The 7th Element

by CrimsonQuake

First published

Twilight and friends are the weilders of the six Elements of Harmony, but is there really a seventh?

Twilight and friends are the weilders of the six Elements of Harmony, but what is this mysterious seventh element? What is this prophecy and what does it have to do with their new friend Crimson? The peaceful land of Equestria is about to be turned upside down, old enemies become allies and new enemies come forth. (Not for children, rated for some violence.)

A new friend

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It was a warm summers day in Ponyville and on a certain farm a brother and sister team were hard at work. A light orange mare dawning a cowboy hat with a large red stallion pulling a cart full of fresh apples. The mare bucked another tree, freeing the apples growing from its branches.

“I think thats 'nuff for today don't ya bro?”

“Eeyup.” He responded, chewing on a stem of wheat as he hauled the cart towards the farmhouse. His sister keeping up and rounding up stray apples that fell from the other trees.

“Hey Applejack!” The duo heard a call just outside of the orchard. Looking over they saw a light blue pagasus with a multicolored mane quickly fly down before landing right in front of them. “Hey Big Macintosh.”

“Howdy.” Big Macintosh nodded.

“Hey there Dash, whats goin' on?”

“Well Twilight needs to meet up with Zecora in Everfree. Fluttershy and I figured we should all go with her. The animals around there have been getting a bit rowdy lately. You in?”

Applejack looked up at her older brother. “Think ya can help granny without me?” She grinned, knowing he would be fine.

Macintosh smiled a bit. “Eeyup.” He replied before hauling off with the cart once more. Applejack and Rainbow Dash headed back along the edge of the Everfree Forest to meet their friends at a small cottage just outside of the trees. Waiting for them were four other mares, a white unicorn with a purple mane, a purple unicorn with a dark purple mane and a pink streak, a pink earth pony with a fluffy pink mane, and finally a yellow pegasus with a straight pink mane.

“There you are Applejack.” The pink pony cheered.

“Aw shucks Pinkie Pie, ya wernt waitin' that long fer me were ya?” Applejack smiled.

“Lets get going girls.” The purple unicorn grabbed their attention and lead the group into the dark forest.

“Honestly Twilight, with how often we go into this place we really should make a more distinct trail. The forest is filthy.” The white unicorn said as she watched her steps carfully.

“Well...It is a forest Rarity.” The yellow pegasus said softly. “The animals dont mind it being dirty.”

Rainbow Dash flew along side them on her back, her front hooves behind her head. “Eh leave little miss prissy be Fluttershy. She wants to complain about a little dirt on her hooves so be it.”

“Prissy? Rainbow Dash there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking pride in ones appearance.” Rarity huffed. Just then the six of them stopped at the sound of a low and loud rumbling deep into the forest. “What in Equestria was that?” Rarity asked.

“Sounded like a roar.” Twilight concluded.

“A ton of em.” Rainbow Dash added before she took off in the direction of the roars.

“Dash, wait up!” Applejack called as she and the others followed. When they managed to catch up to her she was hovering in place with a frightened look on her face. In front of them was a opening in the trees and in that opening were a pack of seven manticores attacking a young stallion and timber wolf cub. The stallion was a pegasus with a dark gray body that faded to black along his legs. His mane and tail were medium length and the darkest shade of black imaginable. The cutie mark appeared to be two black weapons of some sort crossing over a red blotch. His eyes were a dark crimson red with black slits and three old looking scars was over the left one.

“Hey I said I was sorry. I didnt mean to wake you all up.” The stallion narrowly dodged a large paw and grabbed it, throwing the manticore over his shoulder to the ground. As his back was turned one of the manticore's stingers swiped across his back. “Ahh!” He growled and he doubled over from the pain. Just then the manticore that attacked him roared as the timber wolf grabbed hold of its back leg. It then used its tail to knock the cub away. “Crash!” The stallion called before rolling out of the way of another stinger strike. Then he flipped open his wings and dashed just above the ground and caught the falling cub. He tucked his wings back in and held onto his companion as he slid on his back. “You okay buddy?” He asked, getting a soft bark in reply. The dark stallion put him back on the ground before standing between the wolf and the manticore, his wings spread out again.

“We have to help them.” Twilight worried.

“Are you nuts?” Rainbow Dash deadpanned. “We'll get thrashed out there. I'm surprised those two lasted this long.”

“We'll we gotta help 'em somehow.” Applejack insisted.

“Run for it Crash, I'll lead them away.” The stallion commanded as he jumped over a swiping paw and landing on the attacking animals head. Before another stinger swipe was able to reach him he grabbed hold and dropped back down to the ground, slamming his attacker on its back. He began to pant heavily, his energy draining. He dipped and evaded more swings from their stingers before finally being knocked over and sliding back to Crash. Recovering from the fall he looked around to see that they were surrounded and we was too tired from the venom to get away. He wrapped his arms around the timber wolf to try and protect him from the inevitable attack. Before the stingers were able to mark however, a barrier enveloped the two and the stingers simply bounced off, though they kept trying. The stallion looked over and saw the girls in the distance. The purple unicorn using magic that must have been the source of the barrier.

“I cant hold this spell for long.” Twilight grunted.

“Can't you just lift them out?” Rainbow Dash questioned.

Twilight grunted. “I cant. The barrier is getting weaker. If I try it could shatter and he'll get skewered.”

“We must do something.” Rarity pleaded.

“I'll get em!” Rainbow Dash pounded her chest. “But I cant carry the timber wolf at the same time.”

“I'll save the cub.” Fluttershy said as she hovered next to her friend.

“Okay, just hurry.” Twlilight said before the two pegasi took off towards the crumbling shield. As soon as it vanished two speeding blurs grabbed the stallion and wolf just before the manicore were able to get to them.

“Lets high-tail it outta here!” Applejack lead once Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash returned with the stallion and wolf cub in tow. Once they felt they were a safe distance away they stopped and put the strangers down, the stallion groaning as he stood upright.

“Urg...What the heck happened?” The stallion hobbled before kneeling down, Applejack helping him keep upright.

“Hold yer horses partner.” She said. “We wer able to get ya outta that scrap with them manticores.”

“Right, the manti-” The dark stallion's eyes went blank and he completely collapsed, almost taking Applejack with him.

“Shoot, he's a lot heavier than he looks.” She grunted.

