> Of Ponies and Dragons > by Jeckard Cain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is just another day at Twilight Sparkle's tree house, the sun is shining and she is doing what she usually does on days she isn't with her friends. She is looking through her library for a very specific book and she finds it, How to bake the perfect Cake, "I knew I had this somewhere, I've got to get it to Pinkie for the Hearts and Hooves day celebration!" she exclaims. As she continues to page through the book Spike comes in through the door, "Well," he starts "I finally figured out what I'm going to do for Hearts and Hooves Day!" he walks over to Twilight folding his hands and hearts appear in his eyes. "I'm going to ask Rarity to be my Special Somepony." Twilight is still looking through her book and doesn't notice what he says at first, "That's wonderful Spike, could you grab my saddleba- WHAT!?" She turns suddenly dropping her book and looking at Spike who is still lovestruck. "Spike." she says while shaking him. He shakes his head and snaps out of it "What is it Twilight? I thought you out of anypony would like my idea." He looks disappointed "Come on Spike, I think we need to talk." she says as she walks with him out of the tree house.Twilight and Spike are sitting in a field nearby Fluttershy's house under a tree. "Spike, are you sure you want to do this?" Twilight asks him. "Of course I am, I've always had a crush on Rarity and this is my chance to finally show her how mature I am." he explains while puffing his chest up and smiling. "Spike," She starts, "Ya Twilight? Got any Advice for me?" Spike asks. "...I don't know how to put this exactly, but," she stops, "what is it" Spike looks at her quizzically. Twilight continues " Spike, I don't think you should ask Rarity that." "Now wait just a minute" Spike starts to raise his voice but Twilight hushes him "Spike, I know that you really like Rarity, but, she only sees you as a friend, do you understand?" Spike scratches his head and blinks at Twilight before shrugging. Twilight sighs and begins "Spike, don't you notice how anytime you and Rarity meet she only says you're cuddly or treats you like a child?" "Well duh Twilight, it's because she likes me that she's always so nice to me...isn't it?" Spike asks suddenly with a worried look. Twilight continues "I'm sorry Spike, but she only sees you as a sort of little brother to treat nicely and only be friends with. So she will always be your friend but she will definitely say no if you ask her to be your special somepony, plus she will probably stop wanting to be around you for a while." "So what you're saying, is that she will say no, no matter what, because I'm like a little kid to her?" "Sorry Spike, but I can tell you if you don't ask her and just forget about, it she will still be your friend for sure." "Oh," Spike turns away from Twilight as tears begin to form in his eyes. Twilight takes notice of the immediate silence, "Spike, I know this is hard to hear but-" She is cut short by Spike exclaiming "I'm fine Twilight, see ya!" He runs off without another word. Twilight gets up from the tree and is about to go after him, when Rarity suddenly approaches her, "Hello Twilight! I've been searching everywhere for you. Have you been here the whole time by yourself?" Twilight looks again in the direction Spike went but he is out of view already. A hoof waves in front of Twilight before she notices Rarity and snaps out of it, "Oh, yes, I was here with Spike but he just left." "I see, where to?" she asks tilting her head. Twilight, unsure of herself responds "I'm...not sure, hey could we walk and talk, what did you need?" Rarity beams, "I just finished designing this new dress and I think you would absolutely LOVE it, I wanted you to be the first to see it" Twilight forces a small smile "Thank you Rarity, I appreciate that very much." "Not a problem," Rarity suddenly looked nervous "Oh, what if you don't like it though, maybe I should make some small adjustments first then get you later, no no, I already asked ohhh." Wracked with indecision Twilight decides to make her move and ask Rarity a question. "So Rarity," Twilight begins, "What do you think of Spike? Not just your general opinion, I mean, what do you really see him as?" Rarity looks very puzzled then answers "Well I suppose I see him as my very good friend, I mean, other than that one time he started turning into a very large dragon and he almost confessed his feelings to me. That was a very strange day. I really do only see him as a friend though, he and I just aren't meant to be, we're too different." As they walk Twilight notices a small Spike shaped shadow in the alley, as soon as she does though, it disappears. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Twilight and Rarity enter Carousel Boutique Twilight is immediately caught by the colors in front of her. The dress is magnificent with colors that compliment Twilight's coat and has stars spread evenly across it with different constellations. Almost like Twilight's Gala dress, but still so very different. Twilight gasps when she sees it, "You hate it don't you OH I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN, I should have worked on it for another week and perfected it, it's it's-" Twilight cuts her off, "It's amazing Rarity." "Really? Do you really mean it!?" Rarity is on the edge of her seat so to speak, with anticipation of an answer, "Yes Rarity, I haven't seen anything this amazing since your last dress." Rarity rushes forward and embraces Twilight "Oh THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!" An hour passes and Twilight leaves Rarity's workshop and makes her way back to her home. "I hope Spike decided to come back, he didn't look good when he ran off" Opening the door to her house she calls out "Spike!" A quiet response is heard "I'm up here Twilight" She walks up the stairs towards her room and finds Spike sitting on her bed looking out the window. "Spike," she calls out quietly. "How could I have been so stupid, to think that somepony as beautiful as Rarity would ever like me?" Spike begins "I followed you guys through the streets after I saw her walk away with you, I was about to come talk to you and then you asked her that question and I decided to hide and follow you. Sorry for scaring you if I did." he finishes almost in a whisper. Twilight walks around the bed and sits down beside him "I'm sorry Spike, I really am, I know you like her a lot." Spike begins sniffling and he hugs Twilight and begins silently crying, though he finds the strength to speak through the tears, "I know she *sniff* won't be my special somepony, how could I ever have thought she would say yes *sniff*. I really am still just a kid, and I know my home is here in Ponyville with you. I just wish I had someone, y'know?" he looks up at Twilight tears still in his eyes and she smiles at him and ruffles his scales on his head. "Spike, just give it some time. I'm sure there's somepony out there for you. Maybe a pretty red dragon with all different colors for claws" Spike looks back out the window before wiping away his tears and standing up. "Thanks Twilight, you're the best friend I could ever ask for, better than any dragon that's for sure." He smiles a little before making his way downstairs, as Twilight gets up and calls after him "Spike? Where are you going?" He turns and looks up at her, beams, and says "I'm off to find my Special Somepony!" before leaving the tree house. As Spike walks he becomes sullen, dropping the act he put on for