> The Lone Cabin > by Fifty Shades of Yellow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: A Trip Into the Woods > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the school bell rings, you were one of the first ones to leave through the front doors. ”That’s not fair, you cheated!” Rainbow Dash says when coming through them. “When you pushed me aside, I felt that I needed to return the favor.” You remind her of that dirty move not too long ago. She catches you off guard when she pushes you. Everyone else comes out of the school and walks around with their friends. The two of you share a laugh, until someone steps up. ”Um, h-hello.” You look up to see Fluttershy rubbing her wrists together. ”Am I bothering you two?” Rainbow wraps an arm around you. ”Nah, we’re just messing around. Whatcha need?” She keeps on rubbing her wrist. ”I was wondering if, either of you would want to come with me to watch the wonders of the forest.” “Like what?” Fluttershy stops rubbing her wrists and grabs them. ”L-like the birds that lost their home last week, they should be done fixing their new nest by now.“ ”Gee, I would, but I’ve already got shit to do.” “Rainbow, you don’t even do your homework.” You catch her lie. ”Not until now, the teachers said that I can’t play soccer until I improve in my classes.” Rainbow Dash brings her arm away from you to strap on her backpack. ”I gotta go, Sunset is tutoring me.” She waives goodbye and heads back into the school. ”What about you, Anon?” “I uh, got some homework to do.” ”I could help.” She suggests. “It’s not that, I just need a table. Lying on the dirt would ruin my papers.” ”You don’t have to worry about that. I know a place where you can do it.” She seems determined to bring you along. “Okay then?” She grabs your arm and pulls you out of the crowd. ”Let’s hurry! I don’t want to miss out on anything.” The two of you spend half an hour walking out of town to get into the forest. “Are you sure about this? How do you know where we are going in the right direction?” She climbs over a small boulder that is sticking out of the ground. ”I always make sure to stay in one direction. If I turn around, I’m sure to head back to the city.” When Fluttershy gets to the other side, she ducks. You shrug and jump over the boulder. ”Get down, Anon.” She whispers from the ground. You lay right beside her and look around. “What are we—“ ”Shh.” She points over to a lone fox on a small hilltop. It hears something from your direction. They look away to see a bush rattle around. The fox sneaks its way to the bush, only to be sprayed by a skunk. It runs off, leaving the skunk to hide in another bush. “Now can we go?” ”No, there is something I need to show you.” Fluttershy stands up and continues to walk forward. “This better be good.” You say when setting your backpack right. ”Believe me, Anon. It is.” Barely anything peaked your interest for the last hour. You witnessed a stray doe drinking out of a stream, a group of squirrels moved from tree to tree, and a rabbit munching on some strands of grass. ”Are you having a fun time? My favorite was when the mother squirrel pushed her young ones into that tree stump.” “Unless I’m threatened by a bear, nothing has amused me that much.” She turns around to pout at you. ”Anon, doesn’t the wonders of nature fascinate you?” “Honestly, not really, no.” She just stands there and gives you that look. You can only hear the sounds of birds chirping in a nearby tree, followed by wings flapping away. Fluttershy turns back and keeps walking forward. “Listen, I think I should be going home.” She keeps on walking then stops when passing over another hilltop. “Hey, I said—“ When you catch up, a small log cabin is in the distance. “Fluttershy?” ”We’re almost there.” “Almost where?” She continues to head straight for the log cabin. “So what, this is where you live?” She just shakes her head and keeps on walking without saying anything. “Did you build it?” She shakes her head once more. “What about—“ ”Anon, can we just get inside?” “Sure?” ”I’ll answer your questions once we are completely safe.” “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” You ask out of curiosity. ”Remember when you said that you wanted to be threatened by a bear?” “Wait, are you serious?” ”Do you want to find out?” You shut up and stand right in front of the small cabin. She unlocks the door and walks inside, ignoring the fact that it is pitch black. When you wander inside, you can barely see two feet in front of you. The curtains from one of the window moves to the side, letting the sunlight to show the interior of the wooden home. There is a small chimney in the farthest corner, with a couch facing it from the other side and a support beam in the center of the cabin. To your left are a bed and a cabinet in the corner. You look over to see a coffee table and— “HOLY SHIT!” You jump back from a leaning bear with its teeth in full view that is about to rip your chest open. When you wait for it to do something, you assume that you died from a heart attack. Instead, something does grab your arm, but pulls you up. ”Come on, Anon. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” “Why is that here?” You point out the out of place statue. ”It’s too big for me to get it out of here. Even I’m still wondering on how to push it through the doorway.” You brush off the dust from your shirt. When she tries to help, you push her hands away. “Just get your friends to help you.” ”I can’t.” You cross your arms. “Why?” ”I-it’s just that, this place is my home away from home.” “Say what?” She turns around. ”This is the one place that no one but you knows about. It is where I can truly be happy when I’m alone.” “And it is in the middle of the forest.” You interrupt. She turns once more to show you her troubled eyes. ”Yes, rarely anyone dares to come by. I just happen to find this place during one of my sightings many months ago.” “What about the owner, didn’t they ever come by?” She eyes the wooden oak floor before maintaining eye contact with you. “The owner never came back. When I knocked on the door, it slid open. I waited for a while before entering this place. I found most of the furniture covered in dust and cobwebs covered every corner of this house. It took me some time to clean it up and… to move out some the disturbing stuff that they had. ” You point a finger at her. “It’s one thing about entering a place that doesn’t belong to you, but throwing out their stuff is another thing.” She closes her eyes. When they open up, you can see the fear in them. ”There was… little animals standing on wooden platforms. Heads mounted on the walls and….” It looks like she is about to break into tears. “Okay, calm down. So the owner was a taxidermist?” She blinks a few times to retract her tears. ”I suppose, but we’ll never know.” “Didn’t they ever come back?” ”Anon, this place was covered in dust. If they didn’t come back before, what would make them come back now?” “I guess you have a point. Who knows; maybe their hobby literally bit them in the ass.” ”What do you mean?” “Since they were a taxidermist, it looks like they were unfortunate in one of their trips.” You look over to the bear. ”Oh, I see.” “But enough about that, I really should work on my homework.” You say when taking off your backpack. ”You can use the table over there. I’ll just sit by the couch.” Just as you finish up on the last question, you drop the pencil and proudly finish up on your shit. You close the folder and slide it in your backpack. “Done.” Fluttershy sits right up from the couch. ”Oh, that’s good.” “I know and in record time too.” You add on. ”You don’t do your homework this fast?” “Normally no, I would screw around before doing it in the following morning.” She shakes her head in disappointment. “It’s not like there is anything fun in learning the Pythagorean Theorem, let alone caring on what number goes where.” She just sighs when you zip up your backpack. “Whatever, I tend to do better under pressure.” ”Someday you’ll end up in a problem that you can’t solve.” “I haven’t had it happen ever since Freshman year, and I doubt it will happen this year.” You put the backpack aside and sit right beside her. ”We can change that.” “How?” Fluttershy scoots closer to you. ”Maybe, you could come over here and work in peace. You know, away from all the distraction.” “I’m not so sure. This place is sort of yours and I don’t want to disturb you.” ”You don’t have to worry about that. I’m actually happy that you came along.” She keeps on sliding to your direction. “What about Rainbow Dash?” ”She would always push me aside for something else. It's always ‘I’ve got practice today’ or ‘something just came up’ for her. If only she could tell the truth that she doesn’t want to come along, instead of giving me these same excuses.” Fluttershy sadly gazes at the floor in front of her. “Hey, it’s not so bad, right?” Her disappointment rises as she tilts her head. “Cheer up, you have me.” Just as you finished up your sentence, her head perks up. “I… do?” “I guess, yeah. But, you know, I’m not sure that my family will allow me to wander into the forest that is outside of town.” Fluttershy slides once more to sit right beside you. ”When they see that you are not working in the morning, I’m sure they won’t care.” “I don’t know, it just sounds too good.” She rests a hand on your arm. ”Don’t you want to get a full nights rest without waking up in the morning to do your work last minute?” “I really don’t mind that much, it keeps the adrenaline flowing.” You continue to excuse yourself. ”But you can work without the stress. There wouldn’t be any panicking when getting your work turned in the same hour.” Her hand rubs against your arm. “I guess.” Fluttershy leans in so that her other hand slides right by your back, just so that she can grab your shoulder. ”Besides, it will be you and me, alone, in the woods.” She stops rubbing your arm to move her head right beside your own. ”Doesn’t that sound wonderful?” She whispers into your ear. Something doesn’t feel right. You should make your excuse and leave. “I should go.” You abruptly side away from her and get up. She looks