> Braeburn's Suprise Stay > by Very Sleepy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Good Night's Rest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Knock Knock* A loud rapping noise emanated from the door to the home of the Apple family. “Hold yer ponies, I’m commin,” Big Mac grumbled as he approached the door. He opened it tentatively, expecting that clumsy mail women with walled eyes to be greeting him again. Instead of a large chested smiling women, he was hailed by a completely different and unexpected person. “Well howdy cousin! Fancy meeting you here!” An ecstatic Braeburn exclaimed from the doorway. Before Big Mac could even register who this was, Braeburn had already grabbed his hand, shaking it as though his life depended on it. Big Mac was silent for a while. “Ah live here…” he deadpanned. “You sure do cuz, and might ah add, it’s a fine looking home, if ah do say so myself! Yessiree!” “Eeyup…” The lumbering farmer took another moment to himself before continuing, “What brings you all the way up here, Braeburn? Thought you folk were all the way down in Appleloosa.” “We sure as dandy were! But me and the guys over yonder finished up our harvest early for the time being. Figured it was high time I mosey myself on down to my favorite members of the Apple family for an overdue visit! Maybe finally see how well my kin can buck them apples…” “Well shucks cousin, that’s awfully kind of you to say, but ah’m fraid your timing couldn’t be worse. See… Grammy Smith and ah were just about to head out the door on a vacation of our own.” “Ah shoot! You don’t say!” Braeburn exclaimed, giving a look of utter shock and disappointment to the lumbering man, despite the fact that he had known that all along. “Eeyup. Taking the lady all the way up to Manehattan. I reckon we won’t be coming back for another week or so.” “Well that tears it!” Braeburn said, kicking the dirt with his foot. “And to think, I had the perfect week planned out for us here. Guess there’s nothing ah can do besides head on home…” Braeburn turned away and began slowly trudging back on the path he had come. “Now wait just a gosh darn minute!” Big Mac exclaimed, halting the man in his tracks. “You didn’t let me finish. Apple Bloom and AJ are staying here for the time being to look after the farm. And you know just as well as any member of the Apple family that our home is your home. You’re welcome to stay with them as long as you please. Reckon the girls could use a good man to keep charge of the house while we are away.” “Well that’s mighty kind of you to offer! Actually, I think I’ll be accepting your proposal there. Guessing the girls will be able to keep me plenty busy, knowing them,” Braeburn said, giving a mischievous grin and chuckle as he spoke that last line, going unnoticed by the large farmer before him. Big Mac gave a light chuckle, “You can bunk in my room Braeburn, just don’t go poking around in there or anything. I’ll go tell the others about the change in plans. Ought to lift Apple Bloom’s spirits some. That girl has been down in the dumps lately knowing half her family was leaving without her.” True to his word, Big Mac went upstairs to inform the rest of his family about Braeburn’s visit. After a minute of waiting he returned, his surprised family members in tow, coming down from the stairs. Behind the big man was Applejack. Standing 5’10” tall, her gorgeous long blonde hair flowing behind her, partially covered by her brown Stetson hat. Plus, who could forget her vivid green eyes, which were currently lighten up with glee at the sight of their guest. Her tits appeared to be a good size and shape as well, easily a D-cup. Just like the last time he had seen her, Applejack had a slender waist on top of the one of most perfect asses you’ve ever seen. Her hour glasses figure was easily something that half the town had probably fantasized about during one point in time, admittedly, with far less clothing on. Behind the busty farm girl was Apple Bloom. She was 5’6” tall, with long red hair held together by a cute pink ribbon she had decided to never take off. Like her sister, she had an athletic frame, a result of hours of manual labor in the farm, none of which had any negative impact on her perfect facial features. Her waist could be classified as petite and is accentuated by her C-cup sized breasts and a very tight round ass. Last, and certainly the least to climb down the stairs was Granny Smith. Ew. As expected Braeburn was greeted warmly with the typical Apple family welcome. Hugs went all around, practically