
by Questionable Brony

First published

Emerald was just another human, just another pegasister. Now she's been turned into an OC pony called Twivine. Problem is, she has no idea who Twivine is.

[I only know so much about the OC Twivine.This is the one who created her. Rating will either change to M or the next installment will be an M story. Tags added as I need them.]

Emerald Morrison didn't have the best life, but certainly not the worst. She didn't have the best grades, but also not the worst. But now? Now she finds herself as Twivine, an OC made by another brony. Problem is, she has no idea who Twivine is. She heard of Twivine, seen one or two fan made pictures but that's about it.

Somehow Twilight's magic surge brought Emerald or rather Twivine to Equestria and now she grows up (again), only this time in the Sparkle household.

08/29/2015 Featured? Thanks. Sure hope this isn't because of a short raise in the amount of views.

Beware, for I am...Twivine? Who's Twivine?!

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Everyone who says school sucks has no idea about real life. Hi, my name is Emerald Garrison. A twenty two year young woman, who six months ago finally got her own job and apartment. I was never bright enough to study something properly. There was a will, but eh, we can't all be geniuses. So, instead of trying to repeat a year, I took what I had and started my own life as a secretary for some lawyer. I was lucky getting the job actually, being inexperienced and all that. But then again, I think he chose me so his clients, and he for that matter, had something nice to look at.

I swear every third male customer, and even one female, tried to hit on me like I was some girl from the street. That certainly wasn't in the job description. But aside from that, the job itself wasn't that bad. Doing paperwork, keeping up a polite tone while talking through the phone, bringing my boss coffee, it could be worse. No, the thing that stressed me out wasn't my job It was living on my own. I know my generation is spoiled; but damn, I had no idea how hard it is to get a decent living arrangement. Taking care of the household alone, grocery shopping, do I have enough money on my bank account in case something happens, insurance, paying the rent, regulate money, money, money, money! It was always the money!

Yeah, life sucks when you have to do all of this alone. Sure it living alone had its advantages; but once I had some work experience I hoped to get a job that would get me more money, and maybe even some free time. Okay, chances of the latter happening were slim, but one can dream, right?

Anyways, it was Saturday evening. I had just arrived home from grocery shopping and was stashing everything away. Sucks when your workplace is even open on weekends; well, except Sunday, because it meant I could either shove cleaning my apartment to my day off and ruin part of that day, or I could do it now in my completely exhausted state. Obviously I did it now, since I at least wanted to be lazy one day of the week. To make things a little more bearable, I turned on the TV and increased the volume. So far the neighbors hadn’t complained about it.

At the end of the day I was totally exhausted. I didn't even bother changing my clothes, I just slumped into the bed and passed out immediately

My dream was messed up. Like usual. Only instead of seeing pictures that didn't make any sense together, I mostly heard noises. There were people talking amongst each other. I think I also heard a little bit stone crumbling and the sound of hooves hitting stone. ‘What a messed up dream,’ I thought to myself. Oh if only I knew at the time. Well I would know in a couple of moments. It came literally down my head.

“OW!” (My voice sounded somewhat like that of a little girl, yet with a dark undertone along the lines of Darth Vader). I jerked upright, opening my eyes only to raise my arm in order to shield them from the incoming sunlight. I was torn between rubbing my head, since something hard hit it, and shielding my eyes from the light. In the end I waited for my eyes to adjust before rubbing my head. The thing was, my hand didn't feel right. It felt hard and I couldn't move my fingers even a tiny bit.

Stopping in my motions I brought my arm down in front of my face. Turned out there wasn't an arm anymore. There was a leg. A horse leg. A horse leg with purple fur. As if that wasn't strange enough, a movement caught my vision. I held down my arm/leg and focused on the movement. Right in front of me stood a filly Twilight Sparkle, complete with cutie mark and over the top cute curiosity. Seriously there's gotta be a law for being too cute.

Looking around, I found her parents, some ponies I didn't recognize and Princess Celestia. All of them were looking at me with shock and awe. Looking around I found myself in the destroyed room of where Twilight took her entrance exam. Heck I even noticed Spike sitting on a pillow and sucking his own tail. I looked back at Twilight who simply looked back with that overpowered adorable expression, blinking every now and then.

‘That's it. No more marshmallows before bed,’ I thought to myself. I've heard of lucid dreaming from one of my friends and thought I was just doing that. Figuring I might as well try some stuff out, I tentatively raised a hoof and moved it forward. Twilight mimicked my action until our hooves collided with a small *clunk*. Me and Twilight looked down at our hooves and then back into eachothers face. She started smiling and I couldn't help but smile back.

All of a sudden, I felt a small tingling sensation on top of my head and before I knew it, a small black vine, the same one Discord planted out as a Plan B came out of the stone ground. Curiously, we both watched as it wrapped itself first around my leg and then around Twilight's. It was kinda creepy and I wondered how to get rid of it, when all of the sudden my felt something pulling on my.... back lower regions.

“AHH!” I exclaimed, surprising Twilight. The vine disappeared back into the ground. Looking back, I found out that I had a full pony body and that a certain purple dragon was pulling and chewing on my black tail, which had a violet and a turquoise streak going through it. I glared down at the dragon, who looked up innocently. In the back, I heard Twilight giggling. I was about to glare at her when I realized something. I just experienced pain, the second time in the span of five minutes. I could feel the cold stone I was sitting on, I could hear Twilight's giggling and Spike's chewing way too clear and finally, my head was clear and focused. You know in a dream, at least for me I don't really focus. Sure some general stuff is happening, but then a tortoise appears in the house you're in, you ran across the street and are in a town, which you know is at least thirty miles away from the place you're in.

None of this was happening and then there were the details: the air, a soft breeze hitting my coat, the smell of the dust which probably settled just a few moments ago.
I couldn't deny it anymore. This shit was real. I was in Ponyland. I froze up in the place I was sitting in, not even caring anymore that Spike was about to rip my tail apart from my body. Luckily, Princess Celestia came by and gently levitated the lizard away from me; gently opening his mouth with her magic. I looked up to her with a pretty dumb expression on my face. From the corner of my eye I could see Twilight walking up next to me. Celestia looked at the both of us for some time before she spoke to Twilight's parents. I just noticed that they had walked up as well.

“Well, Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle. Your daughter has certainly shown some extraordinary potential.”

“She wrecked the room,” I muttered to myself, although I think everyone around ended up hearing me. I didn't mean to say it in the first place, it just slipped out. It especially had an effect on Twilight, as her ears folded against her skull and she let held her head low. Feeling guilty, I touched her shoulder with my hoof, hoping it would cheer her up.

I'll be honest. I completely forgot about the fact that I was seemingly in another world at that moment. Or gone nuts. Because the FEELS! It was Twilight adorkable Sparkle for fuck's sake. Everyone who doesn't forget her or his own problems when she is sad, is a cold blooded monster!

“Sorry.” I told her. Thankfully she smiled again, silently accepting my apology.

“As I said,” Celestia got our attention again “Your filly has shown some rather extraordinary skills in the arts of magic today.” For some reason everybody was looking at me. Oh, I get it. It's one of these stories. Can you say Deus Ex Machina?

“Therefore, I would like to take Twilight in as my personal student.”

The effect was immediate. The adult's jaws hit the floor and Twilight's face froze up. Only for it to melt a second later and turning into a wide grin that Pinkie Pie would be proud of. Speaking of Pinkie Pie, Twilight also started bouncing around, making the same freaking noise you hear on TV every time Pinkie Pie jumps.

While Twilight's parents tried to calm their little girl, excuse me, filly down; Celestia approached and bent down a little, probably to look less intimidating.

“I'm sorry, you must be very confused.” she nuzzled me gently and daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. That was simply amazing. I wished I had always been a pony at this very moment. “I am Princess Celestia.” She said. “Who are you?”

Welp, here it was. I wished I would have gotten time to, I don't know, cope with the freaking fact that I was in a fictional world, filled with candy colored equines and I was seemingly one of them? Now that Twilight was out of my mind, (I did my best to ignore the “YES” shouts coming from behind me) I became nervous.

Swallowing hard, I gave my answer: "I'm Twivine."

Wait, what?

I didn't mean to say that! I wanted to tell her my human name Emerald Morrison. I thought about quickly making up an OC name, but decided against it the last moment and went straight up with my real name. Only it wasn't my real name that came out, but...

“Twivine?” Celestia repeated a little confused.

Okay brain. Don't fail me now. Emerald Morrison. You can do that at least, right? “Y-yes, Twivine Sparkle.” WHAT THE FUCK?!

I swear I would have screamed if it wouldn't have been for Twilight tackle-hugging me, which only let me let out a small exclamation. I swear that voice I had now was starting to give me the creeps.

“I have a sister!” Twilight exclaimed.”Did you see that Mommy? Daddy? I made myself a twin sister!” she exclaimed while hugging me tightly. I thought that was it for my brain. I could almost feel it freeze up, like when you eat too much ice cream at once.

“Twin...sister?” I repeated stupefied. I looked down at my body once more, this time checking out every detail. I was about the same height as Twilight, and we had the same fur color. I looked back on me. Well, the tail had the same… “tailstyle” as Twilight's, but the color was different. My cutie mark was the same as hers, only it was a turquoise colored starburst over a black star and five black six pointed stars around it.

I looked back at Twilight who was beaming at me excitedly. I looked at her parents, who were just as dumbfounded as me. And the Princess, she had her trademark smile on her face. I was pretty sure she was just as confused as the rest of us, but she had a pretty good poker face.

“Sure… Twins. Why not?”

I'm your new sister, brah!

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Let me tell you one thing about being a pony. Walking is easier and at the same time harder than it sounds. Why is that? Well for starters, it's like walking on all fours as a human, which is a little hard, when you're a human at least. As a pony it should be easier, since the body is actually balanced out for that kind of thing. But when you add a human consciousness in a pony body, yeah...good luck getting your muscle memory sorted out. The lack of fingers is very distracting to start off. I mean, I constantly want to stretch my non-existing fingers, which pretty got me on edge already. Then there is the tail. Faust, that thing is distracting. (On a side note, every time I try to say Faust, I say Faust. Hell still works for some reason).

Back on topic, muscle memory. Even though my body is fully capable of handling...itself (man, I need to work on my wording) but my mind wasn't. It's like...how do I best describe it? Say you have a car. As we all know each car drives differently from another. Now let's say you're used to that one car you payed a large sum of money. It drives fast, it goes smoothly around curves and in general is comfortable to drive around with.

Now, let's say you need to borrow a car from a friend, which is a little older, it takes a while for it to get to speed, you really need to hit the breaks in order for them to work and maybe it feels a little clunky to drive around.

Meh, it still doesn't describe the situation I was in, but you have an idea. The biggest issue was, when to move which leg. Getting up was solved easily, even if it felt weird to have a pony body at first. When it came to moving, I straight up hit the ground with my face. I gasped in shock, when Celestia pulled me up with her magic the first time. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah." I replied meekly to those caring eyes. I tried walking again, carefully lifting my front left hoof and placing it to the ground. In slow motion I followed with my hind left and lost balanced. So...the other leg. I thought to myself. This time I managed to lift up myself. I shook my head clear, looking determined at my legs, while at the same time trying to ignore the funny looks everyone was giving me.
So I followed with the procedure:

Front left: Check.
Hind right: Check.
Front right: Ch-ch-ch-CHECK!
Hind left: Check!

There we go! Now I only need to-


-increase my pace....or not.

"Sis? Are you alright?" Twilight asked, looking down at me. I rolled over on all fours and slowly got up. "Not...really..." was my reply. I know I shouldn't be ashamed of what I said next, but I really was. "I uh...I can't walk and I need someone to pick me up." I said as quickly as possible. It must have still been understandable, since I was once again picked up by Celestia's magic, surprising me once again, as I felt the warm tingling sensation around my body. Before too long I was lifted up from the ground and put on Celestia's back, who looked at me a little worried. "Are you alright, dear?"

"...Please don't call me 'dear'." I deadpanned. "I...guess there isn't a fast learning how to walking spell or something?" I asked. You never know.

Celestia giggled, shaking her head. "No, I'm sorry. Let's get you examined by the doctors first, okay?"

"Alright." I nodded.

"Aw, I wanna have a ride too." Twilight complained, looking up at her mother. (Our mother? So confusing.)

To be honest, neither Velvet nor Night Light looked like they fully grasped the situation. As a result, Velvet simply levitated her filly onto her back, her gaze, however, still fixated on me. I in the meantime focused on Twilight. Because "daww". Adorkable Twilight. Seeing her so happy riding her mother's back, caused me to smile. Though for some reason this in return caused Nightlight to narrow his eyes, as he looked at me, like I was some kind of stalker. Was there something on my face?

Let me say one thing: Canterlot looks fucking awesome. I was only seeing a part of the city, the hospital was surprisingly nearby the school, but man, this city was beautiful- It had a distinguish style, with most of the buildings being white and their roofs being purple, but aside from that, each of the building had an individual touch.

It could be small things like a gold star hanging above the door, to the houses looking completely insane. I mean a windmill from where soap bubbles came out, with a poster advertising soap bubble production? What da fuck, son?!

On another note, the ponies on the streets, who were all just passing by, of course watched our little group passing by, especially me, since I was riding on the princess' back. It was pretty comfortable by the way and it easily overshadowed the fact that I wasn't able to walk anymore.

The ponies all bowed to Celestia and I could hear faint whispers coming from the crowd, no doubt talking about me. Twilight was completely oblivious to that kind of thing and as for the rest, they ignored the crowd as best as possible.

When we entered the hospital, Velvet brought Twilight down. At this time, she and her husband looked a little better from before.
"Aw, but mom! Sis is still riding on the princess' back." Twilight complained. I think I saw Velvet cringe upon hearing Twilight calling me "sis". And to be honest, I didn't know what to think of it myself. I mean, I kind of accepted it, but...uh...yeah. Imagine you go asleep, wake up as a pony and you're Twilight's sister. Just go with it? Haha, of course you'd say that, you're not the one in this position. What? Is Pinkie Pie the only one allowed to break the fourth wall?

Ok. ok, I'll stop. (for now)
In any event, the mare at the reception dropped all her paperwork as she saw the princess of all people...eh, I mean ponies approaching the counter. That would have taken her some time to pick up, if Celestia wouldn't have helped her, by doing it in a matter of 3 seconds.
"Y-your highness." she gave a really quick bow. "How can I help you?" she asked, getting her composure back.

"I need a complete medical and magical checkup for two fillies. There has been...an incident at the School for Gifted Unicorns."

"I-I see. I'll call the doctor the doctor immediately. In the meantime, I can get the fillies into a room."

"Actually, could you possibly bring them into separate rooms. For the time being at least."

I looked at the back of Celestia's head curiously and a little anxious. But I calmed myself down, after all, it was reasonable. I think. I mean, have you seen my face? I sure haven't. Twilight's head dropped down after hearing this. Celestia didn't see it, as she levitated me of her back and held me in front of herself. "Don't worry, it's only for a short time. You'll be reunited with your sister in no time."

"Alright...?" I answered carefully. Celestia shifted her focus to the adult mare again. "She can't walk on her own right now because of the incident. Would you mind carrying her to her room?"

