Twilight`s little brother, Prince Midnight

by The Prince Midnight

First published

Midnight, A younger brother to Twilight sparkle, Is a reincarnated human, for a specific reason.

Soon after Twilight got her Cutie Mark and was accepted to be Celestia`s personal student, Twilight velvet and Night Light soon had a young male filly who was an Alicorn, who was then named Midnight. Shocked by this, Celestia decided that once old enough, Midnight will join Twilight in her studies. Midnight is a reincarnated Human, but has no memories of his human life, but for what reason? All that is known is that a threat from the North is responsible for this.
(This will follow the TV series until a certain point, and this is my first story so be gentle.)

Chapter 1: The goodbye and Foal Sitter

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It was a sunny day, Midnight a Blue Alicorn with a dark and light blue mane, was saying goodbye to his sister, Twilight Sparkle. “Don't worry Cadence is a great Foal Sitter! She was the best Foal Sitter for me!” Twilight says hugging her little brother.

“This Nightmare Moon and the Mare in the Moon tale do seem to be quite similar, just be careful if Nightmare Moon does come back okay?” Midnight says letting go of Twilight.

“Please, Twilight you read to much!” Spike says.

“I`m just looking out for my big sister, make sure you do that if anything does happen okay Spike?” Midnight asked as Spike nods his head in agreement.

“I`m here!” A female voice calls in the dissidence as Cadence walks up to the three, Cadence, little bit taller than Twilight as Twilight and Spike climb up into a golden chariot with two white Pegasus's attached to the chariot.

“Its great to see you again Twilight! You've grown so much!” Cadence says, as both of them trot in place.

“Sun sunshine!” they say as the both kneel down with their hooves over their eyes.

“Lady bugs awake!” as the two lift their hooves over their eyes looking at each other.

“Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” They clapped their hooves together as the shook their flanks, as Twilight then sat down.

“I'm sure you're going to do a great job at helping with the Summer Sun celebration!” Cadence exclaims trying to help Twilight knowing that the Summer Sun celebration was a big event in Equestria.

“I`ll try my best. Just make sure that Midnight stays out of trouble.” Twilight says leaning closer to Cadence.

“Especially since many ponies don't know about another Alicorn, if word where to get out it wouldn't be a great scene for him, having him be on the newspapers and having others talk behind his back. You know things like that” Twilight whispers to Cadence.

Midnight wave as the chariot carrying Twilight took off, as the Pegasus's carrying the chariot started to flap their wings as the chariot took off into the air. “Bye Sis, Love ya and I`m gonna miss Ya!” Midnight shouts as Twilight and Spike wave back, soon once the chariot was out of sight, Cadence and Midnight started walking back to the castle.

“So, Cadence was it? You sound like a very nice Foal Sitter.” Midnight, trying to start a conversation with Cadence.

“Yes, your sister loved it when I became her Foal Sitter.” Cadence replies as she opens the door to a small but nice house.

“Mind the books and papers laying around, Twilight just can`t stop studying for one second to clean up her books.” Midnight says as Cadence chuckles at Midnight`s comment.

“Your sister always wanted to learn more and more. Though when I was with her she wanted to do everything else, reading and learning is good but doing it too often can shut you out from everyone.” Cadence says as she observes the house.

Cadence picked up any sort of papers and books using her magic to carry them around, as Midnight gave her a tour of the house. Once finished the two sat down at the table in the kitchen, Cadence soon organized all the books and papers she collected and put them on the table in a neat stack. Midnight had grabbed his pencil bag using his magic as he sat it on the table, Midnight`s horn kept glowing as he used his magic to open the pencil bag as two pencils came out of the bag, one pencil placed in front of Cadence and as the other pencil was placed in front of Midnight.

“Let me guess we're going to draw something?” Cadence asked as Midnight got off his seat.

“You using some kind of mind reading spell cause that's what I want to do first!” Midnight says as Cadence laughed at his joke.

Midnight walked off to get some paper from Twilight`s room, Smiling at the fact that he made his Foal Sitter laugh. Midnight walking into Twilight`s room seeing as it was messy with even more books and papers laying all over the floor.

“Its like a jungle of paper in here!” Midnight says as he walks over to Twilight`s desk, being careful not to step on any books. Once he finally found a way around the books, Midnight opened a drawer on the desk as his horn glowed again as two sheets of paper floated up next to Midnight as he took a closer look on the book on Twilight`s desk.

“ ‘The Elements of harmony were used to banish Nightmare moon.`” Midnight read from the book out loud.

“Guess Twilight`s taking every precaution to make sure this Nightmare Moon doesn't come back.” He says to himself as he walked back downstairs to where Cadence was waiting for Midnight.

