> Blood on the Ice > by Orion 141 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What have you done? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike jogged along the icy sidewalks of Ponyville proper. It had been unusually cold week due to an overflow of snow clouds blocking the sun. Granted this didn't bother the drake, after all he swam in lava on occasion and even hiked near the Crystal Empire for fun. Sadly his marefriend didn't share his joys, she'd rather curl up into a ball and watch the fire crackle with a steaming cup of hot chocolate wrapped in her fingers. His breath was calm and controlled, he moved forward with a brisk feeling in his heart. Ponyville had grown in the recent years, thanks to seven national heroes living there, granted now a days very few came for them. The street from the Castle to carousel boutique was lined with shops of all manner of retail, from a tea shop owned by a demonic spirit to flower shops owned by a trio of sisters. As Spike made his way to his lover's home, a single image caught his eye. The flowers were pink, they had pedals blooming out from it's stem. The center most were darker, almost red but not quite. Middlemist Red, the forgotten flower... Spike knew the flower well, very well in fact. It was only every found in the Canterlot Gardens, it had a very big and regal reputation. The rarest flower in Equestria by some accounts, only found in tiny pockets around the world in the wealthiest of families. He had only seen it in Canterlot in the royal gardens. Spike pressed his face against the glass, his knew of the value of such a plant. After nearly kicking down the glass door to the shop, Spike shot the florist into the air as he thundered into the building. The mare peaked her head over the counter of the shop, her glasses rattling ever so slightly as she looked at who entered her shop. She was a small woman, slender frame built for delicate work. "Those flowers there." Spike pointed towards very large bouquet of pink flowers. He had spied the price from the window, only 50 bits for such a large bouquet of flowers, nothing for one of such a rare breed. "H-how much d-do you wa-want them f-for?" Asked the florist shakily as she slow rose to her full height, straightening out her clothes, her eyes transfixed on him. Spike smiled, he had more than enough for the flowers. Even with how much he was going to propose, it was going to be worth it. "I can do 10,000 bits, no higher nor lower. I must have those flowers tonight." Spike pulled out his cheque book and wrote the number down, he filled out the fields with only a few strokes of his pen and tore the paper off the pad. He handed it to the florist who only stood there petrified. She made no moved to reach for the cheque, Spike simply placed it on the counter and walked over to the flowers. One the knee high window shelf the display vase was resting on, the massive bouquet was nearly as tall as a two metre tall dragon and only stopping short of his jawline. He cupped one of the small flowers and smelled deeply. Instantly his nose was assaulted by the familiar and nearly forgotten smell of Middlemist Red. He pulled the flowers out of vase holding them, a small bit of water dripping out from their stems. He turned around to find the florist still standing there, this time holding the cheque and staring blankly at the tiny piece of paper in her hands, she knew full well the Captain of the Royal Guard could afford it. He reached over the counter and pulled forth a large but manageable wrapping cloth from the rack, picking a dark green and wrapped it around the stems of the flowers, forming a proper bouquet. Spike turned and walked towards the door, kicking it open with his boot and moving out into the nipping cold, he turned to the florist one last time. "Thank you for the flowers." As the door to her shop slowly closed, only one thing course through her mind 'Why did he buy grandma's flowers for so much...?' Spike walked home at a brisk pace, he didn't want to damage the flowers from either the cold or his running, so a large stride was going to have to suffice. He spied the carousel in the distance, but something was off. There was a van parked out front. Rarity drove a hybrid and Sweetie walked everywhere. Who's van was out in front of his house? Not jumping to any conclusions, he simply kept on walking. Ideas streamed into his head, from vivid images of Rarity with another stallion to ones of her having a schoolyard friend over for tea. Nothing was out of the question in the very back of his mind, he tried to ignore his thoughts and avoid being to rash and thinking of the worst. He walked up the steps of the carousel, not even bothering to knock. Twisting the handle, he found it lock. He leaned over and pull out the '1' in the housing number for the carousel and pulled out the small brass key that was held in the form fitting foam, pushing the '1' back into it's place, he jabbed the key into it's hole and cranked it violently 'She never locks the door before 10, even if she doesn't know when I'm coming over'. Spike strode into the entrance, kicking off his boots and walking directly into the kitchen, supper was done and half eaten, a pair of meatloaf stained plates were in the sink. Spike ignored them and pulled out one of the many vases that litter the back of the kitchen and placed the flowers into it. He ran the sink and filled a cup of water. He placed the glass on the table and watched it for a moment. He felt the floor move beneath him slightly so he made a test with the glass, it was rocking back and forth just enough to make tiny rings appear on the surface of the water 'Okay, third red flag, but play it cool. Might just be her moving something upstairs. No biggy'. Spike picked up the glass and poured it into the vase and walked out of the kitchen. He stood in the entrance. tapping his foot and trying to think of possible reason for the three events. Nothing positive or uplifting came to mind, and that made him worry. "Okay, okay. I can deal with this, it'll be fine. Just go up there, ask her to come down, and once she sees the flowers she'll freak". Spike's personal pep talk worked as well as they did for his little league team, doing little to put him at ease, if anything it made him feel a little more queasy that before. He glanced up the stairs, her- their room would be at the hall, next to the bathroom and above the kitchen. With a deep breath, Spike made his first move up the stairs. His feet made little noise hitting the carpeted steps. Once his foot hit the second floor, his ear picked up faint giggles. A hunk of ice formed in the pit of his stomach, but he knew he needed to see her to believe it. With each step the giggles grew louder, then they stopped. "Rarity, I am going go to the bathroom for just a moment, you wait right there. Just like that, looking beautiful and sexy..." The voice was refined, regal almost, but very foreign to him. He drew out the last word, adding to the mass of ice in Spike's gut. With a quick side step, Spike backed into the guest room silently. The unknown stallions clumped down the hall and made a quick right, into the bathroom. A fire formed in his chest, at first it was a small spark, so he ignored it. He turned the corner and walked past the bathroom door, the stallion just beginning his work. His body was toned from the glimpse Spike had caught, pale yellow mane and a tan hide. He was a head shorter than Spike, but that didn't mean much since Spike towered over even Big Mac, be it only by a little in his case. Spike walked into the bedroom, his heart pounding and the fire building. There sat Rarity. She looked beautiful, just as the stallion had said. However, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, her legs spread wide to reveal her womanly slit. It was spread wide and cum was leaking out, Spike smelt it's musky odor. It was flowing out in globs and dripping onto the bed. Rarity's head was back and her eyes were close, his left hand massaging her breast. She had a smug, satisfied smile spread across her face. "Fun fuck?" Asked Spike casually, his tone as solid as steel. Rarity jumped at the sound of his voice. She scrambled onto the bed, trying and failing to cover herself as she made her way back. "S-s-spike... Please... W-what are you doing here this late? This isn't what it l-looks like!" Rarity's voice was cracking and she was trembling. Before Spike could say anything to her, the stallion walked in behind him. "Rarity, who in tartarus is this drake. What are you doing here sir, explain yourself!" The stallion advanced on Spike, quickly closing the gap between the two. The ice in his stomach melted and turned to steam from the fire in his chest, now a roaring inferno. "Eprouve, please don't." Once Spike turned to face Eprouve, he noticed how big Spike was. His shoulders were wide, he was a head taller, and he was a dragon. Spike too got an eye full of the stallion, his muscles toned and defined, but not very bulky or built. He was not the product of a hardy life, but one maintained in a gym. "Who the fuck do you think you are? This is my marefriend. You have ten seconds." Roared Spike as he slowly walked towards Eprouve, attempting to close the gap further. Eprovouve merely took a few measured steps back despite being outclassed by the dragon. Spike glanced down for a quick peak of what Rarity betrayed him over, he was unimpressed. "Wow Rares, you gave me up for that? The magazines not telling the truth? Big isn't actually better?" Asked Spike as he glanced over