Fluttershy spoke up, the timber wolf slung over her back. “Its the manticore venom, its draining their energy. We need anti-venom.”

“Don't you have some at your place? Dash asked.

“Yes, but its too far. I think Zecora may have a remedy though.”

“That isn't far, come on.” Twilight started walking off as Rainbow Dash helped Applejack carry the stallion.

A couple minutes later they reached their destination. Twilight knocked and soon a zebra decorated in gold rings greeted them. “Why hello my friends-”

“Zecora.” Twilight interupted. “These two have been injected with manticore venom, do you have anything that can help them?”

The zebra's eyes widened. “This is trouble, quick bring them in on the double.” The stallion and cub were brought in and laid down with pillows to support their heads. Zecora gave them each an oval shaped leaf and manually helped them chew. “This should stop the spread of poison, until I can mix a healing potion.” She trotted over to her herbs and mixtures and began working.

A grunt quickly came from the stallion.“Where am I?” He groaned, his eyes halfway opened.

The girls looked and Twilight was the first to speak. “Our friend Zecora's hut. She is going to try and help you and your timber wolf friend.”

“Crash, is he okay?” He tried to get up but grunted in pain.

“Its okay.” Fluttershy pushed him back down. “We brought him too, he seems to be fine.” She reassured, looking over at the now sleeping canine.

He sighed in relief. “Thank you for helping us.”

“Can we have your name dear?” Rarity asked.

“Crimson Quake.” He breathed heavily

“Its nice to meet you Crimson. We can all get better acquainted once you boys recover.” She patted his black mane as he shut his eyes to rest his body. An hour passed, Zecora finally finished the remedy and woke up Crimson and Crush to give it to them. It didn't take long before they were able to be up and about.

“I feel so much better, how about you pal?” Crimson asked the canine in a monotone voice, Crash barked happily and jumped up onto his head. “Good.”

“Its good ta see ya'll are feelin' better.” Applejack smiled.

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

Crimson gave a slight nod before explaining. “We were traveling through the forest when we stumbled across a pack of sleeping manticore. We tried to sneak past but I tripped over one of their tails, that ticked them off. Normally I could fight off two or three but a pack of seven was way too much. After I was first stung we were pretty much done for.”

“Good thing we got there in time to help.” Rainbow Dash boasted.

“Yes it is.” Crimson said as Crash hopped on his back before he made his way out. “Now if you could be so kind as to direct us to the closest town we will get out of your manes.” His exit was soon blocked by Applejack.

“Now hold on a apple pickin' minute, ya just barely survived manticore venom. Ya'll shouldn't be leaving so soon on yer own.”

Crimson waved his hoof in a dismissing motion. “We'll be fine. The anti-venom worked wonders so we will just be on our way.”

Twilight trotted up to Crimsons side. “Well the nearest town is Ponyville. Can we at least lead you there?”

Crimson sighed. “Fair enough, lead the way.”

“Twilight before your leave you take, here is that potion you asked me to make.” Zecora came with a small vile of a light blue liquid.

“Thanks Zecora.” Twilight smiled as she lifted it with her magic and placed it in her saddlebag. “We'll be back and visit soon.” She said before she and the others left the hut. The girls made their way down the forest path, with Crimson following close behind and Crash laying on his back between his wings.

“So what brings you to Ponyville?” Pinkie Pie asked, hopping around joyfully around Crimson who seemed less than amused by the cheerful mare.

“Supplies, Crash and I are building shelter in the forest and I didn't pack enough from the last town I was in.”

“Your going to live in Everfree Forest?” Rarity gasped. “I don't see how anypony can survive in such conditions.”

“I've lived in worse.” He said plainly before his and Crash's stomachs gave a low echoing growl. “That reminds me.” He turned his head back to the canine. “We need to get some more food as well.” Crash let out a whimper in response.

Applejack smiled warmly. “Well if yer hungry ya can come on down to my family's farm.” She changed her gaze to her friends. “We got enough grub for everypony.”

“Oh that sounds great!” Pinkie cheered while the others nodded and turned their attention back to Crimson.

“I wouldn't feel right about it.” He shook his head. “You all just met me on top of saving my life. If anything I should buy you all dinner.”

“What a gentlecolt.” Rarity smiled. “Dear it is no trouble at all, consider it a small welcome to town.”

Crimson looked at the warm smiles on their faces. “Okay, you win.” He sighed. The girls all smiled and continued on.

“So where you from Crimson?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew upside down with her hooves behind her head.

Crimson averted his eyes and looked at the ground and growled a bit to himself. “Far away, I'm not even from Equestria.” By this time the group was just emerging from the forest, Sweet Apple Acres visible in the distance.

Living Situation

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Entering the Apple family home Applejack quickly began to head into the next room just as a small young filly with a red mane and bow came rushing down the stairs and into Applejack.

“Welcome back big sis.” She smiled over the blond mare.

“Applebloom.” She scolded. “Granny keeps tellin' ya not ta run 'round the house.”

“Sorry.” She pouted after hopping off Applejack.

Applejack groaned and she stood upright again. “Dinner ready yet?”

“Almost done.” The filly looked to the others and smiled. “Are ya'll stayin' fer dinner?”

Rainbow Dash smiled as she walked by and ruffled her mane. “We sure are squirt.” The rest of the group followed. When Crimson was left there, Applebloom was very intimidated by this new pony's appearance. He was big, he looked almost as big as her brother. He had a gray and black coat, pitch black mane that looked windblown and matching goatee. His ears were pointed and curved, making them almost look like horns. His tail was tethered as if pieces of the hair were ripped out. His cutie mark was a big red knight shield with two different looking swords crossing over it, but the scariest part was his eyes. Bright red, almost glowing, with narrow slitted pupils and three old scars over the left eye.

“Who are you?” She squeaked, backing towards the kitchen with the others.

Crimson's eyes softened. “My name is Crimson. Are you Applejack's sister?” He said gently.

“Yeah, I'm Applebloom.”

Crimson nodded and lowered his head to try and get eye level with her. “Your sister and her friends saved me back in the forest. She invited me over, but if there is a problem I can just leave.”

Applebloom quickly withdrew her fear. “Oh no. If yer a friend of Applejack's then yer fine with me.” She said as she came around to his side as they and Crash met everyone in the kitchen where the others were already gathered at a fairly big table.

