> Soften The Blow > by Harmony771 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning Of A New Kingdom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyday Twilight did the same routine. Get up, try and wake Spike but having him just grumble and go back to sleep, having a normal day with her friends, something happens that she has to fix and then write to Princess Celestia about the magic of friendship. Everyday without fail this happened. Everyday.. except today. It was a seemingly uneventful day in Equestria. The weather ponies had done a great job on clearing the skies in the advancing summer season, and the sun shined with such light that everything seemed to have a faint glow. Everypony was out, either doing jobs, shopping or just plain socializing. But Twilight had somewhere to be. After just managing to get him out of bed Spike and Twilight were wondering down to Sugar Cube Corner to collect there batch of cupcakes they asked Pinkie Pie to make for them. Even after the year that she had spent living in ponyville as the Princess of Friendship, when ever she was out she could always see one pony after another stare at her in amazement, hurrying along and covering herself with her wings Twilight picked up the pace and carried on towards Sugar Cube Corner. "Hey Pinkie!" Twilight walked in to the cake shop with spike closely behind her. Expecting a lot of hugs from the baker she braced herself. But it was silent. "Pinkie?" Confused on where the pink pony was she started looking around. Kitchen? No. Supplies Room? Nope not there either. One place she hasn't checked. "Pinkie Pie? You down there?" She slowly approached the basement door as Spike happily helped himself to a cupcake. The door swung open so quickly Twilight narrowly avoided a head on collision with the wooden door by jumping to the side. "Oh hey Twilight, I though i heard some pony up here" She giggled slight wiping away what looked like a very runny jam from her face and hooves. "What can I get you?" She closed the basement door and hoped up to the counter. Twilight could have sworn she heard another pony down there but she pasted it off as pipes and walked up to the other pony. " I'm here to collect the cupcakes I ordered" she smiled. " Ah yeah! I have them right here" The party pony pulled a box of cupcakes from behind the counter and gave them to Twilight. Paying the amount of bits to Pinkie. The bubbly pony went back down the stairs of the basement. "Cupcakes oh sweet and tasty. Cupcakes, don't be to hasty. Cupcakes!" As they headed back home as the sun was beginning to set, its colors casting a fire like light across the whole of ponyville was a truly beautiful sight to see. Twilight had always felt at home with her friends and being able to just relax and talk with them was a huge weight off her shoulders. For that amount of time she spent with Rainbow Dash; Pinkie Pie; Fluttershy and the others, she forgot she was a Princess. For time with them she cherished as she could be herself. The birds flew to their nest to fall asleep for the night, the smell of the cool night breeze beginning to creep in. Everypony was heading home just as night just began to fall. All was peaceful and Twilight was looking forward to snuggling down next to the fire with a warm mug of o-co reading a few of her favorite books. But just as she was about to walk in the door a quiet roar was heard in the distance. Everypony stopped dead in their tracks, the atmosphere was so tense that you could put a pin in it and it would burst like a balloon, the air was still, the silence was deafening. It was like this for a good ten minutes until we heard the roar again this time just the same, only closer. Spike was trembling behind the purple Alicorn as she stood next to the entrance of her home as still and silent as everypony else. Closer and closer the sound got until we saw the source of the sound, a dragon, about ten times the size of Spike, its body a deep crimson and eyes a light purple. Razor sharp spikes all the way down its back. Claws and teeth just as sharp. Realization hit, they were in trouble. Serious trouble A few seconds passed but they seemed like an eternity. Then, panic. Everypony ran, in different directions, just to get away from the beast who was gaining distance with each step. The slow and elderly were the first to go. With one large swipe of its claws the ponies were impaled on the razor sharps tips of hit massive claws, now stained red with the blood of the ponies limp on the floor. A few of us are left now. Less than half of ponyville. The days have past and the beast is long gone, but unfortunately the scars are still visible. Starvation hit us with great force as we were left with no food and water was scarce. A few ponies in blind terror and hunger resorted to cannibalism. We had to shoot them, rather one death than four right..? Bite marks covered a few of us including myself. Sadly the list of the dead consists