from the large chested sisters, the two members in the household who seemed most excited with his surprise stay. Braeburn drank in every detail of the seductive forms from the Apple sister’s as their busty chests pressed against his own with each and every hug. “Gosh, darn it!” Braeburn cursed to himself as he watched the curvy figures of the two sisters turn and strut away as they fixed their attention back to the two elder members of their family. “It should be a crime to conceal such perfect bodies in them tight nit clothes!” Braeburn took a few deep breaths, attempting to relax himself for the time being, “Calm yourself big guy, you’ll have ample time alone with the girls soon enough. Plenty of time to bring out their wild sides…” After a quick friendly chat, snack on delicious apple fritters, and catch-up on all the events that took place over in Appleloosa over the months, the taxi for Big Mac and Granny Smith pulled up to the barn, giving a loud honk. “Well… reckon that’s our ride,” Big Mac side as he helped Granny Smith rise from her chair. “Shucks, you leaving already big brother?” Applejack chided, as her grandmother gathered their luggage. “Seems like we just sat down with the whole family.” “Fraid so Applejack. We’ll be back in a week or so, depending on weather,” Big Mac said, before turning to the girls who sat with Braeburn. “Ah think it goes without saying, but Ah’m gonna to say it anyway. Braeburn is the man of the house while we are away. He’s in charge, so ya’ll best be doing whatever our cousin think’s best,” he said, giving a stern look to Applejack and Apple Bloom. “I’ll be call’in in a few days to check in on ya!” The senile old women shouted from outside with a volume far greater than necessary. “You two better be on yer best behavior!” “We will Granny!” Apple Bloom called from the door. “Don’t you worry about a thing!” The trio waved from the doorway as Big Mac and Granny Smith climbed into their taxi. Only once the car finally drove off out of sight around the hill did they cease. Braeburn gave a devilish smile. He had received everything he wanted! Alone at the Apple farm, with the two sexiest members in the entire Apple family, maybe even all of Equestria. An entire week to coax the two erotic women into his pants. “Well… someone seems to be happy,” Applejack chucked, looking at Braeburn, who was oddly rubbing his hands together menacingly while licking his lips. “Wha… oh uh. Heh, just glad I’ll be spending my here time with my two favorite cousins!!” “Well, what do you want to do first cuz?!” An excited Apple Bloom exclaimed, hugging his back. Braeburn could once again feel the soft flesh of her generous chest press into him through her shirt, the blood in his body deciding to shoot straight back into his member. “Well… heh, I figure it’s high time for bed. It’s getting late and all,” he said, giving a fake yawn. “We Apples gotta be up right and early tomorrow, ya hear?” “You heard the man Apple Bloom. Big bro said he’s in charge,” Applejack said winking at him before nudging her younger sister toward the stairs. She grumbled but started walking up anyway. “You too missy,” Braeburn said with a smile, giving a playfully pat to the older sister’s behind. “You’re the boss,” Applejack chuckled, obediently following her sister up the stairs. “Why yes… Yes Ah am…” ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ Braeburn was the last to climb the stairs to the second level of the barn house. The hallway was lined with four different bedrooms along with two bathrooms. Two of the bedrooms doors were open and the rooms inside were dark. Braeburn knew those two rooms must belong to Big Mac and Granny Smith. They would not be the rooms he would be sleeping in during his stay, however. Braeburn walked the wooden hallway. Rounding a corner he came across the room of the youngest member of the Apple family. Silently, Braeburn crept up to the door of Apple Bloom’s room. The door had been closed, not completely, but still not enough to see anything inside the young girl’s room. He could hear rustling coming from the other side. Braeburn gave a quick double take to make sure Applejack wasn’t there behind him with a stern expression and crowbar in hand. Satisfied, seeing that AJ’s own door was closed shut, he silently nudged Apple Bloom’s door open slightly. This action earned him a slight view on the mirror inside her room. What Braeburn saw truly a sight to behold. From his vantage point on the mirror he could see the reflection of his cousin Apple Bloom facing the mirror, almost