> When the Sun Sets, I know I will Always be With You > by Color Nova > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dara is on a beach. She is chilly in her clothes, which are a sky blue t-shirt with navy skinny jeans. Around her neck is a small gold chain with a little heart charm on it. The color match perfectly with her hair and eyes, which are blonde with green eyes. Her hair was always up; it felt wrong of her to have it down, she sometimes had a nervous breakdown. But on the beach she feels safe, the air was light and the sand tickled between her toes. The sky is dotted with seagulls flying over head, probably looking for for food. She walks on the sand, slightly in the water. The feeling of wet sand was nice; it reminded her of the years past, the multiple times she have stepped in this relaxing world that is the beach. As she walked along, a city came into view. It was lit up in the night, the city was alive like any beach city. She decide to walk towards it, what was the harm? Around an hour passed, and she approached city. She walks in front of a large building, it seemed like a school. "Something is off about this place" Dara whispers, "The door is swinging as if some just walked in, but I hear no footsteps". In curiosity, Dara walks in, It is dark and cold. She sneaks around, looking for a person, but she is not surprised to find nothing. Because Dara is already here, she tiptoes towards a metal door labeled "To Roof, Authorized Personal Only Past this Point". She opens the door slowly and turns on the light that is in the stairway. Dara climbs up the stairs quickly, she doesn't want to be caught snooping around. She soon finds a trap door and the end of the flight of stairs, she cautiously opens the heavy door to find that a girl around her age is there. She has a midnight black leather jacket with orange accents on it.She also has on a blue shirt, the color similar to the one she has on. Under the blue shirt is a tan one. Her boots are the same design on her jacket. The girl also has red hair with yellow streaks in it (or is it yellow with red streaks?) , it reminded her of fire. Long story short, the girl was really pretty, at least in Dara's eyes. The girl walked near the edge of the building, and starts to sing: Power... was all I desired but all that grew inside of me, was the darkness I acquired When I began to fall and I lost the path ahead That's when your friendship found me And it lifted me instead Like a phoenix burning bright In the sky I'll show there's another side to me You can't deny I may not know what the future holds But hear me when I say That my past does not define me 'Cause my past is not today Ambition Is what I believed Would be the only way To set me free But when it disappeared And I found myself alone That's when you came and got me And it felt like I was home Like a phoenix burning bright In the sky I'll show there's another side to me You can't deny I may not know what the future holds But hear me when I say That my past does not define me 'Cause my past is not today ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dara is in awe. The girl's voice was amazing, the song meaningful. But what shocked her most was that the girl has been lifted into the air and she turned into what looked like a phoenix. The girl was now kneeling on the roof, with her head down, looking like she was as in awe as Dara and confused as her as well. She then got up, turned around, and saw Dara with her mouth wide open, still in shock. Sunset smiled when she saw the girl, then she walked over. Dara is still too in shock to notice her. "Hey" Sunset speaks in a friendly tone, "What are you doing up here". "Uhhhh" Dara started to stutter. Sunset started to laugh, "Its OK, I'm not going to hurt you, why don't you chill here with me"?. Sunset offered her hand to Dara and she takes it warily. Sunset gently walked with her in her hand, and led her to a spot . "This is where I'm staying for tonight,you can sit down if you'd like". Dara sat down and looked at the girl, "She is sooo pretty" Dara thought. she then without realizing it, started staring at her. Sunset waved a hand in front of her, "Are you alright?" she said. Dara's mind suddenly went back to reality, "Uhh yeah I'm fine, what are you doing up here anyway?". "Sometimes I like to come up here to clear some thoughts, I can see the whole city from up here", Sunset says, "What are you doing here as well". " I just found this place I guess", Dara replies. "Do you not go here?, because I haven't seen you around school?", Sunset asks. "Well, I don't go here, I go to this school called Jameston High School.", Dara says. "Hmm, never heard of it", Sunset says."By the way, my name is Sunset Shimmer, what's yours?" Sunset asks. "My name is Dara Hart, cool name by the way, your parents must be creative.". Sunset froze at the mentioning of her parents "Yeah I just they were.", Sunset says shakily. The girls sit there for a moment; then Sunset starts to talk again. " It was nice talking to you, but I think you should walk back to your house or something, its getting late". "Heh I guess you're right, ok see you around"? Then suddenly Dara WOKE UP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She finds