Twilight. She understood how he felt and yet not at all. Sure he could go and try to find a special friend who is a dragon, but she seemed to forget how dragons just are. Spike wanted to scream “Am I really the only dragon who doesn't act like a dragon!” He was still making his way out of Ponyville however so he refrained and just continued his depressing march. As he walked he passed by Sugarcube Corner and he hears a strange noise above him. “Now what's Pinkie doing?” he wondered aloud, before the window in the upper part of the building opened very loudly and suddenly making Spike jump. and Pinkie came flying out of the window in a helmet with flames on it. Spike runs over and bats the flames away before making sure Pinkie is okay, “What the heck happened Pinkie are you okay!?” he questions, she hops up like nothing happened, “Hiya Spike! Oh nothing's wrong, just taking care of the twins again. You know how kids can be.” she says before sniggering. Spike stares at her, not even he was that bad when he was a baby dragon with Twilight, he knew that. “How did they launch you through a window?” Spike questioned as if he would get a normal answer, maybe just this once he hoped. “Oh, well first one of them used magic to light a toy on fire, then another grabbed a toy and started flying around with it and I had to stop her from getting hurt by it so the only choice I had was to jump off a trampoline in the room and grab the toy, should have positioned it better so I didn't go through the window though. Oh well, that was FUN!” She goes from standing and explaining to scratching her chin to jumping for joy before patting Spike on the head. “Gotta go Spike, busy day and I just started!” She runs back inside leaving Spike to ponder what in the world just happened. He blinks a few times before turning and continuing down the street. “Definitely not Pinkie, she would probably find some way of getting us both in trouble or worse.” Spike looks around town some more before making his way out by the main road, he turns to look back once more at Ponyville, it had been almost three years since he and Twilight had moved in against her will. Thank Celestia she decided to stay, Spike couldn't imagine life without all his friends in Ponyville now. It brought a smile to his face before he felt a drop of rain on his nose. Then another, then a whole downpour dropped on his head and he was soaked. “Of course.” he says before looking up at a small cloud directly over his head. He heard snickers within the cloud, then “Pahahahaha!” Rainbow Dash drops from the cloud onto the ground laughing hysterically still. “Very funny,” Spike begins before Rainbow cuts him off “You should've seen the look on your face! You were happy one second then SPLOOSH! Hahaha.” She wipes a tear from her eye and stands up before wiping him down with her wings a little. “Couldn't help myself, y'know?” “Ya I know” Spike gives her a scowl. “Aw sorry man, I was just bored is all. Truce?” She holds out her hoof and Spike smiles before shaking and replying “Truce, so why are you so bored you felt like terrorizing me?” Rainbow ponders for a moment then shrugs “dunno, just felt like it I guess, anyways you're much more fun to tease, you get over it quickly” she nudges him playfully hoping he will take her challenge in a battle of wits. Spike complies and goes in for the kill in one fell swoop “Well at least I don't crash into clouds while flying then play it off as a prank!” Rainbows jaw drops and then she keels over laughing and Spike joins in falling down onto the ground with her. Once the laughing dies down, its silent, except the wind whistling through the trees. Spike lies next to Rainbow for a time, not noticing how long its been, she is the first to break the silence “well I guess I should go and make sure the weather stays clear out there.” Spike wished he could fly too and help her, it was a simple kind of fun being around Rainbow Dash. “Alright, don't have too much fun up there” he says. Before she takes flight Rainbow turns and says “see you soon, hopefully not under a raincloud.” She winks then flies off. Spike is left alone and smiling at how she could always see the truth in things. Sweet Apple Acres, and appropriate name Spike thought, it really was acres and acres of just sweet apples. He noticed a few buckets full of apples surrounding a nearby tree, maybe one of the Apple family left it there. He walked towards it and rounded the tree to see Apple Jack sleeping underneath it. He laughed a little “Sleeping on the job eh?” She wakes with a start pushing her hat away from her eyes and back on top of her head. “What in tarnation, aw must've passed out again. I was just resting my eyes for a second.” She rubs her tired eyes before finally noticing Spike “ Oh, hi there Spike, didn't hear you comin'” yawning and stretching she stands up before walking over to a bucket. “What brings you out here anyways Spike, shouldn't you be with Twilight?” Spike thinks for a second then replies “She said I could have today off because I've been working so hard.” while not entirely true, this little lie wouldn't hurt anything. “Well ain't that nice of her, I've been out in the fields bucking apples since dawn so I at least do have an excuse for sleepin a little.” “No no I understand AJ no need to worry.” Spike smiles and crosses his heart “Thanks Spike, hey as long as you're here would you mind helping me load up these apples to carry back to the farm?” Spike rolls up his “sleeves” and moves in to help. He lifts one side of a bucket while Apple Jack puts her head under the other side and helps him lift it into the large cart. “phew, one down, five to go.” Apple Jack smiles and gets ready to lift another. While lifting Spike decides to ask her something “So Apple Jack, do you think I'm still just a kid?” AJ thinks for a moment as they lower the bucket into the cart. “Somewhat, you sure have grown since I've met you, not in size that's for sure,” she says laughing a little “but inside, the part that really matters. Your heart has grown and you've become a very dependable friend. I consider you a very good one and part of my family” She finishes smiling as they lower yet another of the buckets into the cart. Spike blushes a little at this, “Thanks Apple Jack, that means a lot to hear that from you.” “ Well I mean every word Spike, well this is the last bucket. I can take the cart back from here.” as she turns to leave she stops and turns once more to Spike “If anyone doesn't appreciate who you are Spike, then maybe they're the one who needs to mature some. But remember your family will always be there to support you when no one else will.” She turns and begins leaving “See you later Spike, say hi to Twilight for me!” she lifts her hat and waves it to him, he waves even though she can't see him. He sits under the tree for a few more minutes, just looking at Sweet Apple Acres, how it encompasses and holds everything so close, like a very large hug towards the town of Ponyville. Spike walked along the treeline just enjoying the scenery and the afternoon sunlight. He decided that maybe Fluttershy would like a visit from a friend. Maybe she needed help around the house like Apple Jack did, he passed though the trees and over the small creek by her home. Birds tweeted in the trees and flew off in couples. Spike looked around at many of the animals, they all seemed to have pairings, just like in some of the romance books Twilight left lying around. Such a normal cliché, he hated it. He knocked on Fluttershy's door and there was some noise