desponded from your quick reaction. ”W-what? Why?” “My parents might be worried. I can’t call them from here, and it is getting late.” You grab your backpack from the ground and strap it on. ”B-but, couldn’t you stay a little longer?” “I can’t, they get worried when I’m not there. I’ll see you tomorrow, Flutters.” You turn around and start to head for the door. ”Anon, wait!” When you turn back around, you take a glimpse of Fluttershy swinging her backpack to your head. You couldn’t react fast enough and fall to the ground. You lay back and hold the part of your face that she struck. “Fluttershy, why did—“ She muffles your dialogue when she smothers you with the same backpack. You thrash around to get her off, but fail and struggle for air. The yellow bag shades out until it becomes nothing but black in just under a minute. ”I’m sorry,” was the last thing you heard before fading into darkness. > Chapter 2: Confined > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are awakened by a searing pain coming from the side of your face. What you see is Fluttershy wielding a bear arm. In the sideline is the stuffed bear missing such arm. When you try to stand up, you realize that your arms are tied to the support beam of the cabin. “What the hell!?” ”Oh no, I-I’m sorry!” “Sorry isn’t enough to excuse what you’re do—“ She brings the arm down to claw your chest. You scream to the intense digging coming from the sharpened claws. When it seemed to go on forever, it stops. You look down and watch as blood trickles from your face and drips onto the open wound on your chest. “Why?” ”I-It’s that, you didn’t leave me much of a choice!” “You could have just let we walk out.” ”I couldn’t let that happen.” She then drops the arm and sits down. “What? Of course you can!” ”When would I ever had the chance to be with you again!?” She cries out. You lie back on the post and look at her. “What is it that you want?” You mutter. ”You.” When she immediately said that, you flinched against the wooden post. ”I just want you.” “You’re insane.” ”I… might be?” “How do you think that this will work? Do you even have a plan?” ”I do.” She grabs her backpack and grabs a rag. “It took me a few minutes, but I have an idea.” “Whatever it is, there is no way that shit will work out.” She cleans up the skin and blood off the paw. ”I plan on keeping you here for a while and during so, I’ll show you how much of a good girl I can truly be.” “Too bad your first impression was terrible.” ”There wasn’t much that I could have done! What was I supposed to do, let you go and wait for who knows how long would I have another chance!?” She puts the bear arm aside. ”When you said that you needed to leave, I panicked. I didn’t want you to leave so soon, and I was worried if I came too strong.” “You have a hell of a swing, so I’ll give you that.” ”When you were about to go, I immediately thought when will you ever come back? Would it be the next day, maybe a week or month from now? I couldn’t wait for that to happen, so I looked around and took my bag—“ “To knock me out!?” You blare out. "It was a sudden impulse! When I realized what I did, I panicked for a few minutes and tried to think of a plan.” “And that plan was tying me up?” ”At the time, but now it looks like it is.” You shift around and feel your wrists wrapped around in some thick rope. ”If I were you, I wouldn’t move around too much. I’d hate to fix more than I should.” You stop and rest on the pole. “Why, why me?” She gets up and walks over to the cabinet. ”Remember what happened last year?” You can’t think of much, not with this agony across your face. Fluttershy opens up the cabinet and pulls out a small medkit from inside. “No, I really don’t.” She heads back to sit right beside you and opens up the red box. ”Last year, you were the only one who actually let me talk about my problems.” “What about your friends? You have them for a reason.” ”I only hang around them since we caused trouble to the school. Making new friends were even harder since then.” She pulls out a rag and a bottle. “I was too anxious to even approach anyone else. The thought of how they would want to get away from we was unbearable.” She dabs some of the liquid from the bottle and onto the rag. “My friends didn’t want to hear my problems. They would always say that I complain about the same thing. The animals aren’t getting enough exercise, not enough volunteers around, and I understand that it does get repetitive. All I just want is to vent out my stress, that’s all. At least you listened when you were around." She holds the rag close to your face. ”This might sting.” She warns you. When she rubs it on your cheek, you slam the back of your head to the pillar. ”I’m sorry! Just a little more I need to rub on the cut.” “Stop!” She gets up and sits on your lap. ”Just hold still!” You try to kick her off, but she clenches her thighs to your waist. She puts a hand to your forehead and pushes the rag on the cut. You scream even louder as she applies pressure on it. When it is over, you try to catch your breath while she swaps out