“There ya are, I was wonderin' if ya'll changed yer mind.” Applejack motioned for a couple of the empty spots. “I see ya met my little sis.”

Crimson nodded as he took a n open spot between Fluttershy and Rarity. “He's kinda scary lookin'.” Applebloom whispered to her older sister as she got between her and their brother on the other side of the table.

“Thats rude.” She whispered harshly back. “Yeah he looks a lil rough for the wear but he's prolly been through a lot.”

“I have.” Crimson answered, causing everyone to turn to him sharply. However, he payed them no mind. Instead he drew his attention to the large red stallion and elderly pale green mare. “My name is Crimson Quake, thank you for being kind enough to let me in your home.”

“Oh its no trouble at all deary, we love having guests. I'm Granny Smith and this is my grandson Big Macintosh.” The stallion nodded with a small smile. “And I see you met both my granddaughters.”

“Well now that we're all acquainted and whatnot, lets eat.” Applejack offered as they all looked at the apple based spread in front of them. They all ate and talked amongst themselves for a few minutes, even the timber wolf cub Crash ate next to the apples dog Winona.

“Uh, Mr. Quake?” The young filly asked.

He stopped eating and looked up at her. “You can just call me Crimson.”

“Mr. Crimson, where did ya get that there scar, the one on yer eye.” Everypony froze in place and stopped talking all at once, first looking at Applebloom in shock then looking over to Crimson.

Crimson looked down at his plate for a moment, as if trying to find the answer. “Old battle scar, back in my war days.”

“You're a soldier?” Twilight asked.

“Ex-solder.” He corrected. “I quit over a year ago.”

“How old are you?”


“You're still rather young for a veteran.” Rarity commented. “They just let you leave?”

“No I ran away after the last war ended. I was stationed in the kingdom of Darkburough, where I grew up.”

“I never heard of Darkburough.” Twilight chimed in.

“Its a far off kingdom, nowhere near Equestria.”

“Who cares about where he's from, he used to be a soldier. How cool is that?” Rainbow Dash said enthusiastically, earning a stern glare from Crimson.

“Trust me, there is nothing 'cool' about what I have done in that war.” He replied coldly before backing away from the table. “Please excuse me.” He said politely before leaving the room, the eventual sound of the front door soon following.

Everypony shared concerned looks before Applejack started after him. “I'll be right back.”

The silence after that was followed by them all looking at Rainbow Dash. “What, what did I say?”

As Applejack left the house she looked around for any signs of her new friend the sun was beginning to set and she worried he just flew off. Finally, she caught a glimpse of a gray wing sticking out from behind one of the apple trees. Coming around she found Crimson sitting with his back to the tree, his left hoof covering his scarred eye. She approached him cautiously. “Hey Crimson.” She leaned her head to the side to get into his line of vision. “Ya'll right there partner?”

He looked up from the ground quickly, as if she just came from nowhere. “I'm fine, no big deal.”

“I'm sorry 'bout Rainbow Dash, she don't like ta think 'fore she talks.”

Crimson nodded and smiled a little. “Yeah, I was stationed with a couple guys who were the same way.” Just then Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy joined them.

“Hey Crimson, sorry if what I said back there ticked ya off.” Dash said bashfully as she rubbed her hoof behind her head.

“Don't worry about it.” He replied. “I guess the subject is still a bit tender.” Just then Crash ran up and jumped into the dark stallions lap, he immediately began petting the cub. “Thank you again for inviting us over Applejack.”

“No problem sugarcube.”

“So what are you going to do now?” Pinkie asked.

“I suppose finish our shelter in the forest.” He replied as his companion hopped down and he stood.

“Are you sure you want to live in there?” Rarity questioned. “It is quite dangerous after all.”

“I'm used to danger.” He replied a monotone response as he began to step off back towards Everfree.

Applejack stood in his path with narrowed eyes. “No can do partner. I cant be letting ya live in there with no home. Shoot, Zecora at least has her hut. Yer bunkin in the barn until you get your place built, no arguments, ya hear?”

Crimson looked her her with calculating eyes. “Why are you willing to do so much for a stranger you just met today?”

“We here in town look out fer each other. So yer stayin' with us till yer on yer hooves.”

Crimson looked at her and the others for a moment before looking down at Crash. The timber wolf cub looked back at him with pleading eyes, as if to tell Crimson that he wanted to stay at the spacious apple orchard. “Well I guess you made up our mind, huh?” He asked. The pup wagged his tail and began running around the pegasus who looked at Applejack. “Well, I guess I'll take you up on that.”

“Good ta hear. C'mon I'll show ya the barn.” The blond mare smiled.

“I should head home, Spike is probably a bit worried.” Twilight said as she readjusted her bag on her back. “It was good meeting you Crimson, I'll see you around.”

Crimson nodded a farewell as Rainbow Dash also left. “See ya Crimson, we should race sometime. I always like to test out new fliers.”

“We'll see.” He responded.

“Bye, I have a big party to plan. See you soon!” Pinkie Pie hopped off quickly.

Rarity stepped up to him with a sincere smile. “It was a pleasure meeting you Crimson. Perhaps you can come to my boutique sometime.” She seemed to glance him over quickly. “Yes, I have an idea for a suit that would look very dashing on you.”

“I may come by.” Crimson said respectfully, not really interested in dressing up. He was never really one for formal clothing.

Fluttershy trotted up to Applejack, her head facing downward and her eyes looking at her friend. “Do you mind if I stay around a little longer, I mean, if that's okay with you and Crimson?” She glanced to the dark pegasus who was letting Crash climb onto his back again. Applejack couldn't help but notice the slight darkening of Fluttershy's cheeks. The accented pony smiled and looked over to Crimson.

“That alright with you partner?” She asked, which drew Crimson's attention to them.


“Is it okay if Fluttershy tags along with us fer a bit?”

“Doesn't bother me.” He shrugged before following Applejack, Fluttershy following close behind him. Walking into the barn Crimson scanned the area. With straw covering the floor there wasn't a spot that looked uncomfortable. There also was farming equipment hanging off of the walls such as shovels, hoes, spades, ropes, and plenty of repair equipment.