of clacking inside the house before the door opened ever so slightly. “Hi Fluttershy, I just came by for a visit, what are you up to today.” Fluttershy smiles and opens the door more to show angel bunny and a few other furry creatures sitting at a table with food in plates. “I'm just welcoming the new beaver family into the area, just letting them know where they should be fine building a dam and where other animals are in the forest.” Spike raises an eyebrow at the beavers sitting at the table chewing on some food and looking blankly at him. He blinks and so do they an instant later, “Mind if I join you for some food maybe?” Spike asks “Oh how rude of me, of course, let me get you some uhh. Lettuce?” Spike shakes his head “fruit?” again, shaking, Fluttershy is getting flustered and doesn't know what to do. “It's fine,” Spike says finally after she frantically searches for some food in her home, “I wasn't that hungry anyways.” “Oh, well I'm sorry I don't have any gemstones for you.” Spike waved away the apology, “It's fine, really, I just wanted to visit you anyways.” there is a loud thud on the table where Angel Bunny has set his cup down, “you too Angel.” he adds, Angel seems pleased and continues eating. “Actually, the truth is,” Spike starts “I wanted to know, do you know of any dragon colonies in the mountains nearby?” Fluttershy eeps and shifts uncomfortably in her seat “um, well, I uh, I'm not sure. There maybe have been a big ferocious fire breathing dragon headed away from Ponyville and into the mountains a few days ago that I don't think I want ever coming back and I don't think he wants to be bothered anyways we should just let him go wherever he wants as long as its away from here hehehe.” She finishes with an awkward laugh after just going on and on and on. Spike stares at her before getting up from the table and walking to a window. She follows him and points to a mountain far in the distance. “That one I'm certain is where he is.” Fluttershy says with conviction, Spike looks at her and smiles “Thank you Fluttershy, I won't bring him back home, I just want to talk is all.” She looks very nervous about that last statement. “You're sure you'll be fine by yourself out there?” Spike juts his thumb to his chest and puffs it up, “I'm a dragon too y'know. I'll be just fine!” He finishes. He walks to the door and opens it, he turns and waves to Fluttershy and the beavers and Angel Bunny, “See you guys soon, I'll bring back something interesting.” this seems to peak Angel's attention, the bunny spreads his arms wide as if to say Spike has to bring back something big. “Don't worry Angel, it should be pretty big.” Spike left Fluttershy's home with a smile, his friends really did know how to cheer him up. Everything they did for him, they helped him find his place here in Ponyville. Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and, Rarity. Even though he was in a good mood thinking of her made him frown. He shook his head “I have to be strong, none of them would stand for me being so weak. I may be just a small dragon, but I'm still a dragon and if I can't feel better even after all my friends have done for me then what's the point.” He stopped as he realized he was just talking to himself for such a long time, then smiled and headed off in the direction of the mountains. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who knew that mountains would have so many rocks all over them, Spike had been walking for hours at an upward direction. He never reached the top, but the trees below kept getting smaller. He wondered how long it would be till he got home. Maybe that night, maybe tomorrow; either way he didn't really want to till he found, something. He was searching for his special somepony, in the mountains? Well it was better than sitting around moping he thought. As he walked along the crags he noticed a small inlet, a cave almost. It was getting late and the night brings wind and cold, Spike figured he may as well hole up in the cave for the night. As he stepped toward the cave he smelled something odd, it was food. Some kind of soup he figured, as he got closer he heard light sobs. He inched closer to try and get a peek at who was in there, his toe hit a pebble which clattered into the cave. “Who's there!?” A frightened female voice asked, “My name is Spike, I'm a dragon, but I won't hurt you. Are you okay in there?” He heard a shift of noise, possibly she was wiping the tears away. When she responded she sounded more sure of herself “You can come in if you like, I know night is approaching.” Spike put on his best it's ok smile and slowly stepped into the cave. As he did he laid eyes on the most beautiful unicorn he had ever seen. She had a coat of dark grey and a mane of deep green. She had piercing green eyes as well, her cutie mark was a set of hearts. “My name is Aliss.” Spike blinked and realized he had just been staring at her as she lied there in the cave next to her fire. “I'm Spike” he said again, she giggled a little “I know, why don't you have a seat, you must be hungry. Have you been walking all day on the mountain?” Spike sat next to the fire and across from Aliss and gave himself some of the soup in a small bowl she had set aside. He sipped at it eagerly before responding, mainly just water and some of the vegetables that grew wild on the mountain and he assumed some she had brought with her. “I was walking all day ya, I was looking for-” Spike stopped and blushed, “a gem somewhere on the mountain I lost.” Aliss seemed not to notice how he had stopped. She let him finish his soup before asking another question. “So what kind of gem were you looking for?” Spike didn't really think of any details, it was just a story so she wouldn't know why he was really out here. “Uhh, a sapphire, ya that's it. A big round sapphire!” Spike spread his arms out wide to show how “big” it was. Aliss looked pleased by this and turned away looking towards the edge of the cave. “Look, the sunset.” she got up and walked outside, Spike watched her go. He felt absolutely drawn to her, and he didn't know why; he stood up and followed her outside. He held up his hand in front of his eyes as the sun shone on him. Next to Aliss he watched the sun go down slowly. He didn't say anything, and neither did she; they simply watched in silence. Spike took another quick look at her as she focused on the sun, she was so beautiful, more beautiful than Rarity. Finally she turned around and went back into the cave after the sun had set and Spike followed her. Once they were comfortably seated, or as best you could be in a cave, Spike remembered he hadn't asked her yet “What are you doing up here in the mountains anyways?” she thought for a moment then looked at him and shrugged, “I don't know,” Spike was definitely confused now. “What do you mean you don't know?” she blinked and replied “I just don't, I more or less just woke up one day and thought Aliss was a good name for myself since I didn't remember much of anything at all.” Spike became worried, “So you don't know who you are or why you're out here, you just started wandering and eating when you could?” she smiled “That's the gist of it” Spike started pacing and thinking, maybe he should bring her back to Twilight, she may know a memory spell to help her. He decided that was the best course of action and began “Aliss, how long have you been up here?” she looked like she was having trouble remembering “Maybe a few weeks, I just kept going out each day and collecting whatever food I could find then coming back here