> The Visitor > by MrMech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 The Intrusion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Nathan McLeod. I am 27 years old and have had a very successful life..... until now. I have a masters in Aeronautical engineering and I am currently co-cheif of engineering for Nissan. I am also the head of my family gym and have a very solid bank account, and here is my tale of woe. I am driving home in my modified Nissan GTR listening to some awesome music when I get an alert on my phone. Apparently, someone is breaking into my house. So I step on it and race home as fast as I can. When I get there, I stop. My house was broken into on the second floor, but there is no ladder or scaffolding. But the window is open sure enough. So I unlock the door and creep in. I laugh at the fact that I am basically breaking into my own house. So as I look around I see the fridge open with all my veggies gone, and my stove boiling a pot of water. I turn it off and head into the living room. And when I get there I am FURIOUS. There is a smoking hole in my TV and smaller holes on my couch. I look at the couch and see... hoofmarks? I shrug it off and head upstairs. I have an intruder to find. I slink upstairs and see the bathroom trashed. Shower curtain on the floor, water running, and it smells like cologne. Then I noticed that my bedroom door was open and as I crept forward I heard... snoring? I entered my room and was this close to passing out. Laying there, on my bed, asleep, was a rainbow haired pegasus. Since I didn't pass out, I went to investigate. It was white with rainbow hair and Sun tattoos? When I reached it I dared to poke it. No response. So I touched it's wings.No response. As I went on rubbing it's wings I noticed... This thing has a HORN!!! So it's a pega-unicorn? I started to rub it's horn and mumbled "Is there really a pega-unicorn on my bed?" To my horror it opened it's eyes and said "Actually, it's an Alicorn." And shocked my hand off it's horn, then kicked me in the head. As I fell back I saw a darker one run up and I said "Goodie, another one." Then proceeded to pass out. I woke up to the sound of muffled arguing. I opened my eyes to see to generously curved women bickering about something across my bedroom. Me, being the idiot I am said "So are you two Cosplayers or something?" They both stopped and stared at me. "I say we lock him in the dungeon." The blue one said. "I don't HAVE a dungeon!!" "Then what is that floor below this one!?" She shouted. "That's a BASEMENT!" "WHAT IS A BASEMENT!?" She shouted. I ignored her. Ok, now my memory is coming back. I came home, someone broke in, I walked into my bedroom.... I started to mumble. "Ok, it was a dream. That's why I'm in bed. I just have a headache from work. I- Then I noticed that I was tied to my bed... "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!? AND WHY AM I TIED TO MY BED!?" Then it clicks. "AND WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THAT WHITE PEGA-UNICORN!?!?" "It's ALICORN." They both said. "And I am still trying to figure out how to punish you." The white one said. "Punish me? For what?" I asked. "For sexually harassing me." She replied. I waited for her to crack a smile. Or giggle. Or roll her eyes or ANYTHING! But she just stood there. And stared. At me. "Ok..... Mind telling me why I am tied to my bed?" "Because you are a threat!" The blue one blurted. "And you must be restrained." "A threat to who?" I asked, annoyed. "To royalty." She said. I looked around the room, trying to see if there was anyone else in the room. I didn't see anyone so I said "What royalty?" And they both looked at me like I just slapped them. "Hello~. Earth to weirdos, anybody home?" They both walked out of the room and I caught bits and pieces of the argument. "Do? Do you think? Very. Others? Kill him." Okay, now I was worried. I got curious at others, but kill him? They walked in and stared at me with blank expressions. It stayed that way for a couple minutes until the white one spoke. "We are going to question you and you will answer." She stated. "And what if I refuse?" I asked. "Then I will let my sister decide what follows." She said. Her sister just glowered. *gulp* "First question: Who are you?" "My name is Nathan McLeod. I am 27 years old and I live alone." "Second question: Why were you harassing me?" "I... don't understand. I've never seen you before." "Yes you have." She said. And she waited. Eventually she just sighed and there was a bright flash of light, and when it died down, I was stunned. Standing there, was that white FUCKING ALICORN! "You- I- WHAT!?!?" I raved, and passed out again. Damn Nathan, twice in one day. ____ I woke up again to see not one, but TWO alicorns standing in front of me. This time I just remained silent. