> Hugging the Shy > by Garfield23 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hugging the Shy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a day like any other within the small town of Ponyville, where we find a pony by the name of Treehugger lying within the summer’s sun and waiting for the arrival of a certain yellow Pegasus. As the moments pass on by Treehugger enjoys the feel of the soft grass beneath her back with her top having no back it allowed the grass to tickle her back. Suddenly a shadow passed over the top of her head. “Hey…man…I was enjoying…the rays…” she said opening her eyes slowly “Oh…Fluttershy…what…?” Fluttershy sighed as she reached into a bag “I brought the book you asked me to” she said as she readjusted her top so that it sat better to hide her figure “Anyway, it was nice of you to help me and I can’t wait for you to meet my friends” “No worries, Flutters” Treehugger said slowly taking in the sight of Fluttershy in her green dress “Sooo what we doing?” “Ummm we could go for a cup of tea?” Fluttershy said quietly as she rubbed her forearm “I mean if you want to I mean” “YYYeeaahh that sounds good” Treehugger said as she got up from the grass “What do you think of this new top?” “Oh? Um…it’s…nice” Fluttershy said as she blushed looking at the green top “It really matches your coat” “Yeah, that’s why I made it” Treehugger said as she gave Fluttershy a small twirl “Still I’ll have to make something to go with it” pointing to her long white skirt. “I think it’s nice” Fluttershy said as she looked at her friend’s skirt “It contrasts nicely” “Oh, Flutters it’s nice of you to say that” Treehugger laughed as she walked towards a café “Sooo you just going to stand there?” “Oh yeah! Just coming” Fluttershy said as she quickly caught up “So I was thinking…um…what do you think of Ponyville?” Treehugger gave a relaxed stretch, as she stopped and looked around slowly “MMM….this place has a good vibe…you know?” she said slowly “I could totally get down with staying here….you know….like for…a while” she then whispered “Anything to get to spend more time with you” “What’s that?” Fluttershy asked staring over Treehugger’s shoulder but could only make out very small text. “Oh nothing” Treehugger said before they sat down at the outdoors seating area outside the café “Just thinking” “Oh okay” Fluttershy said as she became more intrigued “It’s sounded important” “It wasn’t, Flutters” Treehugger said before taking a small look at the menu “The daisy salad might be good” “Hmmm, I think I might have a carrot casserole” Fluttershy said before raising a hand nervously to get the attention of a passing waitress who kept on walking on, not noticing the nervous Pegasus’s raised hand and walked inside the café “Oh dear” “Hey it’s all good, Flutters, haven’t you heard that patience is a beautiful thing” Treehugger said shrugging her shoulders “Anyway, relax or you’ll stress” “Oh okay” Fluttershy said leaning back in her chair, as she raised a hand to her shoulder and giving it a slight rub “Oh goodness, my shoulders have been so tense lately and all this organisation with the breezies” Treehugger giggled slightly “You just got to take deep breaths” she said slowly as she got up from her chair and walked round behind Fluttershy “Here let me help” as she began to gently massage Fluttershy’s shoulders “You’ve got wwwaaaayyyy too much stress” “HHMMMM” Fluttershy groaned as Treehugger’s hands began to tease out the annoying stress that she had been feeling for the past couple of days “I…ohhhhh….that feels too good…” “LADIES NOOO!” an alarmed voice cried out from behind them “NOT IN PUBLIC!” as the two turned round they found themselves face to face with an extremely shocked looking Rarity “Fluttershy, you should know better” “Rarity it’s not what you think” Fluttershy said trying to explain “Treehugger was simply…” “Doing something totally in appropriate in public!” Rarity exclaimed “There’s a time and place!” “What’s wrong with helping my friend relieve stress?” Treehugger asked looking calmingly at Rarity “You look too high strung to me too” Rarity bristled indigently before stating flatly “You may think it’s okay to…express your love but…” “WHAT!?” Fluttershy and Treehugger said together before looking at each other before laughing. “Rarity, with all due respect, Treehugger was just helping get a knot out of my shoulders” Fluttershy said quietly “Why would you think we liked each other…like that?” Rarity blushed, embarrassed as she ran a hand through her mane “Oh…sorry…I guess I let my imagination get the best of me” she said as she realised a small laugh of embarrassment “Let me make it up to the both of you” Treehugger sat back down before saying in her usual calm voice “Righteous. Why don’t you join us for lunch?” “I’d love to…who are you?” Rarity asked looking at Treehugger “Treehugger, it