
by LoganofBuals

First published

Spotlight has just realized that nopony cares about him. He must learn to correct his foalish ways.

Spotlight was a Canterlot born and raised colt with a disrespectful attitude and an immature personality. He believed that he was the greatest stage pony ever to have been born, even though he only had three background roles due to his mothers persuasion. However, Spotlight's mother has finally built up the courage to throw him out of their home so he can learn to, finally, grow up. Spotlight must face the harsh reality that is life and show the world that he really could be a great actor. His head high and his hooves planted firm in the ground, Spotlight plans on earning five different things in order to make his life whole. Fame, fortune, love, happiness, and maybe a doctor to remove the glass shards from his head.

Chapter 1: Burning Bridges

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“I don’t care where you go or what you do, Spotlight. Just let me have my life back!”

Those were the last words Spotlight ever heard from his mother. These words lingered inside the harvest-gold unicorn’s mind on the train ride from Canterlot.

“You know what I really think? You’re pathetic!”

Those words pounded his mind like a cannon firing at a stone wall. But, these phrases were just pieces of a quarrel that his memory wouldn’t allow him to remember. The acting pony’s conscious was battered enough from the beating his head took somehow. The light gold unicorn couldn’t even remember why he was so badly bruised. He only knew what it would be like had just gotten in a boxing match with Muhammane Ali. He couldn’t even attempt to recall what happened without giving him the worst headache he’d ever felt. He tried distracting himself by counting the trees that the locomotive had passed, or playing the single most boring game of “I Spy” he had ever played. Neither of those did any good towards ridding the bad thoughts from his head. Spotlight couldn’t keep his mind from replaying every single detail of the fight that brought both him and his only parent to tears.

Spotlight had to do better than play train riding games to distract himself. He needed something to keep himself from sobbing. The unicorn’s head tilted away from the speeding trains window and to the other occupants of the lower-class train cart. He gazed at a brown earth pony with a ridiculous mustache and camera sitting behind Spotlight. A lime green unicorn was sitting in the most odd fashion across the aisle from the acting pony, and an old stewardess mare with a ghost-white mane and a lack of teeth. Oh dear Celestia! Were these ponies even allowed in Canterlot? The light gold unicorn thought that maybe there was more to these ponies than meets the eye, but come on! You had a tourist, a freak, and an ugly hag!

Spotlight tried his hardest not to show a look of disgust on his face. The unicorn turned back to the window, trying to think of more pleasant thoughts than that bitter mare’s wretched face. His thoughts drifted back to where it tried to escape from before...

“Oh Celestia, what am I going to do?” The Unicorn muttered under his breath.

The Canterlot unicorn allowed his head to plop right on to the table in front of him as he began to get a grasp on why he was here. Why would that crazy old mare abandon her only child? She wouldn’t do that to her own flesh and blood just because they had a disagreement. It would go against every single maternal instinct she possessed. No, this had a deeper meaning to it. The light-gold unicorn lifted his head to stare out the window.

“The one time I need you to remember, and you can’t even think straight,” Spotlight muttered to himself while staring at his reflection. “Maybe there’s a reason I’m here in the first place.”

He was onto something. What if the reason he couldn’t remember was because something traumatic he witnessed! No, that couldn’t be it. If it was something he witnessed, he’d probably wouldn’t have been forced to move to the first hick-town he could find. Was it something that he said? That certainly wasn’t a terrible idea. It might of been something somepony said to him. Of course! His mother must’ve said something to make go into shock! Or something along those lines. Spotlight was no psychiatrist, but he knew what could happen to a young colt’s mind if it was brought disturbing information. What could she have said to cause trauma of that magnitude? What horrible eve-...

“Can I get you something?”

“Wait! I...wha?”

“Food? Drink? Whaddya want? I don’t got all day, kid.”

The stewardess pony’s had finally decided to get off her haunches and work.

“Ya alright kid? Ya look like ya got suckerpunched by a bottle.”

“Huh?...Yeah I’m alright. J-... just give me a moment.”

