> The Filly Force Five > by WhiteSlash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: We Are Us > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burnt embers and ash scattered across the room. Rabble attempted to move but she could not, one hoof in front of the other seemed like an eternity as she slowly listed through the carnage of a house ablaze. She cried out but not a sound was heard. Fire raced up the door frame of her room as she raised her head to see a vague representation of her parents disappear. Teary eyed she fell to the ground and rolled onto her back. Staring up at the ceiling she whispered. “Why”. The roof came crashing down and the darkness enveloped her as she awoke in the comfort of her own bed. A scream rang out that shook the walls. No one answered. Although now living with her aunt and uncle, they were off on buisness. She was alone and had been for quite some time now, though the haunting memories of the night she lost her parents still kept her company, much to her dismay. As she collapsed back onto our bed she let slip a worded sigh. “Who could forget it?” Intent on getting a good night’s sleep, she shrugged off the ordeal as it was nothing new to her. After all she had a big day ahead of her. Tomorrow was going to be THE day. The day she takes off to honour her family’s memory. Waking up for the first time in a while without a fearful bead of sweat she gleefully bounced out of her bed. She sprung toward her mirror and began to dance whilst reading herself for her coming audition. “1 2 3 4! Audition time today, ready to fly away!” This odd ritualistic morning dance and song was her vocal and physical exercise helping her to prepare for her challenge. Next on her list was instrument preparation. Silence became the background noise as she started to tune her guitar, a laborious task. As her concentration turned to courage she started off toward the exit grabbing her saddlebag, instrument and humming joyfully as she emerged into Ponyville. For such a happy community the overall mood of the populace was rather dreary. It seemed as if everyone had a raincloud above their head but her. She paid little attention to this though as she had her game face on. A strong but joyful look of audacity strewn across her face showed everypony that she meant business. Her resolve would have to be strong for her journey to Manehattan. Though not extremely far way, she had never been before. Whitetail woods were the first point on her journey. Humming as she skipped through the marketplace heading for the edge of town she heard whispers. “Isn’t that old Gentlemane Jack’s and Tia Mareia’s daughter?” No longer oblivious to the stares and judgement of the other ponies in town, she reached bowed her head and began to gallop as to pass quickly through town. Though she was in for a surprise she could never have anticipated. With a bang and a smash she was flung to the ground with another pony on top of her. With blurred vision she gave herself a shaking awake. She could vaguely make out a pony behind a green and pink mop of a mane. “Bee? I think it’s time to get up.” The cute voice with a sarcastic yet caring tone caused the ponies to unravel themselves. Rabble got back on her hoofs and examined the eccentric pair in front of her. Despite the mood surrounding the other ponies of Ponyville these two seemed to be radiating with excitement, one more so than the other. “Heh, sorry dude, names Plan B” Though her mane covered her face a smile was evident. “Friends call me Bee though; this shy gal here is JD.” Whilst Plan B appeared militaristic, clumsy and energetic. Her counterpart JD was very much the opposite. She remained calm and collected contradicting her rather shy personality. Rabble realised she was talking an odd amount of time to answer and hastily replied. “It’s alright, im all over the place today as well. Im Rabble Rouser, folks call me Rousey” She couldn’t help but realise the mess of machinery behind the pair and decided against her better judgement to inquire as to what it is. Something see would soon regret. A glint of maniacal genius appeared in Plan B’s eyes. Straightening her spine and obtaining a commanding posture she took a deep breath. “THIS! THIS IS THE GALEFORCE JET STREAM X 2 W.P.C. WINGLESS PONY CARRIER! This is going to be THE biggest invention of all time, no magic, no balloon, no hot air, JUST the power your crazy little pony legs can muster up!” Plan B continued on her rant as Rabble gazed over at JD as if to ask “The hay?” Acknowledging the pony’s confusion JD