the rag for a bandage. ”At least a part of the problem is over.” She damps the rag with more of Satan’s piss and waives it close to your chest. You shake around as she brings it closer to you. ”We’re almost done here, Anon.” “Just get it over with!” You shout out. ”Okay!” She closes her eyes and rubs it down. You grind your teeth and shut your eyes to keep your anger contained. ”I’m sorry!” “Just finish this already!” You open your eyes when she stops and throws the rag away. ”Please, forgive me.” “I will, when you let me go.” ”I’m afraid to say that it still will take a while.” You sigh as she grabs the bandage roll and moves it around your chest. You scoot away from the post so that she would be able to complete the circuit and cover your cuts. ”There, you don’t have to worry about the bleeding anymore.” “What was the point of all this?” ”An excuse.” She answers. “For what?” ”I’ll tell you when you’ve accepted my offer.” “What was it again? I’m still traumatized by the treatment.” ”That I get to stay with you.” “Oh, that. I know one reason, but anything else?” She starts to put the stuff back in the medkit and closes it. ”There was something more than you caring about me.” “Which was?” She gets comfortable on your lap. ”Sorry about that. Anyway, remember last year that I had a boyfriend?” “Yeah, you guys dated ever since the beginning of the school year and he broke up with you somewhere in spring?” ”Yes, but didn’t you remember what happened to him?” “Didn’t he die or something?” She brings her hands together and plays with her shirt. ”There is more than that.” “Since I’ll be here for… whenever, go ahead.” She temporarily smiles before looking depressed about something. ”It all started about a year ago. It was an average day, handing out flyers to people until… he showed up. We talked about what it was and he promised to come over sometime. He did and personally helped me out. After a few visits, we clicked and started going out. Everything was fine for the fall, but when winter came around, he was a bit… touchy. In spring, he was getting a bit pushy for a certain thing, and I caved in a few days later. I didn’t want to lose him since I said no and he was a good guy, so I didn’t want to be a terrible girlfriend for not doing so. When we did… it, I asked him to go easy, but he didn’t care. Even when I asked him to stop, he just kept going. That was only the beginning of when he revealed on what he truly was.” Her eyes start to tear up. “Two days later, he broke up with me on a text message. I asked why, but never responded.” “Sounds like he was playing the waiting game and did get what he wanted.” She sniffs a bit before continuing. ”I hid for days behind bushes, trees, anywhere I could get away from people when it was time for lunch. It stopped when you were reading behind a tree and found me on the other side. I tried to tell you to leave, but you stayed. After trying to tell you about the problem, you told me to do something, don’t let him get away with it. You told me to try to claim it as rape or somehow get him back. I took your words into consideration that entire day and finally made an idea that night.” “Did that filing for rape failed?“ You question. “No, I did something else. The next day, I built enough courage to ask him for a walk after school. At first, he seemed reluctant, but did agree to it.” “Why would you do that?” "It was only a part of the plan. Later that day, I took him into the exact same forest that we are in and wandered around for some time, talking like how we once were. When we were passing by a cave, I pushed him inside and let the bears take care of him.” “Wait what!?” She nods. “You were the cause of it?!” ”It was an ‘unfortunate death’ when the search party was made a few days later and found what was left of him. I acted as if I was dismayed by it, but what I actually felt was nothing. “That’s pretty cold, don’t you think?” ”He took a lot of things from me!” She shouts out. “He took my happiness, time, and virginity, only to treat it for his personal gain. It was difficult for me to give any sympathy for him.” “But what does any of this have to do with me.” ”Every time that I was around you, I felt safe. Sometimes, it felt as if my troubles went away when I was around you.” “How come you didn’t say anything before?” ”I wanted to, but I was too agitated to say anything since we were out in public. I thought that I could get you in a place where I’m more comfortable with, but you said no.” You sigh and shake your head. “I’m sorry about that. I wish I knew beforehand.” ”It doesn’t matter now, none of it does. You’re here, and now we can start anew.” She looks through her backpack to pull out a bagged up sandwich. ”I normally don’t go anywhere without a snack. And since you were out for some time, I think that you might be hungry.” She is right. The hunger is starting to set in. Fluttershy starts to unravel the sandwich and brings it closer to your face. ”It’s just ham and lettuce, nothing else.” You think twice about eating it, but it’s not like you have a choice. You start