said, “Told ya so.” teasingly. “I’m sorry Spike… I’m a big cry baby.” the small pink haired girl moped. “Shy you can’t help your phobias. Besides it’s kinda cute whenever you panic like that,” He quickly realized what he just said and changed the subject, “Let’s just go to bed, it’s kinda late actually.” Fluttershy gave a small nod of agreement and began up the stairs, while Spike fetched a blanket. took his pants off, and sprawled out on the couch downstairs, “Goodnight Shy, try to get some sleep.” “Goodnight Spike.” she shouted back. “She’s simply adorable, she must be really lonely out here though, I could hear it in her voice when I brought up the console thing… poor Fluttershy. I’m sure the thinks me staying the night is great.” Spike thought to himself. Eventually his eyelids grew heavier and heavier, as his thoughts began to fade, and so did his vision… “Oh help me,” cried the princess, “I’m stuck in this wretched castle and cannot escape!” “I’ll help you dear maiden in distress,” Spike so boldly said. “Beware the dragon fair knight, he’s selfish and prone to attack anyone on sight.” The princess cried. “Oh no, there he is now!” The dragon flew in from the distance, a fine set of purple scales, with angered green eyes and stomach to match. He landed a few yards from him, opened his mouth wide and he let a a wicked BOOM. “AHHHHHH!” Fluttershy screamed from her bedroom. Spikes eyes quickly shot open, still half asleep he ran up to Fluttershy’s room in a panic to see what was the matter. He was soon met by her curled up in her bed crying in fear. “Fluttershy, you alright?” He said as he quickly but gently approached her. He sat beside her and tried to reach out for her, but she screamed again and smacked his hand away, with a crazy look in her eyes. Quickly realizing what she did she only turned more snot nosed and crying, “I’m sorry Spike, I-I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I…” Spike stopped her and held her close to him, while ever so slowly rocking back and forth in a rhythm in attempts to calm her down. While holding her, Spike couldn’t help but notice how violently she was shaking and shivering. He only hugged her closer, rubbing and patting her back like you would to help calm down a baby. “Shhhh, It’s alright Shy. You’re not pathetic, you’re not a big baby, you’re simply afraid of thunder is all. I get it, you don’t need to apologize so much.” he whispered to her. Over the course of a couple of minutes, Spike’s treatment began to help calm her down, in fact even when thunder struck again, she didn’t jump as much or shout, she was still a bit tense however. Spike gently kissed her forehead, and began to release his grip. “Wait!... Uh… Spike, you think you could… that you could maybe...” She said, struggling to get her point across. Spike grinned and asked, “Lemme guess, you want me to sleep with you?” Fluttershy looked away embarrassed to meet his gaze. “I’ll gladly sleep with you, especially if it’ll help you calm down some.” he said with a weak smile. “Y-you mean it?...” “Well you let me stay the night here, so I owe it to you to help you calm down some and lay with you during the storm.” Spike replied softly. “Besides, your bed feels a helluva lot comfier than the sofa downstairs.” Spike said as he began to lay back onto her bed, sinking into the cushy mattress. Fluttershy laid back down too, resuming her previous position she was in before the thunder struck earlier. She laid there a while, hearing Spike’s soothing breathing the pitter patter of rain outside, much weaker than earlier. As soothing as the environment was around her now, she still could not sleep, she tossed and turned, tried lying on her stomach, her back, her sides, until she felt Spike rubbing at her back. “Wha?... Spike what’re you doing?” Fluttershy asked, as Spike hands rubbed her back, forming into fists and he dig into her back. “Hard to sleep with you’re wiggling.” Spike replied lazily with a bit of a laugh, “So I figure this’ll calm you down some.” “Spike that’s not.. neces-... Ohh.. that feels nice.” Fluttershy mumbled. “Twilight has a lot of stressful nights and asks for a lot of massages, I know all the good spots.” Spike bragged. Be it his palms, or his loosely clenched palms, he caressed and massaged her. Putting her at ease, undoing the knots in her back. “You’re really tense… when’s the last time you had a good massage?” “Uh… when’s the last time we got infected by poison joke?” Fluttershy asked sheepishly. “Wow, that long huh? Don’t worry, I’ll make up for lost time.” Spike said, putting his hands to work at her back. Working his way rubbing from beginning of the top of her shoulders, to the bottom at her waist, then worked his way back up. Fluttershy in pure bliss, feeling as though she was melting into the bed with the way the handsome young man’s hands worked on her back, like new pavement on a bumpy road. With Fluttershy’s occasional grunts and moans is encouraged Spike to go a bit lower each time he massaged his way down her slim body, until he was almost massaging her ass, “She doesn’t even notice the way I’m groping her.” he thought to himself. Fluttershy dragged a breath once realizing what he was doing, but didn’t stop him, as her cheeks filled with color she decided to save each other the embarrassment of speaking up, besides, why stop when it feels soooo good. After a couple of minutes, Spike assumed she had fell asleep, so he stopped the treatment he was giving to her back. Fluttershy let out a needy whimper when she realized he pulled away for good. “Shy my arms are getting tired alright, can’t