> A Dream in Color > by 314 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dreamwalking on Rainbows > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I blinked my eyes, staring up at the library tree silhouetted by moonlight. I had absolutely no idea how I arrived here. The tree had been destroyed in my battle with Tirek, so how was it here now? And in the exact same place? I trotted forward, pressing a hoof against the bark. It felt real and rough, unlike any synthetic material. I pushed harder, only for the bark to crack under the pressure. I called upon my magic to test to see if the tree really was the tree, but something pushed back and neutralized the spell before it even left my horn. I tried again, harder this time, but only achieved the same result. “Curious,” I murmured, then stepped through the door into my old home. The inside was lit by moonlight and starlight shining in through the windows, but it cast much of the library into shadow. The first thing I noticed was the bookshelves. While they all had books, not a single one had a title save for a small portion of the fiction section. The Daring Do section, if everything else was in the proper place. The rest of the books were simply colorfully binded pieces of paper. I tried to pull one out—manually—but the object wouldn’t budge. It wasn’t that I was miserably weak, it just wouldn’t move. I cast my eyes around the room, looking for something else that didn’t match up with my memory of the tree. Directly across from me, swung open, was the door leading to the basement. There was a soft glow coming from it, as well as a slight noise I wouldn’t have noticed unless I was paying attention. I slowly crept towards it, ears flicking and realigning to try and get a fix on what the noise was. It wasn’t of somepony speaking, that was for sure. More like grunts and groans. What is going on here? I arrived at the door and tried to peek down the staircase to see what was happening below, only to find that it was longer than I expected. Instead of a small flight and then ground, this one spiraled around and around until I could no longer see it. “I swear Discord...” I took step after step down, speeding up as I went. Eventually I was taking the seemingly endless steps two at a time until I stumbled into something black and furry. I stumbled back in shock, my mouth open to let out a shout of surprise, when the thing tackled me and shut my mouth with a hoof. I gazed up into slitted, glowing yellow eyes looking down at me curiously. They narrowed at seeing my face, then the creature raised a hoof to its lips and slowly got off of me. It waved back up the steps, still silent. I tried to peer past it to see if there was anything beyond and caught a glimpse of light before the dark shape moved and blocked my view. Not knowing what else to do, I followed their command and trotted back up the steps with them close behind. This time, they seemed to take seconds to traverse, and I arrived back on the library floor moments after I began. I looked back to see whatever had stopped me, only to find the basement door silently being closed on quiet hinges. I looked in the blackness, but still saw nothing. Whoever it was had plenty of talent blending with the night. “Well then, Princess Sparkle, it seems we have a problem on our hands.” The voice purred from the general direction of the door, but I still couldn’t find the source. It sounded refined, and definitely masculine. Low as well, the elegant and rich voice that would fit an older member of the aristocracy. “Fear not, Princess Luna will be arriving shortly to solve this... predicament.” He let out a chuckle, the laugh echoing around the lonely building. “Who are you?” I asked, finally glimpsing a slight shift in the darkness. I started to advance towards it, only to find a hoof tapping me on the shoulder. I jumped in fright, slamming my hooves over my mouth in time to stifle an eep of surprise. “I am a sarosian. Second Lieutenant Ash of the Dream Guard, at your service.” He swept his hoof to the side and bowed, wings fluttering and revealing their bat-like structure as he did so. He had a dark grey coat, almost black, coupled with a slightly lighter grey mane. But everything appeared dark in here, so it could have been any color. I took the introduction in stride. Most ponies might have been worried about being trapped in a dark room with a bloodsucking pony, but I was not most ponies. Besides, sarosians didn’t need pony blood. And would do. “And so, Second Lieutenant Ash, where are we?” “A dream of course.” A dream? What? Was this my dream? That would explain a lot... except the books. I knew every single book on the walls of the library and what they looked like. You couldn’t view something in a dream you hadn’t viewed in real life, so I wasn’t in my dream. Interesting. “And whose dream are we in?” “That of your rainbow-maned friend. Rainbow Dash, is it?” I was in Rainbow’s dream? How in Equestria did that happen?! One minute I was falling asleep, the next, I was standing in front of the library. My