“So here's where you and Crash will be bunkin'.” She walked over to a corner of the barn that seemed to be isolated from the equipment. Crash was quick to bound up into the hay and start to push it around, making a big enough bed for him to lie down. “Looks like he already made himself at home.” Applejack smiled. Fluttershy trotted over and sat next to the cub, who then turned over on his back so that the yellow mare would pet him.

“You're good with animals.” The dark stallion commented.

Fluttershy blushed and looked up at him. “Thank you.”

“Fluttershy is always takin' care a' critters. Her place is a regular haven.” Applejack laughed,

Fluttershy looked away, a bit embarrassed at her friends praise. “If you want, Crash can come visit and play with some of the animals. That is, if its okay with you.”

Crimson nodded. “I'm sure he would like that.”

“Maybe Shy can show you 'round town sometime.” The blond farmer gave her timid friend a slight discreet wink, forcing a deeper shade of red to her cheeks.

“Yes, that sounds like a good idea. I might as well learn my way around.” He said with no faltering in his tone. Crimson then looked back at “So what will I be doing during our stay?” Crimson asked Applejack.


“I hope you dont expect me to take residence here and not do anything in return for your hospitality.”

“Ya really dont have to.”

“Please Applejack, I wouldnt feel right otherwise.”

She gave a light huff. “Well, I guess ya'll can help us with the mornin' chores.” She shrugged.

“As long as I can be of some use.” Crimson slightly smiled.

“Well then we'll put your flank to work.” She replied. “You should get some rest then, we like ta get an early start.” As if it were her cue, Fluttershy got up to leave.

“I guess I'll see you around Crimson.” She barely whispered, avoiding eye contact.

“Yeah, you can show me around town tomorrow if there is time.” He gave a slight bow as she took her leave.

“So ya'll gonna be alright fer t'night?” Applejack asked, prepared to turn in herself.

“Yeah, we can manage. I'll see you in the morning.”

“G'night Crimson.” She smiled as she headed out and shut the barn door behind her.

“Goodnight.” He replied just before she left. He then turned to the bale of hay he and Crash were now using for a bed, the timber wolf nestled on his back just like he was when Fluttershy was scratching him. He chuckled a bit to himself as he made himself comfortable next to Crash, slightly curling his body so his head rested on his front leg. Crimson shut his eyes and breathed deeply until sleep eventually overtook him.

A Nightly Meeting

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That night it was dead silent, the crickets barely chirped. Crimson was sleeping partially curled in the soft golden straw with Crash resting his paws and head on the base of the dark stallions neck. It wasnt until there was the faint sound of a snapping twig that Crimson's shallow sleep was disturbed. First his ears twitched before his head shot up. He looked up at the open window above him and widened his eyes to adjust to the near black darkness. Crush rolled over and fell back asleep lying on his back. Crimson crept low below the window and listened intently for another noise, another twig, rustling grass, crunching leaves, something. Instead he heard voices.

“It is rude to keep a mare waiting Big Macintosh.” A strong but feminine voice said playfully.

“Sorry 'bout that Luna. Had ta wait till e'ryone was asleep.” He voice softened a bit, almost a whisper. “Gotta be quiet. Applejack an the others met a new buddy t'day, 'es sleepin in the barn now.” Obviously he was referring to Crimson, but little did he know not only was the gray stallion wide awake but his sense of hearing was remarkable. Crimson's curiosity was more than peeked, Macintosh did not hide the fact that he wanted this meeting with this Luna to be a secret and out of respect the ex-soldier would have to keep it.

“Very well, I will keep my voice at a respectable level.” She replied, her voice softening as well.

“I'm awfully sorry 'bout keepin' ya waiting.”

“It's quite alright sweetheart, I understand.”

“Shucks Luna.” Macintosh answered, just from his voice you can tell he was trying not to smile ear to ear.

“I'm the one who should apologize, I have not been able to get away from my duties to see you in the past two weeks.”

“Aint a problem. Important thing is yer here now.” Crimson could hear them shift closer together in the grass, most likely in a gentle embrace. He felt something tighten in his chest. Like he was starving while watching somepony else eat a massive meal. He never had that feeling, to be able to share a moment like that with his own special somepony. Macintosh was the gentle giant though. Powerful but he gave the impression that he only used said power to help others. Where Crimson was ashamed of his own past, the things that he has done, he did not deserve such happiness. With a sigh he decided to leave the two alone and go back to bed. As he attempted to quietly settle back into they hey he decided to ask Big Macintosh about his little meeting, just out of curiosity. If the farm stallion didnt want to talk about it then Crimson wasn't going to pry. He laid back down with his head next to his canine companion.

Outside the barn Big Macintosh sat with his front legs wrapped around a beautiful dark blue winged unicorn who, in tern, also held him close. Her mane was long and flowing and resembled a starry night sky.

“If only it was okay for royalty to chose the one they wish to be with..” She whispered softly.

“Ya should really ask yer sis, maybe there is somethin she could do.” Mac replied, pulling away enough to look her in the eyes.

“No, Celestia must never know. She will be furious.”

“Naw, I couldnt see her her mad at all.”

“While its true she has matured over time, when my sister is angered it is a frightening sight. The last time she was mad...” Her eyes broke from his sight.

“Your banishment.” He finished, she replied with a gentle nod.

“Even if it means going behind my sisters back and keeping this all a secret, I want to be with you Big Macintosh.”

“Ya know I hate keeping secrets though.” He replied.

“I know. Please, let us not speak of such depressing matters. If necessary I will speak to Celestia about us.”

“A'ight darlin'.” He smiled and took his foreleg around her and held her close. The young stallion nuzzled her neck. “Ya'know, I kinda like the thought of ev'rypony bein okay with us. Ya could come any time ya want.”

“Mmmm, are you suggesting something my stallion?”

“I uhhh...” Big Mac's dull red coat brightened up around his face as he stared at her wide eyed. The darkness barely covered his embarrassment. “Luna, ya know I'm not like that.”

Luna giggled and kissed his cheek. “I was only joking, does my humor not amuse you?”

“Jus a lil shocked.” He replied bashfully. “I wasnt expectin' that.” Luna simply giggled a bit more before nuzzeling under his chin.

“Sadly, I must cut this night short. Good night my love.”

“G'night Luna, ya'll fly safe.” He said kissing her lightly on the cheek before she silently took off. Mac sat there and watched her silhouette fade into the night sky. When she was out of his view he stood and made his way back to the farmhouse.


