The Muses of Love

by B_25

First published

Spike and Rainbow Dash are pitted in a fight to write the better story. If only they had a story to write about.

Spike and Rainbow Dash are pitted in a fight to write the better story.

If only they had a story to write about.

Shout out to "Diamond brook," who wrote Chapter Two to help me me finish this story on time. Go check him out!

Chapter 1: Bet (B_25)

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The main hall of the Golden Oaks Library was quiet, except for a quaint purple unicorn, a bold cyan pegasus, and a peculiar baby dragon.

The pegasus laid back on a bean-bag, and held the latest issue of Daring Do up to the sky with her two front hoofs. Her eyes, went left to right, left to right. Then her eyes stopped. She pressed her snout against the second page, and pushed it left. She began to read the next page.

The dragon; who sat on the other side of the library, rested his purple scaled back against the wall of the library. The drake’s tail held itself in front of it’s owner’s face. A book seated itself on top of two green spikes; these spikes going from the tip of his tail to the top of his head. Ironic enough, this was the dragon’s name.

The last occupant, the lavender coated unicorn. Sat on a wooden chair with her eyes blankly staring at the many papers that laid on her desk. Her eyes trailed to a white cup, which held coffee that had gone cold. She looked at it for a moment. And, with her magic, that she can summon through the horn the rested on her forehead: she levitated the cup to her lips, and drank the coffee. Once she finished the cup, she closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue. Made a “Yuck” sound, and put the cup where she found it. She looked to her pens, levitated one, and returned to her reading of the new laws waiting to be implemented.

The soothing rain banged against the window of the library, threatening to put all to sleep.

“I can’t take it anymore!” shouted the pegasus, accidentally dropping the book onto her face. The sudden noise also caused the drake to flinch and drop his book as well.

“What's wrong, Rainbow Dash?” asked Spike the dragon, as he picked up his book.

Rainbow Dash looked to Spike from under the pages. “Everything! From the never-ending rain, to Twilight groaning every time she see’s a new paper. And this new issue of Daring Do is soo boring! I know she’s going to make the jump, so it’s not exciting anymore!”

Spike looked at Dash with a raised brow. “You’re still reading Daring do?”

“Of course I am! Why wouldn't I?

Spike scrunched his nose at her response. He decided against making a snarky remark. “Didn't Daring do get boring after the fifth book?”

“I wouldn't say it got boring. Just a little less awesome is all.”

Spike sighed as he looked to the book in his claws; he smiled at the cover of the book.

“If you want to read something really awesome, then you should check out what I’m reading.” He held out the book to her; the front cover reading ‘The adventures of Calliope!’

“Calliope?” she said. Dash rose from the ground, and neared the drake. “That’s one weird name.” Spike glared at her for a moment. “It’s not a weird name!” Spike whined, as his tone became defensive. “It’s an awesome name.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as Spike handed her the book. She ignored the title and looked at the cover art: It was a Grey pony standing on two legs, wearing a trench coat that fell to his hooves. Attached to his back was a big sword (much to big for the pony to wield). Rainbow pointed a hoof to her mouth and gagged. Spike failed to notice as he went on about his book.

“So Calliope is an odd jobs man. If you have the money, he’s willing to take anything on! And it’s cool, because he looks like a mean character, but then he’ll do good jobs, and ask for nothing in return!” Rainbow dash stopped listening half-way in of the summary. But watched the drake as he went on and on about the story. The way he was telling it; she gently smiled and laughed as he told the tale.

'It’s not often you find ponies so... excited, to just talk about a book.' Thought Rainbow Dash, as Spike went on.

“Like one time, in chapter nine. He faces off against five different swordsmen, and defeats them all in one attack! But one of the other swordsmen manage to strike a blow on him. He also falls to the ground. Calliope is about to die, when he remebers--” Spike took a deep breath in, as he spoke in a deep voice, “I must save the village!” Spike breaths out. And returned to his original voice. “And get’s up, even though he’s nearing death! I wish I could be that cool! I mean, if I had that much courage, then I could help you girls out more often! I would be able to save the day as well.”