raised her hoof to her head in a twirling motion and signalled Rabble that it’s just Bee being Bee. Both ponies decided to humour her. Whilst JD truly believed the contraption would fly, Rabble was secretly taking mental bets on how long before they crashed. Rabble decided to end the rant in a kind way by asking what their plan for the machine was. This brought out a strong response from JD whom said: “Its gonna take us to where we’ll make it big!” The timid pony stepped back and began to stare at the ground with the faintest hint of a proud smile. Bee nodded and took charge once again. “Yup, sooo...what are you doing? I mean aside from talking to us”. Bee had a small chuckle to herself, then planted her rear on the ground and stared wide eyed at Rabble. “Well I got myself an audition up in Manehattan; I’m actually hoping to make it big to. Left my aunt’n’uncle a note saying next time they see me my face is gonna be plastered all over the Ponyville express, Heh. Whether it’ll be good or not, I dunno”. Plan B clearly admired Rabble’s confidence and understood her cause. “Well it’s been real awesome meeting ya, hope to see ya again” Rabble wanted to stay and chat more but she had to get going to make it on time. She returned common courtesy and took off once more. “ROU! WAIT!” Plan B was galloping to catch her. “Here take this; I think you’ll love it” Bee held out her hoof and with it a small metallic sphere. Though Rabble was reluctant at first, fearing the invention might blow up in her face but when she learned of the purpose she was flabbergasted. “So you’ve listened to records and vinyls obviously, but a record player is just too much to carry around. Wouldn’t you agree?” Rabble nodded and she continued. “WELL! I don’t wanna get into too much detail, some sciency stuff, some magic stones and a genius mind like my own. Go on, try them” Acknowledging the slight evil smirk on Bee’s face, which Rabble now realised, was simply her way. She reached into her saddle bag and pulled out her headphones. Rabble learnt quickly, the device was much like a record player. Using electricity to power the headphones and a magic stone to generate the songs. It was explained to her that if she wants a song to be stored, she need only listen to it. It was around about this time she became confused. The mention of brainwaves and musical memory storage wasn’t quite in her comprehension. She couldn’t thank Plan B enough, with an unusual burst of emotion she sprang into a hug. Bee handled the rather awkward hug surprisingly well and finished their meeting once again. “Just be careful with it okay? My brilliance is hard to come by”. With that Rabble once more for that day set off. Her sheer joy was visible by the clear spring in her step as she made sped towards her destination. Watching Rabble shoot of into the distance yet again, Plan B revealed her true motives. “Well JD. At least it won’t explode near us”. JD facehoofed in disappointment and clambered aboard the flying machine for its maiden voyage. Bee’s forecast was wrong however. Rabble was currently vigorously stress testing her new machine. She was thinking back to her parent’s old records, the old punk classics. Her mind began to wander as Rabble pondered if Cheerilee the teacher would recognize those songs. She reassured herself that the teacher would, after all everyone had seen the picture from her “Phase”. Rabble’s mind was a haze; her cool was lost and replaced by the feeling of being a filly in a candy store with little time to choose the right candy. She rifled through the classics, The Sex Pistols, Still Little Fingers and The Clash. So many choices. After stressfully pacing back an fourth in her own mind she focused and settled on something a little more recent. The Agony of Victory by NOFX. With the happy beat of the awesome blend of ska and punk she danced and she sang and before she knew it, she had made it. There was the studio, a massive tower in a bustling city. Rabble wasn’t used to crowds she could see there. Ponies side by side, little space in-between, marching from point to point. A gulp sank her worries deep down and she started to dart in and out of the few spaces she could find. Panting she murmured to herself. “Damn place is like a moving maze, this is why I hate cit....” She was abruptly cut off as a rather frantic buisnesspony bashed her aside. “Watch where you’re going you dumb...” Rabble could handle confrontation and interrupted her foe. “NO! You watch where you’re going!” She splashed the clean cut pony’s suit with a nearby puddle. “Go