That was exactly why he was bruised. This realization made Spotlight remember what happened. The stewardess only gave Spotlight a dirty look in response as she pushed her snack cart down the aisle. Spotlight wasn’t concerned about the lack of food in his belly. However, he was about to discover what his mind had blotted out.

Spotlight was beginning to remember the events that brought him to his sudden amnesia...


Limelight had been trotting been impatiently around the house for over an hour now. She had been for up all night waiting for her son to return back home. Her hooves were sore and even starting to blister from her constant pacing. The white earth pony was too angry to acknowledge the pain, for you see, tonight was the night that Limelight was going to tell off her son for humiliating her again. She was really going to torch his flank for his intolerable behavior. Limelight had to make a stand now or face the consequence of having raised an inconsiderate jerk. She felt the adrenaline flowing passing her heart, just as it began beating faster. It felt amazing! The thought of bringing down that little twerp gave her a devious smile on her face. It was going to be the greatest feat she had ever accom-...

“ I’ll see you colt cuddlers later! “

Limelight’s ears pricked up at the sound of the light gold unicorn’s farewell. It was definitely Spotlight. The white unicorn knew this was him because Spotlight was the only unicorn in all of Canterlot to shout his vulgar goodbyes at 3:30 in the morning. What was wrong with that child? Why didn’t she teach him any sense of guilt or consideration? She made her way over to her expensive sofa. She had this part planned out. Spotlight would walk in the door and see his mother on the sofa. She’d calmly ask her impolite colt to sit on the sofa across from her. He’d then proceed to feel the wrath of the crimson red fury that was burning inside her for so long now. Limelight would then (after snapping the uncouth unicorn out of his carefree attitude) proceed to bare her heart and soul. This would make Spotlight realise how his actions had affected the ones he loved. He would have no other choice but to change his ways. It was going to be absolutely marvelous.

The white unicorn sat upright on her expensive sofa with a sinister grin on her face. She heard her light gold son whining of how much his “swag” was making his privates exhausted as he walked to his Canterlot home. Dear sweet Celestia! Who taught him this? Everypony is sworn by oath to never speak publicly of these things! Spotlight was committing a crime that could destroy a foal’s innocence or even tarnish the once beautiful act of intercourse! Nopony talks about it because it’s supposed to be revealed to them when they finally make the decision to be with their special somepony for the rest of their life. Spotlight’s blurting these things out as if it he was being paid hard cash to do so! Was he really trying to taint the air with his vulgar language? The light gold unicorn’s rancid words only made Limelight more furious as she heard the front door slam open.

Spotlight didn’t even care that his mother was up this late this well. In fact, he was a little annoyed by this act.

“I keep telling you this, mother. You don’t have to wait for me to come home because I don’t care if you know or not.” The light gold unicorn informed.

“Shut the door, son.”

The unicorn’s horn shined a beautiful gold as it began manipulating the door. Spotlight’s smile began to run away from his face as he closed the door with an annoyed moan.

“Jeez, what’s your deal?”

“Sit. Now.” Spotlight could feel the anticipation in her heart as phase one ran its course.

“Eh, could this wait ‘til morning? It’s just that, me and Baritone were at the Canterlot park when he said that I wasn’t an actor ‘til I made fooled somepony into thinking I was going to run up to them and ra-”


Well, so much for calmly asking. It did do the trick though. The immature acting pony obeyed as he slowly made his way to the other sofa. Spotlight plopped himself on the sofa and began examining his hooves in disinterest.

“What do you want, mom? I don’t want to be sitting here all night listening to you talk about your day.”

“Actually, I’m not gonna talk about my day while you daydream. I’m going to tell you what is what while you pay attention for once in your life!”

Good start, Limelight! A strong, stern tone of voice and a game changing statement right off the bat. That should get his attention. There’s no going back now. It’s time to unleash your Royal Canterlot voice and release the fire that you’ve been waiting for over 10 years to release on this horrible menace!