to take a few bites before eating the whole thing. ”Good,” She said while rubbing your shoulder. “Thanks.” You naturally respond. She throws the wrapper in her bag and gets off of you. ”It’s been a long and rough day, but I’ll leave you for tonight.” “You’re not going to stay?” ”I can’t. I have a lot of things to do for the next few days.” The barely lit room grows darker as she moves the curtain over the windows. ”I’m sorry to leave you like this, but it will get better in the next few days.” “How can this get better?” ”You have me, so we can do a sort of things. Except, with the restraint that you have, it is kind of limited.” She gives you a kiss on the cheek and heads for the door. ”I’ll be back for you tomorrow, honey.” She closes the door and leaves you in the dark. You shuffle for an hour to break free from the rope, but start to tire out and stop when your wrists start to ache. Before nodding off to rest, you question how long you will see the same few walls and wonder what will become of you. Will people miss you? Would they send a search party? What does Fluttershy specifically want from you? The one question is that will you get out of here alive? After that story she gave you, it’s hard to even think on what she will do if you refuse her offer. The one thing that you just realize about is how you will go to the bathroom. You should get some answers when you wake up in the morning. For now, you need to rest. > Chapter 3: Beginning the Breaking Process > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rusty hinges on the door squeaks. You wake up, dazed to where you’re at. It seems to be a dream, only to appear dark with light coming from small spaces. The sound of what is seems to be is footsteps moves around, but stops halfway in the darkness. A curtain moves to the side, letting dim light of the early morning beam in. You look down to avoid the light from irritating your eyesight. You hear some scraping on the wooden floor from the side of you, followed by a few more footsteps and something getting unzipped. You blink a few times before looking up, wishing that this is still a dream. That bear arm that was on the floor is now back in place. Fluttershy is looking humming a tune that you’ve never heard of while she looks through her backpack that is sitting on the bed to the side of you. She looks over her shoulder to see how you are. ”Ah, you’re awake.” She says when pulling out a water bottle and a granola bar. “I wish I wasn’t,” you speak in a low tone. ”Don’t say that. You’ll get used to this for a while.” “Yeah, getting tied to a pole seems to be doing just fine.” "That wasn’t what I meant.” “Not from where I’m at,” you snicker. ”You need to understand that you need me,” she brings up. “If that was the case, this possibly wouldn’t happen.” ”I know that getting held against your will isn’t satisfying, but I’m doing what I can to make you comfortable. Unless, if this is your thing.” She suggests. “Is it?” You stay silent, unsure if you should answer that. "I guess we'll find out when we're out of here." "Need I ask once more? When will I leave?" You beckon for an answer. She unravels the granola bar and uncaps the water bottle. ”You will leave when you have accepted me into your life.” When the wrapper is off, she holds it close to you. You choose to ignore it and ask her another question. “What if I deny it?” She holds the granola bar for a while and only gives you a worrisome look on her face. ”I can only wish for that to never happen.” “But it’s happening now.” You say, dragging her into reality. ”That’s true, only for now.” Fluttershy moves the granola bar closer to your face, allowing you to eat it. You then wash the taste away by guzzling down the water bottle. She rubs the side of your face with her other hand when she holds the bottle for you to drink. ”There we go, anything else?” “How about a bathroom break, would that be fine?” Fluttershy goes back to her bag and pulls out a bed pan from her backpack. “You’re kidding.” Fluttershy just scowls when she brings it closer. ”Just try to stand up.” You bring your legs to your chest and try to stand up, but wobble halfway. ”That’s good enough.” She says when slipping it under you. ”Hold on, let me get you ready.” “This is just degrading.” She undoes your pants and slips it to your ankles. When Fluttershy grabs your underwear, she looks away. “What?” ”I’m not looking, I swear!” She justifies when sliding it down. “Okay then? Can you at least leave, I’d like to have some—“ She keeps her head in the opposite direction and stand up to run off. "-privacy." It is still wrapped around there pretty good, yet your wrists are barely any better from last night. “FUCK!” You shout out. ”Is everything alright?!” You can hear from the wall on the opposite side of the cabin. Once you give it another go, you realize that it’s even tighter than before. This must be a unique knot, since it tightens as you pull. ”Anon, I’m getting worried.” “Yes, I’m fine!” You stop and think what you’re going to do now. There is the shit container under you. May as well use