> Identity > by Hyper44 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Wakeing up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ground was hard and cold but was somewhat pleasant against her aching body and ooh did her body ache. From her hooves to the tips of her ears her body hurt. She was surprised that one's hooves could ache like that. Even the feathers in her wings hurt. It was black, pitch black and she couldn’t even be sure whether it was from actual darkness or her eyes being closed. That is if she had even really thought about it. Right now all she could think about was her pained body, the throbbing in her head and the awful ringing in her ears. The worst of it was her chest, her chest hurt so badly. She did eventually become aware of her eyes being closed and the light beyond by the reddish hue that her vision took. She didn't care though. All she wanted to do was lay on the hard cold surface in the little comfort the cold could provide and not move a muscle. She was also laying on and among something a little sharp and prickly but dealing with it was better than trying to move. She didn't even want of try to remember what had just happened. That fact didn't even occur to her in her state of mind. "How long are you going to lay there? I know you’re awake. I can see your eyelids twitching." A snippy and unsympathetic voice cut through the ringing in her ears. The young mare opened her eyes to find that she was outside and lying on a fairly high ledge that encircled a mountain. She heard a snort and somepony paw the ground. She turned her head toward the noise. There standing on the ledge was a male unicorn and one she would say was probably the ugliest pony she had ever seen. He wasn’t too much taller than average but thin in a way that gave him the appearance of a scarecrow. His coat was a faded sickly grayish-blue that looked to be from malnutrition or something. It also looked like it hadn’t been washed in a long time as well. His mane and tail which was jet black was stringy and full of split ends. He wore a dirt stained white coat that was draped around his shoulders, back and flanks covering his cutie mark. His hooves were dry and cracked. His eyes looked black and were somewhat blood shot as if he was accustomed to long days and long nights. The whites of his eyes seemed too big and his pupils too beady. He didn't stand still or relaxed like a normal pony. His legs were stiff. An eye would twitch, then the eyelid, tail suddenly flick then a fore leg jerk up and stomp as if bitten by an insect. As the mare stared at him she almost forgot her aching body and would have fled if she hadn’t been frozen in his gaze. The only thought in her head was that this pony looked stark raving mad. The stallion snorted again. "Finally you woke up. You just had to try it didn't you? You just couldn’t help yourself. I warned you and now look at you! All battered up and even your cutie mark is vanished not that it was anything special. You’re better off without that thing." The mare just stared at him not understanding anything he said or having any idea who he was. The stallion stomped again then turned around looking over his shoulder with a twitching eye. "Let's see how well you live with this, you Little Baby Bird." He snapped drawling out the last words in a mocking tone then took off running down the ledge. The mare stared after still very confused. She still had no idea what he was talking about and why did he talk like he knew her? She definitely didn't know him. Perhaps it was just because he was insane. A thought suddenly shot through her head breaking her dazed confusion. Cutie mark! She turned her head and looked at her flank. When she looked back at herself she could see her body covered in a dark lavender coat and her tail a dark blue lain out on the rock and fallen twigs. Her flank was nothing but a blank expanse of the purple. A jolt of panic shot through her and she wondered, "Just how that could be?! How could it be gone?” She pondered hard on just how a cutie mark could be removed. Was that possible? As she stared at her blank flank another jolt of fear shot through her that when settled and made her feel colder than the rock she was laying on. It was spurred by another realization. Her mind’s eye could not picture what was supposed to be there in the first place. She had no idea what cutie mark she was missing. "I'm just shaken up." She thought inhaling deeply and trying to slow her rapid breathing. "Calm down and think!" She commanded herself. The more she thought though the more panicked she became. Try as she might she could not recall what her cutie mark should be. Her mind on the matter was as blank as her flank. When she tried to think back to other things she realized that even the color of her own coat was unfamiliar to her. She would not have even known she had wings if they had not been hurting. She lifted them up and looked at them but she could recall no memory of ever seeing them before. Was she in some other pony's body? No, she could not recall any memory of being in any other body. She could recall no names, not even her own. She racked her brain for any idea but finally sighed. It was not only pointless but also counterproductive to keep this up. She knew what was wrong. Why did she want to believe anything else except that because it scared her? It wasn't like that was going to help anything. Just what had happened to her to cause this? She looked down the trail. She may not have known much of anything right now but she was pretty sure she knew who did and who was responsible. She could still see that ugly sneer on that ugly unicorn's face. She jumped to her feet only to yelp and fall back onto the ground with her heart throbbing in her chest. She was in no shape for to catch him let alone confront him and besides he would have a good head start by now. She lay there a moment with her eyes squeezed shut and her heartbeat throbbing painfully. With a sigh she raised her head up and looked around. She lay not only on the rock of the mountain but in a mess of twigs, thin branches and leaves. Looking up she could see twisted trees struggling to grow out of the side of the mountain. The one directly above her had branched broken and snapped. Yes, she definitely fell out of the sky or more likely was blasted out by unicorn magic. She turned her head to look down the mountainside. It was a beautiful view. A green field stretched out below with pretty trees spreading out their branches under the sun. Squinting she could make out tiny dots of blue and purple that she took to be little patches of flowers. Movement at the corner of her view caught her attention and she turned to see a group of ponies trotting toward a small homely town on the other side of the field. She had been so focused on looking down that she had not noticed it yet. She stood up tenderly on her hooves. At least there was a place where she could find help was nearby. For all she knew she lived in that town. For all she knew she knew the ponies that just walked to it or she even knew that weird unicorn. He certainly acted like he knew her. The young mare shuttered. What kind of strange company did she keep? She looked down the path to over the ledge. To walk or to fly was the question. It wasn’t all that high but high enough to be a long walk and also enough to be a deadly fall if her wings couldn’t keep her aloft. Her wings were so sore and tired. Her legs hurt too but if she fell walking she would not seriously hurt and she could also sit down if she needed which was something she couldn’t do in the air. The purple pegasus stood on the ledge a few more moments, took a deep breath and spread her wings as she focused on the village. Then she sighed letting her wings fall limp and started hobbling down the path as fast as her injured body would allow with her heart throbbing away in her chest. Its pounding hurt. The sun was already pretty high so it had to be late morning or early afternoon. That meant that she only had about half a day to travel to her goal. If she got to the town after night fall the town would be shut up and everypony in bed. If that happened she would have to either start knocking on doors or just wait in the square until daylight. She didn’t like either option and she tried to double her pace. She still pondered if she lived there. It made her queasy to think that she might be heading for her own home and not even recognize it. It didn't really matter if the if ponies of the town did know her or not though. When they saw her limping in they would surely react and she could deduce from what they said if they did or didn't know her. For all she knew that nasty faced unicorn lived there. She would have been content never to see or remember him again if she wasn’t sure he was the one responsible and hopefully could reverse this. She couldn't help but keep pondering. Was she blasted out of the sky with magic? Maybe he just hit her with some magic beam to wipe her memory to teach her a lesson or something? Of course if she didn't remember then she really wouldn't learn anything would she? What had she done to him to make him so angry? With a shake of her head she pushed it out of her mind and kept walking. She was apparently not going to remember anytime soon and she not want to exhaust herself mentally along with her body. Hopefully somepony in the town could help her get her memory back. Wouldn’t be so nice if it was her home and full of friends and family to help her instead of her home, family and friends being somewhere far away. Then again it could be home but she was the most hated pony in town. She hoped not. If it was strangers she hoped dearly that they were friendly ponies. She was making pretty good time down the mountain for her injured condition but she couldn’t help but fear that she was not going to make it in time. Her aching body complained every step but she just kept putting one hoof in front of the other repeating in her mind, "Keep trotting, just keep trotting on." As she neared the base the ledges got closer together and the slopes less steep. She soon got confident enough to attempter a quicker way. She began jumping off the higher ledge then half skidding, flying down to the one below. It emboldened her to try her wings once near the bottom. She coiled her muscles under her and leapt off the ledge flapping her wings. She instantly found that the strain of staying entirely aloft was too much. Pain shot through them from the tips to the bases, the shock making her stop flapping in midair as she yelped. She managed to catch herself before she hit the ground making it a rough but much softer landing than it could have been. She sat there a moment gritting her teeth until the pain in her wings subsided. She knew she needed a rest and this would do. She waited for around ten minutes then made herself get up and headed for the town again. From the ground it was hidden from view by the trees but she knew the direction. With it being much closer now she was all the more eager to get there. She started a rush trot and even ended up half flying again with her feet still trotting on the ground. As she drew near where she could hear the voices of the ponies and see glimpses of the town through the branches a shyness and nervousness overcame her. Did she really know any of these ponies or more correctly did any of them know her? What if they didn't? What should she do then? Just walk into the town and announce, "Hey I don't know who I am nor what in... in.." In what? She stomped on the ground. She didn't even know where she was or where or what anyplace was. She had stopped in her tracks all together and stared at the town through the trees. As much as she wanted help she did not want to walk among strangers, if they were strangers not knowing who she was or anything. She even entertained going back. "Stop it" She snapped at herself. "You have to be bold... or... or at least not stupid! What are you going to do if you don't go? Try to find another town, find another town with not even knowing the name of the county you’re in and face the same circumstances when and if you get there?" She snorted. "Are you just going to try to live out in the woods? This is your best option! Turning away would be stupid. You may not like it but it's what you've gotta' do." Finished scolding herself the dark purple mare set her jaw in a resolute expression and strode forward. Pretty soon the trees came to an end and she saw the town in full view. Close up the ponies didn't look mean in the least. They were of all sorts, Earth, pegasus and unicorn. The ugly blue-grey unicorn was nowhere in sight. For that she was both relived not to face him and disappointed because she wanted to know just what had happened and to get her cutie mark and memory back if that was even possible. The ponies didn't notice her walking into town at first as they carried about the business. The mare couldn’t find the voice to announce herself and just kept walking deeper into the town. Slowly one by one heads turned and ponies looked at her. Some looked briefly and some stared but none said a thing to her. A couple took a step or two toward her but stopped, looked on a moment and then turned away. It was that awkward standoffish kind of moment where you have ponies’ sympathies but they are intimated by your circumstance and unsure. They had no idea how you just might react or feel unnerved and it's easier just to try to ignore than get involved. The mare grew a little angry. She wanted to yell out, “Is your precious little feelings more important than helping somepony?!” She quickly put her anger aside. She had to focus only on what she need to do. She knew she had to ask for help but she was so unnerved at just walking up to a pony she didn't know. So she just kept walking with her head hanging lower. Then the same resoluteness from before swelled up in her. She was being stupid. It was what she had to do and the ponies here didn't look mean. What was the worst they would do, tell her to go away? She started scanning the crowd with her eyes checking the expression and manners of all of them. She told herself that she was just checking for the best pony to approach but she knew that she was only stalling. While one part of her was determined the other was afraid and found excuses. Another thing that added to the mix was the fact that she realized that she was a little smaller than the average pony. Not by a huge amount but enough that you would notice. She was your basic pegasus pony but just a bit thinner and scaled down slightly. Her legs were too thin for her frame too. They almost looked like sticks compared to other ponies of normal size. Her wings were about the right size but on her small back they looked huge. Why was she smaller? The mare pondered just to turn her mind more away from the issue at hoof. Maybe she was still a filly and only close to being an adult. She didn't think so though, she didn't feel like a filly. She snorted at herself. Then again how would she know how old she was? "Do you see that? A blank flank can be that old!" An incredulous and high pitched little voice cried. The mare flinched having forgotten that she had also lost her cutie mark. She wanted to spin around and defend herself by yelling at the little filly that is had been stolen from her. She didn't think it would look too good to the other ponies if she started screeching at some little kidthough. "Oooo, I bet Apple Boom would love to know how old you can be and still not have a cutie mark." Another equally bratty and somewhat sucking up voice remarked. Whoever Apple Bloom was the purple mare felt sorry for her. She tipped her head slightly and peered at the two fillies but they weren’t looking at her anymore. "Come on let's go tell her that she can grow up and still not have one." The first filly said and with that the pinkish and gray fillies took off. The mare wanted to glare at the other adults who let these two run around disrespecting any pony in sight and did nothing. The resentment soon faded as her mind slipped back to her predicament. She felt her eyes tearing up but quickly squeezed them shut and shook her head. NO! She was not going to do that. She was going to do what she needed to do. She bit her lip at the thought. Now she felt even worse and wanted to speak to another pony all the less. Well, she thought to herself, if she had done what she needed to do right away it wouldn’t have gotten worse. She raised her head deciding to finally ask the closest pony for help and ended up just letting him walk by. She snorted but didn't waste time scolding herself and just determined to try again. Just as she did a pink mare walked out of a store in front of her. She was pink from head to hoof, mane to tail and sported three balloons as her cutie mark. She was prancing out with such a mouth full of balloons on strings that she was almost lifted clear off the ground. The pink prancing mare stopped and looked straight at her. Taking a deep breath the purple mare started to speak to her but was cut off. "Oh my gosh!" The pink mare exclaimed letting the balloons loose from her jaws. Almost quicker that the purples mare's eyes could resister she leapt up catching the balloon mass and took off in a pink streak of lightning. The wind made the mane and tail of the pegasus blow straight out as if to jerk her along. Afterwards she stood there shocked and confused as her hair settled back into place. She didn't have time to figure out about how she felt about it for once the pink mare had vanished she revealed another mare that had been standing behind her hidden by the pony and her mass of balloons. This mare was a pegasus, one of a light yellow coat and pink hair that blended beautifully. She might have been with the other pony with having been so close behind her and had a basket of colored streamers hanging out of her mouth. The two ponies stared at each other a moment. Then tears welled up in the yellow pegasus's eyes. The basket dropped from her mouth and hit the ground as her jaw hung open. "You poor, poor thing!" She gasped and flew forward knocking over the basket and sending streamers scattering all over the ground. She swept the mare up in her forelegs and was flying down the streets with the purple pony's' hooves dangling a few inches over the ground. "You poor thing! Whatever happened to you?!" She exclaimed as she navigated down the streets. "I...I don't know." The purple pegasus admitted. "Well don't you worry I'll have you fixed up. It'll be alright." The mare just hung limp and dangling above the ground blinking in disbelief. She was the one in a predicament but this yellow mare was more upset about it than she was. Well, at least she had found help. > Helpful friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The yellow mare who turned out to be named Fluttershy flew out of the town and down a pretty little path that led to a cottage with her new charge dangling from her hooves the whole way. The purple mare was quite bewildered at her behavior but it wasn’t in a bad sort of bewilderment. Moments later though she couldn’t help but scream when Fluttershy shot up to the cottage and dropped her into the paws of a bear. "Oh no, he won't hurt you. He's very kind and sweet." Fluttershy said petting the bear on the head before flying off into the cottage yelling, "Everyone out here stat! Bring bandages and heat some water!" The purple mare was left in the arms of the bear who smiled down at her. A smile that was not so comforting with all those sharp teeth showing inches above her nose. Her fear was quickly overcome with astonishment when all sorts of critters scampered, flew and hopped out of the cottage. The mare could find no words as she sat bug-eyed in the arms of a bear and being tended by Fluttershy and a score of critters. A white bunny hopped to and fro bringing whatever the mare asked for. A flamingo stood on one foot with a roll of gauze around its neck. Little mice and birds scampered and hopped up and down the purple mare's mane pulling out twigs and using their tiny paws or beaks to tighten bandages. "This was not what I would have guessed in a million years," the mare thought as she sat through it, "But then again for all I know this could be normal. "There, there you’re not really that badly injured. Just a little battered and scraped. These look like some painful bruises but they'll heal up." Fluttershy chatted while she worked interspacing comforting words with commands to the animal. "You'll be alright. We'll take good care of you. Angle, bring me some more gauze." Just as the yellow pegasus finished a voice from down the path called her name. "Fluttershy darling, what on earth are you doing? I saw you go zipping by my shop carrying a little young mare or older filly and babbling like crazy? Is everything alright?" Both mares and the animals looked up to see a white pony trotting up the hill. She had three gems as her cutie mark and purple mane and tail. The new mare stopped and stared at the scene. Maybe it was out of the ordinary after all, the purple mare thought while looking at the expression of the new pony. "Yes something is wrong, Rarity." Fluttershy replied patting the purple mare on the head like she was a little foal or a critter. "This poor girl went through some awful experience. We're helping her feel better." "Oh, dear," Rarity said staring a moment longer. "She does look like she has had some awful time but I do think you've overdone it on the bandages, dear." Rarity trotted closer. "Fluttershy darling did you think to do nothing for her mane? It's an absolute mess and her hoofs are so dull and dirty the poor thing." "Yes I did notice but that wasn’t important now with..." Fluttershy started with her soft voice but was interrupted. "Of course it's important, it's always important!" Rarity declared. "I seriously do not understand how some ponies cannot think it's important. No wonder she feels so awful looking like that." She said looking with pity at the mare. Then her face lit up as an idea entered her mind. "OH! I have just the thing! Come with me darling." She declared and before the purple mare knew it she was snatched up in a field of magic with birds scattering and mice falling to the ground. "I'll have you fixed up and feeling as wonderful as you will soon look." She said taking off down the path in almost a run with the mare floating in air behind her and Fluttershy chasing after them. "Um, Rarity...I think..um….excuse me.." Fluttershy called but Rarity didn't even seem to hear her as she rambled about her ideas to herself. The purple pegasus mare was once again unable to think of words and just stared on. Was this normal of poines? The only thought in her head most of the way was that if this new mare ever saw that unicorn stallion she would scream then faint and then probably have nightmares for weeks. * * * The pegasus found herself taken back into town with everypony staring as she was carried in magic down the street with Fluttershy following. She didn't blame them. She was taken promptly to some spa and given to two ponies that looked like sisters, even mirror twins. She was plunged into a herbal bath that stung her cuts a bit but overall didn't feel bad, not bad at all. The warm water and whatever herbs they had mixed in it soon began to take the sting of the bruising and sore muscles away. As she soaked the two pony sisters polished her hooves then cleaned and combed her hair and mane. When she finally stepped out and a mirror was pushed in front of her she had to admit that she did look pretty good. It was also the first time she could fully look at herself and she stared, taking in her own reflection that looked like a stranger to her. She hardly had time to pose in front of it though before a magic wielded, white beaded dress was shoved over her head. "See there dear, I told you that white would go perfectly with her colors. See just look at her." Rarity declared pointing with a hoof. "Magnificent if I do say so myself." Then she looked thoughtful and scratched her chin. "Though do you think it could use some bows or more sequins?" She was answered not by Fluttershy but by laughter. Everypony turned to see two new arrivals standing in the doorway, well one wasn’t standing. She way lying on the floor and holding her stomach with both hoofs. She was a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail. The other was a homely looking orange earth pony with blond mane. "I fail to see what is so funny." Rarity stated in a firm tone. "Rarity she looks like she's getting married." The rainbow pony managed to get out between bouts of laughter. Rarity just fixed them with reapproving eyes. "Some ponies just don't understand fashion and you two are at the top of my list. What are you doing here anyway?" "Fluttershy came and got us to rescue that little mare while you were throwing together that dress." The earth pony stated. "Seriously, Rarity do you really think that that is what she needs?" "Of course it is! Why-" "What she needs is just a stretch of her wings to shake it off." The Rainbow pony stated flying over to the mare who was just staring and wondering what she should do. "She's a pegasus so a good flight is what she needs and flying alongside such an awesome pony like myself will...." "Whoa nelly." The earth pony interrupted as she trotted up. "Hold up there. I say what she needs is to fill her belly with a good home cooked meal and then to get some rest. Look at her she's too exhausted to go flapping around and is as thin as a stick. A good feeding is what she needs and I better rescue her from ya'll before she ends up in worse condition." With that she threw the purple mare over her shoulders like a sack of potatoes and started walking out. Before she could leave the mare was snatched off her back but the rainbow pegasus. "She's a pegasus like me and I know what she needs." "I'm a pegasus too." Fluttershy stated flying up. "No offence dear but you did way over do it on the bandages." Rarity argued before the others could speak. "She looked like a mummy. What I think-" "Rarity your idea was trying to turn her into a fashion model." The rainbow pony snapped putting the blue purple down and flying up to Rarity. "And that's worse than trying to make her fly laps around the town, Rainbow dash?" The earth pony asked before Rarity could reply. Rainbow dash whirled around but suddenly the pink pony from before shot out in front of her declaring, "What she needs is a party to cheer her up! I just set one up and-" "PINKY!!" The others snapped. "Um... I found her first." Fluttershy intoned. "No, I did." Pinky replied in an over the top cheerful voice. The purple mare sat there a moment watching them argue then slowly sunk down so low that her belly nearly dragged on the floor and began creeping towards the door. Maybe she was better off in the woods. Just before she reached the door a purple alicorn stepped inside blocking the way. She took one look at the scene then yelled. "What do all of you think you’re doing?!!!" The five ponies stopped and turned toward her. "I could hear you arguing over this poor pony all the way down the street! There's a crowd gathering outside! She is pony not a critter! Now tell me what is going on!" The alicorn commanded with a stomp of her hoof. All at once the five ponies started talking. "Quite!" The alicorn commanded. The she sighed and massaged her forehead with a hoof. Finally she looked at the mare who was still crouching on the floor. "I'm really sorry about all this, they really do mean well. Please you tell me miss, what's going on and what happened?" The mare still felt like bolting as every eye turned to her and ears perked up to hear what she had to say. She took a deep breath and started while looking at the wall beyond the alicorn's head. "I woke up on a mountainside just outside this town, I don't know what it’s called..." "It's Ponyville and go on." The alicorn offered. "I don't know what happed, I can't remember so I came to the town for help and met them." The mare finished nodding at the five. "I do apologize for their behavior," The alicorn said glaring at the five who shifted around looking in every direction but at her. "They did mean the best though, they just went at it the wrong way. Anyway my name is Twilight Sparkle but you can just call me Twilight. That is Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Apple Jack if they haven't introduced themselves." She said pointing at each pony in turn. "Now what's your name and where do you come from?" The purple mare felt her stomach tighten and let her crouched form sink to the floor. She winched as her bruised stomach and chest made contact. That was the question. She didn't want to answer it but she did. "I don't know, I can't remember." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, time out. How can you just forget your name?" Rainbow Dash asked coming forward. The purple mare finally grew irradiated. "I can't remember!" She declared sitting up and fixing her with narrowed eyes. "The only thing I can remember is waking up on the mountain with some ugly stallion taunting me then he ran off! I don't even know who he was! I don't know who I am, where I'm from, I even lost my cutie mark and I can't even remember what it was!" She declared near the point of tears. "Oh..." Rainbow Dash said walking back to the others sinking into an ashamed silence. "Alright, I'll take care of our guest," Twilight stated giving the others a look before turning back to the mare. "And I'll see if I can help with restoring your memory. Will you come with me?" She asked. "I have plenty of books on science and magic soI think I can reverse it." The mare's ears perked up at that prospect and stood up. Still wearing the white dress she followed Twilight outside with the others calling behind her. "Don't you worry. Twilight has a book explaining everything." "Yeah she's super-duper good at magic. Come back when you’re feeling better and I'll throw you the awsomnest ever party, ok?" "And yeah, sorry about what I said." "I'll fix you up some nice accessories for that dress in the meantime dear." "Well," The purple mare thought as they left, "Over all they were nice ponies, just a little scary though." * * * Twilight led the purple mare to the local doctor who rebadged her wounds. Though she had some nasty bruising the doctor stated that she wasn’t too bad off. The cut she had weren't bad. She did have a lot but none were in the category of lacerations. Fluttershy really had overdone it. She did have some serious bruising though, especially on the chest and stomach. The doctor told her that she was actually pretty lucky. She had obviously suffered a serious blow to the chest and such powerful blows have been known to cause a pony's heart to stop. Especially from magic which can penetrate inside you. She had no broken or cracked bones, she could walk on her own and after listening to her heart he found nothing to be wrong so the doctor told her that she didn't have to stay at the hospital. He gave her ointment for the bruises and warned her to take it easy for a while. As they left Twilight asked the purple mare if she could just call her Jane Pony for now until they found out her real name since it wouldn’t be polite to just keep calling her "Hey you". The purple pegasus just shrugged, "Sure I'll be Jane pony." Jane Pony ended her first day going home to a homely library house contained inside a tree. Twilight after giving a brief explanation to a little dragon named Spike who greeted them at the door sent him off to make a late dinner. It was a simple but filling meal. Afterwards Twilight sent the exhausted Jane Pony to sleep in her own bed while she headed to the bookshelves muttering to herself about amnesia causes and reversing spells. > The next moring > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning the newly and temporally named Jane Pony awoke well after sunlight. She sat up with her heart feeling like it was throbbing a little too hard in her chest. She wondered if it always did that or if it was from her ordeal. “Probably the ordeal,” she decided as she looked out the window. The doctor did say such things could stop a heart. “I probably came close.” She shuttered at the thought. As Jane Pony trotted downstairs she found Twilight sitting at a table in the center of the room and with her head bent over a book. Stacks of books lay on the floor to her right and another stack was piled up to her left. She was staring into the book with such focus that she didn't even notice Jane Pony until she trotted up next to her and cleared her throat. "AAAAHHH!" The Alicorn yelped falling backwards into one of the piles of books. Jane Pony couldn’t help but laugh but quickly apologized. "No, no it's alright." Twilight said getting up with one of the books on her head. She put it on the table. "Now I spent a lot of time examining every book I have on memory loss." She stated. "A lot of time I'll say." Spike grumbled heading up the stairs with yawn. "She studied all night with no break." Halfway up he collapsed on the stairs and started to snore. Twilight ignored him and looked at Jane Pony. "Now tell me everything you remember when you woke up, even the smallest detail because it just might be important. Jane Pony took a deep breath and started from the very beginning when she had woken up so rattled that she didn't even know if her eyes were closed or not. She went over everything until the point where she had walked into Ponyville. The thing that seemed to trouble Twilight the most was her missing cutie mark. "It makes this even more complicated." She stated darting over to the bookshelves and grabbing more books off with her magic as her guest told her tale. By the time Jane had finished Twilight had even more books out, lying open and scattered about the floor. She ran from one to the other reading pages and talking to herself. Jane Pony watched her awhile before a knock sounded at the front door. "I'll get it." Spike called from the stairs but then fell back to snoring. Twilight finally looked up from the books to open the door. Her five friends came trotting in with Applejack leading the way. "Hi Twilight and hi....Miss." She announced. "We came to see how our guest is doing and thought it would be mighty neighborly to show her around town... If she's feeling up to it that is." She finished looking straight at Jane Pony. Jane Pony shrugged, "Sure." She would like to stretch her muscles rather than stay cooped up and let them get even more sore and stiff. "Well, go on and have fun." Twilight said. "I'll have some spells to try when you get back." With that she turned back to the books. The other ponies walked out with the sound of Spike snoring in their wake. "Does she ever sleep?" Jane Pony asked as they walked away. "With her head in a book." Applejack replied. "She's a real egghead like you've never seen." Said Rainbow Dash who was flying above them. "I've never seen anypony get so excited over books." "Unlike somepony we know when a Daring Do books comes out." Rarity commented. "Those are different." Rainbow Dash stated crossing her forelegs and not explaining why. Jane Pony listened knowing that there were inside jokes here but she couldn’t understand them. These ponies were certainly friendly and treated her like one of them though she still felt a bit like an outsider with the obvious closeness and how well they knew each other. Still she appreciated it. As they walked the town they tried to tactfully ask questions worried about upsetting Jane pony. For the most part she didn't really care now that she was over the shock of it. It was unfortunate and she certainly was not happy about it but it just was what it was now. She told them what she told Twilight just a shorter version rather than going over all the details. Rarity gaged and gasped "How dreadful!" more than once while the others made faces when she told them of the unicorn. Rainbow Dash made a promise to fly around beyond Ponyville to see if she could find him then, "Drag him back kicking and screaming to explain himself." They explored the majority of the town stopping by Sugar Cube Corner where Pinkie Pie started asking her all kinds of questions about what kind of party she wanted. Did she want lots of balloons or less balloons? Did she want mostly cakes or cupcakes? Did she want it to be a Welcome to Ponyville party or a I don't know who I am party, or new name party or a Twlilight make me rember party...." Applejack finally started shoving cupcakes in her mouth every time she opened it to shut her up. Despite her circumstances Jane Pony was laughing again. One just couldn’t help it being around these ponies. Afterwards they went to Rarity's boutique where she tried fitting more dresses and hats on her. This time Jane Pony didn't mind. Most of them had places to be later on and left one by one with Rainbow Dash promising to fly with her and show her Cloudsdale when she felt up to it. That left her alone with Applejack who took her back to her farm for that wholesome, home cooked meal. As they walked in through the gate Applejack called, "I'm back ya'll and I brought the pony I told ya'll about." Quite promptly a large red stallion and a little filly came trotting out of the orchard that the pair was passing. The stallion wore a heavy yoke around his neck but carried himself as it weighed as much as a straw necklace. The little filly trotted along with the innocent smile of a young pony. She was yellow coated with red hair and bow bobbing in her mane. She had her eyes half closed as she approached but when she neared she opened them fully and looked at the pegasus guest. She stopped in midprance, frozen with two hooves in the air and two on the ground. Then she plopped down on her rear and started wailing with a volume that would have made a timber wolf jealous. Applejack and the stallion just stared at her bewildered. So did Jane Pony feeling quite uncomfortable wondering what in the word she had done to make the little filly cry. Applejack quickly noticed. "Apple Bloom! What in tarnation is all that fussing about? Can't you see your making out guest uncomfortable? Stop it right now!" "B-but it's true." Apple Bloom wailed. "What is true?" Applejack demanded. "Di-Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon told m-me that I can be grown up wi-with n-no cutie mark 'ca-'cause they saw an almost grown pony with no cu-cutie mark!" Apple Bloom wailed in the same earsplitting volume. "I didn't believe them but now I see that it's true!" With that she threw her head on the ground and covered her face with her hooves mumbling, "I ain’t never goanna' get my cutie mark!" into the dirt. "Apple Bloom this pony hasn’t gotten this old with no cutie mark. She had it stolen from her." Applejack tried to explain. "I feel like mine's been stolen from me! Why is it taking so long to get one! It's not fair!" Apple Bloom muttered underneath her forelegs. Applejack looked at Jane Pony with an embarrassed expression. "I'm sorry about this, you know how youngins are." She said scratching the back of her head behind her hat. “Eeyup.” The stallion agreed. Jane Pony shrugged. "It's alright." She had long since figured out that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were the bratty fillies from yesterday. She more felt bad for Apple Bloom having to deal with them than she felt was embarrassed now. She felt that she just had to do something and knelt beside Apple Bloom. "If I were you I wouldn’t listen to anything they said about cutie marks." "Why's that?" Apple Bloom asked looking up with a sniffle. 'Why was that?' Jane Pony pondered having spoken sooner than she had thought it out. "Well let me see how to put it." She said swishing her tail as she thought. "You know what their cutie marks are right?" "Of course I do. I see them all the time." Apple Bloom answered, "Just as I see my own blank flank all the time too!" "The thing is that their cutie marks are something very sad. They'd be better off without one." "What?! How could anypony be better off without a cutie mark? A cutie mark shows that you’re special!" Apple Bloom demanded jerking her head up. "Well their cutie marks shows that their not very special at all. Let see how to put this." Jane Pony replied flicking her wings as she thought. "If I interpreted their cutie marks right their only talent is being able to do nothing for themselves. Their talent is being entitled to their parents money and never making their own way. That, Apple Bloom is not special at all. I would rather be a blank flank all my life rather than have their cutie marks. At least with a blank flank you can make your own way." Apple Bloom sniffled and thought it over a moment. Then a smile broke over her face. "Hey I never thought of that." She said wiping her eyes. "All better now?" Applejack asked. Apple Bloom nodded then jump up. "Oh my gosh! I have to go tell Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo that! See ya' later!' She declared bolted off out the gate. "Well that's our little sister." Applejack said as Apple Bloom streaked off into the distance. "Eeeyup." The stallion agreed again with a nod. * * * After a pleasant and rather delicious meal with the Apple family Applejack led her back to the tree house. When they reached it they found Twilight sleeping with her head lying on an open book and Spike still snoring on the staircase. Jane Pony decided not to disturb them but walked over to one of the open books and sat down to flip through the pages. It was hard to sit still though for she wanted to know so bad if this alicorn had something that would reverse her memory loss. She stayed patient though for the fact that this alicorn had taken her into her home and stayed up all night to help her when it benefited her nothing. Jane Pony would wait and let her sleep. > No explanation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jane Pony spent the next few weeks in Ponyville and living at the library. When Twilight had finally woken up from her nap on the first day she had immediately started reeling off everything she had learned about amnesia and magic that affected cutie marks. Most of it she rambled out so fast that it left Jane Pony trying to decipher what she had said long after she rattled on to something else. According to Twilight, Jane Pony didn't fit into the normal category of amnesia since such memory loss victims also have trouble learning new things but Jane Pony had no such problem. Most were caused by head wounds but Jane Pony had suffered no major blows to to her head and it was in fact the least injured part of her. If one overlooked the loss of her entire memory she was a normal pony. Twilight first tried scanning Jane Pony with a magic detection spell but the little remnant magic she found could tell her nothing because it looked like nothing more than a normal blast. After that she tried multiple memory spells but nothing worked. Though Twilight didn't say it outright it was as if memory was just gone. Not suppressed, just gone. An idea that made a lump rise in Jane Pony's throat and her legs feel weak. Twilight assured her that they had no proof of that and had quickly moved on. Even though she could find no spells on Jane Pony she cast every reversing and canceling spell that she knew already or had discovered in her books. From the way they phased out without taking any effect whatsoever it showed that there were no lingering spells at all. Not even her cutie mark tried to appear. Twilight went over her books on spells that affected cutie marks and recanted her own experience with spells that affected them but there was nothing that she knew of that could remove one and leave nothing in its place. She tried different spells to bring it back anyway but to no avail. As evening came they both were exhausted, especially Twilight and they decided just to try again tomorrow. Twilight pulled out an extra bed she had and used for sleep overs and called it a night. * * * The next morning Twilight slept late into the day. Spike and Jane Pony let her sleep. He led Jane Pony downstairs to cook breakfast with the help of a pet owl Twilight had. Spike chatted away while they worked with him telling her all about their adventures with their other five friends. Jane Pony wished she could add more to the conversation but with only having two days of memory and not much knowledge about herself personally she really didn't have much to talk about. Especially next to the stories he had to tell. Breakfast was ready by the time Twilight came downstairs complaining that they should have woken her. Afterwards they went back to trying figure out how to bring back Jane Pony’s memory and cutie mark. The days fell into a routine surrounding Twilight's attempts to find out what was caused Jane Pony’s memory loss and reverse it. Her friends came by often to check up on her or give suggestions quite often either in groups or alone. On the third day Pinkie Pie had suggested that in books amnesia is caused by a bonk on the head and they were cured by a second bonk on the head so they should just try that. Twilight had replied that that idea was just from stories written by ponies who didn't know or care about real medical facts. Not only that Jane Pony had no head injuries. Pinkie Pie though was already running around the room trying to find a suitable item. Applejack and Twilight ended up tackling her and Rainbow Dash had to fly after Jane Pony who had thought it wise to make a break for it. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy took turns flying with Jane Pony in ever widening circles around Ponyville hoping she would see something familiar that could jog her memory. Everything was new though and it irked Jane Pony that she could be looking at places that was her home and not know it. Rainbow Dash wasn’t able to find the mysterious ugly unicorn nor anypony who had known or seen him. She did take her up to Cloudsdale though and also made her work on her flying because they were by Rainbow's view not very good. She had commented that even Fluttershy and Twilight flew better. Jane Pony's wings had not been badly damaged. She had had strained muscles and bruising but nothing serious. She did notice though like Rainbow Dash that she really was a weak flyer. The problem turned out to be that she had very underdeveloped wing muscles. From the kind of soreness she had in them when she had woken up on the mountain she must have been using them prior to whatever happened but it was obvious that she was not used to using them all that much. "I mean seriously," Rainbow Dash had commented in her usual brash way. Jane Pony had by now gotten used to it and actually she rather appreciated her tendency to push her to try harder. Rainbow Dash also never forgot to encourage as well. "You’re obviously built for flying but it's like you've done little to none, ever! Your smaller than most pegasus but your wings are about the same size as a regular pegasus. If you got those wings strong I bet you could propel yourself like a rocket. I mean you could never be good as me but wow! I'd bet that you could be amazing!" Rainbow Dash had said spreading her hooves apart as they flew for emphasis. "Well I do have a clean slate now to try it." Jane Pony said. Right after the words came out of her mouth she was surprised. She hadn’t really thought about that before. It was true though, whatever her life before she had a clean slate to start over on. Sometimes she considered that if she did recover her memory she might not be happy with what her life was before. One thing that she had discovered in the days that Rainbow Dash took her flying was that while her wings were weak her legs were fairly strong. Not good for running or apple bucking but much stronger than her wings. Was she a pegasus that just walked? Whatever it was she didn't have to be it now. Even if her memories were regained and she didn't like it she still could start over. It was a thought that made her pause and lag in midair, then she grinned and pounded her wings at the air and shot forward. The wind blew though her mane as she heard Rainbow Dash's, "Yeeeah! Go for it!" Following after her. It wasn’t long before her wings were feeling strain, she was panting and her heart was pounding hard with that familiar awkward throb. She flew on though, she flew and flew. She kept flying until every last ounce of energy was gone and she was forced to land. She circled and landed clumsily on the ground where she sat panting so hard she could not speak and her heart pounding so hard she was slightly shaking but she wore a smile on her face. * * * The training with Rainbow Dash became as much an important part of her days in Ponyville as Twilight’s trying to find a cure for her memory loss. After many fruitless attempts she took to writing the ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia for advice who sent back more books and ideas from her royal professors of magic. Celestia also selected officials to go through the entire record of ponies born in Equestria going even a little further back than Jane Pony could have possibly been born. It was a task that would take a while. She also sent pegasus messengers out with copies of a picture of Jane Pony that Twilight had sent her to ask if anypony knew her. She didn't have them tell why though. It in case of any creepy pony falsely claiming to know her. If they knew her they would know she was missing and be delighted to see that she was found. Jane Pony was a little surprised to learn that her new friends knew the ruler of the country and that one was not only her student but a princess. Spike had mentioned them knowing a princess and adventures in the royal castle the second day but Jane Pony hadn't been sure if she should believe him. From the humble abode she would have never guessed. Then again what did she know? When Twilight realized that she also knew nothing about Equestria she took it upon herself to teach her at least the minim that she needed to know from history to current laws and who's who. It became just another part of her daily routine Most of her activities, little by little drew her attention from the matter of her memory. Aside from flying lessons with Rainbow Dash, being a mannequin for Rarity, apple bucking with Apple Jack and helping Fluttershy with her animals she was also occasionally kidnapped by the Cutie Mark Crusaders who tried to help her find her cutie mark. She laughed every time she thought of it. Jane Pony had been just out for a walk around the town alone when the three fillies had literally jumped out of an alleyway and drug her in. It was something they could do as a trio with her small size. Apple Bloom had waived a hoof for her to follow saying, "Come on, you have to come with us!" In a very serious and urgent tone. Jane Pony had galloped after them wondering what in the world this was about. They had led her to their tree house where Apple Bloom marched up to the podium with an air of official grace. Jane Pony was left sitting between Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo thinking she had just gotten drug into some filly's game. "Hear ye, hear ye, I now call this meeting to order. As you know this pony has lost her cutie mark and I declare that it is our duty as the Cutie Mark Crusaders to help her find it once again." From there they had Jane Pony running races, swimming, diving, sky diving, bowling, baking, kung fu fighting and about anything you could think of, or rather anything they could think of. Jane Pony was happy to go along but had to draw the line at manticore catching though. For the most part she enjoyed the time she spent with them and she admitted to herself that she held out some small hope that after one of their ideas she would look at her flank and see her cutie mark there. And yes Pinkie Pie threw her a "Make the new mare feel welcome" party. Jane Pony enjoyed the party even though she was pretty sure that some of the ponies were there only for the party and not for her. She didn't really care. Jane Pony did not need to be the center of attention. The party itself was awesome. She didn't know if she had even been at a great party before but she was sure that this was the best one she had ever had hoofs down. All of this pulled her attention away from the dwindling hope that she would ever find out who she was. Where she would have despaired, she had no time to. Even when she had the time to think about it she could not feel lost. Days turned into weeks and before she knew it Jane Pony had been in Ponyville more than a month and despite all of Twilight’s efforts she was nowhere closer to learning who she was than when she had first woken up. This entered her mind every time she lay down to sleep at night. It was a depressing thought but she could not feel depressed. It would have been emotionally painful to lay down at night with utterly nothing, even no memories and yet in this time that so short compared to whatever life that she had before was filled with so many wonderful memories that it did not matter. It was the dedication of Twilight to a perfect stranger, Rarity’s generosity Applejack's company, Fluttershy's kindness hiding a surprising assertiveness which was often itself a kindness. Rainbow Dash despite her being so blunt had pushed her to fly to her limits and each day she was getting stronger and stronger and oh, how she loved flying. Without Rainbow telling her bluntly instead of just trying to be nice Jane Pony would have never gotten to where she was in flying. Rainbow Dash had not just taken the time to make this weak pegasus a strong flyer but went out nearly every day to search for her attacker. She was a friend anypony would want. They all were. Pinkie Pie made her laugh and the antics and the adventures with Cutie Mark Crusaders made her smile each time she thought about them. The open and willing friendship to a complete stranger from all of them was the best gift out of all of it. For a pony who had nothing she always fell asleep with a smile on her face. > Lightning practice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over time as the first month passed and the second one was ending Twilight slowly gave up on finding a way to restore Jane Pony's memory or her cutie mark. She now sat in a field outside of Ponyville with her friends Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity at a safe distance as they watched Rainbow Dash teach Jane Pony how to strike clouds andcreate lightning. Twilight couldn’t help but vent her frustrations despite the show Rainbow Dash was putting on. "I just can't understand it. I ruled out all explanations left by injuries because the doctor couldn't find even a single injury on her that could account for total memory loss. It looks even less like an injury with the fact that she doesn’t have any of the other problems ponies who experience amnesia do. Also there's no injury that removes a cutie mark. That leaves the magic as the only explanation left but I can't find any magic that accounts for it." She flung her hooves up in the air. “Not in the books, not in detection spells, not anywhere!” Most of the others had given up replying and let her drone on but Applejack finally replied without looking away from the two pegasus flying in the sky. "Sometimes Twli, the only explanation left, or the one we think is the only one left an't it." "What?!" Twilight’s face scrunched up as she considered the concept. "What's that's supposed to mean?" "Just what I said sugar cube, if it's not injury or magic then it has to be something else." Applejack responded still looking at the skies. "But what else could it be?!" Twilight asked somewhere between demanding and complaining. "I don't know, Twi but if it can't be either of those reasons than it has to be something else, now hush and let's see if Jane Pony can get the hang of it." Across the field at cloud level Jane Pony was watching Rainbow Dash cause dark clouds to give up their lightning. She herself held back with apprehension. It was cool to watch but the idea of being so close when the lightning flashed out was a little scary. She had tried once and had gotten shocked, thankfully only a small jolt but once bitten, twice shy. At the moment she hovered in the air and just watched Rainbow Dash strike clouds producing lighting over and over. "Come on now, you have to try again." Rainbow Dash called to her. "Are you really going to give up so easy?" She flew over to another cloud. "You just have to do it with confidence 'cause if you don't your likely to get shocked again." With that Rainbow Dash kicked another cloud sending out another bolt. It made such a loud thunderclap that it made Jane Pony's ears ring. She hovered there still watching for a moment then looked over to where the rest of her friends were. She saw that even more ponies from the town had been drawn out by the noise and were coming to watch. This made her stomach tighten up even more. Just what she needed, a bigger audience. "Come on," Rainbow Dash called starting to sound exasperated. "You have to be bold or you'll miss out on a lot of things." For some reason something stirred inside Jane Pony. A resolution began to bubble up within her. She focused on a large dark cloud a fair distance away so she could be sure to gain momentum. She hovered a moment longer letting her gumption rise as she focused on it and nothing else. She no longer paid attention to the ponies below or even Rainbow Dash as she called out to her again. Then as sudden as a ball from a cannon she pounded her oversized wings at the air and shot straight for the cloud. The wind whistled in her ears and through her mane as she soured. She heard Rainbow Dash's shout of encouragement and excitement as well as the excited yells from the ponies below. She paid no heed to it and kept her eyes on the cloud. The massive bulk of storm cloud grew huge as she closed in. At the last second she spun around in midair and bucked determined to make the biggest lightning bolt possible. Her world went white as a massive explosion filled her ears and it left everything else sounding distant and garbled. Jane Pony shook her head to clear her vision only to realize that she was still flying hard and straight for another cloud. She knew better than to try to slow or otherwise she would crash into it to be shocked. She aimed her forehooves for it shutting her eyes and turning her head. Explosions rocketed through her body making her gasp. Opening her eyes she spotted another in front of her. Why stop now? She flew straight for it this time keeping her eyes open to see just what was happening. She struck the cloud and it exploded releasing all of its energy at once. Lightening shot in all directions and covered the landscape in bouts of rolling thunder. Smelling singed mane, feeling the sting of electric shock and being half deaf Jane Pony finally decided to land. She arched her flight to the ground in the center of the field. Her hoofs hit hard and she felt a pop of electricity shoot up through her legs as sparks and shot out from her hooves. Jane Pony stood staring down at her hoofs in confusion. Then she became aware of the prickly, tingling feeling all over her body. Looking at herself she saw that her entire coat was spiked up. Her mane and tail was fluffed and sticking up worse than Rarity's cat when you made her angry. All of her hair from coat to mane and tail was popping and crackling every time she moved. "Maybe that's not the way to do it." She said to herself though her ears barley picked up the sound of her own voice over the ringing in them. She looked across the field at the crowd to see them staring at her mouths agape. She ducked her head slightly not sure if this was good or bad. Then they started yelling which to her at the moment sounded like it was from the far end of a tunnel. At first she thought they were angry but then she saw that no, were they cheering. Maybe she did get it right. A muffled and garbled voice yelling something excitedly came flying up behind her. It could only be Rainbow Dash. The rainbow mare flew down and skidded to a stop in front of her rambling away all the while. Jane pony strained her ears and tried reading her lips. She was sure that she heard/saw her say things like, "Amazing," "Awesome" and "I knew you could do it!" Jane Pony smiled when Rainbow Dash's chest swelled up and she was sure she was commenting on how her training had paid off. Jane Pony just nodded back pretending she could understand what she was saying then turned to face the crowd. Jane Pony heard Rainbow Dash pause a moment then she flew around back in front of her and started babbling away excitedly again. Jane Pony tried reading her lips again understanding not the words but from her manner that Rainbow Dash was trying to tell her something important. Jane Pony tipped her head then shook it trying to make her state clear up faster. Finally she just pointed to her ears and said probably louder than she had to, "I can't hear you! My ears are ringing badly!" Rainbow Dash slapped a hoof to her face. Then she reached out to turn Jane Pony's head around. Rainbow Dash jerked back and they both yelped as they were shocked by the static. Rainbow Dash shook it off, flew around to Jane Pony's side and pointed. Jane Pony turned her head, blinked then sat down without looking away. On her flank was an exploding cloud sending lightning bolts scattering in all directions. Yet in all her elation the only thing in her head was, "How could a pegasus like me who was so weak at flying have that kind of cutie mark?" Rainbow Dash started yelling at their five friends what could only be an announcement of the cutie mark's appearance. A cheer went up from the crowd and the five came running. They tackled Jane Pony with a hug only to shriek and jump back as they were shocked. Rainbow Dash burst out laughing and quickly the others followed suit, falling on the ground with peals of laughter. To Jane Pony it sounded as if they were gargling water but she laughed right along with them. > Lightning Jolt and to Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took a little while for the strong presence of static to dissipate, even longer for her ears to stop ringing and everything to stop sounding as if it was underwater. Twilight ended up using a spell to make it fade faster. "Now take it easy for a while, it may be your special talent but you don't want to overdo it especially until you get the full hang of it. It is a pretty dangerous sport." Jane Pony had nodded in agreement and then was back out busting clouds by evening. She found that she could strike even normal clouds and make them explode with bolts of lightning if she hit them just right. Whenever she flew by them now she could practically feel their electric potential by the way it made the tiny filaments on her feathers prickle. She wondered just why she didn't ever feel it before but maybe she had and just never noticed. The regular ones didn't have enough and only made a small bolts though. Since she had seen Rainbow Dash turn plenty white clouds into storm clouds she gave it a try herself and found that it wasn’t all that hard. She eventually quit her cloud busting when she realized that the constant booming was annoying the citizens of Ponyville. That and she was getting so worn out that it was starting to mess up her focus. Twilight was right, it was her cutie mark but it did take a toll. The last straw was when she blasted through a dark cloud that she had just made and she hit too far from the center. That sent her spiraling into a roof and she nearly set it on fire. Yes, that was enough for today. The following day had Jane Pony walking the streets practically prancing and dancing every step with her singed and still frizzy mane swaying with her motions. She couldn’t help it, her cutie mark was just so cool! The ponies in the town had started referring to her as Lightning Jolt and she loved it. Lightning for her ability to create copious amounts when she hit a cloud and jolt for her tendency to shock everypony afterwards. She decided that she wanted to go by that for it was much better than Jane Pony. She had all but forgotten about finding the secret of her past and restoring her memory until reminded. Twilight had had Spike draw a picture of the cutie mark and send it to Celestia to help her identify Jane Pony or Lightning Jolt the night before. The report came back the next afternoon stating that nopony had been born in all of Equestria within this generation that had obtained that cutie mark. Her cutie mark was also a quandary to Lightening Jolt and her friends. It was not only the report from Celestia but the fact that she had had badly developed flight skills as well as muscles. Lightning Jolt would have just guessed that she just had never had a cutie mark up until now if it had not been for the words of the unicorn. Why would he say she had lost it if she hadn’t gotten hers yet? So much didn't make sense but all they could do was keep searching for the answer. Anyway her confusion whenever it arose was quickly lost to her excitement. She had a cutie mark and it was 20 percent cooler. As she walked the streets Lightning Jolt wasn’t really going anywhere but was just out enjoying the day because she couldn’t possibly sit still with her exhilaration. Halfway around the town Pinkie Pie jumped out of Sugar Cube Corner and drug the surprised and kicking Lighting Jolt inside by the tail for a, "Yay, you finally got your cutie mark back party." Once again she was pretty sure that most of the ponies were there only for the party and she couldn’t blame them. The pink pony could certainly throw a party. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were there to congratulate her and Scootaloo was certain that she was destined to have a cutie mark like hers. She spent the entire party chasing around Rainbow Dash begging her to train her like she did Lightning Jolt. "I will kid, just wait until tomorrow." "How about now?" "How about tomorrow?" "How about in an hour?" "How about tomorrow?" "How about in a couple hours?" "Auugghh!" Lightning Jolt spent a good bit of the time just laughing at the two. It was, she would say the best time of her remembered life, perhaps even the best among her forgotten life. At the moment she didn't even care about it. * * * That night Lightning Jolt walked home with Twilight who had spike sitting sleepily on her back. They were chatting so excitedly over the party that they didn't notice the two stallions standing at the door of the library until they almost ran into them. They wore the gold armor of the royal guard and stood as still as statues watching the pair. One was a grey unicorn and the other a white pegasus. "Can I help you?" Twilight asked with confusion in her voice. They didn't answer at first but the unicorn levitated a scroll in front of Twilight. "The royal princess has sent for the Jane Pony to be brought to Canterlot for the royal scribes of magic to examine her. Twilight blinked at them flicking her eyes back and forth from the letter then to them as if she could not understand them. "What?" She said finally. "The royal princess has-" "No, I mean... what? Why would she not send me letter ahead of time?!" Twilight exclaimed. She looked back at Spike who shrugged. "Don't look at me, I didn't get any letters about it." "Hmmm, I thought you would have been informed." The pegasus said scratching his chin. "Oh, well it was probably just an oversight." "Oversight?!" Twilight repeated incredulously. "Princess Celestia doesn't make oversights, not one's like that. How could she forget to send me a letter about this?!" Both guards cleared their throats. "Ma'am I don't know," The unicorn replied. "We just follow orders. The Princess is asleep now and I wouldn’t try waking her with a letter but you can send her one in the morning." "No need, I'll just come along. Spike get my saddle bags." Twilight said turning to the dragon. "I'm sorry miss but the princess requested that we bring only Lightning Jolt." The pegasus interrupted as Spike stood up to jump off Twilight’s back. "What?! Why!?" Twilight exclaimed half jumping and accidently throwing Spike off. "Did I do something wrong? Does she not trust me? Is it-" "We don't know miss. We only carry out orders." The unicorn repeated. “Wait till the morning and send her a letter." "I'll send her one now." Twilight said turning to Spike again. "Do you really want to wake her?" The unicorn guard asked. "She's been working hard lately and would appreciate an uninterrupted rest. Just send her one in the morning and it will be fine." Twilight hung her head slightly in defeat. "Well alright, I guess you’re right. I hope that there's nothing wrong." "Naa, she must have just forgot that's all." Spike assured her. Lightning Jolt had been standing behind Twilight listening and feeling rather nervous. She had gotten quite comfortable living in the town of Ponyville and being with her friends. She didn't much like the idea of going off with strangers now. Especially with these cold guards and heading to the capital of the country where she would be examined by a bunch of ponies she didn’t know. She didn't think one said no to the head princess though. She was also sure that she would get to come back or Twilight would be able to come soon. From what she had told her the princess was quite a kind and cool character. "It's alright, maybe they can find a cure." Lightning Jolt said more confidently than she felt. She didn't like going off without her friends for support but if that was the way it had to be then that was that. "Just let me go say goodbye to my friends." "No, it would be best if we went now-" The unicorn started but the pegasus nudged him. "It's almost two hours before the night train leaves. We'd just be sitting there for at least that amount of time provided that the train is on time, which it rarely is," He said. "Let her go say goodbye and there will be less fuss." He turned to Lightning Jolt. "Go on but be sure to meet us at the train station in less than two hours." He said and with that they walked away. Lightning Jolt hugged Twilight goodbye then flew off to say farewells to everypony else including the Cutie Mark Crusaders. After she left Spike stood outside with his claws on his hips and glaring after the guards where they had disappeared into the darkness. "How rude. They didn't even bow to you Twilight like all the other guards do and then their trying to tell you, a princess what to do? Who do they think they are?" Twilight shrugged. "That was a little odd but I really don't like ponies bowing to me anyway. Their also right. Princess Celestia is probably sleeping and I don't want to wake her. I'll just send her a letter first thing in the morning." She said walking inside and motioning Spike to follow. "Come one Twilight don't look so down. I'm sure it's nothing. Remember all the times you freaked out and it turned out to be over nothing. This is just like those times." Spike said as he scampered after her. "Thanks, I think." > The train ride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that night Lightning Jolt trotted into the train station after saying goodbye to her friends. They were as surprised as Twilight to hear that Princess Celestia had sent guards to escort her to the palace without any prior notice, especially in the middle of the night. They followed her to the train station to see her off. When they walked in the place was almost deserted. There was only seven ponies waiting for the night train which arrived a few minutes later. The two guards were there waiting stoically near the boarding platform. When the train was made ready they beckoned Lightning Jolt to the last car. She hugged her friends one last time, all of whom promised to come visit her soon and then she climbed aboard. Once inside she picked a window seat and leaned out to waive goodbye to them as the train pulled out. After that she flopped back into the seat to watch the landscape zip by. She was a little excited with this being her first train ride, first one that she knew of. She didn't know if Celestia's scholars could figure this mystery out and if so would she would be returned to her family, friends and life before? She did want to know her past but with her time in Ponyville it hadn’t become as urgent nor so great a wound. She knew that if she was returned to where she had come from she would still always be friends with those six and their families. Where she should have felt such a void and insecurity she had not. With the way they had taken her in and treated her as one of their own she was not able to, even if she tried. (She actually had tried once.) What they had given her was priceless and really all it had taken was time and kindness. Lightning Jolt looked away from the window to the two guards. They were standing in front of the door to the other cars. Then she looked back out the window watching them only out of the corner of her eye. It was unnerving how they just stood there staring at her. Worst of all was the way they were standing in front of the door obviously blocking it. Were they keeping her in or other ponies out or both? She didn't like either of the scenarios. Was this how guards were supposed to act? A couple ponies that were boarding the train had headed for the back cars only to be warded off with angry glares from the guards. They had quickly turned and went into the next car up. Lightning Jolt did not like it. She felt so trapped. She wanted to question them on just what they were doing but she wasn’t that confident. Like when she had first come into Ponyville she felt the same feeling she had that kept her from having the nerve to approach anypony. Confronting them outright was probably not the best course of action but there were other ways if she could work up the nerve. She felt just like staring out the window and pretending that she didn't notice them blocking the door. She did so for a few moments then snorted at herself. No way was she going to act like some scared little filly. She needed to have a little spunk. Be bold. One thing Lightning Jolt had learned about herself was that she had a very shy and submissive tendency. She always felt unnerved at speaking up in uncertain situations. At the same time she had a more fiery side that wanted every bit to and it raged against that weak side. Strangely those "weak" feelings seemed to be the strongest of the two. Deep down she knew she had to choose the other. Sometimes it was good to keep your mouth shut but not all the time. Even though she didn't feel like she had the nerve she got up. The guards hardly moved but she could tell that they became very alert and watched her more intently as she approached. They didn't challenge her until she had stopped in front of them. "Where are you going?" The unicorn asked her. "Just to walk around." Lightning Jolt replied. "Sit back down." The unicorn said motioning to the seats with his head. "Why?" Lightning Jolt asked even though she wanted to flee back to her seat under his intense stair. "I don't want you to go wandering around. We have our orders and we're going to carry them out." Lightning Jolt blinked at him. "I'm not going anywhere. Is there some grave danger to me on this train?" She asked getting a little sassy toned. She couldn’t help but flinch slightly at the look the unicorn gave her. The pegasus pushed him aside. "I think it will be alright. After all the little old pony I saw getting on didn't look like she was plaining to strangle anypony with her knitting." He said with a laugh. "Just be back when we're nearing the ravines that link to the EverFree forest." Lightning Jolt didn't bother to ask why but bolted through letting the door swing shut behind her. She swore that over the train's rumble that she heard them arguing in whispers. She didn't care but started walking down the aisle. She didn't like either of them but decided the liked the unicorn much less than the pegasus. Maybe he was akin to that other ugly unicorn who she had seen when waking. Sitting near the front of this car were the two ponies who had tried to board the back car and Lightning Jolt wanted to talk to them. She had seen them both at the last party Pinkie Pie had thrown for her but had never seen them in Ponyville before. She also just wanted to talk to some friendly faces after dealing with the guards, they just seemed to suck the good feelings out of you. These two ponies seemed to be her age, (Twilight was sure that Lightning Jolt was an adult, just smaller than average but just barely an adult pony who had just come out of her teen years.) These two ponies, one a female earth pony and one a male unicorn she assumed didn't know each other or at least know each other well since they were sitting on different sides of the car and two aisles apart. The male unicorn had the most interesting coat, mane and tail that she had ever seen. They were all made up of the same colors, an orangeish-amber yellow mix with tiny black flecks. His entire coat seemed to have a glow under the lights of the train car. It was similar to the glow of low embers left after a fire. Because of that she wanted to go talk to him first just to get a better look at his coat but she thought it would look rude to pass the mare who was closer so she picked her. The earth pony was sitting in window seat and staring out just like the unicorn. She was a pretty pink color with a red mane and tail. Before Lightning Jolt could say "Hi" the earth pony turned around and said it first. "Hi. You’re the pony from the party in Ponyville." She said. "Yeah that was me." Lightning Jolt replied. "I never saw you in Ponyville before." "That's because I was passing through." She said. "I was part of a group that cut through Ponyville heading for the new wave rallies. I don't know if I agree with them but I just wanted to see." "Me too." The unicorn who had been listening in said from across the aisle. He hopped out of the window seat and took one closer to the two. "I namely went because my friends were going and I thought it would be interesting." Lightning Jolt scrunched up her nose thinking. "I've heard of them." She said. "Mostly in passing from Twilight but she always speaks of them with distaste or a bit of anger. I actually haven't heard much because my other friends know better to mention it in front of her." "Oh, that's probably because she's Princess Celestial’s personal student and some of them think we should change like some other countries are. Changing from a monarch style government." The unicorn said. "Not all of them are like that though and I think have pretty good ideas." "And how we ended up at the party is that a number of us detoured through Ponyville and some pink pony by the name of Pinkie Pie practically grabbed us up off the street and forced us to come to your party." The Mare added. Lightning Jolt burst out laughing. "That's Pinkie Pie for you. She dragged me into the party too. Of course it was a surprise party for me though" "So how do you know the newest princess and her friends?" The unicorn. "I never... I'm not trying to be rude but I've never heard of you before and Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends are always in the news and being talked about." "That's alright," Lightning Jolt replied. "I've never heard of me either." The pair stared at her confused and she was forced to explain. "I woke up outside Ponyville badly battered and my memory of, well everything was gone. I didn't know who I was or anything and my cutie mark was gone too." The two ponies took in a sharp breath at that but Lightning Jolt continued. "There was some ugly, dirty and insane unicorn gloating over me before he took off. I have no idea why he did it or even really what he did but when I came to terms with it I limped into Ponyville and encountered Twilight's friends who practically kidnapped me determined to help." She couldn’t help but laugh a little at the memory. "Twilight intervened and has been helping me as well as her friends who are now my friends ever since. Twilight has been helping me in trying to restore my memory but it hasn’t been successful. It was Rainbow Dash who helped me find my cutie mark again." Lightning Jolt shifted turning sideways to show her cutie mark. She tried very hard to keep from sounding proud. "My talent is creating lightening and after that they changed my name to Jane Pony to Lightning Jolt. That party was my Cute-ceanera." "Neat." The pink mare said and held out a hoof. "I'm Valentine." "And I'm Ember Light." The unicorn said doing the same. Lightning Jolt hoof bumped with both of them. "Nice to meet you." Lightning Jolt had taken many lessons from Twilight on the importance of friendship and trying to make friends where ever you go. She was happy to be able to do so easily but chances were that it might not be so easy to make friends everywhere but for now it was nice. "I can remember my Cute-ceanera." Valentine said shifting in her seat to show her cutie mark. It was a dark blue lotus flower in full bloom. It was tipped slightly so that you could see the center and the circle of pollen strands the outline of a heart could be seen. The strangest part was that there was what appeared to be two swords crossing over it. Lightning Jolt looked at it trying to decider just what it meant. Before she could ask Valentine suddenly looked across the aisle with a guilty look. Lightening Jolt turned her head to see that she was looking at Ember Light and she quickly noticed his glaringly blank flank. "I'm sorry." Valentine said. "Here we are bragging about our cutie marks and you haven't gotten yours yet." At that Ember Light scowled. He gritted his teeth and looked upwards at the roof of the train with an exasperated expression. "I have my cutie mark." He hissed between gritted teeth. "It's the same color as my coat. If you look closely you'll see an outline." Valentine and Lightning Jolt stared at him a moment trying to process this then they just couldn’t help it. They burst out laughing. Valentine flopped back in her seat and Lightning Jolt had to lean against it to keep from falling on to the floor. Ember Light glared at them a moment then he snorted which gave way to hard laughter. "You don't know how many times I've had to tell ponies that." He choked out when he got control back. Lightning Jolt wiped tears from her eyes still smiling. "I'm sorry I really couldn’t see it." Ember Light waived a hoof. "It's alright. It is kinda’ of funny after all. So anyway what's with the guards up there and why are they so mean?" "Oh them?" Lightning Jolt said, "I don't know I guess they are overzealous about their job. Princess Celestia sent them to take me to Canterlot so her royal scholars of magic to try to figure out how to reverse whatever happened." Lightning Jolt was surprised when the pair of them went quiet and just stared at her in confusion. "What?" "You’re going to Canterlot?" Ember Light asked. "Yes that's where they said that they were taking me, why?" "This train isn’t going to Canterlot." Valentine responded. It's going to Appleloosa. This is not just a detour but you’re going in the wrong direction." Now Lightning Jolt stared at them confused. "They said they were taking me to Canterlot. Why would they say that then go in the opposite direction?" "Because we have to go pick up another pony." A voice called behind Lightning Jolt. The pegasus guard was walking down the aisle. "After that we will head to Canterlot." "What pony is that?" Valentine asked. "That is none of your business as it is a royal matter. We don't tell royal business to everypony." He replied looking at her with a hard gaze that was obviously meant to intimidate. Valentine didn't turn away or even flinch. She looked right back into his eyes calmly. The guard seemed a little annoyed but just turned back to Lightning Jolt. "Remember I said to come back when we neared the gorge, Ghastly Gorge as it’s called. We're getting close." "Why?" Valentine asked before Lightning Jolt could. The pegasus guard glared at her with an irritated expression. "Because it's an amazing sight to watch it from the back of the train." He stated. Lightning Jolt just shrugged and followed him back to the final car. When she turned her head to call goodbye she saw Valentine looking after them with a pensive and worried expression. When she followed the guard through the door back into the last car she felt like she was walking away from a warm summer's day into a cold house. The unicorn was standing on the other side of the car near the other door and oddly with a smile on his face. She didn't think that stoic unicorn could smile. "The view that you get passing over Ghastly Gorge at night is like no other in Equestria." The pegasus said in a pleasant tone. "The best view is from the back of the train." "Alright." Lightning Jolt said heading to the back door with him eager to please just so she could leave again. She herself was certain that they called it "Ghastly" Gorge for a reason and the view would not be all that spectacular. Who knew though and the quicker she saw it the quicker she could leave. "Take a look. We will be passing over the gorge in a moment." The pegasus said opening the back door of the train. Wind blasted in through the door blowing Lightning Jolt’s mane and tail around and the rumble of the train was now a roar. Lightning Jolt walked to the exit as the pegasus moved out of the way. "Just watch and wait and you will be amazed." He said. Lightning Jolt stared out with her mane blowing wildly. She could see the countryside looking as if it was rapidly racing off into the distance. Open fields on one side and the dark Everfree on the other. Lightning Jolt had no idea how she ever sensed what was coming or if it was divine intervention that she turned and looked back. In that second she saw the pegasus guard behind her swinging his weight on his forelegs and kicking out with both hind hooves. They were aimed straight for her head with a powerful blow that would have knocked her cold or killed the little mare instantly. She yelped in surprised and fear as she jerked out of the way. His hooves missed so narrowly that she felt the wind from them. One of his hooves caught the frame going straight through it. While he struggled to pull his leg free Lightning Jolt staggered back away from them in shock and unbelief. She hadn’t gotten far before the unicorn grabbed her in a suffocating magic hold and froze her in place. She tried to scream but couldn’t even open her mouth. The pegasus guard yanked his foot free from the wall and charged at her. Lightning Jolt could do nothing but watch in horror. Before he reached her he was suddenly hit by a streak of pink and red. He gasped as the wind was knocked out of him and he was sent flying back into the seats where he floundered about dazed and winded. Both Lightning Jolt and the unicorn guard stared at Valentine who was rounding on the second guard. Her once sweet looking eyes blazed with fire and her little pink body was tense and poised to strike. She was still small and pretty pink but now somehow looked as dangerous as an angry rattle snake. "Valentine! What-!" Ember Light called rushing in and breaking the standoff. The unicorn guard released Lightning Jolt to try to grab Valentine who leapt at him but the guard gasped in surprise as his magic hold slipped right off. In midair Valentine kicked with her back hooves aiming at his head. He managed to jerk out of the way but her hooves still caught him on the shoulder. The metal rang out and even with the armor he still staggered back and winched. A second later he was punched in the face by Lightning Jolt. Valentine was coming back for another attack only to have to dodge away by the angry pegasus guard who had regained his hooves. The second he had that opening the unicorn guard slung his head hitting Lightning Jolt in the side with his helmeted head while at the same time his horn glowing with a light that wrapped around her body. She was flung serval feet away and skidded across the floor. The unicorn guard's horn was glowing as he prepared a blast before she even stopped moving. Before he could release it a second blast shot across the car hitting the unicorn right on the horn. His own magic blast exploded over his head knocking his helmet clean off and sending sparks and smoke bursting over his face. Coughing and shaking his head the unicorn struggled to clear his vision. He didn’t have the time though. Ember Light who had been standing in the doorway with his mouth hanging open now came charging down the aisle. He leapt over Lightning Jolt and tackled the guard. Lightning Jolt staggered to her feet shaking off her blow. Her legs were shaking shock of it all and she was probably about as confused as Ember Light. Her wings were pinned to her body with the magic the unicorn had used when he had butted her with the side of his head. It was tightly wrapped around her body like a heavy strip of cloth. She had no time to struggle with it as she quickly spotted Valentine fighting the pegasus who was using his armor to catch every blow she slung at him. Lightning Jolt jumped over the unicorns fighting on the floor and ran to help. She rushed up to the pegasus and reared up on her hind legs ready to strike at his face. He rounded on her dodging her blows and raised a hoof to strike her down. He didn't have a chance though. The second he had looked away from Valentine turning his flank on her she had dropped to the floor flipping around as she fell. She had slid underneath the guard and kicked up hard with all four hooves right into his stomach. The pegasus wheezed as all the wind was knocked out of him and staggered away for several steps before collapsing on his haunches where he gasped for air. He had sat down near where Ember Light and the other unicorn were fighting. The larger, armored stallion had finally recovered enough to sit up and practically throw Ember Light away from him. Ember Light almost collided with Lightning Jolt and Valentine as he skidded across the floor. "The Gorge!...Use.. wall!" The pegasus wheezed out. The three younger ponies had no idea what that meant but the unicorn's horn flashed with light and a transparent wall appeared between them and the guards. It reached from roof to floor, wall to wall. The three ponies barely had time to process this before the wall rushed at them at a blinding speed. It slammed into them knocking the wind out of them and sent the three ponies hurtling out of the train as it passed over Ghastly Gorge. The unicorn got to his hoofs and ran to the door. He looked at the figures disappearing into darkness. "Mission accomplished." He said to his wheezing companion > Ghastly Gorge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wind whistled through her ears and mane as Lightning Jolt plummeted toward the bottom of the gorge. She tried flapping her wings forgetting that they were wrapped tightly in magical bonds. Panic welled up in her and it soon became horror as she heard her friends falling around her in the darkness. Was it really all over for her and her new friends who had come to save a near stranger? Suddenly something like a blanket wrapped around them and she began to see a glow in the darkness. She recognized the feeling of magic wrapping around her. The glow was from Ember Light's horn and she could see his face scrunched up in concentration. They slowed to an easy speed where they had eventually placed their hooves gently on the damp earth that was the bottom of the gorge. The glow from his magic stopped and the entire place faded into darkness. The world was entirely black with leftover spots left on their vision except for high above them where the jagged edged strip of dark blue, almost black that was adorned with twinkling stars. "Hang on a minute." Ember Light's voice spoke out from the darkness. There was a second more of darkness and then a light flashed out from his horn temporally blinding them. The two mares squinted in against the light at first. After a time they managed to open their eye's fully as they adjusted. "Sorry about that." Ember Light said but still seemed to be concentrating on his horn and light. It was an orangish/amber color just like his coat and also resembled the light of glowing coals, just much brighter. Lightning Jolt looked up toward the top of the gorge and was barley able to make out where the tracks crossed it. She only really found it against the night sky by moving her head around and noticing the stars that disappeared and reappeared as she did. "That train is long gone now." Valentine said walking up beside her. "I was more thinking of a way out." Lightning Jolt said. She looked back at her wings bound in magic. "If I could fly up I could find a path that you could use to get out." "I can take care of that binding spell." Ember Light said starting forward. Before he had gone two steps a deep rumble came out of the darkness. Everypony froze. Their heads turned slowly. A deep heaving breath came from just outside of Ember's circle of light. Inside the circle the dust stirred with each exhale. All three ponies stared at the spot as another rumble echoed out of the darkness. "What is that?" Lightning Jolt asked in a voice that was a barely audible whisper as Valentine took a ready stance. "I don't know-" Ember Light said slowly as a snort from the thing caused his mane to stir. "But I think that we should RUN!" He shrieked the last word and bolted with both mares racing at his side. The two had to stay inside his circle of light as they raced down the rocky gorge or risk stumbling. They didn't have to see the thing to know that it was chasing them. Each footfall that impacted the ground sent vibrations that they felt through every hoof when it hit the ground. Despite all their efforts the thing was gaining ground. They couldn’t glance back to see it entering into the light for the one second it would take could cause them to trip. Just when they thought it was going to overtake them the vibrations of its huge pounding feet faded as it slowed before stopping all together. The three ponies kept running. Valentine who had been mentally preparing herself for a possible last stand became more alert. "It stopped!" Ember Light declared gladly. "That's not necessarily a good t-" Valentine started as a snarl suddenly cut through the gorge and a huge toothy maw shot out of the darkness at her. Valentine leapt as the massive mouth reached her. Her hooves passed over two rows of sharp teeth and a huge tongue as the jaws slammed shut. Valentine landed on the other side yanking the tip of her tail out of its jaws only having to duck from a second huge head shooting out of the gorge wall. Lightning Jolt and Ember Light only had a second to stare before they had scramble away from teeth snapping out from the opposite wall. "Quarray eels!" Valentine yelled, "Book it and stay as close to the middle as you can!" The three were racing off again with big toothy jaws snapping out at them from both side. "We can't keep this up!" Ember Light yelled. "Both of you close your eyes now!" The two clamped their eyes shut as a massively bright light filled the gorge. The Qaurray eels shrieked and every head jerked back into their respective holes. The two mares couldn’t blame them. Even behind closed eyes the light stung. They were forced to drop to the ground and cover their faces with both forelegs. "You can open your eyes now." Ember Light said. They peaked out gingerly finding the gorge dark again and were surrounded by a much gentler glow of his horn. He grinned. "That is my talent as simple as it is, though there's a bit more to it. Are you alright?" "Fine." Lightning Jolt said as they stood up. "I guess it's only fitting that your talent would be incapable of going unnoticed with your cutie mark pretty much invisible." "GGGAAAAARRRRRROOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!" An incensed roar blasted through the gorge so loud that it seemed to shake the walls. "Even when you don't want it noticed!" Ember light replied and they were racing off again. They didn't know if it was the same beast they had first encountered or another one but it was more than pissed off at the blinding light. They could hear it crashing against walls as it ran. It could probably see in the dark normaly but was still recovering its vision after Ember Light's blinding display. "Cave!" Valentine called pointing to a hole in the gorge wall up ahead. They raced for it with Ember Light purposely falling behind. "Go! I’ll be there in a second!!" He said forming the light coming from his horn into a bright glowing sphere. Just after the two ducked and skidded into the narrow entrance he slung his head back then threw the ball of light down the gorge. As it shot down the corridor he ducked low with his belly almost scraping the ground. He winched as his hips caught on the entrance but sliped safely inside. The beast thundered past chasing