"Of course not, your highness." the mare replied. Immediately Celestia put me onto her back. Aside from having less space to move around, her fur didn't feel as comfortable as Celestia's. "This is annoying." I muttered. The nurse gave me a wary grin, causing me to raise another eyebrow.

"Sis!" I looked over to Twilight. "You will come back, won't you?" she asked. I couldn't help but giggle. "Of course, Twilight."


"Pinkie Promise!" Whoops, that might bite me in the future. I even did the motion already. It had been a gag between me and my brony friends to do the Pinkie Promise. Well, what's done is done. And until Twilight meets Pinkie Pie, she'll probably have forgotten about this.
Nevertheless, the nurse started walking through a pair of double doors. She walked down the hallway, not speaking a word the entire time, which I found odd to say the least. Plus on the way to my room, everyone and I mean everyone we met gave me a strange look. I was about to make a rather rude comment, when the nurse suddenly announced. "We're here." She opened the door to the right and stepped inside.

Now there was nothing extraordinaire about the room, just a simple examining room like back on earth. The only difference was the pony skeleton and a poster identifying every single bone of a pony. The nurse placed me on the bed and said: "Now you wait here, sweetie. The doctor will be with you in a minute."

"Okay." was my short reply. Apparently satisfied, the nurse left me alone in the room, which I very much welcomed, because it finally gave me a chance to gather my thoughts.



Now that I had gathered my thoughts, I could finally process what was happening around me. I was your typical human in Equestria, stuffed inside a body that was similar to Twilight Sparkle's. So far everyone assumed Twilight created me out of thin air or something, while hatching Spike, turning her parents into potted plants and taking off half of the tower. Although, I think we can easily blame Spike for that one. And now here I am.

Applause, applause, you won the lottery of the universe. I mean what were the chances? You don't only need to calculate the number of humans on earth the very second Twilight activated the spell, but also the sheer infinite number of universes, unless the nether waves transported the magic stream directly into our universe. Then you would only have to calculate the magic resistance of our world, which according to what I know is 0, meaning the waves would flow faster than light and...

"...the fuck?" Just where did THAT came from. I mean, nether waves? Magic stream? Where did these thoughts came from? and why was I so certain that the "magical resistance barrier" (simplified name) on the north pole was 0.537 points, while around Canterlot it varied a little from 0.985 to 1.007? To calculate a "barrier" or the general magic resistance of your environment you cast a spell, a simple one preferably, measure the speed of the nether waves, divide it through the product of the magical stream and the magical power you put behind the spell.

"Brain. Just stop." I rubbed my temples. Then I looked around for something to distract myself and found a mirror. It was hanging on the other side of the wall, just at the right place. I simply needed to go at the downer end of the bed and-

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, jumping backwards, accidentally hitting my back on the wall. My eyes! The hell? My eye skin was freaking turquoise, my irises were a dark purple or lavender and my pupils were serpent like, almost like those of Spike or Nightmare Moon. No wonder everyone was giving me a weird look. All it missed was black smoke coming out......like King Sombra!

"What the-?!" I exclaimed, just noticing my horn glowing. Subconsciously I wanted to have the mirror close to me, in order to get a better look. Somehow I must have activated my magic, since my horn had been glowing as well as well as the mirror. And let's not forget the purple smoke coming out of my eyes. Something must have happened, maybe my concentration was broken, but my horn stopped glowing and my eyes stopped smoking.

"What the hell? What the hell? What the hell?" I whimpered, hugging myself. I was showing all signs in becoming an evil overlord in Equestria. But I didn't want to become the overlord of Equestria! Twilight was the only one allowed to become overlord of Equestria. (Now you know who my favorite pony is.)

The doctor and Princess Celestia found me in this state, hugging myself and my eyes widened in panic. Celestia immediately walked over to me and nuzzled me with her snout. "There, there. We're here. We won't leave you alone again." Wrong words, but I felt better none the less. Hey, I was being comforted by Princess Celestia, you're not allowed to be afraid anymore if she does that, as well as you're not allowed to frown, when Pinkie Pie is next to you. These are the brony rules! Obey or die!

I didn't notice the faint green glow until two seconds before the doctor stopped. Apparently that had been the first test. Moving right along, Celestia introduced me to the doctor. "This is Dr. Lulamoon."

Wait, WHAT?!?! I took another good look at the stallion. He didn't look anything like Trixie! Green coat, red hair, bright green eyes, a red cross with a syringe in front of it as a cutie mark and a little thin built. His mane and tail were kept short.

"He will make sure that you're all healthy. You need to excuse him, he can't speak at the moment, because of an operation."

"Uh...shouldn't he...? Sorry. Shouldn't you be at home in that case?" I asked the doctor. "I mean, you can't really talk to your patients or anything."

The doctor gave me a curious glance before forcing a smile, it was so obvious and waving off.

"My you're smart for a filly at your age." the princess commented. "Actually, he was just supposed to do some boring paperwork, but then you needed a doctor and he is the only one who has time at the moment."

"Oh, thanks doctor." I smiled to him, but it didn't have the effect I wanted it to have. The doctor just scribbled something down on a note-block and looked up when he was finished.

"Now then Twili- excuse me, Twivine, was it?" I nodded. "Would you mind focusing your magic for a bit in your horn?"

"Uh...I guess there isn't a manual available, is there?"

Turned out we could forget about the tests, at least the easy way. Whatever I did early, I couldn't do it again. Oh and remember that spasm of knowledge about magic I had earlier? When Celestia tried to explain magic to me in children terms, I was just staring at her blankly. The most I could do was saying: "Laws of physics be damned."

In the end they brought in some kind of machine, similar to those they use on earth for ECG. They clasped a ring around my horn and started the machine. I immediately groaned at the headache I was getting and needed to be supported by Celestia in order to not slump over.

"Owe...next time we'll do the tickle torture." Yeah, not only a headache but blathering nonsense was another side effect of the machine. Plus afterwards I really felt like shit for like five minutes. Celestia cast some kind of spell, which eased up the pain. "Thank you." I told her, as I was leaning against her.

"You're welcome little one. Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah~...I think. More or less."

"Don't worry." she reassured me. "The worst is over. Now all we need to do are a few simple things. Oh and...taking a bit of your blood. I forgot to mention that.

I groaned, getting up on my feet, I mean hooves. "Fine."

From here on out it was like your typical full physical. They checked my reflexes, quick look into both ears, mouth, taking a blood sample, hurt a little and even taking an x-ray. Of course I wasn't a little girl or something, so I endured everything with keeping my mouth shut, but damn, it got really annoying, especially with that doctor. I knew he couldn't talk, but it was almost like he was trying to ignore me completely. I didn't know if Celestia noticed it or not, but if she did she hid her own annoyance from me and the doc.

Last, but not least, they wanted to see if I could take a few steps, maybe with a little help here and there. The end result being:

"You just need a little practice. Your family should be able to help you with that." Celestia explained.

"And if I don't?" I asked back.

"Then you'll get help from a special doctor. Don't worry."


"Shiny!" The two siblings ran up and embraced each other in a hug. Celestia just brought me back from examination, as this happened. Shining Armor didn't look quite like an adult as of yet. Middle to high school was my estamination. Twilight's...our older brother broke the hug with his sister and looked at Twilight from top to bottom. "Are you hurt anywhere? Did the doctors say anything's wrong with you?"
"Shiny, I'm fine." Twilight giggled.

"She is alright dear." Velvet walked up and wrapped one of her forelegs around Twilight. "Our little Twily just passed the entrance exam!"
"Really? That's great!" Shining exclaimed. "So what did you do? Is the rumor about the dragon egg true?"

Oh, this was too good to pass up. "Not only the dragon egg, but another part was creating a whole new family member." I got everyone's attention with that. "Sup, brah? Guess I'm your new sister, huh?"

Shining Armor's eyes widened at seeing me.

"Wah-? I mean, how-? I mean who-?"

"I'm Twilight's evil twin and together we will take over Equestria." My stomach growled. "After lunch, that is." I added.

"What?!" Shining Armor and Twilight exclaimed at the same time, looking absolutely mortified. I couldn't help myself, but laugh my ass off, especially with Velvet and Night Light looking at me like I'm some kind of devil spawn. I think Celestia was the only one who caught that it was a joke. In the process of laughing, I accidentally fell off her back and hit the ground, but the pain was well worth the looks they gave me.
"Oh man." I gasped for air. "Oh man, oh man. This is too good. Even you two believe me?" I laughed, pointing at Nightlight and Velvet. From above me, I could hear Celestia giggle. "Well, aren't you a mischievous one." she said, looking me directly into the eyes. "Sis, that wasn't funny!" Twilight exclaimed. "I'm sorry princess! I'm, so, so, so, so sorry!" she was literally rubbing the floor with her face, while walking up in a bow kind of position.
"Please look up Twilight. There's no need to apologize for anything. It was just a simple joke. I don't mind it at all." she said and nuzzled Twilight's back. "Well then is everypony here? There are some things I wish to discuss with you and it would be best if we did this at your home? Hmm? Where is the little dragon?"
"Found him." I deadpanned.
On the way back, Spike was lying on Velevet's back, I, of course on Celestia's, Twilight was excitingly telling Shining Armor about the entrance exam, who with his father was keeping a close eye on me. This whole eyeing the suspicious, little, evil twin sister was really getting to me, especially with the stares I was getting from passing foals and fillies, no doubt jealous I got to ride the princess.
I was so glad, when we finally arrived at the Sparkle household. They had a rather huge three story house. There was a little cabinet at the entrance and vase with a flower I didn't recognize. Just a few steps later, we came into a living room, filled with a sofa, a couch, a table with biscuits inside a little bowl.

"P-please take a seat your highness. Let me just fetch some cushions and can I offer you some tea, perhaps?" Velvet asked.

"Tea would be nice, but I would like to speak with you and Night Light alone first."

"Of course your highness." Night Light replied. He took me over with his magic. "Shining Armor? Would you please watch the two, while we talk to her majesty?"

"Of course, dad." he saluted like a true soldier. Night Light brought us upstairs, without Spike mind you, and into Twilight's room.
"...Did someone brake into a library?" I asked, looking around Twilight's room. A bed, a nightstand, a toy-box, a desk and lots and lots of bookshelves. "Are these all yours, Twilight?"

"Uh huh!" she nodded enthusiastically. "Do you like it? Oh, we should read a book!" From the corner of my eye I could see Shining and Nightlight rolling theirs. The little filly ran over to the one shelf and picked up a rather huge book for a filly.

"Magic 101? The basics about magic and magical theory." I read aloud. "Sure, why not?" I was curious about magic anyways.

"Well, I'll leave you three to it." Nightlight left the room.

"Oh, I really need to use the bathroom! I'll be right back!" Twilight exclaimed before zooming out of the room, leaving me and Shining Armor behind.


"Hey." I tried, but Shining looked at me suspiciously. "Look, I'm sorry about the bad joke from before. It wasn't really nice of me."
Shining took a few steps closer and looked me directly into the eyes. "Just who do you think you are?" he asked me and he was not in the mood for jokes.

I straightened myself, hoping he wouldn't start to beat me to a punch. "Well, for starters, my name is Twivine."

"Twivine?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess it's because I have this weird ability. You see something went wrong, when Twilight cast the spell on the egg and somehow...I don't know, I was just there! I'm just as confused as everyone else, I mean I know things, although I never learned them, I know you, Twilight, a little bit about Celestia, Velvet, Night...Princess Cadance." Shining Armor stiffened visibly. "And then there is my magic! I don't know how to use it, only did it accidentally so far," I took a few deep breaths, noticing that I raised my voice without me knowing. "I...somehow summoned this black vine out of the ground...I think it's my special ability and there's where Twivine comes from."
At this point, Shining Armor was more curious than suspicious about me. "And what about your eyes and your voice? It's just...weird."
"Hell, if I know. You're asking the filly who just popped into existance and got looked at like she's a bad girl, because she has different eyes and a different voice."

At this Shining Armor looked guiltily down to the ground. I wasn't sure about his age, but he seemed pretty mature in my book. "Sorry." he muttered. "It's just that Twilight gets laughed at because she is more interested in books, than playing with others. I actually got my cutie mark by protecting her from a bunch of bullies and...well, mom and dad think I'm a little overprotective. Guess they're right."
I couldn't help but smile at his explanation. Now I understood why Cadance fell in love with him. "It's all right." I gave him what I like to call a brony hug. Actually, I only called it that because I'm a pegasister and hug other people more than "normal people". I'm just weird this way.

"Let's just get to know each other, 'kay? No need to call me sister or anything."

"Hmm, I dunno if Twilight will approve this. She can be a little stubborn, when she gets an idea into her head." We broke up from the hug and Shining levitated the book over. "This is one of Twilight's favorites. She read it through probably a million times."

"Actually, only 20 times." Twilight came through the half opened door and closed it completely with her magic. Shining whistled. "Wow LSBFF, you really got better with your magic."

"Really?" she opened and closed the door again. "Wow I didn't notice! Did you see this BBBFF, LSBFF?!" Wait, did she talk to me too? Apparently she did.

"Sure did...BSBFF."

Little things

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Twilight and I were cuddled right next to each other, as we were reading the book. Shining Armor was lying at his "original" sister's side (couldn't really blame him) and well, I don't think he really bothered reading with us, except just barely enough to be in the loop as they say. Surprisingly I understood the text pretty well and could even relate to it...somehow.

Get a load of this: The magical leylines in a unicorns horn are no physical manifestations. At the time this book was written the most common theory is that those leylines are part of the magical energy of a unicorn, since on instruments they can be seen in the same color as a unicorn's magic (see pic. 1). Since the lines disappear like any other magic after a unicorn's death, autopsies weren't able to neither confirm, nor deny the theory, however the simple fact of the lines disappearing after death is a strong indication of this theory being true.

Now, let's hold it here. Is this really an appropriate book for a filly to read? I mean they already mentioned death and autopsies. Makes me wonder what else could be written in here or why Twilight's parents thought this would be a good book for her to read. I know it would have never made it into the show. But I digress. Let's keep on reading, shall we?

Through the leylines the magic is transported into the unicorn's horn, when needed. Through the nerve endings in the horn, which are connected to the unicorn's brain, said unicorn can send an "order" towards the magic to make it take a certain "form" in order to fulfill a certain task. The "order" consists mostly of a magic spell, which the unicorn has learned. Beginners are advised to speak the spells out loud in order to prevent stray thoughts to interfere with once concentration and prevent accidents from happening. Exceptions are for example levitation, since it is, as the common tongue suggests a "no brainer". In other words, unicorns don't need to actively think in order to use levitation or illumination, since they learn it at an early age.

Never thought I'd see the word combination "no brainer" being written into a science book.

Leylines are not to be confound with nether waves. While at first glance they seem to fulfill the same task, nether waves carry the magic, while in the case of leylines the magic goes through them (See Chapter 9).

Interacting with the leylines is often a problem for young foals, as they're not an original part of their body. There is only one way in order for them to get better into interacting with the lines: training. Each individual foal needs to discover for him or herself on how to compromise the magical flow in their body in order for the magic to flow through the leylines. It is impossible to describe for non-unicorns, except the unicorn needs to find a way to focus and at the same time relax, similar to meditation. Afterwards it gets easier for the foal or filly the more he or she uses the magic.

