The White Stag King

by Cocoa Swirl 10201

First published

Run with the wind child! She beckons ye to a higher power... follower her fast! Or miss the passing of his highness...

She called me here to the edge of this wood. The tops of the trees gently brush the sky with gentle loving strokes. I inhale the fresh air of the newborn summer. The wind has beckoned me here to this forest of fae. She tells me of a king with an antler crown, and wisdom for those willing, or worthy to hear.

Come now, tread carefully in this wood. Listen intent-fully to the sound of his thundering hooves, run with him now, hurry and catch up! Listen to the voices of the fae, an be bestowed with the knowledge olde!

"He Awaits Ye in the Wood Of Fae..."

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The wind whispered at the back of my ears, blowing just the faintest of strands of my mane past my face. They both seemed to be pointing me in the same direction. I held my head up higher, to look father down the hill I stood atop. Several yards away, were the ever infamous woods that all foals have been told to stay away from. Again, the wind brushes my cheeks gently, as if calling me down the hill, and I do as I was asked to do.

I ignored every instinct to turn the other way, as a wise mare should've done. I started with a heavy trot down the hill, but the wind blew faster this time, and I ran with her. I felt as if i was soaring, she blew under my hooves and past my sides, only increasing my fantasy of flight which I knew would be never true. I rolled the rest of the way down the enormous hill, laughing to my hearts content. But I stopped suddenly as the wind called me on further. I stood up and cautiously approached the edge of the woods, The tree's were unimaginably high. They seemed to shake hooves with the sky, slowly swaying with just the slightest kiss of the breeze above.

I looked back down to my level and ahead. I could almost here music, strange and ethereal, But at the same time beautiful and enchanting. The music had a thundering echo that acted as the drums, voices high and low blended into perfect harmony, making the song sound like it was the music of legend tales. Notes of what seemed to be a harp, or lyre, cut through the air like an arrow. The wind blew harder still, and this time I heard a voice...

Run with him, follow the drumming of musical thunder... Follow him fast, and keep up ye should. He chose ye be beckoned here, and learn what thou people hast forgotten... Run with him, and be gifted with a lifetime... He waits for ye in the wood of fae...

With that, I ran. I ran and ran and ran. I breathed in the sharp scents of leafy undergrowth, and the softer tones of ferns and hidden herbs. I didn't care what I was doing, where I was going, or why I was doing this. I just did what I was told, by the wind and by my heart. My thought process stopped, my heart a flutter like a faeries wing. Time slowed and the earth hung still, by breathe in perfect rhythm with the harmony of the faeries tune. I was now one with this earth, I could almost feel the world's heartbeat. She breathed slowly and steadily, to her own earthly beat.

I'm free, I'm free at last! Home was nothing but a blur in my memories, and my cares were shredded and tossed to the wind, turning into butterflies and flying away into the cosmos of infinite expansion. I ran endlessly, the music was my tool, my running the dance! The he appeared besides me, The most beautiful creature to have ever lain eyes on.

The White Stag King. He wore an antler crown, His stature was tall an grand, for all to bask in his glory! His helmet was a shining gold, and he wore leg guards on his front legs, they looked like leaves, but yet shined with enchantment... They were an amour that protected for anything, by anything. His fur was the grandest of all whites, with tinges of silver hues. The sun shone of the silver like that of a silver charm. His radiance poured into the woods, making everything even more glamorous than what the mortal realm should of been.

I ran in perfect rhythm to his storm of bass. He looked down upon me with the greenest of eyes, and smiled a very slight smile. We never lost pace and we kept in perfect balance. The faery music never died down, but only to continue to and endless circle. It thrived like these woods, for the very music itself was the forest's spirit, playing mother earth's lullaby. But only those willing to listen will hear her song of eternity.

I let out a ghostly tone, it wavered like a sirens song, ringing throughout the woods and becoming one with it's spirit. The King followed her suite, and bellowed a sound that sounded like a war cry, the phantom note hit a high frequency, and became a song of it's own, blending to the back round of the beat.

This, this was the greatest thing ever to happen! Why were the villagers so scared of even being close to these woods? I remembered the disappearance of a young mare nearly five years ago, but she was not missed much. will I be the same? Well, I didn't care anymore. This is were the wind has beckoned me, and my heart pursued it. I was one with this earth, her song was my comfort, and she cared for us all like all mothers should.

The King Stag, stopped so abruptly that I nearly fell over my own hooves as I tried to stop myself. He looked down upon me and smiled a bit wider.

"You are ready. Look up..." His voice was so majestic. It sounded like the rumbling of an on coming storm, yet there was a vague peace that radiated from it. I looked up and was surprised. In all that time I was simply running, the sky had gone to an indigo. The stars were a mural of the galaxy, painted on the sky for all to speculate and marvel. The shadows of the trees danced in the rhythm of the earths lullaby, seeming to dance with their graces, the stars.

"The sky and earth are sisters. They look up, and down upon each other, but in all truths, they will never know who is looking up, or down. And just like the sun and moon, they both shine, but one is never the lesser light." His voice filled the air with a tranquility, like the endlessly flowing stream the flows forth from the mountains. He was whispering, yet it sounded like his voice came from everywhere, even as if it was my own mind speaking out loud.