'Ha. Just like Spike to get off topic so easily. I should say something like “You’ll never be as awesome as us!” Nah. He’s so happy right now. No harm in letting him go on.' Dash smiled as his his excitement was contagious.

“Oh, almost forgot about Calliope. So anyway, he get’s up, and returns to the village! And even on the brink of death, he challenges the enemy leader, and beats him. He saves the village, but is unable to save himself. And like a true hero, he mutters to everyone. ‘Allow my payment to be just one strawberry milkshake.” Dash shook her head and stirred from her thoughts.

“Wait, he dies? Talk about spoilers, Spike!” she playfully hit him on the arm with the book, and handed it back to him.

“It’s not really spoilers though, because in the next book, he wakes up in Tarturus, and has a fight with the devil to regain his life!”

“That’s even more spoilers!” she hit again once more.

“Ow! You’re right! I’m sorry!” he quickly raise his claws to an x over his chest; to defend from any more attacks. Dash only smirked.

'He's gotten so big. Yet he's still scared of me. How awesome must you be to scare a dragon?'

Spike dropped his hands and head and sighed. He looked up to her with defeated eyes. “So, what do you think?”

“What do I think?” Dash smiled and surprisingly giggled as she turned back to Spike. “I think it’s the most cliche piece of work I've ever heard!”

Spike sat against the wall. His shoulders were lowered, his mouth agape, and his eyes threaten to tear up at any moment. Dash couldn't help it, she fell on the floor and erupted with laughter. Tears of happiness fell from her eyes. And Spike’s head was set to explode from the amount of steam the came from his nostrils.

Twilight for the first time from sitting down, spoke up. “That wasn't a nice thing to do, Rainbow Dash.”

Dash lowered her laughter to a giggle, as she got up from the floor and wiped away the tears. “I know. But it was so worth it.” She let out a breath as her giggles ended.

“You just don’t know what you’re talking about Dash. This book is awesome!” said Spike.

“I’m afraid Rainbow Dash is right, Spike,” said Twilight. “That book really has been done a thousand times!”

“See, even Twilight agrees!” laughed Dash.

Spike huffed. “You two just don’t have good taste.”

Twilight became wary as Spike looked at his book with a new eye. He had done this before. When he was little, Spike liked a different brand of toys then other ponies. They made fun of him for this, so he decided to stop playing with the toys, even though he liked them. Twilight feared the same thing might occur.

'If I don’t do something quick, Spike will quit reading those books because others called him stupid. But what can I do to redeem him?' Twilight sighed for her brother's. 'All this, because Dash is disappointed with Daring Do… Wait. That’s it!

Twilight stood up from her chair and addressed the two. “Dash, you’re disappointed in Daring Do lately, right?!”

Dash took a moment to answer. “Yeah, I guess. Why?” Twilight ignored that last part, and looked to her dragon brother. “Spike, you’re tired of people calling your stories cliche, and instead want to think those type of stories are awesome, right?!”

“They’re not cliche. They’re--” Twilight fully opened her bloodshot eyes,and stared at Spike down. He gulped. And answered, “yeah. What you said.” Twilight smiled.

“So, why don’t you guys write your own stories?”

Dash and Spike looked at one another, and then at Twilight with dumbfounded expressions. It was Dash who spoke up, “I don’t get what you mean, Twi.”

Twilight placed her head on her hoof as she thought of a better to phrase what she was saying.

“What I mean to say, is if both your own geners are lacking, then why not create something new to prove that it’s still exciting?” Their exprisons didn’t change, and Twilight was ready to yell.

Think, Twilight! What’s something that would movtaite both of them-- Wait, I’m a idiot.

“So Dash,” said Twilight, “you could write your own Daring do book and--”

“Isn’t that stealing?” said Dash.

“Then you can write a fanfiction of--”

“I don’t do fanfiction.”

“Fine,” Twilights voice began to grow, “you can write a book inspired by Daring do, but it’s your own book.”

“I guess I can work with that.” Dash tilted her head as she thought. “But I still don’t get why we’re doing this?” Twilight ignored her, and moved onto her brother.


“Yes!” piped Spike.

'Twilight is scariest when she's tired and mad' Spike thought.