and using my magic to start a fire and keep warm.” Spike nodded “Well there's a town down the mountain a ways, if you wanted, I could take you back to it. My friend Twilight Sparkle may know a memory spell to help you.” Her eyes shot up at Spike and she stared at him, tears started welling in her eyes and she ran to him and hugged him. “Oh thank! Thank you so much Spike.” He blushed at the sudden contact “It's no problem really.” she finally stepped back and gave him a kiss on the cheek, he was blushing so hard he was sure his whole face was red and Aliss giggled. “Well we should get some sleep, we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow.” Spike said, Aliss nodded and went to her corner of the cave and lied down. Spike retreated to an area that looked reasonably comfortable, before succumbing to sleep Spike murmured to himself “Looks like I found her.” Daylight shone into the cave and Spike awoke with a start. At first he didn't know where he was and started to panic, then he saw Aliss, still asleep across from him, and he was at ease. He sat there for a few minutes in the silence, just thinking about all that had happened yesterday. He left town heartbroken but his friends had helped him find resolve and he had used that to finally find his special somepony. He smiled at that, his friends really did care about him, they may treat him like a child sometimes but they understood him as an individual. Spike heard shifting next to him and looked to see Aliss awake and yawning, he couldn't help but just stare for a second before he caught himself and decided to speak up. “Good morning.” Spike started “Oh, good morning Spike, did you sleep well? I know the sleeping accommodations aren't the best.” she laughed a little at her own joke and Spike found himself smiling in spite of the simple jest. “Well, no time like the present eh?” Aliss looked at Spike and stood up “Let's head to this town you spoke of.” Spike jumped up and started walking towards the entrance of the cave, he was stopped by a tap on the shoulder. “Thank you, really. You're doing so much for me without any provocation. It's a very admirable trait.” she finished and smiled at Spike, he beamed back “Let's go! It's not a very long walk.” They left the cave and started down the mountain, talking along the way. Spike talked about Ponyville, its friendly people and and all of his friends there. He told Aliss of a few of his adventures with Twilight and everyone, even the embarrassing stories. He almost couldn't stop himself. Aliss just listened silently and piped in with a few questions every once in a while, she mainly asked just what happened next. She was happy just hearing Spike tell his stories as they traveled. Although, Spike never mentioned much about Rarity, and Aliss took note of this, she finally asked him when he finished telling a story of how he had taken care of his friends animals for a day. “Spike, you don't talk much about Rarity, why is that?” Aliss questioned, Spike frowned and piped up finally “Well, you see, I kinda sorta had a crush on her.” “Oh,” Aliss looked disappointed, Spike picked up on it and finished what he was about to say “Until I thought of asking her out to go to a celebration and I heard what Rarity really thought of me. I'm nothing but a kid brother to her, a child to look after and ask to do favors for her.” He didn't notice that he was clenching his fists “she's my friend but to hear that...it hurt. So I ran out of town to search for someone who would actually want to be around me because they liked me back.” He looked down at the ground, forgetting he was talking to Aliss and more to himself really. Aliss giggled “Hey what's so funny!” Spike asked, hurt that she was laughing “Nothing nothing, you don't realize it do you,” Aliss asked “What?” Spike replied, “You basically just told me that you want to go out with me. I would be honored my dear rescuer.” Aliss bowed, Spike laughed and bowed to her himself “The honor is mine m'lady” she leaned over and kissed his cheek again and Spike felt blood rush to his face as he beamed “So, would you like to go with me to a day of celebrations filled with love and happiness?” Spike asked her, Aliss smiled at him and nodded “Very much so my gallant knight.” Spike jumped for joy, happier than he had ever been while in Ponyville. Not forgetting their original goal, Spike and Aliss headed for Twilight's tree house to see if she could use a memory spell on Aliss. Instead of just barging in Spike thought it better to introduce Aliss at the door, he knocked and waited on baited breath. As the door opened Twilight got one look at Spike and jumped on him hugging him close “SPIKE! Where did you go yesterday!? I was so worried, I searched all around Ponyville for you!” she pulled away and noticed Aliss “Who's this? Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle, are you new in town?” “AHEM!” Spike got her attention “It's my pleasure to introduce to you my date for the Hearts and Hooves day celebration, Aliss.” Twilight tilted her head, “you mean you- wait but you said- where in the- Spike.” She looked at him for an answer pursing her lips in a pouting look. “Twilight, it's a pleasure to meet you, Spike talks about you quite a bit. I'm Aliss and I have amnesia.” Aliss finished while smiling which confused Twilight even more “I...see, where did Spike find you anyways?” Aliss lifted he head proudly “Oh, he found me in the mountains, I was living in a cave for a few weeks trying to remember something beyond my name when Spike walked in and offered to bring me here to see if you could fix my memory.” Twilight tilted her head again, let out one laugh then dropped from all the confusion. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight woke up a few minutes later with Spike fanning her face and she popped back up, “So you need a memory spell?” that didn't take any convincing thought Spike. “You can really fix it?” Aliss asked looking very pleased, “Well, I've never done a memory spell before, but I've read all about them, so it shouldn't be too difficult.” Twilight put on her best it's gonna be fine smiles and Aliss returned it, “Fine then, can't be any worse off than I am now so go for it.” Spike watched as Twilight's horn lit up and her magical glow surrounded Aliss. Aliss was smiling at Spike and he gave her a reassuring smile back. Suddenly there was a bright flash and Spike couldn't see anything for a few seconds. When he could see again Aliss was there and Twilight's magic was slowly leaving and returning to her. Aliss had her eyes closed and opened them slowly and blinked a few times. “Well,” Twilight started “how do you feel.” Aliss looked at the ground and visibly thought, she screwed her face up and tapped a hoof on the ground. She began to look sad raised her head to meet Twilight, “I still don't remember.” Twilight looked deep in thought and raised a hoof to her chin “Now that's strange, even if it was my first time trying the spell, I did everything right, it should've worked.” Aliss dropped her head a little and Spike approached her and put a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to him and smiled “At least I have you, my gallant knight.” she hugged Spike and Twilight turned away, still puzzled by the spell. The door burst open suddenly with Apple Jack followed by Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and finally Rarity. “What's goin on Twilight, we each saw the light from your house and came fast as we could.” Apple Jack questioned. “Oh, I was just trying this memory spell on