library. But not my dream. Huh. But if this is Rainbow’s dream, she has to be here somewhere. The basement, naturally. However, if this is also a dream, then why was Ash here? And why did he prevent me from journeying into the basement? From the sound of it, Rainbow was in trouble. I couldn’t just let that slide. “As Princess of Equestria, I demand that you let me down there to help my friend.” Just as Ash opened his fanged mouth to speak, a melodic voice came from the door behind me, “As Princess of Equestria, I veto that demand.” “Princess Luna!” I exclaimed, spinning to spot the alicorn standing at the entrance. A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, and she gracefully moved towards Ash and me. “Lieutenant, I believe I can take over from here. We all know you weren’t watching the dream anyways.” “Guilty as charged ma’am.” He tossed us a wink, then flicked his wing through the air. It left a slice in space behind it, which he snapped open with a hoof and trotted through, disappearing and leaving the spontaneous exit to disappear behind him. “All in due time, Twilight. Come, walk with me.” Her comment stymied my voice, questions dying on my lips. I drew in a breath and followed her back out into the Ponyville replica. “I imagine you have many questions, and I shall do my best to answer all of them. Yes, you are dreamwalking. No, Ash was not a figment of your imagination. Rainbow Dash is perfectly fine. More than fine, actually.” “More than fine?” I asked, trotting slightly faster in order to keep up with her longer legs. She giggled, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks. “Indeed. Now, what more do you wish to know immediately?” I thought it over for a second, then naturally concluded the one question still eating away at me. “How am I dreamwalking?” “Excellent musing. The answer is that you have some of my latent magic inside of you. It has been growing the past months, and now finally manifested enough power to affect you. You have read the theories on latent and active magic, correct?” “Of course. Tirek’s arrival helped prove some of their points, while disproving others.” “As a whole, the theory is correct. All ponies have latent and active magic. My sister and I researched the topic long ago. Now, when we alicorns gave our power to you, the spell was strong enough that it dragged portions of our latent magic along with it. But when Tirek took our magic from you, he did not possess the ability to steal latent magic as well. Had he been able to do so, there would have been genocide instead of a simply bit of mayhem. As a result, you were left with pieces of Celestia, Cadance, and me in you. Make sense?” “So far. And I’m guessing that dreamwalking is part of your latent magic?” “Correct. Dreamwalking is one of the inherent magical abilities I have. There are others, that you will no doubt manifest later. But we will have enough time to talk about those then.” “Well, if I’m dreamwalking right now, what about Celestia’s and Cadance’s magic?” “Celestia has a much more subtle magic. Much of hers is passive, such as in her connection with nature and her ability to detect falsehoods. So you might become a better lie detector, but I doubt much will change because of her. Especially given the fact that you were raised mostly in her care, and as such developed much of her morality.” “And Cadance?” “She is the Alicorn of Love as you know. As such, you will have probably noticed an increased libido by now.” “Princess!” She shrugged, walking without even a hint of red on her cheeks. Meanwhile, I felt like I was on fire, my coat bright red despite the purple. “’Tis a fact of life, dear Twilight. I advise you to become less squeamish on the topic of sex, as it is one you will be encountering quite frequently from here on out. If you wish to become more comfortable with it, I would be happy to help you become accustomed to it, as would Cadance. But we were talking about her latent magic.” Right. Magic. Not... that. I didn’t even know how to do that! Was that really part of my magic now? Ugh. I’d figure it out later. She’s still talking. “Again, much of her magic revolves around love, relationships, and sex. So you might find yourself in a romantic relationship within the next few months or so. However, keep in mind that this is all speculation. Don’t worry if you aren’t dating.” She stopped then turned to face me. “Twilight, do not worry if you aren’t dating. Do you understand?” I nodded, mentally writing down the reminder. Let it happen. Okay. Don’t go making a list of all acceptable candidates in Ponyville like you were already doing. “Understood Princess.” “Now, I should show you a thing or two about dreamwalking before you accidentally punch holes in the dreamrealm and make my job harder.” The world spun around me as it all whirled into blackness. I had a brief moment of panic at being completely blind before light came rushing back in. When I was able to see again, it looked like we were standing in space. Like the space I had seen upon becoming an alicorn, only more blue. Stars dotted