"Do you understand, daughter of eve?" I nodded. I drank in every word he said, he tilted his head gracefully downwards and looked me fully in the eyes.

"You will never be able to find your true home, not if you can't find where your heart is. Find your heart, and you will find a place to call home." His breathe filled the space between our faces. It was warm, and smelled of an early morning's rain. But what he didn't know, was that this is where my heart pursued the windy mistress. I ran ahead when my head told me to go back. And even now, my heart longs to stay in this world of fae creatures.

"My lord, I believe I have already found my heart. And my heart resides here!" I grinned like a school filly as I reared up on my hind hooves and cheered my discovery to the universe. The White Stag King bellowed another phantom battle cry, I howled my victory of newly found wisdom to the heavens and hells.

"I am proud to declare that this daughter of eve has found her calling at last!" The Stag's voice raged like a glorious wildfire, spreading throughout the forest so all could hear the news of new found destiny.

"As The White Stag King, I do declare that this is the day of wisdom and shedding of ones old self! I may now announce thee as, The Red Fawn Queen, Queen Russet! I was no longer a pony who lived in a village of superstitious folk, but I was now The Red Fawn Queen. I still kept most of my pony shape, but I had grown taller. I was adorned with the most precious of jewelry, A headdress of emeralds and rubies sat upon my head and a necklace that was vine green in color, the center had a enormous ruby in it, with two intricate designs of arrows that pointed at the center piece.

"I, Herene the Stag King, rule this wood of fae, with a Fawn Queen at my side at last!" Every faery in those woods seemed to appear out of nowhere, they cheered and danced and had a feast. While the fae folk were celebrating, Me and Herene stormed through the woods, our hooves thundered like the beating of a drum. We ran through the forest, our own music mixed in with the earth's spirit. We had passed the place of which I had found my destiny. It was the exact same location of which I had entered. There was no doubt that right then and there...

That the wind was the mare who disappeared fives years prior, and she helped me find my way.

The old King, and the new Queen...

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She lead me here to my destiny, and I am eternally great full to her. Even now, as I run eternally through the forest of fae and other creatures of olde, I can feel her carry my thundering steps with her blowing breath at my side. Here in this wood, I have ran for almost a century, but yet in the outer realm, mere minutes could of only past, or maybe a millennium. I am now a fully grown Fawn Queen, and faithful to the Stag King. Herene was his name, and he bestowed upon me a great wisdom about how one thing is never a lesser to another thing, he also told me that home is were a heart resides. This I have found to be undoubtedly true.

Here I still run with the earth's spirit song singing throughout this realm endlessly. Others would find this never ending tune maddening, but I found it as nourishment. Together me and Herene sprint through these woods, we have found other stags and does who ride with us, but they are our followers and nothing more. The stags names are River Run, Sky Sprint, and Shadow Burst. The does are named Ebony Flow, Star Chaser, and Wonder Spirit.

Soon, my time here as the Red Fawn Queen will die out, along with me. Herene will then chose another fawn queen to ride with him, and after her century she departs, and once again he will choose another queen. This cycle will be like that of life, always repeating and never ending. Even now, I can feel my ever strong legs finally start to weaken, and my breathe running out. The Red Fawn Queen, Queen Russet... My proud and gentle reign begins to end.

"Stop." I said the word with a noticeable exhaustion. Every stag and doe stops at the command, looking at me with worried expressions upon their faces. It pained me so to see this face graced upon my followers.

"Has your time come, my queen?" Herene's voice whispered. I slowly nodded my head and gently laid down in the soft undergrowth. I bow my head in respect to the earth, I told her that she was the best mother a creature could ask for. The King walks slowly towards me, he bends his head down and gives me a small blessing on the forehead.

"As the Red Fawn Queen, your gentle rule has come to an end. May you pass with serenity, and may your body's energy become one with the cosmos, and become recycled so that one day, you may be reborn again. I am not saying goodbye, because goodbyes don't exist. This is just a simple, 'see you later...' " I curled up into a slight ball, and the does came to pay their respects. Then the stags came and did the same.

Around me, my beautiful world faded to mortal colors once again, seeming black and white to the comparison of colors I had become used to. I whispered a faint goodbye as I felt my essence melt away, my body disintegrated like mist. I felt my spirit turn into a butterfly, and fly away into the sky, to be absorbed as universal energy and me being will be recycled. I was no longer alive. My body was absorbed into the earth mother. I no longer existed...

Herene raised his magnificent head to the sky, he bellowed a cry, announcing the queens death to the wood of the fae. The does grieved and the stags mourned quietly.

"The time has come for me to chose the next fawn queen." Herene's voice was very quiet. The forest was itself was quiet, no one could here the faint hummings of faeries. Not even the earth mother's lullaby. Time stood still, the universe was mourning.

"Our beloved queen has past, but I shall chose again, so that she may never be forgotten." Every stag and doe bowed a head in quick respect. He continued again, this time his voice loud and booming.

"I hereby chose, Ebony Flow! For her compassion and loyalty to others." The others looked at her and bowed, taking a graceful hoof down and resting on a knee.

"My queen, you are now... The Black Fawn Queen! Queen Ebony!"