clean up your act!” He tried to respond but she had disappeared into the network of frenzied bodies. Determined to make her appointment. She was flung out from the crowd landing face first outside the studio. She didn’t care about the fall, she was here and ready to do what she does best. Rabble approached the door with a timid stroll. SMASH! The doors swung open and a rather hardcore looking filly staggered out. She spat at the door and began to abuse the building’s entrance. “Ye’s wouldnae ken talent if it bit your arse, Am gonna go doon in history and you lot are gonnae regret no signin me.” The frustrated pony turned to address Rabble. “Sorry hen, ya didnae need tae ‘ear that. Im Plaid Haze, ya ken that lot isnae signin soloists?” From what Rabble could understand of Haze’s thick accent, her hopes and dreams just crumbled. No soloists. No career. No Nothing. Plaid could see the tears building up in her eyes and comforted her. “Chin up lassie, A reckon whit ya need is gonnae faw oot the sky”. The Pair became engulfed in approaching darkness followed by a loud scream. “DUCK!!!” When Rabble came to, Plaid was down for the count next to what appeared to be the crash site of Plan B’ flying machine. KTHUNK! Bee was propelled out from the mess face first into the ground where she slid to Rabbles hoofs. A rather dazed Plan B started to mumble cryptic messages followed by something Rabble understood. “Heeeeey JD? I think we landed...Did your air sack thingamabob work? Mine didn’t...Luckily the ground did. Not now ground, I’m scienceing!” She flung her limbs up in the air and then flopped back down. Still confused but not entirely surprised, Rabble nudged her. “Yo Bee, Ya alright?” As she failed to reply and seemed to be mostly intact, Rabble checked the wreckage; Plan B’s reply was heard in the background as Rabble discovered cuteness incarnate. A sleeping JD was sprawled out on the white pillow like airbag. Her eyes widened as she gazed at Rabble. Instead of speaking she simply waved and smiled. Rabble stumbled back and fell onto the ground. After a long pause and serious silence she spoke out. Sigh* “Were gonna need a plan.” > Chapter 2: Let Them Have It All > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grunts and groans were heard as the mound that was a semi conscious Plaid Haze began to properly come to. The Bewildered pony took a moment to take account of her new found wounds and assess her weird yet wonderful predicament. Haze noticed the three other ponies confused looks and knew just what they meant. “This really aint the strangest hing tae happen tae me.” She dusted herself off and said what everypony was thinking. “So how come I’ve got this feelin that we’re gonnae be seein a lot more ae each other?” The now wide awake Plan B staggered back onto all fours and interjected as Rabble was about to speak. “Now Im no crazy pony, but I’d say this is destiny.” JD pulled herself from the wreckage with little hassle to point out the obvious flaw in Bee’s previous statement. “One. You are crazy. Two. I hate to admit your right.” She turned to address the other attentive ponies. “But i think she’s right.” Rabble nodded in agreement. She wasn’t normally a superstitious pony but even she knew that higher forces were at work. Knowing that someone was bound to notice the chaos that had just ensued she had to act fast. Rabble grabbed her things and galloped off into the distance. “C’mon! We got work to do!” Knowing full well that none of them wished to get blamed for the mess the three others followed after her. Tearing through the crowds of Manehattan the four adolescent ponies had not a care in the world. Even though these same four ponies had just lost out on their chance for stardom, they knew that for now, together is where they had to be. Sliding into a nearby alley and gasping for a breath, Rabble announced what their afternoon run had been for. “A Band” She stated. A look of amazement was slapped across their faces as her words hit them. The ponies turned and look to one another hoping one would answer back. Suddenly the silence was broken. Haze stepped forward surrounded by an ominous atmosphere. Her actions held the course of their future. Though words would not seal their fate. Haze stretched her leg out towards Rabble, hoof first. She examined the gesture and met it with acceptance. Rabble touched Haze’s hoof with her own. The other two ponies stepped in and together they formed there ensemble. “So what do we call ourselves?” Rabble asked expecting less than stellar answers. She knew it