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" The darker one asked. I simply stared and said "My turn." The two tensed up as they thought I was about to do something. "First question: Who are you?" I asked this time. "YOU ARE NOT IN A POSITION TO QUESTION US MORTAL!!!" The blue one screamed. Once my ears stopped ringing I looked at them and said "If I don't get at least three answers, I won't say another thing, and I'll have you taken care of." The blue one scoffed "How so?" "Or I activate the security system in my home and wait for the police to come, report you, and have the military come and capture or kill you. Then, if they go with the former, one of you will be contained and studied, and the other will be dissected." I said with a cheery tone. Silence. "We are the rulers of Equestria. I am Princess Celestia, and this is my sister, Princess Luna." The white one said. "Good start. Second: What are you?" I asked. "We are Alicorns. The only two left in our land, Equus." Luna said. "Alright.... One last one for now. Can I PLEASE be untied?" Luna tensed visibly. "Can we be sure you are not a threat?" Celestia asked. "Seeing how you tied me up, ransacked my food, and trashed my living room and bathroom, I'm not so sure just yet." I stated. "Then I'm not so sure we can untie you just yet." She responded. I looked at her and said "Then how about some leverage. You untie me, and I'll give you a place to stay for now." They both were silent for a moment. "You'll let us stay along with our subjects?" "How many are there?" "Aside from us, eight." Luna said. I thought about it. It would cost a lot for them to stay, but they could very well leave me tied up and let me starve to death. "Very well." The ropes glowed and came undone, and I stood up. They were about 5 and a half feet tall, Celestia looking more 5' 9", not including the horns. "Alright then, where are the others?" "They are in the other building. The bigger one outside." Now it was my turn to pale. "In my WORKSHOP!?!? NONONONONONONONONONONO!!!" And I dashed down the stairs toward my workshop. As I am running there I start to here noises. My equipment running, metal clanging, even some voices. I get there and there are seven little horses there. An orange blond-haired one, a cyan, rainbow - haired one? A purple black-haired one, two white ones, one with styled, purple hair and another with unkempt hair two different shades of cobalt. And the messy one has some nice shades. There was a cream colored one that hid behind it's pink hair, and a gray one with long black hair. I was about to walk up to them when a pink blur came from behind the building and tackled me, and I was on the ground. There was a pink horse on top of me and it said "Well hey there handsome!" "NOPE!" I yelled and threw her off me. She just jumped up and pouted. "I'll get to you eventually." And hopped towards the rest. It was then the others noticed me. There were... mixed reactions. The most noticeable being that of the rainbow one, who crashed and let out a string of mock swears that was pretty colorful. "SON OF A MOTHER BUCKING DIRTY WHORSE ON SUNDAY AT THE BROTHEL FILLED WITH FILTHY, SHIT EATING PLOT WATCHERS!!!" And the fancy haired white one gasped and "fainted". I would've been impressed if it were real curses. The rest of them stared at me. The orange one with contempt and the cream one with curiosity, but the rest were simply nervous. Then I looked at my workshop and almost passed out. Again. My workshop was in shambles. My tools were everywhere, one of the cars windshields was cracked, there was dirt EVERYWHERE. These things really know how to make a mess. Anywho, I was concerned. The rainbow one got up and started to actually walk towards me. I backed up a bit but she kept coming. When she reached me she stood about up to my chest. Me being 6 ft 2 meant she was about 4 and a half feet tall. "You look funny." She said. "Well so do you Ms.Rainbow-Crash." I retorted. Apparently this was the wrong thing to say as she used her wings to knock me down and said "That's not me!" Meanwhile, everybody