Twilight sighed at her brother anxiety, and calmed herself down. “You’re tired of everyone mocking your dumb books, right?”

“Yeah, but there not--”

“They are dumb, Spike. But now you have the chance to make them less dumb; or even good!”

Spike tilted his head as well.

"I guess writing my own book about a cool swordsman would be awesome. Plus I could be a writer, and show everyone that those types of books are good."

Twilight smiled as both the pegasus and dragon had their head tilted in thought. If their heads were any closer, they might of been able to combine their minds.

'Strange,' began to think Twilight. 'How I haven’t noticed this before, but they are really alike. Maybe I can get Spike closer to Dash -- or heck, the entire gang by doing this. He might be able to fit in after this. Good job, Twilight! You deserve another tea for such a genius idea.

“I am still not so set on this whole idea; it’s kinda of a spurt of the moment deal,” said Rainbow Dash.

“C’mon Dash. What else can we do on a day like today?” said Spike, really liking the idea of writing a book.

“Yeah Dash,” piped in Twilight, “you could show each other your own work and see who’s genre is truly the best. I can be the judge. This could be like a challenge against the two of you.” The word ‘challenge’ had sent Dash's ears high, and her grin higher. She stood up and approached Spike.

“Well, Spike, it looks like you’re going down. What should the loser have to do?”

“I think admitting that their story sucks should be more than enough.”

“Okay,” said Dash, “you’re on!” She spit on her hoof, and brought it forward. “It looks like you’re going down.”

Spike spit on his claw, and met Dash in the middle. “What are you talking about; you can’t even write with your hooves. Whereas I, have handwriting.”

“Everyone knows that mouthwriting is way better than handwriting.”

“Hey!” angrily shouted Spike. “You take that back! Everyone knows that handwriting is better then mouth writing.” Spike turned to Twilight. “Right, Twi?” Twilight banged her head against her wooden door.

"Ahh! This means that mouth writing is better than handwriting. I’m done for!" Spike slammed his claw against the wood floor. Rainbow Dash left the library with that much more confidence in her stride. Twilight raised her head from the desk.

“You’re going to get ahead of the game, aren't you Dash?”

“You know it, Twi"

As Dash went to leave the library, Spike noticed that also on the floor along him, was Dash's book. "Hey, Dash!" he called from the floor. "You're forgetting Daring Do. Aren't you going to use it for reference?"

Dash looked to Spike as she made her next comment. “It won’t be much use reading a book that I’m going to be better than anyway. But feel free to do so, Spike.” Dash playfully stuck out her tongue as she soared out the library.

Twilight turned to Spike. “Don’t take her serious, Spike. She’s only caught up in--”

“I’m going to beat her! Even if she has the better writing style; my story is going to be so awesome, she won’t be able to close her mouth to write her story!” And with that, Spike rushed upstairs to write his book. As Dash flew home to do the same.

Twilight head became wobbly, and her head fell to the desk once more.

What have I done?

And Twilight drifted asleep. As the paperwork remained on her desk, unfinished.

Dash had reached her home in the clouds,and used her back hooves to kick open the door. A Toritse raised his neck and eyes, and smiled once he saw his roommate and owner had returned. The two rubbed their cheeks together.

“Hey’a, Tank!” said Rainbow playfully, “Did ‘cha miss me?” Tank made some kind of growl; Dash took it as an approval. “As did I, buddy.” Dash looked to the clock on her wall, and frowned at the late time. Tank noticed his owner’s worried expression, and tilted his head in concern. Seeing tank’s face brought Dash out of her trance.

“Oh, nothing wrong Tank. It’s just, me and Spike,” Tank tilted his head once more, except this time in confusion. “Oh, c’mon. Spike! The small purple baby dragon-” A mental image of taller Spike looping on the wooden floor came to her mind. She giggled at the image. “I guess he’s not so small now.” Tank kept his head tilted and his eyes staring blindly at Dash. “You know Spike, I talk about him all the time.” That comment managed to confused Dash.

Huh. I guess I really don’t talk about Spike that much. Actually, I didn't start talking to him until recently. Rainbow stood in thought. Maybe I've been letting work interfere with my life too much. Well. When's the last time I actually saw him outside?