Who wrote this? The wording was a little awkward to say the least. And what was that all about concentration and meditation? Last time I used magic, I was halfway into a panicky state. I had to ask though, how did Twilight understand any of this? I was an adult...once, but Twilight, I mean...was she really that smart already?

My train of thought was interrupted by the door opening and Velvet coming inside. We all looked up at the same time and I imagined to adorable Twilight's reading a book must have been quite the sight. Velvet seemed....oh jeez how do I put this, off? Nervous? Nervousxited? Yeah, thanks Pinkie Pie.

"Would you please come downstairs? The princess wish to talk to all of us."

Earlier with the adults

Princess Celestia sipped calmly on her tea, before putting her cup down and looking at the parents of her new student. "As you two are well aware, this is not an easy situation. In fact, even I cannot remember something like this happening in the past at any given time." She smiled down, as she noticed the little dragon curling into a ball right next to her and started snoring softly.

"We have yet to wait for the final results, but as far as the doctors could tell Twivine is a perfectly little filly with strange looking eyes and inexperienced in using her magic, to put it bluntly."

Nightlight and Velvet looked at each other for a second before looking back at Celestia. The husband spoke up. "So, princess...excuse me if I am a little rude, but do you really expect us to adopt...Twivine as our own daughter? I mean...looks aside, we just aren't prepared to take care of another child, if we're about to take care of a dragon too. Not to mention it almost seems like she has a complete personality of her own."

"Exactly." Celestia nodded. "My theory so far is that, when Twilight cast the spell, she somehow transferred her own knowledge into the filly and created an alive artificial personality. Technically speaking you two just became grandparents this morning." Celestia giggled inwardly at the stunned faces of her poor little ponies. "As a result, an emotional bond was created between Twilight and Twivine, which as of yet is not so strong. If you truly belief you can't take care of her, I will gladly take her under my wing, so the two will be able to spend time together on a regular bases."

"Are you sure this will be necessary?" Velvet asked and Celestia nodded.

"Twilight surely will want to see her "sister" again, if she can't live with her at least. As for Twivine, she is obviously confused. She didn't even exist until this morning and then all of the sudden was brought into this world with knowledge that is not even her own and no experience whatsoever. True at the same time she seems to be mature for a filly of her age, but this could be because of all kinds of reasons. She will need someone she can connect with and Twilight is the most logical choice in this matter.

To be frank, I think separating them from each other would do more harm than good. In case you decide to integrate Twivine into the family, I'm ready to provide some royal funds for your family in order to sustain both additional family members. I know this is not an easy decision, so take your time. No matter the outcome, I won't treat Twilight any differently during her lessons."

Velvet and Nightlight looked at each other again. "Would you please give us a moment, your highness?" Velvet asked, to which the princess nodded. "Of course. As I said, take your time."

Afterwards Velvet and Nightlight left for the kitchen, leaving Celestia alone in the living room with the dragon Twilight hatched this morning. She levitated the tiny dragon into her forelegs and started gently rocketing the little dear. There were so few opportunities where she could do this.

Unfortunately for her, it only took Velvet and Nightlight ten minutes to make a decision.


Velvet carried me downstairs, where Celestia was sitting with Nightlight on a table. Instead of chairs, cushions were spread around the table for all of us to take a seat. Velvet levitated me off from her back and placed me next to Celestia to my left. Before Twi's mother could say anything, little Twilight placed herself next to me. As everyone else was getting seated I was once again overwhelmed by the all too familiar feeling of my tail getting forcefully pulled. "AH! OH, COME ON!" I screamed as I looked around, seeing Spike once again using my tail as a chew toy. I was so close letting out some curses that were anything but appropriate for children at "my age". Everyone else giggled/chuckled at my little misfortune, which was getting pretty old. Luckily Spike soon lost interest in my tail, having caught something from the corner of his eye.

He crawled over to Twilight, everyone expecting her tail to be his next victim, but nope. The little guy upon arriving stretched his arms, as he wanted to be carried by Twilight. My "sister" saw this as an invitation to hug little spike and proceeded to press their bodies against each other. As a result the two fell over with Spike landing on Twilight's belly. The filly giggled, having fun with her...brother? Son? God, this was so confusing. As far as I watched, the show never established the exact relationship the two had. Who knows? Maybe they do fully establish their relationship during the second half of season 5, which I won't be able to watch anymore, but rather experience it. Wow, not sure how to feel about that one yet.

In any event, after watching the two simply wiggling around a little bit on the cushion, Velvet brought the two into upright position, so we could actually start our conversation or more their explanation of things.

"Now then, Twilight, Twivine" we both looked up at the princess "it has been decided that I am going to take you both as my personal students."

"YAY!" Twilight shouted, hugging me from behind. "I'm going to learn magic from Princess Celestia with sis!" she shouted. Me? I was...stunned. Really. I mean, I SHOULD have seen something like this coming, but still. I'm going to learn magic from one of the most powerful magic users in Equestria.

"Wow...uh...thank you? I mean...arrgh, Twilight, that hurts." I hissed as she almost accidentally pulled me down, because she lost balance and was now holding onto my shoulders.


"Is okay." I told her, while helping her back up.

The princess waited until we both turned around, before continuing. "You'll both attend my school for gifted unicorns. Some of your regular lessons will be replaced with lessons with me. I'll bring your parents an exact schedule before school starts." she explained. "Twivine, we'll need to figure out how much you know as of now, but don't worry about learning anything. It's just a little test to see, where you might need help. Also, don't worry about figuring out your magic. If you can't use it by the time school starts, I'll gladly help you with that as well."

"Thank you." I replied, when she was finished.

"Now have you two any questions?"

Immediately Twilight raised her hoof. "Yes Twilight?"

"Will you be staying for dinner?" she asked. I snorted barely suppressing the laughter that wanted to come out. I so expected a question about science or magic. I faked a cough for good measure.

Twilight's parents, excuse me, our parents (still not used to the idea) didn't seem too fond of the idea.

"Now Twilight, the princess is a busy mare-" Velvet began, but was interrupted by, you guessed it, the princess.

"Actually Miss Velvet, I am free for the rest of the day. Of course I don't want to impose on your family, since this would be a rather sudden request."

"Oh no, no, no. Please Princess, feel free to stay with us for dinner." Velvet said quickly. Nightlight and Shining Armor seemed to be just as nervous as Velvet was. Only Spike, Twilight and I weren't affected by the prospect of the princess dining with us.

Okay, I admit it. I was a little nervouscited.

"I'll get right to it then. If you would excuse me, princess."

"Miss Velvet?" the princess spoke calmly.

"Y-yes your highness?"

"Please don't make let me be any trouble to you. Whatever you planned for dinner will be fine."

At that my stomach started to growl really loudly. That was right, the entire day I had neither anything to eat or drink. The princess chuckled, as I sat there embarrassed over the circumstance. My throat started to feel a little dry too. "Can I have a glass of water please?"

Alright. You can do this. Just grab this glass of water with both hooves and drink from it. Child's play. I told myself. It always looked so easy on TV, seeing the ponies drinking and generally doing everyday stuff. I'd would have to learn all of this, starting with today's lesson: drinking a glass of water. I screwed up.

I managed to like raise the glass a few inches, until I accidentally leaned my entire body backwards. I don't really know why I did it, but most likely I was just not used to being a pony. I just planning raising my head a little after all and must have gotten the wrong muscle or too many. Whatever it was, I leaned backwards, lost balance and "Crap!" fell on my back, losing the glass. The water got soaked up on the body and I expected the sound of glass shattering coming any moment. Only it didn't came. In fact there was an eerie silence in the room. Turning myself around, shivering a little from the water in my fur, I found everyone was looking at me and some black thing next to me. It didn't take long for me to connect the dots.

I accidentally used my special magic again. A vine broke through the ground and caught the glass before it hit the ground. I felt the tingling on my forehead. It must have meant that my horn was glowing from the use of magic.

That's...pretty cool and all, but how do I get this thing to place the glass on the table and disappear? Not to mention the whole in the ground... Just as these thoughts passed my mind, the vine placed the glass on the table and then disappeared from where it came from. The whole sadly didn't go fixed.

"....Er...oops?" I tried carefully.


"Ta da? Maybe..."

Spike clapped his claws. Well, at least it was something of an reaction. Then Twilight was right in front of my face. I swear that mare must have teleported at that very moment, there was no other explanation.

"That was amazing! How did you do it? What kind of spell was that? Can you teach me to do it too?" she asked all at once.

"Ermm...thanks, no idea, no idea, probably not." I answered her questions one by one. Makes me wonder if I've gotten the wrong cutie mark.

Twilight looked at me disappointed, while the others looked at me with a mixture of curiosity, fear and astonishment.

"This is certainly...interesting." Celestia stated after a while. She wrapped her wing around the both of us (because it was too big for only me) and gently stroked our backs. "Maybe you can do it again? For me?" she asked.

"I'm not sure..." I trailed off a little. "I...every time I used magic today, it was an accident. Back at the hospital, when no one was in the room, I managed to move the mirror to me. And now...I wasn't really thinking both times." I explained.

"I see." Celestia nodded.

"Eh, sorry about the floor." I turned towards Nightlight. "I would pay for it, but child labor is illegal, so....hehehe..." And that's when I realized how bad I was at attempting to brighten up the mood.

Celestia cleared her throat and it was then, when Nightlight snapped out of his days. "I-It's alright...child." Celestia didn't seem too happy about this answer. She may have not noticed, but being so close to her I could feel her body tensing slightly. Seeing as Nightlight wouldn't come up with a decent reply anytime soon, she decided to reassure me a little more.

"Don't worry. We'll help you getting a hold of your own magic." she smiled down at me.

"Thank you, again." I nodded politely.

And awkward silence.

"Mmm, hey Twi. While we wait for dinner, er, mind helping me getting a hang on how to walk?" Apparently I am also bad at changing the subject. But it worked with Twilight. "Of course! Wait here and I'll get my copy of: 'How to help physically disabled ponies.'"

"Why do you have a book on how to help physically disabled ponies?!" I exclaimed. Celestia was just as shocked as I was.

"Because Shining Armor wants to join the guards and in the last twenty years 5% of the guards came back to their families somehow physically disabled." she explained before walking up the stairs.

I looked after her, shocked. "My brain tells me a filly isn't supposed to know this. But I'm not too sure, since well, wait a moment. I'm not even a day old! I'm not allowed to attend any schools!" I exclaimed. Of course I knew better than that and technically I was older than even Shining Armor at this point. I was about to ask Nightlight if they have given Twilight already "the talk", but a smarter part of my brain stopped me from making any more comments. Celestia pulled me into a hug, thinking Faust knows what was going through my head.

"Ow~" I groaned once again, ignoring the chuckle coming from Shining Armor. By this point, everyone had calmed down about the plunder vine, even Velvet who had almost thrown a temper tantrum at the hole I made in the floor. From time to time she would return to the kitchen, but as of now, everyponys eyes were on me and Twilight, who wore a small lab coat in her size and a stethoscope.

The exercise Twilight pulled out of her book, consisted of me positioning my hooves on her rear, then she would slowly start walking, while I followed only moving my hind-legs. It was a small exercise to get the rhythm of those legs. It worked fairly well, with little failures happening every now and then. But the way I made progress in this exercise, it didn't look like I'd need to see the docs about this problem. The next stage would be only using my front legs, by putting my hind legs on someone's shoulder.

However, we didn't came to that, since Velvet called for lunch. Twilight made some final notes on a notepad, before getting rid of her coat and stethoscope and trotting into the kitchen. Shining took the liberty to carry me into the kitchen and put me into the chair. The kitchen itself had the general things every kitchen had. Everything, except the fridge, the stove and the oven, was made of dark wood. It looked like the old table in my parent's house, which was from the eighties.

Apparently Velvet prepared something special for Twilight's success during the entrance exam. Hay fries, hay burgers, grilled potatoes made in herb butter, some of them backed over with cheese, salad and a ton of orange juice. Who drinks that much orange juice?

Each of the rest took a seat, Celestia between me and Twilight, Spike getting placed on Velvet's lap, who took out an old baby bottle (who keeps those things?), since apparently as I later found out, dragons can drink milk or eat gemstones the moment they're born. The alternative would have been minced meat. Yeah, try that one on ponies.

"Well then" Nightlight spoke up "today indeed is a special occasion. Not only did Twilight pass her entrance exam, but she also became the personal student of princess Celestia AND added two new additions to the family." Everyone could hear him getting less enthusiastic at the last part. This would go on for a while, wouldn't it?

Celestia not so subtly cleared her throat at that and not so subtly shot Nightlight a short glare. Okay, to be honest, I only caught it, because I was more focusing on her, than Nightlight's speech. Why? The mane was tickling me.

"Well then, it has been a long day, so I suggest we start eating."

"Yay!" Twilight shouted, causing Celestia to giggle. Talk about mood swings.

"So Twilight, what do you want?" Nightlight asked, while Velvet walked around to me.

"What can I give you, dear?" she asked. It didn't sound forced at all.

"Umm...I'll try the potatoes with the cheese." I told her. She levitated a few over to my plate and filled my glass with a little bit of juice. "Just tell me if you need anything else, okay?"

"Yes, thank you." I replied. Velvet walked back to her place and I found myself with a problem. Not really a problem, but something I was uncomfortable in doing: eating with my muzzle straight from the plate. Common in pony land, but at that moment I really wished I had hands again. Ha, who am I, Lyra? Sighing inwardly I was about to get to it, when the familiar feeling of me using magic came up. A second later, two vines came straight up through the ground and grabbed a fork and a knife.

"Well that's convenient." Is all I could say.

Starting a new life

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The meal went on....normal. More or less. As normal as it could went with two plunder vines acting as a replacement for my lost arms and hands. I swear once they were out, controlling them was really easy. I just in my mind told them what to do and they did it. Kinda felt like someone was feeding me to be honest. I didn't even need to give commands in my head per say, but it was easier.

In the meantime Twilight proved to be quite the multitasking talent. She ate, made notes about how I handled the vines and at the same time managed to talk with Celestia a little bit, which I was happy about. I mean, the princess paid the last 18 or so hours more attention to me than her. I tried to not to get more attention than necessary and quickly retracted the vines, after I was done eating. Of course that at first got the attention of everyone and Twilight wanted me to bring them back to study them further. And who can resist the puppy dog eyes of a filly? So I summoned them again! And guess what?

No really, guess, you'll never get it.


Anyways, thumbs up to everyone who thought I was gonna smash the windows. Seriously, I was aiming with my thoughts at the already existing holes. That's how magic works in all the fantasy books I read: focus your thoughts on that one thing you're aiming. I swear handling those things once they're out is easier than spawning them.

Everyone at the table cringed upon hearing the glass shattering in two other rooms. A second later my vines appeared inside the kitchen, coming from both entrances. I could feel my entire head heating up from the blush. At this point I pretty much looked like Fluttershy from the second EG movie, when she tried to hide under the table. Yeah, I did the same with only my eyes poking up.

"Sorry." I squeaked and even I knew it was adorable Yes even with the dark undertone my voice had. It sounded like Darth Vader inhaled helium.

"Don't worry." Princess Celestia assured all of us. Me to the fact that it was an accident and the rest because she would see to it that everything would get repaired.