that. That was a very unsettling five minutes of your life that you used up just to piss. Maybe you should have sat down to make it easier. The stink is starting to get unbearable, so you call her back in. When she does, she brings her shirt up to cover her nose. ”A-are you sure that—“ “Yes, just get it out of here.” You order her. She turns her head away once more to use the other hand that wondrously pats the ground, until she grabs it and pulls it away. You sit down and watch her rushing to the door and goes to a nearby bush to dump it. She sets it outside and comes back in. ”You’re not a fan of leftovers?” “I barely get enough bravery to clean up after the animals.” She goes through her backpack to bring out a wet wipe. “Huh, I thought you loved taking care of them.” ”I really do, but there are some parts that gets me… uncomfortable. I still do it, no matter on how much I deny it.” “Wow, that’s actually very brave of you to do so.” Her face tints to a subtle red shade. ”I’d hate to break it to you, but I still have my pants down and an unclean ass.” In a way, you regret asking that request, but she was fine with it. At least you won’t have an itchy asshole during your stay here. It’s a good thing that she had a roll of toilet paper with her. And a pair of gloves too. With a plastic bag. She really did prepare for this. ”There, I’ll be back later today to feed you again.” She says when zipping up your pants. “What am I supposed to do?” ”Hmm,” she goes back to her backpack and pulls out a rabbit. “Angel here will keep you company.” She lets him scurry around on the floor and sniff you. He doesn’t do anything but just wanders around you. ”It looks like he likes you.” “Really? I couldn’t tell.” Your snarky reply didn’t go unnoticed. ”He normally defecates all over the person that he meets.” “I guess it’s an honor he didn’t.” She picks up her backpack and heads for the door. ”I’ll come back later today to see how you two are doing.” “Is this going to be a thing now? You’ll just stop by a couple times every day just to make sure I’m fine?” ”Except the weekend, I will be around for most of the day.” “I’m feeling a little neglected here.” You jokingly say. ”Aw, don’t you worry about it. I will make sure that every time I’m here, it will be more memorable than the last.” She blows a kiss to your general direction before opening the door. “It will be, and I’ll make sure of it.” She didn’t’ hear you mumble that as the door starts to close. The rabbit moves around then gets comfortable by pitting his head beside your leg. “At least I have you.” As he lowers his ears, he starts to snooze off. "Kind of." The rest of the morning was uneventful. The hazy late afternoon sun partially lights the cabin. Angel just finished hopping around the cabin, almost as if he’s looking for something. He sniffs your pockets and then goes right back to sleeping. Looks like he wants something, but he can’t reach it. At least this is cutting your irrational use of technology habit. The only downfall is that you are beyond boredom for the last few hours. It ends when the door opens up and quickly closes. ”Hello?” Angel’s ears perk up. “I’m still alive.” You look up to see that warming (yet now deceitful) smile hat she has. You currently wait for whatever she has in her bag that is in her hands. ”Sorry for taking so long. I know that you two must be hungry, so I have something that might make it up.” She pulls out a clear container, containing some kind of mish mash of something red with white waves. ”It's, um, lasagna? I tried to keep it like the way it is, but everything kind of fell apart. I-it still, uh, tastes good?” Fluttershy scrunches her mouth and raises her shoulders in embarrassment. She starts to shake around, almost as if she is about to have a nervous breakdown. “It’s fine, really. I wouldn’t mind trying some.” The shaking stops. Now that she has her shoulders lowered and half smile, she seems to be relaxed. ”It’s something that my mother taught me a year ago. I-I thought you might like it.” She gets out a fork and pops the container open. After a bite or two, you’re already set to call it delicious. ”How is it? Is there too much sauce or not enough cheese?” Her smile seems to be fading. “Mm, it’s great.” She reassures her smile and digs the fork in to give you another bite. Half an hour has went by with some saucy dinner and some light conversation, and by light, it was more of Fluttershy just talking about her day. It seemed like the usual; her friends barely put any intention to her at lunch, she shook her chair around when the teacher called on her to recite a few lines from a short story in literature. You've heard worse, and this is actually one of her good days. ”It’s wonderful to know that you enjoy my cooking.” You finish up on your last bite from her home cooking. “How could I not? I rarely go for something that’s homemade.” She put the empty container away and brings out a carrot. ”You don’t eat much at home?” “Not really. I just eat whatever they serve at school and at a few restaurants.” Angel gets up, noticing