the distant horizon, and a glowing ball hung overheard symbolizing what must have been the moon. Luna started trotting forward again, walking on seemingly thin air. Hesitantly, I put a hoof forward. It did exactly what I expected it to and failed to find solid ground. The motion tipped me forward and I spun around without any ground or friction to hold me in place. My wings flared out to stop my motion, only to push me forward again. “Princess!” I shouted, trying to catch her attention and get help. I was floating through space, barely able to control my flight with frantic flaps of my wings. “The dream fulfills what you think will happen!” she called, not even turning around. “Imagine gravity working again.” I have to think about gravity working? But there was no mass anywhere except for me and Luna! And even that was debateable. Alright, focus Twilight, focus. There’s ground under Princess Luna’s feet. Definitely. And it extends all the way over here. So I should have hooves on the ground. Think think think! A moment passed, but I was still floating in midair like a leftover party balloon. I was flailing my limbs, trying to get some semblance of motion, but I merely fluttered along in a roughly straight path. “Gravity doesn’t work!” I heard the faint chuckle of Luna’s voice echo across the... room space thing before there was a tug of magic at my hoof. I found myself dragged over to her, gently bobbing along as my mind struggled to put gravity in place. “Princess, there isn’t any mass here? How am I supposed to make gravity?” “You don’t make it, you imagine it. Science will do you no good here. Your perception is still bound by the laws of magic and science that you are thusly limited. Use your imagination. Create.” She waved a hoof through the air and plucked a red rose from it, smelling it before tossing it back to me. As I caught the flower, it exploded into dozens of tiny blades of grass that fluttered away on an invisible breeze. Focus Twilight. You can do this. Just create ground. Magic it into being. I screwed my eyes up in thought, concentrating on trying to have something to walk on. What seemed like ages passed, but I was still floating in midair. Sighing, I opened my eyes, only to find Luna staring at me bemusedly. Looking past her, I saw that there was green for miles. Earth and grass and trees, all suddenly formed. And I was still floating above it. “Woohoo!” I cheered. With something below me, it was easy enough to finally make me walk along it. I just had to imagine the ground being ridiculously dense and no problem. “Okay, I can do that. What’s next?” “Next is the dream itself. Right now, we’re walking through what I like to call the Nether. It is what connects all the dreams. An oasis of magic. And only dreamwalkers like myself or the Dream Guard can access it. To connect to a dream simply—” Her horn glowed slightly, and a wave of a hoof brought a familiar oak door from nowhere. Emblazoned on it was a cutie mark of rainbow lightning coming out of a cloud. “Imagine an entrance.” I pushed it open and found myself walking into the main room of the Golden Oak Library once again. “Are we back in Rainbow’s dream?” “Indeed. It is easiest to walk into the dream of a close one. My guess is that Rainbow happened to be sleeping close to you when you fell asleep, which is why the connection formed.” Her lithe form slipped past me, heading for the slightly ajar basement door. “She’s probably napping above the castle.” “Perhaps. Now, what we are about to do is observe a pony’s dream. Usually the Dream Guard helps take care of this, as well as interfere if an adult pony is having nightmares. Foals I handle myself. But in order to do so, we must disguise ourselves lest we ruin the dream.” Her horn glowed softly, and I was suddenly able to see through my hooves to the rug I was standing on. An invisibility spell then. Practical. Glancing up at Luna, she had the same effect on her, only a thin outline of light traced around her image. Hmm, if you were able to imagine that you can do something in a dream, could any unicorn cast spells by imagining that they could do it? How about an earth pony? A pegasus? Could I cast any magic I wanted, no matter the difficulty just by thinking about it? Wait, I couldn’t cast magic earlier. What’s up with that? Luna just casted a spell now... was it all about my perception of it? “Twilight?” The calm voice snapped me out of my spiraling questions. I swallowed, then laughed nervously. “Sorry Princess. I was thinking about all the things you could do in a dream.” “You will have plenty of time to test the waters. Now follow me down. The observatory spell will hold as long as you don’t touch Rainbow Dash.” Luna began trotting down the steps and I followed, albeit hesitantly. Hadn’t there been groans of pain before? Now I could barely hear that, but there was still some noise. It got louder with each step down I took, following the barest outline of the alicorn in front of me. Eventually, light crept into the spiraling staircase, and I could see the stairs come to an end on