> Trapped in the Mirror of Worlds > by Silver_Wing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Beyond the Mirror > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke slowly to the feel of something cold against my face. My head was spinning, and I felt a strange tingling all over my body. Though it was most strongly felt in my hands, feet, and sides. Opening my eyes, I found my vision to be blurred horribly, but I could make out what looked to be a large, dark room. The light wasn't very bright, but there was enough of it to see that I was alone, wherever I was. I tried to remember how I had gotten here. It was all very fuzzy, but I remembered being in my grandmothers attic. I had been helping her clean all afternoon. She had left to get dinner, but I stayed behind. I found an old mirror tucked away in the back of the attic. It was taller than I was, and looked to be older than anything else in my grandmothers possession. I went over to it to make sure I didn't have any bugs in my hair, but then what... I groaned as I struggled to remember what had happened. After a moment, I gasped. The mirror had fallen on me! It came loose from its mountings and landed right on top of me. Then nothing, until I found myself here... "H-hello?" I called out. I winced as the sound of my own voice pierced into my head like a gunshot. I gave a tentative shake of my head to sooth the headache I now found myself subject to and tried to stand up. I rose to my feet, and abruptly fell over forwards. Reflexively, I shot my hands out before me and landed rather softly upon them with a pair of hollow clunks. Even in the dim light, I could tell something was wrong with my hands. The tingling I felt when I had first woken up had vanished from them, but something still seemed very off. I raised my hand to my face to better see it and gasped audibly at what I saw. My hand wasn't a hand at all. It was a slim, fuzzy arm that ended in what was clearly a hoof. A strong sense of panic swelled up from deep within the pit of my stomach and I slammed my new found hoof down onto the floor with a resounding clomp. I checked my other hand over quickly and found it to be the same as the first, a hoof. I shot a glance behind myself and realized instantly why I had had trouble standing in the first place. My back legs were misshapen and nothing at all like what I had grown up with. If I didn't know any better, I'd almost think I was looking at the rear end of a horse. Looking back as I was, I also found the source of the light. It was coming from a very tall frame. The frame looked almost exactly the same as the one that bordered my grandmothers mirror. Only this one seemed significantly taller and older. The very frame itself seemed to glow faintly, and as I crept towards it to get a better look, I caught sight of an odd creature staring back at me from the other side. The creature resembled a small horse, but with rounder features and much larger eyes. It was too dark to make out any real details, but it looked to be a light gray or silver in color. I'd always been good with animals, and I'd never really found one that wouldn't like me, so I reflexively called out to it. There wasn't anyone else around anyways, so I might as well take a little comfort in the presence of this... Pony? I stretched my hand out towards him slowly and spoke softly. "Hey there little guy, where'd you-" I began, but I paused almost instantly as I caught the pony repeating my gesture a little too perfectly. I put my hoof down slowly, and watched as the pony did the same. "No way..." I said in hushed disbelief. As I repeatedly raised and lowered my front hooves, I realized with no small degree of confusion that the frame I was looking at, was in fact a mirror. And that the creature I thought was standing beyond it, was in fact, me. I had no idea how I had changed into this new form, but I wasn't in the mood for a game like this. I moved to pinch myself, figuring this must be some twistedly realistic dream, but I found myself unable to do that simple action as I no longer had any fingers. Frowning at my hoof, I did the next best thing. I raised my arm and I bit myself. Due to my rising adrenaline, I bit myself a great deal harder than I had actually intended to and I yelped out in a mix of surprise and pain. Shaking my now throbbing arm, I noticed a shadow on either side of my new found reflexion and tensed. I shot a startled glare to my left and found myself momentarily at a loss for words. Rising out of my side, was a large, fully feathered wing. Checking my other side over, I found a second. Not only did I find myself in a strange place, with a strange new body, I also had wings! "Okay, what the heck's going on here..." I said aloud, a large frown growing on my face. I had never been one to really freak out about anything. I always managed to keep my cool when the situation called for it, and though this was a very odd circumstance, I would handle it the same. I forced myself to sit down and took in a deep breath to calm myself. As I sat on that cold floor, I came to a rather awkward realization. I was naked. I had fur, or fine hair, or whatever it was covering me, but my clothes were gone. Reflexively, I crossed my legs and felt the rising warmth creep over my face as a heavy blush heated it so hot, I thought I might set my skin on fire. It took me some time to collect myself, but eventually I rose to my new feet and set to looking for a way out of this room. I tried to rise my hind legs and walk like I was used to, but I found moving like that to be incredibly awkward, and I was none too graceful. So with no small degree of disapproval, I dropped to all fours and began exploring the room like that. It was easier to walk on all fours, but it still felt odd and very wrong. Especially considering I was naked. Eventually, the dim light led me to what seemed to be a large door. I reached a hoof up and felt around for a handle, but I couldn't find one. Groaning in frustration, I dropped my head against the door. With a soft creak, the door opened slightly. Pale moonlight streamed into the room and I looked to the door in surprise. Pushing it open a little more, I poked my head out and found a long corridor stretching out in either direction. I couldn't see a soul, and aside from my own breathing, there wasn't a sound to be heard either. 'Well that's not creepy at all...' I thought with a frown. Quietly, I crept out into the corridor. Seeing no difference between one way or the next, I just went left. I crept down the corridor until I came to a junction with large windows that reached down to the floor. I peered through the nearest one and saw what looked to be a sprawling city with vast fields beyond. I couldn't make out any of the finer details with how dark it was, but even in the dark I could tell that this city was nothing like I had ever seen before. Checking my surroundings again, I still couldn't see or hear anyone else. With an irritated sigh, I continued past the junction and continued my search. There had to be answers somewhere in this place, I just had to find them. Eventually, I came across a long corridor lined with doors on either side. To my favor, the handles were all lever shaped. So even fingerless like I was, I didn't have too big an issue with fumbling them open. The room beyond looked like it was used primarily for storage. There were tables, boxes, and several statues standing about in no apparent order. Everything in the room had thin white sheets draped over them, likely to keep dust from settling. "Perfect." I whispered to myself. I crept over to the nearest statue and gently pulled the sheet off of it. I tried to use my hooves at first, but eventually, I had to resort to using my mouth. Using the new found dexterity of my neck, I draped the sheet over my back in an attempt to cover myself as best I could. My wings were twitching erratically and for the life of me I couldn't get them to stop. But after a few minutes, I finally managed to secure the sheet in place. Now, even though I was still alone in this strange place, I felt at least a little relieved at no longer being naked. There was little else in the room that could have been of use to me, so I headed back out into the hall to resume my search once again. Closing the door behind me, I caught the first sound of something other than myself. A sound like that of a soft plodding of hooves in the distance. My heart rate spiked at the sound. At least I knew I wasn't alone here. I crept down the hall towards what I assumed was the source of the sound. Coming to yet another of many corners, I finally caught sight of another living creature. At the far end of the hall I was now looking down, I saw of a pair of creatures that looked very much the same as I had discovered that I now looked. One was a pony in armor, white a with blue mane. The other was a slightly smaller pony, only this one was green. The armored pony seemed to be leading the green one somewhere. I had planned to follow them, but a rather abrupt "Ahem," startled me to the point I nearly lept head long into the wall. After my initial moment of adrenaline, I shot a reflexive glare behind me at the source of my fright. There stood yet another pony, in yet another color variant. This one was a dark purple color, with a mane that looked to be quite literally made up of stars. Like the form I now possessed, this pony had wings. Unlike myself however, this one also had a long dark horn protruding from its forehead. "Tell us stranger, why is it you wear a dusting sheet?" Her voice was authoritative, but not intimidating. It also sounded soft, and clearly feminine. It took me a moment to gather myself enough to speak. I had been rather startled by her, and the fact a pony was talking to me was no easy thing to just dismiss. "Uhh..." I began, but the black pony spoke again, cutting me off. "We have been aware of your presence for some time now, stranger. The night is our domain. Why have you come here, and why have you not departed." She stared at me with large piercing eyes and I took an involuntary step back as I met her gaze. I chuckled out of nerves and gave a dumbfounded shrug. "To be honest, I have no idea how I even got here. Let alone how to return." I wasn't sure if she'd believe me or not, but when met with a gaze like that, it's usually best to just be honest. "Did you not attempt to pass back through the Mirror of Worlds once you had found yourself here?" She asked, a slight rise in her brow. "Pass through the mirror?" I repeated. The image of my grandmothers mirror falling on me flashed in my mind and I raised my head in realization. "Is that how I got here!? When that mirror fell on me in the attic?" "We do not know the details of your coming to this world, but we do know the Mirror of Worlds is the gateway. Follow, and we shall return you to your own world." I felt a rather large wave of relief wash over me, and though this was a very unique adventure, I was very much ready for it to be over. "Thank you very much." The dark pony nodded and started back down the hall, towards the room I had first found myself in. I wasn't sure if I should talk or not. This dark pony held an air of authority about her and I didn't want to annoy her, but I was also just as curious as I was confused. Taking a breath, I ask the first of many questions that raced about in my mind. "So, uh... Where am I exactly?" I asked as tentatively as I could. "You find yourself in the land of Equestria, in the royal palace of Canterlot," The pony said, "Home to the Princesses Celestia and Luna." I couldn't help but frown at myself. Even though I had no real choice in the matter, finding myself in a palace and then sneaking around it was definitely a stupid move. "So, is there no King or Queen?" I asked. "No. Only the title of Princess is used here." "Oh." That seemed a little odd to me, but whatever. I was being told this by a talking horse, so I couldn't really do much else other than roll with it now. "I hope me winding up here doesn't bother these Princesses of yours too much... I am very sorry if it did." A slight smirk crept on to the dark pony's face and she shook her head slightly. "We are certain that the Princesses are not bothered by your accidental intrusion." "That's good," I said with a chuckle, "I'd hate to upset a Princess I'd never even met." "Indeed." The dark pony said, her smirk still present on her lips. After a few minutes, we found ourselves back at the room I had first found myself in. The door was still open and my guide walked right in. I followed behind, eager to return home. Inside, I saw the mirror once again. Its frame was still glowing faintly, but as the other pony entered the center of the room, a series of candles burst to life. Light quickly flooded the room, and I now saw a great many things strewn about on pedestals. It looked like an antiques collection room and I immediately knew better than to try and touch anything. "Your way home lies here." The pony said, nodding her horn towards the mirror. "Simply step through the mirror you see before you, and you will find yourself in your own world once more." "Really?" I said, more surprised at the ease of the journey back than anything. The dark pony chuckled softly and nodded again. "Yes." I walked up to the mirror and paused before it. In the new light, I could see myself much more clearly than before. I was a pale sheen of silver. With darker gray accenting on my nose and hooves. I looked ridiculous in the sheet I was wearing, but even though this other pony didn't have anything on, I still felt I should be covered. "Well, thank you for the help," I said, bowing my head slightly as I always did when thanking someone, "This was definitely an... Experience." "I am certain it was." The dark pony said. She fell silent after that, so I took it to mean that it was time for me to go. I wasn't sure how to go about walking through a mirror, so I just closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I stepped forward, and was abruptly met with an unforgivingly solid surface. I stepped back and shook my head as a throbbing pain pulsed through my forehead. "That hurt." I groaned with a frown. I glanced at the mirror and felt my stomach knot. There was a cascade of cracks strewn about the entirety of its surface. "Oops..." I gasped. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break-" My own words trailed off as I saw the countless cracks begin to recede and slowly vanish, returning the mirror back to perfect condition. "Oh dear..." The dark pony said, "This is most unfortunate..." "What is it?" I asked, "What's the matter? Did I do something wrong?" "It would seem that the mirror you used to come to this world, has been shattered," she said, "As such, there is no longer a way to return you to your world." She lowered her head slightly and looked at me apologetically. My heart dropped at her words and I found myself momentarily speechless. "Y-you're kidding..." I finally managed to get out, "But... There has to be some way, right!? I mean, this thing was made somehow, so can't it just be made again?" "Unfortunately, it cannot." She replied. "The creator of this magic has long since passed. I am afraid you are stuck here." My hind end dropped to the floor and I just sat there, rather dumb-struck by what I had just been told. My friends, family, books, games, even my cat. I'd never get to see any of them again? All because of some stupid mirror? I was not pleased in the least, but I did my best not to get angry. I could vent when I was alone. In the meantime though, I had no idea what I was going to do with myself. I knew nothing of this Equestria place, and even less about my new self. I had no friends to call on, no money, and home. "I don't know what to do..." I finally said with a sigh. "Seeing as you cannot return to your world, you will be permitted to remain here in the Palace until you so choose to leave." The dark pony said softly. I shrugged halfheartedly. "That's kind of you, but what if your Princesses don't share your opinion? This is their home after all..." The dark pony smiled and rose up regally. "I am Princess Luna. Keeper of the night, and master of the moon. And I say that you are welcome." I was dumb-struck again. This was one of the Princesses? Leave it to me to not notice, and to talk to her like she's a normal everyday person. I'm certain that the wideness of my eyes made my surprise crystal clear to her, and after a decent moment of pause, I managed to at last speak again. "Uhh.... Thank you very much, your Highness?" I tried to move to a more respectful stance, but my legs refused to work at the moment. It seems I was still in slight shock at finding out I'd never be able to go home. "You may address me as Luna." Luna said amused, "And what name to you go by?" "Uhh... Chris." I said. "Chris?" Luna repeated thoughtfully. She stared at me rather intently for a moment, then spoke again. "That is an odd name. Very unlike our names here in Equestria." I shrugged. I wasn't sure how to reply to that. "Would you mind standing before the Mirror of Worlds once more?" She asked, "We wish to see where you are from." I didn't understand, but I did as she asked. I got to my feet and stood in front of the mirror. Again, I saw the silvered pony I had become. "This will only take a moment." Luna said. She leaned her head towards the mirror and tapped it with her horn. In response, the entire surface of the mirror pulsed with a strange purple hue. A moment later, I watched in awe and relief as my reflection shifted to show me as I should be, human. I looked exactly as I had been earlier that night. Blue jeans, a black t-shirt and boots. "I'm back to normal!" I gasped, stepping closer to the mirror. As I stepped forwards however, I felt my heart wrench as I heard the soft clop of a hoof. I looked down in dismay as I realized that I was still a pony. I glanced at Luna, rather depressed and she bowed her head slightly. "We apologize," she said softly, "It was not our intention to confuse you. We merely desired to see the world in which you come from. Now that we know, we can determine how best to help you to adjust." I sighed and looked longingly at my old reflection. "Due to the nature of your predicament," Luna continued softly, "We would offer a different name for you while you reside here, if you wish it. One of a less exotic nature. Though the choice is ultimately yours to make." I shrugged, now more depressed than ever and said "Alright." After all, what was I going to do? Say no to an offer from a Princess? I had no idea of the customs or policies here. And I had no desire to offend royalty. "Then we would call you... Silver Wing," Luna said thoughtfully, "A fitting name for any Pegasus." I had no idea, but I smiled and thanked her for my new name none the less. "Come, we will find you a room to call your own," Luna said, starting back towards the door, "You are no doubt in need of rest." Princess Luna led me silently through the darkened halls of the palace. I saw next to no one as we walked, except for a pair of armored ponies that seemed to be standing watch outside a pair of large doors. They bowed respectfully at Luna, who in turn nodded her head in acknowledgment as we passed. The palace seemed to be unending in its layout. There always seemed to be more doors around every corner. And for every hall we passed, two more seemed to branch off from their ends. As I was working up the courage to ask this Princess how much farther our destination was, she stopped and gestured to a door. "This will serve as your room so long as you wish to remain here in Canterlot." She said, nodding her head in a slight bow. "Thank you very much Princess.. Err, Luna." I said slowly. She smiled and much to my surprise, I could have sworn I saw a shimmer of purple light creep along her horn. The shimmer was gone as soon as it had appeared though, and a faint click from nearby drew my attention to the door. It was open now, but how? She hadn't touched it. At least, not that I had seen anyways. "How did you...?" I mumbled my thought aloud. "All will be explained in time," Luna said reassuringly, "For now, rest." "Alright..." I said, though I still wanted to know how she had opened the door. She motioned for me to enter the room, and I obliged. Walking in, I found myself in a large room. There was a very large bed in the center, with a soft rug beneath. A few shelves lined the walls with books and other assorted items filling them. And a massive window took up most of the back wall. Drawn to what lay beyond, I walked over to the window and once more saw the sprawling city and grasslands beyond. I seemed to be in one of the upper sections of the palace, so I had a grand view. It didn't seem real. I was cleaning an attic an hour ago. And now I was in some strange new world with talking ponies and magic mirrors. "Rest now," I heard Luna say softly from behind me, "We will summon you at dawn for breakfast." I barely heard her, too lost in my own mind. It was a bad habit of mine, zoning out like that, but it always helped me to think more clearly in the long run. > I'm Not the Only One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had not moved from my spot in front of window all night. I was still practically drowning in my own thoughts and concerns. And little beyond what I should do next crossed my mind. Before I had even realized it, the sun had risen up before me. It seemed to happen in a matter of moments, right before my eyes. I shook my head to wake myself, assuming I had dozed off while sitting there. "Guess I can sleep while sitting up now." I said to myself with a chuckle. I stood up and stretched as best I could. I still wasn't used to the new body I had come to posses, so I tested my flexibility since I was alone. Stretching much like a cat would, I arched my back high and then extending my front legs forwards as I lowered myself back down. Mid way through my decent, the wings I had forgotten I even had abruptly unfurled. The dusting sheet I had been wearing as a form of clothing flew off my back as my wings opened themselves. I jumped backwards in startled surprise as I was reminded of these new feathery attachments. "Right... Wings..." I said to myself as I looked back at them. I rolled my shoulders in an attempt to figure out what muscles actually moved them. I tried moving this way and that, but my wings seemed to have a mind of their own and remained effectively motionless. I spent several minutes trying to figure them out before I finally gave up. Then I spent several minutes more trying to tuck them back against my sides like they had originally been. Eventually, after resorting to manually closing each wing with my hooves, I finally had them both closed again. Dropping onto the large bed with a sigh, I caught the sound of soft knocking at my door and groaned. I rolled off the bed and got to my feet once again. The door handle was a lever style like the others I had seen in the halls, so even with my lack of fingers, I opened the door easily. Looking out into the hall, I found one of the armored guard ponies standing outside. He was white in color with a blue mane and eyes. "Uh.. Can I help you?" I asked, hoping I hadn't done something wrong. "Princess Luna has requested your presence in the dinning tower. If you are rested enough." The guard said sternly, but politely. "Oh, right." I said with a slight start. I had entirely forgotten that Luna had said she would summon me in the morning. "This way then please." The Guard said, gesturing down the hall. I headed the way he had gestured, and about halfway down the hall I froze. I had forgotten my sheet and was once again walking down the hall completely naked. The guard looked at me with a confused expression. "Is everything alright?" He asked. "Uhh..." I began slowly. I wasn't sure what to say or do now. The guard didn't seem to care that I was naked. And aside from the armor he was wearing, he didn't have much on either, nor had Luna the night before for that matter. Taking a breath I asked him outright. "Should I wear anything specific for breakfast? Or is it fine to be seen in.... Nothing?" He glanced at me rather quizzically, then gave a shrug. "You look fine to me." He said, clearly not understanding my concern. "So it's normal to walk around with nothing on then?" I asked. The guard stared at me, his confusion clear on his face. "I don't understand what you're asking." He said slowly. "Never mind, I think that answers my question." I said quickly, trying to laugh it off as nothing. With the guard reacting to my question as he had, I felt decently safe in my assumption that I was alright to be seen as I was. After all, what guard would let a visitor greet royalty in something inappropriate? At least, that was my hope anyways. The guard half frowned at me, then continued on with a slight shake of his head. I followed close behind, still self conscious, but a little more relaxed. After a while, I caught sight of Princess Luna in the corridor ahead. She seemed to be waiting at the base of a staircase. "Good morning to you, Silver Wing," She said as we neared her, "We trust your rest was pleasant?" I nodded, though I refrained from telling her that I sat by the window all night instead of sleeping in the bed. "I hope you had a decent sleep as well." I said, trying to be polite. She smiled oddly at me for a moment before she spoke again. "We are the keepers of the night," She said, "As such, we do not sleep until the light of day covers this land." "Oh," I said in surprise, "So then... Would this be your dinner time?" "Indeed," Luna said, "Now come. We shan't keep the others waiting." "Others?" I repeated curiously. Luna nodded at me, then addressed the guard that had brought me to her. "Thank you," she said, "You may return to your post." The guard gave a bow, then left with a stern "Ma'am." I followed Luna up the stairs as best I could. I found I had to watch and place my feet down carefully to avoid tripping. Before I had realized it, she was already a fair ways ahead of me. And by the time I reached the door to the dining room, Luna was already seated and waiting for me. I found it terribly awkward to be the only one entering the room at that point and quickly took in my surroundings to change my thoughts. I saw three other ponies sitting around a large, round table. Luna was already sitting off to the right. Across form her, sat a green colored pony. She looked a little smaller than Luna, and though she had a horn, she had no wings. It took me a moment to recognize the pony as the one I saw a guard with the night before and I couldn't help but wonder who she might be. Clearly someone of importance to be having breakfast with Luna. Glancing to the third pony, I noticed quite quickly that it was larger all of us. This one was a pure white in color, with a shimmering mane of blue's and greens. As I looked her over, I noticed that this white pony possessed both a horn and wings, just like Luna. I had to assume to that this must be the Princess Celestia that Luna had mentioned the night before. Though I couldn't be certain. After a moment of pause, I quickly made my way to the nearest cushion and found myself sitting across from the larger white pony, with Luna to my right, and the green pony to my left. "And who do we have here?" The white pony asked. She turned her head towards Luna, but her eyes stayed fixed on me. I felt my stomach tense as she clearly surveyed me. "A new guest, sister." Luna replied with a small smile. “Oh really? And what is your name then?” She asked, turning to face me directly. “My name?” I replied, momentarily caught off guard by her speaking to me, “Chr- uhh... Silver Wing.” I glanced at Luna, hoping the name I used was the right one. “Hmm, a fine name.” Celestia said with a nod. She glanced over at Luna and echoed herself a second time. After a moment of thought, she returned her gaze me to me and introduced herself in turn. “Well then, I am Princess Celestia." She smiled for a moment, then gestured towards the green pony to my left. "Have you met our other guest before?” She asked. I glanced over to the green pony, not entirely sure what to say. I hadn't met her before, no. But I saw her in the halls last night while I was sneaking around. I'm sure that would go over well... Thankfully, the green pony managed to speak before I could hang myself with my own words. "Oh, I'm..." She started slowly. She seemed to be just as nervous as I was, and it took her a moment to finish introducing herself. "I'm Meadow Dawn." She gave a slight bow of her head, and I couldn't help but smile slightly. At least I wasn't the only one who was nervous here. Before I could say anything, yet another pony came in from outside the doors behind me. He trotted up to the table and bowed politely. "And what would you like to have today?" He asked, looking to Celestia. “I'll have some warm oatmeal please.” Celestia said, a kindly smile seemingly etched onto her face. “We would enjoy the apple salad with tea this morning.” Luna answered next. Of the two, Luna seemed to be more distant and correct with her speech than her sister, and I couldn't help wonder why. Before I knew it, the order pony was staring at me rather expectantly. I had no idea what they had to eat here, so I went with the easiest choice. “Uhh... I'll have the apple salad too please.” “Did you want a drink as well?” He asked. “Sure, tea'll be fine.” I said quickly. I caught a hint of a smirk from Luna and glanced at her, wondering if I'd done something wrong by ordering as she had. The server moved on and cleared his throat to get Meadow Dawns attention. Apparently, she really was as nervous as I was. “Whatever works best for breakfast here then.” She replied quickly. The server hesitated, clearly unsure what he was supposed to jot down. Thankfully for Meadow Dawn, Celestia chimed in for her. “Oatmeal would be a fine start for her then as well." She said, "We'll fetch you if we need anything more thank you.” “Of course Princess!” The server replied. He bowed respectfully, then headed back out the door with our orders. A momentary lul of silence passed over the table. I glanced from one pony to the next, unsure what to say or do. With a slight sigh, Princess Luna eventually broke the silence. “It would seem you both are here not by your own choice, and I will say again how sorry we are for your trouble.” She lowered her head in pause, seemingly saddened by the situation, then continued. “It would be our hope that you both find happy and productive lives here in Equestria.” I looked over at the green pony named Meadow Dawn and stared at her in surprise, my mind racing anew at what Luna had just said. 'She's not from here either?' I thought, 'So is she from my world too then? Or does Luna mean from outside Equestria?' I found Meadow Dawn to be staring at me with a similar expression and I quickly came to feel both relieved and hopeful. After all, if she was from my world, then maybe I could get back the same way she got here. “So you came through the mirror too?” I asked, trying to hide the shock I knew was clear in my voice. “Yes..." She said slowly, "And my home was locked.” I faltered for a moment as I caught the accusation in her words, but before I could say anything, Princess Luna defused the situation. “Do not be hasty Meadow Dawn,” She said sternly, but softly, “There is more than one mirror that is connected to Equestria. And more than your two worlds share that connection.” Meadow Dawn seemed to mumble a little, then I heard her issue an apology. I was a little annoyed with the accusation, but I let it slide. I could see how she might have thought I broke into her place, even if I didn't. “No worries,” I said, “But why can't you go back? Did your mirror break too?” “Too?” She repeated in surprise, “No, no, I'm afraid it's a bit more... Complicated. I'm being blocked. Something's blocking my way every time I tried to step toward the mirror.” “You could say that, though it is not quite right.” Luna said, nodding thoughtfully. “What do you mean?” I was confused now, and couldn't help but ask Luna what she meant. “I am afraid that is something Dawn will need to find for herself.” she replied quietly. “Though that does not mean she will be without help.” Celestia added. I half frowned at the lack of information, but I wasn't going to press royalty if they weren't willing to speak. “What kind of help then?” Meadow Dawn asked after a few more moments of silence passed between us. “I'm glad you asked.” Celestia said with a growing smile. She paused as the sound of hoof steps rose up the stairwell. A moment later, the server who had taken our orders appeared. “Breakfast is served!” He said cheerfully. He used his hooves with surprising dexterity, and gently placed everyone's meals onto the table in the order we had spoken to him. I thanked the server and then proceeded to stare at my meal unsurely. There were no forks. Or any silverware for that matter, so I was at a slight loss as to how to go about eating this meal without being rude. I heard a squeak from my left and saw Meadow Dawn wiping oatmeal off her nose. It took me a moment to notice, but in the air just before her, I saw a spoon. It was just... Floating there. It seemed to have the faintest shimmer of green around it, and as I tried to understand, I quickly noticed the same shimmer around Meadow Dawns horn. I watched in amazement as the spoon lowered itself into the bowl of oatmeal, then rise back up on its own. The spoon hovered before Meadow Dawn as she blew on it, then it slowly drifted towards her open mouth. Only it just missed, and instead poured its contents onto the tip of her nose, prompting another squeak from her. “Wait," I said aloud, my thought escaping before I could contain it, "How are you doing that?” Meadow Dawn glanced over at me, embarrassment clear in her green eyes. “I... I don't really know.” She said with a faint shrug. “Unicorns often can use magic Silver," I heard Celestia explain as she paused eating, "Just as Pegasi like you can fly.” 'They can do what!?' I thought in surprise. "They... They can?" I asked, not entirely believing her. I mean, I knew I had wings now, but even so. To actually fly with them? It seemed an impossible thought to me. “Yes, you can.” Luna said. She fluttered her own wings for a moment and I couldn't help glance back at my own. I remembered the difficulty I had in getting them back by my sides earlier, but I attempted to flutter them as Luna had anyways. I failed miserably in my attempt, barely succeeding in making them quiver. With a frown I look back at my salad and try to eat it as best I can using only my mouth. I caught Meadow Dawn lean over her oatmeal and begin drinking it from the bowl in a manner similar to how I was trying to eat my salad. I wasn't sure if she was doing that to make me feel better since I couldn't use magic, or because she was annoyed with burning her nose. But for the moment, I was glad I wasn't the only one eating this way. I was hungrier than I had thought, and I made short work of my salad. I was never a big fan of salads, but this one was surprisingly good. After finishing, I found myself staring at the tea cup I had ordered. Its contents had cooled significantly by now, but I wasn't going to be rude and let it go to waste. I tilted my head this way and that as I tried to figure out how to safely drink from this cup. I had hoped to find out the trick to it by watching Luna, but she had a horn. And that allowed her to use magic like I would have used a hand in my world. Finally seeing no other option, I tried to emulate what I saw the server do. I gently placed the inner parts of my hooves on either side of the cup and carefully lifted it to my face. That part of my hooves seemed far softer than the hard shoe area in the front, so it wound up working decently well for me. It was a great deal like trying to drink while wearing oven mitts. A little awkward, but doable. I finished the tea before I placed the cup back down, not wanting to press my luck lifting it more than once. Finally done with the meal, I let a soft sigh escape me and sat back a little more relaxed. “I know it may be difficult to adjust," Celestia said softly, "But you'll come along just fine I'm sure.” 'Difficult?' I thought, fighting the urge to frown, 'You have no idea...' “Now, you must realize that very few ponies know that other worlds exist.” Luna began to explain. She seemed far more serious than I had seen her before, so I listened to her words carefully. “As such," She continued, "It would be greatly appreciated if you did not speak of this to anyone.” I could understand what she was getting at. I know how such claims would be taken on my world and I had no desire to be treated like a crazy person. “Naturally, this means we'll need to find you both a way of getting along here in Equestria," Celestia stated, "So what sorts of things were you two good at where you were from?” “You mean like... My job?” I asked, “Or my hobbies?” Luna nodded at me in response, so I took that to mean 'Both' and continued. “Well, I was in law enforcement...” I said. Then I paused as I caught both Luna's and Celestia's gazes narrow slight. “I was in customer service," Meadow Dawn said, taking the pause to start her turn, "But I always liked technology, or games. I didn't have the talent to put my imagination to work in other ways.” “I also always liked sword fighting, writing, video games,” I let out a slight chuckle hoping nothing else I said would seem to strike a nerve, and added “Old history, and mythology too.” “And what brought you to that line of work?” Luna asked me. Her voice held a notable air of caution to it, and I immediately regretted saying anything. All I could do now was just be honest, and hope my answer was to their liking, so I took a breath to calm myself and explained as best I could. “Someone has to uphold the peace and keep people honest. If not, there wouldn't be anything worthwhile to come home to.” Luna nodded me, seeming to either understand or accept my statement. I held in a sigh a relief as she finally turned her attention to Meadow Dawn. “I just like helping people,” She said with an honest shrug, “I didn't have the ability to make anything anyone liked so I just worked on helping people be happy, or understand something they didn't before.” "You both seem to have very helpful pasts," Celestia said, seemingly accepting of our answers, " I'm sure you'll fit right in here in Equestria. But first... I think it would be best if the two of you learned how to be yourselves here." She looked at Meadow Dawn and spoke with a seemingly parental tone. “A Unicorn isn't a Unicorn unless she can use the magic her horn grants her." She said. Then she turned to me. “And a Pegasus that can't fly simply will not do.” She said in the same tone. Looking to Luna, she continued. "My dear sister, where do you think they would be best off learning about themselves?" Luna seemed to grow thoughtful for a moment, then looked right at me again. "I believe learning with the Aerial Pegasai Guard would be best for this one. We are curious as to the techniques used in his world. But as for you...” she said, turning to face Meadow Dawn, “It is probably best if you learned the basics of magic before we taught you how to handle bigger magics such as your other self. A visit to magic kindergarten perhaps.” 'The Aeriel Pegasai Guard?' I thought, 'So what am I going to then, boot camp?' I lost myself in my head for a moment as I dwelt on the prospect of actually flying freely through the skies. The thought was appealing to be sure. I had always dreamed of flying through the open skies, but surely something like that was impossible, even here... Movement finally caught my attention and I noticed that Princess Luna and Celestia were getting to their feet. 'I have to stop zoning out like that!' I mentally yelled at myself, 'I hope I didn't miss anything they may have said to me...' “But, why kindergarten?” I heard Meadow Dawn ask, and I tilt my head curiously. I definitely missed something that was said. Why was Meadow Dawn going to kindergarten? “It is the place that all unicorns have to learn their trade," Celestia explained to her, "And you may yet learn other things there that we might not think to teach.” 'So we're going to different places...' I thought, 'I'll have to speak with Meadow Dawn afterward then. I need to know if she's from my world or not. If she's in the same boat as I am, we might be able to figure a way out of this together. Hopefully...' Straightening myself I look to the Princesses and ask the question I figured was on both mine and Meadow Dawns minds. "So when do we begin?" “Right away," Celestia said, "Both of you should start your schooling as soon as you can.” “Might as well start now, I guess,” I said with a shrug, “Nothing else to do really.” I let out a laugh and smiled as confidently as I could. “Well, nothing else that we know of anyway.” I hear Meadow Dawn add. I glanced over at her and smirked. “I'll take you both there myself," Celestia said, "Come along, it's not far. And if we go now, you'll arrive right at their play time.” 'Playtime?' I thought, 'She must mean the kindergarten.. At least, I hope she means the kindergarten' “I hope you rest well then Luna.” Meadow Dawn said as she followed Celestia out of the room. "Good night Luna." I add in turn, before following after Meadow Dawn. "Enjoy learning to fly, Silver Wing," I hear Luna say softly, "I am certain you will come to enjoy the freedom it brings." It was an appealing thought, even though I still found it highly unlikely that I could ever fly. I glanced over at Meadow Dawn and took this time to ask her thoughts on the matter. “So, what do you think of all this Dawn?” “Well,” she said, “It's definitely strange to be walking on four legs. I miss my hands. And my books, and my games.” She paused for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, then continued.“I'm still trying to figure out why horses, or ponies or whatever, and I don't know what to expect... I'm scared...” I noticed her grow a little more tense and cursed myself mentally. I hadn't meant to make her feel bad, I was just curious to see if she felt how I did. Which it seems was the case. “It'll be all right," I said softly, trying to make her feel better, "Just try to roll with it. Besides, by the sounds of it, you'll be able to get home eventually. So just try to stay positive till then." I laughed reassuringly and added, in an attempt to make her smile, “Though I don't know if I'll ever get used to not having hands.” “And by the sounds of it,” she said softly, “It's unsure whether I'll end up wanting to go back.” “If that were the case, wouldn't that mean you would be happier in the end?” Celestia asked, clearly having overheard our conversation. “I suppose so.” Meadow Dawn answered. After a moment, she looked back at me curiously. “What about you?" She asked, "What would you do since you can't go back then?" “I-I'm not sure...” I said slowly. Her question caught me off guard for some reason. I had been thinking about this all night, but to have it directly asked of me shook me harder than I'd have liked. “I think both of you will find more here in Equestria than you will have bargained for," Celestia said comfortingly, "Then again, what you two do with yourselves now is another story.” As we neared a large pair of doors, Celestia's horn began to glow a yellow golden hue. The doors shimmered the same hue, then they both swung open effortlessly. 'That's a helpful trick.' I thought. Celestia led us away from the palace, down a road into the city. There were ponies everywhere. Unicorns, normal looking ponies, and other Pegasai like myself. None were flying though. And I frowned at that. 'Yes... Clearly they can all fly...' I thought sarcastically. Before I had realized it, we were walking up to a larger building that was on its own. There was a fenced off area filled with grass, and very small ponies were playing front. 'This must be the school.' I thought. As I scanned the small army of children, I found myself at a loss. Amongst the children, there were several Pegasus running and hoping about. And amongst them all, there were two that were flying in circles around the rest. My jaw literally fell open. There were two very small Pegasai flying with their wings as easily as a bird. At this sight, I came to a very startling realization. “Will I be able to walk to my school?” I asked Celestia quickly, hoping the concern in my voice was not nearly as prominent as it was in my mind, “I mean, I can't fly... I don't even know how to open my wings yet!” Celestia chuckled at me for a moment, then smiled. “Don't worry," She said, "You can use the stairs.” I sighed in relief. Then cursed myself mentally for not believing them that Pegasai could fly from the start. I knew they had no reason to lie to me, but some things you really do have to see to believe. “So just what kinds of things can magic do?” Meadow Dawn asked, catching my attention. That was something I was curious about too. I knew it could be used to open doors, and move spoons. And even to make magic mirrors that lead to other worlds, but what else could it do? “A great many things," Celestia replied, "It was magic that brought you here. And various magics are used to build our homes. Clean our waters. Even control our weather... The bigger question to ask, I think, is what do you want to use your magic to do?” Meadow Dawn paused at that. “Well, I don't know yet..." she said. There was the faintest shake to her words, and I couldn't understand why. "Perhaps I'll find my own way to use it to help people..." She said, "Somehow.” “Take your time," Celestia stated, "Not every pony knows what they will do, or how they will do it. Some of the latest bloomers of magic have done the greatest of things.” She smiled at Meadow Dawn, then looked ahead to the happily playing children. “So, flying huh?" Dawn said to me thoughtfully, "Think you'll have the hang of it by tonight?” She grinned at me, but the prospect of flying was more than a little concerning to me. I let out a heavy sigh and half shrugged in response. “I'm not really sure to be honest,” I said, “But I guess I'll find out soon enough.” I forced as confident a laugh as I could, then looked back to the young pegasai flying nearby. “Don't worry,” She said reassuringly, “We'll stick through this, and we'll try to figure something out together. Who knows, maybe I could figure out a way to fix your mirror?” I glanced up at her in surprise at that thought, but before I could ask Celestia if that was even possible, a yellow and orange pony trotted up to us from the school. “Celestia!" she exclaimed cheerfully, "How wonderful to see you! The children will be so excited to see you too!” “I am sorry, but I'm only able to spare enough time to introduce you to your newest pupil, Meadow Dawn." Celestia said, giving a nod towards the green pony beside her. “H-hi...” Meadow Dawn says shyly, giving a polite bow as she spoke. “She's new to Equestria," Celestia explained, "And comes from a village where she was the only Unicorn. She'll need to be taught how to use her magic, since they did not understand it where she is from.” “I understand," The yellow pony said with a smile, "Say no more. Come with me... It was Meadow right?” “Y-yes ma'am," Meadow Dawn replied, "Meadow Dawn, but Dawn is fine too.” 'Dawn,' I thought, taking note of the offered abbreviation, 'I'll have to use that in the future instead of Meadow Dawn. It's less of a mouthful.' Celestia gave a nod for me to follow her, and, after a glance back at Dawn, I obliged. She led me back towards the Palace, and I couldn't help but grow confused. "I thought I was going to a school too?" I asked. Celestia chuckled a moment then smiled back at me. "You are," She said, "Look up there, above the palace." I did as told, and what I saw left me momentarily speechless. A great many clouds were arranged in what looked to be a floating military camp of sorts. I could see several building shaped clouds, and a great many rings and other obstacles in the air all around it. "That is the Aerial Guard Academy," Celestia explained, "It moves around Equestria with the seasons to offer a variety of training area's for practice. You're fortunate that it's so close by." "I see..." I said slowly, surveying the Academy, "I uh... Thought you said there were stairs...?" "There are indeed," she said with a chuckle, "You see that tower there? The tallest one of the Palace? You can reach the Academy from there." I sighed to myself, a little relived, until she spoke again. "But I don't think you'll need them." She said. "W-what do you mean?" I asked quickly, more than a little concerned. "You'll see soon enough." she said, a parental smile becoming clear on her face. I groaned, and followed after her with a slight slump on my shoulders. Celestia led me to a large, open field behind the Palace and paused. "Wait here a moment, if you would." She said. I nodded, and watched in awe as she opened her large white wings and, in one powerful flap, took off into the sky like a streak of light. She soared through the sky and climbed higher and higher until she passed beyond my sight above the Academy. 'Can I really do that too?' I thought. My stomach knotted in a mix of fear and excitement at the idea. If I really could fly like that, soar the skies under my own power, then maybe being trapped here wouldn't be so bad after all As my mind raced with the possibilities, I couldn't help but try to open my wings and experiment with them. I failed several times to open my wings at first. Then, remembering the events of this morning, I stretched the same way. Lowering my front end and stretching like a cat would, I felt a strong shift in the muscles of my back. I paid close attention to every shift and sensation, and with a strong flex of my back, I felt my wings shoot out proudly. "Yes!" I exclaimed with no small degree of pride. Rolling my shoulders, I again payed careful attention to the new muscles I could feel. It didn't take me long to get them moving, and very soon I was flapping my wings. Though not nearly with enough strength to lift myself off the ground. I played with them like that for a while, flapping and moving them in any way I could before I found myself flapping harder and harder. I could feel the immense strength of my wings, and as I continued to increase the force of my wing beats I came to realize that they weren't even trying. I looked skywards and began to flap even harder, I could feel the wind rushing all around me in great gusts. Feeling the power of my body like that, I didn't take me long to work up the courage to try something a little more challenging. I stopped my flapping and took a quick glance around to make sure that no one was watching. Content that I was still alone, I raised my wings up high. With a grunt of exertion, I forced them down as hard as I could. The effect was instant, and far more direct than I had anticipated. My wings sent me straight up into the air, and almost before I could blink I had cleared nearly twenty feet. The sensation was exhilarating and time seemed to stop for a moment as I reached the crest of my lift. All to soon however, gravity won over and sought to return me to the earth once again. I flapped again. Softer than the first time, but still far to hard I realized with a yelp. I flew backwards like a bolt, instead of up like I had intended. I flailed aimlessly for a moment, then threw my head to turn myself in the direction I was moving. I flapped again, hoping to slow myself but I only succeeded in propelling myself even faster. Looking ahead, I found the side of the Palace racing towards me and I lurched to the left, trying to move myself as I knew a plane would to steer. I veered at the last second, but I knew I was going to hit the wall anyways, so I did the only thing I could think of. I reached out with my legs and used them to cushion the impact and guide myself out of the way. The impact was rough, and I barely managed to keep my footing, but four feet proved to be very adept at running at speed. I ran along the wall for several seconds, grinning widely before I leaped off with another hard flap. I laughed victoriously as I moved away from the wall, then I looked forward and shrieked in panic. Ahead of me was a large stand of trees, and I knew I could not avoid them. They were too close, and I was too inexperienced. "Crap, crap, crap!" I cursed aloud as I sailed towards them. I flapped my wings wildly in an attempt to save myself from the abrupt stop I was rapidly nearing, but I only succeeded in speeding myself up once again. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact, folding my wings against my sides and crossing my arms before my head. But much to my confusion, I felt nothing. I opened one eye, expecting to see the unforgivingly solid trunk of a tree about the meet my gaze, but I found myself to be floating in place some feet from the tree. Greatly confused I tried to move, but I found that I was unable too. It was then that I noticed a faint golden shimmer surrounding me. The shimmer was like a field of tangible energy and it held me firmly in place. I felt the shimmering barrier lower me softly until I was barely a foot above the ground, then it vanished like a wisp of smoke. I plopped onto the grass with a startled yelp, then looked around in confusion. It took me a moment, but I eventually caught sight of Princess Celestia hovering high above me. She had a wide grin on her face and she looked to be rather pleased about something. Floating beside her, I saw Pegasus. Light blue in color with a whistle hung around his neck. After a moment, Celestia and the blue pegasus descended towards me and landed softly nearby. "I see what you mean," the pegasus said to Celestia, "He's got some potential alright. He got higher in one flap than most, and he's got some speed to those wings. But his control needs some serious work. He almost painted the palace with his face!" "As I said," Celestia said to him, "Young Silver Wing here has been unable to practice flying until just today. He was the only Pegasus where he is from, as such, he never had a proper teacher." "Still odd he didn't try to figure it out on his own when he was younger," the blue pegasus said, frowning at me slightly, "But I'll leave it be as you asked, Princess." Celestia nodded at the pegasus, then introduced him to me. "This is Blue Breeze," she said, "He's been teaching the advanced flight classes at the Academy for almost fifty years now." "Too long," Blue Breeze said with a scoff, "But seeing as no else has the patience for it, I'm stuck with the job." It was then I noticed the signs of age on this pony. He had a pale beard along his chin, and streaks of white were present in his lightening blue mane and tail. "He may sound gruff and grumpy," Celestia said with a chuckle, "But he actually loves to teach young ponies like you to fly. Though he'd never admit it" Blue Breeze frowned at her and looked away with a snort. Celestia chuckled at the older pony then looked up at the sky as if seeing or hearing something I couldn't. "I'll leave you two to it then." she said thoughtfully. She glanced at me with a smile, then took a step back. "You're in good hooves with Breezy, Silver," she said, "He'll have you flying in no time." With another powerful flap of her wings, Celestia took flight once again and sailed off towards the palace like a great bird. I grinned after her as I thought about flying like that again, then I remembered that someone else was with me. Now alone with the old flight pony, I found myself incredibly nervous and rather embarrassed. It was one thing to mess up trying something on your own, but it was it another thing entirely to mess up while someone was watching. And by the conversation he and Celestia had just had, they both saw everything I did... The old pony cleared his throat and looked at me sternly. "Alright young'n," he said, "The Princess's asked me personally to get you airborne. And that's exactly what you're gonna be by the time I'm done with you!" I couldn’t help but smirk a little at the old ponies speech. It was comforting in a way. It reminded me of when I first singed up to be an officer a few years back. It was also nice to see some pony with a little bit of attitude. As nice as it was to be treated politely, it got a little weird if that was all you ever encountered. "And what's got you grinning, huh?" Blue Breeze barked. "Uh, sorry," I said, wiping the look from my face, "You just reminded me of someone is all." "Uh huh," he said, "Well don't expect to be reminded of nothin' but training for the rest of the day!" I sighed internally and resisted the urge to chuckle as I was reminded of my earlier days as an officer even more. "Understood sir." I said, shifting to attention. "That's better," he said, "The Princess told you my name, but you'll call me Breezy. Everyone else does." I nodded in understanding. "Now, I saw what you could do from up there," Breezy said, "You got some power, I'll give you that. But power is worthless if you don't got control! That little wall trick you pulled may have saved you from becoming an addition to the paint job of the palace, but you won't make it in the world of the Aeriel's with sloppy moves like that!" He spread his wings out and began to tilt them in shifting degrees and angles. "You see my wings boy?" he said, "Watch em closely. These here are the most important positions for keeping yourself up in the air outta the dirt." I watched his wings closely and didn't need to wait for him to tell me to try and copy him. I immediately spread my wings and began to figure out how to mirror the positions he was showing me. Breezy smirked as he found me to be copying him. "I usually gotta tell new fliers to copy what I show em. I'm impressed," Then his smirk faded, "But don't let that go to your head! You still ain't doin' it right!" I spent the better part of the next few hours simply learning how to move my wings into the various positions Breezy kept showing me. He was stern, but I could tell he had a real passion for teaching. He seemed to hold an enormous love for flying, and it didn't take much at all to get him talking about it. "Alright Silver," he said, grinning at me, "I think you're about ready to try it for real again." "What?" I gasped. I didn't feel ready. I had most of the positions he had shown me down, but it was always harder to put practice into play, especially for the first time. "You heard me," Breezy said, his grin growing wider, "Don't make me repeat myself boy." I hesitated and looked out at my wings. I wiggled them a little and felt the wind flow around the many feathers as they moved. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for my second attempt. "Nice and easy now," Breezy said, "Get yourself off your hooves, then go to position four and hold it." "R-right..." I said nervously. With a hard flap, I leaped into the air in much the same manner as the first time I had tried. I felt my stomach tense as I reached the height of my ascent and I shifted quickly into position four. I tilted my wings slightly and locked them in place. I lurched forwards rather abruptly as my wings caught the air and I tensed visibly in response. "Easy now boy!" I heard Breezy call from below, "Relax those muscles a little and ride the glide!" I wobbled horribly as I found myself gliding away from Breezy, and I couldn't help but flail my legs in a a vein attempt to stabilize myself. "Keep it together now!" Breezy yelled, "Now flap again! Harder this time! Get yourself some air!" I did as I was told and flapped hard. I felt the strong sense of lift in my shoulders and I rose several more feet with ease. Breezy gave a quick flap of his own wings and leaped into the air after me. In only two flaps he was right beside me and I couldn't help but be impressed with his wing strength. "Doing good boy!" he called, "Now, time to steer back towards the palace! Position twelve!" I faultered for a moment as I tried to remember which position twelve was and I shifted my wings. Abruptly, I tiled downwards and I yelped as I found myself careening towards the grass bellow. "That's seven not twelve!" Breezy yelled, "Back to four! Quickly!" Unfortunately for me, I was too flustered to remember which position was which anymore. I plummeted to the earth and tumbled hard as I slammed into it. I rolled to a stop a few feet away from my impact site and groaned aloud as I felt my head spin. Breezy landed beside me and shook his head with a frown. "Shake it off now," he said gruffly, "Or are ya gonna quit on me after one miss flap?" I tried to shake my daze off and barely managed to get to my feet. I stood shakily for a moment, eying the ground beneath me as I tried to regain my balance. "Well?" Breezy said, sounding rather annoyed, "You gonna go back home now, or get back to it?" I knew what he was trying to do. Motivation through pressure. But that didn't mean I liked it. I shot a glare at him and snorted. "What's that look there boy?" he barked, "Either get back in the air or go back to your home where not flying’s the way to go!" His words struck a rather sore nerve to me. "I'd love to go home, but I can't!" I barked back. Before Breezy could could say anything more, I crouched down low and I raised my wings high. I leaped up as high as I could into the air and flapped my wings with all my might. I took off straight up, and I didn't stop. I flapped again and again, and again. Each beat testing the strength of my wings as I vented out my irritation. "Hey now!" I heard Breezy yell after me, "Don't push your luck! If you take a tumble from that height you're likely to break something!" I was too annoyed to listen, and by the time I finally stopped flapping, I could see the flight academy far beneath me. My stomach knotted hard at the great height I found myself at and I felt my entire body freeze up in response. I started to fall, fast. I began to panic as I saw the academy rising up to meet me and I flailed about wildly in an attempt to get my wings working again. From out of nowhere, I saw breezy fly up beside me, a glare of concern clear on his face. "Flap those wings boy!" he barked, "Now!" His tone struck me like a bolt of lightning and my wings shot out to wither side of me once again. I felt an enormous pressure on my wings as they fought to counter my rate of decent. I grunted as I fought against the pressure, but try as I might, I was unable to flap my wings. The pressure was too strong. "If you can't flap free of the fall, then dive into it!" Breezy yelled, "Position nine, now!" I shifted my wings and tilted into the fall enough to catch the air currents. My speed picked up sickeningly fast and in a matter of seconds I was going triple the speed I had been falling at. I was having trouble seeing, but I knew I was heading straight for the academy. I tried to flap my wings to slow myself, but I quickly found myself locked into the dive. "Position four Silver!" I could hear Breezy yelling from behind, "Position four!" He was falling behind fast and the howl of the winds as they passed by me made it increasingly difficult to hear him. "Feel the winds boy!" I heard him yell faintly, "Let em flow and glide out!" I shifted my wings again and gritted my teeth as I felt a growing wobble of turbulence begin to overwhelm my wings. I thought I would loose it at any moment, but I forced myself to hold the position. I saw the academy ahead and threw my head to the side like I had done to avoid hitting the palace. I veered hard to the left in an attempt to avoid it, but my wings gave out at the abrupt change in pressure. My adrenaline kicked in to overdrive and I shot my wings out again. I was just able to recover and barely avoided crashing headlong into the academy. I felt my front hooves graze the clouds that made up the ground of the floating school, and a moment later I found myself under it. I saw the palace far bellow, and Canterlot around it. The view was amazing and I lost myself in it for a moment. Shifting my wings slightly as I relaxed, I leveled out my decent, then began to gain altitude again, slowing myself in the process. I settled into a stable gliding position and drifted in a wide circle above Canterlot. I sailed lower and lower, lost in the wonder of flight until I finally neared the ground. Turning my attention to my feet, I glided a few feet above the grass in preparation to touch down. Unfortunately, I was so focused on landing like Breezy had taught me, that I missed a familiar set of trees racing to greet me once again. And before I new it, I saw leaves, branches and then nothing. I woke up a few minutes later, on my back, and on the ground. Leaves and scattered twigs were laying all around me, and I could hear a deep howl of laughter from somewhere nearby. I rolled over with a groan and looked around in a daze until I found the source of the laughter. Breezy was trotting towards me, nearly out of breath from the apparent entertainment. "Well done Silver!" he gasped between bouts of laughter, "Well done indeed! I thought you were done for a minute there, but you managed to pull through just fine! Until you found that tree a course!" He burst into renewed laughter and sat himself down beside me to check me over. He poked me here and there with his front hoof, then seemingly content with his findings, began to shake his head at me. "I'm glad you're alright Silver," he admitted, "But a stunt like that coulda gotten you killed. Be more careful next time, ya hear?" His voice was softer than it had been all day, and I felt more than a little stupid for getting so worked up. "Yeah..." I said slowly, "I hear ya. Sorry..." "Well, you ain't hurt," Breezy said with a chuckle, "So don't you fret none." He smiled at me for a moment, then looked up at the distant academy. "Besides," he added, "I ain't seen the other flight instructors dive for cover like that in years!" He laughed again, "So the way I see it, it was a great first day!" "If you say so," I replied with a weak chuckle, "But if you don't mind, I think I'ma just... Lay here for a bit." I was exhausted. My wings felt like they were made out of lead. And so did my legs for that matter. And on top of it all, I had a splitting headache. No doubt from my using it to land on when I hit the tree. "You take the rest a day off and rest those wings," Breezy said, "No doubt they need a bit of break after that." I laid there for nearly an hour, half dozing as I relaxed in the sunlight and caught my breath. Breezy had departed for the day some time ago and had flew off back to the academy, so I was left alone to my thoughts. Eventually, I heard the clearing of someones throat and I looked around for the source of the noise. I saw a palace guard standing nearby, so I quickly got to my feet and bowed politely. The guard wore the standard armor I had seen the rest wear. His coat was white and his mane and tail was a comprised of varied shades of blue. "Hello," I said, "Can I help you?" "Are you Silver Wing?" he asked. "Yes, I am." I answered. "I am Stalwart Shield," he said, introducing himself, "And I am here to escort you and miss Dawn to dinner with the Princesses." "Oh," I said, slightly surprised, "Is it that time already?" Stalwart nodded and motioned for me to follow him. I gave a quick stretch and folded my wings against my sides before following after him. I had gotten the hang of moving my wings over the course of the day, and as simple as it likely was to other Pegasai, I felt very proud to be able to close them without the use of my hooves. Stalwart led me through the maze like halls of the palace. I knew I'd get the path down eventually, but for the time being, I was very glad to have a guide. "So, are we meeting up with Dawn on the way, or is she already waiting with the Princesses?" I asked, hoping I wasn't going to be last one to sit down again. Stalwart slowed his pace and glanced back at me. His look was friendly, but I could see a question lingering in his eyes. "We will be picking up miss Dawn shortly," he said, "I will be taking you both to the dining tower." He paused for a moment then asked in a more serious, but still friendly tone. "So how do you know miss Dawn, if I may ask?" I chuckled and gave an honest shrug. "I don't really know her," I explained, "We're both from another... Place. And we're both just as lost as the other. But aside from that, I haven't even had a chance to really speak with her." "I see," Stalwart said, giving a thoughtful nod, "Thank you." Stalwart seemed to lose himself in his thoughts, so we spent the rest of the walk in silence. While we walked on, I noticed an odd marking on his flank. It looked like a tower of some sort. 'That makes five now,' I thought, 'The Princesses have marks, but I thought that was a feature of royalty. Their country's symbol or something. But Breezy had wings now that I think about it. And even Dawn had a tattoo or whatever there too, didn't she?' I glanced back at my own flank, but I didn't see anything but my wings. I don't know why, but I was unsure if I wanted to check under them or not. With a frown, I eventually lifted my wings and saw a mark, clear as day, on my own flank. It looked like a shield, with a sword sheathed behind it, and what looked to be a quill in the center. Though I was having a hard time seeing it around my wings at the angle I was at. I had no idea what it meant, and before I could think to ask Stalwart, I found myself tumbling over someone. Evendentaly, Stalwart had stopped and I had been too focused to notice, so I had walked right into him, and we both yelped as we found ourselves on the ground. My face flushed with embarrassment and I clambered off Stalwart, apologizing quickly as I moved away from him. He frowned at me, then giving himself a shake, he returned to his guard like stature. "Accidents happen," he said, "Just try to be more careful next time, alright?" "Yeah..." Was all I could manage to say. I felt incredibly stupid. I was just glad no one else had been present to witness that. Stalwart turned his attention to the door before us and raised a hoof, before knocking on the door a few times. A moment later, I noticed a green shimmer on the door handle and watched as it started to open. I glanced at Stalwart, but he didn't have a horn, so I assumed it must be Dawn, using her magic. Stalwart took a step forward as the door opened and called into the room softly. “Time for your dinner with the Princesses, Dawn,” he said, “Are you feeling any better?” "Yes," I hear Dawn say from around the corner, "A bit, Thank you." A moment later, she came out and smiled at me for a moment. "Oh hi Silver! Did you... Well..." She fell silent as she looked at me and abruptly turned her gaze to the floor. "Are you alright Dawn?" I asked, growing concerned I may have done something without realizing it. “Y-yeah, I am," she replied, returning her gaze to me, "I just couldn't go to a school in the clouds... Way too scary for me.” I started to smirk at her, but she quickly turned her focus to Stalwart. “Should we get moving?” she asked. “Knowing my luck today," Stalwart replied, "I'll be quite early yet again. But we could always wait there if we need to.” He smiled a moment, then started off towards the dining hall. Dawn didn't follow after him, so I couldn't help feel she was still dwelling on something. My only thought was her comment about school in the clouds being scary. "Hey, it's not too bad once you get used to it," I said with as confident a smile as I could manage, "Though, to be honest, I still haven't set foot in the academy yet. Though I did almost crash into it." I laughed loudly as I recalled the incident. But cut myself short after a moment when I noticed the shocked glance I was met with. I felt doubly stupid now. First I walk into Stalwart, and now I mortify the only person in Equestria who knows what I'm going through. Smooth... After an awkward pause, Dawn finally seemed to notice that Stalwart had departed and dashed to catch up with him. She waved for me to follow and I couldn't help but smirk at her. “So how was your day Dawn?” I asked, keeping up with her as she walked behind Stalwart. “Well,” She said, “I learned there's a lot of spells... And I'm better at moving things than I am lighting things, or making music.... Definitely nothing that Starswirl's done yet.” She seemed to pause out of frustration, then continued on in a softer tone, “Yet... It's only my first day after all... Even they had to practice and learn, so I shouldn't be so upset.” I smiled at her, and had I my old hands back, I would have patted her on the back comfortingly. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time." I say, trying to reassure her. “First day?” I hear Stalwart chime in, “Didn't you practice even a little bit as a foal?” I groaned slightly at that but I left it be. After all, being in school all day, I'm sure Dawn's got her story down pat by now. “I... No, I,” Dawn said slowly before trailing off. I glanced at her, rather confused. 'Surely she's thought about an answer to that question by now?' I thought, 'I had mine before I even left the palace this morning!' “It never worked for me as a foal," She finally managed to get out, "So I just gave up on trying.” “Shame..." Stalwart said thoughtfully, "Still, I'm sure you'll make great magic one day.” I chuckled to myself as I watched Dawn glance away from him, shaking her head in polite disagreement. The conversation died off after that and we soon found ourselves at the dining tower once again. Stalwart nodded for us to go ahead, and I nodded back in thanks before heading up. Celestia and Luna were already waiting for us by the time we arrived, both already seated in their respective places. “Good evening students," Celestia called with a smile, "How did your days go?” I took the seat I had this morning, and Dawn did the same. Normally, I would let others speak first, but I couldn't help but chuckle anew at the Princesses question. “Well, I made Breezy laugh.” I said, unable to hide my grin. “Did you now?” Celestia asked glancing at me, “And how did you manage that?” I dropped my head a little and let out an amused sigh. “I may have almost crashed into the academy and made some of the other instructors dive for cover.” I said. I wasn't sure if I'd be in trouble or not, but no one got hurt, so I figured I'd be alright. Or at least, I hoped I would be. “Yes," Celestia said with a chuckle, "I heard about that. You seem to have a knack for those wings of yours after all!” I felt a little relieved and smiled back at her. I noticed a faint smile on Luna's lips as well, though she kept herself from laughing. Celestia turned her attention to Dawn, and waited patiently for her to speak of her day. Dawn seemed to be lost in thought again, as she had seemed to have been since I met up with her a few minutes ago. “Dawn?” Celestia called softly. “Oh, right!” Dawn said, finally returning to the moment. She looked at me and smiled. "Congratulations." I smirked widely at her and nodded my head slightly in Celestia's direction. It took her a moment to realize it was her turn to speak, then she glanced at Celestia and spoke quickly. “Well, I didn't expect to need to go to school again, but I learned a little bit about someone named Starswirl the Bearded and Crescent Bell. Then we just spent most of the day practicing magic.” She shuffled her feet shyly then seemed to regain her composure and went on, "I can move things around easily enough, but I can't make them turn, or make my horn give a light yet.” “Sounds like you're getting it down though,” I stated with a smile, “I still can't fly.” She glanced at me in surprise and I smiled wider at her. “And you need to remember,” Luna chimed in, “Most fillies struggle to do even the most basic magic. And light magic is not the easiest spell. Practice will ease your struggles.” “I will try.” Dawn said softly. She seemed to drift off into thought again and I shook my head. A moment later, a serving pony entered the room. He had a cart in tow with four meals already loaded onto it. 'I guess they ordered for us?' I thought, 'I hope they weren't waiting for us very long... We came straight here though, so maybe they're just in a hurry tonight?' I wasn't sure, but I figured if it was important, they'd let us know. The server dished out a large apple fritter, a small bowl of carrots, and a salad to me, Dawn, and Celestia. Then placed a casserole looking dish before Luna. The apple fritter smelt amazing, but I knew I'd need to let it cool some before i ate it, so I started on my salad. I watched the others at the table as they ate with their magic, and I couldn't help feel a little jealous of the ease in which they ate compared to me. Moving on to the next of my dishes, I tentatively picked up one the carrots with my teeth. Being careful not to crush it, I held the carrot in place with my hooves before taking a bite. It was sweet, and it had a spectacular crunch. It smelled of fresh earth and I savored the taste. I hadn't had good garden fresh carrots like this one in years! “Mmm!” I couldn't help but mumble out, “These carrots taste great!” I quickly devoured a second carrot, then a third. Finally finishing off the last of my surprisingly good carrots, I turned my attention to my apple fritter, but it was gone. It took me a moment to find it again. It was floating, just before me on the table. I was stunned. "H-how...?" I said aloud as my brain tried to understand. Then I noticed a faint green shimmer encircling my fritter and I looked to Dawn with a joking frown. I dropped my shoulders a little as Dawn lowered my fritter and went back to eating her own. Apparently, she missed the jest in my frown and I sighed to myself. 'I need to look myself over in a mirror tonight,' I thought, 'What I know as a joking frown face must not look right anymore thanks to this new one...' Finishing my thought with a shake of my head, I went back to eating my meal, though a little less enthusiastically. “Dawn,” Celestia said softly, “Usually it's polite to ask a pony their permission to play with their food.” I shot a glance up at her concerned, then I noticed her smile. Dawn on the other hand, looked very embarrassed. And I couldn't help feel sorry for her. Had I not tried to mock frown at her, she wouldn't be in the hot seat right now. “On the other hoof,” Luna said, “You've demonstrated significant improvement since this morning.” “Yes," Celestia agreed, "And it'd be a terrible shame if Silver here continued to ignore a Sweet Apple Acres apple fritter. Some pony else might snag it for themselves at this rate.” I glanced at her in surprised, quickly noticing the playful smirk she had on her face. 'She wouldn't.' I thought slowly, trying to guess if she were joking or not. Abruptly, I saw my fritter once again start to rise off the table and I gasped. 'She would!' I realized, and quickly grabbed the fritter up with my hooves as gently as I could. “No one's snagging it today but me!" I said with a laugh, before taking a decisive bite from one of the corners, "I don't know how much energy it takes to learn magic, but I know how much it takes to try and fly, and I need all the food I can get!” I took another bite and chuckled over at Dawn, hoping she saw the humor in this expression at least. My efforts seemed to pay off, as Dawn was now laughing at me. “It's true, it does take more energy to fly than to simply levitate food,” Luna stated, “Perhaps we should make things a little more fair?” A smirk reminiscent of her sisters crept onto her face and I caught the familiar glow of magic flow over her horn. I couldn't tell what she was doing at first, but a gasp from Dawn clued me in. Two of Dawns carrots were drifting away from her, seemingly in my direction. “Oh no you don't!" Dawn said with a laugh, "I need energy too you know!” I watched as her horn began to glow and turned my attention to the carrots. The dark purple sheen they were surrounded by became mixed with a rich green, and for a moment, the carrots stopped in mid air. Then the darker colored magic grew brighter, and a game of magic tug of war ensued. Luna was clearly stronger, but Dawn seemed to be doing alright for herself considering her opponent. Without warning, Luna released her hold over the carrots, and I winced as they both flew straight at Dawn like a pair of loosed bolts. Thankfully, Dawn was able to slow them before they got to close, but I still felt a soft sigh of relief escape me. “You've got a better grip on magic than you give yourself credit for Meadow,” Luna said with a smile, “Trust those instincts, and we shall see how far it takes you.” I was glad for Dawn. She was seeming to get her magic down pat without too much trouble. And she was a great deal more relaxed now than she had been this morning. So was I for that matter. I sighed a little as I recalled just how nervous I was this morning, but before I could dwell on it any further, I found a carrot to be floating before my face. With a second below it, just above my plate. It took me a moment to realize that Dawn seemed to be offering me the carrots, and I smiled over at her. "I thank you for the offer Dawn, but I'm sure you're hungry too.” I said, politely declining her offer. The truth was though, that even after eating all I already had, I was still very hungry. And the carrots here, as simple a thing as a carrot is, were amazing. At my words, one of the carrots Dawns magic held sway over shifted to attention. It moved back a foot or so and spun around, so the tip was pointed at me. “Nope, you've gotta eat," Dawn cooed, wiggling the carrot before me with her magic, "So either you eat, or you face the wrath of my carrot-point! Take up your carrot if you dare, en garde!” I almost burst out laughing, but I held myself together, but only just. I had been an avid practitioner of swordsmanship and martial arts since I was a kid, so it always made me laugh when someone challenged me to fight. Even in jest. I reached for the carrot that still hovered above my plate and paused as I was once again reminded of my new forms hand held limitations. I had no fingers to hold onto the carrot with. All to quickly I realized how useless I was about to be in a fight. All my weapons training was worthless without hands. I was mortified. I loved swordplay, but like this, it was quite literally something beyond my grasp. I forced myself to regain my composure. I could be depressed later. For now, I had to do what I could to keep the humor in the air. Carefully, I used the softer inner parts of my hooves to grasp at the carrot and fumble it in Dawns general direction. I knew this was going to end poorly, but I was committed. I gave as decent a cross slash as I could manage at the carrot floating before me. I swung softly, but even so, halfway through the motion my carrot pooped out from between my hooves and tumbled through the air towards the floor. My eyes followed that delicious carrot as it fell and I mentally scolded myself for wasting such good food. Luckily for me, and for the carrot however, the table was surrounded by Unicorns. The shimmer of Luna's magic washed over the carrot and carried it back over the table. “That's quite enough here tonight children,” Luna said sternly, though she spoke through a smile, “Now I know what it's like to have fillies at the table.” “I try to remind myself what that's like from time to time," Celestia said, "But I agree, that is enough for tonight.” Luna started to return the carrot to Dawn, but she held up a hoof and gestured to me. With a parental shake of her head, Luna redirected the carrot to my plate. The carrot Dawn had been using as a sword a moment ago settled along side it and I smiled at the both. “Well, seeing as I kinda lost that duel,” I said, wanting to be fair, “But you're so adamant that I have a carrot anyways, how about we share the spoils?” Dawn gave a polite shake of her head and smiled at me. “I'm fine thank you. I'm not nearly as hungry right now, and I still have plenty left.” I half sigh and finally give in. “We are not able to keep having these meals both morning and night.” Luna said, catching my attention, “We feel it would be best if we met in the evenings instead, so that we may hear of your progress throughout the day. Then as time passes and you grow more accustomed to life here, you may venture forward into the world on your own. Or, if preferred, remain in Canterlot were we could better assist you in locating a suitable calling.” It made sense. They were both royalty after all, so of course they'd be too busy to share every meal with us. As out of place as we were, it would be stupid not to think there were more pressing matters somewhere in this country. “If I may,” I caught Dawn start to ask, “I'd like to see about maybe trying to fix people's magic things... To see how hard it is, and if I might be able to help Silver's mirror be fixed eventually.” I eyed Dawn in surprise. I didn't think my mirror was repairable, after what Luna had said. “That is a calling few even dare to attempt,” Luna stated, “Tampering with another pony's spells, no matter their intent, poses great risk. Yet, for those few who are suited to the task, their talents are revered far and wide.” Celestia seemed to grow thoughtful for a moment. And I watched as the corners of her ever present smile seemed to fade a little. “Should you do well on your studies, Meadow Dawn, I may have a few such items you could test your skill with.” She had spoken slowly. Clearly emphasizing that it wasn't going to be as easy as it sounded. “I understand I may fail," Dawn said, "But I'm used to seeing how things work, and at least trying to redo what others have done... I learned a great deal of moving things from school by watching the... Fillies? And it is my hope that I can do the same here.” “You certainly do have an appropriate Cutie Mark, Meadow Dawn,” Celestia said thoughtfully, “May it serve you well.” I watched in confusion as both Celestia and Luna lowered their heads in a respectful bow to Dawn. I didn't want to interrupt their moment, but I needed something the said explained to me. I raised my hoof stupidly and tried my best not to seem rude by changing the topic of their conversation. “Uhh, stupid question I'm sure," I said, "But... What's a Cutie Mark?” “Oh my," Celestia gasped, surprise clear on her face, "I had explained what a cutie mark was to young Dawn when I first met her, so I'm afraid it slipped my mind. I'm sorry Silver." “No worries,” I said, dropping my hoof quickly, “It's not a big deal, really.” “We had not thought to explain either,” Luna stated, “But we will rectify that now.” Celestia nodded, and Luna began to speak. “A "Cutie Mark" is a special mark that every pony gets when they realize their own special destiny," she explained, "It is a visual representation of that ponies inner most passion and drive. Most ponies get their cutie marks when they are very young, though some do not receive theirs until they have matured.” I looked back at the mark on my flank and scrutinized it. “And everyone gets one?” I asked. “They do.” Luna said. “Where do they come from," I asked, looking back to her, "And how come I have one already?” “They come from within,” Celestia answered, “And you have one because at least some part of you knows what you desire to do.” She smiled wider at me and titled her head, seeming to glance at my mark. “And if I had to guess, I would say that your calling is to protect those that cannot protect themselves.” I glanced back at my mark and frowned thoughtfully. I had always been first to step into trouble if it meant helping those in real need. Always. That's why I first got into law enforcement. To help those that really needed it. And there was nothing I wouldn't do to save someone I cared about. But to have that branded on me for everyone to see? I wasn't sure how to feel about that. “And me?” I hear Dawn ask after a moment. I glanced over at Dawn and looked closely at the mark she had. It looked like a sun, rising over a hill of grass. I had no idea what it could represent though, aside from maybe... Morning light? “What I see in your Cutie Mark,” Celestia said, “Is why I named you Dawn. The light of Dawn is a light of hope. The hope that a new day will bring an even better and brighter day than the last. You said so yourself that, even in your own world, you sought to shed your light on the lives of others and help them as best you could.” Dawn seemed to be as taken back as I was by, but before either of us could ask any more, Celestia rose from the table. “Now, It's time for bed," she aid softly, "Lest you be late for school tomorrow you two. We've covered a great deal tonight, and if you have more questions, you're welcome to bring them to us next time.” I had a great many more questions to ask, but for the moment, I was satisfied. A guard came to lead us back to our rooms and I bowed politely to Celestia and Luna. They nodded their heads in farewell, and I left with Dawn and the guard. I hadn't been tired since my lessons with Breezy some hours ago, but the moment I set foot in my room, it was like a wave of exhaustion hit me. I don't know if it was the food, what I learned tonight, or what. But I was so tired I almost laid down right there on the carpet. With great effort, I dragged my feet to the bed and groaned at how high up it seemed to be. I gave a flap of my wings and leaped into its comfort, falling asleep before I even had time to retract my wings. > Grasping at Clouds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke with a start as my door flew open, slamming hard against the inner wall. I practically fell out of bed as I scrambled to get to my feet and find out what was going on. Panting with adrenaline, I found Breezy to be standing in my doorway, a scowl on his face. "B-Breezy?!" I said in shock, "What are you doing here?" "What am I doin' here?" Breezy barked, "What are you doin' here! Class started an hour ago!" "W-what!? Where?" "At the Academy boy! Get those feathers outta your ears and get moving!" He stormed off and I gave a quick look over my shoulder to look out my window. It was day, but I couldn't see the sun. So I had no idea what time it was, but I took Breezy's word that I was late. I didn't even think about food. I just ran out of my room and caught up with Breezy. He was grumbling to himself about something, so I stayed quiet until we were outside. "Well, what are you waitin' for, get going!" Breezy barked, "You're already late. You don't want to make the instructors wait even longer do ya?!" I looked around the palace grounds, but aside from the ever present guards, there wasn't a soul in sight. "Uhh... Where are they?" I asked tentatively. "What do you mean where are they?" Breezy snorted. He gestured skywards and frowned at me. "They're at the school boy, where do ya think they'd be?" "W-what?" I gasped, "But I can't even fly yet!" "You proved you could make it that high yesterday didn't ya?" He said matter of factly, "So do it again! Just be sure an' stop once you've broke even with the Academy grounds. We don't need you breaking somethin' on your second day." Before I could get another word out, Breezy gave a hard flap of his wings and took off towards the academy. I was speechless. I may have gotten some air yesterday, but that ended with me out cold beneath a tree. Did Breezy really expect me to be able to make it to the academy on my own? And even if I did make it there, there's no way I'd be able to stay up in the air for a whole lesson. I couldn't hover like he could yet, and it's not like I can walk on those clouds! I groaned loudly and stomped a hoof into the ground hard. "Whatever," I growled aloud, "I'm either gonna make it, or fail. So I might as well get this over with and find out which." I opened my wings and stretched long and hard. Making doubly sure to get any kinks I may have out of my system. Kneeling down, I fluttered my wings as a warm up and took a deep breath, steeling myself for the attempted flight. With a snort, I lept as high as I could and began flapping my wings hard. I lurched upwards with the first flap, then with each subsequent one, I began drifting further and further backwards. "Oh come on!" I bark as I feel myself topple over backwards. A moment later, I was flat on my back in the grass, the wind wholly knocked out of me. I heard the sound of trotting approach, then saw a palace guard standing over me. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Just peachy." I wheezed. The guard looked at me a little concerned and then nodded his head in a slight bow. "If you should need aid, please inform me. I will be within earshot." "Sure thing." I said, shakily waving him off. 'Good to know that screw up was seen...' I though, feeling rather embarrassed, 'Bet I hear about this at dinner tonight...' I laid there for a minute or so, slowly recovering my breath as I prepared for a second attempt. Getting back to my feet, I again lept into the air and tried to take flight. My second attempt, though not as painful, was equally unsuccessful, and I soon found myself sprawled out on the ground once again. 'Okay, what am I doing wrong!?' I thought angrily, 'I did alright yesterday, so why can't I even get off the ground today!' I groaned aloud and dropped my head against the grass. "If I may offer a suggestion?" I heard the guard call softly from his post nearby. "Sure," I said flatly, "Fire away." I didn't look over at him, I just kept my eyes closed and attempted to figure out my wings problem. "You seem very tense," he said, "And your efforts seem a bit... Rushed." "I'm late for class," I said with a frown, "And I need to be up there sooner than later." "I understand," he said, "But why rush if you're already late? Relax yourself and get there at your own pace." I glanced over at the guard, rather dumbfounded by his words. He was right, I realized. Few things ever work out if you try to rush through it, especially something that requires finesse. I looked up at the distant academy and shook my head. I took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly to calm myself. Opening my wings wide beside me, I gave them a few warm up flaps. A soft breeze grew around me and I quickly felt my tension at being so late fade. "Alright, let's try this again." I said. With a leap, I flapped my wings and lurched upwards through the sky. I climbed steadily higher and higher with each flap and I grinned widely as I found my third attempt seem to succeed. Glancing back, I yelled my thanks to the guard that had helped me. He nodded his head and turned his attention back to his post. I stumbled a little as I made my way to the the academy grounds, but I managed to keep it together. Within a minute, I was looking down over the plane of clouds that served as the main floor of the academy. I faultered for a moment as I looked down at the clouds and nearly began to tumble back towards the ground, but I quickly shifted my wings to a gliding position. I began a slow circle of the area to save myself as I tried to comprehend what I saw. I had only seen the academy from below. And yesterday when I was above it, I had been too focused on not plummeting to my death to take in any real details. But looking down at it now, it was a great deal more solid looking than I thought. The buildings were not nearly as fluffy as they looked from bellow, most complete with windows and doors. Most surprising of all though, was that there were Pegasai walking, sitting, and some even laying around on the clouds themselves. I didn't make any sense to me. Clouds were masses of evaporated water, they weren't dense enough to support a solid object atop it. This new revelation answered several questions that had previously confused me though. Like how new students could even attend this school in the first place. I had thought students would start on the ground like I had. Then, once they could fly, they'd just be in the air flying all day. Either circling the palace or hovering above the clouds of the academy. But now that I knew the clouds were somehow solid enough to act like a floor, it made a lot more sense. I shifted my wings and drifted towards a large open area, similar to a field, only made out of clouds. I reached my hooves out to meet the clouds, a pit growing in my stomach as I still half expected to fall straight through. I was met with a surprisingly resistant surface. It still had some wiggle to it, and made me think of walking on a giant sponge cake. Before I could experiment with this spongy cloud any further though, Breezy's deep laugh grew in my ears. Looking behind me, I saw Breezy and several other Pegasai flying towards me. "What'd I tell ya!?" Breezy said with a laugh, "One lesson with me and he went from no air time, to the fields a the Aerial Flight Academy!" "I don't care how long you've been teaching Breezy," one of the other pegasai with him said, "There's no way his first flight was that nose dive yesterday!" I frowned at the pagasus. He was dark grey, with a black mane and an air of arrogance about him. "You callin' me a liar Black Mane?" Breezy said eying him seriously. "I wouldn't put it like that," Black mane said with a snort, "But I expect you're exaggerating your tale a wee bit." "Well he's not." I cut in rather irritated. I'd never liked arrogant people that and I always had a hard time holding my tongue around them. "Oh he's not is he?" Black Mane said, turning his gaze to me, "How old are you, huh? And you expect me to believe you ain't never tried flying till just yesterday?" "I don't give a damn what you believe," I barked, "I couldn't even open my wings yesterday morning. You have a hard time accepting that, you can either shut up and leave me alone, or go ask one of the Princesses." A heavy silence fell over us. Everyone was staring at me and even Breezy seemed speechless. I wasn't sure if my choice of wording was something taboo here, or if this Black Mane was someone important that no one talks back to, but at that moment I didn't care. Being accused of lying always put me in a bad mood. Eventually, Breezy broke the silence with his usual laugh and trotted between me and Black Mane. "You 'eard the lad," Breezy said with a smirk, "Ask Celestia if you have any issues. Otherwise, I believe you owe me some bits." Black Mane snorted at him then drew a small bag of coins from somewhere beneath his left wing. "I still don't think this is second day flying," he said tossing the bag at Breezy, "But I'm not gonna bother the Princess over a few coins." He glanced at me and snorted again before flying off. A few of the other pegasai followed after him, the rest began handing small gold coins over to Breezy. "Thank ye thank ye," He said as he took the coins, "Next time ya know to bet with me, eh?" The pegasai mumbled and laughed a little before flying off. I frowned at Breezy as he counted the coins he had won. "You bet on me?" I asked, more than a little annoyed. "Indeed I did," he admitted with a smile, "It's a teachers perk." "Uh huh," I said, "And what exactly was this bet?" "That after only one lesson you could make it here on yer own," He said with a laugh, "You had a rough start, but you done good kid. Never doubted ya for a minute!" I shook my head and sighed. "I'm not really late for class, am I?" I asked, though I already knew the answer. "A course not!" Breezy said with a laugh, "Who in their right mind would expect you to be able ta handle a day at the Academy when ya only took your first flight yesterday, eh? That was jus' a little Breezy teachin' ta get you up an in the air." He roared with laughter once again. I had a great many things I wanted to say to Breezy at that moment, but through no small strain of will, I held my tongue. "So what's the deal with the grumpy guy? Black Mane I think you called him?" I asked, trying to shift my thoughts from strangling this old fart. Breezy snorted. "He's one of the flight instructors here. Decent enough teacher, but a right stick in the mud when it comes to manners." He burst out laughing and patted me on the shoulder. "You cut his tune short right quick though didn't ya? That little stunt won't earn you point with his good side, but it sure as Celestia raises the sun has got you some points on mine!" "That mean I can go back to bed now?" I asked, not at all expecting him to say yes. "Not a chance boy!" Breezy said, his smirk darkening, "You proved ya can get to the Academy on yer own, so now it's time to learn how to really fly!" The rest of my week consisted of being woken up at the crack of dawn by the gruff bellowing of one Blue Breeze. He seemed to get great joy out of waking me up like that. Then we'd head to the academy and eat a quick, small breakfast. After that we'd run flight drill after flight drill until lunch. Then there'd be even more drills until it was time to have dinner with the Princesses. After that, I could finally go pass out in my room until it all started again the next day. It was like boot camp all over again, only if I screwed up here, I'd plummet to the dirt. A stunt I performed more than once unfortunately. I still couldn't do any of the fancy maneuvers, like flying upside down or doing a figure eight. And a ninety degree turn seemed impossible for me. But I finally got the knack of hovering down at least, though I wasn't nearly as graceful as the other pegasai. My only real saving grace was the fact that my wings seemed to something more of a gift than I had first realized. I may be a bit of a joke when it came to acrobatics, but I was gaining quite a reputation when it came to my speed. In a straight stretch, there was no pony at the academy, student or teacher that could catch me. I was proud of that, but I would have gladly traded my speed for the ability to steer. The cloud ring course was always a mess by the time I finished a timed run. I could pass through the first ring just fine, usually the second one too, but after that? Heck no. If the makers of those cloud rings got paid for each ring they had to make, I'd have made them enough to retire in the first day... Even so, the days went by quick, and the nights were relatively uneventful. Except for one night when Dawn just appeared in my bed out of thin air. I was half awake, too tired that night to sleep very deeply. I had caught a flash of green in my room and then a scream pierced my ears. I lept out of my bed and flapped my wings as hard as I could out of fright. In an instant, I was on the other side of the room, splayed out along the floor with my head firmly planted against the wall. I thought I was a unicorn for a minute with how big of a bump that scenario had left on my head. I was more than a little angry. I figured this was some kind of a prank Dawn was pulling on me, until I noticed she was crying. I couldn't get much out of her, but I gathered she had a nightmare. Apparently she'd been having them all week, and she had no idea how she wound up in my room. She eventually fell back asleep and I spent the rest of that night consoling my throbbing head. Before I knew it, a full week had gone by. I had finished the last of my drills for the day and was presently enjoying my dinner with the Princesses and Dawn. “My my, Silver!” I caught Celestia say with a faint chuckle, “You sure do enjoy carrot salad. That's all you've eaten for the last 4 days!” “Haha, yeah," I said, "They're just too good not to order though!” There was just something about sweet, garden fresh carrots that I couldn't say no too. And as long as they were in season, I fully intended to eat as many carrots as I could get my hooves on. “Indeed. So how have your lessons been today?” she asked me. “Pretty good," I said, "Though I still can't do a 90 degree turn...” I cringed a little as I remembered nearly crashing into the mess hall trying to follow Breezy through the ring course yesterday. “You will learn," she assured me, "Just give it time.” "Yeah. Hard as it is, I've always loved a good challenge," I admitted, "Especially a physical one." "Have you now?" Celestia said thoughtfully, "Then perhaps you would like to consider a new topic of study?" “Hmm? Like what?” I asked. I was still learning the ins and outs of aerial acrobatics, so why would I switch to something else now? “The Ariel Guard is not solely for learning the intricacies of flight," she said, "There is also a degree of martial combat to be learned.” I glanced at Celestia, rather confused by the prospect. “But, how could I fight without hands, or magic?” I asked. Celestia chuckled at me. “Accept this new challenge," she said coyly, "And you shall discover this for yourself tomorrow.” I half frowned at her vagueness. “Alright, why not," I said, "Let's see what your Aerial Guard has to offer" “Excellent!" She said with a smile. Celestia turned her attention to Dawn and spoke. "So how about you Dawn? How are you doing? You've been rather quiet today.” Dawn seemed to frown at her food. “Frustrated, angry, tired, to name a few.” She said, clearly sounding annoyed. She finished off her dinner and and continued. “I'm making no progress in school. My magic's not getting any stronger, while even the slower children have a brighter light than I can manage, ignoring some of the snobbish ones teasing. I'm studying and not understanding the books at all. And to top it all off I'm not resting well because weird things happen to me when I keep seeing that stupid shadow thing!” She sighed aloud and dropped her head to the table with thunk. I winced a little as she finished. I hadn't really spoken with Dawn much the last week. We'd both been rather busy, but I was starting to get worried about her. She had seemed a little more stressed than she usually was the last few nights, and now I knew why. “Have you tried calling him by his name?” Celestia asked. “It's just a dream. I don't give names to things in my dream.” Dawn said, returning her gaze to the Princess. “Have you forgotten already?” Celestia asked. “Forgotten what?” Dawn asked in reply. “The name of the pony you saw in the mirror when you came here.” Celestia reminded her. "Oh, that." Dawn said with a sigh. She paused for a minute,clearly trying to remember. “Star... Something?” She said unsurely. “Starlight Dusk...” She said after another moment of pause. As I listened, I caught sight of a shadowed pony like figure begin to form behind Dawn and I tensed. Neither Celestia nor Luna seemed to react to this apparition, though it was clear they could see it too. I relaxed a little and decided that, if no one else was concerned it must be safe. The shadow pony walked to the table sat down across from Luna. “Have you tried talking with him instead of running away?” Luna asked, smiling slightly at the shadow pony. “I...” Dawn said hesitantly,“...No.” “Perhaps you should start there.” Celestia said. “Right,” Dawn said rather sarcastically, “Hi Starlight! I'm Dawn, and I'm terrified of you!” I sighed a little. I had no idea what was going on. Something with magic to be sure, but I was once again finding myself in the dark due to the simple fact that I didn't have a horn. The shadow pony's horn glowed faintly and I caught Dawn recoil a little. “Really? That's what you have to say? Fear not?" Dawn abruptly burst out, "The flip is that supposed to mean after chasing me and throwing things at me!” I opened my mouth to speak, my concern over this situation hitting a peak, but no words came. I felt a strange tingling in my throat and I looked down in confusion. 'Patience Silver.' I heard Luna's voice loudly but softly in my mind. I shot a glance at Luna and stared at her rather shocked. 'You're in my head!?' I gasped internally. 'Only to state all is well,' Luna's voice assured me in my mind, 'I am certain this situation is confusing to you. But we ask you to trust that all is well and will be explained in time. Please remain silent and allow Dawn to come to terms with this situation on her own.' There wasn't much else I could do. So I simply sat there, rather annoyed and embarrassed by the realization that my own mind was apparently no longer private. Dawn looked away from the shadow pony and it placed a hoof on her shoulder, seemingly trying to comfort her. I saw her mouth something to the shadow pony, but I couldn't make out what she said. “That's a start, Dawn, Starlight.” Luna said after a moment. Dawn glanced over at her and she continued. “Now that you have remembered Starlight Dusk and have heard his intentions," she said, "I expect your dreams to be far more restful from this point onward.” “How is my remembering him going to help anything?” Dawn asked. The shadow pony withdrew his hoof from her shoulder and looked away, seemingly hurt by her question. "Though you may not fully understand what I am about to say at the present, you will in time," Luna said softly, "To truly wield magic, ponies must know and understand the magic they wish to command. This can be attained through study, apprenticeship, or self experience. However, you must also know yourself. For most, this comes easily. As children, we explore ourselves constantly through our imaginations and dreams, but for you... It is regrettably more difficult. You have not known of magic until you came to our world. Starlight Dusk is a part of you that is in tune with the magic of this world. He is the shadow of your magic, a part of you that you have never known prior to coming here. In order to know yourself and use magic, you must know him." I was lost, but I did my best to listen and try and understand what was going on. Apparently this shadow pony, Starlight Dusk, was a part of Dawn. Her magic in this world. And in order to get better with her magic she needs to connect with him. Herself? I sighed. “You can see him in your dreams easily enough, but the waking world will take practice," Luna continued, "I suggest you take the day off tomorrow to reflect, and see if you can't find him yourself.” “But, then why is he so clear now?" Dawn asked, "Why wouldn't he stay that way?” "Luna has used her magic to draw him out so we could bring the issue of your nightmares to rest." Celestia chimed in. “But... Then...” Dawn stuttered. "Do not worry," Luna assured her, "Now that you seek him with your waking mind, and understand his true purpose, he will not be difficult to find. But, should such difficulties still persist. We will assist you come the night." Dawn sighed and looked between Luna and Starlight Dusk. “Thank you," She said softly, "I don't want to think of how hard it'd be to struggle through this if I can't manage it alone.” Starlight Dusk patted her on the shoulder, then slowly faded away. Back into whatever place he had come from. I wanted to try and cheer Dawn up, to reassure her she'd be alright, but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to speak yet. I couldn't feel Luna's magic on me anymore, but I also didn't want to press my luck. "I believe rest in order for the both of you now," Celestia said with a smile, "We will meet again tomorrow night to discuss these matters further." Dawn nodded and thanked the princesses as she usually did, before heading out the door. With a tentative attempt at speech, I found myself able to speak once again. "Yeah," I said, "Though hopefully without a mute button." I half frowned at Luna for a second, then smiled. Assuring her I wasn't too annoyed by the incident. "We do apologize," She said with a slight bow of her head, "But Dawn needed to realize her relation to Starlight Dusk. Any interruption could have hindered her greatly." "Fair enough," I said, "Though I still don't get it. All this magic is just so... Complicated." I laughed a moment, then added, "I guess that's why I'm a pegasus, right?" "Magic is indeed complicated," Celestia said, "Though not as complicated as you may think." I shrugged. I had no way of knowing how hard or easy it really was, and I never would, so overall I didn't matter all that much to me. Celestia and Luna rose to their feet, and i followed in turn. "Well, I thank you for the meal, Luna, Celestia," I said, "I hope you both have a good night." They nodded to me and I headed back to my room. I had hoped to catch up to Dawn along the way, but she was nowhere to be seen. I thought of heading to her room, but I decided against it. She no doubt had a lot on her mind, and I needed to get to sleep sooner than later so I'd be rested enough for whatever tomorrow was going to throw at me. > New World, Old Tricks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke early. Just as the sun was rising in fact. It was still odd to me how abruptly the sun and moon traded places in the hours of dawn and dusk, but like so many things here in Equestria, I simply accepted it as the way things were here. Assuming today was going to be like my last week, I expected Breezy would be by in an hour or so to play drill sergeant. I debated rolling over in my bed and going back to sleep, but I was surprisingly awake. Maybe I was more excited about these combat classes that I thought? I had always loved a good fight, and I had spent years learning different martial arts and self defense techniques for that sole reason. But once you learn to read an opponents moves, the overall dance of a fight becomes a little too predictable. Maybe the thought of trying to fight in this new body was the reason. I definitely wasn't sure how it would work. But the more I thought about it, the more I found a grin coming to my face. Climbing out of bed, I rolled my shoulders and gave my wings a few wake up flaps. Then I stretched long and hard. Content I had worked out all my kinks, I rolled my shoulders a final time and stood up on my hind legs. I lurched a little, but a gentle flap of my wings stabilized myself and I was soon standing upright. I looked down at my feet and experimented. Shifting to a lower stance, I found that while my feet were hoof like, they were still surprisingly good at keeping me balanced. I took a deep breath and swept my left leg out and around to my side in a slow arc. My hands followed a similar pattern, and eventually met before my chest. Feeling fairly confident in capabilities, I threw a series of punches at the air before me. My balance failed almost instantly and I quickly dropped to all fours. I frowned at myself for a moment, then got an idea. Getting back into my previous stance, I threw another punch. This time, I used my wings to generate enough of a counter force that I stayed balanced. It worked rather well and I was able to do a series of strikes while keeping my footing. I wasn't sure if pegasai fought like this or not, or anyone for that matter. But it was the only way I knew how to, so it was a comfort to know that it still worked with this new body. Content for the moment, I set off for the kitchen. I knew it was still a little early, but that didn't stop me from hoping for an early breakfast. I found several of the cooking ponies already at work, preparing the morning meals for the Palace guards. They were kind enough to make me a simple meal of carrots and oats and I quickly downed the meal. I still didn't much care for oats, but the carrots made it worth while. Though I wasn't certain, I had avoided asking for eggs or bacon so far. Or anything meat related for that matter. Being in the body I was, I had assumed it was more than likely capable of surviving on a vegetarian diet. And after running into a talking cow a few days back... I knew a good steak was only ever going to be a fond memory from here on out. Returning my dish to the cooks, I was surprised to find Stalwart gathering a pair of meals together onto a small cart. "Morning, Stalwart." I called, trotting over to him. "Hmm? Oh, Silver. Good morning." He said. "I thought you were a palace guard, not a waiter?" I said, seeing his lack of uniform. He chuckled. "I am," he said, "But I just got off my shift. And I thought I'd treat Dawn to an early breakfast." "That's nice of you," I said, "But is she even up yet? She has today off after all. I know I'd be sleeping till noon if I had that!" I laughed. "She should be up by now," Stalwart said, "I already informed her I would stop by shortly after dawn." "Breakfast in bed eh," I joked, "Every woman’s dream." Stalwart shifted a little in his spot then moved behind the cart. "Y-yes," he said after a moment, "I suppose it would be..." He started to push the cart away then paused as he seemed to remember me. "Uh, good day to you Silver." I chuckled at him and waved. "Have fun." I said with a slight shake of my head. I wandered the Palace for a while until i found myself on a balcony overlooking Canterlot. It still didn't seem real, but it was. I was here, in a place where humans didn't exist and ponies ruled. It was almost too strange to believe, but it was very real. I grinned out at the sky beyond and took off at a full gallop for the edge of the balcony. With a push of my hind legs, I dove over the railing and free fell towards the grass some forty feet bellow. My stomach tensed with the rush and just before I would have plastered myself against the ground, I threw open my wings and lurched forwards. The wind raced past me as I sailed along the courtyard, my fore-hoof just barely grazing the grass. Though this place was indeed strange, and almost nothing was like it would have been back home, there were some incredible perks. With a flap, I took off skywards and spun as I gained altitude, an almost childlike laughter following in my wake. Now that I had gotten the hang of flying, I almost never walked anywhere anymore. Unless I was inside of course. This feeling was incredible. The wind in my face, the speed, the sight of all the world so tiny bellow me. If I truly was stuck here, I don't think I'd mind nearly so much as I had first though. Not with an escape like this just a wing beat away. I gradually made my way to the Academy, and eventually plopped down onto the clouded fields that surrounded it. I still found the texture odd, but it was definitely solid enough that I didn't have to worry about falling through. I trotted over to one of the other students and caught his attention. "Excuse me?" "Yes?" He replied. "Do you know when, and where the combat classes are held?" I asked. Using his wing, he gestured to one of the larger buildings on the far side of the academy. "The combat classes are usually over there, but they don't start for another hour." "Ah, got ya. Thanks." He nodded and headed off on his business. "Another hour yet..." I said to myself, "Guess I'll go see what Dawn's up too." With a leap, I took off into the air and dove away from the Academy. I soared towards the palace and made my way towards the end where Dawn and my rooms were. I did a quick flyby and glanced through her window to see if she was even up yet. I saw her and Stalwart having breakfast and panned around for another approach. I was slow at my turn arounds, taking about ten seconds to turn fully back the way I had come. I glided up to her window and slowed myself until I was hovering before it. Now that I was directly before the window, I found the sunlight to be shining directly in my eyes. I couldn't see anything. With a frown, I knocked on the window a few times with my hoof and yelled at those inside. "Hey! Come study outside!” I called, not entirely sure they'd even hear me, “Get some sunshine!” I pushed off from the window and sailed away in a wide arc, blinking rapidly to try and clear the sun spots from my eyes. I circled the palace a couple times, wondering if Dawn and Stalwart had heard me or not. I couldn't see them in Dawns room anymore, but that mean much. They could have wandered off most anywhere in the time it took me to turn around. Eventually, I managed to spot them off to the west side. I shifted my wings and was quickly on an intercept course for them. As I neared them, I caught Stalwart pointing at me and found Dawn to be smirking. It made me wonder if I had been the end of a joke or something, but I let the thought fade. I landed a few feet ahead of them and trotted to a stop. "Hi." I said smiling. I hadn't had much of a chance to talk with Dawn, or anyone really in the last week except for Breezy and the other students at the academy. They were nice enough, but most of the things they talked about were things i had never heard of. So it made me miss talking with someone I considered to be normal. "Hey." Dawn said back. With Stalwart nodding in turn. "How goes the flying?" she asked. “Pretty good,” I said, “My new lessons don't start for about an hour yet. So I was warming up my wings in the meantime.” I gave a bit of a flap as I spoke. If only Dawn could fly too. I'd so much rather speak in the air. “And how bout you?” I asked, “Studying hard?” “I haven't even started yet, we were just heading to a spot." Dawn said with a laugh. “Ah, and here I thought you'd have been up all night working on your magic.” I said with a chuckle. I titled me head as I noticed Dawn's rather well groomed mane, then I recalled that Stalwart had brought her breakfast and I smirked at him. 'Could they be on a date?' I thought, 'I got the impression Stalwart liked Dawn, but I wasn't sure how much.' I shook the thought from my mind for the moment. “Well, looks like you got a decent sleep at least.” I finished. "Yes, yes I did, thank you.” Dawn said. “Glad to hear it, guess this means I can stop sleeping with a helmet on eh?” I teased, my head throbbing at the memory of the night she appeared in my bed. “Wha-” Stalwart started, but Dawn cut him off. “Yes...” she said quickly, “Yes you can” “But...” Stalwart persisted, glancing between us both with a clearly lost look about him, ”Why would you need a helmet?” I chuckled as I caught Dawn glance away from embarrassment. I debated teasing her a little more, but decided to leave it be. “Don't worry about it Stalwart,” I said, trying to pass the topic off, “Let's just say Dawn gave me a good fright the other night and I flew into a wall.” Dawn groaned and laid down on the grass, folding her arms over head in embarrassment. I furrowed my brows at her as I tried to figure out what was so wrong with what I said. “I see...” Stalwart said. He nudged her softly and smiled. “I never pictured her for the prankster type." "Oh she's full of surprises.” I said with a chuckle. Movement caught my eye and I glanced up into the sky. I caught sight of Breezy in the distance. He was moving as his usual pace, and seemed to be heading right for us. “And it looks like that's all the time we have to chat for today,” I said with a sigh, “Looks like its about time for me to get to class." Dawn rose to her feet and glanced around, quickly spotting Breezy as he neared. He landed softly and eyed the three of us critically, before turning his attention to me. “So this is where you're wasting the morning. On the ground?” He barked. I shook my head at his mock attitude. "I’ve been in the air all morning,” I said, “But it'd have been rude not to come down and say hi to my friends." “Friends eh?" He snorted. He looked back at Dawn and Stalwart and frowned. "So,” he said, eying Dawn, “You must be the unicorn I've been hearing about. Meadow Dawn, wasn't it?" “Y-yes sir.” Dawn said quickly, clearly a little intimidated, “Wh-what exactly have you been hearing about me?” “That you're lousy at magic for your age.” Breezy stated bluntly. I frowned at him, but he made a subtle gesture with his wing before I could speak. I had trained with Breezy enough to learn his ques, and this particular gesture meant 'Calm down, it'll be fine.' I held my frown, but I let him continue. “But,” Breezy added, his tone softening considerably, “You've come along good enough, all things considered. And you got a good way with the fillies.” He smirked, “Least that's what my wife says anyway.” “Your... Wife sir?” Dawn asked, clearly confused. "Aye,” Breezy said, his smile growing “My little Lemon Bloom.” Dawn looked shocked. “She's got nothing but good things to say about your progress,” Breezy continued, “And what do I know about magic anyways? I'm just an old pegasus." Dawn seemed to relax some at his change. "Now, you be sure to visit the little ones now and again though, eh?” Breezy said, “Some might be brats, but most ain't half bad. Least that's what my little Lemon Bloom tells me.” Dawn smiled at his words and shuffled a little, clearly at a loss for how to reply. After a moment, she simply nodded and I couldn't help but chuckle at her apparent shyness. “Good to hear,” Stalwart chimed in, “She's been studying a lot. And I keep telling her she'll do fine.” He nudged Dawns side teasingly and added, “Maybe you should listen more.” “Word of advice, boy,” Breezy snorted out, his tone instantly switching back to its usual stern nature, “Never tell a woman to listen more. You'll live longer and happier.” It took all I had not to burst out laughing at the expression on Stalwarts face. “You have yourself a good day lass,” Breezy said with a kind smile, “I'll be sure an' say hi to my Lemon Bloom for ya.” Once again switching his gears, Breezy turned to me and snorted. “Come on Silver,” he said, “Today I get ta watch you get knocked out by something with a pulse!” He took off back into the skies and I sighed, shaking my head a little as I dwelt on his words. “Charming, isn't he?” I said sarcastically. “Well, I liked him at least...” Dawn said, “I hope you do well. And stay safe till dinner okay?” I smirked at her. “I'll be fine,” I said confidently, “Trust me on that.” “Okay,” Dawn said, her tone betraying her thoughts otherwise, “Take care!” I took a step back and gave a halfhearted salute in jest, before following after Breezy. It didn't take me long to catch up to him thanks to the speed I was getting known for. “Charming lil' filly that one,” Breezy said as I fell in beside him, “Why isn't it you at er side, instead a that Stalwart Shield?” I shook my head. “We're just friends,” I said, “We're both from outside of Equestria, so we can relate. But that's it.” “You'll come ta regret that one I'd wager,” Breezy smirked back, then he shrugged, “Then again, maybe not. She did seem a little too timid for a pegasus like you.” I eyed him curiously at that. He seemed oddly thoughtful, and that always meant he was up to something. Usually something I wouldn't like. We landed within the academy grounds a few minutes later, and I followed Breezy to the combat building. "This ere'll be where we see what you're really made of." Breezy said. He grinned back at me and I felt a pit slowly grow in my stomach. With a hoof, he pushed open one of the large double doors of the building and motioned with his wing for me to head in. I obliged and quickly took in my new surroundings. It looked like an arena of sorts. A large circular field was in the center of the room, with molded cloud training dummies scattered around. A half dozen weapon racks, filled with spears and swords, stood at the far side. Beside them, various pieces of armor and padded safety equipment was stacked. In the center of the field, I counted almost two dozen pegasus chatting amongst themselves. "And who you got there, Breezy?" I heard a voice call from above, "A new recruit, or a new water pony?" Looking up with a frown, I saw a white pegasus in armor identical to Stalwarts. "Morning Gale," Breezy called back, "This ere's Silver. And we're gonna find out which he is here soon enough." The white pegasus landed before me and eyed me scrutinizingly. "So you're Silver, hmm?" he said, "Heard about you." "And what did you hear?" I asked, doing my best not to let his gaze make me falter. "I hear you told off Black Mane," he said, "And fast as you may be in the air, that won't save you from his sword down here." "His sword?" I asked. "Black Mane's the one in charge of training the new recruits," he said, an almost pitying smirk creeping onto his face, "And I got a feeling he's gonna love seeing you here." "Of course he is..." I said with a sigh. "Here's hopin' you're as good with a blade as ya are with that tongue a yours Silver." Breezy said with a laugh. He leaned in close to me and whispered. "Black mane don't know it yet, be the rest of us placed bets on ya already. Most are betting on Black Mane walkin' away from this without a scratch, but I got faith in ya my boy. I bet ten bits you whoop him by the end a the day. So you better learn as fast ere as ya did flyin'." I stared at him in disbelief, my jaw literally agape. He simply smiled back at me, clearly pleased with the scenario. I wasn't overly worried about this when I woke up, but now that I knew who was going to be teaching me, I gradually grew more and more concerned. If I had my hands, I would have been confident in my ability to win this, but without them... I was beginning doubt the chances of my success. Breezy and Gale led me to the group of other pegasai in the center of the building and gave me a brief introduction. I was treated rather indifferently. A few courteous 'Welcomes' and 'Hello's', but other than that, no one payed me any mind. We all simply waited, though for what I wasn't sure. Eventually my answer came in the form of a resounding "Good morning class!" from behind me. I followed the sound to its source and saw Black Mane, clad in armor. "All right everyone, fall in!" he ordered. On que, everyone but myself, Breezy, and Gale shifted into an orderly line and stood at attention. My lack of movement caught Black mane's attention and he laughed as he clearly recognized me. "Well well, what do we have here?" he said, trotting over to me. "Celestia's got it in 'er mind to have Silver 'ere learn some combat skills." Breezy said. "Has she now?" Black mane snorted, "After only... What would it be now? A week of flying?" He eyed me seriously. "I don't think you have what it takes to fight." I snorted, but I held my tongue. 'If only we were in my world you stupid horse,' I thought, 'You'd be singing a different tune after a round with me.' He must have caught something of my thoughts to the contrary, because he smiled back at me, like one would smile to a challenger. "But," Black mane said, "Seeing as I am a teacher here, I will give you the chance to prove yourself." "And how do I go about that?" I asked, half frowning at him. "Simple," Black Mane stated, "Land one blow on me before the day is done. If you can manage that, I'll rescind my opinion of you and you can begin training with the rest of the class come the morning." He grinned darkly at me, then added, "But if you can't, you admit to everyone here that you're lying when you say you haven't flown before this week." "Hey now," Breezy cut in, "The boy ain't lied about that, you can ask Celestia'erself-" "Fine," I said, cutting Breezy off, "You wanna play this little game to make yourself feel important, so be it. But starting tomorrow, I expect you to discover some manners." Black mane snorted at me, his grin growing even darker. He looked to the rest of the class and cleared his throat. "Alright everyone, today is going to be a lesson on fighting a superior opponent. All of you please take your seats and watch what happens to a pony who tries to compete with a trained weapons master." The rest of the students spread out and took seats at the edge of the arena. "What are you doin' Silver?" Breezy whispered harshly at me, "We both know you ain't lied about the use a those wings a yours. A whatever that sod says, the Princesses out rule em anyhow. So why let em goad you on like that? What if you loose!?" "Change your bets to him if you'd like," I said, "But I'm not going to let someone like that continue try and call me a liar. Before this day is done, I'm gonna kick that mule in his teeth." Breezy eyed me worriedly and sighed. "You better, Silver. But keep your 'ead down. Black mane's not one to play softly." With confidence bolstered by anger and annoyance, I kept my gaze on Black Mane. I had never seen how a pegasus fought, so the first thing I needed to do, was learn his movements and tells. And with the whole day to do just that, I was confident I'd get my blow in at some point. "I trust you've seen our armory of training equipment?" Black mane said, gesturing to the weapon racks nearby, "Grab whatever you wish, and face me when you're ready." Breezy followed me as I headed to the weapons. "You ever used a sword before Silver?" He asked. "Sort of." I said. I couldn't really tell him the truth, but I still had one pressing question I needed answered. I lowered my voice and looked at Breezy seriously. "This is going to sound odd, but please just answer the question. No wise cracks or anything, alright?" Breezy quirked a brow at me and nodded. "How do I hold a sword?" I asked. Breezy visibly faltered. "You can't be serious!?" He whispered behind greeted teeth. I frowned at him and he took a strained breath. It was clear he had a great many things he wanted to say to me at that moment, but he did as I had asked and kept himself in check. "With your mouth," He said, "Like this." I watched him closely as he took up a wooden sword between his teeth and gave it a few surprisingly smooth swings. He put the sword back and sighed. "We can't compete with a Unicorns magic when it comes to swordsmanship, but there have been some pretty masterful ponies over the years." Gale flew over to to the racks beside us and drew a wooden sword from one of the stands. He snorted at me with a smirk and flew back to Black Mane, tossing the sword he had gotten to him. Black Mane caught the sword with his mouth as easily as I would have with a hand and I groaned. "Ey, you coulda said no and let the Princess sort it out." Breezy stated with a shrug. I ignored the comment and took one of the wooden swords into my mouth. I bit into the handle and gave it a few test swings, trying to emulate the motion I had seen Breezy do. It felt awkward to hold a sword this way, and try as I might, I couldn't fathom how such a method could ever be used effectively. I flew back to the arena, and with weapon in mouth, did my best to assume a readied stance. "Ready?" Black Mane said, though his words were slightly muffled due to having a sword handle in his mouth. I snorted and gave a quick nod of my head. Black Mane held nothing back. With one flap of his dark wings he was bearing down on me with unexpected speed. He swung his head in a rising arc, his training sword biting into the clouds at our feet as it sliced towards me. Awkward as it was, I managed to move my sword to block his, but the force I was met with was too much for my mouth to handle. My sword flew clear, and with much grace and speed, Black Mane flipped his sword around in his mouth and swung a second time, this time downwards. A searing pain made itself known to my shoulder and I dropped to my knees. Black Mane snorted at me and turned to those watching as they cheered for him. I winced and got back to my feet, rolling my shoulder gently. Breezy trotted over to me, my disarmed sword in his mouth. He dropped it by my feet and looked at me worriedly. "He certainly doesn't pull his blows, does he." I said with a groan, "Not when 'es trying to get his way," Breezy said, "You alright?" "Just peachy." I said, taking up my sword once more. I resumed my previous stance and snorted at Black Mane, who's back was still turned to me. "Hey!" I called, "Stop basking and come at me again." Black Mane smiled at me and obliged. As before, he disarmed me and gave me a solid crack with his wooden sword. This time, on the other shoulder. Match after match went like that. And though I managed to gradually creep away from the one hit losses, by noon I could do little more than evade Black Manes attacks. He was getting easier to read, and that was helping me to survive, but I just couldn't hit him. Using a sword with my mouth and not my hands just was not working for me. After having spent so many years doing this dance to a very different beat, I was effectively crippled by my own training. I needed to find a way around my experience with fighting as a human. A way to forget it, or modify it, or something. I winced and rubbed the back of my head tenderly with my forearm as this latest spot throbbed angrily. 'I thought he wasn't pulling his blows before, but damn...' I thought, a tear creeping to my eye, 'That's what... The ninth time now he's cracked me on the damn head?' Black Mane laughed victoriously. "Are you ready to give up yet?" He taunted, "I'm sure you'll make a fine cloud farmer." I shot a glare back at him and reached for my sword, then I realized something. What if I did fight the way I used to? I looked back at the pile of armor and weapons on the other side of the arena and thought hard on how I had seen Black Mane fighting. He was strong, and fast. And there was no way I could match him with a sword. Not in this body. There was just something about using my mouth and neck in place of an arm that refused to work for me. So, if I can't fight his way, why even bother trying? There were other ways to fight armed opponents than with weapons. And I had come the conclusion this morning that hand to hand combat was still viable. "You said I could use anything from the armory, right?" I asked over Black Manes continuing laughter. "Oh yes," he cooed, "By all means, feel free to try another weapon. Try two if you'd like. I am afraid the end result will still be the same however." "We'll see about that." I said softly. I flew over to the armory and rummaged through the armor section. I pulled off the metal bracers and gauntlets from one of the suits of armor, and with no small degree of difficulty, secured them to my front legs. 'I can't beat you with a sword,' I thought as I flew back to the ring, 'But let's see how well you do against hand to hand. Or I guess... Hoof to hoof.' "What's this now?" Black Mane asked, new laughter rising, "What do you expect to do with those, hmm?" I rose to my hind legs and assumed a basic ready stance. Feet shoulder length apart, left arm before me, right to my side. "Come at me and find out." I said. I could tell by his expression that my stance was odd to him. And to everyone else watching as well. That gave me some confidence, but I quickly cast all such thoughts from my mind. I took a deep breath and centered myself, turning all my focus to Black Mane and his wooden sword. The stance I was in left my core wide open to attack, and in my experiences against humans, had always led to them coming at me with a powerful thrust of their weapon. It was instinct to go for the most open location. It was a bit of a gamble, but if Black Mane followed the standard fighting logic, I would win this in a matter of seconds. Black Mane shook his head and drew his sword from the clouds where he had stabbed it. His grin was confident, and with the aid of a flap of his wings, he threw himself at me in a powerful thrust. The setup was flawless. Black Mane came at me, sword tip first. With a strong wave of my now armored fore limb, I deflected his blade to the right. Moving with the momentum of my own motion, I thrust my left hoof into his jaw, sending his sword flying out the side of his mouth and disarming him. Continuing the motion, I spun around fast using my wings and swung my right elbow hard into the back of his head. Black Mane's front legs buckled and he fell to the ground face first, wholly unconscious from my strike. I used my wings to stabilize my balance and remained motionless in my stance for a moment, waiting to see if Black Mane was merely dazed or not. Confident he was out cold for the moment, I dropped to all fours and let out a sigh of relief. I hurt all over. And with my focus and tension now fading, I found my legs to be shaking. I paused as I remembered that there were others watching. I could hear nothing. Even the gentle breeze of the winds around the academy seemed to be at a stand still. I glanced cautiously towards the rest of the class and found them all to be staring at me in shock. They had clearly not expected the outcome they had seen. Even Breezy, who had been doing his best to cheer me on from the get go was speechless. Eventually, the silence became to much to bear and I frowned heavily at everyone. I hurt, and I wasn't in the mood for any more drama. "It's not like I killed him!" I barked, "I only knocked him out!" Breezy burst out laughing at that, and didn't stop until he had tears in his eyes. "That you most certainly did my boy! That you did!" He gasped out. Gale flew over to Black Mane and checked him over quickly before glancing back at me with a stunned look. "He's out cold." he said. "Yeah, and I hope to be the same as soon as I find my bed..." I groaned. Breezy laughed as he came up to me and patted me hard on the back. I dropped to my knees and whimpered as my many sore spots protested the contact. Breezy just laughed. "I think you earned an early night this time my boy," he said, "But be sure an' be up bright and early for class tomorrow. I think things'll go a might smoother for ya now." "I hope so," I groaned as I struggled to get to my feet, "I don't think I can take that many hits again for a while..." "Aye, you took quite a number," Breezy admitted, "Forty three to be exact." I groaned again. Something about knowing how many times I'd been hit, and subsequently lost, just made everything hurt even more. 'Forty three to one,' I thought, rather dishearted, 'I hold records the opposite of that back home...' "I gotta say though," Breezy said eying me closely, "Of all the stunts you could'a pulled, Karate was the last thing I'd a' expected. Though whatever move you pulled was a might smoother than what I'm used to seein'. It's usually just yellin' and breakin' boards." "It wasn't Karate," I said, emediately stunned that martial arts was even known here, "But if you knew I was using martial arts, then why did everyone look so confused when I stood up?" "Martial arts?" Breezy said, clearly confused by the term, "Ain't 'eard a that name before. But Karate's not a very common thing. Especially around non Earth Pony types." 'So they know Karate, but no other styles?' I thought, finding that very strange, 'Guess that puts me at a bit of an advantage I guess...' "Ey Sky!" I heard Breezy call out, "Come be a dear an' elp young Silver 'ere back to the palace would ya? I need ta make sure the great Black Mane still knows 'is own name." "I'm fine Breezy," I said, trying to wave off the help, "It's just a quick glide to the palace from here." "Aye," he said, "An' it'll be a much quicker one if your wings give out on the way, believe you an' me on that one!" I sighed and nodded my head. I was too sore to argue. Ahead of me, a young pegasus landed softly. She had a rich reddish-orange coat, with a red mane and tail. A rich golden undertone accented her hair and tail, and more of the same gold highlighted her wing tips. She had medium length hair, parted to hang more to one side than the other. I paused as I noticed her wings. On the main joint of her left wing she had what appeared to be two golden rings. They reminded me of earrings and I winced at the thought of piercing my wings. Before I could ask about them, the red pegasus threw her hair from her face and glared at me. I was taken back for a moment. I'd never even met this pony before and I had already gotten on her bad side? I couldn't see this day getting much worse. She strode over and turned her side to me. I stole a quick glance at her cutie mark. It looked like a globe, with a dotted travel line encircling it. "Get on." she said flatly. "W-what?" I stammered. Up until that point, the thought of riding another pony had never crossed my mind. We weren't in my world, so why would anyone ever even try to ask such a thing! "Are you deaf?" she said bluntly, "I said. Get. On." She repeated herself slowly, and deliberately paused to make her words clear. I frowned at that. "Thanks, but no," I said, "I can make it back on my own." 'Is it something I'm doing?' I thought as I tried to push past her, 'Or do I just attract people like this!?' I heard her snort out a "Hey!' as I past by and I reflexively glanced over. I saw her rear end raise up, and an instant later I found one of her back hooves planted firmly against the side of my head. I staggered heavily to the side, the whole world reeling from her kick. "Sky!" I caught Breezy bark, "What in blazes are you doin!?" "He can barely stand," the red pegasus retorted, "And he won't let me carry him otherwise, so what's the big deal? You said to get him to the palace, so that's what I'm doing." Their voices were fuzzy and seemed oddly distant to my ears. I swayed around to face the pegasus that had just sucker punched me and glared, though for all my effort I couldn't see much more than the clouded floor beneath my feet. "D-did you... Did you really just-..." I barely managed to get out before the world abruptly went dark around me and I felt myself falling. I could still make out the muffled voice's of Breezy and the red pegasus arguing, but in time, even those faded and all was silent. > Learn, Teach, Grow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowly, very slowly, I found myself becoming aware of my surroundings. I was on my side, laying on something soft. Opening my eyes, I found myself to be in darkness. I sat up abruptly, concerned as to where I was, and winced as I was immediately reminded of my many bruises. "Oooow." I groaned out. "It's about time you woke up." I voice said from somewhere in the darkness. I shot a startled glare around, looking for the source of the voice. I realized then that night had fallen, that was why it was so dark. "Who’s there?!" I barked, groaning as I tried to get to my feet. "Calm down." I heard the voice again. This time, I caught the feminine sound to the voice and my mind flashed to the end of my fight with Black Mane. I heard what sounded like a match being struck, and a moment later light crept into the room. I quickly realized I was in own room inside of the royal palace, laying in my bed. Looking to the source of the light, I saw a pony sitting behind a small lantern. I quickly recognized it as the red pegasus that knocked me out. "Y-you?!" I gasped, "What are you doing here?!" She smirked at me from behind the lantern. "I brought you here, remember?" she said coyly. "I remember you kicked me in the head." I said with a frown. "Yeah, so?" she said simply, "You were being all macho when it was clear that you were hurt. So I did what I had to. Next time, just accept the help or I'll start calling you Silver the mule." "And you had to kick me in the head?" I said, attempting to ignore her last comment. "Well, it was either that, or let you fall from the academy to the dirt," she stated, "We both know you could barely stand. Do you honestly believe you would have made it down on your own?" I sighed. She was right. I was exhausted. I could barely even stand... But she didn't have to knock me out. I shook my head and smirked at her. "I would have made it down just fine," I said, pausing deliberately before I continued, "But I'll admit I may have had some trouble with the landing." She laughed. "Well, sounds like you're still able to think clearly," she said, "Guess I didn't kick you as hard as Breezy thought." "Trust me," I said, still feeling the throb on the side of my head, "You kicked me plenty hard." She chuckled and walked over to me, carrying the lantern in her mouth. She placed it on the bed beside me and looked at me closely in the yellow light. I leaned back a little, not entirely trusting this pony after having been kicked the last time we were this close to one another. "Oh calm down," she said, "I won't bite. I'm just checking to make sure you're not hurt." She checked me over quickly, then sat down on the floor before me. "Yeah, you should be fine." she said with a nod. An awkward silence fell over us after that. Eventually, I cleared my throat and tried to lessen the tension. "So..." I said, breaking the silence, "Who are you?" She chuckled and shook her head at me. "Guess I did knock you out before I introduced myself, didn’t I?" She said. She rose to her feet and bowed formally to me. "Name's Sky Flare," she said, "Advanced Ariel Maneuvers Instructor, and substitute Combat Instructor." "You're a teacher?!" I gasped. Sky Flare laughed. "Not by choice," she said, sitting back down, "I'm only doing it keep my dad happy." "Your dad?" I said, "And who's that?" "Blue Breeze." She said with a half sigh. "Breezy's your dad!?" I said, surprised. I looked her over anew. She definitely had his personality, that was for sure, but Breezy was blue. She was reddish-orange. 