Dash shook her head as she have her attention the Tank. “I guess you may not remember Spike, but he was the dragon that used to watch over you -- along with all the other animals.” Tank blinked, still oblivious to the Rainbow’s futile attempts of explaining Spike. After a few moments, however, he smiled and groaned once more.

“There you go!” exclaimed Dash. “Well, me and him are having an awesome challenge--” Dash went on to tell Tank the story of what happened, and how she now needed to write a book. Once she finished, Dash grabbed nearby stack of papers with her mouth, and laid it on her desk. She took a seat, and stared at the empty page.

“Now, to write something awesome, I need a cool plot.” Dash looked to Tank. “Got any ideas?” Tank only growled and flew off to bed.

“Well fine! I didn't need your help anyways.” Rainbow sat down at her desk, quill in mouth. “Now, what kind of adventure should Daring Do go on? Should it be a battle with Mary, where she has to save the day by rescuing her partner, Cole, who has the key to saving the lives of millions!”

Rainbow shook her head, unpleased with the idea. “Nah, that’s been done before.” She plopped her head against the desk, still thinking.

“I could have an adventure where Daring Do has to go undercover in Manehattan, trying to foil an underground crime ring, intent on controlling the city and the millions of ponies living within!” Again, Dash sighed. “No, that idea isn't good either.”

Rainbow fell back into her chair, rubbing her head with her forehooves.

“Who knew writing a story would be so hard?” Dash sat back up. “I need to write something down at least. Something to jog my mind.” Rainbow Dash stared out the window, looking for something, anything that could spark some creativity. After what seemed like an eternity, which was truly just five minutes, Rainbow found what she was looking for.

“Ah ha! I know what I’m going to write!” Rainbow furiously picked up her quill, and the long night that followed became a fury of groans, scribbles, crumbled paper, and a really, really loud snoring turtle.

Chapter 2: Winner is Two (DB)

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Not a single drop of ink had touched the paper before Spike had also faced similar problems.

“C’mon Spike, think! Calliope needs to have an epic adventure! One of adventure, suspense, and,” Spike said, lowering his voice to fit the mood, “just a touch of romance.”

“Spike!” Twilight yelled. “We all know ships in fanfiction are stupid! Don’t add that!”

Spike lowered his voice again, this time so Twilight couldn’t hear him. “What do you know? sitting in here all day, coopped up with your books?”

“I can hear you still, you know?”

“Fine, I’ll go somewhere else to write!” Spike retorted.

The rain had let up from earlier, and the sun was now shining on the quaint village of Ponyville. Some of the residents were now milling about, still trying to go about their everyday routines. Spike even saw Applejack delivering cider to the local eating establishments.

Spike walked along, lost in his own thoughts, ignoring all the happenings around him.

Who says you can't have a little romance. What does she know anyways? She never writes any fanfiction. She doesn’t know who Calliope is. She doesn't what he’s been through.

Spike continued to pout to himself, walking aimlessly through the town. Eventually, he had found himself in front of Sugarcube Corner.

“Well, no great author ever gets anything done on an empty stomach, do they?” Spike said to himself, knowing full well he wasn't hungry and that he just ate.

The inside of Sugarcube Corner was as crowded as ever. Ponies occupied the various tables set out in the main dining hall, and even more were waiting patiently in front of the counter, where Pinkie Pie was taking orders for the customers. As soon as she spotted Spike, she rushed out from behind the counter, and gave him a big hug.


“I’ve just been hanging out with Twilight and Rainbow Dash,” Spike uttered, his spine now starting to bend a little TOO much out of shape.

“Pinkie, air,” he pleaded.

“Oh, sorry Spike,” she said, the smile never faltering from her face. “Sometimes I forget that other ponies can’t say or do a lot without taking SOOOOO many breaths in between everything.”

“Yeah. You’re a one of kind when it comes to talking.” Pinkie eagerly pulled a chair out for Spike. He nodded his head in thanks, and sat down.

Pinkie shook her head, and out from her mane fell a notebook. Spike had failed to noticed as to when Pinkie got a pen.