a floor covered with overlapping carpets of all different shapes, sizes, and colors. Princess Luna stopped just as she rounded the corner. I bumped into her rear without even realizing, then instinctively went to rub my nose from phantom pain. I couldn’t see around the corner yet, making me curious as to what lay beyond. I could clearly hear muffled panting and a slight groan every few seconds, and the noise was accompanied by an unfamiliar smell. It was slightly sweet, and almost smelled like I did after running a long distance. Odd. “Twilight,” Luna whispered, the voice easily carrying to my ears, “Step back a little.” The dream froze around me, then slowly faded back into the place we had been before. A small window floated to one side of us, showing the paused dream. “What is it Princess?” I started to feel a lance of panic growing in my chest. What if Rainbow was hurt? I had heard some soft noises coming from around the corner. Was she in pain? What about those groans from earlier, has Rainbow been tormented that long? Wouldn’t that make this a nightmare? Why didn’t the Dream Guard do anything about it? Why didn’t— “Twilight, focus.” I stopped thinking for a second and realized that I was flying in circles up above Luna. And upside down. How was I defying gravity? That wasn’t possibli— Whump! “Ow.” I rubbed my head where it impacted the grassy plain I had conjured. For a dream where you’re not supposed to feel pain, that actually hurt. Laughter came from over my shoulder and I spun around to see Luna laying on the ground, casually picking up blades of grass and turning them into different flowers. “Twilight, we need to talk for a moment before you go back into the dream. Tell me, how much do you know about sex and relationships?” “Well, a mare and a stallion make kids by—“ “Nonono, not using science. Emotions.” “Well, none I guess,” I admitted ashamedly. I hadn’t ever had time to find a coltfriend. Or any friends. “Have you ever heard of bondage?” My eyes scrunched up, trying to recall where I had heard the word before. “It has to do with slavery. Having someone else in control of you.” “Correct. How about ligotage?” That was a new word. I’d have to research that later. “Um, something to do with tying?” “Close enough. It’s another word for bondage, but a different kind.” She got up and started to pace back and forth, ruffling her feathers before speaking again. “For some ponies, plain sex gets boring after a time. So they try different ways to make it interesting.” “But it’s sex, isn’t that supposed to be exciting for most ponies?” “Are you ever happy doing the same thing over and over without much variation?” “Sometimes,” I sheepishly replied, blushing slightly. “Well, you’re not like most ponies.” We shared a laugh, then Luna continued. “Different ponies do different things, but one of the most common ones is tying ponies up. Rendering them immobile, making them helpless, and totally dependent on their partner. There’s generally a dominant, the one tying, and a submissive, the one being tied.” “Wasn’t that an ancient Equestrian punishment outlawed for cruelty?” “Well, yes, but it isn’t the same. In this, consent is probably the most important thing. Both ponies are fully aware of the consequences and agree to them. They can stop at any time through use of a prearranged signal such as a word or hooftap.” “It’s weird, but I’ve never been one to judge ponies because they enjoy something weird. But what does this have... to do... with Rainbow?” My voice trailed off as I made the connection, finally concluding what exactly the dream we left was. “You mean that’s something she enjoys?” “Apparently.” I bit my lip, tilting my head back and forth as I considered the situation from all points of view. So Rainbow liked something a little weird. A lot weird. Maybe she just wanted an excuse to let loose. I guess it’s not easy being her. “Which one is she? Dominant or submissive, I mean.” “From the glance I saw, submissive.” Huh. I wasn’t expecting that. But wait, why wasn’t I? Maybe this is one of those things where the way ponies act in public is the opposite of how they act alone. Rainbow always seems so strong and upbeat that I guess she wanted a way to escape it all. At least it’s better than some other methods of escapism. Really, this isn’t harmful to anyone. If Rainbow liked something like this, who was I to judge her? It was her life. Oooo, I know almost nothing about this so maybe she could teach me about it! Study date! “Something the matter?” “What? No.” “Ah. It’s just that I saw your eyes light up in eagerness.” “Well I’ve got a few more questions.” “Understandable.” She settled down next to me, gently laying a wing across my back. It was comforting, like being given a hug by Celestia, but different. Still good, just... different. “First of all, how do you know all about this?” “Twilight, before Cadance, sex fell under my domain while love fell under Celestia’s. I have also partaken in a great deal of the activities myself. When you are an immortal, you are constantly seeking ways to entertain