Stormy Daze's Slaughterama Funhouse!

by Party Pop

First published

Come see the ponies you love to hate ripped to shreds!

Welcome to Stormy Daze's Slaughterama Funhouse! Here, you can see the ponies, dragons, gryphons, and other conglomerations of sentience most hated by the crowd torn to pieces in the most gruesome and horrific ways possible! Each week, the votes will be tallied here, and the next victim will be brought to the stage! So come, one and all, to Stormy Daze's Slaughterama Funhouse, where your darkest dreams come true!

Round 1, Twinkle Swirls

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Twinkle Swirls skipped along a street in Manehattan, humming to herself happily. She wasn't in the best part of town, but that was ok! She was Twinkle Swirls, princess of the lights! Everypony absolutely loved her, and she knew that she could do no wrong because she was so perfect. She bumped into someone suddenly, and fell onto her rump. She looked up, but couldn't see who the pony was, since they were shrouded in darkness. She giggled in her cutesy way and stood back up.

"Oopsie! Sorry about that! I guess I just didn't see you there! Are you o-" She said, prattling like she would never stop, but she did stop, because a chloroformed cloth came across her muzzle, and she was out in an instant, her girly pink form falling to the concrete. Zippy Twist smiled, and dragged the mare into the darkness.

When Twinkle Swirls awoke, she found herself shackled with chains on all four hooves, making running impossible. A ring had been placed on her horn, short-circuiting her magic, and her wings were tied down... Her wings and horn, the two things that made her special, were taken from her. What was she really, without them? Not much more than a childish, nauseatingly pastel mare with nothing unique or interesting about her at all. Was it possible that her whole existence had been for naught? She didn't have time to think about it, because a mare was walking up to her. She was a lemon yellow color, with a curly, light blue mane, which had an interesting black lightning bolt stripe in it. Her soft, friendly-looking eyes were a startling lime green, and she was wearing rather odd clothes. Twinkle Swirls' eyes shot open in horror as she realized that the other mare's clothes were made of pony skin, feathers, and horns, dyed to look nice. She trembled in fear as the new mare led her out to a stage, where a similarly dressed stallion was standing. He smiled, and walked up to a microphone stand.

"Welcome, fillies and gentlecolts! I'm Stormy Daze, your host for this delightful little game, and this is my assistant, Zippy Twist!" He said to the crowd, who was shrouded in darkness. They cheered as Zippy led out the terrified princess Twinkle. Stormy held up a paper in front of him with a chuckle, spreading his wings to distract the eyes of the audience as Zippy got Twinkle Swirls set up.

"And our latest contestant for the game is... Princess Twinkle Swirls! Her crimes, you may ask? Well, her crimes, as listed here, are being a princess without any discernable reason why, being too OP, being a 'Mary Sue', uncreative design, a generic name and having virtually no backstory!" Twinkle Swirls trembled in terror as she heard the list. She thought being a perfect pony was all she needed to be loved. Did ponies truly hate her? She thought all she needed was to be pretty, and the rest would fall into place! Zippy Twist giggled as she brought out a spinner, with various crude drawings of execution methods upon it. Zippy walked up to the wheel and looked to the eager audience.

"Now, for those of you who are new to the game, I'll explain the rules. I'll spin this wheel, and it will select our method of execution, which Stormy and I will then perform on our contestant for your entertainment!" Twinkle gasped in horror, and attempted to wriggle out of her chains, but to no avail. Zippy laughed when she noticed the alicorn's plight

"As you can see, she is quite securely restrained, so none of you have to worry about missing out on the fun!" She said, causing a tear to run down Twinkle Swirls' cheek. Zippy looked to the wheel, and gave it a good spin. Stormy hopped up next to it, ever the eager showman.

"Yes, that's right, Zippy! And who knows where the spinner will land? Nopony knows! The suspense is killing me!" He watched as the wheel slowed, inching Twinkle closer and closer to her fate. It landed on a sketch of a pony stuffed in a cylinder, surrounded by... bees? Stormy smiled and shifted his wings.

"And the verdict is... Death by accelerated Scaphism!" Stormy declared, sending the crowd into a loud cheer. Twinkle shivered in fear. If the crowd liked it that much, it had to be simply awful! Zippy came out from backstage, wheeling a glass tube, two large metal canisters, a funnel, and a large metal box, all surrounded by a glass box. Stormy walked up to the box and looked to the crowd.

"One of my personal favorites, too! Zippy will stuff our contestant into the glass tube inside the glass box, which we have up for your safety. Then, she and I will force feed Twinkle Swirls milk and honey, and cover her in honey. Then, we'll remotely release bees into the glass box, and cover the honey with maggots!" Twinkle gasped in horror at the thought. How could they do something so horrendous?

Zippy picked her up roughly, jarring her out of her thoughts. It was too late to get away, this was her kingdom come. She squirmed as they shoved her into the tube, but to no avail. It was very tight, and made it hard to breathe. The funnel was strapped to her face, and a seemingly never-ending stream of milk and honey was poured into her mouth. Now, typically she enjoyed these two things, and at first she didn't mind it too much, but they never gave her a chance to breathe. Just when she thought she would collapse from the lack of oxygen, they stopped, letting her breathe at last. Her face was already sticky, but soon, her whole body was. She shivered as the two ponies who had her at their mercy poured a whole tub of honey over her head, covering her in sugary death. Then, Zippy grabbed a small container that had been hidden under the cylinder until now, and, to Twinkle's horror, poured live maggots over her head. Then she and Stormy left the box, leaving behind a screaming and terrified Twinkle Swirls, writhing in agony as the maggots bit her all over. Then, the big metal box slowly opened, and the faint humming sound that had been coming from it turned into a mad buzzing as hundreds of bees swarmed around Twinkle Swirls. She tried to scream, but her mouth filled up with bees and maggots in an instant after opening it. She tried to struggle, but the stinging menaces were quicker, covering her body in sharply painful stings, the maggots tore at her flesh more painfully than any claws could, and in about five minutes, she was nothing more than bones.

Stormy and Zippy walked up to the front of the stage, big smiles upon their faces. Stormy couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, she didn't last long, did she Zippy?" Stormy said to his assistant. She laughed too, looking back at him.

"No, she didn't! The clock says she took about five minutes to go!"

"And good riddance, too! The last thing Equestria needs is another Mary Sue fake princess!" Stormy said with a chuckle. He looked out of the story's webpage to the reader, a grin upon his face.

"Thanks for showing up! We hope you enjoyed the show!" He said. "Don't forget to tune in for the next one!"