you just fall asleep?” “No… can you try… uh, holding me?” She asked waringly. She knew full well she could fall asleep, she was actually struggling to stay awake now wanting more and more attention from Spike. “Erm… I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Spike objected, trying to get his erection down. “Please Spike? It would really help me sleep… Please?” She asked using her innocent tone. Spike’s, among many men's, weaknesses, the cute girl voice. He gave in, and spooned with her, wrapping one arms around her waist, trying to not press too much into her, “Please don’t feel it, please don’t feel it, please don't feel it.” Spike pleaded in his head. Just what Fluttershy was hoping for, Spike was horny just like her, “That’s why he didn’t wanna cuddle…” she thought to herself. After making Spike put up with her all day today, she wanted to make it up to him, and she knew just the way how. She turned around to face Spike, and ‘accidentally’ brushed up against his hard cock, prompting a small jolt from Spike. “Something wrong Spike?” she asked teasingly. “N-nah, not at all… Maybe I should go s-sleep on the couch after all, after all you're twenty, it'd b-be weird sleeping with someone at that age, right?” Spike stammered as he tried to get up, Fluttershy gently grabbed his wrist and motioned him back down to the bed. “But you’re so warm Spike.” She replied. “I-i’m a huge blanket hog, and I talk in my sleep.” Spike stuttered, trying to find a way out of this. “That’s cute,” Fluttershy replied, toying with him, “even if you do steal the blankets you’re so warm that I won’t need any.” She then scooted even closer to him, her breasts touching his chest. Spike’s heart was pounding so hard that it hurt, throat closing up, cold sweats.and worst of all his damn erection wouldn’t go down! “I think this little guy’s warm too,” she said as she groped the erection through his boxers. “Shy! Wha- what’re you doing?” Spike exclaimed, shocked by what the normally reclusive girl was doing to him. “Giving you a similar treatment that you gave me earlier, it’s only fair,” she said innocently. She took it another step further and leaned into Spike, kissing him on his lips. Spike began squirming around, even attempting to break away, but Shy squeezed down harder on his cock, and pushing her tongue into his mouth. “Damn, when did she turn from cute to seductive?!” The thought bounced around his head, completely perplexed, amazed even, by the thought that this was happening, but it slowly faded from his mind. Eventually Spike stopped putting up a fight, Fluttershy noticed this, taking a hand off of Spike to turn her bedside lamp on, while still maintaining the passion with her other hand and mouth. The lamp created a dull light, presenting soothing shadowy environment. Just enough to see around the room, but dull enough to not strain his eyes. Finally getting a good look at it, Fluttershy broke the kiss, “You’re uh… pitching a big tent there.” she giggled nervously to herself. “Wonder if that’s from groping my butt.” “I’m sorry Shy, I d-didn’t mean to take advantage of you.” Spike stammered. “Hmm…” Fluttershy said annoyed to herself, “Not gonna cut it. Cause you did the same to me.” She undid the button on her PJs to show off her panties, which had a rather large wet spot right around her pussy. Spike gasped a bit in surprise, mouth hanging open, staring at her wet cleavage, gulping down his nervousness he nodded, “What’ll you have me do?” “Well you first you can start by… b-by eating me out,” she said trying to sound demanding, but it came out more as pleading with a crack in her voice. Reluctantly Spike played along, getting up and positioning himself right between her thighs. He could smell her scent right through her panties, musky and erotic. Spike peeled back the panties that were glued to her crotch by her love juices, giving her panties a deep whiff and tossing them aside, getting back to what made those panties smell so delicious in the first place. He pressed his lips around her cunny and probed his tongue inside her, bringing out a cry from the shaking pink haired girl, trying to keep her voice inside. Spike relished the flavor of her pussy, so creamy, so sweet, so erotic, it made his cock twitch like mad. Pushing his tongue deeper, shoving his face closer to her love box, never getting enough of her delicious nectar. All the while, Fluttershy was moaning out in ecstasy, grabbing the hair on Spike’s head and crying out for attention. Her pussy was like a fire, and Spike’s tongue the timber, he just kept shoveling it in, teasing her fire, and making it await the upcoming wood. Spike pulled his dripping tongue from her hot squishy depths, and began sucking and licking the mind-broken girl’s clit, sending her over the edge as she tightened her fists in Spike’s hair, thrusting her pelvis into the air and deeper into Spike’s mouth, as she came all over his face and her bed. Spike raised his head from her crotch, soaking wet with her creamy love fluids, seeing her collapsed and panting on her now ruined bed and bed sheets. Fluttershy collected herself, and looked at Spike, he could see in her eyes that she still wanted more. That she NEEDED more, looking at his throbbing member, untouched during the whole pussy eating experience, now red and sensitive, with a bit of pre accumulating as his tip. “I’ll be on top… if you want.” Fluttershy murmured. Spike nodded as he quickly stripped off his boxers, and laid down beside her, she then positioned herself over him. “Uh Spike, are you still a virgin?” Shy asked coyly “Not after