> Breakup, Breakdown > by RarityEQM > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night was a cold one. Surprisingly chilly for early spring, as if the weather council had some left over cold to get rid of after the winter. It was cold right up until the point where Shining Armor had slid into bed next to his wife, and snuggled in close. A long, hard day of training new recruits for the castle, and his reward was sleeping next to a literal goddess of a mare. Life was good. Life was very very good, and those were his last thoughts before they tumbled into nothingness and sleep overtook him. The next several hours were relatively peaceful. The Crystal Empire slept safe and soundly after Sombra had been banished (again), and secure in the knowledge that they were well protected by their new princess and highly trained guards. The Empire was at peace. So when Shining armor found himself wide awake at precisely three am with a cold chill of magic choking the air in the room, he knew that something was wrong. Something was very wrong. He sat up in bed, peering through the darkness and froze. As a castle guard, (The captain no less) Shining Armor knew his room inside and out. Part of his training to 'secure' the area before going to sleep, regardless of how much it irked Cadence. He just could never fall asleep until he knew the doors and windows were locked tightly. He'd come to know every shadow in his room, every square inch of darkness that could hide potential attackers, or places used for cover. He knew the shape and size of his furniture, and the blotchy, lumpy shadow in the corner was not among the recognized shapes. "Cadence...Wake up. Cadence," Shining whispered, keeping his eyes trained on the figure in the corner. A prank perhaps? Something the new cadets were put up to? He'd been especially hard on one of them this afternoon...what was his name? Night Slash...but the boy just had so much potenti-The shadow moved. Shining armor sprang into action instantly, throwing out a powerful beam of light from his horn to illuminate the room- but nothing happened. Try as he might, he couldn't produce a single spark of light, and that's when a low, haunting chuckle drifted casually across the room. "No, no, no. Lets keep the dramatics to a minimum, shall we?" the voice hissed. Shining Armor swallowed a lump in his throat. The fear, the apprehension, the sensation of powerlessness and the unknown? All of it quickly shifted to one feeling he knew all to well: Hatred. He knew that voice. "You," he snarled, as the figure slowly slipped from the shadows. Swinging her hips with a gentle sultry tone, and an alluring purr spilled from her lips. Emerald, glowing eyes slowly flickered into view- slit pupils like a cat, and casting a horrifying illumination into the room. The changeling queen Chrysalis now stood before Shining Armor, and she delighted at Shining's reaction. His face turned pale, and he immediately glanced over at his wife, then back to the creature sharing the room with him. "Me. Nice to see you too, sweetie. You know, you never call, you never write, I'm beginning to worry about our relationship, Shiny," Chrysalis whispered, casually climbing onto the bed next to the struggling knight. He couldn't move, try as he might. The air was stuffy with intense magic and even with all of his training, Shining found himself helpless to the creature next to him. She could do whatever she wanted... "There IS no relationship!" He snapped. Chrysalis gave a low hum of a chuckle and reached out to stroke her hooves daintily across his mane. "Well, not with that sort of attitude. I do miss our time together. Shame you had to leave me at the altar...well...blast me off the altar...into another country," She said flatly, leaning in even closer. Shining Armor gave a dark hiss and struggled furiously against the magic holding him. He glanced over at Cadence again and narrowed his eyes. "What have you done to her?" he growled. She gave another low hum of a chuckle and waggled one of her hooves dismissively. "Oh, nothing terrible. Just a little sleeping spell to ensure we get a little time alone together to talk. I've been talking with my therapist, lovely girl, and she tells me that I need some closure. Do you know what it's like being dumped at the altar? It hurts right in here," She explained, pointing at her chest. "But doctor Xir'icis'ixior, (we call her Jenny for short) says persistence is key. You don't just let a good stallion like you drop out of your life! Who cares about little things like marriage and uncontrollable hatred. Those feelings don't hold a candle to how much we love each other!" she purred. He shook his head, doing his best to lift an arm and shove her away. Away from him. From them. But his limbs felt like lead. At this point he wasn't sure if she was just teasing him, or had gone completely insane. Didn't matter. "Stay out of my life!! I'll tear you to pieces!" He snapped. Chrysalis gave a quiet tsk and put on a mock pout, turning away and crossing her arms, like a hurt girlfriend. "They said you were violent. But I told them you didn't have it in your heart to hurt others. They said not to marry you. That we'd turn into a domestic statistic. Seems like they were right. Oh, but Shiny, I don't care if you're terrible to me! We can get through this abusive relationship! Maybe a little therapy, some anger management classes, oh, sweetie, we'll make it through this one way or another, I promise!" Chrysalis squealed, wrapping her arms around his neck and cuddling him close like a teddy bear. He tried to pull away, snarling and hissing at her, but it was to no avail. "We will have to give you an attitude adjustment. Things are