> Tears in the dark. > by Outcasts-Redeemer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tears in the dark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tears in the Dark It was dark, the kind of dark you just want to lay down in and hide yourself from the world. The black rolling clouds blocking the summer sun didn't help in the slightest. They made sure that no living creature felt it's warmth. Lightning struck somewhere north, farther than I could see. But it's light flashed far enough to illuminate the three caskets that laid before me. Thunder followed as the rain started to fall. It was nothing but a drizzle, it was enough to add more pain to the weight on my heart though. I grabbed my shovel and smashed it into the dirt. Once, before it happened, I would have gladly ran to my warm home to my loving family... But now even the cold embrace of night seemed more inviting and welcoming then that empty building. I ran as fast as I could when I heard there was an accident involving the train. I had heard the explosion from the farm. I needed to make sure they were safe. I felt a cold grip grasp my heart as I saw the smoke rise from the train yard... It was a tradition started by the three tribes of ponies to create a storm after a great tragedy. It had started when Princess Luna was banished. The story goes that a great storm grew by itself and lasted weeks before the Pegasi could stop it. They say that every drop of rain was a tear shed by the ponies for their lost princess. I wonder whether or not other ponies from around Equestria even know what happened, or if they even care. I kept digging ignoring the pain that cursed my body and mind. Each thrust of the shovel brought more pain. But it needed to be done. It was my job to protect them. Maybe now I can finally keep them safe. All I saw was destruction. Parts of the train were still burning as the fire ponies worked to stop the flames. Ponies laid all around. Some moaning, others screaming for help. There were some that lost limbs others who were black with burnt flesh. My eyes moved over every one until they fell on her... I failed them. Even though everypony told me that it wasn't my fault, that it was only an accident. That I had no control over the events. I felt responsible. I was my job to protect them. All of Ponyville was still in shock about what had happened. It seemed as though life wanted nothing more than to break me. Why else was it only my family? Why had life taken away my only purpose? The Apples had lost so much already and yet we were forced to give more than was required. Why? First my grandfather, my uncle, then my parents, now here they lay. All of them soon to be next to one another... Why? My body slowed as I approached. Time seemed to stand still as I stared at her beaten form laying next to two other forms. I had already knew the other two were gone but my mind was too numb to register that information. My breathing became shallow as I kneeled in front of her... I lifted myself out of the third hole. The smallest one. My strength all but gone, I moved over to the caskets for one last goodbye. "Ah should've been there..." I whispered, audible only to me. I felt the first tear fall from my cheek. I tried to move my hoof to wipe it away but it felt like was a weight attached to my leg. All I could do was stare at the caskets. I closed my eyes and lifted my head to the sky to allow the rain to hide the tear. "A.J?" I whispered. She coughed, blood, her blood spattered against my red coat. Her breathing was ragged and uneven. She tried to smile, to stay strong, to hold on until the doctors who were rushing to the scene made it. But she was already too weak. Her smile faded as her breaths became slower. She opened her mouth and said only three words. "Stay s-strong Mac... " I fell to my knees as I placed my hoof on the cool wooden surface, "Ah' should've been there!" I hollard into the dark. The thunder crashed as I spoke masking my scream with it's echo. I felt a gentle hoof on my back. It was so sudden, so soft that I snapped my head to the figure who belonged to the hoof snapping my eyes open doing so. There standing in front of me was the one pony that most would assume would avoid an event like this. She had tears in her eyes as she gave me a look. The same look that A.J had given me right before she passed. "Stay strong Mac." I looked back at the wooden casket which if I didn't know any better seemed to glow. "Stay strong Mac." Her last words echoed in my mind as I stared at the dark wood. I glanced around with a shuddering breath. Lightning shot across the horizon illuminating the mass of ponies who stood around me. Each had their head bowed. Even the two sisters who ran the nation bowed paying homage to the dead. ...I screamed. I screamed as I tried to awake her. I screamed as they dragged me away. I screamed as I looked from a distance as the broken form of my sisters and grandmother were covered by cloths. I screamed as my heart broke and my voice became too heavy for me to lift... I arose shakily on my legs. She gave me her hoof to steady myself. I looked beyond her to the other four others standing together. Each had bandages, or casts covering certain parts of their bodies. I looked in front of me at the mare with blue eyes. Even she had bandages covering her small form. I closed my eyes and let out another shuddered breath. I reached down to grab my shovel before starting to walk back to the crowd. I paused before turning back to the three caskets . "Ah' love you..." I whispered loud enough only for me and the mare next to me to hear. When I reached the large group of ponies another bolt of lightning illuminated the funeral. Now that I was closer to the mass of ponies I could hear everything. Every sniff, every cough. I heard it all. The rain began to come down faster than before. I went numb as members of the royal guard moved to the caskets and began to lower my family into their final resting places. I looked onto my hoof at the pink bow that was tied around it. I opened my mouth to speak, to scream, to shout to do anything but all that came out was a silent cry. My hoof shook as the cold reality of what was happening sunk in. I was still expecting pinkie Pie to suddenly say surprise and they jump out. But when they started to place the dirt on top of the caskets I felt my world go black. Off to the side stood seven other guards. Another, who I later recognized as the prince married to Princess Cadence, walked forward and stood rigid straight. The sudden flashes caused by lightning shown his face to be contorted in pain. He kicked his hoof and pivoted to face the guards standing in line. As soon as the guards were done placing the soil on top of my sisters I heard him shout an order. They lifted their heads, their horns shone like the sun. He shouted another order. They pointed them to the left. Again he shouted. I saw them blast their bolts into the sky, lightning flashed again as the bolts detonated. He repeated the command. They did it so again. With one last shout they fired their last. The horns dimmed, as the guards were rejoined by their comrades. After that the crowd began to disperse. Each placing flowers, trinkets, and other sentiments down before the three new stones of the Apple Family graveyard. After a while only me, the Two sisters, the guards and the five other berres of harmony remained. They sat with me as I stared blankly at the stones that stood in front of me. Another clash of thunder sounded somewhere in the night, echoing through the empty fields. I heard a twig snap behind me. "Big Mac?" I stiffened. Slowly I turned my head to the voice. It was Twilight. Her left wing sat in a sling. Her eyes were puffy and red. A clear sign of her crying like the rest of them. "Is there anything w-we can do for you?" She asked. I could hear the longing for anything to block the pain in her voice. I shook my head no Just as another flash of lightning flashed in the sky around us. There was nothing anypony could do save for the creator herself. At least that's what I told myself. Through the next few minutes they all left except for the mare with blue eyes. I guess I was grateful that she was there with me. I did hate being alone. After a few moments of me sitting in silence I heard her shift around. I looked down and saw that she come to sit next to me. Her wet mane clung to her yellow coat as she shed silent tears. "I'm s-sorry..." she said her voice choking as she spoke. I was so soft that I barely heard it over the rain. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. Before I could think of anything she wrapped her hooves around me and gave me a hug. "I-I'm s-so so s-sorry" she whispered. I could feel her warm tears fall into my coat. That single action was all it took for my dam, that was holding everything back, to burst. All my anger, pain, desperation. Everything that I hid away from the world broke free at that moment. And for the first time in twelve years I cried. I felt her press against me, and I found myself doing the same to her. Even as the storm passed and the Luna's stars and celestial body enveloped the night sky we stayed like that. Some would say she did it because she was the element of kindness. Others say it was because she loved me and wanted to work her way into my heart. I didn't really care which one it was. I was only thankful that I wasn't alone and someone stayed with me. Because I will remember that night till the day I die. The night when I almost lost myself. The night when the mare in yellow saved me from the dark. End.