to Rarity who had covered herself up with her blanket. "I am Eprouve, and I am asking you to leave." Something snapped in Spike then, the fire in his chest changed from a roaring house fire to an unstoppable wildfire. He grabbed Eprouve by the neck and slammed him into the wall. Knocking with wind out of him. He fell to his knees, grabbing his throat and coughing in pain. Spike grabbed the back of his mane and pulled his face up to look him in the eye. Eprouve swung a slow punch towards Spike, hitting him in the jaw and knocking him back just enough for Spike to lose his grip on him. Rarity squeaked in fear but remained mostly silent and curled into a even tighter ball, her eyes locked on the two fighters. Spike looked at Eprouve, his eyes meeting his. Spikes's were filled with fire and hatred while Eprouve's were cool and slightly fearful, their owner had taken up a guard stance. "Want to know something about that window behind you? It leads to the backyard, and her garden." With that Spike charged him, striking him square in the chest, knocking the wind out of him once again. Spike took a step back before slamming his shoulder into his rips, lifting him off the ground, and began charging towards the window, intent on breaking through. The thin glass shatter in impact of the nearly 200 kilograms of muscle, resulting in the stallions landing in the garden below. The past summer Rarity had Twilight design a special spell to keep plants alive even during winter, and Rarity was always found of roses. Eprouve landed first, dazing him and resulting his back being torn up by rose bush thorns. Spike stood over him, fist balled and eyes filled with fire. "You." Spike spit out, his mouth aglow with internal fire. He reached out and grabbed Eprouve's mane, pulling him up and forcing him to his feet. Eprouve swung a few punches in an attempt to knock Spike back a second time. "Messed." Spike raised his leg and kicked him in the chest. Eprove's naked form slid through the snow, moving aside some of the snow from the ice on the pool. "With the wrong dragon's marefriend." Spike grabbed the side of Eprouve's and punched him in the jaw once, then again, again, and again. With each hit more and more blood began to splatter all over the ice and snow. With each hit, they became weaker, Spike began pulling his punches. The fire inside him dying. He eventually stopped punching all together and held Eprouve's head in his hands, his eyes half opened and his mouth slowly leaking a small amount of blood. Spike's breath slowly, the sound faded from the area. All he heard was the sound of Rarity's faint voice, calling his name from above in her room. Spike looked down at his hands, covered in blood. Eprouve was on his face, blood pooling all over the ground. "Spike..." "Spike.." "Spike!" Rarity's voice rang in his ears for a brief moment as he returned to reality. Rarity was covering was dressed in a robe, her hair was a mess and lipstick and makeup was smeared. He was standing over a battered but alive Eprouve, his hand held an ice packet to his face while the other held Rarity's hand. She was scared. Or was it angry. Spike couldn't tell. He couldn't tell anything. He was tired, sore, and his head was pounding like there were a million tiny monkeys with drumsets in his mind. All bashing away at random and screeching as they did so. "There's... I got you some flowers. Ten thousand bits worth of 'em, I'm sure you know them when you see them. I'm breaking you with you." With that Spike turned and walked towards the door, stopping to face Eprouve. "Be careful with her, Eprouve." The stallion groaned in response. Rarity made a move to follow Spike but Eprouve reached out for her, pulling her close for words Spike never heard. Spike stood on the doorstep of carousel, fiddling with the brass key. For once in his life, he felt the bite of the wind as it cut through his jacket and nipped at his hide, the metal key burned in his hands as he fiddled with the block. He pulled the '1' block back out and put the key back inside of it. Eyeing the foam for a moment before pushing it back into the wall. "Hey, sorry I didn't get here sooner..." Called a voice from the dark. Spike turn to look, finding Sweetie standing next to a bright orange sports car. It's purple windows giving away it's owner without even revealing the vanity plate. Spike looked her over, she was clad in her usual white coat and pink ear muffs. "How long did you know?" Spike's voice was hollow and it sounded like that of a man who was mere steps away from death's door. "About a day or so, I was coming over to tell you. When I seen his van I just froze up, had 999 dialed and was ready to call. Then you calmly walked out, not a piece of clothing out of place." Spike remained silent for a