that the carrot is in Fluttershy’s hand. She lowers it to the floor and lets Angel smell it. ”That doesn’t sound very healthy.” “It works for me.” ”Why can’t you or your parents make something?” “The last time I tried to make a bowl of cereal, it went into flames.” Angel nibbles at the carrot, and then takes it. Fluttershy chuckles at your unrealistic situation. “I wish I was joking.” ”That, actually happened?” She sounds uncertain if such a thing could happen. “Yeah, but I never noticed that the stove was on, so that is my fault.” She chuckles again, slightly louder from before. When Fluttershy stops, she clears her throat. “But, that is really unfortunate of you to have that.” “I can’t say that I’ve had worse, but at least it puts a smile on some people.” ”It did get me to laugh. What about your parents?” “They aren’t that focused to make a meal for the family.” ”What do you mean?” “I barely get to see them. It’s not like they have all the time in the world.” Fluttershy gets on her knees, leaving Angel to finish off his carrot. ”Why is that?” “They constantly work. I can’t force them to stop, or else we would end up somewhere even worse.” You clarify. ”It seems like you’re getting neglected.” She assumes. “As if. They just work so that I can experience all the good things in life.” ”What about love? When was the last time you ever gave them a hug or even told them that you love them?” Just as you’re about to speak, you can’t. She was right something was missing. ”Money can buy a lot of things, but not love.” “Depends on what they are looking for.” ”Anon, that’s just a relationship full of lies.” “Not if it’s with a hooker.” You jokingly toss in a reason. ”That means nothing. It’s just two strangers in a room with no bond whatsoever.” You would call out on what this is, but you’ve had a history with Fluttershy. ”I can sense that you’re misguided, but I can help you with that.” “I’m not sure. Technically, you guided me into a trap.” ”It wasn’t a trap, damnit!” You sit back, slightly surprised from her outcry. Angel jumps away from his scrapped dinner and scurries right beside you. ”I did on what I could and I’ll still keep on trying.” He stands right beside your pocket and goes right back to sniffing it. ”I don’t care on how long that the two of us will be in here. There are other ways to get you to see things right.” “Then give out the best you’ve got, because you might need all the time in the world.” ”Then I’ll make it work.” Angel starts to nudge the opening to your pocket. “Your furry friend has been interested to my pants for the entire morning.” ”Angel? What’s wrong?” Fluttershy moves him over and examines your inventory by sliding a hand inside. ”P-pardon me.” You don’t even mind, it’s not like there is anything important in there. That quickly changes when she pulls out your phone. ”Uh, sorry.” “If you’re going to use it, can you at least keep away from Candy Smash?” ”I would, but it’s dead.” She leaves it alone by setting it aside on the floor. “Oh.” ”This doesn’t make sense. Angel wouldn’t be interested in this.” Fluttershy goes back to digging in your pocket to pull out a half empty bag of peanuts. “Huh, I totally forgot that I was eating those.” She clenches the bag of honey-roasted nuts in her hands and discards it by tossing the bag into her backpack. “Hey, I still want to eat them!” ”Uh, sorry. These aren’t healthy for Angel, and they look somewhat old.” “You could have just left it.” ”I can’t, Angel would have found a way to eat them.” “Great, why don’t you take my pho-oh.” Fluttershy picks up the object you were speaking of and puts it on the table. ”Don’t worry about it, I’ll just put it there. It must’ve been uncomfortable with that in there.” “It did jab me when I would move.” ”I guess I did you a favor?” She says with optimism. “Hey, you know what would be a great favor?” You try to lure her into persuasion. ”Forget it Anon, I’m not untying you.” “Dammit all!” She goes through her bag to pull out a spray can and a bandage roll. ”Why are you so eager to leave?” Fluttershy questions. “Aside from the fact that I have worried my own parents from being gone for this long, I wouldn’t mind a warm shower.” ”Anon, they would have done that a while ago.” “They are planning it... are they?” You ask out of skepticism, knowing that someone must have realized your absence. Fluttershy says nothing as she unravels the bandage to change it. She takes a piece of your shirt away when throwing the stained bandage away. “Why do you need that?” ”It’s just for something I’ll need really soon.” When she uses the spray on your chest, you jump from how cold the pressurized liquid-like mixture lands on your scarred chest. ”Okay! I’ll stop. I don’t want you to get sick from an infection.” “That you kind of caused?” She starts to unravel it to give you a new roll. ”Maybe not.” “What? Did you think that I could forget it easily?” You demand, clearly stating that she is the one who caused the damage. ”It would be easier if you could.” “No, I’m not forgetting it. That shit is hard to forget when I’m constantly starting