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As Celestia lifted the sun the next morning, casting light across the land, the two oldest Apple siblings were already up and preparing for the day. Applejack braided her long blond mane and tail while Big Macintosh splashed water on his face to wash away the tired and groggy feeling from the previous night.

“Now I'm not too sure on how quick Crimson'll get up this mornin' to help out.” She told her brother as they headed down the steps. Leaving the house they noticed that the barn door was open, grunts and loud banging sounds could be heard from inside. The siblings quickened their pace and came to the doorway just as something swooshed by them and slammed into the wall beside the door. They looked over to see a pony sized rag doll contorted on the ground, seeming to be full of sand.

“Sorry about that.” Crimson said as he came up to them and flung the dummy over his back. He took it back to his corner where next to his bed were a few new items, a large metal locked case that was nearly as big as he was, a smaller brown instrument case, a light brown backpack and a long white sack that he was now stuffing the fighting dummy into.

“Where did all this come from?” Applejack asked, her and Big Macintosh sharing glances of confusion.

“Well I figured we may be staying here for a few days at least, so I didn't want all of our stuff to just sit there in the woods.”

“How long ya been up?” Big Macintosh asked.

“Woke up about two hours ago.” Crimson replied as he walked past the farmers. “So what’s first on the 'to do' list?”

“Well, first we have ta make sure the spare cart don't need fixed. If not then yer helpin Big Mac haulin' apples.” She said trotting over to the carts and inspecting them. She smiled and turned to the stallions. “We're good ta go.”

Three hours later and nearly all of the ripe apples have been bucked from their branches thanks to the extra effort of Crimson who was nearly as strong as Big Macintosh. As they were bringing the final two carts full Applejack trotted between them. “That wasn't too bad.” Crimson grunted.

“Well we sure do appreciate the help Crimson, this sure speeds things up a bit. All that's left is to trim the branches and clean up fallen wood.”

“Doesn't sound as back breaking.” Crimson chuckled as he popped his neck.

The apple siblings both shared a light laugh before Mac replied. “Nope.”

Crimson looked back to the barn and noticed somepony in front of the barn playing with Crash. He squinted his eyes and raised an eyebrow. “Hey, isn't that your friend Fluttershy?”

Applejack looked back towards the barn. Indeed, it was her timid friend playing with the timber wolf cub. She smiled as they neared the mare. “Hey there Shy, what’s goin' on?”

“Oh, nothing.” She replied, lowering her gaze at the sight of Crimson. “I just wanted to make sure that Crash was doing better.”

Crimson looked down at the timber wolf that was rolling around and tugging playfully at Fluttershy's tail. “He seems to be doing well. Thanks for checking on him though.”

“Say.” Applejack interjected. “Why dontcha take a break Crimson. Ya worked hard enough fer today.” She helped him get out of the cart restraints. “Get a look at the town, didn't y'all say she can show you around today?”

Crimson cocked his head to the side and nodded. “Yeah, I did say that didn't I?” He trotted up to Fluttershy's side and pulled Crash away from her tail. “Ready whenever you are.” She didn't say anything, just bashfully looked away and started towards town, Crimson following along beside her. It felt good to feel the soft breeze blow through his mane and cool him off. Ponyville wasn't too far from the orchard, but it was a decent enough walk that both of them began to feel a bit awkward from the sheer silence between them. Crimson figured that she was a soft spoken mare, but no so much as to not say a word to him. Even the town itself seemed silent, that's when he noticed that it was silent due to the fact nopony was around. It looked as if all the homes and shops have closed up in the middle of the day, the streets were barren.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy muttered. “I hope they aren't frightened.”

“It’s me isn't it?” Crimson asked, he didn't sound surprised.

“The last time this happened was when our friend Zecora first came to Ponyville, but you do look a lot scarier.” She quickly turned to him and stammered. “I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that.”

“Don't worry about it.” He replied calmly. “You get used to it after a while.”

“Let’s go see Pinkie Pie, she isn't afraid of you.” She quickened her pace towards Sugarcube Corner. Shortly after knocking on the bakery Pinkie's head popped out of the keyhole with a huge smile on her face. “Fluttershy, Crimson. Hey guys!” She retracted her head and opened the door.

“How did you do that?” Crimson asked, wide eyed.

“Do what?” The pink earth pony tilted her head curiously.

The stallion shook his head in confusion. “Never mind.” Pinkie Pie stepped to the side to allow her friends inside.

“Mr. and Mrs. Cake, we have company.” Pinkie said happily as the owners of the store came down the stairs. A blue mare and an orange stallion.

“Oh, hello Fluttershy.” The male greeted just before they froze at the sight of Crimson. “It’s you, the one that everypony has been talking about.”

“Apparently.” Crimson said as he came forward and offered his hoof. “Crimson Quake.”

Mr. Cake hesitated and looked to Pinkie Pie who smiled and nodded excitedly. The orange stallion shook the strangers hoof with a little uncertainty. “Carrot Cake, and this is my wife Cup Cake.” He motioned to the mare next to him.

“I'm sorry if I come off as intimidating, it’s not really an uncommon thing for me.” Crimson forced a small smile. “I can assure you though, I mean no harm.”

“Who has been talking about Crimson?” Fluttershy asked?

Pinkie decided to answer her. “It was some of the fillies and colts at the school. I overheard them talking about some big, dark, scary stallion in town. Everypony started locking their shops and houses, I didn't know they were talking about you Crimson.”

“No harm, no foul.” Crimson said. “Applebloom must have been talking about me.”

“Please.” Mrs. Cake began as she trotted over behind the counter. “We want to apologize, pick a treat on the house.” She returned with a platter of assorted baked sweets.

“I really shouldn't.” He began to protest before he looked at the plate. “Are those brownies?” He quickly asked, earning a smile and nod from Mrs. Cake. Carefully grabbing one, Crimson fought the urge to lick his lips. After taking a bite his eyes widened before he stuffed the rest of it in his mouth. “My favorite.” He smiled once finished.

“That's good to know.” Pinkie said as she pulled out a pen and notepad from inside her puffy mane.
“Thank you very much Mr. and Mrs. Cake.” Crimson said with a bow. “We should be going though, Fluttershy is showing me around Ponyville.”

“Isn't that sweet.” Mrs. Cake smiled at the timid Pegasus. “She's always going out of her way to lend a helping hoof.” Fluttershy tried to hide the burning feeling in her cheeks.