the light which finally hit a rock and vanished. The beast snarled and began backtracking. The three ponies inched back from the entrance trying to control their breathing to be as quiet as they possibly could while the beast outside searched for them in the dark gorge. > The search > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia walked out on her balcony as the night ended. She yawned and looked up at the tower that held the castle’s massive telescope. Luna came flying out of the dark and waived at her before flying in through the opening in the roof of the tower. Celestia waived back and then looked at the horizon. Her horn began to glow as she stood up on two legs. A faint glow appeared over the horizon. It grew brighter and brighter until the top of the glowing orb began to rise. It slowly crept up over the horizon casting bright colors on passing clouds. Soon the entire sun was above the earth. Celestia's horn ceased to glow and she fell back to standing on all forelegs. A puff of green smoke came flying through the air. It stopped next to her and poofed out causing a scroll to appear and fall to the ground next to her feet. She looked down at it and laughed. "Oh Twilight, have you been standing by the window just waiting for the sun to rise?" She levitated the scroll up still smiling. "You haven't been standing there all nigh, have yout?.....Yes, she probably has." She unrolled the scroll and started reading. Her face quickly became confused then concerned. She quickly spun around and raced back inside. Her magic snatched a scroll and quill off an ornamented desk. * * * Twilight was pacing back and forth in her room in front of Spike who was still in bed. He had groggily sent the letter at Twilight insistence and then promptly fell asleep again. He tossed, groaned and mumbled complaints at her hoofs pounding on the wood. "Why would she exclude me from something, something with my own friend?" She asked herself for the hundredth time. Spike suddenly belched and smoke puffed out. Twilight grabbed the letter in her magic before it could even begin to fall. She opened it so fast that she ripped it in two. "Ugggg!" She growled at herself and held the two pieces together and read them. "Twilight what are you talking about?" Princess Celestia's voice rang in her head as she read. "I never sent any guards to bring Lightning Jolt to Canterlot. I never sent any orders for her to come here at all and course I would not exclude you. You are my most valued and trusted student. Not only that she's your friend and I would not demand to separate you from your friends. If I had called for her I would have asked all of you to come along. Twilight now tell exactly what happened." Twilight read it twice to make sure that she understood. How could she have not sent guards but yet they showed up? Her mind couldn’t process it a there was no way she could even consider that Princess Celestia would lie to her. She quickly scribbled the story of the encounter and was shaking Spike awake before she was fully finished. "Aww man! Twilight it's fine, she's not mad at you or anything." He groaned. "No it's not alright Spike. Something is very wrong!" Twilight insisted. "Alright." He relented sitting up and blowing a blast of green fire over the floating letter. "So what's the big deal?" He asked stretching and yawning. "Princess Celestia said she never sent those guards." Twilight explained. "That doesn’t make sense." Spike stared at her with sleepy eyes. "Actually that would make perfect sense." He replied sleepily while staring at her with half closed eyes. "What!?" How would that make perfect sense?" Twilight asked confused. "They weren't really-Oh my gosh! Lightning Jolt is in danger!" He yelped with his sleepy eyes suddenly opening wide and jumped up with all traces of grogginess gone. "Don't you see Twi-" Before he could finish light flashed in the room and Princess Celestia stood in between them. "Twilight I couldn’t read much of that letter since it was scribbled so fast. Now tell me everything from the second you saw those ponies claiming to be guards." "We were walking home from Pinkie Pie's party and they were standing outside my door. They presented me with a scroll stating that you ordered for Lightning Jolt to be brought to Canterlot at once." Twilight started. “It looked legitimate to me.” "Yeah, and they were very rude to. I thought it was just because they were new." Spike added. "They didn't bow or talk with any real respect to a princess and they even tried telling her what to do. They told her she couldn’t send a letter to you until morning and-" "They didn't want her to contact me until this morning?" Celestia asked turning her head to him. "Yeah. They were adamant on it." Spike explained. "Twilight where did they take her?" Celestia asked with a serious and grave tone in her voice. "To the train station. They left on one of the night trains. Now that I think about it that train left going in the wrong direction." Twilight explained with fear creeping into her voice. "Celestia what is going on?" "I'm not sure but it is not good." Celestia replied. "Go gather your friends right now and I want you to ask everypony if they saw anything suspicious or if they saw those guards. Then you, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash search up and down the tracks. Organize as many ponies as you can to help. I'm going back to send every pegasus in the castle to search and have your brother take his most trusted guards and see if anypony was unaccounted for last night. Get going and let's hope that... just go!" She commanded and Twilight had snatched up Spike before racing out the door as fast as she could move. "Go and let's pray that it is not too late." She finished before lighting up her horn. In a flash of light she disappeared. Seconds later she appeared in the middle of Ponyville's train station. Ponies jumped back and gasped before remembering to bow. She ignored them and hurried over to the station's staff who was stooped low. "Forget that." She stated lifting them to their feet with her magic. "Two guards escorting a young pegasus boarded one of the night trains. Which one was it and where was it going?" "To-to Ap-Apploosa. They boarded the last car and-" The senior pony stammered out. "Thank you." Princess Celestia replied and vanished. Moments later she shocked the Apploosan ponies when she suddenly teleported into their train station. * * * Even as the sun rose in the morning the gorge still stayed rather dim. It would not brighten up until the sun had risen higher and it would not be truly bright until the sun was directly over the deep gorge. Lightning Jolt was serval yards back in the cave laying on her stomach and watching through the opening as the dim light shown down. She could not see the beast waiting outside but she could hear it sleeping as each breath came in and out. It had followed their scent back to the cave. Its paws were too big for it to get more than one claw in. After it had made a few tries to get at them and it had laid down near the cave to wait them out. Lightning Jolt was taking the last watch while her friends slept. Ember Light had long since undone the magic binding her wings. They had remained quiet speaking only when necessary so as to not temp the beast any more than it already was. They hoped it would eventually give up and leave. It was not likely but one could hope. Lightning Jolt stretched and flexed her wings making her bones pop. She looked down at the claw marks scored in the ground a yard away that were now illumined in the dim light. "Hmmm maybe a little too close for comfort." She said scooting back a little bit. She turned her head and looked at her friends sleeping on the cave floor. Her two new friends. She had just met them and they had risked their life for her. Valentine had somehow known that something was amiss and came charging in attacking the guards with more confidence than Bolt Bicep probably would have had. And could that mare fight! How did that little thing do it? She was as small as her and looked like the stereotype sweet little pony next door. As for Ember Light, she just couldn’t get over the color of his coat. It was the perfect color for embers and had flecks of sliver and black in it. All across his coat he orange/amber shifted in color so that when he moved it actually created an illusion of glowing coals or flickering flame. He too had come rushing in and dove in after a gawking phase. In flashback she remembered glancing at the look on his face as he stood in the doorway. She had had no ability to find humor in the moment but when she thought back on it now it made her laugh. Her friends stirred at the noise. "Morning has come." She called a softer than normal voice to keep from waking the beast too. As they woke she began to wonder if the world was full of self-sacrificing friends or she just lucky. "Is the monster still out there?" Ember asked sitting up and Lightning Jolt nodded. "That is no monster." Valentine said rolling over and stretching by putting all four legs up in air. "Then what is that?" Ember Light asked jerking a head toward the exit. "Just a beast doing what beasts do." She said rolling back to her feet and getting up. She approached the exit to peer out. "What's it look like?" Ember Light asked. "Come see." She responded. Ember seemed to debate that idea a moment but then finally approached the cave exit. Lightning Jolt couldn’t help but follow as curiosity overcame fear. The three huddled at the cave exit peeking out. The beast lay a short distance away with its sides rising and falling. Whatever it was it looked like a wingless dragon. One that was a little on the small side, for dragons that is. It had a thick muscled body, curved yellow claws and a head without horns. It was a plain dull earth color. "Is it a dragon?" Lightning Jolt asked having never seen one beyond Spike. "I don't know, maybe." Valentine replied with a shrug. "All that matters is getting out of here. Anypony think we can maybe to creep out of here while it's asleep?" She took two soft steps outside. One eye of the beast flicked open and the pupil focused on her. "So it's not asleep, just pretending." She stared at the beast sizing it up. "May have to fight our way out," She said looking back with a grin. "No!" Ember Light and Lightning Jolt yelled grabbing her back legs and dragging her back inside the cave. "I didn't mean by myself." She said shaking them off. "No!" They both exclaimed again when they realized that she meant that they should fight too. She laughed. "I was kidding though in all seriousness we have to find a way out of this predicament. If it is a dragon or something similar it will be some time. Dragons can go a long time without food or sleep. The longer we wait the weaker we will get from hunger and thirst and the dragon thing will be virtually unaffected." "Well we do have some time to think it over rather than rushing in." Ember Light said nervously rubbing the back of his neck. He glanced out at the creature and quickly changed the subject. "What I want to know is what is going on. Why were we fighting royal guards last night?" Valentine shrugged, "I could just sense that that guard was up to something bad so I came to check on Lightning Jolt." She said and turned to their new friend. Lightning Jolt stared back at them a moment then just sat down. "I don't know. All I know is those guards came with some written orders saying that they were to take me to the castle. Orders that stated that they were to take me alone. They said that the princess wanted me brought there to be examined by her royal magic scholars. They told me to meet them at the train station for the night train. After we took off they wanted me to stay in the last car, especially the unicorn. The pegasus guard though, let me leave but instructed me to be back when they neared the gorge. I didn't know or care why, I just wanted to get away from them. Their manner was freaking me out." Lightning Jolt laid down and traced circles in the soil with a hoof. "In the end all I know is two royal guards tried to kill me last night. They tried to kill me with a premeditated plan." Her two new friends stood silently a moment, pondering this. In the chaos of the night before and the focus on just surviving they hadn’t though over the details too much. "To state the obvious there is something very wrong here." Valentine said. "Something that makes no sense. Royal guards would not do that. They do not carry out hits." "But they did, or tried to." Lightning Jolt replied. "Perhaps my past is something that I really don't want to remember." "What?" Ember Light asked. Lightning Jolt looked up at them with a pained expression. "Don't you see? I must have been one awful pony before." "Hey!" Valentine snapped stomping her hoof. "Do not talk like that!" "Lightning Jolt, even if you did some horrible crimes Princess Celestia would not have her guards carry out a hit on you.” Ember Light explained. "She would have brought you to Canterlot for a trial. She does things by order and law. She is fair and hard when she needs to be but still follows laws. She does not do things by emotion. That is what has made her a good ruler all these years. I know you really don't know about her that much having lost your memory but this is not something she would have done." "But it just happened." Lightning Jolt argued. "They tried to kill me. Maybe I was really dangerous in my life before and they didn't want to take a chance." "You?! Some super dangerous pony that Princess Celestia fears?" Valentine asked. She paused and rubbed her temple. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get sarcastic but Lightning Jolt, there is no way your some super dangerous, evil pony that she want's you killed like that. Even the most evil of ponies she will give a fair trial and as powerful as she is you are not threat the she would fear. I don't know what's going on but I know she did not order this." Lightning Jolt listened as she slowly traced circles in the soil. She was not so sure. What she did know is that ponies from the royal guard had just tried to kill her. It was no random act either but a thought out plan. She was certain that is had to do with her past, one she certainly did not want to know now. She wouldn't mind changing her name back to Jane Pony and live hidden out here for the rest of her life. Ember Light laid down in front of Lighting Jolt and lowered his head to look her in the eyes. "Tell us exactly what happened, not the short version starting from the moment they showed up." He said. Valentine laid down next to Ember Light as Lightning Jolt sighed and started into the tale. > Escape from the cave and cutie marks explained > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the trio passed the time in cave the search was getting into full swing. Princess Celestia had sent her most trusted guard, Shining Armor to investigate inside the castle and the whereabouts of every guard. He in turn had gathered the ponies that he thought he could trust completely and set to work. They interviewed every guard, a monumental task and searched the castle for anything amiss or guards unaccounted for. This was something very difficult since multiple guards would be on leave at any given time. Even Princess Luna woke up from her day sleep to help Shining Armor and his men. It was a serious matter when any pony was in danger but it was something even more grave than that. Small or large they had a conspiracy of some sort within their own ranks. This was something that neither princess would stand for. Around Ponyville, up and down the tracks and inside all of the towns that the rails ran to ponies searched for any clue that might lead to locating Lightning Jolt or the guards. Pegasus flew through the air searching the area around the tracks till they reached the end of the line. Earth ponies and unicorns searched in the villages and towns. They interviewed every pony that would talk to them to gain any possible clues. None could give them any but a large number joined in on the surch. Fluttershy had even rallied her animal friends to help. None of them thought about it but it was a beautiful sight. A large number of ponies banding together to surch for a single pony whom many of them did not even know. Rainbow Dash found herself winging up with the Wonder Bolts and soaring up and down the tracks as well as all the surrounding area. They dipped into Ghastly Gorge just below the lip of the ravine walls and flew its length. They saw the quarry eels leering out at them from their burrows and spotted a huge dragon like creature that appeared to be sleeping. What they did not see was the low entranced cave under the shadow of that beast. * * * Valentine and Ember Light had sat silently listening as Lightning Jolt told them everything that had happed when the guards had come to take her. "What sticks out the most for me is that they had insisted that Princess Twilight Sparkle not send any letters to Princess Celestia until morning," Valentine commented at the end of the tale. "Me too," Ember Light replied. "If they planned a dirty deed then they would not want Princess Celestia to know anything was up until it was over giving them time to escape. It's a very good thing to know though. If they didn't want Princess Celestia contacted then she did not order it." Lightning Jolt was not so sure. Having come so close to being killed she did not want to take any risks. "I guess so, but what if Princess Celestia knew Twilight would be upset if it was something serious and she didn't want to explain it to her." "No, Lightning Jolt," Valentine shook her head. "The princess is not like that. The most she might have done was to take you to trial without telling her the full story at first but that I even doubt. She would not outright lie to her student and she would not order you to be killed and thrown out of a train car like garbage. Not even if you had done something as bad a Discord had and if you had I'm sure that we would have heard about you." Lightning Jolt could not argue with them but the fear left behind from her near murder and the unknown reason why still lay heavy on her heart. She just shrugged. "Alright, the problem to deal with now is getting out of this cave." She looked at Valentine. "Do you want to fight the dragon thing?" She said putting on a joking grin even though she didn't feel it. Valentine laughed. "I'd rather not fight to the death unless I have too." "This cave keeps going." Ember Light suggested nodding towards the darkness behind him. "It’s likely to lead to a dead end but we should at least check it out. Who knows there might be a exit... then again we could just end up getting lost in tunnels until we starve." "Well, it's probably our best bet. Lead the way." Valentine said to the unicorn. He stood up and focused on his horn. After a moment a soft glow filled the cave and they started off into the low cavern tunnel with Ember Light in the front. "If you don't mind me asking, if creating light is your talent why do often have to focus so much? Many unicorns do it without much effort," Valentine asked. "It takes extra effort for me to create a small light." He explained. "What would be a small push of magic to most unicorns that would create a normal light would for me, make a blinding one." "So how did you ever discover that you had your cutie mark?" Lightning Jolt asked just to draw her mind away from the nagging fear inside. "I mean if you can't really see it, how did you know when it appeared?" He laughed. "I didn't for a long time, no pony did. Well, I take that back, my mom did. She kept insisting that it had appeared but we didn't believe her. I actually got it very young." "Well, tell us the story." Valentine insisted. "I lived with my family in a small farming town. This one night a filly from my school had wandered into the nearby forest and had gotten lost. By the time they realized that she was gone it was pitch black. Most of the town joined in on the search, including my parents. In their haste they didn't notice that I had raced out after them wanting to help. I was the same age as the filly and they would not have allowed it. When I got to the forest it was just so dark. I saw a few unicorns lighting up their horns but the space each one illumined was very limited. I thought how great it would be to have a light shining down to brighten up the forest for us. I was too young to understand much of what I was doing so I had no reserve. I lit up my horn and shot light up above the trees with all my might. The entire sky lit up and the ground below was almost as bright as daytime." He paused and laughed. "I remember ponies throwing themselves on the ground in panic thinking some disaster had just happened. I didn't get what their problem was and just called out, 'Hey I lit it up for you, let's go find her.' Oh, the looks they have on their faces," He laughed, "Anyway we found the filly pretty quickly after that and I was the talk of the town. At the time I couldn’t understand why. What was the big deal? "When my mom took me back home and gave me a bath she noticed that the coloration on both my flanks had changed slightly. She said that the hues had shifted. It was still the same colors but how they faded into one another was diffrent. It was very subtle but she noticed. That’s moms for you. She showed my dad and siblings telling them I had gotten a cutie mark but it was just the same color as my coat. It sounded too ridiculous to them and they didn't believe her. It wasn’t till years later when she found a unicorn who knew spells that would make a cutie mark temporally change color. He used it on me and sure enough, it was there. It was a ball of glowing light and normally it was just the same color as my coat, just like my light usually is." "Usually?" Valentine asked. "I can change hues and shape it." He replied. He made the light on his horn tighten into a ball, float off the tip and then begin to grow. Once big enough it began to shapeshift and turn opaque. It was still obviously light or at least it gave off light but you couldn’t see through the shape. Soon it had become a perfect mirror image of him. If not for the fact that it was glowing and lighting up the cave walls one would not have been able to tell the difference. Ember Light's horn flashed different colors and so did the figure. "This side of it really doesn’t have a use but it is kinda’ fun." He said. The figure melted and shrank into a ball. With a flick of his horn he drew it back. "Pretty neat, I think." Lighting Jolt said. "You could get a lot of bits if you went into entertainment." "Can you create an image of anything?" Valentine asked. "Pretty much. Now tell us your story." Ember Light responded. "I don't understand where the flower comes in but are good at fighting with swords or is that just symbolic?" "I can fight with just about anything." She said looking back at the cutie mark. "But yes, I think it's more symbolic." "Do you come from a family of warriors?" Lightning Jolt asked but Valentine shook her head. "No I come from a long line of medical and first responder ponies. Everypony in my family is either a doctor, nurse, ambulance cart worker, firepony or some kind of rescue or help pony. It is my family's legacy. I was the odd ball. You see, even when I was a little filly I was always getting into fights. I didn't start them... most of them anyway. When I got older I was in every dojo that I could walk or run to. My family hated it. Their the very peaceful, helpful kind of ponies and that is a great thing to be, me though, I just never felt much of a call for any of those trades. I also loved to fight. Don't get me wrong, I don't like or even want to hurt other ponies. I love the competition. The hoof to hoof or wooden sword matches, I love it and I'm good at it too. I won most of the tournaments that I entered. Even when I lost I was still glad for a good match. Every time that I knew I was facing a good fight it was a thrill. I love a good fight the same way any sports addict likes a good match. "Anyway I think my family probbly would have been fine if it was just that but my getting to brawls in streets and in school was another matter. They never said it but I'm sure that they thought of me as some kind or reckless, violent pony. I tried slacking off for them but whenever a bully wouldn’t listen to reason I resorted to what I knew. I could take it if they threw insults at me but when they picked on other ponies I just couldn’t. If they tried to lay their hoofes on some little filly or foal that couldn't fight back then it was on. I could not just stand by and let it happen. "I always knew that fighting would be my cutie mark but for years it didn't appear. I believe that was because I thought I was to be some grand master winning tournament after tournament or teaching battle skills. My cutie mark did not appear because I had the wrong idea about it. "So what was it for?" Ember Light asked. Both he and Lightning Jolt were eager to hear the end of her story. "Well, I had these fighting skills for the same reason my brother had his medical skill, or my sister her firefighting skills and so on." She replied. "I don't understand," Lightning Jolt said. Valentine smiled. “Neither did I for a long time.” She nodded at her cutie mark. "That appeared the day my sensei explained it to me. I had come into the dojo upset after one of many argument with my family becouse I had gotten into yet another fight at school. I was pretty upset this time and quite worn out from it. The leader of the dojo took me aside and asked why I had gotten into the last fight. It was because of some colts who kept shoving a shy little pony around. He just nodded and told me that I was no different in my purpose than my family members. I helped ponies. I wasn’t getting into fights just to fight I was doing it to defend ponies. I did it because I cared about ponies. He explained it simply that the more you cared about something all the quicker you will be to defend it and will do so all the more fervently. My talent was just as important as those my family had. It's best to make peace and avoid fights if you can but there are ponies who will not listen to reason, who will refuses to live peacefully. It like when the princesses defeated Sombra or when Spike did. He wasn’t going to be stopped. He didn’t care about peace. If you don't fight them then you and more importantly others will be harmed. Don't get me wrong, if somepony is willing, even if your views on life are a different as night and day you can get along. It usually takes both sides to compromise but it can be done; But when a pony is not willing it does not matter how much you push for peace. In that case not standing up to them only makes it all the more easy for them to trample you and others. "I realized then that, yes I love fighting and was good at it but that was my talent so that I could defend ponies when it was needed. When I realized that my cutie mark appeared. The blue lotus is from the Dojo, the swords for fighting but the heart for the motive, the purpose. "That's pretty awesome." Lightning Jolt said. "I think yours is awesome." Valentine said. "How did you get It?" "Oh, it’s no interesting a story like you two have. Rainbow Dash decided to teach me how to make clouds shoot lightning. I was pretty nervous and then scared after I tired and got shocked the first time. Somehow later on I got the gumption to try again and I just started slamming into clouds. They would explode while blasting out their entire store of lightning. Then poof, somewhere during it my cutie mark appeared. It's kind of a useless talent now that I think about it." "Oh, nonsense." Ember Light replied. "It's awesome and there's no way it's useless." "I do like it but any pegasus can bust a cloud or create lighting." Lighting Jolt said with a shrug. "Not all at once." Valentine said studying it. "Perhaps it's symbolic, it's something about your character." "I don't know, maybe. What could it mean if it is?" Valentine just shrugged. "If it is symbolic then it's probably up to you to find out." Soon their discussion was cut short as the cave began to narrow and became more difficult to navigate. They had to duck and crawl under low points or suck in their stomach and squeeze through gaps. It was the worst on Ember Light who was the biggest of the three. It was good that he was in the lead for if he could force himself through then the two mares knew that they could fit. On the up side it felt as if the cave was sloping upwards at least but the problem was that the cave kept getting more difficult. Just when Ember Light thought they were going to have to turn around (Which would have sucked since they would have had to scoot backwards) he saw light that was not his own. He was leading his friends through a low spot where they had to crawl on their bellies when he saw the long line of jagged light cast on the floor. "I see light!" He called squeezing his frame through the tunnel faster as the two mares cheered behind him. Thankfully the cave winded up enough for him to stand up and though it would be a tight fit he could even turn around now. He never knew that he would ever be so thankful for something so simple as that. As the mares crawled in one after the other they saw the source. There was a crack in the cave roof that reached from the surface all the way down to them. It was at least forty yards up and rather narrow. "That's going to be a hard climb and a tight squeeze." Ember Light said. "We'll probably have to dig out some of the walls as we go. You two are smaller so you should go first." "What if you can't fit? We're not going to leave without you." Lightning Jolt responded. "If I can't fit then the two of you can go for help." He replied. "Besides I can use my magic to help push you up." "Your magic won’t work as well on me." Valentine said walking up to him and looking up at the cave ceiling. "If you noticed that when the unicorn guard tried to grab me with his magic his hold slipped off. I had a unicorn who I used to know cast a spell on me that in simple terms made me to be like a greased pig with it comes to magical holds. The only reason you were able to stop me from falling is because you shaped you magic like bowl beneath us. If you hadn’t I would have gone splat." She grimaced slightly. "I never thought that spell could be a disadvantage." "Either way, I think that you should at least try to get through first." Lightning Jolt said. "I'd rather not leave you down here if we don't have to." "Me too." Valentine agreed. "Well stand back if you don't want to get showered in dirt. I'm goanna have to dig." Ember Light said raising his forelegs and starting to paw as the earth. > It stinks here > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Fluttershy had teamed up with several other pegasus to do a slow gird search a between the tracks starting from the rails and reaching a mile away. On the other side another group of pegasus were doing the same. Rainbow Dash and others were high in the air rapidly, searching and double searching every place they could think of. The two groups Twilight was with were slow and low search looking for any subtle clues. This included anything thrown from the train or as Twilight refused to consider, anypony. They also searched for even the slightest hint of any track leading away from the rails. All around them flew birds that Fluttershy directed to fly down in areas of high grass where they could not see the ground look for anything of importance. "These guys were good." A black pegasus stallion commented. "I don't think we're going to find anything." "We'll find her." Twilight called back. "Keep your eyes on the ground." "I'd hate to say it but-" "Then don't say!" Twilight snapped. "I just mean that if they were only concerned that Princess Celestia didn't know until sunrise then it's probably too late." He went on anyway. "Shut up!" Twilight snapped. "I not trying to be rude, just logical." He explained then jerked up short as a yellow mare thrust her face in front of his. "Listen here mister! A princess just gave you an order so you better follow it or she might have you thrown in a dungeon or banish you or have you banished and thrown in a dungeon in the place she banishes you to!" "Yes, ma’am!" The stallion replied quickly. "Good! Remember that!" Fluttershy said and flew back to directing her birds. * * * A few miles away sounds of a struggle came out of a tight opening in the earth. Grunts and gasps got louder along with the sound of soil cascading down. With one last grunt a unicorn head popped out of the gap. He coughed then grinned. "I'm almost out!" He called back into the crack only to be answered with coughing. "Oh, sorry about all the dirt." He said quickly and struggled to get the rest of his body out. "You've,-*cough*-apologized for the umpteenth-"Cough* time! Stop it!" Valentine called up. "It's fine, keep going!" "Yeah, sorry. I'm almost out. I can get it!" Ember Light called back as he struggled to get his fore hooves out. With a hard jerk his right forelimb came free. With serval more yanks he pulled his left above the earth. He braced them against the ground and pulled with all his might. "Almost there, just-" His face suddenly flushed red. "Who's pushing on my butt?! Stop it! I can get out myself!" He used his magic to grab a nearby tree and pull. Little by little his torso was pulled out of the earth. Then came the hardest part, his flanks. He braced both forelegs on the ground, grabbed the tree tighter in his magic and pulled with all his might. At first it didn't seem like his hind end was going to budge but then the earth finally gave way. He was pulling so hard that when his backside was yanked free his butt and back legs were slung into the air and he literally did a front flip before landing hard on his back. While he was regaining his hoofs a purple head popped out of the ground like a flower. She placed her fore hooves on the ground but had to give little effort since Valentine pushed her up and out. The pink earth pony quickly lifted her head and fore hoofs out of the ground and Ember Light helped her the rest of the way up. He stepped back and looked at them a moment. They were covered from mane to hoof in soil. Sweat had caused it to become plastered to them and they looked like they had changed color. He laughed. Valentine fixed him with a critical eye. "Have you looked at yourself?" She asked but there was no anger in her voice. Lightning Jolt just looked down at herself and laughed. She sat down and started trying to paw some dirt out of her mane with her hoofs. It did little good with her hoofs being just a dirty. "You just do this." Valentine instructed and shook herself like a dog. Her two friends just shrugged and followed her example. They created such a cloud of dust that they had to walk a few feet away in order to breathe. They were at least a little cleaner. Only a bath though would fix it though. "So where are we?" Lightning Jolt asked looking around. Her two friends did the same. "We," Ember Light announced. "Are in the Everfree." * * * In the castle of Canterlot the two royal sisters were pouring over the information that they themselves had gathered and what the guards had brought to them. "Fortunately the workers at the train station take not only a tally of who bought tickets and departed they take a tally of how many get off at each station. It's not specific, just wither their earth, unicorn, or pegasus and male or female. Sometimes they note colors and always take note it their connected to royalty" Princess Celestia said. "Unfortunately you don't have to give your name to purchase a ticket." "They would have used aliases regardless." Luna replied. "But it still might have given us a clue, even aliases can have meanings." Celestia said. "We do know that two guards boarded with Lightning Jolt but neither she nor the guards got off at the next stop." Luna flexed her wings. "The guards themselves did not travel all the way to the next station? The pegasus could have easily flown off. The unicorn could teleport or have levitated but we would have to assume him to be powerful or at least very skilled. The night trains move very fast so if he teleported then where ever he would have appeared at he would still be going the same speed. To levitate off he'd have to slow gradually or it would cause almost the same effect as the sudden stop at the end of a fall." "Yes, he would." Celestia agreed. "It's also worse than that from what I have found after looking over the rosters." "Worse? As if we didn't have enough with a conspiracy in our mists and one of Twilight's friends missing under such circumstances." Luna remarked. "What is it, sister?" "There were two more young adults that boarded the same train but also never got off at the next station or any other station after that." Luna struck the air with her wings. "Two more victims!” She exclaimed. Neither of the princesses took it lightly when any of their subjects came to harm. “Who were they?" "A young Unicorn male called Ember Light and a young, female earth pony named Valentine." A pony clearing his throat caught their attention. They had not noticed Shining Armor walking in. "What is it, Shining Armor?" Celestia asked. "Have you found any of the culprits?" "No, your majesty. So far all guards that we have interviewed have been cleared but we still have many more. We did find that two suits of armor were missing." "At least we found something." Celestia said. "Anything from the searchers?" "No, ma'am, nothing with results. There were a few pegasus who were night flying and reported seeing a bright glow from the direction of Ghastly Gorge but it disappeared so fast that they could not pinpoint it. I sent pegasus to sweep the area." "Good, I hope that it is a lead that gets up somewhere." Celestia said. "Anything else?" "Yes. I think it would be a good idea to have my sister come and help organize." He said. "This is a nightmare interviewing and cross interviewing every pony in the royal guard as well as checking their story out." "I'll have her sent for." Celestia said. "She's probably about to fly herself ragged anyways." * * * "From the stories my friends told me, I really don't want to be here." Lightning Jolt said as they walked. "You know you can just fly back to Ponyville?" Valentine commented. "I don't want to leave you two behind." Lighting Jolt replied. "We'd be fine and are you sure it's just that?" The pink mare pressed. "Why wouldn’t it be? “Lightning Jolt asked not looking back at her. "Lightning Jolt, do you know why I knew that those guards were up to something? After a long time of being a fighter I learned to read ponies pretty well. That, and the fact that we saw a group of pegasus fly over the trees and we know you did too. You pretended like they weren't there. You even crouched closer to a tree to make sure the canopy hid you." "They were royal guards." Lightning Jolt replied. "I don't want to give myself up to them." "I can understand your fear but what do you plan to do?" Valentine asked. "I'll go to Twilight and my other friends. I want to get to them unnoticed and talk to them first. She'd probably be surprised that I'm back so soon. I don't know what she's goanna say when I tell her what happened but I trust her. I want to talk to her first so I'll turn myself in to her." "Sound reasonable." Ember Light said. "Don't make it sound like you’re a criminal though. You don't know that." "Alright, but if it's because they did find something out about me I don't think I even want to know anymore. I hope I don't have to hide out here the rest of my life. It's dangerous...and it stinks out here!" Lighting Jolt put a hoof over her nose. "It wasn’t me." Ember Light said. "I blame Valentine." "It wasn’t me either." Valentine snorted then covered her nose too. "It's coming from the forest. She paused and looked around trying to identify what plant was giving off that odor. Then her ears flicked as she picked up something barely audible. "Everypony freeze." She commanded without raising her voice. They froze, looking at her confused. "Why?" Ember Light asked. "I'm not sure yet, but just be quiet and let me listen." She said raising her head up as high as she could and swiveling her ears around. Her friends stayed still even trying to breathe softly while she listened. They thought they might have heard things but for them it could have been their ears playing tricks on them. Years of training and fighting, sometimes even to keep herself from harm had given her a sixth sense that let her know when to take caution. It was not a finely tuned as many fighters for most of her battles were in competitions or against typical bullies, (the most dangerous day of her life was the night before) but she still had one. She was a good fighter but when it came to serious life experiences she really considered herself a rather cushy warrior and untested. She only thought herself to be impressive to ponies who did not know the world of martial arts it all that well, which often happened when she encountered normal ponies. Valentine stood up on her hind legs straining her ears knowing that the lives of her friends might depend on it. After a few moments she identified the sound that had made her alert. It was a soft sound, that of shifting branches, the crush of grass and the movement of plants. She almost dismissed it since it only came as the wind blew but no, it wasn’t quite right. Then she felt chills as it dawned her what the reason for such light movements that were lined up with the rustle of the wind through the trees was. Something…no, somethings were stalking them and they were all around. She slowly lowered herself back to all fours. From her expression and tense pose her friends knew that danger was near. "Lightning Jolt, get ready to fly." She hissed out in a low, urgent voice. "Ember Light get your horn ready. Whatever you do don't run or you will run right into them." "What is it?" Ember Light asked with his horn already lighting up. She didn't know for sure being unfamiliar with the forest but she didn't have to answer. Eyes began to glow beyond the surrounding vegetation accompanied with eager growls. "Timber wolves." Lightning Jolt breathed. As if her soft words was a signal they all lunged from every direction. > Of Timber Wolves and Zebra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Jolt didn't know what all happened in those moments. She only remembered darting and dodging. She remembered yells and howls and a blur of motion. She would have said that it was a minute or two but in fact it was only a few seconds. Somewhere in it she flew off the ground only to butt her head into a jaw of a timber wolf. She felt teeth clamp on her mane and the timber wolf instantly began to spin her around. Just when she felt that she was going to be sick the beast released and slung her across the forest. Dizzied Lightning Jolt shot up through the canopy into the bright sunlight. She was upside and looking at the blinding sun one moment then falling back through the leaves again. Turning her head as she fell she saw the timber wolf running along underneath her with its jaws open wide ready to receive her falling body. She spread her wings while still upside down and rolled on the air. She heard the jaws snap shut sounding loud in her ears and felt her back brush the cheek of the timber wolf as she spun. As she righted herself she soared under the timber wolf's chin and clear of the jaws. "Thank you so much for that training Rainbow!' She called as she zig-zaged through the branches trying to get back above the trees while just ahead of those jaws. She was not used to flying though obstacles though and while Rainbow Dash had made her a stronger pegasus she still was no olympic flyer. A branch suddenly snagged on a wing causing her to drop to the earth. She hit on her running hoofs, already flapping to get airborne again but it was too late. The timber wolf closed the distance and punted with its nose like she was a pony football. Lightning Jolt shot ahead of the wolf who howled in amusement then gave chase again. Lightning Jolt expected to smack into a tree but she collided with something, soft, warm and furry. The thing, a sleeping manticore, stood up and roared in anger. Even partially stunned Lightning Jolt leapt off its back and rolled into the underbrush just as the beast spun around. All the enraged manticore saw was the timber wolf running at it. The timber wolf tried to stop but the manticore had already leapt on its face. The air was filled with snarling, roaring and branches flying through the air. Lightning Jolt wasted no time watching but spun around and galloped away. Once far enough away she zipped up into the air and began weaving through the canopy, desperate to find her friends. Her ears quickly picked up the loud pounding of the timber wolves’ feet hitting the ground and flew toward it. She was soon flying over a group that was chasing Valentine. She pumped her wings hard, trying to catch up with the pink pony because she knew that even she couldn’t take on all these wolves at once. Valentine suddenly stopped and bucked so suddenly that both her front hoofs were still skidding forward in the soil. Her back hoofs caught the front runner under the chin and kicked his head clean off. The body crashed to the ground breaking in to pieces as Valentine took off running again. The wolves jumped over the pile and kept chasing. It took Lighting Jolt a moment to realize what she was doing. It dawned on her when the pony doubled back again kicking the front legs out from under another wolf. Valentine knew that she had no chance taking on all the wolves at once so she ran but with a plan. No group of animals or ponies could all run at the same speed. There would naturally be some who were faster than others so the groups would become staggered. Whenever one of the wolves got far enough ahead of the others she would suddenly stop and attack it with a disabling blow then run again. Lightning Jolt cheered inside at this clever strategy but then quickly found out that Valentine couldn't keep it up forever. She stopped for another beast but her reaction was a second slower as she began to tire and that second was enough. The timber wolf dodged her attack and swatted her with a paw. Valentine was sent tumbling across the ground and rolled into a tree where she lay winded. The wolf wasted no time and pounced. "No!" Lightning Jolt screamed and without thinking about what to do she flew straight at the airborne timber wolf. There was no time to think. She smashed bodily into its back. The Timber wolf shattered and she hit the ground next to Valentine. They covered their heads as timber wolf branches rained down around them. Shaking it off they looked up to see the last timber wolf bearing down on them too fast for them to react. Just before its jaws slammed shut on them it was suddenly yanked back by a powerful force. They looked up to see in held in the air and surrounded by an amber/orange field of magic. Ember Light stood nearby with his face contorted in rage. "You! Will! Not! Hurt! My! Friends!" He yelled slamming the timber wolf into the ground with each word. When the sentence was finished the timber wolf was just a pile of sticks. Ember Light rushed over to the two mares. "Are you alright?!" He asked as he helped them up. "I have been better." Valentine replied. More low growls came out of the forest. Lighting Jolt took a stance with her wings ready to propel herself at the enemy. Valentine tensed up with her hind legs ready to spring and Ember Light stood tall with his horn glowing. The other half of the timber wolf pack stepped into view. The looked at the ponies then to the pile of timber wolf branches, from the ponies to the branches, from the branches to the ready ponies. Leafy ears dropped and wooden tails tucked between their legs as the timber wolves slunk back into the forest. "Phew!" Lighting Jolt said sitting down. Then they starting laughing the laughter of relief. "That was a close one." Valentine commented. "Thank you Lightning Jolt." "Thank you for saving me on the train." Valentine replied. "And thank you Ember Light." "Just a stallion's duty." He replied. "Come on, let's get out of here. I've heard that the parts reattach themselves." They wasted no time and began trotting away. "Whoa, Lighting Jolt." Valentine said as they moved. She pulled a twig that was glowing green out of her mane and tossed it away. "We don't want to take that with us." They quickly checked themselves for any timber wolf twigs then kept going. "Well, we can now say that we survived a timber wolf attack now." Lighting Jolt said. "And quarry eels and a dragon thing." Valentine added. "I don't know about you ponies but I think that those are experiences best only lived once." Ember Light said. "Let's see how fast we can get out of here." He picked up the pace but stopped short as somepony was blocking their way. 