mainly of The elderly and the young. struggling to try to comfort both Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash who were both in an embrace. Rainbow crying into Apple Jacks shoulder, Big Macs hoof rested on AJ's shoulder as she sniffed. They were the only two Apples left for the cutie mark crusaders and Granny Smith are named. We saw the three of them, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Trying to help each other, even with their inevitable doom approaching them they stuck together. Apple Bloom being the strongest carried the injured Sweetie Belle after she tripped and fell hitting her head on a rock and knocking herself out cold. Scootaloo was in front leading the way. They were fast, but not fast enough the dragon gained speed. With every hoof step forward it gained an extra ten. Its giant claw hit down over the three ponies. Everypony held their breath waiting, hoping, praying that they were okay. But when the dragon lifted they were gone. All that was left was a few struggle marks, a bow and a orange feather. But what hit hardiest? The loss of an element. Generosity. Rarity is dead. > Orders > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot. A magnificent city, home to the two sisters Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. In a large hall a group of ponies gathered. Both Celestia and Luna's royal Guards, and common town ponies. And the front of the room sat Celestia, towering above everypony else a microphone in front of her. The room fell silent as she began to speak. "Welcome Everypony, and thank you for attending the urgent meeting on, such short notice." Some comments were made but it soon went silent again. "You would all be glad to know that I have finally made contact with our newest Princess in ponyville after the recent attack on the small village. She and a few others are not hurt but the majority are no longer with us." She paused and lowered her head for a few seconds then lifted it. " The cause of this disaster? A dragon" Gasps filled the room as ponies started talking. "Silence!" Celestia called out and instantly the attention was back on her. "In order to prevent this from happening again I need a few ideas to stop any future attacks. What do you propose?" She opened the question to the public as another pony galloped around the room with a microphone to ponies who raised their hoof. The first pony was a mare. A white unicorn with a long pink mane. She spoke with a soft voice. "We could capture the dragons and put them for view for other ponies" Celestia nodded. "A possibility but then there's the risk of some escaping." A stallion next to the mare spoke next. "How about smashing all of the eggs now and in the future, wiping the vermin off the face of Equestria." She spoke again. "Yes but how will we assure that all the eggs have been discarded and taken care of? Anymore suggestions?" Celestias nephew spoke next, Prince BlueBlood "How about killing them?" The Princess looked and her relative and nodded. "Kill the dragons on sight. I call this meeting to an end thank you all for coming!" The microphone cut out as she approached the guards. "I want all of you to go to separate towns and villages and if you see any dragons kill on sight. Got it?" They all nodded and she turned to Shinning Armour. "I want you and two others to go to ponyville. Go get yourselves ready, you leave tomorrow morning." Then she left. Entering her chambers, Celestia stepped onto her balcony after locking her door and sighed, looking out onto the city of Canterlot illuminated by the sunset that was currently taking place. As Celestias magic wrapped around the great ball of gas in the sky she gently lowered it with practiced ease, feeling the warmth of the sun run through her body. It was a sensation that even after one thousand plus years of completing the same duties twice a day she had never gotten used to. She loved it, it was just like a summers day. It was a feeling she had come to love. She returned to the indoors allowing her beloved sister to raise the moon and make way for the night. Getting ready to sleep she walked past a mirror and stopped admiring her own beauty. The reflection staring back at her? Queen Chrysalis. Giggling, she grinned. "Oh your brilliant Chrysalis. Causing that dragon to rampage ponyville, and although it didn't kill that little fluff ball Twilight you thought of the idea to turn ponies into cannibals!" She clapped her two front hooves together and giggled once again. "But now that didn't work.. so you had to think of something different. Something not so obvious that you revealed yourself. KILL ALL DRAGONS!" She shouted, almost instantly covering her mouth in a hope not to raise suspicion. "They'll go after Spike, seeing that he'll be a feature threat. Twilight, obviously will try and protect him and wham! I would have had my revenge" She smiled and looked back at the mirror. Twilight Sparkle will soon be dead.