“So, whath’ca like, Spike?” She asked.

“A coffee - black - would be nice.”

Pinkie tilted her head, and looked to a nearby sign that read ‘bakery’. She looked back at Spike, who felt kinda stupid.

“A strawberry milkshake and an elmered muffin would be better, actually.” That caused Pinke to once again smile, and run off to fill the order.

Spike placed the bag he had been carrying on the chair next to him. He unzipped it and scavenge around until he found his trusty notebook and a line worth of pens. He placed his supplies upon the table, and flipped the book open to the first page. He clicked the pen, and out came the ink. Spike didn’t move his claw; he had found himself in a trance where he stared at his quill.

Spike’s eyes began to wonder. He began to notice how small the roof was; how the smell from freshly made goods made him happy. The mare and the Colt who sat across from him, were pleasantly talking with one another. Spike couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but by the way their lips moved, and the never ending happiness which they sent through the store.

It’s like they’re talking about their future, to which, one they share. And they seem excited about that, which is soon to come. And they’re throwing out dreams like there’s no tomorrow. They’re just….. Happy.

Spike failed to notice it, but his claw inch closer to the paper. And with a will of it’s own, the pen drew to life, words spurring from the tip of the quill. And within a matter of moments, ideas of their very own were coming to life

The lonely Earth Pony in the rocking chair, coughed and coughed until his throat was clear. Spike began to watch this pony instead. The Earth Pony had a gray mane; the vest that covered his body and the top hat he donned allowed him to be considered ‘nicely dressed.’ The Earth Pony sighed as he retrieved a watch from his pocket, and frowned as he saw the time.

He seems like a fellow whose been doing the same thing for long. And it doesn’t look like time is waitng for him either. It’s like he waiting for change, but isn’t the type to change himself.

The pen scribbled even harder. Spike finally looked at what awaited him on the notepad, but didn’t not expect a pair of eyes to be awaitng as well.

“Your order’s done, Spike!” Pinkie cheered as she jumped , the plates she was carrying falling yet landing perfectly on the table.

“GEZZ! Pinkie, what I’d say about surprises?”

“That they’re not good for the heart, and that there is a teeny tiny chance that it could kill you.” she finished. “But I don’t see what the big deal is! You’re a dragon, don’t you have, like, a thousand lives or somthing?

“Wrong species, Pinkie. If you kill a dragon, they don’t come back.”

“Oh, cool!” said Pinkie. “That’ going to come into handy for later!” Spike wasn’t sure how to take that comment, so he decided just to take a bite out muffin instead. And as always, a sight of releif escaped his lips. “As good as always, Pinkie.”

“So, “Pinkie said, now leaning on her forehooves planted firmly on the table. “What’cha writing about?”

Spike looked away embarrassed, shoving his notebook back into his pack. “Oh, just taking notes for Twilight. You know how she is, always wanting notes, and stuff… I guess.”

“Oh, come on silly, tell me what you’re really writing about!” Pinkie’s eyes have now grown to the size of a lacrosse ball, not being easily fooled by Spike’s futile attempts of deceiving.

“Well, if you really must know…., “ he started slowly. “I’m actually writing a book. Inspired by another book.”


“You… write?” Spike sputtered, completely bewildered at the fact that Pinkie can think about the same thing for more than 3 seconds.

“Of course Silly Willy McFrilly! I write all the time!” At this, Pinkie gasped a huge gasp, her eyes now the size of a two lacrosse balls. “You should read some of my works!”

“Oh no, that’s quite OK Pinkie.”

“Oh, c'mon Spike, it will be really quick. I swear!” She sped off to the stairs, her trademark smiled plastered to her face.

Spike smiled, knowing that she only meant well. She was a sweet pony, really. She was just… Different. Just like Spike.