was difficult to name bands. She was right. The group applied their thinking caps and attempted to make short work of their conundrum but it was not for happening. They could think of nothing. “Aw nuts to this, we don’t need a name... well yet at least” Haze exclaimed with a surprisingly angered tone. Rabble nodded and agreed. “I say we celebrate, Tonight WE CONQUOR MANEHATTAN!” The band cheers were heard for many blocks. It was clear when the time came to perform that they could handle a large turnout. It was strange that such likeminded ponies had never found each other. They all loved the same music, the same foods and drinks, the same places. The only explanation being that each of them was a geographical oddity. Always a set distance from each other retaining no knowledge that ponies just like them existed. Before starting the festivities the band members took a moment to thoroughly introduce each other. Rabble shied away from the conversation, fearing that she would have to bring up her past. JD saw the look in the ponies face and volunteered Bee to recite their back-story. Plan B scratched her chin as she thought of an introduction. “Hm, so you want to know the amazing exploits of.” She paused to take a huge breath. “THE AWESOME ADVENTURES OF THE GIFTED PLAN B! And of course her eager sidekick JD” Reluctantly the others nodded and braced themselves for a very colourful story. However that was not what they received. Bee proceeded to explain how she always had a knack for science and inventing things. How this eventually led to her cutie mark. “Well when I first met JD here, she was incredibly shy. She was mute, she couldn’t say a word. Though I could see she wanted to so I decided to do what I do best! Fix things!” JD cut in to explain that whilst having a relatively normal childhood she was never able to speak. Doctors couldn’t diagnose it. No one knew anything about her condition, until she met Bee of course. “So I took her inside and spent at least four days working on it. It being the cure. Eventually we had a breakthrough! Utilizing some other herbal ingredients and a pinch of heart’s desire I developed a concoction that cured my dear friend here.” Plan B then reached over and hugged her beloved companion. It was clear to the others that the two ponies possessed sister like bond. Bee playing the role of the big sister whom is always there for her sibling. Whilst JD plays the role of the aspiring little sister. Rabbles curiosity kicked in and she inquired as to why JD still doesn’t say much. JD looked at the ground and kicked up a small cloud of dust. “Well let’s just say that when i was able to speak. I talked way too much.” The group shared a joyous laugh as the conversation moved to Haze. Rabble was beginning to loosen up, realising that she could trust these ponies with anything. Haze opened with a joke explaining that she would have to be careful what parts she mentioned. Haze seemed like the most hardcore of the group. The trouble maker. She was. Being the oldest she had a few stories to tell and she knew the best way to do it. “Tell ya what; I got an excerpt fae a song im working oan. I think you lot will like it.” Haze took a moment to ready herself and proceeded to belt out part of her song. “It weren’t supposed to end up like this, the deal with V2 it went up tits. Cos now i reside down at the clubs, I tell all the bands just how it’s done. Listen lasses I’ve had my time, Wish you coulda seen me in my prime. Yeah me and the boys yeah we were fame back stage at canter with the modcropped manes". The song was a hit with the girls. They loved the vibrant realism in its lyrics. The whole premise of actually being events from her life. After receiving some applause from her peers Haze continued on stating that, after everything she had done she was hoping to start a solo career. Though now she realises that dream can’t be made a reality. To be successful, her talents would have to be complimented by the talents of her three friends. Though she accepts this as the way forward, seeing that only strong bonds and happy trails await herself and her band mates. At long last the spotlight fell upon Rabble. Her heart jumped into her throat and she was at a loss for words. For someone gifted with the ability to create lyrical masterpieces this was small task became a goliath mountain climb. She had never spoke of her parents much before, feeling that the burdens she carries should be hers and hers alone. Everypony was so cheerful; she didn’t want to bring them down. Rabble reverted back to