“Now how about you explain WHY Y-”

“Let me stop you right there, mom. I apparently need to explain this to you.”

Wait, what? What was he doing? He is going to ruin Limelight’s entire heart to heart moment!

“I didn’t think I need to tell you but I guess your thick skull can’t comprehend the obvious signs.”

Did he just really say that? Limelight was beginning to skip the anger and dive straight into despair.

“I don’t care what you think, mother. I haven’t even listened to you since I graduated from the theatre academy. Everything you say is just white noise to me. Now can I head to my room so I can get some sleep?” The light-gold unicorn told his mother as he got off the sofa.

Limelight’s couldn’t believe her own ears as they drooped down to the side of her head. She couldn’t even muster a good enough retort to make him feel any sympathy. She felt a pain in her chest that only could be described as a sort of heart deterioration.

“...Is that what you really think, Spotlight?”

“Ladies and Gentlecolts, put your hooves together for my mothers only notable accomplishment.” Spotlight’s sarcasm was a bit heavier with that statement, as if was intentionally trying to destroy Limelight using only his words.

“...well know what I think?” The white earth pony said with a hint of despair.

“No, nor do I have any desire to hear what a mare has to say. Specifically, what this old hag of a mare is saying.”

Limelight could feel tears welling up in her eyes. She needed to act fast before she would forvever lose all power to her son. But what could she do? She couldn’t say anything to make Spotlight see how much of a tool he had become, and she couldn’t ground him because he wasn’t a little colt anymore. There was only one thing she could do to make Spotlight realize his foalish ways.

“Get out...”

And that one thing was to abandon him.

“Come again?” Spotlight asked while getting up from the couch.

“Go to your room, pack anything you need to start a new life, and get out of my house!”

Limelight could feel tears dripping down her cheeks. The director pony no longer felt angry at her actor son. She could only feel the bitter feelings of sadness and regret welling inside of her. Limelight had to use her own acting skills to pretend to be angry and assertive, but her acting skills won’t cover her pain for long. She could feel her maternal instincts kicking in. Everything in her body told her to turn back now, but Limelight couldn’t turn back. The crying mare needed to do this for the good of Spotlight and herself.

“ don’t really mean that. You’re just being pouty over the fact that I now run the show. Now quit being so-”

“NO! You are not the boss of me! I am your mother and I DEMAND that you leave!”

Limelight broke down into tears. She felt almost shameful for her sadness. She brought her hooves up to her face to hide her tears from the colt she’s supposed to be mad at.

“B-but you can’t kick me out on the street! I’m your son!” Spotlight angrily re-butled.

“But you’re not a child anymore! You’re sixteen years old now, Spotlight. Most ponies your age already have their own homes and jobs. Some of them have even started their own families! All you’ve accomplished is convinced everypony in Canterlot that I am a terrible mother. You’re”

Limelight’s miserable cries wouldn’t let her finish the thought. There was no sense in hiding her pain anymore. She could tell her son was paying attention to that.

“Oh come on, mom! Quit crying! What was that thing that you’ve always said? Oh yeah, that’s it! An actor never breaks character and never shows his or her true emotions.”

“Well how about a new saying. An actor should never make his mother feel like she has failed at raising her son. Or how ‘bout this one? An actor should never make his mother ashamed to show her face in public. Not good enough? Okay, here’s another one! An actor shouldn’t cause other ponies to say terrible things about the ones who raised him while he parades around town! Is that a good enough motto for you Spotlight!”

Spotlight’s stunned look gave off a look of tremendous shock and fear. This couldn’t be happening! His mother is acting unreasonably. He’d better think of something to make this better. The light gold colt approached his mother cautiously with a fake smile on his face.

“There there, uhm, mother. Y-you win. I’ll want to ,err, know what you really think.”

“You know what I really think? You’re pathetic!”

Limelight’s head slowly rose from her tear soaked hooves. She needed to end this quickly.

“Okay. Now, why do you think I’m pathetic?” Spotlight asked his mother. He figured he could sort this out by “listening” to her problems. His friends would always do this when their fillyfriends were all moody. “Is there something specific that I’ve done wrong, mother dearest?”