Ever since Spike had come to Ponyville, he had always been different. In the beginning though, he was innocent, and unaware of just how strange his place in pony society was. He never noticed the stares, the looks, and muttered words under pony’s breaths. But as he grew older, he noticed things more. He heard things more. He realized how.... how unwanted he was. Thus started the reclusion, shutting himself out from everypony. He gave up on his crush on Rarity, and Twilight was one of the few ponies he came in close contact with anymore. Sure, he still saw Rainbow and Pinkie and AppleJack, but not like it was before. He was almost unrecognizable to them, in mind, and in body too. He had started to grow too, his scales becoming sharper, more shiny. His brain had become stronger too. With all the reading he had done, he had become more intellectual, and understanding too. He realized the ponies fear of dragons. They had terrorized the ponies for decades, centuries even, and even with the expansion of settlements like Appleloosa, pushing the dragons, back, they were still in the back of every pony’s mind.

Rushing down the stairs came a pink ball of fur, paper, and too much energy for Spike to handle. “Ok,” she said, not skipping a beat. “Here’s one story I wrote about a strong, handsome stallion, who sweeps a beautiful, gorgeous pink mare off her hooves, using only his charming looks, and sweet and caring personality.”

Spike stared at Pinkie, his mouth half open, one eyebrow cocked. “‘I’ll read the first chapter.” Spike opened the first page, reading the first line to himself.

Once upon time…

As night finally encroached on the few final moments of light that shined down on Ponyville, Spike the Dragon was still sitting in Sugarcube Corner, deep in thought.

“Spike, we’re about to be closing soon, ya know,” Pinkie said, peeking her head out from the back room. “You can stay here if you want, the Cakes are out of town, and I don’t mind you staying here. I know you’re a good dragon.”

“Thanks Pinkie,” Spike yelled from across the room. He took a bite into his sixth cupcake of the day, spreading crumbs over his paper. Pinkie had finally stopped showering him in her works, which were oddly all about a pink mare falling in love with some perfect stallion.

“Hmmm”, Spike thought. “I wonder if I know her.”

Spike looked down at what he had so far. What lay in front of him though, made him cringe. He had a crude outline written down, detailing the entire frame of the story. Spike knew something was off about it though. It had everything he initially wanted. Bad flank main characters, awesome, complex plot lines, and hot side mares, purely for the convenience of the protagonist. But something was missing, and he couldn't quite put his claw on it.

He crumpled the paper up, throwing it to the side.

“How the heck am I supposed to write a story.” Spike felt absolutely lost. Not only had he lost all his friends, but he couldn't even make one of the things he had started to love.

He couldn’t even make his own book.

Spike hung his head in defeat. He packed all his thing up, and started to head for the door. Just as he was about to leave though, he could hear somepony trotting behind him.

“Spike… where you going?” Pinkie was now behind Spike, and for once in the longest time, he saw her not wearing her signature smile. Instead, she donned a frown, and she couldnt meet his eyes.

“I just gotta go Pinkie… I know you have a lot to do, like cleaning up around here, especially with the Cakes gone. I jsut thought I’d get out of your mane.” Spike started for the door again, but was stopped when she responded.

“Is it because you don’t like my stories?” Pinkie whispered.

Spike now turned to face her. “Why don’t you think i don’t like your stories?”

“I just…. Cause no one else ever has. And I kept them hidden for a long time. I thought that no one ever wanted to read them again. But I saw you writing today, and I just thought you might want to, jsut maybe, just maybe…”

Spike bent down, and pulled Pinkie into a deep hug. “Pinkie, you know I loved your stories. I thought they were beautifully written. And I really mean that.”

Pinkie, now crying a little, sniffled, “You do?”

“Of course I do. I think you're the most amazing author ever.” And with that, Spike stood up, and headed for the door.

As he left, he felt the wind in his scales, the cool night air running down his throat, and he looked around. for the first time in a long time, he looked around. He noticed that there were still a few ponies milling around, and that the moon was out. The houses looked a lot smaller than he remembered too. And then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the couple from earlier. They were still together, sitting outside a small cottage, talking. They both were smiling, happy to just be in each other’s presence. And finally, Spike knew exactly what he was gonna write about. As he ran back to Golden Oaks Library, the long night that followed became a fury of groans, scribbles, crumbled paper, and a really, really loud snoring Twilight.

The main hall of the Golden Oaks Library was quiet, except for a quaint purple unicorn, a bold cyan pegasus, and a peculiar baby dragon.