tonight, but you’d think I am one the way I made you squeal” Spike answered with a grin, “What about you?” “Y-yea.” She stuttered. “Don’t worry, you’re on top so you have complete of how fast you wanna go.” Spike said placing his hands gently over her waists. “When you’re ready.” Fluttershy nodded nervously, slowly lowering herself, grabbing Spike’s cock and guiding it into her pussy. Having her depths penetrated for the first time by something other then her fingers for the first time felt incomparable. The thickness, the length, the way it throbbed, it was all so new, so desirable. It was even almost enough to push her towards an immediate orgasm, she tried her hardest to collect herself, biting her lip, fidgeting around, to keep both her moans and juices from pouring out of her. Spike lazily chuckled, watching her expression, he decided to change it up a bit. “You look really lewd Shy, you must have a really sensitive ass huh?” he quickly, but gently, wrapped his arms around her waist to caress her ass. It wasn’t exceptionally large, but to him it was amazing. To Shy it was more than that, it was just enough to make her cum. Her walls clamping down on his cock, still nestled among her asscheeks, and deep within her slit, almost like it were hugging around him. When her orgasm subsided she covered her face ashamed, “I’m sorry… this is so embarrassing.” “What are you talking about Shy?” Spike exclaimed, “That was amazing! I didn’t even thrust into you but once and I made you cum. I guess you really do have a sensitive lil’ butt.” Spike laughed to himself, patting her butt. “Well I still haven’t cum yet… so, do you still want to?” Spike asked, unsure how she’d answer. “Definitely.” she replied, with a needy pouty look on her face. Placing her palms on the bed, slightly above Spike’s shoulders, raising up thrusting herself back down onto Spike’s shaft. Sweat beginning to perspire from the both of their bodies, the slapping of skin getting more audible, heavy breathing followed by grunts and muffled moans. Spike stilling gripping Fluttershy’s ass, contributing by grinding against her warms insides and teasing those warm red cheeks, squeezing them, rubbing them, even lightly slapping at them at some points to get a cute reactions from the normally reserved girl, with her head hanging down, hair falling over the front of her face. “Lemme see your face Shy.” Spike gently asked. “Nooo, I’ll feel weird.” She whimpered reluctantly. “Why’d you change up your game? You were intimidating earlier, now you’re just being as shy as ever.” “Am not!” “Ah, you tightened up around me when you got mad.” “No I di- Stop saying embarrassing things Spike.” Spike took his arm off her ass and brushed her hair aside to see her face. Drool dripping from her mouth and eyes looking like they were rolling into the back of her head. She realized his game and pushed his hand aside to cover her face with her hands. Still grinding into her he sat up to wrap his arms around her back and came face to face with her, taking one of his hands off his back he removed her hands from her face, and pressed his lips to hers. He could feel the vibrations against her lips from the muffled moaning she was keeping in, he pushed his tongue against her lips as she opened guidance into her mouth to taste each others saliva once more. Taking the same hand he used to move her hands away with, he brushed it along her hair to grab her head, nestling it almost, while brushing her hair, combing it through his fingers. She broke the kiss and looked at him with those needy eyes, “Spike, I-I don’t think I can hold out much l-longer.” “Me either, I’m at my limits too.” Spike grunted, grinding against her as she pumped down harder and harder, more hungrier to cum each thrust. Eventually the both couldn’t hold in their voices or their orgasms any longer, breaking into a symphony of two lovers moaning. Not screaming out in pleasure, but almost singing it. Spike deflated onto the bed as Fluttershy rolled off him and flopped right next to him, both still breathing heavily. Their panting eventually subsided into breathing regularly. Fluttershy cuddled up closely to Spike, wrapping her arms around his and put her head on his shoulders, with a content and relaxed look on her face. Spike weakly smiled as he kissed her on the nose and shut his eyes, to take him away from this amazing experience. Morning rolled around as Fluttershy leaned up, smacking her parched lips and stretching out, quickly remembering the events that happened the other night, she looked to where Spike was, but all she saw was an empty bed. She sighed, upset that he had already gone, and proceeded to go about her daily chores. Later in the morning she walked over to check on her ducks that she wasn’t able to feed in time last night due to the storm, and saw them pecking away at the seed on the ground. Fluttershy was deeply confused until she saw a paper posted to her Duck’s house. She ripped it off and read it. “Fluttershy, last night was a lot of fun, I’d like to come over next Tuesday again, I had to leave since I just now got Twilight’s 30-some messages asking if I was alright. Don't worry about the ducks, they’re fed, which I’m sure you’re well aware of by now from reading this. Text me later, love ya.” Her heart swelled once she read that last line, she smiled ear to ear, crumpling the paper up and hopping up and down in such happiness. “Hey Shy, I wanted to know if you knew where Tank wa-... What’re you doing?...” Rainbow Dash giggled, coming up from behind her. “Oh… nothing.” Fluttershy replied, still blushing.