Yeah, until I break everything again. Were my thoughts. And I could see Nightlight thinking the same thing. Before anything else could be said, Velvet stepped in. "Well, it is getting late. Time to go to bed Twilight. You too Twi...vine."

Not awkward at all with her having trouble saying my name.

"Aw, but I'm not *yawn* tired at all." Twilight replied, the day finally catching up to her. Me? I wasn't really tired. But what had a kid like me to say?

"Shining could you help her please?" Velvet motioned with her head towards me. He silently nodded and used his magic to put me on his back again.

"Come on, Twily. Time for bed. Wait, where should we put her?"

"I got a name." I deadpanned at him, lightly smacking the back of his head for good measure.

"She can sleep with me!" Twilight exclaimed, adorably supporting herself with her forelegs on Shining, looking excitingly at me. I looked over to Twilight's parents and guess what they thought of the idea? Their faces said it all. However, there wasn't an alternative. I'm not joking, as it later turns out originally they didn't plan on getting a second (let alone a third and a fourth) and as such when Twilight was on the way, the guest room was redesigned to function as Twilight's and now also my room. And the family library.

Nightlight and Velvet looked at each other for a wile, until Nightlight sighed and said: "Alright. Until we get Twivine a separate bed, you two can sleep together in the same one."

"Yay! Thank you daddy!" Twilight ran over to her father and hugged him adorably. No one can resist Twilight. This was proven once again, as his frown turned upside down. I think I saw a flash of pink there somewhere. Eh, maybe I was tired and just didn't want to realize it, since technically I am an adult.

"Okay, time for bed little princess. Go up and brush your teeth."

Twilight sighed. "Okay, daddy. Will you come up and read us a book?" she asked.

Nightlight chuckled. "Of course. Now, up you go."

Shining brought me upstairs. He also brought me one of Twilight's spare toothbrushes. He even put the paste on it. "So, I think it's better if I brush your teeth. You probably don't know how to do it anyway."

"Uh...I kinda do. I think." Had to remind myself there that I went with the I'm a new being story.

"Yeah, well, mom'll get a fit, if you make any more holes in the house."

"Well, I guess she doesn't like a cheese house. But then again, that would be cheesy."


He violently stuffed the brush into my mouth and started cleaning. Twilight had been silently watching us, but then again, she couldn't really talk with a toothbrush in her mouth. I struggled for like ten seconds, until Shining finally got that damn thing out of my mouth. I spat out everything, before glaring at him. "Be more careful, okay?!"

He just rolled his eyes, but at least didn't violently shove that thing into my mouth again. After we were done, he brought me back to Twilight's room, where said filly was searching through one of her bookcases, most likely for a story before bed.

Shining placed me on the bed. He helped Twilight getting up, who had decided on a book. She placed it on the pillow. It read: "The Legend of the two sisters." Oh HELL NO! Why Twilight?! Anything BUT this story!

What was my problem? I knew now that princess Luna was real. That she really suffered right at this moment on the moon, that she really felt like the ponies abandoned her almost 1000 years ago. Do you know how sad that is? Oh yeah, silly question. BUT, imagine a thing you thought was just a story suddenly got real! And on top of that, you already felt for this person, although she was "just" a fictional character.

"Goodnight Twily." Shining Armor snapped me back to reality. "Goodnight Twivine."

"Goodnight Shiny!"

"Night, Shining Armor."

The stallion left the room and almost bumped into Nightlight on the way out. The father walked in and eyed me like some strange thing, but smiled once his eyes landed on Twilight. He levitated up the book and took a look at the title.

"This again?" he asked Twilight.

"Sis didn't hear the story yet." Twilight pointed at me.

Suppressing a sigh, Nightlight made it himself comfortable and started reading.

"Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria: there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn. The younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their subjects; all different types of ponies.

But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played in the day her elder sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night. One fateful day, the younger unicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn.

The elder sister tried to reason with her, but the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed into a wicked mare of darkness: Nightmare Moon.

She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponydom: The Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated her younger sister and banished her permanently in the moon.

The elder sister took on responsibility for both sun and moon and harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since."

The story ended and Twilight was already asleep, clinging onto me. Nightlight looked at me and saw that I was wide awake with a tear running down my cheek. It was just so cruel. I could think of several reasons as to why Celestia decided to let Luna become a legend, but still.

"Are you alright?" Nightlight asked me.

"Y-yeah. I just think...it's sad."

"Don't worry. It's just a story." Nightlight tried to assure me, but I knew the truth.

I looked down at Twilight and nuzzled her on the head. "I hope she never needs to banish me to the moon." Ha, the way I looked I was pretty sure SOMETHING would go wrong in the future. Urgh, looking back now, the story really got to me.

Nightlight just stood there, looking down at me. I didn't see his face, so I can't even guess what he was thinking. However he did nuzzle me in order to calm me down. I looked up at him and for once, he was smiling down at me.

"Don't be silly. That will never happen. " he whispered. "Now sleep. A little filly like you needs her sleep."

"Okay. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." he whispered and walked out. As in out of the room. I wasn't really tired, so all I did was hug Twilight like a stuffed animal and placed my head on the pillow wanting to settle things in my mind. But then I noticed that the door was still open and even though it was just a tiny gap, I could clearly see someone standing there and looking inside. Great, so I found out, he didn't trust me at all. It wasn't until I heard a feminine voice, like thirty minutes later that the gap slowly closed and I could hear hoofsteps going away.

I suppressed the urge to groan, not wanting to wake up Twilight. So here was my situation. I was Twilight's sister, a former human, lying to everyone, am now also Celestia's student, have no idea how to walk or properly use my magic and Spike likes to chow on my tail. Thank Faust he wasn't sleeping with us. He was cute, but do you have any idea how annoying it can be having someone pulling on your tail?! I regretted every time I did that to an animal.

Whatever. I thought. Maybe in the end this is all just a very realistic dream and I'll wake up tomorrow for another Sunday. And even if not I looked down at Twilight I have the cutest sister in two worlds.

The next day I woke up from a dreamless sleep and was immediately ready to fall asleep again. I was being hugged by something warm and very soft. The only thing preventing me from getting back into the world of subconsciousness was a bright light shining onto my face. This problem was easily solved by pulling the covers a little higher and snuggling a little bit more into the warm thing. I think a part of me realized it was Twilight I was snuggling into, but everyone had been in this situation. It is Sunday, I'm gonna sleep in, screw you sun.

Unfortunately, I never got back into the blissful state of sleep. Why? Because Baby's don't have a regular sleep schedule. My tail had been hanging down and somehow Velvet and Nightlight lost track of Spike who did IT again.

"IIIEEEK!" I shrieked as I was pulled down from the bed, taking the blanket with me. I struggled to get the thing off from me. It was levitated off from me by Nightlight, revealing me with a pretty messy mane and Spike, chewing on my tail. Velvet and Shining Armor were there too, probably alarmed from me shrieking like a little girl. Oh right...

Apparently, everything looked so funny, Velvet took a picture (not sure where she got that camera from), while the rest laughed their asses off. My only response was pouting.

Ten minutes later, we were all sitting at the kitchen table, having breakfast. The holes from yesterday were still there.

"How about you try eating like this?" Velvet suggested, showing me what I had to do. Basically forget silverware, forget magic, just dig in. And then I remembered that's how most ponies actually ate. Well, those without magic mostly did.

"Twilight, what do you want to have for breakfast?" Nightlight asked.

"Jelly bread!"

"Twivine? What do you want on your bread? Or do you want oatmeal?" she asked. I looked around the contents of the table.

"I'd like a slice with peanut butter." Nothing like a peanut butter sandwich in the morning. Well it wasn't a sandwich, but it was still peanut butter. I tried holding the slices with both of my hooves, but in the I mentally said: "Screw it." and did it like Velvet showed me.

I saw Shining Armor making himself some hot chocolate and asked for some myself. Velvet didn't even stood up from her position, just brought everything routinely to my place, while at the same time taking care of Spike. I managed to actually drink from my cup, because it was easier holding something big with my hooves, although I did spill a bit on my fur.

Things seemed to go a little better from yesterday, I mean Nightlight wasn't giving me "the look" and everyone was just enjoying their meal, when suddenly there was a knock at the door. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards where the entrance was.

"I'll get it." Shining stood up and walked away.

"I wonder who that could be. It's pretty early." Nightlight commented.

"Maybe the princess already send the construction team?" Velvet suggested.

Eeenope. It weren't them. We couldn't hear what Shining Armor was saying, but we could hear a lot more hoofsteps coming back, than would be from one pony. Eeyup, the Sparkle family had a visitor. One that even I was familiar with.

"CADANCE!" Twilight exclaimed, jumping off her chair and running towards the princess.

"Twily!" Cadance, still having her mane made in a ponytail style. And then, it happened.

"Sunshine, sunshine,
ladybugs awake.
Clap your hooves
and do a little shake!"

I had such a hard time not to laugh. What? This dance is just ridiculous.

"And you must be Twivine. Aunt Celestia told me about you." Cadance approached me and honestly, I knew she was a nice pony, but I still looked for signs that showed that the smile was faked. Didn't find anything like it.

"Uh huh."

"I'm Cadance, Twilight's and now your foalsitter."

"I know." Crap, damage control. Immediately. "My...head tells me...it's confusing." I really saw it right in front of me. Me pulling off that dance in some kind of park I have never been too. Great, knowledge wasn't apparently the only thing Twilight put into my head.

"You poor dear." Cadance nuzzled me on the top of my head. "But no matter. Your family, my aunt and me will be there to help you and make your own memories."

"Cadance. What a pleasant surprise." Nightlight got her attention away from me. "Will you be joining us for breakfast?"

"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose, I already had breakfast. She told me what happened at the exam and I promised Twilight we would be doing something special if she passed. But before that," she turned towards me "we have of course to teach your new sister our initiation."

Oh joy.


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If anyone wants to know, Cadance had no idea either as to why Twilight had a book on how to help a pony to learn walking again. Neither did she know that Twilight had a filly sized lab-coat and a stethoscope. She found it adorable and heck with the seriousness Twilight was going through with this, I had to agree. I disagreed on the camera however.

"Stop that." I complained as Cadance took another snapshot.

"Oh, but you two look simple adorable." she squeaked, taking another picture of me and Shining Armor, doing the exercises from yesterday. The original plan of Cadance and Twilight was to hit a burger joint after passing the test. And as far as I knew babysitters, Cadance most likely would have gone there anyway. I used to be a babysitter myself after all.

Twilight's father left for work. I think he was a guard or something? My memory wasn't the best to go on and I didn't hear him or Velvet talking about his job. Speaking of Velvet, after staying for the first half an hour, probably assuring Cadance and I got along, she went upstairs to her office to write on her latest novel. She had a deadline after all.

Back to us, from the looks of things Shining was enjoying everything as much as I was, Twilight was carefully taking notes and Spike sat in his diapers between Twilight and Cadance , clapping with his tiny hands as he watched us. Cadance had absolutely fallen in love with him, the moment she saw him and cuddled him almost to death.

Shining and me finished the exercise, which allowed me to stretch my limbs. "Oh, I needed that." I thought out loud. "Well, what do you say, Doctor Sparkle?"

Cadance giggled at the comment I made, almost dropping the camera from her hooves. I really needed to find out about those "magnetic" hooves, just as a side note. Twilight pouted and looked up at her, our damn it, older brother. The future captain of the royal guard did his best to not burst out laughing, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Doctor Sparkle." Cadance shook her head. "I have to remember this one."

With a "humph", which was almost Rarity like, Twilight trotted away from the Princess of Love and brought the clip chart with her. "You're doing great Twivine." she said. "According to the book it's now time for you to try walking on your own, with somepony watching over you. And if it doesn't work, you should do the exercises a few more times. There's also written a song, which-"

"I'm not going to sing." I was a horrible singer. Never hit the notes, always an octave too high at least. My classmates made jokes about how my voice could crack glass and whatnot. End of story. End. Of. Story.

Twilight frowned at me interrupting her, but shrugged. "Okay, well, let's go! The faster you learn to walk, the faster we can go to Hay Burger!"

Wow, she really loves her burgers. Wonder how hay tastes? "Alright, alright, give me a few seconds to stretch my legs." These workouts are harder than they look and doing them for an hour straight took it's toll on me. Surprisingly, I still felt pretty energized, like I could run all day long. Filing that away I took a deep breath and got ready.

"Oh, this is going to get into the album. The first steps of a filly." Cadance whispered excited and leaned forwards with her camera. Shining chuckled and walked next to me. "Don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall." he assured.

"Thanks." Okay, I just have to remember the pattern. Front left, hind right, front right, hind left.

"Front left, hind right, front right, hind left. Front left, hind right, front right, hind left." I mumbled the pattern to myself, with each step I took, saying each word pair to the leg it belonged to. At first I was very slow both in talking and walking. However with each successful pattern, I increased my pace, a smile forming itself on my lips. The only mistake I did was to never look up from the ground.

"Left, right, left, right, left, right..."

"Uh, Twivine?"

"Left, OW!" Cue on, I hit my horn on the wall. And let me tell you one thing, this thing sticking out of my forehead is sensitive. I fell back on my haunches, rubbing my tiny hooves around the horn.

"Ow, ow, ow. Ow, it hurts. Ow, the pain. Ow, the tragedy."

"Twivine!" I heard the other three exclaim, before in a matter of seconds all three ponies were around me. Cadance cradled me up in her forelegs and started blowing onto the tip of my horn.

"There, there, everything will be fine." She blew again on my horn. "Better?"

You know, how tempting it is to just outright tell an adult "It's fine" or "I'm not a kid"? Really hard to suppress these urges, because in their eyes I was a kid. They probably thought I was about to cry, when all in all I was simply annoyed. Getting a grip on my mouth just in time, I replied. "I'm fine, thank you. Really, I'm okay." I added, after seeing the princess frown.

I got back up on my hooves and shook myself like a dog. "Mind if we try- OW! SPIKE!" I shouted at the dragon and immediately regretted it, as I was expecting him to start crying. He didn't. He just looked at me innocently and chewed on my tail, at the same time holding it with his tiny claws.

Of course by now it was a running gag, one to which Cadance and Shining Armor rolled around on the floor, laughing. I just let out a sigh, waiting for one of them to recover, so they could get Spike away from my tail. In the end it was Twilight who helped me out. She cradled up Spike in her tiny forelegs, like Cadance did with me earlier, which somehow caused him to let go of my tail and just let himself being hold by my sister. "Silly dragon." she chided, ruffling his tiny green spines.

The dragon in question looked up, a bit of drool running down his cheek. I rolled my eyes and wiped it away with my right hoof. "You're lucky, you're so cute, you know that?" I bumped the dragon's nose, causing him to giggle. In the background I heard a camera going of. I swear Cadance is worse than the highway police.

The next instant Spike yawned, stretching his tiny limps, before cuddling more into Twilight's forelegs. "Aww." I couldn't help it. The same went for Shining Armor and Cadance . Shining walked up and took Spike into his magic grasp. "I'll get the little guy upstairs. And good idea Vi, Spike is a fitting name, don't you agree Twily?"

"Definitely!" The filly clapped with her hooves.