“So…. what did you get done?” Rainbow asked. Her own story was laying on the table, face down from Spike.

‘Uh…. not a lot really. But I got the first chapter done. it’s just a rough outline.”

Rainbow fidgeted a little in her seat. She didn't know why she was so nervous, she really shouldn't be. There’s no way he could figure out what her story was really about… Right?

As both papers were exchanged, Pony and Dragon eyes alike started moving back and forth across the page. They sat there for an hour, reading the stories intently.

As rainbow read further and further, she felt so compelled to just jump into the paper, and give this poor colt a hug. How dare this… this stupid tail lifter treat him like that! He had tried so hard, and she stomped all over him.

Spike too, was having similar feelings. The poor filly, she was expected to do so much! she was looked up to by everyone, and the smallest mistake would just piss everyone off. Her life was like trying to balance a spinning plate on a chopstick. Sure, you can keep it balanced for a while, but eventually, it will fall. And just like the plate, this little filly would crack.

“Well, I’m finally done with all this paperwork!” Twilight abruptly stated, shocking the two avid readers out of their stupor. “finally, I can do something fun.”

Spike and Dash both looked at each other, both not really wanting to stop reading the other’s story.

“I know something you might be able to do Twi,” Spike answered. “I know Pinkie has some stuff to do at SugarCube Corner. Maybe you could help her out, get a drink in the process.”

Twilight didn't seem all to thrilled at the idea of more work, but she didn’t protest the idea. “Ok then, I guess I’ll go down there for a bit. If you need me Spike, you know where to find me!”

As Twilight finally left the two alone, Rainbow spoke up. “Maybe we should go too. We’ve been sitting here a while also. Stretch our legs, give our heads a break.”

“Sure thing,” Spike said, following suit of Rainbow. “Where you wanna go?”

“The park sounds pretty good right now.”

The day outside was beautiful. The Weather Team had really outdone themselves today. The sun was out, and there wasn’t a cloud to be seen. The warm air wafted on their skin, baking them in its welcoming embrace. Other ponies were out too, also enjoying the fine day.

As they made their way to the park, Spike started to notice the way other ponies were reacting. But this time it was different. Some were in disbelief. Others were a little angry. One even muttered under her breath.

The strange thing was, none of it was directed at Spike.

They were all looking at Rainbow Dash. And Sike knew exaclty why they were giving her those disgusted looks. Dash, however, was absolutely clueless to the attention, and kept on walking, going her merry way.

“It’s such a good day today Spike. Why don’t we come out on days like this more often,” she remarked.

Spike didn't say anything at all, just kept looking ahead, trying not to notice the onlookers. “Yea, it sure is.”

“You know, it’s days like this where you just wanna sit in a nice cloud, and just soak in the sun. Man, I don’t know any better feeling than that. When you gonna get your wings, Spike? You’ve been getting really tall lately. They have to come in soon.”

“I dont know,” he muttered, not really paying attention to the conversation at hoof.

“Hey, is everything ok? You seem a little preoccupied.”

“Yea,” he lied. “Just thinking.”

“Oh, I see,” she smirked. “You’re thinking about how much better my story is than yours!”

Spike laughed hard. “Oh Rainbow, if only you could see the true beauty that my piece is.”

“You know though Spike, it wasn’t even half bad.”

“You really think so?”

“Yeah,” she said. “I thought it was really good actually.”

They had finally reached the park. Luckily for Spike, it was relatively empty. They found a nice spot, on top of a hill, with a single, lone tree that provided enough shade to be comfortable. They sat down, each laying against the trunk.

“You know Rainbow, I really liked yours too. Which is kind of a strange thing to say, I guess. It made me kinda mad.”

Rainbow looked at Spike with shock. Why would her story make him mad! She had worked so hard on it, and that’s what it made people feel? “Why, what’s wrong with it?”

“What? No! Nothing’s wrong with it. It’s just I felt so bad for the little filly in the story. She had so many expectations to meet, and she couldn't always do it. She just wasn’t capable. And when she couldn't; everyone hated her. she was rejected, not by just her friends, but even her family. I mean, it’s awful. I just want to give her a hug, and tell her it’s gonna be alright….”

