> Starlight glimmers progress report! > by Sir lightning blade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Crimson guard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Note: we are mostly taking on the first-person view of starlight glimmer! If you did not read the description, obviously you need to read this!) Act one: Running through the caves quickly recalling a certain spell a casting the spell on a nearby wall it was crystal the shiny thanks to the diamond dogs in the area. After running headlong into the portal, I find myself in my unusual attire, I will never get used to walking on these feet, and standing right in front of me is the one person I was told to never be in front of. Destro ( ) “Crimson guard, judging from you, you must be after budget changes. Tell me how did you get here though?” He said with a curious look which was hard to deal with his mask, or if it was a mask it seemed to move in act differently. Maybe this was part of his punishment from the commander, the commander always does talk with the long hissing, so maybe the commander is a Gorgon, although they're supposed to have also the legs of a snake. “ One of Dr. Mindbender inventions after stating that, after studying that new energy.” As a quick lie to cover up my accidental, gating into a area where Destro was located at, the commander always said beware. Maybe this was a side effect of his escape of being turned to stone, or maybe this was the fact that the commander might be a variant on the Gorgons? Yes variant that makes sense, after all there's many different types of snakes, just like how there's many different types of Griffin's? Maybe those variants may have more abilities than the variant differences between the Griffin's, like one that has the variant differences between a cheetah and a lion. Destro “Of course the commanders, second choice in scientific studies!” Walking off obviously to destroy my quick lie, but knows maybe Mindbender might actually take this into a chance of reworking this to his own strategies! Using this is as a good opportunity of my escape. Hopefully I can find the commander's office, but these legs are cumbersome, so used to walking on the lands that are evenly sized, but these upper limbs are so short! You have to instinctively walk on to longer body parts. Act two: Note To self, when I find the pony that made this place, I will cast of the vaporization spell and this time someone will die, because they will not be stopped by a powerful purple Princess! They will only be me. (go into a second narrator.) Glimmer was walking down the hallways and her Crimson guard uniform, with a personal touch of being, cutie Mark turned into a small pen, replacing one of the many silver buttons along the opening chest of the suit. As she took the right down a hallway, opening a door, revealing the Commander! He was wearing a silver helmet, a blue version of the Crimson guard outfit, and black leather gloves, to the next to him was a female changeling, with oval glasses, gorgeous long black hair, wearing a skintight black uniform showing off her lovely curves, the only visible color on the uniform to distinguish her was the deep red Cobra symbol! [Back to glimmers point of view] the baroness one of the two changelings employed by the commander, apparently in this world changelings actually have genders, or else due to budget cuts reasons would probably fire Zartan especially considering the whole acting skills! Although that voice modulating thing he does when he's in normal mode is creepy. Cobra Cmdr. “SSSStarlight glimmer, it's good to ssssssee you again! But I wasssss expecting your report, on projects Sssspringfield? Later and not in persssson?!” In his usual tone as he was signaling the baroness to leave, since he had multiple town is going underneath the term Springfield this was a good set up of keeping it secret if certain subjects were to betray him. Possible note that changelings might be immune to the effects of the Gorgons Eye! Or maybe they have the similar reaction to Destro? After all him and the baroness pleased to me after a while? I'm surprised that the two don't have folds. After the baroness left the room, I began to give out report “project Springfield was a failure Sir, by no means of my own fault.” But before I can continue Commander went on to a tirade over the G.I. Joe's ! After a good 20 minutes, he then turned around and still in the same hiss tone! “ SSSStarlight glimmer, tell me what really happened??” As Very loud slamming support heard all around me! The walls were now covered and spicy shimmering silver, wasn't for the fact that my magic doesn't work here I would dare try to use my spell again, this could be it, I could end up like the silver faced man or for worse! I could become the things known as Bats! The commander personal Iron golem army! There was only one way of solving the problem, tell the truth hopefully this will work this into me being too valuable to kill, or turn into a golem, or become a perfect lawn ornament for his garden! (Glimmer)“ It was Twilight sparkle and her team, The Princess of friendship showed up, in my town and she did not tell me why she showed up. “ In a cool coming tone “at first everything was working just like it was supposed to, although some stragglers did reveal the details of my plans, it is about the whole storing their cutie Mark sings nothing about the part about you wanting to study the cutie Mark. I made certain to keep you out of the public knowledge. Intel time was right of course. “ I said trying to reassure him that I wasn't plotting against him like the others in the high-ranking sections, if you dare plot against the commander would most likely be killed unless you are too crafty and powerful enough to get rid of! (Still glimmer) “once I found out how they figured out that the cave, I exploit my trap and managed to rip their cutie Mark, and proceeded to do the brainwashing program just like you taught me! But they managed to bypass the brainwashing program with their yellow Pegasus friend, I thought for sure she was underneath the program, she was too weak to hold out for long! It's not surprising that she would be taken over so quickly, I would be a little suspicious if it was the white one, I think her name was rarity. She would probably be a great actor, or something but it's too easy to believe that she would be falling underneath my mind control so easily. But that timid fluttershy, she was already enthralled by the town in the beginning how was I to suspect that she was pretending! Somehow she found out that I had my cutie Mark covered, with simple makeup and got it washed off! Sadly I couldn't bring up the statements without revealing some more plot holes into my plan. Then stupid Princess twilight proceeded to make her speech!” The commander was enthralled by my detailing, this was looking good by setting up just right I might be able to play this off as merely the a minor setback and be sent back to the world! “Naturally I still took the bearers of the elements, cutie marks with me I was trying to escape! But a couple of my former subordinates betrayed me, double diamond when I thought was my most loyal companion, proceeded to stab me in the back! Not literally! But took the jars out from underneath me, and then shatter them across the ground! Sending the cutie Mark's back to the owners! When I plan to vaporize them with the spells at hand, Princess twilight flew in front of them blocked it with a spell, a powerful shield spell that can only be created by a beautiful princess! Princess with godly magic! I was so close to having under my Hooves, to present to you! my lead! My Prince.” I began to kneel on these knees, the position was slightly different than usual kneel that I was used to but it worked. I hope as he was raising my head with his hand, in that dark black leather, that was obviously hiding a scales covered hand probably! Praying and hoping he dared not remove his mask, oh sweet Celestia I really hope this is my final days! Commander “SSStarlight, your loyalty, it's SSSomething to cherisSSSh.” A smile popped up on my face, only out of sure instinct. “Loyalty, that is to be rewarded, you are to return to your world, and possibly begin project SSSSpringfield again, with only one difference! All cutie Mark musssst be brought, to a sssspecial chamber.” I gave a nod as the door unleashed, the sweet sound of the silvery metal disappearing revealing in the wooden door again! Was assigned of heaven, I was spared anything like the blood damage to receive like Major Bludd. The commander slowly pushed me back out of the room, with such relief I immediately dashed off to the next location, I was spared I'm alive! It is where for the commander to show such mercy to a lowlife, like me! I will do him proud I will show them the mercy, I will show them the power! Of being a member of cobra! After all who wants a stupid cutie Mark, of balloons or cookies, when you can have a gorgeous red snake chest! The end!