I titled my head a few seconds, until it hit me. Spike had yet to get his name! And I just gave it to him!

"Oh...eh...it was...never mind." Better shut my mouth now.

Shining took off without sparing me another glance. Cadance walked over to Twilight, slowly stroking the forehead of the little filly. "Aw, little Twily is a mother. They grow up so fast." she sighed in an over-dramatic way.

"Cadance ." Twilight complained, only for the princess to nuzzle her head. "Aw, don't get all pouty on me Twily. You know what happens, when you get all pouty, don't you?" For some reason the alicorn of love stretched out her wings, causing Twilight to take a step back. Her eyes shrunk to pinpricks.

What's going on?

"Careful, here comes the tickle monster!"


I watched in amusement as Twilight was tortured by her foalsitter. My sister was lying on the ground, while Cadance carefully aimed with the tip of her wings on Twilight's belly. That had to be the most adorable torture scene I have ever witnessed in my entire two lives. I could only laugh at Twilight's misfortune, her screams of agony and laughter being music in my ears. Okay, that was creepy.

My laughter died down, once I noticed the ominous dark shadow hovering above my tiny figure. Very slowly I raised my head and found a mad grinning Cadance , looking down at me.

"Don't think I have forgotten about you." was what she said. "The tickle monster gets all the fillies."

"Meep." I spun around and tried to use my new-found ability to run away from my foalsitter, but to my dismay Twilight betrayed me by catching me with her magic. Wouldn't have gotten far anyway. I was on my way to the ground, when Twilight caught me and levitated me over to the pink monster.

"What the- Twilight?!" I shouted.

The filly just gave me a grin and let me down right in front of my demise.


By the time it stopped, Twilight was lying on top of my stomach, meaning I was lying on my back. That traitor had helped Cadance throughout the entire torture session. Oh I was so going to get back at them. Still, despite everything I had fun.

The princess nuzzled the two of us, causing Twilight to fall of from me. She giggled, slowly getting up from the ground, while I let out a groan and turned around. Shining Armor finally came downstairs again, looking a little exhausted himself.

"I swear that little dragon. As soon as I lied him down, he woke up and wouldn't stop complaining until he had three bottles of milk." the stallion shook his head.

"Is that healthy? I mean he is a dragon, but I still I wonder..." Cadance trailed off.

"I watched over him for ten more minutes, before I came down. Sounded like you all had a lot of fun." he grinned.

"Tag, you're it."

I was brought out of the conversation by Twilight, who quickly ran behind our brother.

I totally forgot how random children can be with their games. And here I thought Twilight isn't into these kind of games. Go figure. All right, bring it on Twilight!



There are times, when I am just stupid. Being the good foalsitter she was, Cadance immediately helped me getting back on my hooves.

"Are you okay?" she asked worried.

"I'm fi-...oh man..." I sighed. I had a nosebleed from the impact.

"Oh dear." Cadence frantically looked around for some tissues or something similar, but in the end Shining Armor ran into the kitchen and came back with an entire box flying behind him. He took some out with his magic and pressed them against my snout.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

"No, just annoying." I pointed at my nose.

"Aw, you're so brave." Cadance cooed.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Instead I just kept sitting on my haunches, while Shining switched every now and then the tissues. I was leaking pretty good, gotta admit. At least my blood wasn't some black goo stuff. With everything that's been happening so far, it wouldn't have surprised me if I was the pony version of Poison Ivy.

"Sorry Twilight. Looks like we need to play another time." I told her.

"No, I'm sorry." was her surprising reply.

I titled my head to the side. "What are you sorry for?" I asked pretty much the question everypony had on their mind.

"If I wouldn't have suggested playing tag, you wouldn't have hurt yourself."

"And if I had reminded myself that I can barely walk, I wouldn't have hit my nose." I retorted.

"But I'm your older sister! I need to look out for you!"

"..." Must. Resist. Laughing.

It didn't help that the two adults in the room were chuckling to themselves. Or teenagers? I wasn't sure, especially with Cadance . Do alicorns ever stop growing? Maybe when they're horse size they stop.

Shaking the distracting thoughts off, I slowly trotted over to Twilight (Shining still holding the tissues against my nose). I wrapped my right foreleg around her neck, which caused me to lose my balance and drag Twilight with me to the ground.

"Urrgh, love hurts."

Twilight giggled, wiggling on her back. I almost got a heart attack by the sheer adorableness. Do you know how hard it is to resist the urge to hug her the entire day? This is hell!

Nothing was broken with my nose, luckily. Shining Armor and Cadence made double sure of it. The entire time I managed to walk on my own, even if I was really slow. The entire time my big sister took notes of how I was doing and let me tell you, that filly is thorough with her "research". At first I thought there was not much you could write about the improvement of my movements, but Twilight? Heh, if she had a timer she would have written down exactly how much off time my left hind leg was. Or the exact angle my main body was turned to the right, while walking. Don't ask how I managed this. I tried to avoid it after I read it.

"So" Cadance exclaimed, after she got rid of the rest of the tissues "now that Twivine knows can walk (somewhat) I'd say it's high time we go to Hay Burger!" she exclaimed.

"Yay!" Twilight exclaimed, running around Cadance like an excited dog. I hit my grin behind my hoof. My sister then ran up to Shiny and put her front legs on his.

"Do you come with us, BBBFF?" she asked.

Shining laughed and ruffled her mane. "I'd love to Twily, really, but I have to go and fill out some forms for the academy."

"Aww..." Twilight pouted.

Academy? I wondered. I was about to ask, but Shining gave me and Twilight a big brother hug.

"Remember, don't talk to strangers." he advised.

He let go of us and walked out of the house. Twilight managed to yell a "Bye Shiny!" before he was out. We both then turned to Cadence, who smiled down at us. "Okay you two. Does any of you need to use the bathroom?"

Now that she mentioned it...

15 minutes of figuring out the waterworks of my body later, we were outside in Canterlot. Boy, it was a complete other thing seeing the city from down below. All those legs! That's all I saw for the first five minutes.

"Stay close to me girls." Cadance told us. "Sheesh, it's really crowded today."

No kidding. It wasn't that bad the other day. Twilight and I walked in front of the alicorn princess, so she could keep a close eye on us. Of course it went really slow, since I was tripping over my own legs every now and then. I didn't get to see much of Canterlot this time, because there were just so many ponies. So many colors! I loved it!

"This way." The princess pointed down another street. There weren't many ponies taking that road. "It'll take us a little longer, but it's less crowded."

"Okay Cadance ." Twilight complied. I just nodded.

Of course, a princess walking through the streets of Canterlot may be a common sight, but the ponies still looked after her, especially the young colts. One of them even whistled after her. She ignored it.

Looking around, we came across a small flower shop and a cafe on the other side of the street. An earth pony was pulling a cart full of various stuff with him. Three pegasi were flying above us, each pushing a cloud to another section of the city. A unicorn was crossing our path, looking like he really could need a hug. Faust, this city was alive! I mean alive, alive! It's hard to describe, but when you watch the show it's all just a stage. But when you're here...let me put it this way, you all have seen plenty of pictures of L.A. Yet it is a completely different experience actually being in L.A. and meeting the people for yourself, even if half of them are arrogant asshats.

From above me I suddenly heard our foalsitter giggle to herself. Me and Twilight looked up, but the alicorn was dismissive. "Just lost in my own thoughts."

Shining Armor. I thought to myself. The episode didn't make it clear, when they started dating, hell, from what I have seen Twilight didn't even know they were together until she arrived in Canterlot, yet it wouldn't surprise me if she had some naughty thoughts about him.

A few twists and turns later, we finally arrived at Hay Burger! Unlike Burger King or Mc Donalds, this one had a green overall design with white letters and yellow-green upholstery.

We walked inside the building, getting in line. It was then that I finally noticed the stares I was receiving. Right now they mostly came from the other queues. The fillies and colts looked pretty scared, some curious, but most of the time the little ones were afraid. The adults, which includes teenagers were...well disgusted isn't really the word. Some were curious, a small part of the bunch, but most looked...a mixture of slightly frightened and something else.

"Don't fall asleep now Ladybug." Cadance chided me softly, breaking me out of my thoughts. She and Twilight were a little ahead now. And did she really call me ladybug?

Whatever. About the stares, I did the only reasonable thing, namely ignoring them and reading what they have on the menu. Basically everything you can get in a normal burger joint. Just switch the meet with hay, as well as the fries. Wait a minute, potatoes are vegetables and there are still only hay fries?

This has to change!

When we finally got to the counter, Cadance spoke for all of us. "We'll have a normal hayburger and two kids menus. Are a small hayburger and hay fries all right with you two?"

"Yup!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Aw, I wanted a triple burger." I pouted, knowing it was the only method I would have my way. It didn't work.

Cadance giggled. "Silly, you're too small to eat something that huge."

The pony behind the counter chuckled as well, probably already used to these kind of scenarios. He probably didn't notice my eyes as of yet.

"And three orange juices." Cadance finished.

"Right away princess."

She must be a regular, if the guy is so casual with her. I concluded.

Being a fast food chain, our order was there in a matter 2 minutes. Cadance somehow produced a couple of bits, though where she stored them was anyones guess. She was only wearing her headband, so she couldn't have hidden them. Or did she? Or perhaps she carried the coins with her magic? Whatever, if I continue this train of thought, I'll get a Pinkie Pie level headache.

We went outside again and placed ourselves on one of the long stretched wooden tables. Our foalsitter levitated each one kids menu to us. It even had one of those stupid plastic toys, in my case a doll of Sapphire Shores. A version where she is still a teenager. Huh, her career started very early. Twilight got somepony I didn't recognize, but dismissed the thing just as much as I did. Instead she immediately started devouring her burger and if you remember the episode we see her in a burger joint, you know how messy it was.

After watching her for a few seconds, I unwrapped my own burger (which took me a whole minute) and took a bite.

"This is AWESOME!" I exclaimed, before becoming a carbon copy of Twilight's eating habits. I could see Cadance rolling her eyes, but ignored her. I was always in for burgers, but this: hay is the best thing ever! Haha, this coming from a former human. As soon as I was finished I got onto the fries and last but not least, I sucked out all of the juice out of the small package.

"You two are really sisters." the alicorn commented dryly, wiping the ketchup away from our faces. Twily and I just grinned sheepishly, rubbing our stomachs.

Eventually Cadance broke under our sheer adorableness and burst out into a fit of giggles.

Well, can't complain about the day so far.

"Is that Princess Cadance eating at this joke of a restaurant?"

I just had to tempt fate, huh? Shut up brain.

Chapter 6

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Oh my gosh! A shiny wild Noble appeared!

That sounded way funnier in my head. Gotta ask Pinkie Pie for some good jokes. Gah, I hate it when my magic writes down what I think.

Ever seen a noble pegasus? I did. The first thing a pegasister or brony thinks about, when she/he hears the word "noble" is Blueblood or any other snobbish unicorn from Canterlot. Certainly not a pegasus or an earth pony. Well, turns out nobles are NOT racists in the slightest. Probably has something to do with them being smarter than the fandom makes them out to be, I mean they KNOW about the wendigos.

Anyways, some green pegasus noble, wearing a simply wrong red dress happened to trot down the street along with a group of friends. All of them wore something that was basically an eyesore. I mean, the things looked straight out of the 1880-ies!

"Oh my gosh, you're right." One of the other ponies said aghast, putting her hoof in front of her mouth. The scary thing was, she sounded genuine.

"Dear Celestia, what is she doing, eating at this....dumpster place?"

"You belong in a dumpster." I muttered, causing Cadance to glare at me. Huh, apparently she heard me.

"The foalish mare must have realized by now that this is inappropriate for a princess to be." another one continued.

At that point Twilight had her ears folded back and looked to the ground. Knowing her personality traits, she most likely felt guilty, because she thought that she brought Cadance into this situation. I looked over to Cadance who tried to keep a neutral expression and was failing miserably.

"Cadance...?" Twilight spoke carefully. Since the princess of love had actual personal experience with Twilight, she of course too could see what was going through the unicorn's head and immediate took measures against it. She nuzzled Twilight and then: "If you want, we can get you another burger. It IS your special day after all." She offered Twilight another burger. Of course I didn't want to be left out and quickly munched down my burger and wiped the ketchup away from my muzzle. It was easier than I thought getting this stuff out of my fur, seeing as to how ketchup stains were a little hard to get away from clothes.

Cadance looked at me and I shrugged, grinning.

"Alright you two, let me just-"

"How can she eat such rubbish with those filthy fillies?"

THAT'S IT! The second those thoughts entered my mind, two plunder vines came out of a small green patch, where a tree had been planted. Everypony, including Twilight, initially screamed as the two black plants came down next to my face. I must have been looking pretty terrifying. Wish there was some way I could actually tell myself, when the smoke was coming out of my eyes. What's the deal with that anyway? Am I burning calories through them, to keep a slender, evil appearance?

"Twivine!" Cadance shout out brought my ranging mind back to reality. I turned my head towards the left vine and thought to myself: Holy shit! I'm about to kill that bitch!!

I panicked a little bit there. I tried to mentally tell the vines: "Don't kill her, don't kill her, don't kill her!" Over and over again. Seeing the plants doing nothing didn't help, as controversial as it sounds. I brainstormed, like really brainstormed, checking tidbits of memories going through ideas in a matter of seconds. Everyone can do it, you just tend to overlook a lot. Anyways, one of my brainstorming ideas came pretty quickly and sounds really ridiculous, when I look back at it now, but it turned out to be right.

"Clean the table." I told the plants. "Bring the garbage to the garbage can."

Guess what? It worked. I don't know why, but hey? Who am I to complain?

Somewhat awkward, the plants assembled the plastic bags, the burgers had been in and put them on a tray. Next they carried the tray to the nearest trash can and let the trash fall of the tray. And although I didn't give an order of the sorts, the plants put the tray away in one of those carts, you see at every restaurant. Job done, the vines disappeared back into the ground.

I don't get it. They won't listen to my thoughts, but my commands? But wait, what about yesterday, when I managed to use them as makeshift hands? Oh, right. I am being stared on. So...uh...hiding under the table or pretending to not get what's up?

"So, about those burgers? Can I have one too, please??? See, I even cleaned everything up!" I pointed out with my hoof.

Must. Resist. Laughing.

"Oh, you just wanted to clean up!" Twilight nodded and then giggled. "You scared me sis. It looked like you were going to hurt those ponies."

"Where did they come from?!" I exclaimed.

Must resist, must resist. I bit my bottom lip, hard, in order to not laugh out loud. "Why is everybody staring at me?" I was getting so embarrassed, that I didn't need to tell myself to not laugh. I have some weird priorities, when it comes to my emotions.

"Nothing, nothing." Cadance managed to catch herself. "C-come on, girls. Let's get some take-outs and go to the park."

"Yay!" Twilight exclaimed, already running into the building.

I slowly got up from my chair and jumped towards the ground, my legs wobbling a little for a lag of better words. Cadance and I were walking side by side, trying to ignore the stares we were getting. Inside we found a very impatient Twilight waiting in front of the doors.

"Come on, come on." she jumped up and down.

The ponies inside, well I can say for sure that those sitting at the windows had seen my little out of control outburst and were now watching us, warily. The rest was still chatting, the cashiers shouted to the guys in the kitchen, a few kids played in a ball bath in the child area, all in all, typical fast food atmosphere.