her time in school, when she was asked a question she didn’t know the answer to. Everypony staring, awaiting some response but their looks are met with stale silence and an awkward glare at the ground. She pulled out everything she had, every last shred of power to muscle up the courage. A singular tear ran down her cheek. “T...There was a... There was a fire.” JD stepped in to comfort the tearful pony. “Rou, it’s okay. You don’t have to.” Rabble smiled. “No. I need to.” Sniff* “Well I was only young. No pony is really quite sure what happened, but my parents couldn’t get out. Myself and some valuables were saved.” The singular tear had grown into a veritable stream of sorrow. Her voice was lost in the flood and a solemn painful howl. Rabble took a moment to compose herself. “After that my aunt and uncle took me in. I’ve been living with them since. Not long ago i got to listening to some of my parents old records that also made it through the fire. I loved it. All the punk classics, even the more recent stuff. Rabble explained her shared love for the genre and many others. She told them about when she learned to sing , write songs and play the music she wrote. Her story was nearing its end when she told the attentive ponies of the note she found. “A note with a list of songs. My parents had created their own album of songs, each song special to a moment in their life. Their first kiss, when they met. Each song had a meaning.I remember the title on the note. Songs that say what we cannot.” Those words sunk in with heavy weight. The four ponies had just gained a deeper insight to this music that has been a part of their life for so long. Rabble sighed with relief and thanked her friends for listening. The mood quickly changed as the night they planned on painting the town red was fast approaching. Bee sprang to her hoofs with barely contained excitement. “OH! I almost forgot. I was going on about potions and elixirs right? Well I forgot about my newest addition. Guaranteed to make this night a blast! It’s got something pretty rare in it, something called ethanol, but I digress.” The ponies knew that there was two ways that this could go. This drink could cause them to catch fire or do exactly what it said on the bottle. Yet again the three others took Bee’s word realising that she would never knowingly give them something dangerous. The only problem with this being that she didn’t know what it would do. It wasn’t long before the group were out of control. They had become intoxicated, inebriated, smashed. The streets that were once bustling with commerce now void of inactivity were there playground. Together the staggered from club to club. They even clambered onto the stage of a nearby picture house and began to play invisible instruments. With each increasingly peace disturbing move they made, a police intervention crept ever closer. It wasn’t long at all. They had been parading around a local park causing havoc. “LOOK OUT! IT’S THE FUZZ!” JD screamed and ran off into the night, amongst the trees. The blinking red and blue glow sprouted from the foliage. They were busted. The remaining three burst off into after their long gone friend. It was like a chase from a movie as they leapt over the fencing out of the park. The police still hot on their tail they continued with their use of movie clichés as they knocked over a fruit stand. One of the officers veered off course into a wall and crashed to the ground out cold. The tension sky rocketed as the four miscreants took cover in a dark alley. Intent on bringing justice the remaining officer persisted to search for them. JD sat rocking back and forth rambling on and on, the others unable to understand her. Plan B also deserted of all cognitive function fell onto the panicking JD to express her love. “Hey...hey listen...hey...you listening? Yeah you’re listening” She was halted as her lunch almost drenched her quivering friend. “I. YES I...love Chu...i mean you...i mean...yeah you.” Rabble turned to her only friend left standing. Remarkably Plain Haze continued to remain for the most part, herself. Maybe that was the illusion. “Awk I love a good chase! Anarchy in Equestria!” Haze’s statement reassured Rabble that she was in fact the most stable of the group. “HAW! CLOPPER! COME GET SOME!” Rabble sighed, “Seriously?” With that she was grabbed by Haze and dragged off out the alley the “Clopper” right behind them. From a top down view of the city they ponies would look like a veritable game of PAC-MAN. They had been split up and flooded out in every