'What's this I see, the missing pony here, in the Everfree. Of fighting Timber wolves you have certainly hacked it. I found you by all the racket." She said. It was no pony but a zebra. Ember Light and Valentine just stared, a little taken aback by her rhyming everything. Lighting Jolt was less surprised since Spike had told her all about this zebra. "You’re Zecora, the friend of Twilight, Apple bloom and all my other friends." Lightening said rather than asked. "Yes that is true," Zecora responded, "And they have asked me to help find you." "They know I'm missing?" Lightning Jolt asked. She had always assumed that Twilight and her other friends had no idea that anything was wrong. Zecora nodded. "They certainly know my dears, it will be good to alleviate their fears. Of the guards, Twilight asked me to guide, to help them past all the dangers this forest hides." At this Lightning Jolt felt her ears droop and she sat down. "What is this child, are you not glad? To be found, I would not think you to be sad." "Well, Zecora," Lightning Jolt poked at the ground with a hoof. "I really don't trust royal guards right now and wanted to go straight to Twilight or one of her friends. What all did she tell you?" "Not much for there was a hurry, she came and went in such a flurry." Zecora replied. "To me all the details was not explained, just to surch for you was desperately made made plain and I did not ask for all to be explained, the need for a fast surch was certainly quite strained." Ember Light and Valentine had been standing back not sure what to make of this. They had never met anypony who always talked in rhyme and even more surprising was that Lightning Jolt talking as if she knew her. Valentine finally stepped forward. "Where are the guards?" She asked. "Those guards, they are not far, just over two hills and there they are." Zecora said nodding behind her. "Wait here." Valentine told her two friends. "I'll go ask them for details and study them for any deceit since they don't know to look for me. I'll be back shortly." She said and took off in a trot. When she left Zecora turned to Lightning Jolt and Ember Light. "While she goes to the guards to call upon, please tell me all that is going on." * * * Just as Zecora had said Valentine found the guards two hills away. It looked like they had set up a temporary camp to rest and reorganize. It was a very efficient camp as one expected of the military. Interestingly, it wasn’t just soldiers here though, regular citizens were mixed in. This was a little comforting to Valentine for if it was something secret that was going on then the royal guards would not have included regular ponies. Not likely anyways. Valentine walked boldly right into the camp and headed for a brown unicorn guard who appeared to be directing everything. Ponies looked up at her and many stared. It was only then that she remembered that she was covered in dirt and had twigs, leaves and burrs tangled in her tail, mane and coat. She pretended that she didn't notice and most of the ponies began to go about their business again. They probably had other teams out here since it was a big forest so they must be assuming that she was one of them. The unicorn guard lowered the maps that he had been levitating when she trotted up. "Do you need a medic or any help miss?" He asked. "No I'm fine. I just want know what is going on." She asked. "What's this search for?" "You're not from one of the other teams?" He asked. "No, I'm a hermit that lives out in this forest." Valentine replied. “I never know what’s going on.” The guard looked at her with a raised eyebrow for a long moment and even the tough mare felt like squirming under his gaze. "A young pegasus has gone missing. Two stallions posing as royal guards kidnapped her. She was an unknown Jane Pony whom none could identify and had befriended the Princess Twilight Sparkle. We don't know why they did it or who they were. Many civilians have been enlisted into the search since the culprits claimed to be royal guards. I’d say that everypony knows about it by now.” He finished still looking at her with a critical eye. To his astonishment Valentine exclaimed, "Ohhhh, you don't know how happy I am to hear that!" Before he could ask why she had taken off into the forest at a gallop. He stared after her a moment then called across the camp to a pegasus guard. "Dander! Follow that pony and see what she's up to." Dander saluted and flew after her. * * * It wasn't long after that Dander and Zecora came walking back into the camp with Valentine, Ember Light and Lightning Jolt following. The ponies in the camp stared a moment at the unexpected appearance of the pony they were looking for. Then a cheer broke out and the unicorn guard looked very pleased. He called for every pegasus that was with them to fly out and call off the search. To Dander he gave specific orders fly to their base of operations and send for a chariot. While they waited Lightning Jolt and her three friends got some much needed rest, food and water. They passed the time with Zecora telling them amusing anecdotes of her times with Twilight and her friends but from her side of the story. About an hour later an extra large chariot arrived. It was pulled by four uniformed, white pegasus stallions and the led the chariot with ease and grace. They quickly descended smoothly and landed with such practiced ease that the cart hardly shook. "This is the royal chariot used by the royal sisters and Princess Cadance for special ceremonies." The head guard announced as he led them to it. "It will be plenty large enough.” He ushered the three onto it after they had said their goodbyes to Zecora. Lightning Jolt hopped in ahead of him, (She was still a little nervous about guards) and moved to the front of the chariot. She hung her forehoofs over the rim as her friends climbed up next to her. "So, we’re really going back to Ponyville in style.” She said to her friends with a grin. "We're not going to Ponyville. We're going to Canterlot." The guard said as he stepped aboard. "The Princess Celestia wants to speak with you. All of you." Before they could let that sink in they chariot took off into the sky. > The castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many things went through Lightening Jolt's mind as the chariot was flown to the castle. She was nervous about meeting a princess, and namely, the head princess. She had of course known a princess for some time now but with ,Twilight she could hardly think of her as one, not in the manner she thought of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Twilight acted like any regular pony. She lived in such a humble place and she was never putting on airs. She never would have guessed that Twilight was one until she heard other ponies referring to her as Princess Twilight. She was quite surprised and even half believing that they were mocking her for some reason. She could see that Twilight was unusual with both a horn and wings but she never would have guessed she was royalty. It had never even occurred to Twilight to tell Lightning Jolt that she was a princess. She would guess that Twilight herself didn’t really think of herself as a princess but just as a normal pony having to fulfill that role. Perhaps all princesses were. Among other things that went through her head was doubt that she was finally safe. She worried that the guards escorting them were the same as the ones who tried to kill her. Her mind even considered that this search was only a ruse, that the princess really had sent those guard to get rid of her and she was heading right into a trap. She was even worried that the princess royal magic scholars just might figure out who she was and it would not be good at all. About anything a pony could worry about she did. She battled with her thoughts for a time but finally chose to push it all aside and ignore all the nagging ideas. She had enough problems without worries beating her up. “Ug! I have a bad habit of thinking up all the worst possible things!” She thought. * * * In Canterlot two unicorns walked down the hallway away from the direction that led to the throne room. They both wore a shirt with a second long sleeved shirt lain across their backs and the sleeves tied around their necks. One, a male was grey with a black mane. The other, the female was yellow with a white and pastel purple mane. "We come so close to actually getting an audience with the princess and now it's postponed due to some other 'important' guest arriving." The male unicorn complained in a poor attempt at a smooth and suave voice. "Don't worry dear," The female replied. "When we do get called back for our audience with her we'll just pretend that we were able to see the princess twice. We'll be the talk of Canterlot then and maybe we'll even get into Fancy Pants circle." Her eyes went starry as she imagined some scenario in her head. "That's true. Good thinking dear. It's a win win." The stallion said. "We'll look twice as elite and not only that we won't have to tell them that Princess Celestia found some other guest more important than us. Hey! If perhaps we can meet them before we leave. Then we can move up even more. These guest must be very important if the princess changed her plans the very moment she heard that they were coming. This is even better and..." His ears wiggled and a grin spread across his face. "And you know what? I hear hoof steps coming." His voice was that of an eager child. "Oh! This is so exciting!" The female said and the two unicorns moved to the center of the hall to make sure to get the full attention of whoever was coming. They held their heads high with eyes almost closed and walked with regal stride so they could look as important as possible. When they guards came around the corner they opened their eyes to peek at the guests of Princess Celestia. They froze with wide eyes and their jaws dropped. The guards were leading three younger ponies, all of whom had their mane and tails twisted and tangled with leaves and sticks mixed in. There was dirt smeared in their coats and they left hoof prints of soil on the carpet. The pair was so surprised that they didn't even think to get out of the way as the guards drew near. "Excuse me but we must get past." The brown unicorn stated as he stopped up in front of them. The two ponies moved automatically out of the way, still staring. Ember Light, Lightning Jolt and Valentine stared at them too as they passed. Sure they were dirty in such a clean place but did that really merit those slack jawed, bug eyed looks? Once around another corner their heads snapped back again as they heard them yell out, "She cancelled out audience for those filthy ruffians! Do peasants bathe in dirt?!" "Ignore them." The guard said. He hadn’t even bothered to glance back. "Just some stuck up, high society, expect to be entitled ponies. Their around here all the time. I've tried asking countless times but The Princess Celestia will not let me put them to work. The business ponies can be hoity-toity but they at least provide other ponies with jobs and make products, provide services and so on. These kind just walk around with their heads in the air and demand to be served. Completely useless. I would love to put them to work where they can at least contribute something to society. Perhaps I can at least convince the princess to disallow them into the castle. The statues are of more use than them. Oh, I wish I could draft them, then I could make real ponies out of them then." When he finished they had walked up to a large set of double doors. The unicorn took a deep breath and bellowed out, "Captain Whirlwind here with the escorts that you requested to see as soon as possible." From the outside they just managed to hear a rather gentle voice on the other side say, "Guards, let them in." The doors were then gripped in magic and were swung wide open. Standing at the other end of the throne room was not just Princess Celestia but also Princess Luna. All three of the escorted paused and stared, especially Lightning Jolt who had never seen so much of a picture of them as Valentine and Ember Light had. They stood tall and regal, more so than Lighting Jolt would have thought that any pony could. Their mane seemed to be made of magic and flowed like water. Lightning Jolt had expected them to look very much like Twilight but only with crowns and robes. They wore no robes or any extravagant amount of items but it was obvious that they were leaders. All of this made them intimidating, not in the way of one fearing personal harm but, well, how one would feel at approaching and speaking to the leaders of a country. If not for the nudge Valentine gave her Lightning Jolt would have been hanging back awhile. They walked down the carpet path to the thrones. When the guards stopped and bowed the three did the same not sure how to act. "Thou may rise." Luna announced as soon as they had bowed. Princess Celestia put a hoof to her mouth to keep from laughing. "I did say bring them as soon as possible and you certainly did so. Next time I'll be sure add that you should let them clean up first if they want to." She said. "Indeed. That must be most uncomfortable." Luna added. "It's not so bad." Valentine replied. Her two friends were surprised that she could speak so casually. Celestia laughed. "I see that though you have been through quite and ordeal that your spirits have not been dampened. Now tell us everything that happened from the moment the guards showed up." She said directing her attention from Lightning Jolt to her two friends. "And you too as well. I want to hear your versions and perceptions of the events. Leave out nothing." Luna nodded to a guard who had been standing off to the side. He levitated up a piece of paper and a quill as he prepared to record their words. It was clear that Lightning Jolt was to start. With all eyes on her she cleared her throat, shifted on her hoofs, cleared her throat again then finally started. Her voice was nervous at first but she grew more confident as she went on. * * * It took a while for all three to give a detailed version of each of their accounts and the princesses had them sit down on the steps to the thrones since it was taking awhile. They asked many questions as well as had quick discussions intermittently. "This is quite disturbing." Princess Celestia commented when they were finally finished. "It's all the more important that we find out who Lightning Jolt is." "Yes, sister but we must be careful who we choose to do that research from now on." Luna said. "I say that we do much of it ourselves." "Agreed." Celestia said. "We can't take any risks." "Um..princess Celestia...your majesty.." Lighting Jolt started not sure how she should address them. "Princess Celestia is fine." Celestia replied. "And what do you want to ask." "Well....have you found out anything at all about me?" Lightning Jolt asked not sure if she wanted to hear yes or know. A sad look spread over Celestia's face. She had the expression of one who has failed somepony. "No, I'm sorry, but no pony has identified you and we have found no record of you in Equestria." Despite her apprehension about learning her past Lightning felt her face fall. "But this world is vast." Luna added quickly. "Thou hast likely come from a land beyond Equestria. We are preparing delegates to request to do some searching in the lands surrounding our kingdom." "In the meantime I-" Celestia was interrupted by loud and very excited shouts echoing through the doors behind them. Celestia smiled. "Good, they’re here." The doors were smashed open and six ponies and one dragon came stampeding in. Ember Light and Valentine jumped back as they tackled Lightning Jolt. She couldn’t make out what they were saying since they were talking all at once but she made out things like "You’re alive!" and "I'm so glad you’re alright!" "I had Twilight informed of you being found safe and sent her to gather her friends." Princess Celestia said as they smothered Lighting Jolt. "I'll let all of you catch up and they can get to know your new friends. I'll have the guards take you to the baths as well as prepare accommodations for all of you to stay at the castle." She went on even though she was sure that few of them, if any, actually heard her. * * * The guards led the group of nine ponies and one dragon to the baths and spa used by royals which Rarity found to be, "Simply divine." Lightning Jolt and her two new friends were quite happy for a relaxing soak in the sweet smelling water and to have all the elements of the forest cleaned off them. Introductions were made all around and of course her friends wanted to hear all about their adventure in the Everfree. Ember Light had to explain the nature of his cutie mark again. Twilight was quite fascinated by the spell cast on Valentine and she was pretty sure that the dragon that they encountered in the forest was of the same kind as Spike. Spike scoffed at that declaring that that dragon was nothing like him. Rarity assured that they knew that their little Spiky-Wikey was nothing like that uncivilized brute. All in all they stayed in the spa until well past evening. Finally exhaustion overtook their excitement. It was not just Lightning Jolt and her new friends but her first friends as well. They had all been up at the crack of dawn and had searched for Lightning Jolt nonstop. They let the guards lead them to their rooms. The princesses had arranged for each of them to have their own room in the same wing of the guest floor. They all slept huddled together in the same room though. Lightning Jolt couldn’t help but sigh happily as she listened to all the snoring and deep breathing around her. So many good friends she had and the princesses were willing to go through such lengths to find out her identity. It was there that she realized that she was happy that whatever had happened to her had occurred. Even without knowing her life was before, she could guess that this was probably the best thing to ever happened to her. There had to be something at work here for every bad thing was traded, sooner or later, for something better than before. She didn't know what her life was before her memory loss but she was sure that there was nothing better than this. > We have an idea > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group of ponies and one dragon spent the next day at the castle. The princesses wanted Lightning Jolt and her two new friends close and under the watch of her most trusted guards. Lightning Jolt was obvious the intended target and Ember Light and Valentine would likely have also been added to this list since they were witnesses. The search for the suspects and interrogation of the guards so far had turned up nothing more than the missing armor. They had already interviewed all of the guards in and around Canterlot and were spreading out to remote posts. Twilight and the others had no need to stay but stayed anyway. Twilight took Lightning Jolt, Valentine and Ember Light on a tour of the castle with their guard escort following along. Where ever the trio went the guards were always there with them for the princesses were going to take no chances. Twilight had wanted to show them Canterlot but Princess Celestia didn't want them to go out in public where they would be an easy target. The thing about crowds is that your assassin could be right nearby and you would never know it. Twilight and the trio decided that this was probably the wisest course of action though Lightning Jolt like Ember Light and Valentine hoped that this would not last long. The castle was nice but they didn't want to be trapped in it. Twilight ended up showing them Canterlot from high windows and balcony views. The trio found that they could point their hoof to just about any building in sight and Twilight could name them as well as go on about their history. Apparently she had read the entire history of Canterlot from the important stories to the foot notes. It was beyond Lightning Jolt's comprehension just how she could remember it all. From one of the windows they spotted members of the New Wave group that Valentine and Ember Light had mentioned. They were on one of the squares holding their rallies. Twilight grumbled in disgust when she saw them. Valentine and Ember Light tried explaining them to Lightning Jolt but Twilight kept interrupting. "Come on Twilight, so a few of them don't like the idea of a monarchy. It doesn't make them all bad. I mean their main intent is to make thins better for all ponies." Valentine tried to placate her but Twilight simply went into a rant again. The trio let it drop and continued on the tour on the other side of the castle. Lightning Jolt made a mental note to check these ponies out when she got the chance. They sounded quite interesting. Aside from the tours there wasn’t much to do at the castle except wait. It wasn’t bad though being able to hang out with all of one's friends and dining at the royal castle was quite a treat. Two of the meals were even with the royal sisters. They talked about everything except the issues at hand. In the atmosphere one could almost forget why they were here and for a while they did. * * * In the early morning, a couple hours before dawn Lightning Jolt was shifting in her sleep as her mind played out a dream. As transitions from places and events faded into one another as they never would in reality her dreaming mind never took note. Somehow she had gotten from flying practice with Rainbow Dash to trotting around the castle. She could hear her friends muttering nonsensical phrases but she couldn’t find them. As she searched the castle trying to follow the sound of their voices she began to feel a heavy weight pressing down on her. As she walked into the empty dining room it finally pressed her flat to the floor. She twisted her head back to look and saw the problem. No wonder she couldn’t get up. Princess Celestia was sitting on her instead of a chair. Why couldn't she tell the difference? Lightning Jolt squirmed but she couldn’t get out from under the much larger pony. She tried saying something but her voice came out garbled and her mouth would just not work right. No matter what she did Princess Celestia never took notice and just keep on eating her meal as Lightning Jolt's friends whom she still could not see continued to mutter nonsense and....growled? She finally woke herself up with her kicking legs. She blinked in the dim light as it took her a few moments for her waking mind to realize reality. She was laying on the floor of her room with her friends all around her. Some were muttering in their sleep or snoring, the growling from the dream. Twilight and Pinkie Pie was laying across her back and pinning her to the floor. She chuckled at her dream then started wiggling her way out from under them. It took some work getting free without waking them but she finally did it. She stretched and popped her back to get out the stiffness one gets from having two ponies sleeping on top of you most of the night. She walked to the window and cracked a shutter to peer out. The night would be over soon but it was still way too early to be up. The problem was that Lightning Jolt was quite awake and she also had to go to the little filly's room. She headed to the door and pushed it open. Just as she expected there were four guards standing outside. Their heads turned to the door as it swung open. "Yes, miss Lightning Jolt?" One inquired. "Just in need of the washroom. She replied. They nodded and two followed as she headed down the hall while the others stayed guarding the door. The castle was grand and large which made it impressive but also created a problem. When one wanted to go anywhere like the little filly’s room it was always a bit of a walk. She soon fell into a quicker trot to get there before she felt like exploding. When she came out the two guard were standing outside and fell into step behind her. Perhaps it was because of her first experience but she found it creepy to have two guards following her where ever she went. Did the princesses ever feel that way? Though, while they did have guards all around the castle and going places with them most of the time they hardly needed them for protection. What could defeat fifty guards the princesses could easily take out. They probably only escorted them for appearances. Other than that their purpose was probably more for the fact that the princesses could only be in one place at one time. the two of them couldn't guard or police every portion of the castle and Equestria at one time so the guards had to fill in. "What are you doing out so late...or early?" A voice that she had heard before interrupted. It was Shining Armor, Twilight's brother. She had introduced him to her. He was normally with his wife at the Crystal Empire but had come at the princess’s request since he was their most trusted guard. "Just..you know, going to the little filly’s room." She replied. "Alright I was just coming to check on things and join the guard for a few hours." He said falling into step beside her. "Is something wrong?" Lightning Jolt asked worried that the would be assassins had shown up. "No, it's just that I've learned that if somepony wants to make a sneak attack or slip into a guarded place that these hours are the best time." He responded. "Often with the close approach of morning ponies tend to believe that the danger of the night is over and just look forward to dawn. It's very hard not to do. That gives a pony a window of opportunity to slip in wile the guards are more relaxed and still have the cover of darkness. I came last night to help keep watch as well." “So, still no clue just why their after me?” Lightning Jolt asked. "No, nopony has been able to figure out who or why but we are still looking. I think that either somepony has something against you or more likely they don't want to remember something." Lightning Jolt shrugged. "We could just tell them that it doesn’t look like I ever will." Shining Armor laughed. "I don't think that would work. Don't give up hope though. You just may get it back yet." Lightning Jolt was about to reply that it was not such a big deal to her when one of the guards gave a shout and Shining Armor tackled her. As they hit the floor light flashed though the corridor and she her heard magic crackling in the air. Shining Armor leapt up and he and the guard raced past her at some opponent. Lighting Jolt sat up and saw nine ponies battling in the dark corridor. Light flashed as spells were cast and metal clanged as hoofs struck armor. She yelped and jerked back as a spear was flung out of the chaos and landed inches from her. There were two other ponies standing so still that they might have been statues. They were on either side of the door so they had to be the other guards. That meant Shining Armor and the other two guards were outnumbered badly. That only lasted a few seconds though. The door to the room was flung open and her friends tumbled out with a mix of confused shouts and war cries. They managed to quickly take stock of the situation and rush in, except for Fluttershy who huddled in the doorway trying to muster up courage. The invading ponies who appeared to be powerful unicorns still fought back but only for a moment. A window at the end of the hall was smashed in and Princess Luna flew inside. "Who dares attack ponies inside my castle?" She roared in an enraged voice and charged down the hall with her horn lighting up. Knowing that they had met impossible odds the unicorns vanished in a quick flash of light. Luna skidded to a stop and stomped her hoof on the floor. "Cowards! Next time I will make sure that you do not escape!" She snapped. Then her horn flashed and all the torches along the walls lit up. "Is everypony alright?" Shining Armor and his two guards had taken a few hits but nothing serious. The two guards at the door were still trapped in a freezing spell which Luna undid. "I believe that we hast become too confident in this castle." Luna said and turned to Lightning Jolt. "I wish now that thou had not made such a public return for then we could pretend that thou hast never been found. That would have made thee much safer. It's too late now and everypony knows that we are safe keeping thee at the castle. That is a problem but we shalt turn it into an advantage. We have an idea." > Lunas' plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia was almost late in raising the sun that morning. She had risen early but only because she was awakened by Luna who told her of the second near miss. She like Luna, Shining Armor and many of the royal guards wereboth furious and alarmed that someponies had infiltrated their way into the castle. Not since Queen Chrysalis had anypony ever accomplished that in the past five hundred years. She and Luna had slipped away to discuss the plan that the Princess of the night had formed. In the meantime the nine ponies and one dragon had been sequestered away inside of Luna's own room which was now heavily guarded. They waited there anxiously, Lightning Jolt in particular, for the Princesses to return. She lay on the floor next to the bed lost in thought. Twilight was pacing as she was unable to keep still. Ever faithful Spike chased her up and down the room trying to make her relax. Valentine and Rainbow Dash weren't down. They were chatting excitedly over the fight and were soon exchanging battle stories. Fluttershy was hiding under the bed and Pinkie Pie was being Pinkie Pie. She had made Rarity faint with her wild speculations of what the fiends were going to try next. Apple Jack and Ember Light stood next to each other with their fore hoofs up on the window sill as they stared out at the horizon. Lightning Jolt poked at the floor with a hoof then looked over at the door. Even though she knew that she would never make it out of the castle before her friends or the guards caught her she considered running. That way her friends would not be in danger any longer. She hadn’t been staring long when she felt herself being picked up off the carpet and hugged by Valentine so tightly that the wind was crushed out of her lungs. That little pony was strong! "You have no need to ever feel guilty for just as you would put your life on the line for us we will do the same." She said. "And their hardly on the line with all of us against those goons anyway." "Could she know what I was thinking?" Lightning Jolt mentally questioned herself. "Yes, she probably did." "You’re not going anywhere." Ember Light said joining the embrace. "Group hug!" Pinkie Pie yelled leaping across the room. "You have all of us to count on." Twilight said walking over with the rest of their friends. Except for Fluttershy who just stuck her head out from under the bed and Rarity who was still passed out. Or maybe pretending to be passed out. Lightning Jolt could never tell. "So what's up with this room, Twi?" Rainbow asked changing the subject. "I would expect Princess Luna to have a more archaic look. You know, since she's been on the moon for so long." "How should I know?" Twilight said with a shrug. "It's because I do not live in the past." a voice interjected. Princess Luna was standing in the doorway. "We have finished the details of our plan. Come with us." She didn't turn around and lead them away as one would expect. Instead her horn lit up and their vision flashed white for a second. In the next second they all were standing in a hallway with Princess Celestia and Luna. "Wa-what? Where are we?" Rarity asked as she got up. "Can't explain now." Princess Celestia replied. "Quickly come with me." She started off in a brisk trot. The ponies and dragon followed with Luna taking up the rear and keeping an eye over her shoulder. As they passed through more rooms and hallways certain guards that were standing along the walls fell into step. A few others, guards and servants just stepped out of the way and watched. They soon came to the end of a hall with two large ornate doors. Celestia's horn lit up and the heavy wooden doors swung open. They walked inside a decorated room with red carpet while the guards waited just outside. There was a large painting on the wall across from the door. It was of alicorns that none of the recognized and hung over a huge hearth that had amazing delicate designs. To the right and left were two more halls leading off to what looked like two more well decorated rooms. When the last pony walked in Luna grabbed the heavy doors and shut them tightly behind them. The moment they were close Celestia lit up her horn and focused on the painting. Her magic glowed over one small spot on the picture where a dark purple, almost black alicorn was rearing on his hind hoofs. He wore a gold breastplate with many gems studded in it. It was on a small blue jewel that was a little off center that the glow of her magic rested. "In this room is something that was a great secret for many generations. This was once the room of more minor royalty," She said. "And the secret is a special feature in case of emergency." With her last words there was a subtle clicking sound like a lock being opened. It was quickly followed by a loud grinding sound as the wall began to move. It groaned as one side of the wall swung outward and the other inwards. When it stopped there was a large gap revealing a room beyond. "Let's go in." Celestia said so nonchalantly as if she had just opened another normal door. The group stared a moment longer before following after her. They could sense that the room was large before Celestia used her magic to light all the torches. Once there was light they saw that they were in a large room that looked almost identical to the one they had just left. It however, was larger and a huge table stood in the center of the room as well as over the fireplace this time was a large decorated and detailed ancient map of Equestria and far beyond. "This is a once a top secret chamber that the minor princesses and princes would hide in during invasions." Celestia explained as she used her magic to shut the hidden door. Lightning Jolt winched at the sound as it ground shut. "So we're going to stay locked away in here until you figure what is going on?" She asked. "No, my dear," Celestia replied. "What?" Twilight cocked her head to the side in confusion. "Then why are we here?" "To fulfill the first part of the plan." Luna replied walking up next to her sister. "As thou hast heard my sister say, this room ‘used to be top secret.' While this was for many years a complete secret for the safety of those who lived in the rooms just beyond this door it is not so much anymore. Ponies talk, even those whose life might one day depend on this hidden place. In past centuries the fact that there is a hidden room back here is known but it how to get in is not. Only my sister and I along with very few guards knows the combination and where the lock is. There is only one way in and one way out and it is through that door. The walls, floor and roofs are lined with a magical barrier that nothing can penetrate or teleport though. Even though it is known this room exists, still the most secure place in the castle." "So they are staying here?" Twilight asked. "No." Celestia replied. "But we want ponies to think that they are here. Luna has come up with a rather good plan." "We shalt make it appear that thou is hidden away in this room. We will have guards outside the second door at all times." Luna took over. "Our intruders seem quite adept at finding out information and because of that we can conclude are very intelligent. If we make a measure too light they will suspect a trap but of course we don't want it too hard so that we can be sure they will try. We shalt even have servants bring meals to this room which the guards will take inside and eat themselves and bring back out the empty plates. They will even tell servants that you have requested items of comfort from time to time all to keep up the ruse that you are in here." "The walk through the castle halls was also part of the show." Celestia said. "We want their eyes on here while we hide you elsewhere. We can be certain that they will try again. They went through an elaborate ruse the first time and attempted another on only the second night you were here. If they fall for the trap we can capture them and finally find out what is going on. One thing is for sure, if we can't find out who you are then they can tell us." "Do you think I'm from another country?" Lightning Jolt asked looking up at the huge, elaborate map remembering that they had said that it was likely that she had come from outside this kingdom. On the ancient map Equestria was right at the center and she could recognize some of the places that Twilight had taught her about, though most of them had different names now. Some existing nations were not there and there were others that had not been on the modern maps. Some countries were smaller and some larger though Equestria looked pretty much the same borderwise. "It's quite likely." Celestia said walking over to the map. "We've already sent some pegasus to the Frozen North." She pointed to the map with a hoof. "They haven't reported back yet and we sent a few delegates to Cinder's Islands.” She pointed it islands that were far out in the west sea. “They replied that there was no mare of your description and cutie mark that was missing." "Twilight never told me about the Cinder's Islands.” Lightning Jolt said jumping up on the table and looking at the map. The islands, there were five of them and all together might be big enough to make up a small content. Since they were colored the same hue as Equestria it showed that they were once part of the sister's kingdom. "We don't have much to do with them anymore. About three hundred years ago Princess Celestia sent some ponies who were causing problems there because-" "I did not send them, I offered it to them." Celestia interrupted gently. "No offence, Twilight but I can tell it with a little more accuracy." "Oh, right. You were there." Twilight replied with an embarrassed grin. Celestia just laughed good naturedly and continued. "There were ponies who became discontent with me and my laws. It's a long story but when I would not change things they became bitter. Those islands were once part of Equestria as shown on the map but were very remote and closer to the other content than Equestria. It's a nice place, last I was there three hundred years ago anyway, but not of much use because of the distance. So I offered it to them along with plenty of funding to start so that they would have a place to do things their way. It seemed the easiest way to make them happy and they kept making a disruptive fuss from time to time. I really didn't think they would take it but they did. Aside from trade they won’t have much to do with us. They probably still think of us like their ancestors did." Lighting Jolt looked at the islands for a couple more seconds. Then she turned her eyes to the rest of the map since Celestia had said that they had already checked there. Though they were not as strong now she felt the same pangs at the idea that she could be looking at her home or someplace she knew and not know it. Somewhere out there were ponies who knew when she had some from and somypony knew why she had a target on her forehead. All of this ran though her head as she scanned the side of the map opposite of the Cinder's islands. * * * Many miles away to the north of the castle was the shores of the westward sea that bordered the land. Just out over the water a storm was being pushed out to sea by the local pegasi. Across that vast watery expanse, over the great depths where massive and amazing creatures swam were Cinder's Islands. The only thing that the ponies on them knew about Cinder was that he was the pony who discovered the islands a great many years ago. It didn't matter though, they were their islands now. There were cities and villages on all five islands and they were all connected by at least one bridge. Little ferry boats ran between them and there was boat moored at just about every house that lined the edges of the islands. There were ports for trade though most had ships that looked as if they had sat there for a long time. In the center of one city that was on the largest island stood a tall stone building. The entire city seemed to spiral out from there. The center of the building was topped with a large dome that held a grand office. Behind his desk sat a well-dressed and somewhat plump stallion. His coat was green and his mane and tail black. With a critical eye he sorted papers. Some he set into different stacks and others he threw into a waste bin. When he pulled a flattened scroll from the stack he snorted. "Those Equestrians! They think we can't take care of our own citizens! Can't take care of their own more like it. The sisters don't even care about them." He crumpled up the paper and then looked up as a tan mare with a feather cutie mark walked in. "Quill, did Fleet send those Equestrians our reply?" "Yes, sir." She replied and dropped more papers on his desk. "Good. They probably just wanted a chance to get intel on us. They never liked us." He went on even though the mare didn't seem to be listening. "They should have come up with something better. Seriously, one of our citizens made their way over there and lost her memory? Ridiculous! I knew how to deal with them!" He stated puffing up his chest. "Want me to empty the trash bin?" She asked in a monotone voice. "Huh? Sure. Anyway I just told them that we keep good track of all or citizens and no pony was missing. That probably burst their sneaky bubble." He rambled on as she picked up the trash bin and headed out. "Take this with you." He called tossing the wadded up paper in her direction. She paused and it landed neatly in the bin. * * * On the adjacent island a couple walked along the shore. One was orange earth pony mare with yellow hair and a seedling cutie mark. Next to her walked a yellow unicorn stallion whose mane and tail was red. His cutie marks was a ships sail with a hole being patched up. They trotted slowly along the beach together while looking out at the waves. "Just think of it like this," The stallion said. "Our little Baby Bird who flew into our lives has simply flown away. All baby birds do you know." The mare nodded and solemnly while still looking across the waves. "At least she can fly now." She said. "She won’t have to worry about her lungs and heart condition holding her back. She can fly across the oceans to her heart's desire." The stallion cleared his throat. "I know that it hurts but don't hold on to wishful thinking. There are no spirits. When a pony dies-" "Shut up!" The mare snapped at him. "You don't know that! You really do not know that! This is not a time to be Mr. Reason." He cleared his throat again. "Fine. We should have watched her more closely." He said trying to change the subject. "We knew that she couldn't take care of herself. When...oh whatever their names were, the pegasus and unicorn stallions showed up I thought they had a job for me. I never would have guessed that they had come to tell us that she had drowned on a ship at sea." "Who would have guessed that she would board a ship that was headed to Equestria?" She yelled. "Why would she go visit there of all places!?" She turned her eyes that were full of fire to a distant house down the beach. It was on a hill overlooking the sea. Below was a dock with a hodgepodge but apparently functioning motor boat tethered to it. "I know who convinced her! I know would have filled her head with his stupid ideas and-" Honey!" The stallion interrupted stepping in front of her as she prepared to run. "You’re going to get a restraining order put on you, again. Besides, she's knows better than to listen to that idiot." "They should do something about that stallion!" The mare snarled. "He's always caused trouble and he's always against good things! He should have been born in Equestria!" Inside that house on the seaside the rooms were a mess. The least cluttered areas were table tops and counters. These were covered with stacks of notes, vials and beakers. In the hall next to the door a white and recently washed coat hung over a coat rack. Back and forth across the living room a unicorn stallion raced. A black mane and tail that was full of split ends flew out behind him every time he took off in a gallop. He was packing things in a box by the door while at the same time checking on an experiment that was on the dining room table. It was hectic but he got things done. He raced past one of the windows only to skid to a stop and walk back. He put his forehoofs up on the sill and squinted at the two figures walking along the beach in the distance. Without even looking back he used his magic to grab a pair of binoculars off a table and levitated them over to him. Raising them up to his eyes with his magic he adjusted them and studied the figures walking along the beach. After a couple seconds he sneered and lowered the binoculars . "It's just you two." He said dropping the binoculars back on the table. "Oh, our poor little sweet Baby Bird." He mocked making an exaggerated sad face. An eyelid twitched and his face scrunched up in anger at whatever was going on in his mind. Then he shook his head and focused back on the table where he had been rearranging vials. He walked up and down the table examining everything and every so often making adjustments. Even as he did though an eye kept twitching from time to time and his lips kept turning from a straight line to agitated sneer with teeth showing. A forehoof jerked up as if he had just touched something hot but he slammed it back to the floor. He set his jaw in a determined line and tried harder to focus. "Ahhh, Searot!" He finally yelled throwing the vile that he was levitating to the table. "I'll just have to see how you are when I get back!" He snapped at it and then trotted for the door. He levitated his white coat off the rack without looking as he passed it. As he threw it over his back he picked up the box in his magic. He opened the door and hurried down a winding staircase in the hillside that led to the dock. Throwing the box unceremoniously on board he leapt onto the boat. He didn't bother to untie the rope but just cut it with his magic as he headed to the wheel. A quick flick of his magic over the controls and the engine started. Though it seemed to be a hodgepodge of parts from different ships it ran well and was quickly out away from the dock. Instead of using his magic to steer he used his forehoofs. He breathed in the sea air then stared across the horizon and he finally seemed to calm down from his agitated state. There was a folded up map on the panel above the controls but the unicorn didn't bother to open it. He knew the way from traveling it many times. He pointed it's prow towards Equestria and gunned the engine. > Hidden Well > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that morning Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walked out of the hidden room with the eight ponies and one dragon. It appeared though that Lightning Jolt, Ember Light and Valentine had been replaced by three different earth ponies. "Those are some pretty cool disguises." Spike remarked. "Unless you know them well they wont even remind you of them. Maybe not even then." Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were pacing around the three ponies making sure that the disguises were perfect. Valentine was having the least about of trouble with it though it was a shame to see her pretty pink and red colors gone. They were replaced by a dull brown coat and her hair was a single bland shade of green. For Lightning Jolt and Ember Light it was discomforting not being able to feel one's wings or one's horn. Celestia had assured them that she had made sure he would be able to use his horn and Lightening Jolt her wings if necessary but it would make them visible. She had also taught Ember Light how to recast and undo the spell if needed. His magnificent colors that adorned his coat had been turned into a splotchy black. This made him look like a black stallion that had rolled in ashes. His mane and tail was a dark brown. Lightning Jolt had been turned grey, a dull grey without any touch of silver. Her hair was black and not even a jet black. On top of that Celestia and Luna had adjusted their appearances ever so slightly. Their eyes were all the same color to make them appear as relatives as well as the similar dull colors. Lighting Jolt looked at if she had put on a few pounds, Ember Light looked a little shorter and Valentine looked a little taller. From looking in a mirror they had to agree, unless one knew them well they would not even remind them of their former selves. Even their voices were slightly on different pitches when they spoke. As an extra measure the colors the princesses had chosen were unattractive for a reason. This would cause any passersby to not likely to look at them for very long. "Alright, do you remember everything I told you?" Celestia asked after they decided that the disguises were perfect. They all nodded and the monarchs looked to the other six. "And do you?" "Aw, come on, why can't we visit them?" Rainbow Dash asked. "What if this takes forever and-" "Their safety is more important." Luna interrupted. "Thou going on trips over there will attract eyes to their location. Even if in disguises it would bring risks as well as ponies will wonder why thou keeps going there. If this does take time then for the good of thy companions thou must make public trips here in the castle to pretend to visit thy friends and not their true location. All must be done to keep up the ruse until our opponents make their move." "Come on Rainbow Dash, it's for the best." Twilight said putting a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "Fine!" Rainbow Dash consented crossing her forehoofs, "But I want to know when their caught. Somepony messing with one of my friends, pffft! That doesn’t happen, not with them getting away with it." The two monarchs gave the ponies and dragon time to say goodbyes once again. Then Lightning Jolt, Valentine and Ember Light stepped back from their friends. The horns of the two princesses lit up and they vanished in a puff of light. The rest of them walked out of the first room and past the guards, some of which did not even know that the chamber they were guarding was empty. Only a select few did and one would be there at all times. Only he or she would go in to pretend to deliver things to their guests. * * * The trio appeared inside a covered wagon that was serval buildings away from the castle. It was a large supply warehouse that had many floors. They of course could not see it. They were on the bottom floor laying on top of stacks of folded blankets. None could stand up with the heavy wooden top closed over them. It was held with hinges on one side and a lock on the other. They all remained quiet not knowing if anypony was in the room. Princess Celestia had told them that not even the pony who was going to pull the cart knew that they were in there. It at least had small cracks that they could peer through but it was limited and moving around could make noise that would be easily noticed in this quite place. Suddenly they heard a heavy door being opened and the sounds of the street now filtered inside the building. They heard a pony walk over to the cat and hitch himself up. With a jerk it began rolling out. The trip was smooth with the Canterlot streets being so well paved. The wagon swayed slightly with the stallion's movements and the voices of other ponies on the street could be heard clearly. Now that it was rather noisy the three ponies, ever so gently and slowly inched over to slits in the wood so that they could peer out. Through the narrow gaps they glimpsed well-dressed ponies walking through the streets and decorated buildings lining the path. It seemed as if no pony paid attention to the cart and why should they?It was just another delivery going down the street. They knew the name of the place that they were going to but not where it was in Canterlot. The princesses had explained before the disguises were applied to them. They were headed to a sort of refugee housing area. Years ago when one of her most trusted guards had retired from his top ranking position but he did want to stop serving. He had founded a church in Canterlot and its main mission was to help other soldiers, actively serving our otherwise. They provided for the needs of their families, physical, mental or emotional recoveries or just providing a place to stay or ear to listen. From there they began taking in refugees from disasters, or war, even if Equestria was not involved. There were the abandoned or those who simply suffered a financial loss, nopony was refused help, save maybe those whose only need was to stop looking for a constant free handout when there were other ponies who actually needed the help. That was the first reason why the princesses had chosen to send them here. Ponies came and went constantly, either looking for help or coming to volunteer. The second was that though everypony knew about this place it didn't gain much attention for ponies who were without troubles. The third was that it was full of ponies from the royal guard that were retired but had never stopped being loyal soldiers. This way they could be surrounded by guards but not look out of the ordinary. Celestia had sent them a message ahead of time informing them of her plan and setting up their arrival. She didn't want to just teleport them inside any of the buildings since there was always the chance of somepony seeing or hearing and she didn't want them to be seen leaving the castle either. They still didn't know just how wise or observant their opponents were so all precautions were taken. Once they arrived their main guardian Iron Clad, the founder of the church would make sure than no pony was in that room or any of the connecting rooms. He would then take them further inside and introduce them as ponies who had just walked off the street as many ponies do. He would introduce them by their aliases, Grey Pelt, Evergreen and Ash Coat and they would just become one of the many ponies joining the volunteers. From there they would wait until their attackers were caught. The trip seemed to take quite a while. Canterlot was a big city. From their views the trio could see that the buildings had become more homely. They were still more upscale than most places in Equestria since this was a capital city after all but definitely more homely. From this they knew that they were getting near the outskirts of the city where the elites did not frequent much. After turning down a few more roads the cart finally rolled up to a large building. They couldn't seem much of it through the slats but it looked big. They heard the pony unhitch and call out to someone. A gruff voice answered back and heavy hoofs walked over what sounded like steps. This pony they took to the Iron Clad since the voice was just what one expected of a guard of that name. They couldn't hear much of what they were saying since the ponies had moved away. It wasn’t long before the delivery pony was paid and they felt the second pony start pulling the cart. When a shadow fell over them they knew that they were inside. Quickly they came to a stop and they heard a door sliding shut behind them. Lightning Jolt, Ember Light and Valentine still remained quiet since they could not be sure that this was the pony that was to meet them. That was the purpose of the lock, just in case the wrong pony tried to open it. It was a little claustrophobic to be locked inside of a cart but Celestia had assured that they could actually open it from the inside in that was needed. There was a thud on the outside of the cart that made them all jump. Later they would lean that it was the lock being kicked off. The hinges creaked as the top was opened. The three ponies yelped, even Valentine as they saw the hulk of a pony standing over them. With the extra height and weight included he was double the size of an average stallion. His mane and tail was a dark red and his body grey. Across his face, neck and shoulder that grey pelt was crisscrossed with white lines that were old scars that were left from what must have been horrendous wounds. "Hello, I am Iron Clad." He said and was apparently trying to make his gruff voice softer. "Princess Celestia sent me to receive you and introduce you to the volunteers. Don't worry I don't eat ponies. They taste horrible no matter how much seasoning you put on them." When they relaxed a bit he lifted them out of the cart as if they weighed no more than foals. "Do all of you understand the instructions that Princess Celestia gave you?" He asked. They all nodded, still lost for words at the sight of him. "Good, follow me." He said turning around and leading them inside. They all followed quietly after him. For Valentine, Lightning Jolt supposed, this wouldn't be anything new because of the family she grew up in. She was pretty sure that Ember Light would enjoy it after all they would be lending a hand to many ponies. He was a friendly pony and she thought she would too, though she still hoped their forced hiding would not last more than a few days. > The encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That short time had become two weeks. While overall it still could be considered a short time it was not the short time Lightning Jolt had had in mind. The refugee camp was not a bad place though. It was huge and far more than one building. The church building was right on the very edge of Canterlot. As need arose it had expanded to the open grounds outside of the city and eventually buying up buildings around it to accommodate the growing number of ponies who came. While it was a bit over crowded and there was nothing fancy about any part of the grounds or the buildings there was just something about it that made it more comfortable than the rest of Canterlot. One of the best things about it was that one got to meet ponies from all over Equestria, outside of Equestria even. Some she could not even understand their language nor they hers’ but yet they found ways to communicate. While most ponies didn't give much thought to this place, all pretty much had heard about it sometime before and for many, when troubles came, they remembered. The stories she heard made her feel as if she had lived a lifetime and seen places far beyond Equestria. She would often go to bed with tales of far and near, old and new swirling in her head. It wasn't all fun though. It was hard work and sometimes very sad. One of the hardest parts of it was when somepony brought in a foal that had been abandoned. It was beyond Lightning Jolt's comprehension how anypony could leave one to die instead of at least trying to find a place where it could be cared for. There were also ponies left broken from injuries, some from injuries not physical. Then there were the ponies who came in angry at the world or could not admit that they were hurting themselves and would not let you help them. That was almost the saddest of all. But among all the sadness she also got to experience the joys of seeing hope and joy restored to ponies. That was the highlight of it all. She could see why Iron Clad choose this. Most of all though, she was simply tired when she retired for the day. There was much to do. She visited with Ember Light and Valentine for most of the two weeks for one to two hours a day since their tiny rooms were separate. Now nopony was going to make any of them work but none of there were about to sit on their hoofs while they were there. Especially since they were taking up a room each and eating their food. Every bit was counted out carefully to be sure they had enough. She was told that sometimes it wasn’t enough and Iron Clad would send a letter to the princess who always responded. Most of the time though the wealthy Canterlot ponies donated enough to cover all expenses. "Some really do care but many I think just do it for attention, you know to stay looking good in the public eye." Willow, the mare who had been their guide the first days that Lightning Jolt and her friends were here. Lightning Jolt often found herself working with Willow and she was quite a likeable pony. One only had to be around her a few minutes to see that she was caring and unjudging. That didn't mean she wasn’t going to tell you like it was if necessary, she wouldn't be caring if she didn't. She was the daughter of a soldier who had died in battle when she was a teen. She and her mother had come here after at first to grieve and heal and eventually had become fulltime volunteers. Both she and her mother were overseers of many things now. Lightning Jolt also wondered if they had a part in the princesses’ plan since Willow had made the rooming arrangements. They had been given separate rooms for a specific reason and in specific places as Iron Clad had explained in private. In the rare chance that the plan was discovered by the assassin ponies they would not be able to get at all of them at once. They all slept in rooms off the same hallway that the former guards did so they were always surrounded by them at night. She couldn’t hardly ask Willow or her mother about anything for the fact that they might not be in on the plan and then she would have made a major slip up in this well thought out and painstakingly crafted plan. Curiosity would just have to take a backseat to good sense. Not completely though. In the latter half of the second week she had begun leaving the grounds and traveling a few blocks down the street. From the idle chat of other ponies she found out that a group of the New Wave movement were holding speeches only a few blocks away. With the curiosity to see what it was all about chewing at her from some time and with the answers being so close she couldn't stand it. Well, she had to admit to herself, she could have if she really wanted to. The retired guars couldn't stay right beside them all the time without ponies getting curious and while they were deep inside the grounds they were pretty safe anyway. Because of this Lightning Jolt was able to simply pretend to go to her room during times she knew that they were least likely to disturb her and just left instead. It wasn’t as if anypony guarded the doors so as long as none of the guards were around she could get away with it. She did feel a little nervous the first time but quickly realized that like the place she had come from all anypony saw was Grey Pelt, the little, average weight earth pony. She had only planned to go once to that square to satisfy her curiosity but because of what she heard kept her coming back. She loved every word that was spoken from the platforms. These ponies of the New Wave were proponents of justice and equality not only for everypony but every griffon, every yak, ect. They spoke of almost nothing but that. There were some that believed that they should do away with a monarch type government and she had to admit that they sometimes had good points about it but that was not their main focus. They were for equality pure and simple. Lightning Jolt quickly found herself pounding her hoofs and cheering with the crowd. She also began jeering along with the rest when the New Wave group had to deal with their opponents. There were, for some reason ponies, opposed to their ideas. They called arguments up to the speakers up on the makeshift stage sometime or argued with them in planned debates. Lightning Jolt didn't like them very much for sure. "What was their problem? Did they see something wrong with everypony being equal?" She often found herself laughing or clapping with the crowd when the New Wave ponies shot a good zinger at them. She simply couldn't stand ponies like that. Everything seemed fine for them and yet they couldn't stand everypony being equal. Lightning Jolt knew that she probably should quit coming. She was pretty sure that Iron Clad and the others would not be happy at all if they found out. She seriously didn't want to disappoint Iron Clad for he was a cool guy. Once you got past his frightening appearance he was a good pony, his disposition and outer appearance did not match at all. Her answer to the problem was to just not get caught. So on the day that began her third week in hiding she found time to slip away once again. She walked through the crowds completely relaxed. A few ponies who had noticed her passing though everyday waived to her and she waived back. There weren't many elite ponies that came to this part of the city so it was easier to fit in. When she got to the square where the speeches were held she saw that the group had just finished and were dispersing through the crowd. That was fine. They often held more than one a day and perhaps she might get a chance to get to speak with one of them. She didn't want to shove through the crowd of ponies so she made her to a fountain that she had often stood on the wall of in order to see over the heads of other ponies. It was more ideal now since many of the New Wave ponies came this way after speeches. There was a nice public garden down the street and across it were the buildings they rented so maybe she would get her chance when they passed. As she reached it she recognized several ponies who were standing outside of a cafe' and sipping on tea. They were among the objector crowd. A trio of unicorns and one pegasus. She made a face at them without realizing it. They didn't notice. Lightning Jolt stopped when she realized what she was doing. No need getting them arguing with her. A nasty bunch they were. She sat down the fountain and watched the objectors. What was their problem? How could you object to the New Wave ideas. Perhaps some of them wanting to change from a monarchy she could see reasonable objections since that would take Celestia and Luna, who were good rulers, off the throne but seriously? They objected to everything. All the New Wave Ponies talked about was making everypony equal. It was stupid to object to that! Didn't they understand equality. The ponies didn't seem really too interested in their drinks and side dishes. They didn't even talk really. They would take a bite or take a sip and then look up again as if they were waiting for something or somepony. Lightning Jolt had nothing else to do so she just sat there watching them. They didn't notice her gaze since she was partially concealed by the ponies moving around street. Suddenly a unicorn stepped out of a shop and walked up to them. The second Lightning Jolt saw him she felt her legs go weak and she was lucky that she was sitting down or she would have fallen. Her hoofs shook and she could not take her eyes of him. She could only stare at his scarecrow like appearance, his sickly blue-grey coat and his dark eyes. His mane and tail looked like it had been brushed and cleaned a bit but it was still ratty and full of split ends. He still even wore the white coat draped over his back and shoulder. It too had been cleaned but probably only so that he didn't stick out too much in a city like this. Lightning Jolt lay down on her belly on the wall of the fountain unable to trust her own limbs. She could hardly believe it. It had been so long without a trace of the unicorn being found that she had almost begun to think of him as something of a figment of her imagination or the boogey pony. But reality had stepped in and here he was, very much real. His eyes glanced around as he whispered what looked like a few quick questions to the ponies. They either nodded or shook their heads. In less than a minute it was over and the ponies dispersed throughout the crowd. The blue-grey unicorn shifted and peered though the crowd. Then he started to move hastily toward the gardens while constantly looking over his shoulder. Lightning Jolt didn't think about what she was doing. It was as if her trembling legs had minds of their own. She got up and followed after him. Despite being shaky they moved automatically and with determination. She wove through the crowd trying to keep him in sight while still trying to keep from being noticed. He kept looking over his shoulder and walking in a fast trot. When he reached the garden he dipped out of sight behind some plants. Lightning Jolt crawled through the thick flowers and elephant ear plants. She spotted him standing a ways off the path with his horn starting to glow. At first she flinched thinking she had been seen and was about to blast her, but instead something else happened. It looked like an invisible screen was drawn up in front of him and he vanished. Lightning Jolt blinked at the spot where he just was. He didn’t vanish with a flash of light caused by teleportation but it had just looked like a screen was lifted up from the ground. She could see everything that had been behind him clearly but not him. She crouched lower and wriggled and crawled her way thru the plants while trying not to disturb any of them. Luckily there was a bit of a low path under them, probably for critters. Sure enough as she got up to where the stretch of vegetation ran past the spot where he has stopped she saw him. He was staring hard though the invisible screen with narrowed eyes at the group of ponies who were now walking by. Lightning Jolt saw just who he had been trying to stay ahead of. It was some of the New Wave ponies. The unicorn never looked away as they passed. His gaze burned fire and his lips were curled up showing teeth. Another thing Lightning Jolt noticed was the twitching eyelid that she remembered well from her first day of memory. He watched them until they had walked past the trees and plants that formed a semicircle around his hiding place. When they were out of sight he lit up his horn and made the magical wall drop. He wasn’t done though. His horn continued to glow as he closed his eyes. Another screen shot up in front of him, then above him. Three more rose up to the right, the left and behind and then they all connected seamlessly. Now Lightning Jolt saw not an empty spot but a red pegasus pony the same size as the unicorn. He wore not a white coat but an emblem that marked him as one of the New Wave ponies. This pegasus was not motionless like a statue, he moved, his sides rose and fell in breathing and did not at all look unusual. The magic screens became barely visible as they twisted and warped closer around the pony and conformed to him. When it was done nothing appeared out of the ordinary as the pegasus walked out of the trees and in the direction that the other ponies had gone. Lightning Jolt stared in amazement. She could only assume that this was a sort of magic puppet that moved exactly how he moved. It wasn’t was as smooth but pretty much the same thing that the princesses had used to make her and her friends appear to be different ponies. She waited a few minutes after he had disappeared out of sight and then came out of her hiding place. She looked through the leaves of semicircle of plants so that she could watch without the risk of being seen. She spotted him heading across the gardens and straight for the buildings that the New Wave ponies rented. Since he was wearing their symbol she was sure she knew just what he planned to do. Lightning Jolt stayed where she was until he got further ahead then left her hiding place and began to run after him. She was trying to time so that she drew near when he reached the buildings. If he spotted her she would simply run past him in order to appear to be somepony in a hurry to get somewhere. Once out of sight she could turn around. As she gained she saw him up ahead already going inside with a group of the New Wave ponies. Lightning Jolt reached the building a couple minutes later but before she could get to the door a large earth pony stepped in front of her. "I'm sorry but they need their breaks." He said. "They can't spend every waking moment answering question so you'll just have to ask when they come out for their next speech." "I'm not here to ask question." Lightning Jolt replied. "I came because a unicorn cast a spell on himself to look like one of you so he could sneak in. He's an insane pony that twitches a lot and uses spells to make ponies lose their memories." The earth pony just looked down at her like she was an idiot. Lightning Jolt slapped a hoof to her forehead feeling like one. Yes, that would not sound made up at all AND she had just given up a clue as to who she was. "I'm serious!" She strained the words. "I'm not making this up just to get in." "Sadly that's not the most outrageous story I've heard from ponies wanting to get in. Mostly it's from jerks that just want to get in so that they can argue." He raised an eyebrow. "You’re not one of them are you?" "What? I'm not one of those stupid ponies! I want everypony to love and respect each other!" Lighting Jolt snapped in indignance. "I like the New Wave ponies and I'm not lying!" "Sure." He replied with an unchanging expression and didn't budge an inch. "Please you've got to warn-" "I don't have to do anything." He snorted. "I'm here to make sure the speakers get some peace and quiet and I'm going to see it done." He stated firmly. Lightning Jolt groaned then spun around and took off. She was heading straight back to the church and refugee camp to inform Iron Clad about what she had seen. It was a better response than trying to get in the building and see what he was up to herself. That was a stupid one actually. If she was caught she would probably be a goner and nopony would know what had happened to her. It wasn’t a surprise that that unicorn would be with those who hated the New Wave Group but who were the other ponies? More importantly what were they planning to do to the New Wave ponies. Lightning Jolt ran all the faster and even instinctively tried to use her wings only to remember that they were hidden even to her in a spell. She knew Celestia had made it so she could break free if she had needed but purple wings popping out of a grey earth pony would not go unnoticed. As she fled a pair of eyes watched her from a second story window. The pony had spotted the mare running up to the guard and faintly a sense of familiarity had triggered in her brain. It was so faint that she had had to stare at the pony for a few minutes before she realized just who this pony made her think of. Now she just shook her head as the pony ran off. There was no way it was her. The colors were so different and besides this was an earth pony even. * * * Lightning Jolt quickly passed through the square where the speeches were held. She was painting, her heart was throbbing hard and her lungs felt strange but she was not about to slow. Besides they always did when she pushed herself. The church came into sight and she aimed for the front door. "Hey!" The voice that she knew well cut though her concertation. Her hoofs hit the ground and her legs locked making her skid across the street. She spun around and spotted a pair of ponies. They had dyed their manes and tails magically and wore disguises but she recognized them instantly. "I'm sorry, I tried to stop her." Twilight said and gave Rainbow Dash a disapproving look. The purple mare now had a red mane and tail and wore a simple dress to cover her wings. "No one would tell me anything and beside nopony will think it's strange if we leave for a few hours." Rainbow responded. Her mane and tail was also red and her coat almost looked white. "Anyway what wrong? Why are you running-?" "Come with me now!" Lightning Jolt interrupted while taking off in the direction that she had come. "I'll explain as we go." Telling Twilight would get the message to the princess a lot faster and this way they could keep track of the unicorn. With him being able to disappear for so long before who knew if they would ever find him again. > Smog > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It hasn’t been that long so he's probably still in there." Lightning Jolt nodded to the building that was on the edge of the garden. She, Rainbow Dash and Twilight was standing behind a wall of plants and watching the building. '"Well, we could just burst in and Twilight could rip off his disguise. Then we make his answer for-" Rainbow Dash started only to be interrupted by Twilight. "No, Rainbow. Remember how the unicorns in the castle just teleported away? He could do the same thing. We want to catch him so that he can't possibly get away. Rainbow you could fly to the castle and get Celestia while we keep an eye on this place." "Too late, there he is." Lightning Jolt said pointing to the building. The unicorn, still in his red pegasus disguise was walking out the front door. He greeted the guard and then headed across the garden "We have to follow him." Lighting Jolt said. "If he gets away then we may never find him again." "On it." Twilight replied while lighting up her horn. She cast and invisibility spell over all of them. "Now remember, he still will be able to hear us so no talking, walk softly and don't get too close." The three of them followed hanging some distance back from the unicorn. As he wove through the trees he occasionally looked behind him. Whether this was because he could sense something or a usual precaution they couldn't tell. He moved well out of sight of the building he had left. He eventually reached one of the edges where a couple old, weathered buildings stood on the grounds. He carefully walked around the area, checking that no pony was around. Lightning Jolt, Twilight and Rainbow Dash held their breath when he passed them at several yards away. Finally satisfied he turned around and walked straight into a wall. He didn't slam into it but passed right through as if he was a ghost. The three ponies stared blankly for a few seconds then Rainbow Dash spoke up. "What it Equestria?" "Hang on." Twilight said squinting at the wall as she used a new spell. After a moment she spoke. "There's a doorway right there. It looks like it was made by magic and hidden by a second spell." Her face scrunched up in concentration as she used her spell to look deeper. "He's in there and it looks like he has made himself at home. These buildings are a historical site and nopony has lived in them for years. He probably choose them so that he could stay hidden but be close to his targets." "You can cast a spell to make a teleport proof barrier, right?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yes." Twilight replied with a nod. "I can trap him in a bubble that he can't shoot any magic beams through and nopony can teleport in or out." "Good. I say we trap him and then he can face Lightning Jolt and explain himself. If that alright with you?" Rainbow Dash said and they both looked at Lightning Jolt. The pegasus thought it over a moment. The prospect did make her nervous but she wanted to know. She nodded. "Yes but Twilight, can you undo the spell Princess Luna and Princess Celestia cast on me? I want him to be looking at me, not a disguise." Twilight nodded and removed the disguises and invisibility spells from all of them. Then she focused her magic inside the building. * * * The unicorn never saw it coming. He was inside his lair writing down the newest info that he had gathered when a bubble shaped barrier closed around him. He jumped and bucked instinctively at it but it felt like kicking a brick wall. He winched and tried to teleport out. He vanished for a split second only to reappear bouncing off the barrier wall. He sat up rubbing his head in time to see Twilight walk in. "You can't teleport through that nor blast through it." She stated. Before he could reply Rainbow Dash flew in after her. "It’s finally time for you to own up for what you did to our friend!" She declared triumphantly. "You have a lot of explaining to do!" Lightning Jolt walked in through the invisible door and stopped in front of the barrier. She was now face to face with the pony responsible for her predicament and knew the secret to her past. With all the answers she wanted to demand at the moment no words came to her. The unicorn looked back and forth from Rainbow Dash to Lightning Jolt. "Baby Bird! What are you doing?! Is this some revenge for parting arguments and me being right? I knew you were petty but this is ridiculous! What has come over you?!" He yelled. "Petty!" Rainbow Dash yelled at him flying up to the magic cage. "Petty! You call what you did to her petty!" The unicorn bared his teeth and glared right back at her. "Oh, what did the little Baby Bird tell you that I did? I suppose to her eyes it really does seems like I wronged her." "Stop calling me that" Lightning Jolt yelled over them. "Stop mocking me! Call me by my name-" She stopped remembering that she didn't know what her name was, not the name she had had before. "They call me Lightning Jolt now." She added. The unicorn stared at her scrunching up his nose. "Lightning Jolt? How am I supposed to know what new name you decided to call yourself? Are you playing some alias game with these ponies or something?" "What are you talking about?" Lightning Jolt demanded. "What are you talking about?!" The unicorn roared back. "What are all of you talking about?!" The room fell silent as everypony took the time to sort through their confusion. "Ok. Everypony calm down." Twilight said. "Let's start slowly and try to figure this out. Let's ask questions, one at a time." Rainbow Dash spoke up first. "What did you do to her?" "Really tick off the little Baby Bird apparently." The unicorn said. "Stop calling me baby bird." Lightning Jolt growled. "I don't like it. Why do you call me that?" The unicorn stared at her with a face somewhere between confusion and scorn. "Because it's your name." "Baby Bird?! What kind of wimpy name is that?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "You’re lying!" The unicorn fixed her with a glare. "No I'm not, but I agree with you. I told her foster parents that it was a horrible name but they don't listen to me just like she never does." He turned to Lighting Jolt. "What? Has your memory suddenly gone as blank as your flank was?" He said in a sarcastic tone. Lightning Jolt grimaced and looked at her hoofs. "Yeah, she did you big jerk!" Rainbow Dash yelled at him. The unicorn's face was covered with a look of surprise and guilt shadowed his expression. He turned away from Rainbow Dash and bent his head down trying to look Lighting Jolt in the eyes. His voice was certainly not like Fluttershy's but he obviously trying to speak in a gentle tone. "Your name is Baby Bird and it's me, Smog. The pony you half hate, frenemy and the one always dragging you out of trouble. Who tries to teach you something useful unlike your foster parents. We live on Cinder's islands. You know the place where ponies thought they had the perfect ideas but when given the chance they created a complete disaster, but still think their way is right. We lived not far from each other. We went to the same school. Do you recognize me at all?" Lightning Jolt shook her head. Then she looked up at him. "Why did you blast me with magic?" He took a step back. "Blast you with magic?! As much as I've felt like it at times I've never hurt you or even considered it? If you don't remember me at all then why do you think I blasted you with magic?" "Because she remembered you when she woke up, you-" "Rainbow!" Twilight yelled. "Let them talk. "You remember seeing me when you woke up?" Smog asked and Lightning Jolt nodded. "I was standing guard over you until you woke up. I-" "Yeah, right! You-" "Rainbow!" Twilight yelled again. "You don't know all the facts! You weren't even there. Jumping to conclusions is a very bad idea. Remember when we threw that surprise party for Pinkie? Let him tell his side." "Thank you." Smog said. He gave Rainbow Dash a glare then looked back to Lightning Jolt. "Now, the changelings hit you with a magic blast. I ran to where you landed and kept watch over you until you woke. Even though it was your own dumb fault I didn't want some animal or changeling coming along and finishing you. I warned you but you just had to do it." Those words flashed in Lightning Jolt's mind. For a second she saw herself sitting the ledge hearing those words for the first time. "I warned you but you just had to do it." She sat down. "Tell me what happed, everything." "We were on Sea Salt's boat....I guess you don't remember him but I'm not going over your entire life. You came with me onto the main land to prove," He made quotation motions with his hoofs, "That the ponies going to Equestria to join the New Wave Nuts were not changelings. When I found out that they were just trying to use them to get into Equestria I warned you to stay away from them but you wouldn't believe me so we ended up on that boat headed here to go spy on them. "After the train ride I teleported us inland where their little informing group had gone. You know, the informing groups that travel around telling everypony about the 'glories' of New Waveism. A pretty good plan for a reconnaissance strategy if you ask me since those informing groups go all over Equestria. "Anyway I put us up on a mountain behind an invisible shield so we could be certain that they could not see us spying. We watched them heading away from the little town and shapeshift. You laughed it off and told me that they were just using the same spells I could even though it obviously wasn't. We got into an argument and you like a stu....Gaaaa!" He paused stomping his hoof and then continued more calmly. "You flew over to them to prove it. I ran after you, trying to grab you with my magic but you decided to fly fast for once in your life. I was too late and they hit you. They knew that you had likely seen them change already and shifted back to changelings so they could combine forces and blast you out of the sky." "What did they hit me with?" Lightning Jolt asked. "Those typical blast of theirs." Smog replied. "It was so strong that it sent you flying back to the mountain. I covered myself with the invisibility cloak and sent a doppelganger illusion running in another direction to get them out of there. Then I raced to where you had landed. I thought I was going to have to bring your body back but thankfully found you breathing. I stood over you until you woke, I could see that your cutie mark was gone but I thought it had to do with the illusion, invisibility spell I had been casting earlier. That it must have mixed with the blast or something. I had no idea that you had lost your memory." His tone carried hints of being apologetic. "I went back to the train thinking that you were going to meet me. When you didn't I assumed that you went by your own route in your own time. Also that you were probably still mad at me and didn't want to see my face. You could never stand being wrong. I figured that it was good that you were doing something on your own and taking care of your own self for once so I just left I went back to my boat house on Cinder’s Island. I don't often go out to talk with anypony so I never was aware that you didn't come back. From then on I've been focusing on finding out which ponies in the New Wave groups are changelings trying to infiltrate Equestria. Cinder folk are bad enough without them. I'm sorry I didn't know that you had lost your memory. Aside from looking a little roughed up you appeared fine." Nopony spoke for a few moments afterwards as they, Lightning Jolt especially let it all settle in. Then Smog piped back up. "So why Lightning Jolt? Did your friends decide that they wanted you to sound cool or did you come up with it yourself? It's not a bad name, not bad at all." He gave an amused snort. "It's so much better than Baby Bird anyway." He said the name with a grimace. "Yes, I myself think I'll go by Lightning Jolt now." Lightning Jolt said. "The towns’ ponies starting calling me that after I got my cutie mark back. Lightning Jolt turned sideways revealing her cutie mark. When she looked back at Smog she was surprised. He had gone stiff and his face was a mask of confusion. "Smog?" "That's not your cutie mark?" He finally said. "The illusion spell must have mixed with the blast after all...but I've never seen it do something like that. I don't understand how it could create a fake cutie mark." "It is her cutie mark." Rainbow Dash interrupted. "I helped her get it when I taught her how to create lightning. She mastered it fast and can explode storm clouds like nopony I've seen." Smog looked at her then back at Lightning Jolt. "You got that cutie mark?" "Yes." Lightning Jolt replied. "You, you earned that cutie mark? You bust clouds and create lightning?" "Yes." "You... Little Baby Bird... actually earned that cutie mark?" "Yes! Why is that so hard to believe? Do you think she's not cool enough?" Rainbow Dash snapped. "Trust me, it's no illusion pal." "You, little miss afraid to fly?" He went on ignoring Rainbow Dash. "You, little miss I can't fly fast or run fast? You, little miss I can’t help it, I have a medical condition. Little miss I'm too sickly, I'm just too weak..." "Stop making fun of her!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Smog looked up at her. "I'm not. The pony I knew, Baby Bird was afraid to live life. So afraid that her conditions were going to come back even though everything had been fixed. Every time she so much as got winded she thought she was about to have to go back to the hospital or even die." He snorted. "She also thought she knew everything and if you disagreed than it was only proof that your wrong but...." "Well you must have known a different pony then." Rainbow snapped in her defense. "Lightning Jolt is not like that!" "Huh? I guess I did." Smog said sitting down and looking at Lightning Jolt as if she was a new pony. The purple pegasus looked back at him. Then she looked back at her cutie mark. "Yeah, I guess you did." Her mind could barely take it all in. Now that she knew she wanted to know she wanted to know so much less from the way he had describe her. "I know there is a lot more to be explained." Twilight said. "But I want to warn Celestia about the changeling. This is serious. I can see why they volunteered for those informing groups. They can use the position to travel anywhere in Equestria and meet important ponies." Her horn began to glow as she readied to dissolve the barrier. "Wait a minute!" Rainbow Dash said flying in front of her. "How do we know that he's not lying just to get out of the barrier? How do we know he's not a changeling himself?" Twilight's horn powered down. "Your right we don't." "Is there a way to find out?" Lightning Jolt asked hoping a little bit that what he said wasn’t true. "I can take him to the castle and-" Twilight started. "I am not going to jump through hoops to prove who I am!" Smog growled and looked at Lightning Jolt. "Your look like you’re in good hoofs so I’ll get back to business" His horn lit up and a green fog began to circle around him completely obscuring him from view. "What does he think he's doing?" Rainbow Dash asked anypony. "He knows that he can't teleport-" Rainbow Dash's word were cut short as she vanished in a flash of light. "Rainbow!" Both Twilight and Lightning Jolt exclaimed. The swirling fog inside the barrier vanished revealing Rainbow Dash inside of it. "What the-!" She exclaimed pounding on the barrier. "How did he do that?!" "I don't know!" Twilight gasped. "That's not possible! It's simply not possible!" She yelped as she removed the barrier. "Your right. It's not." Rainbow Dash said and a light glowed for a second over her head and then she vanished. The alicorn and pegasus stood staring at the spot completely bewildered for a second and in the next Rainbow Dash flew back inside the invisible door. "What the heck just happened?" She had the same bewildered look as her friends. "Twilight did you teleport me outside?" "What did just happen?" Lightning Jolt asked Twilight. "I...what...it...Ah! I didn't know that was possible." Twilight yelped. "I never even thought about it. Oh, that was cleaver! He couldn't teleport anything in or out but I didn't even think that he would be able to teleport anything that was outside the barrier to someplace else so I didn't make any spells covering that. He teleported Rainbow Dash outside and made himself look like Rainbow Dash so I would undo my spell. That was a-Wait! Never mind! Now that we know more we can find him again later." Twilight ran over to the papers that he had been writing on and grabbed them in her magic. "It might be true, it might not but we still have to tell Celestia. It’s much better to be safe than sorry." "It would explain how ponies were able to infiltrate the castle like they did." Lightning Jolt offered. She was glad to know that he was not after the New Wave ponies but the changelings that were trying to use them to get at Equestria. He couldn't hardly just tell them since one they might not believe Him. Second whether they would or not he did not know yet who all the changelings were impersonating and they would know that somepony was on to them. "Yes it would, though we still don't know if he's telling the whole truth." Twilight replied. "Rainbow go back to Ponyville and gather the others. I'm going straight to the castle with everything he's written down." She looked over at Lightning Jolt. "Will you be alright going back on your own?" Lightning Jolt nodded. It took Twilight a little longer than the other princesses to cover her with the same disguise but in short order she looked like the same grey earth pony again. After making sure that no pony was around they took off in their separate directions. Lightning Jolt started jogging to the refugee camp to tell Iron Clad what was going on. When she started nearing the square she slowed. It was a few things that Smog had said that kept going around in her head. He had said that they were from Cinder's Islands and from the way he had spoken that was where the New Wave group had come from. “The Cinder folk are bad enough without changelings.” From that she knew they were one and the same with where she had come from but they had run amuck with their ideas? That was the part most that enticed Lightning Jolt to believe that he was lying. From what she heard she could not see how that could be. Still she couldn't dismiss it outright either. The group was preparing for another speech as she passed though. She turned and headed for her usual place on the fountain. She sat down and turned her ears to listen closely and objectively as she could. A pony was just now announcing the next speaker. "I really want to thank you all for coming here today. Please give a warm welcome to our guest speaker who has come to visit us from the far reaches of Equestria where she has been showing ponies how to live in equality. Please welcome Starlight Glimmer." > A chat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown to Twilight and Rainbow Dash Celestia was already about to make such a discovery. She walked down the corridors with serval guards in the direction of the hidden chamber. "So defiantly crafty imposters then." Celestia said. The lead guard pony nodded. "The five of them came and said that you had sent them to speak with the trio. Not only was that odd only one was among the guards chosen to be allowed go in there and he would have known better than to bring others with him. Nor did he know the right answer to the coded questions. This appeared to be the same ploy when they first tried to assonate Lightning Jolt. I didn't want them to teleport away again so that's why I let them go inside the hidden chamber then locked it behind them." "You did the right thing." Celestia replied. "I have a good idea now just who the culprits might be." They soon stepped inside the first room and Celestia cast a teleportation blocking spell over it before she opened the door to the secret chamber. The heavy door swung open revealing the ponies inside. The mouths of the guards hung open at what they saw. It was not the five guards they had let in but five young foals huddled up in a circle. They stared at them with teary and terrified expressions. "What?!... their not...what... ?" The guard trailed off. "Please don't hurt us." One of the fillies squeaked in a pitiful voice. "That mean guard locked us in here." Celestia snorted and lit up her horn. A flash of green light washed over the foals and after it passed five changelings sat in their place. They stared for a moment comprehending what had just happened. Then they hissed and lunged but