> Void Hopper > by hollowsbest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is, was May Berlyne Riverstone Richards. What can I say? My parents had a thing for big and long names, one of my little sisters was named Elizabeth Charles Rosebank Richards. Yeah, my family had weird and long names. I used to live in England, can't remember the exact location sadly. Still have the accent though, bonus! My family was kind-of large, two little sisters; Lizzy and Emms. My year older-than brother and several years younger-than brother; Harry and Michael. My two parents; Michelle and Roxanne. My parents sometimes call me an amazon woman seeing as I'm fairly tall, six foot something; I dyed my hair pink like a female anime protagonist an age ago, my eyes are purple; thanks to a disorder that colours them purple, and thanks to the disorder I don't have periods! I can still procreate fine though. My skin is usually pretty pale, I burn easily and I like wearing shades of yellow and brown on my clothing; I have a necklace my Dad gave me for my birthday, it's special and I never take it off. We used to travel around, we once visited America for a comic-con for Harry for Agents of SHIELD. It was pretty awesome, we also picked up some Kill la Kill memorabilia for me. Anyway, I'm getting off track here. The day I vanished was Michael's fifth birthday, we were having fun teasing and geeking out over his presents; when I started feeling dizzy. "Lyne, you don't look good," Emmerlyn said, glancing at me. "I don't feel good," I muttered, rubbing my temples. "What's wrong dear?" Michelle asked, I called Michele Mum and Roxanne Dad. It would take too long to explain why. "I've got this throbbing headache, and it feels like I'm going to pass out," I replied. "Go lie down honey, it'll be fine," Roxanne put in. "But it's Michael's birthday, I can't miss it!" "It'll be fine Lyne." Michelle said, steering me away from the birthday boy and towards my room. "Mum," I whined. "Don't 'mum' me, lie down. How late were you up last night?" "I went to bed around four-ish." "You should know better." "I know." I hung my head, trying to ignore the throbbing. "Bed, now." Michelle said. I grumbled a bit but did as I was told, I crawled under the covers and Michelle left the room; closing the door as she left. "Stuck in my room on my brother's birthday, how can this get any worse?" I wondered, I hissed in pain as my back started to throb; I rolled onto my stomach, but it didn't ease the pain. I closed my eyes tight and curled into a ball, slowly falling into the realms of sleep; the throbbing didn't stop, it seemed to get worse the farther I fell into dreamland. After what seemed years but was just mere moments, my eyes opened due to the brightness of my surroundings; Michelle had closed my curtain and so my room had been dark, had she opened them again? I eased open one eye and then the other, before I snapped them open wide and sat up quickly. I groaned as the throbbing came back full force, I tried to ignore it as I looked around at my surroundings; I was in a field with quite bright green grass and dotted with brightly coloured flowers. There were a few trees around and a path leading off into the distance. This was definitely not my room. > Chapter 1 - Today I Learn About Wings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After deciding there was no use standing around and waiting to be found, I stood up; albeit unsteadily. My sense of balance felt off and I fell backwards, thumping into the ground. I immediately sat up again as I fell on something the caused immense pain, I turned around to try and spot what I fell on; but here were no sharp rocks or branches that could've hurt me. I slowly stood up again, I adjusted my sense of balance and tried to work out what had made me fall over. Something ruffled behind me and I felt some odd sensations, I turned my head and stared as I looked at the large purple wings on my back. "Well, at least I know what I felt when I fell backwards." I said nervously, reaching up a hand to touch the feathers. A shiver went up my spine as I did so, I stroked where I thought the muscles could be and gently pulled out my right wing. I felt it being pulled out and let go, I gently unfolded it without the use of my hand and stretched my right wing as far as it could go. It was about one and a half meters long. I pulled out my left wing and did the same as I did for my right, I stretched it out and it was the same length. I deducted that my wingspan was three meters long, perhaps larger. After stretching my new-found limbs I folded them neatly and walked over to the path, I glanced up and down it; one way there seemed to be a large red building one way and just more fields the other. Don't take this the wrong way, I was majorly freaking out; but I needed to be calm and collected the find my way to civilization and safety before I could started my freak out session. I wasn't one to freak out, I was normally the calm and collected kid; time to live up to that reputation. I turned and started walking towards the building, as I approached; I realised it was a barn, trees started closing in as I walked. I eventually lost sight of the barn, the trees blocked the view. Eventually I left what I assumed was an orchard and made my way toward the barn, I heard some voices as I made my way over; I froze, wondering if meeting the people I heard was a good idea. It was too late now, I took a deep breath and walked forward; no time like the present! Two horses walked my way, one was orange and the other was a blue pegasus. "Wha-what the hell! This is definitely not Earth, not with talking horses and what looks to be a pegasus. JUST WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" I yelled in my head, my wings twitching in anxiety. "I said I was sorry Applejack! I'll make sure to sleep in the already bucked trees, alright!" "Ah, think it'd be best it ya didn't sleep in my apple trees at all Rainbow; that way we can both avoid this here argument in the future." The one identified as Rainbow noticed me and alerted the orange one- Applejack, to my presence. She then looked like she was getting ready to attack me, her wings flared out and she pawed at the ground. I started to back away away slowly. "What the hay is that?!" Applejack exclaimed. "Excuse you! Just because I'm different to you does not deserve an exclamation of rudeness such as that!" I replied tersely, my hot headedness bubbling to the top. "You can talk?" Rainbow asked, her wings drooping slightly and her posture changing. "Yes I can talk." I replied, a glare came her way. "Uh, sorry for that. If ya don't mind me askin', what are you?" Applejack asked. "I- I- think I'm human," I replied. "What sort of pony doesn't know their own species?" Rainbow replied. "For your information, I'm not a pony. And I don't know because I just woke up like this!" "You woke up as a hairless ape thing?" "No! I woke up with wings! And this isn't even my home, seeing as I'm talking to a talking pegasus and horse." "Have you tested them out?!" Rainbow asked excitedly. "We're ponies, not horses. Horses live in Saddle Arabia." "Uh, what?" "Have you flown with your wings yet!" "No I-" "Go on then!" "What." "You heard me, go on, fly!" "I've never had wings before in my life, how am I supposed to fly?" I deadpanned, I crossed my arms in annoyance. You meet a candy coloured hors- pony pegasus and then they started bossing you around; great start in Horseland. "You flap your wings, duh!" I facepalmed, that comment didn't even deserve an answer.