A Pink Class

by Ponyess

First published

After graduating, Pinkie Pie took up a class at the newly established University. She holds the strangest of classes, none other dare poke at, but her students come back with a smile on their faces each day.

Pinkie Pie holds a few classes at the newly established University, the strangest but must fantastic of subjects. Thge once no other teacher dare to touch.

Pinkie Pie still has a knack for fun and partying, she never leaves the festive spirit behind, not even at the most serious of classes. Her efforts at entertaining still unrivaled.

Is it mime, or entertaining, but the class soon with have a nervous laugh or fit. Dare missing out?

An Introduction: 1

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”Class is in session!” Pinkie Pie stated, looking out over the room of eager but amused students, who were in turn looking back at her as she stood behind her large cherry wood desk.

For some reason, she had chosen a room with great acoustics, walls covered with a polished black stonewalls. On the oak tree floor, there was nothing. There are no windows, no posters, just the one door and a light switch on the right, a few inches away.

Apparently, Lyra is standing in the second row, one space to the left. I don’t know who the others are, yet. Maybe it is just due to being new to the class. I just enrolled this autumn.

Funny, recognising Pinkie Pie is easy. She is not just a pink mare with a curly pink mane. If that would have been the case, I may not have recognised her. Now she stands out in any crowd; with the crazy smile, and the giggle to her voice.

“I am Pinkamena Diana Pie, Pinkie Pie, for short, but do call me Pinkie. All my friends do!” she merrily exclaimed as her introduction to her new class.

Naturally, she had my attention, even before she even opened her mouth. Everyone is ready to dance happily to her tune.

Pinkie Pie is the kind of mare you want to be around, she keeps you happy with nary any effort. Besides, she thrives on making you smile and keeping you happy. How could one not enjoy staying close? Even if it means to take on one more class, even if it may be outside of the range of classes I needed for where I was going.

She may be an Earth Type kind of character, but that never stopped her. It never prevented her from doing any of the magical or wondrous things.

I guess it is amusing to see just how many Unicorns like myself and Pegasi I could count in the class. What were they expecting to learn from her? That nothing is impossible? Or was it merely having a good time, even at the cost of taking on that one more class?

“Okay, Class. Let’s get this show on the road!” she put forth, knowing we all had come to see her and learn what ever she put before us.

She was instantly met by eager, enthusiastic smiles from all the students before her, myself included. How could anyone resist or refuse to smile back at her? Knowing she had something fun, funny and amusing in mind. Something we could write home to our friends about.

The next moment, she merely holds up her right hand before us, almost as in a friendly greeting. Her fingers spread out wide. Then she poked her hand at the air before her. As if she had expected something to happen.

None laughed, as amusing as the scene may be. Was she trying out a Mime routine? I couldn’t help myself but tried to feel the air before me, the way she did. I felt no change. Yet, it was apparent, she did.

There is a strange sensation, a feeling I can’t quite dress up in words. Something changed as she poked the air, but what. Then her hand simply melted of and vanished somewhere I can’t see. I hear gaps of shock and surprise from all corners of the room. I can’t quite place who or how many. Just that several of my friends and class mates are gasping as it dawned upon them, just what she was poking at.

I could clearly see her taking a step back, quietly, before she made another motion. With that she sealed the opening into another place we couldn’t see. Where ever it may have been. What kind of a strange world could be hidden on the other side of the gap she had poked up?

“See? That was easy!” she pronounced with a sly grin all over her face.

Now she turned around, permitting us to see; half by half, what she was poking at. There the feeling was again. I just can not put words on it. Only this time, I imagined I could see something on the other side. If only I was clear enough on what it is I had seen.

As unclear as the vision may be, just as clear is the sound that came out and into the room. I could clearly hear music from the other side. Just that one lone Transverse Flute, but the sound is divine, as eery as it may be.

“For now, I am going to permit you to listen to what is played in the far end of the perimeter. This is from the back of the theatre!” Pinkie Pie whispered, but still with a sly grin all over her features.

As she spoke, the room fell dead silent, not a move could be traced. The one thing is the music, the notes played on the other end.

This may not be the kind of music I was commonly listening to, or playing myself. Yet, I could appreciate the mood is twas creating in the room. Maybe, just maybe she was going for something much larger than I could originally comprehend. I had to appreciate the effort she had put into what she put up for us. The show is something very special.

I could enjoy the scene, even if this isn’t my music of choice, not by a long shot. My dream had always been to be a DJ, not a concert player or to arrange a play or anything the like.

What I feel now is the presence of all my fellow Ponies, their feelsing flaring openly in the confines of this small room. The sounds constrained by the solid walls around us.

My ambitions are to give others a good time, using music. I present a sound-scape, giving you something to dance to, the beat as the ultimate tool. The song, the lyrics are subservient to what I have in mine. Just as the individual instruments merely enhance the feeling, while the beat is king, or is that Prince here?

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