else is shocked that I can speak. "Care to tell me why you ruined my workshop?" I asked coldly. "Um, we're sorry Mr. We didn't mean to make a mess. We can clean it if you'd like." The cream one said . I sighed and said "Fine, but later. As of now I am your unfortunate host, so am I going to have to ask the Princesses or are you all going to tell me your names?" And they all started firing questions at me. "How do you know the Princesses?" "Where are they?" "Who are you?" "Can we see if you're a boy or girl?" That... That threw me. And apparently everyone else as well. The pink one simply said "What?" And crawled into my old Charger. That kind of irked me. "Will you guys please stop touching the cars?" Them, apparently ALL trolls, walked up and touched the Charger, the old GTR, and my Yamaha FJ-09 with special Shinko 705 series Dual-Sport tires Just In Case. I simply sighed and said "Well, will you at least tell me your names?" "Applejack. Twilight Sparkle. Rarity. PINKIE PIE! Rainbow Dash." Damn, got close with my insult. "Vinyl Scratch. Octavia." And there was a faint whisper at the end. "I'm sorry what was that last one?" I said. "She said Fluttershy Darling. You'll have to forgive her, she,uh, matches her name." Rarity said. "I see." It was now the Princesses decided to show up. They all bowed save for Twilight, who shouted "Princess!" And ran towards Celestia. Exasperated I said "Just head into the house and I can figure out what to do with you." "Come along My Little Ponies." Celestia said, and they filed into the house. > Getting settled > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As they walked to the house, Nathan thought to himself. These things came into, BROKE, into my house, ate a decent amount of my food, wrecked my bathroom, living room, and especially my workshop. I'm gonna have to punish them after all. He thought. They walked into the house and filed into the living room. I stopped as we got there and turned to stare at them. They all looked away sheepishly. "Can you fix this? Or am I going to have to buy a new house and TV?" Luna walked up to the couch and fixed it. The TV was a different story. "I'm sorry Nathan, but I cannot fix this TV." "Well why not?" I asked, getting agitated. "We can fix any material things, but since we are not from a place that has devices such as these, it is beyond our understanding, hence, we cannot fix it. But things like the couch, which are simply material, that is hardly a challenge." I wasn't happy to hear this, but hey, I need a new TV anyway. "So how did you fix the couch?" I asked. "Where we come from, magic is common. About a third of the population can do things like this, while the rest have a more innate kind of magic." Celestia explained. "Like what?" I asked. Celestia looked at the group and said "Applejack and Rainbow Dash, please come here." And they walked forward. "Is there something we can help you with?" They asked. "Nathan is it?" I nod "Nathan here needs some help understanding the types of magic Pegasi and Earth Ponies have." They nod, look at me and say "Let's go outside." "Before we go, I just want to understand. You guys are Ponies? Not Horses?" They look offended and Celestia speaks up. "Yes. We are Ponies and in Equestria that is an insult, as it is spelled W-H-O-R-S-E. Not like Saddle Arabia where they are bigger and it is spelled without the W. Now go and learn Nathan." I wasn't very pleased with how she said it like I was a child, but I was curious so I let it slide. As they went out back Applejack started to explain. "Pegasi and Earth Ponies do have magic, but it is more internal compared to th Unicorns external magic. Ah have enhanced strength, while Rainbow Dash here can fly and mess with clouds." I was skeptical to say the least. "Oh really? And how do you plan on proving this to me?" Rainbow smirked and flew up, grabbed a cloud, and came back down. Applejack walked over to one of my cars and used one hoof to lift the front end up. "Alright, I believe you." I said. Then there was a loud creak and the front bumper ripped off. I was LIVID. "YOU BACK THE FUCK AWAY FROM THAT CAR!" I shouted. She dropped the bumper, her ears went flat and she started to back away, fear in her eyes. Rainbow flew inside. I stalked up to Applejack and stared her down. I Spoke with venom in my voice "You. You are the one who didn't trust me in the first place. Well now, I guess we'll have to fix that. Here's some