'Her mother must be red then,' I thought, figuring coat color worked like hair color in humans, 'Or she could be adopted I guess.' "Yeah," she said, "He doesn't like the thought of me going off to see the world on my own, so I stuck around the academy. Eventually became a teacher. More to pass the time than anything else really." She sighed a little. "I take it you're not a fan of being a teacher?" I said. "Not really, but it's something to do at least," she said, "Ninety percent of what happens around here is the same old thing, time after time." "Sounds a little boring." I said, thinking about it. "It is," she said, her eyes lighting up a little, "Which is why I'm still here." "What do you mean?" I asked, growing a little uneasy. "You started off terribly," she said, a grin gradually growing over her face, "But in the end you K. O’d Black Mane in one shot. Even I can't do that. I know Karate, and that was not it. Whatever you did there was practiced motion. And part of a totally different style of fighting that I have never seen or heard of before." "Well, if the only style this world has-" I started, then quickly cut myself off and began again. "If Karate's the only style this area has, then of course you wouldn't have seen my style before." She eyed me a little, but seemed to shake whatever thought she had from her mind. "Exactly," she said, "And no one else has seen it either. Not even Black Mane. If he had, then you would have wound up on the floor again." I shrugged, but quickly regretted the motion as pain radiated through my bruised shoulders. "I wanna learn it," she said adamantly, "It's new, and different, and no one but you knows it here. So I want you to teach it to me." "Wait, what!?" I said, glancing at her in in surprise. "I want you to teach me that style," she said again, "And in return, I'll teach you how to use those wings of yours to do things you never imagined." "It's not exactly something you can just learn overnight!" I protested, "It takes years of practice and repetition. And besides, Breezy's already taught me how to fly. What more can there be to learn?" "I'm not stupid," she stated bluntly, "I know learning something new takes time. But it doesn't exactly seem like you're going anywhere anytime soon. And besides, from what I hear, you showed up out of nowhere and are now living right here in the palace. And as for what more there is to learn about flying?" She stood up and flared her wings out. "How about how to turn for one. I know you still have trouble with that, not to mention your hovering... It's cause you're not using all your wing to guide the airflow around you." I watched as she hopped a few feet into the air and began to hover in place. I was amazed. She barely bobbed at all, and almost seemed to float there like she was held in place by some invisible wire. Even Breezy, who I thought was the best flier I'd ever meet had more of a hovering motion than she did. "You need to use all your feathers, not just the flight ones," she explained, "And you need to center yourself. If you can't keep your balance, you'll generate a wake in the wind. That's why you move so much when you hover." She dropped to all fours and extended her hoof towards me. "So, do we got a deal or what?" she asked. "I teach you how to really fly, and you teach me how to fight like you do." I stared at her, momentarily speechless. She wanted me to teach her martial arts in return for flight lessons. Not a bad trade off really, but it takes years to actually learn anything useful about fighting. And years more to be able to put it into use. I had no idea how long I was going to be here for, but I certainly hoped it wouldn't be that long. But, I guess there was no harm in teaching her what I could in the time I was here. And it'd be nice to be able to actually complete the timed course without destroying half of it... "Why not." I said. I reached my hoof towards hers to shake it, but paused as i realized I had no idea how to shake a hoof. Sky Flare thankfully intervened. She thrust her shoe into mine in what resembled a fist bump, then stomped her foot down hard onto the floor. "Excellent!" she exclaimed, "We'll start first thing after class tomorrow." "W-wait, after class?" I said. "Well yeah," she said, "Unless you wanna toss away whatever recommendation got an amateur like you into the combat classes." I frowned at that and sighed. "Alright," I said, "After class... Where should I meet you? Outside the combat building?" "Not a chance," she said with a laugh, "No way I'm gonna risk any nosy ponies learning my, or your tricks. There's a forest about fifteen minutes flight from here to the south. I'm sure you've seen it. We'll meet there. No one'd think to look for us outside of the city." "Wait!" I gasped, remembering my nightly dinners with Celestia and Luna, "I can't. I have to meet with the Princesses for dinner." "That's fine," she said, "We'll just meet up after that then." 'What have I gotten myself into...' I thought. It took me a moment to realize what I had just finished saying, and when I did, I leaped out of bed and onto my feet, despite the protests my aching body made. "Hey, where are you going?" Sky Flare asked as I started for the door. "To dinner!" I said quickly, "I have to be late by now. And if I missed it entirely, I should at least apologize to the Princesses and explain what happened." "Calm down," Sky Flare said with a calming gesture of her hoof, "Dinner was canceled tonight." "Why?" I asked, sitting down on the floor instantly. "Not really sure," she said, "A guard came by to tell you that an envoy from the Crystal Empire was here and that your meeting with the Princesses would have to be postponed till tomorrow night." "The Crystal Empire?" I repeated, "Where's that?" Sky Flare looked at me quizzically. "When dad said you weren't from around here, he really meant it huh?" she said, seemingly amused by my confusion, "The Crystal Empire is a place far north of here, in the frozen wastes. Celestia niece, Princess Cadence runs things there now. So by envoy, the guard probably meant she's here for a visit. Though I didn't see her, so I can't say for sure." "Another Princess?" I said, taking note, "Does she have both a horn and wings too then?" Sky Flare raised a brow at that. "Yeah, all Princesses do." she said simply. I had thought everything was run by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I hadn't really thought about the area's outside of Equestria much at all. But it seemed like all royalty were a mix of Pegasus and Unicorn. Though I had several questions I wanted to ask, the look on Sky Flare's face told me I should stop before I draw too much more attention to myself. I cleared my throat and did my best to compose myself and hide the pain I was still in. "Thanks for letting me know about the dinner," I said, "And thanks for helping me get home. Though next time, no kicking." She smirked at me. "No promises." she said, before getting to her feet and heading to the door. She flicked her tail at me as she walked past and chuckled as I flinched. I frowned at that. "Get some more rest," she said, "I expect to be impressed tomorrow night." She left before I could think of a reply, and with the click of my door behind her, I was left in silence. Now alone and with no one to see me, I dropped to the floor where I sat, and within moments I was once again lost to sleep. The next day went far better than I had expected it to. Thanks to Breezy being as loud as ever, I managed to be up in time for quick meal before class. I was still sore, but I worked through it. Something about the food here just seemed to fill me with energy. Once at class, it was like night and day with Black Mane. He approached me the moment I entered class, and in front of everyone apologized for his manners. He even laughed about the events of the day before, saying "I always say one should never underestimate their opponent, no matter how much you think you out match them. Looks like even I still have some room to grow." I felt no bitterness in him at all about the knock out. In fact, he seemed to hold a great deal of respect for me now because of it. Even asking me for a rematch after I had graduated. Dinner that night, though interesting, thankfully avoided touching on the subject of my dispute with Black Mane. Princess Celestia seemed a little distracted to me. She and Dawn spent nearly the entire dinner talking about magical artifacts. She even gave one such trinket to Dawn. A bracelet of some sort. It had apparently been made by Starswirl the Bearded, the Unicorn that made the Mirrors we had traveled here by. Though I didn't understand much of what they had talked about, I came to learn of one very important fact. Though it was broken now, this bracelet once gave non Unicorns like myself the means to use magic. Not in any great way mind you. But simple magics could be infused into such items, and through them, grant the user command over that magic. This bracelet for instance, once granted the wearer telekinesis. They could move cups and chairs with ease. While any Unicorn with even a mediocre level of magical experience could out perform such trinket users, it was still a great boon to those non magic users that received them. I know I would have loved one. I could still barely use my mouth to manipulate even simple things like drawers or curtains. And how anyone could write while holding a pencil or quill in their mouths was entirely beyond me. The sheer amount of versatility something like this would grant was a fascinating prospect to say the least, however unlikely it was that such items could still be found in working condition. After dinner is when life got really interesting though. I flew to the forest Sky Flare had designated as our meeting place and we discussed our ground rules for some time. While she was teaching, I was the pupil and would do as told. Sky Flare had an intense dislike for repeating herself any more than she deemed necessary. And while I was teaching, she would keep her sarcasm to a minimum and do her best to ignore everything she knew about her worlds way of fighting. We had some hiccups to be sure, but overall it went rather well. Sky Flare was a remarkable teacher. Both she and Breezy shared the same deep passion for flying. It was clear in the way she flew circles around me. She spent two solid hours instructing me on the intricacies of hovering and proper feather management. As well as the purpose of each and every feather. And in return, I spent two hours teaching her about my worlds martial arts. I told her my particular style was called Tai Chi. In truth, it was a mix of a few different styles I had gotten familiar with over the years, Tai Chi being the main that my style was derived from. She took to it rather well, all things considered. I attributed her quick grasp of its concepts to her clear devotion to the Karate she had apparently mastered at a young age. After that, I went straight to bed, only to repeat the process in full the next day. The next two weeks followed that pattern almost to a Tee, until Sky Flare surprised me with some very unexpected news. She told me she had entered me in a race. The Annual Canterlot Race. It drew participants and spectators from all around Equestria. The course ran straight through Canterlot. Literally It was a flying race, but a good portion of it was done at street level. Meaning almost every turn was a sharp ninety degrees. Sky Flare said it'd be the perfect test of how much I'd grown in the last two weeks. It was true, I had improved a great deal. I could even fly through the forest we trained at now without careening headlong into the trees, but I was still nowhere near as confident as she was. "Get a move on Silver or you're going to be late!" Sky Flare's now well known voice called from the other side of my door, "The race starts in twenty minutes!" I sighed from my spot in front of my window. I could see the academy high above, and the countless pegasus already crowding the skies in anticipation of the up coming race. I heard my door open, but I didn't pay it any attention. "Hello?" Sky Flare said as she came up behind me, "Earth to Silver? You there?" "Yeah yeah, I'm here." I said, half waving her off. "Well, what's the hold up then?" she asked, "You're not scared are you?" I laughed. "Not a chance," I said, "Just... Just thinking is all." Sky Flare sat down beside me and frowned. "If you're not scared, then what could you possibly be thinking about?" I let out a heavy sigh and shrugged. "My family..." I said softly. "What?" Sky Flare asked. "They've been at every competition, match, or ceremony I've ever had," I said sadly, "But they're not here here for this one. They don't even know about any of this..." I laughed out of nerves. "They probably don't even know where I am... Or if I'm even alive..." Much to my surprise, I felt a wing fall across my shoulders. I glanced over at Sky Flare and found her to be looking down at the floor. "I get you don't wanna talk about where you're from, and that's fine..." she said softly, "But I get it... The family thing..." "What do you mean?" I asked, "You're with Breezy everyday." She laughed weakly and shrugged. "Breezy and Lemon Bloom adopted me when I was young filly," she said, "They're still my mom and dad, and nothing will ever change that. But I never knew my real parents. I don't even remember them really. So I get it." I smirked at her and shook my head. "I never thought you would be so sentimental." I said. "Yeah well, don't expect it to happen a lot," she said, smiling back at me, "Especially if you lose this race." I laughed and got to my feet. "I better not loose then," I said, nudging her with my hoof, "You're actually kinda nice to be around when you're not barking orders or trying to get me to teach you one more set." She smirked and headed for the door, flicking her tail at me as she passed. We made out way up to the starting area and proceeded to wait for the race to begin. There were nearly thirty racers in total, of all colors and skill levels. There were even some creatures here I didn't know even existed. Like the three Gryphons that had joined last minute. Or the loud Minotaur I had seen on the ground bellow. There was even some weird serpent dragon thing hanging around a small group of ponies on the side lines. It looked like a whole mix of different things. Apparently, one of that group was going to be racing today too. A blue pegasus with rainbow colored hair. I had to ask Sky Flare if it was natural or not, and she assured me it was real. Apparently that pegasus had quite a reputation for speed too, so I was looking forward to seeing just how fast she really was. Eventually, a few pegasus came out and started requesting that all friends and non participants leave the area. "So will you be waiting for me with Breezy at the finish line?" I asked, glancing over to Sky Flare. "What are you talking about?" she said, "I'm racing too." "W-what!?" I gasped, "But why?" She snorted at me and smirked. "You may be faster than I am," she admitted, "And you have gotten better at your flying. But like I'd pass up the chance to beat you?" "You just said I was faster than you are though." I said, not understanding what she meant. "And you are," she said simply, "But with how many twists and turns this race has, I'd say my chances are pretty good." That made sense. Her logic was similar to what I would have done in a racing game. Faster cars took wider turns. While a slower car could cut a sharper corner. I grinned at the challenge. "So which of us do you think Breezy's betting on then?" I asked. "Neither of us." She laughed. "What do you mean?" I asked. She gestured towards the blue haired pegasus I had asked about earlier. "He'll bet on her." she said. "What, why?" I asked, rather confused. I had heard she was fast, but fast enough that Breezy would bet on her hands down over us? "You'll see why soon enough," she said, "But so long as I get second, I'll be happy." Before I could press Sky Flare for any more information, a new pegasus walked out before us and began calling names. Those he called went up and received a number, then headed for the starting line. Sky Flare was called second, so she managed to evade any more questions. I couldn't help but laugh when I was called. I was number thirteen. I had never believed in the superstitions surrounding that number, but I still found it slightly ironic. Heading for the starting line, I was shocked to see Dawn in the front row of the crowd. She looked terrified, but she waved at me and smiled regardless. I waved back, a smile I couldn't shake forcing its way onto my face. Out of anyone in this whole world, Dawn was the closest to someone I could truly trust. She was the only other person that knew about me. And just how lost I felt here. After all, she was the same. So it meant a lot to have her here. I had told her about the race, but I hadn't asked her to come due to her fear of heights. I had no idea how she could be up here though, she didn't have wings. Then again, now that I actually thought about it and looked around, there were a great many other Unicorns present in the crowd. And even a few earth ponies here and there. 'It must be some type of magic,' I thought with a laugh, 'Is there anything they can't do with it?' "Racers, to your marks!" I caught Celestia call out. I looked around and both her and Luna above us. They were sitting on a platform of clouds, overlooking us all. I could see three trophies beside them and assumed those would be awarded to the winners. The Princesses smiled down at us all. "You're in my spot." I heard someone say. Looking around, I saw a rather grumpy looking pegasus glaring at me. "Huh?" I said, rather confused. "I'm number twenty three," He said, gesturing to his number, "You're in my spot!" Looking down, I saw glowing numbers in the clouds around us. "Woops, my bad." I said, quickly moving out of the other pony's way. He snorted at me in response and I quickly made my way to the spot marked with a thirteen. I took a deep breath and focused my mind for the race. "Ready your wings!" Celestia called again. Everyone spread their wings and went through their own pre-flight warm ups and stretching. Celestia turned to Luna and smiled at her. "If you would do the honors, dear sister?" she said. Luna nodded and looked skywards. Her horn began to glow, a faint thrum resounding over the area. "Fillies and Gentlecoalts!" Celestia called out in a surprisingly loud voice, "It is my pleasure to welcome you all to this years Annual Canterlot Race! Let us have a clean and sportspony like race! And of course, may the best flier win!" At that, a bolt of purple energy flashed from Luna's horn and streaked through the sky with a piercing whistle. Everyone around me lowered themselves onto a ready stance and I quickly followed suit. The bolt of energy sailed higher and higher, until it exploded in a shower of fireworks. Winds burst up from all around me as every pegasus in the race leapt into the air and began the mad dash to the finish. I was one of the last to get airborne, having not known when I was actually supposed to begin. I cursed my own stupidity at not having asked before hand, but it was too late to worry about that now, I had a race to win! I flapped my wings hard, ramping my considerable speed up to as fast as I dared with so many crowing the skies around me. I tried to maneuver this way and that, but I was effectively crowded in by the twenty or so pegasai ahead of me. 'You all won't let me pass, fine!' I thought, 'Let's see you all stop this!' I opened my wings and caught the air hard, slowing myself considerably. The pack pulled ahead a fair ways in a matter of seconds. Now at a safe distance to use my speed, I shot after the pack, angling upwards to pass over them. The point of the race was to pass through the checkpoints. It didn't matter how you got there, so long as you passed through each of them. I managed to gain some ground by flying over the pack like this and I was quickly in tenth place. After three checkpoints, I was up to sixth. And by nine, I was in fourth. But this was the easy part. Ahead of me, I saw the course drop abruptly and carry on through the streets of Canterlot. I took a deep breath and took the dive fast. 'Time to see if my lessons with Sky Flare payed off!' I thought as I caught sight of my teacher ahead. I had caught up to her in the dive. She was in second, and some distance ahead still was the pony in first place. That blue one with the rainbow mane. 'One trick at a time!' I thought, 'Focus on positions later, right now, bank hard right!' I shifted my wings as I took the first turn, using my inner most feathers to handle the turbulence and my outer most to cut hard into the wind. I took the turn wide and nearly clipped an awning, but I pulled it off. "I saw that Silver!" I heard Sky Flare call back, "That was sloppy!" I snorted at her as she took the next turn. "I'll show you sloppy!" I barked back, flapping my wings harder to try and catch up. That was a mistake. I found myself taking the turn way to fast and I quickly cursed myself for my reckless haste. At the last second, my mind flashed to my first day of flying. I shot my hooves out to meet the wall that I was about to leave a lasting impression on and used my legs to cushion my impact. With a yell and a leap, I kept myself on track on managed the turn. I couldn't see Sky Flare ahead of me anymore. She had apparently already made the next turn. I sped up again, this time planning on taking the turn too wide. I banked hard and met the wall with my feet in an attempt to run along it to try and keep my speed while making the turn. It could have been done more gracefully to be sure, but the maneuver was serving its purpose. Two more turns like that and I had caught up with Sky Flare once again. "What the hay sort of a turn is that!?" I caught her practically yell at me as she found me closing our gap with my latest trick. "No idea!" I answered back, "But so long as it works, I'm fine with it!" She snorted at me and took off, moving even faster than she had been. There was a reason Sky Flare was the Advanced Ariel Maneuvers Instructor. She was faster than most to begin with, but her true talent laid in her precession flying. When she wanted to, she could weave her way through anything, even a thick forest, with no more difficulty than the wind. I got a first hand glimpse of just how skilled she was right then. Sky Flare took the next three corners close enough to the buildings I feared she might clip them. She could turn on a dime, and with how close she kept cutting her corners, I was gradually loosing sight of her once again. I frowned, but kept myself from trying anything more reckless than my latest wall running trick. Taking another turn, the course burst into open air and veered hard to the right. Glancing ahead, I saw the course line up with the train tracks, then disappear into a tunnel in the mountains some half mile ahead. Sky Flare was nearly there already, and I couldn't spot the blue one anymore. "Come on Silver, speed it up!" I barked at myself. Flapping harder, I ramped my speed up to close the gap between myself and Sky Flare. Not having to worry about turn after turn, I could go all out. I tore after Sky Flare, just catching up just as she vanished into the darkness of the tunnel. There were guide lights set up along the track, but there were also obstacles. I couldn't see where the walls or the ceiling were in this darkness, so I was forced to fly low. I could also hear the shrill shrieking of bats from all around me, no doubt upset at having us tear through their home like we were. I had to slow my pace if I wanted to have any chance of recovering from a collision with one of the fuzzy winged rodents. I couldn't see any of the the other racers now, ahead, or behind, but I could hear their wing beats echoing throughout the tunnel. Sky Flare would have less trouble in here than I was, so I fully expected to see her with quite a lead by the time I got back into open air. That left me with only one chance now. The straight stretch to the finish. I burst out of the cave and followed the checkpoints in a wide arc around Canterlot as I lined up for the final stretch. Now free of the confines of the cave, I let my full speed loose and streaked through the sky after Sky Flare and the blue pegasus that was still in the lead. In the open like this, Sky Flare's superior maneuverability was worthless. This was the speed portion of the race. She had a good lead thanks to the street course, but not good enough to counter me. "Silver!" Sky Flare barked as I caught up with her, "Don't you dare!" "Sorry Sky!" I called back, "But I win this one!" I laughed as I gradually pulled away from her. I slowly began gaining ground on the blue pegasus and I grinned as I anticipated the win. She had the lead this entire time, but I was catching up now that we were in the open. "One more to go!" I said with a grin, "One more and I got gold!" "Gold?" I heard the blue pegasus call back, "I think you mean silver! I'm the one taking home the gold today!" We'll just see about that!" I called back. I beat my wings like mad, pushing them to the limit to pass this other pegasus. I laughed, greatly enjoying the thrill of this race. Up until now, I had won every academy race I had participated in with relative ease, especially if it was a straight shot. Precision courses were harder, but even then, my speed and acceleration always let me catch up in time. This was the first time I had actually needed to push myself, and I was loving it. "Hey, your not to bad!" The blue pegasus taunted as I finally matched her speed. "You're not so bad yourself!" I said. "I know," she said smugly, "But you're still not gonna beat me to the finish." "What makes you so sure of that?" I asked. "Because there's no way I'd loose to someone who’s still in Flight School!" she said with a laugh, "Besides..." My heart sunk as I watched this rainbow haired pegasus flip over and begin flying backwards, still keeping pace with me. "I'm still not even breaking a sweat!" she finished, crossing her arms to emphasize her point. I was stunned and amazed, but I wouldn't give up that easily. Returning my focus to the finish line far ahead, I gave it my all to try and pass her again. But, just as I thought I may once again have the advantage, the blue pegasus flipped back around and began pulling ahead from me. I couldn’t keep up. She drew further and further ahead, and just as she neared the halfway point on our straight stretch, the most unexplainable thing I had even seen happened. There was a sound like that of a thunderclap, then all I could see was a brilliant explosion of color. The sky around me shimmered like an aurora, but more rich and vibrant in color than anything I could have even dreamed of. The blue pegasus tore off through the sky like a jet, a literal rainbow following in her wake. I wasn't an expert in physics, but I knew how rainbows worked at least, and I couldn't even begin to fathom how this was possible. But at that moment, I didn't really care. This explosion of color was beautiful and something I was never likely to forget. By the time I reached the finish line, the blue pegasus was already being carried away by who I could only guess were her best friends. I landed, panting heavily from the exertion of the race. I didn't even fold my wings up, instead letting them hang limply to either side of me. "Second place goes to Silver Wing!" I heard Celestia announce, "Well done indeed!" I laughed and looked around quickly for my friends. I saw Breezy heading over to greet me, with Black Mane, Gale, and several of my classmates in tow. I couldn't spot Dawn anywhere though. That saddened me some, but I tried not to let it bother me too much. I was certain Dawn had her reasons for not being here right then. "You may not 'ave won me the bank boy, but you put on one 'eck of a good race!" Breezy called as he came up to me. "Agreed," Black Mane said from behind him, "Your speed near the end was truly quite impressive. With a bit more training, you might even beat Rainbow Dash one day!" "Who?" I asked. "Rainbow Dash," Breezy said with a laugh, "The filly that flew circles around you." "So that's her name," I said, filling the name to memory, "Rainbow Dash. Sky had said she was fast, but she wouldn't tell me her name." "Aye," Breezy said with a nod, "Sky Flare's been tryin' to beat that one for years now, but she's still a might too fast." he laughed and gave me a hard pat on the back. "Too fast even for you it seems, eh?" I laughed, then looked to the sky as Celestia announced third place. "And third this year, is the Ariel Flight Academy's own Advanced Ariel Maneuvers instructor! Sky Flare!" I watched as Sky Flare touched down nearby and waved to her. She glared at me angrily as she trotted over to me. I backed up involuntarily, half expecting her to take a swing at me with the look I was being given. She stopped just before my face and snorted. But before I could say or ask anything, she tilted her head and kissed me on the cheek. I was stunned. "Grats on winning silver, Silver." she said with a rather charming smile. "U-uh... Thanks Sky." I said, still too stunned by her action to say much more. I glanced past her to Breezy and was doubly surprised to see a look of shock that equaled my own. Black Mane and Gale too were just as surprised as I was. Sky Flare glanced back at them and frowned. "What!?" she barked, "He did good! But you all... None of you even participated!" They all shuffled and mumbled some excuse or another. I laughed and shook my head. They may not be the family I lost when that mirror fell on me, but they were good enough to help fill the void. The rest of that night was filled with partying and laughter. I wore my silver medal like it was gold and recanted how i was toyed with at the end of the race by Rainbow Dash. During the course of the night, I finally found out why Dawn had been absent at the end of my race. It turns out she had gotten so into the race, she had lost focus on her cloud walking magic and nearly fell. She saved herself, but the fright of that, coupled with her extreme fear of heights forced her to leave early. I had gone to see if she wanted to join the party on the ground, but Stalwart told me she was already sleeping, the near fatal accident having drained her completely. So I returned to the party without her and resumed the banter. It was a good night. One of the best I've had in all my time in this place called Equestria. > Coming to Terms > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The weeks following the race were fairly routine, though the nightly dinners with the Princesses had been cut back to once a week. There really was only so many ways to say 'I flew around and have a new bruise here,' so it made sense to talk about our days a little less frequently. Aside from having dinner mostly on my own now, I went to school in the mornings, and trained with Sky Flare after sun down. I saw Dawn when I could, but she was kept pretty busy with her magical studies. Since the race though, one thing had changed significantly for me, and not necessarily for the better. I was already well known at the academy for my speed, and my unique style of fighting. I could deal with that well enough, but now, my feats were known throughout all of Canterlot. Nearly everyone said hello to me by name if I went to town, and I frequently had to turn down numerous offers of company from my apparent female fans. Something about a new face that can do something others can't always drew attention. I didn't mind people saying hello, or being friendly, but I liked my own space. Especially in a world where I had next to nothing. Luckily for me though, Sky Flare had noticed my issues and started hanging around a lot more to serve as a form of deterrence. She keep most everyone at bay by simply being near me, and I was more than a little grateful to her for it. It's not that she was mean to other ponies, but her reputation for being stern and imposing was not something others readily challenged. In my time with her however, I realized that she was actually a very nice and caring pony. She just had a unique way of showing her feelings that most just couldn't understand. It was now just after dawn. I had already eaten a decent sized breakfast, and was currently in flight on my way to meet up with Sky Flare. It was Saturday today, so there were no classes. I had considered taking the day off, but I had come to rather enjoy teaching Sky Flare how to fight. And she was growing into quite the sparring partner too. To me, a good fight was just as good as kicking back on a nice day and relaxing. Even better if I was learning something from it. So today was going to be a full day of sparring and footwork. It was going to be a lot of fun. I was just nearing the outskirts of the palace grounds when I caught sight of Dawn and her shadowed companion far below. They were lying next to one another, in the grass of a hill that overlook a portion of Canterlot. It had been a few days since I had actually spoken with Dawn, so I changed course too meet up with her. I dove down towards them, and with a hard flap, stopped my decent a few feet above the ground. I landed softly a ways away and smiled widely at the two of them. "Hey Dawn, you're up early." I called, then I paused as I glanced to the darker pony beside her. I furrowed my brow as I tried to remember his name, but I had completely forgotten. Then again, I had only seen him in passing up until now, or been a bystander while he spoke to the Princesses, so it's not like I really knew him that well. "I see you've got your... Friend? Out for a change." I said, trying to be as polite as I could. "Good morning to you too." Dawn called back. "We were talking about things to ourselves." The shadow pony said, nodding to me politely. "Well that sounds... Fun?" I said with an unsure chuckle, "I take it Stalwart's still on nights?" "Yeah, that he is." Dawn said, yawning a little as she apparently tried to wake herself up. "Sorry, I had a really long night the other day and I'm still not up to par again." "Tell me about it." I said with a sigh. I sat down and shook my head as I dwelt on my own lack of sleep. "I'm usually up at dawn, and I don't go to bed till nearly midnight..." "Oh gosh, what has you out so late?" Dawn asked, a hint of concern clear in her voice. "Fighting," I said with a laugh, "And flying too of course." I grinned at the thought of soaring through air again. I still hadn't even begun to grow bored with the thrill of it, and I truly believed I never would. "Just what are you fighting?" The shadow pony asked curiously. "It's more like sparring I guess," I admitted, "I'm giving fighting lessons in exchange for flight lessons. That's the only reason I was able to even compete in that race." Dawn looked down a little, seeming rather embarrassed. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to stay for the entire race." She said quietly. I smiled at her. "No worries, I know you had quite the scare." I couldn't help but chuckle at the scenario for a moment. Dawn was safe and unhurt, so looking back on it with a laugh or two was fine now. "I gotta admit though, I did not expect to see you there at all. What with your height issues and all." "We have a habit of getting things done in spite of fear." The shadow pony said. "Yeah," Dawn added, "Lemon Bloom told me I might want to learn how to do that cloud walking spell, but I didn't know why until just before the race. I had to keep repeating my motto all the way up the stairs just to keep from shaking or falling." "I will not let my life be ruled by fear." The shadow pony chimed in. I nodded. "Not a bad motto to have," I admitted, "But not an easy one to stick too." "Believe me, we know." The shadow pony said. I watched as he nudged Dawn and she glanced at him with a smile. "I'm more a 'Hakuna-Matata' fan myself. Hence all the 'No worries'." I laughed and smiled at them both. "I always did hate that song." Dawn said with a laugh. I shook my head and glanced over at shadow pony thoughtfully. I hadn't really had the chance to ask about him much, and now seemed a good time since we alone for a change. "So you two are connected, right?" "We are." The shadow pony said. Dawn nodded with him and I grew more thoughtful. "So how does that work?" I asked, "Can you two hear each other’s thoughts? Or feel what the other feels then?" They glanced at each other for a moment, then Dawn replied. "To an extent," she said, "It's kinda weird." "I can imagine," I chuckled, "If you two are the same though, why are you different genders? Or is that just more magic stuff?" "It's..." Dawn started hesitantly, "Starlight really is what I used to be. After some really, really hard times back home, I did some deep soul searching and realized why things were often so very wrong. I saw therapists for a couple years before we discovered I wasn't male, at least, not in my brain or how I thought and behaved. Trust me, I was shocked too. Before I was pulled through the mirror, I was already on medications for half a year to help." "It's very likely the mirror realized what she really was," Starlight added, "And helped make that change more complete. Celestia told her on our first night in Equestria that it helps those who travel through it become more... More true to what they are." I stared at them for several moments. I hadn't expected that at all. It wasn't anything new to me though. Some of my best friends back home had gone through the same thing. It was just a little surprising to find out that Dawn of all people had struggled with that issue. Especially with how well adjusted she seemed. I never would have even thought to the contrary if she hadn't said anything. That got me wondering though. Did Stalwart know? It wasn't my place to say, or even ask really, so I left it be. "I got ya," I said, smiling at them both assuringly, "I have some friends that went through that actually. Well... Had..." I shook my head as thoughts of home started to creep into my mind again. Now was not the time for this, so I forced myself off that line of thought. "So long as you're happy, that's the important thing right?" "Thanks," Dawn said rather shyly, "I do feel better about it, though it's not something I think about much." "You feel more whole, and at peace," Starlight said, "It's no wonder you don't question it, Dawn." I let a slip a laugh. "I’m glad one of use feels whole here," I smirked, "I haven’t since I lost my hands!" I laughed again and clapped my hooves together to make a clopping sound. "I still can’t use these things to save my life." It was true. I could still barely handle dishes or cups. And even after these last few weeks of practice, I still couldn't use a sword, with my hooves or otherwise. "Well, actually,” Dawn started to say, then she paused for a moment, “You just might be able to do something better... I just spent the last several days trying to fix this thing, and Starlight tells me we don't have many, if any, more steps left. It still needs to be tested, but it'll let you move things like we can is the goal. Maybe, just maybe, I can make another one from scratch and give it to you?" I smiled at that, but shook my head. "Thank you very much for the offer," I said, "But you have enough on your plate as it is. If I had a horn instead of wings, I'd be trying to help you. But as it stands, I'm expecting to be here for a while. And not because I don't think you can learn the magic. I just don't see how anyone could fix a broken mirror without actually being there, you know? All this magic stuff just goes right over my head..." "You have a point," Dawn admitted, "It hasn't been at all easy for me either. I don't know how Starlight does it." "It helps when you have a competent teacher." Starlight stated. "Agreed," I said, thinking about just how much Breezy and Sky Flare had taught me, "If it weren't for Breezy and Sky, I'd probably still be grounded right now." "What is it like to fly?" Dawn asked. I couldn't help but grin at her question. "It's amazing," I said, glancing up at the sky, "I've been flying every day, for hours on end, and I'm still not over the thrill of it. The feel of the wind as it passes over my wings. The sight of the world so tiny and far below. The look of the clouds from their level, or above. It's beautiful." I laughed, realizing I had been rambling, then smiled back at Dawn. "It's like you're free," I said, trying to simplify it, "Free from anything and everything." "You're almost making me wish I had wings instead..." Dawn said softly, "Maybe if I did, I wouldn't be so scared of heights." "My stomach still knots every time I do a flip, or look down from up high," I admitted with a chuckle, "But I've gotten used to it. Now it's all just part of the thrill." I paused and looked at Dawn thoughtfully for a moment. "Would you like to try flying with me?" I asked softly. Dawn's eyes went wide and she shook her head as she looked out at the ground before her. "No," she said slowly, "I'm not ready for that yet, no no no..." I smirked at her and nodded in understanding. "No worries. But if you ever want to, just let me know alright? I don't think you'll regret it." "Perhaps another time then..." she said, still looking at the ground, "Are you really strong enough to be able to carry another with you?" "Of course!" I said confidently. I opened my wings beside me and gave a few test flaps. "These have a lot more strength than I think you realize. Though, to be fair, I wouldn't be doing any fancy acrobatics." Dawn grew thoughtful for a few moments, then eventually nodded at me. "Ok," she said, "One day, you'll have to show me. But don't you dare drop me!" "I give you my word." I said, bowing my head a little. Then I laughed and added, "Besides, if I did that, then I'd never get home." Dawn chuckled with me for a moment, then Starlight chimed in. "I would appreciate not returning to the void by an untimely demise." I wasn't sure if my comment had bothered him or not. He was far harder to read than Dawn was, though that may be due to the fact he was semi-transparent. "I don't think any of us wants to have an untimely demise," I said, "Strange as this place is, if I'm gonna be stuck here, I still plan to get the most out of it. I hope you both do too." "Judging by how much time Dawn spent brushing her mane, I'd say she plans to get the most out of somepony today." Starlight said with a growing smirk. Dawn glared at him, clearly embarrassed by his comment. I chuckled at them and shook my head. "You two seem more like siblings than the same person. What with how he seems to pick on you, Dawn." "We're not quite the same," Starlight said, "Remember, we split off some time ago as she realized who she was, and I was... Cast away." He lowered his a little and continued, a slightly sadder tone to his voice, "I'd have probably gone insane over these few years if it weren't for that friend I made in that void." "I don't really get the whole magic, void thing," I admitted, "But I'm glad you weren't totally alone. No one deserves that." "Indeed..." Starlight said, "He won't tell me a name, in all our time together. But he has been extraordinarily well versed in magic. And just might be the key for us to get you home." I paused at that. "Don't you mean get 'us' home?" I asked, eyeing them seriously. "So long as we're linked, Dawn cannot go home," he explained, "Because for her to go home, I would return to being alone. I don't want to be alone again, not again." He grew quiet and Dawn moved closer to him to try and cheer him up. "I don't fully get it either," She said, "But I think I remember Celestia mentioning something when I first got here, about how if you don't want to go, actively don't want to go though, you won't. Knowing what he'd have to face, I couldn't bring myself to make that happen, whether they were a part of me or not." I sighed a little at their answer. "So why are you even trying to fix my mirror then?" I asked, "You should be more focused on figuring out your own issue." "Does anyone need a reason to help others?" Dawn asked, looking up at me seriously, "Figuring out this 'issue' isn't mutually exclusive on my use of time you know. Besides, what kind of person would that mean I am if I tried to go home first, without granting you that same option if it's within my power?" "Helping someone is always a good thing to do," I said, "I just don't want you to focus on my problem to the point you forget to work on your own. That's all." “I appreciate your concern, but neither of us seem to really have an idea how to break the link," Dawn said, "Let alone ensure he doesn't get left alone for until he dies... Until we find out otherwise, we'll work on things slightly more plausible.” “Yes, because being one of the few ponies in history that can repair other ponies' magical artifacts is more plausible.” Starlight smirked. "After what I've seen since I got here," I laughed, "I'm sure anything's possible if you try hard enough." "We'll see I guess." Dawn said, smiling optimistically. She put her head down on the grass and half sighed. "It's going to be a slow day 'till lunch comes around." "Slow is not always a bad thing," I said, "I could use a little slow once in a while myself. But..." I got to my feet and gave my wings a quick stretch. "Not gonna happen today." “Well where are you off to in such a hurry?” Dawn asked, glancing up at me. "Training, remember?" I laughed, "No rest for the wicked. Even in Equestria." Starlight snorted while Dawn merely smirked and waved me off. "I'll catch you at dinner tomorrow night then, sound good?" "Sounds good," I said, "You two have a good day, alright?" "She always cheers up when she gets to see Stalwart." Starlight said, his smirk growing even bigger as Dawn glared at him. "You know you do," he said to her, "Don't give me that look." I chuckled. "Yup. Just like siblings." "Better thought as siblings than lovers..." Dawn said, shaking her head, "I don't think I'm ready for that at all." "Yeah, I'm not even considering that type of thing either," I admitted with a sigh, “Not for lack of offers.” "I wonder what Stalwart would say if he realized, with all you've been teasing him." Starlight teased, nudging Dawn in the elbow, "What do you mean by 'lack of offers?'" Dawn asked, apparently ignoring Starlight’s comment. "Nothing," I said shaking my head, "I've just apparently become popular is all..." I dropped my head and groaned as I found Dawn to be laughing at me. "Yeah..." I said with a sigh. I shook my head and took a few steps back. "Anyways," I said, "I better get going before I'm too late. So I'll see you two later!" Before Dawn could stop her laughing, I gave a hard flap of my wings and took to the sky. I flew straight up for a moment then closed my wings and drifted to the peak of my ascent. I let gravity take hold and I tumbled over backwards. I dove into the fall and rocketed towards the ground, grinning at Dawn's expression as I raced straight for her. About ten feet above her, I shot out my wings and veered to the left, sailing away over the grass and off the nearby cliff. I flew at top speed to the usual place I trained with Sky, a secluded section of forest no one ever seemed to visit. I had hoped to make up a little time with my speed, but I knew I was still going to be late, though only by about twenty minutes or so. "You're late Silver!" I heard carrying over the winds as I neared our meeting spot. I drifted down to the small clearing and quickly spotted Sky Flare sitting nearby. The sunlight was just creeping into the clearing and it shimmered along her red and gold coat almost like firelight. "Sorry," I said, still admiring her glow in the morning light, "I ran into Dawn on the way here, so I had to say hi." "You know, considering she and I are like your only friends, why haven't you introduced us yet?" Sky Flare asked. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at me seriously. "You're not playing one of us on the side, are you mister 'I'm not interested in dating?'" "What!?" I gasped, "No! Of course not!" She glared at me for a moment, then burst out laughing. "Cool your feathers, Silver. I know you’re not like that." I frowned at her and shook my head. "So what's on the list for today, hmm?" she asked. She rose up to her hind legs and assumed a bipedal stance like I had been teaching her in. She rolled her shoulders and grinned at me as she shifted into a fighting stance. "More stances? Maybe some real sparring for a change instead of all that slow motion stuff? Or do I finally get to learn a new technique?" "All of the above actually," I said, "Though first, you're gonna have to learn to keep your footing under pressure. One thousand times more pressure than you're used to in fact." "One thousand times more pressure?" she repeated, clearly confused by my statement. "Yep," I grinned, "Follow me and I'll show you." I gave a flap of my wings and took to the sky once again. Sky Flare snorted and flew after me. We flew over the forest, further away from Canterlot as I looked for the place I had searched out a few days before. "Where are we going, Silver?" Sky Flare called from behind me. "Right down there." I called back. I nodded towards a small stream ahead of us. It was relatively shallow and snaked through a vast portion of the forest, so it offered a variety of training locations. "The stream?" she asked, "What for?" "Patience," I said, shaking my head, "You'll see soon enough." We drifted down towards the stream and landed in the shallow waters. It was cool, but refreshing. The water rose up to just above our ankles and drifted by at a gentle pace. "What," Sky Flare said with a snort, "You want me to have a bath or something?" I laughed. "No. Though I guarantee you'll be soaked by the end of this." She frowned at me. "How ya figure that?" "Assume a ready stance please." I said. I rose to my hind legs and took a ready stance myself as I spoke. Sky Flare followed suit, though it was clear she still didn't understand the purpose of the stream. "Try some of the footwork I've been teaching you, Sky." I said. She sighed at me. "We've been doing nothing but footwork for weeks now..." she protested, "I think I got it down pat." "Humor me." I said flatly. Sky Flare sighed again, then began moving about in the stream as I had shown her. She swept her leg around in a circular motion and began weaving through the water. She stumbled on the slippery rocks here and there, but she did remarkably well considering. I had expected her to fall into the water by now, but she was clearly very good at keeping her balance. "There," she said after another few sets, "Happy now?" "Almost," I said, "Keep going. About five minutes should do." She groaned, then returned to weaving about in the stream. After five minutes of moving nonstop in the shallow waters, Sky Flare was on the verge of panting. "Now we're getting somewhere." I said, smiling at her. "Oh shut up," Sky Flare breathed out, "It's hard to keep moving in this stupid water." "I know," I stated, "That's why we're here." Sky Flare looked me rather confused. "Water is one thousand times denser than air is," I explained, "Due to that, practicing your footwork in shallow water like this is a lot harder than it is on land. It also has the added bonus of forcing you to pay extra attention to your footing so you don't slip on the rocks and wind up soaked." "Why bother doing this in the water though?" Sky Flare asked, "What good is slowing me down here going to be in a fight?" "It's like weight training in a sense," I said, "You get good at moving in water, you'll move ten times better on land. In terms of both speed and control." I laughed thinking back to when I had first learned this trick. "It works wonders for swordplay too. Only now I don't have to worry about my toes turning into prunes!" I laughed again and paused as what I said registered. Sky Flare stared at me quizzically. "Toes?" she asked slowly. "Uhh..." I stammered, thinking quickly for a recovery. "I-Inside joke, sorry." I said, trying to laugh it off. Sky Flare frowned at me, but before she could ask me anything more I lowered my stance and faced her. "Remember your footwork," I said quickly, "And come at me with everything you've got." "What?" she said surprised. "Well, it's about time I did more than simply walk you through the basics of combat, right?" I said matter of factly, "So, come at me. Use what I've shown you so far, and watch closely how I win." "And what makes you so sure you're gonna win, huh!?" Sky Flare snorted at me. I smiled. "Prove me wrong if you can then." I stated simply. I hadn't really wanted to start sparring for real until later today, but I had to do something to try and cover up my toe comment. Up until this point in our training, I had been running Sky Flare through the motions and strikes in a form of slow motion sparring. It was a useful training method to learn how the body moved, and where you were most open when you, or your opponent attacked. Sky Flare had caught on rather quickly, but she had a bit of temper that could be easily exploited. Especially now, since I had learned to read all of her moves in the process of teaching her. Sky Flare snorted at me and charged. She moved like she was supposed to, but in her haste, she swung at me in a very telegraphed karate punch. Moving in the circular motions that comprised most of my style, I blocked her strike and forced her arm upwards. Dipping down a little, I caught her stomach with my other hoof as gently as I could and, using the momentum of her own attack, raised her from the ground and tossed her behind me with a spin. She yelped as she found herself flat on her back in the cold water and quickly scrambled back to her feet. "What the hell was that Silver!" she yelled at me through her now soaked hair. "That was me winning," I said simply, "Did you see how I beat you?" "Yeah," she growled, "You threw me." "Yes, I did. But did you see how?" I asked. She paused and thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. "I don't know," she said, "You hit me in the stomach though. Then I was on my back somehow." "Then let's try it again," I said, "But be warned. The faster you come at me, then faster you'll lose." I caught her glare and chuckled back confidently. As before, she came at me fast. She struck differently this time though. This time, she planted her lead foot firmly into the ground and aimed for my stomach with a well grounded uppercut of sorts. I deflected her strike to the side with another circular block. With her guard now open, I swung my back foot fast, skimming it just over the water until I struck Sky Flare's lead leg. I knocked her feet out from under her and she yelped as she fell into the water once again. She rolled back to her feet and charged me again without pause. I hadn't expected that. Apparently, I had gotten her a little more fired up than I had meant too. I back stepped quickly to give myself a little more room and cursed as my foot slipped on the rocks. Using my wings, I regained my balance and flew a few feet backwards along the water to keep myself out of Sky Flare's range. Sky Flare followed my retreat and leaped into the air. She gave a flap of her wings to close the gap between us and swung her foot hard for my head. I leaned back to avoid her kick and shot a reflexive counter jab into her now exposed flank. I struck her square on her cutie mark and she dropped straight to the water with a splash. She winced at the Charlie-horse I had just given her and growled at me angrily. I opened my mouth to apologize, but she was already swinging at me again. Moving backwards, I swept my arms from side to side, deflecting swing after swing until Sky Flare realized her assault wasn't having the desired effect. She leapt backwards some ten feet, then gave a hard flap of her wings. She launched herself straight at me like a bolt. She flew at me with both her front hooves outstretched in an all-out superman punch. It was an easy attack to counter. I side stepped fast and swept an arm down to drop her front legs. Then, catching her in the stomach with my other hand, I tossed her past me for the third time. She tumbled through the air for a moment, then splashed into the water. "Why the hay can't I hit you!?" She yelled, striking out at the water in frustration. "Calmness," I said, dropping to all fours, "Calmness..." Sky Flare got back to her feet and frowned at me. Her glare made it clear she wanted answers, and quickly. "You're getting the footwork down," I said, "But you need to be calmer Sky... You get riled up too easily. Which makes you easy to beat." She glared at me again for that. "Yeah, well it's worked for me so far hasn't it?" she stated, "I am the Substitute Combat Instructor or the Ariel Flight Academy after all!" "Titles mean nothing in a fight," I stated bluntly, "Rank. Status. Age. None of it matters. The only thing that does, is tactics and skill." "So what, I'm not skilled enough to hit you!?" she growled. "Not really, no," I said honestly, "And if you calm down for a moment, I'll explain why." She frowned at me, then sat down in the stream. She was already soaked, so a little more water wouldn't bother her much. "You're a very offensive combatant," I explained, "You're overbearing. Strong, and fast. Which seems to be the way around here. At least, that's how Black Mane is teaching everyone to be. My style is more defensive. I lay in wait, and counter what's thrown at me. Like your attacks. You put your all into each and every one of them. And look where that's gotten you. You're out of breath, and soaking wet." She looked away from me and snorted her disapproval. It looked almost like she was pouting, but I wasn't stupid enough to say that out loud. "Using your opponent’s power against them saves you a great deal of stamina," I continued, "Which lets you fight for longer periods of time. As well as fight more people in general. I've barely moved this entire fight, instead, I let you defeat yourself for me with your own attacks." "Yeah, well. If I had managed to hit you, you wouldn't be so cocky right now." Sky Flare grumbled. "You'll do significant damage if you hit, I won't deny that," I admitted, "But power is worthless if you can't actually land the blows you’re going for. All it serves to do then, is tire you out faster." Sky Flare looked back to me and tilted her head as my words started to sink in a little. "Alright... But what good is being defensive all the time? What if I don't attack you? How can you win then?" I smiled. "Then I make you attack." "How?" "I'll show you." I rose to my back legs and assumed a fighting stance. Sky Flare sighed and did the same. Her ear twitched heavily in irritation, but she held her ground. "Ready?" I asked. She snorted in reply. I closed the distance between us quickly and swung a jab for her head. The attack would have fallen short, but it was meant to force an opponent to move, not deal damage. She blocked, moving my strike to the side as I had done to her. My next strike was aimed for her stomach. She swung low and blocked my second strike. I stepped towards her as she blocked me, and she reflexively stepped back to keep a safe distance between us. As she started to move however, I stepped hard on her hoof to keep her from retreating. Sky Flare gasped as she started to lose her balance and reflexively saved herself with her wings. She swung for my chest in the same motion, hoping to free her foot with the attack. I dodged to the side of her strike and caught her arm with my left, pulling it tight against my chest. Moving fast, I shot my right hand out and pressed it firmly against her neck, pinning her before me. She was still standing, but now she was stuck. If she tried to move, I could either break her arm, or her neck with ease. We both knew I wouldn't actually hurt her, but I wanted the scenario to sink in. Though Black Mane and the rest of the ponies I had seen fighting here in Equestria used dangerous and potentially lethal weapons, none of them fought with any real intent. They were serious, but not one of them seemed like they would hurt a fly if they could avoid it. I wanted to show Sky Flare what real intent was. After a few tense moments, I smiled at Sky Flare. "Pressure," I said softly, "Pressure your opponent into attacking you and you can use it to your advantage. Know how they move and where they're open, and you cannot lose." "I-I got ya..." Sky Flare said nervously, my grip still holding her firmly in place. "Good." I said. My smile shifted as I admired my captives soaked form. I watched Sky Flares eyes soften as I stared into them and I felt her pulse start to race as the moments passed. I slowly leaned her back as I moved my face closer to hers, watching as her eyes grew wider with every moment. "S-Silver...?" she whispered, a clear blush spreading over her nose and cheeks, "W-what are you doing?" "Winning again." I whispered softly. "W-what?" she said, clearly confused. At that, I released my grip on her and she fell into the water with a surprised squeak and yet another splash. I smiled mischievously down at her stunned expression and chuckled. It took her a few moments to realize what I had done. Eventually, her stunned look faded to a far less pleasant expression. "That wasn't nice Silver!" she said through a heavy frown. I shrugged and helped her back to her feet. "Consider it payback for that sucker punch you hit me with when we first me." "You can be a real jerk, you know that?" Sky Flare said, still frowning at me. "Maybe sometimes," I admitted, "But at least we're alone, right?" I laughed. "Imagine what Breezy would have said if he'd seen how you just froze up like that when I leaned in towards you. And just look at that blush! Whatever were you expecting I wonder?" Sky Flare's ear twitched, and she abruptly tackled me into the stream. I floundered in the water, and before I knew what was happening, I was pinned on my back with Sky Flare on top of me. Her front hooves were on the fronts of my shoulders and her face was mere inches from mine. "You tell anyone about that, and I'll beat you all the way back to wherever it is you came from! Understand!?" she growled. It was an intimidating threat, I'll admit. But I was in a fighting mood now after all the sparring, and this latest stunt wasn't helping to cool me off. Using my wings and a thrust of my hips, I shoved Sky Flare off of me and reversed our positions, pinning her down beneath me. "You'll beat me all the way home, eh?" I teased her back, "And just how do you plan to accomplish that from down there, hmm?" She snorted and abruptly wrapped her back legs around my waist. Using her powerful core muscles, she tossed me over onto my side in the water. I shook the water from my face and got to my feet quickly. Sky Flare was already bounding towards me, and I barely managed to dodge to the side to avoid her. She splashed into the water and fired a hard kick at me. I ducked the attack and leapt away, quickly getting to my hind feet and assuming a fighting stance. Sky Flare did the same, and resumed her assault an instant later. We fought like that for the rest of the day, and by sundown, we were both exhausted. Neither one of us had let up the entire time. And though Sky Flare had wound up in the river more often than not, she still managed to land quite a few blows on me, much to my surprise. My chest was heaving and I could barely stand anymore. I had to use my wings constantly just to keep my balance, but despite all that, I had a Cheshire like grin plastered to my face. Sky Flare was breathing as hard as I was, and looked to be in about the same state. She still had her undeniable look of determination about her, but it was clear that she was enjoying this just as much as I was. "You're still... A jerk." Sky Flare gasped out between breaths. "And you... Can be pretty cute... When you let your guard down." I retorted as charmingly as my panting breath would allow. She snorted at me, then slowly began to laugh. I couldn't help but join in, and before long, we were both roaring with laughter. We made our way to the shoreline and fell to the grass, still laughing. "That was good day." I said, smiling up at the now darkening sky. "Agreed." Sky Flare said. We fell silent for a while and caught our breaths. After a few minutes, Sky Flare groaned and got back to her feet. "Ready for another go?" I asked, wondering why she was getting up. In truth, I was thoroughly exhausted. And regardless of how much I wanted to continue sparring, I really didn't think my body could manage it. She smirked at me and shook her head. "Not tonight. I think I have enough bruises for one day." She paused and eyed me thoughtfully for a moment. "Wanna have dinner with me tonight?" I shot a surprised glance up at her. "What!?" I stammered. That was the last thing I expected her to ever say. She laughed at me. "Relax," she said, smiling down at me, "I'm not asking you on a date or anything. It's almost dinner time at my place. Mom and Dad will be expecting me soon. I'm asking you if you want to join us tonight." "Oh." I said. I felt relieved, but slightly let down at the same time, though I didn't really understand why. "Uh, sure," I said after another moment, "If you're sure Breezy and Lemon Bloom won't mind that is?" "They won't mind," Sky Flare said, "Though my mom may play twenty questions again." I laughed. I had only met Lemon Bloom once. It was at the party after the Annual Canterlot Race. She was a kind yellow unicorn, with a soft orange colored mane and tail. She seemed like a typical, friendly mother. But she was very curious about what I thought of Sky Flare. Apparently Breezy had told her about me and Sky Flare teaching each other and she wanted to know all about me after that. Breezy had played intercept that night, and kept telling me to run for my life. There was too much going on that night for us to talk much though, so I fully expected this dinner to involve more than a little socializing. "No worries," I said, forcing myself to my feet, "I can handle a few questions." Sky Flare smirked and leaped into the sky. "Come on then," she called, "We don't wanna be late." I had never been to Breezy's home before, though I knew roughly where it was. Breezy, Lemon Bloom, and Sky Flare lived in a little house near to the school Dawn had gone to. I had learned from Sky Flare that Breezy only taught at the Academy when it was near Canterlot. He used to live at the academy, and moved around Equestria with it, but as he got older, he wanted to spend more time with Lemon Bloom. So they settled down here in Canterlot. We landed in the streets of Canterlot’s upper residential district. The streetlights burned brightly beneath the stars and lit the way for us. There were a few ponies still out and about, but most had already settled into their homes for the night. Sky Flare led me to a nearby home and stopped outside a small gated fence. "Here we are," she said, opening the gate for me, "Welcome to my home." It was a nice sized place. Two stories, with a fenced off and well maintained yard. I followed her in and she paused before the main door. "Last chance if you wanna change your mind." she chuckled. "I've come this far," I said, "Might as well go all the way, right?" She smirked at me and opened the door. "Mom, Dad, I'm home!" she called out, "And I brought a guest!" "What was that?" I heard Breezy call back in surprise, "You!? You brought somepony home with you!? Are we under attack by the changelings again?" Sky Flare sighed and shook her head at Breezy's teasing. I couldn't see Breezy in the hall beyond the door, but I caught shadows moving about in the light from a nearby room. "Just ignore that please..." she groaned. I chuckled at her and followed her inside. The word changeling had no significance to me, but I assumed it referred to some sort of doppelganger or body snatcher like in my old human world games. 'It must be really rare for Sky to bring home guests,' I thought, 'Why else would Breezy make a joke like that?' I followed Sky Flare to the dining room where Breezy and Lemon Bloom were currently setting up the table. "Yeah, tha’s what I thought," Breezy said, shaking his head as he saw me, "You better run now if you know wha's good for ya, boy." "Oh hush you old goat," Lemon Bloom said to him, before turning to face me, "Welcome Silver, I trust you two had a good day training?" "It was fun," I said, "And one heck of a workout." "My little Sky Flare didn’t hurt you, did she?" Lemon Bloom asked, coming to check me over. "Oh, no no," I said quickly, "I'm fine." "I'm fine too, Mom," Sky Flare said with a frown, "Thanks for asking." "Oh I know you're fine," Lemon Bloom said, still checking me over like a mother hen, "Now be a dear and help your father would you?" Sky Flare sighed and went to work helping Breezy set the rest of the table. "You look no worse for wear," Lemon Bloom said to me, after she finished checking me over, "You go grab yourself a seat. We're having carrot and pea soup tonight." "Ah, soup..." I said, trying to hide my concern, "I love a good soup." "Excellent!" Lemon Bloom said, her smile practically beaming. 'Of all the foods they could have made for dinner, why did it have to be soup!?' I thought mortified. I had gotten the hang of eating most foods with my hooves now, but I still hadn't managed to get the hang of drinking soup with any degree of grace. I always made a mess of my face, and for the life of me I could not avoid making that horrible slurping sound. And it's not like I could ask anyone how to eat soup differently. Everyone who knew about me used magic to eat, so I was left a little in the dark about things like that. I could have asked anyways, but I really hated asking stupid questions. Especially of royalty. '...This is gonna be a long dinner...' I thought with a sigh. Breezy smirked at me and leaned close. "Wha's the matter boy," he whispered to me, "Scared a my wife’s cookin'?" "Not at all," I whispered back, "It's just... Been a long day, that's all." "Aye," Breezy whispered back, "The way you two were goin' at it, I ain't surprised you'd be feelin' a might tuckered." I glanced at Breezy in surprise. "You were there?" I asked quietly. "I caught sight a ya when I was out an about," he whispered, "Tha's the most fun I've seen my daughter 'ave in ages. I thank ya for that." "It was nothing, really." I whispered back quickly. "Wasn’t nothin' to 'er," Breezy whispered, nodding to Sky Flare as she headed into the kitchen with Lemon Bloom, "And ain't nothin' to me." I wasn't sure what to say to that, but thankfully Lemon Bloom returned a moment later. She was carrying a large pot before her with her magic and she was humming pleasantly to herself. Sky Flare followed after with an extra bowl in her mouth. She set it down before me and sat down at the place to my right. Lemon Bloom placed the pot down in the middle of the table and sat down across from me. Breezy inhaled deeply and smiled at his wife, before sitting down beside her and to my left. "Smells wonderful my dear. Not that it ever doesn't." Lemon Bloom smiled at him, then using her magic, lifted a ladle from the pot. She gave each of us a full scoop of the Carrot and Pea soup, then returned the ladle to its place inside the pot. "Dig in everyone." She said contently, "And we have plenty extra. Just in case somepony wants seconds." I couldn't help but feel like that was directed at me. Glancing at my soup, I took a sniff and my stomach gurgled instantly. It smelled damn good, but I resisted the nearly overwhelming desire to dive into my soup bowl and drink every last drop. I didn't want to embarrass myself, so I watched from the corner of my eyes as the others started to eat. Lemon Bloom, being a unicorn, used her magic to lift a spoon and eat with that. Most of my meals were either me eating alone, or eating with the Princesses and Dawn. All of which could use magic. So I was genuinely curious as to how Breezy and Sky Flare were going to tackle their soup. Much to my surprise, they tilted their bowls slightly with their hooves and drank their soup in much the same manner as I had been doing on my own. I felt a wave of relief wash over me at the sight. 'At least I was doing that part right.' I thought. I followed their examples and tilted my bowl towards me. I blew softly to cool the hot liquid, and drank it down as quietly as I could. As with most foods I had tried here, it tasted fantastic. And was clearly made form organic, garden fresh ingredients. As I neared the end of my soup, Sky Flare nudged me from beneath the table. I glanced over at her and she gestured to her nose. It took me a few seconds to realize what she was trying to tell me. But after a moment, I glanced down my muzzle and spotted a piece of carrot resting on it. I flushed red with embarrassment and as subtlely as I could, wiped the vegetable from my nose with my wing. She smirked at me and went back to her soup without a word. I forced myself to return to mine as well, and willed myself not to look up to see if Breezy and Lemon Bloom had noticed. Luckily, the rest of the dinner went by rather smoothly. I even had seconds. Lemon Bloom and Sky Flare had cleaned up the table and were now working on the dishes. I had offered to help out of courtesy, but Lemon Bloom refused every offer. So I was left alone with Breezy in the family room. "So," Breezy said from his spot on his cushion, "While the wife be at bay, I got somethin' ta ask ya, Silver." I half sighed at that. By the sounds of it, I was about to get a father speech about treating his daughter right and being a real man for her. 'What part of I'm not interested in dating did these ponies not get?' I thought with a frown, 'Sky Flare's a friend, that's all...' "What do ya think a my daughter?" Breezy asked seriously. I looked at Breezy and smiled at him slightly. "She's a good teacher," I started, "And a good friend." "Aye," Breezy said nodding, "That she is..." He eyed me seriously and leaned closer to me. "I ain't ever seen ‘er ‘ave a time with anypony like she seems to with you, Silver," he said softly, "I know how ya are with the mares. You're turnin' ‘em all away left and right. Why is that? Ya got yourself one back where you're from? Or you got somepony else in mind 'ere I ain't caught wind of?" I sighed at him and shrugged. What could I say to that? The truth was, I had a girl back in my world that I loved very much. But I might never see her again now. And even if I do, I've been missing for over a month now already. How much longer would it take for me to get home? Another month? Two? Ten? A year? I wouldn't expect her to put her life on hold for me for that long. Even if I would for her. But even that wasn't the full issue here. Even hypothetically, if I did like Sky Flare, or anyone here in that way... I don't know if I could ever go through with it. Liking someone, and even loving them is one thing. You're drawn to their personalities and their likes and dislikes. That's what a relationship is. But that's only part of a real relationship. Physical attraction is also a factor. What if Sky Flare wanted kids? My form may make me the same species as she is, but I wasn't exactly attracted to ponies. And then comes the issues with who I really am too. If I did fall for someone here, I wouldn't be able to lie to them about myself. I would have to tell them where I was really from, and what I really am. How would they take that? It was too much to deal with. So I fully planned to simply ignore it entirely until I knew for certain if I was stuck here forever or not. But that didn’t help me at this moment... "It's... Complicated," I sighed, "I have a family back home. But due to some things well beyond my control, I might never be able to see them again. If I'm stuck here for the rest of my life, then I might look for someone again. But until I know for sure, I just... Can't be with someone. You understand...?" I looked at him seriously, hoping he'd understand what I was saying. He nodded at me, then smirked. "Good on ya, Silver," he said, "I understand what yer sayin'." I sighed, rather relieved by his answer. Breezy leaned back and seemed to lose himself in his thoughts for a minute. "Wait here a spell," he said, getting to his feet, "I think I got somethin' for ya." "Hmm?" I said surprised, "What is it?" Breezy ignored me, and disappeared down the hall without another word. It felt a little awkward, sitting there alone. I could hear Sky Flare and her mother chatting away in the kitchen, but I couldn't make out what they were talking about. Looking around the room, I saw a number of pictures and old books on the shelves. Nearly every picture had Sky Flare in it, and the few that didn't were of Breezy and Lemon Bloom together over the years. It looked like they were quite the happy little family. As I looked through the snapshots of Sky Flare's life, I gradually found my mind wandering to the pictures of my family I had at home in the human world. I felt my eyes start to tear up and I started to get overwhelmed by the vast emptiness their absence left in me. A sniffle from my nose brought me back to the moment however, and I quickly dried my eyes on my front leg. I cleared my throat and took a few deep, calming breaths to steady myself. It wasn't a moment too soon, as just then, Breezy returned. He had a black piece of some leather-like material draped over the back of his neck. "Here," he said, tossing the item at me, "Try that on." I caught the piece of fabric with my hooves out of reflex and looked at it closely. It looked like a vest of some sort. It was black and felt like a heavier cut of leather, but I knew it had to be made of something else. After all, they didn't kill cows here or keep any livestock that I was aware of. Doubly confusing was the collar of white fur. I doubt they skinned anything here, so what was it really made of? Failing to come up with any possible alternatives, I went back to checking the vest over. A silver zipper ran along the front of it, and two armholes were cut into the sides. Two additional holes were cut into the back of the vest, with a set of small snap-buttons that ran from the base of these extra holes to the waist band. "Stop starin' at it and put it on already." Breezy snorted at me. "H-how?" I asked sheepishly. I had no idea which holes to put my arms through. I assumed the larger pair on the sides, but the smaller ones in the back could also work. Breezy shook his head and helped me into the vest. He unzipped it and slipped it over my head. I watched as he popped open the buttons on the back, and immediately realized what the extra holes were for. My wings slipped through the unbuttoned slits, then Breezy re-buttoned them, securing the vest around my wings. He zipped up the front and took a step back, nodding to himself. "Looks like it fits ya rather well my boy," he said, "How's it feel?" I rolled my shoulders and gave a few test flaps of my wings to check the range of motion. It fit surprisingly well. And whatever material it was made of breathed like cotton. "Feels good," I said honestly, "But what's it made out of?" "Is a special mix of a heavy cut silk from the Zebra's, and an inner weave of mesh fibers," Breezy said, "They don't make ‘em like that no more. But at one time, they were given to the top Wonder Bolts." "The Wonder Bolts?" I said. I had heard that name before somewhere. It took me a moment, but then I recalled Sky Flare telling me about them. They were the best flyers in Equestria. If you were a Wonder Bolt, even a new one, you were held in the highest of Pegasus esteem. "Wait, you mean you were a Wonder Bolt?" I asked. "Once upon a time," Breezy said with a shrug, "Now I'm just an old flight pony." He smiled thoughtfully at some long past memory then laughed. "Is tradition to pass on a vest like this when a young'n proves 'is worth. My little Sky's not big enough for mine. But you... You seem to be just about the right size." "What? No, I can't Breezy," I said quickly, "You earned this. And tradition or not, I can't take this." "Oh yes you can," Breezy said sternly, "And ya will. You got a good heart, Silver, and a strong spirit. And you're true to yourself, no matter what you're faced with. You speak your mind and you don't let anyone push ya around. Back in the day, fliers like that would 'ave been at the core of the Wonder Bolts. Things may 'ave gotten more lax now, but I say a pegasus like you deserve a vest like that. Wonder Bolt or no." "Breezy..." I said, momentarily at a loss. I was a little stunned by his gift, and the apparent esteem he seemed to hold me at. "I agree," I heard Lemon Bloom chime in from the doorway, "And it certainly does seem to add to your charm, I must say." Glancing over, I saw her smiling at me. Sky Flare was beside her, an odd expression on her face I couldn't quite place. "What do you think?" Lemon Bloom asked, nudging Sky Flare softly. Sky Flare glanced at her, looking like she had been jarred from a deep thought. "Yeah, looks good." she said distantly. Something was bothering Sky Flare, but I had no idea what. I just hopped I hadn't done something wrong. Breezy cleared his throat and whispered to me quickly. "I ain't done that speech yet boy," he said, "So don't go too far just yet." I chuckled a little at that and we all spread out into the room and sat down. "I must say Silver, in that vest, you're the spitting image of Breezy when he was your age," Lemon Bloom said, "Aside from coat color of course." "I don't know," Breezy laughed, "A few more years and I might be gray enough to be confused as the boys’ father." Lemon Bloom chuckled with him as he laughed. "Dad," Sky Flare cut in, "Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone." She got to her feet, and headed for the hall. "Uh oh," Breezy chuckled, "Looks like I'm in for it now." He smiled assuringly at me and trotted out of the room with Sky Flare. I sighed slightly at that. I had a feeling there was more to this vest than I knew, and Sky Flare was more than a little unhappy about Breezy giving it to me. "Oh don't you worry about them," Lemon Bloom said, "My little Sky's just... A little attached to some of my husband’s things." I looked at Lemon Bloom seriously, and she explained. "Sky Flare grew up on tales of her father's journeys around Equestria, and of his accomplishments as a Wonder Bolt," Lemon Bloom said, "She's always dreamed of one day following in his hoof steps, but..." "But what?" I asked. "She knows how hard it was for me while Breezy was off on his missions, or even more recently when he was still a full time instructor at the academy," she went on, "She doesn't want to put me through that again, so she's stayed here in Canterlot her whole life. She's a remarkable flier, and one of the best swordsmares I've ever seen. Though I shouldn't be surprised by that with who her father is." She smiled at me a moment, then continued, "Breezy was a lot like you are when he was younger. Skilled, fast, and always standing up for what he believed was right. I think that's why Sky likes you so much. But don't tell her I said that." I smiled and nodded. "I won't. But I'm confused... Breezy's done traveling with the academy, right? So what's keeping Sky here now?" Lemon Bloom sighed. "It's complicated..." She looked at the many pictures scattered about the room and eventually returned her gaze to me. "To put it simply, my little Sky is scared. Not scared for herself, but scared for me." I tilted my head, not understanding what she meant. "She doesn't want me to worry," Lemon Bloom explained, "Traveling the world alone, even in this day and age, still has risks. And you know how she can be... So she doesn't have the most friends." "Yeah, I can see that..." I said with a sigh, "Sky's not the easiest pony to get to know." "She's always been that way," Lemon Bloom said shaking her head, "Ever since she could walk." We fell silent, the both of us lost in our own thoughts. I knew Sky Flare had a huge love for the world, but I hadn't realized just how deep that love actually ran until just now. She knew every mountain, forest, stream, and village in Equestria by heart. I could literally point at any part of a map and she'd be able to tell me everything there was to know about it. For all her personality and apparent tomboy demeanor, she was one hell of a bookworm. Her cutie mark showed this love of the word clear as day, though I doubt most would have realized it meant what it did. Her cutie mark looked like a simple globe, with a dotted travel line encircling it. Most thought it symbolized her love of flight and a desire to be above everything else. In truth, it showed her overwhelming desire to travel all over the world and see everything she could. But despite this deep rooted love of exploration, she's been stuck here in Canterlot out of concern for her mother. I felt sorry for her. It must have been really tough on her mother when Breezy was away... It's no wonder Lemon Bloom became a teacher. She didn't like being without Breezy, so she surrounded herself with others. A lot like how Sky Flare did with the academy. She couldn't get out into the world, so she went where the world converged. Pegasus from all over Equestria came to the academy to learn, so it made sense why she'd want to be a part of it. She could learn at least a little from the stories of those there. Lemon Bloom sighed and cleared her throat, catching my attention. "I would like to ask you a favor, if I may Silver Wing," she said softly, "I don't know how deep your relationship with my daughter runs, but if you could somehow... Convince her that she can be herself now, and go out into the world. Or I don't know... Drag her out there with you if you should ever find yourself visiting one of the nearby villages? Even Ponyville would be a whole new world for her. I'm blessed to have such wonderful daughter, I truly am, but it's time she lives her own life. She deserves to be happy too." "What was that?" Sky Flare cut in from the doorway, "You two aren't scheming something, are you?" I tensed, and kept my eyes locked on Lemon Bloom. "Oh heavens no," Lemon Bloom said, smiling calmly, "I was just telling young Silver Wing here how wonderful it is to see my little Sky bringing her friends home for a change. And such a charming, handsome one at that." "Mom!" Sky Flare barked, an embarrassed blush crossing her face. She glared at us both and snorted her disapproval. Lemon Bloom seemed oblivious to the glare and continued without change. "You really must come for dinner again, Silver Wing. It truly was a pleasure." Breezy cleared his throat as he entered the room behind Sky Flare. "Aye," he said, nodding in agreement, "Can always do with another good pegasus around the place." Sky Flare groaned and grabbed me by the hoof with her own. "Come on Silver, it's time to leave." she grumbled irritably. "But I-" I started, then fell silent as I caught her expression. It was a mix of a glare and a pleading look for help. "Thank you very much for the dinner, Lemon Bloom," I called over my shoulder as Sky Flare practically dragged me out of the room, "And thank you again for the vest Breezy!" I could hear them both chuckling from the family room and before I knew it, I was outside again. Sky Flare closed the door behind us and sighed heavily as she leaned against it. She slid down to the ground and thunked her forehead against the door. "Is everything alright...?" I asked tentatively. "I can't believe I thought it was a good idea to invite you over for dinner..." she mumbled. I felt a little hurt by that, and my wings dropped slightly in response. Sky Flare evidently caught the motion and she sighed again. "Sorry. That's not what I meant. Well, it is, but... You know what, forget it, okay?" She stood up and shook her head. "What I meant to say, was I can't believe I thought inviting you to dinner would go smoothly," she explained, "I should have known those two would do something like this." "Like what?" I asked, trying to play the oblivious card. "Dad being all buddy buddy, and mom talking about how wonderful it is for me to bring someone over," she said with a frown, "I'll never hear the end of this..." I chuckled a little at that. This entire night seemed so normal to me. So much like a regular night back in my world, at home with my own family. "And what are you laughing at huh!?" Sky Flare asked, "You so much as pop a seam on that vest and I'll use a piece of your own hide to fix it!" I gave a tentative wave of my hoof to try and calm her down, but I couldn't help but continue to chuckle. She sighed and looked down at the ground beneath our hooves. "Just promise me you'll take care of it, alright?" she asked softly, "It means a lot to me..." I nodded in understanding. "I promise. I'll do my best to make sure nothing happens to it." I paused as a thought crossed my mind, and though I felt it may backfire, I asked anyways. "Is it waterproof by the way? And is it dry clean, or machine washable?" She looked at me and frowned. "It's water resistant," she said, "And it's hoof wash only. Air dry too." "Good to know," I said, taking note of the directions, "Good to know." An awkward silence fell over us and I shuffled my feet as it started to linger painfully. "So..." I said tentatively, hoping to break the silence, "Thank you for inviting me to dinner, it was nice." "Yeah, that's one word for it." Sky Flare said. She shook her head and smirked at me. I tensed as she came right up to me, so close I could feel her breath tickle my nose. She raised her leg and stroked the furred collar of my new vest and smiled. "My dad's vest does look good on you," she said softly, "And you're right. Dinner was... Nice. Thank you for joining me." I nodded my head slightly and smiled back at her. "It was my pleasure." A flicker of light caught our attention, and we caught a brief glimpse of Lemon Bloom and Breezy peering at us from a nearby window. They ducked away quickly, but we knew it was them. Sky Flare groaned loudly and turned back to the door. "Have a good night Silver," she said with a sigh, "I'll see you tomorrow night, usual time." "Sounds good," I said, smiling after her, "Good night Sky." She flicked her tail at me and headed inside. I couldn't help smile at the events of the day. And it truly was a nice dinner. It felt like home, and that was both wonderful, and terrible at the same time. I let out a heavy sigh and leaped into the cool night air, quickly climbing high into the star filled sky. I had returned to my room at the Palace to sleep, but my mind would not let me rest. Try as I might, the conversation with Dawn this morning, and the dinner with Sky Flare kept looping in my mind. They served to remind me of the friends and family I had lost by coming here. Eventually, I gave on trying to sleep all together and took to wandering the halls of the palace, much like I had the first night I found myself here. After an hour or so, I came across the room that held the Mirror of Worlds and sighed heavily. "Back again..." I said to myself. I slipped into the room and stood before the mirror. I raised a hoof and pressed it to the glass. As with the first time I tried, countless glowing cracks cascaded out along the entirety of its surface. My heart sunk deeper at that. I knew better than to expect a miracle, but I had to at least try. I sat down before the mirror and sighed again. "I miss you guys..." I said sadly, "All of you..." I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, but try as I might to resist them, some things just happen regardless. I dropped my head against the mirror and cried. I laid there for what felt like ages, though I have no real idea how long I spent there. Eventually, my rather miserable state was interrupted by a soft voice calling to me. "Are you alright, Silver?" the voice said. I tensed and looked to the mirror hopefully, but I saw nothing. In its reflection however, I noticed Princess Luna standing in the doorway that lead into the room. I sighed and got to my feet. My tears had long since dried, but I was still no better than I had been when I first laid down. "I'm fine." I said, forcing a smile onto my face as I looked over to her "That, I do not believe." Luna stated softly. She entered the room and the closed behind her. "You have not slept this night," she said, "And even without magic, one can plainly see that you are troubled." I laughed weakly and shook my head. "I'm fine," I said again, trying to avoid the conversation, "Just missing home, that's all." "That is understandable," Luna said, "But there are better way to deal with such feelings than depriving yourself of sleep." "I'm not exactly feeling this way on purpose." I said, my tone far less than respectful than I intended. Luna smiled at me. "It will take time to adjust to the way things are. But should you find yourself troubled like this in the future, find me. I suspect I will hold far more comfort and conversation than an ancient relic." I sighed and found that I no longer had the energy to move, so I just sat down and stared at the floor. "Would you like to speak on the matters that trouble you?" Luna asked, coming to sit beside me. "Not really..." I said. She smiled a little more at that, though I couldn’t understand why. "Then would it be alright if I merely spoke on my observations, and allow you to interject if you feel the desire?" she asked. I just shrugged. I really didn't feel like talking, or being around anyone. But I wasn't going to be ruder than I already was and tell her to go away. "I have been aware of your visits to the Mirror of Worlds for some time now," Luna began, "The first time you came, was after your altercation with Black Mane. On your first day of combat training." She paused and looked at me, but continued on when I made no signs of wanting to speak, "You had seemed rather pleased with the events of that confrontation. You even spoke of it to the mirror in great detail." "So you've been spying on me then?" I asked, now drowning in embarrassment on top of everything else. "Not intentionally," Luna explained, "Since the events of your and Meadow Dawn's arrival here in Equestria, my sister and I have taken steps to insure that such unexpected visits will not go un-noticed again. As such, we are made aware the moment the mirrors magic is awakened." I sighed. "So I take it me touching it set off your alarms then?" I asked, though I knew I was right. "Correct." I frowned at the floor and fell silent again. I did not like someone eavesdropping on me, especially when I thought I was alone. All this magic just seemed to serve as a way to spy on and control people. I still wasn't sure exactly how a unicorn compared to the Princesses in terms of what they could really do with their magic, but it was seeming more and more like if you had magic, you could do whatever you wanted. You could see and hear from a distance, know when someone was around, even read people’s minds without them ever knowing. I liked my privacy. Some might not care as much, but it meant a lot to me. And now, thanks to all this magic, it seemed that was something else to add to my list of things I had lost in coming here. Luna sighed a little and I tensed. I wasn't sure if that was a coincidence, or if she was reading my mind right now. The fact I had no way of even knowing infuriated me to no small end. "The second time you came here," she said, "Was after the Canterlot Race in which you came in second. You again spoke of the events of your day, and though you grew saddened by the end of your telling, you had carried on none the less. But this time..." She glanced at me seriously and smiled softly, "This time, you have said nothing. You are merely here. What has transpired to cause you such anguish?" I shook my head. "Can't you just use your magic and find out that way?" I said a little more harshly than I had intended. I dropped my head a moment later and sighed. "Sorry... That was rude..." "It is alright," Luna said, "Your frustrations are understandable. Without magic, one can feel at a disadvantage when surrounded by it. However, even though magic can be used to gleam into matters beyond ourselves, it is only ever used in such a manner as a last resort. That is why I am speaking to you out loud, and not merely directing such concerns into your mind, or your dreams." I looked up at her and shook my head a little. "I just miss my family," I said, giving in a little, "I miss them. Some nights more than others. I had a really good time with Sky Flare today, and a nice dinner afterwards." "What is so wrong with that?" Luna asked, "You are entitled to enjoying yourself here, as much as anypony." "Yeah, well... I shouldn't," I stated bluntly, "I have a family, and friends back home. Making new ones here is pointless. If I go back home, then I'll miss these ones. But if I stay here, then all they'll do is remind me of what I've lost. So since I'm screwed either way, I might as well just stay alone here and cut my losses." Luna sighed. "Do not punish yourself for finding what happiness you can here, Chris," she said softly, "Be they lost forever, or merely awaiting your return, do you not feel that your family would wish you to be happy, regardless of where you are, or how far from their arms you may be? And in turn, the new friends you are making here. Dawn, Breezy, Black Mane, and Sky Flare. Do you not feel that they would understand your desire to return home if the opportunity should present itself? You must not fall into the darkness of your heart. I know all too well just how easy it can be to simply turn your back on the light. I have had one thousand winters to dwell on the truth of friendship and love. You must accept it wherever you can, and hold it close to your heart. Cherish every moment. Do not see a past joy as a sign of something lost to you. Instead, see it as point in your life where you were at the peak of happiness. And look from that peak to ever higher moments of merriment that you have yet to discover." She smiled at me and rose to her feet. "You are not alone here. Not unless you draw it upon yourself." I watched as she headed for the door and I felt my heart lighten a little at her words. I was confused by her comment on a thousand winters, but I could dwell on that later. What she had said about life and getting what I can from it, she was right. I shouldn't dwell so much on what I lost. Or think that new things are just reminders of old joys. I'm stuck here, nothing's going to change that. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't try and make the most of what I can and see what happens. Luna paused before the door and glanced back at me. "Well," she said softly, "Do you wish to walk with me this night, or do you still desire the solitude of this tomb?" I chuckled at her and rose to my feet. "Might as well enjoy the moonlight I guess. You do hold far more comfort and conversation than some old mirror after all." She chuckled at my quoting of her and we headed out into the hall. I passed a final glance over my shoulder at the mirror as the door closed behind me, then went with Luna on her nightly rounds. > In Over My Head... Again. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I spent the entire night walking the palace with Princess Luna. The two of us talked about a great many things, from my family and where I grew up, to Equestria's origins and Canterlot’s founding. Much to my surprise, I found out that Luna had been quite literal in her comment on having had one thousand winters to dwell on the meaning of friendships and love. Thanks to some inherent magic that Alicorns possess, both Luna and Celestia were apparently well over a thousand years old. I shouldn't have been as surprised by that as I was, what with all the other things magic had shown me it could do, but I was nonetheless. It was an enlightening night for both of us, thought I feel I learned more overall. Like the rising and setting of the sun. I had always thought the transitions of dawn and dusk to be rather abrupt since I first arrived here, and now I knew why. It turns out that the Princesses quite literally raised and lowered the sun and moon with their magic. My knowledge of the solar system and space screamed at the impossibility of that, but what choice did I have but to accept it? Impossibilities where I was from were turning into concrete facts left and right. It was conversations like these that made me feel like I would never truly run out of things to be amazed at in this place. Before I had realized it, breakfast had come around and cut our night short. Luna had invited me to join her and Celestia, but by that time I had finally grown tired enough to sleep, so I thanked her for the offer but declined. I fell asleep the moment I reached my bed and didn't have any intentions of waking before dinner that night. Life however, has a way of making its own plans, as barely an hour later there was a loud knocking on my door. I groaned and tried to bury my head deeper into my pillow, trying desperately to ignore the incessant knocking. I heard a soft click, then the familiar creak of my door opening. I groaned again and continued to ignore it. It was rude of me to do so, but all I wanted at that moment was to stay within the sweet embrace of my bedding and let sleep cradle me for the rest of time. I heard the door close, then tensed a little as I heard the soft clopping of hooves approach. "Silver?" I heard a voice call softly. I recognized the voice instantly. It was Sky Flare. "Silver," she called again, "You didn't show up for our training session... You getting up?" "...No..." I grumbled, "I was up all night and just wanna sleep..." I heard her chuckle at me then fall silent. After a moment I felt my bed shift a little and tensed as I realized that Sky Flare was climbing into bed with me! She curled up behind me, snuggling up against the back of my neck with a soft sigh. My mind flashed to my old human life and I smiled into my pillow for a moment, then I recalled where I was. I wasn't sure how to react to this. Part of me wanted to leap out of bed and ask her what she thought she was doing. We were not in a relationship together, and she knew I wasn't looking for one, so why was she doing this to begin with? At the same time though, it was comforting beyond words to have someone curled up against me once again. The feel of someone pressed against me while I slept was one of the greatest feelings I had ever known. The warmth of their body as it rested against mine. The feel of their chest moving with every breath they took. Even the sound of their heart beating steady like a soft drum in my ears. The entire scenario was perfectly designed to make anyone feel safe and content. It was a true lullaby. I sighed contently and snuggled deeper into my bedding. I'd figure out why she was doing this later. For now, I was just going to enjoy this moment and think nothing of the past or the future. This is what was happening right now, and I would gladly accept this feeling for as long as it was offered to me. I awoke to the sound of knocking on my door. I groaned and sat up slowly, not wanting to disturb Sky Flare. I smiled over at her spot on my bed and paused as I found myself to be alone. I looked around quickly, but she was gone. 'Was it a dream...?' I thought, a little disheartened, 'It felt so real though...' I felt the bed with my hoof, checking to see if the spot beside me was warm or not, but it was cool. "I guess it was just a dream..." I sighed. The knock came again and a stern voice called from beyond the door. "Silver Wing? Are you there?" "Uh, yeah!" I called back, "Just a second!" I hopped off my bed and trotted over to the door. I opened it quickly and saw one of the palace guards waiting beyond. "The Princesses Celestia and Luna request your presence for dinner tonight." he stated. "Oh right, the dinner," I said, "Is it that time already?" He nodded at me and took a step back. "Do you require an escort?" "No, I'll be fine thank you." I said. The guard gave a polite bow and headed off to his other duties. 'Guess I slept all day,' I thought, 'Oops.' I glanced back at my bed and sighed. 'Shame... That was a really nice dream.' Leaving my thoughts of Sky Flare behind, I made my way to the dinner hall. The countless halls that had once felt like a never ending maze of corridors and doors were now a simple matter to navigate. So much so, I could probably find my way around blindfolded by now. As I was reminiscing on the difficulties I used to have finding my way, I voice called to me from nearby. "Hey there Silver!" the voice said. Glancing behind me, I caught sight of Dawn trotting up to meet me. She had a wide smile on her face, and judging by the disheveled state of her mane, I guessed she had been in bed all day too. "Hey there yourself," I called back to her, "What's got you so excited, hmm?" “Oh, you’ll see soon enough.” She replied with a smirk. I shook my head and chuckled. She held an unusual air of pride about her I had not seen before. I wasn't sure what had caused it, but by her words, I'd probably be finding out come dinner. Dinner started of normal enough. We all said our hellos to one another and ordered our fancy. Which for me, was a heavy bowl of carrots, drizzled lightly in honey with a slice of garlic toast on the side. I had always wanted to eat healthier, but it was pain to do in my world. Not here though. Here I couldn't do anything but eat healthy. It was a good thing I liked most vegetables or I would have been in hell. “Gods… I can’t remember the last time I had cheese like this.” Dawn sighed contentedly. She had ordered some sort of grilled cheese sandwich. It had smelled great, but nothing beat good, garden fresh carrots. “Seriously," she continued, "I swear you have some insanely talented chefs here.” "Indeed," Celestia said smiling, "Canterlot is home to a great many talented Chefs." I chuckled and downed the last of my meal. "I'm still a fan of the carrots." "Canterlot is also home to a variety of gardens as well." Celestia chuckled back. “Well, whatever the case may be," Dawn said, "I'm really glad to have them available like this.” She took a contented breath and pushed her plate back with a leg. “Well then, let's go ahead and get right to business then shall we?” I glanced over at her and quirked a brow at that. 'Guess it's time to find out what's on her mind.' I thought. I caught Celestia and Luna both sit up a little more regally and turn their attention towards her as they awaited her intent. “Ladies and gentleman...” Dawn started to say, but Celestia interrupted her softly. “It's 'Fillies and Gentlecolts.'” she corrected with an amused smile. “Oh. Okay, do over!” Dawn giggled, “Fillies and Gentlecolts! I present to you, a now working magical artifact!” I caught the faint sound of a drumroll and looked around for the source, but I couldn't find one. Dawn slipped her bracelet off her leg and placed it on the table as the sound faded. 'That's the thing Celestia gave her a few weeks ago,' I thought, recognizing the object, 'The thing from up in... The Crystal Kingdom. She actually managed to fix it?' I felt a twinge of hope at that. After all, if she could fix one magical thing, it stood to reason that she'd be able to others. Namely my mirror. “Interesting,” Celestia said thoughtfully, "I will assume that the full sum of the bits you were given was spent on this items restoration then?" I looked curiously at Dawn at that. 'She needed money to fix it?' I thought. I had learned of the currency of this world a while ago, but somehow, I didn't think it'd cost money to fix a magical item. I just assumed magic was all that would be needed. It seems I was wrong. “Uhm, well, I...” Dawn said hesitantly, “No... I spent fifty bits on the necklace the gem was in. Thirty to get it changed out. And the remaining twenty was spent… Helping test it.” She paused briefly and bowed in apology, "I'm sorry. I went a bit overboard." 'Yup... She's a woman alright,' I thought, chuckling to myself, 'Spends all her money on jewelry. Then says oops.' I shook my head. 'I'd give just about anything to deal with that scenario again... God I miss home.' "I see." Celestia said. She fell silent a moment, then spoke sternly, but softly. "I thank you for your honestly, however I am slightly disappointed. When you had asked for some bits in order to repair the bracelet, you had stated that you would return what remained. Keeping ones word is very important in Equestria. Please remember that in the future." “I understand," Dawn said, dropping her head slightly, “Again, I'm sorry, and it was my intent. If you like, I could find work to earn the money needed to replace what was spent?” "That will not be necessary, Dawn," Celestia stated, a smile returning to her face, "Mistakes happen, to all of us. All we can do is learn from them and endeavor not to make the same mistakes again." “You’re too kind.” Dawn said. She sounded rather depressed now, but she took a deep breath and attempted to continue, though with not nearly as much enthusiasm as before. “It’s now fully recharged, though for whatever reason it’s not nearly as potent as it should have been. For reasons I can’t fathom beyond possibly it being exaggerated in the past.” “So what's it supposed to do then?” I asked, glancing from the bracelet to her. “Well.” Dawn said thoughtfully. She smirked at me a little and her horn began to glow. The bracelet floated up into the air beside her in response and began drifting towards me. “Why don’t you give it a try? Put it on.” I half frowned at her and picked the bracelet up with my hooves. I rolled it around and looked it over from top to bottom. It was a simple enough design. A basic bracelet, only a few inches wide. It was gold in color, with strange symbols etched into it. On its side, was a large opalescent gemstone that shimmered alluringly in the light. And around the stone, a set of star like symbols. 'Like I'm just going to put this thing on,' I thought, 'I'm no Unicorn. With my luck, this thing'll poof me into another world even stranger than this one.' “Not till you tell me what it's supposed to do.” I said. Dawn sighed at me and slumped her shoulders. “Very well then..." she said, clearly disappointed with my statement, “It lets you move things around with magic, as if you had a horn like me. Satisfied?” I half flinched at the tone of her last word and frowned at her a moment. 'Why is she mad at me?' I thought, more than a little annoyed, 'I can't use magic, so why wouldn't I be cautious and want to know what it's supposed to do before I try and use it?' Turning my attention back to the bracelet, I checked it over a little more, then slid it onto my left arm. It was a snug fit at first, but the bracelet itself seemed to shift and grow to better fit me. I paused and waited for something to happen now that I was wearing it, some sensation, or a magical glow of light, but nothing did. I felt a little underwhelmed. I gave it a minute, then looked to Dawn at a loss. "Do I need to do anything, or...?" “Well," Dawn said, "Picture what you would do if you had an arm and a hand again, without moving your leg. Just picture it, and want it to happen. That should at least get it started, even if not perfectly.” She sounded like her usual self again at least, so that was good, but her instructions didn't help much. "Use the force Luke," I mumbled to myself, "Cause it's just that easy." I turned my attention to the empty cup before me and sighed. I focused on it. Willing it to move, or slide, or do anything besides just sit there, but nothing happened. 'Move already...' I thought, growing rather embarrassed at having everyone stare at me, 'Come on...' As I focused, I caught the faintest glow in the gemstone of the bracelet. It started off small, then gradually became brighter and greener as I held my focus on the cup. The cup took on the same green glow and trembled in place for a moment, before it began to rise into the air. I felt my heart skip a beat. 'This thing actually works!' I thought in surprise. I hadn't thought Dawn was lying when she told me what it could do, but I hadn't really believed I'd be able to use it. I was just a Pegasus after all. I focused on the cup, willing it to spin a little. Slowly, it began to rotate and I couldn't keep my excitement restrained any longer. "Okay, that's cool!" I said aloud. The moment I spoke, the magical glow surrounding the cup vanished, and it dropped back to the table with a thunk. I watched, rather embarrassed as it rolled away, finally coming to a stop as it clanked against Celestia's plate. "Whoops." I caught a subtle chuckle from Luna and felt my face flush in embarrassment. “It was, if I had to guess,” Dawn started to explain, catching my attention, “Probably used back when the kingdom was first made, allowing the earth ponies to move or break any giant rocks or obstacles in their way. Supposedly there were several gifts that the three groups gave each other, and this just happened to be the one Unicorns gave to the earth ponies. I thought the records said that it could move boulders out of the way, yet I haven’t been able to move much more than about ten or so pounds of whatever with it, nor has Stalwart. I’m not sure I understand why.” "That is most impressive, Dawn," Celestia said smiling, "And I see your history lessons are paying off quite well too. That is a very good assumption as to this items origins." “Thank you,” Dawn said, bowing her head, “I have to admit, the librarians were very helpful in narrowing down these bits of lore, particularly Moon Dancer. Though I'm not sure why this mark is necessarily Starswirl's. It only worked properly when I saw one key difference in the traditional mark and kept that difference." She glanced at me and gestured to the bracelet. "Silver, would you mind allowing them to take a closer look?” "Of course." I said, quickly slipping the bracelet from my wrist. I stared at it for a moment and sighed to myself. 'I'd never have an issue with eating again if I had something like this,' I thought, 'I'd even be able to use weaponry again...' Reluctantly, I placed the thing on the table and tried not dwell on the ease of life I would enjoy if I owned it. With a golden glow, Celestia brought the bracelet to her with her magic. She looked at it closely for a moment, then gave it to Luna who did the same. “I know his mark well," Celestia said, "You are right, it is different.” “Right," Dawn said rather happily, "It not only has the three stars on a spiral, it also has an outline of a star around the middle one. I'm not entirely sure why though. Starlight was invaluable in teaching me how to make this happen, but he won't tell me how he knew at all, and just keeps deflecting my questions." “It is interesting that Starlight would know of such things while you do not,” Luna said, “And he has shared nothing to shed light on how he came to possess this knowledge?” I caught a look of concern grow on her face and wondered what could be bothering her about this. Starlight was Dawn's other half, but he was always off... Somewhere. So why wouldn't he pick up things on his own? “No. It’s most infuriating.” Dawn said, sounding rather frustrated. “I keep asking if he knows more or if he can get us home, but he hasn’t said a word.” As if on cue, Starlight materialized from the shadows and came before the table. “Not yet.” He said, quietly but sternly. “Not yet?” Luna repeated. She turned her full attention to him. "Explain." “We aren’t ready yet to have her attempt repairing the Mirror of Worlds," Starlight said, "Not even close, or so I’m told.” “What do you mean not even close?" Dawn asked, clearly bothered by what she had just heard, "And who’s telling you this!?” “I want to tell you,” Starlight said, “But he tells me it’s not necessary for me to explain. I owe him a great deal for saving my life, so I will honor his request for now. He’s decent enough, if constantly cryptic. He teaches me magic, and seems to know a lot more about this than any of the books you’ve studied. Isn’t that enough for now?” "Will you at least share the name of this teacher of yours?" Luna asked, though her tone seemed more like an order than an actual question. "I can’t say I know his true name,” Starlight said, sounding slightly apologetic, “He has referred to himself as a teacher or guide for those that are lost. If it weren’t for him, I would not be here today. He kept me sane those long years in that abyss. I cannot tell you more." As seemed the case when anything magical came up during these dinners, I was rather lost. I thought Dawn was learning magic from just her books and school, but it turns out her other side is also learning even more magic from someone else, some teacher. And he doesn't want to tell Dawn, or any of us about him. I wanted answers, and I'm sure Dawn did too, but I had no place to press him for information at this point, so I just listened for the time being. Dawn shifted in her seat, seemingly at a loss as to what to say or do. I caught Luna and Celestia share a glance with each other and noticed the faintest shimmer of magical light creep along their horns. It was clear to me that something was bothering them, but they weren't sharing what that something was. That bothered me a little. If I knew what the problem was, I might be able to help in some way. But as it stood, I'd have to wait and ask about it later. After a few moments of rather tense silence, Luna took a breath and returned her gaze to Starlight. "We will discuss this 'Teacher' of yours further at a later point, Starlight Dusk," She stated, "For now, let us move on to the next topic of the night." I frowned at that and glanced at Starlight thoughtfully. I hadn't really thought about it before now, but where exactly did he go when he wasn't here? Did he go back to that void he keeps mentioning, or somewhere else? If he was going back and forth from that void, did that mean his teacher was there? And if so, how did he wind up there in the first place? It was a rather enigmatic mystery, but one I very much wanted to figure out. I heard Luna clear her throat and glanced to her in surprise. "H-huh?" I stammered rather stupidly as I noticed everyone was now staring at me. Luna smiled for a moment, then spoke. "Your endeavors of late have begun to arouse a great deal of attention, Silver Wing," she stated, "First your defeat of Black Mane in his own class. Then your placing second in the Annual Canterlot Race while still being in Flight School. And now you are teaching an unknown style of combat to our very own Sky Flare. Do you have anything to say on this?" My jaw dropped. I couldn't tell if I was in trouble for my actions or not. And if I had done something wrong, why didn't Luna bring it up last night while we talked!? I looked quickly from one pony to the next, trying to gauge the mood but I gleaned nothing. Luna's smiled had faded as she spoke, and even Celestia's ever present smile was now absent. "Uhh... It all just kinda happened," I said, giving an unsure shrug, "I'm not really sure how?" I caught Dawn snort a laugh and I half frowned at her. 'I'm telling the truth!' I thought, willing my words to reach her, 'Black Mane goaded me on to the point I had to try and deck him! And Sky Fare practically forced me into teach her to fight my way. And the race wasn't even my fault! Sky Flare entered me into it without my knowledge!' If I really was in trouble for this, I wasn't sure what I was going to say, but I doubted I'd be able to keep my cool. "Calm yourself," Luna said softly, her smile returning, "These are not bad things you have done. But we would like clarification on some matters." I felt a wave of relief wash over me at that, and I sunk into my seat a little more. "A-alright," I said, still a little flustered, "Fire away." "We have heard many rumors about your growing capabilities as a flier," Luna explained, "And a great many more in regards to this unique method of fighting you have brought over from your world. But rumor and fact are two very different items. Factually, we know you defeated Black Mane and are now training Sky Flare in your techniques. Other than that, we know nothing." "Ah, well..." I said, scratching the back of my head as I chuckled, "Sky Flare was there when I kicked Black Mane's a-" I cut myself short as I realized what I about to say and quickly revised my wording. "When I defeat Black Mane. She offered to teach me how to fly better if I taught her my style in return. I hope that's alright? I didn't think it'd matter, so I never thought to check with either of you first..." I realized then that I probably should have. It was a foreign method of combat after all, so introducing it like I had might not have been the best idea now that I thought about it. "That is alright," Luna said, "But we are very curious about this style of combat that you use. What is it called in your world? What is its overall effectiveness? And how is it that you can use it in our world when your form is so unlike that of your original?" "Well... I told Sky Flare that it was a form of 'Tai Chi' but that's not quite right," I explained, "Tai Chi is a main aspect of it, but it's actually a mix of a few different styles I know. So it doesn't have a real name per say. It's just... My style." I always hated trying to explain this to people when they asked. It wasn't anything specific, just bits and pieces from everything I'd learned or seen in the years I've studied martial arts. In essence, it was a form of mixed martial arts, but if I ever called it that, people automatically assumed that meant grappling. I could do grappling, but why drop to the ground and get covered in dirt when a good jab or throw would do the trick with far less effort? "In terms of effectiveness..." I continued, "Well, like any form of fighting, it's meant to hurt people. How severely one gets hurt is up to the intent and control of the user. I will be honest and say that I could very easily kill someone with it. However, I have never been put into such a situation. Even when I was a Law Enforcement Officer. Its main use for me then, was disarming and restraining suspects. And as for how I can still use it... Well, I can't fully. You need hands for a lot of it, especially the weapon aspects. But this body is surprisingly flexible. And hooves work just as good as a closed fist any day, so it's viable enough. I could show you sometime if you'd like?" "So you would not be against a demonstration then?" Luna asked, eying me seriously. I hesitated a moment at her look. "Well, no..." I said slowly, "I can show you some of it right now if you want?" "That will not be necessary," Luna said, a faint grin appearing on her face, "But, since you are willing, we would very much enjoy a demonstration at a later date. Perhaps you would be so kind as to spar with some of our guards? A tournament of sorts, to allow us a chance to witness this "Silver Style" in action." I grew uneasy at that. I know I one shot Black Mane, but that was a near perfect setup. His arrogance led him to his own defeat, but trained palace guards that aren't out to prove something? I had no idea the general skill level of the fighters here. I know Sky Flare was supposed to be one of the best Pegasus fighters in Canterlot, and I could handle her easy enough. But I personally hadn't sparred with anyone else, so it was still a very gray area to build any sort of assumptions from. "W-well..." I said, trying to hide my apprehension, "What did you have in mind? I'm not that good a fighter anymore, remember?" "Would you be against a stacking tournament?" Luna asked, "You would face three opponents in all. One at a time to start. Then two. And if you have still come out on top, all three at once." "Aha..." I said slowly. Something like that was a double edged sword in disguise. It started off easy, and got exponentially harder each time. But the difficulty didn't lie in the number of opponents, or even in the steady drain on ones stamina. The real difficulty was in the fact that you were up against the same three, who would no doubt watch your every move and try to learn your tells and tricks. My style, good as it is, would not be wholly reliable as a trump card after the first few matches. They'd get a feel for it and come up with ways to counter what they've seen. Of course this is to be expected with any style of fighting, but without my hands, I wasn't sure if I could switch things up enough to come out on top. I sighed a little and spoke honestly. "I could do the one on ones," I said, "Maybe even the two's. But I doubt I could beat three opponents at once. Not with just my hands. Err, hooves." "Then we would get a proper demonstration," Luna said smiling, "We would see you fight seriously come the end, and be able to get a true sense of your capabilities." I laughed weakly at that and mentally cursed myself. 'Kinda set myself up for that one.' I thought. “What about using the bracelet?" I heard Dawn chime in, "It’d be a good stress test for it, and would let you use weapons like you had an arm and hand again. I know it’s not quite the same, but perhaps?” She seemed rather eager in her offer, though hesitant. She probably didn't want to risk me breaking the thing, but still wanted to try and help even my odds. I smiled at her for the consideration. "Thank you for the offer Dawn, but no," I said, "It wouldn't be a proper demonstration if I didn't fight with my body. And Even if that weren't the case, I know how to pull my punches like this. With magic, I have no idea. And I won't risk someone’s safety just to win. It may make things harder for me if I only use myself as a weapon, but I won't run the risk of accidentally killing someone by swinging a magical weapon too fast or something." I laughed as my mind flashed with all the ways me using magic could go wrong in a fight and shook my head. "Or myself for that matter!" I added, thinking about it, "Imagine how embarrassing that'd be! Pulling a sword back to block only to knock myself out with it?" I laughed again, rather amused by the imagery. “Yeah, I doubt that’d happen…" Dawn said, seemingly let down, "With practice I’m sure you could get to your old skill level again easily. It just takes a shift in how you try to do it, but it’ll have the same outcome.” "I am inclined to agree with Silver Wing," Luna said, "The purpose of this demonstration is to gauge his styles effectiveness. Utilizing a magical artifact would tips the scales unfairly in his favor." “Yes, because if he fights a unicorn, their magic won’t tip the scales unfairly, but a limited telekinesis spell would… That makes sense.” Dawn retorted rather sarcastically. I watched her tense as she clearly realized the tone she had just addressed Luna with. She looked up at her rather timidly and apologized. "Sorry, my tone was rude," Dawn said, "I just don’t see how that would change enough. Either way, he made his choice, and I promise to try and respect it.” I smiled at Dawn for a moment, then something she said clicked in my mind. "I actually have no idea how a Unicorn fights to be honest," I said, just now coming to realize this, "I can imagine how they'd use a weapon, based off how I've seen you all eat, but that's about it." I had heard the Pegasai at the academy mention Unicorn fighters here and there, but I hadn't put much thought into it until now. A slightly mischievous grin crept onto Luna's lips as she thought on my statement. "Then of the three you shall fight, one will be a Unicorn," she said, "In fact... Your opponents will each be one of the three Pony Tribes." "So an Earth Pony, a Pegasus, and a Unicorn?" I asked. Luna nodded, seeming quite pleased with herself. "It will be a most entertaining demonstration indeed." "You will have to forgive my sister," Celestia chimed in, "In the old days, we used to hold tournaments like this to decide who amongst our guard would become knights and serve as our personal protectors. Such events have not been needed in these days of peace, but when they were, my sister was always very fond of them." Luna looked away with a slight huff, evidently embarrassed by Celestia's comment. "Well, I look forward to giving you something new then," I said, smiling at them both despite my growing lack of confidence, "Hopefully I don't lose in the first round." I laughed, trying to pass that last comment off as a joke, but it was a very real concern for me at that moment. "Seeing as you defeated Black Mane with one strike, I doubt you will lose so swiftly." Celestia said. "We'll see," I said, not nearly as confident as she seemed to be, "I try not to underestimate my opponents. Especially when I've never fought them before." "Do you have any further questions about the demonstration?" Luna asked. I thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. 'I'd love to know how I keep getting myself into these things...' I thought, but there was no way I was going to say that out loud. "Not really," I said quickly, "Aside from when you're wanting it." "Friday," Luna said with a nod, "That will provide you with four days to prepare if needed." "Four days..." I said, feeling a little more pressure on my shoulders than I'd have liked, "Fun..." 'That leaves me four days to figure out how a Unicorn fights, and a way to counter it... Great...' I thought, 'I know how to deal with a Pegasus easily enough, they're fast, but so am I. And an earth pony shouldn't be much different, save the fact they can't fly. But how can I deal with this Unicorn problem...' "With that, I believe it is time for us to part for the night," Celestia said in closing, "Take these next four days to prepare Silver Wing. Your opponents, while not at the level of Black Mane, will not be picked from common stock. You will be facing some of our best trained guards." I nodded in understanding and got to my feet. "Right," I said, rather lost in my own thoughts now, "Should be fun then." I turned at that and headed for the door. As I place a hoof on the stairs to go down to the lower floors, I paused as an idea struck me. I could get Dawn to help me! Sure she wasn't a trained fighter, but she could use magic well enough. All I'd need is to see how a weapon can move anyway. What sorts of ranges and speeds to expect. How hard a hit they can deliver, just the basics really. So Dawn would be perfect for that. I turned and looked back to the door, but Dawn hadn't come out yet. I frowned, growing rather impatient as I waited for her. It took almost five minutes before Dawn finally left the dining hall. From where I stood, I had overheard Celestia and Luna speaking with her about some sort of danger when it came to learning magic and how she could keep the relic she had fixed, but I couldn't make out what they were saying with any real detail. I was curious about what they were talking about, but it'd be odd for me to walk back in to the dining hall after having already left, just to stand in on a conversation that was clearly not meant for me. I also couldn't move any closer without making it blatantly clear to the two guards standing watch outside the hall doors that I was trying to eavesdrop. It was a rather annoying wait. I waved at Dawn as she came out and frowned as she ignored me altogether. She was clearly lost in thought, but I needed to speak with her, sooner than later. So I waited for her to get right to me, then whistled loudly at her to get her attention. What I hadn't counted on however, was that my new equine lips didn't work quite the same as my old human ones. Instead of a sharp, precise whistle, I wound up blowing nothing more than a small puff of air at her. Dawn jumped in surprise and let out a faint squeak, before quickly glancing over at me. “Oh Silver!" she said quickly, "You scared me good there… What’s up?" I dropped my head and groaned, rather embarrassed by my failed attempt at a whistle. "Sorry... That was supposed to be a whistle..." “It’s ok," she said, smiling happily at me, "Though now you’ve got me wanting to try to whistle.” Whatever she and the Princesses had discussed after I had left had obviously rekindled that spark of cheer she had started the dinner with. I was glad for her, but I had other things on my mind than asking what they had talked about. "I'll be practicing alone before I try it again," I laughed, "But that'll be later. Right now I... I need your help with something." “Oh? What do you want help with?” Dawn asked, transparently curious. "Well..." I sighed, trying to find the right words, "I need you to try to hit me." “Wait, you want me to what!?” Dawn exclaimed, clearly surprised by my request. "In this demonstration the Princesses want me to do, I'll be fighting against a Unicorn," I explained, "I know how to fight Pegasai. And an earth pony should be about the same, minus the flight. But I have no idea how a Unicorn fights with magic. You're the only Unicorn I know. So it'd be a huge help if you'd spar with me a little at some point this week. Even if it's just once." Dawn regarded me thoughtfully for a moment, then smiled. “I see what you mean," she said, "I used to occasionally do swordplay myself, but that was before the medication, and as an excuse to keep in shape. I have no idea if I’m any good though, fair warning. Will that be good enough?” "It'll be perfect!" I said. I felt a wave of relief at that. I had no idea what I would have done if Dawn had said no, but now that she'd agreed, I couldn’t help but smile. "All I need is a sense of how fast you can move a weapon around, and what sort of ranges you have," I explained, "I won't even attack you. It'll just be you trying to hit me." "I see…" Dawn said, starting down the steps as she continued, "Well, I hope I can do you justice then. Where and when would you want me to be for your practice?" "I'm good anytime really," I said, following after her, "When would work best for you?" “Well, ideally after breakfast would work," Dawn said, "Stalwart’s rarely up, with the exception of this morning somehow." She paused for a moment and shook her head at some thought before continuing, "Yeah, after breakfast. Maybe half an hour to an hour after? Actually, let’s just call it ten o’clock. That work for you?” "Works perfectly." I said. She was willing to help, so I'd do it at any time if it meant getting at least some idea of what I was going to be up against. "Thank you very much for this." "It’s not a problem! Though now you’ve got me wondering if I could be a decent swordsmare,” Dawn giggled, “Probably not, I suspect I’d be better suited to focusing on magic for now.” "Tomorrow will tell, eh?" I laughed, "Just don't hold back, alright? I'd rather get a few knocks in the head, then a false sense of your speed." “I… will try not to," Dawn said, "I tend to take it easy at first anyway, and gradually ramp it up, but I’ll do my best.” "That's all I ask," I said. I could still feel the relief washing over me and I sighed as I started to relax. "With that out of the way though, do you need an escort back to your room? Or you good?" “Oh I’m good," Dawn said, "I don’t need Stalwart getting the wrong idea about us after our little talk last night!” I quirked a brow at that. I wasn't sure if she meant she talked about me to Stalwart, or that she and Stalwart talked, but he left that one be. "Alright," I said, getting ready to turn down another hall, "Take care then. And thanks again." "See you tomorrow then." Dawn said, starting to wave, then she paused. "Oh wait!" I stopped in my tracks and looked at her concerned. "Before we split, where would we meet?" She asked quickly, "We didn't say that part yet!" "Ah... Right..." I said shaking my head, "I've gotten so used to training in the forest, and I just assumed you knew about it. Though..." I glanced at her sides and realized a flaw in my plan. Dawn didn't have wings, and I doubted she'd want to go through what was probably a three hour hike through the woods just to fight for a while, only to have to hike back... "I don't think you'd be able to get to the forest to easily without wings," I said, quickly coming up with a solution, "So how about behind the Palace? Near that big Hedge Maze." "Yeah, fear of heights and all that..." Dawn sighed, "How would I get down there? I haven’t seen a Hedge Maze yet…” "Really?" I said, rather surprised, "Guess I forget sometimes that you haven't seen Canterlot like I have. There isn't much I don't know about its layout now thanks to all the flybys." I chuckled a little then explained. "Just walk around the palace though, you'll see the maze eventually. It's big and green, and made out of a huge hedge bush." “Holding back sarcasm.” Dawn said flatly, though an amused smirk was clear on her face. “All right, no worries. I’ll find my way there eventually. If you don’t see me, well, I’m sure you could fly around and spot me. I don’t suppose you’ve kept tallies of how many other lime green ponies there are huh?” I chuckled as I thought about that. "There's a few," I admitted, "But I think I can tell you apart from them from just about any distance." I gave her a quick wink and started for the branching hall. “Oh really?" Dawn chuckled, "I may have to test that sometime. Anyway, I'll see you then, rest well!” "You too Dawn, good night!" I said. I gave a small wave with my wing and headed for my room. I paused before the door to my room. I couldn't help but smile a little as the recollection of my dream this morning came back to me. It was such a nice dream. Sky Flare, cuddled up to me like that. I let out a heavy sigh and headed into my room, the sensations still lingering on my back. My door had barely opened before I was met with a sight that made me freeze in both surprise and confusion. Ahead of me, Sky Flare was half on her belly, with her head under my bed. Her rump was sticking straight up and wiggled around as she grunted. "S-sky!?" I gasped, at a loss for what I was seeing. "Welcome back," she called out, though her words were muffled by the bed above her, "You can stop staring by the way and come and help." "I-I'm not!" I stammered, before shaking my head and turning my shock into annoyance, "Help you with what? Why are in my room!?" I closed the door behind me and frowned heavily at the half a pony I had before me. With a heavy groan, Sky Flare withdrew herself from beneath my bed and frowned at me. "I lost one of my wing clips," she said, "I was checking to see if it fell off here." "Wing clips?" I asked, "You mean your piercing’s?" I looked to the main joint of her left wing and quickly noticed the missing piece of jewelry. Since the first moment I had met her, she'd had a pair of small golden rings in her wing. It looked good on her, but the thought of punching a hole in any part of my body, especially a wing, just seemed too painful. Oddly enough though, there was no hole. "Piercings?" Sky Flare said, "Hay no. Are you kidding me? No Pegasus in their right mind would do something like that to their wings! These are clip on’s! They're held closed with a pair of strong little magnets." I suddenly felt very stupid. That thought had never crossed my mind before, and I had never asked Sky Flare about them. You never asked a woman if her jewelry was real, and it was usually considered incredibly rude if you did. Sky Flare snorted at me and shook her head. "Just help me look for it." I did as I was told, and began scanning the floor of my room for her clip. We spent a good twenty minutes looking before I gave up and flopped onto my bed. I heard a soft 'tick' as my hoof struck my blankets and tensed. 'It couldn't be...' I thought, 'If it's here, in my bed of all places... Then does that mean that dream I had this morning wasn't a dream...?' I quickly rolled over and fished the object I had struck out, and sure enough, it was a small golden ring. I was stunned. "Oh good, you found it!" I heard Sky Flare practically cheer. She hopped up onto my bed and took the ring from me with her mouth. I watched as she raised her wing joint to her mouth and used her lips to clip the ring back on. She gave a few test flaps of her wing and smiled at me happily. "Much better," she said, "I was afraid it fell off while I was out flying somewhere. I'd have never found it then." "W-why was it in my bed?" I asked. I frowned as I heard my voice quiver a little and took a deep breath to focus. "I came by this morning, remember?" She said matter of factly, "You didn't want to get up, so I let you sleep." "So that was real!?" I burst out, all attempts to calm myself having failed. "What do you mean real?" Sky Flare asked. She frowned heavily at me and tilted her head. "What do you think happened this morning?" "W-well I... I..." I had no idea why this was as hard for me to get out as it was, but for the life of me, I couldn't bring myself to say it. Sky Flare sighed heavily and gave me an odd smirk. "Look," she said, "I came by this morning because you never showed up for our session. You were tired, so I let you sleep in. That's all. Mmkay?" "So you didn't...?" I started to say, but my words trailed off. I wasn't sure why, but finding out that it really was just a dream after all made me feel rather depressed. Sky Flare just shook her head at me and smirked in apparent amusement. "Anyway," she said, clearly trying to save me from my own embarrassment, "How'd your dinner go?" I sighed as the topic of tonight’s dinner flashed in my mind. "Oh you know," I said, feigning a casual tone, "The Princesses have heard about me beating Black Mane and how I'm training you to fight..." "You're not in trouble are you?" Sky Flare asked, leaning closer to me in apparent concern. "I'd almost prefer that to be honest," I said, "They want me to give them a demonstration of my fighting style..." "That's great though!" Sky Flare said, "It means you've caught their eye. That they see something in you!" 'I would tell you the truth about why they have any interest in me if I could Sky, I really would, but you'd probably think I was insane and never talk to me again...' I thought, rather disheartened. "What is it?" she asked, noticing my change in demeanor. "They want me to fight in a stacking tournament," I explained, "Me against three ponies. An Earth Pony, a Pegasus, and a Unicorn. First in one on one matches, then two on one, and finally, all three against me at once." "So?" Sky Flare said. "What do you mean so?" I replied, "I'm not that good a fighter, not without my haaa...." I swallowed, trying to recover from that near slip up, "With just my hooves. They'll wind up mopping the floor with me by the end." "Oh I doubt that," Sky Flare said, shaking her head, "I can beat just about anyone here Silver, and I can't lay a hoof on you, with a weapon or not. So how could you possibly lose to one of them?" "I treat every unknown opponent as my equal or better," I stated, "And I haven't fought against anyone besides you and Black Mane since I've been here, so I have no idea what to expect. And then there's the fact I have to fight a Unicorn on top of it all. Even Black Mane says that they're better fighters than Pegasai are." Sky Flare frowned a little. "I was there when Black Mane said that to you," she said, "And he's right." My heart dropped again at that. "But he was talking about armed combat," she said, "Not unarmed. You've shown me countless ways of disarming an opponent. That's all you'd have to do here. Magic or not, if you take their weapon away, most of them are utterly useless. They've never had to learn to throw a kick or swing a sword the real way in their entire lives! They've been pampered by their magic since they were born, and without it, they've got nothing!" I thought hard on her words as she spoke, and before she was even finished, I was nodding to myself. 'She's right,' I thought, 'I do know several different ways to disarm armed opponents. And if Sky is right on the overall skill level of the rest of the ponies here, I shouldn't have much of an issue at all. If I was at home, in my world with my own body, I wouldn't hesitate to take on three opponents at once. Weapons or not.' I sighed heavily and shook my head at my own foolishness. 'Somewhere along the lines, losing my hands and the ability to use a sword shook my confidence in my ability to defend myself,' I realized, 'But so what if I can't use a sword? I still have my fists, and that's proven to be more than enough on countless occasions.' "Thanks Sky," I said, smiling at her, "I guess I lost sight of myself for a bit there." She gave me a playful knock on the head with her front hoof and hopped off my bed. "Just be sure not to do it again, alright?" she said, "That vest is meant to be worn by winners, not ponies who get scared at the thought of a little challenge." I laughed at watched as she headed for my door. She glanced back at me from the door and chuckled at me as she left. "Good night Silver," she called softly, before the click of the door sealed her away from me. I heard her chuckle at me as she left and froze. It was the exact same laugh that I had heard this morning. I looked down to my bed, where I had found her wing clip and felt a smile creep onto my face. 