like really….surreal to meet you” Treehugger said in her calm tone. “Lovely to meet you. Oh dear, I just remembered, I’m sorry I have so much to do for Trenderhoof’s arrival and I got a little distracted” Rarity explained as she then rushed away. “She seemed cool” Treehugger said as she took another look at the menu. “She is” Fluttershy agreed with the calmer Treehugger statement. “Ahem. I’m sorry you two have waited so long” a waitress suddenly said as she appeared next to them in a tight fitting blue uniform “May I take your orders?” “Oh no, it’s cool” Treehugger said as she looked at the menu “You know I feel risky, bring me what Fluttershy here is having” “Right” the waitress said “How are you today, Fluttershy?” “Oh, Bonbon, how are you? I’m fine” Fluttershy said as she realised who it was in the cute waitress outfit. “Oh, I’m hanging in there but I do need to take your orders” Bonbon said as she ran a hand through her mane “So what are you having?” “Can we have two daffodil salads with extra rose leaves and two cups of cider?” Fluttershy said slowly as she took some bits from her purse “Here this should be enough?” “Perfect, as always, Shy. You know you’re always welcome to join Lyra and me?” Bonbon joked as she finished writing down the order but upon seeing the shocked look on Fluttershy’s face she released a small giggle “I’m joking, Shy, it was just a small offer” “Oh, Okay” Fluttershy smiled shyly as she looked back across at Treehugger. Treehugger simply readjusted her new top “Your too just tooo easy to wind up, Flutters” she said as she placed her hands on the table. “Oooo” Bonbon sighed looking at Treehugger who’s now readjusted top showed more of her ample cleavage “Um, are you spoken for?” Treehugger realised a small sigh “Nope, except by my love of nature” she said calmly as she reached a hand into her pocket and pulled out a small card, handing it to Bonbon “I’m Treehugger, that’s my handle anyways” Bonbon smiled “If your ever up for a fun night call Lira and me” she said as she winked at Treehugger “We’re always looking a third body” as she walked towards the café. “What a cool pony” Treehugger said as she looked across at Fluttershy who was still blushing trying to hide her face behind her mane “What’s up?” “I...I...I’m just embarrassed that Bonbon flirted with you” Fluttershy said as she tumbled with her purse “They flirt with every mare in town” Treehugger giggled “Oh, come on I bet they don’t flirt with every mare. What about the Princess?” she said as she readjusted her top again “Isn’t she a friend of yours?” “Twilight is my friend and yes they flirted with her” Fluttershy explained “Twilight wasn’t aware of it but I could tell, they wanted to have her naked and b…b…bu…ck her” “She seemed like totally into you” Treehugger observed as she made more of her cleavage visible to Fluttershy “Anyway what do you think of this?” “Ummm, Treehugger…you look…really…nice” Fluttershy stuttered trying to look anywhere but the very attractive mare across from her, large breasts and she could feel her arousal “Um, I need to go to the little mare’s room” “That’s cool” Treehugger said as she watched Fluttershy rush to the toilet. As she made it to the bathroom, Fluttershy pulled up her long green skirt so she could feel her soaked panties with a finger and she collapsed to the floor “No, I like stallions, Father said Celestia hates lesbians!” Fluttershy moaned as she hugged herself and thought back to her fillyhood “NOOO! I’m a good filly!” “You need to chill” Treehugger said as she walked into the bathroom locking the door behind her “You’re the most beautiful mare I’ve ever met, you’re so kind and I can’t help but feel uncool around you” Fluttershy stood up raising her arms to cover herself “I…I…I” she began to stutter as Treehugger drew closer “Please don’t” she finally said settling with quiet defiance “My dad always told me, I was a disgrace and the only way I could make it worse was being a lesbianpony!” “Whoa, why should that jerk’s opinion’s matter?” Treehugger asked clearly angry the first time, ever! “I’ve known you for two months and you’ve never mentioned your father once. You’ve mentioned your friends, your brothers and your mother more than twice each but every time the subject began to switch to fathers you changed it! Just so you know, I was raised by my mother because my father…did horrible things to her!” Fluttershy looked at Treehugger and saw tears in her eyes “I…I…didn’t know” she said quietly as tears fell from her eyes “I’m so sorry” Treehugger smiled weakly “It’s cool; I like you Flutters because you remind me of my awesome mum and that’s pretty awesome” she said as her smile grew stronger “You want to find a way to piss off both our fathers?” Fluttershy nodded but then realised “Wait…are you sure this is a good idea?” she asked nervously. Treehugger laughed “Only