going to change if we're going to make this work, darling. Oh, and she has GOT to go...unless you're feeling kind of freaky and want some three way fun..." the changeling chuckled, pointing her hoof at Cadence. Shining armor gagged at the idea, wildly shaking his head. "GUARDS!!" he cried out. Chrysalis giggled quietly, her grin widening dangerously slow and she leaned down to rest her nose against his own. "Ooooo, I like the way you think, you naughty boy. But your guards are sleeping too, just like little Cadence here, " she purred. Shining gave a snarl again, twisting his head to point his horn in her direction, only to have it casually pushed away. "I'm sorry Shiny but if we're going to get back together, we're going to have to curb this temper of yours. But I suppose it is getting late, and this is a lot to take in, so maybe it's time I take a little walk. Let you think on it, clear your head. I'll get back to you and we can make dinner plans, hmmm? Sound good baby?" she snickered, and leaned in to kiss Shining Armor on the nose. "Trust me, I'll see you around, honey," she cooed, and with that Shining Armor sat up in bed, gasping wildly. The sheets were twisted around his legs, and he frantically glanced around the room. "Cadence?!" he almost screamed, reaching out to wildly shake his wife. Cadence gave a groan and turned over, slowly sitting up in bed and peering at her husband with bleary eyes. "What? What is it?! It's...ugh, it's 4 am...Shining..."She groaned. Shining Armor frowned, peering at the room again. Nothing was different. No green eyed monster peering at him, and making bizarre statements about a none existent relationship. It had all been a nightmare. "N-Nothing...I...sorry, I had a bad dream, go back to sleep, honey, we'll talk in the morning." He groaned, trying to shuffle himself back down and under the covers, but he knew full well he wasn't getting back to sleep. > Chapter 2: Domestic Disturbance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He had doubled the guard. Would have tripled it, if he had the resources. Things were spread thin as it was, and for all his training, all his skill, Shining Armor felt nowhere near 'safe.' A changeling had gotten past their defenses. Slipped right into his bed room and could have easily killed him and Cadence, if it wanted. He shuddered at the thought. Not being able to protect his love shook him to the core. "Shiny?" Her voice cooed quietly, as she poked her head into their room. Shining was pacing back and forth in front of the window, trying to come up with a solution as to how Chrysalis had gotten in, and what they could do to stop her. Cadence had spent the day looking over and approving new laws for letting non crystal ponies work within the crystal mines. She looked dead tired as she wandered in, and set her slender hindquarters on the bed. She collapsed on her back, splaying her arms out with a whine. His poor wife. His poor, beautiful wife- so fragile, yet so strong. Lovely and wonderful in all the right ways. He'd do anything for her, and right now, the best thing for her, was a good night's rest. She didn't need to worry about some filthy changeling creeping into their sanctuary. That was his job to worry about. He would defend them both, damn it! "I am sooooo tired...law after law, after law, after law. Regulations, amendments, addendums, loop holes, infractions, punishments, crystal values the works! My everything is tired, Shiny." She whined, her voice popping and squeaking. He had to admit, he loved that. She sounded just like a teenager again, like when they first met...when they first fell for each other. He twisted around, meandering towards the bed. Her hind legs still hung over the side at the foot of the bed, and she was laying in the middle, eyes closed, breathing hard. Yes, a good night's sleep is exactly what she needed and it was exactly what she was going to get. He knelt down in front of her, slowly pushing her knees apart with a sharp squeak of surprise coming from her other end. "Sh-Shiny, sweetie what are you doing? I'm a little bit tired tonig-" Her voice caught in her throat- choked by a passionate growing hunger as her lover began to nibble along her inner thighs, offering the occasional bite to spark a flash of pain. Still she shook her head, a new wave of exhaustion flooding through her. "Shiny...n-no, sweetie, I've got a headache and Its been a long day and-" "And you don't have to do a thing, my love." He whispered, grinning up at her. She blushed warmly and bit her lower lip, before slowly laying back on the bed. "But...but it isn't fair that I just...I mean...I mean, oh, Shiny...t-that's nice...." Princess Cadence moaned, closing her eyes quietly, while the captain of the guard did his royal duties. "I know it is. A dirty little slut like you loves this kind of attention. There isn't a filthy whore in the world who doesn't like having her cunt eaten," shining whispered, and had to hold back a laugh when he caught sight of Cadence's ears perking and turning dark red at his comments. "Sh-Shin-" She stammered, but he snarled, throwing her legs wide open and pinning her inner thighs down with his hooves. "Shut up! I'm going to eat every inch of this pussy and you're going to like it!" He snapped, delighting in how deep a scarlet her cheeks turned. Then he went to work. He buried his face between her thighs, lewdly kissing at the bright pink slit hidden in her fur. She tasted slightly like strawberries- like a bitter lemonade that didn't quite have enough sugar in it. He loved it. He wriggled his tongue in nice and deep, keeping an ear perked for the quiet moans and needy squeaks coming from his lovely wife. He'd long ago learned the