yourself. Bondage was a way to do that. While I have rarely practiced as a sub, I’m quite the experienced dom.” “You’re into it?!” Was everyone but me secretly in on this? How did I not know about it before now? “Indeed. Another of your friends also enjoys the activity, though I will not say whom. It is a great deal more common than you might expect.” I wonder if it’s Applejack. Isn’t she good with ropes and lassos? Or maybe Rarity. She acts like such a lady all the time that she could be hiding it. Rainbow hid it well. For all I know, it could be Fluttershy or Pinkie, there’s just too many variables. Should I do a full evaluation? No, I don’t know enough about the topic yet to isolate the facts that matter. “Is bondage just with rope?” “Definitely not. Bondage is simply one part of a whole group of kinks called BDSM. That covers bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism, and masochism. Bondage could be with hoofcuffs, chains, silk, cloth, clothing, magic, or even nothing but the willpower of the dom.” Oh wow, that’s a lot. So much research! I should just start from the top. Bondage. Easy enough, right? I can just ask Rainbow. Or maybe I could just look in her dream. Wouldn’t that help it all? “Could we maybe go back and watch the rest of the dream?” Luna’s cheeks flushed with a very, very faint redness, but there was no hiding the smile on her face. “Are you sure you would be okay?” “It can’t be that bad, can it?” “Twilight, I won’t sugarcoat it. Because this is a dream—and one to fulfill Rainbow’s wildest fantasies at that—it was quite intense. Rainbow Dash had all four hooves bound with cloth, and her wings were also bound with similar cloth. She has a gag in her mouth preventing speech and a collar around her neck. From the looks of it, the scenario had been going on for some time. She has been sweating heavily and, due to being incredibly aroused the entire time, her vagina has been producing large amounts of fluid. In short, she looks like a mess. However, I can sense the feeling she is having about her dream and it is nothing short of euphoria.” Wow. That’s... a lot. Did she really like it that much? That doesn’t sound very pleasant, but Luna said she was alright. And there was somepony else with her, right? “What about whoever is supposed to be taking care of her? Her dom, or something. Who is it? Soarin’, another Wonderbolt, who?” I asked, suddenly concerned that she had been abandoned. “The pony that is her dom is none other than you. Or rather, a dream version of you.” What? Rainbow was having a dream about me doing things to her? What was that all about? And as her dominant partner? Actually, as her partner at all?! What did that mean about Rainbow’s feelings for me? So many questions... Luna interrupted my train of thought, “Yes, that does mean she’s interested in you.” “H-how?” Luna chuckled, then pulled me in for a closer hug. “How? By you being you. For whatever reason, Rainbow Dash’s mind picked you as the pony that they were incredibly intimate with. Most likely that means she is romantically interested in you, but that is a discussion for the waking world.” “I-I don’t know what to say.” “Tell her thank you if the discussion ever comes up. One does not engage in bondage with somepony else unless there is absolute trust, dream or no. How else would you willingly let yourself be tied up?” She had a really good point. Whoa, Rainbow liked me? She liked me? How? What did I do to make her like me and trust me so much that I appeared in her dream? What do I do now? Do I ask her? Do I wait for her to do something? What do I do? Deep breaths Twilight. Just like Cadance taught you. Wait, Cadance! I can ask her! Yes! Perfect, perfect solution. And it’ll mean we get to hang out together again without Discord. I hope. Oh, now I can’t wait. I hope I remember everything after I wake up. “So Rainbow apparently trusts me enough to let me tie her up?” “Not necessarily. She may, but it might also be something that could only occur in a dream. She might be too scared or too untrusting to let anyone do that to her. Every pony is different, and you know her better than me.” Okay then. How should I bring it up? I want her to trust me like that. If Rainbow isn’t happy, I want to make her so. I need a plan of attack. But where to begin? I’ll let Cadance help with that. “So what happens now?” “Now? Now you can just wake up and you and I can meet to discuss possible side effects of the latent magic.” “What about Rainbow?” Luna looked down at me curiously, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “What about Rainbow?” “What’ll happen to her?” “She’ll finish the dream and wake up a happy and rather satisfied pony.” “Can we watch?” Luna let out a rather long laugh and, for a moment, I worried I’d done something wrong. But then she looked down at me again and smiled. “We most certainly can.” I smiled back, but I started to get nervous. What if I couldn’t handle it? She said Rainbow was going through a lot. Luna explained it all, but it was still so new. Alright Twilight, just remember this is