completely naked, save the bra she wore. Braeburn’s eyes drank in every detail on the unsuspecting teenage girl. Her uncovered athletic legs, cleanly shaven pussy, and most noticeable, her concealed tits. As if Celestia herself smiled down upon him, Apple Bloom reached behind her back, working at the clasps that held the flimsy fabric together. After what had seemed like an eternity, the metal clasps came undone, the bra joining her other discarded clothes as a heap on the floor. Braeburn’s was now blessed with the view of his cousin’s completely exposed form, Apple Bloom’s gorgeous mounds bursting free from their confines. Her C sized breasts stood out proudly from the teenager’s chest, a pair of cute nipples stood erect, surrounded by a circle of her light pink areola. In terms of size, they didn’t quite compare to Applejack’s generous rack, and from the way she was acting, that seemed to bother her quite a bit. Pinching her twin nipples between her fingers, she gave them a firm tug, pulling them out and holding for a moment before releasing them. Braeburn stared with starry eyes as he watched her breasts sway and bounce back into place on her chest. Quickly, Braeburn’s hand moved to draw his phone out from a pocket in his tightening pants. Turning on its camera, he pointed it to his crack in the doorway. Zooming in, he managed to capture a few perfect shots of his unsuspecting cousin, as she appeared to be stretching in place. The young girl leaned over to touch her toes, giving the perverted man a perfect shot of her drooping melons. As if that wasn’t enough, she soon rose, bringing one of her legs with her, bending it so it stood at almost at a 180 angle with the other in a perfect standing split. Braeburn marveled at the young girl’s flexibility as he snapped a dozen more shots of the flexible teenager, her puffy pink lower lips found themselves dead center in each high resolution frame. Silently Apple Bloom lowered her leg, giving one final stretch as she arched her back forward, giving a strong yawn. Turning to her side, she started to make her way to the very door Braeburn creeped at. “Oh horse apples!” Braeburn panicked, moving as quickly as he could to vacate himself from the area, while also staying as quiet as possible. “Odd…” he could hear Apple Bloom say from the door. “I could’ve sworn ah left this thing closed.” She scratched her head for a moment, before shrugging. Braeburn heard the lights to her room flip off as she shut and locked her door for the night. Sighing in relief, Braeburn rose from his hiding spot around the corner. He attempted to take a moment to collect himself, but his dick would have none of it in light of the recent gold mine he had captured on camera. “It’s a hot summer day for sure,” Braeburn said to himself as he continued his original path down the hallway. “Course the girls probably reckon it would be best to sleep bare.” Arriving at Applejack doorway, a devilish smile crossed his mouth, “I can only guess AJ would be up to the same, bout now.” Not wanting to settle for a measly doorway view, Braeburn burst into the older sister’s room. “AAAhhh! What in tarnation!” Applejack exclaimed, jumping in shock from the sudden intrusion. Braeburn’s face visible shrink from its grin. Applejack stood there staring at him, almost fully clothed. The only thing she had removed was her boots and pants. She was left wearing her plaid t-shirt and an orange panties that wrapped snuggly around her firm behind. Her stylish Stetson hat hung from its perch on one of the bed posts. Braeburn sighed in disappointment, feeling as though his luck had run dry. “S-Sorry Cuz, didn’t mean to startle ya.” “Well ya did!” Applejack exclaimed crossing her arms against her chest, a hint of red crossing the cheeks of the busty apple farmer. “What in the hay are you doing in here anyway?” “Didn’t Mac tell you? He said he didn’t want me staying in his room, figured I might mess all his collections or what not,” Braeburn lied through his teeth. “But he did say that ya’ll would be happy to share your room with me. Ah hope that wouldn’t be too much of a bother for family.” Applejack relaxed with a huff, pausing for a moment to consider it. “You men and your obsessions, I swear.” Sighing to herself, “Fine, settle on in Braeburn, no cousin of mine is gonna be sleeping on the floor.” “Thanks cuz!” The delighted farmer said as he took his place on one of the bed’s sides. Grabbing the sides of his shirt, he slowly drew it over his head, revealing a set of tone abs, a result of many long days of working on the