Celestia quickly caught them in a levitating spell. "I don't suppose any of you want to explain your reasons for trying so hard to kill a certain pony?" Celestia asked. She only got glares and hisses in response. Not surprised Celestia dropped them on the floor and shut the door. "That explains a lot." The guard commented. "That it does. We must find out how deep they have penetrated." Celestia replied. She was about to say more but another guard poked his head through the door behind them. "Your majesty." He said with a bow. "Sorry to interrupt but Princess Twilight sparkle and the element of loyalty have come to see you. They say they have information that is of the upmost importance." * * * Out of the main entrance to the castle two unicorns stomped out. "Can you believe it?!" Our audience with the princesses cancelled again! What could be so important that she keeps sending us away?!" The female huffed. "I know." The male replied. "You would think that the security of Equestria was at stake." * * * Lightning Jolt sat on the fountain edge listening with ears tipped forward. Her mind was steeped in confusion. The way this pony Starlight Glimmer spoke of equality sounded so good. Everypony equal, no pony having more than another, it was just so ideal but something seemed not quite right as she listened. It was hard for she had been so gung ho about it such a short time ago but the more she listened with a new mind it just wasn’t quite right. Starlight used words like equality a lot but Lightning Jolt was not so sure that that was what she was promoting. Right now Starlight Glimmer was going on about ponies who were not well off and the equality they could bring them. The thing was that it sounded not like a way to help poorer ponies whom she seemed so concerned for, but a way to stop other ponies from achieving anything, even ones who were poor. She didn't say it so flatly but the way she spoke if you were somepony trying to achieve your dream you were in the wrong. If you had a dream of owning a successful restaurant and went for it you were an evil pony because of all the ponies who didn't have one. If you wanted a better job and went for it you doing something very wrong because other ponies did not have it. Even if you worked your tail off for something, you were wrong to keep it because there were other ponies didn't have it. Giving was good but it is not wrong to enjoy what you earned. Sure some ponies were greedy but she talked like everypony who had something was. Now she was going on about talents. Lightning Jolt's face scrunched up even more. How could some pony achieving his dream of winning the Equestria Games be cruel to other ponies? Lightning Jolt almost shouted out her sentiment as Starlight Glimmer finished the example. His winning would put down the other runners and even worse to those who could not compete at all. He would take the win and promote himself above other ponies and breed conceit. Lightning Jolt almost laughed. Sure there were bad winners and sore losers but there were plenty that were not. Should all competitions stop because some winners are snobby and some ponies were sore losers? The way she talked if you were a good runner and ran faster than other ponies you were being cruel. What was cruel was to keep a pony from doing what they were good at, from what they dreamed of. Lightning Jolt looked around wondering how so many ponies could be enraptured by this. Had she been? The ponies before hadn’t spoken this. Well, now that she thought about it for the most part they had. They simply hadn’t been so extreme and up front as this pony. Because she much more blatant each issue some of the ponies in the crowd were shifting with unease with similar feelings. Her ideas on how to stop bitterness was even worse. Just don't have different ideas or opinions. How could you make everypony believe the same things and think the same way? That was impossible and even if you could, whose way of thinking would it be? Looking at Starlight Glimmer she had a pretty good idea. All of her friends, old and new had different opinions on so many things. Yes, they argued sometimes but they were all still friends. If everypony had to believe what Starlight believed then where was this equality? If nopony was allowed to have their own mind and forced to think how they were told then there would be no peace. That was what would make ponies bitter. "But the best news that I have come to bring you is that I have discovered a state of true equality." Starlight Glimmer announced as she neared the end of her speech. Everypony leaned forward to ensure that they heard it clearly, even the ones who had been getting uneasy. "I have seen it work and create a beautiful society. One of such utopian peace." "One where no pony can pursue their dreams?" Lightning Jolt thought. "All we have to do as a society is give up one thing. One thing that keeps us apart and creates strife. We think it gives us purpose but it really causes such terrible division." She went on fluffing up the point before she stated what she meant. "Starlight!" One of the other New Wave ponies hissed angrily at her from the back of the stage but Starlight Glimmer ignored her. "Your Cutie mark. You must give up your cutie mark." Everypony, even those who had been the most eager and rapt listeners now sat slack jawed. Give up what?! What gave them strife and kept them from a perfect society? Lightning Jolt waggled a hoof in her ear making sure that she had heard right. She was not the only one. What that pony had just said was just so out there. Nothing was more inconceivable to a pony. "You cutie mark makes you think that your better than everypony else. Think about that!" Starlight Glimmer accused. "Starlight!" Two stage ponies hissed louder. "Everypony thinking that their better than everypony else. Don't deny it. Each one of you believes that your cutie mark makes you special." She went on regardless, "Don't you deny it!" She actually had Lightning Jolt starting to look at her cutie mark with guilt, as were many ponies, for that was true. All of then thought that their cutie mark was special. Then a young foal with a fresh cutie mark piped up in a high pitched but clear voice. "Just because I think I'm special it doesn’t that I think I better than anypony." His few words stirred everypony out of their daze. "How could one give up their cute mark anyway?" A stallion called up. "They’re a part of us." "Magic put them there and magic can remove them." Starlight Glimmer replied to a growingly agitated crowd. "I have successfully preformed the spell myself." "Then why do you still have yours? If it's so good to live without one why do you yourself not do it?" The one question brought everypony into one focus. Starlight Glimmer was lost for words. She started stuttering an answer but suddenly a group of other ponies from the New Wave group rushed up and surrounded her. One began talking to the crowd, reassuring them that no pony should give up their cutie mark. The other tried ushering Starlight Glimmer off the stage. She resisted at first but after a few angry whispers she finally went. They left the stage and the pony at the microphone kept speaking to distract the crowd. Lightning Jolt wasn’t interested in what she had to say and hopped off the fountain. She slipped through the crowd. Ponies hardly noticed her and she was not the only one leaving. Instead of going back to the church and refugee camp she slipped around the stage and the small building behind it determined to see what going on behind closed doors. She didn't have to sneak in the back though. As she rounded the corner she heard the back door slam and angry voices in the air. She ducked back behind the edge of the building and listened. "I told you Starlight, don't bring up the giving up of cutie marks!" An enraged female voice hissed. "Which do you want to do Light Hooves?" Starlight hissed back. "Play around or bring true equality? Cutie marks are-" "I didn't say I disagreed with you!" Light Hooves growled back. "I said that it is not a good time yet. Ponies are like frogs in hot water, you can’t go and charge straight into changing them and their ways of thinking. You have to ease into it. Getting rid of cutie marks is too extreme too soon. If you move in little by little and keep promoting each move as for the good of all, then you can change a culture, you can take away what they think are freedoms, yes you can even make them think their cutie mark is a bad thing and they will even cheer you on. You can make them do anything but if you try it all at once you will fail. Eventually you could murder a foal in broad daylight and they'll not only turn a blind eye, they'll defend you if somepony complains. If you ease into the matter making one small change after another they will grumble but they will not rebel. If you continue to remind them of how it is for the good of all ponies then they will soon turn a deaf ear to naysayers. For each new generation the changes will be normal and their starting point from which you can go further-" "Well I'm sorry but I don't think society can wait that long." Starlight Glimmer interrupted. "I've already made it work in a group on the edge of Equestria. If you would just come and see for-" "I don't doubt you." Light Hooves replied. "But those ponies are not like Equestrian ponies. Now I am not having you ruin all our hard work. Until you learn to behave you are not coming back to speak here. Go back to your little town." Lightning Jolt heard the door slam followed by an enraged, "Auugh!" From Starlight Glimmer. From that the disguised pegasus knew that she was alone. "I'll show her, I'll show everyone." Starlight Glimmer snarled. "Maybe if I could get some famous ponies to see my way then they would-" She stopped when she saw another pony step out from behind the corner. It was that little grey earth pony that she had seen talking with a guard just before she had left to come speak here. A light stir of recognition triggered in her mind as if she knew this pony but no, she knew no grey earth ponies. She probably just looked like somepony she may have known. "What do you want?" Starlight Glimmer asked her. "No pony is supposed to be back here except New Wave ponies." "Why do you think that to be equal everypony has to be the same?" Lightning Jolt asked. "It doesn’t make sense." Starlight Glimmer rolled her eyes. "You not being able to understand it doesn’t make sense." She replied. "When ponies can do things that others can't it causes problems. It causes jealousy and creates ponies who think that their better. Don't you ever get jealous of pegasus with their wings or unicorns with their horns! Don't deny that you do." Lightning Jolt almost laughed. "No I've never been jealous of wings and at times I thought about how great it would be to have a horn but there are also unicorn and pegasus that marvel at the strength of earth ponies." "Then you see, these differences cause strife." Starlight Glimmer concluded. Lightning Jolt was taken aback. "That's not what I meant at all! A horn would be neat to have but I don't hate you because you have one nor does it make me any lesser than you. Nor would taking it away from you make me any better. Everypony has something special. Differences make us who we are and-" "And other ponies jealous." Starlight Glimmer interrupted. Lightning Jolt took a deep breath to keep this pony from making her loose her temper. "Do we not consider it good parenting to teach foals not to be jealous of what other ponies have but instead to use and appreciate what they've got? You could sit there and complain that this pony has more friends than me, that pony had more money than me or those ponies can run faster or jump higher than me and try to take it away from them or you could use your talents to make a good life for yourself. Focusing on other ponies and what they have is what will hold you back and taking things away from them will not propel you forward." "You mean those snobby ponies who flaunt what they have over other ponies?" Starlight Glimmer said. "Have you seen how the elite of Canterlot act? Or winning athletes. Disgusting." "Yes but they do not represent every pony. Yes, there are snobby rich ponies and stuck up winners and full of themselves celebrities but there also good ones. Good ones who help other ponies-" "If they wanted to help other ponies then they would give up what they have and be like everypony else." Starlight Glimmer interrupted again. Lightning Jolt glared at her. "They are like everypony else. Those things do not change that. If you’re so into this then why don't you snap off your horn so you can be like every earth pony who doesn’t have one? If you really wanted to help them then you should give up what you have." Starlight Glimmer looked at her with an unreadable expression then went on completely ignoring the question. "When everypony thinks differently there will be arguments, hate and bitterness. When everypony agrees this will not happen and there will be true peace." Lightning Jolt felt like punching her in the face. Of course she was not going to answer that question. "No, when you try to force everypony to think the same way there will really be hate and bitterness. Yes there is going to be arguments sometimes but if ponies of different opinions can't get along then we're lost. Even with ponies who have views that seem so wrong to us we can get along!" "Why?" Starlight snorted, "Why try to get along with ponies who have wrong ideas? That's stupid!" "Because every idea that turned out to be good seemed wrong and stupid at some point. How about because without them we can't test our own ideas and see if we're actually right. Because sometimes we can believe that we are right so fervently and yet be wrong and we will never know it! Because even if we are right forcing ponies to agree will always make us wrong! I'll debate with you and try to change your mind but I won't tell you that you can't think how you want." "Good, because you’re already lost." Starlight Glimmer replied. "I will make this world equal. How can you think ponies being unequal is a good thing?" "That is not what I'm saying! I do not want ponies to be unequal!" Lighting Jolt cried. "It sounds like you do." Lightning Jolt though hard trying to think of something that would show her. Some example to make her understand. Starlight Glimmer waited while looking down at her with a critical eye. "The sun and the moon." Lightning Jolt said finally. "You could look at them and could think their unequal but they are not. I know that there was some argument between the royal sisters years ago but they didn't both realize their equal differences and importance." "Differences cannot be equal." Starlight Shimmer replied flatly. "Oh, yes they can." Lightning Jolt said. "They both have a different but equally important roles. The way you talk the sun should be the same as the moon or the moon the same as the sun. It doesn’t work that way, it can't work that way. We can't have too suns or two moons. I know either way it would kill us but let’s pretend that it wouldn't freeze or burn us to death. We and many plants would not get both the warmth and light we need and the beauty and peacefulness of the night. The day is bright and bold, it lights the earth so we can go about our business and helps the plants. One could think it was more important but where would we be without the night? It signals a time of rest and gives cool beauty that the sun does not have nor could ever have. I don't think ponies of the past shunned the night as Princess Luna once thought. They rested in the peace it brought. "Night and day are part of the same whole only because they are different. Different and equal. They both provide different but equally important things to us. They exist together in a beautiful of balance that can only exist if they are different. The differences between them make that balance. You could try to make them the same thing but it would not work because they were meant to be different and the differences make it work. I mean Princess Celestia and Luna could try to make two of the same type celestial bodies work and make a system that holds but it would not give us the things that we need from both the sun and the moon. There would even be no point in having two guardians of the sky. You could want two of the same but no matter how much you tried neither could not fill the roll that the other could give. Differences make balance." "Well lucky for me I'm not trying to change the sun and the moon. Whatever gave you that stupid idea? I'm trying to change ponies and make them equal." Lightning Jolt just stared at Starlight Shimmer. She wanted to shout, "It was just an example!" Thing was, Lightning Jolt knew that Starlight was well aware of that. It was clear that no matter what she said the pony would not listen. She just would not listen. She would "believe" her stance whether deep down she truly believed it or not. It didn't matter what facts you could give or what you could prove. Starlight Glimmer would never be wrong on this. It was the idea she liked to believe and that was that. Lightning Jolt didn't understand this attitude and shook her head turning around. "Equal and alike are not the same thing and this world was made to work with differences and opposites even. Only differences make balance." She said as a parting shot. “Equal and alike is not the same thing.” "No, being the same is perfect!" Starlight Glimmer snapped. "Why don't you come back with me to see my town?" Her voice was now growing into a warm and inviting tone. "I'll show you how much better it is." Lightning Jolt didn't answer but walked out of sight around the corner. She was not going anywhere with that pony especially to anyplace that ran the way she thought up. Did she herself really come from a place like that? She knew Starlight was more extreme but how much more than where she and Smog had come from? She had to find that unicorn again and ask him many more questions. At the moment though, she as going to find Ember Light and Valentine so she could pull them aside and tell them all that she had learned. > Medical condition > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a little difficult to pull both Ember Light and Valentine aside since the place was so often busy but an hour later they met Lightning Jolt in her room. It was the least likely place that they would be disturbed. They weren't entirely alone but the fourth pony wouldn't talk. Valentine was slowly rocking an infant. The baby girl would cry whenever she was put down so Valentine was giving her mother a break. "It's good to finally know something." Valentine said when Lightning Jolt was done telling them what had happened. "There was a few things that the New Wave speakers said that I didn't like but after this Starlight character I can't say that I like them much at all. Getting rid of cutie marks! Equal by no pony being their best? Can't even come to different conclusions about things, no talents? It's crazy." "I had actually never heard them speak." Ember Light spoke up. He had been quiet the whole time. "I came because I had heard good things about them through Equestrian journals, and they seem to speak of them quite highly, so I wanted to see for myself. Though now, I think I have when years ago ponies like them came to my village. Anyway, there’s one thing that I want to know," He said changing the subject. "That unicorn... what was his name?" "Smog." Lightning Jolt replied. "He was surprised at you getting the cutie mark that you had." "Yes, he said that I had had a different one before it." Lighting Jolt said looking down at her flank even though her cutie mark had been replaced by a fake one. "I don't know how, but I got a new cutie mark." "That is amazing but that's not the reason I'm asking." Ember Light replied. "You see when he was astonished about it one of the main reasons was something about you having a medical condition. He made out like you didn't fly or do anything that would give you such a cutie mark because of it. Did you wonder what medical condition he meant?" "I have but I assumed that it was something that had run its course." Lighting Jolt said. "I mean I'm not sickly like he said and I've been flying hard with no problems. He also mentioned that whatever it was, it had been fixed." She paused and though a moment. "Well often my lungs feel funny when I push myself but I thought that I was just out of shape and I certainly was. Though from the way Smog talked I was like that since he last knew me not some time ago. My heart does seem to have a strange rhythm..." She trailed off with her mind turned inward to pay attention to her breathing and heart. Every beat seemed too fast and her lungs felt strange with each breath. Valentine broke her out of it when she tucked the infant in the crook of her foreleg and shook Lightning Jolt's shoulder with her other hoof. "Lightning Jolt." She stated in a stern voice. "Everything you’re felling right now is all in your head. You were just fine all the way up till now and you’re not about to drop dead now. If you’re really worried about it we can just see a doctor which I actually do recommend since we don't know if or what it is. We do have a problem with it though. I don't know all the ends and out of this magic spell and a doctor might discover the wings or something amiss. We'll use one of the papers she gave us to send a letter to her and ask. No one is in here to see Ember Light use his magic and she put a spell on them to make them go straight to her when he teleports them." Ember Light was already heading for the door to retrieve the papers from his room before Lightning Jolt replied. "I'll be back shortly." He said. "I'm sure your fine though. It can't be much of anything!" He said to Lightning Jolt before he left. “I think he’s as worried as you.” Valentine commented. He was back shortly with the paper and Lightning Jolt wrote her message on it. She knew what Valentine was right in what she said earlier but now she couldn't get it out of her head. Ember Light made the letter disappear in a flash of light that was the same color of his coat. "She will probably reply soon." He said. "What do think it is?" Lightning Jolt asked them just the break the silence that fell. "No idea." Ember Light said with a shrug. “We only know as much as you do.” "Something that may have kept you flying but your flying now." Valentine said without looking up from the baby who had fallen back asleep. "This Smog character could also be a liar. He simply been making stuff up." "That's true and I hope so." Lightning Jolt said sitting down. "I was a weak flyer when found though. It would match." "Yes, be we also do not know all the possibilities, just one suggestion." Valentine replied looking up. "We really don't know your personality before. You could have been a book worm that never got out or just lazy. I've heard that Fluttershy is a weak flyer and she's neither." "That's true though-" Lightning Jolt was interrupted by the flash of teleportation magic. Instead of a letter an armored unicorn now sat in the room with them. "Sorry to interrupt." He said with a grin. "The princess Celestia wants to see you personally to discuss a few things and they have a hospital facility in the castle. She does not want you going to just any doctor who will ask too many questions and may discover something. I'm here to make sure the room is empty for teleporting you back." The three ponies gathered up. Valentine pushed the infant into the confused guards’ hoofs. "Just rock her gently and if she cries sing softly." "Uuuuu-excuse me. Sing softly?" He asked looking down at the young filly as if he was afraid to twitch and accidently disturb the baby. "It's all in the service of the princess." Valentine said with a grin. * * * The trio appeared inside the castle in a flash of light. They were in the throne room and Celestia herself was standing on the floor with her horn glowing. There were no guards around with only Rainbow Dash and Twilight standing next to her. "Now we have a few things to discuss," Celestia said, "But first how have you three been during your time in disguise?" "Not bad, kind of enjoyed it." Ember Light replied. "Much better than being locked away in a room." Valentine added which was Lightning Jolt’s sentiment. "So you want to find out what medical condition he was talking about?' Celestia asked and Lightning jolt nodded. "A good idea. Tell me do you believe that the stallion is truthful?" Lightning Jolt shrugged. "I'm not sure. The story seems a little farfetched but not impossible. He was trapped so he would have reason to lie but that doesn’t mean he did. I want to see if I have a medical condition like he said, though if it is true it doesn’t mean that the rest of the story is." "The biggest decider will be whether or not changelings are hiding in the ranks of the New Wave ponies." Celestia said. "I have already set a plan in motion." "How do you stand those ponies?" Twilight asked. "You know that most of them want to remove you and Luna from the throne right?" "In stride Twilight, I take it in stride." Celestia replied. "What am I going to do Twilight? Tell them that they can't speak what they believe and lock them all away? Even if ponies do not agree with me or do not like me being in charge I have to accept their right to do so or I will become a tyrant." "Good point." Twilight grumbled. "Now, still no memory returning?" Celestia asked Lightning Jolt. The mare shook her head. "Well, I thought I could at least hope. Did you feel any recognition of any kind no matter how slight when talking to the unicorn, Smog?" "No, as blank as before." Lightning Jolt said. "What plan have you set in motion?" "One, to check if the changelings are hiding among the New Wave ponies as Smog said. If so I will take action tomorrow when everything is set up. I will not let Canterlot be caught off guard again." She replied cryptically. "If there are changelings among the New Wave Ponies then does that mean that they've kidnapped ponies and taken their place?" Lightning Jolt asked. "That's what I remember when Twilight told me about the wedding." "Possibly." Celestia replied. "That is how they get the most amount of love, when it is directed at them. They can feed off love by just being around ponies but when they take the place of a loved one they can absorb all of it." "It's their food right? So they die without love?" Lightning asked feeling little sorry for them even under the crimstances. "No." Celestia said shaking her head. "Love is not food for their body but food for their magic. You see changelings can't create their own magic like we ponies do. They can only gain it from us. The more love, the more magical power they have. Once cut off from love their magical abilities decrease. The last thig to go is their ability to change from. They can hang on to it for a long time but eventually without love to feed on that will disappear as well." "I did a research paper of theories on how they can metabolize love into magic." Twilight piped up. "You see they-" "Nopony wants to hear that right now." Rainbow Dash interrupted. "Let's get Lightning Jolt to the doctors and see if there's anything wrong with her. Are you not a little bit worried?" Twilight thought a moment. "Well no not really since after all she had been through she hasn’t had a problem. I think either the unicorn was lying or whatever he was talking about is not that bad." "We still need to find out." Rainbow Dash said. “I didn’t say not to check it.” Twilight said in her defense. "And we will." Celestia said and her horn lit up. Their vision was blotted out by a flash of light and in the next instant they were standing in the medical room of Canterlot Castle. There was a unicorn doctor standing across the room looking over some notes. He didn't seem surprised as the sudden entrance. He had probably experienced it many times before. "Your majesty," He said with a bow. "What can I do for you?" "Heart Beat, this Mare needs a full physical." Celestia pointed to Lightning Jolt with a wing. "We have reason to suspect that there may be an unknown and hidden medical condition to be concerned about. We only have the word of a suspicious pony but it must be checked none the less." With a flash of her horn Lightning Jolt's disguise vanished and she was herself again. As vague and strange as that was the stallion, Heart Beat didn't ask questions but picked up a thermometer and stethoscope and walked over. "Won't ponies know that we're at the castle now?" Valentine asked as the doctor started examined Lightning Jolt. Celestia shook her head. "My doctors, like the guards are sworn to secrecy. Notice how he asks no questions." "What about changelings?" Ember Light asked. "That's the worst thing about them you don't know them when you see them." "My sister and I have conjured up and cast a spell that will expose any who enter the castle." Celestia replied. Heart Beat took his time examining Lightning Jolt. He checked her heart rate and sound, her breathing, took blood samples, examined everything from the inside of her mouth to the inside of her ears and the bottom of her hoofs. He had her tell her everything she knew about her own body and clipped off a small piece of a feather to examine it under a microscope. He even had her stand and pose next to Rainbow Dash and an average pegasus body chart as he compared them. "Wings are too large for your body." He noted. "Any trouble flying?" "It was a bit hard to stay stable but I learned to compensate." She replied. "That could be the condition mentioned." The stallion said tapping his chin as he thought. "You are smaller than a pegasus should be, hooves slightly deformed, they make a slight oval shape but it's nothing that will impair your stride." He said looking at the bottom of a hoof again. "Your overall form is a little different from the standard pegasus." "So what does that mean?" Rainbow Dash asked. "We she's very slightly deformed." He replied. "In growing her body didn't quite proportion right. Most of it is very minor, such as her legs are very thin compared to an average adult. Except for the wings only a doctor's eyes would be able to tell with most." "That could be what he meant." Rainbow Dash said looking relived. "Maybe but it's nothing serious." Ember Light said. "Nothing that would ground a pegasus." "Unless she was a hypochondriac." Valentine commented then ducked her head slightly, "Sorry, it just could be possible from how the unicorn describe you." "It's alright I'd rather you try to find out what the problem was rather then worry about my emotions." Lightning Jolt said. "It would be doing me no favors. Though, if it is just that then that would be awesome. I would rather be a hypochondriac rather than actually sick." "You’re also very mildly anemic but not enough to be a problem. Iron pills would fix it." Heart Beat said. "I want to check your insides for a cause of the slight deformity." He said walking into a side room. "It could be that something is going on on the inside that caused it." "Check my insides?" Lightning Jolt asked. "With an x-ray." Heart Beat said coming back out pulling a large screen behind him in a magic field. "What did you think I was going to do? Cut you open?" He positioned the screen in the middle of the room. His horn lit up and shot a beam of magic at the screen. The entire thing lit up with a faint humming noise. "This will show us both your bone structure and organs and we'll know if you've had any past surgeries." "I don't have any scars so I don't think I have had any surgeries." Lightning Jolt said. "Surgery gives you scars." "Not teleoperation surgery." Twilight said before the doctor could answer. "What the hay is that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "It's a surgery done for ponies that are too fragile to survive being cut open as well as just to prevent scars." She explained. "It takes a very skilled doctor who’s also very skilled in magic. They have a pony in front of an x-ray screen like this one and use their magic and teleportation to work inside a pony." "I find that a little creepy really." Rainbow said. "It can save a life though." Heart Beat said and then nodded at Lightning Jolt. "Would you step behind the screen please?" He asked. "Make sure to lift your wings and turn sideways." A little apprehensive about what they might see Lightning Jolt slowly got up and headed for the glowing screen. Then she remembered what Twilight had said. It was almost what Valentine stated had before they came. She had gone this far without problems so most likely it was just the oversized wings and minor details. If Smog was speaking the truth then she probably was a hypochondriac before she lost her memory. She stepped behind the screen turning sideways and lifting her wings as instructed. From her side of the x-ray she could see the blurry shapes of the doctor, Celestia and her friends looking at her. They were quiet a moment then Rainbow Dash spoke up with, "Holy, moly!" "What is it?" Lightning yelped suddenly feeling a little sick to her stomach. "N-nothing. It's fine.' Twilight replied but even through the blurry screen Lightning Jolt could see her big, fake, reassuring grin and she felt her legs grow weak as her heart began pounding in that odd throbbing way. > Fine or not? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I know it's not fine!" Lightning Jolt yelled from behind the screen. "Don't pretend it's alright! That helps nothing! Just tell me what it is!" "I don't know!" Twilight replied in frantic voice. "What is all that?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Is she ok?" Ember Light asked in a quivering voice. Celestia suddenly stomped a fore hoof on the floor and yelled out in a tone very close to the royal Canterlot voice. "Everypony be silent and allow the doctor to speak! You are frightening Lightning Jolt even more!" Everypony fell silent and Heart Beat cleared his throat. "Lightning Jolt, you are just fine." He said in a gentle but stern voice. "Now please straighten back up so I can see your x-ray better and I will tell you what all of it is." He waited until Lightning Jolt had gone back to her original position and studied the screen a moment before replying. "The first thing I can tell you is that you is that you were born with incorrectly formed organs and you have had multiple surgeries to correct this." "What is that on her heart?" Rainbow Dash interrupted. "And on her lungs and-" "Those are implants." The doctor replied and turned back to Lightning Jolt. "Lightning Jolt you told me that your heart seems to have a strange rhythm at times and your lungs can feel a little different when you push yourself. That is because of the implants and the surgery. From the x-ray I can see that both your heart and arteries have been worked on. This kind of work is done when you have narrowing of the arteries. It has been corrected. Your heart was also weak and is partly artificial. I don't know what originally was wrong with your lungs but they have replaced by that of a donor." "I have the lungs of another pony in me?" Lightning Jolt asked touching a hoof to her chest. That thought creeped her out a little bit. "Yes you do." He replied. "You must have had a bit of a limp as a child, some trouble in the design in your joints. I won't know quite what unless I was able to see a before x-ray. Your joints in both hips and the bend of you back legs have been replaced by metal ones. There is evidence of surgery on your digestive track as well. To make a long story short you for reason of genetic disease your internal insides must never formed quite right. You were probably a weak and sickly child. This was corrected before adulthood, I'd say just before preteen years or just after they began. Started them anyway. You would have had to keep going back for more surgeries since this couldn’t have been done all at once. They also would have had to make adjustments as you grew." Heat Beat lit up his horn and the x-ray finished humming. "This as well as having the problems while young is what caused your growth to be stunted." He said as Lightning Jolt walked numbly out from behind the x-ray. "The only thing that reached the right size is your wings and I really don't understand with medical science how that happened. You’re actually in amazing shape considering but believe me you are not down and out in life. While you will never be a pony of the Equestrian games you are free to live a normal and even active life." A sigh of relief escaped her friends. "That's awesome!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed doing a backflip in the air. "It is quite a relief." Ember Light commented and sat down on the floor. "I k-knew it would be ok." "You see, nothing to worry about." Twilight said. Lightning Jolt had heard what they said but had a hard time taking it to heart, her artificial heart. It felt like way much for her right now. She had known that she was small and not very strong but this? A little deformed was one thing but finding that you were full if implants and had one’s insides cut up and pieced back together was another. She had artificial joints at this young age? She had either implants or work done on her heart, lungs, (Who's lungs were they anyway?) and digestive tract. Was that all the digestive organs or just some? How many organs were left untouched? Was she really fine or just lucky that nothing had happened so far? She wondered looking down at her slightly oval rather than round hoofs. Then she looked back at her small frame with legs too thin for her body. That was common with young pegasus but not adults. "After what you have been through I couldn’t believe that you were weak with any kind of medical condition that would hold you back." Valentine added. "You out ran a monster in Ghastly Gorge and body slammed a timber wolf. You are one brave and bold pony." Those words triggered something in Lightning Jolt and she looked back. Yes she had done those things. She was a cloud buster and lightning striker. Her condition had been remedied but she had been about act as if it had not. She tipped her head to look at her cutie mark. She almost heard the thunder clap and saw the flash. "Like I said those medical conditions have been fixed." Heart Beat said as if echoing her words. "You will never be in the Equestrian Games for your body will not take the daily stressing and extreme over working of muscles that they endure but you are free to run, fly, fly fast and even destroy clouds. You can live as a normal and even active pony." "You’re right. You’re all right." Lightning Jolt replied. "Rainbow Dash when this is all over I would like for you to continue teaching me to fly better." She spread her wings as if to take off now. "You've got it." Rainbow Dash replied. "Though you may want to take it a little easy." Ember Light commented. "No, I want to pick up right where we left off." Lightning Jolt replied. "Alright, it is good to know that you’re alright." Celestia said. "Soon we will see about the changelings hiding among the New Wave ponies. This will not be like last time." She stated with a resolute flap of her wings. "Lightning Jolt, Valentine and Ember Light. I want you to go back and stay hidden for the rest of this day and night. If all suspicions are confirmed tomorrow which now I am sure they will be, I will teleport you three back into the castle to keep you safe." She turned to Rainbow Dash and Twilight. "You two go back to Ponyville and gather the others and come straight back here. You don't have the elements of harmony anymore but I still want you by my side. I will explain everything when you get back." "You've got it." Rainbow Dash said with a salute. "We'll kick those changelings out like we did last time." She punched her hoofs together for emphasis. "Remember though, make sure that you tell nopony else except your friends and try to make it look as if you’re just coming to visit. Our enemy must not know that we're on to them." "Don't worry, we will." Twilight replied. "Good now go." The two took off down heading for the throne room door. "It will be faster if we just fly rather than take a train." Twilight said to Rainbow Dash as they ran. "Well I don't know if it will be faster if you fly." Rainbow Dash said. "Why don't you just wait here and I'll go." "Hay!" Twilight yelled back. "It's just the truth and this is kinda urgent." Their voices quickly became muffled as they disappeared down the hall. Celestia turned back to the three ponies left. "Are you ready to go back?" Valentine shrugged and looked at the others. "Ready as we'll ever be." They nodded. Celestia turned to the doctor. She had no need to say anything. He walked over to a drawer and pulled out what looked like three small coins. "These have a locator spell on them." Celestia explained. "As long as you have them on your person I don't even have to know where you are to teleport you. This so you do not have to send a letter to me first or incase I have to teleport you quickly. Keep them with you at all times. Things may heat up fast." They looked up from examining the coin and nodded. It looked different from any normal bit and had a picture of Celestia on one side and Luna on the other. "I may be seeing you soon." Celestia said as her horn lit up. In the next instant the trio was back in their room within the chapel and all three back in their disguises. They were greeted by the sight of the guard trying to sing Hush Now, Quiet Now to the infant who was staring at him with an, "Who the hay are you?" expression. The guard blushed beet red when they all started laughing. Valentine took the infant and went to give her back to her mother while the guard teleported away and Ember Light headed to his room. Lightning Jolt lay down on her bed. Even though she was under the illusion of being an earth pony again she still tried to flex her wings just to feel them as she anticipated her next flying lesson with Rainbow Dash. She loved flying and couldn’t wait to bust clouds again, now more than ever. Though she didn't remember it, she knew that she had wasted much opportunity to fly. She was sure that Smog was telling the truth now because of her being such a weak flyer when her remembered life began and also from what they knew now. What had her life been like before? Not flying, did she fly ever? Even a little bit? Did she run? Probably not. If she had not been young she would probably be in a very unhealthy state. She had been afraid to live. Because of the changeling attack she now had opportunity to live again, opportunity for starting new and she was not going back. As strange as it was she was actually glad that a bad thing had happened to her and would not avoid it if she could go back. * * * Now alone in the castle Princess Celestia trotted down a hall that led toward one of the towers. The normally subtle princess now walked with an intent stride. Her hoofs echoed down the corridors with each step. Her wings repeatedly flapped or rearranged themselves at the energy boiling inside her. Her shoulders rolled like that of a lion striding towards his opponent. Her eyes were a fierceness that her student had never known. "This will not be like last time." She said in a low, strong voice that was almost a growl. "You will not hurt my citizens. We shall have the element of surprise this time!" > It begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Jolt awoke that morning to what she at first thought was somepony knocking on her door. Then she felt the vibrations through the floor. It was a large walking down the hall. Those heavy hoof steps could only belong to one pony, Iron Clad. She heard him stop at her door and it shuddered as he knocked on the wood. "I'm awake and you can come in Iron Clad." Lightning Jolt called as she stretched and stood up. The door swung open and Iron Clad's bulky frame stood in the doorway. "A unicorn stallion has shown up and is asking to speak to you." He stated in his deep voice. "He is a thin and almost an unhealthy looking pony. He is in one of the side courtyards where I have other former unicorn guards keeping an eye on him. Is he a friend, or a foe that we should apprehend? " "No, he's not an enemy." Lightning Jolt said with a yawn. "I think we cleared that up last night. I do want to go talk to him though." Iron Clad nodded and led the way. They stopped at a window that looked down on the courtyard. There was Smog standing off by himself as he passed the time by studying a mural on one of the walls. Not far away mixed in among other ponies were the unicorns that Iron Clad had mentioned. They hung about looking as nonchalant as possible without overdoing it. She was pretty sure that Smog was aware of them though. He was a clever pony and from time to time he would randomly glance over the crowd in a pretend casual behavior. "Are you sure that he is not threat or a breach in security in any way?" Iron Clad asked. "I'm sure." Lightning Jolt replied as she studied the strange but interesting unicorn. He was at the moment the only link to her past. He was a very strange pony, though. From what she had seen so far was that he was very resourceful and cleaver but she wasn’t sure if he was all there considering his odd looks and his twitchy behavior when they first met. "I don't like the looks of him." Iron Clad commented. "He is strange." Lightning Jolt agreed. He was strange and he had to have something going on. A nervous disorder maybe. In truth even though she was sure now that he wasn’t an enemy it was still a little unnerving. If only she could remember anything about him from before, then perhaps she would understand. Well, she would get nowhere just standing at the window. Lighting Jolt turned and headed for the stairs. "We will not be far away." Iron Clad stated as he followed her to the ground level. The old war pony stayed back at the building exit when Lightning Jolt walked outside and the unicorns in the courtyard causally moved to a better vantage point. "How did you find me?" Lightning Jolt asked as Smog turned around. "I would have thought that the princesses with their centuries of knowledge would have made it impossible." "I wouldn’t have found you if you hadn’t come after me. I watched from behind a magic screen as the Princess Twilight put that rather well done illusion spell on you and after you split up with your friends I followed you back here." Smog replied keeping. "So how did you get to be friends with Equestria royalty? I see all the guards hanging around, you must be one important pony now." "Well not really. The changelings after finding out that I was still alive have made two attempts to end my life. Their just protecting me. It's not that I'm important, it's just that they care." Smog snorted. "Nice. With all the effort the princesses are giving a complete stranger you would think that your own would have cared more.” He said rolling his eyes. “You've gone all the way to being a friend of this land rulers. Your parent's would be impressed, probably not happy, but impressed. The ponies of Cinder's island really hate Equestrians." "My parents." Lightning Jolt said sitting down. "Who are my parents?" "They are your adoptive parents really but they love you, at least as far as I can tell. We have no idea who your birth mother or father was." Smog's voice turned a little softer for a moment. "I can help reintroduce you to them when this is over. Well it would actually be better if somepony else did, they hate me and things might go badly. I can still come along though." "What were...are they like?" Lightning Jolt asked. "Loud, rude, thought they knew everything, and were always right." Smog stated flatly. Then he put on a joking grin. "A lot like you." Lighting Jolt thought that she should be offended but almost laughed at the way he was just so honest and blunt. She might have if not for something that he had said wasn’t nagging at her. "You said that you would have thought that my own would have cared more, you don't mean my parents, do you?" "What?! No! Not them. You don't remember but you were born with all kinds of medical conditions, your fine now so don't worry. Anyway your parents were devastated especially when they found out that the doctors didn't think it was worth trying to save you. Stupid!" He growled. "But you were and a chance with a life is worth trying for! If those stupid ponies had known that when-" Smog suddenly squeezed his eyes shut and stomped a hoof down as