'If it was really a dream, then how was that ring in my bed?' I thought. I sighed and laid down as I thought about how Sky Flare had reacted to my stammering earlier. She was more amused than anything, and she never did say that she left after I had gone back to seep. She only said she let me sleep. I laughed and rolled onto my back, a smile I could not shake plastered to my lips. I guess the truth of that 'dream' was going to have to stay a mystery for now, but I was alright with that. Dream or not, it was nice, and I would hold onto that memory for quite some time. > Might Against Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning consisted mostly of preparing for my training match with Dawn. I had woken up early and took the extra time to come up with possible solutions to how I thought a Unicorn would most likely fight. It was hypothetical at the moment, but it's always better to be prepared when you can. I hadn't been hungry, but I ate a small serving of carrots regardless for the energy. After that I went to the academy armory for some equipment. I took a basic wooden training sword and a full pair of front leg armor. The armor didn't fit the greatest, but it was the best I could get my hooves on. By the time I had gotten everything ready, I still had over an hour before Dawn was supposed to show up, so I took to the skies and caught myself a small tuft of cloud to relax on. I had learned early on during my time here in Equestria that I could walk on clouds, but it was Sky Flare that taught me how to control them. The Pegasus of Equestria literally controlled the weather and managed everything from the rains and thunderstorms, to the seasons themselves. It was incredible. For me though, the best part of that lesson was learning that I could move the clouds around if I was gentle and focused. They were easy to break apart, but with the right touch you could do just about anything with them. Pushing my chosen tuft of cloud down the ground, I flopped onto it and sighed contently. A bed made of clouds was indescribably comfortable. Like a memory foam pillow but totally form fitting and breathable. It could even double as a blanket if it got cold out. I crossed my arms behind my head and dozed as I waited for Dawn to arrive. "Silver?" A soft voice called to me, catching my attention. I sat up on my cloud and looked around, finally spotting Dawn as she trotted up to me. "Good morning!" I called back, giving her a wave. “What are you doing on a cloud Silver?" she asked me, clearly confused as she eyed my bed, "How did it get there?” I laughed. "Pegasus perk," I said simply, "We can walk on clouds remember? Turns out the weather around here is all controlled by Pegasai. Even the seasons." “Wait what? Really?” Dawn said, apparently quite surprised. I smiled at her and shook my head a little. "That doesn’t really surprise you does it? I mean, we're in world of talking animals, where even the rising and the setting of the sun revolve around the whim of magic." "True..." Dawn said slowly. I stretched as she thought over my explanation and frowned as I realized the zipper of my vest was half undone. I zipped it up quickly and hopped off my cloud. "Wait, you didn’t have that jacket before, did you?” she asked quizzically. I glanced at her and nearly burst out laughing. In the time I've known Dawn, I had learned two key things about her. She was very kind, but she was also a little slow with some things. I forced myself not to laugh, but I couldn't hide my smile. "I had it on last night, Dawn," I snickered, "Didn't you notice?" Dawn gasped quietly and shook her head, “Sorry, no.” I couldn't keep it in any longer and laughed loudly at that. "You were pretty focused on that trinket of yours." I offered, hopping I hadn't hurt her feelings by accident with my laughter. “Yeah, sorry. I’ve been told I can be pretty self-absorbed.” She said, raising a hoof to the back of her head to rub it as she smiled shyly at me. “No worries." I said. I gave the cloud behind me a soft kick to send it on its way and watched as it drifted back up into the sky. Behind where the cloud had rested was the training sword I had grabbed for Dawn to use today. I picked it up with my mouth and stabbed it into the ground in front of her. "So where'd ya get it?" she asked, eying my new vest over. "You remember Breezy?" I asked, "Lemon Bloom's husband? You met him once a few weeks ago?" "Yeah I remember him." She said smiling. I looked down at my vest and smiled fondly at it. "He gave it to me," I said, "It was his when he was a Wonderbolt. He said someone like me deserved one, so he gave me his." I could feel a stupid, proud grin creeping onto my face and shook my head to clear it. “I see," Dawn said, "Well, congratulations then!” She smiled happily at me and I felt my grin return in full. I cleared my throat and took a breath to focus myself. "Thanks," I said quickly, "It's hella soft." Taking a few steps back, I nodded to the sword that was now between us and grinned. "So, ready for some fun?" “I’m not quite sure I’d call this fun," Dawn said a little nervously, "But I’ll do what I can.” I watched as she eyed the sword for a moment the caught a light green shimmer creep over its handle. The sword wobbled a little as she drew it from the ground, but she seemed to have it under control as it was soon positioned before her. She held it much like I would have expected a human to hold a sword. It rested a foot or so in front of her, vertically upright with the handle pulled in slightly and the tip up but in my general direction. "Just relax, get a feel for it first off," I said, trying to ease the tension I could see in her, "Just swing it around a few times and see what you can do." “Of course! Last thing I want to do is whack you in the head.” Dawn smirked. She lifted the sword up a bit above her head, then swung it down. I watched her closely, trying to take in every detail and determine if there were any tells from her body or horn that would lead me to know what she was about to do. Dawn tested her range and swung the sword around several times, her weapon spinning nearly a full three hundred and sixty degrees each time. I estimated she had a good thirty foot threat range, though how effective her sword would be at those ranges had yet to be seen. “Not gonna lie," Dawn commented, "This feels really weird, and good at the same time.” "I can imagine it'd be different than a good sword arm," I said, still watching her intently, "But the range of motion is clearly superior." From watching her swings, I realized something very important. Though swords here still had handles, a Unicorn didn't have to swing by them. They could grasp any part of any weapon with their magic and be just fine. Nor did a Unicorns chosen weapon have a blind spot. With human opponents, and even with the Pegasai at the academy, there are certain ways a weapon can and cannot be swung based on how it is held. If a pony were to hold a sword in his mouth, with the blade to the left, the right side of his mouth and side would be considered a blind spot for his blade. His neck will only allow him to swing it so far, so he'd have to move or change how he was holding the weapon to be able to strike anything on that side. But with magic, there was no blind spot. The weapon could literally move in any direction it wanted, with any amount of rotation. The handle itself would be the only safe spot on the weapon, which made me wonder why a Unicorn would use a handled weapon in the first place, and not simply wield a blade sharpened on all sides. I'd look into that later though, for now it looked like my only safe spot when dealing with a Unicorn's weapon, was their handle itself. “Yeah, It’s gonna take some getting used to," Dawn said, watching her sword as it moved around her head, "Are you sure this is going to help? I’m no swordsmare, at least not yet.” "You've already helped more than you realize," I said honestly, "And I have no doubt you'll only continue to do so." Dawn gave a doubtful shrug. “If you say so.” She gave a few more swings of her sword, then began twirling it around her like some sort of floating toy. I chuckled at the nearly childlike smile I saw creep onto her face as she made her weapon dance about like a leaf on the wind. Eventually, Dawn took a deep breath and returned the sword to a ready position in front of her. She looked at me seriously. “Are you ready?” she asked. She looked far more focused than I had seen her ever look before. I was a little surprised, but pleased at the same time. It meant she was taking this seriously. I took a deep breath and rose to my hind legs, assuming my standard ready stance. "I am," I said, "Try and hit me." “Then, lay on!” Dawn called out loudly. I watched as her sword shifted and moved towards me rather quickly. Dawn took a few steps after it, but despite her closeness I kept my eyes trained to her sword. Usually, this was bad practice, as an opponent’s weapon can be misleading. You should always watch the opponent, but against a Unicorn, it was the opposite. The sword bobbed about before me and swung down for my head. I started to move to block it, but like lightning, the blade spun back and around and now aimed for my side. I dropped my right guard quickly and blocked it with the armored portion of my forearm. A resounding 'Ting' sounding as the wooden blade struck my armor, but it held almost no force to it. I couldn't tell if Dawn was holding back out of concern, or if this was all the strength she could muster with her magic, but I needed to find out. "Harder Dawn!" I said sternly, "Don't hold back! If I get a welt, it'll be my own fault for not dodging!" Dawn looked away for a moment, then nodded back at me. A moment later, I felt the pressure of her sword grow significantly stronger as it started to push against my arm. I grunted as the pressure grew ever greater, but I held my ground. The feel of Dawns sword pressing against my arm like this felt nearly the exact same as blocking a sword in my world would have. It wasn't some superhuman strength like I had expected, and that got me wondering. I knew Luna and Celestia could literally lift a celestial body with their magic, but they were Alicorns. If a Unicorns magical strength was limited to an amount comparable with a normal person's, then I had far less to fear. I stumbled forward abruptly as Dawn's blade pulled back. I nearly lost my balance, but a subtle shift with my wings kept my footing. I watched the sword flip up and over my head and quickly disappear behind me, so I leapt away from it reflexively, heading straight towards its master. I needed to gauge Dawn's reaction time anyways, so this was the perfect opportunity. I flared my wings and raced straight past her. I kept a close eye on the weapon behind me as I moved, waiting to see if it would beat me to Dawn or not. Dawn leaped to the side to avoid me, though it was clear that I was going to fly right past her anyways. The sword reached her just as I passed by. While this wasn't a definitive test, had I been serious there, I would have been able to get at least one solid shot off before her sword returned. However, I would probably still have been nailed myself. I needed to move faster, use my speed to my advantage, or... What if slowed Dawn down somehow? I flew to the edge of the range Dawn has shown a few minutes before and resumed my ready stance. I was about twenty, maybe twenty five feet away from her here. I had just barely beaten her sword in a race from ten feet. This was double that, so it stood to reason that I'd be able to reach Dawn with plenty of time form here. If I could draw her attack this far from her comfort zone. Dawn stood with her sword right before her, clearly on the defensive. I watched as she took a step towards me and matched it by taking an equal step back, keeping our distance set. I'd get some range out of her one way or the other. She frowned at me, likely realizing what I was doing and moved back. I followed her step again and smiled at her. It took her a moment, but eventually, she gave in and her sword came towards me slowly. It stopped about halfway and I got the feeling she wasn't going to move it any closer than that. I was a little disappointed, but it was still good information. It meant range really did affect her control. I tried to formulate another way to test Dawn's abilities and my mind flashed to a trick Sky Flare had shown me during my flight lessons. It'd be a little risky, but it would show me what she could do if pressured. Readying my wings for what was to come, I grinned at Dawn and leaped to the side. I gave a hard flap of my wings and tore off along the ground, only a few feet above it. Keeping the distance of twenty or so feet I had set, I turned my back to her and began circling faster and faster, generating a rather strong gust that blew over her from all sides. Sky Flare could do this maneuver a lot better than I could. She even claimed to be able to make a full on tornado doing this, but about the best I could do was make a decent breeze. As I circled Dawn in ever faster rotations, my eyes never left her sword. It took her a moment to figure out how to handle my latest stunt, but eventually, she began spinning her sword opposite to the way I was going and moved it towards my path. I waited until the last moment, then braced my wings and veered hard towards Dawn. The pressure was intense, but I had gotten used to turns like this thanks to all the training I was doing with Sky Flare. We trained nearly every day of the week, for hours on end. I was quite proud of myself. I could finally turn almost as good as she could, even at my speeds. It had made me very confident in my aerial prowess. So much so that I had no doubt I'd be able to corner at speed the next time I took part in a race, and not run the risk of having to save myself with wall running again. Dawn's eyes shot wide open as I came at her and she dove to the side to avoid me, rolling to safety. I made it clear to the far side of the wind circle I had been generating by the time Dawn's sword returned to her side. I was definitely faster than her magic was, which meant speed could be a huge factor in fighting a Unicorn. I turned back into my winds and continued my revolutions around Dawn as she got back to her feet. She kept her sword at her back this time, facing out towards me. Her legs were tense and her eyes darted around as she tried to keep up with my rapid circling of her. I smirked as I realized she was probably turtling, choosing to wait for me this time instead of taking the offensive again and risk losing her defense. "You ready for something a little more close to home Dawn?" I called out as I continued to circle her. "Not really!" She called back, growing even more tense as she readied herself for whatever I was about to do next. "Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you!" I reminded her. With that, I veered hard again and this time, flew straight for her sword. I crossed my arms in front of me, preparing to deflect it the moment I slammed into it. It was a bit of a reckless attack, but I needed to know if I could overpower her block with a flyby or not. Dawn glanced at me as I bore down on her and I watched as the glow of her horn grew as she focused on her sword. I struck the sword hard, slamming my right forearm into its blade. I sent the wooden training sword flying without too much effort. Like when I had blocked her attack before, it felt almost no different from how striking a real held weapon would have felt. Even the way her magic seemed to lose its grip on her weapon felt the same that split second slip of the fingers before momentum and force took over and carried it away. With her sword gone, I flared my wings out and flapped them hard to stop my charge as I pulled my right arm back as if to strike. Dawn flinched and shrank away from me as the sharp gust of wind my sudden stop created blew over her. She closed her eyes out of reflex and tensed as she no doubt awaited me to go through with my attack. Seizing this rare opportunity, I fired my right hoof forwards before Dawn opened her eyes and gently tapped her on the tip of her nose. "Boop!" I said, before bursting out laughing. She jumped back and reached a hoof up to her nose, pausing about halfway to stare at me with a look of total confusion and surprise. Oh how I wished for a camera right then! Her expression would have made the absolute best photo ever! "What's with that expression?" I teased, "I told you I wouldn't hurt you. And I didn't, did I?" I chuckled, and finding her to be lost in a bit of a daze, I booped her nose a second time and leaped away laughing. I glided backwards and landed some twenty feet back, tears starting to form in my eyes from laughing so hard. Dawn shook her head after my second attack on her snout jarred her back to reality. She gave me an odd expression I couldn’t quite place. It was like a glare, but more suspicious or confused. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but I got the feeling I had upset her, as a moment later her sword returned to her and she tamped the ground with a hoof. "Oh, what's this now?" I smirked, "Ready to stop trying to hit me and actually hit me now?" I rubbed my front hooves together and grinned. "Let's see who boops who first then." “I’m done playing with the blue pill.” Dawn smirked. I watched as her sword motioned for me to come at her and laughed. "Let's see what you can do then!" For whatever reason, Dawn seemed to be even more confident now, and I was looking forward to seeing what she'd do differently this time. Raising my arms before me in a manner similar to that of a boxer, I dashed straight for her. She side stepped my charge and unleashed a series of rapid strikes. I could tell by how she was moving she wanted to keep her sword between us, likely having learned I could beat her sword to her if given the chance. I had to move quickly to block her strikes. Dawn was apparently a fan of repeated feints and I almost failed to react in time when one of her feints turned out to be real. The impact of her sword was far stronger now, strong enough I had to brace myself with my far leg and not just my arm like before. 'She's definitely trying seriously now,' I thought, 'Good. But I'm betting range plays a good part of the power too.' Being this close to Dawn, only a few feet away now, her magic seemed to be at its strongest. I suspected all Unicorns had to follow a similar pattern, stronger up close, but weaker the further their weapon got from their horns. Dawn continued her assault on me and I began to grow concerned. Fast as it was, I could track her sword and I could keep up with it enough to block or dodge most of her strikes, but I wouldn't be able to keep this pace up forever. I would get tired and slow down soon, but would she? Did magic have a limit? Was it something like my old human games where she had a certain amount of magical energy, and it could deplete if over used? I didn't know, but I wanted to find out if possible. As our dance went on, I was glad Dawn wasn't a physical fighter like Sky Flare, if she was, she could have beaten me in a heartbeat by this point. I had to put my full focus into watching her weapon as it whipped about around me, literally all of it. I couldn't take my eyes off her weapon for even a moment or it'd nail me, so Dawn herself was only a green shadow in my peripheral vision. I'd be able to tell if she came at me bodily, but I wouldn't be able to fend off both her sword, and her fists. Another well played feint caught me off guard and I cursed under my breath as Dawn's sword flipped backwards around my arm and swung for my chest. I lurched backwards to try and dodge it, but I felt the tip graze the zipper of my vest. For the first time in the entire fight, I felt my adrenaline kick in and I gave a fast flap of my wings. I launched myself straight back and skidded to a stop a few feet away. I glanced down at the vest in concern. I was more worried about it getting damaged than myself. I knew how much it meant to Breezy, and I knew exactly what Sky Flare would do to me if it got ripped. Luckily, it was undamaged and I let out a heavy sigh of relief. I praised my reflexes and scolded myself for even wearing the thing here for this. 'Okay, new rule,' I thought, 'No training wearing priceless items.' “You know," I heard Dawn say as I gave my vest a final look over, "I could see learning some proper swordplay when all's said and done here. I’m only doing whatever comes to mind. It’s way better than swinging it with my arm.” She chuckled as she spoke and I could see the growing the air of confidence about her smile. "I can see the advantages," I nodded in agreement, "It's a whole different dance to fight against, that's for darn sure." Dawn nodded and spun her sword around in a fanciful flourish, before moving it to her side in a sheathing motion. I crossed my arms and smiled at her. "So, you had enough, or you ready for another go?" “Well, I suppose we could keep going, I just felt like being fancy.” Dawn giggled and narrowed her eyes at me. She drew her sword from her side and held it in a stabbing stance beside her head, the tip pointed straight at me. As I held her gaze, I noticed an odd shimmer creep along her horn and sword. The usual light green hue her magic took on grew darker and darker, until was more like a deep forest green. "Nothing wrong with that." I said slowly. I tilted my head a little as I observed her magic. Dawn didn't seem to notice, or if she did, she didn't seem to care. I took that to mean she had changed her magic’s color on purpose and shrugged the change off. "You ready?" “More than I was before." Dawn said confidently, "Let’s do this!" She shifted her sword’s position at that, and moved it into a horizontal guard before her face, apparently anticipating a need to block. Nicking my vest had apparently boosted her confidence quite a bit and I couldn't help but smirk back at her. I was still treating this as a learning exercise, and not really trying when it came to the offensive, but I was beginning to think Dawn may have forgotten that. I'd keep my mouth shut though. I didn't need to burst her bubble by getting the next hit on her. She had gotten my heart pumping, even if it was just for an instant, so I let her have her moment. I hopped from foot to foot as I readied myself for our next match. 'Not gonna let you get that close to my vest this time,' I thought, 'This time, let's get your heart racing a little.' I gave a flap of my wings and began circling Dawn once again. I repeated the wind circle maneuver I had done before, as it had proven to be quite effective. This time however, I was closer, barely fifteen feet out. It made it harder on me, as the smaller circles increased my speed and the pressure on my body, but I wasn't intending on keeping this up for long. Unlike the last time I did this though, I had my chest facing Dawn. This meant that the air pressure my wings generated with each flap would be launched towards her, buffeting Dawn with a series of rapid gusts from all sides. Dawn stood at the ready, her sword held out before her. It was clear she was having some difficulty with the winds swirling around her, but she stood her ground. With her sword out in front, her back was wide open. I knew she had to have known this, so I expected it to be some sort of a lure, but I went for her opening regardless. I cut my corner hard and flew straight for Dawn's exposed backside, though I aimed to fly clear over her. Coming up on her however, I tensed in surprise as I watched Dawn start to rear up and move to kick at me with her hind legs. I could have angled around the kick, but I fully expected her sword to be waiting for me as I passed her, so I did the next best thing. Flaring my wings out like a parachute, and slamming my back feet into the ground hard as I dared, I skidded to a grinding halt just out of range of her feet. I was more than a little grateful for all the training I had done. It had educated me on exactly what my new form was capable of, which was a necessity in a fight like this. Dawn turned her kick into a spin as I stopped behind her and turned around to face me with surprising speed. Her sword flipped over her body as she moved and struck down at me full force. I was instantly put on the defensive as strike after strike was sent at me. She wasn't feinting anymore, instead, she was swinging for me at random with one hard hitting shot after another. I could feel the intent in her swings, and even more power in her strikes than before. Something about her seemed different as well, beyond the darker hue to her magic. She was more aggressive, more commanding of the fight than before. I wasn't sure what had happened, but this was getting very interesting now. Dawn kept up her assault for nearly a minute. I was holding my own against her onslaught, but even trying as I now was, I couldn't push through her attack. I was stuck in a loop of blocking and bodily dodging around. The lack of tells magical weapons possessed forced me to rely on reflexive dodging more than anything, and though that worked against someone like Dawn, there was no way it'd work against a trained combatant. I needed to find a way around the attacks, or through them... I leaped back a few feet, then dove straight at Dawn. I held my arms up before my upper body to act as a sort of shield and braced myself for the impending impact. Dawn could go for my legs, or even my wings fairy easily right now, but she'd get nailed by me no matter what if she didn't block this one. Dawn lowered her head as I came at her, her horn pointing straight at me. Her sword flipped into my way and I slammed my armored forearms hard into it. Her block was impressive, and far stronger than earlier, but had I really wanted through, it wouldn't have slowed my down much. However, I didn't want through at that moment, so I matched her strength and took to pushing against her guard a little harder each time to get a true sense of her magic’s strength. She fought against me with everything she had. She had such a look of sheer and utter determination etched into her straining form that I almost felt bad that I was holding back. I couldn't help but chuckle a little though. She reminded me of when I'd spar with my nephew. He was only twelve, so he had no chance of actually winning, but you'd never be able to tell that by his expression. No matter how many times he lost, he'd always come at me with the same ferocity and unwavering determination. I saw the same look in Dawn's eyes now. She had no chance, but I had asked her to fight me seriously, and it was clear that she was doing just that. I had gotten what I needed from this little power struggle though. Unicorns had the obvious advantage when it came to a weapons maneuverability and attack angles, but if I could catch it, I was fairly certain I'd have them beat. Pushing harder, I began to force Dawn's weapon back, and paused as I caught the glow of her horn intensify. I faint hum grew from it, and as it became steadily louder, the glow grew along with it. Her guard was growing stronger with the increase in light as well, but it still wasn't enough to stop me. Dawn closed her eyes as I pushed against her again, and a moment later, I watched as all the light surrounding her horn abruptly shifted into a small ball at the tip of it. The hum it had been making cut out as the light shifted and I tensed. I may not be an expert when it comes to magic, but I knew better to stand in front of something that was clearly building up. I pushed hard against Dawn's sword and shoved it to the side, leaping past her with the same motion. My jaw dropped as I watched a literal beam of green light burst from Dawn's horn and bite into the earth where I just been standing. The beam tore a nearly foot wide swath through the grass that carried away from her for a good fifteen feet or so. Dawn dropped to her knees as the light subsided. She was panting hard and she looked about as dazed as I felt. 'They can shoot laser’s!?' I thought in shock. I had no idea a Unicorn cold do anything like that! Even with magic! I felt myself pale a little as I looked at the small trench Dawn's attack had left behind, and the thought of what would have happened to me if I hadn't moved when I did. 'I'd have a little more to worry about that a rip in my vest, that's for sure...' I thought. As I looked over the damage, I noticed Dawn's sword laying nearby. It was in pieces, and faint tufts of smoke drifted up from its blackened ends. 'Yeah... Just a little more to worry about than a rip...' “I… I don’t feel so good.” Dawn said. She sounded utterly exhausted and looked around slowly, “Wait, what just happened? "Uhh..." I said, not entirely sure what to even say. I sat down and gave an unsure gesture with my hooves. "I can't really say. You... I don't know... Fired off a laser beam from your horn?" It sounded stupid saying that aloud but that's what happened. “Wait, what?!” Dawn looked at me rather confused, "I don’t know that spell! How’s that even possible?” "You tell me!" I said, "You did it! Look." I pointed to the patch of grass her beam had cleaved and let out a nervous laugh. I watched as Dawn glanced to where I was pointing and heard her gasp. “Oh god…” she whispered. Nearby, I caught sight of Starlight Dusk as he formed and sat down beside Dawn. He looked oddly transparent, even for him. “Yeah, that was definitely not intended.” He said. He glanced over at me and smiled apologetically. “Sorry about that. I’m glad you got out of the way. I don’t think either of us will be up for any more fighting for a bit though… That drained both of us really good.” "No worries..." I said slowly. I forced a smile onto my face and tried to mask my concerns. "I think I'm good for now too..." If something like that was just another Unicorn trick, I'd have no chance in a fair fight. I couldn't do anything even remotely close to that, and regardless of the charge time, one hit and I'd be toast. I cleared my throat and tried to push the thought from my mind for the time being. "Are you two alright though?" I asked. “I don’t know.” Dawn said. She seemed rather concerned, and she kept looking over at her burnt sword. “I think we’ll be all right," Starlight said, "I can’t say I know how we did that exactly, but I know I at least feel like nearly all our magic’s been drained… Again. If it’s like when we fixed the relic, it might take us a couple days to recover. I’ll have to ask my teacher if he knows what happened.” Dawn looked over to Starlight, a mix of worry and confusion of her face, “I don’t get it. Magic isn’t tied to a muscle, or to anything inside us that I’ve read about, so how can we run out or get tired like this…?” "Is everything alright?" A voice asked rather abruptly from behind me. I shot a startled glance over my shoulder and saw Celestia standing over me. She looked as concerned as I felt and I watched as she looked the three of us over seriously. I wasn't quite sure what to say to her, but by her expression, I assumed we were in trouble, even though what happened was an accident. After all, the Princess herself doesn't just show up outside the Palace for no reason... “I… Don’t know?” Dawn said hesitantly, "We were practicing and then suddenly… Well…” She fell silent and looked back to the damage she had caused. Celestia checked us over again, then let out a small sigh. "So long as none of you are hurt..." she said, her typical, nearly parental smile returning to her face. “Would you care to explain what you were trying to do when this happened, Dawn?" “Well…" Dawn said slowly, "We were trying to practice our fighting, and I was using that sword to try to fend Silver off. He dashed at me and I did what I could to keep him from touching me again." “What she means to say,” Starlight said half impatiently, “Is that we were fighting with Silver to help him practice. I tried to help her out mid-fight because I really didn’t want to be left out. She let me help her. Silver made a dash toward Dawn, we tried to push back with the sword as hard as we could, and then right when we put everything we had into it, Dawn had her eyes closed but we somehow shot a laser out of our horn… I don't really know what happened there." He looked like he found the concept of shooting lasers as odd I had, but what else could we call it? "I see..." Celestia said thoughtfully. "And what did you see Silver?" "Me?" I said surprised. I didn’t understand why she'd ask me anything about this, it was all magic stuff, so what help could I be? "Well..." I paused as he recalled what I saw and how best to describe it. "Dawn was struggling to keep her guard up, then her horn started to glow brighter than usual. I didn't know what to expect, but when the light all moved to the tip of her horn, I felt I should move. A second later, she fired off a laser and dropped." "This is most interesting," Celestia said, nodding to herself, "And most impressive." “Wait…" Dawn started, "How is that… What?!” She was clearly confused. Celestia smiled at her and sat down on the grass beside us. "What you have done is a very advanced magical technique," she explained, "It is typically used as a powerful Unicorns last line of defense in dire circumstances. It is a technique that channels a vast portion of one’s magical energy into their horn and condenses it. Once condensed, it is then released in a beam of magical energy. Such a beam can be very dangerous, to both the user and whatever the user releases it towards. If channeled incorrectly, one can run the risk of severely injuring themselves. You are fortunate to have released your magic as you did and not panic and try to hold onto it." 'So it's a risky move then?' I noted mentally, 'Risky how though? Does a Unicorn's magic backfire if it's not released right? Or do they just... Explode?' I wanted to get some answers, but I'd wait till later, when I could ask about it alone. The last thing I wanted to do was scare Dawn if it turns out she could have just accidentally killed herself. If she wound up being scared of her own magic, I might never get home. “Wait… Powerful Unicorns?" Dawn said, looking to Celestia skeptically, "That doesn’t sound like me.” “Yeah," Starlight added, "Even combined we couldn’t push back Silver like we hoped." Celestia held her smile and grew thoughtful for a moment. "You are still new to your magic, Dawn," she began, "As such, you know very little about your true abilities. What power you may or may not come to possess is still unknown. You have no doubt felt the difference within from when you first arrived until now, yes?" “Well… Yes.” Dawn admitted, fidgeting with the grass at her feet. "Your magic is still in its infancy," Celestia continued, "Typically, by the time a Unicorn reaches adulthood, its magic has already developed. Yours has not. You still possess what we refer to as 'Foal Magic'. This is most likely due to the effect the Mirror of Worlds had on you. " “What’s foal magic?” Dawn asked, “What would that have to do with the mirror?” I wanted to know as well. It was one thing for this Mirror to change our forms, but now it has a sense of humor with the magic it gives? The guy who made it in the first place must have had a major screw loose. "Foal magic is a term used to describe the magic infant Unicorn's possess," Celestia explained, "During the first few years of their lives, a foal's magic runs wild, like their imaginations. Though they do not have the stamina to reliably perform magic, foals have been known to manage some of the most difficult spells that exist, completely by accident. These sorts of things are rare, but they do happen from time to time." “I see…” Dawn said quietly, “So it can also just be a fluke.” She paused for a second before looking back to Celestia, “So why do I get tired when using magic? I didn’t read anything about a magical stamina of sorts." "It may very well have been just that, a fluke," Celestia said, "Only time will tell. Though I would not recommend attempting to learn that particular spell until your magic has matured." Her smile grew and she glanced at Dawn with an expression that reminded me of my mother. "As for why you have not read anything about magical stamina, the answer to that is quite simple. Have you ever read in a book that you will get tired when you exercise?" Dawn looked stunned. “I… Well… Touché." she admitted. Celestia giggled at her for a moment, then looked at me comfortingly. "I would not concern yourself with needing to counter an attack of that sort at your demonstration," she said softly, "It is not a spell we use lightly." I tensed at that, but I felt a sigh of relief escape me regardless. I wasn't sure if she had read my mind, or if I had somehow made my concerns known by the way I had been staring at Dawn's burnt sword, but it was a huge load off my shoulder's to know I wouldn't have to worry about attacks like that. “Well, I know I won’t be in any shape to use magic for the most part for the rest of the day…" Dawn said, rising shakily to her feet, "That was more draining than I know how to describe." "You will no doubt feel tired for the next few days," Celestia said, rising to her feet as well, "You should take care and rest until your strength has returned." “Well darn. Guess that means no more swordplay for us for a bit huh?” Starlight said. He glanced to Celestia for a moment, then asked. “Out of curiosity, what had you around in time to see us use that magic? That was some pretty crazy timing you had there.” Celestia smiled down at Starlight with an oddly knowing look about her. "I wouldn't be a good Princess if I could tell when someone used a great deal of magic, now would I?" She paused for a moment, then continued, "But, if you really must know..." She nodded towards the palace, where a large balcony protruded. "A guard informed me when the two of you first began your sparring. I've been watching you the whole time." She laughed contently and smiled at us warmly. I groaned, growing rather embarrassed at the fact that Celestia had been watching the whole thing. "It has been a most enlightening display," Celestia said, glancing thoughtfully at Dawn, "And it has given me some deeper insight into your connection with Starlight." “What do you mean?” Dawn asked. Starlight laid down beside her and looked up at Celestia curiously. "I believe Silver would be better able to explain." Celestia said, turning her attention to me. "What?" I stammered. What could I possibly explain about Dawn and Starlight's connection?! "Tell me Silver," Celestia said softly, "Did you not notice a change about Dawn as your fight progressed?" "No..." I said hesitantly, "Not really." "Are you sure?" Celestia asked, "Think about it carefully. Did you see anything out of the ordinary at all?" As I stared at her in utter confusion, I noticed a faint light creep over her horn. It shimmered its usual golden hue, then abruptly shifted to a darker green, then back again. I instantly remembered Dawn's magic changing color at that and shot a glance over at her. "Yeah actually, there was something!" I said nodding, "Her horn changed!" "How so?" Celestia asked, thought it was clear by her expression that she knew all of this already. "Well..." I explained, "The glow her horn gives off when she uses magic changed. It got darker. Like a deep green." Celestia smiled knowingly. "That was due to Dawn and Starlight combining their individual magic's together as one and working together." “Wait, you really could tell when we were working together?” Starlight asked surprised. "Oh yes, it was quite apparent." Celestia stated. She looked back to me and smiled again. "Tell me Silver," she asked, "Did you notice anything else during your fight with Dawn? Anything that may have seemed out of character for her?" I thought about it hard before answering this time. I couldn't really think of anything out of character, but Celestia wouldn't have asked if there wasn't something. "Well..." I started hesitantly, "She was getting a lot more confident as things went on?" It was a blind guess, but I had to say something other than 'I don't know.' "Correct," she said, "And do you know why she became that way?" I had no idea. "No." I said, half shrugging. She turned her attention to Dawn and Starlight and smiled. "Do either of you know?" “I’m not sure,” Dawn said, looking over at Starlight, “I’d rather hear it from you if you don’t mind, rather than just guess in the dark.” I fought not to frown at that. 'At least I tried to guess!' I thought irritably. "As the two of you focused and worked together, you began to bond as one," Celestia explained, "The closer the two of you got, the more potent your magic became. This is why Silver noticed a change in your magic. But that is not the only change that took place. As your magic’s fell in line with each other, your personalities started to merge as well." she smiled at Dawn for a moment, then continued, "Starlight’s pride and confidence swelled up inside you, pushing your fears and concerns from your mind, didn’t they Dawn?" “Well… Now that you mention it…" Dawn said nodding, "Yeah." "While this day was intended to aid Silver in his preparations, it seems to have aided you just as much," Celestia smiled, "Do not forget what you've learned today." "I won’t…" Dawn said, "But I’m not sure I understand the significance." "You will," Celestia said, "In time." She looked at me and smiled for a moment. "I look forward to seeing you fight seriously, Silver Wing. I am expecting quite a show." I laughed a little and shook my head. "So long as I don't have to deal with any more magic laser beams, I'll be sure to give you something you've never seen before." Celestia's smile grew and she gave a polite bow of her head to us, then took to the sky and sailed back towards the nearby balcony. I watched as she flew off, then looked at Dawn and Starlight and half frowned them in jest. "So... At what point did helping me out turn into you two tag teaming me in a two versus one match up, hmm?" “I… Now wait just a second!” Dawn protested, “Last I could tell, you were the one asking us to be serious about it!” I could only hold my frown for so long, then I burst out laughing. "You're fine, you're fine," I said, making a calming gesture with my leg, "Though I will admit, it's nice to know I can hold my own against the magic of two Unicorns." “Well that makes two of us.” Dawn said, sitting back down, “I don’t want to face you again anytime soon.” I chuckled at her and smiled. "Guess I won't get to boop you again for a while then, eh?" I watched as Dawn sighed and shook her head at me, though I caught a hint of a smile creeping over the corners of her lips. Silence fell over us and I began to grow antsy. I wanted to get back to my room and review what had happened in my fight with Dawn. I needed to figure out a plan of attack for dealing a Unicorns numerous abilities, and siting here like this was just wasting valuable time. "Well, guess I should help you get back to your room so you can rest," I said, raising to my feet and stretching, "Would be rude of me to just leave you here." I smiled at her and offered a hoof to help her back to her feet. “I’ll be fine Silver.” Dawn said, shakily rising to her feet on her own. She moved to stretch like I had and nearly collapsed. “Really… I should be ok. I just need to rest.” Starlight rose after her and flickered like the last light of flame. I grew a little concerned as I watched Starlight fade away and shook my head adamantly. "And you can, just as soon as you're back in your room," I stated, "You can barely stand, so stop being so stubborn and let me help!" I paused at that. Memories of my first meeting with Sky Flare flashed in my mind and I felt the side of my head throb for a moment as I recalled her answer to my own stubbornness. I would show Dawn significantly more manners however. “I can stand," Dawn said, "And besides, I have Starlight here to… Wait, where’d he?” She looked around quickly, but couldn't find him. "I'ma guess he's as tired as you are," I said, "So let me help, since of the three of us, I seem to be the only one that can stand straight." Dawn sighed and dropped her head a little. “Fine… If you have to.” She started for the Palace without me, her stubbornness apparently holding on to the bitter end. I smirked at the determined wobble of her walk and kept pace close to her side, just in case she needed something to lean against for support. We made it to Dawn's room without too much difficulty. The stairs proved a bit of a challenge, but the rest of the walk had been smooth sailing. Dawn made a beeline for her bed and practically fell into it. “Thanks for the help Silver," she called to me tiredly, "If you’re not busy, Starlight wanted to talk to you about something… I need to sleep." I paused at the door and titled my head a little at that. "Uh, sure? What about?" Dawn didn't answer. Apparently, she had fallen asleep already. Starlight appeared nearby. He was very hard to see clearly, but he slowly became more visible as he approached me. I looked at Starlight thoughtfully for a moment. 'What could he want to talk to me about?' I thought, 'And why now?' "Well, grats on the win there Silver," he said, "It's been years since I've gotten a chance to practice any kind of swordplay, and I really don't get to do much anymore..." "Why not?" I asked, rather curious, "I mean, Dawn's napping now, and here you are still. So what's stopping you from going out and doing the things you want to do while she's sleeping?" "I'm limited in how far away I can go from her," Starlight said, frowning ever so slightly, "And what I can do based on her power. Even now, it’s a struggle to stay visible rather than just be a voice. If she does grow more powerfull as Celestia seems to be suggesting, maybe at some point I'll be able to go places without her, but I doubt it'll be much further than a quarter of a mile away... Regardless, I am bound to her." "That sounds a little frustrating," I admitted, "But... Shouldn't you be content doing whatever Dawn's doing? I mean, you two are the same person after all, right? So shouldn't your interests be the same?" "We're similar enough I suppose," Starlight said, "But our approaches are different. Whatever ended up happening between when we were the same person and now... I can't even believe it myself, cause I don't recognize her as me half the time. I mean, I know I was clueless sometimes, but damn... This girl..." I almost burst out laughing at that. Dawn was a little slow on some things, but I had never thought her other side would have that thought too! I laughed softly, trying not to wake Dawn. "She does seem to have her moments," I admitted, "But at least she's got a good heart." "Yeah... I guess we did share that." He laughed quietly as well, then let out a sigh. "I just wanted to let you know that if you wanted someone to talk to, you could talk with us. I certainly could do with more conversation than just Dawn and my teacher... I can only repeat or think of the same things so often." "That sounds... Lonely." I said, feeling a little sorry for him. I thought about his offer for a moment and gave a sight shrug. "I'm not really one to talk about my life with people," I admitted, "But I can give you a third person to chat with at least." I smiled at him, hoping I didn't come off as rude. "That'd be nice... I guess I'm the one that needs to make friends more than you by the sound of it," he said, sounding a little apologetic, "I know we haven't had much of a chance to talk in general, but was there anything you wanted to talk to me about since Dawn's out cold?" "Nothing you're probably not bored to tears about talking about," I said honestly, "Not right now at least. My mind's pretty much set on figuring out how to counter yours guy's magic." I watched as his demeanor dropped a little and sighed. I felt bad for him, so I asked the first thing that came to mind. "So where do you go when you're not here?" I asked. He perked up a little and that. "Well, it's kinda like a nowhere... If you can even call that a place," he said, "I just have a friend there, and we've kinda not talked much... He just lets me ramble on and he listens." "Well, at least you have somebody to talk to when needed," I said, "Though I have to admit, I don't think I could handle being half here and not." I chuckled and smiled over at Dawn, "And I doubt I'd ever be able to handle having someone else in my head." It was bad enough that the Princesses could snoop around in other people's minds, but having someone in there twenty four seven? That's be the ultimate in an invasion of privacy. Starlight flickered again at that and shrunk back a little. "Trust me, I'd rather live my own life too..." he said, "But for now, Dawn and I work together. And no matter how much I want to be out and about at times of my choosing... I try to respect that for her too." I wasn't sure if what I said had offended him or not, but I got the impression it was a touchy subject at least. "Well," I said, trying to figure out how to lighten his mood, "Not that I know anything about magic like everyone else seems too, but if I come across something that might help you to be your own person, I'll be sure to tell you." "That'd be nice..." he said, "And if you want to know anything about magic, feel free to ask me too. Considering how strange it was to dawn and I both at first, I doubt we'd ridicule you for it. I mean, so many things here just defy logic as we know it right?" "Oh yeah," I agreed, "Like the solar cycle... If this were my world, the planet would rip itself in half from the moon moving like that." "Yeah... I don’t get it either," he said, "My teacher won't explain how that even happens. I kept asking, but he got quiet and so I left it alone." His comment of his teacher jogged my memory and I asked a question that had been bothering me since the dinner the night before. "So this teacher you keep talking about, he's never told you his name?" "He never told me," Starlight said, "I've tried asking him, but I don't get the answer I want, just what I've already told everyone." "Huh..." I said. That seemed odd to me, but there was no use in dwelling on it. This teacher seemed to be doing more good than bad, so why try to pick at a good thing? "At least he's helpful, right?" I smiled. "Yeah..." Dawn moaned and rolled over in her sleep, turning to face away from the light of the room. I tensed a little as she moved and looked over at her cautiously. She was still asleep thankfully, but I didn't want to risk waking her up, not when she was as tired as she was. "We should probably continue this a little later," I said, in a low whisper, "I'd rather not wake her up with how tired she is." "I understand," Starlight whispered back, "Take it easy in the meantime Silver. If you need us to help you with going through the motions of something later, just let us know... Just not before tomorrow at least." I chuckled softly and nodded. "Yeah, something tells me she's going to be out for a while," I said, "You two take care, alright?" Starlight nodded and faded away back into nothingness. I moved as quietly as I could and crept out into the hall. I closed Dawn's door behind me and let out a heavy sigh. It wasn't even noon yet, but I felt like I was already running out of time. I only had three more days to prepare for my demonstration. I had no idea who else besides the Princesses would be there, but I needed to be ready for anything. I knew Sky Flare would help, Dawn and Starlight too if I asked, I just hoped it would be enough. > The Demonstration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The days leading up to the demonstration were gone before I knew it. I had spent my prep time either strategizing with Sky Flare, or practicing on my own. I was confident in my capabilities, but I was still rather apprehensive. Word had apparently gotten out about what the Princesses had requested of me, and it wasn’t long before Breezy and even Black Mane had come by to ask if the rumors were true or not. It was true of course, and the moment I confirmed it I was met with rather mixed responses. Breezy cautioned me heavily on how seriously I should take this demonstration. He wanted me to win if I could, but not to pull any tricks like I had when I had beaten Black Mane. He said it would leave a bad taste in the guard’s mouths in regards to me if I, some previously unknown Pegasus from outside Equestria, showed up and beat them all into the floor without visible effort. I could understand his concerns. No one likes it when a stranger shows up and out performs the reigning champion. The Princesses may be fine with it, but the last thing I wanted to do was get on the wrong side of an army. Black Mane on the other hand, was all for the idea. He told me to aim high and let loose. That I should show everyone what I can really do and hold nothing back. He was so for the idea of me showing everyone exactly what I could do in fact, that he lent me his own personal set of Ariel Guard armor for the occasion. Up until now, I had been using the rather worn out training guards I had first grabbed at the Ariel Flight Academy on day one. They worked, but they weren't the best for what I needed. They were too big for one, and the straps used to secure them didn't have much life left in them. Black Mane's armor was well maintained however, and though he was a bit taller than I was, his leg guards fit well. I took both sets of his leg armor, front and back. I had been avoiding using any of the kicks I knew due to the odd shape of my new hind legs, but thanks to all my practice with Sky Flare I was comfortable using them again, at least so long as my legs were armored. Sky Flare walked with me as I made my way to the room Celestia had said would house the demonstration. It was deep within the heart of the Palace and I was beginning to think we may have taken a wrong turn somewhere. We had been walking for nearly twenty minutes already and seen no sign of anyone else. This place really did seem endless. No matter how many halls I walked down, there was still always one more hallway, or door, or room. It really didn't look this big from the outside at all. "So, you ready for this?" Sky Flare asked as we reached the bottom of yet another stairwell. "Oh sure." I said with a laugh. I hovered in the air a moment and chanked my leg guards together. "I got my armor on after all, so what's there to be ready for, eh?" I dropped back to my feet and smiled at her. Sky Flare frowned at me and gave me a slap across the shoulder with one of her wings. "I'm serious," she said, "You may have armor on, but you're not wearing my dad's vest. That means you've got some doubt. So, are you sure you're ready for this?" She had genuine concern in her eyes and I shook my head. "Ready as I can be considering the circumstances." I said honestly. She frowned heavier and shook her head. "You're always so cryptic Silver..." she sighed, "What circumstances? The fight? The fact the Princesses are gonna be watching? What? Is it really that hard to be honest with me?" I looked away from her and sighed a little. I had slipped up one to many times during our training. Sky Flare was still in the dark about where I was actually from, but she was getting more suspicious by the day. And with each day we spent together, I gradually became more and more relaxed with her. Too relaxed it seemed. I'd slip up almost daily now. I'd quote some movie, or mention hands, fingers, historical figures, or any of a thousand other things from my world that had no place in hers. "It's... Complicated," I said slowly, "I want to tell you, really, but the Princesses have asked me not to say anything to anyone." "That's a lousy excuse, and you know it." She said. I laughed weakly and shrugged. "Tell you what, Sky," I said, "You beat me in a serious fight, and I’ll tell you everything. But you're not gonna believe a word of it." She scoffed at me a moment, then grinned in a manner that unsettled me a little. "You promise that if I beat you in a serious fight, you'll tell me everything I wanna know?" she asked, "Everything about you, where you're from and why you're so set on not telling me or anypony anything?" I sighed and fell silent for a moment, then nodded slowly. I had trained with Sky Flare enough to know her every move, so I was confident she wouldn't be able to beat me anytime soon, but her grin held a confidence that made me question just how much she really had learned about my ways of fighting. "I rarely make promises, Sky Flare," I explained, "But when I do, I never break them. So yes, I promise. If you can beat me in a serious fight, I'll tell you whatever you want." I took a breath and forced a smile onto my face. I hated making promises, but as much as I didn't want to tell Sky Flare what she wanted to know, I felt bad about lying to her just as strongly. Going about things like this, it was less me disobeying the Princesses, and more karma determining when my origins should become known. I knew it was a stupid cop out, but it was the best option I had at that moment. "So..." I asked tentatively, "Can we please drop it for now?" "For now," Sky Flare agreed, "But I will beat you. Especially now that I have a reason to. Well, a reason beyond simply beating you anyways." She chuckled at me and smiled. "Yeah well, don't get your hopes up," I laughed back, "I still have a few tricks up my sleeve you don't know about yet." "Oh I know that much," she said, "I don't expect it to be easy to beat you, but I do expect to. And soon." I shook my head and looked ahead to a pair of guard ponies standing before a large double door. There was a series of regular sized doors along the left wall, and a hall stretching off to the right. 'And here's even more rooms and halls,' I thought, 'At least we found it though, I was really starting to think we were lost.' "We have been expecting you, combatant Silver Wing," one of the guards stated sternly, "The Princesses are expecting you within." He looked to Sky Flare and spoke further. "I am afraid spectators are required to use the side entrance, Ma'am." He gestured down the hall to the right and added, "You can find it down the hall, first door on your left." Sky Flare frowned at the guard, then flicked her tail at my nose to get my attention. "You better not make a fool of yourself, Silver," She said as she started for the side entrance, "My dad's bet a fair few bits on you winning this thing." I groaned and watched her as she walked away. "Why does he always bet on me!?" I called after her, "One of these days, I will lose you know!" Sky Flare ignored me entirely and trotted down the hall without another word. I watched her as she walked away and shook my head. "If it makes you feel any better, Silver Wing," the second guard offered, "I bet on my fellow guardsmen." I laughed and smiled at him. "It does actually," I said, "Now I know at least someone has a realistic expectation of me." The guard returned my smile and opened one of the double doors so that I could enter the room beyond. Inside, I found a surprisingly large room stretching out before me. It reminded me of the view from inside a football stadium, only about a third the size. There was a large flat floor of sand that reached from wall to wall. Encircling the floor was a raised wall of stone about ten feet high with rows of stone seats stretching back away from the sand pit some twelve layers deep. High above, what must have been almost fifty feet up, was an arched ceiling of carved white stone that reminded me of marble. I didn't see how someplace this big could be inside the palace, but with how many flights of stairs I took to get here, I figured it had to be at least partially underground, if not completely. That, or some form of magic was being used. "Ah, Silver Wing," I caught Celestia's motherly voice call to me, "Welcome. I have somepony here that I would like you to meet." I glanced over towards her voice and found both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to be standing nearby. Between them, was another Alicorn I had not seen before. This one was smaller than the Princesses. She was a light purple in color. With a darker purple mane, accented with a rich pink streak. "Silver Wing, I would like you to meet Princess Twilight Sparkle," Celestia said, gesturing to the purple Alicorn beside her, "Twilight, this is Silver Wing." "Uh, nice to meet you Princess." I said quickly. I gave a bit of a bow and regarded this new Princess closely. I had heard from Sky Flare that there were a few other Alicorns, but I had never seen any of them until now. She looked a lot younger than I had expected, and a lot less regal. This Twilight Sparkle held none of the air of authority that Celestia or Luna had, but like the two of them, she did have both wings and a horn. "Oh wow!" Twilight exclaimed. She came right up to me and began looking me over curiously. I was speechless, and simply stood there as she poked at my side and lifted my wing curiously with a fore hoof. "So you came through the Mirror of Worlds and became a Pegasus?" she spoke quickly, "I've been to your world too, or at least, one of the human worlds the mirror is linked to. Tell me, did you feel anything strange when you traveled through the mirror? Is it true that you can't get back? Did it take you long to get used to walking on four legs instead of two? Oh I have so many questions!" I must have looked as lost as I felt, because Celestia called Twilight off a moment later. "Please Twilight," Celestia called softly, "There will be plenty of time for talking after the demonstration. For now, give young Silver Wing a moment to collect his thoughts, and maybe ask a few questions of his own?" "Oh, right," Twilight said slowly, "Sorry... I just have so many things I want to know! It's not every day a human winds up in Equestria after all." "It was easier than you'd think," I said, glad for the reprieve of twenty questions, "It's getting back that's the hard part." "I heard your worlds mirror shattered when you crossed over," Twilight said, "I've researched everything Starswirl the Bearded ever wrote about the Mirror of Worlds and dimensional travel, but I couldn't find anything that would be able to reopen a link once it's been severed-" "Twilight!" Celestia spoke curtly. Her tone was sterner than usual and Twilight fell silent instantly. "Now is not the time for this conversation. Young Silver Wing has enough on his mind." "You're right, I'm sorry Princess..." Twilight said. She took a step back and smiled at me apologetically. I did my best to return a polite smile, but Twilights words had shaken me more than I wanted to admit. I knew there was always the possibility that I could be stuck here forever. That Dawn, or some other Unicorn I didn't know of here in Equestria might never be able to get me home, but to have it thrown in my face so casually like that stung bitterly. I cleared my throat and looked out at the stands. There wasn't anyone else here yet though, not even Sky Flare. "So... Where is everyone?" I asked, trying to change the subject as quickly as I could. "They will be entering shortly," Luna stated, "We wished to be certain that you were ready before we began." She met my gaze a moment and awaited my response. Her expression made me think the sting of Twilight's words was not nearly as well hidden as I had intended, but I tried to move past it as best I could. I forced a confident smile on my face and nodded. "Ready as I can be." I said. Truthfully, I hadn't slept nearly as much as I should have the last few nights, but I don't think anyone in my position would really have been able to either. "Excellent!" Luna exclaimed. She clopped her front hooves together happily. "Then we shall begin preparations at once." She excused herself and headed for a nearby guard. "I see Black Mane has given you the use of his armor for this event," Celestia commented as she eyed my armored legs, "You must have left quite an impression on him." I laughed and shrugged. "Not really," I said, "All I did was knock him out." "For one with a strong fighting spirit like Black Mane, or even yourself, being defeated is no simple matter," Celestia said, "Such an encounter almost always breeds a powerful rivalry, or, as is the case with Black Mane, a deep respect and friendship." I nodded then chuckled a little as my mind wandered to her comment about rivalry. Sky Flare immediately crossed my mind. With how hard she trained and fought against me in our sparring matches, she could definitely be considered a rival in terms of the way we fought. But that was where our rivalry ended. She was a friend. A surprisingly good friend I realized, and one who I suddenly found myself realizing I would miss a great deal if I ever did return home. "Are you alright, Silver Wing?" Celestia asked. I glanced at her in surprise, her words having jarred me out of the realization that going home would mean severing my friendship with Sky Flare. "Uh, yeah, sorry," I said quickly, "Lost in thought, my bad." She eyed me in her motherly knowing way but said nothing more. Before anything else could be said, a voice called from nearby. "Spectators may now find their way to their seats! The tournament will begin shortly!" I glanced to a set of open doors behind the stands where the guard pony that had called out the announcement was now standing. He stepped aside and nearly three dozen ponies flowed into the stands and spread out. I hadn't expected there to be this many ponies watching the fight and my stomach knotted at the idea of screwing up. "Come Twilight, let us join my sister at our seats." Celestia said. She passed a final smile at me and gave a parting word of encouragement. "Fight with your all Silver Wing. That way, win or lose you will have no regrets." "I will." I said. She turned and started towards Luna, who was already sitting in a front row section of the stands sectioned off specifically for them. "Good luck Silver Wing," Twilight said as she followed after Celestia, "I look forward to seeing how you fight here, given the differences in your form." I watched as they left and suddenly felt myself grow incredibly embarrassed as I found myself to be standing alone on the arena floor. I had no idea where to wait, and there was no one nearby for me to even ask. I didn't know if I should stay put, head back to the doors I came in through earlier, or what, but I felt like every pair of eyes in the arena were centered on me at that moment. "Hey Silver, over here!" I caught Sky Flare calling to me from the stands nearby. I sighed in relief. It was just the excuse I needed to get out of the middle of the arena without looking like I was an idiot. Scanning the murmuring crowd, I spotted Sky and trotted over to her. She was in the front row, with Breezy, Lemon Bloom, Black Mane and Gale sitting around her. "Hey guys," I called as I came up to the raised wall that separated the spectators from the combatants, "Sure are a lot of people here, huh?" "Indeed," Black Mane laughed, "Most of the guard is going to be here for this. What you see at present is simply the early arrivals." "Oh great..." I said sarcastically, "Isn't that just perfect..." Breezy chuckled at me and shrugged. "What'd ya expect boy? You're givin' a demonstration to the Princesses, but you're also fightin' a tournament against the guards in the process. Ain't a one of 'em asn't 'eard about your little run in with Black Mane, so they're all itchin' to see what it takes ta pull that off." I groaned and shook my head. I don't know why I thought it was just going to be me, the Princesses, and a couple friends. I should have expected this to get out of hand. "Just ignore everything not standing directly before you in that arena, Silver Wing," Lemon Bloom said comfortingly, "Your only thoughts should be on those whom you are fighting. None of the rest matters." She had a wide motherly smile on her face and I couldn't help but smile back. "Well, don't ignore everything else," Sky Flare said, frowning at her mother, "We're here for you, so pay a little attention to us. You can ignore everypony else though." I laughed at that, as did Breezy and Black Mane. "I must be dreamin," Breezy chuckled, "I could'a sworn I 'eard my little Sky Flare just now, asking a stallion for his attention." "Dad!" Sky Flare barked, "That is not how I meant that and you know it!" Breezy chuckled and looked away from Sky Flare, a Cheshire like smirk on his face. "It looks like your opponents are entering the arena, Silver," Black Mane said, catching my attention, "You'd best head out to meet them." I glanced over my shoulder, towards a door on the far end of the arena, and watched as three ponies came trotting out. "Right," I said, "I'll talk to you guys afterwards." "Good luck, Silver Wing." Lemon Bloom called, waving a little. I heard her words echoed by Black Mane and the rest and smiled as I trotted back to the center of the arena. They may not be my real family, but it was nice having someone I know behind me. Demonstrations like this just didn't feel right without someone there to say good luck. Looking ahead at my three opponents, I regarded them all closely. The first was a Pegasus. He was black, and for a moment I thought it was Black Mane, but then I noticed the difference in size. This Pegasus was smaller and leaner than Black Mane, and had a golden streak through his purple tail. The second was a Unicorn, white in color with a red mane and tail. I knew I'd be fighting one, but I still frowned a little when I saw him. He was going to be the hardest one to fight and the least predictable. Last of the three, was an earth pony. He was white, with a blue mane and tail. My eyes went wide as I found I recognized him. It was Stalwart Shield! Dawn's friend. What the hell was he doing here!? I knew he was a palace guard, but I didn't know he actually knew how to fight. Not for real anyways. Luna had said that the three I was going to be fighting against were some of their best soldiers. That either meant that they were all going to be pushovers, or that I had seriously underestimated Stalwart Shield’s capabilities. With how he acted and seemed around Dawn, I had come to think of him as just your average helpful guy. Not a fighter. But I guess he was a palace guard, so he had to have some skill to get the job. I smirked at him as we came face to face and he smirked back. I couldn't help but wonder how long ago he had found out about this. Certainly not while I was practicing with Dawn a few days ago? Or had he requested this part specifically just to fight me? But why would he do that... To impress Dawn? To test the rumors about me? Or was he simply here because he had the skills necessary to be the Princesses first choice? I had no idea, but I had every intention of finding out when this was all over. "So, you are the Silver Wing I have heard about then?" The Unicorn asked, catching my attention. He snorted at me and sighed. "Black Mane must have been careless for somepony like you to have beaten him the way you did." I held my tongue and fought hard not to deck him right then. I didn't know if all Unicorns were smug like this one or not, but I swore to myself right then he wouldn't stay that way for long. "Show some respect, Malican," Stalwart said sternly, "The Princesses wouldn’t have asked us to do this if Silver here couldn't hold his own. You think you can take on all three of us at once like he's about to?" Malican scoffed at Stalwart and held his nose high, clearly ignoring him. "Don't mind him none," the black Pegasus said, "He's part mule." Malican glared at him, but kept his air of superiority. "I'm Skyros," the Pegasus said, "I was there when you beat Black Mane, so I know a little of what you can do. Don't hold nothing back alright? I wanna see what it is that Sky Flare sees in you." "You know Sky Flare?" I asked, rather surprised. "Not as well as you do," he laughed, "Me and my brother Soryks have tried asking her out a few times, but she always turns us down in a wingbeat. Says any Pegasus that can't give her a challenge ain't worth her time." "Yeah..." I sighed, "That sounds like Sky Flare alright." "I'm serious though," Skyros said, "Don't hold back." "Don't worry there," I said, "I had no intention of it." Luna cleared her throat and spoke over the crowd in a surprisingly loud voice that resounded like thunder in the stone arena. "Fillies and Gentlecolts," she called, "We will now begin the tournament! It will consist of seven rounds! To begin, we will witness a series of three one on one bouts! Should Silver Wing come out victorious, he will then face two opponents at once in three more bouts! If he has still not fallen by then, he will face all three of his opponents at once!" The crowd cheered and my opponents turned away and headed back to the far end of the arena. I wasn't sure what I should do, but I followed suit and headed for my own end of the arena. I had never fought an Earth Pony before, or a Unicorn, not for real anyways. But I was fairly confident that I would be able to handle the one on one fights easy enough. The two on ones would be tricky where the Unicorn was involved, but so long as I made the first move and took out the nearest opponent off the bat, the two on ones would effectively be one on one's again, so simple enough. But the three on one... That one would be hard. I wasn't sure if I could pull that one off, especially after my opponents would have had six matches to study my moves and learn from their mistakes. If I could a use a sword, it'd be a different story, but limited to hand to hand like I was, I was going to have to work for that win. "Round one will be between Silver Wing and Stalwart Shield!" Luna announced. I grinned at that. I was eager to see what he could actually do, and this would also give me some sense of the other two's fighting levels. I saw Stalwart start back towards the center of the arena and moved back to meet him. I could see the other two grabbing weapons as they waited their turns, but I couldn't see any on Stalwart. He was as unarmed as I was, though he wore the standard guard armor, minus the helmet. "No weapon?" I asked as we came face to face again. "Not for this match," he said, "I want to see what you have fair and square. So I'll be fighting you on your terms." Much to my surprise, he rose to his back legs and assumed the same stance Sky Flare had first used in our training. 'He knows Karate?' I realized, 'Interesting.' I rose onto my hind legs as well and took on my usual stance. Low center, with my left arm outstretched while my right rested by my side. "You ready?" I asked, a grin I could not shake clear on my face. Stalwart nodded and we both fell silent as we waited for the sign to start. Luna observed us for a moment, clearly enjoying the tension of two fighters at the ready, then shouted out for us to begin. The crowd fell silent and I turned all my attention to Stalwart. He crept towards me slowly, evidentially cautious of my unknown skill, so I took the initiative. I dashed up to meet him, but didn't swing. It was usually better to force an opponent to attack than attack yourself. It made them easier to read and counter. Stalwart reacted to my advance and, with a loud yell, threw a hard right jab at me. It was exactly what I had expected him to do. Sky Flare had reacted the same way countless times until I broke her of the habit. I caught his wrist my forearm and pushed his strike to the side. With his arm crossed before him as it was, it left his side wide open and I struck him a hard with a counter jab to his core. Much to my surprise, Stalwart didn't even flinch. Instead, he threw the arm I had just blocked right back at me in a wide backhand. I blocked the strike with my arm, but Stalwart had a great deal more power in him than he seemed. His swing forced my guard back and sent me stumbling backwards off balance. I took a few staggered steps and flapped my wings to stabilize myself again. Glancing back to my opponent, I found Stalwart to be bearing down on me with another strong punch already in motion. I leaped back reflexively and met his straight jab with my hooves to lessen the force of the blow. His strike was hard enough that, with me not being on the ground and already moving backwards, he sent me through the air nearly ten feet before I could recover. I flapped my wings hard to counter my momentum and hovered in place a moment as I looked Stalwart Shield over in a new light. He was a lot stronger than I had given him credit. 'Looks like Earth Ponies aren't just flightless Pegasai after all,' I thought, 'Unicorns have range, and Pegasai have speed, but Earth Ponies... Looks like they have power.' But power wasn't without its flaws. It was good if you could land a solid hit, but without that, you had nothing. With a flap, I dashed back towards him, goading him into striking at me in much the same manner as I had our first exchange. He followed the same pattern and struck for me with a straight jab at my chest. I half spun around his strike, avoiding it easily. With the momentum I generated, I slammed my left elbow hard against the side of his head and waited to see if he felt this one. Stalwart staggered back a step and I seized the opening. I spun back around to face him and using the same arm I had just elbowed him with, landed a brutal left hook to the other side of his head. Stalwart stumbled a few steps away and glared at me. He still wasn't down. I was a little stunned by that, and Stalwart used it to his advantage. He leaped at me and swung with a wide haymaker for my head. I barely managed to block it in time, but the sheer force of his strike slid me bodily some two feet in the sand. Even with Black Mane's armor on, my arm felt like it had gone numb from the blow and tingled heavily. Stalwart kept after me and swung again, but I was ready for him this time. Strong as he was, his moves were very easy to read. I ducked under his strike and fired a series of rapid blows up his side. He dropped to all fours and winched in pain. I knew better than to let up and pulled back to strike again, but Stalwart held up a hoof. "Y-you win this round, Silver," he said, still winching from my last combo, "You are better than I thought." I grinned at the compliment and dropped to all fours as well, showing I had no intention of attacking him further. "So are you," I admitted, "And you got one hell of a punch." "Round one goes to Silver Wing!" Luna called out. The crowd cheered and the rapid stomping of hooves followed soon after. "There will be a five minute break before the next match!" Luna called, "Medical ponies, please see that Stalwart Shield is able to continue in the next set!" I watched as Stalwart headed back towards his end of the arena. The other two combatants remained where they were, but a pair of unicorns rushed out to check on Stalwart. "Psst, Silver!" I heard Breezy call from the stands, "Get yourself a drink and a breather while ya' can!" I glanced towards him, then noticed a pair of unicorns in matching outfits to those that rushed to check on Stalwart waiting by the door I had entered from earlier. They had a tray of drinks floating beside them and I quickly trotted over to greet them. "That was quite the display, Sir Silver Wing," One of them said as I neared, "Please, drink some water before your next match. You need to keep hydrated." I thanked her, and awkwardly grabbed one of the cups between my hooves. I'd been practicing, but I still dropped a cup from time to time. Thankfully, this wasn't one of those times. I drank it down and sighed as I felt its coolness spread out inside me. It wasn't long before Luna called out over the arena once more to announce the second fight, and I started back towards the middle, curious as to who would be next. "Round two will be between Silver Wing and Skyros!" Luna announced. I watched as the black Pegasus gave a flap of his wings and drifted towards me. He landed a few feet away and grinned. He had a sword in his mouth. It was metal, but I could see from where I was that the blade had been dulled down purposely. It was clearly a training sword, but a far more effective weapon than the wooden swords Black Mane had used against me. "Remember, go all out Silver Wing!" He said. I nodded at him and took a deep breath to focus myself as I assumed my ready stance. As before, Luna let the tension mount for a few moments, then shouted out for us to begin. Skyros tightened the grip he had on his sword and gave a powerful flap of his wings. Sand whipped up behind him at his wing pressure and he flew straight for me at a speed I hadn't seen in many Pegasus. I dodged to the side and he flew clear past me. Spinning around to keep my eyes on him, I watched as he continued on until he reached the far end of the arena. Once there, he shot straight up and in a matter of second was at the ceiling of the arena. I wasn't sure if I should give chase and fight him in the air, or stand my ground and wait for him to come to me, but after a moment or two of thought, Skyros entered into a steep dive and my uncertainty vanished. He picked up speed and began to dash from side to side as he sailed towards me. At his speed, he'd have to be shooting for a flyby attack. There was no way he could stop on top of me, so I readied myself to counter his approach. Skyros came in close and moved to swing his sword for my chest, using his speed to his advantage. I watched him closely, and at the last second, threw myself backwards onto the ground to dodge his attack. As he sailed over me I kicked my feet off the ground and used my entire body to help me thrust my hips upwards and slam both my hind feet hard into his chest. Skyros gasped in pain and lost his grip on his sword as the force of my kick halted his forward momentum and fired him straight up instead. I threw myself upwards off the ground with my front hooves and wings and quickly raced after him, flapping with all my might to reach him while he was still dazed. I grabbed one of his back feet and pulled hard, spinning him around me in the air a full three hundred and sixty degrees before letting him go. He careened out of control and slammed into the ground some distance away with a poof of sand and a muffled groan. He rolled a few feet further and finally skidded to a stop near his end of the arena. He was out cold, and I knew I had won this match hands down. I was a little worried I may have hurt him, but after training with Sky Flare as much as I had, I was fairly certain I knew what a Pegasus could or couldn't take. I had made sure to pull my kick enough to not break his ribs, despite Skyros's insistence otherwise. The last thing I wanted to do was accidentally kill someone by striking them in a vital area too hard, or break their bones with limb destruction techniques. But that didn't mean I would hold back too much either. He wanted me to fight seriously, and the Princesses wanted a real demonstration, and that was exactly what I intended to give them. I felt the stunned silence around me and tensed a little as I wondered if I may have fought too seriously. Abruptly, a roar of cheers erupted and a thunderous applaud of stomping hooves followed. I let out a sigh of relief and looked to Luna, who still had yet to announce the victor of the match. She had an unusual grin on her face and I couldn't help but think she must have been an avid fighter at some point in her life. As the crowd began to fall silent again, Luna rose and called out my victory. "Round two also goes to Silver Wing! We will take another five minute reprieve at this time!" I trotted back to the two nurse ponies at my side of the arena and sat down to prepare for my next fight. I watched as Skyros was checked over and let out a small sigh as I saw him rise to his feet and stumble over to Stalwart and Malican. Malican would be up next, which meant it was time to pit my fists against his magic. My match with Dawn had opened my eyes to what a Unicorn was capable of, and I had no intention of being ranged into exhaustion. I'd have to deal with him quickly, which was no small task. But I was confident, and I had a plan. With his magic, he had the potential to wield a weapon better than any arm could ever dream of. But, without a weapon, he should be effectively useless. All I needed to do was get rid of his weapon and the match would be mine. "Round three will be between Silver Wing and Malican!" Luna called out, Let us see how well magic competes with such an unusual fighting style!" I got to my feet and headed out to greet Malican as I had the others. He took his time coming to me, and I could see his smug look of distain towards me the moment we locked eyes. A sword floated lazily beside him and I looked it over closely. It was nothing special, just a simple metal training sword like the one Skyros had used. I was relieved a little by that. Part of me feared he would have a double ended blade, which would make what I was going to try far harder. "You may have beaten my comrades, but you will not beat me," Malican stated, "I have seen what you can do, and I must say, I am not impressed." I sighed at him and shook my head. God he was arrogant. I could tell by the way he regarded me that he thought he'd have me beat without much effort at all. I looked forward to testing that theory. "You sound like Black Mane did when we first fought," I said with a friendly smile, "You do know how that wound up though, don't you?" He snorted at me in disgust and took a several steps back, setting a gap of nearly a fifteen feet between us. I smirked at him and rose to my hind legs as I awaited Luna's call. She wasted little time this time, and called for us to begin almost instantly. Clearly she was eager to see how I would handle a fight against magic. Malican's sword snapped to attention and moved into a position directly above his head. The tip was pointed downwards towards me and hovered in place motionlessly. It reminded me of a scorpions tail poised to strike, but I did my best not to expect it to react in only a stabbing motion. I took a step forwards and Malican's blade abruptly shot straight for me like a bolt. I leapt back to avoid it and it halted instantly where I had just been standing. A moment later, it retracted just as fast and returned to its place above Malican's head. "Range will not save you, Silver Wing." he snorted. 'It won’t save you either,' I thought, 'Not once I get your sword.' I watched his weapon carefully and stepped forwards again. As before, it shot at me like a bolt. I leaped to the side this time, but the blade followed after me, whipping around to hack at my side. I swung my arm to block it, but the blade flowed with my strike and spun around at me again. Like lightning, the blade shot for my face, but it stopped right before my nose and hovered there a moment. I swung my other arm at the blade to deflect it, but it simply spun around my strike and resumed its taunting position before me. I stared at it a moment, then frowned. Malican was clearly toying with me. He no doubt intended to infuriate me, then defeat me after I had tired myself out, but I had other ideas. I swung at his blade again and watched its rotation point as it moved around my strike yet again. Unlike Dawn, whose magic had held her sword by the handle, Malican held his at the guard, right at the balance point of the weapon. I swung one more time, and as his blade whipped around my arm, I shot my head forwards and grabbed the handle of his weapon with my mouth. I felt the sword try to jerk away, but I bit into it hard. Moving fast, I slammed both my armored forearms onto either side of the blade to better hold onto it and crouched low. Malican clearly hadn't expected me to grab his sword, but his surprise quickly switched to anger and he jerked his head to the side. I felt the sword start to tremble in my gasp and much to my surprise, I felt myself begin to slide towards him through the sand. The grip Malican had with his magic was on a whole other level than Dawn's had been, but it was still manageable. I shifted my stance lower to better ground myself and grinned as I stopped moving. "What sort of tactic is that supposed to be!?" Malican barked, "Release my sword and lose with some dignity!" "You want it, then take it!" I taunted him back, "Or can't you manage to beat one Pegasus in a game of tug-of-war?" My ploy worked perfectly and I watched as Malican's horn glowed brightly with his rising anger. He lowered his head and gritted his teeth as he put everything he had into taking his sword back from me. I felt myself beginning to slide towards him again, but just barely. I kept my eyes glued to Malican's face and waited for my moment to strike. Eventually, he did as I had hopped, and as he pulled harder and harder, he closed his eyes as he strained his magic to its limit. I let go the moment his eyes shut and dashed straight for him with a hard flap of my wings. Malican's eyes shot open as he felt my grip vanish and his eyes went wide as he found his weapon to be sailing towards him at an incredible velocity. The force he had exerted on it had acted like a rubber band and pulled the sword back to him with more force than he could counter in so short a distance. He ducked fast and watched as his weapon embedded itself deeply in the sand behind him. I wasn't far behind, and before Malican could recover his blade, I was on him. I flew right up to him and slammed my knee hard into his face as I flew past him. I had never struck someone like that while flying before and the counter weight of his head against my back leg toppled me over forwards. With a yelp, I face planted hard into the sand and rolled to a stop a fair ways away. Dazed as I was, I forced myself to my feet and spun around to find my opponent. My eyes stung and my nose was full of sand, but I couldn't afford to drop my guard yet. Through my watering eyes, I found Malican laying flat on his back some ten feet away. As far as I could tell, he wasn't moving. I wasn't sure if he was just dazed or unconscious, but I readied myself as best I could just in case he wasn't down for the count. "And round three goes to Silver Wing!" Luna called, "There will be a ten minute break before the next match is to begin!" I let out a sigh of relief and sneezed hard as I found my drawing of breath to irritate the sand in my nose. I snorted several times in an attempt to get the remaining sand out, but it didn't help as much as I'd hoped. I would have given just about anything at that moment for a single finger. As I snorted away, I saw two nurses rush over to check on Malican. And much to my confusion, the two nurses from my side were rushing towards me. "Are you alright, Silver Wing? You took quite a tumble." the nearest one asked as she looked me over. The second of my nurses grasped at one of my wings tentatively and hefted it. "Do your wings feel alright? No pain or tingling in any of your extremities?" she asked, a serious look on her face. I laughed nervously and gave a gentle flap of my wings as I backed away from them. "I'm fine, really," I said quickly, "Just some sand in my... Well, everywhere really, but it's fine." I sneezed again and groaned. "If anything should feel even the slightest bit off, tell us at once, doctors' orders!" they both said in unison. I swallowed, a little intimidated and nodded before heading back to my side of the arena for some water to wash the sand out of my mouth with. Friendly or not, I never did like doctors. They always made me nervous. 'Mental note, flyby kicking is a terrible idea.' I thought to myself as I sneezed yet again. "You'd best be on your guard next time you face Malican, Silver Wing," Black Mane called down to me from the stands, "He will not be so easy to catch off guard a second time. That being said, well done!" I nodded. I knew full well that Malican wouldn't fall for the same trick twice. And this time, he wouldn't be smug and try any games, he'd go straight for the win. "Oh e'll be fine," Breezy said, "After a shot like that, that Unicorn'll be 'ard pressed to lift a spoon, never mind a sword!" "That'd be nice," I said, "But chances are, he's gonna be holding one hell of a grudge when he comes to, so I'm going to have to be extra careful next time." "Yeah well, get used to it," Sky Flare called, "It's only gonna get harder from here on, so you better not have just given them a handicap with that face plant you pulled!" "No worries," I said, "Once my eyes stop watering, I'll be right as rain." "You'd better be." Sky Flare grumbled. "Look at that dear," Breezy cooed to Lemon Bloom, "I must be in a state today, as I do believe our little Sky is pinnin' over somepony, eh?" Sky Flare groaned at her father’s comment and slinked down in her seat. I had just gotten my eyes to feel normal again when I heard Luna announce my next set of opponents. "Round four will pit Silver Wing against the combined abilities of Stalwart Shield and Skyros!" she called out, "Now we shall witness how well Silver Wing fares against two opponents at once!" I rolled my shoulders and trotted out to the center of the arena. Stalwart and Skyros would have been watching me closely during my other fights and I couldn't use the same tricks I had last time. Luckily, I had a plan already thought up for this match up. Stalwart couldn't fly, so I would target Skyros first. Once he was out of commission, I'd deal with Stalwart like I had before, only I'd be sure to hit a lot harder from the start. "Time for round two, Silver, I hope you're ready for this." Stalwart said as we met. "Oh, I am," I said smiling, "Are you two?" "My chest kills," Skyros admitted, "But I'd never give up without giving it my all, so keep it coming." Stalwart nodded and shifted a few steps back. I noticed he had a shield strapped to his right side this time, and what looked to be a rather heavy, rounded mace was on his left. 'I do not want to get hit with that...' I thought, 'But what's he going to with that shield strapped to him? He has to know I'll just go for the other side.' I wasn’t sure what the purpose of having a shield was here, but I knew I'd find out shortly. "Round four may now begin!" Luna called. Skyros flew at me in an instant, much like he had in our first fight. I hadn't realized it before, but he was carrying a long spear this time. I had been too focused on Stalwarts mace and shield to notice sooner and cursed my lack of attention. I leapt high and flew straight up, keeping my eyes focused on Skyros as he followed after me. It looked odd, but Skyros was holding the spear tight along his chest and stomach with a front leg. The tip was pointed right at me, and I could tell it was a strong grip. I had never thought to hold a spear like that, but it looked feasible enough. I flew higher and turned to face Skyros. He came at me fast and thrust his spear at my chest. It was an oddly direct attack, one he had to realize was easy to avoid. I knew there had to be more to his attack that it seemed, but I countered it regardless. I shifted to the side, letting the spear sail past me and swung my right hoof at him in a hard uppercut. Much to my surprise, Skyros flipped over backward as I swung at him and kicked me in the stomach hard with a back leg. I gasped out as he winded me, but locked my arms around his leg tightly. He glared at me and twisted, moving to kick me in the face with his other foot. I leaned back to avoid his kick and shifted fast as we started to fall. I wrapped my legs around his and pulled it against my chest tightly. I caught him gasp as the pressure I put on his leg increased and glanced down at him. "Give up, or I snap your leg!" I warned, pulling a little harder. He gasped and struggled in my grip for a moment before he began nodding frantically. "A-Alright, you win! You win!" I let him go and we both flapped hard to stop our decent, but we were too close to the ground by that point. We plummeted into the sand with muffled thuds and groaned in unison. I had grabbed Skyros leg out of reflex, and despite my wing strength, I couldn't keep the hold and still fly. So I took the risk of the fall to secure my win. I sat up and winced as I found a sharp pain radiating from my right side. I clearly hurt myself in the fall, that or Skyros kick had done it. Either way, it was nothing I couldn't push through. Skyros groaned and shook his head while he looked at me oddly. "You really aren't holding back are you," He said a little concerned, "For a second there, I thought you really were going to break my leg. You wouldn't have actually done it though... Would you?" "Hey," I said shrugging, "You said to go all out, so I am." I smiled at him and started shaking the sand out of my feathers casually. He chuckled nervously for a moment, then started back for his side of the arena. I wouldn't have actually broken his leg, but unnerving an opponent was a sure way to achieve victory. Thinking I wouldn't hesitate to break his bones would make Skyros hesitate to come near me in our next match. He'd flinch easier, recoil farther, and take less chances. Which gave me a much needed edge. "And with that, Skyros is out of the match. Now it is down to Silver Wing and Stalwart Shield!" Luna announced excitedly. Looking around, I spotted Stalwart a ways away and flew closer to him. I quickly rose to my standard fighting stance and awaited his next move. Stalwart drew his mace and snorted at me. A moment later, he charged. I stood my ground and watched his approach closely. I had to disarm him first. Without his mace, he would be at a huge disadvantage. Stalwart charged and swung at me hard. I could tell which way he was going to swing by how he held his weapon. Fast as a pony might be at swinging, they were far easier to read than a human arm. I stepped into him, on the side left open by his strike and dropped low. I swung my right arm down against the back of his neck and pushed hard. At the same time, I struck him in the side with an upwards strike. My hoof connected with his underside and with one smooth motion, I used my legs to thrust my left hoof upwards, and using my right as a guide, I turned and flipped Stalwart head over heels. I used the momentum of his own charge to throw him clear passed me and into the sand several feet away. He yelled out in surprise as I tossed him and lost his grip on his mace in the process. I dashed after him and scooped his mace up with my mouth. I got a mouthful of sand in the process, but I tried to ignore the grinding feel it left. Throwing my head hard to the side, I tossed his mace away and got back into my ready stance as Stalwart scrambled back to his feet. Spitting the sand out of my mouth as best I could, I grinned at my opponent and waited for his next move. Stalwart frowned, then charged at me again. I used the same maneuver as last time and sent him flying past me just as easily. Unlike last time however, Stalwart rolled as he struck the sand and took off for where I had thrown his mace. I cursed and tore after him. I had thrown the mace a fair ways away, but Stalwart was surprisingly fast. Not faster than my wings though. I quickly closed in on Stalwart, and having learned from my match with Malican, flipped around and struck to kick him in the side with a hard jump kick. Stalwart thrust his entire body into my kick, and I yelped as I found myself crumpling against his form. It felt like I had jumped into the way of a wrecking ball and I was blown over backwards in an instant. I landed hard against the sand and shook my head in surprise. Stalwart hadn't stopped, he ran on and retrieved his mace, then turned to face me again. With a groan, I got to my feet and smirked. I definitely couldn't overpower him that was for sure. That meant I'd have to use more evasive and precise tactics. I resumed my stance and took a deep steadying breath. Stalwart eyed me and crept closer. Clearly he had changed his mind about his charge in and swing tactic. I held my ground and waited for him to close the distance. There was no sound beyond the shifting of the sand beneath our feet and the pounding of my own heartbeat in my ears. I could feel the tension mounting in the arena, but I didn't dare to look away from Stalwart, even for a moment. He crept steadily closer and closer, until he was barely five feet from me. Another foot and he'd be able to reach me with a lunge. His weapon gave him a good two feet more reach than I had, but he'd have to know I would know that. So I was curious as to his plan. Our standoff lasted nearly a minute before Stalwart abruptly reared up and fired a series of fast punches at my head. I blocked and weaved around his assault like a boxer, then found his mace arcing towards me in a downward strike. I sidestepped his mace and moved in to strike his now open side and frowned. Stalwart clearly wasn't stupid, the side he had left open was the side that was protected by that large shield he had strapped to himself before the match. It covered a great deal of his side, but not his head or neck. As I pulled back to swing, Stalwart leaped at me and shoulder checked me right in the chest and side. I felt a searing pain in my already aching side and winced as I was thrown to the ground. Stalwart came with me, clearly seeking to pin me down. He was too strong for me to beat directly if he were to get a good hold, so I had to get out from under him, and quickly. I struck upwards and kneed him hard in the stomach. As he gasped in pain, I used my arms to toss him over and on to his side. Moving fast, I used my wings to heft myself off the ground and quickly wrapped myself around Stalwart from behind. I pressed my chest against his back as he started to rise and wrapped my back legs around his waist, while I caught him around the neck with my left arm. I pulled hard on him and got him into a tight choke hold by using my right arm to secure my left. Stalwart bucked and thrashed about wildly as he found my grip to be preventing him from drawing breath. He dropped his mace and shook me violently. He was incredibly strong. I could barely keep my grip with him fighting against me like he was. At the rate he was going, he'd break my hold before I could choke him out. I was trying to keep myself on him using my wings, but he was moving too erratically to counter him well, then I got an idea. I flapped hard and began to take flight. Stalwart quickly realized my plan and did his best to stay grounded, but my wings beat his weight. I gradually gained altitude, and with his feet finally off the ground, I could handle his thrashing far more easily. It took nearly a minute more before he finally stopped struggling and fell limp. As I felt his muscles relax, I dropped him instantly and he fell to the ground in a heap. I had only flown up a few feet. Just enough for him to be off the ground. Stalwart sprawled out in the sand and wheezed shakily as he drew breath. I dropped to the ground beside him and winced at the burning pain in my ribs. Reflexively, I lifted a leg and held it against my side. Realizing I was giving off a tell to my injury, I slammed my foot back down and tried not to look like I was hurting. "An impressive display," Luna called, "And round four goes to Silver Wing. We will take a ten minute break before the next match." I waited beside Stalwart until his nurses arrived, then headed back to my side of the arena. I knew he'd be fine, but it would have been rude to just leave him laying there alone. "You are injured," one of my own nurses said as she rushed up to me, "You have fought very well, there is no shame in quitting now if you cannot continue." I laughed and shook my head at her. "Nah," I smiled, "I'll go till I drop. That's how it's supposed to be." "As you wish..." she said with a sigh. I got some water and tensed as I felt something soft brush across my side. Glancing over, I found Sky Flare to be standing beside me and winced in pain as I jumped in surprise. "Sky, what you doing down here!?" I asked in a harsh whisper. "Checking up on you, you're hurt. How bad?" She asked seriously. I chuckled at her and smiled. "I'm fine," I said, trying to play it off, "So head back to your seat before you get in trouble." "Not until you tell me how badly you're hurt." She stated adamantly. I knew that look. She wasn't going to leave until I answered her. I sighed heavily, and winched in the process. "I don't know," I admitted, "My side hurts. My ribs aren't broken, but I probably cracked one of them between the fall, and that shield check Stalwart gave me. But I'll be fine, so long as I don't get hit there again." Sky Flare glared at me angrily for a moment, then her demeanor shifted heavily to one of concern. "Just be careful, alright?" she whispered, "It's alright to lose once in a while." I laughed. "Course it's alright to lose," I said, "Losing is the best way to learn. But it'll take more than a cracked rib to take me down. I'm gonna win this thing, just you watch." Sky Flare sighed at me and smiled. "You better." she said. At that, she turned away and quickly flew back to her seat. I glanced over at the Princesses and felt a heavy blush of embarrassment creep over my face as I found both Celestia and Luna to be snickering at me. After the break was over, Luna announced the next match in the same fashion as before. Ten minutes really wasn't much of a break, but it was enough to catch my breath at least. This time it looked like I would be fighting Skyros and Malican. Like before, Skyros had a spear, while Malican still had the same sword. Strategically, it would be best to take out Skyros off the bat, then try and get to Malican as safely as I could. But Malican would most definitely be holding a grudge against me now, so trying to take him out first might be safer in the long run. I walked to the center of the arena and tested the waters. "So, ready for some more fun?" I asked with a laugh. Malican scoffed and glared at me and for a moment. I half thought he might attack me right then with how enraged he appeared, but he turned away and took up a position a few feet further back. "Yeah..." Skyros said with a sigh, "You might not want to talk to him. Like, ever." "What, has he never lost before?" I asked, more than a little amused at just how badly hurt his pride seemed to be. "Not to a Pegasus," Skyros said with a soft chuckle, "Up till now, his only rivals were other Unicorns, and he is not taking the way you beat him well. Rest of us loved it though. And while I don't see you pulling off something like that again, part of me hopes you do, just so I can see how red he turns." He laughed, then cleared his throat and took a few steps back. "I'll see what I can do." I said. Then I rose to my ready stance and focused on my opponents. A few moments passed, then Luna began the match. Like a bolt, Malican's sword came flying straight for me. I leaped to the side fast and felt my heart sink as his sword tore clear through a few of the feathers that hung down along the bottom of my wing and embed itself almost to the hilt in the sand behind me. My wing didn't hurt, but I wasn't certain if it would affect my flying or not. I was certain of one thing though, blunted as it may be, I did not want to get hit with one of Malican's attacks. With a flap of my wings, I took off into the air. I could hear Skyros yelling something at Malican, but with the air rushing past me as it was, I couldn't make it out. I caught a glint behind me and spotted Malican's sword giving chase. I sped up to the max and began darting around above the arena. My ability to fly didn't seem overly effected by the loss of a few feathers, but every flap of my wings hurt my ribs like hell. I couldn't risk slowing my pace though. If I did, the pain I felt now wouldn't even come to close to what I'd feel if that sword caught me. As I dodged and weaved about, I gauged the swords speed and reaction time. It was nearly as fast as I was, but it couldn't change direction very well, or stop very fast at all. Malican's anger towards me was clear, and the intensity of the glow his magic left on his weapon was far brighter than it had been before. I grinned down at Malican and shouted. "What's the matter Malican, can't catch me!?" I caught him stomp a foot in anger and his sword sped up even more. His anger would be my key to winning this. It would make him stupid, and I knew exactly how to exploit that. I flew in a high arc over the arena and raced to my end with Malican's sword following close behind. I flew straight into the back wall and landed hard against it with a burst of wind. An instant later, I leaped off the wall and flew straight for Malican. A Unicorn had less power the farther their weapon was from them, so it would make it harder for Malican to keep up with me back here, it would also buy me the precious few seconds I'd need to reach him safely. I heard a deep thunk behind me as I left the wall and glanced over my shoulder. Malican’s sword was tumbling through the air as it recoiled from the impact, but it quickly reset itself and flew after me once again. 'Perfect,' I thought, 'Just keep chasing me.' I flew low to the ground and closed in on Malican. He stood his ground and glared me, his horn glowing steadily brighter. I knew his sword would get faster the closer I got to him, but I was far enough ahead of him now I estimated I'd have about a two second window to win this. As I got about ten feet from Malican, I noticed a grin on his face and saw a second sword rise up from behind him like the tail of a scorpion. I felt my stomach knot as I realized I had fallen into his trap. But I wasn't done for just yet. I had one chance still and I'd use every trick in the book to win this if I could. I reared up and flapped as hard as I could to stop my forward momentum. My wings kicked up a wave of sand and fired it straight into Malican's face and past him. He cried out as he was momentarily blinded by my attack, and despite the sense of victory I had at that, the pain in my side from my sudden stop made my wings buckle and I dropped to the ground. I fell flat and forced myself to roll far to the side to avoid what I knew was still coming. Barely a second later, I watched as the sword Malican had been chasing me with streaked past and struck its wielder square in the head. I heard the solid thunk and caught a pained cry escape him and took off at a full gallop to finish him off. Malican was still standing, albeit barely. He glared at me as I closed in, but before he could focus enough to command his magic, I struck him hard in the jaw with right cross. I followed it up with a left, then knelt down and leaped upward to deliver a brutal uppercut and knock him out. I watched as he fell, then quickly began checking my surroundings for Skyros. I couldn't see him anywhere on the ground. Looking up, I caught sight of him high above. He was laughing. Despite my sides protest, I flew up to join Skyros in the air. "That was just too good Silver Wing," Skyros laughed, "Malican'll never live this down." "Well, no offence intended, but there is no ultimate style," I said with a shrug, "And that includes Unicorn magic. People like him that act like they're better than everyone else just irritate me." "Oh I get ya," Skyros said nodding, "But up till now, only a Unicorn's be able to beat Malican." "Well, hopefully this humbles him some, though I kinda doubt it..." I said. "Yeah, probably not," Skyros admitted, "But that's enough of that. We got out match to finish, eh?" I smirked and assumed my ready stance. Skyros flew back a few feet, then thrust his spear at me. As close as we were, he had very little power behind his attack and I deflected it to the side easily. Remembering the last time we had done this maneuver, I held my counter and waited for another acrobatic strike like last time. Much to my surprise however, Skyros released his hold on his spear and tackled me head on. I felt his arms wrap around me and gasped at the pain his grip put on my side. "Can't grab me if I grab you first, Silver Wing!" He yelled victoriously. I felt myself tilt over and struggled against his grip as I found him to be forcing us back to the ground. I frowned, already regretting what I was about to do, but it was the safest option I had. I pulled my head back far, before slamming my forehead hard into Skyros. His grip faltered at the impact and we both glided back to the sand holding our heads in shared agony. "W-what the hay Silver!?" I caught Skyros groan out. Attempting to shake the pain from my head, I staggered for Skyros as best I could. He was as dazed as I was, and staggered about on all fours drunkenly. He moved away from me, hoping to regain his bearings before I closed in. I leaped for him and swung, but missed, badly. I stumbled and fell to the ground. Shaking my head and giving a frustrated snort, I got back to my feet and focused on Skyros. 'You can rest later, right now, get on him before he recovers!' I barked to myself. I dashed for Skyros and swung again. He ducked my first swing, but my left knee rose up to meet him in the side of the head. As he recoiled back from the strike, I put my front two hooves together and slammed them both down hard atop his head. Skyros dropped, and Luna announced my fifth victory. I dropped to my hind end and took several deep breaths. My ribs were not happy, and I was starting to feel the drain, but I couldn't give up yet. Just two more matches to go. I could do this. I would do this. "Are you alright Silver Wing?" I caught my nurse ask from behind me. I hadn't even noticed her come up this time. I rose to my feet and laughed, "No worries," I said, "Almost to the end." She frowned and helped me to my feet. I staggered a little the first few steps then shook it off and refocused. I didn't get any water this break, nor did I rest. I stayed on my feet, breathing in deep, slow breaths. If I sat down now, I might not get up again, so I had to keep my adrenaline going and my energy up. "Round six is about to begin," Luna called, "Silver Wing will now face Stalwart Shield and Malican!" With a final heavy breath, I started back for the center of the arena. The walk there was seeming to take longer and longer with each match and I sighed at how tired I was starting to get. "Come on Silver, you got this!" I heard Sky Flare call as I trotted past her seat. I smiled at that and felt a bit of energy return to me. Stalwart still had a shield strapped to one side, but he had traded in his mace for the standard guard short spear. Malican meanwhile, had four swords floating around him, and I couldn't help but groan at that. I knew a Unicorn could use one weapon easy enough. And I had assumed they could use two, but four? I hoped it was more a choice for show, because if Malican could actually use four swords proficiently, I was probably gonna lose this one in a matter of moments. "You will not beat me a third time, Silver Wing!" Malican growled angrily. "Malican, this is meant to be a tournament of skill, not a competition of ego," Stalwart snapped, "So stop acting like this all about you and remember your position in the guard. Honor, respect, and unity, remember?" Malican snorted at him, and returned his gaze to me. "Good luck Silver," Stalwart said, "Look forward to seeing what you do this time." I chuckled and gave a weak shrug. "Me too." I said. We all took a few steps back, then Luna began the match. Stalwart charged for me, as did three of Malican's swords. I slid backwards along the sand, using my wings to speed my retreat and put more space between myself and Malican. I knew what to expect from Stalwart by now. He hit hard, and could take a hit like a champ, but I had gotten a feel for how hard I needed to hit him to make him feel it. A few quick, hard shots would drop him, or at least open him up to be finished off like last time. But Malican was more of a wildcard. I knew what he could do with one weapon, but four was too much to deal with up close. I had to out range him while I figured out a way around his offence. I had expected Malican to remain stationary, as he had in our previous fights, but this time he was running after me. He even managed to pass Stalwart, who looked as surprised as I was to see him moving about. Malican's horn glowed brightly, and I was soon under a relentless assault. Four fast moving swords swung and thrust from seemingly everywhere around me. I blocked what I could, but I had to rely more on dodging than anything. I was confused at first by the speed of Malican's attacks. They were fast, but compared to the first time we fought, they were slow, sloppy, and rather weak. For almost a minute, I weaved around his strikes, leaping and dashing this way and that. I could block his strikes now by aiming for the portion of his weapon that glowed with his magic, and it took almost no effort to send them flying. The finesse he has displayed in our first match was gone, and even Dawn had shown more control than he was using now. I had thought he was trying to lull me into a false sense of safety, but now I could see what was really going on. He was tired! Very tired. That's why he had charged after me himself this time. He had more control the closer his weapons were to him, and he likely hoped to overwhelm me at the start of the match with his four weapon combo and end the tournament there. Being such a preppy and skilled Unicorn, Malican had probably never run into a drawn out fight before. He had always won right away, or lost to a superior Unicorn instantly. But now that he had been through two strenuous fights that required a great deal of concentration, and the fact he was now using four weapons at once and swinging them around so much, he was tiring himself out! I was getting tired myself, but everything I did was physical. I was always pushing myself and improving, while he likely never had to work very hard at all his entire life, so I had more endurance than he did. With a flicker, the glow of Malican's horn abruptly went out and his swords fell to the sand. "D-Damnit!" He growled, "Why can't I beat you!?" I felt a little bad for him and sighed "You let me beat you," I explained softly, "You've got skill, but you let your ego drive you. You need to be neutral with yourself, and your opponent in a fight. You only lost because you let your emotions drive you to exhaustion." "Be quiet!" Malican barked, "You must have cheated somehow, that's all! There's no way I would have lost to a lowly Pegasus like you otherwise!" I frowned and dashed towards him at that. I delivered one solid hit to the side of his head and he dropped. "I do not cheat," I stated angrily, "You wanna win, then practice! Don't go around blaming others for your own failings!" "I don't cheat either," I caught Stalwart call from behind me, "So heads up!" I turned just in time to see Stalwart bearing down on me. I leaped back as his hooves slammed down into the sand where I had just been, then twisted to the side as his short spear thrust for my stomach. I smirked at him and leaped back again as he chased after me. He could have won just then, if he hadn't have warned me he was about to attack. I had lost track of him dodging Malican's assault, and failed to check where he was afterwards. He wanted to fight me fairly, and I was rather impressed by that. Stalwart reared up again and threw his spear at me. I leaped over the spear and dashed towards him. Without his weapon, I could risk getting in closer. I flew over Stalwart and struck out with my hind legs as I passed over him. I struck him had in the back of the head and he staggered a few steps before dropping to his front knees. I knew that wouldn't have been enough to keep him down however, so I turned back towards him and flew for his unshielded side. I pulled back to give him a hard right hook, but just as I closed in on him, Stalwart leaped towards me. My right hook nailed him square in the jaw, but as I connected with him, I felt an unexpected pressure embed itself in my stomach and time seemed to slow for a moment. Glancing down, I found Stalwarts right hoof planted firmly in my gut in a rising uppercut. I felt myself buckling around his powerful strike, and as time began to flow again, I felt and incredible amount of pain radiate from my core. I fell staggered backwards and gasped as I struggled to breathe. Stalwart had winded me brutally and I could barely keep standing. I watched him rise to his feet and stagger towards me and smirked weakly. 'I nailed him in the face and he still gets up,' I thought tiredly, 'No wonder his mark's a tower, trying to drop him is like trying to break down a castle gate.' Stalwart staggered up to me and let out a weak laugh before abruptly falling over in a heap beside me. I was a little stunned and tried to laugh at my apparent luck, but I could still find no air to breathe. I dropped to my flank and laid back in the surprisingly cool sand. I closed my eyes for a moment as I tried to recover and found everything beginning to swirl about and swiftly vanish behind an inky veil. > Second Place, Again... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gradually, I became aware of a bright light shining against my face. I opened my eyes slowly and winced as I found the sun to be shining directly into them. I groaned and tried to roll over, but the moment I moved a searing pain shot through my left side like white hot flames. I gasped at the pain and cringed as I forced myself to be still. 'Ribs!' I realized as the pain slowly began to subside, 'My ribs are definitely not happy with me!' I recalled the demonstration and how I had injured my side, but I couldn't recall anything after my last match against Malican and Stalwart. The last thing I could recall was Stalwart going down, then I sat down to catch my breath and it all went dark... Raising a hoof to block the light, I looked around me and frowned. I was in a rather white room, in a simple framed bed. The window nearby was open and the sun was shining in through it. I recognized the room as a hospital room of sorts and sighed, wincing once more at the shift in my ribs. "Oww... Guess I lost..." I said, a little disappointed in myself. I caught a muffled groan from nearby and shot a started glance to the other side of my bed. Sky Flare was sitting in a chair beside me. Her arms were crossed beneath her chin and she was dozing soundly against the edge of my bed. I was a little surprised to see her here with me, and upon a second glance around the room I came to realize that she was the only one here. I wasn't sure if I should wake her or not, but I had a rather growing desire to know what happened after I had apparently passed out. As I debated whether or not to wake Sky Flare, I found a smile creep over me as I admired her sleeping face. The sunlight that had blinded me when I first woke up was shining down over her like a soft spotlight. Her reddish orange fur almost seemed to glow in the light, and she had the faintest hint of a smile on her lips. She looked so content like that, almost like a child lost in some wondrous dream. I couldn't bring myself to disturb her, so I laid my head back down carefully and settled in to rest until she woke on her own. I must have fallen asleep again, as the next thing I knew, I awoke to the sounds of talking. I glanced to where Sky Flare had been sleeping, but she was no longer there. "Hey, you're awake," I heard a voice say, "About time." Looking toward the source of the voice, I found Sky Flare to now be sitting by the window on the other side of the room. Breezy was with her, and they both smiled at me as I looked over. "Hey guys, what's up?" I asked, not entirely sure what to say at that moment. "Not you that's for sure." Sky Flare smirked. "About that..." I said, scratching the back of my head as I spoke, "What exactly happened? I mean, I know I lost, but after that." "Ya gave it yer all boy," Breezy laughed, "And ya did a might better than most expected." "Yeah, and you cracked two ribs in the process." Sky Flare scoffed. "I kinda noticed." I said, wincing a little as I shifted to a more comfortable position. "Well, like you always say Silver," Sky Flare said simply, "Next time, dodge. You don't wanna get hurt, don't get hit." "Oh ha ha." I said sarcastically. I watched as she smiled at me in her typical, confident, self-pleased way and shook my head. It was true though. I said that to her often enough during our sparring matches, and the pain I was in now was my own fault. I should've been faster, read my opponent better, or hit harder. Unlike most people I knew, I actually liked to loose. You learned more that way. No matter how good you are, how much you train, or how strong or fast you become, losing a fight will teach you more in those precious few moments than years of training ever could. I'd have to thank my opponents when next I got the opportunity, though I was fairly certain Malican wouldn't approve of my appreciation. "Dodgin' is good and all, but so's avoiding sticky situations," Breezy chimed in, "That little tumble you took with Skyros is what lost you the prize. You went for the quick win to split up your opponents. Which ain't a bad plan in itself, but you could'a gone about it differently than plummeting to the ground like ya did. You're lucky it wasn't one of yer wings ya broke." "Don't worry," I laughed weakly, "I will not be trying that one again." "Good," Breezy smiled, "My little Sky 'ere's been in a right state since ya dropped. I'd hate to see what would 'appen if anything serious actually happened to ya!" "Dad!?" Sky Flare barked. "Well is true," Breezy stated, "You've been here with 'em since he was brought in. Pinnin' over him and keepin' watch." Sky Flare glared angrily and pointed a hoof at the door. "Home! Now!" Breezy laughed and shook his head as he got to his feet. "There we go, much better," he teased, "You're not you without a little fire to ya." Sky Flare remained silent as she watched Breezy leave, then finally sighed as the door closed behind him. If I wasn't injured, I'd feel fine about being locked in a room with a now annoyed Sky Flare. But as it stood, I felt a bead of sweat forming on my brow. "I'm gonna strangle that old coot one of these days..." Sky Flare groaned to herself. "Least you know he cares about you?" I offered, testing her mood. Sky Flare frowned at me as I spoke, then sighed. "Well, he could keep his mouth shut about it once in a while." I smiled and gave a weak shrug. "He wouldn't be Breezy if he did that." Sky Flare shook her head and smiled at me. "He was more worried about you than I was by the way," she said, "He had the nurse check you over three times before he'd finally let her leave." "Oh?" I said rather surprised. I thought about that for a moment, then I recalled finding Sky Flare asleep on the side of my bed and chuckled. "What's so funny?" Sky Flare asked. "Oh nothing," I said smiling, "I just find it interesting that you say Breezy was the worried one, yet you were the one dozing on my bed a while ago." I watched as her ear twitched irritably, then she glanced away from me and snorted. "It was a long day," she stated, "And I was tired. So I took a nap." I smiled wider at her and decided it was best to try and change the subject, rather than continue pressing my luck with her mood. "So, how's Stalwart doing?" I asked, "I was pretty sure I had knocked him out, but I'm guessing he got back up before me." "I haven't checked on him," Sky Flare admitted, "But he's fine from what I hear. Bumps and bruises like you and the other two guards you fought with, but aside from your ribs, nopony received any real injuries." "That's good to hear," I said, rather relieved. I shuffled in my bed again and groaned as my side protested my movements yet again. I frowned at my side, then looked to Sky Flare thoughtfully. "So how long till I'm able to be up and about again you think?" I hadn't really injured myself here before, so I wasn't sure how fast my new body would heal. In the human world, it would have taken the better part of couple months, but here they had magic, so I had no idea what the case would be. "The nurse said it wasn't a bad crack," Sky Flare explained, "Doctors orders are no flying for the next two weeks, then see how things go from there. You've got some bandages around your chest right now to help, but you can lose those in a few days so long as you stay in bed. You know your body better than anypony though. So if it hurts, rest till it's better." "Wow, really?" I said rather surprised, "You mean they don't have some magic spell to help with this?" Sky Flare looked at me quizzically and shook her head. "Not really, no," she said, "Healing magic does exist, but it's one of the most difficult types of magic there is. How do you not know that?" "I'm not from around here, remember?" I said, trying to laugh her question off, "I figured if anywhere would have Unicorns with healing magic, it'd be here though. I mean, this is Canterlot after all. Sky Flare eyed me a moment, clearly unconvinced. 'I need to save questions like that for the Princesses,' I thought, mentally cursing myself, 'If I don't already know about it, or haven't heard anything about it at all, don't ask. It'd save me from a lot of these looks in the future...' Wanting to change the mood, my stubbornness kicked in and I started to sit up. My side protested angrily, but I groaned through it until I was upright. "What are you doing!?" Sky Flare practically barked as she trotted to the side of my bed. "If I have to be grounded and resting for the next while, I'd rather do it in my own room than here." I said simply. "Silver, don't be stupid!" Sky Flare protested, "At least rest here the night!" I smiled at her and shook my head. "Nah," I said, "I'm going to my room. So you can either help me, or you can pin me down in this bed and force me to stay." I paused for a moment as I realized what I had just said. Most would listen to that, as no one in their right mind would force someone with cracked ribs to lay down. But this was Sky Flare I had said that to, and she had already proven that she was the type who would knock you out if it made her life easier... I tensed reflexively as I expected my words to come back to haunt me, but Sky Flare simply stared at me seriously for a few moments before placing her front hooves up on the side of my bed. "I'll help you down..." she said softly, "But I still say you should stay here." I breathed a silent sigh of relief and smiled at her. "I understand your concern, but I'll rest better in my room than I will here." I said. "You're as stubborn as my father." Sky Flare sighed. I laughed. "And you're not?" "You wanna do this by yourself?" Sky Flare asked frowning, "Cause I will leave you here, you know." I fell silent, and with an effort, slid off the bed using Sky Flare's offered arm for support. Despite the intense pain my shift in position caused me, I managed to stay on my feet. I hurt all over, and my knees were a lot weaker than I had expected them to be, but I was determined. I tried to tuck my wings up to my sides like I usually did when walking, but was met with an impressive amount of pain in my ribs. I hadn't noticed it during my matches due to the adrenaline rush of it all, but every shift and twitch of my wings sent a jolt of pain rippling through my ribs. Clearly, my injury was closer to my back than the front, so at least some of the muscles my wings were connected to were close enough to aggravate it immensely. With a sigh, I let my wings fall limply to the ground on either side of me. "Ready to get back into bed now?" Sky Flare asked with a knowing frown. "Very much so," I admitted, "But I'll wait till I'm at my own bed." She shook her head at me, then much to my surprise, wiggled her nose under my right wing. Before I could ask what she was doing, she stepped closer to me and slid my wing up and over her head until it came to rest across her shoulders. "W-what are you doing Sky?" I asked as she finally settled beside me. I was fairly certain I knew the reason for her closeness, but I was in pain, and more a little caught off guard by having her pressed against my side like this. "Helping," she said matter of factly, "Unless you want to drag your wing clear across the Palace? I can't carry both, but one's better than nothing. They're a lot more delicate than you seem to think." "Right..." I said nodding, "Thank you for the help." She snorted at me, then I felt her tail sweep over my back legs for a moment and tensed. I felt my heartbeat quicken and shook my head for a moment. 'Why am I so flustered right now?' I thought as my face flushed, 'I mean seriously, I've been closer to her than this during our sparring matches, so what gives!? I must be a hell of a lot more tired than I think I am...' I shook my head a final time and started for the door before my mind could wander any further. Sky Flare kept her pace beside me, and when we reached the door, she raised a hoof to open it for us. As we stepped outside, I found myself face to face with Dawn and jumped in surprise. I immediately regretted my reaction and cringed as my ribs screamed at me. "Oww..." I groaned, before forcing a smile onto my face and laughing weakly, "Hey Dawn, enjoy the demonstration?" I heard Sky Flare snort in annoyance at Dawn's abrupt appearance and tensed the wing I had draped over her, urging her to calm down. Dawn looked as startled as I was and took a breath to center herself. "I... Don't really know," she said, giving a small smile, "Stalwart has just a few bruises but..." I chuckled at her and smiled as she trailed off. "I'm fine, really," I assured her, "I'll be right as rain in no time. Glad to hear Stalwart's alright though. That guy can really take a hit." Dawn nodded. "I'm glad to hear you'll be all right too," she said, "Are you ready for the dinner then?" I had completely forgotten about the weekly dinner. It was scheduled for after the demonstration, and that other Princess... Twilight, was probably going to be there too. Sore as I was, I felt fairly confident I'd be able to attend, but before I could speak, Sky Flare chimed in. "He's not even ready to get out of bed yet." She snorted. I sighed at her comment, then winced at the shift in my ribs. "Dinners not for a few hours yet," I groaned, "I'm sure I'll be good by then." Sky Flare shook her head at my words, but thankfully, she didn't go on. "Why?" I heard Dawn ask, "What's wrong?" I groaned internally at her question. I was trying to avoid telling her about my ribs. It was bad enough having Sky Flare telling me to go back to bed, but if Dawn joined in too, I didn't think I'd have the willpower to deal with them both. "Nothing-" I started, but Sky Flare cut me off. "He's broken two of his ribs," she stated irritably, "But he's too much of a mule to stay in his bed." I groaned and dropped my head. "They're just cracked..." I tried, though I knew it was no use. The cat was out of the bag now. I heard Dawn let out a heavy sigh, then caught her shaking her head at me like a mother would to a child. "So he's not about to get back in bed huh?" She asked Sky Flare after a few moments of silence. "Like I told Sky," I explained quickly, "If I have to be in bed for the next while, I'd rather be in my own bed. Not some hospital room." Dawn nodded at me, then eyed Sky Flare. "I'm guessing you're doing that to help Silver out with the ribs?" she asked, "I don't suppose you'd want help with the other wing would you?" "No, I'm doing it to keep his flight feathers from getting ground off on the floor." Sky Flare stated. I frowned at Sky Flare for a moment, a little annoyed with her tone. I tried to give her a bit of a flick with my tail, much like she frequently did to me, but I failed miserably. I'd learned to wiggle my tail around well enough, but I still hadn't figured out how to whip something like she could. Ignoring the smirk I saw growing on her face, I looked to Dawn and smiled. "I'm fine," I said, "Really." I had always hated getting help from others. Especially for something stupid like this. It was my own fault that I got hurt, so I'd deal with the repercussions and learn from my mistakes. That being said, I really couldn't do much at the moment if Dawn ignored my words. I was stuck between two women. One that could, and would, knock me out if she felt I deserved it. The other, a Unicorn that could probably knock me out with some spell before I even knew what happened. I grunted and raised my left wing up as close to my side as I could manage. "See?" I said, forcing a smile onto my face. The strain was excruciatingly painful, but if it appeased Dawn and got her on her way, I'd be happier overall. I caught Sky Flare frown at me, then an instant later I felt her tail whip me rather hard on my left flank. My wing dropped back to the ground limply as I jumped from the sting of her tail, and I seriously debated taking a swing at her. I wouldn't of course, but with the way she was acting, the thought was growing steadily more appealing to me. As I glared at her, I felt an odd tingling sensation in my left wing and glanced over at it. I caught a faint sheen of green encircling it, then tensed as I watched it rise into the air on its own. I watched in confusion until I saw Dawn duck under it and assume a position that mirrored Sky Flare's. "You don’t need to do that, Dawn," I said nervously, "Really. I'm fine." I really just wanted to go to my room and crash. I hurt, and I wasn't in the mood for dealing with anyone right now... "Wait," Sky Flare said in surprise, "'She's' Dawn!?" I looked over at her and realized at that moment that I hadn't properly introduced them to one another yet. We always seemed to hang out at opposite times, and I had been too startled by Dawn's unexpected appearance at my door to think about proper manners any sooner. "Yeah, I'm she," Dawn said before I could introduce them correctly, "Why?" "Some friend you are," Sky Flare snorted, "I heard you and those other guards betting on Silver loosing before the event." "What?" I said surprised, "Really?" I looked at Dawn seriously, a little stunned to hear that she'd bet against me so openly. I didn't really mind, everyone seemed to be placing bets on me or the guards, I was just a little surprised to hear that Dawn would place any bets at all. She didn't seem the gambling type to me. Dawn glared rather angrily past me to Sky Flare, and I grew rather confused. "Assume whatever the hell you like," She barked, "But I didn't make any bets on anyone because I didn't want to see either of them hurt!" She looked down the hall irritably and I shrank back a little, though I couldn't exactly move far being stuck between them as I was. I looked from Dawn to Sky Flare and grew very confused as I found them both to be sharing similar looks of anger. I had no idea what their problem was, but I had to try to diffuse the situation before something else happened. "Easy now," I said tentatively, "It wouldn't bother me either way. Win or lose, it was more for the Princesses entertainment than anything, right? I would have probably bet against me too, what with how the odds were stacked." Sky Flare just shook her head and continued to frown down the hall. "Let's just get you to your room," Dawn said, "You set the pace Silver." "Okay..." I said. I felt bad enough as is, but now I was stuck in this awkward tension, caught literally between two angry women. Taking a slow step forward to try and get this walk over with sooner than later, I fell into a slow but steady pace. Each step hurt, but having my wings propped up on either friend like this did help a great deal. As we walked, I glanced down at my legs and realized I wasn't wearing my armor anymore. The nurses probably took them off to check me over, but where did they put them? "Hey Sky," I asked, "Where's my armor?" "After you were brought here, Black Mane took them back," she explained, "He figured it'd be easier if he just took them now, so you wouldn't have to deliver them to him later, when you should be 'resting.'" I caught her heavy emphasis on the 'resting' part and shook my head. "I'll have to thank him again when next I see him then," I said, "His armor worked a hell of a lot better than those crappy training ones." "If you'd have won, the Princesses would probably have given you a set of your own," Sky Flare said simply, "But..." I caught her smirk at me before she added, "You lost. And there's no prize for second place this time, 'Silver.'" I knew she was just playing around with her teasing, but her words did sting my pride a little. "I wasn't aware there was any kind of prizes or the like for this," Dawn said, her tone still sounding a little irritable, "Stalwart certainly made no comment of that sort. If it's any consolation, no one expected you to get to where you'd win all three of the one on twos." "She's just kidding around Dawn," I said, smiling in the hopes that she wouldn’t get more annoyed with Sky Flare, "It was just a simple combat demonstration, not a real competition. And while I appreciate your comment, I lost the last of the two on ones." Dawn shook her head. "Actually it was a draw," She said, "And because you had the disadvantage, you were given the victory point." "I was?" I said rather surprised, "Huh..." Sky Flare hadn't said anything to me about the last match now that I thought about it, not that I really asked her either. I had just assumed I'd lost since I passed out too. But I guess I did alright all things considered. Still, I didn't win it all, so it was still a loss in my books. However, it was also a win in one sense. I had learned a lot, and the next time I came up against someone in a fight, I'd be even more prepared to deal with the unique traits of each species of Pony. If there ever was a next time anyways. "And he would have won the next match too," Sky Flare added, "If he hadn't of gone and injured himself in his fight with Skyros." I sighed at that. In hindsight, it wasn't the best move on my part, but it worked at the time. Dawn nodded at Sky's words. "I agree," She said, "But don't tell Stalwart that." I smiled at that, then cleared my throat. "I'm glad you two think so highly of me," I chuckled, "But I'd probably have lost regardless. The two on ones only worked because I managed to split my opponents up. Come the last fight, they would have realized they needed work together. All they'd really have to do was group up and force me to come to them. I wouldn't have been able to keep my eye on all of them. Not when one can fly, and the other can attack at range." "You would have been fine if you were serious," Sky Flare said, "I've seen you fight with intent before." "I wouldn't fight like that unless I had no other choice Sky." I said frowning at her. "Just saying," Sky Flare said confidently, "You could have won fighting like that." 'Yeah,' I thought shaking my head, 'and I would have be kicked out of Canterlot, imprisoned, or executed for it!' I had only done it a few times in our sparring matches, but I had shown Sky Flare what it was like to fight someone who came at you with the intent to kill. Or at the very least, the intent to break you to the point you could not fight back. Limb destruction techniques were common enough in a great many of my worlds martial arts, as were one shot kill strikes like throat jabs, nose strikes, or any number of other attacks. They were all designed to kill or permanently cripple another person, something that no one I knew of in Equestria would ever even consider using in a fight. Her saying I could have won like that would be like me saying I could win a basketball game by shooting the other players in the foot. It'd work, sure, but no one in their right mind would ever consider doing it! I probably never should have shown her the theory on those techniques, but it was too late now. Thinking about our sparring brought another thought to my mind, and I nodded to myself as I realized something that actually would have helped. "Actually," I said, "Wanna know something that would have really helped? My fight mix CD. A good beat does wonders." I hadn't really thought about it at the time, but I usually listened to music when I fought. It was sort of like a before match ritual in a way. Even when I was training on my own, I always had my IPod with me, but not anymore. "Yeah, music definitely can help," Dawn agreed with a knowing smirk, "Though I always tuned such things out the few times I tried. Found it more distracting than anything." "If you wanted music Silver, you should have said something," Sky Flare said, "My Dad has a ton of Records." 'Records?' I thought in surprise, 'They have records here? Wonder what sort of music they can even make...? Mostly vocal I'd think.' "I doubt he'd have what I'm used to," I said, "But thank you for the offer." "Try me." Sky Flare said. "Alright," I said shrugging, "Seizure of Power, by Marilyn Manson." It was pretty much my go to song for getting pumped up. It had a good beat, decent length, and no lyrics. So putting it on loop didn't get tiring. Sky Flare stared at me oddly for a moment, before finally shaking her head. "Alright," She said, "Never heard of that one." "No worries," I said, "I really didn't expect you to have. But that was one of my main go to songs back home." Dawn chuckled. "Yeah, I have no idea what to recommend," She said, "Most of my music comes from my games." "I miss my games," I said with a sigh, "But I'll get over it..." As nice as it was to talk to Dawn about our world, it also sucked sometimes. Ninety percent of anything we said always reminded me of something I'd probably never get to see again, but I tried not to dwell on it too much. I caught Sky Flare eyeing me quizzically and smiled at her, a little embarrassed at getting lost in thought again. Turning a final corner, the door to my room came into view at last, and I sighed with relief at its sight. "Thanks for the help, Dawn," I said, suddenly feeling like I had just ran a marathon, "I thought we were a little closer to my room than that." "That's why I said to stay in bed," Sky Flare reminded me, "But you wouldn't listen." "Yeah yeah, I know, I know." I sighed. "Silver, you really should rest..." I heard Dawn add in from the left with a sigh of her own, "Want me to help with the other wing more, or do you have it from here?" I looked over at her, a little confused by her comment, then realized she was talking to Sky Flare. I instantly tensed the wing I had over Sky's back, hoping to encourage her to be polite. "I got him, thanks." Sky Flare snorted back. Despite her words, her tone came off far more irritated than grateful. I caught a subtle snort of reply from Dawn, then felt a tingling in my left wing again. I glanced over and found Dawn to be lifting my wing off her back with her magic, like she had done a little while ago. "Take care Silver," she said as she lowered my wing gently to the ground, "I'll see you either at dinner, or when you're healed... I'm hoping the latter." I winced as the pressure of my left wing settled onto the ground and smiled as best I could through the flaring pain. "You take care too," I said, "And thanks for the help." "You're welcome." Dawn said smiling softly. She gave a wave, then headed down the hall back the way we had just come. I waved after her weakly and, leaning more heavily on Sky Flare than I meant to, headed for my bed. Sky Flare helped me to it, and with no small degree of difficulty, I climbed onto it and fell into its inviting and heavenly blankets. I whimpered at the pain falling into bed caused, but after I managed to roll over, the pain gradually faded. "Bet that felt good," Sky Flare said with a frown, "You gotta be more careful Silver." "Will do," I said slowly, "Just... Just glad to be off my feet." "Why do you always call them that Silver?" She asked, "They're hooves, not feet." "And hooves are technically feet, aren't they?" I replied. I really wasn't in the mood for trying to word my way out of another apparent human to pony wording issue, so my tone came off a little more irritated than I meant it to. "Alright..." I heard Sky Flare say softly, "If you say so..." I felt Sky Flare start to climb onto the bed beside me, but a loud knock on the door caught my attention. I groaned aloud and started to rise, but I felt Sky Flare lay a wing across my back to stop me. "I'll get it, you rest." She said. I didn't protest. I didn't even turn my head to see who was at the door. I just laid there and listened to the hollow clopping of Sky Flare's hooves as she trotted over to the door. I heard the click of the door as it opened, then Sky Flare's charming greeting. "Yeah?" she said, in a clearly annoyed tone. "Good afternoon Ma'am," someone, who I could only assume was a guard by his tone, said, "Is Silver Wing present? I was sent to deliver a message to him from the Princesses. He was not in his room in the infirmary, so I am hoping he may have returned here." "He's resting," I heard Sky Flare answer, "Give me the message, and I'll pass it along when he's up." "Very well," the guard said, "The Princesses request Silver Wing's presence for dinner tonight at the royal dining hall, but only if he is feeling well enough to join." "I'm gonna have to say no to that one," Sky Flare said, "He barely made it here." I sighed internally at the thought of going to dinner feeling like this. I had zero desire to move from my current spot ever again. In fact, I had zero desire to even think right now, but I couldn't say no to the Princesses. An hour of talking wouldn't kill me. It might feel like it will, but it won't. And once it's done, I'll be free to rest till whenever I'm better. "Tell the Princesses I'll be there." I called weakly, my voice half muffled by my bedding. "Are you stupid!?" I heard Sky Flare bark back at my answer, "You barely made it here with help! How do you think you're gonna get there on your own, huh? Never mind get back afterwards." "I'll be fine," I said tiredly, "I just need to catch my breath is all." I caught a heavy feminine sigh, then caught the sounds of whispering. I turned my ears towards the door, but I couldn't make out whatever it was that Sky Flare and the guard were now talking about. After a few moments of hushed conversation, I heard the door close, then the sound of hoof steps returning to my bed. I was too tired to look back and see who it was, I could barely even keep my eyes open anymore. I assumed it was Sky Flare I had heard approaching, and now felt climbing onto my bed with me. It was a comfort to know that she was there, and though I wanted to say that to her, I was rapidly losing my ability to even think. "Wake me... For dinner please..." I barely managed to say, before I slipped once again into the darkness of sleep. It felt like I had just closed my eyes when there was another knock on my door. I tried to ignore it, but it came again, then again. Reluctantly, I rose to my feet in my bed and looked around groggily. I found Sky Flare sound asleep a foot or so away from me. She had one of her wings pulled up and it was drawn over her face, shielding her eyes from a sliver of sunlight that streamed between a small gap in my curtains. I smiled for a moment at the oddly cute looking position she was in, before a fourth knock brought me back to what had first awoken me. Carefully, I climbed off the bed and winched as my movements and sore muscles protested their use. I ignored them as best I could, and opened the door with as little noise as possible. For Sky Flare to have slept through the incessant knocking like she had, she must have been very tired. Apparently, my fights had been more stressful for her to watch than I first though. That, or she was tired for some other reason I didn't know about. On the other side of the door, was a guard pony. He nodded his head and addressed me in the usual fashion. "Good evening, Sir Silver Wing." He began, but I raised a hoof and gestured for him to be a little quieter. He frowned for a moment, the resumed at a softer tone of voice. "It is nearly time for dinner. I was asked to return at this time to alert you. Do you still plan to attend?" I nodded and glanced back over my shoulder to where Sky Flare was still sleeping. Part of me wanted to wake her up, but that same part also didn’t want to get another lecture about resting when I should. I knew I should stay in bed. My every muscle practically wept with the effort of even standing up, but I had always been one to keep running until my legs gave out. Closing the door behind me as quietly as I could, I stepped out into the hall and nodded to the guard. "I'm still planning to attend, yes," I said, "Thank you for the wakeup call. And sorry about that." "It is my job," the guard said simply, "There is no need to apologize." He took a step back and glanced at my bandages a moment before adding, "Are you in need of assistance to make it to the dining hall?" "Nah," I said, waving him off with a slightly pained smile, "I'll be fine. Thank you." "Very well," he said, "Have a good night." "You too." I said, watching him as he started down the hall away from me. I took as a deep a breath as my cracked ribs would allow, then started for the dining hall. The walk there wouldn't be too bad, I hoped. But the flight of stairs that led up to it would be another story entirely. It took me a fair bit longer than I would have liked to reach the dining hall. I had been forced to stop several times along the way to catch my breath, and the stairs were even worse than I had anticipated. With my ribs hurting as they were, I had taken to breathing shallowly to lessen the pain. And while that worked wonderfully, it had the negative effect of lessening my oxygen levels, which made everything else ten times harder. Finally reaching my chair, I dropped into it and let out a heavy sigh of relief, before whimpering at the pain so deep a breath shot through me. "Are you certain you are well enough to attend this dinner, Silver Wing?" I heard Luna ask from across the table. I smiled and nodded as I glanced over at her. "I'm fine," I said slowly, "Just need to catch my breath. Stairs... Stairs suck." I was too tired to talk any more than I needed too, so I simply waved at Dawn, then paused as I noticed the purple Alicorn from this morning at the table beside Celestia. She was another Princess, Twilight something. I couldn’t quite recall her full name at the moment, but I bowed my head to her as politely as I could manage. I caught a concerned frown cross Celestia's face and she turned to Luna for a moment before letting out a soft sigh. "Very well," she said, "First, let us eat. Then we can discuss the events of today freely." I wasn't all that hungry, but I ate a small bowl of my usual honeyed carrots, with a side of mint tea in the hopes that its warmth would help the pain in my chest a little. After the table was cleared and our servers had departed, Celestia cleared her throat, catching my attention. She smiled at me and spoke with an almost excited hint to her voice. "Your performance this day was quite impressive, Silver Wing," she said, "I do not believe anypony expected you to reach as far as you did. Even my dear sister was brought to the edge of her seat during your final match." Luna half frowned at Celestia's comment, then looked away. "Your prowess in combat was indeed worth witnessing," she said, "And you fought with a truly unique ferocity and cunning." I glanced at her quizzically at her apparent indifference, but didn't say anything. 'She was the one rearing to see me fight a week ago,' I thought, 'So why is Celestia the one who sounds like she enjoyed it more?' "I agree. It was very interesting to see," Twilight chimed in, "I bet Rainbow Dash would have loved to have seen it. She'll be so jealous when I tell her about it." She chuckled a moment, then turned her attention to Dawn. Celestia and Luna looked over to her as well, seemingly awaiting her thoughts on how the demonstration went. Dawn glanced to her onlookers and replied quickly. "I'm just glad it stopped when it did," she said, "Too many heart attacks in one day for my taste." I couldn’t help but chuckle at her comment, though it hurt a great deal to do so. "Try it from inside the ring," I said, "Whatever rush you got watching is nothing compared to the real thing." Dawn shook her head at me instantly. "Sorry," she said, "I have no interest in trying anything like that, inside a ring or otherwise." "Yet you aided Silver Wing with a sparring match a few days ago," Celestia mused, "So clearly, some part of you at least, holds interest in such things." "I blame that on Starlight." Dawn replied. Celestia chuckled softly then nodded. "Yes, he does seem the more headstrong of the two of you." she said thoughtfully. "Speaking of Starlight," she continued, "If you would be so kind as to introduce him to Twilight? She has been very eager to meet him since I first wrote to her of his nature." I caught Twilight smile wide at that, but I was more interested in the fact that Celestia apparently writes to this smaller Princess about stuff. I figured they could just use magic like some sort of a phone, but I guess not. On Dawn's far side, I caught Starlight fade into view and take a seat, then heard Twilight gasp in surprise. "Oh wow, so he really does materialize out of thin air!" She exclaimed. She clapped her front hooves together excitedly for a moment, then much to my surprise, disappeared in a flash of purple light. She reappeared beside Starlight and started looking him over like he was some sort of alien creature she had never seen before. She poked him here and there, in much the same manner that she had done to me when we first met and I felt genuinely sorry for the guy. "Amazing," Twilight said in apparent awe, "That's incredible! You're visually transparent, yet physically tangible. Tell me, if you were to eat an apple, would it be absorbed into you, or would we be able to watch it get digested? Do you even need to eat for that matter? And where do you go when you're not here? You came when called, but Meadow Dawn didn't call you verbally, so does that mean you can see or sense what's going on around her through some magical means?" I knew exactly what Starlight was going through right now. I had suffered through a similar first meeting this morning, and while I felt bad for him, I was glad it wasn’t me this time. "I... What should I answer first?" Starlight tried, "I'm lost." 