Spike's amnesiac girlfriend.” She immediately knew she should have worded that better as Spike shot a frown at her and she smiled sheepishly at him. Pinkie was the first to react “GIRLFRIEND!? Oh Spike lemme see her lemme see her! OOOH She's so pretty, Spike I'm so proud of you I'm gonna go make a cake for you and her!” She disappeared as quickly as she had come in, that was Pinkie for you Spike thought. Apple Jack was the next to look her over and put out a hoof to shake “My name's Apple Jack, but my friends call me AJ, any friend of Spike is a friend of mine. Glad to meet ya and welcome to Ponyville.” They shook and Aliss smiled as Apple Jack went to the side. Rainbow Dash flew up and landed next to Aliss, she eyed her up and down, “Well, Spike knows how to pick em, I can say that at least. Nice to meet ya, I'm Rainbow Dash, not to brag or anything but I'm probably the fastest flier in Ponyville” She put a large emphasis on probably. “Spike has told me so much about you, and how it's your dream to become a Wonderbolt, he had to explain to me who they were first though.” explained Alliss, Rainbow was awestruck “You didn't know them!?” Aliss tapped her head, “Amnesia.” She winked. Rainbow Dash looked at her for a second then laughed, “I like you, take care of Spike, he's a handful.” Aliss nodded “Thanks for the advice.” Rainbow joined AJ and Fluttershy was up next. She approached slowly and looked up at Aliss, there was a sheepish smile and she started “um, hi, I'm Fluttershy. I take care of the animals around Ponyville and help out wherever else I'm needed. There's not much more to say...” Aliss intervened before Fluttershy just flew away “Well then don't say anything, I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance Fluttershy.” She finished smiling at Fluttershy and she returned the smile before taking her leave. Rarity was the last to introduce herself, she approached quickly looking up and down at Aliss and touching her mane before saying “So darling do you have a dress in mind for the celebration?' Aliss was caught off guard and looked to Spike for some help, the dragon shrugged. “I um, no, everything I own is in my saddle bag.” Rarity looked aghast “Unacceptable! I will not have someone with such an astounding coat and mane not have a dress to match for a celebration of LOVE!” Rarity pulled out a measuring tape and began wrapping it around Aliss for measurement, Aliss just shuffled around a bit trying to respond to such a sudden thing, “ah, but, wait...” was all Aliss was able to get out during the process and Rarity finally pulled away and took one last look. “Oh you're going to look FABULOUS! I've got to go now and get your dress ready.” She looked down at Spike, “Well done Spike, I'm happy for you.” She turned and left, Spike wanted to clutch at his chest, his heart hurt so much he just wanted to fall over, then Aliss brushed up against his side and put her hoof around him. He looked up at her eyes, they were such a deep green. He felt safe looking into her eyes, and from that moment on he knew he would never willingly leave her side or let her get hurt. After a small chat with everyone in Twilight's house everyone went home, since Aliss had nowhere to stay Twilight made up a small bed for Aliss in her room. By the time everyone had left it was very late into the night, it had taken Spike and Aliss all day to reach Ponyville and even longer to introduce her to everyone. “I'll take you around town and show you everything over the next few days before Hearts and Hooves day.” Spike told Aliss, just before he passed out from exhaustion, Twilight and Aliss did the same. That night, Spike had a nightmare, he was running, running as fast as he could. He was in a field and some gigantic blackened creature with fire behind it was chasing him. No matter how fast he ran it kept catching up. At the moment he felt its claws wrap around his leg he cried out and awoke in a cold sweat. Twilight was used to Spike having bad dreams and didn't wake up till he went to her for comfort. Instead, he accidentally woke up Aliss and she came down from her bed and went to Spike as he lie there in his basket. “Are you alright Spike?” She asked, “I'm...I'm fine, just a really bad dream is all.” Aliss looked like she was considering something, “Alright then, come on.” Spike was confused “Huh?” Aliss had begun walking away and turned her head back and smiled “You can sleep with me, I'll keep the nightmares away, I promise.” Spike was a little wary but joined Aliss in her small cot, he felt comfortable by her side, even though the bed was so small he was practically falling out. He was falling asleep quickly and before he passed out he said softly “Thank you Aliss.” “You're welcome, my gallant knight.” The next few days passed as if Spike were in a haze, he brought Aliss to Sugarcube Corner to try one of Pinkie's famous cupcakes. They visited Sweet Apple Acres and met all of the Apple family and tried some of Granny Smith's Electric Apple Jam that Applebloom helped make. The long walks in between places Spike talked with Aliss about his life and how he had come to Ponyville and how he had fallen in love with the town. He tried to get Aliss to remember her past as they went but never had any luck, she told him she was fine with making these new memories though, because she had someone to share them with. Spike wore a smile everywhere he went with Aliss and everyone noticed. Spike had Fluttershy introduce all her animals to Aliss, they warmed up quickly to her and Aliss seemed to very much like being around them. Later on Rainbow Dash showed both of them some of her cloud clobbering skills in clearing the sky, and then some. Aliss was awestruck at Rainbow's skill and Rainbow Dash very much liked the attention. Spike was always impressed watching her fly but this time seemed special. Every once in a while, Twilight would find them wandering around and say she had found out what was wrong with her memory spell. She would bring them back to the tree house and cast the spell on Aliss again, with still no effect. Aliss told her it was fine, but Twilight said she would work harder on it. On the last day before the celebration Rarity found both of them sitting near the woods talking and called them to her workshop. As Aliss stepped through the threshold she was taken aback by all the dresses “Oh my, this is amazing. I've never seen anything like this.” Rarity perked up “Oh pshaw you're just saying that.” Aliss opened her eyes wide and shook her head “No no, I don't remember ever seeing anything like this, so for the first time seeing anything like this, it's just astounding.” Rarity smiled meekly “Well I'm very glad you like it, are you ready to see your dress?” Aliss blinked a few times then nodded. Rarity moved to a nearby curtain and pulled it to the side. Spike and Aliss's jaws dropped as they saw the dress before them. It was alabaster white with streaks of blue set in the threading. The dress broke into layers, thin layers of the thread that made up the full dress. There was a head dress with it made of flowers with gems in the middle of each one. “It's...BEAUTIFUL!” Aliss shouted and ran up to hug Rarity, they embraced and when Aliss pulled away Rarity started “Oh it really wasn't that hard, I just had to pick the right colors to match, well, you. Once I found them making up the dress was a cinch. What do you think Spike?” Spike shook out of his stupor and looked at Rarity “I think it's your best work yet.” Rarity's eyes lit up “Really? Do you mean it?” Spike nodded and Rarity