higher pitch her squeak, the 'better' he was doing. And right now, he was definitely doing something right. He beamed when she bucked her hips forward, eager for more of his wriggling tongue, but he pushed her right back down with a snarl. "No, you take it as I give it to you! Nothing else! If I want to eat this pussy, I'm going to eat this pussy, and I'm going to do it as I see fit! HOLD STILL!" He barked. He could feel her squirming helplessly underneath his heavy muscles. Dominated, controlled, forced to endure. He knew all of his wife's secret turn ons. She was absolutely soaked wet when he dipped his tongue back into her cunny, slurping the heedy treasure with a lewd, wet squish. "Such a perfect little princess. Always pretending to be so innocent and so meek, but I know what a dirty little whore you really are. Look at how wet you are! I bet the guards can hear me from here, eating this sloppy cunt." Shining hissed. His wife looked at him, absolutely flushed and bashful, biting at her lower lip. It was driving her crazy, and he knew it. He could feel her bucking her hips, trying to get more stimulation, maybe just a little more, just enough to push her over the edge. He held her there for a few seconds, before finally dipping down to lap his tongue one more time over that twitching filly sex. "Roll over. Now!" shining Armor hissed, and Cadence promptly obeyed. She twisted over onto her belly, slightly lifting her round pink rump into the air with a quiet whimper of pleasure. Being the ruler of an empire by day, and dominated by a strong, commanding partner at night wasn't for everybody, that was for sure. But it certainly was for her. She gasped a pillow a pulled it under her head, waiting impatiently for things to continue... "Are you ready?" Shining hissed, a note of genuine concern in his voice. Cadence groaned. He always broke the immersion by worrying about her- but he was sweet like that. She gave a little whimper with only the slightest nod of her head as subtly as possible. They really needed to set up some safe words, sometime. He pressed into her, his fat length bigger than she remembered it- but then it always was. Always so fulfilling and thick and warm, and perfect. She loved every inch that jutted from his hips and nearly split her in two. "That's right. Take it slut! The next time we fuck like this it's gonna be in the guard's barracks. They'll all get to see just how I control my wife. The princess! Take it you filthy filly...you're so wet...are you going to cum? Are you gonna cum, Cadence? Do it! DO IT!" He snapped, and she gave a helpless squeal. She was already close when he started thrusting into her, and that dirty talk wasn't helping matters in the slightest. All he had to do was- SMACK His hoof bounced off her perky little rump with an echoing smack throughout the room, drawing in a helpless gasp from Cadence. She gushed. Hard. All that pent up emotion and stress from the day flooding out in a sticky climax of needy girl. She wriggled on the bed, crooning quietly as she hit her peak, and then hit it again, and then hit it a third time- all the while her husband's hot rigid member twitched warmly inside of her. Slowly he slide out, and she felt his weight rest over her body. "Now sleep," is all he said. Cadence's ears flickered upwards and she frowned. He sounded...different. His voice raspy, like his vocal cords were shifting about in his own throat. "Shin-MMphhh!" Cadence screamed as she was forcefully pushed face down into her pillow. Strong hooves held her down firmly, effectively smothering her while she twitched and kicked, trying to pull herself free and buck from underneath her husband's lethal grip. Shining Armor held her down with a grim, feminine chuckle and the last thing Cadence felt was a hot, searing sensation of magic frying into her skull. For a moment, it felt like she'd been knocked out, but only for a moment. "THATS ENOUGH!" She barked, throwing what little energy she could into bucking her husband off of her. To her surprise, he wasn't there. The room was empty, save for one panting, sweaty, post orgasmic princess. The door opened and Shining Armor poked his head in, ears folding back against his skull nervously. "Hey, honey. Sorry I'm late, I was shifting things around in the schedule to keep our security patrols up. I even had to ask for some guards from...Canter...lot...Sweetie are you okay?" Shining Armor asked, frowning at his panting wife. "DON'T YOU COME NEAR ME! THAT WAS WAY TO FAR AND YOU KNOW IT!!" She snarled. He immediately shook his head, holding up his hooves nervously. "Wh-what? What are you talki-"He sputtered, but she cut him off with a snarl, pointing her horn at his chest. "We are going to have a LONG talk in the morning, but for now, pack what you need and go to the guard barracks. You're sleeping THERE tonight," cadence growled. Shining armor stared in confusion, before his wife rose up on her hind legs and pointed towards the door. "GO!" Nervously, slowly, the stallion backed out of the room, trembling as he did so. He'd never seen Cadence so mad and try as he might, he couldn't figure out what on earth she was talking about. Sheepishly, he meandered down the hall, towards the barracks as he was asked, not daring make eye contact with a single of the guards. He was in the dog house, and he'd be the laughing stock of the troops if they knew. He didn't have time to deal with any insubordination that could rise from this. Not with a changeling somewhere on the grounds. Lost in thought and worrying about his wife, he didn't even notice the glimmering sparkle of emerald in the eyes of the fresh new recruit he walked by. The one with the slit pupils and the cheshire grin.