“You cannot be this clueless!” Limelight answered back to her quizzical son. “Y-You’ve ruined my life! I can’t even go outside my own home without our neighbors talking bad about me. I have to bribe the royal guards everyday just to keep you and your idiot friends from getting thrown in jail for disturbing the peace. And believe me when I say that the bribes I now am forced to give go way beyond paying money...”

Spotlight was completely blindsided by this information. There was no way his mother was just feeling moody. He was gonna have to really do something to fix this emotional wound he created.

“Uh-...So you...had t-to, know...with the royal guards?”

Like most ponies his age, Spotlight was very unaware on how ponies reproduce. It was a sacred act that two ponies who are in an incredible amount of love perform when they promise to be with each other forever. It is also a law that one cannot reveal what the act of said love making includes of. That’s what was taught to Spotlight when he was a little colt. His friends, however, have all lied their own ways into a mare’s bedroom and have told Spotlight some tiny hints to what sex is like. The actor pony still didn’t quite understand it, but he still knew a little about the subject.

“Yes, I had to. They threatened to lock you in the Canterlot Dungeon with the rest of the scum that roams these streets.” Limelight confessed with much regret.

“Hey! I am not scum! I have wowed audiences with my incredible and numerous performances on stage. That’s the son you really raised!” Spotlight raised a hoof to wipe a tear off of his mother’s face, but his she only swatted it away.

“Oh give me a break. The only shows you got into were the ones that either I was directing! I made you a background character when you were six so you can feel like you have a gift in something!”

“You know for a fact that I’ve been more shows than just “A Hearth-Warming’s Carol”. What about the last three shows that I’ve been in?”

“The only way they would accept you was if I agreed to fund their projects. I nearly lost everything so you could feel like you weren’t a failure. Pfft! Big mistake on my part.”

Spotlight felt like this couldn’t be fixed by just listening. He was needs to show his mother that he can change! Then everything would be back to normal. He just needs to use his charisma to get him out of another bend.

“Listen, if there’s anything I can do to fix th-”

“Oh, no you don’t! You’re not weaseling out of this one!”

Limelight rose from the couch and leapt to the floor.

“Can you at least h-...”, Spotlight was interrupted by a his mother walking away from him into the kitchen. He waited for a moment before a fairly large object flew at him from the kitchen. He used his magic to catch it before it smashed his muzzle. Limelight returned to the living room to finally finish the mess she had started.

“Here is a coin purse with 3,000 bits in it. I don’t care what you spend it on.”

“What am I supposed to buy w-”

“I DON’T CARE, SPOTLIGHT! I don’t care about your problems anymore! I don’t care about your thoughts or opinions anymore! I don’t care if you agree with this decision or not! I don’t even care if you blow it all in a bar and find yourself homeless. Now go and pack your things before I call the guards on you.”

Spotlight had nothing to rebuttal with. He was afraid to say anything else. The surprised colt realized that trying to weasel his way out this may not be possible. He thought of crying, but he was always taught that tears were a little filly thing to do. The only thing he could do is go into his room and pack his things. This is crazy! Spotlight wasn’t a failure. He had loads of accomplishments. Why, just recently, he....well... okay, so he didn’t do anything recent. But, back when he was a little colt, he was a background pony for a well known production! That has got to be worth something.

Spotlight sighed. He knew that it wasn’t anything worth noting. In fact, all of his achievements in life aren't even worth bringing up in a conversation. He had come to the realization that his life is meaningless.

Spotlight proceeded to his room - a disgusting clump of various colognes, posters of saucy mares, giant gold participation awards, and ‘swag’ (gold chains, Hay-Ban sunglasses, lifting weights, ect.) Spotlight approached his dresser with much dismay. Was this really the last time he’d be in this room? He had so many memories that he was leaving behind. He couldn’t just leave those behind. But, unfortunately, this was indeed the case for him. His bag was packed and ready for the departure. It was time for him to leave his old life behind. Time for Spotlight to leave behind the mother he hurt so bad and the city that despised him. Spotlight entered the living room only to find his mother on the couch with a bottle of punch on the table - already half empty. She was still bawling her eyes out. On the end table near the door was a bag of 3000 bits. Spotlight levitated the bag into his saddlebag.

