Counting Cherries

by Wizard_of_Love

First published

A story based on 2 seconds of "Party Pooped", a story about the dangers of procrastinating and having to rush work (Warning: Watersports)

WARNING: Contains watersports (desperation, watching, a little bit of drinking), wet dreams (no pun intended), irrelevant futa and badly written southern accent

Cherry Jubilee told Pinkie Pie she was up all night counting cherries when she hit her with the outhouse door. So, what happened that night?

Counting Cherries

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“Well, ah told y’all we shoulda been counting these cherries 3 days ago! Now we needa pick up the pace for the Crystal Empire delivery tomorrow!” Cherry Jubilee was telling her workers, trying to not use an angry tone with them.

“Just a quick bathroom break, please!” One of her helps plead, with the three others nodding in agreement.

“We’ll be lucky if we can even sleep with this many cherries. Now get on counting, we need at least a tad bit of sleep so we don’t fall down a ravine. Again...”

The helpers returned to their work, trying their best to hold it in. Little did they know, their boss also needed some good relief, but she was used to this by now, she didn’t even show signs of needing to go. But they were still only halfway on the counting, and little by little, cherry by cherry, her bladder was getting very full. After 2/3 of her pile, she was starting to feel pretty uncomfortable. Specially because those were the hottest days in Dodge City and she couldn’t stop drinking water. The boys weren’t feeling so thirsty, so they just carried on, counting cherries endlessly, with no time for a toilet break.

Of course, after a while, ms. Jubilee was feeling the need to go the most, but she couldn’t do it; if she took a break, everyone should, and she couldn’t let it happen. Finally, everyone counted their cherries and so it was time to sum it all up. Each one said a number in the house of eighty-three thousand, which show that every pile was equally divided for all five of them.

“Alrighty boys. Four hundred seventeen thousand, two hundred and thirty four. Jus’ like our last count, so everything is pretty dandy. Let’s... rest a little before we go on the long trip to the Crystal...” Just as she was saying that, she fell asleep, and she didn’t even notice all her four helpers were already fallen on the ground, despite everyone’s bladders being close to burst.

While in her sleep, Cherry Jubilee had a dream. She was walking alone on a small cherry-like planetoid. When she got close to the stem, she saw a pony walking out from behind it. It was Applejack, but she could see a half erect cock in the middle of her legs and her bedroom eyes looking directly at her. This was a kinda common dream of Jubilee, except from being on a giant cherry and what came next.

“Hello, sugar cube.” AJ was putting a deep sexy tone on her voice. “I’ve been wantin’ your cherry for a while now, every since mah friend Twi found this spell.” She said, pointing between her legs. “But ah jus’ need to do somethin’ before we can go on.”

“Sure AJ, sweetheart, what might that be?”

“ah don’t wanna sound rude but... ah really need to take a piss and ah reckon there’re no toilets in uhh... this place”

“Ohh... this place is pretty darn empty. A-ah’ll turn to the other side.” Cherry said, blushing.

“Well, ah wouldn’t mind if you watched me, if you have no problem with it too.” AJ bit her lips, as this was apparently one of her fetishes in this dream land.

“ah guess, s-sure.”

And with this, AJ turned her back on Cherry, took a few steps for distance and raised her tail and plot, letting her vagina fully visible. And without waiting a second, she let the stream flow. The spell doesn’t connect the bladder with the new appendage, so her urine was coming from the normal urethra. She let out a relieved sigh and then the stream grew stronger, pooling all around her hooves and getting closer to Jubilee.

And she was awestruck. Perhaps dream-AJ had this fetish because it was one of her own, but there’s no time for psychological analysis. But the stream seemed endless, and had no sign that it was going to stop. It felt like many minutes passed, and our Cherry was dripping. She was holding her water too, but it was a liquid of excitement that was dripping.

The next moment she just decided to go nuts with that. She got closer to her friend and decided to have a drink of her cider. It was like the sweetest apple juice, albeit a bit salty. But she absolutely adored it. Then, she gave her a lick while gulping, making a mess on AJ’s plot.

“Aah! Ah had a feelin’ you’d be into that, sugar cube. And just in time, ah’m almost done.”

The stream was finally getting thinner and came to a full stop a few seconds after.

