> Welcome to Olympus > by aprilshowers45 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Twilight takes a little vacation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and her friends were looking around and exploring the castle of the two sisters's library. Pinkie was reading a book upside-down. Applejack was reading a cookbook. Rarity was looking for inspiration. Fluttershy was looking for Angel. Rainbow Dash wouldn't read. Twilight was scanning an aisle, looking for a good spellbook. "Hey, here's a cool book." she said, as the others looked up. "Did she just use the words 'cool' and 'book' in the same sentence?" Rainbow whispered to Applejack. "You used em both that time you said books weren't cool. But later that night you broke in to the hospital to get a book back." AJ replied. Rainbow rolled her eyes, and then they focused on Twilight. "This is a book about another world, far away from Equestria. It has lots of info about this place. Let me check the table of contents..." Twilight continued. She flipped her pages over to the front. "Jupiter, Minerva, Venus, Ceres, Dianne..." she mumbled. Then, as she went over to the back, she said, "Ooh, a spell!" But as soon as she got to the end, some orb appeared, like a ball of lightning, fire, explosions, sucking her in. Rainbow came to her aid, and then Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. > Zoom!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight's spell had sent everypony to a wormhole, portal, rabbit hole place. Fluttershy could feel shapes forming around her. Pinkie giggled a bunch because the robes tickles her. Applejack's hat disappeared and her ponytails became braids, wrapping around the back of her head. Rainbow's wings turned to all colours, the feathers grew longer and stronger. Everypony's hooves grew longer, but skinnier, and the front ones moved a bit. There was blinding light... then darkness. stars and birds and imaginary pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rarity's head... which disappeared once they hit a tree trunk. An olive tree. Funny though, why weren't they on rainbow's head? Applejack finally got up, but fell back down again. "Twilight, where are we?" Twilight was standing like a regular human being. "Forget that. WHERE'S RAINBOW DASH?" > Rainbow Dash's Irises start to bug out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash then found herself under a long table with lotsa hooves. Carefully she crept out... "Iris!" a deep voice boomed. Big Macintosh? Rainbow thought. Sounded like him. "There you are! Can you grab us some more nectar?" the man asked again. OMIGOSH! MONSTERS! THEY TAKE EYEBALLS AND MAKE THEM DO WHATEVER THEY SAY! I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE! Rainbow thought again. She panicked, and flew out, broke a window, and left, making a sonic rainbow without even trying. I guess she's been reading too many Daring Do stories. While in midair, she finally noticed her staff. She stopped. She remembered that staff, the figure 8 it made on top. Twilight was talking about it earlier that week, and it belonged to... Iris. Goddess of the rainbow, messenger of the gods. They had traveled to Greece. But that was like, a bajillion years ago. She couldn't be there now, could she? > They meet the Zebra goddess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone was on their feet, walking. Everything looked so familiar to Twilight. She remembered what she read about a few days ago... Athena and Poseidon with their gifts, city patron, naming the city after Athena, olive trees... Athena. Minerva, the girl in the table of contents at the beginning of the book! Her book had Roman names, not Greek! But the spell still must have sent them to Athens. If only she had the book... But the book didn't matter then. It was finding Rainbow Dash. If they were in Athens, maybe Rainbow was there, just a little farther away. So they began walking throughout the Acropolis. After asking people if they knew where she was, Twilight also kinda did some exploring while the others practiced their "life skills", or, walking, for a teeny bit. But then the met in the edge of the Acropolis, and started going southwest-ish together, towards the Hill of the Nymphs. Maybe the could find Rainbow in Thebes, in that direction. Though Twilight still didn't do that much research on Thebes. Before they knew it, Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy were in a forest, a lot like the Everfree Forest. In fact, it was a lot more similar than they thought. "Where are we?" Fluttershy wondered. "Sure, these animals are cute, but they take care of themselves! Without help from anypony! It's frightening!" "Maybe we should pray. Yeah, we