at my own scars.” ”Instead of looking at them, maybe you should keep your focus on me.” Maybe you shouldn’t but... Her gentle grasp on your hand gets your attention, and those mesmerizing blue eyes with a lopsided smile that appears to suit her is the only thing that is the center of your attention. She moves closer to wrap the bandage around you. What she’s unaware of is that you’re currently inhaling in her pink hair that is relatively the scent of honeysuckle. Her hands move around your back, being very cautious on bringing them back around to finish up by binding them together. ”Is that better?” She asks when backing away from you. “Yes, it is.” ”So, ehm, enjoying our high school?” "It's not bad. The teachers can be — hold up, this is some sort of trick, isn’t it?” You immediately jump on. ”What do you mean? I just wanted to know if you’re fine with the school.“ Fluttershy genuinely sounds bemused by your assumption. You’re not completely sure if she’s capable of lying, but how she reacted did sound authentic to your suspicion. It’s best on not to ruin the moment, since she is at least trying to talk. Then again, you unnoticeably did talk to her the other times, but this is somewhat different. Okay, maybe not, but you’re still being kept here against your will, and that’s something to remember. Hours filled with various conversations passed by. Some was small talk, others was getting to know each other. When Fluttershy isn’t hanging out with the group or at the shelter, she spends some time with Rarity by going to various places in the mall, or just by sipping some tea in each other’s house. When it isn’t with Rarity, it’s Rainbow Dash that yanks her into things, such as cheering her on in one of her games or making sure that she is still kept in shape by recording her practices. ”It’s good that I have them, but we don’t really do on what I want on most of the time.” You would throw out a harsh insult, preferably on how she smells after attending the animals. But after that pleasant aroma her hair casts out, you withdraw the idea. “What do you want to do?” You ask out of interest. She smiles at your curiosity. ”Just, going outdoors or seeing new places. I haven’t gone out much, except the rallies Rainbow pushes me to go for and the same hair salon that Rarity takes me every few weeks.” “It sounds like it gets dreadful over time.” ”It’s fine, really. But when it’s all that they wanted to do, it tends to get weary for me.” “You haven’t tried to talk to them about it?” ”I tried, but as usual they would brush it off and pretend it never happened.” You would ask if they ever were curious about what she did, but that seems unlikely. She covers her mouth with her left hand as she yawns. ”It’s been great talking with you for the evening, but I should head home.” ”I still can’t believe that this is my new lifestyle for now on.” She approaches you and crouches, putting a hand over your left shoulder. ”It won’t be like this forever,” She moves her hand higher. It slides over your neck and stops when it is over your cheek. ”Unless, if there is a problem with me taking care of you, then you already know about it.” You may have the idea, but it’s an unpleasing thought to where you could end up as the last guy who was with her. “If you were going to kill me, then make it quick.” She backs her hand away from you, startled by your ideal fate. ”What?! N-no! I mean that we would be here for some time.” You just shut your mouth and think if she really wants to keep you or even has the slightest thought of killing you. She gives you a quick peck on the lips before getting up. ”Just relax. Before you know it, we’ll be out of here as a happy couple.” Fluttershy leaves Angel with you and heads for the door. “In your own twisted fantasy that’ll happen.” She stops in her tracks, keeping her head in the same direction. ”This is reality, Anon. Learn to face what is a possibility and a liability.” Fluttershy resumes her way out, refusing to look back. “I should keep my big mouth shut.” You hear some light coughing from below you. Angel has his paws crossed and is tapping one of them on the ground. “Come on, you’ve had problems with her.” He shakes his head. “What about her? Does she ever had it bad at home?” He seems to shrug at your question. That’s strange, but it could mean anything. “I’m talking to a fuzzy bunny. Maybe I have finally lost it.” He shakes his head and resumes his foot tapping. “Whatever you say. You may want to get comfy, because we’re going to be in here for a while.” He hops over you and stands on your chest. Angel uses his ears as a substitute to slapping you with hands by tilting his head forward and shaking it. “Hey! Cut it out!” He does, giving you an unsettling glare when setting his head upright. “At least you will get out of here alive.” He arches his head forward when hopping off your chest. Angel curls right beside you and starts to snooze off. You’re not so optimistic on getting out of here, but not so cheery on being with a psycho. Decisions, decisions… Maybe you’ll come to one when you sleep it over.