moment, looking at the ground in thought. "Gonna stand there until he comes out or you want to roll down to the nearest Burger-shot and get fat before we get drunk?" Asked Sweetie as she opened the door of the car and got in. Spike smiled and took one last look at the place he called home. With a sigh, he walked out to the driveway and stood next to the passenger side door. With a swift tug, he opened the door and got in. "So Burger-shot?" Asked Sweetie Belle as she fiddled with the keys in her hand, Spike only nodded in response to her question. Sweetie pulled her ear muffs off and started the car. The engine roared to life, giving a powerful and long call as it started.no doubt echoing throughout the neighbourhood. "What the hell is under that hood?" Asked Spike as he sat up slightly to look at the hood of the car. "Scoots does like her powerful things, that's a 1000 horsepower engine. We can get up to 320 with this baby." Replied Sweetie as she shifted the car into reverse and flipped it around in one motion. "Where did you learn to do that?" Asked Spike as he pealed himself off the dash and leaned into his seat. Pulling the belt across his chest. She glanced over to Sweetie who was cracking her neck. "The Canterlot Underground Race Circuit." Sweetie replied with a coy smile. With that, they were off. Off to get happy fat and happy drunk. > Just a Drink? (Bonus 18+) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike sighed as he stood on the doorstep of the carousel, his boot crunching the snow beneath his soles as he trampled in place. Removing one of his gloves, he pushed the door bell to the dress shop, the icy wind coming from the west not even affecting him now. He waited for moment before some opened the door. Eprouve was standing there, clan in only a pair of fitting cargo pants and a towel around his neck. Spike sized him up for a second while he did the same. Without even turning away, he pulled his tooth brush out of his mouth and spoke. Eprouve held no aurora of antipathy as Spike looked at him, only a air of tiredness. "Here for Rarity?" Spike only nodded slightly, Eprouve returning the gesture, motioning for him to come inside. "She's in the shower now, should finish soon. I'll go grab her, wait in the living room." Spike only nodded as he kicked his boots off, removing his other glove as he did so. Spike turned the corner and passed though the kitchen on his way to the living room, glancing at the flowers that still occupied the table. He sat down on his favourite chair, getting comfy for what was going to come next. He waited for a good two of three minutes before Rarity enter the living room, dressed on a light blouse and black business pants. She didn't say a word as she sat down on the sofa across from Spike. Eprouve didn't enter, no doubt finishing up what ever he was doing before Spike rung the door bell. Spike was the first to speak up. "So... Join be for some tea? Truffle is reopening his father's shop today, got a discount for friends and family going on." Awkwardly said Spike as he got to his feet, twisting his gloves in his hand, Rarity smiled warmly before turning to the kitchen. "Eprouve, I'm going out for a few minutes, can you start on lunch please?" Spike heard a chair move before Eprouve exited the kitchen with a small mug in hand, steam rising from it. He nodded and took a sip of his drink. Rarity turned to Spike, his smile fading slightly before she passed Eprouve and headed for the exit. Spike sighed in relief and followed suit, the two of them leaving Eprouve to his work. Spike walked out the door to find Rarity half way towards her car, a large trench coat covering her. It was a gift from him, gave to her at the beginning of winter. Spike sighed and followed her to the car. Once he got in, Rarity turned to him. "The corner of Plush and Proper right?" Spike nodded and strapped in, sighing Rarity started the car and pulled out of the drive way, leaving behind the carousel. Spike and Rarity sat near the far end of the heated lot, there were a few other people there, mostly fillies and colts who had gone to school with Truffle years back. Twist had come by and taken their orders, both of them pointing to their orders rather than saying them. When their drinks did arrive, silence reigned between the two of them while the rest of the shop enjoyed pleasantries. "So, where did you find him?" Asked Spike as he picked up his teacup, filled with orange pekoe. Rarity remained silent for a few seconds before answering. "Well, I met him a few years back, on a trip to Prance. At first he and I were rough friends, shared only a few words. Then last year he and I got very close, once he moved to Canterlot as painter. You and I weren't anything serious so I didn't think it was any harm. But last