“Open wide.” AJ told her as she let out a last spurt right into her mouth. She looked around and saw the large pool she left. “Whoa, ah really needed that. Now it’s yer turn.”

“Huh?” Cherry got surprised while she was licking her partner clean.

“As much as ah’d love yer tongue, ah know you need to go too, and ah’d love to watch.”

“Yes, ah do. Ah really need to. But ah don’ wanna make as much of a mess as you did. Can you help with that, perhaps?”

“Ah sure can, ma’am. Ah sure can”

Cherry spread her legs and lifted her tail. AJ got her mouth below her and every breath of anticipation would send shivers through Jubilee, making her wink rapidly.

“H-here comes.” She tried, but she couldn’t for some reason. And she kept pushing and pushing until she got a little spurt out. One so much needed spurt that she felt it in real life.


Back to reality, Cherry Jubilee had her tail lifted dripping with exciment. Until suddenly, another liquid came, and with its heat, made her jump up worried.

“Oh gosh, stop it, stop it! Ah... phew. Ah can’t even move right.” She said, stumbling through as fast as she could to get to the nearest outhouse, the one close to the train station. She noticed that her boys were already up, and when she got there, she was horrified. They were all in line, one of them presumably using it right now.

“Oh Celestia... Uhh, can Ah cut the line, please?”

“No, ms. Jubilee, ah’m sorry but ah need it too, we all do. Jus wait a lil’ bit, we’re gonna be quick.”

How they could keep themselves upright with this much pressure, she didn’t know. She tried to do that too, but it was impossible, she was trembling on her legs, and each one using the outhouse took about a little over one minute, which felt like eternity. She had to wait four eternities before she could use it, and thinking about her dream didn’t help. Even counting anything on her head sounded dreadful after last night. So she just waited, shifting around like Pinkie Pie when she was... well, being herself.

Just one more to go. For one second, she slept on the spot, but immediately woke with a jump that made her spurt out some more. Luckily, no one seem to have noticed, but she was starting to think if she wasn’t going to make it, she would just lose it right there, making her feel terrified, yet aroused. But she wasn’t going to try it now, not when she was so close. She needed to show resiliency!

Finally, the last one flush. And yes, the more advanced outhouses, which looked like japanese toilets, were installed in the spots of interest, like the train station. Most ponies had their own primitive outhouse, while some like Cherry Jubilee would have indoor plumbing. Too bad they had to count cherries on a shed near the station and the ranch was so far from there.

Cherry rushed inside faster than Rainbow Dash and couldn’t even put the lock right. After a while of “horror movie locking/unlocking tactics”, she got it. She quickly turned herself around, lifted her tail and lowered her backend all in one swift movement and...

“A-aah!” Cherry let out a muffled gasp as her urine was escaping her body. She couldn’t handle it, so it was just a quick trickle. Breathing in and out, with one last breath, she finally let it all go. In a slow, steady and very enjoyable stream.

“Oh sweet Celestia!” She whispered “ah’ve never been so full before. It almost hurts, but it’s also so goood~!”

(ah wonder...) she was thinking to herself. Before finishing that thought, she put one of her forelegs where the stream was falling, feeling the warmth on her hoof. She then lifted it to her mouth, giving a quick lick.

(Not as sweet as ah’d thought in that dream, but better than ah imagined, really.) She then put her hoof back down, together with her other one, spreading her labia and increasing the power, touching her back to the wall.

(W-whoa nelly! Am ah gonna cum just from peeing? O-oh sweet Celestia, ah needed that.) Her thoughts were getting hazier, and her piss was just splashing around the toilet, on her butt and her legs. She really had an orgasm right there, and she almost fell, shooting both her “Cherry juices” on the bottom of the door.

While her stream stopped, it came back, very weakly, the last bit that she had falling on the toilet and stopping on a trickle that wet her bits some more. There was just one problem: Only 4 pieces of paper left.

(Dangit! guess ah gotta dry mah hooves... and mah legs... and mah lady parts... with jus’ this) She carefully used each piece to dry her legs and hooves, but she couldn’t fully dry the other parts.

(Ah, well, during mating season you gotta walk around wet almost all the time... ah can live with that.)

She took one last look before flushing. It was a wonderful mess and she wanted to do something but it was impossible and she was on a hurry. So, she had to leave. When she opened the door wide, showing a very relieved look on her face, something pink hit the door.