We waited for a good amount of time in the queue, until we got our additional orders. I looked carefully, but didn't see any pockets from which Cadance produced the money from. It was really bothering me and was about to ask, when I got a real headache, along with a few pictures.

"Practical Magic: Chapter 6: Pocket Dimensions." I said automatically, rubbing my forehead.

"What was that, Twivine?" my foalsitter asked me.

I shook my head. "Nothing much. Just...one of Twilight's memories decided to show up and explain something to me. My head hurts a little."

"Oh dear, should we go home?" she bend down to my level, worried.

"No, I'm fine. I don't want to ruin Twilight's day."

"If you say so." she got back up. "But I don't want you to get sick, okay?"


Twilight had been completely oblivious to the exchange, looking at some toys in a small showcase. One of those toy characters was reading a book and Twilight being Twilight showed great interest into getting her tiny hooves on that thing. Our foalsitter must have been feeling very generous that day, since she got both of us that silly little thing.

Canterlot park was simply beautiful. It was a nice contrast to the stone houses you see everywhere else. A river, which came out of the mountain itself was going through the middle of the park, colts were playing football, sorry, hoofball on a field, a family was having a picnic, some ponies walked their dogs through it. A sign earlier said they needed to be on the leash the entire time, though almost everypony broke that rule and let the human's best friend ran around freely.

Twilight and I ran a little ahead, doing all kinds of stuff that doesn't make any sense, but is better then walking. I mean stuff from kicking a tiny stone and trying to prevent the other from kicking it, to throwing a stick at each other and trying to catch it. We abandoned this one quickly, since I failed to catch the thing with my mouth. I actively avoided it, to be honest.

No one stared at me this time, maybe because I moved too fast for others to see my eyes. I also refrained from using magic, even though I had a couple of opportunities to have some fun and inventively give myself a really bad reputation.

We found a wooden table and benches to sit on and literally devoured our food there. Well, Twilight and I did, Cadance ate her share normal.

"Hey Cadance, can I ask a question?"

"Anything Twivine." she smiled.

"Just call me Vi [spoken like "why"]. It's easier." Do you know how tempting it is to ask about sex, when you're in the body of a child and an adult asks you that question?

"How is Princess Celestia?" was my simple question. It might seem unnecessary, but the show didn't really establish any kind of character she might have, except from being the not so perfect, kind ruler.

"Oh, auntie is a really nice pony." the pink pony smiled. "She's always so patient with everypony and listens to their problems, no matter how minor, I mean, small they're."

"I know what minor means. Twilight gave me her genius brain after all."

Twilight blushed at my praise and hit behind the big paper back, Cadance had carried our food earlier. Said alicorn laughed and grabbed the thing with her magic, causing Twilight to "eep". After giving my sister some reassuring nuzzling, she continued.

"Aunt Celestia also loves cakes. That's why she made sure, to always be a judge at the yearly dessert contest." the princess winked, causing me and Twilight to fall victim to a fit of giggles.

"I wish I could be a princess." Twilight said with a dreaming gaze. "Then I could build a castle, filled with every book in the world."

Cadance laughed even harder and wrapped a wing around the filly. "Of course you would, Twilight. And you Twivine? What would you do, if you were a princess?"

I was taken aback a little by the question, but gave it some serious thought. "Arrest that woman, who said those things about you and have her work on a rock farm." Yes, those things are real in Equestria. Over the years I would learn that Equestria defies a couple of the laws of physics. Such as the law in which energy is never lost. Magic has its own rules, guys.

Cadance blinked at me, shocked either from the harshness of my punishment or the fact that I would do this for her. Probably both.

"Th-that's...It's sweet of you that you care about me, but Twivine, violence is never the answer." she looked down at me sternly, yet understanding. "I know some ponies can be really mean, belief me, there are a lot of nobles who tell me that I'm not behaving like a proper princess, but you know what? I just ignore them. Let them talk, they'll stop eventually."

Another flash of memories went through my head. The back of my mind registered that certain words, triggered certain memories. I flinched, as my brain worked over time, to sort the new information over.

"Twivine!" both Twilight and Cadance exclaimed.

"It's alright!" I held out my front hooves. "Just new memories from Twilight." I clutched my head. This time it was more than a single picture, but a complete film that was moving in front of my eyes. No, not in front of my eyes, I was part of it.

I didn't notice the two at my side, until it stopped. "Maybe we really should go home."

"I'm fine!" And now I sounded a little bitchy. "I'm fine." I repeated, more calm and collected. "Look Cadance, you said if you ignore the bullies, they will eventually stop, right?"

Cadance for her part still looked concerned, but nodded. "Yes, it worked in Twilight's case and most of the nobles have stopped bothering me already."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow. "Then how come-" I stopped myself, looking around. In a much lower tone, I started anew: "Then how come Twilight is still forced to do the "diaper dance" by Silver Lining and his friends?!" I asked in a hiss-tone.

Twilight gasped and took a few steps away from me. "H-How do you know?"

And we have the confirmation.

Twilight herself seemed to have realized what she just said. She looked over to our soon to be sister-in-law and wanted to say something, but didn't get the words out. I for my part walked to Twilight until we were face to face.

"I have all of your memories, Twilight. I know you better than anypony else." I put my hoof on the back of her head and pulled her forehead against mine, making it impossible for her to look away. "And I won't let anything like this happen to you again. Even if the adults can't help, I'll be there for you. That's a promise."

What I saw...I won't even explain it to you. This is my story not Twilight's. But if you're unfamiliar with the diaper dance, the name says it all. You put someone into a diaper or a makeshift one and force him to dance. In the show it was always shown that Twilight was afraid of going back to magic kindergarten because of the colts and fillies or at least it was hinted at. Whether this was an alternate universe or the the actual one, I didn't know, but my Twilight's reason was much more traumatic than simple bullying.

"Twilight..." Cadance stood above us. I could see her shadow. She wrapped her wings around us and pulled us into a tight hug. None of us said something. All of us just wanted to be there in this moment. Sadly a certain pony had to ruin this and make the day AND my mood, really sour.

And a sour mood isn't good for magic control.

On the run

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"There they are!" A sadly already too familiar voice shouted. Looking towards the small pathway of the, the three of us found the woman (mare) from earlier coming our way. Oh and she wasn't alone, nah. Those guys are way too cowardly for this. Nope, she had an entire patrol of royal guards with her, considering of 1 mare and four stallions. She was accusingly pointing her hoof at me.

I titled my head in confusion as to why there were a bunch of guards with a citizen. From my side, I could feel Twilight scooping closer to me, intimidated by the stern looks the guards were giving us. Cadance leaned her head down and whispered: "Wait here."

She walked in front of us, so we were unable to see anything.

"Why are the guards here?" Twilight asked.

"I don't...actually, maybe I scared the woman a little bit too much." I admitted sheepishly. I kinda did want to murder her back there. I shuddered at the thought. I need to learn to keep a cool head or else I really end up killing a pony. Calm down, girl. It was just a reaction. Everyone feels that way at some point. You're a grown woman and not a girl. Heck, just a few days ago you wanted to strangle the cashier for being so slow.

"Gentlecoats. Can I help you somehow?" Cadance asked in a polite tone.

"Princess Cadance." the lead stallion and his underlings bowed to the pink alicorn, at least according to what I could see through the legs of the alicorn.

"Excuse us for interrupting your activities princess, but the Madame Dusky Sky reported a use of dark magic."

"Oh fuck." One week in Tartarus for teaching Twilight a swear word.

"Dark magic?" Cadance titled her head. "When? And where?"

"Oh please, Princess." Dusky Sky landed next to the squad leader. "Princess, with all due respect, you must have noticed it as well. This filly you have been with, the one with the green cutie mark. She clearly demonstrated her powers back at the...."restaurant"." I could see her making air quotes with her wings.

"That's...! Well, while it is true that Twivine has some rather unusual abilities, but you can be rest assured that my aunt is fully aware of this. There's nothing to worry about, really."

"Princess" the stallion spoke up again "as much as I would love to trust your word, there are standard procedures in this kind of situation. If Princess Celestia says the filly is no danger, then this will only take a couple of hours."

That's about when I decided to step out from behind Cadance. The gaze of the guards and that mare, I already forgot her name, because background pony syndrome, fell onto me. I'm usually not easily intimidated, but the size difference between me and the rest caused me to reconsider my decision to step up. After mentally shaking my head, I spoke.

"Okay, I'm here."

"Twivine." Cadance got down on my level. "Please, this is something we adults need to sort out." she carefully started rubbing my head. "Just wait a little more with Twilight, alright?"

"Just look at her eyes! Do these look like normal eyes to you?"

I gave the woman my best death glare, which did nothing more than causing one of the guards in the background to snort. The leading stallion took a closer look at me and nodded.

"I admit they do seem strange."

"Strange?" Cadance spoke up. "Oh please, just because she has unusual eyes, does not mean that she is some sort of evil tyrant."

You ever watch cartoons, Cadance? They teach you a lot.

"Princess, please be reasonable." The stallion said in an even tone. "As I said, if nothing is wrong, she can return to her family this evening. Just let us take her with us-"

"NO!" the shout came from Twilight. The little filly had her tiny legs wrapped around me, before anyone could say "changeling". "Please! Don't take my sister away!"

I looked at Twilight, not sure whether to be amused or touched. She just went with both.

"Twilight, I-"

"Mind control as well!" the so called noble exclaimed. "Dear me and why do they look so much alike? Is it possibly a shape-shifter?"

I could feel my left eye twitch. "We are twins." I lied perfectly.

"Hmph." She held her nose high. "Perhaps it would be best to arrest them both-"

"Arrest them!?" Cadance exclaimed angrily. "Miss Sky, I won't have you talking like that in front of the children!" she held out her wings in a defensive position in front of us. "The accusations you make are utterly ridiculous and without evidence to back up your claim."

To this Dusky Sky only grinned. "Oh, I am afraid I indeed do have the evidence. Namely my dear friends. Witnesses."

Cadance growled, but couldn't do anything.

"Indeed." the guard said. "Miss Sky's companions already gave testimony. I'm sorry princess."


Without any of noticing, one of the guards had sneaked up behind us and put a ring on Twilight's horn, a magic restraining ring to be precise.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Cadance shouted.

"Get away from her!" I shouted at the same time, the guard levitating her into a freaking cage?!

"Stop that! Twilight has nothing to do with this!" the princess continued.

"Just safety precaution. Don't worry, she'll be fine."

I lost my mind, when he said "safety precaution" so casually. An event like this could possibly traumatize the poor filly. And thus, I summoned the plunder vines out of the ground. This time it wasn't only those thorn ranks, but also the venus flytrap like things, the ones that emit poison gas. The flytrap thing managed to knock out the guard, who levitated Twilight into the cage, the others attacked the guards, successfully taking out a good bunch of them.

I didn't mind what was going on behind me. I solely focused on Twiligh, quickly running up to her. One smaller vine removed the suppressor ring from her horn.

"Twilight?" I asked.

The poor filly was frozen up, unresponsive.

"Twilight?!" I shook her a little.

In the meantime the guards threw their spells at one of the vines, which had grabbed Dusky Sky. The pegasi and earth ponies used their weapons, with little success to be honest.

"Twilight!" I slapped her on the face. Another century in hell for me, but it had the desired effect of snapping her out of her stupor.


"Sorry, Twilight." I gently rubbed the place where I hit her. "Are you alright?"

She threw herself at me. "I am scared." she whimpered, her body shaking. I held her tightly, ignoring the screams of pain and agony in the background. To be honest, I completely forgot about the guards at that moment. The only thing I wanted to do was to make sure that Twilight calmed down.

"Twivine!" Cadance turned me around with her magic, making me a little dizzy. "You need to stop the magic, NOW!" she waved with her hoof at the scenery of the guards. Dusk and a fourth of the guards were tied up, one was unconscious from the gas the fly-traps were giving off and the rest was still fighting the- my plants as I realized.



Uhh...how do I....let go?" I asked Cadance, who was looking at me in disbelief and then sighed.

"Right, I forgot you're just a few days old." Her horn started to glow in a blue color. "I'm sorry, Twivine. This might hurt a little now."


Cadance touched my horn with her horn. Almost immediately, there was a bright flash of light from where she touched and I felt pain drill itself from my horn into my brain. Heck, I even felt it in my spine.

The effects on the outside world were just as immediate. My plants kinda cranked up in pain, only to disappear in black smoke. The ponies that weren't pegasi landed on the hard, uncomfortable ground. I would have probably laughed at their misery (I am a bad person), if it wouldn't have been for the pain. AGAIN! Seriously, do you know how often I got hurt the first days? From learning how to walk, to situations like this. But, I digress. We come to the interesting part.

Needless to say, the guards were rather pissed off after my display of power. Well, not really pissed off. More like scared or cautious. And that damn girl Dusty Skies had that winning smirk on her face, oh I just wanted to punch her really, really hard.

But I had more important stuff to do at the moment. Like sightseeing.

"Later suckers." I saluted and made a mad dash.

Why did I run? Panic, that's why. When I see a bunch of unicorns lightening up their horns, I expect them to shoot fucking LAZORS at me. Maybe they would not shoot fucking lazors at me, if I would have just stayed in place and let them apprehend me. Eh, too late for that.

I was running down one of the main streets used in Canterlot, with the guards on my toes. I was able to keep my distance from them, simply because it was so crowded and thanks to my small size, I was way more agile than them. Besides, as long as I was near a group of ponies, they wouldn't shoot their lazors. They did only at the beginning, when I ran under a cart or hide behind a statue of Star Swirl.

"STOP THAT FILLY!" Somepony shouted. I didn't look back, but from the sound of things they were getting closer.

Luckily the guards weren't the brightest and I mean all of them. When the crowd was a little thinner, I passed two guards on patrol duty and none of them even showed a sign of acknowledging my presence. Their colleagues needed to talk directly to them in order for them to start chasing me.

"Hey, watch it!" A random stallion shouted, when I passed him. Frantically I looked for something that could give me an edge, something I could throw over, like a trash can or something. The thing I looked for came in form of a unicorn, who carried a huge wooden box with her magic.

Grinding my teeth, I increased my speed and threw myself at her neck.



The both of us landed on the unforgiving ground. It ended up with the unicorn's leg on my leg and my hind left hoof in her mouth. Yeah, don't ask how we managed to accomplish this. The point of this was to get the huge box down and down it went. What I didn't see coming, but was very welcoming none the less, was that the thing broke and all of its contents got spilled onto the street. The contents being a lot of glass bottles filled with lots and lots of wine.

It caused quite a lot of trouble, ponies slipping up, crashing into one another. There was even a cart sliding across the road, crashing into a shop specialized in selling fruits and juices. The result being about a dozen or so watermelons rolling out, one of them getting stuck on a pony's head.

I managed to squirm myself out of the unwanted grip and got my now slightly sticky hoof out of the pony's mouth. I wanted to catch my breath, thinking it would take the guards some time to recover from that and restore order around the population. I completely forgot the airborne guards and almost got caught. I was lucky though. The unicorn I crashed into earlier stood up and immediately got "abducted" by the pegasus. The unicorn screamed at the top of her lungs. Her horn lit up, teleporting an umbrella next to her and finally, she proceeded to continuously hit the guard on the head of that thing. As funny, as it was, I needed to get away.