Crimson trotted up to her side and gave a subtle grin. “Shall we continue?”

The pale yellow pony nodded. “Yes.” She whispered. The duo made their way out to the still bare streets. When noticing the town was still empty Crimson's ears pushed flat. “Come on, lets go see Rarity.” Fluttershy insisted.

“Yeah, sure.” He said, trying to sound like he wasn't saddened. Everypony seemed kind and generous to each other, but fearful of anyone who was different from them at first. Perhaps coming to Ponyville wasn't such a good idea.

Good Friends

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Rarity sat at her desk drawing new dress designs and humming softly to herself as she did so. After taking a moment to examine her work so far she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. The dress she had designed was very formal like a ball dress and layered five times towards the back. The only question in her mind was the color. “Hmm…maybe the-“Her train of thought was derailed as the front door shut. The fashionista pony sighed as her magic released her quill. “Sweetie Belle”

“Hey Rarity.” A young white unicorn filly smiled and placed her saddlebag by her room door.

“So how was school?” She asked as she attempted to regain her focus. Rarity glanced over to the clock. “You were a bit late coming home.”

“Sorry, Applebloom was talking all day about this stallion that is staying at her family’s farm and she wanted to show us. He wasn’t there though.”

“Oh she must have been talking about Crimson.”

“Is he as scary looking as Applebloom says?” She asked curiously.

“Now that’s a horrible thing to say.” Rarity scolded. “He has had it quite rough in the past.” Sweetie Belle looked up at her sister with a soft apologetic look.

“I’m sorry Rarity, I know talk like that hurts others.” Before Rarity could speak further there was a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it.” Rarity sighed. She trotted up and opened the door to her boutique, behind it was a pale yellow mare with a bright pink mane and a gray stallion with a scarred left eye. “Oh Fluttershy, Crimson, good afternoon.” She stepped aside and motioned for them to enter. “Please come in.”

“You sure this isn’t a bad time?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course not.” The unicorn motioned them in. “Sweetie Belle, could you please come in here?” It was more of command, but her little sister entered just the same. The first visitor she saw she of course recognized as her sisters friend Fluttershy. The filly was about to greet her when she caught sight of the gray stallion next to her. One look at his bright red reptile like eyes and she darted behind a nearby pile of discarded materials.

“Who’s that?!” She shouted.

Rarity sighed as she slowly shook her head. “Sweetie Belle, this is not the proper way to greet guests. This is our friend Crimson.”

The young unicorn popped her head out from her hiding place, a roll of sewing tape loosely wrapped around her horn. “That’s him?”

“Is this your sister Rarity?” Crimson asked.

“Yes, she is staying with me for now while our parents are traveling.” She shot a quick glance at the still cowering filly. “Now come out from there young lady.”

Sweetie Belle wiggled her way out and moved to her sister’s side. “Sorry.” She said softly.

Crimson bowed his head down to get closer to eye level with the young filly. “I’m not one to be afraid of. I’m harmless, promise.” Sweetie Belle smiled as she felt her face get warmer.


“Why don’t you go to your room and do your homework Sweetie.” Rarity urged the filly back with her saddle bag. “Now Crimson if you’ll just follow me we can take your measurements.”

“Measurements?” The stallion tilted his head.

“For your suit dear, remember?”

“I thought you were kidding.”

“Oh I never kid about fashion.” She said as if it were completely obvious while she practically dragged Crimson to the room where she made her dresses. “Now as I said, I have a wonderful idea for you. It isn’t anything extravagant; I figured simplicity was just the right match.” She took her tape with her magic and started out with measuring his torso. “Something that could be worn to high class gatherings, but also won’t be too dressy for dates. A stallion like you will have mares chasing after him in no time.”

“Rarity, I appreciate the thought but I’m not really one for formal wear. The closest I ever came to that was my armor.” Crimson came clean as she stood in front of him and measured around his neck.

“Well you’ll like this.” She stated as she jotted down the measurements on a slip of paper. “Now it won’t be ready for a while so I need to get started now so it will be ready in time.” She said quickly as she hurried her friends out the door.

“Wait. Ready in time for what?” Crimson asked.

“Tut-tut. I must be busy now; I will meet up with you all later.” Rarity then shut the door behind them before any more questions could be asked.

“Call me naive but it would seem she knows something that I don’t know.” Crimson said blatantly, causing Fluttershy to giggle.

“Well come on. Maybe Twilight isn’t too busy.” Fluttershy trotted off, Crimson following.

“So she lives in the local library?” Crimson asked once they reached the large hollowed out tree. “Sounds like quite the bookworm.” He chuckled as he reached for the door.

Fluttershy attempted to stop him. “Wait, she may be practicing-.” Crimson was hit with a beam of purple magic that sent him flying away from the door several feet, skidding across the dirt. “Crimson!” She yelped as she rushed to his side.

“Oh my gosh.” Twilight rushed out of the library. “Are you alright? I’m so sorry.”

Crimson groaned as he attempted to get back to his hooves. “What in the name of Faust was that?” He asked as he rubbed his temple.

“I’m so sorry, I was working on a new spell and you startled me when you opened the door.”

“Spell? I’m not going to grow a second head am I?” He attempted to shake off his dizziness.

“No, it was just a mind mapping spell.”

“Mind mapping?” Fluttershy asked, quite curious.

“Come in, I’ll show you.” She led them inside where a young purple dragon hatchling stood.

“Is everything alright?” The dragon asked.

“Yeah, I just missed my mark Spike.”

“Judging from that hit, I’m kind of glad you missed me.”

“That spell hit my friend.” Twilight sighed. “Crimson, this is my assistant Spike. Spike, this is our new friend Crimson.”

“Oh, so you’re the one she mentioned yesterday.” Spike concluded as the stallion approached him.

“I guess so.” Crimson said as he shook Spike’s claw. “So a purple dragon, huh? A pretty rare species if I remember right.”

“You know about dragons?” He asked.

“I knew a few in the military; this is my first time meeting a purple dragon in person though.”

“Here’s the spell.” Twilight interrupted as she levitated a fairly large book into view. It was a light sky blue with a brown boarder and gold lettering engraved on the front.

Fluttershy took a look at the books cover. “Mind and Matter: Advanced Unicorn Spells for the Gifted.”