should." Twilight decided. But Pinkie seemed confused. "If Celestia is like, the princess of the sun, and she's kinda like a goddess, and she raises the sun, but she doesn't exist here, who do we pray to? The sun god? Oh, what was him name? Helium?" "Helios." Twilight corrected. "And don't you read the books I give you or listen to my discussions I have about them? And be glad you're alive. Helios sees pretty much everything, and he could have killed you because you said that. Anyway, we pray to the Olympians. Mainly Zeus and Hera. Or just... every god or goddess. An-" "Uh, Twi? Maybe you should, uh, look ahead?" Applejack interrupted. They were standing in front of a fire pit thing. With snakes. This couldn't be the way to Thebes. Rarity was freaking out, screaming and screeching, "help!", and, "snakes!", and the more she did it, the angrier the vicious reptiles got. However, Twilight was fascinated. "Cool. Hey, did you know that Hermes carried a staff with two snakes?" she said. She barely noticed that Rarity had just gotten BIT by a SNAKE! "Come with me," said a voice from the shadows, "for I have the trick, that can fix you up quite quick." > Twilight changes her name? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The girl in the shadows looked so familiar. She walked out of the dark and showed herself: a tall, pale woman, dressed in robes, with some dark gray substance making three triangles on the lower part of each of her cheeks. "Who are you?" Twilight asked. "I am Iaso, goddess of cures. Follow me, I have a remedy, for your friend who seems quite hurt." the lady replied. So Iaso took the five girls over to her hut. "Here, drink this, it is my own concoction. It tastes bad, but no is not an option." the goddess said, handing Rarity a goblet of green liquid. Then Twilight got everyone's attention, banging her hand on the table. "Uh, should I tell her? She might have some answers." she whispered, glancing at Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack. For some reason, they all nodded. "Ummm, Lady Iaso, we're... I know it sounds crazy but... we're not supposed to be here. We're from another... another world. We came here by accident. I'm Princess-" she got cut off. "Genera." Iaso finished. "Umm, yes! That's exactly what I was going to say! Princess... Genera! Hehehe..." Twilight faltered. "I do not have potions that do teleportation." Iaso told the princess. "And I am sorry that I cannot help your situation." "Well, um, we were just on our way to Thebes. Can you help us?" Fluttershy asked. All Iaso did was point her index finger, and disappeared. "This must be the way to go." Applejack decided. So they continued on their way. > Making things go Sonic RainBOOM! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight had finally made it out of the forest, had heard a big boom, and got a good view at the boring old rainbow coloured sky... Wait. WHAT? "A SONIC RAINBOOM!" Pinkie cheered. "EVEN THOUGH IT'S IMPOSSIBLE AND WE'RE IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE RAINBOW CAN STILL PULL IT OFF!" she squealed. "Hey! Rainbow Dash might be there!" Rarity said, pointing at the edge, which kept spreading father across the sky. So the five girls ran, but the rainbow was faster. But then Fluttershy got an idea. She ran into some random store, no clue what town it was in, and came out with a... Lyre? Everypony could recognize it, though, since they were hanging with Lyra Heartstrings at Pinkie's last party. Fluttershy sat down, and began to play. Animals began to crowd around her. Applejack ran into the store and hung some pipes around her neck. And Pinkie was going to go check if they had horns of any sort, but she didn't. The music was just so soothing that Fluttershy grew wings, like in the human world. Mouthed, keep playing! to Applejack, and took off. Usually she didn't like to fly, but this was an emergency. Some birds flew along with her. She flew faster and faster, but she was worried she'd get out of range soon. She slowed down and gestured for her friends to follow her. Eventually, Twilight got her wings, but no horn. However, Pinkie got a horn. Kinda like the ones the crystal ponies have, but softer, while Rarity got a banjo. The more music, the better. Fluttershy then caught up with the pretty rainbow winged girl. "There you are! I've been looking for you! Recognize the staff?" Rainbow Dash said, after giving her friend a big hug. "Twilight!", and she hugged her, too. "Umm, according to the goddess of cures, I'm princess Genera." Twilight explained everything. "So, Rainbow, what have you been doing?" Fluttershy then asked. "Umm, according to the Gods, I'm Iris. Goddess of the Rainbow." She then told her two friends where she ended up. As they soared down, two sets of wings disappeared. Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie put their instruments back, and discussed their situation once again. > Now, um... How do we get back again? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You need to burn stuff for me!!!" Rainbow boomed, giggling like crazy. "Yeah, now that you mention it. Come on, y'all, let's all get a fire goin'." Applejack remembered. So they burned their sacrifice stuff and all that stuff. "Hey, um, actually, 'Iris' shouldn't really be seen hanging out with people like us, so, I know you've made it so we don't blow up looking at you, but perhaps you should change a teensy weensy bit more?" Fluttershy suggested. And so Rainbow changed into what looked like an Apple family member, only with her rainbow mane still there. Her cutie mark became a zap apple. Well, her necklace's charm became one. "Better?" she asked. "Better!" the others replied. And so, they began walking again, until they found a cave thing. They went in, and Pinkie Pie started with a "Welcome to a million years ago!" party. No cake, though. But they did find some more fruits. "Pinkie, maybe you should save your party for when we get back home? We'll need a nice 'Welcome back' extravaganza. Heehee!", Rarity said. But the laughter broke when they heard footsteps. "Iris." a female voice said. "Why are you here? With these ones? Princess Genera? You shouldn't be here." "Who are you?" Fluttershy said, terrified. "Show yourself!" Twilight demanded. And a woman approached her. Her skin was pale, but her cheeks were blue. (Rarity doesn't like blue blush. It's just not right. To her, it made her more freakish.) Her hair was white, but had a faint blue tinge as well. Her robes were shiny black, and she had a pendant with a charm that looked a bit like one of Pinkie's colouring pages, a circle with some curvy lines and a six pointed star in the middle. It kind of reminded Twilight of the Alicorn Amulet, and the pony who took it... Trixie... Wait. WHAT? "I am Hecate, goddess of Magic and Witchcraft." the Trixie goddess told them. "What you you want from us?" Applejack said, shivering in her sandals. "Iris, are these good humans?" Hecate asked. Rainbow Dash nodded. "They're from another world. They need to get back. But I can't help them. With your magic though..." Hecate sighed. "If you really think they deserve it, I can help them." > There's a time and a place > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hecate disappeared before she could help, though. No wait, she did help. There was a glowing rock in the corner of the cave. Well, glowing underneath. Rainbow heaved it over, and the orb grew bigger as if it were the tantabus. Pinkie stuck her hoof in. "Sparklaaaaaay!" she said. But she got sucked in. Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity followed. And at the last minute, Rainbow Dash jumped in. All that was left was her staff, sitting in the cave. But when the got back to the library, where they once were, things were very different. There was no library. It was currently being built. The time must have not changed completely. They were just standing over the edge of a ravine. And down the steps they went until the reached... The Tree of Harmony. Luckily, it had already been made. Twilight had heard about this. "OK, everypony, This is quite dangerous, but it's the only way. Stick your hoof into where your Element of Harmony goes. Now, just wait, I need to do the spell..." Black and white lines then emerged from the alicorn's horn. She started sweating, but it had to work. They were the spirits of the Elements. Then a burst of white, a rainbow of colours, and they were at the Tree of Harmony once again. The Elements were around the necks. "Now put the Element where it goes..." Twilight said. "But nothing happened." Rainbow complained. "But it did." Twilight insisted. "Come on." They walked up the stairs once again, and were staring at the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters. They were back home. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Pinkie's party, everypony had hung up their robes they still had on when they came home. They would be handed down from generation to generation. The had lots of fun. They invited some friends: Lyra Heartstrings, Zecora, and Trixie, plus some others. Pinkie kept saying they were bobbing for apples from the Tree of Immortality they brought back, but all the apple family members knew they weren't. Big Mac said, "Nope!". And at the end of the day, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack traveled to Canterlot so they could tell Princess Celestia and Luna all about it.