week he came to ponyville with a mutual friend and learned of my address. On thing lead to another and." With that Rarity finished, drinking her tea rather hurriedly. Spike remained silent for a few minutes, drinking his tea while Rarity did the same, only speaking to call over Twist for a refill of their drinks, adding a pair of chip plates. Once the plates had arrive, it was Rarity's turn to speak first. "Spike, I want to know that things between us will... be civil." "Civil? I walked in with your muff filled to the brim with another man's liquid pride." Replied Spike as he picked up a pair of chips and popped them into his mouth. Rarity turned away, blushing with a grim look on her face. "Right... Still, we have been friends for a long time, the lest you could give me is that we'll remain friends." Spike looked Rarity it over before taking a drink of his tea, picking up another pair of chips before speaking. "Okay, no point in being bad. After all I beat Eprouve to the punch." Replied Spike as he smiled, barely holding back his laughter. Rarity once again turned away in a blush, this time smiling as well. Spike chuckled lightly as he picked up yet another pair of chips. "Yes, you certainly did." Replied Rarity as she took a hand full of chip, holding them in her hand and placing them in her mouth, sucking on them before biting down on them. Spike gave a confused smile while adjusting himself in her seat, clearly uncomfortable. "Tell me, how did you escape so quickly that night, I ran down stairs and grabbed my coat and boots, but you were gone when I stepped outside." Spike remained silent for a moment before speaking up. "Sweetie was there, apparently she knew about you two and wanted to warn me, but she got there too late. She and I went to Burger-shot and then headed over to the Cherry Berry for a bit." Rarity chuckled at the name of Ponyville's first and only Bar and breakfast. "And then?" Asked Rarity as she picked up a chip and took a bite. "Then.." Two days earlier, 3 am at Sweetie's place. Sweeite Belle hung onto Spike with her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms locked around his neck. Her lips were locked together with his, his hands roaming her young body as they backed up into her bedroom. Spike's legs hit the baseboard of the bed, forcing him onto his back as Sweetie forced him down, moving her legs to the side, pinning him to the bed with her hips. Sweetie pulled away from the kiss, a smile adorning her face as the line of saliva connecting the two of them broke. With a whip of her hair, Sweetie removed her hand from Spike's shoulders and grabbed the bade of her shirt. "Ready big boy?" Asked Sweetie, not even waiting for an answer as she pulled her shirt up. Her breasts were held by a pink bra, Spike guessed that she must have had a large B cup, smaller than Rarity but in Spike not so humble opinion they were much cuter. Grabbing them with his hand, Sweetie let out a small squeak. "What if I said no." Asked Spike as he massaged them, Sweetie's smile widening as Spike did so. Sweetie grabbed Spike's hands and pulled them away from her body and pushed them together on the bed. Her face mere inches away from his. "Well, from all the teasing you did to me at the dancefloor, I'd say you don't have a choice in the matter." With that she kissed him, pressing her body against his, taking extra with her hips. "Wow, you that worked up?" Asked Spike as he pulled away from Sweetie's relentlessly barrage of kisses. Sweetie only smiled as she got off Spike, who sat up to watch her. She stood only a few meet from the base of her bed, with smile sitting at it's base. Turning around, shaking her rump for a moment. Spike pulled off his shirt while she rolled her hips seductively for him. She unbuckled his belt and began to peal away her jeans. Spike felt his blood drain and begin to collect in his cock, with more blood moving there the long Sweetie took. With a sly glance back, she pulled her jeans down, raising her rump as she did so. Spike got his answer to his question, his panties were completely soaked from his advances. Turning around Sweetie too saw the fruits of her labour. "Well, well, look at that guard. Barely at attention, I think he needs some help... Or discipline." Spike backed up, pulling the rest of his body onto the bed as Sweetie slowly advanced towards him with a clear intention. Pinning his legs to the bed, Sweetie straddled him. With a giggle, she lean forward, poking his rising mast with her nose. She reached his his belt and pulled the buckle apart, sliding it out of the loops and tossing it to the side. With on fluid motion, she pulled down his pants and briefs, unleashing his rock hard cock, smacking her in the nose. Sweetie giggled at the sight of his dick, moving back and