farm. He smiled to himself as he pretended not to notice Applejack stealing a few glances from her own side of the bed. Finally, he pulled down the waistline of his pants, leaving him ready for bed in nothing but his boxers. He gave a silent thanks, noting that his member had mostly retreated from its fully erect state. “You wearing that to bed AJ?” Braeburn asked, gesturing to Applejack’s shirt and underwear. “It is awfully hot tonight, wouldn’t blame ya for wearing a little less” “Heh, I reckon it’ll suit me just fine,” Applejack chuckled, albeit disappointedly. She had originally intended on sleeping nude tonight, as she usually did, but it seemed as though she would need to make due for the week, given Big Mac’s stupid sleeping arrangements. Sighing in frustration, Applejack slipped onto the matress, joining her cousin on the cozy bed. Just as she was about to pull the blanket over herself, it jumped out of her reach. “Don’t know what ah was thinking there!” Braeburn said, gathering the bed sheets above them and throwing them off his side of the bed. “On a scorching hot night like this? We would be like pigs in a blanket under those.” “Heh, guess you’re right,” Applejack chuckled nervously, now slightly more uneasy with the situation as most of her lower half now lay on full display. Her mind was already busy at work, planning on dressing much more conservatively for the following nights ahead of them. “Get a grip AJ!” she pestered herself in mind, “He’s part of your family for pony’s sake! There isn’t an apple licking chance he would try to pull something!” “Well… sleep tight cousin. We got a big day ahead of us tomorrow,” Braeburn said with a yawn, lying into his pillow. “We sure as apples do…” Applejack said with a lazy yawn of her own. “Come to think of it, I’m plumb tuckered out after today... reckon I could use a mighty strong sleep bout now.” Applejack closed her eyes as she settled into her bed. She was sound asleep within minutes. ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ The lights were off, but bedroom still shown clearly, easily illuminated by the pale moon light shining through the windows. Applejack lay peacefully on her portion of the bed, sleeping contently and securely knowing everything was just about perfect in her world. Braeburn, on the other hand, couldn’t have fallen asleep, even if he wanted to. “Maybe I was a might quick to judge myself on the count of my luck runnin’ dry,” Braeburn thought to himself. Counting his blessings, he turned over, noting his fast asleep cousin laying on her side, her slowly rising and falling chest indicating she was more than likely dreaming at the moment. As quietly as he could, Braeburn rose from his spot on the bed, tip toeing over to the bedroom door to double check it was closed and locked. Maybe he was being a bit paranoid, but he didn’t want to risk Apple Bloom walking in on him, even though she should be likewise be sleeping by now. Walking back over to Applejack’s side of the bed, Braeburn drunk in the full unashamed view of his cousin’s helpless body. “All to myself….” he whispered to himself, shaking, barely managing to contain his excitement. As gently as he could, he nudged the sleeping women onto her back. Fortunately for him, it didn’t come close to waking her as she fell, arms and legs sprawled to the side. Braeburn watched her perfectly shaped breasts rise and fall with each breath as he considered his next course of action. A light bulb went off in his head. Waltzing over to the other side of the bed where his pants lay, he grabbed his phone from the discarded pants pocket. Flipping the aPhone over into recording mode, he placed the lens on the bed still next to his slumbering cousin, pointed directly towards her. Hitting the button to initiate the phone to start recording, he turned his attention back to his prize. Applejack was wearing a t-shirt, which would end up making it rather difficult to remove and get a full unobstructed view of her perfectly shaped melons that lay beneath. Thankfully, Applejack’s athletic legs lay bare and vulnerable, protected only by the sheer orange panties. As if signally Braeburn where to go, her long legs had spread open when she had been tipped onto her back. Needing no further motivation, Braeburn took his position between them, quivering with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Oh Celestia… AJ would be sure to kill me if she woke up catching me doing this to her…” Braeburn thought to himself, but the power of boners prevailed as he trudged forward regardless. As