honesty for you. You keep breaking my shit and I will do my Damndest to make your stay here worse and worse depending on how much you break. This is your ONLY warning." She regarded me with a look of fear, and nodded. I pointed toward the house and she padded inside, head down. Once she was gone I sighed and looked at the bumper. It was going ti take me weeks ti get that back on with the way she broke it. Probably gonna have to buy a whole new one. I need some music. I turned it on and got to work trying to get the torn bumper of the chassis. Eventually Vinyl decided to walk out and say "Nice music. Any reason why you snapped on AJ?" "You're lookin at it." As I gestured to the torn bumper. "Hmm.... How long will it take you to fix it?" She asked. "A couple weeks at least. A week if I order it First Priority." I said. "Ahem. I said, how long will it take to fix it?" She said gesturing with her horn. "I told you, a few weeks." I said. She rolled her eyes and lit up her horn. The bumper and all the metal I shaved off flew back together and mended the together. "Oh... right. You can do that." Vinyl just laughed and said "Now why don't you go apologize to AJ. You shook her up pretty bad. Not only that, but now the other are pretty heated." I sighed and said "If it'll keep them from harassing me about it, then I'll go apologize." We headed inside and when I got there I heard cracking. And crunching. And stomping. I turned the corner and what I saw made my blood boil. On the floor, was my DVD player, my Xbox 360, my DVR, and my 360 controller, being crushed by Rainbow Dash and Applejack. I yelled at the top of my lungs "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!?!" They both froze and looked up at me. I looked to the rest and said "You just LET them do this? Knowing you can't fix it!?" Celestia, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie looked at the ground, Rarity, Twilight, and Luna looked angry, and Octavia looked indifferent. Rainbow flew up to me and yelled "So you think you can yell at my friend and scare her just because!?! She was shaking when she walked in! Why did you get so mad over a stupid machine?!" Rarity came up to me and said "Really! I don't often agree with Rainbow Dash, but you don't have to scare the mare! And to threaten someone is so uncouth!" Twilight decided to speak up and said "You should know that simple material things like that we can fix! We just told you that!" I was silent for a moment. Still fuming, trying not to start yelling again, I said "Well in case you wanted to know, I came back in to apologize to AJ and was gonna let it go seeing as how Vinyl here fixed it. But, since you decided to destroy my things, knowing full well that you couldn't fix them, And because you all broke into my house and trashed it, I am going to have to punish you." Fluttershy looked scared, Rarity looked gobsmacked, and the rest looked at me with amused looks. Rainbow snickered and said "Oh yeah? And what makes you think we will even do it?" I gave here a small smile and said "Oh but you will do it! Because I am the only place you can stay in this world. And if you don't, then I won't have any reason to believe you want to stay. So you can suck it up and make it up to me, or you can sleep outside, with meat as a meal." They just stared at me, mouths agape. "So, your punishment is that all of you are to clean the house. All but the workshop and my bedroom. Celestia and Luna know which one it is. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some electronics to buy." And I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. Girls POV "Princess, are we really going to do this?" Twilight asked. "I'm afraid we have to." Celestia said. "Sister you cannot be serious! That human has been nothing but rude!" "What other choice do we have? We can't very well go elsewhere, and..." She paused, then resumed in a lower tone "We do not know how the crystal works. Alright? It may take months to recharge. So until it does, we are going to do our best to follow his wishes, so long as they are reasonable, and maybe he will ease up. Think about it from his perspective. We're aliens, who invaded his home, trashed it, as he says, and destroyed his gadgets." She looked at Applejack and Rainbow Dash. They looked at the ground and shuffled their hooves. "Sorry about that." AJ said. "Well I'M not sorry! He yelled at you! Threatened you! Why should we be sorry!?!" Rainbow