Rainbow Dash you’re talking about. The Element of Loyalty. If she is enjoying herself, the least you can do to repay her is to be loyal to her regardless, no matter what it is. “Um, before we go into it, can I at least see what it’s going to look like? I don’t want to be shocked.” The window that had been off to the side now floated over to me, then repositioned itself in the room. Images whirred by until I had an aerial view of the scene. I bit my lip at the sight, despite the fact that it was a still. Rainbow was spread out on the smooth wooden table. Each of her hooves had a piece of cloth leading from it to the table leg below, effectively rendering her immobile. Cloth also wrapped around her chest to prohibit the use of her wings, but not too tightly to impair her breathing. A strap ran around the back of her head to secure a ball gag in her mouth. It was pinkish-red in color, had three holes to let air through, and was currently covered in drool. Just below it, fastened around her neck, was a collar that looked to be made out of synthetic leather. It was a plain strap with a shiny silver buckle, except that it had a metal tag hanging from the front. I couldn’t read what it said, but that didn’t matter that much. As for the actual state Rainbow was in, her parts of her mane were sticking to her skull from sweat, and her body was mostly relaxed. Small lines of saliva had run down her face to the table, but that was all. A small puddle had formed between her legs. My eyes only flicked over that briefly, blushing as I noticed where it was coming from. My gaze found hers, and I finally saw the last piece I needed to know that, for all its strangeness, Rainbow was enjoying herself. Her eyes were bright, eager, and excited. There wasn’t a single trace of fear or worry or terror in them. She was willingly subjugating herself. And as her loyal friend, I was okay with that, even if I didn’t entirely understand it yet. “Okay Luna. Is it time to go back into the dream?” “If you still want to.” “I do. I want to see how this plays out. It’ll be important for any research I do.” “If you say so. But Twilight, do try and enjoy yourself.” The Nether swam and distorted in front of me until we were in the basement again. It seemed almost homely, despite being nothing like the basement I remembered. Smooth oak walls, a table here and there, and, well, it just felt right being back in the library. I trotted around the corner to see Rainbow with my own eyes and almost ran into the dream Twilight coming from a room that hadn’t been there a moment before. I stopped, then flopped to the ground. I was eager to see how this would turn out. For purely scientific reasons of course. Twilight stalked over to Rainbow, gently brushing her exposed belly with her tail when she arrived. Immediately, she went towards Rainbow’s head and gave her a kiss on the cheek, smiling. “Having fun yet, Dashie?” “Mmhm,” came the muffled response, along with a nod. “Good.” Twilight’s tongue lapped all across Rainbow’s face, smearing it with saliva and slowly leading up to her ear. Once there, she nibbled on it gently, teasing and tugging on it just enough to make Dash squirm. Her horn lit up and a shimmer of magic appeared around Rainbow’s marehood, gently rippling as it teased it. She writhed in response, trying to get more of the sensation, but the bonds held her in place. “Not yet. Be patient.” Leaving the ear alone for the time being, Twilight went over and undid the straps holding Rainbow’s wings in place. She gently spread one out in front of her and set to preening it ever so slowly. She hit every single pleasurable point on the wing, making the massage there last even longer. It wasn’t enough to get Dash off, but it was certainly enough to tease her relentlessly. And there wasn’t any escaping it; she was stuck until Twilight saw fit to release her. The taunting of her wings went on for another five minutes, Rainbow on a pleasure high the entire time. Finally, Twilight backed off and hopped up onto the table. She placed a hoof between her own legs and brought it back shimmering. She lazily traced it up Rainbow’s chest, leaving a trail of sweet-smelling wetness in her sweaty fur. Magic undid the ballgag and tossed into the side, though the collar stayed as tight as ever. “Lick,” Twilight commanded, holding her hoof in easy tongue reach. Rainbow did so without a second thought, cleaning it in seconds, yet still continuing to lap at the wet coat. Eventually, it met Twilight’s high level of cleanliness and she reversed herself, turning her back to Rainbow. From where Dash lay on the table, she could see nothing else but a dripping wet slit, winking every few seconds in hopes of some stallion mounting her. It exposed the pinkish insides, sticky with the arousal that was flowing out already. A moderately plump rear sandwiched it, one that Twilight shook to tease her pegasus even more. “Come on, aren’t you hungry?” She lowered it just enough for Rainbow to lean up and lick it, drinking down as much of the fluid as she could. Some dribbled down her chin