slowly as he could, Braeburn reached in, hooking a finger around the bottom of his cousin’s panties. Once satisfied that he had a firm hold of the undergarment, he softly pulled it to the side, revealing Applejack’s most sacred of places to his prying eyes. It was everything Braeburn had dreamed of. Meeting his perverted gaze was easily the sexiest set of pink folds that Braeburn had had the pleasure of meeting. There was no doubt in his mind that her pussy would end up being a tight and snug fit for his cock, by the looks of it, it seemed as though it was practically begging to have something thrust into it. Above, there wasn’t a trace of hair to be found, in fact, the area appeared to be recently shaven. Braeburn would have loved to do nothing more than violently rip off her delicate clothes from Applejack’s body and thrust his member into her cunt until the sun came up. But unfortunately, there was no guarantee she would be completely accepting of him. He was a pervert among many things, but he had no intention of being a man who forced his unwilling cousin onto a cock. Besides, he couldn’t risk waking Apple Bloom with the sound of their combined love making. However, that didn’t mean he couldn’t have some fun for the time being. Braeburn moved his trembling hand in front of his cousin’s exposed sex before gradually inserting a single digit into her waiting cunt. He could feel her tightness immediately, even more apparent, however, was the fact that she was soaking wet. “Heh, naughty little cousin of mine… having ourselves a dirty dream are we?” Braeburn chuckled under his breath. Spurred on by his discovery, he started pushing his finger deeper into Applejack’s slick passage, stopping once the entire length of his digit was inside his cousin. He pulled his finger back out, only to thrust it back into the horny girl, starting a slow rhythm. In response to his efforts, Applejack released a deep sensual moan, shifting slightly in her sleep. Braeburn stopped his movements for a moment, triple checking to ensure the attractive women who lay before him was still asleep. After he was certain she was, Braeburn resumed his efforts on his cousin. Extending a second finger, Braeburn easily slipped his digits inside Applejack’s depths. He began pumping in earnest now, giving occasional flicks to the girl’s aching clit. The unconscious farmer seemed more than pleased with his efforts. Her mouth now hung open as she began panting coupled with frequent moans. Braeburn gave a devilish grin as he noticed her hips starting to involuntarily give a series of small bucks to meet his hand. Her juices flowed freely, easily lubricating his fingers and dripping out onto the sheets below her. Just as Braeburn felt her walls tighten, certain he was about to bring the sexy farmer over the edge, Applejack’s body shuttered. “Oh crap!!!” Braeburn’s mind shouted. As quickly as he could, he withdraw his hand from Applejack’s dripping snatch, scrambling across to the bed onto his side. With a flump he landed down, his back facing his cousin, prying to Celestia AJ hadn’t seen anything. “Huh…. Wha?” A dazed Applejack mumbled, slowly opening her eyelids. The frazzled framer took in her surroundings as her vision and mind slowly returned. She was lying in her bed, sweating like a pig for some reason. She gasped as she felt something beneath her. Looking down, it took everything she had to suppress a squeak from her lips at what she saw. Her underwear had been shifted to the side, her pussy clearly exposed and dripping wet with her juices. Applejack feared the worst, hoping her panties had merely got that way as a result of her tossing and turning in bed. The only worse alternative in her mind was that her hand had subconsciously worked its way down between her legs while she enjoyed that naughty dream she was having between Twilight and her brother. Either way, it was all the more reason she couldn’t afford to dress like this tomorrow night. To heck with how hot it was! “Apples above… I sure as hell hope Braeburn didn’t see this! He might end up thinking I’m some sort of pervert!” Applejack panicked to herself. Turning to Braeburn she gave a sigh of relief. It appeared as though the man was soundly asleep, facing away from her, and snoring… rather loudly. “Zzzzzz…. Applez.. Applez.. Applez….Zzzzzz” Turning her attention back between her legs, Applejack racked her brain with what she should do. “Dripping wet, horny as hell, my own hands probably stripping me in my sleep… guessing I don’t really have much of a choice in the