Sadly there was more than one pegasus in the air and then there were the ground reinforcements. I was now running through the "Market Street" according to the sign. I didn't expect market stalls to find in Canterlot. From what I have seen, I assumed there weren't any old market stalls in a big city like this. Well I was seemingly mistaken. Of course, I took this to my advantage to create even more chaos. You won't belief how easy that was.

One pony from Saddle Arabia (I assumed) sold potteries and the like. At the same time two calls were playing foot- I mean, hoofball in the middle of the street. The street in itself wasn't as wide as one of the main streets and with all the stalls standing around the road was even narrower. So when I kicked the ball in the general direction of the stall, I expected shards of pottery to land on the street. However, somehow I managed to kick the ball so perfectly, it hit the wall, knocked out a young Ms. Harshwhinny, hit the wooden beam of a stall, the ground, another wall and then finally hit my back, causing me to fall flat on my stomach. Karma was a bitch once again!

"Nghuu~" I let out a groan.

"She's down!"

"Get her, before she gets up again!"

My mind registered the words and the fact that the folk was giving the law enforcement some space. I thought they got me for sure, but then the ground around me began to crack.

"Her eyes!" One of the civilians shouted pointing at me.

Oh, it's happening again. I thought a moment before my plunder vines came out and started attacking the guards. There was a lot of friendly fire. No one got hurt, mind you, but there was a lot of property damage. Plus everypony was in full panic mode right now, giving the guards a hard time once again. Even the pegai or I were spared from the stampede. For the first, other pegasi tried to get away, using the air and as for me, I got kicked around a lot.

Somehow this pony body was a lot more resistant to pain and beatings in general, but it did make some sort of sense, considering the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Rainbow Dash. Still, it hurt and I was on the verge of tears, when I finally got some breathing room. Looking around, I saw ponies panicking and guards fighting my plants. At the same time, I could feel myself gradually getting weaker by the minute. Biting my lip, I walked into a nearby alleyway, ignoring my hurting sides.

The constant energy drain stopped, as soon as I had made a certain distance between myself and the guards. At the same time, the sounds of battle stopped in the distance.

The adrenaline was slowly leaving my body and I could feel the exhaustion washing over me. Also my head got a lot clearer and I realized just how much I fucked up recently.

"Oh Faust, did I really...?! Come on! I normally don't get mad that easily!" I shouted and stomped my tiny hoof at the cobble stone. A couple of seconds later I realized how cute my pout and overall behavior must look like and couldn't help but giggle. Sadly, reality caught up way too soon with myself in form of another shot of pain going through my body.

"Okay...okay...I can sort this out...somehow..." I needed to take some quick breaths in order to calm me down.

Oh, who am I kidding, I'm fucked. I'm pretty sure I scared Twilight for life and Cadance already gave me the benefit of the doubt, she won't do it a second time. Maybe Celestia will forgive me, but she's bound to keep me in the castle, probably supervised for the rest of my life.


Oh man, I better get the fuck out of here. Else the smell is going to get attached to my coat.

Slowly I trotted out of the small allay and arrived in yet another part of the town. Looking left and right, I didn't spot any guards, which was good. For now, I needed some time for myself and figure out why I attacked the guards in the first place. Sure they hurt Twilight and I wanted to kill them in return. But hell, I wanted to do that to a lot of people, my ex-boyfriend, the old woman next door, that douche from Starbucks, sometimes my boss, the list goes on. And that's about it. I want to kill people, when they annoy me, but under normal circumstances I keep my cool and forget about them. Most of them.

Earlier today though...

"Whoa!" I stumbled over my own hooves out of stupidity. The motion caused me to actually take a look at my surroundings. It was like I was in a completely different town. It still had some resemblance to Canterlot, but obviously I walked into the part, where the poor ponies lived. The buildings looked more like they did back at home with their color grayed out and even one or two windows broken. The streets had at least as many holes in them as the road where my parents lived. Which is bad.

The ponies that walked on this street...I dunno, they didn't exactly looked threatening or anything bad. They just didn't look as happy, as lively, as the ones I've seen so far. Curiosity got the better of me and I started slowly trotting down the street.

To my surprise, there were even a few shops lined up on both sides, most of them looking a little run down. I couldn't help, but feel the wish to go in there. They had some kind of charm to them, looking like a nice old dude would sit behind the counter and tell you his boring life story, while you just want to buy this ancient looking clock. I miss James.

Further down the road, some kids painted "Heaven and Hell" with white chalk on the ground, making me question how ponies played heaven and hell in the first place. Storing it away for later, I went on. Some ponies were talking to each other. A couple of mares were gossiping about some neighbor, who's supposed to be drunk every day and take every mare into bed he finds. I could hear two stallions from the open door of a bar. They complained how unfair everything was and that the upper crust is sucking them (figuratively) dry with the increased taxes.

Tell me about it. 2/3 of the money I get...got, went into taxes. I thought dryly.

It slowly dawned to me that maybe, just maybe I should surrender to the guards. But judging by the fact that they shot freaking LAZORS at me, I thought up a new plan.

Okay, lay low until dark, drink water from fountain wells if necessary, jump onto the next train to Ponyville, stay hidden in the restroom, steal some apples from Sweet Apple Acres (pay AJ back on a later date) and then-



Without even looking where that shot came from, I turned 180 decrees around and ran as fast as I could in my exhausted state. But the guys were prepared this time. Right in front of me already stood four guards. Gasping I turned for an alleyway I saw earlier, only to find two more guards blocking the way.

Shit, shit, SHIT! I panicked.

I looked for a way to escape, but those guys had surrounded me with horns glowing. At that moment I was genuinely afraid of getting seriously hurt. A part of me even thought I was going to die. In my panicked state, I started crying. I put my head down and my hooves on top of my head, shaking in fear. I also faintly registered my fur soaking up my tears.

And then deus ex machina happened. Get used to it, this IS Equestria.

Inside the palace

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I expected the shadow to be one or more ponies hovering above me. I totally didn't expect it to be Celestia's wing extended over my tiny body. I didn't even realize she was there, until she spoke up.

"What. Do you think. You are doing."

Let me tell you, angry Celestia is scary Celestia. I looked up from my cowering position, but could only see the feathers of her extended wing.

"Y-your highness-" the lead guard stammered.

"Silence!" she hissed. "I will personally deal with you later."

I could hear the guard ponies gulp audibly. I was playing with the thought of crawling out of my position when something weird happened. At the moment I couldn't even tell what happened, but all of a sudden, I was at a complete loss. Disoriented. I felt sick in my stomach and the world was spinning. Celestia tugged her wing back to her side and HOLY SHIT, where was I?

Not on the streets anymore, that much was obvious. The room was gorgeous, to put it simply. At least I think it was. Probably? I’m not really sure, everything was a blur. I could make out a lot of shiny things, but that was it.

"Ooooh, everything is Sparkly."

"Oh dear. First time teleportation sickness," I heard Celestia say.

I turned my head towards her and saw three heads looking back down at me. I slumped to the side, ignoring the nausea to the best of my abilities. The princess bent down to my level to nuzzle me gently as she wrapped me up within her legs.

"Are you alright, my little pony?"

"No~" I leaned against Celestia out of sheer nausea, exhaustion and fear. More tears came out of my eyes.

The princess gently rubbed my back, cooing into my ear. "Shh, shh. It's alright. Nopony is going to hurt you anymore."

"Twilight?" I asked, getting really tired all of a sudden. "Is...Twilight okay?"

"Your sister is alright. Don't worry. I'll bring you back to your family."

I nuzzled deeper into Celestia's fur. Any other time I would find this embarrassing; at the time, I needed every bit of comfort I could get. Man, that came out cheesy- arrgh, stupid feather at it again. I need to fix the spell.

We remained like this for an eternity. Eternity being, until I fell asleep. Running until I was out of breath, getting forcefully shoved away by multiple ponies and then the amount of magic I used that day, which was a lot for a filly, finally took a pole on me.

Celestia put me into a bed, her own bed I might add, before I was out like a candle.

I must have woken up and fallen asleep three times. I could have gotten up every time I woke up, but this bed! It was worth going through Tartarus just to be able to sleep in there. It was the fourth time that I couldn’t fall back asleep, because I could hear voices in the seeming distance, when actually they were only next room.

I twisted and turned a little bit around, but eventually I couldn’t take it anymore. Besides, it felt like I had slept for over a decade. My body aches from lying still for so long; but when I did finally made my way out of the bed, it ached because I was moving. Can you say bipolar? Yes, my body is seemingly bipolar. Equestria is a weird place to live in. I love it.

After falling out of the bed and lying on the carpet for a few seconds, before getting myself together. Slowly, since I was still getting used to having four legs, I got up and shook myself like a dog. Looking around, it didn’t take me long to recognize the room I was in, even though I barely saw it on the show. This was Celestia’s private study. I always thought she had an extra room that acted as her sleeping chambers. Did I remember it wrong?

But it didn’t matter anyway. The chase I recently went through was obviously still on my mind, but knowing that Princess Celestia brought me here...it somehow eased my mind. I didn’t get it either, I mean it wasn’t like we had any kind of strong emotional connection after personally knowing each other for what? A few days? And how much time did we spent together? A couple of hours? It really bothered me, but it wasn’t the priority thought on my mind right at that moment.

As fast as my body allowed, I made my way towards the door. The voices growing louder with each step. The soft carpet muffled my own steps, so nopony on the other side could hear me.

“-reason I am not further demoting you and your fellow guards is because I believe in second chances and that your worries might have had the slightest trace of legitimacy.” That voice belonged to Celestia, no doubt about that.

“B-but, your highness-”

“Enough!” Celestia almost shouted at the guard from earlier. I recognized his voice.

“While you might have had some small justification in apprehending Twivine initially, you had neither right nor reason to put a magic suppressor on Twilight! Do you have any idea how traumatizing that can be for a young filly?! Her parents are demanding that I have you, and everypony else involved, receive a dishonorable discharge! They've even spoken of taking legal actions against each individual guard! What were you thinking? Chasing a small filly through the streets of Canterlot? Throwing stun spells every direction in the middle of a busy market street?!"

Celestia’s voice got louder at the end. For a moment I expected the royal Canterlot voice to pop up.

"Thousands of bits will be needed to repair the city from this little rampage of yours, not to mention the restitution for the merchants whose livelihoods you damaged! And the property damage is far from the worst thing you accomplished! No. My Guard. The very guards that are to protect the citizens of this country, put those very ponies into danger. Sixteen ponies were injured in your chase. Six of them are serious. What were you thinking?"

“But, she’s n-n-not an adult yet...”

“Ahh, yes,” Celestia’s voice got really quiet here. You know the tone. The one that says ‘you think you’re clever do you– think again’ without actually saying it. “You refer to the clause I added to all the laws that require a pony to reach their majority before being granted the authority of their inherited title. Did you not know that Cadance, as an alicorn princess, earned her title by her own merit rather than inheriting? As there are only two alicorn princesses in the land, I expect you to be capable of remembering us. So if Cadance tells you that Twivine is not dangerous, you leave the little filly alone. If ANY alicorn princess tells you to do something, you do it! If a three year old alicorn filly tells you to baker her a cake, then you drop what you are doing, you go to the kitchens, and you bake her a CAKE!”

I was like: Wow. Did she really just said that? Wait, does that mean Celestia is technically ruling with an iron hoof? Oh Faust, I knew it. THE CAKE IS A LIE!

I don’t know if Celestia realized how dumb what she just said was. If she did, she ignored it.

“You’re dismissed, Private! I suggest you think about your actions while you’re suspended from duty.”

“Princess.” It sounded only half hearted. He probably saluted or something. Heck, I’m surprised he could even speak. That was brutal. Two seconds later, the sounds of hoofsteps could be heard on the other side of the door.

Faster than I would have thought, the door opened, with Princess Celestia on the other side. She looked frustrated to say the least, judging from her expression. It was interesting to see her without her “mask” for once, although as soon as she noticed that I was awake she put it back on.

“Twivine! You’re awake.”

She quickly bent down on my level and wrapped her wings around me. “Are you feeling better?”

“Mhm.” I couldn’t bring any words out right then.

“Oh sweetie, don’t worry. Those ponies won’t do anything to you anymore, I promise.”

I figured. You just...wait, you called him Private and threatened to demote him even further. How’s that supposed to work? The only thing under Private is Recruit. Even I know that.

“Is there anything I can bring to you? Maybe you want a treat?”

“Uh...where is the bathroom?”

About ten minutes later, Princess Celestia was talking to a female guard. There are way more of them around than was originally shown in the show. Given the gender ratio, this is not surprising at all.

“I need a list of everypony that might fit into the role as the new guard captain.”

“At once princess. Is there anything else?” the guard asked.

“Yes, how are negotiations with the thestrals getting along?”

To this the mare in armor looked disappointed. “Not good, your highness. Preconceptions on both sides are slowing things down significantly.”

“It looks like it was a mistake to- oh. Please excuse me, Lieutenant. I need to take care of our little guest. Come to my chambers in two hours, from now on. Dismissed, Lieutenant.”

“Princess.” the Lieutenant saluted. She looked at me for a second before walking away.

I crept up to Celestia, staying close to her legs. I was fighting the instinct to hide myself between them. You need to remember when reading these words: While I may sound calm, in all actuality I was scared. The events from earlier were still slowly sinking in, you know? It’s hard to explain so long afterwards.

“So Twivine. Do you want something to eat, maybe?” she asked me.

“No, thanks.” I replied, which was a straight up lie. I could easily go for something to eat, I just wasn’t in the mood to eat.

“If you say so. But remember: if you need anything, just tell me.”

“...Princess? Am I not in trouble?”

The alicorn’s head flinched back in surprise. “Why would you be in trouble, my little pony?”

“Because I attacked those guards and … I am the reason other ponies got hurt.” I replied, after some thinking. Seriously, as soon as I heard that others got actually hurt and needed to be treated in the hospital, although she never said that, I just felt bad. I wanted to bring up this issue immediately after the Princess discovered me, but didn’t came to bring it up at that point.

To no one’s surprise, the princess refuted my claims. She just pulled me in for another hug and gently stroked her wing along my back.

“Shh, it’s not your fault that you lost control. Don’t worry. I will teach you on how to control your magic. So, don’t feel bad anymore, okay?”

“Mhm.” Was my muffled reply from under her coat.

I could have snuggled with her for days, let me tell you. Sadly we didn’t even come close to it, because a hoofmaiden made herself known, by clearing her throat. We broke up immediately, upon hearing it.

“Excuse me, princess. Princess Cadance just arrived with the filly’s family. They’re waiting for you two at the lobby.”

“Ah, thank you Blue Clover. We’ll be on our way immediately. I hope you’ll enjoy your vacation.”

“Thank you, princess.” The maid bowed and was on her merry way.

“Now then, let’s get you back to your family. They’re eagerly waiting for you.”



“Why didn’t you bring me back to my home?” I asked, curious about why I ended up in the palace. By the way, it’s then that something in my brain finally clicked and I thought.

Oh my fucking Faust! I’m inside the palace of Canterlot!