herself awake at the foot of a statue; it looks like is in front of the building she was in last night. "How did I end up here?" Dara asks herself. She soon realizes that she is gathering attention, probably because: A, she is new and B she is in front of the statue that supposedly another strange girl has come to there world in. Dara stands up and starts to walk around. She soon walks into the girl she talked to last night. "Oh so sorry, can I help you up?" Sunset says in worry. Dara blushes, then takes her hand. "Hey" Sunset says, "I know you, we met last night". "What are you doing here?". "I don't know really, I just woke up near that statue over there". She then pointed to the portal. Sunset froze, realizing what happened. "Follow me, I need to take you to Principal Celestia!" she says in a rush Dara follows. > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The principal looks like she just woke up. She has huge bags under her eyes, and looks concerned. "I am thankful that you have informed me of this Miss Shimmer, but I don't think I,should do anything until you contact Twilight" "But in the meantime, we should treat her like a student until this is all figured out, and Sunset, why don't you show her around the school?" "Sure thing Miss Celestia, but is she going to attend classes or just hang around?" replies Sunset "Of course not, she is going to have the same schedule as you, just to make things easier". "Cool, Ok, come on Dara!, I'll show you 'round", says Sunset "Ok I guess, let's go then" says Dara in a shy tone, she doesn't really like talking to adults that much. Sunset walks out the door, motioning Dara to follow,Sunset gives her a smile and she follows. "I guess we should go to homeroom, Miss Cheerilee must be waiting" Sunset says. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The girls arrive in homeroom, which is library, because Miss Cheerilee is the librarian. The girls sit down in two chairs on the second floor, Miss Cheerilee always lets students hangout after she puts them in the computer attendance. "So Dara, tell me about yourself.", asks Sunset "Well yesterday, I think, I had a dream about meeting you on the roof of the school, but it seems like you already know me which I find odd. Is there an explanation to this?" says Dara "To start, when I met you, it wasn't a dream, so maybe it was a HUGE coincidence?" I dont know really what happened, maybe Twilight can tell us when she comes from the portal." Wait What now, she's coming through a portal? I didn't think they existed? Dara says in confusion Well, both she and I come from a world in which we are ponies, and I came here a few years ago, and she came here about a month ago, to help us defeat these magical creatures called the Sirens." , Sunset replies. "You came through the portal too which leads me to ask, are you fro Equestria too?", asks Sunset in curiosity. "No, I come from a place called Earth, which is basically a place like this, but instead of everyone having colorful skin, everyone only has a few bland colors, same with our hair unless you want to dye it." Dara says, trying not to laugh, saying this is just plain funny to her. "This is Earth too, maybe your Earth is an alternate one and the other way around". Sunset says in excitement. Dara could tell this girl was kind of a nerd in a cool way, as was she. Dara started starting at her again, but this time Sunset knew what was up. "Hey Dara", Sunset asks "Are you like in to me or something, cause' something is telling me you are". "Uhh" Dara starts to stutter. "Im ok with it, no need to be scared", Sunset laughs, "I think you're pretty cool, I wouldn't mind getting to know you better" Suddenly, a girl with big orange hair comes up to the girls, she has a huge smirk on her face. "Well Well Well, isn't it the girl that broke up with the only girl who could really understand her", Adagio says with a sneer. "I told you Adagio, we're through, you can stop getting into my business!" Sunset growls "I was just looking if my ex was seeing anyone, and it looks like she is". Adagio says, she then gets very close to Dara's face, Dara whimpers. "I don't see what you see in her Sunny, she's obviously a loser!" Adagio sneers. "Leave her out of this Adagio!" Sunset mutters. "Make me!" Adagio replies. Sunset gets out of her chair and gets in between Dara and Adagio, then says "For the last time, leave her alone!". Miss Cheerilee then starts to come over. Adagio sees this. "This isn't over baconhead!". She then storms away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Period: Art "I'm sorry 'bout all that", Sunset says, "We used to date and I guess she's still mad. Dara looks down at her drawing, then sighs "It's OK, it's not your fault. "And about earlier", Sunset says, "Do you want to go to that new Mexican place with me on Wednesday?", then Sunset gives her a smile and puts her hand on Dara's shoulder. "I'd love to!", Dara says excitedly, "Whoops, I mean, Yeah sure". "Ok Meet me there at 6:00". Sunset replied Dara then blushed, HARD. Of course Sunset noticed, "I'm glad to see you're as excited as am" Sunset says "Oh by the way, this is my friend Applejack". "It's surly nice meetin' ya' sugarcube", Applejack says, tipping her hat. "And this is my other friend Aria Blaze" Sunset says. " 'Sup" Aria says. "It's nice meeting you", Dara says, "Oh and sunset, what is next period" "Science" Sunset says, "It's my favorite subject, what's yours Dara?" "Mine's Science too, I really like Biology" Dara says in excitement, sounding just like Sunset from eariler. "Well yer' Defiantly gonna like Fluttershy, she LOVES animals" Applejack says. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Art, Before Science. Sunset and Dara stop at Sunset's locker, Sunset opens it to find that the book her and twilight communicate with was buzzing. unset opens the book, and Dara looks confused, for obvious reasons. "Hey, it looks like Twilight will be coming soon, she seem excited to meet you" Sunset says. "Cool, wait, how does that book work?" Dara asks "No time to explain now, we need to go to Science" Sunset replies. And with that, the girls walk to their next class. > Chapter Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset and Dara are in Science, this time they are not next to each other, but Dara doesn't mind, too much. The teacher, Mrs. Geode, is a charismatic teacher, which Dara enjoys, this school has a MUCH better science course then her old school. Today's lesson is on rain forests, a topic Dara is passionate about, and, so is a certain pink haired girl. Fluttershy is practically on the edge of her seat, looking like she is trying to absorb as much information as she can. Dara suddenly felt something hit her head at a strong force, it is a note. She opens up the crumbled piece of lined paper, it says: Dear Jerkface, I am glad to inform you that you are on my list of people I absolutely HATE. If I were you I'd stay out of my way From, Adagio Dara sighed, then folded the paper and placed it in her pocket. She turned her head around to see where Adagio is sitting. To her surprise she is right behind her, sporting an evil grin. Dara falls right out of her chair, much to Adagio's amusement. A whole bunch of students start snickering, but Sunset rushes over to see if she is OK. "Are you alright Dara?" asks Sunset "Yeah, I'm fine" Dara says. Sunset offers her hand to her to help her up, and she pulls Dara up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of Science was OK and Sunset led Dara back to Miss Celestia's Office. Dara opens the door for Sunset and they walk in. "Miss Celestia do Dara and I have permission to wait for Twilight by the portal?". "Yes Miss Shimmer, you may go, I am as intrigued as you are about this whole situation" says Miss Celestia. "Ok, thanks!" The girls leave the office, and run into The Main 5. "Hey Sunny!, whatcha doing"? asks Pinkie. "Uh Pinkie, how did you guys know we were going to be here"? asks Sunset. "Well, I started twitching in the middle of math..." Pinkie started to say. "Then she started running around the school to get all of us, when I was in the middle of a dodge ball game that I was about to win"! "Whatever Rainbow Dash, I bet this situation is much more important than a little game in gym class"! Rarity says. "Point taken Rarity". , grumbles Rainbow. "Anyway, what's the situation we're dealin' with Sunset"? asks Applejack. "Well....." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, that's freaky!" says Rainbow with her eyes wide. "Uh huh" say the rest of the five. "So Dara, tell us about yourself darling", asks Rarity "Well I play lacrosse,.." Dara starts to say. "Oooo I play too, betcha you can't beat me!" Rainbow exclaims "Your on after school, my goalie skills are amazing" Dara says "Deal!", says Rainbow. "Anyway back on topic girls" says Sunset "Yay!, Twilight's here!" Fluttershy says in the loudest voice she can do. All of the girls gather around Twilight, giving her hugs and greetings, well except for Dara, who stands shyly to the side "It's OK Dara, Twilight has helped us many times before, she's a great friend." Sunset says, she then grabs her hand and leads her over to meet Twilight. The girls part way for her and Sunset and Twilight gives them a warm smile. "So, how are you liking this world so far Dara"? "It's nice, Sunset's friends are nice to me"? "That's good, because you might be staying here for a while", Twilight says, her once happy tone turning into a serious one. "Wait, like 30 moons long or like forever long"? asks Applejack Everyone is in silence. Dara thinks she knows the answer, why else would everyone be so quiet? Sunset also notices this and walks over to hug her. Dara accepts her hug and they stand still for a while, then Dara starts to cry. Sunset tightens the hug and starts putting her fingers through her hair to calm her. She also starts to whisper calming things into her ears. Rainbow, being Rainbow notices this and starts cracking up. "Ah hah!, I knew Sunset had a thing for her"! Rainbow says. "Rainbow! , seriously now's not the time, she's in a difficult situation right now"! replies Sunset. Dara blushes, then whispers into Sunset's ear "Love you too". then blushes as well, making it obvious to the girls that they were a thing. "Aww this is absolutely adorable"! says Rarity. "Why don't you two just kiss already it's driving me nuts"! screams Rainbow. "Anyway.. Back on topic girls, Dara, I know this is hard for you, but you've already got great friends here". says Twilight. "Yeah I guess, I could be stuck in a world with hydras, sirens and other monsters, so yeah, I can deal with this." Dara says after wiping away a tear. Sunset and Twilight look at each other, then laugh. "Well, that's all there really is to say, and I have a castle to attend to, so see you guys again"! says Twilight. "Bye!", All of them say in union as Twilight steps through the portal. "And Rainbow, we are NOT kissing right now, especially with you guys here, and in the open", says Sunset. "Fine," Rainbow mutters "I don't want to see your mushy stuff anyway". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Period 4, Lunch Dara grabbed her food and was waved over by Sunset and the gang. Sunset patted a seat next to her, and she sat down. "Hey Dara, was Adagio bothering you again?, I saw her throw something at you in Science", asks Sunset. "Yeah, but its not a big deal", Dara says "Its ok Dara, adagio can be a bitch sometimes", says Aria. The others give her a look. "What? Its true" says Aria The others realize this and nod, then they laugh. "Who dares laugh about Adagio Dazzle"! ,says Adagio The girls look terrified as adagio walks over to the table. > Chapter Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio was sneering. "What do you find funny"? says Adagio. "Oh nothing" says Aria with confidence. "Aria standing up for something she believes in, that's new"! says Adagio "Back off, will ya!" says Aria. "Sure thing, right after I do THIS." says Adagio. Adagio grabbed a bowl of hot soup and dumped it on Dara's head, then she did the same to Aria. Satisfied with her work, she left. "Dammit, that burns real bad." says Aria. "You can say that again." replies Dara. Sunset looks horrified, she gets up in a hurry to grab some napkins. She comes back and hands the napkins to the girls. Sunset sighs "I thought she changed", Sunset says under her breath. The whole table is silent, processing what happened just moments before. Rarity is the first to break the silence. "Well, she could of done worse things then that" Rarity says. "True, but now I have no clothes, these are stained and I came here with nothing else." Dara mutters. "Well that's easily fixed darling, I can take you clothes shopping, you already have to get something for your date with Sunset." says Rarity. "Thanks..., wait how did you know I had a date with her?!" Dara says in shock. Rarity giggles. "I suppose I just have a knack for things like this". Rarity says. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few periods later, at the end of the school day Rarity has set up something for her and Dara to go shopping after school, but after the match between her and Rainbow of course. Rainbow has grabbed a stick for Dara from the sports closet, which she has access to because of her rank as captain of the team. She headed over to the lacrosse field, where Dara and the other six were waiting. "Alright, here's how it's gonna go, whoever scores the most goals in 5 minutes wins!" says Rainbow. "Alrighty, here we go," says Dara. The girls get in the draw position and the match starts. Rainbow starts out with the ball and starts heading towards the goal, Dara however is not going to let this happen. She finds that Rainbow is in the right place for her to check her, Dara takes advantage of this and checks Rainbow. Rainbow is not pleased by this, she starts sprinting towards her. Dara has already took a shot by the time she gets over there. Their friends cheer at Dara's accomplishment. "Pretty good eh', we'll see about that" says Rainbow. They do the draw again, and Rainbow gets the ball and takes a shot from the half-line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two are neck and neck, both scoring 3 goals with 20 seconds left on the clock. Their friends cheer for them as they compete to break the tie. Suddenly, the girls collide, knocking them both on the ground. The timer rings as they are getting up. "I guess we are both equally good at this Dara, good game. "Good game Rainbow" Dara says as she shakes hands with Rainbow. The girls head to the bleachers, where their friends are sitting. "That was awesome Dara!" squees Pinkie. "I've never ever seen anyone tie or beat RD before" Sunset gives Dara a side hug, both blush. "We should get going darling, we need all the time we can get to make you look fabulous!" says Rarity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pair arrives at a clothing store a couple of blocks away from the school. It had relatively fancy clothes, like the ones Rarity wears. The door rings when they enter, alerting the worker that a customer has arrived. "Hello Miss Rarity, need any assistance?" says the woman at the door. "No thank you Coco, I just need to get a friend of mine some new clothes." Rarity says, gesturing towards Dara. "Ok feel free to ask me any questions" says Coco. Rarity leads Dara over to a mannequin with a golden colored dress. It has short sleeves with a sooth top and a lace bottom half. It was perfect for a date that was not causal, but not super fancy, the one Dara was going on. "Do you like it darling?, I think it suits you perfectly!" says Rarity. "Yeah, I guess it does." says Dara. "Perfect!, now to find some shoes.