matter...” Applejack gave an exhale in defeat. Reaching under her mattress, she fished around for a while. Finally finding what she sought, she pulled out a purple vibrator she had chosen to save for such frequent occasions. It had become a habit of hers to play with herself every night, almost to the point of an addiction. Of course, she kept that dark secret hidden far away from the rest of her family, even her best friends. Checking again to make sure the man next to her appeared to be asleep. Braeburn was still snoring. “Heh, a stampede wouldn’t wake up this one…” she thought. Fumbling with the switch, Applejack turned her personal vibrator on its medium setting. The device started buzzing away like music to her ears. Too busy with the task of positioning it between her legs, she failed to notice the ears on a certain man next to her perk up from the sound, having completely stopped his pretend snoring. Applejack gently nudged the tip of her sex toy inside her soaked folds, warming herself up to the feeling she knew and loved. “Oooooooo! Fuck!” Applejack moaned, not wanting to wait another moment, she thrust the remaining length inside her quivering pussy. She collapsed on the bed, her mouth and tongue gaping, releasing a series of animalistic pants and moans. Her purple toy continued to work, rapidly hitting her pleasure spots without giving the girl a moment’s rest. Applejack was fully aware of what she was doing. Masturbating in bed with her attractive cousin sleeping next to her like some sort of whore. If the rest of her family knew what she was doing, that would probably disown her on the spot. But the risk of being caught only seemed to increase the farmer’s lust, driving her hand to thrust her buzzing vibrator into her soaked passage at increasingly speeds. With her free hand, Applejack yanked the bottom of her shirt up over her breasts, revealing her ample rack to her lidded eyes. Wasting no time, she roughly grabbed one of her fleshy mounds, caressing it in her palm before dealing her hardening pink nipples a rough pinch. Applejack bit her lip to suppress a moan that could awaken her sleeping bunk mate. Her favorite toy continued to doing what it loved most, seeming to rub and stimulate every wall of her pussy. Growing impatient, Applejack momentary released her breast from her hand, reaching down and turned the knob on her toy, switching it into maximum power. The machine thrusting inside her hummed and buzzed with new energy as it went into a frenzy on her dripping cunt. Applejack was in heaven now, her toes curling as her body rode the humming toy for all she was worth. As her breath quickened, she knew her fun was fast approaching a climax. With all the remaining strength in her hand, she drove the buzzing toy in and out of her depths at a blurred speed. As it slid over her special spot, her eyes closed in ecstasy. An enormous pleasurable wave washed over Applejack as she felt herself contract around the vibrating toy. Her hand pulled on her tight hard nipples, stretching them to their limit, as her orgasm continued. Arching her back off the bed, she failed to suppress a grunt of pleasure as her juices flowed freely from her twitching passage. Applejack’s limbs collapsed to her side, her body still occupied riding the roaring waves of her recent mind numbing orgasm. Still panting through half-lidded eyes, Applejack pulled the vibrator from her slopping passage, turning it off. As the toy died down, she gave a satisfied smile, reaching down and hiding the machine until its services were needed again. Braeburn in the meantime, still continued to lay motionless on his side. Although Applejack couldn’t see it, his eyes were completely bloodshot, having not blinked for the past few minutes. A river of drool flowed freely from his mouth onto the bed below, going completely unnoticed by the dazed man. His dick, in the meantime, was so hard it was as though it felt like a drill that could pierce the heavens. To Braeburn’s utter dismay, he knew he couldn’t touch it, else Applejack would hear and know he had been awake for her entire scene. As Applejack settled back in, redrawing her panties to cover her soaked nether lips, giving a content sigh, Braeburn could only lay there, contemplating his fate. “Oh Celestia, why do you tease me so!?” His greatest regret was that he wasn’t able to freely watch his cousin get off, even though she was right next to him. Braeburn, took a few deep breaths, attempting to draw his mind away to other matters. “Huh, now where exactly did I leave that phone of mine again?”