one way to find out…” she said closing the final few feet between them “…MMM!” she moaned as she locked her lips with Fluttershy’s glorious lips. Treehugger suddenly felt it, a warm feeling coming from her loins, it grew from there and spread all over her but finally she Pulled away from Fluttershy “Hey, Flutters, check this out!” she said as she pulled her top off and allowed her skirt to fall to the ground. “Oh…my!” Fluttershy said as she looked at the pony before her “You don’t wear underwear?” “Nah, it’s too confining but that’s not important your turn” she said watching the shy Pegasus nervously pull off her heavy green jumper and unclipped her skirt. Underneath was a very welcome surprise for Treehugger, Fluttershy’s breasts were huge and she was sooo slender “My my, your built like an angel” Fluttershy tried to hide her massive breasts “Please don’t stare” she mumbled as she turned her back to Treehugger “I…ohhh!” two hands had reached round her and were now playing with her breasts “P…Please…nooo!” “Just relax, Flutters” Treehugger cooed as she used one of her hands to unclip Fluttershy’s small bra that did a terrible job containing the Pegasus’s massive chest. Then moved onto Fluttershy’s soaked panties and pulled those down “There doesn’t that feel better” Fluttershy continued to try and hide her curves “Um…you’re really beautiful” she said shyly as she allowed her hands to drop to her sides and turned round “Please let me….” She looked at Treehugger blushing “…hold you” Treehugger smiled calmly as she stepped closer “Do whatever you like” she said as she guided Fluttershy’s hands to her breasts and encouraged her hands to close around them “There don’t they feel…ahhhh!” she moaned as Fluttershy began to play with her sensitive chest “Ahhh, oh…goodness…they’ve never…been sooo…mmm…sensitive!” Fluttershy continued to blush “I…I’m sorry” she said as her hands began to loosen around Treehugger’s sensitive breasts but Treehugger’s hands clasped around hers “WWhat?!” “I only said they were sensitive” Treehugger soothed as she leaned closer and locked her lips with Fluttershy “MMMM” she then reached her own hand down. “MMMMNOOOMMMM!” Fluttershy moaned as Treehugger’s hand found her sensitive clit and began to move two of her fingers around the sensitive spot “MMMMM!” Treehugger pulled away for a moment “SSSHHHH, just enjoy it!” she said before pushing her lips back against Fluttershy’s soft lips and then pushed her tongue inside “MMMM!” she moaned as she played with the tongue within Fluttershy’s mouth. As the kiss continued the two mares slumped to their knees, Treehugger then pushed forward, causing Fluttershy to be pushed onto her back and release a small yelp of surprise “Shhh, just chill, Flutters and keep playing with my chest” Fluttershy nodded as she continued to feel the Earth pony’s firm breasts “They’re so firm” she mumbled. Suddenly Treehugger stood up and turned round, slowly she lowered herself down, so that her flank was hovering just above Fluttershy’s face “Sorry, Shy but I need relieve and it looks like you need it…” she said as she lowered her head down to Fluttershy’s inviting pussy and took a long lick “..Too” Fluttershy moaned loudly as Treehugger began to lick her “N…N…No, Tre…Treehugger…I’m soo dirty…there” she moaned as Treehugger pushed two fingers inside her “OHHH! That feels so good!” “It does, doesn’t it mare and you like it! Now return the favour and lick me!” Treehugger begged feeling turned on by the yellow Pegasus and her moans. Finally Fluttershy took a tentative lick of Treehugger’s marehood “OOOOHHHH, Celestia, YESSS! Keep going! Your tongue feels sooo good!” “It tastes sooo good!” Fluttershy moaned as she buried her muzzle into the inviting pink folds of Treehugger “MMMM!” Treehugger felt incredible, the hottest mare in Equestria was now muzzle deep inside her and she was loving every second of it “MMMM!” she moaned as she continued to lick Fluttershy’s beautiful Marehood. Suddenly Fluttershy released a load moan and screamed “I’m sooo close!” as Treehugger pulled away “Wh...Why’d you stop?” “I like want to look you in the eyes when you climax” Treehugger said repositioning herself so that her marehood was on top of Fluttershy’s marehood and then the two mares locked their legs around the other “Now let us finish this” “Hmmm, let’s” Fluttershy hummed as she wrapped her arms around Treehugger’s back and pulled in for a kiss “This has been so nice” “Cool” Treehugger said as they locked lips and began to pulse themselves against one another. After a few moments, “MMMMMM!” Treehugger moaned as she climaxed. Moments later “MMMMM!” moaned Fluttershy as she too came and the two slumped to the ground, to catch their breath and as she stared into Treehugger’s eyes, Fluttershy said “That…was…nice” “Hmmm….yeah but I know how to make it nicer” a voice said from the corner.