Spotlight proceeded to open the door with his magic, but he stopped himself. He didn’t want to leave his home or his mother. He may not have respected her worth one bit but he still was loved his mother. He could feel tears welling in his eyes. Spotlight turned around to ask his mother one last question.

“Are you sure you don’t want me?”

Limelight looked up to see her son giving his best puppy dog face she’d ever witnessed. Before she could reply, Spotlight interrupted her.

“I still love you more than anything ever.”

Limelight couldn’t even say anything. Her son was showing her love for the first time in four years and she was gonna just kick him to the curb. The regret-filled mother knew that the next words out of her were going to screw this event up for the worst. So, she answered in the only way she could get the message into Spotlight’s head. Spotlight raised the punch bottle from the table and launched it towards her son’s face. He didn’t have enough time to catch the bottle with his magic. He felt the hard crash of the bottle against his skin as he fell into the street. After that was just a blur of him stumbling to the train station, attempting to remain conscious. The tears he tried so hard to hide had been knocked out by the bottle’s impact. He was battered, bleeding, and crying like a foal. He needed to leave Canterlot. The light gold unicorn knew that he couldn’t stay with friends. He needs to start a new life somewhere else. Spotlight was going to buy the first ticket out of this place. He had the issue of staying awake with a bleeding head wound, though. Spotlight could barely walk without passing out. He was too close to the train station to let his injuries get the best of him. Spotlight began biting his lip as he trudged toward to the station. He could pass out on the train if he wanted to do so, but he actually needed to get there first. Spotlight proceeded to stumble to the station, buy his ticket, and get on the first train out of Canterlot. FInally, he can shut his dreary, tear filled eyes, and rest...

Spotlight’s eyes gently began to stare at the quarter-risen sun as his eyes cracked open. He lifted his drooly head from the table in front of him. The quick realization of what happened felt like an icicle had just fallen off of a roof and into his frontal lobe. The unicorn was in a regret induced hangover. Spotlight raised his hoof to his face to find exactly where the bottle had hit him. The welt was still tender, but was nowhere near the pain that his heart was feeling.

“I-....I-I’m a monster!...” Spotlight exclaimed to himself. He knew that wherever he was going, he’d have to change his act or he would become completely alone for the rest of his life.

Next chapter: Wake-up Call

Chapter 2: Wake Up Call

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Chapter 2: Wake up Call

“Rise and shine, sweetheart.”

Spotlight cracked an eye to see where this voice came from. His vision blurred, his head throbbing, and his front hoofs soaked with saliva and tears, Spotlight could barely rise and refused to shine. The unicorns head rose to properly see who was talking to him. Of course, it was the stewardess hag from last night.

“Gah!” Spotlight exclaimed as he jumped from the seat under him.

“What’s the matter with you, kid?”

“Me? Oh, I- uh, I mean nothing, you just startled me.”

The stewardess really wasn’t that ugly, and Spotlight wasn’t really startled. However, he was so used to over dramatizing other ponies flaws that it just became second nature to treat ugly people like they were hideous monsters.

“Whatever. Anyway, we’re here. Get your things and get out.”

Spotlight looked out his window and saw that the train had indeed stopped. The rest of the train’s passengers had left as well. In fact, the train was already beginning preparations to depart again.

“You’re lucky I remembered ya, kid. Or else you’d be in Fillydelphia.”

“Oh, right. Thank you, ma’am.”