Rainbow stared at Spike for a while, trying not to tear up at what he just said. And a little embarrassed too.

“Your’s kinda made me feel the same way a little. The way that tail lifter treated him. She doesn’t even deserve his attention, let alone all the sweet things thats he did for him. Your protagonist was so kind, and he deserved a lot better than her.”

They both sat under the tree, a calming and natural silence falling over them. They sat there for a while, just enjoying the other’s presence.

“You know it’s been awhile since I’ve really hung out with anyone other than Twilight.”

“I haven’t really seen much of you lately either. Where have you been?”

Spike looked towards the direction of the library, standing tall among the tiny cottages. “In the library with Twilight. I don’t really go out much anymore.”

Rainbow waited a while before responding. “Why?” she knew that she should have said something, anything more thought provoking than a simple “Why”, but it was all she could muster.

“Ponies didn’t really like me. You could tell by the way they looked at me. Didn’t you see them on the way here?”

“Uh huh, I saw the looks. But I didn’t really mind. So what, you’re a dragon. it’s not like you’ve ever done anything to these ponies. They don’t know you, they don’t know who you really are.”

“But what about you. Don’t you have a reputation to keep, an image to stand up for? Don’t you want to join the Wonderbolts?”

Rainbow lowered her head. She knew that mingling with a dragon like Spike might ruin her reputation. Hell, it might ruin her chance of ever being able to join the Wonderbolts.

“yea, but… you’re a lot cooler than most of the Wonderbolts anyways. And you know, if they really wanted me, I’m sure they wouldn't mind me having a dragon as a friend.” Rainbow met Spike’s eyes, and they sat there for a while, just looking at each other.

“i know your story was about you, Spike. I see how much you want to be accepted by these ponies. but guess what? They’re all a bunch of silly colts and fillies. You don’t need their approval. You’ve got mine, and Twilight’s, and Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity’s too. Even Fluttershy, who’s scared to death of you now ever since you’ve grown. We all love you Spike. you’re out friend too.

Spike, now not being able to meet Rainbow’s eyes anymore, for fear of her seeing him cry.

“Spike, i’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset.” She placed a hoof on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

“No, no,” he whimpered, talking through the tears. “That’s not it. What you said just made me so happy… And I don’t know, maybe I got a little emotional is all. I just…. I love you too Dashie.”

They sat there, tears being shed, hugs being shared. Luckily, nopony was there to ruin the moment, and they sat there for a while.

Finally, Spike replied with an observation of his own. “I know your story was about you too Dashie. I know that you were the girl in your story. Always trying to keep your image clean, making sure everyone looks up to you. You don’t need their approval either. you’ve got me and the girls. And you know that. We’re all you need.”

Rainbow buried her neck into Spike’s shoulder. “You’re the only person’s approval I need Spike.”

Rainbow raised her head, and as she looked into his emerald green eyes, she could feel his breath on her muzzle.

And as Spike looked into her magenta eyes, he could feel her fur brushing up against his scales.

And when their lips met, no longer were they looking into each other’s eyes, but instead, they melted into each other’s embrace, enjoying the precious moment, never wanting to let go. Spike grabbed Rainbow tight, pulling her into him even more.

“Spike,” rainbow uttured. “I… I really like you.”

“I really like you too Rainbow.”

“You maybe…. wanna go somewhere more private?”

Spike looked around, making sure nopony was around to watch the little escapade that was about to happen.

“Oh, you know it Dashie,” he said with a wink.

Twilight had a pretty rough day. After finishing up all of her royal paperwork that Celestia had shoved onto her, she had even more to read with Pinkie.

But finally, it was over, and at least, she was free from the constraints of reading. Maybe she could go to the Spa with Rarity, go on a walk with Fluttershy. Maybe Applejack needed a few subjects to try out any new apple recipe she had come up with recently.

But before Twilight could even decide which one she wanted to do, a blue, green, and purple object jumped into the corner of her vision.

There, above the Ponyville park, was Rainbow Dash, carrying Spike to her house, just right next to the very outer edges of Ponyville.

“Oh, would you look at that,” she said. “Looks like theyre gonna help each other write some more stories.”