“It was a birthday gift from the princess, I finally had some free time to try one.”

“Says here the spell is supposed to reveal the dominant personality traits of another’s mind.” Crimson said after reading the description.

“Did it work?” Spike wondered.

“No, I don’t think so. I didn’t get anything when the spell hit Crimson. I probably just didn’t do it right and it just turned out to be a regular blast.” She concluded as she lowered her head.

“Don’t beat yourself up about it Twilight, you’ll get it.”

“I guess.” She mumbled as she closed the book and placed it neatly back on the shelf.

“Hey my head is kind of buzzing right now.” Crimson said. “You wouldn’t happen to have any aspirin anywhere would you?”

Twilight shook her head. “Sorry, I’ve been meaning to go out and get some more. Straining my eyes reading sometimes gives me a migraine.”

“I’m probably going to go back to the farm then. If I get bad headaches I can barely function.” He said making his way back to the door.

“I’m really sorry about that Crimson.” Twilight repeated.

“No big deal, I’ll be fine by tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow then.” Spike gave a quick wave.

“Bye.” Fluttershy squeaked just before the stallion made his way out the door.

Meanwhile, back in Canterlot a certain sun princess sat in the immense royal library. Her eyes scanned the pages of seven books floating around her using her magic. She had been feverishly reading old texts and legends since she raised the sun that morning when she asked her sister to take care of most of her royal duties for her. Her eyes were bloodshot from barely blinking the entire duration. If not for the reasons for this intense reading she would otherwise find it humorous that she was behaving like her own student. “No, this script doesn’t tell me any more than the others.” Celestia said to herself as she tossed the book aside.

Just then one of the guards entered the room. “M’lady, I’m sorry to disturb you but Princess Luna wishes to speak with you.”

Celestia blinked rapidly before shaking her head. “Yes, of course. That’s fine.” She looked to the door as the dark lunar princess entered with a concerned look on her face. The guard quietly shut the door behind her to give the sisters privacy to speak.

“The royal tasks for the day are complete, at least until it comes time for you to lower the sun. Sister are you still going through those old tales?” She approached her elder sibling and looked at the covers of the books. “You have yet to tell me the reason for such a search.”

Celestia sighed as she kept the books afloat. “I had a dream last night. I could make very little of it out but I believe it has to do with the seventh element of harmony.”

Luna was momentarily taken back. “But sister, this is just a legend. We only found the six. Any speak of another was quickly dismissed as a mere story, an old mares tale.”

“Perhaps you can understand it better. Do you still know that dream walker spell?”

“Of course.”

“I want you to use it on me tonight while I sleep, see what you can make of it.”

“You trust me, to run freely in your dreams?”

“Please Luna, I want your opinion on this, you were always the best when it came to reading dreams. I feel it is a vision about the future of Equestria and I think it has something to do with the seventh element.”

The princess of the night nodded in understanding. “I will help in any way I can. For our kingdom and for your peace of mind my sister.” She trotted to Celestia’s side and gave her a soft hug.

“Thank you; if you’re not busy could you help me in my research?”

Luna groaned. “You know I never liked reading very much.”

“Please Woona?” Celestia begged with wide puppy dog eyes.

Luna huffed. “Very well.” She said before pulling a few books off of the shelves for herself.

“So…Where have you been going lately after you raise the moon?”


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A week had passed since Crimson’s arrival into Ponyville and things had settled down quite rapidly. After the gray pegasus was seen walking around town with the town’s most gentle heart Fluttershy, Crimson has been approached and greeted by the remaining residents. Other than spending some time with his new friends he either helped out around Sweet Apple Acres or was in Everfree, supposedly building a new home for Crash and himself in the forest. Though since his mishap with Twilight’s spell the ex-soldier suffered from frequent headaches that nopony could find the source.

It was a beautiful day as Rarity and Fluttershy were enjoying their time at the spa. Both were just beginning their massage session. “Mmmh, this is wonderful.” Fluttershy sighed as the light cerulean pony, Lotus Blossom, worked at her shoulders.

“Most definitely.” Rarity agreed. “I have been horn-deep in dress orders and this is just what I needed.”

Fluttershy grew silent for a moment before addressing her friend. “Umm…Rarity?”

“Yes dear?”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.” She smiled over from her table.

“Well it’s kind of…” She drew her attention to Aloe who was at Rarity’s side. “Personal.”

Aloe simply smiled. “Don’t worry Fluttershy. If we spilled every secret we hear during sessions we would lose all of our customers.”

The yellow Pegasus gave an understanding nod before looking back at her unicorn friend. “W-what do you think about Crimson?”

Rarity looked at her quizzically. “Our new friend? Well, he is handsome in that war torn soldier kind of way.” She looked at the spa sisters. “What about you two, have you met our friend Mr. Quake?”

“That dark pegasus with the cool red eyes? I think he’s cute.” Aloe squealed.

“Eh, I wouldn’t kick him out of bed.” Lotus tried to shrug it off with a deep blush on her face.

“Fluttershy shook her head furiously. “No, not his looks. I mean his personality.”

Rarity pondered for a moment. “Well he is humble, I have heard many mares complement him without him getting full of himself. Strong but sensitive, I heard he stared down a couple teenage colts who were picking on Sweetie Belle and her friends. Polite, selfless, and courageous. That is simply what I gathered so far.”

“Do you think you can see him…with somepony like me?” She asked sheepishly.

There was a moment of silence before Rarity’s eyes grew wide. “I knew it.” Rarity nearly fell off of the table in a spout of giddiness.

“K-knew what?”

“You fell for him. Applejack told me she had a feeling you did.”

“She knows?” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Honey I’m surprised the others haven’t noticed the way you look at him.” The blush on Fluttershy’s face was now as red as Crimson’s eyes. Rarity couldn’t help but laugh. “But to answer your actual question, yes. I think a stallion like him is just what you need in your life.”


“Of course. You should ask him out darling.”

“N-no, I mean, I couldn’t. What if he says no?”

“Then he is missing out.” Rarity said. “You’re a beautiful, loving young mare who he would be lucky to have.”

“I don’t know Rarity.” She mumbled as she tried to sink into her table.

It was an hour before the two mares left the spa feeling refreshed and, in Fluttershy’s case, a tad embarrassed. “Hey Rarity, Fluttershy!” They looked over to see Rainbow Dash trotting up with the rest of their friends.