“Ahaha. I wasn’t really thinking. On hindsight, I should have teleported us back to your home. I’m sorry.”

“SIS!” A purple blur rocketed into me, knocking me to the ground. I think my eyes even rolled in a cartoony way, because my vision was suddenly doubled. It was like looking at two TVs at the same time, with pictures rolling into different directions.

When my eyes came to a hold, I finally saw a teary eyed Twilight. She was pinning me down with her tiny hooves.

“T-Twilight? What’s wrong?”

“Twivine!” she cried out and wrapped her forelegs around my head. My fur was quickly soaked by her warm tears.

“I-I was so scared! I...I couldn’t feel my magic. And then...those ponies…”

More didn’t come out. She started to fully cry into my shoulder and it was up to me to comfort her. And don’t get me wrong, I really felt for her and was getting really mad at those guards. Still, I couldn’t help but look up a little helplessly at my parents, Shining Armor and Cadance. Spike was also there, sitting in a foal carrier, which hung down from Velvet’s neck.

Nightlight came around and took both of us into his forelegs.

“Shh, it’s alright sweetie. Everything is going to be alright,” he cooed.

“But what if….what if…” Her crying got even worse. I tried to calm her down myself by stroking her back, but it wasn’t really working.

I could hear the sounds of a baby through Nightlight’s fur. A few seconds later, Spike flew down, covered in a light purple aura. The tiny dragon was giggling, until he saw Twilight.

“Ahhh!” He stretched his arms out and reached out to her.

Velvet brought him to her, to which Twilight quickly grabbed the dragon with one of her forelegs and then pressed the reptile against both me and her. I don’t know how smart babies are here in Equestria, thinking about the cake twins right now. What he did was smiling at Twilight, grabbing her with his claws. It looked like he wanted to comfort her or make her stop crying. But it also just might have been him wanting to be close to his mother, some kind of instinct working here.

Whatever it was, I believe he wanted to comfort her. Also, at the point I realized how much ponies liked to cuddle The past couple of days I cuddled a lot, mostly with Twilight and now I was doing it again. If only the reasoning for it wouldn’t have been that stupid incident.

After ten minutes, which Velvet used to talk to the princess, Celestia I mean, she announced that we were going home. When we got out, I noticed the sun had almost set to start the night. By the time we got home, Celestia had raised Luna’s moon already with the dark goddess staring down at the planet.

Inside my stomach couldn’t take it anymore. My grumbling could be easily translated into: “Hey you fuckers! Fuel’s empty! Gimme some meat down here!”

I blushed a little when everyone looked at me. Well except for Spike. The little guy had fallen asleep on the way. How he didn’t wake up from the really loud growl, well I soon learned that he’s a heavy sleeper.

“Oh, you didn’t had anything to eat for the evening, did you?” asked Velvet.

I wordlessly shook my head.

“Night, can you bring Twilight and Spike to bed? I think for once we can make an exception, and let Twivine have something to eat this late.”

“Of course hon. Come on, Twilight.”

However my sister violently shook her head.

“I...I wanna stay with” she yawned “my sister.”

I looked to her a little confused. Twilight Velvet and Nightlight looked at each other worried and confused.

“Don’t worry Twily,” Shining Armor ruffled her mane a little. “I’ll stay with you, at least until Vi comes upstairs. Alright?”

Twilight blinked a little sleepy, before nodding. “‘kay.”

She began walking towards the stairs, our big brother supporting her all the way.

“Now then Twivine. How does a fruit salad sound?”

My stomach grumbled once again.

“Yeah. I have to agree with Joanne.”

By the way, my right hand’s name is lefty.

A slow morning

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Velvet and Nightlight just sat there on the table and watched me with concerned looks, while I kept myself busy eating the salad Velvet made me on a whim. If I’m honest, I was still a little traumatized, but the fact that those laser beams were just stun spells helped me cope with things. At least I now knew that the guards didn’t try to kill me. It still didn’t explain why they decided to use violence this quickly. But I was too tired to properly think about this kind of thing. As a result, I didn’t even finish my salad. I took my head out of the bowl, because that’s how ponies without magic eat out of one and ungracefully let it fall on the table.

“Are you alright, dear?” I heard Velvet asking.

“Tired.” was my very simple reply. The next thing I knew, I was floating through the air, Velvet carefully putting me on her back with her magic. The moment I touched her cuddly back, I instinctively snuggled deeper into her fur. I almost fell asleep by the small rhythm Velvet’s body was making, as she moved slowly around the house. Despite what one might think, I didn’t feel like I might fall off at any moment.

In the bathroom, Velvet gently brushed my teeth. I had trouble keeping my head in position the whole time. Afterwards, I was gently levitated out of the room and to my and Twilight’s room. Once there, we found Shining Armor gently rocketing Twilight back and forth. If I hadn’t been so tired myself, I would have d’awwed at the scene and grabbed myself some popcorn. Instead I just tried to climb into the bed in order to snuggle with the plushie sized Twilight. Shining Armor noticed me and was so nice to levitate me into bed. I fell asleep before I could even properly thank him.

The next morning I woke up, feeling Twilight’s hooves around my neck and my face pressed against her chest. I felt so comfortable I fell back asleep five minutes later and didn’t wake up again, until I felt Twilight moving. Opening my eyes, I found her looking at me with a relieved, yet sleepy expression. Seeing her like this, I couldn’t help myself. I rubbed my nuzzle against her cheek and tried to wrap my own legs around her body. But I was too tired to move them at all. Silently Twilight returned the nuzzle and so we stayed like this, nuzzling each other’s cheek and forgetting the world around us. Too bad the world didn’t seem to have forgotten us. We were startled, when the door to Twilight’s room was opened. I needed to let go of Twilight, which I only did reluctantly, to turn around in the bed. Entering our room was Twilight Velvet, who smiled down at us. However, everyone could see that the smile was a little forced.

“Good morning, dears. How about you come down and have breakfast with us?”

Me and Twilight both groaned, not really feeling up to it. Nevertheless, Twilight got onto her four hooves and jumped off the bed. I followed her example and landed flat on my face. It hurt. A lot.

“Sis!” Seemingly fully awake, Twilight ran over to me. Velvet scooped me up and looked worried.

“Are you alright? Does it hurt.”

“Yes and yes.” I said emotionless, more embarrassed about the whole thing, than anything really.

“Oh, you poor dear.” Velvet gently kissed my forehead.

“I’m fine, really.” I insisted, now blushing because of the kiss. Velvet was kind enough to let me down next to Twilight.

“Do you need a plaster? Analgesics? Antibiotics?”

I blinked. I blinked again. I never even heard the word “analgesics”.

“Why would I need antibiotics for hitting my face?” I asked.

“Because you might have cut yourself on the wooden floor, which might have left a splinter in a tiny wound on your face and if it gets infected-”

“Twilight.” Velvet thankfully interrupted her daughter. It sounded like she was about to turn into “Lesson Zero” Twilight. While fun, the episode had been disturbing enough.

“How about you go downstairs, while I check if there are any splinters in Twivine’s face?”

That cheered up the filly immediately. “Okay mom.” She nuzzled her mom’s leg, before trotting out of the room.

I looked with a deadpan expression to Velvet. “Is this going to be a thing now? Argh!”

“-and then you might hate yourself over failing, which causes you to get drunk in a bar, then lose consciousness, then get robbed, the next day you’ll wake up in a dirty alley, mom and dad will disown you-”



Velvets voice brought me back to reality. I shook my head clear of what just played in front of my inner eye, so to speak.

“Twivine, talk to me!” Velvet practically pressed her nuzzle against my own, to which I tried to shove her away, but was too weak to do so. The mare at least got the drift and pulled back a little.

“I’m...okay. More or less.”

“Does your head hurt?”

I took in a few more breaths, getting my thoughts back in order. These flashbacks are not as interesting as movies make them out to be. They’re just confusing as hell and sometimes even hurt.

“I just...saw...Twilight’s memories. Well, one of them.” I rubbed my temple with my hoof. It wasn’t as comfortable as it would have been with a hand.

“You saw…? Oh dear me. This is confusing.”

“Tell me about it.” I muttered. Before I knew it, Velvet scooped me up into hug and I found myself snuggling into her fur. The moment lasted about three seconds, until my stomach made it quite clear that I was out of fuel, so to speak. Velvet giggled, ruffling my mane.

“How about we go downstairs for some breakfast? I know I always feel better, when my stomach is full.”


With that we went downstairs or in my case stumbled. Funny, am I right? I ran a marathon just the other day and the next one I once again found it troubling to walk on four legs. I needed once again help with the stairs and Twilight Velvet was so nice to provide it.

In the kitchen, the mood was pretty dimmed. Twilight was the only one who had a smile on her face, as she was happily munching on her pancakes. Her mouth was covered in strawberry marmelade. She happily waved at us, as we entered, but didn’t say anything else. Shining Armor ate his bread slowly. I felt my ears folding back, upon seeing him so down. Nightlight looked at us shortly, before sipping on his coffee. It wasn’t hard to guess why everyone was so down. I was pretty surprised that Twilight of all ponies was in a good mood again.

After helping me up to a chair, Velvet asked me whether I wanted pancakes or something else. I told her that pancakes were fine and immediately got some on my plate.

“Do you want something with them?” Velvet asked.

“I’ll take the same as Twilight. And a hot chocolate, please” For the record, I love anything strawberry related.

Since I couldn’t use any magic, like the day before I threw dignity away and dug face first in. The taste of strawberries was well worth the sticky muzzle I was getting from this. Velvet was right, the food did improve my mood somewhat, but still, it was hard ignoring what happened as of recently. The gloomy atmosphere wasn’t exactly helping. Velvet seemed to share my opinion in that matter and started a conversation.

“So Nightlight, is Clip Board back at work?”

It took a while for the stallion to take the hint. And I almost choked on the name “Clip Board”. This was more than just ridiculous.

“Yes, he’s back from his vacation.” The blue pony nodded. “He said he’d recommend Fillydelphia anytime.”


“He also said, he and his wife filled four rolls of film from taking pictures.” he rolled his eyes. “I swear that stallion never changes. Always overdoing things and such.”

“Hmm, maybe we should invite them over for coffee.”

“Now honey, let’s give them some time to actually settle down.” Nightlight stated. “They just got back after all.”

“Hmm, I guess you’re right.” Velvet nodded. She then turned to Shining Armor, who hadn’t been really listening to the conversation. He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts and who could blame him, really? Yesterday was traumatizing for all of us.

“Shining Armor.” Velvet addressed her son.

“Hmm?” he looked up, his bread flying a little lower in his pink magic grasp. I never liked the color. It didn’t fit him.

“Is there a news around your friend circle?”

“...Not really.” The stallion shrugged. He looked down on his bread and then decided to down it in one go. I tilted my head, still chewing on my own breakfast. Out of nowhere I had a napkin on my face, cleaning it of the sticky marmalade. I looked over and found Nightlight smiling at me.

“I think I’m gonna-”


The loud wailing caught us all of guard. I was then remembered that one family member had been missing this entire time.

“Oh dear, looks like little Spike is finally awake. I’ll be right back.” Her hooves clip clopped on the ground, as she made her way out of the kitchen and upstairs. I looked after her, until she was out of my sight. I then looked over to Twilight, who was grinning at me excitedly.

“Isn’t that great? We’re going to be able to teach Spike how to read very soon!”

“Very soon?” I tilted my head again. While speaking, I noticed how dry my throat felt dry, so I moved the cup near, so I could safely take a sip without spilling anything.

“Don’t you think it’s a little early to think about this?”

“Of course, not! Preparation is half the work!” she said proudly.

“Sure…” I trailed off. “But I think he should learn to talk first.”

The crying stopped all of the sudden, meaning Velvet must have been taken care of Spike.

“Anyways” Shining announced “I think I’ll be out for a bit.” He said, levitating his dishes over to the sink. With a loud clank, they dropped inside without much grace.

“All right? Have fun.” Nightlight called after him.

I frowned after seeing this, but didn’t comment on it. Twilight appeared to be unhappy as well, but her mood brightened once again, when Velvet came back into the kitchen with Spike sitting on her back. Little gem pieces were sticking around his lips.

“Good morning, Spike!” Twilight waved with her forelegs happily. The dragon in response let out some baby sounds and stretched his tiny arms towards the purple unicorn. Nightlight pulled up a baby chair with his magic, in which Velvet placed the baby dragon. Twilight then leaned over to him, nuzzling the little drake, who used the opportunity to lick her face clean of the marmelade. I giggled at the sheer adorableness of the sight. That is until I noticed Spike hungrily gazing upon my tail.

Breakfast afterwards was pretty much uneventful. Nightlight and Velvet were discussing adult stuff (something about taxes) and me and Twilight were more worried about filling our stomachs, rather than talking. I ate so much at the end, I thought I had transformed into a round ball of evil adorableness. Velvet, Nightlight and Twilight cleaned up the table, leaving me and Spike out. Since I couldn’t really use magic, at least not without destroying the house, I sat this one out.

Later, when everything was done, Velvet asked us: “So girls, what do you want to do today?”

“Read books!” Twilight cheered, clapping her hooves. Spike tried to mimic her action, emphasizing on trying.

Velvet almost rolled her eyes, but looked over to me. I just smiled and nodded in agreement. After all, I had a lot to learn.

“Okay.” she sighed. “If you need anything, your father and me will be downstairs.”

“Okay mommy! Come on, sis!”

“Hey, wait up! I got a dragon on my tail!” Again!

With baby Spike biting my tail, I tried as quickly as possible to head upstairs. With the little guy as extra weight, it turned out to be a real workout. I had to catch my breath, once I was upstairs, until I could move on. Of course I tried to get Spike to let go of my tail, gently, but the baby didn’t seem to get the hint and just chewed on. When we finally made it inside, Twilight was already prancing around, impatiently waiting for us with an admittedly cute frown on her face.

“What took you so long?”

In response, I moved my body around, in order for her to see Spike. Her face immediately brightened and she even dared to giggle at the sight. She walked over to the dragon and wrapped her hooves around him. Immediately, IMMEDIATELY, he let go of my tail and let Twilight settled him to the ground. The dragon then proceeded to chew on his tail.

“So, what book should we read?” Twilight asked me, bouncing right in front of me. I couldn’t help but giggle.

“How about...A magical Guide for beginners?” I blinked. The words just came out on their own.

Twilight got a thoughtful expression on her face, which turned into a smile once again. “Good idea! We still need to work on your magic after all.”

You know, I never mentioned the potted plant in Twilight’s room. That’s because she doesn’t have one anymore. The word “magic” SOMEHOW triggered a little thought process in my head, which made me summon a vine out of the pot. The plant got not only kicked out, but was also shredded by the thorns. I looked over to Twilight worried.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Twilight. I-I-”

“Uh...it’s fine…”


Twilight shrugged, her horn lightening up. “I didn’t like that plant anyway.” A small shovel and broom flew into the room, cleaned the mess up and flew away. Twilight then jumped onto the bed, carrying Spike with her, using magic.

“Come on.” she patted on the spot next to her. “We have a lot of reading to do.”

Well that happened. I have never ever seen anyone being so passionate about reading. I have a feeling I’m gonna miss the internet very soon.