if to crush some memory. When he opened his eyes he was calm again, calm as his personality went. "So what is the plan the princesses have? Are you just going to hang out here for a long time or what? I take it your friends have told the two head princesses about the changelings by now. That's what they said they were going to do when you parted." "Yes, Princess Celestia sent ponies to see if changelings are hiding among the new wave ponies." Lightning Jolt explained though she really wanted to know what he had started to mention but she knew better to pry at the moment. "They'll find some." Smog said with confidence. "When that happens she and Princess Luna is going to act." Lightning Jolt went on. "They didn't explain just what they were going to do but they gave me and two friends who are here with me... that's another story but anyway Princess Celestia gave us little coins that look almost just like bits. She said it had some kind of locator spell so they didn't have to know where we were to teleport us and they would teleport us back to the castle to keep us safe." "No hints at all?" Smog asked. "Well..no, not really. She had Twilight and Rainbow Dash go fetch their friends." Lightning Jolt replied. "Did she say at about what time she would transport you back when they discovered the changelings?" Lightning Jolt shook her head again. "No, but I do think that it will be awhile. I may not know what she's planning, I didn't even think to ask but it sounded like she had a lot of preparations to do. I would think that it would take a lot of careful planning to safely remove changelings from amidst the population of-" Her words were cut off and Smog found himself staring at an empty space in the courtyard. He laughed shaking his head. "Why do ponies and creatures forget over and over again that those two alicorns have been around for more than a thousand years and are quite experienced and learned in how to deal with all kinds of situations? Sure they’re not beyond mistakes but much closer than anypony else. Probably why Cinder Island ponies hated them so much." He looked across the courtyard to see the former guards had suddenly taken action the moment she disappeared. They obviously knew what was going on for they quickly began gathering every mare, stallion and foal and ushering them to the main building. One of them stopped and beckoned Smog to follow but the stallion shook his head. "I haven't been tailing those shifters only to hide when it finally goes down." He yelled back then took off out of the courtyard. "I have been waiting for this for a long time." He muttered. As he rocked through the streets he saw more guards moving through crowds carrying large bags. They took what looked like bits out and handed one to every citizen young and old. It was to commemorate a great day they told them, "Just hold on to it and wait, you'll see later this morning." * * * "...This city." Lightning Jolt finished as she suddenly found herself standing in the castle throne room. Ember Light who was just waking up with a blanket still wrapped around him was to her left and Valentine was to her right standing in a walking pose with a breakfast tray in her mouth. She looked around then just sat down and started eating. "Muffin?" She offered to Lightning Jolt and Ember Light who was still blinking the sleep out of his eyes. Across from them near the base of the throne steps were the two head princesses and the former bearers of harmony. Standing behind them was a score of guards with Shining Armor in front. Celestia and Luna were giving out hurried instructions. The guards saluted and quickly ran off down the hall with Shining Armor in the lead. After a quick nod from Luna the six mares took off as well and waived to Lightning Jolt and her friends as they passed. Then Celestia and Luna turned to the trio. "I’m sorry, I didn't mean to be rude but the stallions story was confirmed, oh was it confirmed!" Celestia said. "So what's about to happen?" Valentine asked. "It's about to get real." Luna replied with a grin before winging out the window. "Everything is almost completely set up and I am about to go confront the New Wave ponies." Celestia said heading for the window. "There are not only many changelings in their mist but they are aware of it." "What?" The three ponies said almost all at once. "Why would they allow it? Are they being held hostage by them?" Ember Light asked. "No, I can explain later but right now I have to go." Celestia replied pausing with one hoof on the window sill. "Stay in castle. There is a spell cast over it that only ponies can pass through. You will be able to watch from this window." With that she opened her wings and took off. The trio hurried over to the window to watch the princess fly high and circle over Canterlot. On rooftops and flying in the air pegasus guards each gave their nod to confirm that their job was done. Each had an empty or near empty bag. Across the tops of buildings they could see the stage that the New Wave ponies had set up. There was a large crowd gathered in the square as usual and they could see the tiny figures of ponies standing up on the stage. Celestia, after circling around the city shut her large white wings and plummeted like a missile to the stage. * * * On the platform was the current leader of the New Wave group, Light Hooves the unicorn mare who had sent Starlight on her way. She and her companion jumped as the alicorn princess landed on the stage. Celestia folded her wings and fixed her eyes on the unicorn. The stallion that was with her started backing away and everypony looking stared silently. "Well if isn’t the despot herself?" Light Hooves said haughtily. "Have you come to order me to shut up? You would try to keep us quite wouldn’t you?" "I never stopped you from speaking your mind, even when it was personal." Celestia replied. "You have large number of changelings within you ranks." A gasp went up from the crowd. The stallion on stage started laughing a little too loud for it to be normal. "Y-You’re mistaken, no you just shooting out accusation to discredit us." He said growing in boldness and approached the princess. "You.. your just trying to make us look bad by spouting accusations. Changelings? Could you come up with something better? Seriously, us hiding changelings?" "I didn't state that you were hiding them just that they were there." Celestia replied then pushed him aside with one of her large wings. "There is no denying what my agents have found." "What right do you have to spy on us?" Light Hooves retorted. "So you don't deny it?" Celestia asked. The mare looked at her for a few moments then responded. "You have done a great evil Celestia. You have not helped those poor changelings with all the turmoil they endure in their homeland." "Turmoil they caused and continue to cause for themselves." Celestia replied. "Oh, yeah great princess, why haven't you helped them like we have been doing? Why if your so caring?" Light Hooves replied. Celestia sighed the deep heavy sigh that only came from who's frustrations had untold depths. "I have tried, oh have I tried! I have tried to make treaties with them and they use it as a screen as they plot. I have tried to let them live in peace within Equestria but they took advantage of it and not only harmed ponies but used it to infiltrate. I tried letting them live with volunteer families to gain the love they desired but they did the same. I have tried to help them in their homeland but they would not change from the ways that caused their problems. Their culture and society is violent. They fight all others and they fight each other. It is their deep belief that they are superior, that their culture is the only culture and that they should press on until they rule over all creatures, till all creatures adhere to their laws, culture and superiority. U can't help somepony unless they help themselves and I am not about to usher them in and keep trying to help them while they plot against my citizens." "They are not all evil." The unicorn spat. “You can’t pretend that every single one is bad. "True, but we can't ignore what their culture continuously produces." Celestia replied. “We can’t pretend that there is no problem either. We can't pretend that the evil ones are the good ones or that many are our enemies by their own choosing.” "You just gave up on them! Those poor changelings have been persecuted for too long. Because of what you've done they were forced to invade a wedding." Celestia rolled her eyes as Light Hooves pointed an accusing hoof at her. "That was your fault! We on the other hoof," The unicorn put a hoof to her chest, "Want equality for all creatures and will-" "Yet that is only expressed towards those who will help you to your goals." Celestia cut her off. "Your a fake just like those who founded Cinder's settlement. You don’t care about equality or even what is best for others, you just care about control of others and you use this front to do it. You only support the changelings to receive support from them.” Light Hooves face turned red with rage but before she could respond Celestia held up a hoof. "Listen, hear that?" The mare was quickly distracted by the faint buzzing that was growing louder. The ponies below the stage who had been, watching not sure what to make of this now cringed as they recognized the sound. A groan of despair went up. "What is that?" Light Hooves demanded. "Your poor persecuted changelings that you've helped into Equestria." Celestia said calmly. "They all came out of hiding to strike just as I hoped they would when I publicly made it clear that I knew that they were here. They probably sent a message back the second I showed up." A cry of panic went up from the crowd as the changelings began to fill the sky above casting a huge shadow on the city below. Celestia stood up on her hind legs spreading her wings wide as she took a deep breath. Her horn glowed brightly and her eyes rolled back from the tremendous effort. It flooded the streets and even flashed out of buildings. In the next instant half blinded changelings were crashing into each other as they pulled to a stop mid charge to blink at the empty streets. They had little time to think before the blue light that was Luna's magic flashed through the streets and in the place of the citizens stood hundreds of armored guards. "It’s not citizens that you fight this time! Now it begins!" Luna yelled out from where she stood panting on top one of the castle towers. She spread her magnificent dark blue wings and despite being exhausted from teleporting an army she flew straight towards the changings with battle light gleaming in her eyes. Moments later the grand city was filled with the sounds of battle that echoed off the mountain beside it. > Battle for Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!" The New Wave leader shrieked over the noise of the battle. Light Hooves was slumped on the stage and almost lying on her stomach with her forehooves holding her head in terror as the two armies battled above and in front of her. As much as she hated the alicorn she had instinctively huddled closer to Celestia. "They used you just as you planned to use them." Celestia explained calmly instinctively spreading a protective wing over the unicorn as was her nature. "Thanks to you they were able to sneak in and hide more than they did last time." Her face turned from unreadable to fierce. "Now get out of my kingdom! Any New Wave pony I find still around after this will be arrested and the Cinder Island embassy will not be able to save you from trial!" With that she flapped her huge wings and despite being drained from the massive teleportation leaped into the fray. Light Hooves scrambled from the stage as serval changelings were slung there by Celestia's magic. She slammed headfirst through the door to chase after her companions who had already fled. "She would have teleported us out too if she was so benevolent!" She screamed in anger at the winds. * * * On the rolling hills at the base of the mountain the entire populous of Canterlot appeared in a blinding flash of light. Some just stood confused. Those who had been outside to witness the changeling swarm were either clutching each other or stumbling to a stop in having been transported in mid run. All around were decorated tables adorned with a huge buffet and a field of quilts with even more food and drink was spread out before them. The entire staff of the castle and the refugee ponies were already there. "Good morning." The head butler of the castle greeted them. "We have been expecting you. The princess invite you to enjoy a royal picnic on this lovey day while they take care of your pest problem. The castle was too small for all of you but this is much nicer, no?" No pony noticed the two coins laying on the grass with no pony to claim them. * * * Back in Canterlot every building was empty as the battle began to spread through the streets. Every building except one. In a high rise and extravagant condo complex was a solitary couple. Across the door was a banner with the words, "Welcome to the anniversary of Jet Set and Upper Crust, two very important ponies who have had an audience with the princess twice." "...And can you believe it dear? That guard kept insisting that he give me a coin as if I was some common beggar." The stallion, Jet Set said. "I know the same thing happened to me." Upper Crust responded but kept looking at the door. "I just pretended to take it and then threw it away when nopony was looking. "I did the same." Jet Set said with a laugh. "When we finally do get to see the princess I am going to report them. Imagin, treating us like beggars. The nerve!" "Good idea but for now shouldn’t our guest be arriving soon?" Upper Crust commented as she got up and headed for the door. "They should be. Yes go and check and see if their down stairs while I see what all that growing noise is about." Jet Set said and headed to the window with a mind to yell down at some common ponies to shut up. His wife had disappeared out the door before he reached the window. His ears twitched as he picked a louder sound, buzzing. "What is that? Ug, probably horrible flies. I can't let them in, they'll ruin the classiness of the party. Disgusting creatures." He cracked the window open cautiously. The shutters were suddenly kicked off their hinges sending Jet Set skidding across the room. He sat up to see a changeling landing on the floor a few feet away. He screamed in a higher pitched voice than a stallion should and scrambled behind a table. The changeling smirked and started stalking him slowly to enjoy the moment. "Stay back!" Jet Set squealed in the same voice and began throwing everything that he laid a hoof on. The changeling was bombarded with hors d’ oeuvres, champagne and other fine food. It shook it off and charged with an angry hiss. Jet Set screamed and spun around to buck the table with strength that he didn't know he had. He barely heard it crash into the changeling as madly continued to throw everything within reach. "Honey!" The distraught voice of his wife called. He stopped to see his wife limping towards him from the direction of the door. The fine clothing that she had been wearing for the occasion was now dirty and had a huge rip down the side. "Oh Honey! What happened?!" Jet Set cried and rushed over to hold her. "One of those horrible beasts just scrambled out of here and practically ran over me." She cried returning the embrace. "His sharp hoofs tore a hole in my dress but it's just a dress and I don't care as long as we're safe here together." "What!" Jet Set yelled jumping back and dropping her to the floor. "My wife would never say that!" He grabbed a serving try from the floor and started clubbing the changeling until it managed a mad scramble out of his reach away and shot out the window. Jet Set swung at the air a few moments before he realized that the changeling was gone. Then Jet Set dropped the try and ran out the door calling his wife's name. When he heard her screaming around a turn in the hall his pace doubled. "Upper Crust! Oh. No! Don't you dare hurt her!" When he spun around the corner he saw her flailing, kicking and punching so madly at a changeling that the poor, battered would be attacker fled in worse panic than her. She was still kicking when Jest Set rushed up and she gave him a punch in the nose. "It's me Honey!" He cried staggering back clutching his nose. "Jet Set! On, Honey look at the tear that horrid thing made in my dress!" She cried pointing at the small inch long rip. "That uncouth ruffian!" "That's my girl!" Jet Set said taking her hoof and they raced back to their apartment to hide. * * * The battlers in Canterlot continued to spread out throughout the city as each individual and each group of either army tried to gain any advantage that they could. They burst into buildings and smashed up stone work. Pegasus and changelings fought in the air between and above buildings. The streets was chaos of black and armored bodies with biting fangs, swinging spears and kicking hoofs. There was no rule of clean fighting if such a thing ever existed in war. The two princesses flew about scattering changeling and constantly casting spells to keep them from taking on any from except their own. Princess Luna landed atop a building to take aim at a group of changeling below only to have to jump back to avoid a green blast aimed at her horn. A larger-sized changeling commander landed in front of her with is horn still glowing. With one look anypony could see that he had recently had his fill of love and was full of magic. He grinned, bearing his fangs at the princess and lit his horn up even brighter to show off his power and try to intimidate her. Luna stared unflinchingly back. "This will be fun!" She snorted as she tensed her muscles and readied her magic. Suddenly and even larger changeling landed next to him. Queen Chrysalis grinned a slow and maniacal grin. "How about now?" "Ah, ha! The fun has been doubled!" Luna's wings spread wide as she released a blast of energy. It was a blast that a trio looking out from a castle window could almost feel the heat of. The battle looked like it would come right up against the door step of the castle. It wouldn’t matter though for no changeling could enter. For one red maned pony that was not particularly agreeable. Valentine looked on unable to keep still. Her hoofs twitched and almost pawed at the window sill. Her tail flicked back and forth behind her in agitation. Then not far below she saw six friends that she had met recently fighting against the changelings. This made it any harder to obey Celestia and stay inside. Twilight, still not used to her wings was fighting on the ground and using her magic to pull changelings out of the air. Rainbow Dash was everywhere at once fighting with gusto. Pinkie acted as if it was a game but was no less effective. Apple Jack was bucking the daylights out of any changeling that dared to come near. Even the usually prissy Rarity had no problem joining the fray. Fluttershy was and had been for some time running around franticly and helping injured soldiers get to the field medics. She screamed and ducked every time a changeling flew past. Then she spotted a group of changelings stalking a soldier that was limping badly. Like a bolt of lightning Fluttershy darted over between them. She fixed them with a glare that would have made Valentine cringe. They couldn’t make out what she was saying but they could hear the fierce and angry tone carried on the winds. The changelings cowered before her. 'Wow! Remind me to get her to teach me how to do that.' Valentine thought. It was almost torture for the mare to stay up here where it was safe. She was sure that the Equestrian side would win but even then there would still be ponies that lost. There would still be ponies that lost. That thought echoed in her head and sealed the deal. "Ember Light! Undo the disguise spell that the princesses cast on me. I'm not sitting here any longer and I what to fight as myself!" She stated stepping back from the window. "What?" Ember light asked and both he and Lightning Jolt stared at her. "You can do as you want but I am not sitting this out. If I can help only one pony then that is enough but I won’t aim for just one." She stated in the same firm voice. "Change me back to myself and teleport me down to the ground. "I am going with or without your help." She added when Ember Light didn't move. "Alright you win, just please come back alive." He said. In one flash of his horn Valentine was her pink and red self again. Ember Light’s horn lit up again and she vanished. Ember Light and Lightning Jolt looked out the window to see the pink mare race off between the buildings. "I guess I can't just stay here either." Ember Light said stepping back and lighting up his horn. In a flash of ember light and the illusion spell was gone. "Me too." Lightning Jolt said. Ember Light hesitated. "Are you sure? I mean with you heart and everything-" "Me too!" Lightning Jolt repeated stomping a hoof on the ground. "Like Valentine you will not stop me and I would rather be myself." She said firmly even though was terrified at the concept of jumping out into the fray but she was not going to be the only one who reused to go. "Alright, alright." Ember Light said and cancelled the spell. "Please be careful and don't let bravado get you to do something stupid." He begged giving her a hug. Lightning Jolt nodded and flew out the window before she lost her nerve which she was in danger of doing. Ember Light was left alone in the throne room. He sighed. "I really hope that I did the right thing.” He said then vanished. He reappeared on the pavement below. "Let me tell you something else! We ponies are not just food. We are not inferior beings for you to dominate!" He heard Fluttershy yell at the changelings. "How dare you come in here and try to terrorize the ponies here! How dare you attack our city again! How dare you try to steal away a pony’s loved one! Do you realize how horrible that is?! Go on, get out of here and think about what you have done!" The cowering changelings turned and fled and the angry Fluttershy scrambled to the side of the stallion while calling for the medics to bring a stretcher. A short time later as they carried him to safety she squealed as two battling flyers collided over head and was back to running franticly about. Ember Light who had been slinging attacking changelings about in his shimmering orange magic ran to her side ready blast any enemy that came near. * * * Lightning Jolt flew slowly over the battle giving any flying fighters a wide birth. Now that she was out here she was not sure what she was going to do. She wanted to help but she was not just scared, she was terrified! Yes she had encountered timber wolves and some monsters but save for body slamming a timber wolf in a freak out moment all she had done was run away and those incidents were nothing like this. The sounds and sights of a full scale battle overwhelmed her. She was shaking so badly that her wings trembled making it hard to fly. She tried spotting her friends below but all she saw was chaos. She yelped and did a barrel roll to dodge as Luna and two large changelings came hurtling her way. She and the smaller changeling tumbled through the air as they struck at each other with armored hoofs. The larger changeling, Chrysalis broke free from the fray and swung around behind Luna to strike her in the back while she was distracted. Her magic barely had time to build before white hoofs slammed down on her from above. The magic blast fired off prematurely and hit the changeling commander in the face and the queen plummeted down barely able to recover before she hit the ground. Hissing, Chrysalis looked up to see Princess Celestia bearing down on her. "Time for a rematch!" The princess roared. Lightning Jolt looked up just in time from the battling titans to spot a changeling flying straight towards her. Lightning Jolt flipped around and zigzagged across the sky. The changeling stayed right on her tail. It sensed weakness in her and was not about to quit. Lightning Jolt tipped her wings and flew up to the clouds with the hissing black pony almost close enough to bite her tail and It was trying too. Lightning Jolt entered a cloud and suddenly changed direction to lose it. She exited the side of the cloud and began flying towards another to hide. Looking back she thought that she had left it behind to search the cloud in vain. A second later it burst out and charged at her with renewed speed. It was so focused on Lightning Jolt that it never saw the blue and rainbow colored streak come arching up into the altitudes. Rainbow Dash collided with the unsuspecting changeling and they went hurtling back down towards the city. "Don't you dare hurt my frienddddddd!" She yelled as they plummeted back into the fray. Lightning Jolt watched them go. She was well above the fight now and could see everything. It looked like a mass wreathing black and silver smattered with various colors in the maze of the city streets. If she had thought that she knew what chaos looked like before, she definitely knew now. She still had no idea how she could help though. She was just one lone little pony. She looked in dismay are her skinny legs that were attached to her small body feeling helpless. Then she remembered the clouds that were all around her. The copious amount of wonderful, useful clouds.. A smile spread over her face and her heart began to beat rapidly as her fear became mixed with excitement. > Battle for Canterlot, part two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some of the royal guards noticed some old familiar faces in the crowd. The retired ponies who worked at the church refugee camp had refused to be teleported out with the civilians. It wasn’t surprising, most warriors never truly retired. Like a juggernaut, Iron Clad came charging through a horde of changelings sending the lucky dodgers flying into the air for their lives. In anger one of the changeling generals gathered them up and they flew down in mass at the earth pony. The huge stallion took a stance with his head low and snorted as he waited for them to come. They never made it and were literally stopped by bolts out of the blue. A small but very dark thundercloud came spinning out of the sky and crashed into the black swarm where it burst sending lightning and changelings flying in all directions. Above the huge earth pony Lightning Jolt gave a quick salute then speedily flew to the next cloud. Soon thunderclaps were resounding all over Canterlot's sky and Changelings were repeatedly scattered by lightning bolts. The pegasus ponies either grounded themselves for safety or flew off to find Lightning Jolt more clouds. The massive invading army had to struggle with having to land and trying to hide from the powerful attacks from the sky while still having to fight the army on the ground. Lightning Jolt had never felt so alive in all of her remembered life and probably never had known anything like this before it. She was terrified and excited as adrenaline flooded her veins. She shot from cloud to cloud in a purple streak. Her blue mane and tail were crackling with static and were frizzed out in a crazed mess. She beat her oversized wings at the air and her half artificial heart pounded in her chest but she did not fear it would give out. She couldn’t help but laugh and shout as she flew. It seemed as if none of the changelings could touch her, as if any would dare. Her body crackled with electricity and tiny bolts would even shoot out from her after hitting a cloud. The only reason she could figure that she was not electrocuted on impact was the fact that she was not grounded. She had no idea how long she flew back and forth across the city busting clouds everywhere. Finally, Lightning Jolt had to slow down to turn more white clouds into thunder clouds and rest her aching wings a bit. As she flew up panting to the first one she never saw the attack coming because she could not hear the buzzing in her ringing ears. She was struck from behind and she felt a sharp shock as electricity passed from her to the attacker. It was stunned but Lightning was worse off from the blow and was sent hurtling down to the city streets. She struggled to recover before her stunned body slammed into the paved roads. She managed to right herself just as she passed roof level but as she started to arc upwards another changeling came hurtling down. It struck her out of the air. She hit the ground and rolled across the street. She was too stunned to move and cringed as the changeling came flying in to finish the job. Then Lightning Jolt almost screamed as the changeling queen suddenly appeared beside her. "Stop fool!" Chrysalis roared at the changeling and it jerked to a clumsy stop. "Go tell the others that I have ordered a retreat." The changeling quickly spun around flew off. The changeling queen looked down at Lightning Jolt with a grin and then suddenly magical walls fell. There stood Smog. Lightning Jolt squinted trying to read his lips and strained her ears as he spoke. "You are definitely not the pony I once knew." He said. His horn flashed again and magical walls went up. This time he was a changeling general. "Their leaving this area and you should be safe until the battle is over." With that he took off down the street to find more changelings to give false orders to. Lightning Jolt sat her aching body up. She understood most of what he was saying. Part of her wanted to wait in safety until this was over. Another's part of her responded with, "As if!" That part was stronger. She gave herself a few more moments to recover, stretched her limbs then took off into the air once again. The pegasus guards were already turning the clouds into thunder clouds for her. With her body pumping with adrenalin again, Lightning Jolt grabbed the closest one and flew off to find a target. When a handsomely ember coated stallion saw her he shouted for joy. Ember Light was still running through the streets next to Fluttershy using his magic to protect her and other aid ponies from being attacked. He had always thought that his talents made him pretty much just a show pony and handy pony when one was out of candles but now he had found a new used for his skill with lights. Not only could he frighten off changelings with fake monsters and decoy soldiers he could confuse and hypnotize them with the flashing, color changing light. . He soon found himself running alongside stout ponies of the royal guard and they treated him like one of their own. This was quite an uplifting thing for a pony who had for most of his life been considered to be nothing more than a pretty pony. It made him swell with pride. He stood up on his hind legs lighting up his horn as four changelings landed and tried to make their way towards Fluttershy and an unconscious guard. The mare dropped to the ground and covered her eyes to protect herself from the light. "Incoming!" One on the stallions yelled just as another cloud exploded above the city. Ember Light spun around to see changelings raining out of the sky. Ponies ducked and shielded themselves as they came down but most were too stunned to fight. When Ember Light and the other stallions looked back to Fluttershy they saw five Fluttershys all looking at each other with confusion. "Horse apples!" One of the guards cursed "We're far enough away from the princesses spell to keep them from changing!" "I'm the real Fluttershy!" All of them cried almost at once. "No your not!" "No, I am!" "It's me! You have to believe me!" "No! I'm Fluttershy!" The guards groaned. "Now what? We can't risk blasting the real one? Does anyone know the spell to remove changeling disguises?" The other guards shook their heads while the five Fluttershys continued to plead their cases all at once and Ember Light scratched his chin. He smiled suddenly. "Hey look what I can do." He said suddenly with a big grin that confused everypony. His horn lit up and behind him appeared an image of a thirty foot dragon. It was see-through enough to be obviously fake but very detailed with savage claws, evil eyes and a wide open dripping mouth as it stalked toward them. Four Fluttershys stared in confusion while one squealed and ran behind the guards. The guards quickly charged the fake Fluttershys while Ember Light scampered over to the real one who was lying on the ground with both hoofs over her head. "You knew it was fake." Ember Light said. "I don't care! Don't you ever do that again!" She yelled. "Now let's get this stallion to safety." She said and ran over to the unconscious guard. * * * Serval blocks away a little pink coated and red maned earth pony mare ran between buildings.zxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The street was deserted but not for long. A group of changelings that was fleeing royal guards flew down the passage. Spotting her running through the streets they quickly landed and surrounded her. "Oh look, it's a cute little mare." One who appeared to be the leader said. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing out here?" He asked. Struggling not to grin slyly she sat down and wrapped her tail around herself. She did her best to tremble and looked at them with wide eyes. "You wouldn’t hurt me....would you? I'm not a soldier. I'm no threat, I'm just trapped here." "Not if you’re a good hostage and the princesses will pay for you, maybe not then." He said stalking forward. "Of course if they don't then-" Wham! Valentine suddenly lunged up and head-butted the changeling right in the face. He fell backwards to the ground wailing and clutching his face. The others stared as they processed what had just happened. "I would think that changelings of all creatures would understand how deceptive looks can be." Valentine snapped. "Oh, I may be cute but I am a member of the proud and strong earth pony race and no pony to be messed with!" The changelings hissed and charged at her. Valentine lunged forward to meet them. She punched, kicked, bucked and head-butted every changeling in sight. Her fire for fight had been doubled. They left soldiers to come after someone they thought could not fight! They conquered by attacking civilians, mares and foals! They sought out the weak! Oh, that made her so angry. Overwhelmed by the fight in the would be victim some tried to flee only to be pulled out of the air by a leaping Valentine. Soon though more changelings came flying down the street in such numbers that she was forced to flee. Oh, how she hated to flee. Some of the changelings that she had been fighting joined in eager for revenge. Valentine managed to stay ahead of them for a while. She was losing steam but the changelings were as well. She took random turns and even cut through buildings but could not escape the aerial charge. She finally accepted the fact that she could not escape them and she could not likely run long enough to find help. Tears began to fill her eyes but she quickly blinked them away and set her mind to her task. Valentine slammed her hoofs down and skidded to a stop. The changelings stopped as well and hovered in the air. They held back watching their opponent turn around and stair them down. A change had come over her. Valentine let out a breath and rolled her shoulders, loosening up her muscles. She flexed every limb and popped her back. Then she looked her at her opponents with a steadfast gaze. It was the hard gaze only given by a warrior. She had always know that this may come. Every soldier, every guard, everypony that fought for their country or others knew that this day could easily come. A day, a battle when they would fight to the death. They did not want it to come but if it did, if they looked at that last dance in the eye they would run to it with no reserve, no cry to live but with all of their being thrown into this last battle. They would race into the fight with passion burning brighter than ever before and there was no warrior more dangerous to face. The changelings heisted seeing this but they were numerous and she was only one. Several suddenly flew down towards her and the rest followed. the lead flyers were the first to be knocked out of the air. Valentine fought like she had never fought before. Everything became a blur as she ran on instinct. She barely felt the blows that got through nor did she care. She had accepted the fact that she would not survive and she was going to make her last moments count. Finally several changelings managed to seize her while another charged, horn first at her. In the next second the world seemed to explode with a defining sound and she found herself tumbling across the paved road. Still full adrenaline she staggered up to her feet and saw a purple pegasus flying past while pushing a storm cloud ahead of her. She kicked the clouds making another bolt crack over the heads of the changelings. Those who were conscious fled. Valentine tried calling out to Lightning Jolt but the pegasus was already out of sight chasing after the changelings with her cloud. Filled with anger after seeing them gang up on her friend Lightning Jolt pursued them halfway across the city. She was exhausted, her transplant lungs hurt and her wings ached but she flew on. The changelings suddenly doubled back to try to frighten her off but she ended up slamming into them into them with her cloud. It exploded sending changelings flying in all directions and Lightning Jolt hurtling across Canterlot. She skidded across a roof top and over the side. She struggled to fly back up but her tired wings only manage a controlled decent to the ground. She collapsed on the road and lay panting with her ears ringing and her exhausted muscles shaking uncontrollably. Her mane was and tail was a static mess. She could smell singed hair and feel the popping and crackling of the energy as it left her. Mostly though, she could feel the ach of her body and knew that she could fight no more. > Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The changeling army began to retreat from Canterlot faster than the princesses had anticipated. This was namely do to Smog. Queen Chrysalis and the commanders had to repeatedly bring back units who had been ordered to retreat by the unicorn that was using their own trick against them. In other cases one commander would get a message to bring his unit left and another to go right. One group would see Chrysalis give the order to retreat and a few moments she would reappear cursing at them for their cowardice and ordering them back. Chaos quickly broke out and many changelings refused to listen to any commander or their queen. Soon after invading army began to give up and flee with all speed back to their homeland. More and more followed. Above the city Princess Celestia and Princess Luna hovered and watched the changelings flee in growing droves. Chrysalis, battered from her fight with the princesses had screamed curses and promises of revenge before teleporting away. A pegasus captain flew up from the city and saluted. "Give your report." Luna said. "Your highnesses, I found the main reason for the chaos. Some ugly, creepy looking unicorn has been using some sort of screen magic to look like the enemy and spread fake orders. We tried talking to him but he just teleported away. All that lightning raining from the sky didn't hurt either." "Good. We'll have to thank him if we get a chance." Celestia said. "Gather all units who are not injured or exhausted. Half will help sweep the city for any remaining enemies and to find the wounded. The other half will chase after the changelings, not to engage, just to make sure that all of them leave the kingdom." "We will go to the citizens and find ponies willing to help with the wounded." Luna said. "Dismissed." The pegasus guard saluted and hurried off to his task. * * * Valentine sat on the battle field with her tail wrapped around her feet as the last of the changelings flew away. She had run to her final battle with every ounce of her being prepared, more than prepared, but now here she sat, well alive. It wasn’t that she was unhappy, it was that she had been so geared to the fate that it was taking some time for her mind to unwind. She was so lost that she didn't hear Iron Clad approaching until he was close. She turned and watched him closing the last yards by stepping over the unconscious changelings. "Perhaps," He said as he walked up beside her, "Perhaps you are meant to live another day because you have much more to do." He finished. He did not need to be told what was going on in her mind. He knew it oh so well. He sighed and looked up at the sky for a moment. Yes, he knew it very well. "Well," He said suddenly. "I know there will be wounded friends and foe alike. I will be needed." "I'll help." Valentine said hopping up and quickly following after him. * * * Ember Light, having been with Fluttershy, was already helping with the wounded. He didn't know much about the medical field but he helped where he could in bringing whatever the doctors and nurses called for. He also moved beds around and assisted limping ponies inside. He caught glimpses of Valentine and Iron Clad as they arrived. Iron Clad who and once been a field medic proved invaluable and Valentine with her family history knew some medical skill and how to handle these situations. Ember Light, though he helped as best he could wished he could do more but he was limited by knowledge and lack of training. This was a frustration. If only there was something more he could do. Ember Light noticed the group of still fit guards walking in but he didn't pay attention. "Hey, brother. We're looking for any brave and fit ponies to volunteer for searching the city. Do you want to help?" One said. Ember Light kept pushing the bed and glanced around to see who they were calling to. "Hey, did you hear me? I do mean you." Ember light stopped and sure enough they were looking at him. "We need some tough and brave ponies since we're likely to come across a few changelings hiding out. After your actions on the battle field I'd say that you'd fit the bill as much as any soldier." Ember Light suddenly felt taller. "Yes, sir. I'm coming." He replied and left with the group. * * * On the far edge of Canterlot, in an area where the fighting had not reached, Lightning Jolt lay on her stomach on the cold pavement. It actually felt good against her sore body. She had strained her muscles beyond their limits and exploded clouds much longer she normally should have. Being knocked out of the sky by a changeling and that last explosion that sent her hurtling across the city had done its fair share too. Oh, how she ached. Lightning Jolt rolled and lay the side of her head against the cold stone. This brought back memories, her first memories. She tried listening for the sounds of battle but her ears where still ringing too much. Was it still going on? What was happening? She looked up at the sky and saw no one, changeling or pony. She could probably rouse herself to fly up and at least look but if she did she would be in no condition for battle. For that fact she would have to get up though. If a changeling flew over and saw her she would not have much a chance. With a groan she got up and headed for the overhang of a shop. It wasn’t the closest one but she could see that it sold fine cloth which would give her something to lay on and a blanket if it got too cold. The door was locked but there were plenty of rolls outside on display. She folded some up and lay on top hoping that the store owner wouldn't mind. These street were kept incredibly clean anyway. She pulled another on top for a blanket and closed her eyes. With the Deja vu to her first memories she lay there pondering her new life to what she had been before as well as how it had happed. According to Twilight there was no explanation on how her memory had been lost. She had no serious head trauma and no trace of a memory spell. If she remembered her life before what more would she understand? Would anything change? She could not see herself changing. Yet, she really didn't know that much about it since she only knew a little bit from what Smog had told her. What was she compared to who she was back then? What would it be like to know? Oh, she wanted to know. There was something to be understood here but it was out of her grasp. For the first time in a long time she badly wanted to remember her past and understand as her tired body gave itself up to sleep without her noticing it. She lay still for a time and her breathing slowed to a deep and steady rhythm as she lay peaceful and still beneath the awning . Then her legs began to twitch beneath her small body. Her eyes moved and wings flapped under the blanket in a weak simulation of flying as vivid dreams took over her mind. > Memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baby Bird was flying away from the mountain and towards the New Wave scouts. She had always both loved and hated that name, often one more than the other at times. She was flying fast, (For her) pounding her weak and undertrained wings as hard as she could. Well, not quite exactly as hard as she could. She felt her heart pounding in her chest which always worried her and this made her afraid to push her limits. She did have to admit that she loved being aloft above the earth, though not more than the fear of her heart giving out. She was flying toward the ponies whom she and Smog had spied on. Something was wrong but it was not wrong as Smog had said. Of course he was wrong. Stupid conspiracy theorist. SHE WOULD SHOW HIM! Just what all was going on she wasn't sure but she was going to find out and she knew it couldn't be anything like he thought. What was wrong with that pony? She looked below and saw him racing on the ground below. It nagged at her mind that she could not fly fast enough to quickly leave him in the dust as any Pegasus usually could but she ignored that. She couldn’t help it, it was because of her heart and other conditions. She could do nothing about it. That stupid stallion had tried to get her to kill herself so many times by encouraging and insisting that she should fly like a normal pegasus. What was wrong with him? Smog yelled something up at her but she couldn’t hear it. She didn't care to. She had heard enough from that jerk. The numerous arguments that they had been through flashed across her brain and she gritted her teeth. There was just something wrong with him. Did he think that he knew more than everypony else on Cinder's Islands? What did he have against the equality that they had accomplished? What was with his twisted ideas of a different kind of "Real" equality? Why couldn’t he see that the ponies of Cinder Islands were for making everypony equal and had done it? That pony was messed up. And now he was over here chasing imaginary changelings in Equestria? Didn't he know that the Equestrians were the one's responsible for their country being in the state that it was in? Even if there were changelings invading here, they would deserve it. She would show him though. She would prove to him that they were not changelings. That bigot pony probably just hated equality so much that he could not stand it being spread. That had to be his problem. Up ahead she saw that she was closing in on the ponies and flew with her all a moment before slacking just slightly and putting a hoof over her heart. Smog was getting further in the distance and she could see that the New Wave ponies had spotted her and were gathering up in a circle while putting their horns together. Baby Bird made a bee line for them so glad that she could finally rest her wings and let her heart slow. She shut her eyes momentarily to blink dust out and if she hadn’t her eyes probably would have been seared into complete blindness. In that instant a massive unified blast hit her knocking all the air out of her lungs before she could scream and pain engulfed her entire body. Baby Bird's tiny frame went hurtling over and beyond Smog who was still running desperately. He spun around as she passed overhead and raced after her airborne form. For Baby Bird the searing white that shown even through her eyelids turned black and she never felt the tree and ledge that her body slammed into. In the next instance the blackness and pain was gone and the impact was soft, or really she felt nothing at all. Baby Bird raised her head and opened her eyes. Remarkably she was in no pain, not in the least. Even her wings did not