beamed. Rarity turned back to Aliss and back at the dress, “With this, you will be ready for the Hearts and Hooves day Celebration. I guarantee it.” There were pleasantries exchanged between Aliss and Rarity, when they were finished Aliss waved goodbye with Spike at her side, Rarity looked after them and smiled as they left. When the door closed Rarity began frowning, Spike was growing apart from her, he was growing up and leaving behind the guise of her little helper. Rarity lowered her head as she realized something, instead of ever acknowledging Spike as what he saw her as, she had just used him for her projects. She always took from Spike to give back to her friends, as far as she could remember, the only time she ever repaid him was on his birthday when HE gave her his birthday present and she had given him a kiss. Simply to ensure she could call on him again for his help. Spike would never help her again, he had finally realized she didn't care about him enough to give back any feelings. The reason the dress was her finest work was because it was what she would've worn if she had a special somepony for Hearts and Hooves day. Spike would have gladly taken her but she would've said no, and now, she wasn't sure. Spike walked happily with Aliss back to Twilight's house. “So tomorrow you can wear that and we can walk around together with each other all day.” Spike started as they walked, Aliss giggled and Spike raised an eyebrow “what is it?” Aliss smiled and responded “Well we've already been seen by everybody walking around together all day.” Spike thought for a second then laughed too “Oh, ya huh” they both started laughing. When they finished Spike noticed the sun was setting, “Almost four days we've been hanging around each other. It feels like I've known you for much longer Aliss. I for one am glad I was wandering around in the mountains that day earlier this week.” Aliss laughed a little “I am as well, thank you for rescuing me my gallant knight.” Aliss leaned in and kissed Spike. When she pulled away from him, his face was beet red. Aliss giggled and Spike laughed too, “Why don't we sit and just watch the sunset together for now.” Spike's embarrassment subsided and he smiled and nodded. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hearts and Hooves day had finally arrived, Spike could hardly hide his excitement when he saw Aliss in her gown. She truly was beautiful in it and Spike couldn't help but feel a sense of pride that she was his special somepony. As they were about to leave Spike raised his arm for her to take as they strolled out of the tree house and into the early morning sun. While they walked through town, enjoying the festivities there were couples everywhere, although, Spike didn't mind it so much any longer. As usual Sugarcube corner was selling special cupcakes and the like with hearts painted on them and such. Spike decided to stop in there for a sugary breakfast, it was after all, a festival. As they stepped through the door they were suddenly stopped by a wild Pinkie, “Hiya! Thought I'd forget huh? I've been working on it for four day, FOUR DAYS! Do you know how hard it is for me to focus on something like that for so long?” S pike was a little short on words and just got in a small “uh-” “Well of course you don't since you're not me and all but it's good you stopped in now so I could give it to you instead of later on during the main event of the day. Here ya go!” Pinkie rolled a cart towards them with a monstrous cake on it. Spike was completely lost for words so Aliss interjected for him “Thank you Pinkie, this is an amazing creation for sure, right Spike?” Spike just nodded with his mouth open. “Well, are you gonna try it?” Pinkie looked at them both expectantly, in return they both gave shrugs and Spike found his voice “Why not, would you like to join us Pinkie?” Pinkie shook her head, “Nahhh! I've got other fun things planned for today. Maybe I'll see you guys around. Seeyaa!” With a wink and a nod, Pinkie trotted out of the store and left Spike and Aliss alone to eat the cake. The cake proved to be too much for just Spike and Aliss, they had a few patrons come in and take a few slices for their families and their own special someponies. The cake was chocolate interior, with pink frosting on the outside, with marshmallows spread across the out edges and even more pink frosting and little roses across the top. Anypony who saw it was impressed, then asked for a slice, to which Spike was happy to oblige. By the time they finished it was near midday and as Spike and Aliss were leaving the store she asked him “What was that main event Pinkie mentioned? I forgot to ask you earlier.” Spike was rubbing his belly in contentment and perked up at her question “Oh, its later in the day, at sunset. The bells in the town start ringing and its a signal for every couple in town to kiss as Hearts and Hooves day ends and the nighttime celebration begins. That's when fireworks start going off and everyone goes out to watch, its really fun to watch.” Spike finished with a smile and Aliss was happy with that answer. The day went on and on, Aliss always by Spike's side, they went to every booth there was, won a few prizes together and went along though the town. As Spike and his partner passed through he would notice his friends and they would stop and say hello for a brief moment before continuing. Spike was having a wonderful day, he hoped Aliss was as well. Many of the other mares stopped and asked where she got her dress and Aliss would always point them towards Rarity's place. Spike grimaced a little at that, he knew it was Rarity just being nice, but with his experience with her using him, he couldn't help but feel like she was using Aliss as a walking advertisement. He was bothered by the thought, but it wasn't a big deal so he let it go. Sunset, where did it even come from Spike wondered as they walked across one of the small bridges in town. He guessed time just doesn't slow down, not for anyone or anything. All the couples in town were sitting down or standing next to each other as they watched the sunset. It felt so exhilarating to Spike, and yet, so ominous. It was as if something were about to go terribly wrong, he pushed the thought away, he didn't want to be distracted at a time like this. As the sun got lower and lower, Spike turned to Aliss “Hey Aliss?” he started, she turned to him and smiled “After the day is over, since you don't really have a place to go, would you like to maybe, stay here in Ponyville with me for a while?” Aliss Beamed, “Nothing would make me happier my gallant knight, now I think it's time for the end of day ceremony.” she giggled and Spike blushed, they edged closer together, and when their lips met, everything went black. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight had just woken up from her nap, she was about to roll over and wake Spike in his basket, then remembered he was with a certain somepony. She sighed and got up and went to brush her mussed up mane. Another year with no pony to go with to the celebration, she didn't mind it all that much. Mainly because she and Spike would always go to the roof of the tree house and watch the fireworks together. This year, Twilight woke alone to the sight of ironically, a twilight sky, outside her window. The sunset was beautiful, and so calming, Twilight almost fell out of her bed when the first large blast appeared, the crowd went wild, screaming and hollering. There was usually a fireworks display at the end of the day. Twilight noticed something odd however, the firework she had just seen was very much like a blast she remembered seeing used only a few months ago. Where it was, she couldn't recall, she kept on thinking through her memory to exactly when. A bright green blast then ponies screaming and running outside. Suddenly Twilight knew where she had seen it before, her brother's wedding. Twilight leaped from her bed and galloped down the stairs as fast as her legs could carry her. Opening the door she saw people running every which way on the street and changelings were in the sky and on the ground as well chasing ponies. Twilight looked away in horror when a changeling fed on a nearby colt. Leaving her house behind she ran through the streets and shouted the names of her friends in the hopes that they could hear her. Pinkie was the first to show up, sprinting towards Twilight with a grin on her face as she smacked changelings out of her way in the road. Pinkie finally reached Twilight and started shouting in between gasps for air "Changelings all over the bakery!" she breathed hard "They didn't want any of my sweets they were more interested in my customers. FOR FOOD!" Twilight responded "Pinkie! I need you to gather everpony and help save the ponies in town, try and get them into the town hall. Once you do bar the doors and only open if I knock okay?." Pinkie thought for a moment then said "But how am I supposed to know it's you Twilight, it could be a mean nasty scary changeling out there just POSING as you. Maybe you're a changeling right NOW!" Pinkie reared back as Twilight just sighed heavily "PINKIE! It's me, remember the night of the Grand Galloping Gala and how we all hated it then went and ate at Pony Joe's donut shop?" Pinkie seemed to mull the thought through her hed before nodding and stepping closer to Twilight "Well seeing as you remember that I guess you're Twilight, but then again you could STILL be a changeling, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt right now." Twilight, finally able to convince her, repeated what she asked and Pinkie said "Okie dokie lokie, don't stay out here too long, these changelings are nasty, not a single smile among them." Twilight appreciated her concern but she told Pinkie she had to find Spike before going to the town hall. As Twilight ran around town, she didn't meet as much resistance as she thought there would be, only one or two changelings stopped near her. As soon as they saw that it was Twilight though, they turned tail and ran or flew away. Twilight continued to search any building for other ponies in need of help along with looking for Spike. After searching for what seemed like ages Twilight spotted a tall dark figure nearby, it was about as tall as Celestia but with black fur and greenish looking hair, with the hooves seemingly missing chunks it was definitely a changeling. Twilight decided to slowly walk towards it to investigate, that is until she saw Spike standing next to the changeling. "SPIKE!" Twilight lost all control and sprinted to him and picked him up, that was when she got a look at his eyes. "Do you like what I've done with the place Twilight Sparkle?" Spikes eyes were a shade of green all around, he looked woozy and not in control of himself. "I'm so glad you got to see this, after all it is my grand return and with Ponyville providing my subjects all the food we could ever want, Canterlot will surely fall within DAYS!" Twilight put Spike down before focusing her attention on the Dark Queen, the ruler of the Changelings, Chrysalliss. Twilight finally cut the queen off "What have you done with Spike?" The queen only chuckled then broke into a furious uproar of laughter "Can't you tell my dear? I'm feeding off of his love. His love for you, his love for this town. His love for me." Twilight suddenly recognized what was going on. Once again someone she cared for was manipulated by the evil queen and forced into feeding her all the love she could get. "My dear Twilight, the only thing I did was give this poor dragon the love he so desperately tried to find from another pony. I knew right away the feeling of his emotion when he found me scrounging around in those blasted mountains. After I started to feed off him, I was able to find my little darlings and have them gather for this little get together we're having." Twilight interjected "Spike is loved by all his friends! He would never succumb to you!" The queen giggled once again "I never said the love of his friends, I only said you, this town, and me." Twilight understood what was going on finally "So you were Alliss, and you fed off of Spike and the town for this festival and all the love these ponies were feeling. You took advantage of Spike when he was weak from rejection and now you're using his power to take over this town." Chrysalliss nodded and grinned, baring all her teeth. "You figured me out, how droll, I was looking forward to explaining it all in more detail, but alas, I think it's time I ended this little talk." Twilight attacked first with a small spell that immediately bounced off of some sort of shield around Chrysallis. She shot larger kinetic spells her way with the same result every time. Telekinesis with rocks being dropped on her, still nothing. The queen just laughed to herself the entire time "Twilight, I thought you were taught better than to attack your superiors." A bright green light shot from Chrysalliss's horn and landed on Twilight's own shield, the beam kept burning against the shield as Twilight strained to protect herself, then suddenly, searing pain hit her as the shield shattered and she was flung to the ground. Chrysalliss stepped over to Twilight with her horn still glowing. Tears formed in Twilight's eyes as she readied for the worst. She looked to Spike who was still in his trance and screamed "HELP ME SPIKE!" As soon as she yelled, there was a shimmer within the queens shield and Twilight saw an opportunity to strike, launching a small pebble though a rift in the shield and hitting the queen with some much deserved force. The queen backed away in pain as she held her face where the rock had struck. "HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR FILTHY MAGIC UPON ME!" Chrysalliss reared back and began to cast another spell. As she did a particular highborn British voice cried out "Twilight, Spike! Oh thank Celestia I've found you in this mess. Just look at what these changelings have done to my mane!" Twilight's eyes shone with a newfound resolve as she ran to her friend "Rarity! I need your help to build a shield, just do what I do, NOW!" Twilight lifted her horn and pulled a barrier around herself, Rarity, not being nearly as powerful a unicorn as Twilight mustered up a small defensive shield her father had taught her. Chrysalis cast her spell and it his Twilight's shield like a small house. The torrential downpour of magic proved to much and Twilight's shield shattered once again before the magic turned towards Rarity's shield. It held almost no defense and was destroyed in mere seconds. Twilight and Rarity were both thrown to the ground with small cuts and bruises all along themselves. Twilight looked to Rarity and motioned towards Spike. Rarity got the idea and decided to try what she heard Twilight scream earlier, with a little more zest to it however. Or as much as she could muster in this state. "SPIKEYPOO WE NEED YOUR HELP!" The sound of Rarity screeching out that was like cat nails on a chalk board. However it was exactly what they needed as Spike broke free from the Trance and snapped back to