fumed. Celestia looked at her for am moment and said "Well, if you're not sorry now, you probably will be. So just remember that." They all were silent fir a few minutes. Nobody really sure what to say. Then Luna spoke up. "Well, if we must do this, then we should probably get started now. As much as I hate to say it, we have to be nice to this, Nathan... So, before we start, does anybody have any ideas on how to get Nathan to feel less threatened or confused around us?" Celestia cleared her throat "I do." -SILENCE- -MORE SILENCE- -EVEN MORE SI- "You can stop that now Mr.Author." Pinkie said with a little edge on her voice. "We understand that its quiet. Now, Princess, I know you and Luna can talk without speaking, but the rest of us are not in on that little trick. So do you want to tell us what you have in mind?" Pinkie said. She blushed "Ah, yes. Sorry. Anyway, what I thought was we could be as close to human as possible to make him a little more comfortable." "That's... Actually not that bad of an Idea." Luna said. "Alright sister, shall we?" "Yes indeed Luna. Now girls, you're going to feel strange for a bit, but it'll only take a little while to get used to it. So hold still." Luna and Celestia shot a spell at them. There was a bright flash and when it was through the girls, and the princesses were all anthros. (1) 1 Hour Latér "Well girls, now that that's over, let's get started!" Twilight said, and they started cleaning the house, waiting for Nathans' arrival. Nathans' POV 'Goddammit. That took me 3 hours. Oh well. At least I got all that I needed. Let's see if they actually listened to me and cleaned the house. Doubt it.' I unlocked the door and walked in. 'Huh. Looks liem they actually DID clean. Even smells like they cleaned.' "Girls? I'm home! And I-" I was cut short as a naked human Pinkie Pie walked around the corner. ERROR. NATHAN.EXE IS NOT RESPONDING. PLEASE RESTART AND TRY AGAIN. "Hello~ Like what you see?" And she walked towards me, swaying her hips as she went. "Oh!" She giggled "It would seem you do!" She gave me a sultry look and said "Wanna cop a feel?" NATHAN.EXE IS NOW RESPONDING. HANDING IN TICKET TO NOPETRAIN. NEXT STOP:FUCKTHATVILLE. Once again I responded to Pinkie with a resounding "NOPE!" And darted past her. But what I saw next made me freeze. ALL the girls, save for the princesses, were naked and staring at me. It was then, for a third time that night that I passed out. The Next Morning "Oh my head. What happened last night?" I woke up in the living room surrounded by the girls, all of whom had concerned looks on their faces. Their concerned looks turned to ones of embarrassment and blushes. All, except Pinkie. Who had a smile in her face and said " Oh nothing much. Just saw us all naked and passed out and dropped to the floor where you hit your head, which is probably why it hurts right now." I looked to the others, trying to see if she was joking. Then an image I burned into my memory popped into my head, and I knew she wasn't. "Welp. Now that that's settled, where did you get the clothes?" "I made them darling. I was a fashionista back where we came from." Rarity said. "Oh. Hmmm... I'll just leave it at that. Now, I had a very stressful yesterday, so, why don't you magic up a disguise so we can go to the gym?" I said. They just stared at me. "Well? What can you not do it?" "Wrong choice of words Nathan." Twilight said. She flashed her horn and when the light dimmed down, nothing was different. "Ummm, are you supposed to be different? Cause you don't look to different to me." I said, more than a little skeptical. "Do you have a camera?" Twilight asked. "Yeah. In my pocket." "Your pocket? How would a camera fit in there?" She asked. "It's a program on my phone." I responded. "Aaaaand what's a phone?" She asked, taking her turn to be skeptical. I sighed and just took it out and showed them. "This is a Galaxy." I said. Luna screamed "WHAT!?!" "OW! We all have eardrums you know!" I yelled and gestured to everyone else. She blushed (What is it with these guys and blushing?) and went quiet. Anyway, a phone is basically a long range communication device. I'll tell you more after the gym. Anywho, lemme see you through the camera!" I opened the camera and paused. They were like fucking supermodels! Great. Now they are going to go to the gym and have everyones eyes on them. Lovely. "Well, it works." I said and snapped a picture. "So who's ready to hit the gym, eh?"