“Is something the matter?” Rarity questioned.

The multicolor Pegasus pony batted her hoof. “Nah. We just thought we would go see how Crimson was doin’. You two in?”

Rarity had a slight gleam in her eye as she looked to her timid friend. “That sounds like a wonderful idea. I’m sure a friendly visit will brighten up his day.”

“I suppose so.” Fluttershy whispered.

The herd of friends approached the edge of the Everfree Forest. They all stopped before making their way into the thicket of trees. “Hang on, I’m gonna fly on ahead to see if I can spot him, better than wandering around in there with no idea where to go.”

“Good idea Rainbow Dash.” Twilight smiled as she sat where she stood. “We will wait right here for you.” With that, the speed driven pony took off over the forest canopy. Twilight and the others waited for word from Rainbow Dash. The purple unicorn looked amongst her friends; Applejack was chuckling as Pinkie Pie bounced around her in circles.

“I bet he is building a big twisting waterslide that goes right into a stream that then does down a waterfall!” The pink earth pony said with awe.

Rarity was talking to Fluttershy who simply looked at the grass beneath her. “You know you must tell him soon dear.”

“B-But, I’m scared. What if he doesn’t want to be my friend anymore?” She whispered.

“Oh come now, surely he cannot re-“

“Hey I think I found him.” Rainbow Dash called down and pointed a hoof into the forest. “He’s in a small clearing not too far from here.” She dropped down to meet up with her friends. “I only caught a glimpse of him but I don’t think he saw me.”

“Well come on, let’s surprise him!” Pinkie cheered before following Rainbow into the woods, the others following close behind. It was quiet, usually Everfree forest was abuzz with the sounds of wildlife.

“Should be right up here.” The cerulean pegasus said before they could hear heavy grunts off in the distance. When the six friends peered into the clearing their jaws simultaneously dropped. Crimson’s back was towards them while his shoulder was pressed hard against a rather large and heavy looking slab of rock. The stone itself was as thick as a tree, ten ponies wide and six tall. The dark gray Pegasus was pushing it up against three others of similar size protruding from the ground forming an open box shape The stone being pushed slid up little by little by the pony that it dwarfed. Upon sight of the girls Crash leapt from his sleeping position and barked around them happily.

“Crash.” Crimson grunted. “It’s really hard to focus with you barking buddy.” With one final shove the stone slab slid up and settled in its new place as the roof for his makeshift home. The dark stallion sighed in relief. “Wow, I’m really out of shape.” He huffed as he wiped his forehead with his hoof.

“Are you bucking kidding me?” Rainbow Dash shouted.

Crimson quickly whipped around and paled at the sight of his friends who were now staring at him in shock. “Please tell me you all didn’t just see that.”

“Sorry sugarcube, saw ya put the finishing touches on yer place.” Applejack admitted, attempting to regain her composure. Sure she thought Crimson was pretty strong, but even Big Macintosh couldn’t move something that size by himself.

Crimson dropped to a sitting position and looked at the ground shamefully. “I wanted to keep my strength a secret, it’s bad enough that just the way I looked scared everypony when I first came here.”

“I knew you were tough dude, but even Twilight would have a tough time lifting something like that with her magic.” Rainbow grinned. Crimson looked up to see their expressions had changed from shock to admiration.

“But I thought ya gave all ya had just to pull those carts back at the farm.” Applejack stated.

“I was restraining myself. I didn’t want to stand out and look even more like a freak.”

“Darling you are certainly not a freak, you are an extraordinary stallion.” Rarity admitted as she used her magic to pull out a fan to cool herself.

He let a slight smile spread over his face, happy that they didn’t think of him the way he feared they would. Crimson then turned to the stone structure. “Well it took me forever to find the right sized rocks and it doesn’t look like much, but welcome to my home.” He glanced over his shoulder to see his friends smiling awkwardly.

“It’s…sturdy?” Applejack attempted to complement honestly.

“Yeah, it’s nice.” Twilight smiled nervously.

“Where’s the waterslide?” Pinkie Pie asked, tilting her head to the side.

Before he could ask the energetic mare what she was talking about Rarity spoke her mind. “Really Crimson, this is not a fitting home for anypony, especially a friend of mine.”

“It’s not that bad. Better than the tents we had to sleep inside in our squadron.”

“Yer not a soldier anymore partner. Ya don’t gotta live like this.”

“Yes, Applejack is right. You’ll live with one of us until we can find suitable lodgings of your own.” The white unicorn then turned to Applejack. “I’m sorry dear, but your barn does seem a bit drafty.”

“He didn’t seem ta have a problem with it before.” The orange farm mare said with slight irritation.

“No, it must be an actual home.” She put her hoof on her chin and scanned her friends with a slight grin. “Fluttershy.”

An audible squeak was heard from the yellow Pegasus. “M-me?”

“Of course, surely you must have some room in the spacious cottage of yours.”

“Well, it isn’t much, but it would be more comfortable than the ground.” She muttered.

“If it’s a problem I can find somewhere else.” Crimson said gently.

“No, it’s not a problem.” She said almost too quickly. “I mean, as long as you’re okay with it.”

“Well, I do appreciate the offer but as with Applejack I don’t want to stay for nothing.” He said as he scratched the back of his head.

“Ya can help her with her critters, I’m sure she could use an extra set of hooves.” Applejack suggested.

“You don’t have to do anything Crimson.” She blushed. “I can handle it.”

“I’ll do whatever I can. Please Fluttershy.” The stallion pleaded.

“O-okay, I guess you can help with some of the animals.” Her sentence dwindling to a mutter as she averted her eyes from his gaze.

“I can do that, I’m not as good as you, but I can help with simple things.” Fluttershy smiled before heading back the way they came, being followed by all but Twilight and Applejack. Twilight inspected the stones that Crimson was lifting, Applejack looking at her curiously.

“Bit fer yer thoughts hun?” Applejack asked.

“It’s just that, even being a solder, there is no way a normal pony could possibly be that strong. There isn’t anything special about the rocks, but it’s biologically impossible for a pony to have that much power.”

“So you think there is somethin’ he ain’t tellin’ us?”

Twilight sighed. “I’m not sure Applejack, I’m just not sure.” She said before following the others, Applejack close behind.