reality. Chrysalliss had lost her source of magic for now and backed away trying to regain control. Spike fought back as best he could, he looked to Rarity, then Twilight. Tears began forming in his eyes. "Did, did I cause this?" Twilight looked to Spike "NO! You didn't cause this, she did!" Spike turned around and saw Chrysalliss as she tried to cast her spell on him again. He fought back the spell once again. "You miserable little worm, you were so much easier to take control of when I looked like, oh yes" Chrysalliss changed into her form for Spike. Aliss stood in front of him as he blinked "No, no no. You tricked me." Alliss laughed then changed back to Chrysalliss, "We changelings are prone to do that my dear dragon. However, I still provided the love you sought. I was still there for you even when this one had thrown you away." She motioned towards Rarity. Rarity hung her head low, understanding now how Chrysalliss had used Spike. Maybe if she had given him a chance instead of disregarding him, none of this would have happened. "Twilight!" Spike called out "She's using my love to destroy Ponyville right?" Twilight nodded but said that she was also using the love from Ponyville too. Spike shook his head "No she's ONLY using my love to do all this herself. Her minions are the ones feeding on the town, not her. Twilight, I can't forget how she treated me when she was Alliss, and I can't forget the contempt I built around Rarity for the rejection. She's going to get control over me again soon. I know how we can stop this and you can beat her though." Chrysalliss smacked Spike with her hoove sending him into a bench nearby and breaking it. "Silence you worm, if you don't submit now I will use you to destroy your friend, including your beloved Rarity." Rarity looked to Spike and Spike to her, he only smiled and then looked to Twilight. "Twilight, you still remember that memory spell right?" Twilight knew immedietally what Spike wanted her to do "No Spike, I won't use it on you! I have no idea how much it could erase!" Spike pleaded with her "But it's the only way to get rid of the memories of Aliss for sure. If I forget a few things, so be it. I'm willing to give that up to save my friends and the ponies I love." Spike walked towards Twilight and Rarity slowly with his arms outstretched. "Don't you dare you insolent whelp! I will-rrgh-take control of you!" Twilight looked to Spike and ran to him, she was met by him with Rarity as well. They all embraced and Spike raised his head to Rarity, "I love you Rarity, always have and always will." Twilight saw Spike'e eyes begin to turn green again. Tears began to well up in her eyes as well as Rarity's. Then she cast her spell. Spike fell to the ground, unconcious as his mind rushed to figure out what had happened. Chrysalliss was taken aback. "No, how. You can't just, THAT'S CHEATING!" She roared. Twilight and Rarity began to walk towards Chrysalliss, now, with no power going to the queen and their own hearts filled with resolve. "CHANGELINGS TO ME! WE ESCAPE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY!" The hive mind of the changelings collectivly obeyed the queen as they all began to fly away. Towards the mountains once again but thankfully away from Ponyville. Twilight and Rarity collapsed finally and breathed a sigh of relief. They took Spike back to his small bed and helped the ponies of the town back to their own homes. It would be a busy day repairing things tomorrow. As Twilight layed in bed, she looked to Spike, seeing him soundly asleep as if nothing had even happend, in his own mind nothing really did happen she thought. The night grew long and Twilight closed her eyes and let sleep finally take hold of her. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Twilight WAKE UP!" Spike was standing next to Twilight's bed as she opened her eyes and he was looking at her with a grumpy face. "Oh, sorry Spike, I kind of slept in, late night last night." Spike demeanor changed and he smiled "You're telling me, I still can't believe Celestia made you move so late in the night to this town!" Twilight blinked and almost started to explain, she caught herself though. If you tell somepony that you altered their memories, the spell starts to reject in their mind and it can drive them insane. Spike hopped down from the bed aread and into the main library. He looked out the window and into the town of Ponyville for the first time. "Oh man, Twilight, it looks like a storm hit the town while we were asleep. Maybe we should go-" Spike stopped suddenly while looking outside. Twilight saw him and rushed out of bed and down the stairs to see what was happening. Spike stood at the window, with his nose almost pushed against the glass looking at the most beautiful unicorn he had ever seen. She had blue diamonds as her cutie mark and a curled purple mane that she wore with pride. "Hey Twilight, we should uh, go introduce ourselves to the ponies in this town. How about starting now?" He turned and smiled at Twilight. She smiled back "Alright Spike let's go, but we gotta help rebuild stuff for them, making a good first impression and all that." Twilight walked slowly to the door as Spike rushed out before she could get to it, he ran out the door and made his way over to this pony he didn't know but wanted to. Twilight stepped outside and saw Spike talking to Rarity, she seemed, different. Not as reserved about talking to Spike anymore, and not using a cutesy name, not patting him on the head like a child. She spoke to him with some kind of new found respect that wasn't there before. Spike talked to her for what seemed like an hour before going back over to Twilight. "Hey Twilight, that's Rarity, she owns a place in town called the Carousel Boutique and she designes clothes for ponies. She was super polite and even invited you and I over for tea later today after we get done cleaning!" Twilight responded in kind "Well then Spike we can't let our new friend down, let's get to fixing up this place" Spike gave a foux salute and ran off to a nearby house with some wood around it that ponies were trying to lift, he offered his help and started hauling wood. Twilight looked to Spike, and then to Rarity as she was walking away. She couldn't help but notice something in Rarity's eye. A small tear ran down the white pony's face as she smiled towards Spike. Rarity understood how far back Spike's memory had been adjusted and realized exactly what she had to do for him. That day she went around town and explained what had happened to him to everypony, including her friends. Near the end of the day Rarity was in her shop, doing some simple stitching when there was a knock on the door. She said come in and as the door opened, in walked Spike and Twilight The tea was delicious and Spike just enjoyed the company of Rarity, stealing glances at her when he could and blushing when she caught him. After Twilight had made her "introductions" and finished their small talk, Rarity brought her attention to the little purple dragon. "Spike?" she started "how would you like to come over here and help me make outfits every once in a while?" Spike beamed as just being allowed to spend time with Rarity would make his life better, he could just feel it in his heart. Twilight decided to leave after the tea and Rarity invited Spike to stay and help her finish stitching while explaining how it was done. She knew this wouldn't make up for all the years he'd lost knowing her, but maybe, just maybe. It was a start to a new kind of relationship for the two of them.