
by in10secondsflat

First published

Their tentacles intermingle.

Spike and Applebloom turn into octopuses on a school field trip, and the fun begins.


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Applebloom and Spike were both octopuses, each with only one eye. They brought themselves closer to each other, their tentacles intermingling.

They slipped their slender muscular limbs across each other, each sucker bumping slightly over their smooth skin. They floated closer to the bottle lying beside them in their container. They slipped in, every inch of skin either rubbing against each other or the side of the bottle. They slipped around inside of the bottle with each other, ravenously. They were so in love, anypony could look at the bottle and have a perfect example of what love really was.

"I wish I could be something cooler than an octopus, but that's who I am, can you accept me for what I am?" Spike said.

Applebloom would have blinked in response, obviously taken aback by the comment. "Why would that be? We're both octopuses, together... to bad Gummy isn't here. I hear he's a great, you know, sneezer. He doesn't even wear a helmet."

"I can try Applebloom, I can try. Let me sneeze with you." He filtered as much water through his nasal passages as he could, as fast as he could, in an attempt to sneeze effectively. They slipped around slightly, but it wasn't anything incredible. It wasn't a Gummy sneeze. Oh, Gummy could really sneeze. It was incredible.

Applebloom and Spike slipped around idly some more. "Well... oh well..." she said. "At least ya tried..." She was still anticipating the beginning of the real action. "We can make up for that later. She grinned.

"TWIST!" Spike called out. "TWIST!"

She fluttered gracefully over through the water. Her octopus dance mesmerized the both of them. She tried to slip in with them, but felt more resistance than she expected. "Oh, tho thith ith going to get a bit more exthiting now, ithn't it?" It was a small bottle, and all three of the octopuses were trying to squeeze in. And this was only the beginning of the fun. "Time to get thneezin'..."

Applebloom's amphibious face lit up. "SNEEZING? SNEEZING SNEEZING SNEEZING!" This was going to so FUN!

Twist matched her enthusiasm. "I uh... learned a few tricks from Gummy. Thought I could share them with you. Why not?" She asked. Spike only grinned in the corner, in anticipation. He was ready to ride the sneeze. If Gummy had taught her this, then through her powerful octopus beak, who knows what could happen... Something invigorating for sure...

They locked eyes, in a three way staring match. They were all ready. Twist finally took the challenge, and plunged her way through the rubbery flesh into the bottle with her peers. It was a tight squeeze, and they struggled to not overflow. When the octopus handler closed the bottle, there was no turning back. She had to sneeze, and they had to ride the sneeze, and they were going to enjoy it.

The electronic aquatic music set the mood.

They held their breathe, in anticipation. Each except for Twist, of course. She sucked in as much as she could, the larger volume she inhaled the better. She began to fill the container, squishing the others against the sides of the previously already tight container. Now it was about to burst. It was time.

The exhaled and pushed out all that she had, as fast as she could, everything in a flurry tentacles which were beginning to knot around each other in the excitement. As the sheer amount and power of the water was forced through them, the spun around wildly and wrapped around each others, in a large writhing mass. They were a ball of yarn made of octopus flesh, tumbling around over the aquarium's floor, feeling every small, slippery bump of each other's tentacles and cranium's skin. The glass jar had shattered with the force of the water.

They squeezed tighter, in an attempt to further knot their tentacles. They had to go further, they were so close, so close. Eventually the knots began to hold, and the tentacles began to catch more as the concentrated. They squeezed tighter.

The school foals, watching from outside, were fascinated. It was such a beautiful scene that was being painted against the glass. Sad to last only such a short time.

They weren't done yet, however. Not quite. They had to make sure it would hold before the squeeze.

Each of the octopi began to squish deeper into their partners. Not simply over, to catch and feel the skin, but into their beaks and threaded through the very bases of their tentacles at the very least. They had to be thorough, or else it wouldn't work. And it had to work. Or else, they would be a failure.

They worked as one to accomplish their goal. In a pattern, they ever so slowly slipped their long, slender, slippery, slick and strong tentacles up and through the others beak, working their way around, navigating the way filled with pleasure until they reached the very back of their group members' throat, and then they would stop. This necessary stopping point was not a large problem however, as each member of the group at this point was strongly bound by their mouths, others tentacles deep in their throats, tickling them. Yet another scene of pure love, as anypony looking upon the scene would know. And they were.

Next came the tentacles. Tickling each other all the way still, for giggles, and still sliming their way around their throats, struggling to maintain their composure. They were still tightly bound though, which was good.

The slipped the tentacles deep up around the webbed skin connecting their eight tentacles, as far up to the sensitive skin as they could manage. It had to hold. The skin was strained, the other tentacles still tickling each others throats. Now, though, they were ready. They were much more closely and efficiently bound than before, and they could finally squeeze.

They all pulled as hard as they could away from each other, seemingly working against their cause. Soon, though, there were popping sounds. The knots were holding well. They were bound at the beak and base, and were beginning to now tear. Each one was starting to pop and break at the base, in their socket. Eventually, they ripped completely off.

Now, the limbless, floating octopi floated helplessly in their surroundings of octopus juices and limbs. Then there was a large *POP*, and they fell free, landing on the floor outside of the aquarium.

"Great job, all of you!" Cheerilee proclaimed. "Wonderful, wonderful job! Truly astounding! I don't think I've seen a trio like you in years!" Spike Applebloom and Twist's faces all reddened slightly at the praise.

"Ok, next group then? Come on now, this tour is on a schedule you know..."