hurt, nor could she feel her heart pounding from the flight. What had just happened? She was lying in the field a fair distance from the mountain and Smog was running towards her. Baby Bird grimaced thinking that she was in for another argument and turned her head refusing to answer anything that he was going to say. To her surprise he ran past her like she was not even there. Confused, Baby Bird watched him continue his charge toward the mountain behind her. So he was going to ignore her then? Baby Bird snorted at his childish behavior and spread her wings. To her surprise she could feel no air push back against them to buoy her up. She stared at them thinking she was just too tired but, no, that wasn’t it. She didn't feel tired at all and that wouldn’t keep the wind from filling her wings. She stared as the grass waiving around her. She could not even feel the wind as it stirred the blades. To her shock she realized that she could not even feel the grass she was laying on. Shaky with fear brought by confusion she stood up. She watched as Smog continued to run with all speed to the mountain and she looked it up and down to see what he was so intent on reaching. There was a spot of color a ways up on the ledge it but she could not tell what it was. Her heart! She realized turning her attention away from the mountain. Not only was in not pounding from her flight she could not feel the usual throbbing of it at all. She quickly brought a hoof to her chest but before it touched over her heart her other three hoofs left the ground. In the blink of an eye she could see the entire field, an entire town nearby, the top of the mountain and the tiny dot that was Smog racing to it. She flew upwards so fast that she would have thought she would have felt stomach turn but instead, she felt nothing as she was drawn into the air. There was no resisting it, no more than a gnat resisted a hurricane wind. Before she could truly pounder this she passes through clouds and came out the other side with the conclusion, "I'm dreaming." The sky she was hurtling towards turned dark and full of stars then bright light enveloped her. In the next moment she was surrounded by nothingness but she still felt the sense that she was moving though she could not tell what direction it was. Then a stop came so suddenly that she crashed on her stomach. It didn't hurt, but she felt it. "Now I'm waking up," She thought. Faint voices reached her ears. She opened her eyes and raised her head. She got the sense that she was at some sort of cross roads. Strangely, even though she could see clearly she couldn't see what lie ahead down either path. It was something that she could only experience, not explain or describe. In one of the directions, even though she couldn't see what lie ahead, whatever she sensed from beyond it drew her towards it. She started to gather her feet beneath herself but suddenly out stepped a huge pony. The sight of her made Baby Bird slide back to the ground. It was a pony both impressive and frightening at the same time. She was both elegant and strong. A moment later she realized that this was not a pony, this was a horse. Standing on long slender legs the mares' coat was so white that it glowed. Feathery tufts of hair hung around her hooves with not a fleck of dirt on them. Her wings, tail and mane were a golden hue that glittered in the light with each movement. The feathers and wings were so impressive and huge that they would dwarf a princesses' wingspan. Baby Bird could do nothing but stare at her. The massive horse walked up and nuzzled Baby Bird until she sat up. Baby Bird blinked at her a moment before speaking the only thing she could think of. "What am I doing here?" "I would ask you the same thing?" The mare replied. "This is not your path and we have tried for so long to get your attention." Baby Bird just blinked at her not understanding what she meant. The sight of the mare was awesome but also frightening and she just wanted to leave. Instead she looked past the mare and tried to walk around her but the mare stepped forward and barred her way. "It is not your time. You are not ready for judgement and you still have much to do." She said. Baby Bird looked up at her. "What!? Why can't I go?" She wined even though she had no idea why she wanted to go so badly. "Eternity is forever and the life before fleeting. Eternity is a very long time to reflect on what you did and did not do in the time before and it is too long to go in unprepared. A snail could crawl around the earth a thousand times and Eternity still would not even have begun." The mare replied then stooped down to look Baby Bird in the eyes. "Because of the actions of your mother you have been taken off the path that you were intended for." "My mother?" Baby Bird asked scrunching up her nose. "You mean the one who dumped me? Who cares about her and what do you mean off my path?" "You were to be amazing." She replied. "You were to inspire many as you overcame. You were to be a hero. We sent ponies to tell her this but she was frightened of the hard road ahead and decided to free herself from your care. So she abandoned you before she left for Equestria. You are still needed there and you can still become the amazing pony that you were intended to be but to do that we must make a new Baby Bird now." "What... I'm amazing way I am." Baby Bird said stomping her hoof in her usual petulant nature. This horse was starting to sound like Smog. When she looked the huge horse in the eyes she couldn’t help but quail slightly. The mare didn't react with anger. She instead sighed with deep sadness. "W-why, anyway?" Baby Bird replied in a quieter voice trying to make up for her outburst. "Is it because I can’t fly like other pegasus. Is it because of my body? It can’t be helped. T-that’s just the way it is.” Normally Baby Bird would have been a lot more argumentative but the huge, majestic yet frightening being cooled much of her fire. “Your physical condition is of no consequence. It is here that matters." She said tapping Baby Bird on the chest. "And your weakness was to be your stepping stone. No, there is nothing wrong with your body, it is perfect the way it is, if only your heart and mind can accept it." She said starting to walk around her to stand at her side and wings. She moved slowly, like a pony trying not to startle a butterfly. She looked at her cutie mark and said, "You have focused your life on the wrong talents when you were meant to be more. You were to be an inspiration to others, to bring hope to those who struggled. To be a light for those whose lives have gone dark. You were to be loud and live out loud. Your talent was one to echo across the sky and make everypony look. Will you go back and do this?" Normally Baby Bird would have argued with anypony or horse that didn't agree that she was 100 percent perfect but she had spent a long time being the weak pony with a medical condition. The pony who was looked after, the one who looked on as others accomplished feats. Living out loud, having talents that echoed across the sky? It sounded pretty good to her. Even though this mare spoke of her as if she needed work, which offended Baby Bird, she also made her feel taller than anypony ever had before. "Alright." Baby Bird said. "If I can be made all that then let's do it, even if I have to become some 'new Baby Bird'." The mare smiled. She reached out with one massive wing that was larger than Baby Bird and literally scoped her up on top of it. Then she raised the huge wing and slid Baby Bird down onto her back. When the little pony settled in the center, she leapt into the air with a flap of her huge wings. They were propelled forward with amazing speed by those powerful thrusts. Baby Bird had to hold on tight to her neck as the air streamed through her mane. Then suddenly they were flying just below the clouds. The wind had suddenly stopped streaming through her mane and her tail was no longer streaking out behind her. The mare did not fly by beating her wings anymore. She just shot through the air with her wings raised. Looking below Baby Bird could see that they were soaring over to sea and she could see Cinder's Islands not far in the distance behind them. She couldn’t put her hoof on it but she saw the islands differently now. Or perhaps more sensed. There was just something about it that gave her a sense of foreboding that she had never known before. There was like an oppressing dark shadow over it. Why did we come out here and where are we going? Baby Bird wondered. The biggest question on her mind though was how was she going to be a new Baby Bird? She decided not to ask and just to wait and see. The ocean passed quickly beneath them and Baby Bird experienced the strangest sensation that she had ever known, especially once they got over land and she could see things happening. It was the sense of time or lack thereof. She had no sense of it. She had no idea how long they flew. However much time passed it all felt like the same moment. She could look below, especially when the mare flew closer to the ground and see things as they happened by yet it seemed to have no time at all. She could watch something that would seem like it would take more time than it would to fly past but there was no sense of slowing. She saw ponies below just going about their lives but also saw others things, some of which she wished that she had never seen. There were ponies who did not look quite right. Some were just wondering and others just standing like a young mare who stood in a field and stared at the houses on the edge. Most moved slow and somber if at all but she saw another following a group of ponies that looked like his relatives. He was crying and begging forgiveness for hurting them but they never reacted to him. They themselves had grief stricken faces as they walked. The stallion would also scream for help from ponies that passed them but none even flicked an ear. Baby Bird cringed but soon they were swept out of sight, though they lingered in her mind. She also saw other white and golden maned horses, both stallions and mares flying two and fro across the earth but she also saw other hideous creatures roaming the same earth. Most were the size of a pony, some were the size of horses. They were disgustingly contorted and roamed about with hungry mouths hanging open. Many, and she did not know just how she knew ,bore sicknesses, malice fear, confusion and other bad things. These were their names and existence. Most of these followed after ponies. Mostly though, they just whispered in ponies ears. It was frightening, she didn't want to look any more and hid her face for a moment. She peeked tentatively back over the side of the mare only it was not from below but in the air where something caught her attention. Two chariots being pulled through the air. Each one held a large pony with streaming magical mane. One was white and the other was dark blue. Those had to be the despots of Equestria, she realized. The two tyrant alicorns that the Cinder Islands ponies cursed. The white one had to be the cruel Celestia who had forced the Cinder Island ponies to leave but what about the other? Her sister was supposed to psychotic and it was rumored that Celestia had killed her. She didn't look psychotic and she was very much alive. Maybe Celestia had kept her around for some use. She was crazy enough that she would use any advantage, even a dangerous one. Every Cinder Island pony knew that for all her years Celestia was stupid and greedy. She couldn’t even understand how equality worked and because of that stupid alicorn Cinder Island was in ruins. Baby Bird was so focused on those thoughts that she didn't spot the creatures flying with them at first. There was a pack of those hideous disfigured ponies flying after them. They couldn’t get to them though. It was because beside each of the sisters two of the magnificent, white and gold horses flew. With the dark one, Luna it seemed like they could get closer, nag at her more and from just something about Luna, Baby Bird was sure that she was at least somewhat aware of their being there. She stood tall and firm in the chariot with her eyes looking nowhere but forward and gave no reaction to them. "What's up with that?" Baby Bird asked out loud before she realized it. "When one even just plays with darkness, and I don't mean the physical darkness that comes when the sun sets, they make themselves more open." The mare said. "Demon ponies follow after the leaders because pulling them astray, making them even a little corrupt does worse than going after just anyone." "So that was it." Baby Bird thought. That would explain it. Those two princess were messed up in the head by those things. She would have expected them to look more evil though. This fact confused her so she just looked away and back down at the ground. It didn’t matter, everypony in Cinder Island knew that they were evil and corrupt. Who wanted to look at those despots anyway? Below a train was approaching a station and ponies were waiting outside on the platform. Baby Bird studied the crowd below and spotted one pony walking up the steps with two of those demon things following and whispering in her ears. Baby Bird blinked in surprise and did a double take. It was her old mentor, Starlight Glimmer. She had sat in her classes since she was a little foal and Miss Glimmer was a teen. She was a heroin so why were those things following her? Then she remembered the mare's words. "She must be really important for them to go after her." Baby Bird said remembering the pride that she felt for her old mentor. That pony had taught her so much. "There's no pony like her. She lives her life to spread equality....but why are those things so close? She really did go to Equestria to help spread equality to them like is rumored. They need it. There is no pony as noble as her. You would probably know right? No pony could accuse her of something wrong! We used to have a saying on Cinder’s Islands, ‘You could take that mare to court but she will only be ruled noble.’ That was after somepony actually tried actually to sue her." The mare was quiet for a time before she replied. "There are many ponies who have their own ideas of what is noble and right, they have their own definitions of what is good or things like equality but instead it is only harm. There is much that mortals on their own do not understand. There others for which it is just a cry to rally ponies to their secret motives." She said looking down at Starlight Glimmer as they passed over. "Everything was defined long ago and everypony is judged by both their motives and their actions. The final court has to be completely just because otherwise the last card of all has been played and lost." Baby Bird just stared at the back of the mare's head. What did that have to do with her question? What in the world did she mean anyways? She just shook it off as the mare not understanding her question. Past the mare's head she saw the mountain that she and Smog had been on. The stallion could be see running up the circling ledge. She snorted with contempt for him. She was so focused on him that she did not see what was on the higher ledge until the mare landed and slid her off down one wing onto the rock. Baby Bird jumped and gasped then froze with fear. So far she had been dealing with this as no more than a dream. She didn't even consider it to be real but now looking at her battered body lying on the rock she felt real fear. The sides were not rising and falling with breathing. Instead her body was terrifyingly still. Baby Bird put a hoof to her chest where she could not feel the beating of her heart. "This is all a dream!" She lashed out because of her fear. "I want it to be over!" "Then go." The mare replied motioning to the corps with a wing. "Just one thing you must remember afterwards, be bold, Baby Bird, be bold." Baby Bird raced for her body begging for this to not be a horrible dream. She felt terror like she had never before and suddenly her mind blacked out as she collided with her body. Panting Smog ran until he spotted the form of Baby Bird laying on the rock. He slowed and approached with his head low and fear covering his face. He crept up to the little form lying in an awkward position while muttering under his voice. "You’re not dead. Please don't be dead." As he closed the distance he saw her sides moving and he sighed deeply. Smog walked around her but save for some bruising and cuts she looked alright. He used his magic to lift her up and set her back down in a more natural position. Then he stood guard muttering under his breath over her stupidity. He never saw the tall horse standing next to him. Angrily he grumbled over Baby Bird and her actions and the stubborn mindsets of the Cinder Island Ponies that had raised her. He cursed everypony from the founders of Cinder Island to her parents. He was so angry that he could not stand still and alternately paced and stomped with his face twisted in frustration. The mare watched him sadly and extended a wind that she draped over him momentarily. He sighed and cooled down some. “Your time will come.” The mare said. She looked back at Baby Bird lying on the ledge. "Just remember to be bold." * * * Lightning Jolt's eyes snapped open and she stared out into the streets. Night had fallen and mist swirled over the pavement. She sat up and put a hoof to her chest as the words of the Ponyville doctor came to her. "Your pretty lucky, most magic blasts like that have been known to stop a pony's heart." > One dream too short > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Jolt lay on her makeshift bed while staring out into the foggy street as she tried to comprehend the dream. A blow like that can stop a pony's heart, even a partly artificial one. Did that make her heart more or less vulnerable? What did it matter? Lightning Jolt closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. It was all too much for her. It was probably all a dream but no she remembered things! She relaxed and kept her eyes closed as she let her mind mull over it all. When she tried too hard to focus on any memory it became more vague so she just them roll over her mind just as they came. She didn’t remember everything about her past but she definitely remembered some of it. She remembered herself as Baby Bird. She could remember Smog and Cinder's Islands. She could remember Starlight Glimmer who was her mentor. She could see herself as a filly looking up at her from her desk as the mare taught her classes. She could remember her parents. Her eyes snapped open and she stared out at the fog. She could picture and remember her adoptive parents. Not all that well though. Mostly what she could recall were things that she had thought about and remembered in that "Dream". Sometimes she could pull closely related memories but that was about it. She hadn’t thought about them too much, it was mainly when the mare words had brought them to mind. She focused on them awhile wanting to pull every memory she could while her link was still fresh. She could remember their personality pretty well and some interactions came back. Her father was somewhat stiff and a very authoritative sounding pony. Not authoritative as in in charge but on knowledge and different matters. A little too much though. Her mother was more loose but more fiery. Of interactions there was one in particular that stood out, their many responses when Smog or other ponies who made a comment about her, mostly Smog. "Our Baby Bird is amazing just the way she is!" That was a nice sentiment but no, it was not true. Lightning Jolt cringed when she remembered her old self. No, she was not fine just the way she was. Lightning Jolt also remembered her old cutie mark. She looked back at her flank picturing it over her new one and cringed. Her talent was what her parents called supporting and lifting up honorable ponies but no, that wasn’t quite it. She was...a lackey for lack of a better term. She had sat applauding as Starlight Glimmer and others like her as they went on and on about Cinder Island Equality and everything that went with it. She spent her time repeating what they said to anypony who would listen. When somepony said something "incorrect" about them she made sure to go over there and set them straight. How dare they? We're they so stupid that they could not understand equality? Maybe they were just stupid ponies who didn't want everypony to be equal. She would tell them though. That she definitely did. She had, in a nutshell, been a pawn along with many others from Starlight Glimmer's class. Running around making sure that everypony knew how “Great” Starlight Glimmer’s equality was and how “evil” and “hateful of other ponies” her opposers were. How they could they not want true equality? That "equality" made Lightening Jolt cringe now. Cinder Island is not a nice place. There were a lot of issues and a lot of ponies like her. There were not a lot of jobs nor economy motion as a result there was a lot of crime. The Cinder Island ponies were not blind, knew that it was bad but it was the blaming. Who's fault was all this? It was all the Equestrians fault. They had oppressed them in Equestria, they had not helped them with achieving perfect equality and they would not live by it so it was all their fault. There was just no way that it was the ways of the Cinder Island ponies. Because of the hoof pointing in the wrong direction nothing there was going to get better. This made Equestria a lot more attractive than Cinder islands but few ever deflected over there. It was because The ponies of Cinders Islands had learned to see Equestrian ponies as ponies who were against equality. This caused outrage and outrage does not listen. She wondered if the Cinder Island ponies would ever open their eyes and look at themselves, if everything would ever stop being the Equestrians fault. Lightning Jolt sighed as she remembered Cinder Islands. She had never really knew how much trouble was there since it was the only place she had ever know and life there was getting even harder. Nopony could rise above it either because all ponies had to be "Equal". Following dreams was hard too. Just too much work. Regardless though, if you had a dream of owning your own restaurant that was not happening because everypony couldn’t run a restaurant or business. If you wanted to build funds so you or your kids could go to the best school that was not happening because everypony could not do so. Now, under Starlight's new ideas you could not even be congratulated for a job well done because everypony would not be congratulated and she, Baby Bird, had gone along with it. Now in Equestria you could not even have a cutie mark? All these ideas did not bring anypony up, it brought ponies down and kept them down. If it was so good why didn't she live by it? If she recalled correctly Starlight Glimmer was quite well off like other politicians and government officials and even after she had her speech on cutie marks here her's was still on her flank. It was amazing to Lightening Jolt that with her past self no matter how contrary or how out there was one of Starlight's agendas she would go along with it. Even in the face of obvious flaws she, Baby bird stood by it because Starlight Glimmer said so and she, Baby Bird was a proud Cinder Island pony. Lightning Jolt groaned and rubbed her head. This was a lot to take in. She looked back again at her own cutie mark. Like most ponies she had believed that cutie marks were set in stone. That you would get what you would get it when you discovered it but maybe instead cutie marks were much like life. You may have an intended destiny but you still chose your own path whether it be that destiny or not. She apparently always had the ability and innate knack for creating lightning but she had never tried let alone focused on it. Instead she had focused herself on being the perfect picture of a Cinder Island pony and that had been what she had become. She was sure that even if she hadn’t gotten her cutie mark replaced that she still could be what she is now. After all your talents put the cutie mark there not the other way around. Cutie marks just don't appear randomly but appear according to choices and talents. Except maybe when you get cutie pox like that story Applejack had told her about but that was different. Lightning Jolt sighed, laid her head down on the fabric and stared out at the foggy night. She felt mentally exhausted now. She relaxed and let both the vague and stronger memories roll over her mind while trying not to think too much. The pony who was in most of them was Smog. She couldn’t remember when or how she had met him but he was always there looking after her, mostly pulling her out of fights when somepony spoke ill of Starlight Glimmer and her ideals. Before anypony knew about her medical conditions and would pass out he was often the one helping her and he simply seemed to just have always been around. They argued a whole lot too. A lot. Smog was one of those ponies of "Equestrian Ideals". He was often trying to explain problems in Cinder Island ways and she was always explaining why he was wrong. Every argument was always a heated argument. He had also been the first one to say that she should probably check with a doctor to see if she had any medical conditions. Her parents refused for a while, not because there was no merit to what he had said, there was a lot of merit to what he pointed out but because it was Smog who said it. After she had had her surgeries and had had become afraid to fly he had tried again and again to get her to stop being afraid. She had always accused him of being stupid or trying to kill her even though she knew that it wasn't true. Despite the volatile friendship and her parents telling her not to associate with him she had kept hanging around him. Back then she had told herself that it was because she was trying to make him learn but now she admitted, with shame, that it was because she knew that he would look out for her no matter how hateful she became. Because despite his brash, untactful manner he was a good friend. She would understand why she wanted to be "Friends" if you could call it that but why had he tolerated her? She couldn’t understand why. She would have never put up with a pony like her past self for anywhere near that long. He must have patience like no pony she had ever known. It was almost funny. For all the things she accused him of she often fit those accusations better than he did. Another thing she realized about him was that he was not insane, not in the least. He was stressed, badly stressed. If he had a nervous disorder it was because of that. He was actually a lot calmer the last few times she had seen him. It was mostly from her first impression of him. He was not insane when she opened her eyes, he was seriously ticked off at her stupidity on top of all that stress. That one moment burned into her memory labeled him as insane. A good bit of that stress was probably due to her but he also lived as a pony of Equestrian Ideals in Cinder Island. In a nutshell he lived in a very hostile environment. Cinder Island ponies as expected viewed him almost like public enemy number one. You know, because Equestrian Ideas were dangerous. Why didn't he just leave? He obviously had no problem traveling solo to Equestria. His life must have seriously sucked. Why hadn’t his parents left? They were the same. Suddenly, like an apparition out of her memories Smog walked out of the fog. Lightning Jolt stared at him at first not sure if he was real until he picked her up with his magic. "Any serious injuries?" He asked. Lightning Jolt shook her head. Smog simply dropped her onto his back and teleported. They reappeared on top of a building and he squinted into the fog. "I got myself lost in this big stupid city," He said. "The commander of the search party that was sent to find you was only looking in the battle area and the outskirts of it. You’re a pegasus and you were all over the sky. You would think that he would know to look much farther out but, nope!." "There's a search party just for me?" Lighting Jolt asked. "There's a search party for a few ponies missing in action but don't forget you are the friend of a princess," Smog replied before teleporting to another building. "You’re moving up," He said with a laugh then took a more serious tone. "I am glad that you’re not the pony you used to be." Lightning Jolt smiled "I am too. Why did you put up with me?" Smog shrugged. "I don't know. Perhaps because I knew that you were just so impressionable and I was trying to keep you from being swept up in Cinder Island rhetoric. I failed." "So was every other young pony," Lightning Jolt replied. "I guess it's because I was the one to find you then." Lightning Jolt's expression became confused. "Found me? I was adopted so what do you mean by found me?" Smog remained silent and just teleported to another building. "You have a new life now so you don't need to keep going over the details of before." He finally said. "I really want to know." Lighting Jolt insisted. "I mean I assumed that it was a simple as my birth mother gave me up and then I was picked for adoption." "Yeah, that's basically what happed. She… gave you up alright. Oh, look I can see where they set up base." Smog said. "Tell me!" Lighting Jolt insisted pulling on his ears. "Ow! Ok. I...found you in a trash can outside a hospital," He replied. Lightning Jolt was taken aback. She knew that her mother had abandoned her when she found out her medical conditions but not had dumped her like that. "We don't know if she failed to get rid of you in the womb, was normally discharged and got rid of you after she left or just had you elsewhere and dumped you there so it would be blamed on the hospital if you were found." Smog went on. "I was just a foal myself and was going through trash cans for parts to build engines. Dumpster diving is a common practice there. I heard a weak cry and didn't believe what I had just heard but I looked anyway. I saw a weak newborn filly laying half buried the trash. I freaked out and started screaming my head off for help. Ponies walking the streets just stopped and stared at me like I was crazy. I picked you up in my magic and ran still screaming into the hospital. I created such a commotion that journalist were all over it quite quickly. Because of that everypony wanted you. Somehow your parents got chosen much to my dismay. Maybe it was because they couldn’t have any foals of their own. For ponies who could have none of their own they couldn’t understand how anypony could coldly get rid of a baby. So I guess they had one saving grace. "Anyway, I guess because I was the one who found you I wanted to make sure that you were well taught and looked after I guess," Smog finished. "Well Smog, I know that I would never have said it before but thank you. You were the big brother that was always there and one that I never appreciated. Thanks for putting up with me." Lightning Jolt said giving him a hug. "Akk! Ok! Let's go now." Smog said quickly teleporting down to the after battle bivouac. They appeared right in the center of the camp not far away from two of the princesses. Luna still in her armor was overseeing and Twilight being Twilight was keeping everything organized. "Here's one of the pegasus that you were looking for." Smog said using his magic to undo Lightening Jolt's hug and put her on the ground. "She probably needs a checkup." Then he looked down at Lightning Jolt. "You seem too well off to need me now but I'll find you and check on you later." "Excuse me sir but might we speak with you?" A member of the royal guard asked walking up. "No." Smog replied teleporting away leaving the stallion blinking at the empty space. "I was just going to thank him and ask a few questions." The guard said. Lightning Jolt laughed. "That's Smog." "You’re alright!" Twilight exclaimed dropping her clipboard and rushing over to hug her. "We were worried that something happened to you! The others were out looking for you!" "I'll have to call off the search party and send them to help with the other groups," Luna said walking over. "I was about to start searching the dream world to see if you were asleep and find you that way." "Oh, really?" Lightning Jolt asked wondering what she would think of her last dream if she had seen it. "How do you find specific ponies among millions of dreamers?" "Many years of practice." Luna replied. "Plus it's a natural ability for me. I have actually been checking into your dreams every night since you came to Canterlot just to see if memories would reveal themselves there. Sadly there was nothing." "Well, that's because you stopped one dream too short." Lighting Jolt said only to gain herself confused looks. > Saying hello and goodbye > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next few days went by fairly quickly for Lightning Jolt. The city was cleaned up and the residents settled back in. Twilight and the other elements of harmony went to and fro from the royal city and Ponyville. Lightning Jolt, Valentine and Ember Light stayed at the castle. Lightning Jolt had been invited to join the weather team of Canterlot and she was considering it. It sounded like an awesome job and one of the perks of having wings was that it made Ponyville and her first friends much closer. Well not her very first friends in life but just in her new life. Her very first friend who had been her best friend when she was a jerk on wheels had disappeared somewhere and she hoped he would pop back up again. Twilight too was quite eager to see him again because she wanted to convince him to write down all the spells and tactics that he knew. She wanted to learn them herself and make a book out of them. Lightning Jolt still didn't have much more memory than when she had awoken after the battle for Canterlot. She was pretty sure that she would never get all of it back but that was fine with her. She was not that pony anymore and too much thought on her past self brought temptations to slip back to her old habits. She was luckier than most ponies when trying to change. Changing was usually a long hard road but if she had had to take it to get from where she was to where she was now she would have. The fact of the dream too was confounding. She wasn’t sure if she should believe that it was real for a while but in the end she decided that it was more foolish to just write it off as a strange phenomenon and coincidence. It seemed illogical to do so but to assume that it was just a coincidence that she brought back real memories with the dream and somehow her mind made up a detailed story and added it perfectly into the events, that her cutie mark loss and inexplicable memory loss was just some strange unexplained happening that went with it and it just somehow fit together perfectly, well. that itself didn't seem logical. Her friends were quite happy that she remembered some of her past now. she got some strange looks when she told them the story, though. Some believed her, some weren't sure and didn't believe her but it seemed wrong to leave it out. Now there was just one more thing to do before moving on with her new life. She would need her friends for support on it. She would also need a pony who knew Cinder's Islands because her snatches of memory would not get them around. If he didn't show up soon they would have to go looking for him. * * * Smog had spent the past few day cleaning out his hiding places and undoing the magic spells on them. He also looked up the old contacts that had opposed the New Wave ponies and let them know that he was leaving. He took his time because he wanted everything to calm down before he checked on Baby Bird... Lightning Jolt. That name was much better. He had always hated her old name. He had always so hated seeing her being turned into a typical Cinder Island pony and it was such a sad thing to see her so afraid that she would not even fly. Now he was very happy. When he was finally finished he started out to find Lightning Jolt. At first he started to disguise himself then shrugged it off. What did he need that for anymore? Well, maybe incase the guards or anypony tried to talk to him but he could just teleport away. He knew that she might be in the castle or back with her friends in Ponyville but there was a place that he was going to check first. It was the church where she had hidden. He hoped that she was there for if he went to the castle or Ponyville he knew that there was no way he could avoid guards or her friends. All these ponies being curious, asking questions wanting to know how he did this or that. Twilight being the princess of friendship would probably try to make friends. He didn't want friends. Ponies looked at him funny. He was odd compared to them after all. After having to deal with Cinder Island ponies all his life he didn't want to be around other ponies. Baby Bird was a little different. After all he had found her and she was like a little sister. Eventually he quit caring about trying to fit in to normal social behavior because it wasn’t like the ponies of Cinder Islands would care or treat him any better. The stress had definitely got to him too. This made other ponies outside of the islands regard him as strange or insane but he, being quite jaded, didn't care. They thought that he was insane already. Many treated him like he was homeless and not in a sympatric way. If you couldn’t look past a rough mane and see the pony beneath than forget you. On the other hoof he also didn't blame them really. If you saw a pony that you couldn’t be sure of their sanity, then you probably should avoid them. When he reached the church in front of the refugee grounds there was a pony sitting outside on the steps reading. He didn't recognize her. She was a young mare a bit older than Lightning Jolt and looked like a dainty little thing. "Oh great, she'll probably freak out when I approach her," Smog thought. To his surprise she simply looked up and smiled. "Hi, I'm Willow," She said. Smog blinked at her a moment before replying. "I'm looking for either a little grey earth pony mare or a little scrawny purple pegasus mare," He said not sure if she knew Lightning Jolt by pony or disguise. The mare laughed. "You must be Smog," She said getting up and scampering up the steps. "Come on in. We'll send for her," She beckoned for him to follow. Smog a little surprised by her jovial and friendly nature followed. "It might take a minute. We can get you something to eat in the meantime and we can send you to be put in the bath." "Send me to be put in the bath? What am I a foal?" * * * A few hours later Lightning Jolt landed on the steps of the church. A messenger had been sent to the castle to inform her about Smog’s reappearance. She met Iron Clad inside who directed her to the cafeteria. When she walked inside she saw Willow and her mother bringing out different new recipes that she was trying. Two stallions and a mare were sitting at a table and taste testing them. Lightning Jolt walked up to Willow. "Hey where's Smog? They said that he came to see me and there is one thing that I really need help from him with..." Willow burst out laughing and was quickly followed by her mother and one of the stallions. Lightning Jolt was taken aback in confusion until she looked directly at the stallion who was laughing. "What do you need Baby Bird?" He asked. Smog sat behind the table no longer wearing his white coat. He was clean from head to hoof. His mane and tail had been shampooed and cropped short to remove the split ends. The most striking of all was the look in his eyes. He was much more calm and relaxed. His barley twitched now. He looked like a completely different pony. * * * A few days later Lightning Jolt set out on a ship headed to Cinder's Islands. She had with her Smog to show her to where she grew up, her six friends from Ponyville and the two friends that she had met on the train. Before she moved on with her new life she had to let her parents know that she was still alive. She would need all her friends for support. Not only was nervous just because of the meeting itself but was anxious for an even bigger reason. Her parents were ponies ever fervent of Cinder Islands ways. She was going to have to tell them that she was going to live in Equestria, that she had a mind like that of Equestrian ponies. She didn't know how they were going to take that. The only thing that she could do was to get it done and move on. When they reached the island that she had lived on Smog led them straight there. Lightning Jolt recognized a few places but not much. Her friends looked a little shocked at the state of the city. "They ran a beautiful place down into the ground." Was all Smog said as he hurried on. He didn't want anypony to stop them and try to ask the Equestrian ponies why they let this happen to them. When they went into the outskirts of the city into suburbia her old home came into sight. Lightning Jolt almost got cold feet and ran but she knew that she had to do this. Her parents came out seeing the group approaching their house and Lightning Jolt walked ahead to greet them. At first they reacted with disbelief then ecstatic joy. From there after seeing her cutie mark they went back and forth to believing and being skeptical that it was really her for a while. She told them the story from start to finish and introduced them to her new friends. While they were not practically happy that she was friends with Equestrian ponies and gave subtle hints about it, they were glad that they had helped her. Smog hung back and Lightning Jolt was pretty sure that with the distance and his makeover they did not recognize him. That was probably a good thing. For most of the story they sat blinking in astonishment and were probably not sure if they should believe all of it. Her father was extremely critical of the dream. Finally, she had to tell them about staying in Equestria. At first they objected willfully then tried to reason for some time but finally accepted it. At the end of the day they parted on good terms though they were still unhappy about her living in Equestria. Lightning Jolt knew that they likely would never like her decision because of their bias against Equestrian ponies but she knew that she could never live her life as she was meant to here. Perhaps over time as they wrote letters she could convince them of Equestrian’s virtues and they would come there. She would so love to see them out of this place. Only time would tell. On the way back Smog parted with them as he headed to his house stating that he would pack up some things and meet them in Equestria. They were a little surprised as they thought that he was going to stay but were glad. Smog walked into his cluttered house by the shore and surveyed his belongings. There wasn’t all that much that he needed to take and he could probably sell this house pretty quick. He didn't want anything else tying him to here. He didn't know why he stayed with all the stress he got. He was pretty sure that part of it was Lighting Jolt and part of it was that he wanted to help the Cinder Island ponies see beyond those ideas and ways that they thought fixed things. To not be so wrapped up in it all and see reality. Now he had grown quite fond of Willow in a short time and he had a new task, keeping Cinder Island ponies from changing Equestria. The second reason was on a ship heading back to a new, better and probably awesome life. He had spent his trying to make that happen and now it had been done for him and he too had a new and better life ahead of him. > Epilogue: Strong as horses > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a few weeks after the battle for Canterlot and Lightening Jolt had officially joined their weather team along with serval other pegasus. Tomorrow would be her first day but it was today that worried her. When one joined the weather team of the royal city it was customary for the new recruits to show off their skills in the cloudsdale arena. Part of it was so that the leaders could judge talents and experience then put them in the positions that suited them best. The other reason was just an excuse for a competition. Starlight Glimmer and the Cinder Island Ponies would hate it. In the cloud stadium Lighting Jolt could hear the cheering as the last of the others showed off his skill. She sat on the floor of the empty side stage room awaiting her turn. She had joined partly because she was flattered by the invitation and partly because she knew that her skills at cloud busting and lighting would be useful. Thing was, that was about it. It was useful. Sure lightning was flashy but try impressing a weather pony with lightning. She didn't know any fancy moves. She hadn’t even been flying seriously that long. Sure she was a natural but so was every pegasus. Not only that, it was the fact of her body, mainly her heart. Her oversized wings gave her an advantage but there was still the fact of what the doctor said. She was free to live an active lifestyle. With training she could fly faster and further than pegasus who didn't train but she would never be an extreme athlete. From what she saw of the others in training those ponies were. They were fit for the WounderBolts. Despite her cool talent for busting clouds and creating lightning she did not have their level of skill and fitness and today she might demonstrate this in front of so many eyes. She waited listening to the cheers and dreading the moment that the stadium would fall silent denoting her turn. "Hey lightning Jolt!" A voice called out making her jump. She turned around to see Rainbow Dash leading the cutie Mark Crusaders towards her. "What's wrong? We just came to see you off." Apple Bloom said. Rainbow Dash took one look at her and smiled. "I know what you’re going through,” She said putting a foreleg around her shoulders. “Pretty scary huh?" "Very much so," Lightning Jolt replied. "I know that I don’t have the skills that they do. I'm going to look so green next to them. Then there is my heart and all. No matter what I'll never be an athlete like they are. I can do my very best but it will never be enough." "Oh really?" Rainbow Dash said raising an eyebrow. "I can recall a certain pony that picked up flying skills very quickly. Then she battled timber wolves and changelings." "That's different," Lightning almost wined. Rainbow Dash shook her head. "I don't think that it is and..." She looked around to make sure that other pony was in the room. "There was a time when I was an amateur flyer, "She whispered. " A time when there were ponies better at flying than me. No flyer no matter how awesome ever starts out that way. You are still starting out and I think that your awesome already. You don't have to be the best athlete out there, nor do you have to be one to do an amazing job, you just have to be the best that you can be. Don't worry about the other pones. Just focused on what you can do." Lightning Jolt finally smiled a little at the encouragement. Then the crowd outside went silent and she heard the announcer call her name. Her ears drooped and her knees wanted to buckle. "Lightning Jolt your looking at this all wrong." Scootaloo stated "Yeah, you may still have your cutie mark now but your still one of us." Apple Bloom added. "And you know what? We have hearts as strong as horses!" Sweetie Belle stated with a stomp of her hoof. "Even a pony who has one like yours. You'll do better than them because your one of us and-" The trio of little ponies began singing all at once. "We're the toughest little ponies in town, “Got the moves, got the mojo, no harder working ponies around. “We are here for you, will cheer as a team and you'll be the best one out on the weather pony scene. “We get going when the going gets tough, “Even though you think your very best is just never enough. “We’re kinda short but so what? We don’t get defeated. We could take a little break but we don't need it. "We've got hearts as strong as horses." We've got hearts as strong as horses. "We've got hearts as strong as horses." As they chanted the trio nudged her to the stage entrance and marched with her all the way. Lightning Jolt could not help but be swept up in their uplifting song. Not only that, with as much as they cared she could not let them down. As they stopped at the edge of the stage she took off, still nervous but she was going to do it for them. No matter how scared she was she was till going to boldly take it on.