and spilled on her chest, but she only cared about what she managed to get. It tasted delicious, like sweet apple cider with a hint of peaches. The smell of it drove her crazy, that sweet, yet intoxicating musk of Twilight’s. It made her crave more and more, despite being just barely out of reach. “Is that the best you can do? Hmph.” She lowered her butt a little bit more, just enough for Rainbow’s tongue to slip in. Twilight let out a sigh of relief as her mare continued to go to town, licking and slurping. Her legs shook a little, and that was all the sign she needed to let them down completely. She half-smothered Rainbow’s face, but by the increased sensation, she hadn’t minded. Rainbow’s snout was now buried almost all the way into Twilight, spreading her wider. Now she just needed to cum. She wanted to cum and she wanted Twilight’s cum. Her legs bucked weakly at the cloth shackles keeping her in place, but they refused to budge. A whimper passed her lips, the vibrations making Twilight moan in pleasure. “Alright my little pegasus, I think you’ve earned your reward.” Now, Twilight bent down and started licking at Rainbow’s pussy. It was even more aroused than hers had been due to hours of relentless teasing and playing without release. It had been a long night, but it was all worth it. Her magic tugged at Dash’s tailhole, massaging it and even pushing in slightly while her tongue did the same. She used her magic to cheat a little, coaxing Rainbow’s clit out. Her mouth latched onto it, suckling on it like a teat. She felt rather than heard the moan from her partner, the ripples of pleasure spreading all throughout her body. Rainbow stopped completely as her vision went white, completely lost in the pleasure as she finally climaxed after one hour, forty-two minutes, and thirty-seven seconds. Her whole body shuddered and bucked against the restraints as the flood released, soaking Twilight’s muzzle with hot marecum. The butt was lifted off of her and she panted, chest heaving and barely able to see past the end of her nose. Relentless, Twilight kept licking and slurping and brought another body-wracking orgasm. Two more, and Rainbow didn’t even the strength to moan. She simply lay on the table, with spots dancing across her eyes. The restraints fell off her hooves, but she still didn’t move them. Twilight slowly got up and off of her, then shifted to her side and nuzzled up next to her. “Did you have fun?” “Y-yeah Twi. Th-th-thanks.” She giggled, brushing a lock of hair out of Rainbow’s eyes. “Don’t mention it. I had fun too.” “But, but you didn’t even get... to cum.” “I don’t need to. Seeing you all happy and satisfied is enough for me.” Twilight’s hooves went to undo the collar from Rainbow’s neck, but a shaky cyan hoof stopped her. “No. L-leave it. I... I kinda like it.” Her face broke out in a blush, only to be covered up by a kiss from Twilight. “Well, good thing I like you too.” “Mmm.” Rainbow turned and snuggled up close to Twilight, her instincts taking over. She became the little spoon between them, butting her head up underneath Twilight’s. “Love ya too, Egghead.” With that, she fell asleep, not even having enough strength to snore curled up with Twilight. I watched them the whole time, feeling more focused on this part than all of the sex that had gone on before. I felt some kind of attachment to the moment, probably because I was seeing myself in it. “I want that,” I murmured, scarcely speaking above a whisper. I heard and felt the gentle hooves of an alicorn come up next to me ad sit down again. “It isn’t impossible, you know. If you asked Rainbow, she would probably say yes. And I could teach you how to make her happy in the bedroom.” I felt my eyelids slipping along with Rainbow’s, sleepy in a dream I should have been wide awake in. There was even a damp spot underneath me, but I was still only focused on the couple in front of me. “Princess, this whole situation is making so little sense to me. I’m glad that Rainbow is okay and happy, but I can’t help but be curious about all... that.” “The sex?” “Yes. And the emotion. They just seemed so comfortable with each other, and this is only a dream.” “Precisely. This was a dream. It looked amazing because that is how powerful this desire is for Rainbow Dash. That, and because Second Lieutenant Ash helped it along. He has a thing for these types of dreams,” she paused for a moment, then chuckled. “Most of the Dream Guard does, as a matter of fact. But what matters right now is that we sit back and see how the latent magic manifests in you.” “And then?” “We deal with it. In the meantime, try to live a little. Okay Twilight?” She gave me a pointed look, then a sly wink and nod towards Rainbow. Could she have been more obvious? “Okay, Twilight?” she repeated, not sure how to treat my lack of response. “Okay, Princess.” She gave me one last smile before standing up, turning around, and walking off while the dream shattered into millions of pieces behind her. Twilight and Rainbow disappeared in a flash, and all I saw was blackness rising up to meet me.