'You and me both,' I thought, 'Celestia said she was a Princess, so she must be one, but she certainly doesn’t act like it.' "Right... Sorry." Twilight said. She disappeared within another flash of light, then reappeared back where she had first been. There was another flash beside her, and a quill and a pad of paper appeared and just floated there beside her. A moment later, it began scribbling down what sounded like an essay. "So...?" Twilight started again, "How did you know to come here when Celestia asked?" I had to admit, I had wondered about that myself. I knew magic was involved, but anything more intricate than that was more or less lost to my ignorance of the subject. "Well," Starlight explained slowly, "I can hear and see what Dawn sees, more or less. Depends on how strong I feel at the time." "Interesting," Twilight said nodding, "And what about your sense of feel and taste? Is that also shared?" Starlight shook his head. "No, not yet anyway," he said, "Maybe with time..." 'That would be weird,' I thought, 'Feeling both my own and another’s senses?' I tried to think of what that would be like, but I was too tired to come up with much. "Interesting," Twilight went on, "And where do you go when you're not here? What's it like?" "Well," Starlight began, "At first it wasn't much like anything. Just hazy glimpses of my old life, back before Dawn knew who she was. It was cold, and time seemed to stand still. I have no idea how long I was stuck like that, but eventually, my teacher found me and pulled me free of that place. He helped me take on this new form and showed me how to reach out to Dawn." "I see," Twilight said curiously. "And now?" "Now it's just dark," Starlight answered, "Only my teacher and what Dawn sees or hears reaches me there." "So it's just this 'Teacher' and you in there now?" Twilight asked. I glanced over at that. Her tone had changed considerably with her latest question. She went from curious and excited to a slower, more investigative tone. It reminded me of work in the human world, when I'd question someone about something that just didn't quite add up. I watched as Starlight shrugged, apparently oblivious to her change in tone. “I haven’t spotted anyone else in there in the last few years," he stated, "Why?” I wasn't sure what had piqued Twilight's interest, but I did my best to listen to their every word closely. "And what about places, or things just floating about?" Twilight asked. Starlight shrugged again and glanced at Dawn before replying. “Just what Dawn sees and hears," he answered, "As well as where my teacher takes me.” Twilight frowned thoughtfully and shook her head. "That doesn't seem right to me." she said. "What is the matter Twilight?" Celestia asked. She had an oddly serious look about her as well and it irritated me greatly that I had no idea what about Starlight's answers could have seemed so odd. "It's just, in all the books and scrolls I've read, the space between worlds is always described as being open," Twilight explained, "Pieces of everywhere, from every time and space just drift around. Lost fragments that have been cast off, or memories that refuse to fade. It's never been described so... Blankly." She glanced at Celestia and continued more like she was thinking aloud than actually talking to her, "Even their relationship doesn't quite fit now that I think about it. Starlight's a part of Meadow Dawn, a fragment she lost years ago. He should have become one with her the moment she passed through the Mirror of Worlds. The fact he managed to stay separate makes no sense to me..." That was news to me. I had no idea how Starlight really worked to begin with, but if what Twilight was saying was the norm for wherever he was from, then his current setup was definitely odd. "Well, I enjoy that he's out like this instead," Dawn stated, "I'm.... glad..." She trailed off for a moment and raised a hoof to her head. I noticed Starlight seem to flicker out like a light during a storm, but it only lasted for a moment before he returned to his usual semi-transparent look. Dawn shook her head slightly and glanced at Celestia. "Sorry," she said slowly, "What were we talking about again?" I may not have been able to notice something being odd about Starlight’s story, but I definitely noticed how odd that was. Something about Twilight's explanation seemed to have struck a chord with her, but why? "Are you alright?" Celestia asked. Dawn nodded. “Yeah, I think so…" she said, "Just a bit of a headache.” I eyed her seriously as she rubbed the side of her head again, then saw her look to Starlight. She stared at him for a while, then nodded to herself before looking back to Celestia. It reminded me of how Celestia and Luna looked when it seemed like they were talking to each other with their minds, but I couldn't be certain and that irritated me greatly. Everyone here could use magic for so many different things, and here I was with no idea about any of it. I may not be able to use any of it myself, but I decided at that moment that I'd start reading up on how magic worked. Anything and everything I could find on the subject. At worst, it would help make me feel like less of an idiot when someone else was talking about magic. "Perhaps we should save such questions for later, Twilight." Celestia said, though her tone seemed unusually thoughtful. "But-" Twilight started to protest, but quickly fell silent as Celestia's expression hardened for only a moment. "Yes Princess." she ended. "Why don't you take a look at Starswirl’s bracelet?" Celestia offered. Her expression returning to its usual, gentle manner as she continued. "Dawn has done a most remarkable job in repairing it." I had forgotten about that bracelet. It had let me use magic, albeit in a very limited manner. It made me wonder just how many more things like that could exist out in the world, and how hard it might be to get one of my own. I watched as Dawn took the golden bracelet off her arm, then send it floating through the air with her magic like it was a feather on a soft breeze. From there, Twilight took in in much the same manner and began looking it over intently. "Incredible," she gasped, "This is one of Starswirl’s works alright, but it's not one of his typical pieces. This one is very rare." "How so?" Dawn asked. "Well, you've noticed how this symbol is different than one would typically expect?" Twilight explained, "How it has this extra star within a star right here? Nopony's really sure why, but there was a time in Starswirl the Bearded's life where he went a little... Odd. Even for him. He started making trinket after trinket for the ponies of Equestria, and every one of them had this slightly modified engraving on them. He made dozens of helpful items over the course of about a year, then something happened to him. He returned to using his original mark and began taking back all the trinkets he had given away. This is the first one I've actually ever seen with my own eyes." While what she was saying was interesting to me, I was starting to have trouble keeping my eyes open. I was a lot more tired than I realized and I was beginning to have trouble staying awake. Twilight's voice just kind of melded into my head as she went on and on, and I found myself more than once surprised by the darkness of my own closed eyes. "Until today, I've only ever seen drawings of them," Twilight ended, "As far as I'm aware, the rest have all been destroyed." “So what would cause him to go out and make the artifacts, only to take them back?” I heard Dawn ask as I found myself on the verge of nodding off once again. "Nopony really knows," Twilight said, "But he clearly missed this one. Or chose not to destroy it for some reason. Either way, I'm still amazed you managed to fix it in the first place. I know I said this earlier, but it really is incredible that you repaired it. It takes a very powerful and focused unicorn to repair someone else’s work. The magic used to repair something like this needs to resonate with the magic that was first used to create it. Maybe it's because you came through the Mirror of Worlds, or maybe it has something to do with the odd way you and Starlight have managed to remain separate, I don't really know, but it's an impressive feat." As I listened to Twilight's voice drone on about Starswirl and his crazy days, I caught the soft sound of another voice join in. It was softer, and more soothing. It seemed almost to be calling my name, but I couldn't quite make it out. "Silver Wing," the voice called, louder this time, "Awaken Silver Wing." I jerked my head up in surprise as I realized it was Celestia that was calling me, then winced as my sudden movement reminded me none too nicely of my cracked ribs. "I-I'm awake!" I said quickly. I could feel a heated wave of embarrassment washing over my face and ears and fought not to check if I had drooled. I had obviously fallen asleep, and though I knew I wouldn't literally die of my colossal embarrassment, part of me wished I would. I caught Celestia smile at me in her parental manner for a moment before she addressed me directly. "With that concluded," she said softly, "I believe rest would be your best interest now Silver Wing. If you would like, I could have a guard escort you to your room?" I was a little surprised at the fact I was apparently being dismissed, but I didn't really mind. I was still unbelievably tired, and sore, and if stayed any longer I'd probably just doze off again anyway. All my willpower to stay and participate had faded, and now all I wanted to do was crawl out of this room and curl up in my bed for the rest of my life. I took a breath to attempt to focus myself and smiled as best I could. "Thank you," I started, "But I'm fine, I can make it on my own." "I am certain you can," Celestia said, "But you are still injured, and there is no harm in accepting aid when it is needed." "I'm fine, really." I protested politely. I was already embarrassed enough after having fallen asleep in front of everyone, the last thing I wanted was to wait around for an escort back to my bed. "Be that as it may," Luna chimed in, "We feel an escort is in order." "Yeah, but I'm sure your guards have better things to do that walk me back to my room," I laughed lightly, "So no worries." "If you do not wish a guard to escort you," Luna said sternly, "Than I shall see to your return myself." "W-what!?" I stammered, "No no, it's fine." "You would not be attempting to refuse an offer from a Princess, would you Silver Wing?" Luna asked me seriously. I couldn't tell if she was joking, or genuinely adamant about this. She had one hell of a poker face, so I had no choice but to play it safe. "Not at all..." I said softly, "I'd just rather not trouble you with something so... Menial" "Helping somepony else is never menial," Luna stated, "So if that is all, let us be on our way. I expect Princess Twilight has withheld her questions for young Meadow Dawn and Starlight for about as long as she can. My Sister can see to the rest." I glanced over to Celestia and saw her nod. "Alright then," I said, trying not to sigh, "Good night then everyone." I gave a polite bow of my head to Celestia, then Twilight, and finally Dawn and Starlight. I found Luna to already be beside me by the time I had finished saying my goodnights. She could move oddly silently when she wanted too, and with surprising grace it seemed. Getting to my feet, I smiled at Luna and followed her lead out of the dining room. We walked in silence for most of the way, before Luna eventually spoke. "Silver Wing," she started, "I have a request of you." I glanced over at her, rather surprised. "Sure thing Princess," I said, "Fire away." "Before I share my request, I want you to know that you needn't accept," she stressed, looking at me seriously, "Your acceptance or refusal will hold no sway on any future interactions between yourself and I, or my sister. Is that clear?" "Uhh, alright?" I said, now getting a bit of a nervous sweat on my brow. I had no idea what she could want. The last thing she requested of me, was a demonstration of my fighting style. But she was far more open about that one, whatever she was about to ask seemed like it was a lot more serious than that. "Good," Luna said, "Then I shall get right to the point. Despite your loss, your performance this day was quite the spectacle." "Well, I tried." I laughed, still not sure what she was getting at. "Yes, you did," Luna said looking at me, "And after witnessing such heated bouts, and seeing your unique methods of combat, I find myself desiring to experience them first hoof." "What do you mean?" I asked, a little confused by her statement. "I apologize," she said, "I will speak in simpler terms. Once you have recovered, I wish to fight you." "Wait, what!?" I gasped, then winced, "Oww... I-I couldn't possibly do that! You're a Princess! Besides, I barely managed to beat Malican, and he’s just a normal Unicorn. With your magic, you'd beat me hands down." "I am well aware of my magical prowess," Luna said, "That is why I would limit myself to physical combat only. To give you a fair chance." "Even so, I still couldn't!" I said quickly, "I don't like fighting women, no offence intended, but I feel bad hitting one. I still apologize to Sky Flare every time I hit her and we've been sparring together for over a month! And I couldn't possibly try and hit 'you'. Unlikely as it may be, what if I hurt you? Your sister would kill me!" "You can leave my sister to me," Luna stated, "And as for the risk of injury, I would expect nothing less. I am not requesting a sparring match Silver Wing, I am requesting a battle. I wish for you to combat me with the same ferocity and cunning that you displayed today during the demonstration." "But... You're a Princess," I protested, "I can't try and hit you." Luna frowned. "I am not some fragile creature to be viewed from afar," she stated, a hint of anger lingering in her words, "I am Princess Luna. I have fought against beast, pony, and all manner of magical creature alike to reign Equestria under control and bring peace. A private battle with you will bring no lasting consequences, whether you succeed in striking me or not." I fell a half step behind at that and found myself at a loss for words. Clearly I had struck a nerve, though I wasn’t sure how exactly. I had heard she'd fought in battles in the past, but with how old she was, and the fact that she was this country's Princess, I just didn't feel right taking a swing at her, even if that was what she wanted. Luna sighed after a moment and looked at me seriously. "Please Silver Wing," she said softly, "It has been some time since I have last felt the urge to battle another so strongly. Will you not aid me in quelling this desire? Surely you of all can understand the desire to combat a worthy opponent? Have you never seen another and felt a rush at the idea of battling them with your all?" I sighed and nodded. I knew what that felt like. To want a good fight, but have no one around to actually feel a challenge against. It was almost cruel. Especially if you managed to catch sight of someone who might be able to give you even a little bit of a rush. Sure, Luna could beat me effortlessly with her magic, but if she stuck to physical fighting only, my completely alien style would be like a long lost wonder for her. I still didn't like the idea, but if it was something she wanted that much, how could I say no? I shrugged after a moment and nodded slowly. "Alright..." I said, "Just... If Celestia finds out, tell her this was all your idea, alright?" A slight smile crept onto Luna's face and she nodded in agreement. "Of course." she said. We fell silent once more and before I knew it, we were back at my room. I let out a soft sigh and turned to thank Luna for the escort, when I noticed and odd smile on her lips. "What is it?" I asked curiously, "Did I do something to amuse you?" Luna looked almost like she was lost in thought, but my question brought her back to the moment. "She must care for you a great deal." She said to me softly. "Hmm?" I said confused, "Who?" Luna smiled in that same odd manner and nodded to my door. "Sky Flare," she said, "She dreams of you as we speak." I smirked at the thought, then chuckled despite the pain it cause in my ribs. "And what makes you think that?" I said, "We're just friends." "The night is my domain," Luna explained, "As such, I can witness the dreams of all who slumber within Equestria, and you cross her dreams often Silver Wing." I stared at her for a moment, trying to figure out if she was joking about watching others dreams or not. Seeing no real change in her expression, I felt my heart drop a little as I became aware of this latest power that apparently existed in this world. It was already bad enough that she could read minds, but she can watch dreams too? How is that legal!? Well, she is one of the two leaders of this country, but still. How is that not a massive invasion of privacy? "C-can you even see my dreams...?" I asked nervously. Not all of my dreams were rainbows and sunshine. They could vary wildly and have just about anything happen from violence, to romance, to just wandering around. The thought of having someone else watching them was just unnerving and made me feel incredibly self-conscious. I started mentally replaying all the dreams I could recall having since I had arrived, but I couldn't remember very many. My dreams had always seemed to fade from my memory a few minutes after I'd wake up, and I couldn't help but worry that I may have dreamt about something that might be considered taboo here. "Oh yes," Luna admitted, "And I have learned much about you and your world from them. Though I only viewed yours the first few weeks after your arrival here in Equestria. I was still uncertain of your intentions, so I had to keep a closer watch on you for the safety of all." That made sense, but it was still unsettling. "Why do it at all though?" I asked, "I mean, with me fine, that makes sense I guess, but why spy on others?" "I do not 'spy' on the dreams of others, Silver Wing," Luna stated, "I observe them. And I typically only observe the dreams of those that succumb to the darkness of nightmares. I use my power to ease their minds and help them to understand the cause of their turmoil, thereby allowing them the rest a good nights sleep affords. However, when I sense somepony having a dream that brings them great joy, I find there to be no harm in glancing upon such light on occasion." That made it seem a bit less invasive to me. She did it to help her people, not to spy on them. Still though, it made me seriously question my desire to go to bed when I entered my room, or wait till the morning and start sleeping during the day when Luna slept. "So, Sky Flare's having a good dream about me then?" I asked. I wasn't entirely sure what to say, but I had to say something. Luna simply smiled at me, but remained silent. "You only check out really good, or really bad dreams then, right?" I checked. "Unless something else draws my attention, yes," Luna said, "I do not simply peer into every dreamers escape. Dreams are a personal experience, and should remain with the dreamer alone." She looked at me oddly for a moment, then I caught her horn glow and the door to my room opened with a soft click. "Rest well, Silver Wing," she said, "I eagerly await your recovery." I smirked nervously at that and nodded. "I'll do my best." I said, before bowing my head politely and creeping into my room. I closed the door behind me as quietly as I could, then made my way back to my bed in darkness. There was still faint sliver of light streaking in between a gap in my curtains, but my room was rather dark. Fighting not to whimper in pain, I stumbled across my room and climbed into my bed, before flopping down beside Sky Flare. She hadn't moved an inch from when I had left her earlier and I couldn't help but smile as what Luna had just told me crossed my mind. 'So she was dreaming about me, huh?' I thought, 'I wonder in what way?' I had no idea what sort of dream she was having, but so long as it was a good dream, I'd be happy about it. I was still a little apprehensive about going to sleep during the night, when Luna was awake, but I was growing increasingly tired with every passing moment. The fact she could still watch my dreams if she wanted too, and I had no idea of knowing, was still concerning. But as I stared at Sky Flare's sleeping face, my exhaustion eventually overtook my concerns and I drifted off into a deep and much needed sleep. > Still More To Learn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A week had passed since the demonstration I was asked to perform had taken place. My ribs were still tender to the touch, but they were healing nicely. I could move around without too much discomfort, but I still hadn't left my bed for anything more than the base necessities required. I had none of my movies, my manga, my electronics, nothing to help pass the time. Luckily, Sky Flare had been keeping me company for the better part of my recovery, and had even brought me a few books to read. I was both surprised and grateful to find that they were written in English, and not some runic gibberish like what was on that magic bracelet Dawn had somehow fixed. The stories really weren't that interesting to me, but it was something to pass the time at least. They reminded me a lot of Indiana Jones, just if Harrison Ford had been a Pegasus, and female. In my boredom over the last few days, I had even attempted one of my old human hobbies, writing, but it ended terribly. I used to love writing. It was how I spent a great deal of my free time when I wasn't honing my skills with a sword or my fists. But I had a laptop, and fingers that could hold a pencil and paper if need be. Here however, I was forced to use my mouth. I had to stick the pencil between my teeth and use my neck muscles to form the letters and words I wanted to use in my tales. A human three year old would have done a better job than I had managed, and it pained me greatly to realize that I may have lost yet another thing that I had taken for granted in the human world. It was getting to the later part of the morning now, and I was beginning to go a little stir crazy from being cooped up inside like I had been. I needed to get out for a bit. Go for a walk, get some fresh air, anything that didn't involve spending another hour in bed, or in this room. I knew it wasn't the best idea, but there was only so much anyone can tolerate just sitting around doing nothing. I climbed out of my bed and gave my wings a gentle stretch, testing them for a moment. My ribs still ached, but overall I felt relatively fine. I gave a few harder flaps, and though the pain in my ribs grew slightly more painful, my wings felt strong. So strong, I debated going for a little test flight. I never thought I'd miss the feeling of flying as much I had been. The feel of the wind rushing through my feathers, the scent of the air currents as they washed over me, the sensation of diving head first through a brisk rain cloud to get a flyby drink. There really was nothing else quite like it, and it was that rush of adrenaline I found myself craving steadily more as I thought about the world beyond my little bedroom. I crept to my door silently, feeling almost like I was doing something wrong by sneaking out like this. I knew I wasn't a prisoner, but I also knew I shouldn't test my luck by doing something as strenuous as flying after only a week of bedrest. That wasn't going to stop me though, and like a shadow, I slipped out of my room and began to stealthily navigate my way through the many halls of the palace. To my knowledge I hadn't been spotted by a single guard, and before long I was outside at last, standing in the soft sweetly scented grass of palace grounds. I leaned down and sniffed at the grass for a moment and felt a gentle and comforting breeze wash over me like a heavenly gift. I let out a sigh of contentment, then opened my wings to wake them up. A shiver ran down my spine as the cool air flowed under my wings and seeped through my feathers. I had almost forgotten how the wind felt as it played along my feather tips like they were keys on a piano, and I smiled widely at the sensations. I had left my vest behind, having had no need to wear it while bedridden. Now that I was outside though, I felt a little more naked than usual, especially with the cool breeze racing over and under me like it was. I did my best to ignore the thought though, and leaning my front end low to the ground, I prepared to leap into the air and take to the skies. "And just what do you think you're doing, Silver Wing!?" I heard someone practically shriek down at me from above. I groaned aloud and drew my wings back against my sides as I heard the unmistakable sound of a Pegasus landing behind me. "It's only been a week Silver!" Sky Flare's all too familiar voice rang out in my ears, "Are you trying to get yourself into even worse shape than you already are!?" "No Mom," I sighed sarcastically, "I'm just trying to stop myself from going crazy! I've been stuck inside for way too long and I need to get out of there for a while." Sky Flare snorted at me, and with a wing, smacked me upside the back of my head as she trotted up to me. I shot a frustrated glare at her and frowned heavily. "If you're that tired of being in bed, then at least start out slowly, alright?" She said, a surprisingly worried look crossing her face, "Why don't we go for a walk or something?" I let out a defeated sigh and nodded. I knew it was a bad idea to try and fly in my shape, but I couldn't help it. There was something almost addicting about flying, but I'd hold off for now, if only to save myself from getting yet another lecture. "Or maybe..." I heard Sky Flare say as she eyed me, "We should go to the river so you can fix your wings some. They're a mess Silver." I glanced back at one of my wings and shrugged. They did look a little messier than usual, but aside from a few feathers that were sticking out at odd angles, they looked fine to me. "Well, I haven't exactly been doing much this last week..." I said simply. "They've been looking worse and worse the last while Silver, ever since I met you really," Sky Flare said, "You don't take very good care of them at all... I mean, just look at them. You've got new feathers budding all over the place now, and old ones just stuck in place. When was the last time you preened them, or even aligned your feathers?" "Wait, what?" I stammered, "What do you mean preened them? Don't the old feathers just fall out when new ones grow in?" Sky Flare stared at me in shock for several moments before I caught even a hint of movement in her features. Her eyes slowly narrowed and she looked at me questioningly. "You can't be serious..." She said slowly, "You mean to tell me, that you've never preened your wings before?" "U-uhh..." I was at a loss for what to say. Apparently, preening was something key to being a Pegasus, but I had no idea what it even was. I knew if I said nothing, she'd be even more suspicious of me than she already was, but if I answered truthfully, she'd know something was up with me for sure. I shuffled my hooves from side to side for a while and looked away from her before I finally said anything. "N-not really..." I admitted. "W-what have you been doing with them your whole life then!?" She gasped, "They were perfectly kept when I first met you!" "Y-you know..." I tried hopelessly, "Stuff... And things...?" "Stuff and things...?" Sky Flare repeated. She frowned a moment later and stepped closer to me. "Don't you feel your wings itching when a new feather comes in?" she asked. "My wings are always itchy," I laughed weakly, "Have been since the day I got them." A look of shock flashed across Sky Flare's face and her eyes steeled instantly. "What do you mean, since the day you got them?" Of all my slip ups to date, that was by far the worst. My mind raced to come up with a possible recovery for my blunder, but it was drawing an unforgiving blank. I couldn't think of anything to say, and I simply looked at Sky Flare with a helpless, half pleading look of hopelessness. "What is really going on Silver Wing," She said finally, breaking the awkward tension that had been growing between us, "I want the truth." I shook my head and sat down heavily. "I can't tell you Sky..." I said quietly, "The Princesses have asked me not to say anything, to anyone... Remember?" "Fine then." Sky Flare said. She sat down in front of me and looked me dead in the eyes. "Then how about you let me wager a guess, and you just nod your head if I'm on the right track. That sound fair to you? After all, nodding yes or no wouldn't directly be telling me anything, now would it?" I sighed and nodded. It's not like she'd guess I was from a different world after all. "You're not a little colt, you're fully grown, but yet you'd never flown even once up until my Dad taught you almost two months ago, right?" Sky Flare asked. That was a harmless enough question to answer, and one most everyone knew by now already, so I nodded. "You also had no idea that Pegasus could do even half the things we can," she went on, "And you also have no idea what preening is, correct?" She looked at me seriously, and I nodded once more. Our conversation moments ago had already shed light on the fact I had no idea what preening was, and Sky Flare herself was the one that taught me pretty much everything about what Pegasai could do when it came to the weather, so this was all stuff she already knew. "On top of that, you're also living in the palace and seem all buddy buddy with both Princesses, even though you only just came to Equestria recently," she continued thoughtfully, "And they don't want you talking to others about where you actually came from, or how you came to be here." I nodded again and narrowed my eyes a little as I regarded her. It felt like she was gathering facts during an interrogation. Aligning all the pieces on the board before making her case, and I could feel my stomach tensing as I tried to figure out her inevitable end game. Sky Flare leaned in close to me, so close I could feel her breath tickling my nose. She stared into my eyes unblinkingly and watched me closely. "You weren't a Pegasus before you came here, were you Silver?" She asked me in barely more than a whisper. I stared at her shock. And despite my best efforts, I know I visibly faltered before her gaze. "Well?" She asked again, just as quietly, "Were you always a Pegasus, or not?" I looked away from her and hesitated a long while, weighing my options carefully. On the one hand, I could lie and try to spin some story to get me out of this, but that was never something I enjoyed doing. On the other hand, the cat was kind of already out of the bag now anyways, thanks to my stupid wing comment, so I might as well ride it out and see just how bad this gets. All things considered, Sky had been rather accepting of my oddities already, so maybe this would work out too, though I still feared the worst. Eventually, I looked back into Sky Flare's questioning eyes and shook my head no. I caught sly grin creep over her lips and watched as she sat back from me and crossed her arms. "I knew it!" she exclaimed, "I knew there was something funny about you!" That was not the reaction I had expected, but before I could pose any questions of my own, Sky Flare continued. "There's no way a Pegasus your age had never flown before," She said, "And even if you couldn't fly, you'd have still at least tried it. And then there's your amazement with clouds and how Pegasai control the weather. And that comment about your wings a bit ago too, or the fact you have no idea what preening is." She leaned close to me again and smiled. "You used to be an Earth Pony, didn't you? That's why you're so stubborn and fight like you do. And that's also why the Princesses have their eye on you. Something happened to turn you into a Pegasus, and that's why you came here. Right?" I was speechless. She'd been suspicious of me for a while it seems, but she'd been thinking of far more... Realistic possibilities than what the truth was. In a world filled with all manner of magic, something like turning from an Earth pony into a Pegasus might not seem quite so farfetched, especially when compared to being from another world entirely. I couldn't help but let a nervous chuckle escape me and I shrugged at Sky Flare, rather unsure how to respond to that. "S-sort of," I said quietly, "But not quite..." Sky Flare tilted her head quizzically at me and I sighed heavily. I wasn't sure how to explain, or what to say exactly, but I knew I had to say something. "Something did happen to turn me into a Pegasus," I admitted, "Magic so strong, not even the Princesses can reverse it... That's also how I wound up here, and why I can't go home." Sky Flare nodded in understanding, then laughed. "I can see why they didn't want you to tell anyone," she said, "Ponies from all around would come asking how you did it and swarming you, all of them wanting wings of their own. But you really can tell me anything you know?" She leaned close to me once more and smiled. "I mean it Silver, you can tell me anything, anytime." I nodded, and an awkward silence crept over us once again. With a sigh, Sky Flare shook her head and got to her feet. She turned away from me and started back towards Canterlot without another word. My heart tensed at her silent departure, but I held my tongue. If she didn't want to talk with me anymore, that was her choice and I would not try to pressure her. I had kept everything from her, and even though she knew more about me now than she had a minute ago, I still hadn’t told her everything, and she knew it. Still, it did hurt to have her leave without so much as a word. I let out a sigh as I found myself loosing yet another thing I enjoyed and laid down in the grass. A moment later however, I caught a sharp quick whistle and looked up with a start. Sky Flare was standing some ten feet away with an amused smirk on her face. "Well, you coming or not?" she called. I got to my feet and quickly trotted after her. I was more than a little confused, but I kept it to myself. I figured it was best to just roll with whatever was going on, though I did find myself needing to ask one question. "Coming where?" Sky Flare laughed. "We're going down to the river," she said, "It's about time you learned how to preen." It took us nearly an hour to reach the river by foot, and by the time we finally stopped at its edge, my ribs were killing me. Our typical training spot was still quite a ways away, and while it was usually just a quick glide from the palace, it was far harder to reach by foot. I'd never actually walked there before either, but thankfully, this was as far as we were going today. "This'll do," Sky Flare said, smiling back at me, "The water's shallow and calm, and no pony should come across us here." I sat down on the shoreline and took a deep drink from the cool water. It was refreshing, and very much needed by this point. After drinking my fill I glanced at my wings for a moment, then looked to Sky Flare. "So..." I started unsurely, "What now?" "Now, you hop in the river." Sky Flare laughed. "Wait, what!?" I gasped, "You mean preening just means taking a bath!?" I was stunned with disbelief. She had made it sound like it was something strange and mysterious, but it was really nothing more than a fancy word for a bath!? That just couldn't be right, she had to be messing with me. "Pretty much, yeah." Sky Fare said with a chuckle. My heart dropped. I'd been tricked into telling her way more than I ever should have. "Though there's a bit more to it than simply running your wings under water." Sky Flare continued a moment later. I caught her smile at me, clearly guessing my train of thought. "Preening is what we call the upkeep on our wings," She explained, "Normally, a Pegasus preens at home, a little bit every day. But with you, it's been so long that you're in need of some serious help. Hence the river." I sighed and watched as she waded out into the water and sat down. She looked at me expectantly and I followed after her. "Sit with your back facing me," she said, "We might as well start with the big ones." I nodded, and turned my back to her before sitting down. A shiver ran up my spine as the cool water washed over me. It wasn't deep, barely over my hips really, but it was a little colder than I'd have liked. "Now pay attention, Silver," Sky Flare started, "Cause I won't be doing this for you again, no matter how bad your wings get." I looked back at her and caught a rather charming smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile back. The sun was at just the right angle where the water behind her seemed almost to shimmer, and it accented her golden eyes beautifully. I cleared my throat in slight embarrassment as I found myself to be staring at her and looked away quickly as I felt a blush creep over my nose. Sky Flare just smirked and gently nudged my left wing with a hoof. "First, we need to get the old feathers out of your wings," she said, "So open up." I nodded and extended my left wing fully. Sky Flare looked my wing over for a moment, then I caught her frown. "That Malican's a real jerk..." She mumbled. "Hmm?" I said, curious as to why she'd say that. "Look at your wing," she said, "The bottom edge here. During your fight, he tried to spear your flight feathers but missed, barely." "Flight feathers?” I said as I glanced to where she was, "What do you mean?" I saw a few feathers missing from the big row along the edge and recalled the moment she was talking about. Malican had tried to stab me with one of his swords, but nicked my wing instead. "Oh yeah," I said, "I remember that now. I was a bit worried that it'd screw with my flying, but I didn't see too much of a difference at the time." "That's because he missed," Sky Flare stated, "You probably thought he was aiming for you, but as much of a jerk as he is, Malican is even smarter. He was aiming for your main flight feathers here." She gestured to the larger feathers a few inches away from where Malican had struck my wing. "Had he managed to punch out these feathers, you'd have been grounded for a month at least." "That... Would have sucked." I admitted, "Guess I need to be a bit more careful with them than I thought." "A lot more careful," Sky Flare stated, "Your wings are very fragile. They may seem strong, but one damaged feather's all it takes to turn you from an ace into a spot on the dirt." "Right..." I said thoughtfully. I would need to be more careful in future fights. If they really were that vulnerable, I'd have to change my tactics to account for their protection. Without my wings, my movement would be cut by half, at least. Sky Flare took a breath and ran a hoof over my wing softly. "Enough about that for now though," She said, "It's time we did what we came here for." I nodded, and looked at my wing closely. "Preening," she explained, "Is something every Pegasus has to do to keep their wings healthy. If they don't, eventually, they won't be able to fly at all." I watched as she leaned her face towards my wing and tensed as I saw her bite one of my feathers and pull it out with a jerk. "Ow!" I gasped in surprise, "That hurt!" It felt like she had ripped a band aid off my arm in one quick stroke. Not overly painful, but enough to notice. "Oh hush, you big colt," She chuckled, "It's not that bad." "Says the Pegasus that's pulling my feathers out!" I winced as she plucked another one, "What are you doing!?" "I'm pulling all the dead feathers out," she said simply, though her words were muffled slightly by the feather between her lips. I watched her spit the feather out into the river and followed it as it drifted away, a tiny sliver of silver in the gentle current. "You have to weed out the dead ones so that the new feathers can grow in properly," She continued now that her mouth was free, "Dead, broken, or damaged feathers have to be removed to keep the wing healthy. I mean, look here." I looked to where she gestured and saw a bundle of feathers all knotted together. "This here, is bad Silver," she explained, "A few of these old feathers are stuck together, and it's choking out the new ones that have budded." She nuzzled her nose about the bundle of feathers, and after a few rather sharp stings, managed to pluck the knotted chunk out. It hurt less and less the more she plucked, and gradually, the itching I had always felt in that part of my wing began to fade. It started to feel pretty good after a bit, even though it still stung a little every time she pulled a feather out. It reminded me of losing teeth as a kid. When a baby tooth was just wiggling there, ready to come out but still hanging on by a thin thread of gum. It stung to play with it, but at the same time, it felt good. Then, with a final twang, it'd pop out and your gums would feel amazing. "So h-ow often do I need to do this?" I asked, wincing mid-sentence as she plucked out yet another feather. "Every few days or so," Sky Flare said, "Though if you treat them right, you'll only have a feather or two to take care of at a time. Your wings'll tell you when they need looking after. As a general rule of hoof, if they itch, they need help. If they feel fine, then they don't." "Sounds simple enough," I said, "But how do I tell a dead feather form a live one? They all look the same to me." Sky Flare nuzzled her nose deeper into my wing, forcing me to tense bodily as her ministrations tickled me to no small ends. Replacing her nose gently with a hoof, she nodded to the spot she had parted. "See the roots?" she said, "See how they're all attached to your wing with these little tubes?" I looked closely and saw what she was talking about. The base of every feather was held in place by little straw like tubes. Most were a deep blueish red, but some were clear, or brittle at the base and milky white. They looked about the same as the feathers I had found as a kid in my world just laying about on the ground. "The darker ones are healthy," Sky Flare explained, "They will hurt way more than you'd think if you were to pull one out, and they'd bleed. But these other ones that are hollow? Those are dead feathers. You need to pull these ones out so that new feathers can bud in and eventually take the old feathers place. When you feel your wings itching, it's because new feathers are trying to grow out, but can't because old ones are in the way." What she said made sense, but I couldn't help wonder if I'd ever get the hang of something like this. I had so many feathers on each wing. It seemed like it would take forever to check over each and every one, every single day, just to weed out the bad ones. But then again, Sky Flare did say that if they didn’t itch, they were fine. So all I really had to do was home in on any itchy spots and ignore the rest. "Now, plucking old feathers is just half the job," she continued, "You also need to make sure the new feathers grow in right. Most will do what they're supposed to, but some will need a little extra help, like this one." She pointed out another feather to me. It was small, but clearly in good health, though it was shooting off at an odd angle. "Feathers like these need to be properly aligned with the rest, or you won't be able to fly very well." she said. "So how do I align them then?" I asked, watching her more closely as she continued to preen my wing. "Use your mouth," Sky Flare stated, "Reposition the feather so that it falls in line with the rest and you'll be fine." I could feel her lips start playing at the base of my feathers once more and was surprised at their dexterity. I had seen horses in my world use their lips to unlock latches or feel around for something, but Sky Flare could use hers just as good as I'd have used my fingers. A sharp pang of pain made me jerk my wing and I half frowned at Sky Flare. She had a mischievous smirk on her face, and one of my feathers stuck out of the side of her mouth. It was a rather large feather, but the root was hollow, so I knew it was dead and had to be pulled out. "Here," she said, though her words were muffled by the feather between her lips, "Since you've never preened before, you might as well keep one." I tilted my head and took the feather. I wasn't really sure what I'd do with it. It wasn't something sentimental to me, it was just a simple feather. A dead feather at that... But as I caught a growing smile creep over Sky Flare's face, I realized something. That this simple feather I was so quick to dismiss a moment ago, was actually a great deal more. No matter how much time were to pass between now and my future, no matter how many demonstrations, injuries, or even other worlds I might fall in to. This feather would always bring me right back to this moment. Sitting right here in the river, learning to preen and staring into her eyes. She was so much more caring and friendly than anyone really knew. All they'd ever see was her rough, standoffish nature. So few would get to see the real her, and fewer still would get the chance. I sighed and looked away from her sadly. Despite how she looked compared to the women of my world, I was gradually coming to like her a great deal. She reminded me a lot of my girlfriend back home, and while that was a huge comfort, it was also a powerful reminder of what I'd lost. I didn't want to risk losing anyone ever again, and what if Dawn actually managed to get me home? What about Sky Flare then? She'd be the one hurting and suffering through losing someone. I couldn't do that do her. "Something the matter Silver?" She asked, obviously noticing my change in demeanor. I shifted the feather in my mouth and shook my head. "Nah," I said, trying to smile back at her, "Just missing home is all." "About that," Sky Flare started as she went back to preening my wing, "Where exactly are you from? I mean, you said magic was involved, but you obviously got here by land, since you had no idea how to fly. So if you could get here that way, why can't your family do the same?" I sighed. "I can't really explain..." I tried, "I don't know anything about magic or how it works, but basically... I'm from somewhere really, really far away. Too far to reach without magic..." "Then how'd you get here in the first place?" she asked, pulling out another feather as she spoke. I winced and answered truthfully. "It was an accident," I said, "I was helping my grandmother clean up. Something fell on me, and when I woke up, I was stuck here." "That's..." Sky Flare paused. She had a serious look on her face, but it was more one of concern than disbelief. "That's horrible," she said finally, "I'm sorry to hear that Silver, but... Thank you for telling me." I laughed a little and shrugged. "Weakness of the moment," I said, "But that really is about all I can say. You probably won’t believe me if I said anything else." She smiled at me and returned my shrug. "I don’t think you'd lie to me Silver," she said, "So whatever you tell me happened, I'd believe you." We fell silent again, then Sky Flare returned to my wing to continue preening it. Nice as it was to be relaxing in the stream like this, the silence was quickly getting to me. I tried to think of something to talk about, anything at all, but my mind was drawing a blank. It seemed to take an eternity, but eventually something finally came to mind, and I blurted it out without thinking. "So, Luna wants to fight me now." I said casually. I felt a sudden jerk as Sky Flare recoiled away from me and whimpered at the pain I now felt burning in my wing. I hugged my wing close to me out of reflex and frowned at her heavily. She had no less than three of my feathers clenched tightly between her teeth, a look of horror clear on her face. "S-sorry Silver!" She said quickly. She spat out the feathers and gently checked my wing over. She let out a relieved sigh a moment later, then looked at me seriously. "Would you mind repeating that though?" she asked, "Cause there's no way you said what I heard." "I probably did." I chuckled. I was both pained and amused by her reaction, but I didn’t dare say that to her. "Luna wants to fight me," I said again, more slowly this time, "When I'm all better of course. Apparently, I did so well at the demonstration, she wants to see what I can do for herself." "You can't be serious!?" she barked, "You barely managed to beat Malican! How can you possibly hope to beat a Princess!?" "That's what I said!" I laughed, "But she said she wouldn't use any magic. Just a simple fist fight." Sky Flare titled her head at my choice of wording and I groaned internally. "I mean hoof fight?" I said hurriedly, "Either way, it'll be her without magic against me. Though there won't be any spectators this time, so please don’t tell anyone." "Silver, she'll kill you!" Sky Flare scoffed, "It's not just magic that makes a Princess strong. Physically, she's like the strongest of Earth Ponies, and the fastest of Pegasai all rolled into one! It'd be like fighting somepony even stronger than Stalwart Shield, only he can fly even better than you can! By the time she's done with you, a few cracked ribs will be the least of your worries." "Oh relax," I said, trying to wave her concerns off, "I'll be fine. Besides, if she's really that strong, that just means I'll have more to learn afterwards, eh?" I smiled at her as charmingly as I could, but it didn't faze her concerned scowl in the least. "You're an idiot." She said flatly, then went back to preening my wing without another word. I sighed and shook my head at her. I knew Luna's magic was strong, but I hadn't really thought she'd be all that capable physically. Not more than Stalwart Shield that's for sure. I'd never fought an Alicorn before though, and as much as this new information concerned me, it also excited me just as much. It took us the better part of the afternoon to fully preen both of my wings. Sky Flare had done the first one all on her own, but she had guided me through preening my second. I had nowhere near her level of dexterity, so she ended up helping me a fair bit throughout the process. It was an intricate process, but by the end of it, my wings felt amazing. They felt better than they ever had in fact. They were lighter, more mobile, and the wind practically danced through them in a way I'd never felt before. And on top of it all, the incessant itching I'd always felt was also gone. I could definitely understand the benefits of preening now, and I'd be sure to keep them in pristine condition from here on out. Sky Flare's concern about me fighting Princess Luna had lingered throughout most of the afternoon, but I'd gradually managed to convince her that I may have a chance of winning, albeit a small one. No one but Sky Flare had seen me fight with intent before, and while I had no desire to kill or permanently harm Luna, coming at her as if I would might throw her off just long enough for me to get the upper hand. But that was all speculation on my part. Only time would tell the real outcome. With my wings preened and aligned, I took a quick bath in the river to remove the last of my feather fluffs from my fur. I hadn't bathed since the demonstration, so I figured I might as well while I was there. After that, we started back for the palace. My weekly dinner with the Princesses would be in a few hours, and I had no intentions of being late again. My ribs were still sore, but the flight of stairs leading to the dining hall wasn't too bad this time, even after the hike back from the river. I trotted into the room only slightly out of breath and sat down in my usual spot as I waited for the pleasantries to begin. Much to my surprise, it looked like I had beaten Dawn here this time. She was nowhere to be seen, so I greeted Princess Celestia and Luna with a polite bow. "Good evening Silver Wing," Celestia said, returning my bow, "You seem to be doing quite a bit better than when last we met. How are your injuries coming along?" "Pretty good," I said, "My ribs are still sore, but I didn’t die trying to climb all those stairs this time, so I'm definitely getting better." I laughed. "It would appear so," Luna added, "And it would also appear that you have received some guidance on how to properly care for your wings." "Yeah," I laughed, "Sky Flare taught me this morning." I paused as the words left my lips and looked at the Princesses nervously. "Does that mean you have told her where you are truly from then?" Celestia asked seriously. "N-not entirely..." I said nervously. I knew they didn't want me to say anything about where I was from, but the preening lesson kind of just slipped out. "Then explain." Luna asked. "Our worlds are quite a bit different," I said, trying to explain, "So I've slipped up a few too many times with her... Long story short, Sky Flare knew something was up with my story and tried guessing why I didn't know anything about being a Pegasus. She came up with the thought that I used to be an Earth Pony and became a Pegasus through an accident with magic, and that's why you two are seeing me so regularly. I told her that's not quite how it was, but that it was something like that, and she dropped it after that." "You must be more cautious in your choice of wordings in the future, Silver Wing," Celestia stressed, "A tale such as yours will not be accepted easily, and can affect more than just yourselves if spoken of carelessly... But I am glad the two of you have come to an acceptable understanding of why you know so little about your new body." I sighed internally and nodded, but before we could continue, the door behind us opened and Dawn trotted in happily. Starlight followed close after her and I caught them pause as they noticed me here first for a change. I waved at them and chuckled softly to myself. "Good evening," Dawn said, taking her usual seat, "Am I late?" "You are right on time," Celestia smiled, "I trust you enjoyed your trip to Vanhoover?" 'Vanhoover?' I thought, surprised at the name, 'Like Vancouver?' I had noticed some similar names before, on maps of Equestria or the like, but that one was really close. "I absolutely loved it!" Dawn exclaimed, "A lot of really neat places over there, and Stalwart's family was really nice to me." She trailed off for a moment, then continued on as if a sudden thought had struck her. "Oh, and we made a detour to Peonia! It's so similar to my hometown it was almost disconcerting. Although it was hard to keep Stalwart from asking questions at times, we did manage to find a relic that wasn't working in the museum there." I listened to Dawn as she half rambled about her trip and couldn't help but smile at the almost childlike joy recalling the events brought to her. I had found out from the palace guards that Dawn had left with Stalwart Shield on a trip shortly after the demonstration, but I had no idea where they went, only that they'd be gone for a week, so by now I was rather curious about this trip. I was also glad it went so well for her. Celestia smiled and nodded her head thoughtfully. "You may indeed find similarities between this world and your own," she explained, "Ponies, places, or things may hold strong resemblances to what you are accustomed too. After all, the worlds linked by the Mirror of Worlds are not all that different when compared to one another." "As for the relic you found in Peonia," Luna chimed in, "It has been on display there for several years. It caused a great deal of misfortune in the past, and now serves as a reminder of the dangers that tampering with the unknown can summon." She almost seemed to be looking at Starlight when she spoke about tampering with the unknown, but I couldn't tell for sure. "I knew it was sparking," Dawn said, "But... Are you suggesting that I could be put on fire by it if it went awry, or something else?" I glanced from Dawn to Luna at that. 'A relic that was sparking?' I thought, 'Did it always do that, or did someone try to tamper with it and break it I wonder?' "Not all such items are as stable as the bracelet you succeeded in restoring Dawn," Celestia explained, "Some are far more volatile. But we shall discuss such things later. For now, let us eat. There is a rather important matter to be discussed afterwards.” Celestia seemed oddly serious in her explanation, but she still maintained her maternally reassuring manner. "I am hungry," Dawn agreed, "But may I ask what the serious matter is to discuss? So I know what to expect at least?" I was more than a little curious about that too, but after knowing Dawn for as long as I had now, I knew she wasn’t nearly as patient as I was. I knew Celestia would get to it soon enough, so there was no point in trying to rush the matter. Still, Dawn's impatience did make me chuckle, and I caught Celestia smile as well before she replied. "Patience dear Meadow Dawn," she said in an overly soothing voice, "Important matters are best discussed on a full belly." Her horn pulsed a faint golden glow a moment later, then the usual assortment of servers entered into the room and began taking our orders. I asked for my usual honeyed carrots and some tea. I was getting a great deal better at holding cups, but it still took all my attention not to spill. We ate in relative silence, and after our plates and cups had been cleared, Celestia looked at us seriously. "Silver," She started, causing me to grow nervous in anticipation, "You have seen much of Canterlot from the skies above, and I hear you have even ventured a fair ways beyond with Sky Flare." She turned to look at Dawn and continued, "And you Dawn, have now traveled as far as Vanhoover to meet Stalwart Shield's family." She smiled at us both for a moment. "Did you both enjoy seeing more of the world than what lies here, within the walls of Canterlot?" she asked curiously. Dawn didn’t miss a beat, and answered almost instantly. "Absolutely!" she said smiling back. I couldn’t help but observe the Princess for a moment. Her question seemed odd to me somehow, and I knew this was more than just a simple question. After all, everyone likes seeing new things, and I was no different. Eventually, I knew I had to answer, so I gave a casual shrug and answered simply. "Well, yeah." Starlight chimed in his opinion as well. "I’ve enjoyed what I can, but it'd be nice to be out more. Still, it's not bad as is." I watched as Celestia nodded at our replies. I could tell she was planning or thinking about something, but I couldn't figure out what it was yet. "Then perhaps it is time for the two of you to discover Equestria for yourselves," Celestia stated, "There is only so much anypony can learn within the shelter of their rooms. The sights, ponies, and experiences a visit into the unknown would grant may help you both in ways neither of you can yet anticipate. Take some time for yourselves and see your fill. Canterlot will always be here should you desire to return, and you will always be welcome here. But who knows, maybe you'll find a place beyond these walls that you connect with. A home away from home where you will feel at ease." "Yes, and perhaps the two of you may even have a friend whom you'd wish to accompany you during this adventure?" Luna mused. She looked to Dawn and smiled. "I believe I may know of a certain guardspony that might be able to get some more time off, if you'd so desire?" Then she looked at me. "And I have a feeling a certain red and gold Pegasus you know may have a longing for just such a thing." I caught Dawn nodding quickly at the idea, but I was more irritated than anything. While exploring and running around is nice for the eyes, it wouldn’t do anything to get me or Dawn home. If anything, it would get us out of the castle and even further from a solution. I didn't like the sound of this idea at all. "Hold on sec though," I said, needing to voice my concern, "I like seeing new things, sure, but I don't want to find a home away from home here. You ponies are wonderful, and I mean no offence, but I still want to go home." Celestia's face softened a little and she nodded slowly. "I understand your desires Silver Wing," she said to me, "But as it stands, there is no way for us to make such a thing happen. Only time will allow Dawn to further her studies, and my dear Twilight will also continue doing what she can to aid you. However, that does not mean you should resign yourself to the palace halls. Should a way to return you to your world be discovered, word will be sent to you immediately. Of that, you have my word as a Princess of Equestria." I fell silent at that and nodded back. I could see her point, and I'm sure if anyone could find me out in the middle of nowhere, it would be her or Luna. Heck, Luna could probably find me the moment I fell asleep by looking for my dreams. I'm sure they stand out enough compared to everyone else’s besides Dawn's. "You may even discover a way home for yourself, Silver Wing," Luna added, immediately catching my attention, "Anything is possible so long as you do not lose hope." With all the magic out there, maybe I could find something that would help me get home. And if not, I could definitely track down some books to help me understand more of what was really going on with this Starswirl ponies magic. "Here, Silver..." I heard Dawn call, catching my attention, "I want you to have this." I looked over at her curiously, and watched as she slid her bracelet off her leg and send it to me with her magic. "I know how much you miss having hands, and I have magic to help, so here," she said smiling softly at me, "Have this. And I promise I'll still find a way for you to get home as well." I was stunned. It was hers for one thing. She's the one who repaired it after all, and it was some super rare and old magical trinket made by Starswirl, the guy that created the Mirror of Worlds. I couldn't possibly take it from her. But at the same time, being able to use even a little magic like everyone else would be a life saver for me in so many ways. I still had trouble with doors, or my damn windows, and turning a page of a book was almost more effort than it was worth. There was too many ways that something like this would help me to say, and despite my desire to decline, her smile and the seriousness of her eyes forced me to accept. I reached out and took the bracelet tentatively. I was speechless for the longest time, but eventually, I had to ask, just to make sure. "A-are you sure...?" I stressed, "Don’t you need it for... Something?" I couldn’t think of what she might need it for, considering she could already use magic on her own, but I didn’t want to take something from her if she still needed it, especially if it would help her to get us home. Dawn shook her head and smiled wider. "No, I've already got magic," she said, "And this'll let you do things like you normally would. Granted, I doubt you'll get to lift boulders or anything, but... It should help with the little things like utensils and cups, or moving chairs and things like that. Pen and paper too, if you can manage two things at once. For drawing or something like that. Since you have that quill on your cutie mark, it must be something important to you, right?" I glanced back at my cutie mark for a moment and half smirked at the quill in its center. Writing was something I did love to do, but I couldn’t do it anymore, not with this body anyways. But if I could get the hang of this bracelet's magic, I might actually be able to write again. That thought alone forced a stupid grin to my face and I looked back at Dawn happily. "Thank you very much Dawn," I said, my mind still realizing all the new possibilities I could now explore, "And yeah, I used to write quite a bit, but I haven't been able to since I wound up like this..." I fell silent again as I looked the golden bracelet over more closely and continued to dwell on the possibilities in unlocked. "I can only imagine how I'd be without magic here," Dawn said thoughtfully, "It's a real lifesaver at times." "Indeed it can be," Celestia said, "But so can friends. Equestria is peaceful, but not all of its inhabitants will welcome you with arms. So travel with some caution." "That's why you want us both to take someone with us then?" I heard Dawn ask. "Yes," Luna answered, "Though you do not have to if you would rather travel on your own. It is merely a suggestion." I smiled at the thought of traveling with Sky Flare, then sighed a little. If I did ask her to go with me, she'd grow even more attached, and the closer we get, the harder it will be when I leave... "Friendship has proven to be a powerful force in Equestria time and time again," Celestia said, "And it is always wise to travel with others in the events of unforeseen circumstances." That was smart thinking, and I know I'd be pretty lost traveling alone in Equestria. I didn't know anything about the region, or the laws really. Though would I be travelling with Dawn as well? Part of me wanted to, simply because I knew her and knew that she would be just as lost as I was. On the other hand though, I liked to set the pace, especially when exploring, and I loved to fly. So if I were to travel with her, that means I'd probably have to stay grounded so that she could keep up with me, and that would be just a little irritating once my ribs were healed... "Well..." Dawn hesitated, then spoke her mind, "Truthfully, if I'm going to travel with Stalwart, I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to hide where I'm from." I glanced over at her and listened more closely. I had just had a conversation about this with the Princesses before she came in, so I was curious to see if they'd give her the same speech I got, or a different one. "I've already made a couple of slipups on that as is," she went on, "And I don't just mean terms either. I... Acted as his guide around Peonia because of its similarity to where I grew up. He hasn't asked outright, but I'm almost certain he's figured out something close to what's actually happened. It doesn't help he's ... Interested in me." She took a bit of a breath and asked what I knew she was getting at. "If it's needed, may I... Well... Talk to him about it if he promises not to tell?" she asked shyly. I already knew the answer to that, but I held my tongue as I caught a sigh from Celestia. "We will not force you into silence," Celestia said, looking at Dawn seriously, "You are free to do as you wish. But we will ask you to think carefully before you speak to anypony of such things. You are well aware of our desires to keep your origins secret. No matter the intentions behind your need to share, such information can create great unrest if spread carelessly. While the common pony may find your tale unbelievable or absurd, the more educated may seek to exploit your knowledge for their own gains. Some may even attempt to find a way into our halls to travel to your world in turn. Do you understand?" All that made perfect sense to me, though that didn’t mean I liked it. I wanted to tell Sky Flare the truth too, but I also didn’t want her to think I was crazy, or get mad and call me a liar. If she thought I was lying, she'd go and tell Breezy for sure, who would tell Lemon Bloom, who would tell who knows who else. It was just too risky. The Princesses didn’t want anyone to know the truth, so we had to do our best to keep it that way, no matter how much we didn't want too. Dawn dropped her head, seeming to get the message for the moment. "I... I understand," she said, "Perhaps not the whole truth then, but just enough to suggest that it's not repeatable or something. But yes, I understand the severity of this if it were ever shared, and I’m sorry if I caused you to worry because of my asking." "I will also add," Starlight chimed in, "That we have no desire to see anyone of our world casually coming here, or this world going to ours. We are in agreement that the results could become catastrophic, even if it were to create a legend or myth. We’ll be extra cautious, and those that know will understand the gravity as well." "We shall see what comes of this then." Luna stated, her gaze lingering on Dawn's downturned face. I felt a little sorry for her. They came down on her a lot harder than they had on me, so I cleared my throat and tried to change the subject. "You said to travel with caution," I said, "Can you be a little more specific?" Celestia looked at me and her smile returned. "Though most of Equestria is peaceful, there are some that resort to thievery or worse in the wilds of our lands," She explained, "Our soldiers do their best, but not every evil can be routed." 'So they do have criminals here too then,' I realized, 'That's good to know.' I knew they had enemies of sorts, and clearly someone to have need of soldiers to deal with, but the likelihood of thieves and the like was still a mystery to me, at least until now. "Yeah, I know the type," I said, "Is there anything else to worry about? I haven't seen any in the forest nearby, but do you have bears or mountain lions or anything like that to worry about here?" "Equestria holds a vast assortment of animals and magical creatures alike," Celestia continued, "While we have bears and mountains lions as you suggested, we also have numerous more deadly creatures in these lands. Cragadile's, Timber Wolves, and Dragons for instance." "Wait, Dragons?!" I gasped, "Seriously!?" While I had no idea what a Cragadile was, I knew what wolves were. And I definitely knew what a Dragon was, and there was no way she could men what I was thinking of. "No way..." I caught Dawn gasp from nearby, "You're pulling our leg right?" "There is much more to Equestria than either of you know," Luna stated, "It will do you well to experience it first hoof." "So, watch out for Dragons, got it." I half sighed. I'd need to ask Sky Flare more about them at some point, there was no way they could be the same fire breathing winged lizards that I had read about in fantasy novels, just no way. "Is there anything else we should know about traveling here?" I asked after some more thought, "Are there border customs, agricultural laws, state or federal guidelines? And when should we return for that matter. A month, two, three?" Celestia eyed me for a moment then chuckled. "Your world seems to hold a great many rules, Silver Wing," She said, "Here, for the most part, respect your neighbor and do not take what is not yours. Follow those rules and you will be fine. As for how long you should remain away, that is entirely up to you. You do not even have to leave Canterlot if you so choose. We simply think it best that you are given the opportunity to see the world for yourselves." "I'm going to go back to Peonia and see if they'll let me study that relic," Dawn said, "And maybe any other museums that could have those, to prepare for fixing Silver's mirror home." "Excellent," Celestia mused, smiling proudly at her, "I will have some papers written up for you then, that will allow you to inspect such items at your leisure." "Yes," Luna added, "And we will also send you on your way with a sum of bits to pay for the necessary travel expenses, as well as some basic necessities like saddlebags and a tent." That was going to be my next question, how we were supposed to pay for food while traveling, but Luna beat me to it. "Thank you," Dawn said to Luna, "I'm terrified of going to new places, but I'm really excited for what this could mean. I also really appreciate your offer to let someone come with. It's no surprise it'd be Stalwart I'll pick, but really, thank you.” I couldn't help but chuckle at Dawn again. It sounded like she had already made up her mind and set a destination, and she's apparently dead set on picking Stalwart Shield as her travel partner, so I guess traveling with me never even crossed her mind. "Of course," Luna said nodding, "We will see to his time off at once." "I have no idea where to go at all," I laughed, "But if you think we should ask someone to go with us, then I'll ask Sky Flare. I'm sure she'd have someplace in mind." I had wanted to try and avoid asking Sky Flare to come along, because of when I finally do go back home, but she was my only real friend here besides Dawn, so I couldn't just leave her behind, not with how much I know she wants to someday explore the world. Besides, we still had lessons to work on in terms of both flying and fighting, so where better to practice than on the road? "While the choice is yours to venture where you will," Celestia said, "I would recommend that you take the time to see the Pegasus city of Cloudsdale, Silver Wing." Sky Flare had mentioned Cloudsdale before. It was a huge floating city in the clouds, and someplace she had always wanted to see for herself, so it sounded like a good first stop to me, when I could fly again anyways. Celestia then looked to Dawn and continued. "As for you Meadow Dawn," she said, "Princess Twilight resides in the nearby town of Ponyville. Should you find yourself there, I suggest paying her a visit. Also, near Ponyville lies the ruins of the Castle of Two Sisters, our old home. You may find much of interest within its halls as well." "Like what?" Dawn asked curiously. "I suppose you will have to see for yourself, now won't you?" Celestia chuckled, "If all the answers are given in the comfort of home, what point is there in seeing the world for yourself?" Dawn smirked. "Some things can only be learned from experience," she smiled, "But I enjoy being prepared ahead of time. I guess I will wait and see, as long as I remember to go there." I looked at her and chuckled. I fully expected her to forget to go there the moment she stepped foot outside Canterlot. "I guess this is bye for now then?" I said softly, "Cause I don't think you wanna be traveling with me and Sky Flare for any real length of time." I laughed as I recalled their little chat a week ago and shook my head as I imagined them in close proximity for a month or more. One of them would kill the other, I had no doubt. Gently, I slid the bracelet on over my left hoof and watched as the metal grew, then shrank around me snugly. 'God, magic is cool.' I thought. "Thank you again for this by the way," I added quickly, "Once I get the hang of it, I'm sure it'll help a lot." Dawn nodded. "You're welcome," She said happily, "I hope it helps you along the way. It can't help us talk as far as I know, but we should figure out some way to stay in touch." She chuckled for a moment before adding, "I think I will go on my own though. Sky Flare and I seem to have some differences. If you need my help, don't hesitate to ask though." "Well, we don't have cellphones here, and even if you can use magic like a phone, I can't," I laughed, "But still, I'm sure we'll run into each other again soon enough." "As you will be traveling, no mail pony will be able to reach you with any degree of ease," Celestia said, "However, should you wish a letter to be shared, send it here. Then, when either of you return, you can receive them upon your arrival." "That seems like a reasonable way of handling it." Dawn said, nodding. I nodded in agreement. "Do either of you have any more questions then?" Celestia asked. I shook my head no. There was a lot to think about, and I was already trying to figure out the best way of asking Sky Flare. Part of me wanted to wait until morning to ask her thoughts on traveling with me, but at the same time, the more time she had to prepare, the better it would be for her. I caught Starlight chuckle and glanced over at him. "I don't suppose there's any other major opportunities to be out and about unless we get an apartment or home somewhere then?" "You should have little issue with being 'out and about' while traveling between towns," Celestia said, "You should be able to spot anypony long before they come close enough to make out your appearance in any great detail, especially after nightfall." "Or you could just get a cloak," I offered, feeling sorry him, "Assuming they exist here anyways. If not, just throw a blanket or something over you and it'll have the same effect. You'll look a bit more mysterious, but a hooded figure is less noticeable than a transparent pony." "An excellent idea Silver Wing," Celestia said, "I will be sure to have one added to your list of items. If that is acceptable to you, Starlight?" Starlight smirked. "Sure," he said, "I don't suppose it'd be one of those elven ones that help camouflage? ...Just kidding, a regular one will work just fine." I fought not to laugh at the confused look I saw flash across Celestia and Luna's faces at his comment, but I managed to hold myself together. "Good," Celestia said, still half confused, "All the items you should need will be delivered to your rooms in the morning. Should you need further aid on your journey, either send a letter to us here in Canterlot, or seek guidance from your friends. I look forward to hearing of your adventures when you return." I nodded again and rose to my feet. I gave my left foot a hard shake, to make doubly certain that my new bracelet wouldn't fall off. Content with the grip it had on my fur, I bowed politely to the Princesses, then headed for the door. Sky Flare would still be up at this hour, and she'd probably be at home by now, so I'd have the best chance of finding her there. "Hey, wait up!" I heard Dawn call out from behind me. I glanced back at her as I left the dining room. I was rather lost in thought as I tried to figure out what to say if Breezy or Lemon Bloom answered the door instead of Sky Flare, so I was slow to respond to Dawn's call. "Hmm? What's up?" I asked, watching as Dawn trotted up beside me with Starlight in tow. "Well..." She paused as if in thought, almost seeming to have forgotten why she called to me in the first place. I smirked at her and waited patiently for her to collect herself. With a breath, she looked at me seriously and spoke her piece. "Whatever you end up doing, please be careful okay? I know you're capable, but it would be really hard to get you home if you're dead." I laughed at that. The thought of me dying here hadn't really crossed my mind, but the imagery of her still trying to send me home if I did amused me for some reason. "Sure," I said, smiling reassuringly at her, "I'll be careful. You too though alright? If you're dead, I'll never even get the chance at this rate." Dawn smiled back at me, then I looked to Starlight and figured it would be polite to say something to him too. "You take care too, okay?" I said, "I don't know if you can get hurt, but don't test your luck either." Starlight nodded. "I'm pretty sure I'm about as mortal as Dawn, and tied to her," he said, "But thanks for the concern. I'll keep an eye out for her, if only out of instinct." He gave me a wink and I chuckled back at the gesture. "Glad to hear it," I said, "See you two around." I gave a bit of a wave, then continued on to Sky Flare's. I returned to my room quickly and slipped into my vest. I didn't want to be seen by Breezy without it, just in case it gave him the wrong idea. I loved the vest dearly, but I hadn't needed it in my room. Going to visit now though, I felt I should have it on, just in case. It took me almost an hour to reach Sky Flare's home. I still couldn’t fly, and though I wanted to try my luck, I forced myself to stay grounded. The last thing I wanted to do right now was wind up on her doorstep crawling after having fallen out of the sky. I stood before the door to the Breezy household and hesitated. It felt like I was about to ask a girl out on a first date. My heart was pounding, my adrenaline was racing, and if I still had hands I know my palms would have been sweating like crazy. She was my friend, nothing more. I wasn't asking her on a date, I was simply seeing if she wanted to go on a little trip into the country. There were no ulterior motives, just two people... Ponies now I guess, seeing what the world has hidden up its sleeve. She might not even want to go, which would perfectly fine, it was her choice after all. I must have stood there like for ten minutes, running through one line of thought after the next, before much to my concerned surprise, the door swung open. "Well?" Breezy's gruff, but clearly amused voice called to me, "You gonna stand there all night collectin' dust, or you gonna come in boy?" "U-uhh..." I stammered. I was dumbfounded. He clearly knew I had been standing there for a while, but how? Breezy must have guessed my train of thought as he nodded to his right. "Window's open boy," he chuckled, "Me and my dear Lemon Bloom 'ave been right curious as to why yer just standin' there since you walked up oh... Ten minutes ago now?" I glanced to the window in shock, and sure enough, the curtains were still parted on the doors side, and the window itself was cracked open to let fresh air flow in. I groaned and dropped my head in embarrassment. "Sorry..." I said, "I didn't mean to bother you." "Ain't no bother," Breezy said, "But it is makin' us scratch our 'eads some. What can we do fer ya?" "I-is Sky Flare home by chance?" I asked, far quieter than I meant to. "Wha's this now?" He chuckled, "Yer 'ere asking to see my little Sky Flare so late at night?" He eyed me with a wide grin clear on his face. "This should be interestin', if I do say so myself. Come on in, I'll go get 'er for ya." I wanted to stay outside, but I followed after him regardless. "Ave a seat in the livin' room," Breezy said, gesturing with a wing to the room where Lemon Bloom was currently sitting, "I'll be right back with ma' daughter." "How nice to see you again, Silver Wing," Lemon Bloom mused as I walked into the room, "And my, don’t your wings look positively lovely tonight." I laughed a little and made certain not to make the same slip up I made earlier at dinner. "Nice to see you again as well," I said, “And yeah, I figured it was about time I caught up on my preening." "Few things are more important for a Pegasus to keep track of than their wings dear," Lemon Bloom said, "I used to have to help Breezy with his all the time. That old cloud skipper was always putting it off until he could hardly out fly a chicken." She giggled at some distant memory, then smiled at me again, "And I see you've been taking good care of my husband’s vest." "Of course," I said, "I know how important it is to him, and Sky Flare too." She nodded at me, then looked past me to the stairs. I followed her line of sight and found Breezy returning to the main floor, with Sky Flare close behind. "Is everything alright Silver?" Sky Flare asked me quickly, trotting past her father to reach me first. I could see her glancing at my wings worriedly, but my smile calmed her down. "I'm fine, just... Well..." I fell silent and sighed. "Well what?" Sky Flare asked, her concern quickly changing to her typical annoyed frown. "W-well." I tried, but lost my voice. I sighed again and started once more, more purposefully this time. "The Princesses have suggested that I leave Canterlot for a while, a month or two, to see the rest of Equestria since I'm new here. They seem to think that I should bring a friend along for the trip, so I was wondering if you would maybe want to come along and... Keep me company?" Sky Flare's eyes widened at my explanation, and she stood there wholly stunned for several moments before she made any signs of even hearing what I had said. I could see equally stunned expressions on both Breezy and Lemon Bloom's faces, but smiles quickly grew in their places. "What are you talking about Silver Wing!?" Sky Flare gasped, "You can't even fly yet and they want you to leave Canterlot!?" Breezy laughed and ruffled his daughters' mane affectionately. "My little Sky Flare, finally leavin' the nest eh?" He teased, "Is about time if I do say so myself." "Oh yes!" Lemon Bloom exclaimed happily, "A little trip outside of Canterlot would be wonderful for you both!" I smiled at their reaction, then grew tense as Sky Flare leaped away from her father. She stomped a hoof down hard on the wooden floor and glared right at me. "I'm not going anywhere!" She barked. I took a half step back and swallowed nervously. "I... I thought you'd like the idea..." I said, a little taken back by her outburst, "Sorry..." That was not the reaction I had expected at all. "Sky Flare, mind your manners." Lemon Bloom said softly. "Aye, you should be 'appy young Silver Wing 'ere thought to ask you out," He paused at his own words and chuckled a moment before clearing his throat and continuing, "Now what's got your feathers all ruffled, hmm?" "I'm not leaving you two here alone!" Sky Flare stated adamantly, "What if something were to happen while I was gone?" "Sky," Breezy started with a soft, parental sigh, "We're not that old yet, and you're still far too young to be stayin' home to care fer yer parents. Is time you listened to the call a yer cutie mark. You gotta go and see what's been driving those feathers a yers since before you could even fly." "But Dad!" Sky Flare protested, but her mother cut her off. "No buts about it dear," Lemon Bloom stated softly, "We all know how much the rest of Equestria calls to you. That's why we asked Silver Wing here to take you away from Canterlot if ever he got the opportunity, and this is the perfect time." "You what!?" Sky Flare gasped at her parents, then she shot a fiery glare straight at me that froze me in place. "You 'eard yer mother," Breezy said simply, "And it'll do you a world a good to listen." "I am not leaving!" Sky Flare stated adamantly, "And that's final!" "Dear," Lemon Bloom said sternly, "That's enough of this. You're not leaving forever. As Silver said, it's only for a month, maybe a little more, but hardly any real length of time. Your father and I are more than capable of taking care of ourselves. It is time you did the same. So you go with Silver Wing, and when you come back, if it was anything less than what you've always dreamed it would be, this will be the end of it. Your father and I will not try to meddle any more. But you do this for yourself this once, and if not for yourself, then do it for us." Sky Flare titled her head and looked at her mother clearly confused. "I won't lie," Lemon Bloom said, "We don't know what things will be like without you around, but it's time we found out." "Aye," Breezy added, "You need to see things with yer own two eyes. After that, we'll both stand behind what you say you want." Sky Flare frowned heavily at me, but eventually, her glare softened. "And you two promise to stop trying to mess with my life if I do this?" She asked seriously. "Aye." Breezy said, "I give ya my word." "I promise dear," Lemon Bloom said, "Do this for us, and what you decide afterwards, we'll accept." "Whether I want to stay in Canterlot or leave, you'll do what I say I want to do?" Sky Flare asked again. Lemon Bloom and Breezy nodded in unison. Sky Flare frowned at me again for a moment, then let out a deep sigh. "Fine," she said shaking her head, "But only because they want me to go, not because you asked me Silver Wing! I'm still mad at you for not telling me that they had this little scheme planned in the first place!" I opened my mouth to speak but I had no words that I felt would be of any use, so I simply shrugged and smiled nervously at her. She looked away from me with a hotly snort and sat down. "So when do you want to leave then?" She asked, "Tonight, tomorrow, or what?" "Whenever is good," I said quickly, "A tent and some gear is going to be dropped off at my room in the morning, so the earliest we could leave is tomorrow anyways. But I don’t mind waiting till you're ready." "We'll leave as soon as your stuff arrives then," She stated, "The sooner we get this over with, the better." "Well then, now that that's all settled, why don't we 'ave some fresh apple pie to celebrate, eh?" Breezy laughed, "My little Lemon Bloom's been making pies for the youngn's all day now, and I think she can spare one for a special occasion." Lemon Bloom rose to her feet and smiled widely. "Oh yes," she said excitedly, "Maybe even two!" Sky flare groaned and shook her head. "Next time you wanna talk about something important and it's late at night, just toss a rock at my window or something till I come out, alright?" "Right," I said apologetically, "Sorry..." Breezy snickered at us and smiled contently. "My oh my," he cooed, "My little Sky Flare's asking a boy to come a callin' 'er by a late night window visit? Never thought I'd see the day." "Seriously Dad!?" Sky Flare growled, "Now!?" "Always," Breezy said victoriously, "Now come on your two, get yerself some pie. You got a long day ahead of ya tomorrow." > Seeing Equestria for Myself > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke slowly to the sound of knocking on my door. I couldn’t remember how I had gotten home from Sky Flare’s place last night, but it must have been very late. And whatever time it was now, it was way too early for my liking. With a groan, I pulled my bedding up and over my head and tried to go back to sleep. I had no desire to see anyone right now, I just wanted a few more hours of sleep. The knocking was sufficiently muffled, but my victory was short lived. My blankets were ripped from around me with a hard jerk and I was nearly dragged off the bed with them. I rolled to my feet and glared up at the one responsible. I found myself face to face with Sky Flare and frowned heavily. "What the hell are you doing Sky!?" I barked. My lack of sleep had cut my patience severely, and the fact that I was still half asleep didn’t help my mood much. "What do you mean, what am I doing?" she scoffed back, "It's morning! We agreed we were leaving Canterlot with the rising of the sun, remember?" "What?" I mumbled, "Leaving Canterlot?" I paused as her words rattled about in my head. It took me a moment, but with a start of realization, I gradually recalled the events of the night before. Breezy and Lemon Bloom had thrown us a bit of a going away party. We had pie, caramel glazed apples, and even some wine which I was surprised to find existed in Equestria. As I woke up more fully, I quickly came to realize that I wasn’t in my room at the palace like I thought I was, I was in some other room I did not recognize. It was much smaller than I was used to, and the walls were made of faded oak planks, not the typical white stone. "W-where am I?" I asked aloud, though I hadn't really intended too. "Our spare bedroom you goof," Sky Flare sighed, "You really can't handle your wine at all, can you?" "I... I guess not." I said, still rather confused. I didn't remember drinking that much wine last night, but I guess my new body had next to no alcohol tolerance. Either that, or the wine they had given me was extremely strong. "Well, can you stand?" Sky Flare asked, taking a step back to give me some room. "Of course I can stand," I said, "I didn't have that much... Did I?" "You mean you don't remember?" She asked me with a growing smirk. "I remember the pie," I said, staggering a little as I got to my feet, "Then your mother offered me some wine..." "And after that?" Sky Flare asked curiously. "W-well..." I tried to think of what had happened after that, but I was only able to recall hazy flashes at best. "There was the pie," I said again, "Then some wine... Then music started playing... Then your mom brought me some more wine and..." It was just all so fuzzy in my memory. The music reminded me of something, then what though? I shook my head to try and clear it and gasped in horror as it came back to me. "Oh god I sang something!" Sky Flare laughed loudly and grinned at me coyly. "That you most certainly did," she mused, "And you really do have quite a nice singing voice. Some neat dance moves too." "I didn't..." I whispered in shock. Sky Flare nodded. "Mhmm," she said, "You did. What was it you called it?" She fell silent and looked off into the distance thoughtfully. "Mika? Mikale...? Michael Jackson!" She said, "You called it the Michael Jackson dance. I had no idea you could move your hips like that by the way. My Mother nearly fainted!" My jaw dropped as Sky Flare began laughing once again and I felt a scalding blush cover me from head to foot. I was a huge fan of Michael Jackson's dance moves and music, but I never actually danced like him in public. "W-what was that wine made out of!?" I asked. I felt as though I would die of embarrassment at any moment. "I'm not sure," Sky Flare said, "My Dad made that particular bottle years ago. Before he even met my Mom. Now he just uses grapes or apples, but back then, who knows?" "D-did anyone else have any?" I asked, hoping beyond hope that I wasn’t the only one to make a fool of themselves last night. "Dad had a small cup of it, but that's about it," She said, "I tried some of his wine years ago and that was plenty for me." I sat down and whimpered in embarrassment. "Hey, I told you it was strong," She said, "But you still got that Earth Pony stubbornness to you. Shame whatever turned you into a Pegasus seems to have also taken away your Earth Pony tolerance." I felt a slight twinge of relief at that. She still thought I was an Earth Pony before I became a Pegasus, which meant I hadn't said anything about where I was from, or what I used to be. "Come on now," Sky Flare said, "Breakfast's getting cold. Mom wanted to make sure we had a good meal to start our little trip off with." "I don’t think I'm very hungry right now..." I said nervously, "Your parents probably hate me for the way I acted last night..." "Are you kidding?" Sky Flare laughed, "They had a blast! Dad's already planning to dig out another bottle for when we get back." She gave a gentle tug on my right wing to get me to my feet and I reluctantly followed after her. Now that I was moving, I could feel my left side burning with a dull ache. It didn't feel like I'd re-broken any of my ribs, but I definitely strained them with all the dancing the night before. I tried to hide it as best I could, but every shift of my wings caused me to wince in pain. Slowly, I followed Sky Flare downstairs and into the dining room for breakfast. The meal set out for us smelled wonderful, and much to my added delight, no one else was in the room just yet. I sat down near Sky Flare, in the same spot I had sat the last time I had been over. My heart was racing as I anticipated Breezy and Lemon Bloom's entry, but every second without them there was one more second I was grateful for. Before long however, Breezy trotted into the room, with Lemon Bloom following close behind. "Ahh, there 'e is!" Breezy laughed, "I trust ya ‘ad a good sleep there after last night?" "Uhh, yeah..." I said quietly. "What Silver means to say Dad," Sky Flare chimed in, "Is that he doesn’t really remember last night very well. Or at all really." I shot a mortified glare at Sky Flare, but she simply smiled back at me and shrugged. "Now we're even," she said simply, "Consider that revenge for keeping my parents little scheme a secret for so long." Breezy laughed again and sat down. "You don't truly know somepony till you've seen em let loose," he said, "And now that we know ya so well, I feel right fine in lettin' you take my little Sky Flare out on this trip a yers." “And how could we not dear?” Lemon Bloom chimed in, “You heard the song he sang to her last night.” “Mom!” Sky Flare barked. I glanced at her at that, but found her to be looking away from me almost shyly. ‘What song did I sing?’ I thought almost fearfully. I knew a lot of different songs, but what could I have possibly sang to Sky Flare? Breezy chuckled at his wife’s words and nodded at me. “Aye, I ‘eard it,” he said, “A right proper love song it was too.” “Wait, what!?” I gasped, “A love song!?” “You were really drunk Silver,” Sky Flare sighed, still not looking at me, “So don’t worry about it.” “Drunk or not, a lot of thought went into that song dear,” Lemon Bloom said happily, “So you must have been on his mind for quite some time for him to have come up with it.” I looked from Lemon Bloom to Sky Flare and back. Sky Flare still wasn’t looking at me, so I had no idea if she was mad, embarrassed, or what, but I was mortified. ‘A love song!?’ I practically screamed in my mind, ‘There’s no way I would have done that! There has to be some sort of a mistake. A cultural misunderstanding, something, anything!’ I groaned and dropped my head a little as Lemon Bloom went on. “No need to be embarrassed Silver Wing,” she said, clearly noticing my change, “It was a lovely song, and you sang it quite well.” “T-thanks…” I said softly. I had to find out from Sky Flare later on what exactly I had sang. This was not something I could handle being a mystery for very long. “I think we’re gonna be late…” Sky Flare sighed, “We should probably get to the Palace and get the stuff the Princesses left for you Silver.” “What stuff?” I asked, though as I spoke the question, I recalled that the Princesses had said they would give me some supplies and money for the trip. “Really…?” Sky Flare said flatly, “Equestria to Silver, wake up already.” “R-right… Sorry,” I said quickly, “The tent, money and food. It should be in my room by now.” “At least take a few bites of your breakfast first,” Lemon Bloom said, “You two have a long trip ahead of you after all.” Without waiting for either of our replies, Lemon Bloom began serving us all rather large portions of the breakfast she had prepared. She gave each of us three large pancakes, some honeyed apple slices, and a large glass of orange juice. The meal itself was quite nice, but there was little talk while we ate. My silence was mostly due to my own embarrassment over last nights still rather hazy chain of events, but I couldn’t help feel that something was bothering Sky Flare. My only thought was that it had to be the song I apparently sang to her. That, or the concern she probably still had over leaving Canterlot and her parents behind for a while. After we had eaten, Sky Flare slipped on a pair of saddlebags that she had apparently gotten ready the night before and practically dragged me out of her house by my feathers. She was clearly wanting to get as far away from her parents as she could, before they said anything else to embarrass either her or me. Breezy and Lemon Bloom saw us off cheerfully, each imparting a word or two of advice for the road ahead, and before long we were on our way back to the Palace. “I’m glad that’s over with…” Sky Flare sighed, “As much as I love them, I really wish they’d just quit it with the comments…” “Yeah,” I said tentatively, “About those though… What exactly did I sing to you last night? They said it was a love song?” Sky Flare smirked at me and shook her head. “Don’t worry about it Silver Wing,” she said, “You were drunk. And I know you didn’t mean it the way my parents took it.” “Didn’t mean what?” I asked, “I’d really like to know what I sang…” She almost never used my full name when talking to me, so something was definitely bothering her big time. “I don’t know the name,” Sky Flare said simply, “But I remember the words.” I looked at her curiously and she sighed. “It went something like… Take my love, take my land, I don’t care I’m still free, you can’t take my sky from me.” She said it quickly, almost whispering the lyrics to herself. Then she cleared her throat and looked away. ‘Can’t take ‘my’ sky from me?’ I thought in surprise, ‘That’s not right. It should be ‘you can’t take ‘the’ sky from me.’ I groaned and dropped my head. I knew the song well, it was the Ballad of Serenity, a simple song from a TV series I loved, but I could see how one word change would make it seem like a love song about someone who happened to be named Sky. “They thought you were singing about me, but I know you meant the sky itself,” she continued, matter of fact, “I know how much you love flying after all.” I caught her glance at me for a moment, a half hopeful glint to her eye, then she looked away again just as fast. I wasn’t sure what to say to that. It definitely was not a love song to her, but she seemed unusually sensitive to the entire topic, so I figured it would be best to just leave it be. A song from a drunk at a party would be far easier to get over than clear words stating the facts. Once back to my room, we found a number of supplies laid out for us. There were two saddlebags like the one Sky Flare was already wearing, though while hers’ was a light tan color, these were both a lacquered brown. They were simple in design, but tailored specifically for a Pegasus. Unlike normal saddlebags, these ones possessed an additional waistband to help them stay on during flight. Sky Flare’s had the same waistband, so she stuck to using the one she had already packed. Though she did take a few items from the supplies left to us. Among the rest of the items that had been delivered, we found several packages of dried fruits and other food that could be kept for days on end and eaten without preparation. A pair of tents with matching rain tarps, a map of the surrounding area, and a rather hefty pouch of gold coins, which I intended to use as few as possible of. There were various other useful items like sling canteens, some basic cooking utensils, and a few candles as well. It was quite the load, but after all my training with Sky Flare, I was confident I’d be able to fly with my share on me, once my ribs were better anyways. “They sure got us a lot of stuff,” Sky Flare commented as she rummaged through the second saddlebag, “Most of this I already packed though. And I doubt we’ll need two tents.” “What?” I said surprised, “Why not?” Sky Flare smirked at me a moment and tilted her head coyly. “What’s the matter Silver, don’t like the idea of sharing a tent with me?” “No no, it’s not that,” I said quickly, “I just…” “You just what?” She cooed. She watched me closely as I tried to think of a safe way to say we should have separate tents, but I couldn’t think of any words to use that wouldn’t get me into trouble. So with a heavy sigh, I simply shook my head and gave in. “Never mind, one tent will work fine.” Sky Flare laughed and grinned at me cheshirely. “You know, for all your skills in combat and flying, you really do suck at using your words,” she chuckled, “Don’t think about what to say so much, just feel out the situation and speak your mind.” She scooped up the second tent and secured it to her saddlebag before smiling at me once more. “I was joking about the tent sharing by the way. You really are way too easy to fluster.” I groaned and turned my attention to my own saddlebag. I had watched Sky Flare carefully when she had slipped into hers’ back at her place, and I attempted to do the same. I wasn’t the most graceful at getting them on, but I managed well enough not to arouse any suspicion. Fumbling with my hooves, I managed at last to close the waistband by sliding one end through the belt like clasp on the other and smiled victoriously at Sky Flare. “All set?” she chuckled. I nodded. “All set.” I said. This was my first time wearing saddlebags and they were surprisingly comfortable. Though my ribs were still tender to the touch, the saddlebags rested low on my body, so their weight didn’t put very much strain on them at all. “I see you are ready to begin your adventure into the unknown.” A voice called softly from behind us. I turned to see who it was and found Princess Celestia to be standing in my doorway. I bowed my head politely and nodded. “Just about to head out actually.” I said. “And I see that our Sky Flare has decided to go along with you, most excellent.” Celestia added. “You know how he can be,” Sky Flare said, “Somepony needs to be with him, or he’ll wind up lost in the middle of the Everfree in no time.” “Hey now, I’m not that bad,” I frowned at her, “And I can hold my own if push comes to shove.” “Indeed you can Silver Wing, but not every encounter can be settled through force of hoof or speed of wing,” Celestia offered sagely, “Sometimes talking things through is the best course of action.” Sky Flare smirked at her words and I felt her tail whip me softly on the flank. “Hear that Silver?” she teased, “Even Princess Celestia thinks you should speak your mind once in a while, instead of always brooding over whatever you have in that head of yours.” I shook my head at her and looked back to Celestia. “I’ll do my best.” I said honestly. “Good,” Celestia smiled, “And remember, trust in your friends. Sky Flare’s knowledge of Equestria and its culture is quite vast. You would be wise to utilize it when you can.” “I will.” I said. “Then I wish you the best of fortune on your travels.” Celestia finished. She gave a polite bow, then stepped aside into the hall. I took that as my cue to leave, and nodded for Sky Flare to follow me into the hall. “Oh yes, one more thing Silver Wing,” Celestia called, “My Sister wishes for me to tell you that she will be eagerly awaiting your return to Canterlot. Do you know what she means by this?” I paused for a moment as I too wondered what she meant by that, then I recalled Luna’s strong desire to fight me when I had fully healed. With me leaving like this, our match would have to wait until I returned from my little adventure. I’d have to make sure I was in top shape when I got back so I wouldn’t disappoint her. “Not off the top of my head,” I said quickly, “Maybe she wants another demonstration when I get back?” I didn’t want to lie to Celestia, but I also didn’t want to upset her by telling her that her sister had asked to fight with me in private when I was feeling better. “Yes, she was quite pleased with the last one,” Celestia mused, though she had a knowing air about her as she spoke, “Perhaps instead of a stacking tournament, we’ll have a gauntlet next time. A test of endurance, and of the quality of our guards.” I laughed weakly at the thought of fighting one guard after the next like that, but I tried not to dwell on it too much. I’d do it if they asked me too, but I really didn’t want to make any more of a name for myself than I already had. I knew Stalwart had enjoyed himself, Skyros too, but Malican no doubt hated me now. I wasn’t sure how many other guards were like Malican, but I wanted to stay on the good side of as many ponies as I could while I was here. “Go on now,” Celestia smiled, “I’ll have to hold the sun up late if you two don’t get moving soon.” I bowed to her, and caught Sky Flare follow suit, then we both headed off on our journey to see Equestria for ourselves. The first three days, though interesting and full of picturesque scenery, consisted mostly of wandering through open fields and over rolling hills. With my ribs still injured, I couldn’t fly safely yet, so we were just walking in whatever direction we felt like come that particular morning. Sky Flare had been like a child since we had left. She was sad, and concerned for her parents at first, but all her fears quickly fell away with each new step we took. She had always dreamed of one day exploring every corner of Equestria, and now that she had the chance, she was like a completely different pony. Every flower, tree, or bush we had come across she had known the name of, and practically every blade of grass seemed to fascinate her to no ends. “Are you still sketching plants in that notepad of yours Sky?” I asked. It was early morning on our fourth day and we had just finished breakfast. I was hard at work cleaning up my portion of the mess, but Sky Flare was hurriedly scribbling in one of her notebooks. “I plan to document each and every one for my parents to see when we get back,” She replied, “I’m almost done though.” Sky Flare was a surprisingly good artist, especially compared to me. I could barely draw an identifiable circle using my mouth, but here she was drawing plants so real they almost looked like photographs. As she worked on finishing her latest sketch, my attention shifted to the bracelet Dawn had given me. I hadn’t tried to use it much yet, and now seemed like a good time to try and get the hang of it. Looking around, I found a small rock a few feet away and pointed the bracelet at it. I focused on the rock tried to remember what I had to do to make the bracelet work. ‘Now what was it Dawn had said to do?’ I thought, ‘Just think like you’re grabbing it with a hand… Pick it up, and bring it to you…’ A soft glow built within the opalescent jewel that was set in the center of the bracelet, and a moment later the rock began to tremble slightly, but it didn’t move. “Come here rock… Move already…” I whispered at it as I focused harder. Very slowly, the rock began to slide along the grass towards me and I grinned victoriously. “What are you doing?” I jumped at the sudden voice and the rock became still once more. “Geez Sky, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” I sighed. She was standing right behind me now, and must have been watching me as I concentrated. I had somehow missed her approach altogether. “And you say I need to pay attention to my surroundings.” She laughed. “In a fight you do, but not out here in a field.” I said. She shrugged and sat down beside me. “So, what’re you doing?” She asked again. “This is a magic bracelet that Dawn gave me,” I explained, “It’s supposed to let me move things with magic like a Unicorn does, but I’m still trying to get the hang of it.” “Really?” She asked, looking closer at the bracelet. “Yeah,” I assured her, “It’ll be really helpful once I get it down too.” “Show me.” Sky Flare said, looking back to the rock I had been focused on earlier. “I’ll try,” I said, “But no promises. I’ve only used this thing once before, and even then, not very well.” I focused on the rock once again, but despite my best efforts, it didn’t even tremble this time. “You sure she wasn’t pulling your feathers there Silver?” Sky Flare smirked. I sighed. “I’m sure,” I said, “Just… Give me a minute.” Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I refocused on the small rock and willed it to lift up. I visualized myself grabbing it with a hand and drawing it towards me. My eyes drifted closed as I put all my thought into the bracelet moving the rock to me, then rather abruptly, I was met with a sharp pang of pain in my forehead. Sky Flare burst out laughing an instant later and threw herself back onto the grass as she fought to catch her breath. I meanwhile, was rolling around on the ground in pain, with both forelegs pulled firmly to my forehead. “W-what was that for Sky!?” I barked when the pain had finally calmed to a dull throb. “Don’t look at me!” She laughed back, “That was all you there Silver! That bracelet of yours is real helpful alright, if you wanna knock yourself out!” She resumed her wild laughter and I glanced around my immediate area, and sure enough, there was the small rock I had been trying to move. In closing my eyes, I had apparently flung it right into my own head… I frowned at the rock, and willed the bracelet to throw the stone as far from me as it could, but nothing happened. With a frustrated groan, I scooped the stone up with a hoof and threw it myself. “Stupid rock.” I grumbled. “Oh yeah,” Sky Flare teased, “It was all the rock, nothing to do with the operator at all.” I frowned at her and laid back down, momentarily defeated by my own actions. Sky Flare rolled back over to me and sat up. “Mind if I take a look at it?” she asked. I stretched my left leg towards her and shrugged. “Knock yourself out.” I said flatly. My head still hurt, and so did my pride. “No thanks,” she said, slipping the bracelet off my leg, “I’ll leave that one to you. You’re clearly practicing hard at it.” I sighed and looked away from her. Sky Flare looked the bracelet over for a few moments before I heard her gasp. “Oh wow!” she exclaimed, “This is one of Starswirl the Bearded’s works! But wait…” I felt her nudge my side to draw my attention, then saw her pointing to the symbols engraved into the band. “See Starswirl’s symbol here?” She explained quickly, “It’s not his typical signature, this one has a second star within the main star. Do you have any idea how rare this piece is?” “Yeah,” I said nodding, “Princess Twilight told us a bit about it. Starswirl made a lot of helpful items like that one, then took them all back and destroyed them for some reason. This one was one he missed, or didn’t fully destroy anyways. Dawn had to fix it before it would work.” “Wait, she fixed it!?” Sky Flare gasped, “That green Unicorn that was friends with all those guards betting against you?” I nodded. “But Mom said she was in her Magic Kindergarten class!” Sky Flare said doubtfully, “There’s no way somepony who can barely even manage a music spell could fix something like this.” “And there’s no way somepony my age had never flown before either, right?” I said, “Yet I never had, now had I?” “Well yeah, but you’re different Silver, you were an Earth Pony until just recently.” Sky Flare protested. “Dawn’s a lot like me,” I said, “We both have our little tricks.” “Well, that’s one impressive trick then,” Sky Flare said, looking back at the bracelet, “To fix something of Starswirl’s is no easy feat.” I looked at her curiously and watched as she admired the intricate markings that encircled the bracelets band. Her awed look of excitement reminded me of how Princess Twilight had looked when she had first seen it a few weeks ago. “How is it you know so much about magic trinkets Sky?” I asked, “I mean, I know you know a lot about Equestria and its history, but why do you know about magic too?” “My mother’s a Unicorn, remember?” Sky Flare smirked, “And a teacher. I kinda picked up a few things from her. Even went to some of her classes just to see how Unicorns control their magic. Just because I can’t do what they can doesn’t mean I don’t want to know about it.” I chuckled at her answer. She sounded a lot like me in that regards. I had been so lost during the dinners with the Princesses that I had decided to learn about magic myself, just so I could have some idea of what was going on. I hadn’t really had time study up on the subject yet, but now that I knew Sky Flare had learned a thing or two about it, I hopped to have her teach me a little during our time together. “I don’t suppose you’d be willing to teach me what you know sometime?” I asked, “I’d like to know a little bit more than ‘Magic is as magic does.’ Especially if I’m going to be wearing something magical all the time.” “Sure,” Sky Flare said smiling, “But it’ll cost ya.” I groaned. “And what will it cost me…” “I get to draw you wearing this bracelet.” She smiled. I laughed. “I don’t know, that seems like an awfully steep request.” “Take it, or leave it.” She said, tossing the bracelet back to me. I slipped it back on my left leg and shrugged. “I guess I have no choice then,” I chuckled, “Draw away.” By the time the sun was setting, we had traveled a fair ways east. Far in the distance now, I could see a vast sea of dark green starting to rise up over the horizon. I strained my eyes to make out what it was and quickly realized that it was a forest. A huge, densely grown forest unlike any I had seen in Equestria so far. “Hey Sky, let’s head that way tomorrow,” I said, pointing to the distant forest, “I wanna check that place out next.” Sky Flare glanced to where I was pointing and gasped at me in shock. “Are you crazy Silver!?” she said, “No pony goes there! That’s the Everfree Forest!” “The Everfree Forest?” I repeated. I had heard the name a few times before, but only in passing, so I didn’t know too much about it beyond the name, and that it was of course, a forest. “Yeah, the Everfree Forest,” She stated, “Ponies go in, and they don’t come out! That place is dangerous Silver. There’s something wrong with it. If you want, we can follow it east to Ponyville tomorrow, but that’s as close as we’re getting to it.” “And here I thought you wanted to go out and explore every square inch of Equestria with your own hoof.” I smirked. “Everywhere but there,” she stated, “I have no interest in being turned to stone, eaten by Timber Wolves, or swallowed whole by a Cragadile. Never mind the fact that the weather there is as wild and unpredictable as the plants are!” “I thought that Pegasai controlled the weather though?” I asked, rather confused by her statement. “They do, usually,” Sky Flare said, “But not there. That place is wild and dangerous. A few years back it even tried to overrun Ponyville, but Princess Twilight managed to stop it.” I glanced back to the forest and frowned. ‘It can’t be that bad,’ I thought, ‘No matter how old it is, a forest is still just a forest, no matter what lives in it.’ I had always loved exploring forests, the older the better really, so the prospect of exploring one that not even the locals would go near was incredibly alluring. “Ponyville it is then,” I said thoughtfully, “I wanna learn more about that forest.” “Just so long as we don’t have to actually go into it,” Sky Flare stressed, “I am not kidding when I say it’s a dangerous place.” I waved off her concerns and began setting up my tent for the night. ‘Dangerous as it may be,’ I thought, already planning my trip into the forest, ‘A few minutes just looking around won’t hurt. Sky Flare can amuse herself in Ponyville while I go check it out alone. I’ll be back before she even notices I’ve gone.’ From Sky Flare, I had managed to learn a little more about this Everfree Forest later that night. It was supposedly filled with all manner of dangerous creatures, but the main thing that kept ponies away, was the forest itself. It grew without aid from the outside world. No ponies tended to it, or its weather. It had its own climate and seasons completely independent of the rest of Equestria. The more I had learned about the place, the more I found myself admiring it. It was exactly like the forests of my world. It grew how it wanted, without anyone pruning or cultivating it. It was free, as its name implied, and that made me think of it like it was a tiny slice of my own world. In my mind, it meant there was at least one place of normalcy here in this strange world. Someplace that was just allowed to exist as it pleased, without aid or guide. It just so happened that the natural freedom I admired it for, was the same aspect of it that everyone else feared. By about noon the next day, Ponyville was coming into view over the horizon. It looked like a small little village, until I noticed the rather large crystalline castle off to the side. “What’s with the castle?” I asked, “Seems a little out of place for a town like this.” Sky Flare chuckled at me. “That’s Princess Twilight’s castle,” she explained, “It was built by magic after she defeated Tirek.” “Tirek?” I asked. “He was an evil Centaur that tried to steal every ponies magic,” Sky Flare explained, “But Princess Twilight and her friends stopped him.” “Sounds like she does a lot for ponies.” I said. Sky Flare nodded. “Of course she does, she is the Princes of Friendship after all.” I snorted a laugh at that. “Princess of Friendship?” I repeated, “How can you be the Princess of a state of relations?” Sky Flare eyed me oddly for a moment than shook her head. “Princess Celestia tasked her with it,” she explained, “I don’t know why, but she did. Just like she tasked Princess Cadence with being the Princess of Love.” “Wait, so Celestia made them both into Princesses?” I asked. Sky Flare nodded again. “Yes, she did,” she said, “She also made them into Alicorns, just like she and Luna are. Princess Twilight was a Unicorn before Celestia made her a Princess, and Princess Cadence was a Pegasus.” “Huh…” I said thoughtfully, “So they weren’t born Alicorns… What about Celestia and Luna then? Were they Unicorns or Pegasus before they became Princesses?” “No, they were always Alicorns,” Sky Flare said, “At least, as far as I know anyway.” “So a Unicorn can be made into an Alicorn by the Princesses, as can a Pegasus,” I said thoughtfully, “What about an Earth Pony then?” Sky Flare smirked at me. “What, you wanting to become a Princess one day Silver?” I sighed at her and shook my head. “No, I just want to know how it works,” I said, “So can anyone become a Princess or just Unicorns and Pegasai?” “I don’t really know,” She admitted, “So far, it’s only been Cadence and Twilight that have been turned into Princesses, so the prerequisites are rather vague. But they both had to prove themselves through great trials to be gifted the powers of an Alicorn. It’s not something Celestia does often, or without great reason.” That was very interesting to me. It meant magic could be gifted to another by a Princess. So it stood to reason that it could be gifted in other ways too, just like the magic bracelet I now wore had been gifted to me. So, even in the worst case scenario of Dawn not being able to get me home again, I might still be able to find a way to do it myself, if I could get my own magic somehow. We fell silent as we walked on. Ponyville wasn’t much further now. It looked to be just beyond the well-kept forest we were now walking beside. There was a dirt road leading past it, and sectioning off the trees from road was a large wooden fence that ran for as far as I could see. “Howdy y’all, you two lost?” A voice suddenly called from nearby. I looked around for the source of the voice and found a light orange Earth Pony waving to us from beyond a wooden fence. She had a tan colored cowboy hat on and wore her mane in a braided ponytail. Behind her was a cart half filled with apples that she seemed to be loading. I hadn’t noticed it before, but now that I was looking around again, I realized that the forest we were walking beside was actually a massive apple orchard. The trees were huge, and bright red apples filled nearly every one of them. “Not really, just wandering around Equestria for a bit,” Sky Flare answered, slowing her pace but not stopping, “We’re headed to Ponyville next.” “Ah, then y’all are on the right track,” the pony replied, “Just keep on down this here path and you’ll be there before you can spit.” “Thanks.” Sky Flare said, resuming her usual trot. I smiled at the Earth Pony’s clearly country way of speaking. Up until now, Breezy was the only pony I had encountered with an accent, so it was interesting to find another so soon. It made me realize just how much variety Equestria must have in its people, beyond the rainbow pallet of coat colors. I nodded my head my head in thanks and followed after Sky Flare, leaving the Earth Pony to her work. As the orange Earth Pony had said, we found Ponyville just a few more minutes down the road. The streets were filled with dozens of ponies going about their daily tasks. Children ran around here and there, and overhead a few Pegasai drifted about lazily. “Welcome to Ponyville Silver,” Sky Flare said happily, “Home of Princess Twilight, Sweet Apple Acres, and some of the best parties in Equestria.” It was a nice enough looking place. It reminded me of those small towns where everyone knew everyone else, and about the worst thing to have happen on any given day was the paper being late. “It looks relaxed,” I said, “But I’ve had enough parties for a while thanks.” I still hadn’t fully recovered from the embarrassment of my last party with Sky Flare and her family, and I had no desire to repeat any of that night again anytime soon at all. Sky Flare snorted a chuckle at me, then began looking around for something. A few moments later, she nodded for me to follow, then led me deeper into the town. She headed down one street after another with a purposeful gait. I had no idea where we were going, but she seemed to know exactly where she was heading, so I followed along behind her taking in the sights as best I could. We passed by numerous shops and houses on the way. I even caught sight of a small school in the distance. There also looked to be a rather high end fashion store in town too. Other than that, I saw a large gazebo in the center of town, and managed to catch a fleeting glimpse of a bakery that would have made any dessert shop owner jealous. It was nice that we were actually walking around right now. Thinking about it, Sky Flare and I would have likely gone right to our final destination if we had been flying. But grounded as we were because of my ribs, we had been forced into seeing a great deal more of the world that we probably would have missed otherwise. I chuckled to myself and began to wonder if that’s why the Princesses had said to head out while I was still injured, to force me to see the world from the ground first. “Aha, here it is!” Sky Flare exclaimed, breaking my train of thought. Looking where she was, I saw a larger three story building ahead of us. I looked the place over and found a sign out front that read ‘Ponyville Inn. Where you’ll sleep like a Princess!’ I couldn’t help but laugh at the slogan, but I kept it to myself. “Since we’re here, we might as well sleep under a roof tonight,” Sky Flare said happily, “Unless you’d rather sleep in a tent again?” I thought about that for a moment, then recalled the Everfree Forest and shook my head. “Nah, an Inn will be nice tonight.” I answered, a sly grin creeping over my face. ‘I can sneak off to the forest easier if we’re staying someplace in town,’ I thought, ‘Tents out in the middle of nowhere make it pretty hard to sneak anywhere. But in a town like this, you’ll think I went to a store or something, not the Everfree.’ “Then I’ll go get us a room,” she said, “Wait here while I see if they have any available.” I sat down outside and took to admiring the town once more. It reminded me a lot of where I had grown up, minus the cars anyways. It was small, quiet, and everyone seemed friendly and upbeat. There were no skyscrapers ruining the view, no smog choking my lungs, just these ponies, content in their day to day lives. It was a rather nice setting, but I still wanted to return to my world as soon as I could. A few nostalgic minutes passed as I dwelt on this world’s similarities and differences with my own, then Sky Flare returned with news. She had gotten us a shared room with two beds, on the third floor. The room came with a complementary free meal voucher at a local hayburger place too, so we dropped off our gear and ate out. I’d never had a hayburger before, and though it paled in comparison to a fresh, juicy beef burger fresh off the grill, it wasn’t half bad. Night had already fallen by the time we returned to the Inn, and though Sky Flare went straight to bed, I merely pretended to. I laid there, wide awake for nearly an hour before I felt safe enough to risk sneaking out of our room for my little forest incursion. ‘I wouldn’t be gone for too long,’ I told myself, ‘Just a few minutes. An hour at most. Then I’d be back in bed, and Sky would be none the wiser about my little trip into the Everfree.’ Quietly, I pulled out a small lantern from my saddlebags and tucked a box of matches into my vest pocket. I double checked to make sure that Sky Flare was still sleeping, then slipped out of our room and down into the streets of the Ponyville. There weren’t too many ponies out at this hour, and those few that I had seen paid me no notice. It took me far longer to reach the forest than I first thought it would, nearly an hour in fact, but I had already made up my mind to see it for myself, so I couldn’t just stop now that I was finally there. I walked slowly into the forest and almost immediately, I felt a strange air wash over me. It was unlike anything I had felt in Equestria so far. It felt wild and untamed, almost like it was somehow alive. It was like the very breath of the forest was swirling around me, beckoning me to go deeper. It was damp, dark, and old, but so full of life and energy that I could almost feel it dancing on my skin. I felt my feathers ruffle up at the sensation and grinned into the darkness before me. This forest was very old, and it reminded me so much of the forest I grew up near in my world. It had memory, and it almost seemed like it knew I was standing there before it. “Hello forest,” I whispered softly, “I hope you don’t mind a visitor tonight.” I paused for a moment, half expecting this forest born from a world filled with magic to answer, but nothing beyond the sound of a soft breeze could be heard in the stillness of the night. Setting down my lantern, I pulled out my box of matches and carefully held the box between my feet. Taking one of the match sticks in my mouth, I ran the tip across the side of the box to light it and it snapped in two. I groaned and tried again, then again, and again... “Stupid matches.” I grumbled, spitting out what must have been my sixth matchstick. Looking at my bracelet, I sighed and decided to give that a try. Carefully, I willed the bracelet to take a match and light it on the side of the box. It took me a few minutes, but much to my surprise, I actually managed to pull it off. The match lit on the box and began hovering before me with the bracelets magic. “Yes!” I cheered quietly. Being careful not to lose my focus, I moved the match down towards the lantern and lit it. A bright yellow glow quickly filled the area around me and I snuffed out the match with a hoof. Taking the lantern up in my mouth, I followed its light into the Everfree Forest, my eyes darting from one ancient tree to the next. The forest was amazing. There were so many strange plants and sounds that I had never experienced before. I had thought Sky Flare had been like a child out in those fields, but the mystery and wonder I was experiencing now would have rivaled hers without a doubt. There was just something about old forest that drew me to them like a moth to a flame, and now that I was inside it, I realized this forest was unlike any I had ever seen before. I know I had lost track of how long I had been wandering around in here, but at that moment I really didn’t care. Exploring someplace like this was worth the lecture I’d get from Sky Flare when I got back to the Inn. There was just so much to see and feel to simply stop now. Besides, it hardly seemed like the dangerous and pony consuming death trap she had made it out to be on the way here. I hadn’t seen any animals, and no ghosts or creatures had attacked me. It was just an old forest, rich with life and vegetation. A deep, resounding rumble in the distance drew my attention to the sky and I stared in awed amazement as I watched the stars above slowly vanish behind a darkening cloud front. “A storm?” I mumbled, “But it was clear and bright a few minutes ago…” Another crack of thunder, this one far closer brought the answer back to me quickly. ‘Crap!’ I realized, ‘Sky had said this place has its own weather system!’ I shook my head at my stupidity and started back towards Ponyville at a quick trot. I wasn’t sure how deep into the forest I had gone, but I had been careful not to wander in too many different directions. I had also made sure to drag a hoof along the ground behind me to create a makeshift trail for me to follow back. The underbrush here was dense, so it was easy to follow the path I had made by lantern light. After about twenty minutes, the storm had grown far stronger than I’d have liked. The winds were growing increasingly violent, and the trees swayed above me steadily. Branches creaked and leaves and twigs started to rain down from the canopy above, jarred loose by the winds. It was shaping up to be a very bad storm. And to make matters worse, I had started to catch what sounded like a strange, distorted growl on the winds. I couldn’t be certain if it was a trick of the storm as it rushed through the trees, but it seemed to be growing louder by the minute. I played it off as a natural occurrence until I could be sure, but with a sinking feeling growing in the pit of my stomach, I gradually realized that whatever was making that noise, was following me. I slowed my pace and listened closely to the sounds. They were definitely growls, but they were odd. They sounded hollow somehow, and carried the same sound as creaking branches in the night. It was an alien, unnerving sound, but I did my best to stay calm. I had dealt with numerous animals before, wolves, bears, moose, even a rather unhappy mountain lion once, and fear only made you an easy target when dealing with a wild animal. I noticed the growls soften as I slowed my pace, but I could still make them out through the winds and growing thunder. Straining my ears against the background noise, I noticed that there were multiple origin points for the growl I was hearing, a half dozen at least. They were coming from behind me, and off to my left, and as I listened further I noticed another moving to cover my right as well. ‘Pack tactics,’ I realized, ‘I wonder if these are the Timber Wolves Sky Flare had mentioned?’ I loved wolves, they were one of my favorite animals, but that didn’t mean I wanted to run into a pack of them in the middle of a forest at night. I cleared my throat and took a steadying breath. “Hello?” I called out to them, “I’m sorry if I’m trespassing in your territory, I just found your forest so amazing I couldn’t help but take a look around. I hope you don’t mind.” There was a pause in the growls I heard, then they resumed, even louder than before. “Really?” I said aloud, “Everything else in this world talks! Don’t you guys too?” If they could, they didn’t respond to me. I glanced up and frowned at the rolling skies above. Lightning flashed at least every fifteen seconds and the winds were only growing stronger by the minute. ‘I wonder if I can fly in that…’ I thought doubtfully, ‘Probably not, but if I stay low, just above the trees, I should be alright... Ponyville can’t be too much farther now.’ I opened my wings and frowned at the soreness I could still feel in my ribs. I would have preferred not trying to fly just yet, but it was either that, or try my luck with some antisocial wolves on foot. I crouched low and raised my wings high. ‘One, two… Three!’ I leapt high into the air and flapped my wings hard for the first time since the demonstration. Fire burned in my chest, but I got some good lift despite the pain. I managed to get through the trees well enough, but the moment I broke through the canopy, the winds of the storm slammed into me like a literal wall. I had never flown in a storm before, let alone one this violent, and try as I might to force my way through it, I was being beaten back with unforgiving force. I tried to fight my way through the winds with everything I had, but with every flap of my wings, the pain in my chest grew steadily worse. I couldn’t keep this pace up for long, but I couldn’t land with those wolves down their either. A blinding flash exploded in front of me and I recoiled backwards in surprise. An abrupt shift in the winds caught me off-guard and I was slammed into a tree less than a second later. I quickly found myself tumbling head over heels, cashing into one branch after the next as I fell to the ground far below. I landed flat on my back in the brush and gasped shakily for air. I thought my ribs had hurt before, but now they were on a whole new level. I would have cried out from the pain had I any air left in my lungs, but as it was, all I could manage was to roll over onto my side and cringe at the pain now radiating from my chest “O-okay…” I whimpered, “You win… You were right Sky… This… Was a bad idea…” I took as deep a breath as I could manage and forced myself to my feet. I had lost my lantern in the tumble, and now I was surrounded by utter darkness. My only source of light was the rather frequent flashes of lighting above me, but that didn’t help much. I heard a deep, hollow growl from behind me and felt my stomach tense as I recalled the wolves. I had clearly not gotten very far if they were already behind me again. With a steadying breath, I turned to face the growing growls and quickly found several pairs of glowing amber eyes drifting about in the darkness like disembodied wisps. ‘One, two, three, four…’ I did my best to count the pairs while I could. I wouldn’t be able to fight off all of them if they attacked me, but if I had a rough estimate of how many there were at least, I’d have a better idea of what I was in for. ‘Thirteen,’ I finished, ‘Thirteen sets. Great…’ I could feel my adrenaline starting to course through my veins as the reality of my situation started to sink in. My fur and feathers stood up at the danger encroaching on me, and my heart started to beat like a drum in my ears. It was the calm before the storm, so to speak. Any moment now, one of those eyes would turn into a wolf on the hunt and I would be forced to act, injured ribs or no. I positioned myself so that my back was to the nearest tree and rose to my feet. It hurt to move like this, but my only hope now would be to surprise the first one with a quick hit, then try my luck in running away. I had four legs now, so I should be able to run at a halfway decent speed. Though I had never actually seen how fast I could go before. I had spent all my time flying through air, so running around hadn’t ever crossed my mind as something to try out. The wait was unbearable, but I had to hold my ground till the very last second. Without knowing where the attack was going to come from, running blindly would only get me killed. I took a deep breath and watched my surroundings, my every sense focused on the forest for any sign of the attack I knew was coming. With a crash of leaves and a flash of lightning, my hunters leaped for me. I only saw them for an instant, but they didn’t look like wolves. They looked more like matted meshes of tangled sticks and branches. I didn’t have enough time to get a good look, or to even be confused by what was leaping at me. I could only react and try to escape. I struck out with my right hoof and slammed it into the lead attacker. It felt like breaking a board. The creature buckled around my strike and rained down over my arm and into me like a scattered heap. I didn’t understand what had happened, but I couldn’t waste any time. I leaped past the pile of sticks and leaves and ran as fast as my four legs could carry me. Angered growls and snarls chased after me, but I seemed to be outrunning them, or at least matching them for the moment. The adrenaline driving me dulled the pain in my chest enough that I forgot about my ribs for the time being. I tried to open my wings and take flight again, but the forest was getting denser now, so I couldn’t even spread them to their full size without feeling one of them slam into a branch or get half snagged on a vine. ‘No good,’ I thought, ‘I can’t even get my wings open anymore!’ Luck had been on my side so far, and I had managed to avoid running headlong into a tree, or trip over some rock or root, but through the flashes of lightning above, I could still catch glimpses of the wooden creatures chasing me. They had managed to get parallel to me now and were starting to flank me, herding me deeper into the forest. I didn’t have long. Any second now they’d be on me once again, and this time they’d probably win. I shook my head angrily, trying to clear my head of the doubt I could feel growing within me. “No!” I growled aloud, “I will not lose now!” As if in response to my statement, a long, hollow howl drifted through the thunder and the creatures flanking me closed in fast. I could barely see, but with the thickness of the forests brush, I could hear them as they tore towards me. I leaped over the first one, but a second struck me hard in the flank and I tumbled to the ground. I felt a tearing pain in my hind end a moment later and struck out with my foot reflexively. I hit something and scrambled to get back to my feet. I managed to make it about a dozen strides before another creature slammed into me from the other side. My ribs screamed in protest as they were struck hard and my front legs gave out under me. I felt the ground rise up to meet my face, dirt and moss filling my nose as I slid to a stop, then an odd weightlessness overtook me. The ground seemed to have disappeared entirely, and as I flailed my limbs about I found nothing to be in reach. A final flash of lightning flared around me and I realized that I was falling. I was in a crevasse of some sort and falling fast. I shot my wings out to slow my fall, but with the light from the lightning already gone, I only managed to carry myself headlong into the far wall. With a sudden jolt, I slammed face first into what I could only assume was solid stone and began tumbling through the darkness. > The Darkness in the Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke with a start, half leaping to my feet as the fear of the creatures chasing me flashed in my mind. I cried out in agony the instant I moved and dropped back to the ground, gasping for breath as the pain nearly blinded me. I hurt an excruciatingly large amount, and in so many places that it would have been quicker to count the spots that didn’t hurt. I laid there, panting for what felt like an eternity as I waited for the flaring pain in my body to finally subside to a tolerable level. I couldn’t see anything but darkness, and all I could hear was a faint rumble of distant thunder. ‘The storm,’ I slowly realized, ‘it was still overhead.’ That meant that with how dark it was, it was still probably night, so I couldn’t have been unconscious for very long. Thankfully, none of the creatures that had been after me had seemed to have followed me down this hole. I was grateful for that, but at the same time, rather concerned for my own sake. I couldn’t fly, not like this, and there was no way I could climb back up that hole without my hands. I’d have to find a way out of this place on foot, but with how much pain I was in, that seemed like a nearly impossible feat. I couldn’t even stand up yet, but slowly, I began the tentative process of checking myself over to see what sort of shape I was really in. I started by carefully moving one limb after another, testing their range of motion and then feeling them over to make sure nothing was broken. I could feel a cold wetness under me as I started to move, and for a moment, I thought I may have been bleeding out, but I quickly realized it was simply rain water from the storm above. It was trickling down along the walls of the hole I had fallen into, and gradually pooling around me. The process seemed to take hours, but overall, I wasn’t in too bad a shape considering. I had some scrapes, and I was certain that bruises covered me from head to hoof, but nothing seemed life threatening from the outside. My left wing was burning, but the pain reminded me more of a sprained ankle then the pain of something broken. My ribs on the other hand, were definitely broken this time. Every breath felt like knives grinding inside of my chest, and on top of it all, I found my head spinning every time I tried to lift it up. I had trouble thinking clearly, and the more I tried to figure out what I should do next, the more I struggled to come up with a plan. I guessed that I probably had a concussion, or at least a minor closed head injury, which was almost as bad. I groaned and settled in as best I could. I couldn’t do anything in this darkness, so I’d have to wait until morning to try and find my way out of here. I could hear a steady dripping of water nearby, and with great effort and pain, managed to drag myself over to where it was loudest. My throat was bone dry and my head was still spinning like a top, but I needed water. I forced myself to drink as much of it as I could, then passed out without realizing it. I don’t know how long I slept for, but by the time I had woken back up, it was a new day, of that I was certain. Above me, I could see a sliver of light shining down from the forest above. It reached the ground near me, but it was only a small patch of sunlight. The hole I had fallen down was apparently quite deep, and it took me a minute to figure out how I had even survived the fall. Looking closely, I noticed several vines and mossy patches growing along the walls, and the floor too was covered in them. In my tumble down, I had probably gotten tangled up in the vines and then landed on a bed of moss. It wasn’t the smoothest descent, but it obviously did the trick, I was still alive. I couldn’t see much else around me, but with the aid of the light, I realized that I was in a rather large cave. The crevasse above me was narrow and filled with vines, but down here was open, and unnervingly silent. If it weren’t for the steady drip of water beside me, my heartbeat would have been the only sound in this place. I had no idea where to go, but I knew I couldn’t just stay here and wait for help. I had run around blindly for who knows how long, and with how thick this forest was, a tiny hole like the one above me would probably never be found. Using the wall as a brace, I forced myself to my feet and stood there shakily for a moment as the world began to spin around me at the change in position. My stomach churned and could feel my mouth starting to water. I was terrified I might throw up at any moment. I wasn’t afraid of the taste though, it was the contractions of my ribs that concerned me. If my body forced me to vomit right now, the pain I already felt would seem like nothing compared to what I’d feel then. I drew slow, deliberate breaths and held out as best I could. Eventually, I managed to calm my stomach back down, but the spinning of the cave combined with the throbbing pain in my body bore me back to the ground. It was at least an hour before I tried to rise again, and this time, though it still made the world spin sickeningly, I succeeded at staying on my feet. I had no idea which way to go, so I tried the only thing I could think of. I raised my right wing as high as I could manage. Similarly to how I would have licked a finger and held it out to check for a breeze, I used the feathers of my outstretched wing to sense the airflow around me. There was a steady breeze coming down from the hole above me, so it had to be going somewhere. Shifting my feathers a little at a time, I felt the winds around me more closely. In my lessons with Sky Flare, I had learned that my feathers were incredibly sensitive. They could detect so much more than I had first realized. Just by holding my wings out and feeling the air with them, I could detect even the smallest differences in air pressure, humidity, or current. Sky Flare had called it ‘Listening with your wings.’ I still didn’t have that good a hang of it, but I could at least feel which direction the wind was flowing with them. Eventually, I managed to narrow down the breezes path to a general area of the cave and headed that way. If the air could get out this way, I might be able to as well. It was a long shot, but it was the only thing I could think of trying in my condition. It was slow going and painful, but I forced myself into the darkness. I tried not to let my mind wander to what else could be down here with me, or what Sky Flare must be thinking right now. I knew I had messed up big time, but worrying wouldn’t help me right now. I had a hard enough time thinking straight as is, and drowning myself in regret and worry would only make things that much harder for me. I had only managed to make it about a hundred feet before I was rendered completely blind by the darkness of the cave. The sunlight from the hole I had fallen through couldn’t reach this far and I frowned disapprovingly at my apparent fate. I would have cursed, but I didn’t have the energy at the moment. I felt a small stone against my hoof and tried to kick it out of frustration instead, but I only succeeded in causing myself more pain. I whimpered and found my head starting to cloud over as my exhaustion threatened to steal my consciousness away once again. I shook my head in a futile attempt to rid myself of my exhaustion and tried to force myself to stay awake. “Focus Silver, focus!” I said to myself, “You can do this, just stay awake!” I paused at my own words as I recalled something from the day before. I shot my right hoof to my left arm and felt around for the magic bracelet Dawn had given me. It was still there, and I sighed with relief. ‘Yes!’ I thought, ‘This’ll work perfectly!’ I stretched my left arm out before me and focused on activating the bracelet’s magic. I had no target in mind, but I knew what happened when it was in use. Gradually, the tiny gemstone set in its face started to glow, and a soft green light spread out around me. It wasn’t much light, but in the total darkness I was engulfed in, it was more than enough to warn me of any more holes or other dangers hidden beneath the veil of otherwise impenetrable darkness. I made my way deeper and deeper into the cave. It seemed to go on forever. The air was thick and humid, and a heavy scent of moss filled my nose. Dark as it was, the thing that bothered me the most, was the sheer and utter silence of the place. Since I had left the tiny hole I had fallen through, there hadn’t been a sound. It was like a tomb. A dark, unending tomb I may very well never leave. I hadn’t found anything to hint at signs of life down here. No tracks, no waste, no bones, nothing but more darkness. I was both relieved and terrified by this. On the one hand, it meant I probably wouldn’t run into anything that would try and eat me, but on the other hand… It meant nothing else had been here in a very long time, if ever. And if nothing has ever been here, then that means that nothing can get here, which means I might not be able to make it out of here after all. I didn’t want to spend another night down in this cave, let alone the rest of my life, but it was looking like I had little choice in the matter. I sighed tiredly and laid down against the cave wall. I had no idea how much distance I had covered, but I couldn’t go any further, not today. Tired as I was, I just couldn’t seem to sleep. There was something off about this part of the cave, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. I still couldn’t hear anything, and the air still felt and smelled the same as before, but something wasn’t right… I raised my bracelet out before me and looked around again. I scanned the darkness carefully, and off to my left I was startled to actually find something. A saw a glint of light, a small reflection in the distance. It was probably just a shiny rock, but it could be a trickle of water. I got to my feet quickly and started for the reflection. My body protested the lack of rest, but I didn’t care. I had to find out what it was that was reflecting the light of my bracelet. Some fifty feet from where I had been laying, I found a small alcove stretching away from the main body of the cave. It was too deep for my light to reach very far, but I could make out a number of objects silhouetted in the darkness. I took a careful step into the alcove and felt a shiver run up my spine that set the fur covering me completely on end. I stepped away from the alcove reflexively as a deep foreboding sense of dread crept through me. The moment I stepped back however, the feeling disappeared. “What was that…?” I half whispered aloud. I had never felt anything like that before, and experimentally, I stepped into the alcove once again. The same sense of dread washed over me as I entered, and I forced myself to remain. It was a strange feeling, both terrifying and threatening. I took as calming a breath as I could manage and kept my eyes on the silhouettes ahead. I took another step into the alcove and had to fight to keep myself from running back into the main cave. I had no idea what was causing me to feel like this in here. I still couldn’t hear or see anything, and if I was stuck down here anyways, I had little to lose by entering this place. There was something in here, something from beyond this cave, and if I had any hope of ever getting out of here I had to know what it was. I was trembling with a fear I had never known, but I tried to ready myself as best I could and turned the light of my bracelet onto the silhouettes. I quickly came to realize I was in a furnished room. There was a desk a few feet ahead of me, and a rather ornate one at that. I moved closer to it and found there to be a whole slew of other items in this little off shoot. There were books, a globe of some sort, a few tables, and all sorts of other things. It made me think of a study, or an office of some sort. But by the looks of the dust and decay on the items, no one had been here in a great many years. As frustrating as it was to find a trace of someone that was no longer around, it did give me some glimmer of hope. It meant that there was a way in, and that I had to be close. A desk this size would have been very difficult to move far, so an exit had to be near. I wanted to look around a bit more, but the sense of danger and fear this place caused in me was almost suffocating. I turned and started at a pained trot back towards the cave in an almost frantic scramble. In my haste, I stumbled over a large spherical crystal that was half embedded in the floor. The moment my foot touched the crystal, a blinding flash filled the room and I yelped in fright and pain as I fell to the ground. An instant later, the fear permeating the very essence of this place vanished completely. I felt oddly content all of a sudden, almost like I was back in bed after a long nights rest. Gradually, the light faded away until darkness surrounded me once more. I frowned and focused on my bracelet to shed some light over my surroundings again, and noticed something odd about the light it now radiated. The usual green tint the gem held when in use, was now a deep black, with swirls of gold and dark blue flaring within. The light it gave off was a clearer tint of white now too, like the flash that had just blinded me. “Greetings Silver Wing…” A voice abruptly whispered from seemingly everywhere. "W-who’s there!?" I called out, rather startled by the sudden voice. I leaped to my feet and my body cried out at the shift in posture, the pain nearly dropping me to the ground once again. “I have been trying to reach you for some time,” the voice continued, “I am glad you stumbled upon this place…” "Who is there!?" I barked, "Show yourself!" I did not like this game of whispers in the darkness. If someone one here, I wanted to face them directly. Shadow games were not my cup of tea. "I am within." The voice whispered. It sounded softer, and closer this time, and I paused as its words confused my tired mind. "Within?” I repeated, “Within what?" "Within your mind." It answered simply. “W-what?” I stammered. The bracelet on my wrist pulsed brightly, shedding a light far brighter than I had been able to create throughout the entire room. As I looked down at it in surprise, I saw a hazy, shadow like glob seep out from the gemstone set in its center, and creep along the floor to the far wall. I had no idea what was going on, but I couldn’t handle any more surprises, and I wanted nothing to do with this scenario anymore. I tried to move away, but the bracelet on my wrist seemed to be locked in place somehow. I tried to slip my leg out of it, but the usual expansion it allowed was absent. I could neither move away from it, nor remove my own limb from its grasp. I could feel myself starting to panic as I watched the glob of shadow take on a form similar to that of a pony. I was too sore and tired to handle this anymore. I just wanted to go home. To be done with all this magic and monster stuff and be back with my family. I gave a frantic tug to try and free my arm from the bracelet and bucked around desperately, but I couldn’t even make the thing budge. "Calm yourself child," the voice said softly, "I am not your enemy… I seek only to aid you in achieving what you want most." I slowed my attempts at escape at its words and looked at the shadow unsurely. "What I want most?” I repeated slowly, “And just what do you think that is?” "To return to your own world," It answered, “To return to your family.” I tensed at its words and fell silent. How could it know I wasn’t from this world? And how did it know I wanted to go back to my family so bad? As I watched, the shadow grew denser and turned impossibly black. The shadows seemed to be writhing steadily is some unseen tide, spreading their darkness ever so slowly as they consumed the light nearest to it. Though it made no movements towards me, I could swear it was staring at me somehow, watching me just as closely as I watched it. “H-how do you know about that…?" I finally managed to ask. "I have been here, within your bracelet all this time,” The shadow explained, “And for countless ages before… Coming to this place however, has opened you to my voice." “What?” I said, not entirely understanding what the shadow was saying, “How?” “The light…” The shadow said, “Did you not see the flash of white that radiated a moment ago?” I glanced at the spherical crystal in the floor that I had tripped over. "You mean that light that went off when I touched that?" I asked. "Yes." The shadow replied. "So what was that light then?" I asked, “You waking up?” "In a sense,” The shadow explained, “I absorbed the power that dwelt within the crystal, and drew it into the gemstone that resides within your bracelet, so that I could speak with you in this fashion." I scrutinized my bracelet for a moment, then snorted. While I’m sure something like that was probably possible in this world, Dawn repaired this thing. She would have told me if there was a person living in it. "And why should I believe anything you say, huh?” I barked, “If you'd been in this bracelet the whole time, why didn’t Dawn say anything about you?" "A valid question," the shadow said, "The answer to which is simple. She did not know." "She's the one who fixed this thing!” I said, “So how couldn’t she have known?" "I shall rephrase…” The shadow stated, “Not all of her knew… The aspect she calls Starlight Dusk knew of me. I have spoken with him much over the years. But I was asked to leave Meadow Dawn to her own devices for the time being." ‘He’s been talking to Starlight?’ I thought. My head was still too foggy from the fall to think clearly, but I was doing my best to piece this latest puzzle together as best I could. "Why?" I asked slowly, “Why would Starlight not want you talking to Dawn?” "Starlight Dusk felt she would be better off learning from him,” The shadow replied, “So I teach him, and he in turn teaches her." "So you're this 'Teacher' Dawn's been going on about then?" I checked, finally recalling her mention of him. "I am." The shadow said, bowing its head politely. ‘Great…’ I half sighed, ‘I found the thing in the void the Princesses seemed concerned about. Why not?’ I looked at the shadow and realized with a start that it was now a fully formed pony. It looked a lot like Starlight, only completely black, and less… There. It seemed like even a gentle breeze would wipe this creature from existence, but in the stillness of this room, it held itself together well enough. “Alright…” I started slowly, not fully trusting this things tale, “Tell me then, if you’ve been in this bracelet this whole time, then how did you talk to Starlight before Dawn got here? She only got this bracelet after coming here.” “You are young yet, Silver Wing…” The shadow said, “And your knowledge of magic is limited. I was attempting not to overwhelm you with too much detail. But if you wish it, I will explain further on that matter.” “I do.” I said. I knew I didn’t know a whole lot about magic yet, but I could still understand some things. “I reside primarily in a realm that lies between the magical energies of all worlds,” the shadow explained, “That is where I encountered Starlight Dusk, and where he resides when not tethered to this world by his other half.” “Alright, so why say you’re inside my bracelet in the first place then?” I asked. “Because I am,” The shadow answered, then explained further as if sensing my impending question, “All magic is connected. It is an energy, pure and wild, but it can be tamed, channeled, focused. Where I reside, the magical forces of all mingle and interact. It is through these magical energies and their connections that I can reach out and communicate with suitable receivers. The crystal in this room was such a receiver, until you came into contact with it. At that moment, I sensed your presence and moved the connection to your bracelet so that we might speak.” “…Why?” I asked. I could understand the bit about magic being connected, but not how this thing cold move those connections around, let alone see and talk through them. I didn’t exactly trust this thing, but I’d have to take its word on that for the time being. “To aid you in returning to your world.” It stated. I half frowned at that. There was definitely something off about this thing, but at the same time, it was a magical creature in a world filled with magic. So for all I knew, my gut feeling might just be prejudice because this thing is so unlike anything I’d ever known. "Fine,” I said, “Let's say I believe you. How can you help me?" "I can teach you the magic necessary for you to open a gateway to your world." The shadow said simply. "I'm not a Unicorn,” I scoffed, “I can't do magic." "Yet you possess the capability to move objects with magic as a Unicorn does, do you not?" the shadow stated. I frowned a little at that. "Only because Dawn gave me this bracelet,” I said, “And it can't do anything else beyond that." "The bracelet you possess,” the shadow said slowly, “Do you know how it works?" "Not entirely," I admitted, "But I know it has some of Dawns magic stored in it. Magic meant to move things." "While there is a great deal more to it than you say, you are correct in the simplest of terms." The shadow said nodding. Abruptly, the shadow collapsed in on itself then pooled into a central mass before me. A few moments later, the mass formed itself back into the same pure black pony shape. The shadow had a horn on its head this time, like a Unicorn would, but it had no other discernible features. No main, no real tail or cutie mark, not even eyes were present on its face. It was unnerving to stare at, and I tried to take a step back, preparing to evade or defend myself if this thing came at me, but the bracelet on my leg was still anchored in place by some unseen force. "That bracelet is a conduit of sorts,” the shadowed pony said, “It channels the power stored within it to create the imbued effect. In this case, the effect is movement. Should you accept my aid however, I would become your conduit instead. And through me, you would wield a great many abilities so many others take for granted in this world. You would rival any Unicorn in their capabilities, and with my guidance, create a doorway back to the world from whence you came." "That sounds good in theory,” I said, still subtlely trying to free my leg, “But even here, no one gives something like that for nothing. What do you want in return? Why help me?" The shadow pony looked down at my leg, and a moment later I stumbled backwards as the force holding my bracelet in place vanished. I landed hard on my backside and cringed at the pain my fall shot through me. The shadow pony turned away from me and dropped its head sadly. "I too know what it is like to be barred from ones’ home,” it said, “It is a terrible, unending emptiness that festers within the heart and soul until nothing remains but despair… In returning you to your home, I would feel a sense of accomplishment in my own exile. What I want, is to atone for my sins by aiding those in need." "A-a noble statement," I said shakily, "But what have you done to wind up exiled? What sins were you charged with?" "Ages ago,” the shadow explained, “I was made to better the world. To protect and cultivate its growth and bring ease of life to all. But when my creator grew tired of me and moved on to newer things, I was forgotten. I sought to improve myself on my own and complete the task I had been created to fulfill. I was stripped of my power and banished for such thinking, reduced to what you see before you now. A wraith, trapped between worlds and forced to drift eternally in nothingness. My desire to be free disobeyed my creators desire to forget me. That was my sin. To atone for that, I seek only to aid those in need. But there are few that can even hear me now..." I gave up trying to stand back up and let myself stay seated as I listened to the shadows’ tale. It sounded like his creator was a bit of a dick, but one thing my time in law enforcement had taught me, was that no matter how something sounded, there was always some part of the picture you weren’t getting. "I don’t understand something though,” I said, trying to watch for any body language in the creature before me, “If you've been stripped of all your power, how could you possibly still help me?" "That is where things grow more… Complicated." the shadow said. It seemed almost to sigh, then it faced me again and continued speaking. "There is a way that I can regain my power, piece by piece. But I would need your aid first for that to happen." My eyes narrowed a little at that. "How so?" I asked slowly. "As I absorbed the magic within this crystal to appear before you now, so too will I be able to draw the power from other sources." The shadow said. "So what, you feed on magic then?" I asked. "I rather improper term," the shadow said, seemingly hurt by my words, "But if you wish to see it that way, so be it. Yes, I feed off magical energies. And in turn, my powers and your chances of returning home will increase. It is however, an unfortunately slow process... And there is one other complication…." ‘Of course there is…’ I thought. "And that is?" "I possess no physical form of my own," the shadow said, "No vessel within which to store any useful amount of magical energy. In order to act as your conduit and aid you in returning to your world, I would need to share your body until the task is complete." I did not like the sound of that, not at all. "And what guarantee do I have this isn't just some trick to... I don’t know, possess me or something when you've eaten enough magic?" I asked. I tried not to sound rude, but I was more than a little put off by this things proposal. Like I’d share my body with something I didn’t even know. Sure, it might be able to get me home faster that Dawn could, but I had no way of knowing that for sure, and I wasn’t about to take a risk like that when Dawn was proving to be more than capable with her magic. "I would give you my word," the shadow said, "My word that I will return you to your world." The shadowed Unicorn lowered its head slowly and touched its horn to the crystal set into the floor. A pulse of light rippled out across the ground and formed into a set of rings filled with strange symbols and markings unlike anything I had ever seen. "W-what is this...?" I asked as I watched the glowing rings shift slowly all around me. "Proof of my word," the shadow said, "This is a spell of binding. It will bind me to you until our contract is complete. Through it, you will be able to draw upon my power, and I to draw on the power of your surroundings to strengthen us both." “And if you break your word?” I asked, “What does this spell do then?” “Contracts such as this are made of very old magic,” the shadow explained, “And they hold severe repercussions if their terms are ever broken.” “How severe?” I asked. “It depends on the spell,” the shadow explained, “But with a spell such as this, the most common form of recompense, is death.” “Wait, so you’ll die if you break you word!?” I gasped. “Technically no,” the shadow answered, “I would not. I would instead be stripped of all the power I had regained and returned to the realm between worlds where I am eternally bound.” “And me?” I checked. “You would remain unharmed,” the shadow assured me, “You would feel drained for a time, a matter of days at most, but then you would be as you were before the binding.” I fell silent for a moment as I thought about its offer. If this spell did work like he says it did, he couldn’t do anything but help me. Still though, I had no way of knowing what these glowing rings really did, and I hurt too much to try and question this thing until it either slipped up, or I felt it was being honest with me. I stared at the markings on the floor and tried my best to memorize them. I wasn’t about to do something like this without some research first. His offer sounded genuine, and seemed like a surefire way to get me home. I mean, he’s the one teaching Dawn after all, so having her teacher help me directly instead was of course better. But, I just couldn’t risk something like this without knowing more. "So what does this contract say exactly then?" I asked, realizing I hadn’t spoken in a while now due to my own thoughts. "It states that I am to aid you until we hold enough power to return you to your world,” the shadow replied, “My power, my knowledge, and my advice will be yours to utilize as you see fit until then." "And after I go home, what happens to you then?" I asked. "Without a physical body with which to contain my magic, I would return to being as you see now." The shadow said. "And you're alright with that?" I asked. "Yes," the shadow said simply, "It would allow me to continue to linger in places such as this once more and await another soul in need of my aid." Then it chuckled at me. “You are not the first whom I have aided since I was banished, and I hold no doubts that you will not be the last.” I looked back at the markings on the floor and half frowned at them. The shadow really sounded friendly enough, and his explanations and intentions did seem genuine, but… I don’t know if it was because of how clouded my head was after the fall, or some hidden Equine sense I didn’t know I now had, but something just didn’t seem right about this thing. There was something more it wasn’t telling me, something I was missing, but I just couldn’t figure out what it could be. "I-I don't know about this," I said tentatively, "I don't exactly know you, and I mean no offence but… Why should I trust you?" I tried to word my decline as politely as possible. I didn’t know if this thing would attack me or not for refusing its help or if even could, but I tensed my body and readied myself to run as best I could if things became heated. "Your reluctance is understandable,” the shadow said with a nod, “Take what time you need to decide. I will remain." It lowered its head to the crystal once more, and like a wif of smoke in the wind, the magical circles and markings vanished into thin air. I felt a little relieved at that, then chuckled weakly as the shadows words played again in my mind. “What is it that has amused you so?” the shadow asked. “Sorry,” I said quickly, “It’s just… Well, I don’t really have all that much time to decide, now do I?” I tried to get back to my feet, but my legs refused the change in posture, so I laid down tiredly instead. The shadow took a step towards me and titled its featureless face at me. “Why do you not?” it asked, “Your injuries, though numerous, can be treated.” “I have no idea how to get out of here,” I sighed, “And even if I did, those wolves would probably find me the moment I step foot into the forest. If they’re not already down here looking for me.” “You need not worry about the Timber Wolves while in this place,” the shadow stated, “They do not come near these catacombs.” “Really?” I said, more than a little surprised, “Why not?” “Though it is weak now, the crystal within the floor of this room serves as a repellent to them,” the shadow explained, “It emits a rather subtle barrier that wills all manner of lesser life to stay away.” “Lesser life?” I repeated. “Yes, like the timber wolves, insects, or small creatures of the wild,” the shadow continued, “They do not hold as high a level of understanding and comprehension as we do. As such, they are easy to manipulate with magical means.” “Wait, so that feeling I got when I came near here was this… Repellent crystal?” I asked, finally understanding why this alcove had felt so dangerous when I first approached it. “Correct,” the shadow said, “Though while you were able to overpower its effects, lesser life cannot. It goes against their basest instincts. As such, they will never come to this place of their own volition.” “That’s a hell of a repellent,” I said, “I almost didn’t come in here myself because of it…” I paused, then looked from the crystal, to the shadow worriedly. “You turned off the field when I touched the crystal though, didn’t you?” “I did,” the shadow said, “I felt we would have an easier time speaking to one another without it clouding your thoughts.” “But, if you turned it off, then doesn’t that mean the Timber Wolves come down here now?” I asked, starting to grow a little panicked as my exhaustion drove vivid flashes of the night before back into the forefront of my mind. “This repellent has been here for many centuries,” the shadow explained, “Even with the magic silenced, no creatures would dare to venture here for many generations. Such is the nature of lesser life forms. They do not question their fears, they only obey them.” “You said I could overpower the crystals effects,” I said, trying to piece what it really did together, “So its effects are more like a suggestion then? A strong suggestion, but a suggestion nonetheless. In this case, ‘it’s dangerous here, go away?’” “In very simple terms, yes.” the shadow said with a nod. “So it’s a form of mind control then?” I gasped as the realization came to me. I was a little shocked to find that such magic existed here. Mind control went right up there with mind reading and dream spying for invasion of privacy and abuse of basic rights, but as bad as I felt they were, I still wanted to catalogue everything that could be used against me in the future. "In a sense,” the shadow said, “But not to the extreme that you fear. It is less dominance of the mind and more a deep rooted, instinctual suggestion. One lesser life finds very difficult to ignore. But as you experienced first hoof in the case of these caves, it holds little effect on higher life.” “That sounds really useful then,” I admitted, “If it wasn’t stuck in the floor, I’d ask if I could borrow it to keep those wolves away while I figured a way out of this place.” “Unfortunately, the crystal no longer holds enough power for something like that,” the shadow said, “It will only serve to prolong the barrier within these caves now, however…” “What…?” I asked. It was clear this thing was thinking about something, and its sudden silence was somehow more unnerving to me than it talking had been. The shadow bowed its head politely to me then spoke, slowly and deliberately. "I believe we can be of great aid to one another, Silver Wing,” it started, “But I will never force my aid upon you. Should you so choose to accept my offer, I will be here, ready to help you when you have need of me. But, that does not mean I will allow you to succumb to your injuries in this place. You are trapped down here. The Timber Wolves will not allow you to leave the forest alive, and you can be barely remain upright....” “…I’m aware…” I groaned, and sunk lower to the ground. “You may not yet desire the full extent of my aid,” the shadow said, “But would you be willing to accept a small gift?” “A gift?” I said, looking at the shadow a little confused, “What sort of gift?” “I have absorbed most of the crystals magic in order to speak with you in this manner,” the shadow explained, “I could transfer its powers to your bracelet, if you wish.” “W-what?” I gasped, sitting up in surprise, “But how? Dawn said it was only meant to move things.” “Meadow Dawn is young still, Silver Wing,” the shadow stated, “And she knows only a small fraction of the ways of magical transference. I assure you, it can be done. However, it will not be a permanent gift… In a years time, the power I would imbue would begin to fade unless recharged.” A wave of hope crashed over me at the shadows words, and before I could think things through, my mouth was already speaking my mind. “It would let me get past those wolves now though, right?” I blurted out hopefully. “It would.” the shadow stated. I frowned at myself for not having better control of my tongue and shook my head as I thought about what that would mean. “I… I don’t know how I feel about mind controlling things though…” I sighed, “It’s not right…” “They are not true beasts child, they are merely creatures born of the magic of the Everfree Forest,” the shadow explained, “Some claim they are lost souls that seek the life they once possessed, others that they are the creations of a Unicorn gone mad in days long since passed. Whatever the truth of their natures are, they are not more than instinct driven predators that seek out prey wherever they can find it. There is no harm in willing them to leave you be while you escape this forest.” “I guess you’re right…” I said slowly, “But forcing something to do anything against its will isn’t something I think I can do…” “Look at yourself child…” the shadow almost seemed to plead, “You can barely stand, let alone run or fly. You have no other options… You can either remain here until you succumb to your injuries, or you can accept my small gift and save yourself. Either way, the choice is yours… But if you truly wish to return to the world from whence you came, then should you not expend all options available to you?” After a few moments of thought, I let out a small sigh and nodded. It was right. If it meant keeping me alive long enough to get home, I’d will every animal in this forest to leave me alone. “Alright…” I agreed, “Please… Transfer the magic of the crystal into my bracelet.” “As you wish,” the shadow said softly, “Simply touch the bracelet to the crystal once again, and remain there until the light fades.” The shadow seemed oddly pleased by my decision, but I was too tired to think why anymore. I did as it asked, and placed my hoof atop the crystal. At first, nothing happened, but as the shadows around me started to fade, the crystal grew bright once again. In a few moments, the light was too bright for me to see through, and I closed my eyes as I looked away. I stood there in silence, eyes forced shut for several seconds. I half wondered if I had done the right thing in accepting this things gift, but it was too late to worry about that now. I needed to get back to Sky Flare, and more importantly, I needed to stay alive long enough to get back home. I had made a colossal mistake in coming to this forest like I had. I realized that now with a degree of embarrassment and shame that only hindsight like this could bring. Sky Flare had been right about the dangers this place possessed, but part of me was still glad I had come. For every failure, a lesson is learned, and I learned a doozy of a lesson this time… I opened my eyes cautiously and found darkness all around me. I couldn’t hear or see anything, and I felt my stomach tense at the nothingness. “S-so that’s it?” I asked tentatively, not sure what was going on anymore. “…That is it...” the shadow called. Its voice was far softer now, barely even a whisper to my ears. I focused on my bracelet for a moment, and its light grew around me, lighting the darkness a little. I looked around, but I couldn’t see the shadow pony anymore. It took me a moment, but then I recalled it saying that it had absorbed the power of the crystal to speak with me in the first place, so I assumed that since it had shared that power with me, it must be weaker now. Too weak to even form into something again. “Thank you very much for the gift,” I said, “I won’t forget it.” I waited for a reply, and when I didn’t get one, I spoke again. “Do you have a name by the way?” I called out, “It seems a little rude of me to take a gift from you and leave without actually knowing who you are.” “…I am simply a teacher…” the shadow whispered to me, “…One who seeks to aid any who are in need…” “Teacher’s a title though,” I said, “If you want, I will call you that, but I’d rather actually know who’s helped me, you know?” There was a long silence, then the whispered voice returned. “…Very well then…” the shadow mused, “…I have had many names in my time… But if you wish a name to connect me with… You may call me… Perdias…” “Perdias?” I repeated. It didn’t sound like any name I’d heard of before, and it felt out of place compared to the normal naming scheme the rest of Equestria seemed to have, but it was something I could call this creature at least, something a little nicer than 'Shadow', or 'Thing'. “…Yes… Perdias...” Perdias assured me. “Well, thank you very much then, Perdias.” I said. I tried to give a polite bow, but my ribs cried out in grinding protest and I immediately regretted my forgetfulness. “…Take care of yourself child…” Perdias called softly, “…And remember… If you ever find yourself in need of my aid… You know how to find me…” “I won’t forget,” I groaned, trying to calm the burning in my chest, “T-though I probably won’t be back. Dawn’s learning from you and Starlight after all. So with you two guiding her, I’m sure she’ll get me home in the long run.” “…Yes…” Perdias said, his voice now barely even registering in my ears, “…I am sure she will be of great use in that regards…” Perdias seemed to vanish entirely after that, and I was left alone in the dim light of my bracelet once again. “W-wait!” I called out as I realized something, “How do I get out of here!?” I caught the sound of my own echo and nothing else for the longest time. “…Follow cave…” Perdias whispered, “…Right…” I wasn’t sure if I had actually heard his voice answer me, or if my mind was just playing tricks, but despite calling out again and again for a clearer reply, I only heard my own voice calling back from the darkness. Reluctantly, I started back towards the main cave and followed it to the right, hoping with all my heart that this really was the way to go. I lost track of how long I had been wandering through the darkness. It felt like days, but I hadn’t slept again to my knowledge, so I knew it couldn’t have been more than a few hours. I was grateful for the glow of my bracelet, but as my exhaustion rose to new heights, it became harder and harder to keep my focus on the tiny gemstone lighting my way. This cave really did seem to go on forever, and there were still no signs of anything beyond more rock ahead of me. I wanted to lay down, to rest for even a minute and sleep for as long as I could, but I knew if I did that, I might not be able to get back up again. Sometimes, resting when you were this tired was worse that pushing on, and I knew this was one of those times. As I plodded along, a sudden breeze washed over me and I shuddered as a chill ran up my spine. It felt refreshing, and the air that flowed with it was sweet and cool. I smiled into it, then paused as I realized what it was, fresh air! There was a breeze here, and a strong one too. That meant an opening had to be close by for the air to be this cool and fresh. I stumbled onwards as fast as I could manage, and gradually found the darkness of the cave to be lifting. I came to a sharp bend in the cave, and just beyond it I found a steep incline like a length of stairs with daylight radiating at the top. I had never felt so happy to see the light of day in my entire life, and had my ribs not have been broken like they were, I would have ran up that slope so fast, an Olympic athlete would have been jealous. At the top of the slope, I found thick vines covering most of the entrance to the cave. A small section off to the side was still open to the outside though, and through it, a strong breeze flowed into the cave. It was almost as if the earth itself were breathing around me, but I didn’t take time to savor the moment. I was just too happy at being in direct sunlight once again to think about anything else. In fact, I was so happy, I could feel tears welling in my eyes at the sheer relief I felt washing over me. I’d be back with Sky Flare, in Ponyville, in no time now! I pushed my way through the opening in the vines and took a deep, refreshing breath of the cool damp air of the forest. Then I cringed and doubled over as my ribs reminded me none to gently that they were broken. I dropped to my knees and took in several short, ragged breaths before forcing myself back to my feet. I had to keep going. I couldn’t afford to pass out here in the open. I wasn’t certain how exactly to use the magic Perdias had given me, but I was positive that it wouldn’t work if I was unconscious. I headed into the forest and kept walking in a straight line. I had no idea where Ponyville was from here, but I figured if I just went straight, I’d find the edge of the forest eventually, and from there I could follow it to someplace with help. I’d hadn’t even been walking for ten minutes when the foulest smelling odor crept over me. It was unlike anything I’d ever smelled before. It was like a skunk, but thicker and not quite as sharp. It was so thick though, I could almost taste its bitterness on my tongue. “Oh god, what is that!?” I winched, drawing an arm across my face to cover my nose. As if in response to my comment, I heard a low, hollow growl from the bushes ahead of me and froze in my tracks. I could feel my fur stand up on end and watched in fear as something stalked out of the brush ahead of me. The creature stood on four legs and was nearly as big as I was, only instead of fur and muscle, this thing was made of sticks, leaves, and tree bark. It was a Timber Wolf, and now that I was seeing one in the light of day, it was a spectacular, terrifying sight to behold. It was no wonder ponies didn’t want to come into this forest, if things like these grew right out of the ground itself. In my exhaustion and single minded focus to make it to the edge of the forest, I must have missed their approach entirely, that, or I unwittingly walked right into them without realizing it. Either way, I was about to find out if Perdias’s gift would really work on these things or not. Quickly, I pointed my bracelet at the wolf and focused as best I could on it. “Go away!” I yelled, trying my best to will that desire to reach it, “Go on! Shoo!” The Timber Wolves eyes glowed angrily at me and it took a threatening step forwards. I caught the sound of several more Timber Wolves moving about in the underbrush around me and frowned. The foul smell surrounding me grew steadily stronger and I quickly realized that it was coming from the Timber Wolves themselves. I must have missed their odor the other night due to the high winds of the storm. “L-leave me alone!” I barked. The wolf slowed, but it continued towards me in the same threatening manner. I started to panic. The bracelet wasn’t working. I was telling it to go away and nothing was happening. I was going to be eaten here and never get home! My friends and family would never know what had happened to me, and Sky Flare… I don’t know what she’d think… I shook the thought from my mind and glanced around for a possible escape route. It was no use though. I was surrounded now and I felt trapped like a rat in a cage… Then I remembered what Perdias had said. It was suggestions, instinctual suggestions that the crystal put out. ‘Go away’ and ‘Leave me alone’ weren’t instinctual suggestions, those were human things, intellectual things. I’d need something simpler, something lower, something stronger. I glared back the wolf ahead of me and focused. I remembered that sinking, oppressive feeling of dread and fear that the crystal had first put into me and I threw that feeling into my bracelet as hard as I could. “Fear me!” I yelled. I slammed my foot down into the mossy dirt to make myself seem as threatening as possible and stood my ground. The gemstone in my bracelet grew dark for a moment, then pulsed a rich gold-blue light. Immediately, the Timber Wolf ahead of me raised its head up, then let out a pitiful yelp and ran off into the forest whimpering. The rest of the wolves quickly followed after the first, some even scrambling over each other in an almost comical display of terror. I felt sorry for them, but I also felt indescribably relieved. I couldn’t help but let out a weak laugh as my nerves got the better of me. I was shaking on my feet. My knees felt like they were made of jelly, and for the moment, I forgot how to move. “They left,” I chuckled, “T-they actually left…” I laughed, despite the pain it caused in my chest, then I collapsed. By the time I woke up, night had already fallen. The wolves hadn’t come back, and nothing else had seemed to have found me yet. I was grateful to be alone, but I was still in danger. I needed water, and I needed heat. I was shivering uncontrollably thanks to the cold dampness of the ground, and it took me far longer than I would have liked to get back onto my feet and moving again. My legs felt they were made of lead, but eventually, they loosened up enough to let me move at a decent pace. I walked in as a straight a line as the forest would allow. I had no landmarks to go off of, especially in the dark, but by the light of my bracelet I made my way. A few hours into the forest, I was surprised to find my way barred by what looked to be a chest high wall. After some digging around in the vines, I realized it wasn’t a wall but a well-made fence. It was old and made of stone, and the forest had reclaimed most of it, but it was a fence nonetheless. I couldn’t climb over it in my condition though, so I followed it until I found an opening large enough for me to slip through. I wandered around inside the fenced off area for a bit, until I came across a house. At least, I thought it was a house at first, but after getting closer to it I realized it was way too big. The building was made of the same well worked stone as the fence I had found, and the wood siding was in surprisingly good shape, aside from being covered in moss and ivy. It was clear that no one had been to this place in a very long time, aside from the countless fireflies that seemed to call this place home anyways. I made my way to what I assumed was the front and found a sign hanging at an angle by a broken section of chain. I raised my arm up to shed more of my bracelet’s light over it so I could read what it said. “Serenity Inn,” I read aloud, “Huh…” ‘An Inn?’ I thought, ‘In the middle of the Everfree Forest? Why would someone ever build an Inn here?’ Then I realized the answer. No one would have. They would have built it near the edge of the forest as a travel stop, likely some hundred years ago or more by the look of the place, and the forest must have overtaken it. I tore some of the ivy off the door and pushed my way inside. The door creaked thunderously, but other than that, there wasn’t a sound to be heard inside the place. “Hello?” I called, though I was fairly certain no one was here. I waited a few moments for a reply, and when none came, I started to explore. Normally, I’d have loved to explore an old place like this from top to bottom, but right now, all I was focused on was finding the main room. A place like this was sure to have a fireplace to keep it warm. I wasn’t sure if I could light a fire without my hands, but I’d worry about that later. For now, I needed to work one step at a time. It didn’t take me long to find the room I sought. There were tables all around, what looked to be a bar off to the side, and a massive fireplace of carved stone in the far wall. Etched into the stone above the mouth of the fireplace, was a pair of Alicorns circling one another. I had spent enough time in Canterlot to be able to recognize Equestria’s flag and I smirked as it reminded me of countless bars I’d been to in America. Ignoring the architecture of the place for the time being, I checked the fire pit itself over. Unfortunately, the flue had been left open… So years of rain and weather had turned the pit into a mossy mess of rotten wood and debris. I sighed, and went to the bar to look around. They had to have something to light their fires with. Matches, flint and firesteel, a lighter, spark rocks, something… The inside of the rest of the Inn was in fairly good condition, so a box of matches, if kept dry, should still be usable. At least, I hoped they would be. Luckily, it didn’t take me long to find what I was looking for. Back behind the bar, was a tinderbox. It was a small box with a piece of flint, and a firesteel. There were other compartments for charred cloth and what I think used to be matches, but they were all destroyed by time and improper storage. The flint and firesteel would still work just fine though. I carried the box back over to the fireplace, then scrapped out as much of the debris as I could. My ribs burned from the exertion, but I needed to get warm, so I did my best to ignore the pain and gathered some firewood from outside. I built up the fire like one would a campfire. I had a bunch of dried moss on the bottom, with smaller sticks stacked up into a little peak. I also had some larger logs nearby, ready to be thrown on when the fire got going. If I could even get it going… Focusing on my bracelet, I drew the flint and the firesteel up with its magic and began striking them against each other. Sparks flew free time and time again, but no matter many times I struck them together, my little pile of wood and moss just wouldn’t catch. “Come on…” I groaned, “Can’t I get a little bit of a break!?” I frowned at the flint and firesteel as they continued to fail me and sighed. Then I recalled the night I had snuck out of the hotel with the lantern. I had slipped a box of matches into my vest before I left to light my lantern with in the forest! I dropped my tools and felt my chest over frantically, and sure enough, there was the small matchbox tucked safely away in my breast pocket. I realized then that I really must have a head injury if it took me this long to remember I had matches the whole time. I drew the box out of my pocket and sighed at the ceiling. “Thank you for the break.” I said softly. Using the bracelet, I struck a match on the box and it burst to life with a yellow glow. I smiled victoriously and slid the flames into my little pile of wood. The flames caught fast, and I with a little gentle blowing, I soon had a small fire going. The warmth it gave was wonderful, and my body absorbed the heat like a sponge. I checked to make sure that the smoke was flowing up and out of the chimney, then settled down beside it. I’d rest here for the night and stay warm by the fire, and tomorrow, I’d find the remnants of the path out of this Inn and follow that out of the forest and beyond. I didn’t remember falling asleep that night, but when I awoke the next day, it was to the sound of someone calling my name. “Silver?” the voice called, “Silver wake up!” I looked up groggily and was surprised to find Sky Flare standing over me. Her hair was unkempt and wild, and she looked almost as tired as I felt. “…Sky?” I said, not entirely believing my eyes. “Oh thank Celestia, you’re alright!” she gasped. I winced in pain as she practically dove onto me and hugged me close. She must have caught my reaction, as she instantly let me go and stepped back. “You’re hurt?” she realized, “Where? How bad?” I breathed slowly and deliberately to calm my ribs and I smiled at her tiredly. “Missed me did ya?” I teased, though I was sure my ragged breathing failed to carry my usual humor with it. Sky Flare just stared at me seriously, with an expression I hadn’t seen before. It looked almost like she was about burst into tears at any moment, and though I wanted to try and make light of the scenario, I decided to just be honest this time and tell her straight. “My ribs are broken,” I started, “I don’t know how many or how bad. My wing’s sprained for sure, but it may be broken too, and I think I have a concussion.” Then my humor slipped in anyways and I smiled at her. “Unless you’re not really there and I’m just talking to myself… Then I probably have to add brain damage to that list too.” “I’m really here, Silver.” Sky Flare said with a shake of her head. She raised a fore hoof and gently rested against my left shoulder. “…See?” she added smiling. I tried to resist the urge, but I just couldn’t help it. I’d always dealt with pain and stressful situations with humor, and I hadn’t the energy to resist my nature anymore. “Now I know I’m hallucinating!” I chuckled at her, “There’s no way you’d ever let me get away with something like this and not deck me for it!” She frowned at me, then a moment later, I felt one of her wings strike me in the side of my head. I grasped at my head and whimpered, cursing myself for my tongues lack of restrain. “You believe me now you big idiot!?” she barked at me, “Or do I need to prove it a few more times? ‘Cause believe me, I’d love to do it all night!” “N-no, it’s okay, you’re real, you’re real, I’m sorry…” I apologized quickly. I heard her sigh, then I caught the sound of her sniffling and looked up at her worriedly. She had her back to me now, but I could tell that she was crying. “Sky… I’m sorry that I worried you…” I said softly. “I wasn’t worried,” she half chocked out as she wiped a foreleg across her face, “I know how hard you are to beat. Like the Everfree could ever keep you down.” I looked down and sighed. I didn’t think it was possible, but somehow, having made Sky Flare cry made me feel even worse than the broken ribs did… “I really am sorry Sky…” I whispered, “It was stupid of me to do… I should have listened to you about this place…” “I said I wasn’t worried!” She barked back at me, “I just didn’t want my dads’ vest ruined, that’s all!” “Okay Sky,” I said, half smiling at that, “Then how bout we get it back to Ponyville and cleaned up, eh?” “Yeah…” She said. She took a deep breath, and I saw her wipe her leg across her face again, then she turned back to me with a smile on her face. “First things first though,” she smirked, “Unzip it.” “W-what?” I stammered. “The vest,” Sky Flare stated, “Unzip it.” “W-why?” I asked, taking half a step back, though my ribs stopped me from moving any further. “You said you broke some of your ribs,” she said, “We’re not moving anywhere until I check you over and see if you can safely travel.” I don’t know why that caught me so off guard, but it did. I could understand her reasoning though, so I carefully laid down on my side and tried to focus the magic of my bracelet to unzip my vest. Unfortunately, I seemed to have lost the ability to focus enough to us it and I frowned heavily. Sky Flare must have seen my difficulty, because before I had even realized it, she was knelt down in front of me with her face near to my chest. I tensed again as I found her so close to me and looked away as I felt an embarrassed blush creep over my face. If she noticed, she didn’t say anything and went about her task in silence. She grasped at the zipper of my vest with her teeth and pulled it down slowly. The shift in the fabric hurt immensely, but I didn’t say anything. She had enough on her mind as is, and I knew she had to check me over anyways no matter how much it hurt. Opening my vest, I caught a gasp escape Sky Flare’s lips and frowned. “…That bad eh?” I asked, though I didn’t bother to look. “Well it’s not good Silver…” she whispered, “What did you do? Fly into a tree?” “More like I fell down a rather deep hole…” I admitted. “You idiot…” she sighed. Carefully, she re-zipped my vest and stood up. “You wait here,” she said softly, “I’m going to go get some help from Ponyville.” “I made it this far,” I said tiredly, “I can make it back to Ponyville on my own Sky.” “No!” Sky Flare barked. She pressed a fore hoof against my chest softly and continued, “I’m going to go get some help, then we’re taking you back to the hospital in Ponyville, where you’re gonna stay, in bed, until you’re fully healed! Then, when you’re all better, I’m gonna break your wings for making me worry like this in the first place! Is that clear!?” I smirked at her and let out a victorious sigh. “I knew you were worried about me.” I cooed. The glare she gave me made me long for the Timber Wolves to return and I shrank back instantly. I nodded in agreement with her plan, and didn’t say another word. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, do not leave this room!” she barked, then she too fell silent and sighed at me. “Please…” she whispered softly. “I’ll be here,” I said just as quietly, “I promise.” Sky Flare got to her feet and turned to leave, then glanced back at me worriedly for a moment, before leaving the room. “H-hey Sky?” I called after her. She returned to the room a moment later, a look of concern on her face. “How did you even find me?” I asked. “Your fire,” she said, “I saw the smoke, and followed it to this place. That was a really smart idea.” “You know…” I said weakly, “I’d like to say that was my plan, using the smoke to get attention, but the truth is… I was just really cold and it was all I could think of to warm up.” She smiled at me and shook her head. “Either way, it worked,” she said, “Now try and get some rest. I’ll be back with help before you know it.” “You don’t have to worry about that one,” I assured her, “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon…” She smiled at me for a moment, though I could see the concern in her eyes, then she left to go get help. Part of me wanted to try and follow after her, but even my stubbornness had its limits. My body was beat, and I knew it. I hated to get help, especially for something that I brought onto myself, but I knew when to suck it up and let others do what they had to. This was one of those times. So I settled in and let myself drift off to sleep. When I woke up next, Sky Flare would be back with help and I’d be hauled off to Ponyville where a warm bed would be waiting, and no Timber Wolves or shadow creatures would bother me. > Different World, Same Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’d been confined to my bed in the Ponyville medical center for almost two whole months now. Sky Flare had been adamant that I fully recover from my injuries before we did any more traveling, and she even threatened to get the Princesses if I refused to listen to her. I wasn’t scared of Celestia or Luna, but my pride would have preferred that as few ponies as possible knew of my little… Mishap in the Everfree Forest. So, I had agreed, albeit reluctantly. Despite my promise not to leave the hospital, Sky Flare had insisted on spending every single day with me in my room. I wasn’t entirely sure if it was out of concern for my safety, or just to make doubly sure that I didn’t sneak off again, but she never left my side for more than an hour at most unless there was somepony else with me. It was amusing at first, but it quickly became rather annoying… Luckily, though it pained my pride at first, Princess Twilight Sparkle had somehow learned of my extended stay in Ponyville and came to visit. Apparently, she had quite a few friends in this town, so word of the Pegasus that placed second against Rainbow Dash being in their hospital had reached her in under a week. She had politely informed me of the stupidity of my little adventure into the Everfree, alone, and at night, then had proceeded to ask how I had survived with great interest. I told her that I had been chased by the Timber Wolves and had fallen into a cave, where I wandered around for a while before finding an exit and the Inn beyond. I had decided from the moment that Sky Flare had first left me in that Inn to find help that I would keep my little run in with Perdias a secret. I recalled quite clearly how Celestia and Luna had first reacted to Dawn’s mention of her ‘Teacher’ and I had no interest in sitting through another lecture about the dangers of certain magics and beings. If Dawn couldn’t get me home in the long run, I wanted to keep Perdias as a backup plan, no matter how dangerous the Princesses might think he is. I couldn’t risk someone barring me from him with magic, laws, or military might. I’d rely on Dawn for now, but if that plan falls through, Perdias could be my last hope at ever getting home, and I would not lose that chance. Twilight Sparkle had taken my recovery time to ask me a great many things about my world, as well as pass on some tips about her world that she felt I might benefit from knowing. She had managed to convince Sky Flare to leave during her visits under the guise of taking a much-needed break and stretching her wings, but the real reason for her leaving was so that I could speak freely with Twilight about my human life. Twilight knew a surprising amount of details from my world, and had apparently been to it, or at least, one similar to it at some point through Starswirl’s Mirror. Apparently, there was a time frame where the mirror simply wouldn’t work, almost like it was out of alignment with a given world, or set of worlds, but she quickly assured me that my case was different. My connection was broken due to my worlds mirror being shattered, not out of alignment as was sometimes the case. It was disheartening, but this news was no different than what I already knew. I was stuck here for now, and nothing currently available to me would change that. Another thing my recovery time granted me, was a chance to practice using my magic bracelet. It took some time to master it, but before long, I could move items around my room as easily as any Unicorn, though I was limited by the bracelets apparent weight restriction. Dawn had said I wouldn’t be able to lift heavy things, but that didn’t stop me from trying. I even managed to get some practice using the new magic Perdias has imbued into my bracelet, though I made certain to only use it when no one would catch me. Through my bedside window, I could see a great many birds in the nearby trees, and before long, I had my windowsill lined with chirping birds. Through experimentation, I came to realize that it didn’t have to be just fear, or anger that would affect an animal, but a sense of calm and safety also worked. By projecting a sense of comfort and peace, I could calm a bird so much, that I could call it right up onto my arm and even pet it on the head without it becoming concerned. I wasn’t sure how this magic would help me in the long run, but the more tricks I had up my sleeve, the easier my stay in this world would be. It was early morning, and I sat impatiently on the edge of my bed as my Doctor gently poked and prodded my side and wings. He was an older male Unicorn with a white main and coat. He’d been checking me over like this every morning for the last week now and I was starting to get tired of it. “Alright Silver Wing, I think you’re good to go.” The Doctor said with a smile. “Wait what?” I gasped, “I can leave now?” The Doctor nodded and took a step back. “I think so, yes,” he said, “I was going to discharge you a week ago, but Ms. Sky Flare insisted I keep you another week for observation.” I frowned heavily at Sky Flare who was standing nearby, but she simply smiled back at me and shrugged. “I figured an extra week would do you good Silver,” she smirked, “Now maybe you’ll think before you sneak off and do something stupid again.” I hated this place, and she knew it, so finding out I could have left a week ago irritated me greatly, but I’d refrained from speaking my mind this time. I know I had worried her, and I had nearly died so she was allowed a jab or two at me. “Just be sure not to venture into the Everfree again,” the Doctor chuckled, “As nice as it is to have patients to treat, I’d rather not have to hear any more tales of close encounters with Timber Wolves or other such beasts.” “No worries Doctor,” I said, looking back to him, “I don’t plan on going back any time soon.” “He means ever.” Sky Flare chimed in. “Yes Mother.” I sighed under my breath. “What was that!?” Sky Flare barked. She took a threatening step towards me and I quickly hopped off my bed and dashed to my rooms closet. “Nothing!” I said quickly as I withdrew my vest from it. Using the magic of my bracelet, I slipped into it in a flash and looked back at the Doctor. “So I’m good to fly now too, right?” I checked. The Doctor nodded. “I’d say so, yes. But do be careful. Your wings will be weak from lack of use, so break them back in gently. Don’t push yourself too hard just yet.” “No worries, I’ll be careful.” I assured him. “Since when?” Sky Flare scoffed. I rolled my eyes at her. “Fine,” I said, “I’ll try to be careful, okay?” The Doctor chuckled at us and headed for the door. “I’ll leave you two be now, I have other patients to attend to.” He excused himself from the room and closed the door behind him. “So, where to now then?” I asked, “Or are you still planning to break my wings now that I’m better?” “Don’t tempt me,” Sky Flare warned, “I just might you know.” I let out an amused snort and shrugged. “You just might try,” I said, “But that doesn’t mean you’ll succeed.” I gave a few test flaps of my wings and grinned at the lack of pain I felt in my chest. I could tell my wings were weaker, but it was nothing a few days of flying wouldn’t fix. All the soreness I had felt was gone, and in its place, was a child-like rush of eagerness and an almost unbearable desire to get back in the air. “I’m all healed up now Sky,” I mused, “And since you’ve yet to actually beat me in a serious fight, do you really think you’ll be able to break my wings if I don’t let you?” She glared at me angrily, but before she could say or do anything, I threw open the door with my bracelets magic and bolted down the hallway. “H-hey, get back here Silver Wing!” I heard her yell after me, but I wasn’t going to listen, not this time. I had promised to stay here till I was better, and now that I was fully healed and the Doctor said I was free to go, there was nothing that was going to stop me now. I had to get back into the sky and off the ground, even if it meant Sky would be breathing fire at me for the next while. I burst out the front doors of the Ponyville Hospital and in one smooth leap, took off into the sky. I heard a surprised gasp from nearby as I no doubt startled someone, but I was too excited to see who it was. I was flying again, and that was all that mattered to me at that moment. I grinned into the rush of wind as it flowed over me and through my wings. It was cool and refreshing and I breathed in it deeply. I had missed this sensation so much the last few weeks, almost too much to bear. Grinning wider, I flapped harder and harder as I climbed ever higher into the sky. I had barely made it above the clouds when a sudden weight slammed into me from behind. I yelped out in surprise, and before I could recover, I was bore head first into a large cloud that drifted lazily nearby. Thanks to my inherent Pegasus magic, I came to rest against the fluffy mass instead of passing straight through it, though I wound up half embedded in its surface thanks to force I had struck it with. I pulled my head out of it and shook the lingering fluff off as I glanced back at what had struck me. I found Sky Flare to be standing just behind me, her lips curled into a victorious grin. “Looks like I’m faster than you now, Silver Wing,” she cooed, “Guess all that lounging in bed has made you soft, just like this cloud.” She tapped her foot against it, emphasizing her point, and continued to smile at me as I got to my feet. I snorted at her and gave a final shake of my head, before rising to my hind legs and assuming my typical fighting stance. “Care to test that theory?” I asked. She accepted my challenge and followed suit. She assumed a stance mirroring my own, and for a moment, we both stood at the ready atop our fluffy battleground. Seeking to catch her by surprise, I made the first move. I leapt towards her and struck my left forehoof for her stomach. She swept her own forehoof down and moved my strike to the side, following her block with a strike of her own. She had been learning quite well, but ever since I found myself in this new form, I’d been refining my style constantly to better utilize my new body’s potential. I let myself fall backwards to avoid her strike, and focusing on my feet, I willed myself to fall through the cloud we stood on. I sunk into it about a third of the way, then twisted my core and swept a leg right into Sky Flare’s rear legs. She gasped as I knocked her off balance, but quickly recovered thanks to her wings. With a flap of my own wings, I rose back above the cloud and smiled at her. “What’s the matter Sky?” I teased, “I thought you were faster than me now?” She snorted and flew straight towards me. ‘Still too easy to annoy.’ I thought, half shaking my head as I readied myself for her attack. She flew right for me, pulling a forehoof back for a powerful punch. It was too direct and obvious an attack. She knew I’d be able to counter it, so she had to have a plan. Instead of countering it as I usually would have, I dodged to the side, and fell right into her trap. As she sailed past me, she lashed out with her tail and whipped me right across the nose. I winced and grasped at my face with my hooves as tears welled in my eyes. It didn’t hurt all that much really, but it stung like you wouldn’t believe. I tried my best to look around for her, but the tears in my eyes blurred my vision. I only had a flash of red as a warning, then a strong pressure made itself known in my stomach. I flapped my wings to move myself with the punch to lessened the blow, but it didn’t help as much as I’d hoped. I dropped to a knee atop the cloud and wheezed for breath. “T-that’s new.” I barely managed to say. God I hated having the wind knocked out of me. It was such a helpless feeling, and it forced you to remain motionless for so long… “You’re not the only one that trains on their own you know,” Sky Flare stated, “Now get up, you’re embarrassing me.” I shook my head and smirked as I slowly got back to my feet. “You’re gonna regret letting me catch my breath,” I said. She shrugged at me. “We’ll see.” She said. She seemed to be almost bored, but I knew it was all an act. I could tell from the blows we traded a moment ago that she was as eager for a good fight as I was. With how much we sparred every day up until I had injured myself, how could she not be missing it after so long? The thrill of it, the rush of adrenaline, the split-second decisions, it was an experience like no other. “Well then,” I said, feigning indifference, “If you’re so confident, then I’ll let you make the first move.” She knew I was better on the defensive, but I was hoping I could entice her into testing her luck. Weakened as I was from my lack of doing anything, I could still read her moves as good as ever, so speed alone wouldn’t be enough for her to beat me today. She snorted at me, then like a flash, closed the distance between us. Leading with her left forehoof, Sky Fare unleashed a flurry of strikes at me, each one aiming for a different opening. It was a good assault, but I managed to fend it off. She didn’t slow her attacks however, she kept me dodging and blocking constantly, most likely trying to capitalize on my lessened stamina from my hospital stay. I could feel my breathing getting harder by the second and I cursed my weakened muscles. Her plan was working, and despite my best efforts, I couldn’t manage to turn things around on her. I had to break up her attacks somehow, but every time I tried, she shut me down instantly. Giving up my ground, I leaped back and took flight, diving off the cloud and racing away towards another that drifted nearby. I wasn’t sure how well this would work, but I had to try something or I would wind up losing due to exhaustion. Glancing over my shoulder, I found Sky Flare to already be on my tail. She was barely a second behind me, and in another moment, she’d be on me. I waited for her to close in, then I flared out my wings and ground to a halt. My plan was to have Sky Flare fly past me, which would give me a few seconds to catch my breath, but I underestimated her aerial grace. She flipped back around on me before I had even managed to come to a complete stop and began her assault anew. Sky Flare started forcing me towards the earth, cutting me off every time I tried to break free and fly to higher ground. I knew I was going to be weaker for a bit after my injuries, but I didn’t think I had become this weak. All I could do was defend myself and wait for my stamina to fail. As my feet touched the grass of the fields outside Ponyville, Sky Flare stopped her relentless attack and gave a hard flap of her wings. She sailed a few feet away and landed calmly. I dropped to the ground and sat heavily, panting hard for much needed breath. My wings burned from the exertion and I felt like I had just run a marathon, but I was glad beyond words that my ribs were healed, or this’d hurt like hell. “You’re overconfident Silver…” Sky Flare said softly, “You think you can take on anything because you have some fancy moves no one else knows, but you’re not invincible… So please, stop taking so many risks. Your luck won’t last forever, and I don’t want to see you hurt again, or worse….” I half frowned at her, but stopped as I saw a look of genuine concern on her face. She turned away from me before I could reply and flicked her tail playfully in my direction. “Come on, let’s head back and get some rest,” she said, “We should head out first thing in the morning.” Then she laughed and added, “I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of this place.” I smiled and followed after her. I guess it wasn’t just my exhausted imagination back in that Inn, she really was worried about me. I felt terrible that I had worried her as much as I had, but I promised myself that I’d be more careful in the future, for her sake and for my own. I’d never get back to my world if I died here doing something stupid, so I’d have to start taking things a little slower from now on, or at least, try to. We set out from Ponyville the next morning without issue. Princess Twilight had seen us off at dawn, and had been kind enough to give us some supplies for the road. Unlike our departure from Canterlot however, this time, we left by air. My wings were still weak though, so we were forced to alternate between flying and walking, but neither of us minded. We weren’t in any real hurry and we didn’t have a destination in mind, we just wanted to head out into the world and see what laid ahead of us. Over the next several weeks, we visited one place after the next. From a great Pegasus city in the sky, to a city that rivaled Canterlot in grandeur called Manehattan. There were so many similarities to my world, but altered slightly to fit the Equine nature of this world. It was almost eerie just how similar some places were to what I was used to. As close as some places were though, it didn’t compare to what I was used to, and more than once I had nearly broken down as my memories got the better of me. Sky Flare had been like a kid in a candy shop with a hundred-dollar bill. Anything we came across, big or small, was like a new wonder of the world for her. She actually had to buy another journal so she could continue recording everything she found noteworthy. It was amazing just how much she knew about things she’d never seen herself before. Every landmark, every library, every nuance a given town or city had, she already knew them all. She was an incredible woman to have memorized so many things by her age. I’d have felt a little intimidated by her intellect if we were in my world, but here, where I knew next to nothing to begin with, it was more a relief than anything. She knew so much, I never had to worry or ask about anything. And the more she rambled on about some historical figure or event, the more my own knowledge of Equestria grew. One thing that stood out to me more than anything though, was that the further we traveled from Canterlot, the less perfect and peaceful everything seemed to get. The Princesses had warned me that bandits and the like existed in Equestria, but with how friendly everyone seemed to be, it just didn’t seem possible that anyone here could think like the criminals I was used to dealing with. At least, it didn’t seem possible until I was met with such ponies head on. Sky Flare and I had been flying over a forest and heard a commotion below us, so we landed to investigate. What we found was a pony by the name of Clyde Blackcoat, a massive Earth Pony that stood nearly twice my height. I’d never see a pony so big before, but he wasn’t the problem. The problem was the three ponies wearing cloth masks that were attacking him. They had him surrounded and were trying to steal his wagon. I acted without thinking and jumped right in to help him out, and Sky Flare followed right after. With us there to even the odds, the three of us managed to drive off the bandits, and together we walked to the next town in case they decided to come back. Clyde had told us that he had been traveling from one town to the next looking for work. He was a master smith, and claimed to be an excellent carpenter as well, so he had all his tools and possessions with him in his wagon as he was always on the move. He was grateful for our help and offered his services if we ever needed them, though I politely declined his offer. When we reached the next town, we reported the attempted robbery and assault to the local law enforcement, but to my astonishment, they did nothing. They informed me that their main purpose was to keep the locals safe and in order, and that anything beyond their towns borders didn’t concern them. They filed a report, got our statements, drew up a couple of wanted posters and sent the works to Canterlot, but they told me not to expect much. The only ponies that could handle something like this were the Wonderbolts, or the Canterlot Military. But being as far from Canterlot as we were, the chances of anyone being sent to scour the woods for a few bandits was slim to none. If they became a bigger problem, then maybe those in charge of the Military would take notice, but as it stood, there just wasn’t enough of a problem for them be bothered. Sky Flare and Clyde told me that was normal out here, and were surprised when I told them that where I was from, we’d always investigated such reports. It took some persistence on my part, but eventually, I managed to get the local sheriff to put up a few warning signs along the edge of the woods alerting travelers to be cautious. But there wasn’t anything else I could get them to do beyond that. It was infuriating, and Sky Flare had to practically drag me away from the Sheriff’s office when my temper started to get the better of me. We had parted ways with Clyde Blackcoat there and continued on our journey. We traveled ever farther from Canterlot, and with each new town we visited, I came across more and more stories of ponies with issues that the local law enforcement simply ignored. Not everyone had trouble with Bandits of course. Some were with the wild life, a few of which I managed to help resolve with the subtle help of Perdias’s magic. And there were even a few times where Sky Flare and I offered to escort some travelers to the next town, since they couldn’t find anypony to hire for protection on their trip. Aside from those that we helped out though, the general tone was always the same… If it was outside their little towns, then you were pretty much on your own. If I had any say in the matter, I’d have fired every single one of those so-called Sheriffs, but as is stood, I couldn’t do anything. I was a guest in this world, and no matter how much I didn’t like something, it wasn’t my place to try and change it. That didn’t mean I had to like though. I let out a heavy sigh and tossed a twig into the fire before me. Sky Flare and I were sitting around our small campfire in the woods. Night had fallen some time ago and were relaxing before bed. “Something on your mind Silver?” I heard Sky Flare ask. I shrugged and glanced over at her. She was laying on her stomach, with a book open before her. A pencil was sticking out of her mouth and the firelight danced in her eyes. “And don’t say ‘nothing’,” she added, “You’ve been lost in your own little world the last few days now, so what’s up?” I glanced back to the fire and frowned at it. “Well?” she pressed, “Spit it out already. Or I do I have to beat it out of you?” “You can’t beat me anymore Sky, I’ve got my stamina back.” I sighed. She shrugged and rolled over onto her back lazily as she waited for me to speak my mind. I tried to ignore her gaze, but she gradually overpowered my stubbornness. “It’s just your law enforcement,” I said, “I don’t understand how they can ignore so many ponies in need.” “That’s just how it is,” Sky Flare stated, “That’s why ponies live together in towns or cities. The locals take care of each other. It’s not like any of them would want to go hike into a mountain to help somepony that doesn’t want to be part of the community. And it’s not like the Military can go chasing after every problem a farmer or hermit has. If you need help, you join with others. Traveling ponies, or those that don’t want to settle down someplace are on their own by choice.” “But they’re still part of Equestria, so don’t they deserve the same amount of help as everyone else?” I asked, “I mean, we helped out how many ponies over the last few weeks?” “In a perfect world, yeah,” Sky Flare admitted, “Everypony would get the same amount of consideration. But just because we helped some ponies out, doesn’t mean everypony else will, or even can. There’s a lot out there that most ponies just can’t handle. Not everypony can fight like you can Silver. Even I couldn’t until you taught me. Most ponies out here couldn’t fight their way through a hay bale, let alone a Bear or a group of Bandits.” “And those that can?” I asked. “Those that can usually become those locals that defend their towns and friends,” she explained, “Or, they join the Military to protect the bigger picture. I know things were different where you’re from Silver, but here… We’ve had our fair share of big troubles. It wasn’t that long ago that the Changelings attacked Canterlot, or Tyrek tried to steal everypony’s magic. Most everypony is too worried about something big like that happening again to try and weed out smaller comparatively mundane problems.” “Alright, then why don’t the Princess just make a smaller division of the Military that’ll help with those ‘mundane’ problems?” I asked, “It wouldn’t have to be that big.” “I don’t know,” Sky Flare said, “I’m not a Princess. But they probably either don’t have enough ponies, or they’d rather have their forces available in full when needed, as opposed to spread out all across Equestria doing who knows what.” I frowned heavily and stared into the fire thoughtfully. I could understand not wanting to send an army to help a farmer with a bear problem, or a wandering merchant with bandit issues, but why couldn’t the Princesses send just a few ponies to help? A small group could weed out a lot of the issues I’d been coming across in time, it’d just take some work. “I’m gonna turn in for the night Silver,” Sky Flare sighed at me, “Don’t stay up stewing on this too long, alright?” I nodded, but I didn’t take my eyes off the fire. I listened to rustle of Sky Flare’s tent fabric, then heard the zipper buzz closed and dropped my head low. Not helping people in need didn’t sit right with me at all. That’s the main reason I joined my worlds Police Academy in the first place. I could see why the locals treated things beyond their towns the way they did, but that didn’t mean I could agree with it. I had been doing my best to ignore it and accept it as the way things were, but I just couldn’t let it go. It was too much against my nature to just look the other way. The Princesses should do something for those the locals don’t want to help. The wellbeing of all their people is their responsibility, not just those that like in or near the cities. But they didn’t seem to give a damn. Sky Flare seemed to the think they had more important things to deal with, and who knows, maybe she was right, but maybe she wasn’t. I knew I didn’t have the whole picture, but someone had to help if no one else would. Sky Flare and I took care of a half dozen issues on our own without a problem, so there had to be someone else like us out there that’d be willing to help, I mean, it’s not like I could keep doing it- I shot up from the ground as my own train of thought struck me like a bolt of lightning. “I could do it!” I gasped aloud. I was stuck here for god knows how long right? And I have nothing else I can do besides sit around a palace being lazy. I can’t use magic like Dawn can, so I can’t even try to figure out a way home on my own. I might be able to get a job as a Palace Guard if I asked the Princesses, but that’d just get so boring. And I don’t know enough about the politics or culture here to get a real job anywhere else, so what if I just made my own? Who says I can’t keep doing my old human job here while I wait for Dawn to learn what she needs to send me back to my world? I could make some sort of a group to help ponies in need. A group that’d be able to stick around and continue to help others after I’ve gone back home. Even if it was just me at first, I’m sure others would join eventually. And with every new member, the number of ponies that we could help and the scope of the jobs we could take would increase drastically. I’d have to charge something for the travel and food expenses of course, and any members I might have would need to get paid something for their efforts, but none of us would be in it solely for the profits. I know I wouldn’t be. I’d take bits, food or anything relating to magical items or books that might help Dawn fix the mirror faster. I grinned widely at the prospect unfolding in my mind. I’d be able to do something that would theoretically better the lives of others, and I might even come across something that’d speed up Dawn’s efforts to get me home. It was a win win situation. I got to my feet and dashed over to Sky Flare’s tent excitedly. “Sky?” I called softly, “Sky Flare, you still awake?” “No…” I heard her groan out from within the tent, “…What do you want Silver? It’s the middle of the night…” “I can do it!” I said quickly. “Do what?” I heard her rustle in her bed, but she didn’t come to the door of the tent. “I can help the ponies the locals won’t,” I explained, “Like we’ve been doing. I can make a group that ponies will go to for aid when no one else will. I’d be doing what I did back in my w-” I caught myself and corrected my sentence quickly, “Back where I’m from. Helping those in need and keeping criminals in line.” I heard more rustling, then a moment later, Sky Flare unzipped her tent and looked at me oddly. “What are you talking about?” she asked, “Do you have any idea how much work that’d be? And what happened to being more careful!? You do something like this, and you’ll be begging for things even worse than Timber Wolves to come after you.” “I can do it though,” I assured her, “It’s something I love doing too! Hell, look at my Cutie Mark, it’s got a shield right there. Doesn’t that mean it’s my passion to protect people?” She tilted her head at me, then shook it tiredly. “You can be so weird sometimes Silver,” she sighed, “The way you talk, the way you think, the way you fight. I don’t think there’s a single normal thing about you...” She let out a soft chuckle then smiled at me, “But if this is something you want to do, then I’ll help any way I can. But tomorrow… For now, just go to bed.” I watched as she disappeared back into her tent and zipped the door shut once again. I retired to my own tent, but I still couldn’t sleep. My mind was racing with all the things I’d have to do and figure out if I really was going to try and do something like this. I’d have get the Princesses permission first of course, but then what? Assuming they said yes, I’d need a place to set up shop, a base of operations where we could all call home. I’d also need to figure out a grading system to sort requests from most dire to least, though they’d all be deemed important. I’d also need a name for the group. Every organization needed a name, but what? I frowned and rolled over in my bedding. There was no point dwelling any more until I had spoken with the Princesses about my idea. Come the morning, we’d set out back for Canterlot. I’m sure Sky Flare would like to see her parents again by now anyways, it had been three months since we first left. She’d written a ton of letters to them as we went, but seeing her parents in person would be infinitely better that letters on paper could ever be. I grinned at the thought of getting back to work. Being able to do something I was actually familiar with nearly made me giddy with excitement. In this place, where nothing was like I was used to, being able to make something like I had was too big a lure to ignore. I had to do this, or at least try. And who knows, maybe something good would come out of it in the long run, for me, Dawn, and the ponies of Equestria I’d end up helping. > Return to Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sky Flare had been reluctant to return to Canterlot so soon. While she did want to see her parents again, the draw of whatever new wonder that laid just beyond the horizon called to her like a magnet. There really was no end to her drive to see more. Eventually however, I did manage to convince her to come back with me, though I had to promise that we’d return to our adventures afterwards. We made a beeline for Canterlot by air, only stopping when we needed to eat or sleep. I was driven by a burning desire to return to something that I knew, something familiar that I wouldn’t feel lost and helpless within. If the Princesses agreed to my idea, then I’d have a little slice of my world here to call my own. Sky Flare couldn’t understand why the idea of a Guild was so important to me, and though I tried to explain it to her as best I could, there was just no way she’d get it, not without me telling her where I was really from. Eventually she just chalked it up to being one of my numerous quirks and tolerated my newfound ‘obsession’ as she called it. It took us nearly a week of steady travel to reach Canterlot and I practically cried out with joy when I saw the towers of the palace piercing the heavens ahead. It was midday by the time we arrived, the sun was high, and there wasn’t a cloud to be seen. “Finally!” I said aloud, “I didn’t realize we’d gotten so far from this place.” “Why do you think I didn’t wanna come back so soon?” Sky Flare sighed at me, “We could have made it to the Crystal Empire faster than it took us to get here…” I slowed to a hover high above the city and looked to Sky Flare eagerly. “Oh, don’t worry,” I said, “We’ll go check that place out soon enough. For now, you go check in on your parents while I go see if the Princesses are busy or not.” Sky Flare shook her head at me and veered off towards the residential district of Canterlot. “And Sky!” I called after her, “If Breezy’s asleep, kick his door open for me and tell him that he’s late for a class at the academy!” I caught her chuckle drift back to me on the winds, then I let gravity pull me down to the earth far below. I landed at the palace entrance and nodded my head politely to the guards keeping watch. They looked surprised to see me, but I was too focused on my mission to talk with them. I trotted hurriedly to my room and found it to be exactly as I had left it a few months ago. Tossing my saddlebags onto the bed, I headed out in search of Celestia. I knew Luna would be sleeping at this hour, so I didn’t want to wake her if I could help it. I wandered the halls for a while until I came across another set of Guards and called to them. “Excuse me,” I said, “Do you know where Princess Celestia might be?” The Guards glanced over at me and the nearest one nodded. “I believe she is in the gardens at this time,” He said, “Do you require an escort?” “Nah, I know the way,” I replied, “Thank you very much for the help.” I nodded my head in thanks and trotted on. I’d been stuck in this palace for so long when I first got here, there weren’t too many places I couldn’t get to on my own anymore, even after having been away for a few months. I made my way back outside and flew around the palace to the gardens. It took a moment, but I soon spotted Princess Celestia sitting amongst some flowers as she soaked in the midday sun. I landed nearby and bowed politely. “Silver Wing?” she said, sounding a little surprised, “I had not expected to see you again so soon. Have you seen your fill of Equestria already?” I chuckled and shook my head. “Not even close,” I said, “But I do have something important that I’d like to discuss with you, when you have time.” “How interesting,” she mused, “I trust you are planning to spend the night in the palace tonight?” I nodded. “If that’s still alright, yes.” “Of course,” she said, “You will always be welcome here.” She rose to her feet smoothly and smiled down at me. “Then let us meet for dinner tonight as we used to. I am certain my sister would be quite interested in what you have seen of our lands during your journey. We can hear what matters you wish to discuss after that.” While my eagerness cringed at the thought of waiting until dinner to talk about my idea, I agreed quickly. “That’d be fine,” I said, “I’d like to hear Luna’s thoughts on my idea as well.” Celestia eyed me curiously for a moment, then started towards the palace. “If you’ll excuse me, Silver Wing,” she said as she nodded her head politely, “I have matters I must attend to now. I will send a guard to your room when dinner is to begin.” I nodded my understanding and left her to her business. I had several hours yet till dinner was supposed to happen, so I wasn’t sure what to do in the meantime. I could go check in with Sky Flare, but if I was in her shoes, I’d probably be happier catching up with my parents alone. With a sigh, I flopped down on the grass and just sat there for a while, thinking about whatever came to mind as I impatiently passed the time. It felt like it took forever for a guard to finally come get me for dinner, but eventually one came to summon me. I was at the door before he had even placed his hoof back on the ground after knocking. “The Princesses request your presence for their evening meal, Silver Wing,” the guard said, “Will you be able to attend?” “Definitely,” I smirked, “And before you offer, I don’t need an escort. I know the way.” I chuckled at him and caught a smile cross his lips. “As you wish.” he said. He bowed his head politely and headed off down the hall at a leisurely stroll. I made my way to the dining hall and found my heart starting to race as the doors and their guards came into view before me. Up until this point, I had been going over all the things I could say or offer to make my idea seem worthwhile. How it would help ponies all over Equestria while also giving me something to do besides sit around waiting for Dawn to get me home. It was a selfish endeavor at its core though. I wanted this for me more than any other reason. I wanted to be part of something akin to what I was used to again, something familiar, something that felt like home. I really didn’t want to portray it as something that was more for myself than others, but now that I was at the threshold of my meeting with the Princesses, the whole idea seemed blatantly so. I froze before the doors and felt my stomach tense as I grew deeply embarrassed by the thought of trying to explain this now. My mouth started to go dry and I glanced over my shoulder back the way I had come. I had been so focused on the idea of making something like I was used to, I didn’t really think how this would sound to a ruler of a country. Yes, it had the potential to help the ponies of Equestria, but it was clear by all the things I had been planning to say that this was just a desperate attempt to make myself feel more at home here. I dropped my head and groaned out a heavy sigh. “Are you alright?” one of the nearby guards asked. “O-oh, yeah,” I said quickly, “Just realizing how stupid I am is all.” The guard tilted his head a little and eyed me quizzically. “Never mind,” I said, “I’m fine.” The guard exchanged glances with his fellow, then together, they opened the doors for me to proceed further. My body tensed anew as the doors swung open, revealing Princess Celestia and Luna to be already seated at the table ahead. My feet felt like they were made of lead, but I forced them to carry me to my usual spot at the table. “Greetings, Silver Wing,” Princess Luna said as I took my seat, “You look well.” “Thank you.” I said quickly, nodding out of nervous reflex at the complement. “Is something troubling you, Silver Wing?” Celestia said, “You seem to have lost the abundance of energy you had earlier today.” “I’m fine,” I said, forcing a smile onto my face, “Just feeling a little stupid is all.” “And why is that?” Celestia asked, “Do you no longer wish to discuss the matter you attempted to pose in the gardens?” I laughed nervously, then let out a deep sigh. “My stomach doesn’t want me to,” I admitted, “But I’m already here, and it would be rude to waste both of your time. So, I’m good to go whenever you two are.” “Let us eat first,” Celestia smiled, “Some food will no doubt ease your nerves.” I fought not to groan at her comment, and simply nodded. Now that I was having cold feet, time just flew by. Dinner was over in a flash, and before I knew it, the table had been cleared and the Princesses were both watching me curiously. “Now then,” Celestia mused motherly, “What is it that you wished to discuss with us, Silver Wing?” I tensed bodily at her question and for a moment didn’t respond. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to reply to her, it was that I couldn’t. My mouth wouldn’t work, and I couldn’t even bring myself to look up at her for nearly ten seconds. Through sheer effort of will, I took a deep breath and tried my best to explain my idea. All the things I had wanted to say, or thought I should say earlier were lost to my memory and I simply said what came to the forefront of my mind and hoped for the best. “I’ve only been gone a few months now, and most of that was spent in Ponyville,” I started, “But I have come to realize that your world and mine aren’t quite as different as I first thought. When I first came here, I thought this place was perfect. You had magic, floating cities, most everyone was friendly and seemed the type that would give you the shirts off their backs if you asked. But…” I fell silent as I tried to figure out how to say what I had found to be commonplace the further I got from Canterlot, but I found my tongue to be fighting me. “But?” Celestia pressed. “But, that’s not what I found to be the case everywhere,” I started again, though more slowly, “I didn’t think it was possible at first, but I ran into some of those bandits you had mentioned, and while they ran off pretty quickly, it opened my eyes. I tried to get the local law enforcement to track them down, but they refused. And it wasn’t just that one town either, pretty much everywhere had the mentality of ‘If it’s not in or near us, we don’t want any part of it.’ Your people are very community driven. They’ll help each other to the best of their abilities and without qualm usually, but they won’t lift a hoof to help those that prefer to be more on their own. Even farmers tend to be ignored when the local wildlife poses a problem.” Celestia and Luna shared a soft sigh, then Celestia spoke solemnly. “It is an issue we are well aware of,” she admitted, “But we do not have the pony power to see to every matter that is brought to us. These last few years have forced us to rethink our defenses to better safeguard Canterlot from attack. Princess Twilight has taken to attending to many of the maters you have likely come across, but it is a persisting problem we are still trying to rectify.” “Well…” I started, “I may have a solution that can help with that problem.” “Do you now?” Luna mused, “And what might that be?” I had to force myself to speak through my tension and drew in slow, steady breaths. “You need more Pony power, like you just said,” I continued, “Ponies that are outside of your military, so they’re not bogged down with defending Canterlot or patrolling its borders. Ponies that aren’t connected with the local law enforcements or set in the ‘Community only’ mentality that is present in nearly every town and city beyond Canterlot.” “And where do you propose we find such Ponies?” Celestia asked. She seemed quite curious about my thoughts so far, but Luna looked more reserved. “You don’t,” I said simply, “They’ll find you.” I took another deep breath and tried to explain my idea in full as best I could manage. “I am not from this world, as such, I see things differently than you all do… But in my world, I helped people. People with all sorts of problems and issues. I can’t just sit around doing nothing all day, but I don’t know enough about your world to get a normal job any time soon. So, I’d like put my skills to use for you while I’m here. With your permission, I’d like to make an organization to do what your forces cannot. I’d like to make a Guild.” “A Guild?” Celestia said, seemingly surprised. “Yes,” I said quickly, “A Guild. Someplace where I can set up shop and help those in need. While it’d be a little slower than my worlds setup, your mail system would allow those in need to send word to me, and I would then go out and help those ponies asking for aid. It wouldn’t take very long for word of what I was doing to reach other like-minded ponies and I am certain that before long I’d have a fair-sized force to help me, all willing and able to do the things that the locals or military can’t.” Celestia looked down at the table and seemed to lose herself in thought for a moment. Luna on the other hand, chimed in her thoughts almost immediately. “As you have just said,” she said, “You are not from this world. This idea of yours could fail completely if no like-minded ponies come to your banner. What will you do then?” “That’s entirely possible,” I agreed, “And if that happens, then I’ll continue to help the Ponies of Equestria on my own if I have to.” “Why?” Luna asked, “Why go through all the trouble for a world not your own? And why begin such an endeavor when you may not be here long enough to even see the fruits of your labor?” I chuckled sheepishly and gave a weak shrug. “I may very well be stuck here for the rest of my life, whether I want to admit that or not,” I said honestly, “And as selfish as it is, I just… I want something I can relate to here. Something from my home. Doing this would bring that little slice of my world back into my life, and if it works out as well as I think it will, your people will be much better off as a whole by the time I’m done. And even if I do manage to get back home somewhere down the line, once this thing is on its feet, it’ll be able to continue without me for as long as your people need help.” “And how do you plan to handle the expenses of such a thing?” Luna asked. I tensed at her question and answered it honestly, though I hoped it didn’t get the idea shut down on the spot. “I would have to charge those in need a fee,” I admitted, “Nothing to extreme, but they would be hiring us to help them. Bits would be the default form of currency, but if that was beyond the clients means, we’d be willing to work something out. Food for example, supplies, information on magic or relics Dawn could study. We’d just need enough to cover the costs and keep us running. I’m not looking to build a fortune off the backs of those in need.” “So, you would aid those in need, and base your fee off an individual basis?” Luna asked. I nodded. “And if you come to receive a great many requests for aid, what will you do then?” she asked, “You cannot aid them all at once.” “I’d go over each request and handle them from most severe to least,” I said, “The guy whose house is on fire would be dealt with before the guy looking to move to a new town, as an example. Like you said, I can’t do everything at once, but I will get to them all eventually. Everyone deserves a chance at being helped, no matter how far away they live form the cities.” “While your idea holds promise, I am not certain you fully grasp the effect such an organization could have in our lands,” Luna said, “Assume you reach a state of power that rivals our own military. With such a group it is entirely possible, and while I have seen nothing within you to suggest you would, once you leave and a new pony takes over in your absence, what would stop them from attempting to overthrow us?” “It wouldn’t matter if we rivaled your military or not,” I assured her, “Because, like your military, we would answer directly to you. I would be in charge of the Guild, sure. I would choose the missions and who does what too, but at the end of the day, I would still be serving Equestria and the two of you above all others. And so would all who joined.” “And what of the safety of those who would join you?” Luna asked, “What precautions would you take to ensure their safety? Or the safety of those they may bring to justice? You yourself were nearly killed from your own poorly planned exploration of the Everfree forest.” I groaned and dropped my head in embarrassment at her words. “I see you heard about that then?” I asked, though I knew she had to have. “We have,” Luna said nodding, “Princess Twilight told us of your attempted exploration of the forest. You are lucky to have returned from the Everfree alive.” “I’m pretty durable,” I laughed, hoping to change the subject, “But as for those that would work with me… I would do everything I could to ensure their safety. There will always be risks involved with anything though. Just like with your military, there would be strict guidelines for conduct and clear do’s and don’ts. And of course, I’d never force anyone to do a mission they didn’t think they could handle, or a mission I didn’t feel I could do myself if needed.” “You are not a fair judge of capability though, Silver Wing,” Luna stated, “Your combat expertise is unique in this world. You are more capable than most, almost to a fault in that it makes you overconfident.” I felt myself frown at her words and spoke before I could curb the tone of irritation my pride carried with it. “Then I’ll teach those who join me to fight like I can,” I said, “Sky Flare’s picked up on it quickly enough. I’m sure others could too.” “Now you are speaking of creating a trained militia with a level of authority that rivals that of all but our military,” Luna said sternly, “Such a force, if they became even half as skilled as you are, would render our military obsolete.” “I don’t mind training your military too then,” I said, “My way of fighting isn’t some secret weapon, it’s just how I fight.” Luna looked to Celestia for a moment, then back to me. “And we feel it should remain as such,” she stated, “You have already taught Sky Flare the basis of your techniques, we cannot change that, but we must insist that you share your secrets with no others. Sky Flare too will be made aware of our desire that your teachings spread no further. Is that clear?” I dropped my head and nodded. I wanted to protest, but there really wasn’t anything I could do. Their word was law here. Mine was just hot air. “Our lands will be protected with our strength,” Celestia explained, “We cannot change what you have taught Sky Flare, but we are not naive to the dangers untrained ponies would face. As such, if we were to entertain this idea of yours, Sky Flare, or one of our other instructors would train those who seek to join you in our methods of combat.” “I’d be perfectly fine with that.” I agreed quickly. I still couldn’t be sure of the outcome of all this, but I felt a glimmer of hope that maybe they were actually considering my idea. “Should we agree to this,” Luna said, resuming her line of questioning, “Where would you make your base of operations? Here in Canterlot? Back in Ponyville? Or would you seek to build a palace of your own in the far reaches of our land?” I chuckled a little and shook my head. “No palaces for me,” I said smiling, “I’m not royalty, and have no desire to be seen even remotely as such. But I do have someplace in mind. I don’t know how land and property work here, but… While exploring, I stumbled across an abandoned Inn. It’s a little run down and in need of some serious T.L.C. but it’d make for a perfect base if I could get it fixed up.” “Oh?” Celestia said curiously, “And where might this Inn be?” “It’s in the Everfree Forest, near it’s… Uh…” I faulted, trying to recall where exactly it was within the Everfree, “Near its north-eastern edge?” I watched as both Luna and Celestia grew tenser at my words and waited uneasily for their comments. “I do not believe you realize quite how dangerous a place the Everfree forest can be, Silver Wing,” Celestia cautioned, “There are a great many dangerous beasts that dwell there. Not the least of which are the Timber Wolves you have already found yourself face to face with.” “Oh, I am well aware of just how dangerous that place can be.” I assured her. Then I let out a chuckle and added, “My ribs and Sky Flare will never let me forget.” “And yet, even after it nearly claimed your life, you would willingly choose to not only return but seek to create a home for yourself there?” Luna said, “Why?” “That forest is unlike anything else I’ve seen here,” I explained, “It’s free, and wild, and filled with life. Nothing there is controlled by Earth Ponies, Pegasai, or Unicorns… It reminds me of the forests from my world. So, despite its dangers, I feel at home there. The Timber Wolves too would make for great guard dogs for the Guild. No one would purposely go into the forest because of them, so I wouldn’t have to worry about random passersby stumbling into the place.” “The Timber Wolves cannot be tamed like some pet,” Luna stated, “To attempt such a thing will only bring harm upon yourself or worse.” “Trust me,” I said, “I’ve learned from my mistakes. They won’t be a problem the next time I run into them.” She eyed me seriously for a moment then her gaze softened slightly. “We shall see.” she said. She paused thoughtfully for a moment, then continued, “I will assume that you will need some bits of your own to cover the repairs of this Inn then? As well as any other start-up costs that may arise?” I lowered my head a little and nodded. “I would, yes,” I said, “And while it wouldn’t be immediate, I would pay back every coin in time if you’d allow this to happen.” Celestia looked from me, to Luna, then back and smiled softly. “Would you mind giving us a moment to discuss this privately, Silver Wing?” “Of course not.” I said. I rose to my feet and headed back towards the doors I had entered from. “Thank you, Silver Wing,” Celestia called after me, “We shouldn’t be long.” I left the room and let out a heavy sigh in an attempt to clear the tension I felt gnawing at shoulders. It felt like I had just sat through an interview with some big company and was now waiting to hear if I’d done good enough to get the job or not. The two guards eyed me curiously, but they didn’t ask whatever it was that was on their minds. I wanted to try and strike up a conversation with them to pass the time, but I was too concerned about what the Princesses might be saying to get any words out of my mouth. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but eventually, the doors opened from within and the Princesses beckoned for me to return. I made my way back to my seat and sat down nervously. “We have discussed the idea of you forming a Guild, and have reached a consensus.” Luna stated. I fought not to ask ‘and?’ and waited tensely for their reply. “You will be given a sum of bits from the treasury that should be sufficient to get your Guild underway,” Celestia said with a smile, “As well as ownership over the abandoned Inn you found within the Everfree. We visited it often when it was in use decades ago, and look forward to seeing it alive with ponies once more.” My heart nearly skipped a beat at her words. They agreed! They actually agreed! I’d be able to carve a slice of my world out of the Everfree Forest and find some sense of belonging here after all! “But-” She added, then paused. My heart sunk. ‘But,’ the single worst word in history. Those three little letters could turn even the best scenario into one of the worst in an instant. “We request a few things in return,” Luna chimed in, “Precautionary measures to avoid more serious complications that may or may not arise in time.” “Alright…” I said slowly, “What did you have in mind?” “Firstly,” Luna resumed, “We request a weekly progress report, detailing what you have done, whom you have helped, and how you have helped them.” “That’s fine,” I said nodding, “I had planned to do that one already to be honest.” “Good,” Luna stated, “Secondly. We request that you take one of our Guards into your ranks. He will obey your orders, but he will report to us of your activities and how you seem to be handling yourself from an Equestrian’s eyes. While we trust you, and will allow you to create your Guild, you are not from this world. So, we must take some precautions and put safeguards in place to protect Equestria. Do you understand?” I nodded again. “You want to have someone you wholly trust in the Guild to keep an eye on things and make sure what I’m doing falls in line with what you would approve of.” “Correct,” Luna said, “We hope that does not offend you, but you must see this from our perspective. While we will aid you in whatever way we can to make your stay here comfortable, you are not from this world. As such, our first priority will always be the safety of the Ponies of Equestria.” “No worries,” I said, “I’ll accept as many guards into the Guild as you’d like. You both can come and visit anytime you’d like to too, if you want. Heck, if you have them, feel free to setup a camera or two to see how things are going for yourselves.” “I am certain we will pay your Guild a visit in time,” Luna said, “But we will wait for you to get it underway first.” “As for your mention of a camera,” Celestia commented, “Are you certain you are comfortable with such a thing? There would be little privacy for you, or those of your Guild.” “Well, don’t put them in the bathrooms or bedrooms,” I said, “But feel free to put them anywhere else you’d like. I have nothing to hide. So long as everyone has their own private space, I’m fine with camera’s everywhere else if it’d make you both feel more comfortable about this whole thing.” “It would,” Luna stated, “So we will do as you offered. Though we will not be using cameras.” I looked at her confused for a moment, then sighed as I realized what she probably meant. “Magic?” I checked. She nodded, then explained. “Once you have completed the repairs, we will come and inspect your new Guild. At that time, we will place viewing spells where we feel is appropriate.” “Place as many as you’d like.” I said. I didn’t much care for the idea, but if it meant I could have something like I was used to and call home, I’d tolerate almost anything. “Thirdly,” Luna continued, “And though we have discussed this already this evening, its severity must be made clear. The teachings of your world are not to be taught to another. Should we find that you have been training others in your way of fighting, there will be serious repercussions.” “I understand,” I said, “I won’t teach anyone else. I can’t help it if someone tries to imitate what I do though…” “We understand that,” Luna said, “And will not hold such occurrences against you. Our concern lies in your directly teaching another.” “Right,” I said, then I hesitated a moment before speaking further, “But… What about Sky Flare? I’ve already taught her a lot, and she’s been teaching me a great many things in return. Like how to fly better for instance.” “We cannot change what has already been done,” Celestia said, “And we understand the relationship you two have developed through these lessons. As such, you will be allowed to continue your lessons with Sky Flare, and Sky Flare alone.” “W-we don’t really have a relationship.” I said half under my breath. “Your friendship then.” Celestia mused. I sighed at her motherly smirk and fought not to roll my eyes. “Lastly,” Luna resumed, “Should this Guild prove to be as effective as you believe it will be, we request that you train a successor as you go about building your forces. Without you driving it, the chances of it succeeding after you have departed are slim, unless another is made as knowledgeable about its workings as you are.” “Sky Flare would probably be the best choice for that,” I said, “But I’d have to ask her if she’d even want the job or not first.” “Very well,” Luna agreed, “Should she decline however, another candidate will have to be found.” “I’ll let you know if that’s the case then, and we can figure something out.” I said. “What do you plan to name this Guild of yours by the way?” Celestia asked curiously. “I uhh…” I shrugged weakly and scratched at the back of my neck, “I don’t really know yet… Naming something has never been my strong suit. But I’m sure it’ll come to me once the Inn has been fixed up.” “I look forward to hearing what you chose then.” Celestia smiled. “As do I.” Luna added. I nodded and found myself smiling like an excited child. I still could hardly believe that they had agreed to let me do this, to make a Guild and run it myself. Sure, they had imposed some restrictions and security measures, but that was all completely reasonable. I would have run the Guild from this very room in Canterlot if they wanted me too. I would have done anything if it meant having that little bit of something from my world, even if I had to build it myself from the bones of an abandoned Inn in the middle of the woods. “A pony from the treasury will help you to estimate your starting expenses come the morning,” Celestia said, returning me to the moment at hand, “And unless there is more to this Guild that you would like to discuss, I would very much like to hear of your adventures beyond Canterlot. I am aware of your time spent in Ponyville, but surely you spent time in other locations before that?” “A few,” I admitted, “Like Cloudsdale. That place was amazing! If I didn’t like the Everfree forest so much, I’d have wanted to try and build the Guild in the sky!” We talked about my adventures until late into the night. Celestia and Luna seemed genuinely interested in what I had done and seen in my time beyond Canterlot, as well as what I thought about the interactions I had with others. They seemed less surprised by the similarities I described to my own world than I had expected, and most of their questions fell along the lines of what I thought about certain things or events I had come to learn of. The way I thought seemed to be their main focus, but I never commented on that. Eventually, dinner came to an end and Celestia turned in for the night. Luna had left with her sister and I had returned to my room. Part of me still wanted to check in on Sky Flare, but I tried my best to resist the urge. It was late, nearly midnight now, so I didn’t want to disturb her. It wasn’t easy though… We had been together nearly every moment for the last few months, so I found myself missing her company a surprising amount as I laid there in my bed. I spent nearly an hour laying there, wide awake until I finally gave up on sleeping altogether. I sighed heavily and sat up. “I can’t sleep without her near…” I realized. I tried to shake the thought from my head and chuckled as I assured myself there had to be another explanation. It wasn’t so much ‘her,’ I convinced myself, it was the sound of her breathing nearby that I was missing. The slow, steady, rhythmic inhale and exhale of her sleeping form a few feet away had become the norm for my bedtime routine, so without it, I just couldn’t sleep. I didn’t care about her in that way after all, so it had to be a sound thing. Whatever the reason, I couldn’t sleep, not tonight anyways. With another sigh, I climbed out of bed and went for a walk to try and tire myself out. Before long, I found myself in the garden outside. The sky was clear tonight, and the sea of stars above shimmered beautifully. “Why is it you are not sleeping with the rest of Canterlot?” a voice called to me from nearby. I jumped in surprise and shot a glare behind me, looking for the source of the voice. I found Princess Luna to be standing nearby, a smirk clear on her face. “I apologize, Silver Wing,” she said softly, “I had not meant to frighten you.” ‘Yeah right.’ I thought, forcing the frown from my face. I shook myself to calm my heart rate and smiled back at her as best I could. “I can’t sleep tonight is all,” I said, “Besides, it’s a nice night tonight, so I figured I’d take a walk.” “You are welcome to join me if you would like,” Luna offered, “Unless…” She paused a moment, then her lips curled into a sly grin. “Unless you feel up to something a little more… Energetic?” I raised an eyebrow at her words and grew a little nervous by what she could mean. “Like what…?” I asked slowly. “Your wounds are healed now, are they not?” she asked. “Y-yeah…?” I said, still not sure what she was getting at. “My sister is deep in sleep now,” Luna said quickly, “Tonight would be the perfect night to show me what you are truly capable of.” She moved closer to me and her grin grew steadily wider. “What I’m capable of?” I stammered, “W-what do you mean?” “You promised that you would show me the strength of your fighting prowess when you had recovered from your injuries,” She explained, “You have not forgotten this, have you?” I sighed with momentary relief, then tensed anew. I had actually forgotten about that. Luna wanted to fight me seriously after seeing what I could do at the demonstration I took part in for her. I had to get out of this if I could, but I was at a loss as to how. “No no,” I said quickly, “I haven’t forgotten… But, are you sure right now is the best time? I mean-” “Now is the perfect time!” Luna said excitedly, “Now, while my sister is asleep and the Guard is to be changed!” “But…” I wanted to protest, but the look of eager excitement on her face forced me to agree. “Alright…” I said reluctantly, “But please, don’t tell your sister...” “Fear not, Silver Wing,” Luna grinned, “This night will be our little secret.” She came right up beside me and her horn started to glow a soft purple hue. A moment later, there was a blinding flash of purple light, then I found myself somewhere completely different than where I had just been standing. It was dark and the air was cool. The ground beneath my feet was softer and seemed to shift slightly if I moved. Looking around, I saw only inky darkness and started to panic as I realized that Princess Luna had vanished. I forced myself to remain calm and listened for any sounds beyond that of my own heartbeat to try and get my bearings. There was a faint hum from somewhere nearby and I looked around quickly for its source. With a flash, I saw a purple streak of light shoot upwards into the blackness above me. It struck something that seemed to absorb its light, and soon a radiant glow grew until it shone down over me and the surrounding area. It didn’t take me long to recognize where I was. I was standing in the middle of the arena beneath Canterlot! I found Luna standing nearby, with her horn pointed up at a large crystal set into the high domed ceiling above. She must have used her magic to light the crystal somehow, and to bring us both down here instantly as well. ‘God, magic is useful,’ I thought, ‘Is there anything it can’t do? Well… Besides send me back home…’ I sighed and shook the thought of home from my mind. Luna turned to face me and grinned. “I have been waiting for this since the day I first saw you fight against our Guard, Silver Wing,” she said, “Do not disappoint me!” “I’ll do my best not to.” I said, though I wasn’t sure what to expect when it came to fighting her. Sky Flare had said she’d be stronger and faster than anyone I’d fought so far, but Luna didn’t look like she could throw a decent punch. She looked far to elegant and refined to be a fighter, but I knew better than to judge a book by its cover. Luna moved a few feet further away from me and turned back to face me again. “Are you ready?” She called to me. “W-wait!” I squeaked out, “Give me a sec! A-and what are the rules!?” “The rules are simple,” Luna said plainly, “I will refrain from using my magic as we previously discussed, to level the field of battle. And you will come at me with everything you can muster. Hold nothing back!” “I’m not going to go at you all out!” I protested, “I didn’t even do that against Stalwart! What if I hurt you?” “I will be fine, Silver Wing,” Luna sighed, “Now cease these excuses and show me the ferocity and cunning of your hooves!” I frowned a little and nodded as I gave in. Taking a breath, I rose to my hind legs and assumed my fighting stance. I waited for Luna to do the same, but she remained on all fours and simply grinned at me in apparent anticipation. "Are you ready?" I asked seriously Luna nodded, and our match began. I dashed towards her and struck for her chest with a straight jab. Despite my desire to fight seriously as Luna wished, I just couldn’t bring myself to punch her full force. My swing was halfhearted at best and carried no real intent with it. Luna stepped back to avoid my strike and I swung again with only marginally more effort. I caught a frown creep over her face and she rose a forehoof up and swung at me. I blocked her strike, and much to my surprise, felt her blow crash clear through my guard and launch me through the air. Using my wings to stabilize myself, I flipped over in the air and skidded to a stop in the sand. The arm I had blocked with was nearly numb from her blow and I stared at it in disbelief. She really was strong, I realized, even stronger than Stalwart! And to make things even worse, I could tell by the way she had attacked me that her own strike was as halfhearted as mine had been. I looked back up at her and felt my stomach tense as I began to understand why Sky Flare had been so against the idea of me fighting her. She was way too strong, and while that concerned me, it also started to excite me. Fighting a stronger opponent was always a thrill, but the thought of just how much stronger Luna might actually be than I was nearly made me giddy with anticipation. "You are not taking this seriously, Silver Wing,” Luna sighed, “You agreed that you would fight me with the prowess you showed during the demonstration you took part in three months ago. Are you not one of your word?" I looked down, a little ashamed by her words, then steeled my gaze and readied my wings. "I do what I say I will," I said, "I always have. So, despite the outcome of this, I will try and hit you for real from here on out." "Then let us see what you can really do." Luna stated, though she seemed to hold an air of doubt in her words. I knew I’d have to be careful from here on out, truly careful. It was a rare feeling, the knowledge that one misstep could cost me dearly, and I loved it. Part of me wondered if Luna might be having the same feeling from me, or at least, be hoping to feel it. I took a deep breath, then cast aside all my hesitation and inhibitions as I exhaled. She wanted me to fight her for real, so be it. Until this was over, Luna was no longer a Princess in my eyes. She was my opponent, my target, my enemy, and I would not stop until either she or I lay in defeat. With a flap of my wings that forced the sand behind me to flare up, I dashed for Luna at top speed. As before, I swung with a straight jab for her chest. She moved to deflect my strike as she had just done, so I shifted the angle of my punch to hit her square on the elbow. I struck her as I would have struck Stalwart, using my legs and wings to put as much power behind my blow as I could unleash. My punch struck hard and I caught Luna wince at the impact. Seizing the opening, I side stepped her fast as she recoiled and fired two quick jabs into her left side, then fired a third strike into the side of her head. She staggered back and caught herself with her far hoof, then glared at me angrily. A moment later, her horn pulsed with purple light and an intense, unwithstandable pressure struck me like a ton of bricks. I was sent flying, almost clear to the far end of the arena. I landed hard on my back atop the sand and slid to stop as I winced in pain. "...I hate magic..." I groaned aloud as I found the world to be spinning around me. "I apologize Silver Wing!" I heard Luna call from the other end of the arena, "I did not mean to do that, I was simply caught off guard by your sudden assault!" "N-no worries…” I said weakly, “I probably shouldn’t have done that anyways… I just... Lost myself in the moment there for a sec… So, my bad." "No, no!" Luna protested, "That was wonderful! Please, come at me again with just as much ferocity. I have not felt a moment of tension like that in a thousand years!" I got back to my feet and shook my head to clear the sand from my ears. Looking up, I found Luna to be grinning at me in a way I had never seen her look before. She looked almost wild, but happy and excited, like a child let loose in a candy store. Something else seemed off about her though, and while I couldn’t be sure it wasn’t just a head injury from the impact I had received, her star like mane seemed darker somehow and longer than it had been before. Despite being sent flying by what I guessed amounted to a magical spur of the moment backhand, I was starting to feel quite the thrill swelling up within me. I had fought seriously enough against the three guards in the tournament, but this was different. There was no one watching me now. No one judging me and critiquing my strange fighting style. Luna could also take even more of a hit than Stalwart could. That meant I might be able to really let loose and see what my new body could actually do if pushed to the limits. “You are still able to continue, are you not?” Luna asked hopefully. I rolled my shoulders and nodded. “I am,” I said, “So prepare yourself.” “It is you who should prepare yourself, Silver Wing,” Luna grinned, “For now that I know you are going to take this seriously, so shall I.” I would have chuckled at her comment, but she leapt from the sandy floor of the arena and flew straight for me without a moments delay. She was fast, almost too fast for me to prepare for. I had barely gotten to my hind feet when she closed in on me and I reflexively moved to block her strike. She swung wide, backhanding my forearm with the full force of her momentum behind her. I couldn’t hold my guard, and I was sent tumbling through the air like a ragdoll. My arm burned with pain, but thankfully, it wasn’t broken. Using my wings to right myself, I found Luna to be on top of me already, winding up for another powerful swing. I knew I couldn’t block another hit like that without injury, so I’d have to avoid her attacks from here on out. Though she didn’t look it at all, Luna was way stronger than I was. But, just because I couldn’t match her in terms of raw power, didn’t mean I couldn’t beat her in other areas. I’d have to use her brute force against her, but for that I’d have to play it defensively. As her swing came for my side, I stepped back and caught the back of her hoof with my own. Guiding her strike past me, I shot a counter punch right into her now exposed side. I hit her with far more force than I usually would, throwing my legs and core into the mix for extra power. My blow made her recoil, but before I could continue my counter, Luna struck at me with a wing. Sky Flare had used this trick as a method of distraction in the past when we sparred, but Luna’s variation was no mere distraction. She slammed the arm of her wing downwards atop my head like a hammer and I was sent straight into the sand below. I was dazed and my head rang like a gong, but I knew I had to move, had to get away from her and regain my focus. I threw myself backwards as best I could, but before I could recover enough to find my bearings, a crushing blow caught me in the side. The world spun around me as I tumbled atop the sand, and as I heard the quick beat of wings approaching me once again, I realized just how outmatched I was. She wasn’t just stronger, she was faster too, a lot faster. Sky Flare had been wholly right, and my pride wept at the thought of admitting that one to her. “What is the matter Silver Wing?” I heard Luna call from somewhere beyond my daze, “Are you spent already? Surely you can muster more than this.” I took this small moment to catch my breath and recover my bearings. Shakily, I rose to my feet and found Luna to be standing barely a yard away. She was grinning wildly and her eyes held a passionate glow like firelight. I felt like a mouse that had been caught by a cat. She was playing with me, and we both knew it. I smirked weakly and assumed my fighting stance once more. “Not quite yet,” I said, “Let’s try that one more time.” Luna grinned wider and leapt for me again. I knew I probably wasn’t going to be able to beat her. I probably wouldn’t last another thirty seconds at this rate. But I’d least leave one more bruise to show that I took this seriously. Luna struck for my head with a straight punch and I ducked it fast. Her chest was directly in front of my face now and I leapt straight up with all the strength my four legs had. The top of my head slammed into the bottom of Luna’s jaw and her head snapped back at my strike. The impact hurt like hell, but unlike Luna, I had been expecting it. Using my core muscles and legs, I shot my right hoof upwards after her and delivered a deep uppercut to Luna’s stomach, then moved to strike her side with a quick left hook in the hopes of overwhelming her with my assault. My left had barely begun to swing when I found Luna’s head returning to my own with unforgiving force. She was still grinning as wildly as she had been a moment before, and her forehead crashed into mine before I could even blink. Surprisingly, I felt no pain from her attack, but even more surprising was the fact that I now found myself standing in what looked like a vast meadow of some sort. The grass was a silvered blue, with flowers that glistened like tiny stars. The moon sat high above, but it was as bright as day everywhere I looked and not a soul was in sight. Neither were there any houses or landmarks that I could find along the horizon. I was alone, in an endless field of starlight flowers. An odd sound like swirling wind dew my attention, and I found Princess Luna to be forming out of thin air nearby. “I must say, I am impressed Silver Wing!” She called to me. Her voice practically sang out from seemingly everywhere, and I could almost feel her joy wrap around me. I would have been concerned as to where I was, or how I had gotten to this strange place, but after the last few months I had started to get used to things being strange. “Impressed?” I called back as she walked up to me, “How? I got my ass handed to me!” Luna titled her head at my words and I frowned at myself for speaking like that. “What a curious phrase,” she said thoughtfully, “Still, you have done remarkably well. You managed to land three resounding blows on me! No guard in our service has done so well since before I was sealed in the moon one thousand years ago.” “I’m glad I didn’t disappoint you then,” I said, “But I have to admit, I didn’t believe Sky Flare when she told me how strong you really were. Or you for that matter when you said you could take a hit.” “Perhaps you will be so kind as to fight me again someday.” Luna said smiling. “Sure,” I said, “I can fight you again right now if you want. I don’t seem to have been hit as hard as I thought I was.” “You were struck sufficiently hard, Silver Wing,” Luna chuckled, “You feel no pain now as we are in your dreams.” “My dreams!?” I gasped. I knew that Luna could snoop around in the dreams of others, but I didn’t know she could make herself appear in them, or make me lucid dream to have a conversation. I looked around at the world and wasn’t entirely convinced. It looked real enough, but what reason would Luna have to lie? With a sigh, I took what she said as truth and fell silent for a moment as I realized what that meant for my body. “I’m laying face down in the dirt then, aren’t I?” I asked. Whether it was a trick of my mind or not, I couldn’t be sure, but I could swear I tasted sand in my mouth even though there was none. “Not quite,” Luna chuckled, “You are back in your room in the Canterlot Palace now, safe and sound. I had a medical pony check you over after you lost consciousness, then brought you to your room in secret.” “Why in secret?” I asked, “Not that I’m complaining.” The thought of however many guards and medical ponies seeing me being carried through the halls, unconscious, again, was rather depressing to think about. But luckily, it seems my pride wouldn’t have to endure that this time. “You were correct in your concern of my sister’s reaction to our little fight,” Luna admitted, “She would be most displeased if she were to find out. So, I felt it best to take precautions to avoid that outcome.” “But wait,” I gasped in disbelief, “You said you’d take care of her if she found out! You can’t just hide the fact we fought!” “I am a Princess,” Luna stated simply, “I can hide whatever I wish.” She smiled at me and added, “So, if you would please refrain from speaking of our encounter tonight, I would be most appreciative.” I was stunned. I thought she’d just talk to Celestia and work things out that way, but instead, she’s just going to act like nothing even happened? I sighed and dropped my head. “Alright…” I said tiredly. “Very good,” she smiled, “I shall take my leave and let you rest. Thank you for a most wonderful night.” “Anytime,” I said, “Though next time, I’ll be more prepared for you.” “Excellent,” Luna grinned, “I look forward to it.” After that, Luna faded from my apparent dream and I quickly felt myself slipping into the blurred mashups that were my typical dreams. > The Wheels Begin to Turn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A hard knocking drew me from my slumber, and with my return to consciousness, I found my head to be pounding harder than my door was. I groaned and sat up in my bed, then winced as my side cried out in protest. “Not again…” I whimpered. I felt my side gingerly and sighed with relief. It was sore, but not broken. The knocking came again and I hopped off my bed with a pained sigh. “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming. Hold your horses.” I frowned at my choice in wording and shook my head. Opening the door, I found an irritated looking white Unicorn to be standing before me. She had a golden mane and seemed to be a fair bit older than most of the ponies I’d met so far. A clipboard with a quill floated beside her, and they seemed to be pointed straight at me. “Silver Wing?” she asked in an apparent huff. “Yes?” I said, “Can I help you?” My head was still pounding and this ponies irritation only seemed to fuel my own. “I was asked by Princess Celestia to meet with you,” she stated, “I am here to help you calculate the startup costs of your business. I have been knocking for nearly ten minutes now.” It took me a moment, then I remembered that Celestia had said a pony from the treasury was coming by this morning. “Right,” I said, “Sorry about that… I uhh… Had a late night.” The Unicorn shook her head and walked past me into my room. “Well, now that I’ve finally managed to rouse you, let us begin,” she snorted, “You are not the only appointment I have today you know.” My first impression was that this Unicorn was rather rude, but if I had made her wait as long as she said, her attitude was probably warranted. “Let us begin with a list of items you will need,” She started, “Tell me everything.” “W-well…” I started, then fell silent. I hadn’t really had time to plan out a detailed list of items yet. I had also only just woken up, so my mind was still clouded over. “I’m not really sure…” I said finally, “Yet…” “Not really sure?” she repeated, “You went to the Princesses seeking a loan and didn’t prepare a list of amenities before hoof? You must have had a marvelous pitch to make up for such a lack of foresight.” I frowned at that and she must have noticed as she snorted at me in her own irritation. “Do not get cross with me, Silver Wing,” she stated, “Now sit down and tell me what you do know you will need. We can figure out the rest at a later date.” I fought not to glare at her and sat down. Turning my focus to what the Guild would need as best I could, I started listing what I assumed would be needed above all else. “Well, food for one,” I started, “And building supplies like wood, nails and tools. And maybe some workers too, though I don’t know how many ponies would willingly head into the Everfree, so I’ll probably have to do the labor myself… Well, me and Sky Flare, and the pony the Princesses send along with us.” “Did you say the Everfree!?” the Unicorn gasped, “Surely you don’t intend to build a business in the Everfree Forest?” I smirked at her reaction and nodded. “Oh yes,” I said as casually as I could manage, “I find it quite nice there, and the wildlife is very charming.” “Surely you jest?” She scoffed in disbelief. “Not at all,” I said, “The Princesses have given me an old abandoned Inn that I found in it. So, I’m going to be renovating it and setting up shop inside.” “Well that’s just absurd!” she started, but I cut her off. “Luckily for me then, it doesn’t matter what you think,” I said matter-of-factly, “The Princesses approve of my idea, so can we please get back to business Miss…?” “It’s Mrs. Goldenrod,” Goldenrod said, “and there is no need to get cross with me, I am simply stating my opinion on your choice of business locals.” I sighed and dropped my shoulders a little. “Sorry,” I said, “I’ve just had a really rough night. I have a killer headache, and while I’m sorry for making you wait, you have been a little less than charming since we met.” She snorted at me, then smiled. “Let us begin anew then, shall we?” she offered. “Sure,” I nodded, “But I really don’t know what I’ll need just yet. The last time I was at that Inn, I was kinda half-conscious, with broken ribs, and a broken wing… So, I didn’t really get to take in all the details.” I watched her eyes widen slightly, then continued before she could say anything more against my choice in Guild grounds. “Is there any way I could get a small sum of bits now, and go scout the Inn out? You know, take notes of what needs repairing and what other supplies will be needed in the long run. Then get back to you?” “While that’s not normally how these things are done, in your current situation, that would likely be best,” Goldenrod said, “Once you have compiled your list of necessities, bring it to me. I can usually be found within the treasury records during the daylight hours.” “I’ll come find you in a few days then,” I said, “Thank you for your understanding.” Goldenrod nodded to me, then trotted back towards my door. “Good luck with your endeavor, Silver Wing,” she said, “I will have the small sum of bits you requested delivered to your room later this afternoon. And I do hope you know what you’re doing.” I chuckled at her and gave a weak shrug. “We’ll know if I return, right?” I joked. “Indeed.” She said. Then she left, closing my door behind her with her magic. I slumped down onto the floor and grasped at my head wearily. It hurt like hell, but I was pretty sure I was alright. I’d just be sore for a while, again… Glancing to my bed, I seriously debated going back to sleep, but I couldn’t just yet. I had to go check on Sky Flare and tell her that the Princesses had actually approved my idea to make a Guild. I laughed at the thought of what she’d say when I told her. I doubt she’ll believe me at first, and I couldn’t help wonder what Breezy would think of the whole idea too. With a groan, I rose to my feet and headed for my door. Sky Flare would probably still be at her place, so I’d stop by there first, and if she wasn’t, Breezy or Lemon Bloom would know where she went. It took me over an hour to reach Sky Flare’s house. I had decided to walk there instead of fly. With how my head and side felt, I figured it was better to be safe than sorry and stick to the ground till I felt better. The last thing I wanted do to, was accidentally fly into a building or something if I got light headed. By the time I’d arrived, my muscles had started to feel a little better. I’d worked out the stiffness and gotten the blood flowing, so as long as I didn’t stop moving for any length of time, I’d stay feeling pretty good. “Heads up!” a voice suddenly called from above. I glanced up and was surprised to see Sky Flare and Breezy high above me. They looked like they had saddlebags on that were loaded with groceries of some kind, but that wasn’t all I noticed. There was movement of some kind between us. It gleamed in the sunlight and seemed to be moving on its own. I realized too late that the object I saw hurtling towards me was in fact, an apple. Sky Flare must have tossed one down to me as she called. Unfortunately, even though I was feeling better outwardly, my reflexes were still far from recovered. The apple struck me square on the head and I dropped to the ground with both forehooves clasped over my latest bruise. “Why!?” I cried out in agony. ‘What karmatic rule did I break to piss the world off so much!?’ I thought, feeling momentarily defeated by life itself. It didn’t seem fair. Wasn’t it enough that I was trapped here in this place? Apparently not… I’d been injured during the demonstration, nearly died in the Everfree, then wound up losing to both Sky Flare and Luna. And to top it all off, I was nearly knocked out by an apple to the head. I flopped over onto my side and let out a long, deep sigh as my head throbbed from the impact of the apple. Every ache and sore muscle I had seemed to throb with newfound pain and I very much regretted not choosing my bed an hour ago. I frowned inwardly and shook my head as I realized my own stupidity. ‘No,’ I thought tiredly, ‘Karma has nothing to do with it…’ I knew the risks of taking part in the demonstration, so that one was on me for trying my luck. The Everfree was also my fault, since I was the one who snuck off in the dead of the night to explore, despite Sky Flare’s constant warnings against it. Losing to Sky Flare afterwards was due to my own stubbornness as well, and I knew from the start that I was out matched by Luna… Glancing over at the nearby apple, I frowned a little and sighed again. Even the apple was my own fault. I should have caught it, or dodged… “Are you alright Silver!?” Sky Flare called to me as she landed beside me, “I am so sorry, I thought for sure you’d catch it with your magic like you usually do!” I would have thought she was sincere in her apology, if it weren’t for the clear laughter she was only barely managing to hold back. “Good to see yer still using yer ‘ead boy.” Breezy chuckled from somewhere behind me. “Always.” I groaned. I got to my feet a little shakily and looked at Sky Flare tiredly. “Wow, you look terrible Silver, what happened?” she asked, noticing my weary look. “Oh, you know,” I said as casually as I could manage, “Negotiating business with the Princesses isn’t all cakes and tea.” “It went that well huh?” Sky Flare asked. “It did actually,” I laughed, “They agreed.” “They what!?” Sky Flare gasped, “You’re kidding!” “I don’t know if I should say,” I teased, “I mean, last time you said I should toss a rock at your window if I wanted to talk about something important, didn’t you?” I caught a snort of laughter escape from Breezy and Sky Flare frowned at me. “Just get on with it Silver,” She sighed, “I can take a joke.” I couldn’t help but grin at her. She’d been more passively tolerant about my desire to make this Guild and I knew she hadn’t had much faith in it becoming a reality, so this was almost worth the apple to the head to see. “Not a joke I’m afraid,” I said, “I’m one hundred percent serious. The Princesses have approved the founding of my Guild, and guess what? You’re gonna be training those that join us how to fight like Canterlots military.” “Wait, what!?” Sky Flare stammered, “No way! Don’t go dragging me into your mess!” “Aww, come on Sky,” I chuckled at her, “It’ll be fun! Think of all the places we’ll see, and all the ponies you’ll meet by doing this. How can you say no to that?” “Easily,” Sky Flare snorted. “N. O.” “Old up a sec ‘ere,” Breezy cut in, “What’s all this now? Yer foundin’ a Guild, Silver Wing?” “I take it Sky never mentioned why we came back so soon?” I asked, glancing from Breezy back to Sky Flare. Sky Flare glanced away from me. “It never came up.” she shrugged. “Sky said you ‘ad somethin’ to discuss with the Princesses, but that was about it,” Breezy said, then he eyed me seriously, “Now what are you plannin’ exactly?” “A Guild,” I said, “Think like your Wonderbolts or the Canterlot Military, only much smaller. And instead of being mainly for the defense of Equestria, our job will be helping those in need and the general wellbeing of all ponies. There are too many ponies slipping through the cracks of local law enforcement, and despite its best efforts, the Military has its hands full with everything else that’s been going on the last few years. So, I asked the Princesses if I could create something like I used to be a part of in my… Home.” Breezy nodded and looked me over again. “Aye,” he said thoughtfully, “I know the cracks ya mean. But are ya sure you can ‘anlde this? It’s not going ta be easy.” “Wouldn’t be fun if it was easy,” I chuckled, then I looked him in the eyes and spoke seriously, “I know it will be hard, and I know there will be unexpected circumstances that will test me in ways I can’t anticipate, but this something I have always done. I may be a good fighter, but helping people is what I do. It was my job where I’m from, and I feel I can make a real difference here.” Breezy smiled. “Well then, I look forward ta ‘earing all about this Guild,” he said, “But let’s talk more about it inside, Lemon Bloom’ll find this right facinatin’.” “You’re okay with this idea, Dad?” Sky Flare asked, seemingly stunned. “Why wouldn’t I be?” Breezy laughed, “If I was younger, I’d be right there with him tryin’ ta get this thing on its hooves.” I smiled at that. I’d only really talked to Sky Flare about the Guild up until now, and she seemed wholly indifferent to the idea. The Princesses, while intrigued by the prospect, hadn’t really shared too much about their personal feelings towards the idea either. So, it was a comfort to find someone who shared my thinking. Sky Flare sighed heavily and shook her head. “I guess I’ll have to help you then…” she groaned, “If I don’t, I’ll never hear the end of it.” “Oh, come now,” Breezy smirked, “I’d never force ya to do somethin’ ya had no love for.” “Yeah, but you’d sure as Celestia raises the sun rant about it every chance you got till I caved!” she snorted. Breezy looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded in agreement. “Can’t argue with that one,” he said, “Now come on inside before Silver ‘ere finds another apple.” I groaned as they both started to laugh at me, and followed them inside. “We’re ‘ome!” Breezy called out as he entered, “An’ we got company!” A moment later, Lemon Bloom rounded a corner from the kitchen and smiled at us. “Welcome home dear,” she said, “And hello Silver Wing, it’s nice to see you again. I hear you’ve had quite the adventure the last few months.” “Yeah,” I said, “For the most part.” “Silver ere’s got himself quite the task ahead a him dear,” Breezy said, “You should come ‘ave a listen to what ‘es plannin’ on doin’.” “Let me grab us all a fresh slice of apple pie first,” Lemon Bloom said, “Then I’d love to hear all about it. You make yourself comfortable Silver Wing, and I’ll bring you some pie in the living room.” She looked so cheerful and happy to have company, and the motherly smile she wore almost seemed infectious as it forced me to smile just as big as she was. Breezy chuckled back at me and nodded towards the living room. “That’s my Lemon Bloom,” he said contently, “Always bringing smiles to the face of youngn’s.” I tried to frown at his comment, but Lemon Blooms lingering charm made it impossible. I took a seat in the living room while Breezy and Sky Flare took their groceries into the kitchen and put them away. I passed the time by admiring the many family photo’s they had placed around the room. Sky Flare seemed to be smiling in nearly every photo and I couldn’t help but wonder why she wasn’t as happy and friendly as her mother when it came to other ponies. I knew she was bored here in Canterlot, and had always tried to look after her parents as best she could, but it was hard to imagine that such a gentle and kindhearted mare like Lemon Bloom could have raised such a fiery, short tempered Pegasus like Sky Flare. She could be charming, and even sweet sometimes, but Sky Flare was usually nothing like her mother, at least in my eyes. It made me wonder if Lemon Bloom might have been more like her daughter when she was younger, and had simply been tempered over the years by experience and the wisdom that came with it. I smirked at the thought of Sky Flare acting like her mother, but quickly shook the mental image from my mind. “That would never happen.” I mused to myself. “What would never happen?” Sky Flare asked as she trotted into the room. I smirked at her and shook my head. “Oh nothing,” I said, “Just had a funny thought was all.” “Uh-huh.” she sighed. She came right up to me and sat down, a serious look on her face. “Are you actually serious Silver?” she whispered, “Celestia actually agreed to let you make your Guild?” I nodded. “Yes,” I whispered back, though I wasn’t sure why I was whispering, “And they want someone to teach whoever joins how to fight like the Canterlot military.” “Yeah, I hear they’re not a fan of you teaching me your way of fighting.” Sky Flare sighed. I nodded again apologetically. “They said they were going to send someone to stress the importance of what I taught you staying between us,” I said, “I guess they beat me to you?” “Big time,” she said, shaking her head, “First thing this morning, Celestia herself came to the door and asked me quite clearly not to teach or show anypony how to fight like you’ve taught me to. She made it clear I could still learn from you though, and use your teachings for self-defense and such, but under no circumstances was I allowed to pass it on.” I dropped my head low. “I’m sorry,” I said, “I hadn’t thought to run it by them when I first agreed to teach you, but at least I can still continue to teach you.” “Hey, I don’t mind it staying our little secret,” Sky Flare chuckled, “That just makes it an even bigger edge to have hidden up my feathers.” “What’s this about secrets I ‘ear?” Breezy chimed in as he entered the room, “Silver my boy, you wouldn’t be tryin’ ta charm my little Sky Flare with sweet words now were ya?” “Dad…” Sky Flare sighed. I smirked at him and shook my head. “Not this time, no.” “Good,” Breezy said with nod, “Cause those sorts a tactics won’t do a thing for ‘er. Ya gotta be more direct if you wanna tame-” “Dad!” Sky Flare barked, “We were talking about Celestia’s visit!” “Ah yes.” Breezy nodded. He sat down on a cushion nearby and regarded me closely. “Was a surprise ta be sure. But she made ‘er desires quite clear.” Before we could discuss Celestia’s visit further, Lemon Bloom came into the room. She had four plates in tow, held aloft with her magic. “Who’s ready for some pie?” she sang pleasantly. Without even having to reply, a plate of pie drifted towards each of us and waited before our noses for us to take the treats into our hooves. Sky Flare and Breezy did just that, while I, using the magic of my bracelet, took ahold of my plate and kept it floating before me. “Sky Flare mentioned you’d gotten your hooves on some magic a yer own,” Breezy commented, “But I didn’t quite believe it.” “Uh, yeah.” I said. I raised my bracelet up for him to see and continued, “Meadow Dawn gave me this bracelet. It lets me move things like a Unicorn can. Well, small things like a plate of pie anyways.” “That’s quite a gift.” Lemon Bloom said, admiring the golden relic on my arm.” “It’s a life saver,” I said, “Quite literally.” Breezy and Lemon Bloom looked at me curiously and I explained. “I’m sure Sky Flare’s told you all about my mishap in the Everfree by now?” Breezy smirked and nodded his head. “I’d tell ya ‘ow foolish that stunt was, but by the sounds a it, ya got that lesson loud an’ clear.” “I did,” I admitted, “But if it wasn’t for this bracelet here, I might not have made it out of there in one piece. It served as a light when I fell into that cave, and it lets me…” I let my words off as I realized I was about to let slip that it could now also control animals. I thought quickly and resumed my sentence as smoothly as I could. “It let me fend off the Timber Wolves.” “You’re lucky to be alive, Silver Wing,” Lemon Bloom stressed, “I don’t know what possessed you to enter that forest, but I’d keep yourself as far away from it as you can from now on.” I chuckled and scratched the back of my head nervously. No one seemed to like the Everfree except me, and that was becoming steadily more apparent the more ponies I talked to. “I would if I could,” I started sheepishly, “But I actually really like that forest. I can’t really explain it, but it reminds me of my home.” “If ya lived someplace even a little like that forest, it’s no wonder ya fight like you do,” Breezy chuckled, “Still. My little Lemon Bloom’s right. You should fly clear a that forest, no matter ‘ow much it reminds ya a home.” “Well,” I said, a little unsure how to say what I was about to, “That’s gonna be a bit of a problem… I kinda plan to setup the Guild there.” “You what!?” Sky Flare gasped. Breezy shared her vocalization, and Lemon Bloom looked like she was going to faint. “Why!?” Sky Flare started, “Where!? You nearly died their Silver!” “You remember that old Inn?” I asked her quickly. “You mean the one I found you half dead in!?” she growled, “Yeah, I remember it! You wanna use that dump as your Guild?!” “It’s nothing a little renovating can’t fix,” I tried, “And it’s the perfect spot. It’s near enough to the forests edge that our members can come and go without too much difficulty, but it’s far enough in that we won’t have to worry about random ponies stumbling across it.” “And what about the Timber Wolves Silver!?” Sky Flare barked, “You know, the things that almost killed you!?” “Oh they’re fine,” I said, waving a hoof at her, “I have that problem taken care of.” “And how’s that?” She asked almost angrily. “I… I can’t really say…” I said, “But trust me when I say, they will not bother anyone this time.” “Silver, ya can’t make peace with ‘em, if that’s yer plan,” Breezy cautioned, “They can’t be reasoned with, or trained.” “I really can’t give you a proper explanation,” I said, “But please, just trust me when I say that I know what I’m doing. The Timber wolves will not be a threat anymore.” “Ya haven’t given me reason not to take yer word when it’s given,” Breezy sighed, seeming to give in, “But I really ‘ope ya know what yer doin’…” “Yeah, well I want a real explanation.” Sky Flare stated. She sat up on her hind end and crossed her arms expectantly. I tried to think of a way around explaining how I could handle the Timber Wolves, but I couldn’t think of anything. I knew telling them that some shadow creature had given me extra magic that could control animals like the Timber Wolves wouldn’t go over very well, but I didn’t seem to have much of a choice at the moment. “Sky Flare…” Lemon Bloom cut in softly, “If Silver Wing says to trust him, I think he’s earned that.” “Oh, I trust him just fine,” Sky Flare snorted, “But I will not just sit by and let him get himself killed! He wants to go back into the Everfree, he’ll have to explain to me why he’s so confident this time! Otherwise, I’ll break his wings to keep him here!” I started to frown at her, then I saw the look on her face. It was the same look of concerned fear I had seen on her when she found me in the Inn after my accident. I immediately felt terrible and I knew that I couldn’t deny her this... Not if I wanted her help. With a sigh, I nodded and gave in. “Fine…” I started, then I got an idea. I didn’t have to explain everything that had happened, or even mention Perdias. I could blame it all on that crystal I found in the cave and leave it at that. After all, I had no idea how magic worked, right? “…But you all have to promise not to tell anyone about this, alright?” I stressed. Sky Flare, Breezy and Lemon Bloom nodded and I resumed. “You know how I was stuck in the caves under the Everfree for a while?” I said, “Well, I found something while I was down there.” “And what was that?” Sky Flare asked. “I don’t know how to explain it really, so bear with me.” I started, trying to find the right words. Whatever I said, I had to leave Perdias out of it. He could be my only hope at getting home, and I could not lose that chance. “While I was lost in those caves beneath the Everfree,” I went on, “I found something. Something magic, like my bracelet. It was a big crystal ball that kept the Timber Wolves and everything else except ponies away. I don’t know how or why, but when I got near it my bracelet somehow absorbed the magic from it. I didn’t realize it at the time, but when I finally found my way back into the forest, the Timber Wolves wouldn’t come anywhere near me.” “Ya found a crystal ball that keeps the Timber Wolves away?” Breezy repeated, “That’s not something I’ve ever ‘eard of… And that trinket a yers absorbed that power ya say?” He looked to Lemon Bloom for her thoughts. “I know of magic that can repel certain creatures,” she said thoughtfully, “But it’s no simple spell. And I’ve never heard of somepony crafting a magic item with such powers, not since the ancient times of Starswirl the Bearded. What’s more confusing though, is that you say your bracelet somehow gained this magic as well?” “I have no idea who made it,” I said, “But my bracelet can keep the Timber Wolves away now, that’s all I know…” “I take it ya didn’t tell the Princesses about this magic ball ya found?” Breezy checked, though he had a knowing look to him, “Or about this new trick you’ve picked up?” “I haven’t, no…” I said, “I know none of you understand, and you probably never will, but I like that forest. So much so that I want to live there while I’m here. And the magic I found in those caves will allow me to do just that. I don’t want anyone to take that away from me, so please… Don’t tell anyone and just let me do this?” It was a risk, telling them what I had, but the worst case is I’d not be able to make the Guild in the Everfree, and maybe lose my bracelet. I wouldn’t tell them about Perdias, or where the cave was, so I could still return there in the future if I ever had the need. “How do you even know your bracelet can still keep them away?” Sky Flare asked, “It’s been months. For all you know, your bracelet could have just picked up a temporary charge and be back to normal now.” “It’s not,” I said, “I’ve tested it since, on bugs and things.” “And it what, makes them run away from you?” Sky Flare asked. I nodded. “Pretty much, yeah.” I said. “That is dangerous magic Silver Wing,” Lemon Bloom warned, “Weak as it may be in your case, any magic that effects the will of another is forbidden to most…” She looked at me seriously, then sighed. “Are you positive has no effect on ponies, or animals other than the Timber Wolves?” “Not that I know of,” I said, “Are any you scared of me?” I chuckled and raised my forehooves into the air in a cheesy spooky gesture, hoping to make this matter out to be less serious than it was growing into. Lemon Bloom smiled, but she held a strong look of concern in her eyes. “No, I do not believe we are,” She mused, “But we are worried for you.” “I’ll be fine,” I said confidently, “Besides, if she’d be willing to join me, you can bet a stack of bits that Sky Flare would keep me in check.” Breezy chuckled, “Aye, that she would.” A silence fell over us for a few moments. Breezy and Lemon Bloom both had serious looks of thought on their faces, but Sky Flare seemed more lost, or uncertain. Eventually the silence became too much for me to stomach and I cleared my throat to try and break the tension. “So…?” I said softly, “How about it Sky? Now that you know why I’m confident we’d be safe in the Everfree, do you wanna help me run this thing, or no?” Sky Flare eyed me seriously for a moment, a look of uncertainty clear on her face. Slowly, she shook her head and sighed. “I don’t know…” she whispered. She glanced back at her parents, then looked back to me. "I am still the Advanced Flight Instructor for the Aerial Flight Academy Silver… The Princesses were kind enough to give me some time off to go around traveling with you, but if I do this, I'd have to quit the Academy… I don’t know if I'm ready to do that just yet..." “You ‘ave worked plenty ‘ard to get where ya are,” Breezy said nodding, “But if this gets off the ground, it could be just what you’ve always wanted ta be a part of.” Sky Flare looked to her father and tilted her head. “Is like the boy said,” Breezy stated, “You’d be able ta see the world first hoof and meet ponies from all over. You’d get the chance ta see an ‘ear things you’ve only ever read about, an’ who knows what else.” “The Everfree isn’t too far away either…” Lemon Bloom said thoughtfully, “So you would be near enough to visit whenever you wanted. Though I am still uncomfortable with the idea.” “I… I don’t know…” Sky Flare said quietly, “I need time to think about this.” “Take all the time you need Sky,” I said, “But don’t worry about me, alright? I can handle myself just fine. You do what you want to do, and I’ll be fine with whatever you choose, okay?” Sky Flare nodded and fell silent again, her gaze falling to her hooves. “I still do not like the idea of you residing in that forest, Silver Wing,” Lemon Bloom stressed, “But I understand you hold a deep love for it. Just… Be careful. Not all magic is as simple as it seems. You are not a Unicorn. You were never meant to have magic like this, and the fact that you do is both a great blessing and a tremendous responsibility. Be respectful of it, and do not use it carelessly. I have nothing more to say on that matter, do you understand?” I nodded respectfully and left it at that. Having listened to Celestia and Luna warn Dawn about the dangers magic possessed, I was already well informed on how careful I should be. However, I needed magic to get back to my world, and risky as it might be, I would use whatever dangerous magics or relics I had to if it was my only shot at getting home. I spent the rest of the day at Sky Flare’s place. We talked more about the Guild, where exactly within the Everfree it would be, and how I would go about getting everything set up. Breezy had shared his wisdom, and Lemon Bloom had chimed in with quite a few good ideas as well. Sky Flare had voiced her opinions here and there, but she’d been uncharacteristically quiet for most of the day. I knew she had a lot on her mind, but I also knew that she’d speak to me when she was ready. I was worried she’d want nothing to do with the Guild, but I wouldn’t force her to help me. If she really didn’t want to be a part of it, I’d accept that. She would be giving up a lot to help me and I could completely understand if she wanted to stay here. But I’d be lying if I said the thought of doing this without her didn’t bother me. Taking the setting of the sun as my cue to head back, I thanked Breezy and Lemon Bloom for dinner and left. Breezy had tried to convince me to spend the night and celebrate the founding of the Guild, but I had no desire to repeat the embarrassment of the last time I tried his wine. So, I managed to convince him to postpone the celebration until the Guild was officially started. I was pretty sure he saw through me, but he eventually agreed and sent me off with a good laugh instead. I had expected Sky Flare to walk with me back to the palace so we could talk about what was on her mind, but she said goodnight at the door and waved me off. I was a little surprised, but I took it to mean she just needed some more time to think on her own. Or she wanted to talk to her parents about things privately. I couldn’t be sure what her reasons were, but I’d wait until tomorrow to ask her if she planned to join me in this or not. Good hearted as they were, Breezy and Lemon Bloom did make it difficult for Sky Flare to be herself, and she was the only one I wanted to hear from when it came to her life. I took a bit longer than an hour to get back to the palace. After having spent the last several hours sitting around chatting, the soreness of my body was back in full and I didn’t dare try flying just yet. I heard a voice call to me as I neared the main entrance to the palace and looked up nervously. There was nothing there and I let out a relived sigh. The voice called again and I looked for its source. Off to my left, I found one of the many palace guards trotting over to greet me. “Silver Wing?” he said again as he reached me, “I have been asked to deliver you a message upon your return.” “A message?” I said, “From who?” “Gale Stormrider requests an audience with you at your earliest convenience.” The guard said simply. “Gale Stormrider?” I repeated tiredly. It took me a moment, but then I recalled him. He was the white Pegasus that was always helping Black Mane with his lessons. He’d been at both the race and the demonstration as well. “Why does he want to see me?” I asked. “I do not know, I was simply asked to deliver that message to you upon your return.” The guard stated. I sighed at his words. ‘I just want to go to bed…’ I thought tiredly. I nodded at him and looked around. “Alright,” I said, “Do you know where he is?” “At present, he should be at the Academy barracks,” the guard said, “Would you like me to show you to them?” “The Academy barracks?” I groaned looking up to the sky. The Ariel Academy was still floating nearby above Canterlot, but it wouldn’t be here for long. It would move to another city for a few months soon enough, but not tonight thankfully. “This is gonna sound bad,” I laughed weakly, “But I can’t make it there tonight. I don’t have the strength, so I’ll have to see him tomorrow.” “I understand,” the guard said, then he smiled, “Would you like me to request that Gale Stormrider come to your room instead?” It was then that I realized this particular guardspony was in fact a Pegasus like myself. ‘Wow I’m tired.’ I realized. Then I shook my head and nodded. “Sure, if you don’t mind anyways?” “It’s my job,” the guard chuckled, “I will deliver your request now, have a good evening.” “You too.” I said. I gave a half wave as the guard took flight and watched as he soared off towards the academy. I glanced back wearily at the palace before me and groaned. I had been eager to get back a moment ago, to fall face first into my warm soft bedding and pass out till someone woke me, but now it was just one big tease. I’d have to wait for Gale to come by now and talk about whatever he had to talk about before I could finally get some rest. I sighed heavily and continued on my way, trudging slowly towards my destination. I don’t know if I had been going incredibly slow, or if the messenger guard was a racer in his spare time, but almost as I closed my door behind me, there was a knock on it. I fought not to groan and just sat down on a cushion. I raised my left arm and opened the door with the magic of my bracelet instead of walking across the room again. A white Pegasus was standing in my doorway and he peered into my room unsurely for a moment before he saw me. “Good evening Silver Wing.” he said. He gave a polite bow of his head then asked, “May I come in?” I nodded and he trotted into my room. He moved to the close the door, but I beat him to it with my magic. I was tired, and I didn’t want to waste time with the little things right now. “I had heard a rumor that you had gained the ability to use magic, but I didn’t really believe it,” Gale said, slightly awed, “Until now at least.” “A friend of mine gave me a magic bracelet,” I explain quickly, “It’s not as strong or varied as a Unicorns magic, but it lets me move things around easy enough.” He trotted over to me and sat down, clearly eying my bracelet with interest. “That’s remarkable.” he said. “It’s a great help,” I admitted, “But I don’t think you wanted to see me just to see if a rumor was true or not. What’s up?” He seemed to be jarred back to the moment at that and cleared his throat. “You’re correct,” he said, “I apologize for disturbing you.” “You’re fine,” I half sighed, “Now what’s up?” I was too tired to deal with the overly polite nature of most of the ponies in the palace. I wanted to go to bed, so I just wanted this Pegasus to get on with things already. “Well…” he started, then paused, “I’m not sure how to say this…” “Words would be a good start.” I said, trying to joke, but I could tell I came off more sarcastically then I meant to. “Sorry, I’ve had a really long day.” “No need to apologize,” Gale said, “I’ll say this as directly as I can then. Starting tomorrow, I am going to be your subordinate and aid you in the operations of your Guild.” “What?” I stammered. “I have been asked by Princess Celestia to serve under you and aid you to the best of my abilities while you build up and run your Guild,” He said again, “As well as to observe that Equestrian laws are maintained, and that proper precautions and safety measures are practiced.” “They chose you for this?” I gasped, “But what about Black Mane? Aren’t you his assistant or something?” Gale laughed and shook his head. “Assistant? No,” he explained, “I was being trained to take over for Black Mane when he retired, but Princess Celestia asked me if I’d be interested in this instead. I’m no student though, I’m a fully trained member of Canterlots Aerial Military. Have been for years. I am good friends with Black Mane, which is why I was first selected to replace him. But, before that I used to lead patrols, scout out potential hot spots for trouble, and train troops in unified combat and tactics.” I was a genuinely surprised. I had thought that Gale was lower than Black Mane and just a simple assistant or something, but by the sounds of it, he was a great deal higher ranked and had even more responsibilities. “Wow, well,” I said feeling a little unsure how to respond, “I’m glad to have you, Gale.” “And I am glad to be a part of the team,” Gale said, “When do we begin? And who else is in our ranks?” “I plan to head out tomorrow… Afternoon,” I said, “And scout out the Guild grounds to compile a list of what we’ll need. I assume Celestia gave you all the details we came up with so far? Gale nodded. “I believe so,” he said, “You plan to repurpose an old Inn that lies within the Everfree Forest, near Ponyville, to serve as our base of operations.” “That’s right, yeah.” I said. I was glad he seemed alright with the idea of using the Everfree at least. I really didn’t think I had it in me right then to explain my reasoning for what, the fourth time now? “As for who’s in our ranks,” I went on, “At the moment, it’s just you and me. I had asked Sky Flare earlier, but I’m still waiting for her to get back to me on it.” “I understand,” Gale said, “If you need any advice, input, or just to run an idea by somepony, just let me know. I’m here to help.” ‘At least he seems helpful.’ I thought, rather relived. I’d been worried the Princesses would send someone like Malican to work with me, so this was a pleasant surprise. “Unless you have any questions for me, I will return tomorrow afternoon?” Gale said, rising to his feet. “No questions tonight,” I chuckled, “I may have some more tomorrow though.” “I will answer any you may pose.” Gale said. He returned to my door and bowed as he prepared to leave. “Until tomorrow,” he stated, “Have a good night, Sir.” “Just Silver’s fine,” I laughed, “This Guild isn’t going to be quite as formal as what you’re probably used to.” “Very well,” Gale said, “Goodnight, Silver.” He smiled, then closed the door behind himself. I sighed tiredly and barely managed to climb into my bed. I’d run over the events of today after a good nights rest, but for now, all I had on my mind was sleep, and by some miracle, it seemed like I was finally going to get it. > The Timber Wolves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Silver,” A voice called to me from beyond my darkness, “Silver, wake up.” With a groan of protest, I opened one eye and found somepony to be so close, our noses were practically touching. It took me a moment to realize who it was, and when I did, I jumped back in surprise. “Sky Flare!?” I gasped, “W-what are you doing!? And how’d you get into my room!?” She smirked at me and shook her head. “You didn’t answer when I knocked, so I tried the door and it was unlocked.” “W-well…” I mumbled, “That still doesn’t explain why you’re here, or in my face.” “You were talking in your sleep,” She said, “I thought you were talking to me at first, but I couldn’t make out what you were saying, so I woke you up.” “Oh, alright…” I took a breath to calm my heart rate and sat up, “So… Why are you here?” Sky Flare smiled at me and hopped up onto my bed and sat down. “I’ve thought a lot about this Guild idea of yours,” she said, “And spent most of the night talking it over with my parents.” My brain clicked into gear at her words and I felt a pit grow in the bottom of my stomach from the anticipation I suddenly felt. “A-and…?” I asked, trying not to sound too hopeful. She smirked at me and shrugged casually. “I’ll do it.” she said. I felt a rush of joy at her words and couldn’t shake the grin I felt growing on my face. “But.” Sky Flare added, and I groaned aloud. ‘There was that damn ‘but’ again,’ I thought, ‘Always and forever, anything good has to come with a ‘but’.’ “If I’m going to be helping you out with this, I have a few conditions.” She finished. “Of course you do,” I sighed, “I’d expect nothing less.” “And what’s that supposed to mean?” She snorted. “Nothing Sky,” I chuckled, “What’s on your mind?” She frowned at me for a moment, then shook her head and laid her list out for me. “Well, first off,” she began, “I don’t know what you’re planning, but I’m assuming you’re going to have a chain of command of some sort. Unless something’s been written up with the Princesses, I hope you’ll think of me if you wind up needing a second in command.” I opened my mouth to speak, but she cut me off and continued. “Secondly, if I’m going to be training whoever joins us, I expect you to keep your hooves out of my methods. You’re training me, and that’s fine, but when I’m training them, I’m in charge of the routine.” I tried to speak again, but as before, she spoke over me. “Finally, and this is more my parents condition than mine, but if I don’t visit them at least once a month, my Dad is going to come by and tell everypony stories about you being drunk until I go agree to go home with him.” I chuckled at her last condition and nodded my agreement. “Sky,” I said smiling, “I couldn’t think of anypony better suited to be my second in command than you. And I’d never dream of interfering with your training methods. I don’t know enough about Equestria’s tactics and techniques to offer any real advice anyways.” Then I laughed and added, “And you’re definitely going home every month without fail. I don’t think either of us could handle a visit from Breezy if he was coming to stir up trouble.” Sky Flare laughed with me and nodded her agreement. “So,” I said after our laughter had faded, “Are those all the conditions your service is gonna cost me?” Sky Flare grinned at me dangerously and shrugged. “For now,” she said coyly, “Though I may come up with more down the road.” I smirked. “I’m sure you will,” I said, “I’m sure you will.” “I’ll also be keeping an eye on you and this magic bracelet of yours,” She warned, “Mostly at my Mom’s request. But she does have a point in how dangerous that type of magic can be.” “Fair enough.” I said. Her conditions were perfectly acceptable to me, as was her concern over my bracelet. I was so happy to have her with me though, that I probably would have agreed to almost anything right then. I’d spent more time with her than anyone else in this entire world, and she was hands down my closest friend. Dawn was a close second, but that was mainly because she was in the same boat I was. We were both humans stuck here in this strange world, so that by default made us closer than most. But Sky Flare and I had a real connection now, forged through months of training and traveling together. I knew most of her likes and dislikes by heart. Her favorite foods and songs. Even her fears. I was grateful to have her by my side in this, and I couldn’t help but tell her exactly that. “Thanks Sky,” I said softly, “It means a lot to know that you’ll be with me through this… More than I can say.” “Aww,” Sky Flare teased, “Is the new Guild Master getting all sentimental on me now?” I winced in mock pain at her words and shook my head. “Please, don’t call me that.” I laughed. “No?” Sky Flare cooed, “Would you prefer I just call you master, then, hmm?” “I’m no one’s master,” I said, though her words made me grin, “And even if I am the Guilds leader, I still just want to be called Silver.” “Well tough,” Sky Flare stated, “Whether you like it or not, you need some sort of a title if we’re going to be official. You’re the leader of a Guild now, so at the very least that’s what I’m gonna refer to you as, Silver Wing, our Guild Leader. When we’re around others anyway.” She laughed, then eyed me cheshirely, “Or would you prefer I think up something grander, hmm?” “Silver is just fine,” I said, waving a hoof tentatively, “Really.” She chuckled at me, then hopped off my bed and started towards my door. “Well, Mr. Leader?” she called back to me, “You gonna stay in bed all day, or are we going to get this Guild started?” I shook my head at her and crawled out of my bed. “I had planned to scout out the Inn in a bit,” I said, “Once Gale gets here anyway.” “Gale?” Sky Flare repeated. She turned back to face me and continued. “You mean Gale Stormrider?” I nodded. “One of Celestia’s conditions was that she put one of her Guards in the Guild to keep an eye on things and make sure I keep Equestria’s best interests at heart,” I explained, “Apparently, she picked Gale. He came by last night and told me himself. He should be showing up sometime this afternoon.” “I didn’t think somepony like him would join us,” Sky Flare admitted, “I might just have him train our members instead.” “No can do,” I teased, “One of your conditions was that you do the training, right? Can’t have my second in command go pawning off her responsibilities on the first day, now can I?” She shook her head at me and chuckled. “Fine,” she said, “I’ll do my part.” Before we could continue our banter, a knock came from the door. “And that’s probably Gale now,” I said, “Time to get started.” Sky Flare trotted over and opened the door, and sure enough, Gale stood on the other side. He had a pair of saddlebags on his back and a well-rested look to his posture. “Good afternoon Sky Flare,” he said, “I hadn’t expected to see you here.” “I could say the same to you Gale,” Sky Flare said, “Didn’t you have Black Mane’s routine to learn?” Gale smirked at her and shrugged. “Didn’t you have students that needed to learn how to hover?” he countered. Sky Flare snorted at Gale angrily, and for a moment, I thought she was going to deck him, but she burst out laughing instead and moved aside so he could enter my room. “Good to see you still have some backbone,” she laughed, “This should be quite the interesting little undertaking.” The way they acted made me think they were old friends, but Sky Flare had never really mentioned Gale before, or any of her friends really, so I couldn’t sure. Most likely they were just co-workers that had grown to know each other over the years of teaching at the Academy. “Good morning Silver Wing.” Gale said as he noticed me coming up behind Sky Flare. “Morning Gale,” I said, “Ready to brave the Everfree?” “I am,” he said, “I have enough rations to keep us going for about a week, and some necessities like matches, paper, and a quill.” “Perfect,” I said, “Let me grab my gear and we’ll be good to go.” “I’ll go get my stuff from home and meet you at the palace gates,” Sky Flare said, “It won’t take me too long.” “Alright,” I said, “See you there.” I watched her leave, then quickly gathered up my saddlebags. I hadn’t bothered to unpack any of my gear yet, so all my stuff from traveling with Sky Flare the last few months was still packed tight and ready to go. I noticed a pouch on the table by the door and found it to be full of gold coins. ‘These must be the bits Goldenrod said she’d deliver to hold me over,’ I thought, ‘I almost forgot about them.’ I tucked the pouch into one of my bags and slipped them over my back. “It shouldn’t take us more than a day or two to get a feel for what we’ll need,” I said to Gale, “But be careful not to wander off when we reach the Inn. Let me secure the area first, alright?” Gale eyed me oddly for a moment, then nodded. “Very well.” he said. “Good,” I said, “Now then, let’s go wait for Sky Flare, then we can get going.” Sky Flare was back before long, and together, the three of us took off for the Everfree Forest. I was still sore in spots, but after having a good night’s sleep I was feeling refreshed and alive again. My spirits were soaring even higher than I was, and I was sure that helped to dull the pain of my sore muscles and bones. I was taking the first steps towards making a place I could understand here in Equestria. Sky Flare was with me, and the day was bright and clear. It was shaping up to be a great day and I was grateful for it. Since we all could fly, it didn’t take us long to reach the Everfree Forest, but it was nearly sunset by the time we caught sight of the abandoned Inn I had planned to make into our home. It was a little harder to find than I thought it would be. It was in a fairly sizable clearing, but in a forest as vast as this, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Sky Flare had only found it the first time because of the smoke signal I had inadvertently made in lighting a fire to keep myself warm, but now all we had to go off of was her memory of its general location. We landed on what used to be a stone path that was now overgrown with vines and vegetation and took in our surroundings. Enormous trees bordered what used to be the Inn’s trimmed grounds, and a stonework fence could be made out here and there beneath the overgrowth. The air was heavy, but cool and the breeze made it almost seem like the forest was breathing around us. I loved it, but I could tell Sky Flare and Gale were uneasy. “Yeah…” Sky Flare sighed, “This was a great idea…” “Oh hush,” I said, “It’ll be perfect. Just give it a chance.” “It will be nightfall soon,” Gale said, “We should check the stability of the Inn before it gets dark. If we can’t find a suitable room within, we’ll have to head for Ponyville. Without proper defenses and lighting, it will be too dangerous to remain here after nightfall.” “We’ll be fine,” I assured him, “Most of that place was made of stone, so it should be more stable than it looks. Besides, I have something in mind for the two of you that’ll keep you safe until I take care of our defense problem.” Sky Flare eyed me seriously and asked, “And what might that be?” I smiled at her and met her gaze. “You remember that huge Earth Pony we helped a few weeks ago?” I checked, “Clyde Blackcoat?” Sky Flare nodded. “Yeah, what about him?” “Well, we’re going to need a carpenter,” I said, “And he claimed to be one of the best. He also said he was looking for work, so I want the two of you to go track him down for me.” “I’m not leaving you here alone!” Sky Flare snorted, “You almost died the last time you were here! Gale can go play seeker just fine on his own.” “Gale doesn’t know what Clyde looks like, or where he was last seen,” I explained, “You do. And with how dense this forest is, he’ll need the two of you to get that wagon of his here.” “He’s a giant of an Earth Pony,” Sky Flare protested, “I’m sure Gale can find him just fine.” “Sky,” I said seriously, “I want the two of you to bring him here together. That way, if something bad happens, one of you should be able to take flight and come get me. I should have some more help by the time you get back.” Sky Flare frowned at me, but Gale chimed in before she could protest further. “If those are your orders, I’ll do as you command,” he said, “But we should still check the condition of the Inn first, and wait to leave until morning.” “Agreed.” I said, then I looked to Sky Flare and waited for her reply. She stared at me seriously for a moment and I couldn’t help but sigh at her. “Please, just trust me Sky,” I said softly, “I’ll be fine, and you know it.” She frowned at me, then snorted in annoyance. “Whatever,” She said, “But you’d better be here when we get back. And in one piece! Alright?” “Of course,” I said, “Now, let’s see what we’ve got to work with.” We dropped our gear outside the entrance to the Inn and split up. I had been too tired and injured to really take in all the details of this place the last time I was here, but it was in surprisingly good condition. There was dirt and vines and debris everywhere, but the walls and floor, and most of the ceiling were still intact. I wasn’t exactly sure how old this place was, but whoever had built it, had clearly used the best materials around. The wood had barely even begun to rot, except on the roof outside, and the walls were made of solid stone, so those were all fine. All this place really needed a was bath in some weed killer, a new coat of paint, and some simple repairs and it’d be good as new. That was my hope anyway, but I wasn’t a building inspector, so I couldn’t be sure. We managed to come up with a basic layout for the building just as the sun set. There looked to be two large gathering rooms. One which was connected to the kitchen and probably served as a dining hall, and the other housed the bar and fireplace I had lit when I first found my way here. There were nearly a dozen smaller rooms of various sizes and purpose all around the place, and another two dozen upstairs that we were sure used to serve as lodging for the Inn’s guests. Most of the upstairs roof had been worn through by years of decay, but the floors beneath were in good condition. The kitchen was destroyed, but the cellar was seemingly untouched, as was what looked to be a large storeroom off the back of the kitchen. We took up shelter in the cellar for the night, feeling that it was the safest out of all the rooms available to us. It only had one way in, and we sealed it shut as best we could. I had wanted to go out and find the Timber Wolves that night, but I would have to be patient and wait until I was alone. Sky Flare had voiced her desire to stay with me several more times that night, but I had gradually managed to convince her that I really did need her to take Gale and find Clyde. I did want her gone in case something went wrong, but I also genuinely needed her to find Clyde. She was the only one that knew what he looked like besides me, and where we had parted ways with him, so she was our best bet to track him down. And I really did want Gale to go with her, just in case something happened on her end and they ran into trouble along the way. The cellar was cold and damp, but we lit a small fire and made our beds as best we could. I didn’t sleep much that night, as my mind wouldn’t stop racing over the possibilities of this place, and come the morning I felt exhausted. Thankfully, adrenaline and determination kept me going, and after sending Sky Flare and Gale off on their first mission, I headed out into the forest to find some wolves. I was a little disappointed. I’d spent most of the morning now wandering through the Everfree and hadn’t seen a single living thing. No Timber Wolves, no birds, no rabbits, nothing. It was a little unnerving, but I knew there was life here. I just had to wait and let it find me. Trying a different approach, I sat down in a soft patch of moss and began to wait. I knew it would take Sky Flare and Gale a few days to return with Clyde, so I didn’t have to hurry back to the Inn anytime soon. I kept my eyes open and my ears tuned to every sound around me and simply waited for something to find me. Near dusk, I heard a rustle of leaves and looked for its source. Much to my surprise, a pony in a dull brown cloak stepped into view and looked at me with the same look of surprise that I looked at it. “Oh ho, what’s this?” a deeper, but clearly feminine voice said, “A young pony lost and amiss?” She spoke with an accent I couldn’t quite place, but she didn’t seem threatening. “I’m not lost,” I said, “Just enjoying the forest.” “This forest, though inviting, will soon become frightening,” The pony said cryptically, “Once the sun falls to rest and the moon takes up watch, you’d best make haste home, or test your fate against wood and stone.” I had a hard time understanding this ponies way of speaking, but I figured she was trying to warn me about something. “I appreciate the warning,” I said smiling, “But I can take care of myself. I know what’s out here, and it won’t be a problem.” “Confidence from you I can most certainly feel,” she said shaking her head, “But once surrounded by wolves, only fear will you feel.” I frowned at her then looked off into the forest. “We’ll see soon enough.” I snorted. Not hearing a reply, I looked back to where the cloaked pony had just been and was startled to find that she’d vanished. ‘Creepy cloaked pony, or creepy forest magic?’ I thought hesitantly. I listened for any sounds, but aside from the wind as it flowed through the trees, there was nothing. I was a little unnerved by whoever or whatever it was that had just tried to scare me off, but it seemed to be gone now, so I’d worry about it later. That being said though, I did head off further into the forest, away from where I had seen the cloaked figure pop out of the underbrush. I made it back to the old Inn just as the sun set and flopped down on the front steps rather disheartened. I’d spent the whole day out in the forest, and not one wolf. Why couldn’t that have happened the night I snuck off from Ponyville? I frowned out at the trees and watched with some delight as fireflies started to flare up all around and begin their dance. They looked beautiful, and for a moment, I was a little sad that Sky Flare wasn’t here to enjoy them with me. I watched the fireflies for over an hour before I got bored, then took to walking the grounds that would soon serve as my Guild. ‘There had to be some way to get the Timber Wolves attention,’ I thought, ‘Bait, or a call or something.’ I paused at that and looked into the darkened woods. “A call.” I said softly. They howled like wolves, so maybe they’d respond like wolves too. When a wolf pack hears a foreign wolf in its territory, they almost always go and investigate to keep their territory secure, so it seemed reasonable to think that Timber Wolves would reacted similarly. I returned to the front of the Inn and cleared my throat. Taking a deep breath, I lifted my head high and let out the longest, loudest wolf howl I could manage. It was not a howl to be proud of, but I knew the sound would carry a decent distance. Over the next few hours, I let out a half dozen more howls and simply waited to see if anything showed up. As midnight neared, I sighed in defeat and started back towards the cellar. It seemed that my idea hadn’t worked, so I’d need to try something different, but not tonight. I stepped up to the entrance of the Inn, and the wind shifted, bringing with it a scent so foul and thick I took a step back in surprise. It was a horrible, vile smell and I grinned as I recognized it. “Timber Wolves,” I whispered, “At last.” I gave a flap of my wings and flew up to the roof of the Inn. It was dark, but the moon was high now, so I could see fairly well in the overgrown clearing beneath me. I made sure not to focus on any specific point of the tree line, and instead allowed my vision to seek out any signs of movement. It took a few minutes, but eventually, a lone Timber Wolf stalked out into view. It was a spectacular creature to behold, both terrifying and captivating. Its eyes glowed a bright unnatural green and I could hear the creaking of wood and leaves as it moved. “I’ve been waiting for you.” I called out to it. The Timber Wolf growled low at me, and as it did, I caught sight of three more Timber Wolves emerging from the forest off to my left. I was sure there were more, but for now, these would do. I leaped down off the rooftop and landed before the first Timber Wolf I had spotted. I could feel my heart racing and my adrenaline surging, but I was confident in the magic Perdias had given me. I’d been able to scare the Timber Wolves off before when I had no idea what I was doing, and my time in Ponyville recovering had taught me how to tame wild birds and insects. This was the final test. I knew I could scare them off if the worst happened, but if I was right, these wolves would become so much more by the end of the night. They’d be the front line of defense for the Guild. It’s unseen protectors in a forest of untamed wilderness and danger. The Timber Wolf snarled at me, an eerie hollow sound from the depths of a nightmare. Part of me wanted to run at the sound, but I forced myself to stand my ground and turned all my focus to my bracelet. If these wolves were anything like the wolves of my world, then they’d have a pack mentality to them. Which meant they followed the strongest, or biggest of them. That would be their leader, their Alpha. Focusing the magic of my bracelet, I projected the feel of power from it. I wanted these wolves to feel that I was bigger than them, stronger than them, more powerful in every way. I projected the feeling that I was their Alpha, that I was in charge, and that so long as they listened to me, nothing bad would happen to them. The Timber Wolf before me growled and shook its head as the gemstone in my bracelet began to glow a blue gold color. It started to whimper and took a step back, before shaking its head more furiously, as if trying to shake my thoughts from its mind. “I’m not going to hurt you,” I said softly, “But I will not have you and your friends hunting those that are going to be living here. I will take care of you, and your pack. All I ask in return is that you don’t hunt me or my friends, and you keep anything that isn’t a pony away from this clearing.” I heard more wolves coming closer from behind me, seeming to try and flank me before they struck. I widened my magic and soon all the Timbers Wolves I could see were shaking their heads and protesting with hollowed whimpers and wood-like groans. “I am your leader now,” I said sternly, “I’m not sure what you all eat, or what you do with your time, but I’ll learn. Just keep this place and my friends safe, and I’ll return the favor. I give you my word.” I willed my intentions to the wolves as strongly as I could manage and kept it up for quite some time. The wolf before me let out a final groan of protest and dropped to a seated position before me. It lowered its head and almost seemed to sigh in defeat. The rest followed soon after and I calmed my projected feelings a little. The Timber Wolf I had been paying the most attention to eyed me quizzically, then let out a long, low howl. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but the rest of the Timber Wolves followed the howl with their own, then started towards me slowly. I tensed, but they didn’t seem at all threatening anymore. They stank to high heavens, and the sounds their bodies made as they moved sent chills up my spine, but the seemed more curious and playful than anything now. The first of the Timber Wolves walked up to me slowly and sniffed at my bracelet. It took all I had not to back up and stay where I stood, but I knew my bracelet’s magic had a hold on them now, so I tried my best to remain calm. The Timber Wolf moved to sniff at my vest and I nearly gagged at the intensity of its odor, but then it walked past me and just started to mill about the place. The other Timber Wolves followed a similar pattern, sniffing me in turn, then wandering off almost casually. Some even laid down and seemed to doze off. I chuckled nervously and sat down amongst them. ‘I guess it worked,’ I thought, both relieved and stunned, ‘Thank you Karma for not trolling me with this bracelet. And thank you Perdias for giving me the magic to control these things.’ My heart was still racing, and I couldn’t bring myself to wholly relax just yet, but I was so pleased with myself I couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. Experimentally, I reached out a hoof and touched the nearest Timber Wolf. It glanced back at me and let out a confused sounding murmur. “I suppose no one’s ever petted you before,” I said thoughtfully, “Well, don’t worry. It’s a sign of affection.” I tried to project what I saying to the wolf with my magic, so it knew I wasn’t trying to hurt it. It seemed to get the message and laid down beside me without further complaint. Looking around, I counted thirteen Timber Wolves in all. I couldn’t be sure if there were more or not, or other packs elsewhere in the forest, but I was pretty sure I had all the wolves in this pack accounted for. ‘Thirteen,’ I thought, ‘Not a bad amount at all.’ I lasted about twenty minutes before I couldn’t stand the smell any more, then I rose to me feet and started for the forest to get some much-needed fresh air. The Timber Wolves followed after me immediately and I groaned aloud. “You all stay here,” I said, “I… I need to get some air. Please, keep the Guild safe for me, but do not attack any Ponies that come by, alright?” I tried to project the feeling that Sky Flare, Gale, and Clyde would be coming back, and that they were friends. The Timber Wolves looked around unsurely, then went back to lounging about the grounds. “Okay…” I said slowly. ‘Since that seemed to have worked,’ I thought, ‘I need to figure out a way to get rid of this smell…’ It was horrible, and I couldn’t have everyone reeking like this whenever they went out into the world. It would ruin our chances before we ever got started. I walked far enough away that I couldn’t smell the Timber Wolves anymore and took a deep breath to clear my nose out. “I wonder if Ponyville has any Pinesol…” I said thoughtfully, “Or maybe a perfume store?” I wasn’t sure what to do really, but I knew a bath wouldn’t fix a stench like that. I thought long and hard and decided that if I got some sort of a nice smelling oil or something strong like it, I could cover the wolves in it to make them more tolerable to be around. I wanted to head to Ponyville right then, but it was too late now. Even if they had odor masking oils or perfumes, any shops that would sell them would be closed by now, so I’d have to wait until the morning. Reluctantly, I headed back to the Inn. The growing smell of the Timber Wolves made my eyes water as I got closer, so I breathed through my mouth to lessen the scent as best I could. The moment I set foot into the clearing, the Timber Wolves all growled in unison and took up defensive postures. I froze at their reaction and felt my stomach tense. “It’s alright,” I said slowly, “It’s just me... Calmness you guys, calmness...” The wolves quieted at my voice, then returned to doing nothing. I let out a sigh of relief, then made may way cautiously to the cellar. I wasn’t about to try my luck sleeping out in the open while surrounded by a pack of Timber Wolves quite yet. It was nerve wracking enough to be so near to them while I was awake, and I didn’t blindly trust any magic with my life just yet. I locked the cellar door as I had the night before and settled in till the morning. The smell of the Timber Wolves flowed into the room through the crack I had left in the door for air and I had a hell of a time sleeping because of it, but eventually, I managed to drift off for the night. The sun had risen by the time I woke up the next day. The Timber Wolves were nowhere to be found, but I could still smell them, so I knew they had to be close. “I’ll be back in a few hours,” I called out to them, “Try not to get into any trouble while I’m gone, alright?” I heard a groan of wood and the rustle of leaves in response to my comment, but I couldn’t be sure if it was a reply, or simply the wind as it blew through the trees. It was unsettling to know that there were so many Timber Wolves near, but I couldn’t actually see or hear any of them. Being made of the forest, they blended in with their surroundings remarkably well. It made me think of a chameleon in a way. All they’d have to do is stand still, and they’d be almost indistinguishable from any bush or shrub. During the daylight hours anyways. At night, their eyes glowed a bright green, so they were easier to spot, but even more unnerving to watch. I took flight and soared high over the forest. I tried to memorize this particular patch of the Everfree and spot any landmarks I could use to find my way back easier in the future, but there really wasn’t anything different about this section of forest than another, except for the Inn and its overgrown clearing. I knew how to get here by following the edge of the forest and keeping an eye out for the clearing a few hundred feet in, but it was still easy to miss. I’d have to figure something out to make trips here easier, but what… A Flag pole maybe? A tower? I wasn’t sure what to use just yet, but it could wait until later. Right now, I had to fix the Timber Wolf problem. I flew for Ponyville, and by midday, landed in the towns center. There were ponies all over, going about their daily routines, and not one had a frown on their faces. It really was a nice little town, but I didn’t have time to sight see this time. “Now then,” I said to myself, “Perfume store… Or oils…” I looked around and couldn’t spot any shops that seemed likely to have what I needed at a glance, so I just picked the nearest one and took a look inside. It was a general goods store of some sort, but it didn’t have what I needed, so I moved on. I had the same luck with the next store, and the next, and the one after that. I sighed as I walked down the street and tried to find something that would have what I needed, but Ponyville seemed to be failing me. “Silver Wing?” a voice called from nearby, “What are you doing here?” I stopped and looked around for the source of the voice and found Princess Twilight to be coming towards me from ahead. She had a small, purple lizard looking creature walking beside her and I looked at it quizzically. It walked on two legs, and had a green fin of some sort on its head, and a small tail wiggled behind it. I had no idea what it was, but it definitely caught my interest. “Uhh, Twilight?” the creature said nervously as I looked at him, “He’s staring at me…” I was stunned that it could talk and shook my head as I realized how weird I must have just come off. “Sorry about that little… Lizard?” I said as tentatively as I could. “I’m not a lizard!” The creature barked, “I’m a dragon!” “A dragon?” I said, even more stunned now than I had been a moment before, “But you’re so small.” “I’ll grow eventually!” the dragon barked, clearly offended by my comment. Twilight chuckled at us and smiled at the dragon. “Silver Wing here has never seen a dragon before Spike, so you’ll have to forgive him for not knowing.” The dragon crossed its arms and let out a huff. “Sorry…” I said, looking to Twilight for help. When Celestia and Luna had warned me about dragons, I had expected them to be bigger, and dangerous. Not like this little irritable little lizard. “It’s alright Silver Wing,” she smiled, “Spike can be a bit childish sometimes, can’t you Spike?” The little dragon looked away from her and remained silent. “So, what brings you to Ponyville?” Twilight asked me again, “I figured you’d be in the Everfree Forest for longer than a day.” “How did you know I was in the Everfree Forest?” I asked, my surprise clear in my voice. “Princess Celestia sent me a letter telling me all about what you were planning,” Twilight explained, “And how you were going to be renovating the old Serenity Inn to be your base of operations.” ‘Fast mail system.’ I thought, then I shook my head and explained. “That’s still the plan, yeah,” I said, “But right now, I’m looking for some supplies. Do you know of any place I can get some strong perfume, or scented oils by chance?” “Perfume or oils?” Twilight repeated, “What do you need those for?” “Uhh…” I faltered for a moment. I couldn’t tell her it was to rid the Timber Wolves of their foul scent, she’d go straight to Celestia with that information, so I had to come up with something and fast. “The Inn’s really old, and there’s a few areas around it that reek, so I need something to mask the smell.” “Well, if it’s for something like that, Zecora should have exactly what you’d need,” Twilight said happily, “Follow me, I’ll take you to meet her.” “That’d be great,” I said, “I looked around town, but I just couldn’t find anything that’d work.” “If anypony would have something, it’d be Zecora,” Twilight said, “She’s got potions and remedies for just about anything.” I followed Princess Twilight for a while, then noticed we were leaving Ponyville and tilted my head questioningly. “This Zecora,” I said, “She doesn’t live in Ponyville?” “Oh, no,” Twilight said, “She actually lives in the Everfree Forest, just like you will be.” “I thought ponies were terrified of the forest?” I said. “Not all of them,” Twilight explained, “But most are, and refuse to come anywhere near it. But Zecora’s not a pony, she’s a Zebra. And she loves the forest.” “A Zebra?” I said surprised, “You have those here?” “Geez,” Spike snorted, “First he doesn’t know what a dragon looks like, now he’s acting like there are no Zebra’s in Equestria. Where’d you find this guy Twilight, another world?” I fell silent and looked away awkwardly. “Oh hush Spike,” Twilight said, “Not everypony knows everything. That doesn’t mean he’s from another world.” She glanced back at me and winked, then chuckled childishly. I sighed at her and shook my head. ‘This was going to be a long trip.’ I thought. We walked deep into the Everfree Forest, and for a while I almost thought Twilight was leading me back to my Guild, but we came to a large tree before I worked up the courage to open my mouth again. The tree looked like someone had made it into a house of some sort. There was a door, a window, and all manner of tribal looking decorations hung around the place. It made me think of African tribes, but there were also hints at native American ties as well. “Hey Zecora, are you home?” Twilight called. A moment later, the door set in the tree swung open, and sure enough, a Zebra stepped out. This Zebra looked about how I had expected. White with black stripes, with a short mohawk like mane. But she also wore golden rings around her neck, and had a kind, inviting smile on her face. “What’s this, what’s this?” She spoke in a familiar voice, “Princess Twilight has come, I trust nothing is amiss?” “Wait, this is Zecora?” I gasped, “I ran into her yesterday in the forest!” “Hmm?” Zecora glanced to me and chuckled, “Ah yes, I know you too, the Pegasus claiming to be enjoying the view.” “You two have already met then?” Twilight said, “Great. Zecora, this is Silver Wing. He’s going to be living in the forest here too, so I guess he’s your new neighbor.” “This forest is old, and fearsome and wild,” Zecora said seriously, “This is no place to call home, you foolish young child.” “Hey, I can take care of myself.” I said. “Princess Celestia and Luna have given Silver Wing the old Inn to the west of here Zecora,” Twilight explained, “We’re here because we need something to get rid of a bad smell.” Zecora sighed and nodded her head. “I can make you a special brew, one that is sure to leave you smelling fresh and new.” She said. “Well, it's not really for me,” I said, “But thanks. I'll need a fair bit though... Enough for about thirteen... Applications." “A bigger pot I am sure to need,” Zecora said, “But I will fill your order, how dire is your need?” “The sooner the better," I said, "And about how long will this last?” “I can make much in very little time, and for six months you are sure to smell sublime.” Zecora said smiling. “Five or six months?” I said surprised, “That's great. Is this stuff a spray on concoction, or do I have to let it soak in?" "Swallow a cup, and the magic you'll feel, then to the world you will smell surreal," She answered, “But if a spot you chose to stain, then you need only have fear of the rain.” “So…” I said slowly, trying to decrypt her unique way of speaking, “If I drink a cup of this stuff, I’ll smell good for six months. But if I pour it on something, I’ll last till I wash it off?” Zecora smiled at me nodded. “Give me a moment, and your brew will be made. Please make yourself home, do not be afraid.” She turned and disappeared back into her house and I trotted over to Twilight quickly. “Does she always talk like that?” I asked quietly. Twilight chuckled at me. “It takes some getting used to, but Zecora’s a good friend. If you ever have any questions about the Everfree Forest, you should be sure to ask her first.” “I’ll do that,” I said, “Though I may need a translator at this rate.” Twilight chuckled at me and led me inside, with Spike close behind. I watched as Zecora added herbs and powders to a large cauldron set in the middle of her home. The concoction bubbled away and the entire scene made me think of a witch’s hut, but the smell was fragrant and sweet, like a field of flowers in bloom. It took barely an hour for whatever she was making to be done, then she poured the now pink liquid into thirteen small jars and tied them together for me to carry. “Your brew has been made, thirteen doses in all,” She said, “Be sure to return for more in the fall.” I laughed and nodded. “I will,” I said, “Now how many bits do I owe you?” “A friend of Twilight need pay me no bits,” Zecora smiled, “Besides, that brew is mostly just sticks. A herb or two and berries for hue, but the rest you may consider a gift, from me unto you.” “Well, thank you very much.” I said, bowing my head politely. Zecora came closer and handed me the cord of jars. I took them with the magic of my bracelet and slung the string around my neck. “Now this is quite neat, a Pegasus that takes without the use of its feet?” Zecora gasped, “How can this be, please you must tell me.” I grinned at her and raised my left forelimb, showing my golden bracelet to her. “This is a magic bracelet a friend gave to me,” I explained, “It lets me use magic like a Unicorn can.” “A legendary gift and one splendid to behold,” Zecora said as she eyed the gemstone of my bracelet, “But there is more to your magic than you have just told.” I was momentarily caught off guard by her comment. Could she somehow tell that my bracelet could do more than just move things around now? But how? I hadn’t used Perdias’s magic recently, so it shouldn’t be giving off any of his power. Zecora turned her gaze to me mine and looked at me curiously. “A strength too I sense, and a feeling unknown...” she said thoughtfully, “Your soul is not born of our Equestrian stone.” I took a nervous step back and glanced to Twilight for help. I didn’t know how, but this Zebra could obviously sense more about me than anyone else I’d met so far, and I had no idea how to talk my way out of this. “Uhh, he’s from outside of Equestria Zecora,” Twilight chimed in with a clearly nervous laugh, “But it’s not like he’s from another world or anything. I mean, that would just be silly to think, right?” She laughed again and glanced out a window quickly. ‘This is it,’ I thought, ‘Time to see how the world reacts to me being an alien...’ “Thanks for the potions Zecora,” Twilight said quickly, “But it’s getting late and we really need to be going now. But I’ll be back to visit again soon!” I glanced at Twilight in surprise, then yelped as she abruptly took hold of my foreleg and pulled me closer to her. There was a blinding flash of purple light, then I found myself standing in the middle of the Everfree Forest. “W-what?” I stammered. Neither Zecora or her hut where anywhere to be seen and I looked around in stunned confusion. “Phew,” Twilight sighed, “That was a close one.” “D-did you just teleport me?” I asked, though it was clear that she had. God it was a weird feeling. My whole body tingled and my stomach felt like I had just driven a car over an unexpected dip. “Sorry about that, but I figured it was time we got out of there.” Twilight chuckled. “Isn’t she going to think that was a little rude?” I asked. “I hope not,” Twilight said, “But if she does, I’ll explain that Princess Celestia wants you to stay a secret. Zecora will understand.” “Alright…” I said, then I noticed someone was missing, “Hey Twilight? Where’s your little dragon? Uhh, Spike?” “Spike?” Twilight repeated, then she looked around and gasped, “Spike!” There was another flash of purple around her and she vanished, leaving me standing alone in this unknown part of the forest. I wasn’t sure if I should wait there, or fly away, or what, but thankfully my course of action was chosen for me. Another flash of light brought Twilight back to where she had been standing a moment before, only now an irritated looking Spike stood beside her with his arms crossed. “I’m sorry Spike,” Twilight apologized, “I really didn’t forget about you, honest.” “Yeah, sure you didn’t.” Spike scoffed. I felt bad for the little guy, but I also felt bad for Zecora. I did feel relieved though, now I wouldn’t have to answer any more questions, or try and get out explaining things. “Well, thank you for the help, Twilight, but I need to get going,” I said, trying to politely excuse myself before anything else happened, “Sky Flare and Gale will be back soon, and I don’t want them to return to an empty Guild.” “Oh, alright,” Twilight said, “But if you ever need anything else for your Guild, feel free to stop by. My friends and I can help out with just about any problem.” “I’m sure you could, and I appreciate the offer, but I’m going to do what I can with my own two hands,” I said, then frowned at myself and spoke again, “Own two hooves I mean. Err, four…” I groaned and shook my head. “You know what I mean…” Twilight chuckled at me and nodded. “I know what you mean,” she said, “Good luck Silver Wing, I look forward to seeing what you make that old Inn into.” “As do I,” I said, “Take care.” I waved goodbye to them, then took flight. I had to fly carefully to avoid smashing the jars around my neck together, and my sore muscles didn’t help much, but I managed to make it back to the Guild without too much difficulty. I landed be the front of the Inn and looked around for the Timber Wolves. I still couldn’t see any of them, but I could smell them, so I knew they couldn’t be far. “I’m back!” I called out to them, “Can you all come here for a second? I got snacks!” I waited for some sort of a response, but nothing happened. I frowned out at the woods and shrugged as an idea came to me. “They came last night when I howled, so…” Taking a deep breath, I threw my head back and howled like I had last night. The response was nearly instantaneous. As my howl started to fade, a dozen more rose up in reply, and like a pack of wraiths, the Timber Wolves emerged from the forest and headed straight for me. “Howl to summon,” I said to myself, “Noted.” The Timber Wolves formed a loose circle around me and I laid the bottles down on the ground. Focusing on my bracelet, I tried to explain the purpose of these potions as simply as I could. “I need each of you to drink one of these bottles,” I said, “It’ll help with your… Smell.” The Timber Wolves grumbled and looked around confused. I sighed and pointed to the nearest and one. “You,” I said, “Just come here and drink this please.” The wolf seemed to grumble a protest, but it came up to me and opened its mouth. Not wholly trusting its jaws or jagged teeth, I used the magic of my bracelet to drain the contents of one of Zecora’s potions into the Timber Wolfs mouth. It gulped the pink liquid down and shook its head in apparent disgust. I could hear a small rumble from within the creature, then it let out a thunderous belch and looked at me quizzically. Cautiously, I leaned closer to the creature and sniffed. It was hard to detect through the stench of its friends, but I smelt something sweet and refreshing underneath the cloud of musk. “Hey, it worked!” I said happily, “Perfect! Now then, who’s next?” I looked around, but none of the wolves seemed to volunteer. I shook my head and, as I had done with the first, pointed to the next in line and told it to come drink its dose. It took a bit, but before long, all the Timber Wolves had drunk their potions down and the foul smell in the clearing vanished. In its place was a sweet, inviting fragrance like one would expect to smell when walking past a flower shop. “Thanks all, that’ll make our lives together much easier,” I said, “Now, if possible, could you all try and hide yourselves when my friends come back? They will be scared of you at first, so I’ll need a bit of time to get them used to the idea of having you around.” The Timber Wolves made a series of creaking moans and shuffled off into the forest. I still couldn’t be sure just how much of what I said they actually understood, but they seemed to get most of it. With their smell taken care of, all I could do now was wait for Sky Flare and Gale to return with Clyde. I wasn’t sure how long it would take them to get back, but I’d be here when they did. I’d been alone now within the Everfree for over a week. I’d cleaned what I could out of the Inn, and even gotten the Timber Wolves to help by tearing roots and stumps out of the overgrown clearing for me. It was a far more pleasant scenario now that they smelled better, and I had always been a fan of my alone time, so I hadn’t gotten too lonely yet. Twice I had been forced to head over to Ponyville to resupply and gather information on some berries and fruits that I had found. The Timber Wolves had led me to several berry bushes that grew near to the Inn, and the fruits I had gathered were easy enough to spot within the trees. But I had wanted to be certain they were edible before I started snacking on them. Apparently, they were both quite the delicacy, as so few dared enter into the forest to collect them. They were called, creatively enough, Everberries and Everfruit. Being items that came from the Everfree. They were quite tasty too, sweet and tangy with a juice that made ones’ tongue tingle. The Timber Wolves had also been kind enough to lead me to a nearby stream that flowed with crisp, clean drinking water. All this time alone with them had helped me to get a better understanding of their mannerisms and body language. Their purpose in the forest was also becoming more clear to me as the time passed, and I found them ever more fascinating. While I couldn’t be sure if the stories of them eating the souls of ponies to create more Timber Wolves for their packs was true or not, I had found that they were omnivorous scavengers as well as fearsome hunters. They ate plants, roots, berries, and any wildlife they could catch. In fact, they seemed to eat just about anything they could sink their teeth into. They acted like janitors almost, cleaning up dead plants and animals from the forest and making it a part of themselves to keep the forest healthy. It was impressive to witness, almost like the forest itself had made them to be its keepers, and protectors. They did both tasks incredibly well, and I was truly grateful for the magic that let me avoid their wrath. As time went on, I realized I didn’t actually need to will them to listen to me anymore. It seemed that my position as their Alpha had been drilled into their heads deep enough that I only needed to use my magic now when I wanted them to do something more complicated than ‘Go away’ or ‘Stay here.’ They listened about as well as my dogs back in my world did, only I could still make them listen with magic if I absolutely had to. I began to admire these creatures and I felt certain that if it weren’t for their presence here, and the other creatures of this forest, it’s entirely probable that the Ponies of Equestria would have tamed and trimmed the Everfree back long ago. I had never been a fan of clearing away forests for profit or business. If you needed a tree or two to heat your home through the winter, that was one thing, but clear cutting something as magnificent as this forest for a mall or something like that just infuriated me to no ends. I would not be like that. Yes, I would clear out the clearing where the Inn was built, and the path out of the forest that led to it, but nothing more that absolutely necessary. This forest would stay free, and like the wolves I had tamed, I would do what I could to help keep this place safe should the need arise. It was just after dawn when the Timber Wolves let out a low growl and faded off into the forest without another sound. I was confused for a moment, and couldn’t understand why they had left, then I heard a voice calling out from the forest beyond the Inn. “Silver!” Sky Flare’s familiar voice called, “Hey, Silver we’re back! You’d better not be dead!” I chuckled at her words and flew over the Inn to greet her. “I’m here, I’m here,” I laughed, “Just like I said I’d be.” I caught a sigh of relief escape her lips, then she smiled at me. “And we managed to track down Clyde Blackcoat.” she said. She gave a victorious shake of her head and gestured to the tree line behind her. “We’ve had a heck of a time trying to get that wagon of his through the forest,” she explained, “But we managed. Though it was not easy.” I watched the tree’s and soon enough, the massive Earth Pony named Clyde Blackcoat emerged, with his wagon in tow behind him. He was enormous, with a jet-black coat of fur. His mane and tail were a dark grey in color, as was the fur on his hooves. A strip of the same dark grey ran down the front of his chest and clear across his belly. Gale followed shortly after and he gave me a quick salute with his right wing when he saw me. I returned the gesture and walked up to Clyde. Bowing my head politely, I smiled up at him. “Good to see you again Clyde,” I said, “I hope the trip here wasn’t too bad?” Looking up at the towering Earth Pony, he looked even bigger now than he had the last time I’d seen him. My head barely reached to the bottom of his shoulders, and he was wide enough I could have ducked and had him walk clean over me without issue. There wasn’t a single thing that was small about this Earth Pony, even his feet were huge. They were the size of dinner plates, and long hair grew from his ankles down to the ground around them. Clyde looked down at me and laughed, a deep, rumbling sound. “Trip was fine.” He said. His voice was as deep as his laugh, but his face was soft and friendly. “Though my wagon’s none too pleased about all these roots.” “Yeah…” I said apologetically, “We’ll be working on the path here soon enough.” Clyde looked past me to the Inn and snorted. “That the place you’re planning on fixin’ up?” he asked. I nodded. “I take it Sky Flare and Gale told you what we had planned?” “They did,” he said, “Mind if I go take a look?” “Knock yourself out.” I said. I used a wing as I would have used an arm and waved for him to go ahead. He nodded to me, then slipped out of his Wagons harness and trotted off to take a closer look at the Inn. “So, I take it he said he’d help us?” I asked Sky Flare. “He did,” She answered, “And he’s even interested in joining us, though he wanted to see if you’re all talk or not first.” “He wants to join us?” I said surprised, “That’d be great!” “Yes and no,” Gale interjected, “He is interested in remaining here with us, but he has little desire to fight, or learn to fight for that matter.” “What do you mean?” I asked. “He means,” Sky Flare explained, “That Clyde will only join us if he can stick to the nonviolent missions. No bandits or beasts. He’ll fix up a fence or a house in a heartbeat though. Or haul a towns worth of supplies across Equestria.” “That’s fine with me,” I said, “Not everyone’s cut out for fighting anyways. And we could definitely use a good handyman around the place.” “I agree.” Gale said nodding. He looked around at the clearing and glanced at me curiously. “I see you’ve started clearing out the overgrowth without us? You’ve done quite a bit.” I laughed and scratched the back of my head. “Well, you know,” I said, “It all needs to be done, so I figured I’d keep busy. Though I had a little help from some new friends.” “New friends?” Sky Flare asked. She eyed me seriously, but I just laughed it off. “Oh, you’ll meet them soon enough,” I said, “Maybe even tonight if you’re lucky.” Sky Flare frowned at me, while Gale looked more curious than anything. Clyde returned a few minutes later, nodding to himself as he came up to us. “You’re lucky this place’s made of stone,” he said, “And most of the woods been magically treated too. Roof, kitchen, and a few rooms are about all that needs any real fixin’. Rest is all just sweepin’, paintin’, and replacin’ the trimmings. Tables, doors, beds, those sorts of things.” “That’s great news,” I said, “How much do you think it’d cost to do all that?” “I’m not the best with numbers,” Clyde admitted, “But if you give me a few minutes, I’ll make you a list. But there’s something I want to discuss with you first.” “Fire away.” I said. “You get what I need, I’ll do the work for free,” he said, then he leaned closer to me and continued, “But I want something that may sound a little odd in return.” “I’m listening.” I said, though I had a pretty good idea what he was going to ask thanks to my talk with Sky Flare and Gale a few minutes ago. “As I’m sure you recall, it’s no easy thing, being a traveling worker,” Clyde explained, “Bandits, weather, and no work for weeks on end are a little more common than I’d like. But from what your friends have been telling me, you’ve solved that problem by making Ponies who need things fixed come to you. I don’t know how many more bandit raids I can handle, but I can’t just quit. It’s my callin’ to fix and build things. So, I’ll do you this work for free, if you’ll let me stay here and be a part of what you’re doing.” I smiled up at him and didn’t waste a moment. “It would be my pleasure to have you as part of the Guild, Clyde Blackcoat,” I said, “Welcome aboard.” Clyde grinned down at me, then much to my surprise, he leaned over and hugged me tightly. I was caught off guard by his hug, and for an instant, felt real fear as I thought he was going to pop my head clean off with his strength. “You’ve no idea how happy this makes me,” Clyde said, “It’s been too long since I had a place to call home. If it’s no bother to you, you think I could build myself a little hut over yonder? The rooms inside that Inn aren’t really my size, if you catch my meaning.” “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.” I said. I glanced over to Sky Flare and Gale to see if they had anything to add to the subject. “So long as we get the Inn turned into a Guild first,” Sky Flare said, “Gotta get this place cleaned up before we plan any additions.” “Wouldn’t have done it any other way,” Clyde said with a grin, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got work to do.” I stepped aside and let Clyde pass. He lumbered over to his wagon and slipped back into its harness, before hauling it closer to the Inn. “You think Celestia will approve of him joining us?” I asked Gale. I couldn’t see any issue with it, but in the end, Gale did have the right to throw up a red flag if he felt the need. “He seems like a decent enough Earth Pony,” Gale said, “I don’t foresee any problems. Not that I really see you doing anything against the Princesses. I’m really here more as a precaution than a serious judger of your actions. So long as you’re not doing anything that undermines Canterlot and its safety, there really isn’t much you could do to make me question your choices.” “We’ll see about that one.” Sky Flare snorted. “Sky…” I said, holding a hoof up to my chest in mock pain, “I’m hurt.” “You’ll be hurting a lot more if you keep using that tone with me, Silver.” Sky Flare warned. I laughed at her and shrugged off her threat. “Come on you two,” I chuckled, “Let’s go see how we can help. The sooner we turn this Inn into a Guild, the sooner we can get out there and start taking on missions!” We worked through the day, clearing out debris and rotten boards. Clyde knew what he was doing, and he worked faster than I ever would have thought somepony of his size could. The rest of us did what we could, but we were more of a hindrance in some cases. But we could move stuff out of the Inn well enough. Rotten beds, doors, dressers, it all had to go and we were the only ones to do it. By the time evening rolled around, Clyde had compiled a list of everything he would need to do what we had asked of him, plus a few extra items Gale and Sky Flare assured me we’d need to make life in the Everfree more comfortable. I’d take this list back to Canterlot come the morning, but for now, I had something I needed to show Sky Flare. She was my closest friend, so if I could convince her I knew what I was doing, I knew she’d be able to help me convince the rest. “You gonna tell me what this is about now?” Sky Flare asked me irritably, “We’ve been walking for ten minutes now.” “I wanna get a little further from the others first,” I said, “Just trust me though, you’ll be impressed.” I heard her sigh from behind me and sped up my pace. We were walking deep into the Everfree, using my bracelet as a light. I wanted to get far enough from the Guild that the others wouldn’t overhear us if Sky Flare got angry with me when I introduced her to the Timber Wolves. I was so nervous to do this. I felt sick to my stomach that she’d be against the idea, but I had to do this now, before the others found out by accident. With her on my side, we’d be able to convince the others that the Timber Wolves were safe to be around, but if I couldn’t convince her first, there’d be no chance. “This should be far enough,” I said, after another couple of minutes, “It’s time I introduced you to our new friends.” Sky Flare frowned at me and shook her head. “You’re talking about the Timber Wolves, aren’t you?” she said, “Silver, magic or not, they can’t be tamed and they can’t be trusted! They’re dangerous wild animals that hunt and kill Ponies like us!” “They’re not though,” I said, “I’ve spent this last week with them Sky, and they’re not nearly as bad as everyone seems to think they are. They protect this forest, and clean up after it.” “You what!?” she gasped, “Silver, they eat Ponies! And they’ll eat you too if you’re not careful!” “Just trust me Sky,” I said, “Meet them. Spend a few minutes with them and see how they are. If you still think they can’t be trusted after that, then I’ll just focus on keeping them away from the Guild, not helping to protect it.” “Helping to protect it?” Sky Flare said surprised, “Silver, I thought you said you could scare things off, not make them work for you.” “They don’t really work for me…” I started, then I stopped. “I didn’t tell you the whole truth,” I admitted, “And I am sorry. But I wasn’t sure how your parents would react, and you didn’t exactly give me much of a chance to talk to you in private.” “So, what does this magic you found actually do then?” Sky Flare asked. “Long story short…” I said slowly, “It lets me control the Timber Wolves. I can scare them off, and insects and critters too, but I can also use it to control them.” “How?” Sky Flare asked me seriously. “I’m not really sure how to explain,” I said, “I’m not that good when it comes to magic…” “You seem to have a better grasp on it than you let on,” she growled, “So try and impress me with a guess.” “It projects instinctual suggestions,” I sighed, “But it doesn’t work on Ponies. And if all you see the Timber Wolves as is dangerous killers anyway, then what’s wrong with having them help Ponies out for a change? With this magic, we can use them to protect the Guild from the forest without having to destroy it in the process with fires and traps. They keep the forest out of the Guild, and we leave them alone in return. If we can just work together, we both get to live in peace.” “It’s not peace if you’re controlling them Silver.” Sky Flare barked. “But I’m not though!” I protested, “All I’ve done is made them think that I’m their leader, the Alpha wolf. They listen to me based off that hierarchy and go about their lives as they always have. The only difference is, that now they live around the perimeter of the Guild grounds to keep other more dangerous things away.” “You made them think you’re a Timber Wolf?” she asked. She looked at me in a mix of confusion and shock, then shook the look from her face and glared at me. “And what about the rest of us?” she asked, “Did you make them think we’re all Timber Wolves too?” “I did,” I said, “And if you’ll just meet them, you’ll see that you have nothing to fear anymore. They won’t harm us. They will act as the Guilds natural guardians and patrol the surrounding area without disturbing this forest like we would.” “Why do you care so much about this place Silver?” She asked, “It’s just a forest.” “Maybe to you, Sky…” I sighed, “But to me, it reminds me of home… A home I can’t get back to and might not ever be able to see again. I have to be here Sky, I… I need this place…” I could feel my emotions starting to get the better of me. The thought of her not accepting this place and telling the Princesses made tears start to well in the corners of my eyes. Not because I could get in trouble, I couldn’t care less about that right now. But because I could lose this place. It was the only thing even remotely like my world that I had found, or even heard of, and I just could not let go of it, no matter how dangerous a place it was. “Please Sky Flare,” I said, trying not to choke on my own words, “I know you don’t understand this, but I need this place. It’s the only thing I have that feels like home!” My vision blurred up on me and I was forced to sit down and wipe a foreleg across my face to clear the tears from my eyes. I felt a warmth wrap itself around me and tensed. Opening my eyes, I found Sky Flares chest to be in front of me and realized that she was hugging me against herself. I tried to speak, but I chocked on my own words and buried my face into the fluff of her chest in embarrassment. She stroked my back softly and sighed above me. “You’re right Silver,” she whispered, “I don’t understand. It makes no sense to me why this place is so important to you, but if it means that much to you, then fine. You wanna stay here, we’ll figure it out. And if the Timber Wolves really can be used to protect us, well… That’s just one less thing we’ll have to worry about, right?” I nodded against her and sighed. I grinned a little as I took in her scent. She smelled faintly like strawberries, and her fur was surprisingly soft, softer than any pillow or cloud I’d ever snuggled up to. I wasn’t sure how long we stayed like that for, but eventually, Sky Flare shoved me off and looked away, seemingly embarrassed by our embrace. “A-anyways,” she said, straightening out her fur, “Where are these Timber Wolves you claim to have tamed, hmm?” I smiled at her, a little saddened that she had moved away, then cleared my throat and stood up. “Don’t laugh…” I said to her. I took a step back and let out a long howl. “What are you…” she started to ask, then fell silent as a chorus of answering howls followed my own. I moved closer to her, still not entirely certain how the Timber Wolves would react to her at first. “Silver,” Sky Flare whispered to me, “A-are you sure about this?” I could tell she was terrified, so I draped a wing over her to try and comfort her. “I’m positive,” I said, “They won’t hurt us.” Before long, glowing green eyes could be seen passing behind the foliage around us. Low, hollow growls swam around us in the night, and the steady rhythmic creaking on wood rumbled like distant thunder. “Come on out you guys,” I ordered, “Sky Flare’s one of us, so be nice.” The sounds around us quieted and slowly, three of the Timber Wolves stalked into view. I made certain to project calming, safe feelings towards the wolves. I may not have need of Perdias’s magic when I was with them anymore, but I wanted there to be no chance of something going wrong with Sky Flare in the mix. The glow of my bracelet dimmed a little as it changed from a bright green to a darker golden blue color, but it still shed enough light for us to see our immediate area. One of the Timber Wolves came up to us and sniffed, first at me, then at Sky Flare. She tried to take a frightened step back, so I gripped her tighter with my wing to hold her in place. “This is Sky Flare,” I said softly, “She’s going to be an Alpha too. You’ll listen to her if I’m not around.” I projected that message to them all as strongly as I could and waited to see if they’d respond as I’d hoped. As they had first done with me, the Timber Wolf sniffed at her a moment, then turned away and wandered off. The next Timber Wolf followed the same pattern as the first, then the next, until all thirteen had greeted her, accepted her, and left. After the last Timber Wolf had wandered back off into the forest, Sky Flare collapsed to the ground. “Are you alright?” I asked, kneeling down beside her. “Swell,” she whispered, “Just swell.” I stroked her back gently with a wing to try and calm her down and couldn’t help but feel a little bad about her reaction. Timber Wolves were like the boogeyman to Ponies. They appeared out of the forest like ghosts and dragged anything they could catch away, never to be seen or heard from again. To me they were just wolves made from sticks, but to her, they were the stuff of nightmares. A nightmare she had just faced head on, thirteen times in a row. “Alright…” she said after a while, “I believe you. They didn’t attack us…” “Told you.” I said, grinning as charmingly as I could. “Yeah yeah,” she sighed, “Wipe that smug look off your face and help me up.” I helped her back to her feet and chuckled a little as I found her legs to be shaking. “Not a word, Silver Wing,” She growled at me, “Or I’ll show your Timber Wolves who the real Alpha is.” “There’s the Sky Flare I know,” I chuckled, “Welcome back.” “Oh shut up.” She snorted. She pushed herself away from me and looked off into the forest for a minute, then grinned back at me. “You know what,” she said with a growing smirk, “I know what we can call this Guild of yours now.” “Oh?” I said, a little concerned by her look, “And what’s that…?” “The Timber Wolves.” She said. “The Timber Wolves?” I repeated, “Why that?” “Well, we do need a name for one,” she explained, “We can’t just keep going around saying “The Guild” all the time. And for two, why not? You’ve literally got a pack of Timber Wolves serving as your guard dogs. They’re your pack, and so are we. So, it’s fitting, don’t you think?” “The Timber Wolves?” I said thoughtfully. It did fit, and a Timber Wolf would make for one hell of a mascot. “Sure,” I nodded, “Let’s go with that. We’ll name the Guild the Timber Wolves.” Sky Flare beamed. “Good,” she said, then grew thoughtful for a moment, “I have to say though, I’m surprised. Everything I’d read about Timber Wolves said that they stank horribly. But these ones smelled quite nice.” I laughed and shook my head. “They smell nice now,” I said, “But it was terrible when I first ran into them.” “What happened?” She asked, “You give them a bath or something?” “More like a magic potion that took away their smell.” I laughed. “Magic potion?” Sky Flare said, “You’ve been busy while we were gone.” “You’ve no idea.” I chuckled. Sky Flare smiled at me and nodded back towards the Guild. “Come on,” she said, “You can tell me about it later. For now, let’s go introduce the packs to each other. I can’t wait to see the look on Gale's face.” > Renovations, Part One... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The introducing of the Timber Wolves to Gale and to Clyde went about the same as it had with Sky Flare. They did not like the idea of having them around at all, but with Sky Flare in my corner, we managed to convince them both that the wolves would be a great asset to the Guild and were here to stay. At Sky Flare’s suggestion, we didn’t tell them that I was using magic to control the Timber Wolves. It really was a taboo type of magic and was sure to get us a meeting with the Princesses. So instead, we explained it off as just another one of my weird quirks. Like my strange fighting style, it was just a trick I had brought with me from my old home beyond Equestria. I hadn’t really liked the idea of lying like that, but Sky Flare had made her point. It was either spin a little story like that, or lose the chance at living in this forest that I felt so close to. Gale and Clyde were equally stunned by my apparent knack for commanding the Timber Wolves and were greatly impressed. And while they didn’t go out and start cuddling with them, they quickly lost their sense of fear of them. They also found the name Timber Wolves to be rather fitting, once Sky Flare had explained her reasoning to them. It really was a blessing, having her help. Already, she’d done so much I never would have been able to accomplish on my own, and I was truly grateful to her for it. Right down to dealing with Gale. I had no idea what Sky Flare had said to him, but after all was said and done, he told me that so long as the Timber Wolves didn’t step out of line and attack anypony, he’d omit them from his reports to the Princesses entirely, for now anyway. I was grateful for that too, because if Zecora could sense the new magic in my bracelet, then I was certain the Princesses would be able to as well. I’d have to figure a way around them finding out about the Timber Wolves somehow, but I’d wait to solve that problem. I had more pressing issues to tend to at the moment. At dawn, I had left for Canterlot, with Clyde, Gale and Sky Flare in tow. Clyde and Gale would see what supplies we could get from Ponyville and purchase what they could with the bits we currently had. While myself and Sky Flare would retrieve our estimated startup cost from Canterlot, and any supplies we could carry while we were there. I had been a little reluctant to go, as that would mean leaving the Timber Wolves unsupervised. But, they had proven to be no threat to me or the others since I had introduced them. With or without the active influence of Perdias’s magic, they seemed to have been made quite loyal now. Still, it was lucky that Canterlot was so close to the Everfree, as it meant I could make it there and back in one day, by flight anyway. So even if Clyde and Gale got back first, I wouldn’t be too far behind, just in case something did go wrong. Ponyville too was conveniently located right at our doorstep. So, assuming they had a lumber store, we’d be using them for most of our renovating needs. Slowing to a hover high above Canterlot, Sky Flare and I went over our plans for the day a final time. “I’m going to go find Goldenrod and see what she thinks of our list,” I said, “We’ll meet back up at the Palace gates in three hours.” Sky Flare nodded. “And while you do that, I’m going to check in with my parents, then do a price check on some of the things Ponyville isn’t likely to have.” “Sounds good,” I said, “And good luck with your parents.” Sky Flare sighed at me then dove for her house. I meanwhile, set my sights on the Palace and started my search for Goldenrod. I’d never been to the treasury before, so I was forced to ask a Guard for directions. It was below ground, similar to the arena I had fought in for Luna’s demonstration, only not quite a deep. It looked very much like a simple bank office, with several doors off the back wall. My mind couldn’t help but visualize a massive pile of gold and jewels behind them, but I had no real idea of what the wealth of royalty was here. For all I knew, it could be a room full of diamond studded horseshoes or golden carrots. I shook the thought from my mind and looked around. There were nearly a dozen Guards standing at attention around the place, and a half dozen or so more ponies that I could see sorting through papers and organizing one item or another. It took me a bit, but among them, I finally managed to spot Goldenrod and trotted over to her. I could tell the Guards were all watching me closely, but I wasn’t doing anything wrong, so I was confident in my actions. Whether they sensed this or not, I couldn’t tell, but they left me alone for the moment. “Good day, Mrs. Goldenrod.” I said politely, trying to get her attention. Goldenrod glanced up at me from behind her paperwork and smiled. “Ah yes, Silver Wing,” she said, “I had been wondering when I would see you again.” She looked me over from hoof to head and smiled anew. “I see all your limbs are intact and you are none the worse for wear. That must mean you have braved the wilds of the Everfree and are now here to finish our meeting from a week ago?” I nodded. “I have a list of items all written up now,” I said, “Even got a carpenter to help with the assessment.” “Good,” she said, “That should make things easier. The list, if you please?” I withdrew the list from my vest and handed it to her with my magic. She eyed me curiously for a moment, then took the list with her own magic. I noticed her look and smiled. “Magic bracelet,” I said, “Never leave home without it.” I’d been getting so used to using the bracelet Dawn had given me that I was drawing on its magic almost without realizing it. It was like a hand to me now, and whenever I needed something grabbed or moved, I just used it without thinking. “How remarkable.” Goldenrod said, then she began reading over my list. She nodded to herself a few times while she scanned the items we had written down, then looked back to me when she had finished. “Everything seems to be in order and will add up to a reasonable amount,” she said, “I should have your bits collected come the morning.” “The morning?” I said. “Why yes,” Goldenrod stated, “These things take time Silver Wing, and must be approved beforehoof by either Princess Celestia or Princess Luna.” “Right…” I nodded, “I’ll be sure to come back here first thing tomorrow then.” “Until then.” Goldenrod said dismissively. She returned to her paperwork and I headed back towards the Palace gates. ‘I could fly back to the Guild with Sky Flare, then return again come the morning, but that’d be a waste of energy, and of the day…’ I thought. I sat down where I was to meet back up with Sky Flare and sighed. Delays always annoyed me, but they were to be expected with something like this. Time passed, and eventually Sky Flare dropped down beside me and smiled. “Ready to go?” she asked. She seemed quite pleased about something, so I assumed she had a good chat with her parents. “Not quite,” I said, “I won’t be able to get the bits till the morning.” Sky Flare frowned and sat down beside me. “So, what do you wanna do then?” She asked, “Fly back tonight, then come back again in the morning?” “Not really,” I admitted, “But I don’t really want to just sit around here doing nothing all day either.” “Well, we could spend the night at my place, but…” Sky Flare trailed off. “But then we’d have to deal with Breezy?” I chuckled. “Exactly,” she laughed, “I already told them I was leaving tonight anyways, so I’d rather leave them be for now.” “Well, you don’t have to stay,” I offered, “You can head back tonight, and I’ll catch up in the morning.” “Nah,” Sky Flare said, waving my comment off with a hoof, “I think I’ll stick around. Don’t want you getting lost or anything again.” I rolled my eyes at her and glanced back at the Palace. “Guess it’s my room at the palace then.” I said. “Yeah, how terrible.” Sky Flare teased. “You have no idea.” I laughed. “Actually, I do,” Sky Flare said, “Or at least, I have an old friend who does.” “Hmm?” I looked at her and tilted my head. Sky Flare hadn’t really talked to me about her friends. She mostly just talked about history or fighting, or any of a thousand topics she had memorized, so I was curious about this mention of a friend of hers. “And who’s that?” “Just a Unicorn I’ve known since I was a filly,” she explained, “Her family’s one of the wealthiest in Canterlot, so she’s always had everything she could ever want. Everything, except the freedom to be herself...” “Ah.” I said nodding my head. I knew that type of tale. Someone may have everything but if their parents, or grandparents, or family name is too big, then they don’t have the freedom to branch out and do what they actually want to in life. It was stupid really. People should be free to make their own choices, not be bound by the choices and legacies of others. In my mind anyways. “I know what you’re probably thinking,” Sky Flare sighed, “What does it matter, right? She has everything she could want. Not having to worry about anything most Pony folk have to is most ever pony’s dream...” “Not what I was thinking at all,” I said, “I know your friends type. What good is having the world when you’re forced to look at it from the other side of a window.” Sky Flare eyed me curiously for a moment, then nodded. “I’m impressed,” she said, “Most ponies don’t think that way.” “Sky,” I smirked, “What have I ever done that falls in line with most ponies?” “True.” she laughed. She smiled thoughtfully at me for a moment, then rose to her feet. “Come on. I think she’d like to meet you.” “Your friend?” I asked. She nodded. “Unless you have something better to do with the day?” I couldn’t think of anything off the top of my head, so I agreed. “Sure,” I said, “Who is she?” “Her name’s Ebon,” Sky Flare explained, “Ebon Ivora. Her family moved to Canterlot when she was just a filly, so we went to school together.” I thought about that for a moment then asked. “But I thought you said she was a Unicorn?” “She is.” Sky Flare said. “So, how’d you two go to school together?” I asked, “I thought Unicorns and Pegasai went to different schools?” Sky Flare sighed at me and shook her head. “I don’t know how things were where you’re from,” Sky Flare said, “But here, every pony is welcome. We do have Unicorn specific schools for teaching beginner, or advanced lessons, just like we have the Aerial Flight Academy for teaching advanced flight techniques to Pegasai, but we do have normal schools too.” “Right…” I said, “Sorry.” I should have assumed that was the case, but as usual, I didn’t. I’d only ever heard of the Magic Kindergarten Dawn went to, or the Academy I had gone to, but the thought of other schools being around should have crossed my mind. Sky Flare just shook her head at me and took to the skies. I followed after her, and soon enough we were landing in the yard of an enormous mansion. It rivaled the Princesses Palace in grandeur, but it wasn’t nearly as big. “Mind what you say while we’re here Silver,” Sky Flare warned, “Around others, Ivora’s got an image to uphold. So be polite and to the point, and if you have any class hidden up your wings, lay it on. Otherwise, wait till we’re alone to be… You.” I frowned at her warning and nodded my understanding. I may not be the most refined person in the world, but I wasn’t that bad. At least, I didn’t think I was… Sky Flare knocked on the door, and a moment later, a large Unicorn dressed in a butler’s shirt and tie opened the door and looked us over. “Ah, Ms. Sky Flare,” he said, “We were not expecting you. Allow me a moment to see if Ms. Ebon Ivora has time to see you.” “Of course.” Sky Flare said. She spoke curtly, and her voice held none of the attitude her tone usually carried with it. I eyed her at the change in her tone and noticed she stood more erect and regally now. I emulated her posture, but I had never been good at being overly formal. I could act the part if needed, but it just wasn’t me. I grew up on the mountains, in a forest, surrounded by bears and mountain lions. I may have moved to the city and became a police officer when I was older, but my roots were with an axe and a rifle, not with champagne and caviar. A few minutes later, the butler returned and motioned for us to enter. “Ms. Ebon Ivora will see you now,” he stated, “This way please.” Sky Flare nodded and followed after him, and I wasn’t far behind. The outside of the place palled in comparison to the inside. Every inch was polished and not a speck of dust could be seen. Statues, carvings, and all manner of valuable looking items adorned the entryway. I was impressed, but I couldn’t help smirk a little at all the statues of ponies. The Butler checked our hooves over, then, content they were clean, led us up a marble staircase and down a long hallway to a door at the end. “If you need anything, please let me know.” The butler said. He opened the door with his magic and motioned for use to enter. I followed Sky Flare in, and waiting for us, seated elegantly on a large sofa, was a Unicorn. She had long, glossy black hair that was parted more to one side, and a nearly sparkling coat of pure white. Her hooves were the same black as her hair and faded slowly up the length of her lower arms. A simple, but elegant choker rested around her neck with a rich royal blue sapphire set in its center. She smiled at us as we entered and the butler closed the door behind us, while he remained outside to give us our privacy. The room was ornate, with large marble pillars rising up to a high ceiling, and a massive bay window covered the far wall. It was impressive to behold, but I couldn’t help think this was nothing compared to what must lay in the rest of the house. As the door closed, Sky Flare’s posture relaxed and she shook her head. “Doesn’t he ever get tired of calling you by your full name?” she laughed. “I am afraid not,” Ebon Ivora sighed, “But this is unexpected. Vhat brings you here Sky?” It took me a moment to place it, but this Ebon Ivora spoke with a vaguely Russian sounding accent. That surprised me, and I couldn’t help wonder what caused there to be so many different accents here in Equestria when everyone seemed to live together for the most part. “We had some time to kill,” Sky Flare said casually, “So I figured I’d introduce you to Silver Wing here.” She gestured to me with a nod of her head, then smiled back to her friend. “And Silver, this is Ivora.” “Silver Ving?” Ivora repeated. A sly grin crept across her face and she got up and walked over to me. “So, you are the one that has been making Sky Flare so happy, hmm?” she chuckled, “She has told me much about you in her letters. Is pleasure to finally meet you. As Sky has said, I am Ebon Ivora. But please, call me Ivora.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well,” I said, “You have a lovely home.” Now that she was closer, I noticed she had a beautiful wildflower in her hair, tucked in near her left ear. It reminded me of a flower I’d seen deep in the Everfree Forest. It was like a lily, bright pink with white lines reaching down its leaves. It accented her blue eyes quite nicely. She looked me over slowly and I felt a little self-conscious as she seemed almost to be admiring my body. “You have good form,” Ivora said, “Strong, and athletic. I hear you are good fighter too? Not many can take on three of Canterlots Guards and valk avay. Fewer still can so easily handle Sky Flare’s… Vonderous charms.” I smirked at her final comment and struggled not to laugh. “Hey now,” Sky Flare frowned, “Be nice.” “Vhat are you talking about,” Ivora cooed, “I am alvays nice.” “Maybe in public,” Sky Flare snorted, “But we both know you’re worse than I am when nopony else is around.” I glanced between them for a moment and shook my head in disbelief. ‘Worse than Sky Flare?’ I thought, ‘There is no way someone like this can be worse than Sky Flare. Ivora’s way to refined and collected.’ “I see you shaking your head Silver,” Sky Flare smirked, “Just you wait. You’ll believe me soon enough.” “I assure you Silver Ving, I have no idea vhat she is talking about.” Ivora said. She smiled at me innocently and I began to doubt my first impressions of her slightly. “Come,” she said, “Sit. Talk. Tell me vhy you are here.” We followed Ivora back to the couch and sat down. “We’re stuck here till tomorrow morning,” Sky Flare explained, “So I figured it was a good time for you two to meet. I also wanted to see if you were up for a little… Road trip.” “Road trip?” Ivora asked, “To vhere?” “The Everfree Forest.” Sky Flare said. I glanced at Sky Flare, surprised by her comment. “You’re kidding!” Ivora gasped. “Nope,” Sky Flare continued, “Silver here is building a Guild there. And, he’s got something there I think you’d love to see up close.” “And vhat vould that be?” Ivora asked, raising an eyebrow curiously. Sky Flare grinned. “Timber Wolves.” she whispered. “He has captured one?” Ivora asked. “Nah,” Sky Flare said simply, “He’s tamed them.” “Vhat!?” Ivora gasped, “But how? That should not be possible.” “Silver’s not from Equestria,” Sky Flare said matter of factly, “He can do a lot other ponies can’t. Like how he fights, or those fancy dance moves I told you about.” “I recall those very vell,” Ivora said, grinning a little at some memory, “But I still do not believe he has tamed such beasts.” She looked at me seriously and asked, “Is this true?” I glanced from Ivora to Sky Flare and back, a little caught off guard by all this. I’d only just met this pony, and while Sky Flare may have known her since childhood, I didn’t. So I was a little lost for words. I hadn’t expected Sky Flare to invite her to the Guild, or so readily talk about me or the Timber Wolves we were trying to keep secret. I trusted Sky Flare though, so I had to trust that she knew what she was doing by saying all this to her friend. “It’s true,” I said, “I have thirteen of them. They keep other more dangerous creatures away from the Guild, and us.” “That is extraordinary!” Ivora gasped, “Thirteen? And they all are tamed?” I nodded. “Please, excuse me for a moment.” Ivora said. She bowed her head politely, then trotted out of the room. I leaned closer to Sky Flare as Ivora left and looked at her seriously. “You wanna tell me what this is all about, Sky?” I asked quietly. “Timber Wolves are Ivora’s favorite animal,” Sky Flare explained, “She caught sight of one once when she was traveling near the Everfree Forest when she was a filly, and has been enthralled by them ever since.” She chuckled and continued, “We used to dress up like them for Nightmare Night when we were younger. So, I figured she’d love to actually see one up close for once, since you have them all under your control now.” “While I don’t mind playing show and tell, could you run it by me first?” I asked, “We don’t exactly have a penthouse suite set up yet.” Sky Flare shook her head and looked at me with a smirk. “Trust me Silver,” she said, “Despite what she seems when she’s here, Ivora will have no problems sleeping on the ground for a few nights. Especially if she’s away from her family.” “What if word gets back to Celestia though?” I asked, “I don’t really think they’ll buy the whole, ‘it’s just a Silver thing’ like the others did.” “Ivora won’t tell anypony a thing that’s about to happen,” Sky Flare assured me, “And besides, it’ll be good to have her in our corner in the long run. Her family has connections all over Equestria. So, we might just be able to get word of the Guild to spread a little faster with her help.” I hadn’t thought of that. But, while Sky Flare did have a point, I still didn’t like the idea of bringing ponies to the Guild to show it off when it was still in shambles. Ivora returned a few minutes later, with a heavy frown on her face. “I take it you’re not allowed to go?” Sky Flare sighed. “No, I am not,” Ivora scoffed, “I am to attend a ceremony tomorrow, and perform for Father’s friends. But soon, I will visit. I must see your Timber Volves for myself!” “We’ll be back in a few weeks,” Sky Flare said sadly, “I’ll check in again then I guess…” I could feel the disappointment radiating from both of them and felt sorry for them. I wasn’t sure what to say, but I figured I should at least try and change the mood. “You said you had to perform for your father’s friends?” I asked, “What do you do?” Ivora smiled at me and turned her side to me. Using her horn, she pointed to her cutie mark and waited. It looked like a set of hoofprints, three of them to be exact, all connected by dotted lines that seemed to flow in a circular pattern. “Ivora’s a dancer Silver,” Sky Flare explained, “And one of the best. There isn’t a dance out there she doesn’t know like the back of her hoof.” “Except for yours,” Ivora chimed in, “Sky Flare has described some rather provocative steps I had not seen elsevhere. She called it, the Michael Jackson? Vhere did you learn these moves, and vould you possibly be villing to give me a demonstration so that I may learn them myself?” “Uhh,” I stammered a little, “The last demonstration I put on broke my ribs, so I’d rather not. As for where I learned them, well… It was someplace really far from here.” “How unfortunate,” Ivora said, “But surely just one dance vould cause no harm?” I could feel a blush already creeping over my face at the thought. There was no way I was going to dance in front of Sky Flare and her friend, especially not anything from Michael Jackson! I didn’t even dance in front of people to begin with, that was just an accident due to how much of Breezy’s wine I had drank! “Silver’s a little shy when it comes to his dance moves,” Sky Flare teased, “He’ll charge a group of bandits or face off against Timber Wolves all day with no problem, but dance for two cute mares? Hay no.” They both laughed at my clear embarrassment and I definitely noticed a similarity in their natures. “You said he vas drunk when he danced for you, yes?” Ivora asked Sky Flare. She nodded. “Oh yeah,” she said, “He was three sheets to the wind that night.” “Then vhen I visit, I vill bring something special,” Ivora said, a dark grin creeping over her lips, “It is called “Dragon’s Kiss”. It is made by Dragons far to the south. My Father is the only pony in Canterlot that imports it. I vill give you a bottle, then ve vill see vhat you can really do, Silver Ving.” “I’m not really a big drinker,” I said nervously, “So I think I’ll pass, but thank you for the offer.” “You vould not refuse a gift from a noble mare such as myself, vould you?” Ivora asked me in well-acted shock, “You vould insult my family’s name if you did such a thing.” “She does have a point Silver,” Sky Flare chimed in, “It would be incredibly rude to say no if somepony’s giving you a gift. Especially something as rare as that.” I looked at them both in stunned amazement. ‘They were twins...’ I thought in horror. They were both like reflections of one other in terms of their personality, and they were using teamwork to play a game against me that I had no hope of winning before it ever started. I sighed in defeat and nodded tiredly. “…Alright,” I said. “Excellent!” Ivora smiled, “Now, tell me more of these Timber Volves. Surely you must have learned something that the books do not tell?” “Silver’s been studying them quite a lot actually,” Sky Flare said, “He knows a lot more about them than even I know.” “Splendid!” Ivora gasped excitedly, “Please, tell me everything.” Most of that afternoon was spent talking about Timber Wolves, the Guild, and a verbal description of my unique dance moves. Sky Flare and Ivora were definitely good friends. They had an understanding about one another I couldn’t even guess at. It was almost like watching sisters, and it made me wonder why Sky Flare had never mentioned her before, but I was sure she had her reasons. We had left before dinner, as Sky Flare had felt it best we interact with Ivora’s parents as little as possible, or at least, that I interacted with them as little as possible. While polite, one wrong word could cause major tension and quite possibly ruin Ivora’s chances at ever visiting us in the Everfree. I had to agree that, in this case anyways, I may indeed say something that wouldn’t go over well, simply because I didn’t know enough about the culture. Ivora saw us off, and Sky Flare and I returned to the palace for the night. We grabbed a bite to eat from the Palace kitchen, then made for my room to relax. Sky Flare flopped down onto my bed and sighed aloud. “This day just won’t end!” she groaned, “Why do we have to wait until morning…” I took a seat on the couch by the far wall and shrugged. “You don’t have to stay, Sky,” I said, “It might be better if you don’t. This is the first time the Timber Wolves will be around the Guild without me there.” “You worried about Gale and Clyde?” She asked, eyeing me from the bed. “I am,” I admitted, “From what I’ve seen, I’m sure they’ll be fine, but I’m still worried.” “Like you said,” she said, “From what you’ve seen of them, they should be just fine. You spent a week with them, most of which without having to force them to obey you with your magic, right?” “Yeah...” I said. I did feel bad about controlling them when she spoke like that, but the truth was that I was doing just that. I was using mind control to make them listen to me, to make them think I was their leader and that my word was law… It wasn’t right, and I knew it. But, according to everyone else in Equestria, they were just mindless predators that only sought to harm ponies that got too near to the Everfree. I knew that wasn’t true now though, but I didn’t want to have to fight them, or scare them off. I wasn’t hurting them, and this way, they wouldn’t hurt us either. We could all get along and live together, sharing the forest and benefiting each other in the process. Like a symbiotic relationship, one of equal benefit for both parties. They’d protect us, and we’d leave them and as much of the forest alone as we could. It still wasn’t right, but it was better than the alternative, so I’d continue to do it for as long as I felt I had to. “Something the matter?” She asked. I shook my head and smiled. “Nah,” I said, “Just tired is all.” “Well, come to bed then,” she said, “I won’t bite.” “You may kick me in the head though.” I laughed. She thought about what I had said for a moment, then nodded. “True,” She said, “But you should still come to bed. You need your rest too, Mr. Guild Leader.” “I’ll sleep here tonight.” I said, patting the couch I was sitting on, “Oh come on Silver,” Sky Flare sighed, “It’s not like we haven’t slept together before.” “Yeah, when you sneak into bed with me!” I stated. “Alright then,” Sky Flare said simply, “You hop into bed first, then I will.” “That’s not the point!” I said. I frowned at her and laid down on the couch. “You sleep there,” I sighed, “I’ll sleep here.” “It’s not like we’re married Silver,” she sighed at me, “Ponies can sleep together you know? It’s not like this bed isn’t big enough for two. We could probably fit Gale and Clyde on here too if we tried.” She did have a point, but it was still a weird thing to think about. What if I woke up cuddling her? Or talked in my sleep? Or worse… I was a guy, and I didn’t wear pants, so there was always that possibility. Especially in the middle of the night when I wasn’t thinking. Natural bodily reaction or not, I could never live with myself if something like that just happened to pop up. That final thought sealed the deal for me and I shook my head. “I’m good here tonight Sky,” I said, “But thank you very much for the offer.” “Suit yourself,” Sky Flare said, “Just means more bed for me.” She rolled over onto her back and stretched out lazily. Her wings spread out wide beneath her, so wide in fact, she could almost touch either side of the bed with them. I sighed as I saw the sheer, blissful look of comfort on her face and grumbled atop my far less comfortable couch. It seemed to have taken me forever to fall asleep that night. The sound of Sky Flare snoring away softly nearby was pleasant, but my choice in bedding was far from it. I just could not get comfortable, and eventually moved to the floor. By the time morning came, I had already been awake for an hour, but luckily, I wasn’t too tired. The plans for the day I had running through my mind gave me enough energy to shake off my lack of sleep. I woke Sky Flare, grabbed our things, and then together, went to retrieve our bits from Goldenrod in the treasury. As she had said she would be, Goldenrod was awaiting our arrival and handed me a rather heavy duty pair of saddlebags the moment we addressed her. They had a leather back strap like I was used to, but the pouches on either side were more rectangular, like tool boxes. They were also made of solid metal, and had latches with thick padlocks sealing them shut. “Within are all the bits you should have need of to get your business underway,” she explained, “There are two keys, one I will give to you now, and a second that we will keep here in case you lose yours.” Then she met my gaze and spoke again. “That being said, do not lose your key.” I assured her that I would do my best not to lose anything, and, satisfied with my answer, she dismissed us and returned to her work. Sky Flare had been rather put off by Goldenrod’s demeanor, but I was used to it by now. She had things to do, and no patience for wasted time. Taking the heavy load of bits and the key with us, we left Canterlot and flew for the Everfree Forest. I was eager to return and make sure that Clyde and Gale were both alright, and Sky Flare, despite her claims otherwise, seemed relieved to be outside of the city again. By noon we had caught sight of the Guild, and for a moment I felt a wave of panic wash over me as I spotted both Clyde and Gale on the roof. I feared the worst, that the Timber Wolves had attacked them and driven them to the peak of the old Inn for safety. But, as we drew closer, I realized they were simply ripping off the old shingles to make the repairs easier. I landed hard, due to the excess of weight on my back and dropped the metal saddlebags to the ground with a pair of heavy thunks. “Sounds like you got what we need.” Gale said from above. He dropped down from the roof and landed behind me. “Yeah, definitely looks like they gave you enough to get everything we wrote down.” “And then some,” I laughed, “Bits are heavy in bulk.” “Yeah well, don’t lose track of how much is there,” Sky Flare warned, “You do need to pay it back at some point, remember?” “I am well aware,” I sighed, “But for now, we focus on what we need to get this thing on its feet.” I looked to Gale. “Did you find everything we might need in Ponyville? Or do we need to hit up Canterlot for a few things?” “Most of the items we’ll need can be found in Ponyville readily enough,” He said, “Lumber, shingles, nails, windows and doors. Lanterns and oil as well. We can get just about everything except for new beds, dressers, and tables. Ponyville has some at fair prices, but in the amount we’ll need, it wouldn’t be fair to the locals to simply buy them out. And even if we did buy them out, it still wouldn’t fill our needs.” “Right,” I said thoughtfully, “So we’ll need to buy the bigger items from Canterlot then. How were the prices there, Sky?” “They could be better,” she admitted, “But they’ll do.” “Alright,” I said, “We can continue using the cellar, or the tents in the meantime, until we get the Inn repaired and turned into our Guild Hall. Then, we’ll get the furniture. Though, to start with, I don’t think we’ll need more than six beds, and maybe two tables. That’ll cover the three of us, and any guests we may get. It’ll also mean new members won’t need to sleep on the ground when they join. We can get more as needed after that.” “We should also get you a desk, and a filing system,” Sky Flare chimed in, “We can’t do anything if we don’t have a place to put potential missions.” “Right,” I agreed, “Anything else we need to get right away?” “We have plenty of food and water,” Gale said, “And while it’s not something we can purchase, we should consider clearing a land path to the plains beyond the Everfree. We’ll need to make several more trips to Ponyville for lumber and other supplies as we go, and I don’t believe Clyde’s wagon will survive for much longer at this rate.” “I’ll take care of that,” I said nodding, “The Timber Wolves should be able to make short work of the overgrowth that’s reclaimed the old road out of here. Past that, it shouldn’t take too long to make a suitable path.” I looked at Gale closely and asked him seriously, “How were they without me here by the way?” Gale shrugged. “I haven’t seen them since you first called them out of the forest,” he said, “I caught a glimpse or two last night, but nothing came past the tree line.” I felt relieved to hear that. “Good,” I said, “They’re doing exactly as they’re supposed to then.” “Something to make this place easier to spot from the air wouldn’t hurt either,” Sky Flare chimed in, “I don’t know about you two, but I still have a heck of time finding this place.” “I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to deal with that,” I said, “But I’m not sure what would work yet. Any ideas?” “Perhaps a beacon of sorts?” Gale offered, “Like a lighthouse.” “Do we really want to show off our location to every Pegasus for miles around though?” Sky Flare asked, “I meant something a little more subtle… I don’t really want any flyboy with wings to just drop in uninvited because they’ve spotted something that catches their eye.” “Hrmm…” I wasn’t sure what to do to fix this problem just yet, but I’d think about it while I worked. “I’ll think things over while I clear the road out of here,” I said, “For now, you two help Clyde with what you can. I’ll be back when I’m done, or when the sun sets. Whichever comes first.” > Renovations, Part Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been two weeks now since we first started the renovations of the old Serenity Inn. It had taken a lot of work to get to where we were, and there was still plenty to do, but the place was shaping up to be an impressive Guild Hall. While I still hadn’t come up with an effective aerial guide for locating the Guild, I had managed to clear out a path through the Everfree to the plains beyond. It was a simple path, only wide enough for one cart at a time, but it worked well. It took about an hour by foot to walk from the Guild to the edge of the forest. The first half of the path, the end closest to the Guild, was lined with smooth cobblestone that once served as the roadway in when the place was still a working Inn. The rest of the path was just dirt that the Timber Wolves had managed to help me compact down and smooth out to an acceptable level. The Timber Wolves had also helped me a great deal in clearing out the rest of the area around the Guild. We’d managed to take every small tree, root, and bush and pile it up out of the way. Anything that would make for good firewood or kindling we kept, making it into a neat stack behind the Guild for when we’d need it. The rest, we burned in a big bonfire along with the waste from the renovations. The walls were fixed, the insides had been gutted, and now all we had to do was finish the roof, replace the windows and doors, and then paint it. After that, it would just be a half dozen trips to Canterlot for new furniture, then we’d be good to go. It was getting late in the day and I was currently working with Sky Flare on one of the upstairs windows. Clyde and Gale had gone to Ponyville earlier that morning to get another load of shingles for the roof and seemed to be taking longer than usual to return. “I’m sure they’re fine, Silver,” Sky Flare sighed at me as she caught me scanning the path to the Guild again, “Just relax.” “They should have been back by now though,” I said, “They usually get back in time for lunch… It’s nearly dinner time now.” “Maybe they got caught up?” she offered, “Clyde’s wagon has been through a lot, it could have lost a wheel or something. Whatever it is, I’m sure they’ll be back any minute now.” “I hope you’re right…” I sighed. I didn’t like my friends being missing, but Gale and Clyde were both very capable ponies, so I’d have faith in their ability to handle themselves if something came up. That didn’t mean I liked them being late though. Sky Flare smirked at me and pointed towards the entrance to the Guild. “And there you go,” she said, “Here they come now, safe and sound. And… Oh no…” She groaned and went back to work without another word. I glanced back to the forest and felt relieved to see Gale and Clyde trotting into view, but it took me a moment to figure out what Sky Flare’s issue was. Coming along behind Clyde’s wagon, was a white Earth Pony with a blue mane and tail, and beside him, walked a green Unicorn with a yellow mane. “Dawn!” I called out in surprise, “And Stalwart too?” A smile spread across my face and I hopped off the roof and flew over to greet them. “How’d you guys find us!?” I asked. I hadn’t seen Dawn or Stalwart in almost four months now, and I was quite pleased to see them both again. Part of me hoped Dawn had come to tell me that she could send me home now, but I had my doubts. It had only been a few months since we set out to see Equestria for ourselves, and I knew it was more likely than not, just a fools hope that she’d made enough progress, but it was on my mind nonetheless. "Well, Celestia gave us news of you forming a guild," Dawn explained happily, "I could hardly believe it. What exactly are you going to do with it? Not go raiding dungeons I imagine." She chuckled at me and I smiled. "Oh all the time," I laughed, "We'll be slaying dragons, rescuing Princesses, and all that fun stuff." Simple as it was, it was refreshing to speak with Dawn again. In all the world, she was the only person who could understand and share my worlds humor. Dawn laughed at my comment, then I couldn’t help but notice Stalwarts confused expression. "Why would you need to slay dragons?" he asked. I shook my head at him and opened my mouth to explain, but Dawn beat me to it. "It's a figure of speech Stalwart," she said, "I'll explain later." Returning her attention to me, she glanced to the Guild behind me and asked, "So, this is where you're going to set up? Bit of a hard time getting here I'll say that." "You should have seen it before we cleared the old path out of here," I sighed and looked to Clyde apologetically, "Poor Clyde had a hell of a time getting here with that wagon of his the first time." "Bit easier now," Clyde chimed in, "If you'll excuse me though. There's work needs doin'." He excused himself and headed for the Inn, pulling his wagon along as he went. "Well, we were thinking of taking a small break from all the studying anyway," Dawn said smiling, "Thought we'd offer a helping hoof or two for a week if there's no issues?" "I had to talk Dawn out of helping for longer," Stalwart chuckled, "She seems to lose interest in things as quickly as she gets them." "Hey! I'm not that bad!" Dawn protested. I couldn't help but chuckle at them. It seemed like their relationship hadn't changed at all, so I was happy for them. I had been worried about Dawn and how she would manage in Equestria, especially after all the things I'd seen, but it seemed like Stalwart had kept her safe and everything had been just fine for them. Using a wing, I pointed to the Guild and smiled. "You're both welcome to stay for as long as you'd like," I said, "There's plenty to do, and the more help we have the better. Clyde's in charge of fixing up the place though, so he can give you a better list of what can be done that I could. Otherwise, Sky Flare or I can give you any other information you might need, or answer any questions you might have." I paused for a moment as I recalled the Timber Wolves and hesitated. Should I tell them about my wolves, or keep it a secret... Dawn probably wouldn’t care, but Stalwart was a Palace Guard, and he'd be sure to have something to say about my use of them... "We don't really have any rooms setup yet," I continued, "So you'll either need to sleep on the floor, or pitch a tent out here somewhere in the clearing. Just do not go into the forest." I pointed out the stone fence that bordered the Guild grounds and made sure that they both saw it. "Do not cross that fence there," I stressed, "Stay in the clearing, and you'll be fine." I knew I’d probably have to tell them about the Timber Wolves sooner or later, but if they were only going to be here for a week, I might just be able to keep the wolves out of sight till they had left, hopefully. Dawn nodded cheerfully and gestured to Stalwarts pack. "We've got our tent still, so we'll manage just as we always have." Stalwart meanwhile, eyed the fence seriously, then looked back to me questioningly. I knew what was coming, but I let him ask anyway. "Is that how you're keeping this place safe Silver?" he asked, "A bit of a barrier?" I could hear the tension in his voice, but I knew how safe this place was now and I couldn't help but smirk at his concern. I shrugged his worry off and smiled. "I have a few other... Safety measures wandering around," I said, "Just make sure you stay inside the clearing, and nothing will happen to you." Gale moved closer to Stalwart and nudged him, a knowing smile on his face. "Trust me, Stalwart," he said, "This place is safer than you'd think." I'd have to ask about it later to be sure, but it seemed like Gale and Stalwart must have been old friends, or at least, must have known each other from their time in Canterlots military. Why else would Gale have allowed Dawn and Stalwart to follow them back from Ponyville? Neither of them knew Clyde, I knew that much, so Gale had to have been the one. Dawn, ever one to follow her thoughts, started after Clyde without another word. I shook my head at her then smirked at Stalwart. He simply sighed back at me, before following after Dawn. With both Meadow Dawn and Stalwart Shield helping with the renovations, the workload just seemed to fly by. Dawn had her magic, allowing her to reach places everyone besides me couldn’t, and Stalwart had the strength to move the things only Clyde previously could. It was nice to have Dawn around again for more than just manual labor though. I’d missed being able to talk about music, or movies, or any of the thousands of other things only she could understand. We’d reminisced for a while, then shared our adventures so far. It turns out Dawn had really been getting around. She’d seen all sorts of places and museums, and learned quite a few new tricks when it came to magic, but as I had first expected, she couldn’t send me home just yet... Still, I was happy for her, and for the progress she said she’d made, as it meant I might actually get home at some point. In the week they’d been here, the roof was nearly finished and the rest of the windows and doors had been replaced. Dawn had been marking boards that were damaged, and Stalwart had been replacing them. Sky Flare, Gale and I meanwhile, tended mostly to the roof and outer walls, since we could fly. I’d hoped to keep Dawn and Stalwart from running into my wolves while they were here, but, about three days in, Stalwart had confronted me about them. He had seen them at night, circling the Guild, but never coming near, and had asked about them at length. He was ever the Guardspony, and he knew that something was up. So, as I had with Sky Flare, Gale and Clyde, I introduced Stalwart and Dawn to them and asked them not to tell anypony about my having tamed them. Dawn, though she had been terrified at first, quickly fell in love with the Timber Wolves, even going so far as to say that they were cute. I laughed at that, and wondered how cute she’d find them if they still reeked like they used to. Stalwart was harder to convince, and kept a heavy air of suspicion around them. He had grown up with the stories of Timber Wolves devouring ponies that wandered too close to the Everfree, so his fears were understandable. Still, they’d both agreed to keep them a secret for me, and no other issues had arisen the rest of the week. “Nearly done now,” I said to myself, “Some paint and a few furniture runs, and I think we’ll be in business.” It was shaping up to be a nice day. The sun was warm, the skies were clear, and the wind was cool and refreshing. It would have been a great day for flying, but as life so often reminds us, there was still work to be done. With a sigh, I went back to fixing the roof. I heard a rustling of leaves bellow me and paused to take a look, but there was nothing that I could see beyond the debris that still needed to be cleared away. I shrugged and attributed it to the winds and went back to work. About a minute later, I heard Dawn yelling from within the guild. I couldn’t really make out what she was saying, but a moment later, I caught sight of a Pegasus dashing away towards the forest. This Pegasus was brown, and surprisingly quick on its feet. I didn’t recognize him, and I did not like the idea of some random pony snooping around. “Sky Flare!” I called out to her. She was on the far side of the roof, and was looking to me now after having noticed the intruder. “Make sure there aren’t any more, I got this one!” She nodded at me and dropped to the ground to scout the area. I meanwhile, dashed off the roof and took flight. I wasn’t sure why this Pegasus wasn’t flying, but if he was injured or needed help, there were better ways to go about getting it than sneaking into someone else’s home. I closed in fast, but not fast enough. The moment the Pegasus hit the tree line, he leaped into the air and gained altitude. He had something red flapping around him now I noticed, and I could see sticks and twigs clinging to him. He looked like he had had a rough night, but not rough enough to slow him down too much. Moving above the Pegasus to cut him off, I forced him to stay low to the ground and glared down at him. “There a reason you’re spying on us, Pegasus!?” I barked. “I uh… You see…” the Pegasus stammered, then fell silent. I snorted in annoyance and shook my head. “Stop running and land!” I ordered, “Now!” If he was well enough to fly, he was well enough to follow the forest to Ponyville. That meant he had a purpose here, but what? Was he a bandit? A vandal? Or just some crazy pony living in the woods? I didn’t know what his reasons for being here were, but he was not leaving until I found out. I caught Dawn’s voice calling to me from behind and ignored it. If she was in trouble, she had the whole of the Guild nearer to her than I was, not to mention my wolves, so I could stay focused on the matter at hand. I flapped my wings harder and, using my speed and the training Sky Flare hard given me, wove through the tree’s and cut ahead of my target. “This is your last warning!” I warned sternly, “Land, or I will make you!” The fleeing Pegasus stopped dead in his tracks at that, then began a slow descent to the ground. He wouldn’t look at me, so I made sure to watch his body closely, just in case he tried to bolt away again. Now that he wasn’t moving anymore, I noticed he had a long red scarf wrapped around his neck. It was surprisingly clean of any dirt or debris and I figured that was why he had been running on foot when I had first seen him. He must have left his scarf at the tree line and snuck closer to the Guild without it to keep it from getting dirty. I glanced out into the forest as I caught the low growls of some of my wolves and motioned for them to stay where they were. Whoever this Pegasus was, I felt confident in my ability to handle him if things came to that. “You mind telling me what you were doing now?” I asked sternly The Pegasus remained silent and simply stared blankly at the ground. I frowned heavily at that, but before I could ask in a way that would get his attention, I heard the sound of hoofbeats closing in on us. A few moments later, I caught sight of Dawn through the brush. She was galloping up to us, huffing a little for breath as she finally caught up. “Howdy stranger!” she called cheerfully, “Why’d you run away from us?” ‘Howdy stranger?’ I thought, a little stunned, ‘He was just caught spying on us, and you’re all chipper?’ I sighed and shook my head at her. “Aren’t you… Angry?” the brown Pegasus asked. His voice was barely a whisper, but I’d heard him clear enough to realize that he sounded frightened. “Huh?” Dawn said, seemingly confused by his words, “Why should I be? I only just barely saw you and you dashed off! Did you do something that should make me angry?” I couldn’t tell if she was trying the comforting mother approach, or if she was just that naive, but I moved closer and waited for the Pegasus’s reply. “Oh,” he gasped, “You mean you don't know I was watch-” he cut himself off, then gave an awkward smile. "I mean…” he started again, more carefully this time, “I was just passing by and I couldn't help but notice all the ponies in the area! I was curious, and when I looked through the window I guess I was just caught off guard... Um..." He glanced at me for a moment, then looked back to Dawn and added, “That's it... Really!" I shook my head at his obvious lie and sighed. One thing years in law enforcement had taught me, was to pay attention to a suspects wording very carefully. They almost always slipped up with their choice of words, especially when flustered. "So, tell me then, Pegasus,” I said sternly, “If you really were just “passing by” why was your scarf hidden in the trees so far from you? And why are you all covered in undergrowth?" I watched him visibly tense and waited for a reply. “Well?” I asked again. "I... I saw all the mess around the building, and I didn't want to risk my scarf getting dirty...” The Pegasus explained, “Its special to me, you know?" He took a breath to calm himself then continued, "And so glad I thought ahead! On my rush to investigate the place, I tripped and fell down, getting myself all covered in undergrowth..." Now that he was actually talking and speaking more than two words at a time, I noticed a vaguely Spanish sounding accent in the way he talked and shook my head. ‘What’s next?’ I thought, ‘German? Canadian? Or maybe Chinese?’ There seemed to be no shortage of accents going around and I was starting to grow curious if I’d heard the last of them or not. I shook the thought from my head and returned my focus to getting some answers. "Most people would have just said hi." I said flatly. I frowned anew at myself and spoke again. "Er, Ponies. And if all you were doing was checking the place out because others were here, why run?" "Please, just tell us,” Dawn said softly, “It really doesn't do you any good to keep lying." She smiled assuringly at him and waited patiently for his reply. The Pegasus sighed. "You are right...” he said, “I'm sorry… The reason I ran away was because I... I actually was... Watching you for a while in secret... And then you saw me... " He trailed off, clearly not wanting to say anything else. "Why would you bother watching us like that?” Dawn asked, “I know we're not exactly anywhere most ponies would be but... Why?" "Because um...” The Pegasus stammered, “Ahh..." It was clear Dawn had struck a nerve with that question, but I was getting bored of this game. I wanted answers and beating around the bush like this was just getting on my nerves. He glanced at me for a moment, then dropped his ears in apparent fright and looked back to Dawn. "I was waiting for a perfect chance to... Um..." He trailed off again and starting fiddling with his forehooves, "You know..." "No, we don't know." I said sternly. There was more going on than this Pegasus wanted to say, and while I wasn’t angry with him, my patience really was wearing thin. Eventually, the Pegasus sighed and looked to Dawn hopefully. "Look...” He tired, “It’s difficult for me to say... Couldn't you let me go? I didn't mean any harm... Honest..." I wasn't entirely sure on the law's about trespassing Equestria. How harsh or lax they were. But as far I could tell, this Pegasus hadn't done much more than snoop around. I shook my head and let out a heavy sigh. About then, Sky Flare landed nearby, with Gale close behind. “Nopony else snooping around,” Sky Flare said, “Not that I can find anyways.” “What’s going on now, Silver Wing?” Gale asked, “This the Pegasus that was found?” I nodded. “Yeah, it is, and he’s refusing to do much more than waste my time.” I shook my head and started back for the Guild, “Gale, can you take care of this please? I have too much to do to sit around playing twenty questions all day…” Sky Flare snorted, “Why don’t you want me talking to him?” Sky Flare asked, seemingly hurt by my having chosen Gale to deal with the intruder. “Gale’s been sent here by Celestia to make sure things keep running smoothly, right?” I said, “So he’s the best pick for something like this. I don’t want this guy killed, I just wanna know why he was snooping around.” I heard Dawn gasp at my words and sighed. “Of course we’re not gonna kill him, gods…” she said. “Well I’m staying,” Sky Flare said, “I wanna know what this sneak was doing here.” “Fine,” I said, “Stay… I’m going back to work. Gale, if you can let me know what’s going on when you’re done, I’d appreciate it.” “Yes sir.” Gale said sternly. I was curious as to why this Pegasus was here, but I was not in the mood for games. This was a job for someone else, someone with more patience than I had right now, and as Guild Leader, I had the liberty of passing things off like this. That, and this being a potential crime, who better to look into it than Gale. It was literally one of the main reasons he was sent here, to make sure we stuck to the law of Equestria. I returned to the Guild and got back to work, though it was short lived. About ten minutes later, I heard Gale calling for me from down below and sighed. I looked down over the roof and saw Gale standing with the brown Pegasus off to his side. Sky Flare was standing by his other side with a heavy frown on her face, and Dawn wasn’t too far behind. “Now what…” I groaned tiredly. I walked off the roof, and with one flap, stopped my descent just above the ground. “So, what’s the verdict Gale?” I asked flatly. “Well,” Gale started, then he laughed, “His name’s Winter Light. And he’s your number one fan, Silver Wing.” “My what?” I asked. “Long story short,” Gale explained, “He’s a mail pony. He was delivering some mail to Ponyville the other day when he overheard Clyde talking with the lumber ponies about the Guild when your name came up. Winter Light here was there when you came in second at the Canterlot Race. Even managed to catch wind of your feats during the demonstration you put on for Luna too. Apparently, he snuck into Clyde’s wagon to try and meet you. He had spent the night in the forest, and had just worked up the courage to introduce himself when Meadow Dawn startled him off.” I was stunned. I’d gained plenty of female fans from those events, but never a male fanboy. Not that I’d noticed anyways. Sky Flare had always been good at keeping them at bay, so this was a surprise to me. Not just because he had gone to full on stalker levels of adoration to sneak into the Guild, but because he also had the dedication to spend the night in the middle of the Everfree Forest just to meet me. It was a good thing I had told the Timber Wolves not to attack any ponies that come here, or this Winter Light would have met a very unfortunate end… I sighed and shook my head. I couldn’t be sure if he was just young and idolizing me like teens did with bands, or if he wanted something a little more from me than that, but I didn’t have it in me to ask. “How old are you, Winter Light?” I asked. "M-me?” Winter Light asked, then quickly answered, “I'm twenty two years old!" "You sure you didn’t mean two years old?" Sky Flare scoffed. I glanced at her and frowned. "Well, I'm glad you're a fan I guess," I said, a little unsure what to say, "But there really are better ways to meet someone than by sneaking around their home. Next time, just come right out and introduce yourself, alright?" He nodded, then lowered his head in embarrassment. "Yes... I'm sorry... Um..." He trailed off. It seemed like he wanted to say more, but he couldn’t seem to get the words out. He Glanced to Gale and spoke softly. "Um... Mr. Gale... About what we discussed...?" "What's the point?" Sky Flare snorted, "He's going to say no." Gale shook his head and looked to me seriously. "Winter Light here feels bad for what he's done," he explained, "As his way of apologizing and starting over, he had hoped he'd be allowed to stay here for a while and help with the repairs." "Well, I'm pretty sure I know Sky Flare's standing on that idea already," I sighed, "But what do you think Gale?" "Well-" Gale started, but Sky Flare cut him off. "What does it matter what Gale thinks, Silver?" Sky Flare barked, "This is your Guild, you make the choices." I looked at Sky Flare questioningly for a moment, then shook my head. I wasn’t sure why she was so worked up over me asking Gale's opinion, but I'd deal with her attitude later. "I'll rephrase the question then," I said flatly, "What do you think the Princesses stand on this matter would be, Gale?" I caught Sky Flare snort in annoyance again, but she held her tongue this time. "Well," Gale began again, "I think they would allow it. Everypony deserves a second chance, and we've all made a mistake or two in our lives. So it seems unwarranted to clip his wings over something like this." I nodded at his comment and agreed. "Alright," I said, "Winter Light, you can stay and help for now." Then I looked at him seriously and added, "But we will be watching you while you’re here." "He's a sneak Silver!" Sky Flare barked, "You should drag the little Ratite out of here and dump him in Ponyville, not entertain his fanboy fantasies!" "Hey, I gave you a second chance after knocking me out didn’t I?" I said, trying to make light of the situation, "You know how that turned out. Maybe Winter Light here'll be the same. Just give him a chance and see how things go, alright?" She snorted in irritation and flew off, her parting comment of disapproval just barely reaching my ears. I sighed and looked back to Winter Light. "Now..." I asked thoughtfully, "What can you do exactly? Do you have any skills or strengths?" Winter Light was smiling practically ear to ear, and his eyes were wide with excitement. "Anything you need me to do!” he said quickly. He looked elated to have been allowed to stay, and I smiled at the sheer joy he seemed to have now. ‘At least he seems helpful,’ I thought, ‘But we’ll see if that lasts the day.’ “I-I mean," Winter Light shuffled a moment then stood at attention to look more serious, "I'm a mail pony, and have some experience in helping with the weather... Although, not sure if any of those two traits would be too useful to you. I just want to help you anyway I can!" "Well, you can start by tagging along with Gale for now," I said, "He says to give you a chance, he can be the one to keep an eye on you. " I looked at Gale and smiled, "For now anyways." "We'll start with some cleanup duty then," Gale said, "Come on Winter Light, I'll show you around first, then we'll get to work." “Yes sir!” Winter Light said sternly. I watched as the brown Pegasus trotted off with Gale and sighed. ‘For a guy who says he’s in his twenties, he’s awfully… Childish.’ I thought. I heard a sound like something being kicked over within the Guild and sighed. ‘And speaking of childish, time to go see what Sky Flare’s problem is…’ I found Sky Flare behind the Guild, angrily stomping around, kicking over sticks and rocks as she paced about. “So, what’s got your nickers in a knot, hmm?” I asked. “My what?” Sky Flare started, then shook her head, “Nothing,” She stated, “I’m fine.” “And I’m a Princess.” I laughed. She frowned at me, then started for the forest. “Oh come on Sky,” I sighed, “What’s the matter?” She stopped and turned to face me. “I thought I was your second in command!?” she said angrily. “That’s what I thought.” I sighed. I saw her glare deepen at my words and spoke quickly, “Sky, you are my second in command, but Gale has been sent here by the Princesses to make sure the overall wellbeing of Equestria is upheld. You made your thoughts on the issue with Winter Light quite clear from the start. And while I don’t like people sneaking around anymore than you do, sometimes people make mistakes.” “So what, everypony should get a second chance no matter what?” Sky Flare scoffed. “No,” I admitted, “But when their only crime is looking through a window and scaring the crap out of Dawn? I’d be more tempted to give him some praise than a boot to the butt.” She snorted a chuckle at that and shook her head, finally seeming to get my point. “Fine…” she sighed after a moment of thought, “But I still don’t like him. And if he steps out of line, even once-” “Then you can toss him to the curb,” I assured her, “But at least give him a fair chance, alright?” “Yeah, yeah…” she agreed. “Good,” I said, “Now, is there anything else bothering you? You’ve been good about it, but I know you well enough to know that something’s been bugging you the last few days. And don’t say nothing.” She frowned at me then sighed heavily. “It’s stupid.” She admitted, then fell silent. “What is?” I asked, “I won’t laugh, I promise.” She looked at me for a moment then shrugged tiredly. “We haven’t spared or done any training since we got here,” she said, “I know we’ve been busy with the Guild and all, but we were doing it every day, sometimes two or three times before sunset. I…” She shook her head and continued, “Don’t you miss it?” I smiled at her and let out a small sigh. ‘So that was it,’ I realized, ‘She’s suffering from sparring withdrawals.’ My smile grew wider and I trotted up to her. She watched me unsurely, and as I came up right beside her, I unleashed my secret weapon. I swung my tail away from her, then whipped it back against her flank. At the last second, I snapped my tail back again, and with an audible crack, I struck Sky Flare square on the cutie mark with my tail like it was a whip. She’d done it to me so many times now, I couldn’t help but learn how to do it myself. I’d been practicing in secret for months, and had only just gotten the hang of it a few weeks ago. Sky Flare yelped and bucked away from me with a start. “What the hay Silver!?” She gasped, “That hurt!” “Oops,” I laughed, “Guess I don’t have the control perfected just yet.” She frowned at me, then laughed and leaped for me with a playful strike. She’d reacted as I had hoped. I leaped back and taunted her. “What’s this?” I teased, “A few weeks without practice and you can’t even land a hit? You get rusty way to fast Sky Flare.” “Excuse me?” she snorted, “I’ll show you rusty!” She leaped after me again and I took to the skies quickly. “Hey!” I heard Sky Flare yell after me, “Get back here!” “You’ll have to catch me first!” I called back, then I took off like a streak over the forest. The stream nearby would make for a pretty good sparring area, and though I knew we both had plenty of work to do, an hour to spar wouldn’t be too much time lost. Especially if it would help to curb Sky Flare’s mood. As had been our norm of late, we all gathered around a big campfire Clyde setup outside and ate our dinners as we wound down for the day. I had a few new bruises from my sparring match with Sky Flare earlier, as did she I had no doubt, but we were both quite content now. That was all she had really needed to calm down, a good fight, and we had several of those once we got to the stream. Despite our lack of training these last few weeks, she really was getting quite good. I’d have to start teaching her more advanced techniques soon, and really work on fine tuning her ability to read and predict an opponent’s moves. I was really looking forward to her becoming a challenge. The better she got, the better I would have to be to keep her on her toes. At the rate she was improving, she might wind up being more of a rival than a student, one day anyway. As usual, I sat with Sky Flare and admired the fire Clyde had built for us. I still had no idea how he did it with those huge hooves of his, but Clyde could make a fire faster than I ever could when I had been human. I swear he had flints in his hooves, he was that fast. I watched as our newest addition started towards me, then stopped and turned for Dawn and Stalwart instead. It took me a second to realize why he had changed course so suddenly, then I remembered Sky Flare’s attitude towards him earlier and sighed. I glanced to her, but she seemed indifferent and simply relaxed contently by my side as she ate. While not trying to eavesdrop, Winter Light and Dawn sat close enough I couldn’t help but overhear their conversation. So, I listened in, intent on learning more about this new Pegasus that had been found spying on us. "Is she okay?” I caught Winter Light ask, “She seems a lot less energetic than what I saw earlier." Stalwart laughed. "That's because I've been helping make sure she's actually working!” He said, “I'm sure she'll perk up once she's had a chance to eat." "I haven't needed to work this hard in a very long time...” Dawn groaned, “I must be out of shape..." ‘How can she be that tired?’ I thought to myself, ‘She has magic to do literally everything for her…’ "Oh?” Winter Light said curiously, “Physically you look in good shape. I thought you would have an easier time than most of us, since you can use magic to manipulate the objects easier than us." I smirked at his comment. ‘Glad I’m not the only one who thinks that.’ I thought. Dawn flopped over onto the grass and shrugged. "I was used to desk jobs, phone centers, things like that,” she sighed, “Far more intellectual work than physical…" "Phone centers?” Winter Light asked, “What's that?" I half choked on a carrot when I caught his question. Sky Flare patted me on the back gently and looked at me with a smirk. “Chew first Silver, then swallow.” She teased. I choked out my agreement and hoped Dawn had some form of a recovery lined up. "It's something unique to my... Home," I caught Dawn reply hesitantly, "Basically if someone had a complaint or a question about something for a company, I'd be the one to handle that kind of thing." ‘Dawn…’ I thought shaking my head, ‘How have you made it this long without Stalwart finding out who you really are… You’re worse than I am when it comes to slip ups!’ I watched as Sky Flare glanced over at Dawn at her comment, and knew from her expression she was about to ask something, so I cut in to change the topic as best I could. "So," I said as nonchalantly as I could, though loud enough to catch the ears of everyone present, "Once we get the Inn itself patched up and officially made into the Timber Wolves Guild hall, I think we should make a few additions to it. Like a storehouse or something, and maybe a central office of sorts. We’ll need an office if we're going to be in the business of helping other's after all, right? Any ideas on a location or possible designs guys?" I really wasn’t sure if we needed a storehouse, or an office all that much, but I had to say something to try and give Dawn an out, and this was the best thing I could come up with on such short notice. Gale, Sky Flare and Clyde looked around thoughtfully. They took in the surrounding area and seemed to fall rather deep in thought over possible build sites and unspoken designs. Stalwart was the first to offer an idea and he spoke it thoughtfully. "Are you looking at investing time to build such a building, or converting what space you have already?" “Six a one, half dozen of the other," I said with a laugh, "I'd like to keep as much room in the Inn as possible for everyone. I have no idea how big this Guild's going to become, but we'll need enough room for guests and members alike. So, making a storehouse and a reception area from scratch will probably be the best way to go about it. Unless someone else has a better idea?" "Are you accounting for each member or guest having their own room,” Dawn asked, “Or a combined barracks concept?" "As much as a Barracks would save on space, I'd rather avoid it if I can,” I said, “I want this to be a home. A place for everyone to feel at ease and relax in their own way. Our purpose is to help others, not enforce some code or equestrian law. I don't want us to be some type of military division. We're here to help. And what helps others better than a family?" I saw everyone nod thoughtfully and felt a little swell of pride rise up within me. I wasn’t really the leader of anything until we were in business, but it helped boost my confidence a little to know that everyone here seemed to agree with my ideals. Sky Flare nudged my side, then pointed over to the far side of the clearing. “What if we stick that storage shed over there?” she said, “Back behind the Guild. We can keep our junk tucked away safe, while having it stay out of the way. We can also put an armory of sorts at the end nearest to the Guild, and maybe even a training grounds over there. You know, a sand pit, some practice targets, maybe a few obstacles. We’ll need those if I’m supposed to be training the ponies who join us how to fight.” “Right,” I said, “That’s not a bad idea. You think you could you do all that Clyde?” Clyde nodded. “Sure can.” He said. “And what if, instead of just a simple office,” Sky Flare continued, “We made it a tower? The bottom would be used for records and serve as your office, while the top could be your room. You are the Guild Leader after all, so you should have a few perks.” “I don’t need a tower!” I laughed, “I’m fine sharing the Guild with everyone else.” “I’m serious,” Sky Flare insisted, “I mean, you are a Pegasus, aren’t you?” she eyed me knowingly and continued before I could say anything, “And what self-respecting Pegasus would live on the ground, when he could be up high. Besides, it’ll let you keep a better eye on the Guild. And it’ll help me and Gale find our way back here easier when we go out on supply runs. We’d be able to spot it above the trees and home in on it. It’d also be pretty clear that it should be the first place to go, if anypony else wanders by in the future.” She glanced at Winter Light and frowned a moment, before returning her attention to me to hear my thoughts. I caught Winter Light raise a hoof and gestured for him to speak his mind. "I... Think that's a very good idea...” he added nervously, “Especially with the location of the Guild... Would help ponies to find the Guild for help..." He quickly lowered his hoof after that, and turned his head down to the grass, evidently embarrassed. I glanced back to Sky Flare and shook my head. "Weren't you the one that was against making this place easy to find? Something about not wanting random flyboys coming to see what we were?" Sky Flare shrugged. "I was," she admitted, "But I've changed my mind. We're here to help Ponies, right? So, we should welcome them if they stop by and see if they need help. And if they're just lost, well, we can show them out of the forest." She glanced at Winter again, then added. "And if they're spies or a threat... That's what we have the Timber Wolves for, right? Eating unwanted pests." I sighed at her and waved her off. “You want to build a tower so you’ll have an easier time finding the Guild, that’s fine,” I said, “But I am not moving into it. I’ll use it as an office, but that’s it.” Sky Flare smirked at me with a wild, almost challenging look in her eyes, then glanced to Clyde. “Think you can do that too?” she asked, “Build us a tower?” “I can make you something.” He said nodding. “Good,” Sky Flare grinned, “Anypony else have any ideas?” I glanced to the others again, to try and gauge their opinions and see if anyone had any more thoughts, but I still couldn’t make up my mind on the whole tower thing. It may help Pegasai in finding the Guild, but so would a flag pole… I didn’t need my own room up and away from everyone. I liked my privacy sure, but that’s why we replaced the doors in the Inn. "Not bad...” Dawn said slowly, “But the tower would be more expensive to build, trickier architecturally, and time consuming." She paused a moment, then looked at me seriously, "Do you plan on making that much of an investment?" "And what's that supposed to mean!?" Sky Flare barked, clearly offended by Dawn's words, "He's trying to help ponies here! Asking him if he's wanting to make "that much of an investment" makes it seem like you think this is just some kinda fling!" I waved a tentative hoof to calm Sky Flare down and sighed. I knew what Dawn had meant. She was worried about how much time and effort I wanted to put into all of this when the possibility that I could go home at some point was still a possibility. I could get halfway through the setup process then have the chance to leave. We hadn’t really gotten much of a chance to talk about all that these last few days Dawn had been visiting, but I’d already made up my mind. I’d treat this place as my life until I knew, one way or another, if I was ever going home to my own world again. Sky Flare frowned at me and I smiled reassuringly at her. No one else but the Princesses would have understood what Dawn had really meant by her question. To everyone else, it would have come off as Sky Flare had taken it, rude. I’d have to try and smooth it over as no big deal somehow, while addressing Dawn’s concerns… I thought for a moment, then looked to Dawn and spoke carefully. "While I can't say what life will bring for my, or anyone's future," I explained, "While I'm here, I'm going to live as though I'll be here forever. No sense avoiding all ties on the chance of change, right?" I caught Sky Flare look at me quizzically, then shake whatever thought she had off and settle back down beside me. I watched as Dawn nodded at my comment. She seemed to get what I had meant, and I sighed inwardly with relief at her understanding. "Fair enough,” she said, “How you spend what you were given is your choice of course. I just wanted to be sure how much you were wanting to use right away like this. You have my support, as always." She smiled and I shook my head at her semi-cryptic reply. ‘Subtle Dawn,’ I thought, ‘Subtle…’ "Who would take Silver's place if something were to happen?" Winter Light said thoughtfully. I glanced at him, but he looked more lost in thought than anything. "Excuse me?" Sky Flare growled. I groaned aloud and put a hoof on Sky Flare’s back. I don’t know if he was stupid, or just really unlucky, but this Winter Light just seemed to have a knack for getting on Sky Flare’s nerves. Sky Flare fell silent at my touch, and I caught her smile for just a moment at the contact. "Nothing's gonna happen to me,” I said, “But if something did, Sky Flare would take over for me. Or Gale Stormrider if she was, for some reason, unable to.” I took a deep breath and sighed. “Now, as for the idea of a tower, I like it, as an office,” I stressed, “It could go right here in the middle of the grounds. That way the road would lead those coming by foot straight to it. I do like the idea of the storehouse too, and especially the training grounds. Not all of us are fighters, but those of us that are, could use someplace a little safer than the Everfree Forest to hone our skills." "I'll start working on some design plans then,” Clyde said, “Should have them done within the week." "Sounds great,” I said, “Thanks Clyde." "I’ve got a few ideas for the tower I wanna run by you, Clyde," Sky Flare said, "So let me know when you get to those ones. And the training ground too." Clyde nodded and I frowned at Sky Flare for a moment. She shrugged me off and I looked back to everyone else. "Anyone else have any more idea's or thoughts before we finalize these ideas then?" I asked. “I may have a few suggestions for the tower as well.” Gale chimed in. He’d been rather silent tonight, but I was glad he’d said something. I had been worried that he was uneasy after Sky Flare’s irritation this morning. “Something else we’ll need to consider soon, is a Crest,” Gale went on, “An Emblem, or Coat of Arms. Something that can be used to identify the Guild and state who we are from a distance.” That thought hadn’t crossed my mind until now, I realized. We’d gotten a name, and I had envisioned the use of the Timber Wolves as our Mascot, but a full-on Crest or Guild Emblem never crossed my mind. I had just assumed we’d use the Princesses Crest, since we were a part of their helping hand, but Gale was right. Every faction of the Military, or Police force had its own unique crest to symbolize who they were. Even individual towns and cities had their own Crests, so why hadn’t I thought of that before now? I sighed at myself and nodded to Gale. “I’ll need some help with that,” I chuckled, “I can write decently enough, but I can’t draw for the life of me.” “I think I can come up with something you’d like, Silver,” Sky Flare smirked, “Something that'll capture the look and feel of the Timber Wolves' ideals quite well.” “Alright,” I said, “Take your time, and show me what you got when you think you’re ready.” I looked back to the rest of my friends and asked, “Anything else anyone can think of?” One by one, I caught my friends shake their heads no and nodded. "Guess that's the plan for now then," I said, "For the future anyways." I laughed, then added, "For now though, let's just get some sleep. Come tomorrow, we can see if we can’t get this place back on its feet!” > The Next Step > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The renovations of the old Serenity Inn were done before the end of the month. Dawn and Stalwart had stayed for as long as they could, but after that night around the fire, Sky Flare’s attitude towards Dawn had been less than inviting… She had taken Dawn’s comment about how much I wanted to invest in the Guild very poorly, and she just would not let it go. It didn’t help that they had gotten off on the wrong foot when they’d first met, and it just wasn’t getting any better at this rate. They left about three days later, and I was a little sad to see them go. Dawn wasn’t the best person to have a conversation with, but she was the only one that knew what I was going through, since she was going through it herself… Winter Light on the other hand, was fitting in quite well. With everyone except Sky Flare anyways. Sky Flare just would not forgive him for sneaking into the Guild, and I knew it bothered her greatly that I had let him stay, though she refused to admit it. She also refused to call him by his proper name, preferring instead to call him something insulting like “Ratite” or “Sneak”, and doing just about everything else she could think of, short of physical abuse, to make her dislike of him crystal clear. Thankfully, Sky Flare seemed to behave, for the most part, as long as I was around or they didn’t have to work directly with one another. To his credit, Winter Light, who’d asked us to just call him “Winter” about a week after he had started helping us, was sticking it out like a champ. He’d cower in fear whenever he even thought that Sky Flare might be around, but the moment she’d leave his line of sight, he’d be right as rain again and off to do something else to help out. Despite how he first came to the Guild, I was getting pretty close to asking him if he wanted to officially join the ranks of the Timber Wolves. Between all the work he’d put in, and everything Sky Flare had been putting him through, he’d more than earned it by now. With one final heave, the bed slid into place against the far wall of the room. I stepped back and Sky Flare pushed the mattress she had been holding upright down on top of it. The mattress flopped over the bedframe with a muffled thud and settled into place. I grinned victoriously at Sky Flare and together, we trotted out of the bedroom and into the main hall of the Guild. Clyde, Gale, and Winter were all waiting for us, eager smiles on each of their faces. “That does it guys!” I said, “That was the last piece of furniture we had to move in! The last thing we had to do! The renovations to the old Serenity Inn are complete! The Timber Wolves Guild is now ready for business!” Sky Flare, Gale, Clyde and Winter all began stomping their feet in equine applause and erupted in cheers. I looked around at all my friends and grinned wider than I thought possible. I felt a rush of pride swell up within me, and a growing sense of accomplishment the likes of which I hadn’t felt since I graduated from the Police Academy in my world. I savored the moment for only a few seconds however, then joined in with the rapid stomping of applause my friends were echoing throughout the Guild. This wasn’t just my achievement after all, it belonged to all of us. We had all worked together to repair this old Inn and make it into something we could be proud of. We had all put in our time, sweat, and brawn to breathe new life into its ancient stone foundation. This place was going to be our home now, a home for all of us that shared the desire to help others and be free. As the applause subsided, Sky Flare trotted over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek without warning, then smiled at me proudly. Everyone fell silent at that, and none even hinted at making a comment, myself included. “Looks like it’s finally official,” Sky Flare cooed, “With the Guild completed, it looks like you’re a real Guild Leader now, eh Silver Wing?” I was a little stunned by her action, but I shook the blush from my face as best I could and laughed. “I guess so,” I said, “Next step’s gonna be getting us some work!” “Princess Celestia can help with that,” Gale chimed in, “She has a list of potential missions we could take care of already prepared. As soon as her inspection is complete, she’ll give it to you herself.” My stomach tensed at that. “Her inspection…” I repeated wearily, “Right…” “You have nothing to fear, Silver,” Gale chuckled, “I’ve made it quite clear just how good you’ve been doing since we got here.” “Yeah…” I said, not wholly convinced, “It’s more the Timber Wolves that I’m worried about… It wasn’t exactly easy to get you all comfortable around them, and I know the Princesses are going to be just as tough, if not more so.” “Have faith in yourself,” Gale said, “I’ve seen how they are with my own eyes, and while I may not understand how you tamed them, they’re probably the furthest thing from a danger to this Guild and its members that there is in the Everfree.” “Yeah,” I sighed, “You’re probably right…” I glanced at Sky Flare, and she smiled back at me reassuringly. She was the only other person that knew how I had really tamed the Timber Wolves, and I knew the Princesses would not approve… I’d have to talk with Sky Flare before they got here and try to figure out some way of explaining it that wouldn’t run the risk of this all being shut down… “Shall I send word to the Princesses that the renovations have been completed, and invite them to inspect the Guild?” Gale asked. I wanted to say no, but despite the growing pit of concern in my stomach, I nodded. I’d have to get it over with eventually, so I might as well do it sooner than later… “I’ll deliver the message tonight then,” Gale said, “and I’ll inform you when the inspection date is known.” “Thank you, Gale.” I said. He nodded, then headed upstairs to his room. “I think the rest of us have earned the day off,” Sky Flare chimed in, “Take it easy everypony, until we hear back from Gale when the Princesses will be coming.” “If it’s all the same to you,” Clyde said with a shrug, “I’d rather get to layin’ down a foundation for my shack. Workin’s how I relax, if I’m to speak the truth.” “You relax whatever way you feel like Clyde.” Sky Flare chuckled. Clyde nodded and trotted out of the Guild, ducking slightly to fit through the doors. “I’m, uhh…” Winter hesitated a moment, then finished quickly, “I’m going to go to my room for a bit.” “Do what you want.” Sky Flare snorted at him. Winter took off quickly at that and disappeared upstairs. Everyone had been given their own choice of room as the Guild came together, and we’d furnished them all accordingly. Winter and Gale had taken rooms upstairs, while Clyde took up a temporary room downstairs. He still planned to make his own place out behind the Guild, a sort of cross between a workplace and a bedroom. But since he was still building it, he’d moved in for the time being. I took the large room behind what used to be the reception area, in the main room of the Guild. You’d see the sectioned off counter that served as the check in desk the moment you walked in, so it seemed the most fitting place for me to be, or at least, that’s what Sky Flare had said. Right behind the desk was the door leading to my room. A small window sat in the wall beside it, which allowed me to look out of my room and into the Guild hall. Near as we could tell, my room used to serve as an office of sorts for the old manager of the place. It even had a second door that led straight into the kitchen, not that ours was anything like it used to be. None of us were what we’d call expert chefs, so we mostly just had our food supplies piled around and grabbed what we needed when we got hungry. Branching off the side of the reception area, beneath the stairs that led up to the second floor, was a hall that led to a few smaller rooms that we guessed used to be for the staff. We definitely had rooms to spare, but we stuck with the original plan. We cleaned everything, but only furnished the rooms we’d actually be using, plus two extra in case they were needed. We’d eventually furnish them all, but for right now, it just wasn’t needed. Sky Flare, as I’d always expected, had taken one of the largest rooms in the Guild. It was on the second floor, with windows that looked out over the main clearing of the grounds. Though she joked that she planned to take my room when I moved into my tower, but as I’d stated when she first brought that idea up, I wasn’t moving into any tower. I let out a long, deep sigh and sat down. I wasn’t sure what to do now. I had nothing more to do really, not until the Princesses came to inspect the place… I sighed again at the growing sense of dread their visit cause to grow within me, then tensed as I felt something nudge my back. “Now that they’re all gone,” Sky Flare sighed from beside me, “I want you to come on up to my room for a minute, I got something to show you.” “Oh?” I said, smiling weakly at her, “And what might that be?” “Guess you’re just gonna have to come to my room to find out.” She teased. Reluctantly, I rose to my feet and followed Sky Flare upstairs and down the balcony hallway to her room. It didn’t look much different than it had when we’d first moved her furniture in a week or so ago, but there were a great many sheets of paper strewn about. I followed her to the desk and cast a passing glance at the papers scattered around and it took me a moment to realize what she’d been attempting to draw. On some, were the likeness of the Timber Wolves, while on others there were horseshoes or trees. Some even had variations of my bracelet, only with the royal crest in the center instead of the jewel mine possessed. ‘Potential Guild Emblems,’ I guessed, nodding my head as I thought about it, ‘She’s been busy.’ There were dozens of different designs, and dozens more crumpled into balls and tossed into the corned out of frustration. Whatever she’d come up with as her final product had clearly taken a lot of thought and time to put together. Sky Flare cleared a small stack of designs off her desk with a wing, brushing them carelessly onto the floor without a parting glance. Then carefully, almost parentally, she laid a single piece of paper down atop the now cleared area and took a step back. She smiled at me proudly and nodded for me to take a look. With how pleased she looked, I couldn’t possibly say no to using whatever design she’d come up with, but I sincerely hopped that I actually liked whatever it was. Taking a breath and steeling my expression so that any disappointment I may have would be well hidden, I peered hopefully at the design and gasped at what my eyes showed me. The emblem looked incredible. It was shaped like the outline of a wolfs head, only with the outline itself being made of sticks and branches. Inside the head like shape, was a branching tree that filled its center. The branches were bare, and beneath them sat the emblems of the Princesses themselves. Beneath the branches on the left, sat Celestia’s flaring sun. And opposite that on the right, was Luna’s crescent moon. They were placed in such a way as to appear to be the wolfs eyes and the overall effect was quite elegant. It looked almost too regal to be used for something like our little Guild, but after having seen the work Sky Flare had put into creating it, how could I say no? “So?” Sky Flare asked after nearly a minute of silence, “What do you think? …If you don’t like it, I can come up with something else…” “No no!” I said quickly, realizing she’d been waiting for my thoughts, “It’s amazing. It’s perfect!” I caught her let slip a small sigh of relief, then she beamed her earlier smile at me anew. “Good,” she said, “Clyde says he’ll have no problem making banners and a flag for us. He can even make personal emblems for each member, to identify us to the Ponies of Equestria as members of the Timber Wolves, once his huts finished anyway. He says he can make them into just about any style of jewelry. A bracelet like yours for example, only without the magic of course. Or into necklaces, hair clips, arm bands, anything really.” “That’s great news,” I said, a little surprised at Clyde’s seemingly endless skill set, “Variety like that would make each member feel more at home too. Everyone could have their personal emblem made in a style that best suits them.” “Exactly.” Sky Flare agreed. I looked back to the drawing again as I thought about every pony in the Guild wearing on with pride, like a badge of honor or a symbol of what we stood for, then felt my elation fade as I once again recalled the Princesses impending visit. Once they found out what I’d done to tame the Timber Wolves, there was every chance they’re pull the plug and we’d be disbanded. As much as I enjoyed the thought of everyone wearing these emblems, and a flag above the Guild showing it off to the world, it was probably never going to happen… I sighed once again and shook my head sadly. I caught Sky Flare groan from beside me and let out an involuntary squeak as I felt her tug on my tail. “That’s it,” she groaned, “You’re coming with me.” She tugged on my tail once again, then let it slip from her mouth. “What?” I said, “Why? Where?” “Because you need to relax,” she stated, “And I know just the thing to get your mind off this stupid inspection that’s got you so worked up.” “Yeah?” I snorted, not really believing her, “And how’re you gonna manage that?” Sky Flare shrugged. “Sparring.” She said matter of factly. “I don’t know Sky…” I said reluctantly, “Sparring really doesn’t seem all that appealing to me right now…” She grinned charmingly at me and nodded towards the door of her room, and to the Guild hall beyond. “Won’t know till we try, now will we?” She cooed, “Mister Guild Leader.” I frowned at her for a moment, then felt her wing on my back, urging me gently towards the door. “Fine…” I groaned aloud, and together we headed outside. Sky Flare led me into the Everfree Forest without a word, and before long, we found ourselves in what had become our secret training spot. It was a nice, relatively open section of the Everfree. It was about a hundred feet wide, and maybe twice that in length. A river ran straight through it, but it widened into a shallow stream here, and took up most of the open space. The stream itself varied in depth depending where you stood, but on average, it was only a foot or so deep. Right in the center of the stream though, was the best part. A massive, flat boulder sat about three feet above the water. It was shaped like a rough oval that followed the flow of the stream. It had obviously been worn down by the steady passing of the streams waters over hundreds, if not thousands of years. From end to end, it was some thirty feet long, and narrowed to about twenty. It served as a perfect resting place when we’d had enough sparring in the river, and also served as a good arena when we were in the mood for fights with limited movement and boundaries. It had earned the boulder the nickname of the “Arena Stone”, and we spent a great deal of time on it since we’d found it. Urging me to follow her, Sky Flare leaped into the air and flew over to the arena stone. Reluctantly, I unzipped my vest and carefully hung it over a low hanging branch out of harm’s way. I really wasn’t in the mood for sparring, which was rare, but Sky Flare seemed dead set on the idea, so I’d leave my vest somewhere safe just in case. She couldn’t normally drop me into the water, but with how out of it I was feeling today, I knew I wouldn’t be on top of my game. I felt a shiver run up my spine as the cool air of the forest washed over my now exposed chest and back and felt my fur fluff up in response. I shook myself to force it back down and followed after Sky Flare, taking up a seat at the far side of the arena stone. “So,” she started, “Standard rules. Best two outta three. Ring outs and tap outs. No breaks, and no flying.” She turned to face me and rose to her hind legs, assuming the fighting stance I had taught her. “I don’t know Sky… I’m not really in the-” I started, but she leapt right at me before I could even finish. I had to use my wings to throw myself backwards, and even then, I only just barely managed to avoid her strike. “S-Sky!” I protested, “I’m serious! I’m really not-” But she ignored me and kept swinging. I ducked her next blow and, finding myself on all fours, leapt upwards and swung back in a hard uppercut. Sky Flare dropped both front hooves and caught my strike, but she didn’t block it. Instead, she twisted her core and, using the power of my strike and the added strength of her shoulders, pulled me off balance and threw me clear passed her. I yelped as I found the stone footing of our arena make way for the cool waters of the stream and flailed my wings desperately in an attempt to save myself, but it was too late. My feet slammed into the water and I only just managed to keep my footing on the slippery rocks beneath. I let out a small sigh of relief as I managed to avoid getting soaked and frowned back at Sky Flare. “That’s one for me, zero for you Silver,” Sky Flare cooed, “That was a careless uppercut you threw.” I snorted at that and leapt back atop the boulder. I was getting rather annoyed by this. I didn’t want to spar right now, and she knew it, but I couldn’t just let that comment of hers slide. She had beaten me, yes, and it was my own fault for being careless with my attack, but she didn’t have to sound so smug about it. Taking a deep breath, I rose to my hind legs and readied myself. If she wanted to spar that badly, fine, but I would not lose again. She grinned at me with a come get me smile and I couldn’t help but feel like I was falling right into her trap. We stood motionless for nearly a minute, both watching each other intently. Sky Flare had learned quite a lot since we’d begun, and I was having to try harder and harder each time we sparred. Still, when I was serious, she stood very little chance. Realizing she was not going to make the first move, I took the initiative and dashed towards her. I closed in fast and swung a feint for her chest to make her move. An opponent in motion was more susceptible to tripping and pressure tactics meant to throw them off balance. Sky Flare had seen this trick before however, and she held her ground. My swing fell short, having been meant to force her to move, not actually land. Moving to counter my feint, Sky Flare stepped into me. She pinned my extended arm to my chest and slammed her shoulder hard into mine, trying to knock me off balance. I stumbled to the side and had to use my wings to stabilize my balance. I caught Sky Flare closing in on me from behind and spun around the follow up punch I knew she was planning to slam into my now exposed side. As I started to move however, something pulled taught around my lead leg. I glanced down and, much to my surprise, found that Sky Flare’s tail was wrapped around my ankle. I had no idea how she’d managed to do that. My tail definitely couldn’t do something like that, but hers was a fair bit longer. I didn’t have long to dwell on it however, as Sky Flare twisted her hips away from me and pulled hard with her tail. My foot was ripped from the ground and I felt myself falling backwards at startling speed. Reflexively, I shot my wings down and used them to slow my fall. My back struck the ground hard, but not hard enough to daze me. Moving fast, I pulled my knees up to my chest and, using the momentum of their extension, along with the strength of my wings, tossed myself back up off the ground and onto my feet. I looked fast for the attack I knew would be coming next and was surprised to find Sky Flare absent from my immediate area. I got back to my ready stance and found her standing a few feet behind me, that same come get me smile clear on her lips. “You’re not taking this seriously…” I said flatly. “Nope,” she laughed, “And I don’t plan to. Not until you relax a little and stop worrying so much. You’re still focusing more on the Princesses inspection than our match. It’s why you’re doing so badly.” “Of course I am!” I barked. I dropped back to all fours and continued. “If they don’t like what I’ve done to the Timber Wolves, they could shut down the entire Guild in an instant!” “Alright, but will worrying about it for the next day or two do you any good?” she said simply. “Well no, but-” I started, but Sky Flare cut me off. “Exactly!” she stated, “So stop worrying so much! You need to get out of your head and enjoy the day to day things Silver. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again, but you think too much.” I sighed and shrugged weakly. “I can’t help it,” I admitted, “It’s just how I am…” “And there’s nothing wrong with being you, Silver,” She went on, “But you can still be you and relax.” “That’s easier said than done…” I said. I fell silent, then smiled a little. She was right, but that didn’t mean I could do what she wanted, not very easily anyways. “I’m still going to worry,” I admitted, “But, I’ll try to worry a little less while I’m doing something.” I grinned at her a moment, then got into my ready stance. “Like knocking you into the river.” I added. She smirked at me and shrugged. “I don’t know,” she teased, “You haven’t exactly done much to make me believe you have what it takes so far.” I didn’t wait for another word. I dashed towards her and, just as I got within striking distance, dropped low and swept a back leg under Sky Flare. She jumped upwards to avoid my leg sweep and I grinned as she fell into my trap. Low as I was after having swept my leg, I used the power of my three firmly planted legs to toss myself after her in pursuit. Sky Flare moved to kick me as I rose, but I raised a foreleg to block her. She used my block to regain her footing on the ground, but I pressed the attack and threw two quick jabs, keeping her off balance as she was forced to back step repeatedly to avoid me. I kept after her, and in a few seconds had her at the edge of the stone arena. She cursed and tried to spin passed me, striking out for my face with a wing arm. I ducked under the strike and rammed my shoulder hard into her chest. With a gasp, Sky Flare sailed off the boulder and flared her wings out to keep herself from crashing into the water. I grinned at her as she hovered there. “Guess it’s one for one now, since you said no flying.” I stated. She snorted at me, but she had a growing smile on her lips. “For now.” she said. I watched as she flew over me and landed nearby, resuming her fighting stance as I turned to face her. She leapt towards me this time, with a strong punch aimed right for my head. It was easy to counter, and I grabbed hold of her arm quickly. Using the momentum of her strike, I turned into her and slammed my shoulder into her chest once again. She staggered back and wheezed, winded by my attack. I didn’t waste the opening and struck her hard in the stomach, then aimed a heavy left cross for the side of her head. She was too dazed to avoid my attack, so I stopped my punch just before it reached her. I tapped her with my hoof instead and smiled victoriously. “I think that would have made it two for one, in my favor,” I said teasingly, “Wouldn’t you agree?” Much to my surprise, Sky Flare leapt at me with her arms wide. She was too close for me to evade, and though I could have countered her reckless charge, I would have hurt her badly had I done so. So, I braced myself as best I could and, in the next moment, watched the world pan sharply as I was tackled to the ground. Sky Flare pinned me down, with her front hooves pressed hard against my shoulders. “Says you!” she barked, “I would have ducked that cross!” I shot a knee up into her stomach and grasped at her torso as best I could while she gasped from the pain of my sneak attack. I reversed her hold on me and pinned her down, holding her hooves above her head firmly. Shifting my legs fast, I caught hers and pinned them down as well, not wanting to be kneed in the gut in turn. I was a great deal heavier than she was, stronger too, so with me on top of her like this I knew she’d have a hell of a time escaping. She’d have to concede my victory if she wanted up now. “Well?” I said, “Admit your loss.” “What loss?” she scoffed, “You and I both know I could get out of this.” “Oh yeah?” I said, leaning a little harder onto her, “Then why don’t you, hmm?” She shrugged carelessly from her place beneath me then grinned. “Maybe I don’t want to.” She said softly. I paused as I found her to be smiling quite alluringly at me and, for a moment, felt myself falling for her charm. Ever so slowly, I watched as her face drew closer to mine. Pressed up against her as I was, I could feel her heart racing in her chest, and despite her read coat of fur, I could make out a clear blush growing across her face and nose. Odd as it was to think about, Sky Flare had just about everything I liked in a woman. She was smart, funny, loved to fight, and had the backbone to follow her own ideals, almost to a fault. She was almost perfect really, except… She wasn’t human. I sighed and shook my head, quickly climbing off of her before she could follow through with her kiss. “I can’t do this Sky,” I said softly, “I’m sorry…” “Why not!?” Sky Flare asked quickly, her frustration clear in her voice. “Because,” I said, “I just can’t!” I looked away from her and felt my stomach tense. ‘I never should have let things get that far!’ I screamed to myself, ‘How did I let that happen!?’ “Is this because of that Special Somepony you have back where you’re from?” Sky Flare asked. I looked back at her in shock. “W-what?” I gasped, “How did you…?” “My Dad told me…” Sky Flare said, “That night after you first asked me to leave Canterlot with you…” I sighed and cursed Breezy under my breath. “He didn’t want me to get the wrong idea about you, and I haven’t,” she went on, “But I just can’t understand you Silver. You won’t allow yourself to be with anypony because of some Mare you might never see again? You keep telling me you might never be able to go back home, but why? Why can’t you go home? Because you’re a Pegasus now?” She shook her head angrily and I could see the tears starting to well in her eyes. “That shouldn’t matter to your Special Somepony!” she barked, “If they really were your Special Somepony, they’d still want you as theirs, no matter what you were!” “It’s not that simple Sky…” I tried. “Then explain it to me!” she barked, “Talk to me! Tell me something! Anything! Why are you so convinced that you can’t go home!? And if you really can’t go home, then why not find a new Special Somepony here!?” “Sky, I can’t! The Princesses-” I started, but she cut me off. She slammed a hoof down hard and shook her head almost frantically. “So what!?” She practically screamed, “They don’t own you! It’s your life Silver, you can do what you want to do with it! Tell who you want what you want, when you want! I don’t know why you’re so against trusting me!” “I do trust you!” I said, my own voice rising in turn, “But it’s not-” “Then why won’t you talk to me!?” she demanded, cutting me off again, “What’s so bad that you can’t tell me!? Whatever it is, you won’t scare me off Silver, I promise you! Just tell me the truth!” I could feel her slipping away from me and it made me sick to my stomach. I was scared to lose her. She was my only real friend and I could understand her frustration. I hated myself for keeping my mouth shut, but I had to. I couldn’t risk making the Princesses mad at me, if I did, then any shot I had at getting home would go right out the window. “Well!?” she pressed, “All I want from you is the truth! Why is that so hard!? Have I not done enough to earn your trust? Or am I just not good enough for you to think of as a real friend?” I gritted my teeth as her words hit me harder than any physical blow and shook my head angrily as my emotions started to get the better of me. “Say something Silver!” she barked. There was only so much I could take, so much I could weather, and with everything else on my mind already… I broke. “What do you want to hear from me Sky Flare!?” I barked back. I turned to face her, tears of my own welling up in my eyes as I felt my fear and anger start to run wild. “You want to hear that I’m an alien!? That I’m actually from another world where magic and talking Ponies like you doesn’t exist!? Well fine! I am! I’m not a Pegasus, or an Earth Pony, or anything else from anywhere on this entire world!” I took a heated step towards her and continued. The floodgates were opened now, and though I knew better, I just couldn’t stop myself anymore. I tried, but it was just too much to hold back now that I had started. “I’m a Human!” I rambled on angrily, “I didn’t have wings, or hooves or even fur before I came here! I walked on two legs and had hands with fingers and drove a car to get to and from work every day! I didn’t ask for any of this! I was minding my own business, helping my Grandmother clean out her attic, when a damn magic mirror made by Starswirl the Bearded fell on me and brought me here! It put me in this body and then broke itself in the process, trapping me here! I didn’t know anything about this world, its culture, or anything else until a few months ago when I found myself naked and alone in some room in the Princesses Palace! All I do know is that I can’t leave unless Starswirl magically comes back from the dead, or Dawn can work a miracle and send me home instead!” I took a deep breath and looked away from her, both embarrassed and enraged by my outburst. “B-but…” I caught Sky Flare whisper, “You said you were an Earth Pony… You said magic turned you into a Pegasus…” I dropped my head low and sighed. Sky Flare looked like she had just been slapped. “You said that, not me…” I said, “All I had said was that it was something like that… I was telling you the truth when I said magic had made me a Pegasus, I just left out the Human part…” “But…” She started, then fell silent. “I’m sorry Sky Flare…” I said. My voice caught as I spoke, and I swallowed hard to steady the quiver I felt clinging to it, “The Princesses didn’t want anyone to know. I’m sure you can see why. Not that it matters anymore… Now that I’ve told you, they’ll probably never trust me to leave the Palace again, never mind run a Guild…” A heavy silence fell over us. I had no idea what more I could say, and my mind and my heart raced as it waited for some form of a response from Sky Flare. I didn’t dare look at her while I waited. If I did, the tears I could feel streaming down my face would only flow harder. I knew I’d lost her now. She’d either think I was lying, or crazy. And even if she did somehow believe me, she’d never be able to look at me the same way again. I listened to the leaves on the trees, and the gentle gurgle of the stream as it flowed by, but all it served to do was make the silence between us seem to stretch on forever... I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but the sigh I heard escape her lips struck me like a bolt of thunder had just gone off in my ears. I tensed bodily at the sound and stared, almost fearfully, at my hooves as I waited for whatever was about to happen next. “Well…” She started slowly, “That comment Meadow Dawn made by the fire sure makes a lot more sense now…” she let out a half-hearted chuckle and continued, seeming to be speaking more to herself than me, “I’d apologize for acting like a Mule the next time I see her but… She’s just such an airhead…” I caught her force a small laugh and risked glancing back at her. She looked unsure, nervous, and almost scared of me, but her smile seemed genuine. “Yeah…” I said, my voice barely more than a whisper, “But she’s the only chance I have to get… Home.” “Your only chance to get home…” Sky Flare repeated, “To get back to your world you mean?” I hesitated a moment, then nodded. “I’ve read about that artifact you mentioned,” she went on thoughtfully, “The Mirror of Worlds… I’ve only come across a line or two about it in all the writings I’ve read on Starswirl the Bearded’s works. I wasn’t even sure it was real. And I never thought it would lead to someplace like where you’re from…” “It leads to a lot of places,” I said, “More places that you can count…” “I can see why the Princesses didn’t want you telling anypony about this…” she said. “Yeah…” I said, “They were worried Ponies would either think I was crazy, or seek the mirror out to use it for themselves.” “And are you?” Sky Flare asked me seriously. “Am I what?” I asked, though I knew what she meant. “Crazy,” she said softly, “Are you crazy? Or is everything you just said… True...” “I wish I was crazy,” I said honestly, “It would be easier than what I’ve had to go through since I got here…” Sky Flare sat down wearily and shook her head. “Figures.” she sighed. “What figures?” I asked. For some reason, seeing Sky Flare sit down made me feel like I’d been standing for an eternity, and I dropped where I stood. I felt exhausted, mentally and physically, and all I wanted at that moment was to go to sleep. To sleep, and forget this entire day and everything that had just happened… "First guy I actually think I may fall for turns out to be from another world entirely,” she said simply, “And he’s not even planning on sticking around. Isn’t that just my luck?" She laughed tiredly and looked up at my questioningly. I tensed at her gaze and swallowed nervously. “I-I'm sorry Sky…” I said quickly, “I never meant to lead you on or hurt you... I told you from the beginning I wasn't looking for a partner, with anyone…” “Yeah, I know...” she said, “But you can't blame a Mare for hoping, can you? I mean, who wouldn’t dream of somepony like you coming along? You're strong, fast, and brave. And you don’t look like a total loser.” “I really am sorry Sky Flare…” I said. “So, when will you be leaving?” she asked. “I don’t know,” I said, “It’s not easy to fix something made from magic. And since Dawn has to learn just as much about this world as I do, I might be stuck here forever…” “So what, she’s a… Human too?” she asked. I nodded slowly. There was no point keeping anything a secret now. “Yeah, but unlike my mirror, hers isn’t broken, just…” I paused, a little unsure how to explain. “It’s complicated.” I finished. “If she has her own mirror, I take it she’s not from your world then?” Sky Flare asked. “No, she’s not,” I said, “She’s from someplace similar. Nearly identical really, but it’s still not my world. Otherwise, I could have just used her mirror and simply hitchhiked home.” “So, all those things you know that no pony else has ever heard of…” she asked, seeming to piece things together, “The fighting, the dancing, the signing… Those are all things you learned in your world then?” “Pretty much.” I said. It seemed like she believed me at least, and that made my heart dance a little with hope, but I still couldn’t tell what she was thinking. “So, if little Ms. Greenhorn can’t get you back to your world, what then?” She asked. I shrugged. “I don’t really know,” I admitted, “But if that winds up being the case… The Guild’s going to be the only thing I have that feels even a little like home…” “Why does this place feel like home to you though?” she asked, “Was your world really this dangerous?” I smirked a little at that and shook my head. “It’s not the danger that reminds me of home,” I explained, “It’s the forest itself, and the Guild… In my world, nature governs itself. No one can control it. It does what it wants, and all we can do is adapt around it and push back where we can.” “And the Guild?” she asked. “The Guild, if it works like I hope it will, would be pretty close to my old job,” I said, “That, and I really do enjoy helping people who need it.” Sky Flare sighed a little and looked out to the forest thoughtfully. “I can see why making the Guild here meant so much to you now,” She admitted, then she laughed, “You know… You would have had a far easier time convincing me to live in the Everfree Forest if you’d told me all this months ago.” I wanted to laugh with her, like this was all some amusing joke, but I just couldn’t remember how to anymore. “I couldn’t,” I said, “You have any idea how hard it was telling you all this now? I still have no idea if you even believe me or not Sky…” I watched her rise to her feet and tensed as I found her to be walking over to me. She sat down beside me without a word and leaned against me heavily. “I believe you,” she whispered, “It’s just… A lot to take in is all. It’s not every day you find out somepony you like-” she cut herself off and cleared her throat before continuing. “Somepony you know is from a different world.” ‘Somepony you know…’ I thought, catching her change in wording, ‘Well, at least she’s still talking to me.’ “So… What now?” I asked tentatively. That question had been screaming in the back of my mind since I had first told Sky Flare the truth about myself, but I just couldn’t bring myself to ask it until now. “Now?” she said thoughtfully, “…Now, we make sure you don’t tell anypony else what you just told me, and continue like we have been.” She smiled up at me and snuggled a little closer. “Though, since we’re alone… You can make up for keeping this from me for so long by telling me all about this Human world of yours. Starting with what a Human even is. You said you walked on two feet? That would explain why you fight like you do, but what do they, err, you look like there?” I wasn’t sure what to say to that really. I was glad she’d apparently taken the truth so well, but I still felt sick to my stomach over the whole thing. I could fight all day, or take on armed men or fierce beasts without much issue, but talking from the heart like this had always drained me to the core. And on top of it all, I now had two things to be worried about when the Princesses came… But, I also felt something else bubbling up from deep inside. I wasn’t sure if it was joy, relief, or some combination of any of a thousand other emotions, but I was grateful that Sky Flare hadn’t run away or called me a liar... I really don’t know what I would have done if she’d refused to believe me and fled into the forest... “And is your name even Silver Wing?” Sky Flare asked, the thought seemingly having just struck her. I chuckled a little at that and smiled down at her. “It’s actually Chris,” I admitted, “Princess Luna thought Silver Wing was less… Exotic.” She looked up at me and titled her head. “Chris?” she repeated, “Yeah, I can see why she changed it.” We fell silent for another while, then I felt Sky Flare shuffle her front hooves almost shyly. “So…” she started as casually as she could, “Do you really have a Special Somepony back in your world, or am I just too… Different for you…?” I sank a little at her words and reached around her with a wing to hold her close. “A little bit of both…” I admitted, and I felt her tense at my words, “I do have someone back in my word, a girl friend of quite a few years, but I don’t know if she’ll have moved on by the time I get back or not, if I ever can get back…” I sighed heavily and continued, “It’s been months since I disappeared from my world… I don’t know if I left a body back there in my Grandmothers’ attic and I’m now laying in a hospital bed in a coma or something, or if I just disappeared entirely. If I did just disappear, I wouldn’t blame her for moving on by now. She’d probably have thought that I left because of something we’d argued about in the past, or maybe that I’d been kidnapped. I don’t know… But even if she has moved on, I still have to try and get back there. I have a Mother, Uncles, family I miss… I can’t just leave them wondering what happened to me.” I felt Sky Flare nod against me then ask, almost inaudibly. “And me…?” I wasn’t sure how to reply to that. She definitely didn’t attract me physically, but I loved her personality and the way she carried herself. She was a strong, independent woman, and one of the few I’d ever met that could keep up with me in a real fight. If we’d met in the human world, I’d have been smitten to say the least, but here… It was just too strange a concept. In my world, Sky Flare would be considered an animal, a unique one to be sure, but just another animal like any pony or other such animal found on a farm, or milling about in some field. There were even laws against such relations in my world! She wasn’t Human, so why was I even entertaining the idea? But then again, could I really call myself a Human anymore? What defined being Human? If it was just how we looked, then I clearly wasn’t Human anymore myself. Was it because we could talk? Well, so could every Pony in Equestria. Our ability to think and build houses and machines? Again, so could the Ponies here. So what made me a Human? And what made her not? “I… I don’t know,” I said honestly, “It’s complicated… I like who you are Sky Flare, a lot, I truly do, but I don’t know if I can ever be with you like you’d want me to…” “Because I’m not Human?” she asked, a bitter hint of anger lacing her words. “I don’t want to sound horrible, but yes…” I admitted, “It would be like you falling in love with… With…” I struggled to find a good analog. “A Human?” She snorted. “A Timber Wolf!” I exclaimed. “You saying I smell bad, Silver?” She chuckled softly. Despite her laugh, I could hear the pain in her words and tightened the grip my wing had on her a little. “No,” I said, trying to explain myself better, “But think about it like this. No matter how much you liked the personality of a Timber Wolf. It’s mannerisms, or humor, would it ever physically call to you the same way another Pony would? Could you honestly see yourself marrying it? Or settling down somewhere and trying to have kids?” Sky Flare fell silent as she thought over my words, and I waited for her to work it out for herself. After a while, she looked up at me for a moment, then returned her gaze to the forest. “It would be hard,” she admitted finally, “But… If they’re truly special to you, isn’t it worth at least trying?” “Sky-” I started, but she shook her head and before I could react, kissed me softly on the lips. Her lips were remarkably soft, and I could almost feel her desires reaching through them and into my own. I was stunned, and simply froze in place as she slowly, almost savoringly, drew her face away from mine and looked me in the eyes seriously. “Just think about it, okay?” she whispered, “I don’t need an answer right away. But if you’re really stuck here forever, do you really want to spend the rest of your life alone? Or do you want to try and see if you can make the most of it?” I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it again as Sky Flare settled back against me. I could still feel the sensation of her lips against mine and felt my heart falter a little at the thought of what she’d done and said. I didn’t know if I would be stuck here forever or not, and I may never know at this rate, but she wasn’t wrong. I don’t think I could handle living out the rest of my life here all alone. It was comforting beyond words to have someone near, especially in a world as strange as this one. To have someone to hold you when you were sad, or share a starry night with on a warm summers day, it was… Nice. And Human or not, at least being together like this was the same, no matter what world I was in. I sighed and looked out into the forest. I could just barely spot one of my Timber Wolves as it stalked about, almost unseen in the brush. ‘If they’re truly special to you, isn’t it worth at least trying?’ Sky Flare’s words echoed in my mind. It would be worth trying, I admitted to myself, but not if it meant hurting that very same person… If I was stuck here forever, I probably would try and see if I could make things work. See if I could make a real life here for myself. But I couldn’t risk hurting her if there was still a chance that I might find a way home… It wouldn’t be fair to her, or anyone. It would be no different than simply lying to her face. Until I knew for sure, one way or another, I just couldn’t be what she needed, what she deserved… “Now then,” Sky Flare said, her tone mimicking its usual calmness, “Where are you really from? Tell me everything.” I smiled down at her, having been brought back to the moment by her question, and did as she asked. The rest of the day, and well into the night, was spent playing twenty questions. Well, in truth it was more like two hundred and twenty questions, but I didn’t mind. Sky Flare had accepted me, Human origins and all, and that was more than enough for me. It was also nice to talk with someone about who I really was for a change. Sky Flare seemed endlessly curious about everything, and the more outlandish things I told her about, like Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, or how nothing but Humans’ could talk, the more enthralled she became. There was no point keeping anything from her now, so I answered her honestly and in as much detail as I could about anything she asked. Though I did refrain from mentioning that we rode horses and used them for manual labor or shows. I figured that may have been a slightly taboo subject and simply left it unsaid. It had taken her a while to come back to a point I knew had to have been burning in the back of her mind, and I almost didn’t hear when she’d finally asked, but eventually she brought up what a Human actually looked like again. I had a hell of a time trying to explain it though. Saying we were like hairless monkeys that walked upright just didn’t seem to deliver the right imagery, and I finally had to draw a terrible doodle in the mud for Sky Flare to start getting the right idea. She had offered, after listening to me prattle on about how we looked, that we were like less bulky, hairless, hornless minotaur. And while that still wasn’t perfect, it worked well enough to get her to understand. She understood immediately why I fought the way I did though, and could see what sorts of differences my old body type would have granted me in combat. She’d laughed, then said how sorry she felt for me, having been forced to use my mouth for everything when I’d never have had to use it for something like that before. She’d also realized just how helpful a gift my magic bracelet was for me now too. It was the closest thing to hands I had. Morning found us both in my room. We’d been exhausted by the time we got back the night before, and I wasn’t up for arguing about who should sleep where. The stress of the day had just been too much, and we both fell atop my bed without a word and were asleep within moments. Nothing happened between us, and my fears of what my body tended to do first thing in the morning were thankfully avoided. But I quickly climbed out of bed the moment I woke up anyways. Sky Flare was still sound asleep, and though I was still dead tired myself, I headed outside for some much-needed fresh air. I still couldn’t believe that I had told her the truth about myself, especially the way I had, but now that it was out in the open it felt like an enormous weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I felt refreshed, invigorated, and oddly comforted by the knowledge that someone here other than the Princesses or Dawn knew the truth. Sky Flare knew that I was a Human now, and that was the reason for everything weird or unusual about me, and she accepted it completely. There really wasn’t anything more I could ask of her. I smiled out at the forest and took in a deep breath. Slight as it was, I felt a little better about being stuck here now that she knew, thought the thought of leaving her also grew a little more painful in turn. “Ah, there you are!” A voice called from behind me. Looking towards the source of the voice, I found Gale trotting out of the Guild towards me purposefully. “Hey Gale,” I said, “What’s up?” “I have informed the Princesses of the completion of the Guild,” he said, “They will be arriving this afternoon to complete their inspection.” “W-what!?” I gasped, “So soon!?” “Yes,” he said smiling, “I delivered the message to them personally yesterday afternoon. I spoke with them and explained in detail much of your plans and what has been done. As well as answered some of the questions my reports had been unclear on. I had intended to inform you of their impending visit last night but, despite the late hour I had returned, you were nowhere to be found. I have been waiting for you to show yourself all morning.” “Questions?” I repeated, “L-like what?” “It is nothing to be concerned over,” Gale assured me, “Besides, the Princesses will be able to give you far better clarification than I.” He bowed his head a little and trotted back towards the Guild contently. And just like that, any sense of comfort and peace I’d had after the night with Sky Flare, was gone. I dropped to my hind end and groaned aloud as my stomach began to churn with renewed concern over my fate and that of the Guilds. I hadn’t talked with Sky Flare at all about how to explain the Timber Wolves to the Princesses. Instead, I told her all about the Human world! Which was something that the Princesses had expressly asked me not to do! I was screwed, and I knew it from the bottom of my heart. There was no way I could talk my way out of this, and now I’d be faced with the consequences in a matter of hours! I sighed heavily and allowed myself to fall over onto my side in the grass as I struggled to come up with some sort of a plan. But, no matter how hard I tried, absolutely nothing came to mind. Reluctantly, I rose to my feet and started for the forest. Laying down wasn’t helping, so I decided to head back to the arena stone and get some exercise. I had to do something to relieve all this stress, and working out was the only thing I could think of at that moment. Time went by so fast, I could have sworn I had just reached the arena stone when Sky Flare flew overhead and called down to me. “There you are Silver!” she called, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Princess Luna is waiting for you at the Guild!” “W-what!?” I gasped. It only felt like I’d been there a few minutes, and hour at most. But apparently, I’d lost track of time as I struggled to figure out some way of working out my impending troubles. Sky Flare landed nearby and explained. “She arrived about thirty minutes ago,” she said quickly, “Gale’s showing her around to buy time, but we need to get back to the Guild pronto!” I groaned aloud and leapt into the air. “Thanks for the heads up,” I said quickly, “Come on!” I tore off through the sky, racing back towards the Guild as fast as my wings could carry me. I glanced back and saw Sky Flare as nothing more than a tiny spec in the distance and cursed as I realized I had just bolted off without her. What was I thinking!? I knew she couldn’t match my speed, yet I took off like it was a matter of life or death! I waited apologetically for her to catch up, but when she’d gotten within earshot, I caught her yelling at me to continue on without her. I glanced towards the distance clearing that housed the Guild, then shook my head and decided to continue waiting for her. I was already late, another few minutes wouldn’t make things any worse. “What are you doing Silver!?” Sky Flare barked as she finally reached me, “Get going already!” I smiled at her and resumed my course for the Guild, but this time, I matched her speed. “I’m not going to drop in late without you,” I said, forcing a laugh, “You went out to find me, it’d be rude to return without you.” She shook her head at me and, in a feat of aerial mastery, flew in close, then flipped over me in a graceful arc. She tucked her wings in close to her body as she sailed above my head, then shot out a hoof as she passed over me. I felt it strike me lightly in the back of the head and winced as she fell away from me and veered off to my right. It wasn’t a hard hit, but it definitely stung. I grasped at my head and looked after her, but she was gone. “Hurry it up Silver!” I caught her call, and looking towards her voice found her to be ahead of me now. Though I was undeniably faster, she could still, and probably always would, fly circles around me. Together, we raced across the tops of the trees and before long, we found ourselves back at the Guild. We skidded to a stop as we landed and I quickly spotted Princess Luna as she emerged from the Guild hall. I galloped over to her and bowed my head apologetically. “I apologize sincerely for missing your arrival,” I said quickly, “I uhh… Lost track of time.” “I had noticed,” Luna said calmly, “But it is alright. Gale Stormwind has been kind enough to walk me through your now finished Guild.” She paused for a moment and looked around the area, a slight smile crossing her dark lips. “It pleases me to see this place back in use again after so long.” She added softly. It was still odd to think about, but Luna had been around for hundreds or years, Celestia too for that matter. They’d seen this place back when it was first built, and probably knew the great great grandparents of the Ponies that built it. Part of me wondered if either of them ever got nostalgic anymore, seeing old places like this again after so many years. It was hard to really imagine, but in the time they’d been around, empires could have risen and fallen in my world. Even a forest as huge and old as this one could have been nothing more than a few saplings when they were children. To be able to look out at the land and literally watch it change shape as the centuries went by… It was incredible to think about. “I’m glad it’s to your liking,” I said smiling, then I paused as I found her to be alone, “Did Princess Celestia not come with you?” “It is rare that we both can see to matters beyond the walls of Canterlot together,” Luna explained, “And with the unscheduled nature of your renovations, only one of us could make it today. But my Sister will visit when she can. Like myself, she is quite interested in what you have done here.” Then she paused and eyed me knowingly. “Particularly, how you have come to fare so well against the creatures of the Everfree.” She added. I swallowed nervously at her gaze and forced a chuckle. “Oh you know,” I said as casually as I could manage, “I do have a few tricks up my sleeve.” “Yes, I am certain that you do,” Luna said, “Some of which are more unexpected than others.” I smiled up at her unsurely, then Sky Flare cut in to help me. “It’s not much yet, Princess,” she said, “But we do have a few chairs and a table inside if you’d prefer to sit down while you and Silver Wing discuss your business.” Luna smiled at her and shook her head slightly. “That will not be necessary,” she said, “I do not expect to be here overly long.” I grew doubly nervous at that comment. ‘She didn’t expect to be here long?’ I repeated in my mind. That could either mean that she’s decided she likes he Guild already, which would be great, or, she’s decided to scrap the idea because of my… Unexpected tricks. “If you would please excuse us,” Luna said, glancing from Sky Flare to Gale, “I would like to discuss a few matters with Silver Wing in private.” “Of course, Princess.” Gale said. He gave a formal bow, then disappeared into the Guild. Sky Flare hesitated a moment, then followed after him. I watched her worriedly as she left, my eyes willing her to stay by my side, but it was no use. She headed into the Guild, but glanced back at me as the door closed behind her, a reassuring smile beaming out at me. While it wasn’t what I had wanted, it was a comfort, however slight. Taking a calming breath, I returned my attention to Princess Luna and waited. She smiled lightly at me. “Come Silver Wing,” she said, “Let us go for a walk.” I couldn’t place her tone, so I still had no idea if she was angry, pleased, or what. It was probably all the years of experience she had, but her expert poker face was infuriating to my worried mind. Luna led me into the Everfree Forest without concern, and I was grateful that I’d had the foresight to order the Timber Wolves to keep away from anyone that might wander out from the Guild today. I knew they would still be near, but they wouldn’t let themselves be known unless we walked into something even more dangerous. “So tell me, Silver Wing,” Luna spoke as she walked, “How have you been enjoying the more exotic forms of life you have no doubt encountered since coming here?” “Exotic forms of life?” I repeated, “I haven’t run into too many really. Not much comes near the Guild.” “So I have noticed,” she said, “That is yet another feat you have accomplished. For there are few that can remain within this forest for any length of time without drawing its attention. Yet you have managed without incident for over a month.” I caught her eyeing me and shrugged. “I’ve always loved forests,” I said, “So long as you respect it, and only take what you need to survive, you can get along just as well as anything.” Luna nodded slightly. “A noble statement,” she said, “But respecting your surroundings is not always enough.” She stopped walking and turned to face me. “What would you do if the forest rejected you regardless of your good intentions?” “W-well, it would depend…” I said hesitantly, “Rejected me how?” “Let us say the forest had a protector,” she offered, “One that was tasked with keeping all outsiders from entering. What would you do then?” “I’d try to befriend it if I could.” I said. “And if you could not?” Luna asked. “I’d keep trying,” I said, “You can strike a balance with anything if you know how. Sometimes you need to offer food, other times you need to change the way you smell or how you move and sound. All it takes is time and patience.” “And other times, all it takes is a little magic.” Luna offered knowingly. I swallowed nervously at that, but said nothing. “The Timber Wolves are truly remarkable creatures, are they not?” she continued, “Despite what most Ponies may believe, they seek only to protect and nurture this forest. They are born of its magic, and as such, tolerate very few disturbances. There is one, a Zebra named Zecora that you have no doubt encountered by now, that lives as one within the Everfree using the methods that you claim. She has struck a balance through offerings and a deep-rooted respect for nature and its ways. But even she could not remain without the aid of a little magic.” I could feel her gaze on me like a spotlight and I slowly felt myself giving in to her silent demands to know what I had done. She had to have known, but she clearly wanted me to admit it. I felt like a child being scolded by a knowing parent and sighed a little in defeat. “I… I may have used a little magic too.” I said, my voice barely escaping me thanks to the leaden gaze still exerting its pressure. Luna’s gaze softened a little at my admission. “I am well aware,” She stated, “My Sister and I both sensed the change in your bracelet the moment we met again upon your return to Canterlot.” I nodded and felt a little stupid for not thinking they’d have known. Zecora had sensed Perdias’s magic right away, so of course the Princesses would have known too. “Why didn’t you say anything before?” I asked, though I couldn’t bring myself to look at her anymore. I knew keeping it a secret had been wrong, but I wanted so much to be allowed to stay in this forest… It was a foolish risk, but one I had to take. “We wished to see what you would do,” Luna explained, “Such magic is not to be used lightly. Dominance over another by such means is rarely acceptable, and most Ponies would never even dare to consider learning of such magic, let alone use it. But you are not most Ponies. You are a Human, and one with a militaristic and battle driven nature.” “Militaristic and battle driven?” I gasped, a little surprised by that, “But I’m not-” “You have a mind for tactics, combat, and strategy,” Luna cut in sternly, “Your occupation was that of law enforcement, and you revel in the thrill of battle. To further emphasize this, of all the possible paths you could have chosen to walk while you are in Equestria, you chose to create a Guild. Which by its very purpose is a conglomeration of individuals that will serve under your command and complete the tasks you lay out for them.” I was stunned. I knew I liked to fight, and strategy was just something that went along with that. You couldn’t fight without having some form of a strategy, not very well anyway. But I had never thought of myself as having a militaristic or battle driven personality… “That being said,” Luna continued, “These are not undesirable traits in Equestria. We have a military power ourselves, and have taken part in many battles over the centuries of our rule. But, as you are not from Equestria, more caution is needed when it comes to assessing your potential actions. Especially when magic becomes involved.” I nodded slowly and lowered my head. I had the feeling that this was it. I’d lost my chance and would now have to spend the rest of my days cooped up in some Palace. “I understand…” I said, “I just… Really wanted to live here. This place is the only spot in all of Equestria I’ve found that feels even a little like home.” “And you shall.” Luna stated. “W-what!?” I gasped, looking up at her quickly, “But, I thought…?” “All I have said is that we needed to err on the side of caution,” Luna said, “And while we will we continue to do so, you have proven your worth so far.” I was wholly confused. She’d just reamed me out for my apparent nature, and now she was saying everything was fine? It made no sense to me. “You wield a dangerous power few have dared to master,” Luna explained, “One that can easily corrupt and twist its wielder. But with it, all you have done is to seek out a balance with nature. You used this magic to keep the Timber Wolves at bay, while also using them to create a natural defense for your fellow Guild members. This has allowed you both to live in peace, where conflict would have otherwise grown and festered until one of you were removed. You could have easily chosen the course of total dominance over the Timber Wolves as well, but instead, you sought harmony. While such magic is not to be wielded lightly, sometimes those in a position of power must take action that borders the grey. You have proven that you are above the temptations such power over others can bring. Its corruption has gained no hold over you or your heart. So long as this remains true, and your hold over the forest does not change to that of total dominance, we will allow you and your Guild to remain.” I was ecstatic to hear that, but there was no way she could have gleaned all this just from me having some more magic in my bracelet then before. “While I am grateful for your trust, and the decision to allow me to stay here,” I said carefully, “How did you know about the Timber Wolves?” Luna smiled. “Gale informed us that you had somehow “Tamed” the Timber Wolves with tricks of your home,” She explained, “As I have already said, we sensed the magic within your bracelet upon your return to Canterlot, and knew what you had done from that.” “So Gale lied to me then.” I sighed. I’d asked him not to say anything to the Princesses about the Timber Wolves, and he’d agreed, but I should have known he’d still tell them. He was sent here specifically to watch me and report everything I did directly to the Princesses. Me asking him not to mention something would have been a huge red flag for someone in his position. I didn’t blame him of course, but it still irritated me. “Lied how?” Luna asked. “He uhh… Said he wouldn’t tell you two about the Timber Wolves unless they did something that threatened the Guild.” I said. “Ah,” Luna said, nodding as she understood, “You are correct, and at the same time, you are not.” I looked at her questioningly and she continued. “What Gale had said, was that he would omit the Timber Wolves from his reports until further notice,” Luna explained, “He kept his word to you. But when he came to us yesterday evening to inform us of the completion of your renovations, he explained at length what had happened.” “Ah…” I said. Gale hadn’t lied then, but it would have been nice if he’d have let me take care of it. I knew I still couldn’t be mad at him, he was their informant after all and he was just doing his job. If anything, I should be grateful that he’d held his tongue for so long. “We are curious however,” Luna said, “As to just how your bracelet acquired this new magic.” “I… Can’t really say.” I said. I thought my words over carefully and explained. “When I got hurt in the forest here a few months ago, I found a cave. Inside it was… A crystal ball or something. I touched it, and ever since my bracelet’s been like it is now.” “All you did was touch it?” Luna asked. She eyed me seriously and I did my best not to think about Perdias or his offer. I kept just the glowing crystal ball I had found in the cave in my mind and nodded. “Pretty much, yeah,” I said, “It glowed really bright, then stopped. I didn’t know what it could do until I ran into the Timber Wolves when I finally found my way out again.” “And how did you find it could command them?” she asked. “By accident really,” I said, “I was terrified, and I was trying to use my bracelet to somehow fend them off, and before I knew it, they were all running away yelping.” “You are fortunate to have discovered such a rare magic,” Luna said, though she didn’t seem entirely convinced, “And this cave you found. Do you recall where it is?” “Not really…” I said slowly, “It was beneath a lot of vines, and I really don’t remember much else. I had more important things on my mind than map making, you know?” “Indeed.” Luna said nodding. She paused for a moment, then looked out into the forest. “Should you find this cave again, do inform us immediately.” “I will.” I said, then I looked out to the forest as well and tried to change the topic before she read my mind, or did something else I wasn’t aware of to find Perdias’s cave. “So, would you like the meet the Timber Wolves?” I asked smiling. Luna glanced back at me and returned the smile. “Yes,” she said with a nod, “I believe I would.” “Alright,” I said, taking a few steps back, “Don’t laugh at this though.” She looked at me quizzically as I took a deep breath, then understanding dawned on her as I let out a long, low howl. My howl fading, I let out an embarrassed laugh and scratched the back of my head as I waited for my wolves to respond. “Weird as it seems, it really is the best way to call them.” I said. As usual, a chorus of howls responded to my own, and in under a minute, nearly a dozen of my Timber Wolves stalked out of the forest and into view surrounding us. “So it would seem.” Luna admitted, watching the wolves as they appeared. “This is Princess Luna,” I said clearly, “She is part of the pack too, so be nice.” The wolves sniffed at the air for a moment, then several of them returned to forest without a sound at my words. Part of me was beginning to wonder if they were getting bored with me calling them to meet every pony that came by. It’s not like I ever seemed to call them to fight anything after all. In fact, I’d never called them to fight anything. They kept pretty much everything at bay just by being around. And the few things I had encountered, either ran off at the sight of me, or wasn’t a threat. I shook the thought from my head and watched as the few Timber Wolves that had remained followed their typical mannerisms and sniffed at Luna in turn, before settling down nearby to rest. “I see why you have chosen the name Timber Wolves for your Guild,” Luna said, “I am impressed. They are remarkably well behaved, especially considering you have used no magic that I have been able to sense.” “I haven’t really needed to use magic on them since the first few days,” I admitted, “Every once in a while, one will get a little rowdier than I’d like, but for the most part this is about as threatening as they get. With me and the others anyway. Everything else out here though… They make for great guard dogs. And they make for surprisingly good company too believe it or not.” “How so?” Luna asked curiously. She seemed to have a glint of wonder in her eyes, and I got the impression that she liked this forest and the Timber Wolves almost as much as I did. “They’re just nice to be around,” I explained, “I walk through the forest with them quite often. They’ve taught me a lot about this place, and how they coexist with it.” “So, you have learned their secrets then?” Luna asked. “A few,” I said, “But I’m sure there’s plenty more.” “Indeed there is,” Luna said, “You will have to share with me what you learn when next you visit Canterlot.” “Sure,” I said, “In between dodging your punches anyway.” I laughed, and was pleased to hear her do the same. “I trust you are training diligently for our rematch?” Luna asked, a sly grin creeping over her lips. “Every day,” I said, “Between sparring with Sky Flare and my own methods in the forest here, I’m willing to bet I’ll land, oh… Six, maybe seven, good hits before you flatten me next time.” I laughed again. “Most excellent.” Luna smiled. She looked up towards the sky for a moment, then let out a soft sigh. “It is getting late,” she said, “Let us return to your Guild, Guild Master Silver Wing.” I smiled for a moment at the title, but shook my head a second later. “Please, just Silver is fine.” I chuckled. “Nonsense,” Luna said, “You are now, by the approval of the Princesses of Equestria, a Guild Master. You will be addressed as such.” I resisted a frown. “As you wish, your Highness.” I said. Luna eyed me with the barest trace of a smirk on her dark lips, then started back towards the Guild. I followed after her, and two of my Timber Wolves fell in line behind us. Seeing no reason to dismiss them, I allowed them to follow us back. “I am curious about one more thing,” Luna said, glancing back at the wolves following us, “How is it that you have managed to remove the odor from this pack of Timber Wolves?” “Zecora helped me with that one actually,” I admitted, “Twilight too. They gave me a magic potion that nullifies bad odors for six months. Though I only told them I had an odor problem around the Guild… I may have left out the detail that the odor was actually coming from some Timber Wolves.” “A wise decision,” Luna admitted, “At the time. There is little harm in being truthful to them now.” I nodded. “I’d already planned to tell them, when next I saw them.” “Good,” Luna said, “I expect Princess Twilight would be most interested in observing your Timber Wolves first hoof. Few have ever seen them, and fewer still a tamed one.” I didn’t really like the thought of Twilight going crazy over my wolves, but she was a Princess, so I couldn’t really say no. “She’s welcome here any time,” I said, “You all are.” “That is most kind of you.” Luna said, then fell silent as we came to the stone wall that sectioned off the Guild from the Everfree. “There’s an opening a ways this way.” I said, pointing a wing along the wall to our left. She smiled at me in amusement, then in one smooth motion, hopped over the low wall. I felt a little sheepish after that and sighed inwardly. She had wings, so she could have flown over the wall if she’d wanted, but as it was, she didn’t even need to. She cleared the wall with ease form a simple jump. I followed after her quickly and caught a hollowed murmur from behind. Glancing over my shoulder, I noticed the two Timber Wolves that had been escorting us looking at me unsurely. I smiled at them and nodded towards the Guild. “You can come too,” I said, “Just behave.” They leapt over the stone wall without issue, and the moment they landed in the clearing, I caught an authoritative yell burst forth from nearby. “Your Highness look out!” The voice cried. I shot a startled glance at the one shouting and caught sight of two dark colored Pegasai flying towards me at speed. They wore dark gleaming armor and stern almost grim expressions were etched onto their faces. “W-what!?” I gasped, seeing them fly straight towards me. I rose up and assumed a guarded stance, wholly confused as to what I had done to warrant such a charge. The two Pegasai closed in fast, drawing swords from the sheathes at their sides as they neared me, then much to my surprise, veered off to either side and landed behind me. I caught a pair of threatening growls rise from the two Timber Wolves at my back and immediately realized the problem. They must have seen the wolves leap out of the forest and assumed they were a threat! I leapt back, putting myself between the armored Pegasai and my wolves and held up my arms sternly. “These wolves are not your enemy!” I barked, “They are a part of my Guild, and I would appreciate you lowering your weapons.” The two Pegasai hesitated a moment, clearly unsure as to what they were supposed to do now. Luckily for them, Luna stepped in before I was forced to ask again. “That is enough!” she ordered sternly, “As Guild Master Silver Wing has stated, these Timber Wolves are members of his Guild. They are no threat, and are not to be harmed.” “Yes, your Highness!” the two Guards responded instantly. They re-sheathed their swords and stood at attention. I sighed a little in relief, then paused as I noticed that the two guards I thought were dark colored Pegasai, were something else entirely. They had the bodies of Ponies, but they had piercing golden eyes that were slit eyes like those of a cat. And, unlike my feathery wings, theirs were leathery and bat-like. I’d never seen something like this before, and while my mind screamed for answers, I held my tongue. Now that Sky Flare knew the truth about me, I could ask her what these bat Ponies were in private, and not have to worry about saying something odd. For all I knew, these bat Ponies were just like any other Pony and I’d simply never noticed them until now. Calling them out on it here might make things far more awkward then they already were. “Guild Master Silver Wing,” Luna said, catching my attention, “If you would come with me to my chariot for a moment? I have a gift for you. To commemorate your new appointment as Guild Master.” “A-a gift?” I said, a little surprised, “What is it?” “Come with me and you will find out.” She stated, an amused smirk creeping across her face. I glanced at the two bat pony guards, then to my Timber Wolves and spoke quickly. “Don’t eat them,” I said, loud enough for all present to hear me, “Got it?” The Timber Wolves murmured a little, almost sounding disappointed, then split up to patrol the inner borders of the Guild. The two guards followed Luna and me without another word, and I felt a little uneasy with them behind me, though I wasn’t sure why. On the other side of the Guild, was a fair-sized chariot of sorts. I hadn’t seen it when Sky Flare and I had raced back earlier, but now that I wasn’t in a rush, it was quite clear against the much greener terrain around it. The chariot was ornate, with a gothic feel to it. It was painted a dark purple blue, with jagged accenting to it that gleamed in the sunlight. Four wheels supported it and bat like wings flared off the back. I’d never seen something like this either, and I was surprised to realize that Luna drove here by road. I’d just assumed she’d flown here, or used magic to teleport herself right to my door. As I admired the chariot, I became aware of a metal trunk drifting towards me through the air and turned my attention to it. Held aloft by her magic, Princess Luna smiled at me as she moved the trunk before me. “As you will be faced with many tasks, some more challenging than others,” she explained, “As well as to commemorate your new position, my Sister and I thought it would be best if you had some protection of your own, in case it should ever be needed.” She set the trunk down by my feet and I opened it curiously. I gasped at what I saw inside. It was a suit of armor. The armor was jet black, with nearly mirror like silvered accenting. The suit consisted of four leg guards, and a multipiece chest guard. Furred fabric like that of my vests collar accented the collar of the chest piece as well, and similar trimmings of fur lined the bottoms of each leg guard. It looked incredible, and must have cost a small fortune to craft. “A-are you sure?” I said, a little awed by her gift. “Of course,” Luna said, “You will need protection on your missions, and this armor will serve you well when you have need of it.” “Thank you very much.” I said, bowing my head low. “You are most welcome,” she said, “And if there are any issues with its sizing, do let us know immediately. We utilized the measurements of Black Manes armor in its creation, as you had fit into it quite nicely during the demonstration you preformed for us in Canterlot.” “Yeah,” I said, “His gear fit pretty good.” Luna bowed her head slightly and stepped up onto her chariot. “I wish you the best of luck on your endeavor, Guild Master Silver Wing,” she said, “I expect to hear of your successes soon.” “I will do my best not to let you down,” I said, “As soon as I get somepony to help anyway.” “There is a list within that chest that you will find most useful,” she said, “Your aid could be used by more than I fear you realize.” I glanced back into the trunk, and sure enough, there was a small scroll tucked within the hollow of the chest piece. It was bound shut with a red ribbon and bore a wax seal on the front. I’d missed it when I first looked in as the sight of the armor had drawn all my focus. “Don’t worry about the numbers,” I said, “I think I’ll be around for a while.” Luna smiled at my words, then nodded to her two Guards. They leapt to attention and took up positions in front of her chariot. A moment later, like a pair of writhing serpents, two black chains crept forth from the front of the chariot and secured themselves to the sides of the Guard ponies armor. “Until next we meet, Guild Master Silver Wing,” Luna said, “Farewell.” She nodded her head to me, then much to my surprise, tore off into the sky. I wasn’t sure if it was more magic, or if the two guards had more wing strength than I thought possible, but the chariot rose smoothly into the sky like it was as light as a feather and sailed off towards the horizon. I let out a heavy sigh, then like lightning, felt a surge of energy rush through my body. It started in my hooves, then raced up my legs and along my spine until it shot straight up my neck and into my skull. I leapt upwards and swung my right arm across as I let out a victorious shout of joy. “I take it that means we’re good to go?” A voice cooed from behind me. I tensed bodily and felt a heated blush wash over my face. I didn’t even have to look behind me to know that the entire Guild was standing there, watching my antics. I was mortified, but I did my best to hide my overwhelming embarrassment. Turning to face everyone, I nodded quickly. “Inspection is over,” I said, “We passed, and can start official operations right away!” As I had though, Sky Flare, Gale, Clyde, and Winter were all heading towards me from the Guild. They’d left through the nearer side entrance, and part of me wondered if they’d been spying on us through the windows. “So, what’d she say?” Sky Flare pressed, “You two were gone for a while.” “She likes the Timber Wolves, and how we’re doing our best to strike a balance with the forest,” I said, “And she’s also looking forward to seeing how well we do with our missions.” “Did Princess Luna give you the list of potential missions I spoke of?” Gale asked. “She did,” I said, “Though I haven’t had time to read them over yet.” “You sure handled yourself well against Luna’s Guards by the way, Silver,” Sky Flare smirked, “Not many Ponies would have jumped in front of them like that.” “And you call Winter a spy.” I joked. Her eyes flared angrily at my comment, then narrowed to a warning of a smile. “I checked when we heard the shouting,” she said icily, “Nothing more.” I nearly winced at her disapproval of my comment and cleared my throat nervously. “I uh, just didn’t want them to hurt my wolves,” I said quickly, “Or have them hurt Luna’s Guards.” “Mhmm.” Was all Sky Flare said, and I groaned internally at her attitude. I noted that nerve and made a rather large mental note to not strike it again in the future. “S-so…” I caught Winter’s voice rise up, “What’s in the box?” Grateful for the break in the silence, I hoped over to the other side of the armor chest and smiled. “Armor!” I said, “The Princesses have given me some armor to commemorate my new position as Guild Master.” “So, she called you a Guild Master?” Sky Flare asked. Without thinking, I replied. “Yeah. Once she said I passed the inspection, all she’d call me was “Guild Master Silver Wing”. It was kinda annoying.” I laughed, then fell silent as I caught an unnerving grin curl the corners of Sky Flare’s lips. “Annoying or not,” she said simply, “The Princess has just given you an official title, Guild Master Silver Wing. So, we’ll all be sure to follow her wishes and call you the same.” She glanced back at everyone else and smiled in such a way that made it clear this was not a suggestion. “Right everypony?” I couldn’t be sure if it was out of genuine consensus, or fear of her current mood, but everyone nodded their agreement quite readily. I groaned and shook my head at them. “Just Silver is fine!” I sighed. “Not a chance,” Sky Flare said, “Now quit complaining and try that armor on. I wanna see how it looks on you, Guild Master Silver Wing.” > A Party to Celebrate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been nearly a week now since Princess Luna had come to inspect the Guild and given us her seal of approval. The next day, some Unicorns from Canterlot’s Military surveillance branch came to the Guild and placed unobtrusive crystals all throughout the newly renovated Serenity Inn, and its immediate area. They looked like small spheres, no bigger than a golf ball, and they were set with magic either into either stone or wood. Aside from the bedrooms and bathrooms, one of these surveillance crystals were placed in every room of the Guild. My guess was that every square inch of the place, inside and out, was covered by the line of sight of one or more of these things. My assumption was that they acted like my worlds CCTV cameras, though whether or not they could pick up sound as well as visuals I didn’t know. It wouldn’t matter if they did anyway, the Princesses could have me wear one if they wanted. I had no plans to ever try and do anything against them, so I had nothing to hide. I’d been eager to begin our first mission as soon as the Surveillance Unicorns had finished their job. The scroll Luna had left for me detailed quite a few things the Guild could potentially help with, but at the request of both Sky Flare and Gale, I agreed to hold off for a few more days. They were adamant that we needed to have a proper opening celebration for the Guild. Food, pictures, music, the whole works. I had wanted no part of it. Parties never really felt like someplace where I belonged, especially when I was part of the focus of it, but I could only refuse so much before Sky Flare won me over. This celebration wasn’t just for me after all, it was for the whole Guild. Sky Flare, Gale, Clyde, and even Winter. So how could I deny their moment to shine? Everyone had worked hard to make this happen, and they should all be rewarded for their efforts, even if that reward was just a simple party. Sky Flare and Gale had been hard at work ever since, preparing every last detail for the event to come. They were inviting friends and family alike to come and take part in our little celebration. Breezy, Lemon Bloom, Black Mane, the Princesses and their friends, even a few guards from Canterlot that Gale was good friends with. I wasn’t sure yet if Winter was inviting anyone, and as for Clyde… He seemed just as hesitant about the idea as I was, but he was being good about it. He helped build a few tables and benches for our guests, then went about making sure everything was in working order until there was nothing left for him to do. I had tried to get a message to Meadow Dawn and Stalwart Shield, to invite them to the party as well, but they hadn’t left me any sort of plan or schedule to their travels, so I had no idea where they could possibly be. I had been more than a little depressed by that. Dawn was one of my few friends after all, but there was nothing I could do. Luckily, or unluckily depending on how you look at it, all my attention shifted to the moment at hand when Sky Flare announced that one Ms. Ebon Ivora would be coming, and that she’d be bringing me a bottle of Dragons Kiss to commemorate the occasion. Dragon’s Kiss was the incredibly potent alcohol brewed by the Dragons of the south, and apparently, it had quite the kick to it. I almost left on our first Guild mission right then, but Sky Flare had made it quite clear that I wasn’t going anywhere until after the party was over. With a sigh, I had resigned myself to my fate and turned my attention towards the path that led from the Guild to the edge of the Everfree Forest. Sky Flare and Gale had intended to put together a sort of Taxi service to get our guests from Ponyville to the Guild, so I did my part to help by posting Timber Wolves along the entire path to keep everyone safe. It was still early in the afternoon, but already I could hear the sounds of wagons and carts rolling up the dirt path to the Guild. Caterer’s I assumed. Sky Flare had said that she’d hired a few to help with the event. None of us had the skills to cook anything more than basic meals, so we had to hire out for anything a little more exotic than oats on a plate or apple slices. Sky Flare and Gale had insisted on taking care of pretty much everything, so with nothing better to do, I’d spent most the morning so far patrolling the path from the Guild, to make doubly sure everything was fine. The Timber Wolves seemed content enough with their task though, and nothing was out of place. I trusted them, but I still liked to help out with the leg work when I could. As usual though, the Timber Wolves had done a great job at keeping everything else in the forest away from our little area. So now, I had nothing better to do than simply pass the time in my room until everyone arrived. I knew it wasn’t going to happen, but part of me secretly hoped that everyone who did come tonight would forget that I was here. “Ey, Silver!” a voice thundered from the other side of my door, startling me with its volume. “Silver, you in there?” The voice came again. I sighed and turned my eyes up towards the ceiling. ‘And that would be Karma knocking, right on cue.’ Without waiting for a reply, the pony beyond barged into my room and looked around. I wasn’t surprised to see that it was Breezy. He shared Sky Flare’s blunt and straightforward attitude, so who else would have come barging into my room uninvited. “Aha!” he exclaimed, “Found ya!” He grinned at me and trotted over. “Sky Flare said you’d probably be hidin’ in ‘ere. Guests are starting to trickle in now, so I’m ‘ere to tell ya to get your feather’s out there and be a good host.” I smiled wearily at him and nodded. “I guess-” I started, but Breezy cut me off. “Ain’t nothin’ to guess at boy!” he laughed, “You got my daughter, and the lovely Ms. Ivora waitin’ for ya. Don’t know what they got in mind, but they’re both right giddy at the thought a you entertainin’ em tonight.” “Ah… Great…” I sighed. Breezy cocked a question eye at me and I shrugged. “They want to get me drunk,” I explained, “Apparently I’m oh so fun when I’m “three sheets to the wind” as she puts it.” Breezy let out a roar of a laugh and patted me on the shoulder with a wing. “Oh you’ll be fine,” he chuckled, “I seen ‘ow you can be first hoof, and ya got nothin’ ta worry about. I mean, sure ya sang a few songs and danced a jig that my dear Lemon Bloom still turns red at the thought of, but it was all in good fun.” He smiled at me parentally and nodded towards the door. “Just try a little a the brew I brought. Might help ya relax some. This is a celebration after all. Ain’t no shame in letting’ loose for a change.” “Oh yeah?” I said, eying him seriously, “Then why don’t you take the first shot. See how it goes for you.” “Ya challengin’ me ta a drinking contest boy?” Breezy asked, a clear glint of confidence flaring up in his old eyes. I shook my head. “No,” I said, “I just mean the stuff they want me to drink is supposed to have a bit of a kick.” “Oh yeah?” Breezy said, “An’ what is it they got?” “Something made by Dragon’s apparently,” I said, “Dragon’s Kiss.” “Dragon’s Kiss!?” Breezy exclaimed, “Oho no, you poor poor boy…” I did not like that reaction. “You’ve tried it before I take it?” I asked. “Once,” Breezy said with a grave nod, “And only once. I aven’t ‘ad a lick a that stuff since I married my dear Lemon Bloom.” “Why not?” I asked. I was already apprehensive about this drink, but if even Breezy is scared of it, I knew I was in for some serious trouble. “I remember, well, I remember the stories of the night I had three shots a the stuff…” He said slowly, “It wasn’t pretty. And by the time all was said an’ done, I woke up the next day in the middle a Canterlot Square in ‘igh heels and a bonnet. Imagine, me in a bonnet!” He let out a weak laugh then sighed, “I’ve sworn the stuff off ever since. That brew’s made by Dragon’s, for Dragon’s. Ain’t somethin’ any pony should just knock back cause ‘e can.” My heart sank at his story and my mind began to race as I tried to think of some way to get out of having to drink this Dragon’s kiss, but Breezy’s next words shot down any fleeting idea’s I may have had. “That being said though,” He started again, “It ain’t easy ta come by, nor is it cheap. So, if my daughter and Ms. Ivora went outta their way to get you a bottle, you’d best stallion up and have yourself a glass.” “W-what!?” I gasped, “But you just said-” “I know what I said boy!” He cut in, “Just stick to the one an’ you’ll be fine. Two at most! If you ‘ave three…” He shook his head and looked at me seriously for a moment, before finishing, “…May Celestia take pity on your soul…” I groaned aloud and dropped my head in defeat. This night was not going to go well for me, I just knew it. “Oh cheer up,” Breezy laughed, “This’ll be a night to remember! Well, a night for me ta remember anyhow. You on the other hoof… Well, I’ll be sure and tell ya all about it tomorrow.” He laughed again and trotted out of my room, not bothering to close the door behind himself. I glanced back at my bed, half hoping it would somehow save me from what was to come, then reluctantly followed after Breezy. It’s not like I could just stay in my room all night anyway, though heaven knows I wanted to. Now more than ever. I followed Breezy outside and quickly found quite a few new Ponies milling about the clearing before the Guild entrance. There were at least twenty Ponies of all make and color chatting amongst themselves and eagerly eyeing the many platters and desserts set up around them. I was right in my assumption that the carts I’d heard did indeed belong to the caterers, but the wagons were all full of guests. Gale and Winter were leading yet another wagon of Ponies in as I glanced along the path through the forest. I shook my head and sighed internally. Just how many Ponies did they invite? All of Canterlot? “You feelin’ all right there?” Breezy asked, noticing my downturned face, “Got plenty a refreshments comin’ now if you need somethin’.” I glanced in the direction Breezy gestured and watched as tray after tray of prepared food was carried out from the catering carts and set atop the many tables Clyde had helped build earlier. Drinks and desserts too were being placed all around, with the occasional flower or other such decoration mixed in for added allure. The tables had been arranged in a large semicircle around the nearer half of a huge fire pit. Wood was already piled high and shimmered in what could only be an accelerant of some kind, but it hadn’t been lit yet. Taking a second glance around the gradually filling clearing, I spotted high standing torches dotted all around the area. They were also unlit, but once the sun had set, they would serve to light the area quite nicely. Further out, strands of sparkling lights were strung up from poles along the outer most edge of the Guild grounds. Unlike the torches however, these lights were on, though I couldn’t see what was powering them from where I stood on the porch. Signs were posted at the base of each of the border poles with clear warnings not to venture into the forest. I couldn’t read what the text at the top of the signs said from this distance, but it doesn’t take a genius to know what a Pony with a big red cross over it meant. Aside from the tables, none of this had been setup the last time I was out here, and I was amazed that so much could be done in what couldn’t have been more than a few hours. “Ah, Guild Master Silver Wing,” a voice mused from nearby, “How kind of you to finally join us.” I glanced to the source of the voice and found Princess Luna smiling at me from a few feet away. Her Sister, Princess Celestia stood beside her with an equally contented smile. Floating beside the two of them were tall, narrow glasses half full of a dark liquid I assumed was wine of some sort. I bowed my head and returned their smiles. “Good afternoon, Princesses,” I said quickly, “I hope you enjoy the party.” “Oh yes,” Celestia said, “I am certain that we will. Though I must say, I am looking forward to seeing this dance of yours.” “W-what dance?” I gasped. Celestia eyed me curiously for a moment, then explained in her usual motherly tone. “Sky Flare has informed us all that you have quite the repertoire of dance moves,” she said, “A demonstration was to be given later tonight.” “Damnit Sky…” I groaned aloud before I could stop myself. “I now see why she had also said you would need a little encouragement,” Luna chuckled softly, “Though you have little qualms with fighting our Guards before an audience, it would seem that something as commonplace as song and dance is your weakness, Silver Wing.” “Not once ‘es ‘ad a lick or two a my wine, I can assure you a that!” Breezy laughed. He gave me a hard slap on the back with one of his wings and trotted off towards a group of older looking Ponies that were laughing nearby. “Fear not, Silver Wing.” Celestia said comfortingly. She stepped closer and continued in a hushed voice, so that only I could hear her. “Song and dance are as loved and commonplace here as an evening meal. Even the very young can carry a tune, or feel the rhythm of music by the time they can walk. When it comes to this sort of thing, you have nothing to fear by revealing some of your worlds uniqueness.” “We’ll see if you still think that way come tomorrow,” I sighed, “But I do appreciate you giving your permission… That does help a little. I guess.” Celestia smiled down at me for a moment, then together with her Sister, wandered off towards a nearby table that was filled to the brim with pastries of all kinds. Now alone again, I debated slipping back into my room while no one was watching, but karma just wouldn’t allow it. “There you are Silver!” Sky Flare’s unmistakable voice called to me, “It took my dad long enough to get you out here.” Glancing towards her voice I watch as she landed softly beside me and frowned at her heavily. “What?” she asked. “What’s this I hear about me showing off some dance moves tonight?” I asked flatly. “Oh…” She said, then paused sheepishly. “Oh you know, I may have mentioned a word or two about it to a few Ponies. It’s no big deal though, I’m sure you’ll be great.” “And what if I don’t want to dance?” I asked, trying not to raise my voice at her attitude. She shrugged carelessly. “Then you’ll be letting down all the Ponies that came expecting to see your great moves.” she said simply. My frown deepened at that. “I will feed you to my Wolves Sky Flare.” I growled softly, “You know I don’t like crowds. Even less so when they’re focused on me!” “And that’s why we have a little something to take your mind off everypony here,” she said happily, “But we’ll save that treat for later, for now, go be sociable. Introduce yourself, have some cake make a new friend. I’ll come get you when it’s time to light the fire and get the real party going.” With that, she took off into the sky once more and soared over the gathering towards the growing row of wagons at the far edge of the clearing. I took a deep breath to steady my nerves and started towards the nearest group of Ponies. I wouldn’t actually feed her to my Timber Wolves, but there was nothing stopping me from slipping the entire pack of them into her room one night and ordering them not to let her leave until I think she’s learned her lesson. The rest of the afternoon was spent greeting new arrivals and mingling with the majority of the Ponies that had already arrived. I hadn’t met everyone yet, barely even half by my count, but there was only so much time in the day. Excusing myself from the latest group of Ponies I’d never met before this day, I found Gale to be trotting towards me with a purposeful expression. “What’s up, Gale?” I asked as he came to a stop before me. “Sky Flare has sent me to come get you, Guild Master,” he said formally, “The sun will be setting shortly, so it is time to light the bonfire and the torches.” I nodded my understanding and followed Gale to the large fire pit in the center of the now bustling clearing. Sky Flare and both Princess Luna and Celestia stood expectantly as I approached them. “There you are Silver,” Sky Flare said smiling, “Now we can begin!” I took up a place beside Sky Flare and looked out nervously at the gathered group before us. ‘At least there weren’t as many Ponies here today that there was at the demonstration beneath the Palace in Canterlot.’ I told myself. I don’t know how I would have managed if that had been the case. I felt a nudge in my side and found Sky Flare to be leaning close to me. “You owe me big time for this.” She whispered. Before I could ask what she was talking about, she gave a quick flap of her wings and rose into the air. She climbed only about ten feet or so, then assumed a graceful hover. “Attention everypony!” she called out, grabbing the attention of all in earshot, “I would like to thank you all for coming to the official grand opening of the Timber Wolves Guild!” A chorus of stomping applause filled the clearing and Sky Flare raised a hoof to politely silence the crowd. “I know that many of you don’t fully know or understand the purpose for this Guild,” She continued, “But in time, through either personal experience or by word of mouth, the name of this Guild and that of our Guild Master will be known by all in Equestria! Our purpose is a simple one, to help those in serious need. Ponies far and wide need only send a letter to us here and we will do whatever we can to help out. But, before we can help anypony, we need your help first. We need you to get the word out about us. To tell those in need that there are Ponies who can help them if they only ask. Many of you here today have ties to the local newspapers or dealings with towns far and wide. We humbly request that tell any you may think could benefit from our aid that we are here, and that we can help.” Sky Flare’s words caught me a little off guard. I had no idea she was planning a speech like this, nor did I realize her goal in inviting so many Ponies. In my mingling with those she had invited, I’d met at least a dozen mail Ponies, and countless more who had businesses both near and far. If even half of the Ponies here today told others about us, our name and purpose would spread like wildfire throughout the major places in Equestria, and from there to the lesser towns and hamlets. “But enough about all that,” Sky Flare finished with a laugh, “I know you’re all really here for these lovely desserts!” She gestured to the tables spread out beneath her. “You can thank our friends from Ponyville’s Sugercube Corner, Mr. and Mrs. Cake for bringing them all the way out here for you all to enjoy tonight!” There was a further stamping of applause, then I caught a smirk cross Sky Flare’s lips as she found me watching her. She drifted back to the ground beside me and let out a long sigh. “I hate giving speeches,” she chuckled nervously, “Even small ones.” “You do them very well,” Celestia commented, “I doubt there will be any here than will not spread word of this Guild to those whom they meet in the coming days.” “Here’s hoping.” Sky Flare said, then she turned her attention to me. “Next time,” she said softly, “You get to do the speech, Mr. Guild Leader.” I smiled at her and shook my head quickly. “But you do them so well!” I protested teasingly, “Maybe you should be Sky Flare, spokesperson for the Timber Wolves. You’ve clearly got the knack for it.” She snorted at me in amusement and shook her head. “Hay no,” she said, “I’m not the Guild Leader here, you are. From now on, the spotlight’s all on you.” Before I could reply, she turned to the Princesses and bowed her head low, “Whenever you’re ready, your Highnesses.” She said. I was about to ask what they were ready for, when I saw the now familiar glow of magic creep up both Celestia and Luna’s horns. In a few moments, the sun was setting smoothly, while simultaneously, the moon rose up to take its place in the sky above. I’d seen them do this a few times before, but it still amazed me every time. It was unfathomable to think that magic could be so strong that it could literally move the heavens themselves, yet here it was, doing just that. Abruptly, darkness fell over us and I wondered why Sky Flare hadn’t lit any of the torches before sun set. Before I could voice my thought however, a burst of flame rose up from the fire pit nearby, and in an instant the entire pile of wood was ablaze. Then, with a series of lesser eruptions, all the torches within the clearing set themselves alight one after the next. It was like someone had flipped a switch. One second, there was darkness, the next, the clearing was flooded with the warm yellow glow of firelight. “How-” I started, then stopped myself. Magic, I realized, anything that seemed strange or impossible in this world could almost always be attributed to magic. I caught a smirk cross Princess Celestia’s lips and knew my assumption was correct. “Now this party can officially begin!” Sky Flare said, nudging me with a wing, “Ivora should be around here somewhere, you stay put while I go track her down.” “I don’t know Sky, maybe-” I started, but she walked away without even so much as batting an ear. “You will be fine, Silver Wing,” Celestia chuckled, “Just allow yourself to relax and enjoy this night. It is for you after all.” “Not just for me,” I corrected as politely as I could, “It’s for everyone involved. And speaking of everyone, I should go congratulate Gale and Clyde. They’ve put as much into this as I have, if not more.” I bowed my head to the Princesses, then slipped away into the crowd to find my friends. I managed to track down Clyde first. He stood at least a full head taller than everyone else here, so he wasn’t too hard to spot near the far edge of the crowd. He looked about as nervous as I felt, but he had a plate of pastries set beside him, so at least he’d done some mingling. “Hey Clyde,” I called as I came up to him, “Enjoying yourself?” He nodded slowly then looked past me to everyone else. “Few too many Ponies for my liking,” he admitted, “But they seem nice enough.” “Yeah, I think so too.” I agreed, then I looked at him seriously and bowed my head. “I know I’ve thanked you before, but I feel I should do so again. You’ve helped more than anyone else. Without you, we never would have gotten that old wreck turned into a Guild Hall and up and running as fast as we did. You’re a huge asset to this Guild Clyde, and a good Pony to have around. Thank you for being a member of the Timber Wolves.” Clyde snorted at me as a smile crept over his face. “Ain’t nothing to thank me for,” he said, looking away from me to hide his smile, “You needed a good set of hooves, and mine are as good as they come.” “That they are,” I said, “Still, thank you for all you’ve done.” I bowed my head again and with a smile of my own, trotted back into the crowd to look for Gale. I found him before long, talking to Black Mane. Two other Pegasai were with them, and it took me a moment to recognize who they were, or at least, who I thought one of them was. The closer I got, the more confused I became. The other Pegasai Gale was talking to was Skyros, the Pegasus I had fought with during Princess Luna’s demonstration. But there were two of him. Both looked identical to one another. Their builds were slim, their coats were black, and identical golden streaks ran through their purple tails. As I slowed my approach due to my scrutinization of the two Pegasai, they spotted me and waved me over. “Silver Wing!” Black Mane laughed as I neared, “You go from not knowing how to fly, to setting up something like this in what, barely half a year? I never would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. And in the Everfree Forest of all places! It’s a good thing most of these Ponies aren’t from around here. If they were, you’d never have gotten them to set one hoof in this place.” “Luckily, this little patch is well protected,” I said, “So long as no one wanders off, none will be the wiser.” “True,” Black Mane said with nod, “Still though, I nearly thought Gale here was trying to take me for a Colt when he told me you’d tamed the Timber Wolves. How ever did you manage such a thing?” “Oh, you know,” I said jokingly, “All it takes is a good knock to the head and most see their way to being my friend.” Black Mane laughed and moved a forehoof to rub the back of his head. “Can’t deny that one,” he admitted, “I swear I still have a bump on the back of mine from that blow.” “Trust me,” I chuckled, “I got way more than you did.” He threw his head back laughed heartily. “Silver Wing,” Gale slipped in, “I’d like to introduce you to a couple friends of mine since you’re here.” He gestured to Skyros and the other Pegasus that looked identical to him in my eyes. Now that I was closer, I couldn’t spot a single difference between the two Pegasai before me. Even their cutie marks were the same. A simple pair of clouds, side by side in the sky. “I know you met Skyros during the demonstration you put on for Princess Luna.” He said, gesturing to the Pegasus on the left. Skyros lifted a hoof and waved a greeting. “But this is his twin brother Soryks,” Gale explained, “I’ve known them both since they were Colts. Taught them to fly their first year at the academy.” Twins! I realized, of course! Why hadn’t that idea crossed my mind before now? I’d never met a Pony with a twin before, but if it could happen in my world, it made sense it could happen here too. “And a hard year that one was, ey Skyros?” Soryks laughed, and nudged his brother with an elbow. Then he gave me a polite bow of his head and added, “It’s an honor to finally meet you, Silver Wing. The way you fight is incredible!” I fought not to break into a grin at his praise and forced a friendly laugh instead. “Thank you,” I said, “But your brother, and I’d assume you as well, fight very well too. Your brother almost had me a few times in our fights.” “Almost only counts with horseshoes and lighting bolts,” Skyros said with a laugh, “But thanks all the same.” “We were just discussing the potential candidacy of Skyros and Soryks joining the Timber Wolves when their term in the Palace Guard is up,” Gale explained, “I have told them much about what our plans are, and they both are more than willing to lend a hoof to our cause. Assuming they earn your approval of course.” I looked at Gale in surprise. “Well,” I started, a little unsure what to say, “Skyros can definitely fight good enough, and I know from my experience with him that he’s got a sense of fair play, but won’t they be missed at the Palace? The point of this Guild is to help where the Canterlot Military can’t. And taking my roster from theirs would be a little counterproductive, no?” Gale nodded his understanding, then explained. “I understand your confusion,” he said, “Allow me to explain. Every member of the Canterlot Military serves a set term. Once that term is up, they are free to do with themselves what they wish. Most choose to re-enlist. Other’s take their earnings and make a life for themselves in Canterlot, or return to their homes to settle down. Skyros and Soryks will be coming to the end of their current term in a few months time, and if you will have them, they would make valuable members of the Timber Wolves.” “Ah.” I said with a nod. That made perfect sense now that he’d explained it. It was no different than my worlds military. You sign up, get trained, and are in for a set amount of time. Once that’s done and over with, you’re free to return to civilian life, or re-enlist. “Well, if you think they have what it takes, that’s good enough for me.” I said honestly. I turned my attention to Skyros and his brother Soryks and smiled. “Come see me when your term in the Canterlot Military ends and we’ll put you to work before you know it.” “That sounds great!” They both said in unison, “You won’t regret it!” I chuckled at them then smiled back at Gale. “I know the Princesses sent you out here originally, but I just wanted to say thank you Gale,” I said to him with a bow of my head, “You’ve been a huge help, and it is very much appreciated.” “It’s been a pleasure, Guild Master Silver Wing,” he said, returning my bow, “It’s been one of the more memorable assignments I’ve ever had. And I can honestly say that I’m looking forward to seeing just how well this place works.” “We all are,” Black Mane added, “And if you run this place as well and you can fight, all of Equestria is in for a welcome surprise.” “Silver Wing!” A new voice called from nearby, “I’ve been looking for you!” Holding back a sigh, I found Princess Twilight Sparkle excitedly trotting up to greet me. I glanced back to Gale and the others and dropped my head slightly. “If you’ll excuse me,” I said, “I have a feeling this will take a while…” They chuckled in understanding and left me to face Twilight Sparkle’s eager greetings. The moment she was within casual speaking distance, an onslaught of questions burst forth from in a torrent. “You have to tell me everything you’ve learned about the Timber Wolves!” she said quickly, “Princess Luna said you’ve tamed some of them. How did you do that? What do they eat? Where do they sleep? Do they even sleep for that matter? Oh, I have so many questions!” “Oh come on Twilight,” another pony cut in before I could say anything, “Leave the egghead talk for some other time and enjoy the party!” I looked for the second speaker and found it to be a light blue Pegasus with a rainbow-colored mane. I recognized her instantly as the one that had beaten me at the race in Canterlot months ago, Rainbow Dash. Twilight sighed and nodded her head reluctantly. “Alright alright,” she said, “But you have to tell me everything about them later, alright Silver Wing?” “Sure thing.” I said, thought I really didn’t want to at that moment. As nice a Pony as she was, I’d spoken with Twilight Sparkle enough to know that when she started talking about something she was interested in, there was almost nothing that could stop her again. Twilight glanced from Rainbow Dash back to me and gasped as a thought struck her. “You two haven’t really met before have you?” she said, “Silver Wing, this is my good friend, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow, this here is Silver Wing.” “We did sort of meet at the race in Canterlot,” I said, then looked to Rainbow Dash, “You left me in the dust.” “Oh yeah,” she said, “I remember you now. You weren’t half bad, compared to the rest of the racers there anyway.” I smirked at her comment and shrugged. “I was still learning back then,” I said, “I’ve gotten a lot better at flying now.” She eyed me seriously for a moment, almost as if measuring my worth, then shrugged carelessly. “So, you’re making a Guild huh?” she said, “That’s cool. Not as cool as the Wonderbolts, but still pretty cool.” “Thanks,” I chuckled, “I’m hoping it’ll help in the long run.” “I should introduce you to the rest of my friends while we’re all here,” Twilight chimed in, “Come on, Rarity’s just over here with Apple Jack.” I shook my head in amusement at the names of her friends and followed Twilights lead. There was such a variety to everything here and it still amazed me. More than just that, everyone seemed to get along. I’d stumbled across quite a few issues sure, but racism had never been one of them. There was the odd superiority complex, like with Malican, but in general, everyone accepted one another without question, no matter what they looked or sounded like. Leave it to a bunch of talking Ponies to do what so many in my world still couldn’t fathom. It was inspiring. “Hey girls,” Twilight called as she neared her friends, “I’d like the two of you to meet Silver Wing, he’s the one in charge here.” I looked the two Ponies over quickly. One was a Unicorn, with a well washed coat of white, and a rich dark blue mane and tail. Her cutie mark looked like a trio of glittering jewels and I wondered if that meant she liked money. The second, was a light orange Earth Pony with a tan cowboy hat atop her yellow mane. Interestingly, she wore her mane in a ponytail of sorts, and her cutie mark looked like three red apples. “Silver Wing, I’d like you to meet Rarity.” Twilight went on, gesturing to the white Unicorn, “She runs a boutique in Ponyville.” “A pleasure to meet you, Silver Wing,” Rarity said, then she paused as she eyed my vest curiously. “I must say,” she went on, “You have a lovely vest. Is that Zebra iron silk? With Starspider thread stitching? You positively must have me patch it for you if ever you have need of repairs! And there would be no charge of course. To work on something of such magnificent quality as this would be all the payment I’d need.” “Uh, sure thing.” I said. I knew Breezy had said this vest was well made, but I didn’t think it was that awe inspiring. Either that, or this Unicorn really liked her clothing. Twilight chuckled a moment, then smiled at her other friend. “And this is Applejack,” she said, “She runs Sweet Apple Acres, just outside Ponyville.” “Howdy.” She said, in a heavy country accent. “I thought I’d seen you somewhere before,” I said, recognizing her by voice more than anything, “When Sky Flare and I first came to Ponyville, you were in an orchard. You gave us directions.” Applejack nodded. “You know what, yer right!” she said, “I thought you were just a couple a lost folk, who’d a thought you’d wind up being our newest neighbors.” “At the time, I hadn’t expected to wind up as anyone’s neighbor,” I said, “But I’m glad everyone’s so friendly.” “If you’re wantin’ friendly,” Applejack laughed, “Look no further than Pinkie Pie over there.” She gestured off to my left, and following her gaze, I spotted a bright pink Earth Pony eagerly hopping up and down before a far less energetic looking Pegasus. “We’ll be back,” Twilight said to her friends, “Come on Silver Wing, I’ll introduce you to her before she bolts off somewhere else.” I wasn’t much of a fan of the whole meet and greet game, but I didn’t let on. As much as I disliked being the social butterfly at a party, it would be better for the Guild if its leader didn’t come off as an antisocial jerk, especially with a Princesses friends. “Pinkie!” Twilight called, “I have somepony for you to meet!” I heard a sharp inhale of what I could only assume was excitement, then almost before I could blink, the pink Pony was right in front of me. She squeed at me in high pitched voice then began bouncing up and down like a small rabbit. “I’ve never met you before!” she said cheerfully, “Or even seen you! No wait, yes, I have! You were at the Annual Canterlot Race! You came in second place, just behind Rainbow Dash! Your name is Silver Wing, the Guild Master of the Timber Wolves Guild!” She spoke almost too fast for me to understand her, and her excited hopping was starting to make me dizzy. I shook my head to clear my momentary daze and nodded. “Yeah, I’m Silver Wing,” I said, “And you’re Pink-” “I am pink!” she cut me off, “But that’s just my color. My name is Pinkie Pie! Oh wait, who’s that huge Earth Pony over there!? I’ve never met him before either, bye!” She dashed away like a blur of pink motion and I glanced to Twilight in utter confusion. She just smiled at me and shrugged. “That’s out Pinkie Pie,” she chuckled, “She’s always so excited to meet new Ponies.” “You can say that again.” I sighed, grateful that she was gone. I heard Pinkie Pie squeal excitedly and, looking in the direction she had went, realized that she’d spotted Clyde. I felt sorry for what was about to happen to him, but I was just glad that I was no longer her target. “And last but not least, we have Fluttershy,” Twilight said, returning my attention to the Pegasus Pinkie Pie had been talking with before we came up, “Fluttershy, this is Silver Wing. He’s the one I told you about, the one who befriended the Timber Wolves.” “Y-you’re the one who befriended the T-timber Wolves?” she said hesitantly, “T-that’s impressive... They don’t usually like anypony…” I eyed the nervous Pegasus curiously. She had a long pink mane, and a soft yellow coat. She spoke in a voice that was almost too quiet to hear over the constant chatter around us, but what little I could catch hinted at a gentle, sweet sounding voice. “They didn’t like me very much at first,” I admitted, “In fact, they almost killed me the first time I ran into them.” I laughed, then quickly decided to change my topic of conversation as I saw a wave of very real terror creep over Fluttershy’s already nervous face. “But they’re quite different now,” I said quickly, “A few are even cuddly, if you don’t mind the occasional splinter or two.” “T-that’s good…” she said, then fell silent. ‘Well, the “Shy” part of her name certainly fit.’ I thought. I felt a little unsure what to say to break the silence that had crept over us, and looked to Twilight for help. Twilight smiled at me for a moment, then looked to Fluttershy. “So, what happened to your friend, Fluttershy?” She asked, “That brown Pegasus with the scarf?” “O-oh, you mean Winter Light?” Fluttershy said. A faint smile crossed the corner of her mouth for just a moment, then faded again as she spoke further. “I think I scared him away…” “You scared him?” I said, a snort of disbelief slipping out before I could stop it. Fluttershy nodded, then explained quietly. “He seemed nice. We were talking, then I asked about the red Pegasus that had been setting up the decorations when we arrived. He had just started telling me how mean and scary she apparently is, when she walked by. He disappeared after that…” I stifled my laughter and shook my head. “And I thought Karma had it out for me.” I mused to myself. Fluttershy looked up at me quizzically and I shook my head. “Never mind,” I said, “It’s a long story. But I’m sure Winter will be back again at some point, he’s… Persistent.” “Oh, okay…” Fluttershy said, then she fell silent once again. I smirked at her for a moment, then returned my attention to Twilight. “Thanks for introducing me to your friends,” I said, “But I should really go find Sky Flare now. If I don’t find her first, she’ll be… Well…” I glanced to Fluttershy for a moment, then back to Twilight, “…Scary.” I finished. Twilight chuckled at my comment then nodded. “Alright,” she said, “But we still need to talk about those Timber Wolves when you can!” “Sure thing,” I said, “We’ll schedule something.” I bowed politely to Princess Twilight and her friend, then headed off to face my destiny. I knew Sky Flare would be with Ivora by now, and I knew they’d have that Dragon’s Kiss just waiting for me, but I was prepared now. I hadn’t been expecting Breezy’s wine to be as strong as it was when he’d offered me some at his place, so it had caught me off guard. With this Dragon’s Kiss though, I knew it was going to pack a punch. So, with that knowledge in mind, I could check myself before I did anything stupid. Or at least, that was what I had hoped would be the case… In the human world, in my old body, that would have worked, but I really couldn’t be sure what would happen here. All I could do was hope for the best and try what I could not to wind up trouble. Weaving through the crowd, I returned to the bonfire at the center of the Guild grounds, but Sky Flare was nowhere to be seen. I frowned and looked around again, but I couldn’t see her anywhere through all the Ponies around me. I paused a moment, then laughed at myself. Why was I still trying to find my way around like I would have in my world? I could fly now, so why not look for her from the air? With a flap of my wings, I rose up above the crowd and scanned the Party below for anything red. Much to my surprise, I found Winter Light first. He was sitting on the roof of the Guild, looking out at the moon above. There was a light breeze, and his red scarf was waving beside him as it danced in the wind. He looked upset about something, or maybe just lost in thought. I wasn’t sure which, so I locked my wings and sailed down to the rooftop behind him. “Hey there Winter,” I said softly, “Everything alright?” “O-oh, Silver Wing!” Winter gasped as my words reached him, “Yes, everything’s fine!” I chuckled at him and sat down. “I hear Sky Flare heard you talking about her,” I said, “That why you’re hiding up here?” I saw his muscles tense at my words and chuckled again. “I-I’m not hiding,” Winter said, “I’m just… Taking a break. There’s so many Ponies down there after all, it can be hard to hear yourself think.” “I know that feeling,” I said with a laugh, “I’d have stayed in my room all night if I could have, but… No such luck.” “But you participated in the Annual Canterlot Race, and even held a demonstration of your fighting style for Princess Luna,” Winter said, surprise clear in his voice, “And both of those had more Ponies that this.” “I know,” I said, “But I just try not to think about it for as long as I can. It may not seem like it, but I hate crowds… Not the biggest fan of parties either, but what can I do? These Ponies are all here to see the Timber Wolves Guild, and all of us by extension.” “Yeah,” Winter said thoughtfully, “You, Sky Flare, Gale Stormrider, and Clyde Blackcoat. You all make up the Timber Wolves. You’re going to do so much for the Ponies of Equestria. I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures!” I smiled at him and shook my head a little. He wasn’t a kid by any means, but he still thought a lot like one. It was cute. He’d come a long way since I first caught him spying on the Guild back when we were only beginning to fix this place up. He’d done a lot of work on the place to make up for it. And put up with a lot of Sky Flare’s less charming qualities. I had half expected to find that he’d left in the middle of the night for the first few weeks he was here, but he’d stuck it out like a champ. He deserved some recognition for all that he’d done to help us, regardless of how he came to be here. “Well,” I said, coming to a decision, “Instead of just hearing about them, why not be a part of them instead?” Winter looked to me with a clearly confused expression on his face. “What do you mean?” he asked. “The way I see it,” I said simply, “You’ve been here almost since the beginning, and you’ve definitely done your fair share of the work. More so really, thanks to Sky’s attempts to drive you off. So, what I mean is, would you like to join the Timber Wolves as an actual member, and not just be a… Fan.” Winter’s eyes grew wide and he almost seemed to start trembling with excitement. But, either through sheer effort of will, or by need of one final word of conformation, he held himself still and forced out his uncertain question. “A-are you serious?” he asked in barely more than a whisper. I chuckled and nodded my head. “I am serious,” I said, “But there is one thing you should know before you make up your mind.” I didn’t want there to be any surprises for him down the road, so I figured I should give him all the details up front before he got his hopes up “A-and that is?” He asked. He looked like his nerves were about to make him explode, though with joy or tears I couldn’t be sure. “Every Pony in the Guild is required to be able to fight at the standards of the Canterlot Military,” I explained, “I can’t have Ponies out in the field if I’m not confident they can handle themselves in a sticky situation.” “I’ve seen how you fight, Silver Wing,” Winter said quickly, “If I could do even half that good, there wouldn’t be a Pony in all of Equestria that could stop me!” He beamed a smile at me and I waved a hoof at him tentatively to calm his enthusiasm down. “That may be true,” I said, “But unfortunately, the Princesses have forbidden me from training anyone but Sky Flare how to fight like I do.” “O-oh…” Winter said, clearly let down by the news, “Who would train me then? Gale?” I drew a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. “That’s the only part you may not like,” I said, “Sky Flare would be the one training you.” It was like a tangible wave of dread crashed over Winter at my words. He looked mortified by the news and I explained quickly to try and comfort him. “She’s in charge of making sure everyone in the Guild is up to standards,” I said, “But with all you’ve put up with already, I think you’d be just fine. Think about it, and tell me your answer tomorrow, alright? Sky Flare’s really not that bad, but she can be a little… Difficult to be around at times.” Winter nodded several times, but remained silent. I couldn’t tell if he was happy, or distraught over my offer to let him officially join the Guild, but there was little more I could do except let him think it over for himself. I rose to my feet and opened my wings to fly off, but paused. “By the way,” I said, glancing back at him, “That yellow Pegasus you were talking to earlier, Fluttershy? She was looking for you. Maybe she could help you decide what’d be best.” I smiled at him reassuringly, then leapt from the rooftop and sailed back over the crowd. I’d been scouring the crowd for Sky Flare for nearly twenty minutes before I finally spotted her. I’d been searching the main group of Ponies that were laughing, dancing and otherwise enjoying themselves. I hadn’t thought to check behind the Guild until just now, and there she was. And sure enough, I found her talking with Ivora and Breezy. I took a quick glance around and let out a faint sigh of relief as I found there to be no alcohol in sight. I landed softly nearby and trotted over to meet with them. “Ah, Silver Ving,” Ivora cooed as I came up to them, “Or should I say, Guild Master Silver Ving.” She glanced at Sky Flare and let out a subtle chuckle before continuing, “How kind of you to come and join us.” I ignored the title and bowed my head politely. “Good to see you again, Ivora,” I said, “I see you were able to arrange a visit here this time.” “Indeed I vas,” she said, “And before I leave, you must show me your Timber Volves.” “I will,” I said, “Consider it a promise.” “I vill hold you to that.” She said softly. “I was beginning to think I’d have to go find you and drag you back here by your feathers.” Sky Flare chimed in. “Ah, the boy just knew it was time ta come an’ have a little fun is all,” Breezy chuckled, “He could’a spent the whole night with ‘is guests if wanted to.” ‘Yeah right,’ I thought, ‘Avoiding you two would be worse than fighting Luna with both arms tied behind my back.’ “Well, now that you’re finally here,” Sky Flare said, “We can really get this celebration going!” She glanced over to Ivora and grinned. Ivora returned her grin and glanced over her shoulder. “Caspian?” she called, “If you vould be so kind as to fetch the black oak box from my carriage?” I hadn’t noticed him before, but as she called to this “Caspian” I noticed the Butler I had first met when Sky Flare had taken me to Ivora’s mansion a month or so ago. He was dressed in the same Butler style vest, and it accented his polished brown coat and short cropped mane nicely. He looked even bigger now than I remembered though. Not as big as Clyde, but still pretty big for a Unicorn. “As you wish, Ms. Ebon Ivora.” Caspian replied with a bow. He trotted off a moment later and I sighed a little as I guessed at what he had been sent to retrieve. “Oh don’t be like that,” Sky Flare chuckled at me, “A drink or two won’t kill you.” “Yeah, but from what I hear, three might.” I said half under my breath. Breezy laughed hard at my hushed words and trotted off towards the front of the Guild. “Be back in a minute,” he called over his shoulder, “Somethin’ tells me we’ll be needin’ ourselves a few glasses before long.” “So, tell me Silver Ving,” Ivora said, “This Guild, it’s purpose is to help those in need, yes?” I nodded. “That’s right.” “How ever vill you help so many when you are only four?” she asked me seriously. “More will join us as our reputation grows,” I told her, “And I’ve a feeling we’ll be five come the morning. And I know of two more that are interested in joining in a few months time. So that already has us up to seven by the end of the year.” Sky Flare glanced at me, a clear question in her eyes. “I know Gale had mentioned Skyros and Soryks were interested, but who’s the other Pony you’re accounting for?” she asked. “Winter Light,” I said simply, “He’s earned it, and I told him such tonight.” “Not the little Ratite…” she groaned aloud, “He won’t even survive the training!” Ivora glanced at her questioningly and Sky Flare replied almost angrily. “The little spy I told you about,” she said quickly, “The one that snuck in and… Won’t leave.” I couldn’t help wondering if more had happened between Sky Flare and Winter than I knew about, but since neither of them had brought it up to me before now, it couldn’t have been too bad. “Ah, that one,” Ivora said nodding, “Not all can be cut of silk though. Perhaps he vill prove his vorth in time?” “He’s done a lot for the Guild already,” I said, “Just give him a chance, alright Sky?” She snorted at me and twitched her tail irritably, but said nothing. I sighed at her and looked around for some way to change her mood. As I did so, Breezy came back into view, with Caspian close behind. ‘He’s faster than he looks.’ I thought, both impressed and dismayed by the Butler’s rapid return. Breezy set a tray with four tall, narrow glasses down on a small table nearby and waved us over to him. Caspian met us halfway, then followed Ivora to Breezy before offering her the box she had requested. “Thank you, Caspian.” she said. With her own magic, she took the box from Caspian and set it down in the table before smiling at me with a devilishly charming glean in her eye. “As I promised when last ve met, Silver Ving,” she said softly, “I bring to you a bottle of Dragon’s Kiss.” She gestured for me to take the box and I swallowed nervously as I looked it over. The box itself looked like it must have cost a fortune. It was ebony black and polished till it gleamed with a nearly mirror-like finish. The entire thing was roughly a foot across and just as deep. The front had a simple red stamp that looked like a three-toed foot print, similar to a bird or, as I guessed it must look, a Dragon’s. Using the magic of my bracelet, I lifted the box from the table and gently slid the top of it off. Inside, I saw a glittering jewel about the size of a large ostrich egg, and about the same shape. Carefully, I lifted the jeweled egg from the box and looked it over. It was glass of some sort, but carved to look like a large scaled egg. The bottom had a small flat section about the size of a silver dollar, so the egg-shaped bottle could stand upright on a shelf or table. And at its top was a glass plug that served to seal the alcohol inside. It fit seamlessly into the top of the egg, and if it weren’t for the transparent shell, I never would have seen it. The liquid inside was a dark red in color, but clear like fruit juice. It also seemed to almost glow a faint orange in the dim light behind the Guild. Though I couldn’t be certain if that was just a trick of the light on its glasslike surface or something in the drink itself. “Whoo,” Breezy gasped, “That’s not just any ol’ bottle a Dragon’s Kiss right there. That’s the good stuff alright.” “You don’t say…” I said nervously. I carefully set the egg-shaped bottle down on the table and took a deep breath. “Oh, I do say,” Breezy said, shaking his head, “Makes the stuff I tried when I was yer age look like pumpkin juice.” ‘Of course it’s the best of the best,’ I thought ruefully, ‘Someone like Ivora wouldn’t have gotten the cheap stuff, even if the cheapest of this Dragon’s Kiss was considered great… But I can’t just say no. She and Sky Flare both made it quite clear how offensive it would be if I refused this gift. And I’m certain even Ivora would have had to pay a pretty penny for this…’ I looked from Sky Flare to Ivora and took another deep breath. “Well,” I said, steeling myself for what was to come, “I’ll never live it down if I don’t at least try it, but I’m not much for drinking. So I’ll have just the one glass, alright?” I caught the faintest purr of a laugh escape Ivora’s lips and she smiled at me with dangerous and foreboding charm. “Of course,” she said sweetly, “One drink and you vill not offend.” “You’re all having some too, right?” I asked hopefully. “Not me,” Breezy said, taking a step back, “My little Lemon Bloom won’t make me a crumb a her apple pie for a month if I touch that stuff again!” “It’s all yours Silver,” Sky Flare laughed, “I’ve heard enough stories about it from my Dad, and that’s one drink I don’t think I need to try.” “Oh no you don’t!” I protested, “You want me to try it, you have to too!” “No, I don’t,” Sky Flare laughed, “And you can’t make me.” “Sure I can,” I said, “Guild Leader beats stubborn Pegasus. Now grab a glass. That’s an order.” She snorted and eyed me challengingly for a moment, then shrugged. “Why not,” she relented, “One shot won’t hurt anypony.” I let slip a slight sigh of relief, then looked to Ivora. “I too vill share a glass vith you,” she said, “It vould be impolite for me not to.” “Anyone else?” I asked, looking from Caspian, then to Breezy one final time. “My duties prevent such activities,” Caspian stated, “But your offer is appreciated.” “I’m sticking to my wings boy,” Breezy laughed, then he glanced to Sky Flare, “An’ I’ll do you a favor by not telling your Mother. This time.” “If you’re offering a celebratory glass to all who may desire one,” a voice called after Breezy had finished, “We would not refuse a small one.” I looked around and spotted Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sitting nearby. Whether they had been chatting amongst themselves, or watching our conversation unfold, I had no idea. But since they’d asked, I waved them over respectfully. “Of course,” I said, “Please, join us.” Gracefully, they made their way over and smiled at the egg-shaped bottle. “Even our stores rarely get this vintage,” Luna stated, “We’d best be cautious and have no more than the one.” “Agreed,” Celestia said with a growing smile, “Moderation is always advised when dealing with the Dragon’s Kiss. Especially this Dragon’s.” They chuckled for a moment at some private joke I wasn’t part of, then looked to me expectantly. I glanced at the tray of glasses Breezy had brought and frowned as I realized that there were five of us, and only four glasses. “It looks like we’ll need another glass first,” I said, “I’ll go-” “Please,” Caspian cut in, “Allow me.” His horn flared a light blue, then a glass burst into existence before him. The glass hovered in place for a moment, then drifted to the table, placing itself amongst the other identical glasses Breezy had brought. “Uhh, thanks.” I said. “Think nothing of it.” Caspian said, then he took a step back and left me to handle the pouring. Carefully, I used the magic of my bracelet to remove the glass cork from the bottle and set it down on the table. Gently, I lifted the bottle up and tilted it over the first of the glasses that had been set out for us. As the liquid flowed into the glass, I realized the glow I had seen was not a trick of the light at all, but a property of the liquid itself. Whatever was in this stuff, it gave off a faintly magical orange glow. One by one, I filled the glasses, then returned the bottle to the table. I replaced the cork and let out a relieved sigh. While I had long since mastered the magic of the bracelet, I couldn’t help but feel nervous when handling something so rare and valuable. I gestured for everyone to take a glass and looked down at my own uncertainly. “To the start of something new.” I said. “To something new, and something good.” Sky Flare added. She smiled at me then raised her glass to her lips. Ivora and the Princesses followed suit and I hesitantly followed along. I didn’t know what to expect from this Dragon’s Kiss. Saying it was made by Dragon’s made me think it would be bitter, or burn like cinnamon, but as I raised the strangely glowing drink to my lips, I found it had a sweet, inviting scent. As the liquid touched my tongue, I felt a wash of flavors unlike anything I’d ever known explode in my mouth. It was strong, but smooth. I felt what I could only describe as a ripple of electricity course through me as I swallowed, then the familiar warmth of alcohol rose up to fill me from head to hoof. I took a deep breath and looked at the bottle with a suspicious eye. It didn’t have nearly the kick I had expected it to. It wasn’t fruit juice, that was for sure, but it wasn’t anything that seemed like I should be wary of. I glanced sidelong at Breezy, about to laugh at him for making me worry so much over nothing, then tensed at what I saw. He looked odd. His outline wavered ever so slightly as he moved, and light almost seemed to stretch out of him. I shook my head to try and clear my vision, but that only succeeded in making it worse. Light diffused everywhere around me, and the colors of all those I could see seemed glow with an intenseness I’d never thought possible. Looking down at my feet, I found that moving them side to side caused a blurred after image to follow in their wake and I gasped as I realized what this stuff was, or at least, what its effects seemed to be. I could definitely taste the alcohol in it, but whatever else it was brewed with obviously had a Psychedelic effect! No wonder Breezy was so cautious of it. Any Psychedelic was dangerous enough on its own, but when paired with alcohol, you were just asking for trouble. I set my glass down and took a deep breath to try and calm my mind. “Vell?” Ivora asked in an amused tone, “Vhat do you think of the Dragon’s Kiss?” “I tastes good,” I admitted, “But I think the one is all I need tonight.” “Ve shall see,” she mused, “The night is yet young.” “Most are a little startled by the effects of the Dragon’s Kiss when they first experience it,” Celestia said smiling, “But you seem quite calm. Did they have such things in your home, Silver Wing?” “Sort of,” I admitted, “But it wasn’t something we used all that often.” ‘Or at all if we could help it…’ I thought nervously. Most plants or drugs that caused an effect like this were illegal in my world, and with good reason. I’d confiscated countless drug related paraphernalia during my time in law enforcement and I’d never be caught dead doing them myself. A few beers every now and then was fine, but getting high was a whole different story. But, maybe the effects of this stuff weren’t as bad for you, or as strong. As it was, I felt relatively normal still. I was buzzed off the alcohol, but I could still think clearly and move around as well as I should. I just had an altered sense of vision to go along with it. Almost as I thought about it however, the effect it had on my sense of vision began to fade, and in its place was a warmth and comfort I had never known. Like a cramp letting go, all my concerns and fears just seemed to melt away. For the first time in months, the thought of home didn’t sting my heart and threaten to bring tears to my eyes. I still missed my family back in my world, but it didn’t hurt anymore. Somehow, this stuff seemed to have calmed that ever present part of me down and made me feel at home again for the first time since I’d gotten here. I looked at Sky Flare and found her to be smiling widely at her now empty glass. She caught me looking at her and smiled even wider. “So Silver,” she cooed, “Wanna dance for us now, or you need some more time still?” I laughed, though I wasn’t sure why what she said amused me as much as it did. “Dance for?” I said, “No. But I will dance with you if you’d like. We are behind the Guild here after all. So it’s not like I can embarrass myself here.” “That’s the spirit!” Sky Flare laughed. I didn’t seem to care nearly as much about what they’d think of my dance moves now, or even that there were so many around that could see. I just felt good. So good, I felt like nothing would bother me at all anymore. “Though…” I said slowly as my mind realized a flaw in our plans, “We don’t have any music to dance too.” “Fear not,” Ivora chimed in, “Caspian, if you vould be so kind?” Caspian bowed his head low a moment then asked, “What melody would you prefer for this occasion Ms. Ebon Ivora?” “Hmm.” Ivora looked thoughtful for a moment, then looked to Sky Flare. “Sky?” she asked, “Vhat do you feel vould be best?” “Anything with a good beat,” She said, “Something we can shake our cutie marks to.” “An’ that’ll be my que to go track down my dear Lemon Bloom,” Breezy said quickly, “I’m too old ta get caught up in the dances you kids do nowadays.” He chuckled at Sky Flare a moment, then trotted off, a wing waving in farewell as he went. I waved back then shook my head and stopped myself. Why was I waving to him? He wasn’t even looking anymore. Gradually, a tune rose into the air and I looked to Caspian. His horn glowed faintly, and from it a tune rose in volume. It started with what sounded like a violin, then gradually, a flute joined in, followed by a faint drum and symbols. More and more instruments followed as the melody rose in tempo, and before long I could have sworn an entire chorus was hidden within that horn of his. “Come on Silver,” Sky Flare said, “Dance with us.” She flew a few feet away and smiled wildly at me, then beckoned Ivora to join her with a chuckle. Ivora trotted over to her and, with the next change of tempo, leapt into a wild, but graceful dance. I’d never seen anything like it. She flowed from dancing on all fours, to her hind legs and back again with the fluid grace of a stream. She’d twist and coil, then leap this way and that. I’d never seen a Pony move like she could before. It was enchanting to witness. More surprising still was the fact that Sky Flare could seemingly mirror her every move almost perfectly. Sky Flare wasn’t quite as smooth in her transitions as Ivora was, and her range of motion was a little less in some parts, but she was no less enchanting. The two of them dancing together was a marvelous sight to behold, and for the life of me, I could not stop myself from staring at them. Sky Flare slowed her dance and chuckled at me. “What’s the matter Silver,” she purred coyly, “Forget how to dance?” “Yes,” I admitted without hesitation, “And even if I hadn’t, there is no way I could dance with the two of you. I’d be like a bull in a china shop by comparison.” “Nonsense!” Ivora laughed, “Variety is the spice of life! Let there be no hesitation or regrets this night! Allow yourself to be free Silver Ving. Feel the music and let it take you vhere it vill!” She shifted her dance to a slower, more interpretive style and began weaving her way around me. Her current dance reminded me of ballet, but it was more fluid and had less spins. She looked like a willow tree in the wind. Both solid, yet ever shifting. Firm, yet giving in to the breeze around her. I was awestruck by her performance, and try as I might, I couldn’t bring myself to move even a muscle. “Maybe you just need to get moving a little,” Sky Flare said as she walked up to me, “You remember to spar still, don’t you?” “What?” I asked, not sure what she was getting at, “Of course I remember how to spar. Why?” She smiled cheshirely at me for a moment, then rose into the fighting stance I had taught her. Instinctively my body followed suit, and I without realizing it, I assumed a position that mirrored her own. She threw a simple jab at me and I evaded it easily. Another followed the first, then a third and a fourth. I moved around her strikes as I usually would, but as I focused less on those around me and more on Sky Flare, the beat of Caspian’s music gradually crept into me. Within a minute, Sky Flare and I were throwing well controlled but predictable strikes at one another with increasing speed. Every motion followed the flow of the music around us, and as it rose or fell in speed, so did we. As we sparred to the sound of Caspian’s music, I couldn’t help but notice the amber glow in Sky Flare’s eyes. I didn’t know if it was the lighting, a lingering effect of the Dragon’s Kiss, or what, but her eyes looked so rich and vibrant right then. They almost seemed to glow with an internal fire that rivaled the torches that surrounded us. Her eyes held my gaze like they were the only thing in this world I could look at, and I dare say I lost myself in them. “There you go,” Sky Flare said softly, “I knew this would loosen you up.” Her voice was soft and sweet, yet distant. Like she was whispering to me from the end of a long tunnel. I had to strain my ears to hear her clearly, but when her words finally registered in my mind, I couldn’t help but grin at her. As I admired her in that moment, something caught my attention. My stance was wrong somehow, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on why I thought that. It took me a long moment to realize it, but we were too close. Looking down to see how we had wound up in this position, I froze as the sight before me finally made sense to my fogged mind. I don’t know how or when, but I was holding her in my arms. My right foreleg was wrapped around her waist, holding her close to me by the small of her back, while my left forehoof was cupping her right forehoof out beside us. Apparently, we were in the middle of a waltz, but when did it start? How did it start for that matter? The last thing I remembered was getting into the swing of things with our little sparing match, so when did we up dancing like this? “Aww,” Sky Flare pouted playfully at me, “Are we done already?” I released her and stepped back, clearing my throat in dulled but still present embarrassment. “I uh…” I stammered, “I’m sorry.” Glancing around for some form of an answer, I found there to be a small crowd of Ponies encircling us. I blushed furiously as I found them all to be staring at Sky Flare and I and looked back to her questioningly. “Aww don’t stop now!” one of the Mare’s that had been watching us called out, “That was beautiful!” Sky Flare laughed at looked to the crowd. “Why don’t you all join us?” she said cheerfully, “Grab a partner and have a good time!” I heard a murmur rise of from those nearest to us, then two by two, they fell into a dance all their own. “You dance very vell,” Ivora said as she came up to me, “And there is much passion in the vay you move.” “Blame the drink for that,” I said, “I don’t remember starting to dance at all.” “The Dragon’s Kiss calms the mind only,” Ivora said, “It does not grant anything the drinker does not already possess.” “I’m surprised I can still dance like that in this body,” I said, more to myself than to Ivora, “But I guess if I can still fight, why couldn’t I dance?” Ivora looked at me quizzically and I shook my head. “Never mind,” I laughed, “Forget I said anything.” “As you vish.” Ivora said, though she looked me over again with questioning eyes. “Come on Silver, break time’s over,” Sky Flare said as she came up to me, “Here.” She had a small saucer in her mouth, and atop it sat a narrow glass filled with a red liquid. I took the glass with my magic then paused as I sniffed at it. “Sky…” I sighed, recognizing the smell of the drink, “I said I was only going to have the one drink of that stuff.” “Oh come on Silver,” she scoffed, “You were having a good time. You were relaxed, laughing, you danced me around the Guild into that crowd, remember?” “No,” I admitted, “I don’t remember…” As I said it though, my mind flashed to our sparring as Caspian played his music. I saw myself move in close to Sky Flare and move to grasp her for a friendly toss, but stopped. I shifted my footing and closed in, then grabbed her around the waist and led her in a Waltz. I was wholly in the moment, and I could not deny that it had felt good to be able to just be myself again. Well, as much myself as I could be in this body. I sighed at my own stupidity and, in one smooth gulp, downed the drink Sky Flare had offered me. “It’s a party after all, right?” I said to her with a shrug, “So might as well have some fun with it. I can regret it in the morning.” She smiled widely at me and nodded to the crowd of Ponies that were now dancing to the latest tune Caspian was playing. I could feel the tingling electrical sensation of the Dragon’s Kiss wash over once more and glanced to Ivora. Her entire form shimmered like starlight as my vision stretched beyond its normal limits. I knew the effects wouldn’t last for more than a few seconds, but it was still interesting to watch. “Remind me later Ivora,” I said slowly, “To show you those dance moves you were curious about. I’d show you now but… I believe I’ve yet to finish my dance with Sky Flare.” “The night is yet young, Silver Ving,” Ivora grinned, “Take your time, but should you vish a new partner for a dance or two, do not hesitate to ask.” I bowed my head low and swept a wing before me in a flamboyant bow. “It would be an honor,” I said, “The next dance will be yours.” Sky Flare and Ivora both burst out laughing at my statement and I quickly joined in. ‘This was going to be a good night,’ I thought, ‘And what better way is there to bring a group of friends together than sharing in a good time?’ > Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowly, I became aware of a dull throb in my head. With every beat of my heart, the throb became steadily more apparent, and as I dimly focused on that sensation, the pain almost seemed to spread until it filled my entire skull. I groaned at the feeling and tried to raise a hoof to my forehead, but there was oddly warm pressure pinning it down. Experimentally, I tried to move my other foreleg, but it too seemed to be pinned down. Not wanting to open my eyes I tried to sit up, but as I started to move, the same warm pressure made itself apparent on my chest as well. Reluctantly, I opened an eye and glanced down. For a moment, all I saw was blinding white light, and I winced as it stung my disapproving eye. Gradually, the light and the pain it brought started to fade. I saw a blurred blanket made of something red draped across my right side, and a second blanket of black and white over my left. I blinked a few times and gasped in shock as what I was looking at became clear. I was laying on my back, in my bed at the Guild. Sky Flare lay along my right side with her head on my chest, while Ivora mirrored her position along my left. “W-what happened last night!?” I squeaked aloud in disbelief. At my words, the two Mare’s laying with me began to stir and looked up at me with loving smiles. “Do you not remember Silver Ving?” Ivora cooed. Her smile grew wider and leaned closer to my face, almost as if she meant to kiss me. I sank back into my bed as far as I could and looked to Sky Flare for some sort of an answer. She met my gaze and grinned. “We sure do,” She mused, “And here I thought dance moves were the only tricks you knew.” “I-I-I,” I stammered helplessly, “D-did we? Did we really… U-uhh…” There was no way we could have done what I was thinking, no way. “Did ve vhat?” Ivora asked innocently, though her smile betrayed a dark and mischievous air. “I think what you should really be asking, is what didn’t we do.” Sky Flare added in a soft, purr like tone. She nuzzled into my chest and let out a contented sigh. I tensed at her touch and realized I was missing my vest. I would have looked around the room for it, but Sky Flare’s touch on my bare chest had my full attention. I stared at her in disbelief. ‘We couldn’t have,’ I thought, ‘There was just no way! Even with how drunk I was! Someone would have stopped us! The Princesses, Breezy, Caspian! They wouldn’t have just let us…’ I shook the thought from my head and paused as I caught a snort of laughter slip from the two Mares atop me. Looking down at them in a panic, I found them both to be grinning widely at me. “W-what…?” I struggled to ask. They remained silent for a painfully long moment, then they both burst out laughing and climbed out of my bed. I was wholly lost. Why were they laughing? And why were they suddenly leaving? I had a thousand questions racing through my mind and nothing to answer them with. They both laughed until tears filled their eyes, but finally, Sky Flare spoke. “You should see your face Silver!” She gasped out between gulps of air, “You’re blushing so hard! You’re nearly as red as I am! Why didn’t we bring a camera!?” Ivora’s laughter renewed itself at Sky Flare’s comment and she sat down heavily as she fought to catch her breath. “B-but,” I said, sitting up despite my heads throbbing protest, “Y-you were both… D-didn’t we… Y-you know?” Sky Flare took a deep breath to calm herself, then shook her head at me. “Of course not!” She chuckled, “We weren’t that drunk Silver!” “B-but you were…” I started, then fell silent. “In bed vith you?” Ivora finished for me, “Why yes, ve vere.” I looked from Ivora to Sky Flare and shook my head. I didn’t understand. My brain was just not up for this type of thinking in its current state. Sky Flare sighed contently and explained with a victorious smile. “It was a joke Silver, you can relax,” she said, “It’s almost dinner time. You’ve been asleep all day. So, we thought we’d come wake you up.” “Yes,” Ivora chimed in, “But vhat fun vould just knocking on your door be?” “Exactly,” Sky Flare chuckled, “So, we decided we’d climb into bed with you and shake you till you started to wake up. Then we just waited for you to realize we were there and...” she looked to Ivora with a Cheshire grin. “And vatch vhere your mind took you after that,” Ivora finished, “Impressive as you may be, I am not so easily vooed.” Sky Flare gave me a parental pat on the head with one of her wings and trotted for my bedroom door. “Dinner will be ready soon, Guild Master,” she cooed over her shoulder at me, “You’d best come get it while it’s still warm. And no more sleeping, you hear me? Who knows what you’ll wake up to if you doze off again.” She and Ivora shared another laugh and left my room, closing my door behind them as went. Even with the door closed, their laughter still carried to me for several more seconds. They truly were twins at heart, I realized in dismay. Evil, sadistic twins! I’d have to get them back for this somehow, but now, it was all I could do just to stay upright. I sighed deeply as an overwhelming sense of relief washed over me and let myself fall back into bed, then my body caught back up with me. Pain exploded throughout my head as my abrupt shift in position jostled my entire body. I groaned and grasped vainly at my temples as the worst hangover I’d ever experienced made its presence known with a vengeance. “I didn’t have that much!” I whimpered wearily, “So why is my head killing me like this!?” I struggled through the pain and tried to recall the events of last night, but they were blurry, and I couldn’t get the order of things right. I’d had my first taste of the Dragon’s Kiss, then I danced with Sky Flare… No, we spared first, then we danced, I think… I shook my head to try and clear things up, but that only succeeded in making the pain I felt worse. I groaned and laid still. “We danced,” I mumbled aloud, “The Ivora joined in… And then… I had another drink of Dragon’s Kiss?” Images of dancing flashed in my mind. Songs played in my ear and I saw a great many swirling smiling faces. Try as I might though, I just couldn’t put together the previous night, and with a sigh of defeat I stopped trying. ‘It’ll come back eventually,’ I thought, ‘That, or Sky Flare and Ivora will tell me all about it when I go for dinner...’ I sat up slowly, cradling my head as my change in position amplified my already intense hangover. Carefully, I forced myself to my feet and swayed heavily to one side. Using one of my wings, I braced myself against my bed and breathed in deep, slow breaths. I felt terrible, and I pretty sure I looked just as bad. My whole body ached, and my head throbbed relentlessly. ‘At least you don’t feel like throwing up.’ I told myself. In fact, my stomach was about the only thing that wasn’t causing me grief at that moment, and I was grateful for it. Pain was one thing, but nausea was a whole different kettle of fish. Glancing around my room, I spotted my vest draped over a chair and felt relieved to find it undamaged. I thought about grabbing it, but I just didn’t have the strength to get dressed right now. Mustering what little strength I felt I did have, I staggered to the door of my room and leaned up against the wall beside it for support. I focused the magic of my bracelet on the handle and it opened with a soft creak. I’d never noticed the subtle grinding of the doors hinges before, but as the sound reached my ears, it felt like it split my head in two. I dropped my head low and winced in pain as the door sung open for me. “Oho I know that look,” a loud and very cheery voice boomed from the room beyond, “Somepony’s ‘ad their night a fun and are payin’ the piper for it now, eh?” I knew that thunderous voice all too well and nearly collapsed as Breezy’s voice echoed in my skull, but with the aid of the doorframe, I managed to stay standing. I waved a tentative hoof towards him, but he only laughed in response. “Ey, I told ya not to have more an two,” Breezy chuckled, “You went an ‘ad what, four? You’re lucky you’re able ta see straight, let alone walk.” “Four...?” I groaned weakly. “Yep, four.” Breezy confirmed. He trotted over to me and helped me to a stool in the main room. “I warned ya,” he said, “But oh no, you’ll be fine you said.” He chuckled loudly, and I couldn’t help but whimper as he clearly made no effort to lower his voice, despite being so close to me. “Why aren’t Sky and Ivora hungover too?” I asked wearily, “Didn’t they have more with me?” “Hay no!” Breezy laughed, “My Daughter ain’t no fool. She did ‘ave a second, but she stopped after that. Ms. Ivora stuck with just the one though. Was just you that went ta town on the stuff.” “I blame your daughter…” I groaned, “She kept bringing me more…” “Ya didn’t ‘ave ta take it,” Breezy stated, “Goes back in the bottle just as easily as it comes outta it.” I dropped my head lower and gave up. I didn’t have the strength to argue. I took a few minutes to settle into my spot on the stool, then looked to Breezy hesitantly. “How bad was I…?” I asked with a sigh. Breezy grinned wide at my question, but either from pity at the sight of my current state, or a rare moment where his sense of humor took a break, he just patted me on the back and shrugged. “You were fine, boy,” he said simply, “You ‘ad yourself a good ol’ time. Got most everypony that came dancin’ and laughin’ till Celestia raised the Sun too. My Daughter most of all. It’s good to see ‘er let loose like that. So you can take a breath and relax. Ain’t nothin’ happened I think you’d be too ‘eartbroken over.” He didn’t seem like he was teasing me or setting me up for some twist of a joke, so I accepted his words and let out a deep sigh of relief. “Good,” I said tiredly, “I… Can’t really remember much more from last night than the odd image or two.” “That’ll be the Dragon’s Kiss for ya,” Breezy said simply, “Ave enough of it, an’ you can lose a whole week if you’re not careful.” “I don’t ever want to drink that stuff again…” I groaned. “Vhat?” Ivora’s silken voice cut in, “But you had such fun! I have not laughed so much in years!” I didn’t have the strength to look towards them, so I just left my gaze lingering on the floor below me as I listened to their hoof steps approaching. “Me neither,” Sky Flare’s voice followed, “Though I gotta say Silver, I am a little mad at you.” “What did I do?” I groaned. I knew there had to have been something. No way I got that drunk and didn’t offend someone. “You’ve got a lot more tricks under those hooves of yours than you led me to believe,” she said, “When we spar, and you say you’re fighting me seriously, you’ve been lying.” “What?” I said, looking up at her seriously, “No I haven’t.” I groaned a moment later as the sudden movement forced my head to throb even harder. “Then explain last night to me,” Sky Flare said flatly, “You started taking on challengers and sent them all flying without even trying.” “I did?” I asked. I thought about what she said, and gradually, images of different ponies coming at me came flashed in my mind, but it was all so hazy. It was like looking at an old projection film through a dense fog. I could make out a rough series of events, but the details were few and far between. “Yeah,” Sky Flare continued, “You did. Some of them two or three at a time.” “It vas a most impressive display,” Ivora added, “It looked as though you vere merely dancing, but no blow could land.” I thought long and hard about what they were saying. Why had I been fighting? What had started it? Was it just for fun, or did someone try and start something? I struggled against the aftereffects of the Dragon’s Kiss to clear at least some part of my memory, then laughed weakly as things became less clouded. One of the Ponies at the party had seen the demonstration I’d done for the Princesses and had wanted to see if it was all just a show or not. He’d had a few too many drinks, and so had I, so I told him to come at me and find out for himself. He had, and I’d laid him out easily. After that, more Ponies wanted to try their luck in a friendly contest of skill. Drunk as I was by that point, I didn’t want to risk a poorly timed punch and accidentally hurt someone. So, I’d used my bracelet’s magic to carve out a small ring in the grass and turned the whole scenario into a game of King of the Hill. The ponies that came at me, did so with the intention of pushing me out of the ring, not fighting, so they were easy to redirect passed me with simple moves. “I wasn’t fighting them seriously at all,” I explained, “I was just evading.” Sky Flare frowned at me. “You did a lot more than just evade.” She said flatly. “I’m still teaching you, Sky,” I explained, “But think about the lessons you’re on now. First, I taught you basic stances and the ideas behind what to do and when, and now I’m teaching you to read movements and redirect your opponent’s attacks, right?” “Yeah, so?” She said. “So, think about last night,” I said, “What did I do to all those people? And what was it they were trying to do to me? It was King of the Hill, so they were all focused on moving me out of that ring, right? I didn’t hit one of them. Not really anyway. All I did was use their own momentum and move their attacks around me, then trip them as they went by. Once they were off balance, all it took was a little shove and they went sailing passed. Most of them were as drunk as I was. Well… Maybe not quite as drunk as I was, but they weren’t thinking straight. And only a few actually had any fighting experience.” Sky Flare furrowed her brows at me thoughtfully for a moment, then relented. “Alright,” she said nodding, “I guess that makes sense… But I didn’t know you could take on so many Ponies at once without actually attacking them back. I thought you were just toying with them, since you never fight like that with me.” “I can’t,” I admitted, “I’m teaching you to fight like I do. And with my style, it’s better to play it defensively. I only attack when I have to, and usually it’s just to make an opening. I was literally just pushing drunk people over last night and having a good time about it. Those few that weren’t drunk, and actually knew what they were doing, were the only ones that I got even a little rough with. But none of us were taking things too seriously. It was just for fun and a good laugh.” “What are People?” Ivora asked, a confused look on her face. “Err,” I tensed, “I meant Ponies.” “I’m sure did,” Ivora said, “But you said, “People”. Twice. Explain.” “It’s just Silver being Silver,” Sky Flare said, waving her question off, “Blame it on the hangover.” She tried to laugh it off, but Ivora looked unconvinced. “He said some rather odd things last night as vell,” Ivora continued, “Something to the effect of “I’m surprised I can dance in this body”.” She looked at me and tilted her head a little. “Vhat did you mean by that Silver Ving?” “I did?” I said, “I don’t remember…” “With how drunk he was last night, I wouldn’t be surprised if he thought he was a full-blooded Dragon,” Sky Flare laughed again, “Or even an Alicorn.” She trotted over to Ivora and nudged her to follow. “Come on, let’s go get Silver some dinner now that he’s up. We can pester him more once his brain’s working again.” Ivora eyed Sky Flare suspiciously for a moment, then glanced back to me with a knowing air. “As you vish, Sky.” she said softly. I mentally cursed myself and frowned at the floor. ‘Me and my big mouth…’ I thought, ‘How could I have let something like that slip?’ I knew why I had slipped up though. I’d been speaking with Sky Flare about myself and my world so much when we found ourselves alone together, that I was gradually beginning to make offhand remarks. Remarks I knew she would understand, but no other Pony would. I’d need to be more careful from now on, but I still had to fix this latest problem first. “I’m a might curious as to some a your choice words myself.” Breezy said from behind me. I’d forgotten he was there and tensed at his words. “But, Princess Celestia asked me not to press ya for anything you do that may seem a little too odd,” he went on, “That being said… If there’s ever anything you want ta get off your chest, you feel free ta let me know, alright? Ol’ Breezy is pretty good at keepin’ ‘is secrets.” I looked back at him and found him smiling at me, like a knowing parent would. I returned his smile but kept silent. Even if I wanted to tell him the truth right now, I couldn’t. The Princesses had set up their surveillance magic throughout the Guild, and while I wasn’t one hundred percent certain on how good this magic was, I felt it would be better not to underestimate its potential. That’s why I’d only been speaking about my world to Sky Flare when we were out in the forest at our training spot, far away from the Guild. I just couldn’t risk upsetting the Princesses. Breezy waited a moment or two longer, then gave a bored stretch of his wings and headed for the doors that led outside. “Well, I think it’s about time I get my dear Lemon Bloom back home,” he said, “You keep your feathers clean, ya ‘ear?” I chuckled tiredly at his comment. “Sure thing Breezy,” I said, “You too.” He looked back at me and smiled. “Thanks again for getting’ my daughter outta Canterlot and feelin’ free enough to laugh and party,” he said, “You’ve no idea how worried I was gettin’ that she’d never take those first few steps towards ‘er own life.” I stole a quick glance around the room to make sure that Sky Flare wasn’t in sight and nodded. “It’s been my pleasure,” I said honestly, “Well, most of the time.” Breezy laughed. “I wouldn’t expect it any other way.” he said, then paused and he glanced back outside. “Ah, I’d almost forgot,” he added, “But you got somepony waitin’ for ya. He’s been eager ta speak with you all day now. Now that you’re up, I’ll send ‘im in.” Before I could say anything to stop him, Breezy left the Guild hall, and a moment later, Winter Light came galloping in. He raced straight up to me, his rapid hoofbeats echoing in my head like rolling thunder. I winced at the sound and looked up at him as he skidded to a stop before me. He was tense, and looked either nervous or worried about something. I was too hungover to figure out which, so I waved a wing weakly in greeting. “I thought about it a lot!” Winter said quickly, “And my answer to your proposal is yes! I want to join the Timber Wolves!” He seemed to grow embarrassed after voicing his words and dropped his head shyly before adding, “Please?” I smiled weakly at him and nodded. “G-good to hear,” I said, “I’ll welcome you more officially a little later when everyone else is around, but for the moment, I welcome you to the Timber Wolves, Winter Light.” The sound of his hoofbeats still reverberated in my head and I really didn’t want to be sociable, but I knew I had to be. It was my job to be Guild Leader after all, and no one likes a jerk for a boss. A wide smile crept over Winter’s face that almost seemed to stretch from ear to ear, and he visibly started to tremble at the impact of my words. “Thank you!” He practically screamed out as his excitement seemed to hit its peak. I winced at the volume of his cry and tensed as he looked like he was about to pounce on me, but by some unseen grace, he stayed in his place. Winter shuffled his front hooves awkwardly for a moment instead, then lowered his head as he spoke further. “I-I will need three days before I can officially start though…” He said quietly, “T-to get my affairs in order... I-is that alright? If it isn’t, I understand!” “T-take all the time you need.” I said through gritted teeth. Shakily, I waved Winter away as politely as I could, hoping he would get the message. “Thank you very much, Guild Master Silver Wing!” Winter shouted in his excitement, “I will be back as fast as I can!” With that, he took off at a full gallop and left me to my torment. I leaned over the side of my stool and let my head drop to a nearby table as I fought not to weep at the pain Winter’s exit sent reverberating through my head. I knew I couldn’t be mad at him for being so happy, but that Pegasus needed a volume dial or something… And rubber horseshoes… Definitely rubber horseshoes. I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, Sky Flare was patting my back with a wing. “Dinner time,” she said softly, “Come on now, sit up.” I groaned, and with a great effort of will, forced myself back into an upright position. A large bowl of carrot and oat stew was on the table before me, with a tall glass of ice water beside it. “Ice?” I said, more than a little confused, “Where’d we get ice out here?” “Ivora made it,” Sky Flare said, “Perk of having a Unicorn around.” I nodded a weary agreement, then looked around for Ivora, but couldn’t see her. “Where is she?” I asked, though part of me was glad to be alone. Well, mostly alone. “She’s around,” Sky Flare said, “I asked her to give us a few minutes to talk first.” “Ah…” I said, lowering my head again, “What did I do…” She chuckled at me and shook her head. “Nothing,” she said, “But you do need to watch that tongue of yours.” “Yeah…” I said, “Got that message loud and clear…” “So, think you’ll be able to keep your word tonight?” she asked. “My word?” I repeated. I looked at her seriously, “My word about what?” “You promised to show Ivora a Timber Wolf before she left, remember?” Sky Flare explained, “It’s getting late, and she has to head out sooner than later.” “Oh, right… Timber Wolves…” I said, “I’d love to say no, but I’ll call them… Just… Give me a few more minutes of quiet first, please?” She smiled at me and nodded towards the food she had set out before me. “Eat something,” she said softly, “It’ll help. We’ll be outside when you’re finished. Just don’t take too long, alright? It’s not polite to keep a Mare waiting.” I sighed and nodded my head in understanding. I watched Sky Flare as she left, then turned my attention to the meal before me. I couldn’t describe it, but the food seemed almost to loom before me like some impassable obstacle. It felt like I was looking up at a great mountain and I was momentarily defeated by the thought of eating so much food in my current state. I’d had to force myself to eat the food before me, and even then, I could only eat about half of it. I didn’t feel sick, but something in the back of my mind warned me not to eat any more just yet. I couldn’t be sure if it was just my imagination or not, but I didn’t want to risk it either way. With a groan, I slid from my stool and stood shakily for a moment. My knees felt like they were about to give out, but miraculously, they held firm. “One step at a time…” I told myself, “Just one step at a time…” My own hoof steps resounded in my head like gunshots, but I pressed onwards. I’d promised to show Ivora the Timber Wolves before she left, and short of divine intervention, I always did everything in my power to keep my promises. The main doors to the Guild were open, and I stepped out into the dim glow of the porch. The sun had already set, but the lights from the night before were still up. Everything else besides the tables had been cleaned up already, and there wasn’t a trace of the party that had just rocked the Guild no more than twelve hours ago. I was impressed. In my world, a party like ours would have left a ton of trash and junk all over the place. The amount of people that actually cleaned up after themselves was painfully few, but here it seemed like everyone had great manners, and a strong respect for another’s property. That, or Sky Flare and the others had been hard at work all day cleaning up. Either way, I was just glad I didn’t have to walk through a minefield of litter right now. “I vas beginning to think you vould not show, Silver Ving.” Ivora’s voice called to me from nearby. “I said I’d show you a Timber Wolf, and I will.” I said, smiling tiredly I her direction. She was sitting on a bench that rested against the outer wall of the Guild. Sky Flare was with her, but I couldn’t spot her Butler Caspian anywhere. “Where’s Caspian?” I asked. “He is preparing my carriage for our return trip to Canterlot,” Ivora said, “Ve must leave soon I am afraid.” “Well, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting then,” I said, “I’ll take you to see the Timber Wolves now.” I looked around one more time, then glanced at Sky Flare. “I anyone still here?” “Just us and Caspian as far as I know,” Sky Flare said, “Ivora is the only guest left. Gale took my parents back to Ponyville a while ago now, every Pony else left after the Princesses this morning.” “Ah…” I said slowly. I caught Sky Flare’s emphasis on the word “Pony” and forced that term to forefront of my mind. “I uh… Hope none of them found my absence rude…” Ivora laughed. “None thought anything but good things, of that I am most certain.” “Hopefully our first few jobs will be as big a hit as our opening party,” Sky Flare chimed in, “I know quite a few Ponies who will be talking about last night for weeks to come.” “Well, so long as they all found it fun, I’ll be happy,” I said, “Even more so when my head stops trying to kill me.” Ivora smirked at my comment, then looked out towards the forest. “So, are ve to venture into the Everfree?” she asked, “Or will your Volves come to us here since we are alone?” “Since we’re alone, I’ll call them here,” I said, “Otherwise yeah, I would have taken us in. Not everyone’s so keen on seeing them, you know?” “I am sure.” She said, eying me. ‘Every Pony you idiot!’ I cursed myself mentally, ‘Stop saying everyone! Pony, say pony!’ I cleared my throat a took a deep breath, then attempted to howl as I usually did to call my wolves. I winced at the sound of my own voice and it cracked. It came out like a pitiful sort of wailing cry that reflected the agony I felt in my head. “Wow Silver,” Sky Flare laughed, “Real majestic there.” “Oh shut up,” I groaned, “You try howling with a hangover the size of Canterlot!” I sat down and looked away from them both in embarrassment. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks and my embarrassment grew at the sound of Sky Flare and Ivora’s giggling. After a moment I caught Sky Flare clear her throat, then a sweet, perfectly chorded howl rose from her lips. It started low, the rose in volume until it seemed to resonate with the cool night air. The pain in my head made me wince at her volume, but even still, I could appreciate the sound. She made my howls seem almost barbaric, while hers’ carried across the night like a song. “Showoff.” I muttered. She beamed a charming smile at me and shrugged. “We used to dress up as Timber Wolves when we were Fillies, remember?” she reminded me, “You don’t think we practiced our howls?” “And they vill truly come when summoned in such a manner?” Ivora asked. She sounded almost awed by the thought and I nodded. “It’s always worked for me so far,” I said, “Just give them a minute. They shouldn’t be too far.” After a moment, a half dozen howls answered back in response to Sky Flare’s howl, then silence fell over the forest. As we watched the tree line, the familiar glow of green eyes started to appear in the distance. First two, the four, then a full dozen pairs of leering, ominous orbs surveyed the clearing, and us within it. I heard Ivora gasp as my wolves began to silently creep out of the brush and into view. I watched her closely to see what she would do. Sky Flare had told me how enchanted Ivora had been by the thought of the Timber Wolves of the Everfree. How that ever since she’d caught a glimpse of one as a child, she’d always dreamed of one day seeing one again. And now, she had thirteen of them melting out of the foliage and stalking towards her. It was interesting to see the mix of wonder and terror grow on her face. “T-they are magnificent,” She said in barely more than a whisper, “And there are so many.” I did a quick head count and chuckled. “That’s only nine of them,” I said, “There are thirteen in total. They tend to stay half hidden to flank whatever they’re unsure about.” “Flank?” Ivora repeated, “Do they find me a threat?” “Not really,” I said, “But they’re not stupid either. They like to play things safe, even when I tell them everything is fine.” I focused on my bracelet briefly, sending out a reassuring wave of calm energy to my wolves. Ivora glanced at me for a moment, then eyed my bracelet curiously. I caught her glance and got to my feet quickly, trying to divert her attention from it. “Come on,” I said, “They won’t bite.” I forced myself to trot into the clearing to meet my wolves and smiled at them. “Everyone, this is Ivora,” I explained to them, “I know we’ve had a lot of peop-” I caught myself and resumed my sentence as smoothly as I could, “-Ponies coming and going the last while, and you’ve all been great about leaving them alone, but Ivora here is somepony I’d like you all to meet. So please, be nice.” I looked back to Ivora and found that she’d not left the porch yet. Sky Flare was gently encouraging her with a wing and whispering something I could only assume was words of comfort. I spotted Caspian at the far side of the Guild peering out in terror at me and my wolves, and I fought not to smirk at him. It was hard not to laugh at their reactions, even though I knew the fear of Timber Wolves all to well from personal experience. “They won’t hurt you,” I said softly, “I promise.” I looked to my wolves, who were all still creeping towards us and raised a hoof to halt them. “Kodama, could you come here please?” I asked, looking to one of my wolves. While they all listened to me, this one particular Timber Wolf always seemed to be at the head of the pack. He was always the first to howl back to me when I’d call them, and always seemed to be closest to me while out on patrols. Near as I could tell, he was their leader, their Alpha. Before I came along anyways. It was hard to give them all names, since they looked so similar, but Kodama was bigger than the rest. The wood that made up most of his body was also a darker and more weathered, so he was easier to identify at a glance. Kodama came over to me and sat down, a hollow growl slipping out from between his slightly parted jaws. “Oh calm down, you’re fine,” I whispered, “I know you’d rather be in the woods, but be nice for her, please?” A creaked snort escaped Kodama’s nose and he started towards Ivora with his head high, looking like a friendly dog coming to greet a stranger. Ivora took a nervous step back as he neared her, but Sky Flare held her in place with a wing. “It’ll be fine Ivora, look.” She walked out to meet Kodama and stood beside him. “See? He won’t hurt you.” Kodama sat down beside Sky Flare and awaited Ivora’s response. Tentatively, Ivora took a cautious step towards him and looked to me nervously. “K-Kodama?” she asked. I smiled at her and nodded. “It’s a name for a type of tree spirit,” I explained, “It seemed a fitting name.” “I have never heard such a name before,” she said, using the conversation to lessen her fears, “No doubt it is another uniqueness from where you are from?” “Something like that.” I answered. Sky Flare urged Ivora closer, and after a few painfully slow minutes, had finally coaxed her close enough for Kodama to sniff at her. Ivora trembled in fear, but as more time passed without incident, she gradually started to calm down. She looked Kodama over closely, taking in every detail, though she never tried to pet him. “I have never seen a Timber Volf up close before,” she said, more to herself than to any of us, “They are enchanting.” Kodama let out a nearly purr like rumble from the depths of his wooden core, almost seeming to enjoy Ivora’s complement. “You have no idea.” I chuckled. “I truly never thought I vould ever see one again,” Ivora whispered, “My Father vould hear nothing of my desires to visit the Everfree, and my Mother-” “M-miss Ebon Ivora?” Caspian’s trembling voice called, cutting her off, “Y-your carriage is ready to depart. And our escort has returned from Ponyville and is waiting. W-we should leave before it gets too late, lest your Mother and Father start to worry.” I thought that was awfully rude of him, cutting Ivora off like that, but then I took his distance into consideration. I could barely make out Ivora’s whispered words, and I was no more than a dozen paces away from her. Caspian was five times the distance easy, and half behind a wall. So, in all likelihood, he wouldn’t have heard a word any of us had said. Ivora sighed at Caspian’s words and looked longingly into Kodama’s eyes for a few moments longer, then stepped back. “I vould very much like to see you again when next I am here, Kodama,” she said softly, “If you vill permit it.” Kodama let out a lazy yawn and laid down, seemingly indifferent. “I vill hope that means a yes.” Ivora mused. She turned her attention to me and bowed her head deeply. “I truly thank you for allowing me to see your Volves, Silver Ving,” she said, “I vill return again vhen next I am able. And perhaps next time, I vill able be able to do more than simply stare like some school Mare.” Sky Flare laughed at her friends’ words, and despite my hangover, I joined in as well. “They take some getting used to,” Sky Flare said, “So don’t feel bad about just staring your first time. Next time, we’ll go for a walk with them in the forest. That should really get you comfortable around them.” “That vould be vonderful,” Ivora said, “I look forward to it.” Caspian didn’t come out from behind the Guild, and I frowned at him as Ivora trotted over to his side. I could tell he was scared of the Timber Wolves, but the excuse of Ivora’s parents worrying was clearly just a coward’s ruse to get them out of here sooner. “Thank you guys,” I said to my wolves, “You can go relax in the forest, or out here if you’d like. Everypony’s gone now.” They all murmured their responses, and while some simply laid down or sniffed about in the clearing, most returned to the forest and disappeared within it like silent wraiths. I followed after Ivora, and found that her eyes never left my Wolves, not until sight of them was blocked by the walls of the Guild. Sky Flare saw her friend off with a warm hug, and I bowed a polite farewell. Then Clyde, who had only just returned from his latest trip to Ponyville, turned around and started back, Ivora’s carriage in tow. I had offered to take them back instead, but Clyde had simply shrugged and said it was no bother for him and left before I could say anything more. I was internally grateful for that. I still had a brutal hangover and all I wanted to do was sleep it off, but I’d never ask one of my friends to do anything I wouldn’t do myself. So, I had to make the offer and see where it took me, no matter how bad I felt. As Ivora’s carriage disappeared out of sight, I dropped to the grass and let out a long sigh. “Can I sleep now?” I asked aloud. Sky Flare laughed from above me and nudged me with a hoof. “Not quite yet,” she said, “You need to drag your sorry hind quarters back to your bed first. Can’t have the Guild master passed out on the lawn.” “But it’s comfy.” I protested, though I knew she was right. “Come on,” she sighed and nudged me harder, “Make it to your room at least, then you can sleep the night away.” I groaned in protest but forced myself to my feet. At that moment, I caught a yelp from somewhere in the distance and looked at Sky Flare in confusion. “Did you hear that?” I asked. She nodded and looked around at the forest. “I thought you said everypony had left?” I checked. “They have,” she said, “It should just be you and me here now.” I looked to my wolves, but they seemed indifferent to the noise. That was probably my fault thought. I had told them to ignore anyone who might come by due to the party. There was a crash in the distance, like someone fighting their way through dense underbrush, then what I could only assume was a politer form of cursing. “Blasted tree branches swatting at my snout!” A voice cried out, “If you were a spice, I’d toss you out with the trash!” I glanced at Sky Flare quizzically, and she shrugged at me in turn. “Hello?” I called out. “Oy!” the voice called back, “I knew I heard somepony over this way! Can you give me a hoof and help my hefty girth outta this tangle a roots?” “Hefty girth?” I said, glancing to Sky Flare. She shrugged, and together we started for the section of forest the voice was coming from. Using the light of my bracelet, we started our search for the source of the voice. It took us a few minutes, but eventually we came across a rather heavyset unicorn stuck on his back in a tangle of roots. He was covered in mud, with sticks and leaves strewn about his mane and coat. “Oy!” he called cheerfully, “Names Landias! Mind getting me outta here?” “Uh… Sure.” I said, a little surprised by his cheerfulness. If I was in his situation, I’d have been embarrassed to say the least, but he seemed to be chuckling to himself about it. I looked him over quickly and nodded for Sky Flare to get to his other side. Together, we managed to loosen the roots enough for Landias to wriggle free, then helped him back onto his feet. “Phew!” He said happily, “Got me out of a right pickle there!” He patted me on the back hard and my head reeled from the impacts. “Ooh, I know that look,” he said, “Somepony’s had a pint or two too many. Guess that means old Landias missed the party, eh?” “You were a guest?” I asked, though that would be the only reason for someone to be out in the woods this close to the Guild. “I was indeed!” Landias said with a laugh, “Or at least, I was supposed to be. Actually, a caterer if I’m to be completely honest.” “Caterer?” I repeated, then looked to Sky Flare for answers. Sky Flare furrowed her brow and thought for a moment, then nodded to herself. “We did have one caterer that was a no show,” she said, “A Mr. Oats.” “That’ll be me alright, Landias Oats, at your culinary pleasure!” He chuckled and scratched the back of his head, seemingly embarrassed, “At least, I was supposed to be. See, I didn’t want to wait for the next escort run from Ponyville, so I figured I’d just make my own way here. Got lost on the way, and had my cart eaten by some right nasty rock with more teeth than I got knives. Spent the whole night wandering around, lost as a blind fly. After Celestia set the sun to rest tonight, I spotted some light over yonder and got stuck trying to make it there. Lucky you two found me when you did. Had some right nasty looking Timber Wolves stalking me for a while now. Kept herding me this way and that. Think I gave them the slip though.” I sighed at his story. “You went off on your own into the Everfree Forest? With a cart of food!?” Sky Flare scoffed, “You’re an idiot! You could have been killed! The escorts are there for a reason you know!” Landias shrugged. “Might be an idiot, might not be,” he said simply, “Life’s too short to be worried about it. Besides, way I see it, that rock got a good meal, and as it’s my job to make others full, I’m happy the food didn’t go to waste.” He beamed a smile at us then looked over my shoulder towards the light of the Guild. “That being said though,” he went on, “I don’t fancy the thought of becoming a meal myself, so if the two of you would kindly lead me to wherever it is you came from, I’d be bubbly as a stew.” “Bubbly as a stew?” I mused, then shook my head. “This way… We’ll get you out of here.” “Great!” He said with a laugh. I moved closer to Sky Flare and shook my head in bewilderment. “The Timber Wolves were probably trying to lead him to the Guild,” I whispered, “But he probably didn’t make it easy for them…” “Idiot’s luckily to be alive,” Sky Flare scoffed, “The only rock thing with teeth I know of is a Cragadile. I don’t think even your Timber Wolves would want to mess with one of those.” “Wonderful,” I sighed, “At least he made it here in one piece though.” As we emerged into the clearing of the Guild grounds, I caught a whistle of awe escape Landias. “So, this is the place eh?” he said, “A mighty fine setup I must say.” “Uh, thanks.” I said. “I don’t mean to be a mooch or nothing, but I don’t suppose you’d let me stay the night?” Landias asked sheepishly, “Had a bit of a rough day, if you know what I mean, and a warm meal and a bed sounds about as good to me as a Celestia Day feast!” I nodded my head and forced a smile to my face. “We can give you a bed and a meal,” I said, “But leftovers are about all we got. Unless you want Oats and a few carrots.” “Ain’t nothing wrong with leftovers,” Landias said, “Best not to waste food if you can help it. Though a place this big, how is it you only got oats and carrots for a fresh meal? Doesn’t your cook whip up anything more special than that?” “We kinda just make what we can,” I laughed, “We all take turns making our food.” Landias stopped in his tracks. “You mean you don’t have a cook!?” he gasped. “Uhh,” I glanced at Sky Flare at his change in demeanor, then looked back to him and shrugged, “No?” Landias scoffed. “That is unacceptable!” he cried out, “You can’t have a place like this and no cook!” He frowned at us both and shook his head. “I’ve been looking for a place to settle down at for a while now, and here’s as good a place as any. So, I Landias Oats will be your new full time cook!” “W-what!” I stammered, “But we’re not looking for a-” “You give me a chance to whip you up something better than Oats and a carrot and see if you think better of the idea then!” Landias cut in with a laugh. He pushed his way passed us and trotted towards the Guild, an eager skip to his heavy step. “Just give me a chance to show you what having a real horn in the kitchen can do for those weary taste buds of yours!” he laughed back at us, “You won’t regret it, I guarantee you!” I looked to Sky Flare for help, but she seemed as stunned by this other Pony as I was. “But we don’t…” I started, then gave up. I was too hungover to argue, and at worst, Clyde and Gale could take this Unicorn back to Ponyville in the morning. “Well…” Sky Flare said reluctantly, “A cook would be nice I guess… But I don’t know about this Unicorn. He seems a little… Eccentric.” “Honestly Sky, right now I don’t care,” I admitted wearily, “I just want to go to bed… If he’s not what he says, we’ll take him back to Ponyville in the morning, but for now, I just want to sleep.” “Yeah,” Sky Flare said nodding, “You look terrible.” I frowned at her. She smiled indifferently at me. “Go get some rest,” She said, “I’ll keep an eye on this Landias tonight, and let the others know what’s up when they return.” “Perk of being Guild Master, eh?” I joked, “Delegating the work to others so I can be lazy and sleep.” I tried to laugh, but the ache in my head just wouldn’t let me. Sky Flare snorted at me and looked away, but I could still see the grin she was trying to hide. > The First Mission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke with a start to sound of a ringing bell. For the briefest moment, I thought I was back in school and had dozed off in class, only to be woken up by the lunch bell. I sat up quickly and looked around, blinking rapidly as I recognized my room in the Guild. The bell was thunderous, and as my startled mind calmed itself, I could make out a faint voice calling from somewhere beyond my room. “Come and get it!” The voice sounded, “Breakfast is served!” “Breakfast?” I groaned. I looked towards my window and saw the sun shinning beyond, but it felt early, very early. I tensed as I remembered my hangover from the day before, but much to my surprise I felt only a mild throb in the back of my head now. I sighed in relief at that. Whatever was in the Dragon’s Kiss had one hell of a kick, but thankfully it didn’t seem to linger for too long. I dropped out of bed and stretched as the ringing faded. ‘What was that?’ I thought, ‘And who’s voice was that?’ It hadn’t been familiar to me, but with the volume it’d called out I didn’t expect its owner to remain secret for long. Scanning my room quickly, I found my vest draped over a chair nearby and, with the help of my bracelets’ magic, slipped it on. Nearly every pony I’d seen in Equestria was perfectly comfortable wearing nothing, but old habits died hard for me. I just didn’t feel comfortable without something on, even if it was just a simple vest. I trotted out of my room and into the main hall of the Guild and was surprised to see a heavyset yellow Unicorn setting a half dozen plates of food onto two tables. The plates drifted about him with the faint aura of orange magic, and I was impressed with the ease he controlled so many objects at once. I recalled the last time I had seen a Unicorn manipulate so many items in unison. It was during the demonstration for Princess Luna some time ago, back in Canterlot. I’d been fighting against Malican, a Unicorn in the Canterlot Guard. He was incredibly skilled with his magic, but he had tired quickly when he tried to come at me with handful of weapons at once. It was that drain on his stamina that had allowed me to ultimately beat him, but this Unicorn seemed to be having no issues at all. In fact, as I drew closer I noticed he had more than just plates under his control. He had several glasses of water, napkins and a few smaller dishes of what looked like honey. He must have had a dozen items dancing to his horns magic, and all moved the ease I would have had walking. I watched in silent awe as the assortment of items drifted to their place on the tables and caught a surprised gasp off to my left as the last dish settled. “Wow,” said a voice, “This looks fantastic!” I recognized the voice as Sky Flare’s and nodded as the smell reached my nose. “Oy!” the Unicorn called as Sky Flare’s comment caught his attention, “Come and get it while it’s still hot!” Lured by the aroma of food, I found myself sitting down at the nearest table before I could stop myself. Sky Flare seemed to share my trance and quickly made her way to the seat beside me. Looking over the spread before me, I saw a hearty stack of pancakes and a small dish of thickened cream with a smaller dish of sugar beside it. A wide bowl of honey and a dish of butter sat beside those, all arranged from largest to smallest. “Where’d all this come from?” I asked Sky Flare in surprise, “I thought all we had were oats?” “So did I.” she replied, clearly as stunned as I was. “That you did!” The yellow Unicorn laughed. He threw his head back as he did so, and I realized for the first time that he had a thick red beard that matched his mane and tail. At his laugh, I finally recognized him. “You’re that Unicorn we found in the Everfree last night!” I gasped, “Lando!” “Landias,” he corrected me with a smile, “Landias Oats! Your new cook!” “New cook?” I repeated. My mind was still clouded from the fading hangover and the abrupt wake up call from a few minutes ago, but as I got my brain working again, I remembered the events of last night more clearly. “We never agreed on that,” I said, “We just-” “-Just said I could stay the night and see about me maybe working for you, I know full well,” Landias chuckled, “But as I said last night, you give me a chance to treat those taste buds of yours and you’ll be praising Celestia at your good fortune of having me around!” He grinned at me as he finished and nodded towards the pancakes. “Not the most I could come up with after seeing what you had in that kitchen of yours, but I whipped up some oat pancakes and turned some of your milk into a nice sweat cream. Honey’s from by saddlebags, as are a few of the seasonings. All good cooks keep a few extras with them, just in case.” “These are oat pancakes?” I said in disbelief. They looked like normal pancakes to me, not the little oat flakes we’d been eating. “Ground them up nice and fine this morning,” Landias said, “Now give em a try and see what you both think.” Before I could try the food, I heard the main doors of the Guild creak open and glanced back to see Clyde coming into the Guild. “Heard the bell,” he said calmly, “I take it I can dig in now Landias?” “Made sure to make some doubly thick one’s for you Clyde.” Landias mused. Clyde smiled and sat down at the second table eagerly. “You two know each other?” I asked, catching the fact Clyde called Landias by name. “Met last night.” Clyde said simply. He wasted no time loading up a plate with food and digging in. “Clyde here helped me to figure out what you have in your pantry, and where it was all stored,” Landias explained, “Lent me a few pans too. Now, enough with the questions already, your food’s getting cold!” I was hesitant to just chow down on some stranger’s food, but the eager look on his face showed no signs of a hidden motive. He just looked like an expectant cook, waiting to hear what others thought of his food. I glanced at Clyde and saw a contented smile on his face as he ate his plateful heartily. Looking to Sky Flare, I saw that she had already filled a plate and was eating hungrily. I frowned a little at her willingness to trust a stranger so readily, but this was a different world after all, and if they were both willing to trust him, maybe I should too. “How is it?” I asked. “Ish famtastic!” she said through a mouthful of pancake. With a reluctant sigh, I loaded my own plate, using the magic of my bracelet to move things more easily than I ever could with my hooves. “Now there’s a trick I haven’t seen a Pegasus pull off before!” Landias gasped, “How you using magic?” I smiled at him and flashed my golden bracelet. The gemstone shone as I continued to use its power to set my meal as I explained. “Magic bracelet,” I said vaguely, “Never been too good with my hooves, so it helps me with day to day things.” “I bet it does,” Landias said, nodding to himself, “Where’d you pick something like that up?” “I’m not from around Equestria,” I said, “So I’ve a few tricks up my… Wings.” I smiled widely at Landias, partially to be polite and partly due to the fact I hadn’t slipped up and said, ‘Few tricks up my sleeve’. Landias seemed to sense that I didn’t want to explain further and fell silent as he waited for me to try his cooking. Knowing it would be rude to wait any longer, I dug in. I wasn’t sure what I had expected oat and cream pancakes to taste like, but it wasn’t this. These were light, fluffy, and the taste of cinnamon and sugar danced across my tongue. I glanced at the food in surprise, then looked back to Landias. He had a knowing grin on his bearded face and nodded to himself as he met my gaze. I half expected him to say something, but as he remained silent, I returned to my meal. All thoughts of further questions left my mind and I ate one pancake after the next. They tasted better than any I had ever made in my world and just I couldn’t seem to get enough. About the only thing that could have made it better for me, would be if there had been a couple eggs and some bacon on the side, but I knew better than to hope for that here. “Wow Silver,” Sky Flare chuckled from beside me, “You’ve eaten almost as many as Clyde!” I swallowed my last bite and glanced at the heavily diminished stack of pancakes on our table, then looked over to Clyde’s and frowned as I saw that she was right. “His are twice the size though.” I grumbled as a flush of embarrassment crossed my muzzle. I wanted another plateful, but I forced myself to slide my now empty plate away. “So?” Landias asked, “Now that you’ve had a taste of old Landias’ cooking, you feel I got what it takes to keep your merry band fed and content?” “He’s got my vote.” Clyde called as he loaded his plate up once again. I smirked at him and looked to Sky Flare to hear her thoughts. She let out a content burp and sighed happily as she leaned back. “Well, I did a little checking up on him before we hired him for the Guilds’ opening ceremony,” she said, “Me and Gale checked on everypony that was supposed to cook or entertain. Based on what I found, I’ve got nothing to hold against him. And I have to admit, that was the best breakfast I’ve had since we’ve been here.” I had to nod in agreement. “That was an impressive meal.” I said. “And it would be nice to have a Unicorn in the Guild roster,” She went on, “Hooves and wings are all well and good, but as I’m sure you can agree, sometimes a little magic just makes things easier.” My eyes fell to my bracelet and I nodded again. “True,” I said, “Though we do technically have a Unicorn in the Guild.” “And who’s that?” Sky Flare asked. “Dawn.” I said. Sky Flare scoffed. “I meant a real Unicorn.” I frowned at her. “Dawn is a real Unicorn.” She eyed me knowingly and opened her mouth to speak, then paused for a moment as she thought about what she was going to say. “I meant a Unicorn that has some experience with being a Unicorn,” she went on, “Landias no doubt has been using magic since he first realized he had a horn, while little miss Green Horn only started learning what she could do about the same time you learned how to fly, right?” I got her meaning and was grateful that she had better control over her tongue than I usually did. I resisted the urge to look over my shoulder at one of the many observation crystals the Princesses has installed around the Guild and shook my head in an attempt to ignore them. “True…” I agreed slowly. “And besides, it’s not like she’s actually a part of this Guild anyways,” Sky Flare went on, “She’s an honorary member at best. She doesn’t follow your orders, she won’t be taking on any missions, she just drops by if and when it suits her needs. We haven’t even heard from her since the last time she was here, and that was how long ago now? So, we could use a real Unicorn around that will actually, you know, be here.” I frowned at her for a long while as I thought about what she’d said, then looked to Landias as a new thought crossed my mind. “Why do you want to be our cook?” I asked. “Why?” Landias chuckled, “Cooking food is what I do! I love feeding Ponies young and old. There’s just somethin’ that brings a smile to my face when I see a Pony leave the table with a full belly and a sleepy eye.” “I can understand that,” I said, “But why here? Why join us instead of opening up a restaurant in Canterlot or someplace else where your skills will be more renowned than our little Guild?” “If I wanted renown I would have done just that,” Landias admitted, “And if I’m to be rightly honest, I did own a right high-end place in Canterlots’ main run. But there’s no joy in feeding that type of Pony. They raise their nose at anything and more often than not, leave a plate more an’ half full. It breaks my heart to waste a good meal like that. So, I packed up my things and set out to find something more to my liking.” “And here is more to your liking?” I asked, “Most Ponies are terrified of the Everfree.” Landias winked at me and a shimmer of orange light crept up his horn. “I ain’t most Ponies,” He said, “I’ve talked a good deal with your friends and I like the work you’ll be doing. I’d be right content doing my part to help you along with that. And besides, do you know how many rare and exotic spices can only be found in the Everfree? And who knows how many are sittin’ out there just waiting to be discovered!” He let out a rumbling laugh and grinned, “I’ll have access to all of em if I stay here! And cause of that, you’ll be having tastes of things not even the Princesses can easily get their hooves on.” I thought on his answer for a few moments, then nodded. He seemed genuine in his reasons, and he did make a good breakfast. Far better than anything I’d have ever been able to make in his place. “Alright,” I said, “You can be our new cook. But no wandering off into the Everfree on your own, alright? Have one of us go with you, just to be safe. It is dangerous out there.” A wide grind crept over Landias’ face and he began gathering up our empty plates with his magic. “That suits me just fine,” he said, “Just fine indeed.” I watched him as he trotted off back into the kitchen, then looked to Sky Flare and frowned. “What?” she said, catching my look. “New to magic or not, Dawn is still my friend Sky,” I said, “So could you at least try to speak a little nicer about her?” She shrugged and stretched out wings contently but said nothing. I sighed and shook my head at her. She hadn’t liked Dawn from the start, just like with Winter… Some Ponies she was fine with, but others just seemed to ruffle her feathers in such a way that nothing could change her mind. Deciding to change the subject, I leaned closer to Sky Flare and whispered. “While he is a great cook, I still want to keep an eye on him for a while, just in case.” Sky Flare nodded her understanding. “I’ll let Gale know,” she said, “But with cooking that good, I don’t think I’ll mind if he turned out to be Queen Chrysalis. So long as I get fed first.” She chuckled at me and with a groan, rose to her feet. “Speaking of Gale,” I said, “Where is he?” I hadn’t seen him come in to eat after Landias had called the rest of us in. Winter Light I knew was out doing whatever he needed to with the time off he’d requested, but I figured Gale would have been here by now with how loudly Landias has called. Sky Flare shook her head at me and nodded to the kitchen. “Not too observant today, are you Mr. Guild Master,” she teased, “Gale’s been in the kitchen. I told him about Landias when he got back last night, and he kept a close watch on him the whole time he was cooking. He even came out and ate already, but you were too busy chowing down to notice.” “Well… The food was good…” I mumbled. I looked around the Guild hall for Gale in an attempt to hide my embarrassment and caught a glimpse of him in the kitchen as he passed by the doorway. “Thank you for doing that though,” I added after a moment, “I was not with it last night at all.” “You can say that again,” Sky Flare laughed, “But after everything you’ve told me, I think you deserved a good night like you had.” “Hey, you joined in too.” I said. “A good night like we had then.” She amended. She opened her wings wide and moaned softly as she stretched low like a cat. “So, with the opening ceremony all done and over with, what’s on the list for today Guild Master Silver Wing?” I smirked at her and stretched out my own wings as I left the table. “We go out on our first mission.” I said. Sky Flare grinned. “Great! What mission are we taking?” “Patience,” I said smiling, “Have everypony meet back here in an hour for our mission briefing. I’ll give out the details then.” She frowned at me forcing her to wait, but she nodded and trotted off towards the kitchen. ‘Now then,’ I thought, ‘Time to figure out our game plan.’ An hour later, I entered the main room of the Guild and found Sky Flare, Gale, Clyde and Landias already standing around the largest of our tables as they waited for me. “So?” Sky Flare asked eagerly, “What’s our first mission going to be?” I chuckled at her and pulled a large rolled up map from under my left wing. Using the magic of my bracelet, I spread the map out atop the table for all to see. From a chest pocket on my vest, I pulled out two small pins, one with a silver cap, and another with a red. Carefully, I stuck the silver capped pin into the map, roughly where the Timber Wolves Guild was located within the Everfree Forest. The second pin I stuck into a small village several miles to the West of us. “Far Stables?” Sky Flare said aloud as she read the name of the village where I had stuck the pin, “Isn’t that where we met Clyde?” Clyde let out an annoyed snort and nodded. “Yeah,” he confirmed, “It’s also where those thugs tried to steal my wagon.” “Exactly.” I said. I withdrew a small bundle of papers from under my right wing and tossed them onto the table. The papers spread out atop the map, revealing them to be three wanted posters with masked Ponies sketched into the fronts. Sky Flare slid one of the posters closer and frowned at me. “These are the posters you had the Sheriff there make up… What was his name again? Colten?” “Sheriff Colten Ironhorn,” I said, “Not the friendliest of Unicorns, nor the most capable of law enforcement.” “It’s not really his fault,” Sky Flare said, “I’ve explained that to you before Silver. The further you get from Canterlot, the harder it is to keep anything but towns and villages safe.” “Oh I remember,” I said, “But it was this town that started it all for me. That, and the Sheriff’s inability to do anything when travelers like Clyde get robbed on their way from place to place. If we hadn’t flown over Clyde when we did, I might never have gotten the desire to make all this happen. So, it’s only fitting that the troubles that brought this Guild to life be the first place we set right with the authority that has been given to us by the Princesses.” “Far Stables is the better part of a week from here though,” Clyde said, “And it’s none to gentle of a trek.” “Most of our issues are going to be far from here,” I said, “But that’s to be expected. Canterlot can take care of itself. It’s every place else that’s in need. As we get more members, things will get easier. But for this mission, I think it’ll be best if Sky Flare, Gale and I take it on. Clyde, you’re not a fan of conflict, and I will respect that by keeping you out of any missions I can that could involve a fight of some sort. Besides, there’s plenty enough to do around the Guild still anyways, and Landias… I think you’d be best right here too. I don’t like the thought of leaving just one Pony here alone for any length of time, not unless it’s me. I’d take Winter with us too, but he won’t be back for another few days yet, and I don’t think I can wait any longer to get our first mission underway.” Sky Flare scoffed at my mentioning of Winter and rolled her eyes at me. “We’ll be just fine with us three,” she said, “Besides, Winter still can’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag and you know full well these bandits won’t come nicely.” “We know of three Bandits,” Gale chimed in, “But we should assume there are more. The reports given about them are too vague to count as reliable.” “I agree,” I said, “So we’ll assume there are more. Always expect the worst, that way you’ll never be surprised.” Sky Flare glared at me as I ignored her to reply to Gale and snorted irritably. “So what’s the plan then?” She asked with a huff, “They won’t just be lined up waiting for us when we get there.” “We’ll get a cart when we reach Far Stables,” I explained, “We’ll load it up to make it look like a good target and go for a trot through the woods. Right along the same path where they got the jump on Clyde. We’ll take our time of course, and set up camp in the woods if we have to. Break a wagon wheel or something that’ll leave us looking like an easy target to any unseen eyes. We’ll catch any Bandits that show up, and from them find out where their hideout is and how many more they may have there. We can drop them all off in Far Stables after that and collect on the bounties to cover our expenses.” “Sounds simple enough I guess…” Sky Flare said, though she sounded unsure. “We’ll need to pick up a few supplies from Ponyville before we set off,” Gale said, “But we should be able to make good time if we leave by noon.” I nodded to him, then looked around the table. “My thoughts exactly,” I said, “Any questions, comments, or concerns?” “Just be careful…” Clyde said with a sigh, “I know I shouldn’t worry, but I will… So just be careful.” I smiled at him and nodded. “This is part of the job, eh?” Landias mused, “I’ll bet a fair few tales will be told in this hall before long then. Though i’m afraid I won’t have the best travel food for you this time. But by the time you lot are ready for your next go at things, I’ll have you the best meals any Pony could dream of for their nights away from home.” “I look forward to it Landias,” I said, “Now, unless there’s anything else, Sky Flare, Gale, gather what you’ll need and be ready to take flight come Noon. I’ll do the same, as well as get together the documents from Celestia giving us the authority to act as an independent arm of the law. “You’d best pack your armor too,” Sky Flare commented, “You know full well we’re going to be getting into a fight before the end of this.” “I will if you bring yours.” I laughed. “You know full well you and Gale are the only Ponies with armor, Silver!” Sky Flare snorted, “And unlike yours, mine isn’t a rush order from the Princesses finest. So it’ll be weeks yet before I can pick it up.” “Then it looks like I have a few weeks before I can wear mine,” I teased, “Afterall, we can’t have the Guild show up with only some of its members looking the part.” She glared at me for a moment, then trotted off towards her room. “If you get hurt again, it’s all on you, Guild Master Silver Wing!” I shook my head and looked at Gale. “Honestly, I don’t think armor is needed against a few bandits,” I said, “I mean, Sky Flare, Clyde and I beat them up without much issue the last time. We just didn’t bother to stop them from running off. That, and I’d feel horrible if I scratched a gift from the Princesses.” “Gift or not, armor is meant to be worn,” Gale said simply, “And any scratch on said armor is an injury lessened or prevented for the wearer. But I make no suggestions to the Guild Master, I am merely stating my own thoughts on the matter. If you are confident these bandits will not be an issue, then I will heed your wisdom.” I half frowned at his statement, then noticed the concerned look on Clyde’s face. “We’ll bring armor just in case,” I sighed, “But I really don’t think we’ll need it.” Gale nodded and trotted off for his room. “Better to be safe than sorry.” Clyde said simply. ‘Easy for you to say,’ I thought, ‘You’re not the one that has to carry it.’ “I’ll pack you what I can,” Landias said, “Though it won’t be much.” “I appreciate it,” I said, “And Clyde, while we’re gone, if you could please take Landias into Ponyville so he can get whatever he’ll need to cook for us in the long run, our stomachs will all be grateful.” Landias chuckled as Clyde nodded. “Can do.” He said. “Great.” I nodded to them both, then excused myself from the table to get my own packing started. I didn’t expect things to be too difficult with this mission, but I was still excited for it. This would be my first real step towards being who I was in my world. My first step towards helping people again and making things better for those I could. This would be the something I needed to hold my focus while Dawn learned what she could to get me back home again. I felt a shiver run down my spine and grinned in anticipation. This was going to be fun, and I just couldn’t wait for it all to begin. > Bandits in the Woods > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We had made good time in our flight across Equestria towards the town of Far Stables. We were only a few hours from it now, but we had decided to spend the night in a small thicket and rest before our first mission truly began. It would also be better to meet with the Sheriff in the morning, and it would be easier to gather what we’d need to set up our trap for the Bandits. I sneezed and crept closer to our campfire for warmth. “Getting a cold Silver?” Sky Flare teased from across the fire. “No,” I sniffed, “It’s just colder out here than it is in the Everfree.” Sky Flare chuckled. “Of course it’s colder,” she said, “It’s fall Silver. The Everfree isn’t controlled like everywhere else in Equestria. It has its own seasons and weather, remember? It still feels like summer in there, but it’s well past that everywhere else. You haven’t had much chance to notice since it’s always me, Gale, or Clyde that goes in to Ponyville for our supplies.” She shook her and sighed softly. “It’s what you get for playing the Hermit and staying behind at the Guild every chance you get.” I shifted closer to the fire and spread my wings out to try and catch as much warmth as I could. “I’m not a hermit Sky,” I grumbled, “I’ve just been busy with the repairs and getting everything else in order. Besides…” I glanced over to our tents and listened a moment for the sound of Gale’s soft snores before I continued, “You know I’m not as good at shopping here as you are. I have no idea what’s worth what still. You do.” “You’ll have to learn eventually,” she said, “But don’t worry about it for now.” “I’m not,” I said, “Right now I’m only worried about warming up.” I sniffled as I felt another sneeze coming on and held my breath till the growing sensation faded. “This is stupid,” I sighed, “I’m usually really good with the cold.” I caught the muffled sounds of snickering and frowned across the fire at Sky Flare. The light played tricks with the shadows of the night and I couldn’t make out her expression, but I knew she was grinning at me. Shuffling into a more comfortable position, I looked into the fire and tried to think warm thoughts. “Would you like to learn a trick to stay warm?” She offered after a time. I frowned at her once again and watched as she walked over to sit beside me. “A trick?” I repeated, “Why didn’t you offer this trick last night? Or the night before when I was chattering like a wood pecker!?” “Because Gale wasn’t asleep then,” Sky Flare said in a softer voice, “And this is a Pegasus trick even a colt would know by the time he took his first flight. Gale would have been more than a little suspicious if I brought this up around him.” I glanced at Gale’s tent, where the sound of his snoring still carried on in a rhythmic pattern. He had stayed up late the last two nights and only turned in early tonight to be well rested for the morning. Sky Flare was the only Pony who knew who I really was, what I had been in my world, and just how lost that made me here. If this really was something that everypony knew, Gale would have been understandably suspicious, or at the very least, curious enough to write about it to the Princesses. I sighed at her and nodded my understanding. “Fair enough,” I said, “Now what’s this trick?” “Look at me.” She said softly. I did as she asked, but she didn’t seem to be doing anything special. She was just sitting there, with a content smile on her face. Her eyes shimmered their rich golden amber in the firelight, and her red coat almost seemed to glow from this angle, but other than that she was the same as always. “Are you going to do something…?” I asked after almost a minute of silence had passed between us. She shook her head at me and raised a hoof to her chest. “Watch here,” she whispered, “Closely.” I felt a flash of embarrassment at her asking me to stare at her chest in the firelight like this, but I shook the thought from my mind quickly. This wasn’t my world. Staring at a woman’s chest didn’t matter here, since there was nothing to stare at. Looking closer, I still didn’t see anything happening. I was about to say as much, when Sky Flare seemed to literally shrink before my eyes. About an inch all around her just flattened in on itself and I gasped in surprise. “W-what!?” I stammered. “Shh!” Sky Flare snapped, “Keep your voice down or you’ll wake Gale.” “B-but, how?” I asked more softly, “You shrunk yourself!” She smirked at me and shook her head again. “This is how I normally am you goof,” she chuckled, “I was puffed up before, look.” I stared in stunned amazement as Sky Flare seemingly inflated that extra inch once again and I half reached a hoof out to poke her before I stopped myself. “I don’t understand.” I said. “You ever seen a bird rouse its feathers on a cold day?” Sky Flare asked. I thought for a moment then nodded. Birds would rouse their feathers to trap more air between their feathers to help insulate them and keep them warm when needed, but we weren’t birds. We only had feathers on our wings, not our entire bodies. “Yeah,” I said, “But we’re not covered in feathers. Aside from our wings anyway.” “True, but we Pegasai can still rouse ourselves a little when needed,” Sky Flare explained, “It serves the same purpose as a birds feathers, though it’s less noticeable on us. It’s also most noticeable on our chests, though it does rouse the hair on our legs and sides too.” I looked down at myself and frowned. “I don’t think I’ve ever done that before,” I said, “How do I do it?” “You’ve done it plenty of times,” Sky Flare chuckled, “You probably just never noticed.” “I have?” I asked, “When?” “Usually when you’re flustered,” she smirked, “Or really into a good fight. It’s kind of cute actually. I know exactly when you’re losing yourself in the heat of the moment when we spar, because you fluff right up every time.” I frowned at her, not sure if she was making a joke or not. “I’m not sure I believe you about fighting like that,” I said flatly, “But how do I go about doing it on purpose?” “Well, it’s something most every Pegasus learns on their own, usually before they can even fly,” she said thoughtfully, “It’s not something that can just be explained… It’s more a feeling. A muscle you need to realize you have before you can use it.” “Okay, so what can I do then?” I asked, “Sit here all night thinking fluffy thoughts?” Sky Flare grinned at me and tilted her head thoughtfully. I felt a knot well up in the pit of my stomach as I recognized the gleam in her eye and tensed, unsure of what she was thinking. Like a cat, she stalked towards me. She practically slithered across the intervening space between us, fluid and graceful. I swallowed nervously and slid backwards out of reflex until my back struck something hard. Glancing back, I found a large tree to be barring my escape and before I could get to my feet to run, Sky Flare was in front of me. She placed a hoof firmly to my chest and pressed me back against the tree, holding me in place. My body went rigid as I tried to figure out what she was doing. I could feel my breath quicken and my heart started to race as Sky Flare’s face drew dangerously close to mine. I was wholly caught off guard by her sudden advance on me and my body refused to help me try to escape. “W-what are you doing Sky!?” I gasped. I felt like I was in shock. She didn’t answer. Instead, she licked her lips and grinned alluringly into my eyes. I tensed anew as she drew even closer to me. My heart was racing so fast it felt like it would leap from my chest and I could hear it pounding away inside my ears like a constant thunder. “W-w-what are you d-doing!?” I stammered, but my mind just was not working. I had no idea where this sudden change had come from and for all my usual strength, I was too stunned to react. I could feel her form gently press up against mine and tried to slide back, but the tree gave no ground before my feeble attempt at escape. Sky Flare moved as if to kiss me, then slid her face along the side of mine until her lips came to rest beside my ear. After a tense moment that seemed to last an eternity, a hot breath blew into my ear and I shuddered at the sensation. I felt a shiver run up my spine like a jolt of electricity, and as if that shiver had somehow loosed her spider web hold over me, I lurched to the side awkwardly and scrambled to my feet my feet as quickly as I could. “Like a charm.” Sky Flare purred as I turned to face her once more. “W-what?” I said, now more confused than ever. I had thought my heart was racing before, but it was setting a record now. I felt like I could barely breathe. She smiled victoriously at me and chuckled as she sat back against the tree where I had just been pinned. “I told you,” she cooed, “You usually fluff right up when you get flustered. So, I flustered you. And it worked perfectly.” It took my overloaded brain a moment to understand what she’d said. ‘I fluff up when I get flustered?’ the words repeated in mind again and again until it slowly dawned on me, ‘She flustered me on purpose…?’ When it finally made sense, I glanced down at my legs and sure enough I was very much fluffed out. I had no idea how I’d done that, but this type of teaching method was too much for heart to handle. “It didn’t work at all!” I barked. I heard my own voice crack a little as my shock crept through, but I forced myself to ignore it. “I still have no idea how I did it!” I went on, “And I don’t want to go through something like that every time I get cold!” “No?” Sky Flare said, tilting her head innocently, “Too bad. I rather enjoyed it myself. And seeing you flustered like this always brings a smile to my face.” I frowned at her and felt a chill rush over me as my body settled back down. “Ivora enjoyed it too you know,” Sky Flare went on, a mischievous grin crossing her lips, “Because of you, she doesn’t think she’ll be able to sleep comfortably again without a Pegasus of her own for a pillow.” My mind flashed back to that morning a few days ago when Sky Flare and Ivora had snuck into my bed to wake me up with their twisted prank and I felt another shiver run up my spine. “Oh my,” Sky Flare mused, “Looks like that thought’s a winner.” I glanced down and once again, my body had fluffed right out. That shiver up my spine seemed to be what was setting it off. It reminded me of when I’d get goose bumps in my old body, only it seemed to be controllable in this one. I’d dwell on it more later though, right now I was still too wound up to relax enough to think about it too much. “That was not funny Sky,” I grumbled, “How would you like it if I did that to you? Got you all flustered and tongue tied?” “You have,” She stated, “Remember the river near Canterlot? When you were first teaching me to fight like you?” I thought back for a moment, then recalled the time I had I caught her mid swing and moved as if to kiss her, before dropping her spluttering into the river with a laugh. I looked away from her and frowned into the fire. “As for whether or not I’d like it…” She said softly, “… You already know the answer to that, Silver.” I sighed at her words and sat down again. I wasn’t sure what to say to that. I knew she liked me, but I just couldn’t bring myself to return those feelings, not yet. It was still too strange a thought to me, too against what was considered normal or appropriate in my world. And even if that wasn’t the case, how could I justify trying to pursue anyone here when there was a chance I would still get back home to my own world? How would that be fair to her? Or me for that matter. It was hard enough making friends here that I know I’d never see again if I ever could get back home, but a lover? Then I’d be stuck longing for a different world no matter which I wound up staying in. I heard a faint snort then the sound of hooves walking away. “Don’t worry about it Silver,” Sky Flare’s voice called back me, “I’m turning in for the night, so I’ll see you in the morning.” “Y-yeah,” I said weakly, “See you…” Maybe I was being stupid, trying to hold onto the chance of getting home like I was, but I couldn’t help it. It was my home. It was all I had ever known until I found myself here. I had to keep that hope of returning in my heart, or I’d go mad. The only reason I wasn’t a depressed wreck as it was, was because Dawn was working so hard to get me home. The Guild, the sparring with Sky Flare, my whole life now was just a way to pass the time while Dawn worked to fulfill her promise of getting me home. I couldn’t give up on that, and if I let myself get too close to Sky Flare, or anyone else… I don’t know if I could handle that. I’d be trapped between two worlds then, not just one and I couldn’t say which I’d pick. It was just too much to consider, too much to face. I groaned aloud and dropped my head to the grass beside the fire. I focused on my neck and tried to summon that electric shiver along it, and gradually felt myself fluff out again. I focused on keeping myself like that, and before long I did indeed feel warmer, physically anyway… “Looks like a little bird’s having himself some Mare troubles.” An amused voice chuckled from behind me. I bolted up to my feet and looked around for the source of the unexpected voice, but the firelight blanketed the area outside our camp in darkness. “We’d be right happy to help you with her if you need,” a second, deeper voice chimed in, “Though I can’t say we might not decide to keep her for ourselves.” I frowned at their shared laughter and finally caught sight of movement off to my left. As I watched, an Earth Pony nearly as big as Clyde stalked into the firelight, and trailing after him a much smaller Earth Pony of a matching look. They both had dark brown coats and shaggy red manes. They didn’t look like the masked Bandits that had attacked Clyde, if mainly due to the fact that they had no masks. But they didn’t look like a friendly sort either. They stopped a few paces from me and looked around the camp appraisingly. “We’ll make this simple for you and your Mare friend,” The smaller Earth Pony said with a laugh, “Give us your bits and whatever you got in those tents over there, and we won’t do nothing to you. Refuse…” He looked up at the larger Pony beside him and shrugged, “Refuse and my little brother here will be forced to ask you in a more direct fashion, and we doubt you’d like that.” I opened my mouth to reply, but Sky Flare’s laugh cut in like a knife. “Seriously!?” she chuckled, “You two are stupid enough to just waltz into our camp? Talk about making this easy for us.” I heard her coming up to join me, but I didn’t take my eyes off the two Ponies standing before me. Looking away made openings, and the last thing I wanted to do was create an opening for these Ponies. “Easy for you?” The smaller Pony said, “What’s that supposed to mean?” I raised a wing to stop Sky Flare from saying any more and smiled at the two Earth Ponies. “What she means,” I explained, “Is that we’re here with the Princesses authority to bring you and your Bandit friends to justice. We had planned to go hunting for you tomorrow, but you came right to us instead. Ironic really.” I couldn’t help but smirk at the situation. Gale had to be awake after Sky Flare’s outburst, which made this a three on two fight if it came to it, though I was certain I could handle this on my own if I needed to. The smaller Earth Pony didn’t look strong at all. He was too skinny to be a very good fighter. He wasn’t underfed, just weak looking and weaselly. Or at least, as weaselly as I thought a Pony could look. No doubt he relied on his so-called Brother to get everything done. By the look of his Brother though, I’d have to hit harder than I would with most and I’d need to stay out from under his hooves, but that wouldn’t be too much of an issue. I’d yet to meet a big brute that did anything more than charge headlong into a fight and yell a lot. I wouldn’t let my guard down and assume too far however. This was a different world after all and it had surprised me almost daily since I’d found myself trapped here. “Oh, is that a fact?” the smaller Pony snorted, “Well, we don’t think we like the sound of that very much at all! So we’ll be running you two into the ground and taking what we want now. Princesses authority or no!” He jabbed the larger Pony with a hoof and nodded towards us. The big Pony smirked and dragged a forehoof through the grass in front of him, mimicking the motion of a bull about to charge. “I’ll take the big one,” I said, “Make sure his friend doesn’t get away.” “Don’t take any risks,” Sky Flare whispered to me, “This isn’t a demonstration for the Princesses. You don’t have to hold back here and be gentle. Ponies like this don’t deserve it.” I half frowned at her but stopped myself from taking my eyes off the larger Pony. “I know that Sky,” I said, “I have done this before you know.” “Not here.” She said simply, then leapt into the darkness above our camp and disappeared with a rush of wind. “Your little miss sure didn’t take long to turn tail and run!” the bigger pony laughed, “Not that I mind. She’ll come back on her own after I’ve run you down and had you sing some. They always do.” I glared at his words and rose to my hind legs as I assumed my ready stance for a fight. The two eyed me oddly for a moment, then the larger leapt towards me with his head down, just like the charging Bull he seemed to emulate. I was surprised by his speed, but I was ready for a straightforward attack like this. I waited until the last second then dashed to the side with a hard flap of my wings. As he trampled through where I had just been, I dug my far hoof into the ground to brace myself and stop my dodge. Tensing my entire body, I used the combined muscles of my legs, core and shoulder to throw a full force punch straight into my attackers’ ribs as he sailed by. Earth Ponies were tougher than most, my experience with Stalwart had taught me that, so I put my all into the blow to try and wind this oversized brute. He was too big to let get a hold on me, so I intended to try and end this fight as soon as possible. My hoof struck hard and I winced as I felt at least one, maybe two ribs snap like branches under my strike. The big Earth Pony cried out in a trembling gasp from the pain in his side and tumbled end over end as his front legs buckled. He wound up on his side near Gale’s tent, wheezing and trembling in a ball of agony. I felt sorry for him and took a half step to try and help before I remembered the other Pony and turned my focus on him. I’d have plenty of time to go over my mistake later. It was clear that Stalwart was a bad threshold to gauge the whole of Earth Pony durability off of. It was because of how durable Stalwart had been that I clearly overestimated how much this Pony could take. I’d need to work on that in future to avoid hurting anyone too badly, but for now it wasn’t important. What was done was done and I still had work to do. “R-Rock!?” The smaller Pony gasped, “Y-you no good Pegasus! I’ll pluck every last one of your-” Whatever he was going to say cut off abruptly as Sky Flare landed on him from above. She came down hard, rear hooves striking first atop his head. She drove him to the ground with the force of her impact and he slammed into the grass without another word. I winced for him too as I watched Sky Flare hop off his limp form and snort down at him in disgust. “Easy Sky Flare,” I said, “We don’t want to kill them...” “He’ll be fine,” she said simply, “I’ve hit smaller Ponies harder than that at the Academy. You’re the one that needs to learn to pull his punches. I heard that idiot’s ribs break from all the way up there.” I looked back at the larger Pony and grimaced as I saw him still whimpering as he curled into a tighter ball. I knew all too well what broken ribs felt like and it was not something I’d wish on most. “I didn’t mean to break anything,” I said sympathetically, “I just wanted to end it quickly.” “Well you did what you aimed to do then.” she chuckled. A rustle of wind drew my attention skyward and I watched in surprise as Gale dropped between us. “There are no others that I can find in the area,” he reported, “Near as I can tell, it was just these two that tried to get the jump on us.” “I thought you were asleep?” I said, ignoring his report for the time being. “I was,” he said, “But Sky Flare’s laughter at these two’s coming woke me. I slipped out the back of my tent and checked to make sure we were alone while you handled things here.” I had assumed he’d have woken up by now, but I didn’t expect him to sneak off and scout the area like he did. I was impressed to say the least. “Good job,” I said, “If you’re sure this is all of them, grab some of our rope and tie these two up for now. I don’t want any more trouble from them, but I do want answers.” Gale nodded and dashed for the supplies in his tent. “I doubt the big one will talk much,” Sky Flare said, “Not sobbing like that.” “He seemed more muscle than brains anyway,” I said, “The other one did most of the talking, and hid behind the bigger. I’d bet he’s a coward on his own, so he’ll be the one that’ll talk. When he wakes up at least.” Sky Flare glanced at the smaller Pony and grinned before nodding her agreement. “Fool should have kept his eye on the sky with a Pegasus around,” she commented, “Did he really think I’d just fly off like some startled school filly?” “I doubt he’ll make that mistake again,” I said, “Not that I think he’ll get the chance.” I took a deep breath to settle myself and was surprised to realize just how calm I felt. I was usually good under pressure, especially in a fight. But I had just had two Ponies come up on my camp in the dead of night and try to rob me, and had even fought with one of them, albeit briefly. Yet, despite all that, my heart was steady and my mind was calm. Aside from my regret at the injury I’d caused to the bigger Pony, I felt rather good about the whole situation. Sky Flare may be able to get my heart racing, but not much else could out here. Gale emerged from his tent a moment later and quickly hogtied the two Ponies that had tried to rob us. He took care with the larger of the two, due to his ribs, but otherwise treated them both with indifference. “With luck these two are with the ones we’re after,” I said, “And not just some chance thugs we happened across. Either way though, Equestria will be safer with them behind bars.” “Agreed.” Gale said. I looked their bonds over and nodded approvingly. They would hold quite nicely for the time being. I yawned abruptly and shook my head to wake myself up. I looked up into the night sky and frowned. In all the excitement I had actually forgotten that it was the middle of the night. “Hopefully the one you knocked out wakes up sooner than later.” I sighed. “Why’s that?” Sky Flare asked. “I don’t want to be up all night.” I admitted. “You should get some sleep then Silver,” Sky Flare suggested, “If anypony needs to be rested come tomorrow, it should be you. Gale and I will take turns keeping watch and wake you when that moron gets his wits back.” I looked at her quizzically. “And why shouldn’t we all take turns keeping the watch?” I asked. In truth, I didn’t mind the idea of sleeping the night away if I could. We had been flying a great deal the last few days to get here as fast as we did, and even though I was in good shape for a Pegasus, I was beginning to feel the strain on my muscles. Sky Flare sighed and looked at me with an almost motherly expression. “Because unlike us, you’re the face of the Timber Wolves Guild,” She explained, “And you act with the authority of the Princesses. As such you have to watch your tongue more than anypony else when we deal with others. Anything you do or say can and will be attached to the reputations of both. And we both know you already have a chip on your shoulder with the Sherriff in Far Stables, so what will happen if you snap because you’re grumpy from lack of sleep when he tries to ruffle your feathers tomorrow? You know he will. And if that’s not reason enough, think how the Princesses will react if Gale reports back to them that you knocked out a Sheriff because he rubbed you the wrong way? You need to be at your best, and that means you need a good night’s sleep.” I frowned at her peremptory tirade. I wasn’t a child that needed to be lectured on my manners, especially not by her! If anyone needed that lecture it was Sky Flare, not me. Not that it mattered anyway, even if I was tired tomorrow I knew how to hold my tongue and be civil when it was needed. It had been a long time since I had someone talk down to me like this and it struck a very large nerve. I took a breath to give Sky Flare a scathing piece of my mind and reflexively moved to cross my arms. Unfortunately for me, in the heat of the moment I forgot the fact I wasn’t in my old Human body anymore. I was in the form of a Pony, back on all fours, and this body liked to remain as such. Had I thought to stand up first, like I did while fighting, I would have been fine, but I was so irritated that I didn’t think. The usually simple act of trying to cross my arms only succeeded in making me stumble forwards and I threw myself off balance with a yelp. I staggered back onto all fours with an embarrassed flush and glared at Sky Flare angrily, daring her to say even one word about my less than graceful maneuver. Amazingly, she kept silent, but her look still held the air that she knew she was right. I glanced at Gale as my embarrassment made my ears burn like fire, but he was looking off into the forest, clearly intending to have no part in our conversation. I was too embarrassed to think of a suitable recovery for what I’d just done, so I shook my head and stomped towards my tent. “Fine!” I growled, “But you wake me as soon as he comes to. That’s an order!” “Of course, Guild Master Silver Wing.” Sky Flare said all too sweetly. I looked at Gale and repeated my order to him. Sky Flare may have agreed, but I knew her better than that. She might very well take it upon herself to get whatever she could out of the smaller of the two Earth Pony thugs, so I could sleep longer, but Gale would at least do as I ordered. At least, I hoped he would. I glanced at the two incapacitated Ponies a final time, then headed to my bed as another yawn crept over me. “Silver,” a voice called to me softly, “Silver, wake up.” I groaned and rolled over as I recognized Sky Flare’s voice. “What do you want?” I asked groggily. She snorted in apparent amusement, then I gasped in surprise as felt her tail whip me across my left ear. I bolted upright and glared at her, then winced as bright daylight shone into my eyes. “As you ordered, Guild Master Silver Wing,” Sky Flare cooed at me, “I am waking you up to inform you that your prisoner is awake.” “Prisoner?” I repeated. It took me a moment to recall the events of the previous night in full. As they came back to me, I nodded and rose to my feet. “Right, thank you Sky Flare. I’ll be right out.” She eyed me a moment then grinned and left my tent. I glanced down at myself and felt a slight wave of embarrassment wash over me as the cool morning air flowed into my tent. I was naked. I’d taken my vest off the night before because I’d been too hot after getting the hang of Sky Flare’s fluffing trick, and I stood there now with nothing but my bracelet on. I knew it was normal in this world to be naked like this, but it still felt awkward to me. I moved quickly to retrieve my vest, then paused as my saddlebags caught my eye. The armor Princess Luna had given me was in there. I still didn’t think it was necessary, but if I wanted to make a good impression like Sky Flare had said the night before, I should dress to impress. Though it still galled me to agree with her rant. Digging my armor out, I looked it over once again. Four well-made leg guards, sectioned to cover both the lower and upper parts of my limbs, and a multipiece chest guard completed the ensemble. Each piece was jet black and in pristine condition. Faintly mirrored silver accenting highlighted the edges of the pieces, and silver fur lined the rims nearest to my hooves and along the collar of the chest piece similar to my vest. It was light weight and I had no doubt it could take a serious hit without breaking. Thanks to my bracelet’s magic, it didn’t take me long to slip into it. After the last piece was secure, I rolled my shoulders and double checked every strap. I glanced at my left foreleg and felt a little odd at not seeing my bracelet, but the armor had been designed to fit over the golden band. It didn’t seem to affect the magic at all, and it would protect the gemstone in a fight, but it still felt odd not to see it glinting there whenever I looked down. Taking a breath to steady myself, I stepped out into our camp and the morning light beyond. I felt a little foolish to be the only one in fancy armor like this, but it would give a better impression than simply showing up in a vest with an antique on my leg. “Now don’t you just look the part, Guild Master Silver Wing,” Sky Flare mused as she noticed me, “And here I thought we wouldn’t need armor for this mission.” I fought not to frown at her. “Like you said,” I admitted, “As face of the Timber Wolves Guild I should look the part. And it may put that Sheriff off guard if he sees me like this, as opposed to my usual look.” Sky Flare nodded smugly but said no more. Instead, she gestured to the two Ponies tied up nearby. “The big one can talk now,” she explained, “His name is Rock, and the other one is his brother Pebble.” “Seriously?” I said, “Rock and Pebble?” Sky Flare glanced at me quizzically and I shook my head, ending that topic. Names here were nothing like my world, and they still struck me as odd from time to time. “You’ve been questioning them I take it?” I asked. “No,” Sky Flare said, “When Pebble woke up, he started yowling like a cat. Gale got their names and I came to wake you. We told them to keep quiet till you got out here, and for a wonder then listened.” I nodded my understanding and trotted over to stand before the two Earth Ponies. They’d been moved to sit before a large tree and tied securely in place, so they couldn’t escape. I frowned down at them and stood as sternly as I could manage while on all fours. Pebble and Rock looked at me guiltily for a moment then eyed their own hooves. “I take it by now you both realize the trouble you’re in?” I said. “T-trouble!?” Pebble gasped, “But we didn’t do anything! This is all just a big misunderstanding! We uhh… Thought you were the Bandits and we figured we’d take you to Far Stables, yeah. We didn’t know you were who you were, honest!” I stared at them flatly. Did they really think lying to me was going to help them? They made it fully clear they were trying to rob us last night. I resisted the urge to sigh and simply kept staring at them. More often than not, silence could bring out a great many answers with enough time. “W-we…” Pebble stammered as my silence grated on his nerves, “R-really it was just a big misunderstanding…” Sky Flare scoffed. “Says the Pony that wanted to keep me and take all our Bits,” she growled, “Don’t lie to us you little rat, or I’ll make last night’s beating seem like a dream come true!” I sighed at Sky Flare. ‘Shame she doesn’t know the trick of silent interrogation too.’ I thought wearily. “I-I never said we’d keep you!” Pebble gasped, “T-that was all Rock, not me!” “H-hey!” Rock gasped, “That’s no fair now, you’re the one that said she looked like a good time! What with how she’d pinned the other Pegasus to a tree and was all up on him when we were spying on them!” “I never said no such thing!” Pebble stammered, “I said we should leave these nice Ponies alone and-” “That’s quite enough!” I barked. It took all I had not to whimper as my embarrassment crashed through me from nose to tail like a tidal wave. They’d seen Sky Flare press me up against a tree last night!? She had just been trying to fluster me, to teach me how to fluff myself up and keep warm! We weren’t doing anything that could even remotely be considered a “good time”! But I could see how that scene would have looked to someone else. I didn’t dare look over at Sky Flare, but I could swear I felt her trembling with anger from where I stood. And I refused to look at Gale either. Who knows what he must think of us after that comment. “We all know you two tried to rob us last night so don’t waste any more of my time!” I roared, masking my embarrassment behind anger, “You will tell me the truth and only the truth from this point on or I’ll let Sky Flare be the one to ask you what we want to know!” I saw them both look to her and turn pale. She could glare paint off a wall at the best of her moods, but after their comment about us last night, something made me feel she could rout an entire army with a glance right now. “We did try rob you!” Both Pebble and Rock said in unison, “We’re sorry Sir!” I nodded. “We all know that,” I said, “But you’re not the only Bandits around here. Where are your friends, the ones that have been attacking travelers coming and going from Far Stables for the last several months now?” “We don’t know, we swear!” Pebble said quickly. “We came here not two days ago now,” Rock said more slowly as he struggled with his broken ribs, “We heard about the pickings here and wanted to get our hooves in the pot too. But we haven’t found anypony else yet.” Pebble nodded eagerly. “We saw your fire and thought we’d get what we could in the meantime,” he went on, “But we don’t know anything else, we swear!” I looked from one to the other. They looked terrified, and while I’d normally feel sorry for them, I was too embarrassed to feel anything else at that moment. “Gale,” I said, still not looking at him, “Get these two secured and able to walk. We’ll be giving them over to the authorities in Far Stables when we get there. And if they make any complaints, ask Sky Flare for help in keeping them compliant.” “Understood.” Gale said. “We’ll be compliant!” Pebble and Rock squeaked in unison. I ignored their blathering about doing as they were told and causing no trouble and turned back towards my tent. I tried to avoid looking at her, but Sky Flare was right there. She was glaring at the pair of Earth Ponies with an intensity unlike anything I’d seen from her before. I half expected them burst into flames with the look in her eyes and I had no doubt that she wanted to strangle them right then and there. Her tail twitched like an angry cats’ and her already red coat held a very clear hue of embarrassment around her nose. Her golden eyes met mine and for a moment and I tensed as they almost seemed to blaze, then she tore off into the sky. “I’m going to scout the area!” She barked back to us, “Don’t join me!” I heard Gale clear his throat behind me and I tensed anew. “I know it’s not my place to say,” he said softly, “But it’s usually best to keep any romance outside of most missions.” I felt my own tail twitch uncontrollably at his words. “It wasn’t like that Gale,” I said through gritted teeth, “She was just teaching me how to stay warm.” “Warmed us up too, and we were just watching.” Rock whispered none too softly to his brother. I shot a glare back at all three of them and they fell silent. Before anything else could be said, I slipped back into my tent and tried not to scream as I started to pack. Sky Flare and I didn’t do anything like they think we did! She was just trying to teach me something, that’s all! I struck a hoof against the ground and growled into my pillow in a mix of frustration and embarrassment. Three hours later, we were trotting into Far Stables. Sky Flare hadn’t so much as hinted at what had been said since she’d returned, though any time her eyes fell on Pebble or Rock, her glare said volumes. They had sense enough to hold their tongues around her, and so did Gale it seemed. I was grateful for that, as it allowed me to also pretend like nothing had happened, though my embarrassment still lingered in the back of my mind. I had hopped with every step on the walk to Far Stables that we’d run into the real Bandits we were after, if only to channel my stress into a good fight, but we had no such luck. The walk was slow, silent, and otherwise uneventful. Far Stables looked a lot like Ponyville, just smaller. It was about half the size, and while the Ponies here were friendly the town itself was far less colorful. Most of the buildings were simple and a dull brown or red. There were Ponies everywhere, going about their daily routines as usual and surprisingly few gave us a second glance. I could only assume they thought they were with the Canterlot Military and as such, saw fit to leave us to our business. Like me, Gale had chosen to donn his armor before we broke camp. His was standard for the Canterlot Guard, with its gold coloring and flair. And unlike my armor which had full leg guards he wore the standard gold shoes and even had the helmet on, complete with blue mohawk and stern-faced glare. Sky Flare looked a little out of place with just her saddlebags on, but she didn’t seem to care. I stopped as we came up to the local Sheriff’s building and took a deep breath to steady myself. ‘Just like any meeting with another agency,’ I told myself, ‘Be respectful and to the point, even if they’re not.’ “Let’s get started, shall we?” I said, smiling back at Sky Flare and Gale. We all trotted into the building and I quickly spotted Sheriff Colten Ironhorn. He sat at a large wooden desk at the back of the main room, using his magic to rummage through a stack of papers he had laid out before him. He looked the same as the last time I saw him, a grey Unicorn with a darker grey mane and tale. Unless something drastic had happened, I expected his personality to still be as dull and unyielding as his coloring. “Sheriff Colten Ironhorn?” I called, “We’ve come to help with your Bandit problem.” He glanced up at my words and snorted as he saw me. “I remember you,” he said, nodding to himself, “You caused a fuss over some hoodlums and gave me a right headache.” He tilted his head and looked past me, no doubt noticing Rock and Pebble leashed behind Gale. “And what’s the story about them, eh? They these Bandits that ruffled your feathers?” I took a breath and focused on staying calm. ‘Be respectful,’ I reminded myself, ‘Even if they’re not…’ Stepping closer to his desk I spoke with a strong tone. “These two tried to steal from us on the way here,” I stated, “I’ve brought them to you so you can send them off to Canterlot to be tried, unless you have the capacity to do so here. As for the other Bandits, we will be dealing with them shortly. We will require a wagon to lure them out however.” “You’re no law Pony,” Sheriff Ironhorn snorted in disgust, “You’ve got no right to take anypony into custody, and you’ve got no right to come in here asking me for anything. For all I know, you and your friends here robbed those two and scared them into submission. The look on your Mare friend there doesn’t exactly say she’s got pleasant thoughts on her mind.” I glanced over my shoulder at Sky Flare and caught her trying to hide a very clear glare at the two prisoners Gale led. I rolled my eyes at her and looked back to the Sheriff. “Now you tell me why I should take your word over theirs, hmm?” he went on in a huff, “You may have some shiny armor on, but that don’t make you the Law. If anything, I should be arresting you right here and now for trying to impersonate an officer and tying those two up!” I held my tongue and carefully withdrew one of the letters from Princess Celestia, the one giving me permission to act with her authority as leader of the Timber Wolves Guild. I smiled as I handed it to the arrogant Unicorn sitting across from me and waited as he read it over. His face visibly paled as he read through it, and I fought hard not to let a sheen of smugness taint my otherwise pleasant smile as I saw him read it over for a second time. “W-well,” he stammered, “I remember you from the last time, and I can’t just take the word of any Pony who canters in here saying they can help, now can I?” I took the letter back with my magic and ignored the surprised look on the Sheriff’s face. ‘That’s right,’ I thought, ‘I’m a Pegasus that can use magic, rack your brain trying to figure that one out.’ I gestured with a wing for Gale to bring the prisoners to the Sheriff and widened my smile. “Now that that’s cleared up, allow me to formally introduce my comrades and I.” Bowing slightly I introduced Sky Flare Gale and myself. “We are members of the Timber Wolves Guild,” I went on, “It is our duty to serve Equestria at the behest of the Princesses and take on the tasks that local law enforcement such as yourselves find beyond their capabilities. As such, we have been sent here to deal with your Bandit infestation, and you can rest assured that we will solve this issue for you.” I could see him reddening as I said my piece, but I didn’t give him time to cut in. “These two are charged with attempted robbery and assault,” I continued, “Please make sure they are tried and convicted. Gale here reports directly to the Princesses in Canterlot, and this entire scenario will be brought before them by both he and myself in great detail when we are finished here.” The Sheriff gulped at that, and whatever he had been thinking about saying died in his throat. “Now,” I said as pleasantly as I could, “We will need a wagon and a few empty crates to entice these Bandits into attacking us. Other than that small contribution, you can leave everything else to us. With luck, we’ll be back in a few days, and anypony traveling to or from Far Stables in the future will have far less to worry about.” The Sheriff huffed at me, then glanced at Gale and reluctantly nodded. “I’ll have one of my men bring what you need around front.” He said tensely. “Thank you,” I said, “It’s always a pleasure to work with a fellow Law Enforcement Officer.” He grumbled under his breath and took the rope from Gale, before leading the two Earth Ponies towards some cells further back in the building. I smiled at Gale and Sky Flare, then trotted back outside. “I thought he was going to choke when he read that letter from Princess Celestia.” Sky Flare whispered with a chuckle. “As did I,” Gale mused, “Whatever did you do to make him dislike you so much the last time you were here?” “I didn’t do anything.” I said. “Silver got his feathers right out of place when the Sheriff refused to go out into the woods after the Bandits and … How did you put it Silver?” Sky Flare said thoughtfully, “Actually do his job for a change?” Gale snorted as he stifled a laugh. “Well, he should.” I stated. “It is difficult for anypony to venture beyond their homes to brave danger,” Gale said, “By the looks of this town, Sheriff Ironhorn does a fine job with those in reach.” “I know, I know,” I sighed, “Sky Flare has well explained all of that to me. That’s why we’re here. To handle the things the locals can’t.” “Wow, he’s not wasting any time, now is he?” Sky Flare commented. I followed her gaze and spotted a Pony pulling a small wagon around the far side of the building and head towards us. “No doubt the paperwork you gave for him to read has made him want to smooth over his first few minutes with you.” Gale said. “Probably,” I agreed, “Though I doubt he’ll be sorry to see us go when we’re done.” Sky Flare chuckled and trotted forwards to meet the wagon puller. “Silver Wing?” the Pony said, looking at me unsurely. “That’s me.” I said. “Sheriff said to give you this wagon and the empty barrels inside,” The Pony explained, “Was going to go fill them up later tonight, but I’ll not mind waiting a few more days to get my work done.” “It’s appreciated,” I said, “We’ll be sure to return it to you as soon as we can.” The Pony nodded and slipped out of the wagons harness before trotting off. “We’ll need that tarp Gale, and some more rope,” I said, “To cover the back of the wagon and make it look more attractive to our targets. Now that I’ve got my armor on, I’d like to keep it where it is, but I’ll have to take it off for this. You two will hide in the back while I pull the wagon through the woods towards the next town. One lone traveler with his goods will be a much better target than three in armor.” Sky Flare sighed and moved between me and the wagon. “You two do the hiding,” she said, “One lone Mare with her goods is the best target to a group of Bandits, and you know it.” “While that may be true,” Gale said, “You hardly hold yourself as Mare with concern of the unknown.” Sky Flare frowned at him and I struggled to hold back a laugh. “I can look the part when I need to, alright?” She huffed. Gale and I shared a glance at one another, then shrugged. “If you say so.” I said. She looked away from me and let out a loud snort of irritation. “We’ll wait till we’re out of town before we climb into the wagon,” I said, “And see how far we can get before nightfall. Try to take us towards where Clyde was jumped, and we’ll set up camp there if we can. It won’t be the most comfortable trip for us, hiding in the back, but we should be good enough bait to draw them in. The reports I was given say these Bandits are still around, so it shouldn’t take us too long to be noticed. Gale and I will refill our supplies and meet you at the edge of town Sky.” She nodded and slipped into the harness of wagon. With a grunt, she started down the road, the rumble of the wooden wheels rattling in her wake as she left us. “Hope you’re ready to lay in a wagon for a few days.” I laughed. “I brought a book, so it shouldn’t be too bad.” Gale said. “Ah… A Book…” I said, “I should have thought of that… I don’t suppose you have two?” “I do not.” Gale said. “Great…” I sighed, “Maybe I can find one in town here before we’re done.” Three days had passed, and we hadn’t seen so much as another traveler in all that time. The inside of the wagon was hot and muggy and there wasn’t nearly enough room for me or Gale’s liking. Sky Flare had been traveling around the woods at a frustratingly slow pace, making it appear as though her wagon was filled to the brim with a heavy load. I tried to sleep as best I could during the daylight hours, but armor was hardly comfortable to lay in, and every bump jarred me right to my teeth. Gale handled it stoically, though I could tell it was getting to him as much as it was me. Sky Flare was the only one that seemed to be having a good time of it, but part of me thought that was only because she knew we were roasting inside the wagon. We had to remain hidden though. One sight of us and the illusion would be broken. We only slipped out at night to stretch our legs and deal with the necessities, when the light of Sky Flare’s campfire hid the back of our wagon in darkness. Otherwise, we were under the tarp and hating every minute of it. I had long since came to regret this idea of mine was wondering quite seriously if scouring the forest wouldn’t be easier, when a voice that was not Sky Flare’s called out from somewhere within the forest. “This is the third time you’ve come through here Ms. Pegasus,” the voice said with a laugh, “You aren’t lost, are you?” I heard Sky Flare snort and frowned at the top of the wagon cover. ‘She can play the part alright…’ I sighed to myself. “I’m-” she started angrily, then cut herself off. She cleared her throat and started again. “I am not lost,” she said more timidly, “I’m just not entirely certain where I am is all. But I’m sure I’ll find my way eventually, thank you very much.” I glanced at Gale and shook my head. ‘At least she didn’t insult him.’ I thought. I caught the familiar rustle of wings and crawled silently to peer out of a crack in the side of the wagon. I couldn’t see anything through it though and frowned back at Gale. He shook his head at me from another crack further back. Clearly he couldn’t see anything either. “I must say,” Sky Flare said wearily, “I’m not sure how to react to three Ponies leaping out of the trees in front of me.” Her tone sounded surprisingly worried, and if I didn’t know her as well as I did, I’d almost believe she was afraid and not just giving Gale and I the numbers we were up against. I heard a laugh from ahead, then joining laughter from behind and knew that meant we had even more company. “Got two more behind ya Ms. Pegasus.” Another voice chuckled. “I see…” Sky Flare said hesitantly, “Well… Between the five of you, could one possibly direct me to the nearest town? My goods won’t keep for much longer.” “Is that a fact?” Somepony said, “And just what sort of good do you have?” “My goods are none of your concern.” Sky Flare stated, though her voice quivered slightly as she tried to sound stern. ‘Good acting.’ I thought, then tensed as I heard a rustle from the tarp tie at the back of the wagon. “You leave that alone!” Sky Flare barked, “Nothing in there belongs to any of you!” “I’m afraid you’re wrong there Ms. Pegasus,” the first voice said again, “We let you pass by the first time, but seeing as you came back, we’ll be taking what you got and then letting you be on your way.” That was good enough for me, but Sky Flare hadn’t called out for us yet, so I readied myself and waited tensely for her signal. “I had heard rumors of Bandits around here,” Sky Flare said softly, “But I thought that surely they were just old Mares tales, I can’t believe my rotten luck to find out they were true.” “Like I said, we let you by the first time,” the Pony said, “We let every so many through, otherwise Ponies would wise up and stop coming to us. So, your luck wasn’t too bad to start with, you just wore it out wandering in circles. Now our Boss will be wanting to have a few words with you, and if your luck holds out, you may just be home for dinner. No promises though.” “I take that to mean you’re not the leader then?” Sky Flare asked, her feigned fear growing, “Just how many more of you are there!?” “I’m the leader of our raiding parties,” the Pony said, “Boss is back at our camp, waiting for you to pay him a visit. Him and Bores. Rest of the gang’s right here to make sure you get there in one piece. Now come along quietly and we’ll be sure not to pull out any of those pretty little feathers.” “That’s what I wanted to hear.” Sky Flare said. All traces of fear were gone from her voice and I gestured to Gale quickly. I pointed from him to the back, then to myself and the front of the wagon. He nodded his understanding and slid to the back of the wagon. “We’ve got them all here,” Sky Flare called out, “So come on out and play.” Tearing the tarp from the top of the wagon, Gale and I leapt out into the open and were met with startled gasps from the five Ponies around us. I scanned the area quickly and counted out two Pegasus flanking Sky Flare with an Earth Pony further behind. Two more Earth Ponies were behind our wagon. Each of them wore a simple black bandana across their mouths and what looked like mud covered their cutie marks to better hide their identities. Before they could react to our sudden appearance, I’d leapt over the front of wagon and slammed a hoof hard into the nearest Pegasus’s head. He dropped like a sack of bricks, and as I glanced back at Sky Flare, I saw she was chaining a painful combo of strikes into the other. The fliers would have been the hardest to track down if they tried to run, all that was left now was the three Earth Ponies. Glancing back to check on Gale, I saw him holding his own against the two behind the wagon, but it was still two on one. Our surprise was over, and the remaining Earth Pony gasped as he caught my eye. “Y-you!” He stammered, “You’re that Pegasus from a few months back!” He turned around and bolted into the forest without another word, leaving his friends to fight us on their own. I checked to make sure my opponent was down for the count and seeing Sky Flare’s in a similar state gave chase to the fleeing Earth Pony. “Sky, you help Gale!” I barked, “I’ll get the runner!” I didn’t wait for her reply and tore off into the brush. The woods were too thick to fly here so I was forced to run after him, but the trail he smashed through was easy enough to follow. Without warning, I found myself in what looked to be a game trail of some sort and gasped out as I was struck in the side by something with enough force to send me hurtling through the air and straight into a tree. I felt all the air in my lungs burst out of me and I dropped the ground, gasping vainly for my lost breath. I cringed as I struggled to breathe and caught sight of the Earth Pony I’d been chasing some fifteen feet away. His back legs were just touching down on the ground and I realized that he’d kicked me with both back hooves as I came into the open trail after him. I was grateful for my armor at that moment, and Gales words flashed in my mind. “Any scratch on said armor is an injury lessened or prevented for the wearer”. Injury prevented was right. If it hadn’t been for my chest armor, I would have some seriously broken ribs from that kick. As is it felt like they may still have gotten bruised. Shakily I rose to my feet and tried to assume my fighting stance, but the Earth pony charged me, and I gasped again as I was slammed back first into the tree. “You aren’t getting the better of me this time, Pegasus!” he growled. I fell to the ground as he turned to kick me again and I gave a wild flap of my wings. I felt one wing strike the tree and winced, but the other sent me across the trail and crashing into the brush on the other side. I heard a pair of hard thunks as the other Pony missed me with his kick and I forced myself to my hind legs. This Pony was relentless however, and just as I turned to face him, he slammed into me once more. With a grunt I felt myself buckle around his head and shoulder, but this time there was no tree behind me. I raised my forehooves high and slammed them both down atop his back hard. He gasped out under me and I struck him again before he slid to a stop. I staggered back off him, only just managing to keep my balance thanks to my wings catching on the surrounding foliage. “Good hit.” He said as he rolled his shoulders, “But not good enough.” I rolled my own shoulders and readied myself for his next attack. I didn’t have nearly enough room to move around like I wanted too, there was just too much brush around and I couldn’t even open my wings properly. Even so, now that he’d let up on his surprise assault and given me a moment to breathe, I felt in control once again. “Give up.” I said. He grinned at me, then tore off into the woods once again. I cursed and ran after him, though far more hesitantly this time. I could not afford to be caught up in another sneak attack. After nearly twenty minutes of following his trail, I found myself in a large clearing. A few small fire pits dotted the area and an assortment of wagons and crates were piled off to one side. A cabin stood at the back of the clearing and two large tents were set up beside it. I frowned as I took in the scene before me. There was no one in sight, but the Earth Pony I was after had to be here. In all likelihood, this had to be the Bandits camp. Which meant their leader and that other Pony he mentioned, Bores, had to be here too. If I had a radio, I could call for back up, but as it was, I was on my own… If I went back to get Sky Flare or Gale, these Bandits would no doubt escape, but three on one would prove to be quite the challenge if they caught me off guard. A sudden crash drew my attention to the cabin ahead of me, and I saw the Earth Pony I had been chasing come sailing out the doorway and land sprawled in the grass unconscious. “Bores!” A voice barked from within, “Take care of our guest, then bring that fool back in here so I can make it clear why he should never have come running back here like a scared puppy!” I tensed as I awaited this new opponent and gasped as I saw a Minotaur step out of the cabin. He had to duck to get his horned head through the doorway and I swallowed nervously as I saw him drag a club that was nearly as tall as he was out with him. I’d seen a few Minotaur’s in Canterlot at one time or another. They were big bipedal bulls with huge horns and bad tempers in my experience and I had no desire to ever fight with one. They were way bigger than I was, and I didn’t doubt they were stronger than an Earth Pony, but what choice did I have now? I couldn’t just run away. What good would I be to the Ponies of Equestria if I ran at the first sight of something bigger than I was. Even if that something had a club that looked like it was carved out of a small tree… I laughed at myself. ‘Bigger than I was?’ I thought ruefully, ‘He’s half the size of that cabin!’ I had no time to dwell on it though. I rose up into my fighting stance and took a deep breath to steady myself. He was big, and he had a club, but just because he was big didn’t mean I couldn’t beat him. It just meant I had to fight smart. The Minotaur bellowed a roar at me then charged, pulling his club back as he prepared to swing it at me like a batter would strike a baseball. It was easy to read, and I leaped up and over it smoothly. Using the force of my jump, I swung upwards and struck him in the jaw with as hard an uppercut as I could manage. He staggered back from me and I landed shakily on three of my four legs. I stared at my right arm in shock. It was numb. From the elbow down, I couldn’t feel a thing. I looked back at the Minotaur I had just struck and swallowed nervously as he grinned down at me. I had just punched him in the face as hard as I could, and I was worse off for it than he was. “Not good enough.” He said in a deep, barrel of a voice. I swallowed nervously and shoo my leg frantically to get some feeling back into it. The Minotaur charged at me again and I dashed to the side to keep out of his reach. I tried to run but my right leg was too numb to support my weight, so I was forced to fly low to the ground instead. He growled after me and swung his great club again and again. I flew circles around him and dodged this way and that, but I knew I couldn’t win like this. I half hoped he’d tire himself out, but looking at him, I didn’t think that was likely. ‘Brute force won’t work,’ I thought quickly, ‘So think. Use his strength against him. Hit him where he’s weak. No one is unbeatable, no matter how big they are.’ I continued to roll and shake my right arm, trying to get some sensation back in it as I tried to figure out a plan. ‘Weak points,’ I thought, looking him over closely, ‘Where would he be weakest?’ Physically, he was very much shaped like a human, though with a bull’s head and back legs. In theory, he should have the same pressure points as a human would then, and the same basic muscle structure. Moving faster, I dodged another of his wild swings and struck him just under the armpit with my left forehoof. With a human, it hurt like hell if you punched someone there, so this would be a perfect test to see if this brute was built as I hoped. Even so, I made sure to pull this punch a little. After what had happened to my right arm, I’d be useless if I jarred this one numb too. The Minotaur winced and swung back at me again. I ducked under his return swing and struck him in the right armpit this time. I crouched low to avoid his counter swing and gulped as he snorted angrily at me. I watched with growing concern as he hefted his club high over his head in preparation to swing down and crush me with his next blow. An old movie flashed in my mind and I grimaced as I lined up my next strike for another weak point I knew all too well. Crouched before him as I was, I drove a hard uppercut into the fur right between his legs and felt my hoof strike home. The club dropped heavily to the ground behind the Minotaur as my blow landed and I leapt away as a high-pitched whimper escaped my momentarily incapacitated opponent. His hands dropped to where I had struck and he fell to his knees in silent agony. “Sorry.” I said through a wince of understanding. I wouldn’t give him a chance to recover though. I jumped up in front of him and slammed both rear hooves into his forehead in as strong a double kick as I could muster. His head snapped back and he fell to the grass, one leg twitching slightly as his hands still clung to himself. I sighed with relief. I didn’t like fighting dirty like that, but I didn’t like losing either, especially not to a giant club that probably would have crushed my armor like a tin can. ‘One left.’ I thought gratefully. I glanced at the Earth Pony that had fled from me before, but he was still unconscious. I approached the cabin in my ready stance and stopped just outside the open door. “Give up,” I called out, “The rest of your gang’s already lost. Surrender peacefully and you won’t be harmed.” I heard laughter rise up from within the cabin, then my heart sank as I saw a Unicorn in a red cape strut out to face me. His coat was a red that matched his cape and he had a black, short cropped mane. “I must say I am impressed,” the Unicorn stated, “You have done quite a number on my merry little band. But I will not be surrendering today.” I saw his horn flair up with a green tint and before I could move, felt a weight press in on me from every side. I felt myself slowly rise into the air and struggled against the magic I knew was holding me. I tensed and tried to break free from the unseen force holding me and cursed silently to myself. ‘Of course it had to be a Unicorn!’ I thought angrily, ‘Couldn’t have just been another bigger Minotaur, or someone who can actually fight! I hate fighting magic!’ “H-How are you so heavy!?” The Unicorn gasped. I glanced up at him and saw sweat beading on his face as he seemed to struggle to hold me aloft. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I tried even harder to break free of his hold at the sight of him struggling. Abruptly, I dropped to the ground and leapt towards him without hesitation. I didn’t know what had happened, but I knew an opening when I saw one. I struck him hard in the side of the head, but I swung out of reflex and had used my still numb right arm. I knew it was a weak hit, but even so, the Unicorn lurched back and caught himself on a table inside the cabin. I followed after him and saw his horn flair up again. I was in the doorway of the cabin and I saw the door take a green glow. I crossed my armored forelegs before me just as the door slammed shut in my face. It struck the doorframe with such force that it splinted as I was thrown backwards though the air like a ragdoll. I landed hard on my back and slid nearly to the unconscious Minotaur. I gasped for breath as I found myself winded for the second time in an hour and struggled to get to my feet. “Fool Pegasus!” the Unicorn yelled angrily, “You’ll pay for striking me like that!” Shakily, I managed to face him and tensed as I saw two slim blades float up from beneath his cloak. Unlike the swords I was used to seeing Unicorns wield, these were just sheer double ended blades. They were no longer than a dagger, but even from the distance I was at, I knew they were razor sharp. Like a flash, the two blades shot towards me. I barely managed to jump back in time to avoid them, but even so I felt one bounce of my foreleg guard with a tink. I forced myself to breathe and flinched as another metallic tink sounded in my ears. I wasn’t sure where the second blade had struck, but my armor had saved me again. I tried to catch sight of the thin blades, but they were too small and too fast to see. I dashed back and to the side more out of instinct than planned evasion and heard a steady grate of metal on metal as I somehow dodged strike after strike. Before I knew it, I found myself with my back to the forest and cursed as my wing struck a branch. A moment later a burning pain shot through my other wing and I glanced over just in time to see one of those thin blades pierce clean through it. I pulled my wings close to my body and shuddered at the pain. I heard laughter drift across the clearing to me and glared at the Unicorn still standing in the cabins’ doorway. “That should keep you grounded for a while,” He said smugly, “But don’t think you’ll be getting off so easily. I’ve no idea how you managed to evade me as good as you have been, but without your wings you’re a sitting duck.” I knew I didn’t have much of a chance, but if I could just reach him, I could end this with one good hit. All my frantic evading had worked most of the feeling back in my right arm, so if I could close the distance, I’d be able to end this. I took off at a full gallop in a wide arc towards him. A flash raced along the grass towards me and I leap over it, then winced as I felt the second of his blades slice along my left cheek. I hadn’t even seen it coming at me. I tried to follow the weapon, but they were both moving too fast for me to keep track of. I couldn’t see where either were until the last second, and by then it was too late. I couldn’t reach him like this. Leaping back towards the forest, I staggered and fell to my knees as I felt a blade slash along my left shoulder, then an instant later a matching slash split open on my right. I glanced at the blood running down from my cuts and half chuckled to myself. ‘At least it’s still red.’ I thought bitterly. With everything else about me having been changed, I was almost a relief to see something look like it had in my world. “Well, come on then,” The Unicorn laughed confidently, “Where is your bravado? Are you going to just kneel there and let me flay you, or will you come at me again?” I glanced around the clearing quickly for any ideas. There had to be something I could do, but what? I was too exposed like this, and I knew he could have killed me many times over by now if he wasn’t so smug. Off to my left, I spotted the Minotaur’s club a few yards away and frowned. I knew I couldn’t do much with it, but if I could just distract him long enough to get close. I got back to my feet and opened my wings, though I winced as I stretched the cut in my left. “Let’s see what you think of your own game!” I barked, hoping to further distract him. Using the magic of my concealed bracelet, I lifted the Minotaur’s club and threw it at him. I followed after it as fast as I could, flapping my wings harder than I ever had before. “That’s not possible!” the Unicorn gasped, “You’re no Unicorn!” His horn flared brightly and the club stopped in midair a foot away from him. My magic had no chance against his and before I could close the gap, the club swung around and cracked me in the side of the head. I tumbled to the ground and groaned as I clutched my head in a vain attempt to stop the pain radiating throughout my skull. I saw bright spots of light all around me and cringed as my vision blurred and my eyes started to water. By some fluke the blow hadn’t knocked me out, but it had crossed my eyes to the point that nothing looked right. I wasn’t sure if I was pleased to realize that or not. Looking through the haze around me, I found the Unicorn I’d been fighting leering over me, his twin blades shimmering in the light of the magic around him. “How were you able to do that?” He demanded, “Only a Unicorn can use magic, so tell me how you threw that club at me Pegasus!” I was grateful that my bracelet was hidden at that moment. The last thing I needed to was to lose it to some Bandit, but my head was ringing too hard to allow me to speak just yet. “Silver!” Sky Flare’s voice called from somewhere that sounded both near and far to my mind, “We’re coming Silver!” The Unicorn looked up at the voice and frowned before returning his attention to me. “I’ve no idea how you managed to use magic, but we’ll have to save that discussion for another day, Silver,” the he said, “I am Glint, remember my name well for we will meet again.” I winced as a bright green flash engulfed the Unicorn, then he was gone without a trace. “Silver!” Sky Flare’s voice echoed in my head, “Silver, what happened!?” I was vaguely aware of her kneeling over me, but my head hurt too much to think anymore. Everything was starting to seem distant and unimportant. Every thought was an effort, like wading through knee deep mud, and I couldn’t seem to remember what I had just been doing. “Gale, he’s bleeding, get some bandages!” she said over her shoulder, then leaned close to my face, “You stupid idiot, why the hay did you run off like that!? We could have tracked them down together!” “Tracked who down?” I asked slowly. I felt like I had just been doing something important, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what it had been. All I could think of was the pain in my head and the fact that nothing looked right anymore. “Are you serious!?” she barked angrily. I winced and raised a wing to cover my face, then groaned as I found that it hurt almost as much as my head did. “Y-you know,” I said distantly, “You’re a lot cuter when you’re not shouting at me…” I heard her snort at me then, start to say something, but her words were lost as a pleasant darkness embraced me and washed all my pain away.