pushing her breasts forward. She wiped away the pre-cum that had landed on the bridge of her nose. "You do like you gems don't you?" Biting her lip, Sweetie sized up the cock that now stood in front of her at full mast. Wrapping her hand around the base, she only got her middle finger and thumb to touch, leaving plenty of dick standing tall above her hand. Sweetie licked the base of his cock, causing the slightest twitch. She pulled her hand up, running her tongue up the underside of his dick. Spike groaned loudly, clenching his hands into fists and hammering the bed. Sweetie took the tip into her mouth and smile. "Clam down big boy, I'm enjoying this." She didn't even remove his dick as she spoke, sending vibrations down his shaft and driving him into a frenzy. His hips shook and he held them from bucking. Sweetie took the tip into her mouth and began to suck, removing the pre-cum that had been building. She flicked her tongue at the tip, causing Spike to slam his head back in frustration. Sweetie giggled again, sending more electric shocks throughout his body. Twirling her tongue around his tip, she began to go deeper. She began to bob her head, with each return moving deeper down the shaft. Spike rolled his head and covered his mouth with his hands, containing his frustration with Sweetie's reluctance and teasing. Once She began moving, that was a different story. She motions were smooth and they felt like heaven, his tongue was massaging the tip with each pass and running the underside of his cock, he lips making a perfect seal and giving her amazing suction, Spike felt like she was pulling his brains out though his cock. His mind melted as she worked her magic. Sweetie was doing her best to keep together, she felt his head smack into the back of the throat with each thrust, nearly making her gag each time it did it. Her eyes were rolled back in pleasure of feeling his cock dominate her mouth, even if she was in control of it. She used her hand to pump the rest of his cock that she had no hope of reaching with her mouth. With one final thrust, she rammed his cock deep into her mouth, forcing the massive mast to bend down her throat. It was painful, very painful to feel her throat stretch to his girth, she still move her hand up and down, stroking much of his cock. Pulling away from the massive cock, Sweetie felt tears run down her cheeks and saliva land on her chin. Spike sighed as he sat back up, his cock still rock hard and unfinished. He laughed as Sweetie rubber her throat, making various noises as she did do. She placed her hand on his chest, pushing him back down. She got to her feet on the bed, crouching over him and pulled his pants the rest of the way off, leaving him completely naked. Sweetie stood up, her head just barely not touching the ceiling. She lean forward and held onto the shelf on the wall behind her bed, it was covered in trinkets of all sorts but most importantly it wasn't going to move it break anytime soon. Spike took the hint and leaned forward, grabbing Sweetie's legs and running his hands along them. He leaned towards her muff, smelling deeply and smiling at the sent. It was sweet but also hand a certain trace to it. It was almost tart. Spike kissed his leg, while his hand roamed over her rump. His kisses drew higher up, until hand landed one directly on his soaking slit. With a single motion, Spike torn her panties apart and tossed them to the side of the bed. Sweetie looked down at him with a look of shock. "I liked those!" Spike smiled as he rubbed his hand across her slit. "I didn't, they got in the way." With that he extended his tongue, pushing apart her pink lips and forcing his tongue inside. His hands began to massage her rump, while his tongue worked it's own magic on her dripping gash. Sweetie flung her back back in pleasure, she felt her legs tremble as Spike hungrily ate her. She felt his tongue push it's way into her heart, brushing aside all feeling except one. Raw, savage lust. Sweetie grabbed his hair and pushed him deeper into her. Lifting her leg and placing it on his shoulder, Spike picked up the pace and raised her into the air. Sweetie squeaked as he pushed ever deeper with his tongue, sending waves of pleasure though her body. Setting her other leg on his shoulder, effectively sitting on his shoulders, Spike grabbed her sides for support and kicked her legs off the bed. Sweetie let go of the wall and allowed herself to be carried around the room, all the while Spike worker his tongue inside her. Sweetie's breath grew short as she felt her climax fast approaching. Spike too picked up the pace again, sending her over the edge. Sweetie grabbed hold of his head and scream in ecstasy. Luckily for Spike he had a pair of ear muffs on at the time. Feeling spent, Sweetie