> Ducky Kitchenware > by Bama Journeymane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter Uno > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         It had been a tough day.  Angel bunny had been a total douchebag as usual and Rarity had talked her ear off which was totally normal for a spa day.  It was different this time.  She had something to ask.  Something to say and she didn’t get to say it because one Angel bunny was a douchebag and Rarity was chatty.                  The question was how do I come out of the closet.  It couldn’t be as simple as opening the door and walking out.  No that was way too simple.  It also couldn’t be as simple as walking out on a stage, which was very frightening as it was, and yelling, “I’m a lesbian!”  No, no it couldn’t be that simple.         Fluttershy sat in her comfy chair and sipped on from her wine glass.  She rolled it in her mouth and enjoyed the sweet succulent flavor of her Moscato.  She had a wine for every feeling, or almost every feeling.  This was her contemplative wine.  It was sweet and comforting and well that is what she needed to think about things.         Angel bunny hopped up on her hoof rest and crossed his little paws across his chest and stomped his foot.         “Go away, Angel bunny! I-I’m not in the mood,” she said as sternly as possible.  Sternly as possible coming out barely more than a whimper.         He raised his eyebrow and beat out a steady rhythm with his big old bunny foot.         "I said go away!” she said again, this time a few decibels louder.         Angel’s eyes narrowed.  He was looking scary so she picked up a cushion and tossed it at him.  His eyes went wide and then he let out a tiny little, “Ompf,” and fell to the floor with the cushion on top of him.         She felt bad that she had tossed a pillow at him but at the same time she felt rather good for standing up for herself.  She eyed the pillow in the floor and the bunny underneath, he was breathing so he would be okay.         She took another sip from her wine glass.  The flavor exploded in her mouth again and she let out a happy sigh.  Sip, savor, sigh, rinse and repeat.           Angel bunny pushed the pillow off his little body and hopped away.  Fluttershy shrugged and took another sip but came up dry.           “This will not do,” she said before hopping out of her comfy chair and into the kitchen.  She pulled the bottle out from her wine fridge and placed it on the counter and then started to look for her corkscrew.  She looked in the drawer beside her sink and it wasn’t there.  She looked on to the table where she had remembered laying it.  It wasn’t there either.  She looked under the table and still she did not find it.  Slightly sad that she couldn’t find her corkscrew she bites down on the cork and pulls it free.           “Yay,” she says happily before pouring another glass.           Her buttery butt found her seat again, “Oh, how I love my chair that has my lovely butt print moulded after years of use.”         She sipped delicately at her wine before pulling a magazine from her coffee table’s drawer.  The kind that locks so that she can lock her naughty magizines up so nopony else could find them.  She turned to page 19, her favorite page, to look at the centerfold and oogled the beautiful young mare with cobalt blue coat with a bright red and yellow mane wearing a faux-leather collar and a red faux-leather corset with little holes cut out in it so that her teats poked through.         She raises her glass to her lips and takes a large gulp, she was going to need it.  She downed her glass and then greedily ate up the picture before her.  She could see the mare’s muscles flex under her coat as she held a slightly surprised pose with a hoof over her mouth and her tail lifted to expose her naughty bits.         Her hoof slowly drifted past her belly button before she pulled back, nope not drunk enough yet.         She trotted back in the kitchen and pulled pour the last couple of drops of her Moscato before moving to the wine cooler swaying her hips side to side.  Pulling the bottle out she brought it to her lips and started to sing, “Bum, bum, bum-ba-da, ba-da.  Bum, bum, bum-ba-da ah!” She twirled around and bowed to an invisible audience,”Trot outside and you see the sunshine.  Something's in the air today.  Sky is clear and you're feelin' so fine.  Everything's gonna be a-okay.” Humming the next couple of bars she quieted down a little and set the bottle on the table.   “Where did I put the corkscrew?,” she said aloud as she looked in the drawer beside her sink.  It wasn’t there.  She looked on the table.  Hadn’t she laid it there?  She shrugged and looked at the bottle.  The cork was too far sunk in to get it out with her teeth.  Something broke inside and she started to tear up when an idea occurred to her.  Her frown turned upside down. Angel bunny watched from underneath the table corkscrew in paw as she giddily walzed out of the front door.  He hopped over and watched her gayly prance over to the lake where she picked up a drake, a one very loud duck named Mr. Quacky, and brought him inside. “Now, Mr. Quacky I want you to open up this bottle for me,” said Fluttershy as she gave the duck a happy smile. Now Mr. Quacky looked at her and back to her and blinked his beady black eyes, “Quack?” “What do you mean you can’t open it?” pleaded Fluttershy as she sat down and looked a little hurt, tears welling up in her eyes. The duck stroked his chin with his wing and then looked back at her, “Quack, quack quack.” Fluttershy shook her head no. The duck shrugged, “Qua-Quack.” Fluttershy stomped her hoof, “I want a glass of wine!  And if you won’t use your corkscrew then I will use your corkscrew!” Mr. Quacky tried to get away but he was frozen in place by The Stare.  He shook in fear as she picked him up and pressed his private parts to the wine bottle and then twisted. “Quuuuuuaaaaaakkkkkkkkkk!’ he roared as the cork freed itself and launched up and bruised his boy ducky parts.   Fluttershy clapped her hooves together and sat him down, “Yay!”  She poured a fresh glass of wine and walked back into the living room and flopped in her chair.  Fluttershy always got her way when she really wanted to.  Now she just had to get drunk enough to get off and brave enough to go and tell everypony that she was a lesbian.   She sighed, it was a good thing that she had several more bottles of wine and plenty of ducks.