Spotlight gathered his things and proceeded off the train and onto the station platform. Spotlight gazed out into Ponyville as if it was some alien planet. The ponies here looked as if they didn’t have a care in the world. Back in Canterlot, everypony would act uptight and proper. However, these ponies seemed to have an extra bounce in their step. That’s not the only difference either. The mares out number the stallions at least ten to one. There still were more mares in Canterlot, but this was just insane. It was a shame that Spotlight had sworn to be respectful of mares, otherwise he’d be a foal in a candy shop right now. The most important thing he noticed is that everypony was nude. It’s not like that was a terrible thing, but it was certainly something worth noting.

Spotlight began his path down the dirt road. He occasionally glanced up at the almost primitive buildings. Compared to Canterlot’s castle like homes and structures, it appeared as though he was in a town filled with old fashioned hics and disgustingly loving hippies.

“Snap out of it.” Spotlight reminded himself. Though this wasn’t what he was on the inside, he must bear the facade of a nice person. Maybe it would turn out better for him in the long run.

Spotlight continued trotting through downtown Ponyville, searching for a certain filly that he’d known back in his acting academy. Her name was Clockwork, and she was the head tech-mare. Meaning she was one of the ponies that handled the props, curtains, lighting cues, building sets, etc. And as he recalled, Clockwork was one of the few ponies that would tolerate Spotlight’s terrible attitude. Spotlight slowed his pace a little as he began to remember her during his days as a young colt. It slowly came back to him....


It was opening night for The Canterlot Royal Academy of Performing Art’s production of “Hoofloose”. The Academy's royal auditorium was just beginning to have guests arrive. Spotlight had never been so excited in his life. This was going to be his last show before his graduation, and he wanted to really impress the audience. He mainly wanted to impress a certain demographic of the audience though. And the demographic he was seeking was the talent scouts. He knew the talent scouts would always come see each graduating production at the academy to see if they could find more clients to represent. Since they mainly pandered to the graduating classes, Spotlight finally felt like he could have his chance. The light gold colt peeked his head out of the grand curtain to see who had arrived already. He was so excited that he could feel tingles run down from his mane to his tail. Odd how the tingles in his tail wouldn’t let up. His tail then let out the sensation of being yanked as the rest of his body was pulled from the curtain and onto the stage behind.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” A voice asked from behind Spotlight.

Spotlight swiveled his body over to see who was about to lecture him. His eyes greeted the frustrated look of his good friend, Clockwork. She was on tech duty for the musical, and was in charge of making sure that both the actors and the other techies were on time and focused. Meaning that the Red-Brown filly had to crack the whip extra hard for tonight's performance.

“Oh hey, Clockwork! How’s it hangin’,” Spotlight greeted as he got up and straightened his costume.

“It would be going better if you weren’t wreaking havoc backstage,”

“Oh come on, I haven’t done anything,”

“Really, because somepony has been messing with the four wagons for the wagon racing scene,”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,”

“We found your gold chain in one of the wagons,”

“So Baritone and I were using the wagons,”

“Baritone isn’t even involved with the show!”

“At least we didn’t break anything,”

“Two of the wagons have broken axles and missing wheels”

“Well it’s a good thing that nothing happened to the other two wagons,”

“Just forget it...” Clockwork said while returning to the prop table to check in with the other techies. While she was trotting from Spotlight, the light gold unicorn managed to take a good look at her flank.

“Meh, I’ve seen better...”


“Knock it off!” Spotlight, once again, reminded himself. In hindsight, things may not have gone the same then what Spotlight interpreted at the time. But ponies can change with time. Clockwork would have to believe his story.

Anyway, Spotlight needed to ask Clockwork for a favor. He needed work and somewhere to stay in this hic village. He at least wanted to be with somepony that he could trust. The problem now was actually finding this mare. The town had no way of identifying location besides the landmarks. It would be remarkably easy to get lost here if you were from out of town. Spotlight made sure to be extra cautious while he was on his search.

Spotlight entered what appeared to be a marketplace or, more appropriately, a bazaar. There were ponies rushing around the entire area. There were kiosks that sold only one product, tables where ponies could sit down and relax, and at least forty other ponies that were in rushes to buy their things and leave this claustrophobic nightmare.