relaxed, feeling Spike lift her off her shoulders and place her on the bed, he legs hanging off the egde. "You done princess?" Asked Spike, his cock fulled erect and only inches away from Sweetie's still dripping slash. Sweetie turned to him lazily, a sly smile on her face. "Not even close big boy." She shot her leg out and pulled Spike close with them, piercing her and hilting instantly. Sweetie's back arched, her mouth opened and a faint scream escaped her. Her head slammed into the bed, arms shaking and thrashing. Spike froze in shock of both feeling his entire shaft stabbing Sweetie as well as her reaction to it hilting out. Sweetie shook for a few moments, her face pained and red. She slowly moved her hand down to her penetrated slit, hand trembling the entire way. She pulled her hand back, wet from something. She put her finger in her mouth and sucked. Blood. "Sweetie...?" "Thanks Spike, I'm glad it was you. "You mean...?" Sweetie didn't even bother to respond, only rolling her hips. The pain slowly began to fade as her motions were joined by Spike slowly rocking back and forth. Slowly Spike began to move faster, encourage my small moans and squeaks coming from Sweetie as she got her first filling. Spike rocked back and forth, feeling his massive shaft slid in and out of the now stretched vagina of the ex-virgin. His breathing began to slowly as he felt his climax building, only moments away. Sweetie massaged her breast as she watched Spike slid in and out, taking extra care when he paused for a brief moment hilt deep. Her breath too changed, but her's was becoming erratic. Her climax was coming yet again, and Spike didn't seem to be slowing. Spike began to thrust faster and faster, building up his climax to it max before he released. Sweetie's breathing helped him along, he knew she was going to finish again soon. He just needed to hang on a bit longer. He didn't need to wait long, soon Sweetie arched her back and groaned, this time deeper and much longer. Spike felt her juices flood around his cock, pushing him over the edge as well. With one final thrust, he hilted out inside Sweetie Belle and exploded. He had been saving up for tonight with Rarity, but now his huge load was spilling out of her younger sister's cunt as he slowly pulled out, filling her womb and the rest of her love tunnel as he continued to shoot his hot load. Finally after what felt like an eternity, Spike's dick stopped pumping seed into Sweetie and he fell to the side, rolling onto his back completely spent. Sweetie curled up next to him and sighed in relief. She crossed his chest with her arm and pulled him close, feeling his seed slowly spill out of her and soak into the sheets. "I mean I was a virgin." Spike looked down at Sweetie who had moved her other hand down to his now flaccid cock, her late replied completely bouncing off him. He laughed lightly and pulled her close and fell asleep, leaving her to her business of teasing his cock. "Then we went to her place and went to bed." Replied Spike as he finished his tea, picking the cup to the side of the table. Rarity raised an eye brow and looked him in the eye for a second, then looked away when she got nothing from him. "I won't be able to finish this I got to run, here you have it. I'll pay the bill." She pulled out a cheque book and scribbled out the amount needed, plus a tip for Twist and another for Truffle. Rarity stood up and handed Spike the cheque, kissing him on the cheek before she left. Spike leaned back in his chair, dumping his fired chips onto Rarity's next to untouched place. He glanced back out the gated fence, watching as Rarity got into her car and drove off. He shook his head and smiled, popping some chips into his mouth. He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed a number. "Hay Sweetie, I'm at Truffle's shop, come and pick me up? I had my eye on something that I think that you'd like earlier. Yep, ten minutes sounds good, I'll get you some chip. Fine, I'll call them fries. I get it, bye hun." Spike pushed his phone into his pocket, eating the rest of the chips on the place, stacking them as he stood. He placed Rarity's cheque on the table under his cup, pulling out his wallet as he walked into the main ship, passing Twist with a smile as he did so. With a sigh, he ordered and turned to leave, Sweetie already waiting outside in Scotaloo's car. "I said ten minutes." Sweetie only shook her hand and started the car, pulling away the second Spike closed the door. He handed her the chips and buckled himself in. "Sort everything out with Rares?" "Yep." Was all Spike replied with, looked out the window as they passed shop after shop. Sighing as he look forward, he realized that he was content with life now. As the car drove towards it destination, Spike was happy.