direction. Rabble took shelter in some nearby bushes, now home to one of her fondest memories. Though she was dirty and uncomfortable her mind was at ease. The most beautiful voice she had ever heard was blazing down upon her. A song she recognized, a whistle for the choir. This moment could not last however. The young mare in the windows voice was drowned out by her parent’s anger. Rabble could hear them argue, she could hear them strike her. The young pony ran teary eyed to her balcony, slamming the door behind her. Rabble ceased the moment in the best way she could. She crept from the bushes and looked up at the girl and began to sing. “Well it’s a big big city and it’s always the same. Can never be too pretty tell me your name? Is it out of line if i was to be bold and say, would you be mine? Because i may be a beggar and you may be the queen. I know I may be on a downer, im still ready to dream. Though its 3 o'clock, the time is just the time it takes for you to talk. ” Rabbles voice shook the boundaries of her heart and the warm emotion dried her teary eyes. The moment was made as she sang back. “So if you're lonely, why'd you say you're not lonely? Oh you're a silly girl, I know I hurt its so. It's just like you to come, and go. You know me no you don't even know me. You're so sweet to try, oh my, you caught my eye, and a girl like you's just irresistible” With each word from her, Rabble moved closer, clambering up the vines to the balcony where she awaits. The music continues in their heads, their hearts jump into their throats. Rabble was there, eye to eye with the face behind the voice. “You’re even prettier face to face.” She moved in and they locked lips. Their hearts beating a mile a minute. Together they were wrapped up warm, their breath made mist. Rabble eased away with a smile “I don't even know your name”. The door flew upon as angry parental figures swarmed out into her room. Rabble pleaded with the girl. "Come with me! You don't deserve this!" The girl grabbed Rabble by the scruff of her mane. "Call me Vee Vee" Before she could reply she was pushed over the ledge. As she plummeted to the bush below she thought to herself. It was a pretty name. Her luck began to change as she was accompanied by Plaid Haze in her uncomfortable cover. The look of confusion in her eyes was flawless and she was lost for words as to why Haze was now with her. Plaid took charge of the situation and deterred Rabbles loss for words. "Yeah yeah I know. C'mon we gotta get the others!" It seemed as if she was a ragdoll today. Over and over again Rabble had been pulled across the city of Manehattan in every which direction but the one she came for. She loved it though. On this night she had more fun than she possibly even imagine. From a doomed dream to a fearsome bond between ponies. The powerful look of confidence in Plaid's eyes left Rabble torn. She wasn't sure wether the look was just her confident personality or that she had an actual plan to help them escape. They tore a jagged path through the darkness. "Right! JD and Bee are back ma flat". Yet again Rabble was struck with confusion. "OH aye, I forgot you lot call em apartments". Plaid's living space represented her character perfectly. A cheap yet comfrotable apartment above an old boxing gym. Her inheritance. Though there wasnt much need for pony boxers anymore, Plaid couldn't bare to let the place go. The little money she made from her odd jobs and buisness went to her rent. Cheap and efficent. She revealed a little more about herself as they entered and she performed her day to day ritual. "Their up top, first door on the right". With that she delivered a short flurry of punches to the punching bag near the entrance. "Make yerself at home, I better lock up." Rabble recieved an unusual greeting as she enter the apartment. Plan B fell at her hoofs and ceased all movement whilst JD glared blankly out the window. "Well your okay, JD whats up?" Rabble said showing that she knew Plan B too well and JD not well enough. Her general intrest was crushed as JD tilted her head to the side and simply replied: "Shhhh...I can hear the ocean", Rabble let out a dry snigger. "Forget I asked." A tired Plaid Haze stumbled into the room and flopped onto her couch for rest. She was unable to catch a breath as she was bombarded by questions regarding "Vee Vee" by Rabble. "Sorry. I dinae know her". Rabbles innocent cheesy smile collapsed into a frown. Rabble moved to face the window, placing one hoof on the pane and fogging up the glass with breath she wrote the name. Vee Vee.