The light gold unicorn didn’t mean to wander into this place, but it seemed escape was quite impossible. He lost the direction of the exit the moment he set hoof in this odd shopping area. He decided to face the storm and carry on through the marketplace. Spotlight’s poor attention span got the best of him along the way. He began spacing out and observing his surroundings. There were two colts, arguing over the price of a stack of silverware. A crying foal, attempting to climb out of his stroller while his mother was picking out her carrots. There was also a cream colored mare sitting by herself at one of tables near the asparagus vendor. These were the only ponies who weren’t either scrambling to get in and get out or frustrated beyond belief. This was proving to be quite the challenge for Spotlight had no idea where his old friend lived and now he found himself lost in the Ponyville marketplace. He’d have to do what every colt fears of doing. The light gold unicorn would have to ASK for directions. The thought of it made Spotlight cringe. But, he had to do what he had to do.

Spotlight looked back to the cream colored pony with the red mane over by the asparagus vendor. She didn’t look too busy, and also didn’t look like she was frustrated to the point of snapping at Spotlight’s query. Perfect! This was also a perfect opportunity for him to try out being polite. He didn’t need to learn how to be polite, he just needed to remember everything his mother tried to teach him at the age of six. Not a difficult challenge, seeing how his mother had to constantly remind him for the next ten years.

Spotlight trotted his way over to the red maned mare while avoiding the shopping ponies along the way. The mare was sitting by herself, buried in the book she was reading in front of her. The light gold unicorn looked over the mare’s shoulder to see what book it was. He couldn’t tell from the text, but he could see that it was very raunchy. Too saucy for even old immature Spotlight to handle. He proceeded to tap the mare on the shoulder with his forehoof.

“Excuse me, Miss?” Spotlight said as politely as he could.

The mare swiveled her head over her shoulder to respond. Her eyes met with Spotlight’s own. She started to blush as a mischievous smile invited itself onto her face.

“Well hello there, handsome,” the mare responded with confidence.

“I was wondering if y-...wait, what did you just call me?” Spotlight queried.

“Oh, sorry. You just reminded me of a stallion in the book I’m reading.”

“Err. Okay then. Anyways I was wondering if you knew-.”



“My name is Rose. Just puttin that out there.”

“Alright, nice to meet you, Rose. My name is Spotlight.”

This was not quite going as planned. He just wanted to get in and get out with the directions. Now he has to listen to this odd mare harass him. Spotlight needed to progress the conversation forward or he could be here for a long time.

“You have some amazing eyes...” Rose sighed.


“And your hair is gorgeous as well,”

“Okay, can we please just-,”

“And your little muzzle is just adorable,”

“Please, I’m just asking for-,”

“Let’s just face it, you look amazing!”

Spotlight never knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of the compliments. He was only used to shouting it at mares that would happen to walk near him. He kind of liked it too. It wasn’t terrible being complemented. It was, however, a drain on Spotlight’s time. Plus, he was trying to quit treating mares like they’re just eye candy.

“Listen! Rose, I need to find directions to somepony’s house. Do you know a filly named Clockwork?” Spotlight said as assertive and as clearly as possible.

“Clockwork? Yeah she lives near city hall, just south of here. Once you get to city hall, you’ll see three houses east of it. Clockwork’s house is the one in the middle. Let me just say now this. You could do a whole lot better than her.” She hinted with a wink.

“I’m not asking her out. I just need to talk to her.”

“So you’re still single.”

“Yes, I mean- that’s not the point. Thank you for the directions, Rose. I’ll be on my way now.”

“If you ever feel lonely, I run the flower booth near Sugarcube Corner,”

“See ya,”

Goodness! Did that actually just happen? Was that mare for real? Spotlight did enjoy the compliments, but felt so...violated. He couldn’t believe he was feeling that way either. Spotlight always had a boyish charm to him, but he wouldn’t say that he was gorgeous. But, when he doesn’t put on his golden chains and his pungent cologne, he could be quite attractive. Spotlight has just learned yet another benefit to being nice. Ponies will start liking him again, or (in Rose’s case) even love him. He knew he probably wouldn’t find another mare to swoon over him like that though.

Spotlight followed Rose’s directions and proceeded to travel south.
There wasn’t much else to see along the way. Ponyville was a simple town with simple ponies living there. Nopony looked like they were stressed. In fact, everypony looked happy. And, most importantly, nopony was silently judging him. Spotlight didn’t know how to feel about this. He was an actor, so he naturally felt the desire to please people. Back in Canterlot, he’d make fun of other ponies for his other idiot friends. They’d always try to out do each other on creative insults. Spotlight would come up with some of the best insults. His friends would be cracking up every time some mare with a ridiculous sized hat or a colt with a funny looking mane passed them by. He made his friends laugh, and he liked that feeling. That’s one of the feelings he got by being an actor. It was that desire to entertain others. Spotlight had gained a reputation for being a punk, but this gave him that recognition he craved! He wanted to be famous, known by everypony! Being in a small town where nopony knew him Spotlight realized that if wanted to be famous, he’d have to actually do work outside Canterlot.

Spotlight finally entered the circle of homes that surrounded city hall. It wasn’t exactly as majestic as the government building that was Canterlot Castle. Then again, it wasn’t even as majestic as the Canterlot Post Office. But, for a town like this, it worked. Spotlight’s gaze travelled east, and like Rose had said, there was Clockwork’s house. The light gold unicorn trotted over to his destination.

“I wonder how surprised Clockwork will be when she’s me at her doorstep.” Spotlight muttered to himself as moved.

“I wonder if she would be all hugs and warm welcomes or if what if she was so excited, she threw a welcoming party for me. Baritone always told me that Ponyville always had some amazing parties. What if she was expecting this to happen and already set me up with a job at the theatre. What if she had contacts with an agent that would represent me. I can’t wait to see what lies in store for me!”

Spotlight arrived at Clockwork’s doorstep and eagerly knocked on her front door. He let a large smile creep on his face. The kind of smile he used with his school photos. The light gold unicorn heard hoof steps arriving on the other side of the door. The front door opened, revealing the front half of Clockwork’s body. She had a look in her blue-grey eyes when she saw Spotlight. Like she was having some sort of traumatic memory flashback. Clockwork’s face soon went from dumbstruck to a sort of frustrated look. She then proceeded to slam the door on Spotlight.

“Go away, Spotlight!” She commanded from the other side of the door.

“It’s nice to see you too, Clockwork,” the light gold unicorn replied back.

“I don’t want to see you right now. In fact, I don’t want to see you again ever,”

“Come on. I really need your help right now,”

“Last time I helped you, I almost got expelled from the academy!

“This is different, I have nowhere else to go. And you’re the only friend I actually can rely on.”

“As I recall, the last time I saw you was on graduation day. Where you came up to me and told me that I was too weirdly shaped for you to date,”

“But I’m a changed colt. You have to believe me!”

“You have no idea how many times I’ve heard other stallions say those words.”

“I’m not the immature jerk you once knew,”

“Really? What made you change your mind? Did your mommy run out of bribe money?”

That one hit Spotlight deeper than it should’ve. The persuasive smile on his face had faded into a depressed look of memories he wanted erased from his mind.


“Then what made you change?”

Spotlight began explaining the night before to Clockwork. Making sure he covered every agonizing moment from that night. He talked about the argument, the attempts of weaseling his way back into his mother’s affection, even the bottle to the face was covered in his explanation. By the end of it, Spotlight already felt tears welling in his eyes. Clockwork was starting to feel sympathy for the light gold unicorn. But she couldn’t be too certain if he really meant it or not. He was an actor, for crying out loud. He could just be making up stories to get into her home or, Celestia forbid, her bed. This was a tough decision for Clockwork. Either she believed him and let him stay for a while, or she let him stay out there for all the nonsense Spotlight put her through during their academy years.



“Why don’t you-...”

Next Chapter: No Business Like Show-business