Joining Cadence again, Midnight laid the two sheets of paper by the pencils on the table. “I`ll give us thirty minutes to draw something and no peeking at the others drawing until time is up. To make sure their is no peeking and that we stop at thirty minutes.”

Midnight`s horn glowed as a dark blue wall formed between the two on the table and a clock with one hand pointing at the top. Cadence looked at the wall in amazement, “Wow you do have your sister`s gift of being talented at magic!” Cadence said as she picked up the pencil using her magic.

“Yeah… But I don't have a Cutie Mark yet.” Midnight pouted picking up his pencil using his magic.

“I wouldn't worry about your Cutie Mark, It took me a while before I got mine.” Cadence said looking around the small magical wall smiling at Midnight as Midnight looked up at her and gave her a small smile.

“I guess you're right, but I want to start drawing!” Midnight said as the clock on the magical wall now changed to a light blue as the hand pointed at the top started to slowly move around the clock.

Around twenty minutes Cadence sat down her pencil and sat up as Midnight was still drawing, as occasionally he could be heard blowing away the bits from eraser when he erased something. Once the hand on the timer made a full lap, the timer flashed a dark blue as the wall faded.

“K time`s up, Cadence can I see your drawing?” Midnight said eager to see what his Foal Sitter drew.

“Its nothing special just you and your sister.” Cadence said as she held it up using her magic, it was just a small drawing of Twilight holding Midnight on her back.

“Its really nice, I'm sure mine drawing is nice as well!" Midnight said as he used his magic to hold up the drawing, as it was a well detailed drawing of Cadence sitting on a throne. Cadence looked amazed again by Midnight`s talent.

“Wow this is a beautiful drawing! Its so great I'm going to have it framed!” Cadence said as Midnight sat the drawing in front of Cadence.

“Its not like I'm the greatest artist to live.” Midnight said blushing as he rubbed his head.

“I know, but its still beautiful and amazing in my opinion.” Cadence said as Midnight jumped down from the chair grabbing the two drawings as the floated over to the nearby fridge as the two drawings were placed on the fridge with using a magnet to keep them on the fridge.

“Remember to take the drawing home with you when you leave tomorrow morning Cadence.” Midnight says remembering that his parents should be back tomorrow afternoon after the Summer Sun celebration.

“Don't worry I won't forget. So what do you want to now? it is a beautiful day outside, why not go outside and play?” Cadence asks getting up from her chair as she walks over to the back door.

“Sure why not?” Midnight says as he walks over to Cadence. The back door`s knob glows blue as Midnight used his magic as he opens the door as the two walk out into the yard behind the house. The yard was filled with toys not only Midnight`s when he was younger but also Spike`s toys as well.

“Can we practice some magic a ball to play catch?” Midnight asks Cadence as a nearby bounce ball colored a dark blue glowed blue as it floated over to Midnight.

“Sure!” Cadence says smiling as Midnight threw the dark blue ball towards Cadence, catching the ball using her magic Cadence threw it back as they repeatedly throwing the ball back and forth catching it and throwing it using their magic.

After a little bit Midnight walked backwards until their was a good amount of distance between the two. Midnight then threw it back to Cadence, caught the ball as she took a few steps and threw it back to Midnight but the ball flew right over Midnight`s head as Midnight followed it.

“I got it, I got it!” He shouted catching the ball about 3 feet above him at the same time he tripped on a rock making him fall.

“Ow!” Midnight cried in pain. Cadence soon rushing over to Midnight who still had the ball in the grasp of his magic.

“Can I see it?” Cadence asked holding her hoof out as Midnight set his hoof that hit the rock on Cadence`s hoof, As Cadence observed the scrape.

“Its not to bad, I`ll go get a band aid!” Cadence said as she was about to run off back into the house to find a band aid, but she stopped when she heard Midnight`s horn crackling.

“Wait I want to try something!” Midnight said as he closed his eyes, Cadence turned around to see what Midnight was trying to do. After a few seconds a light green pulse came from Midnight`s horn, as the pulse hit Midnight`s scape, the injury soon faded.

“Wow!” Cadence exclaimed.

“I can't believe you know a healing spell!” She added as Midnight got up and yawned.

“Something like that does take a lot from you.” he said as he yawned again.

“It is getting late we should get ready for bed, I’m sure you don’t want to miss the sun coming up tomorrow.” Cadence says looking up seeing the sun starting to set on the horizon.

“Yeah, especially since tomorrow is the Summer Sun celebration, we might not be able to enjoy the celebration ourselves, but we can at least watch it come up.” Midnight says as Cadence smiles and nods in agreement.

Once the two were back in the house, Midnight gave himself a bath, after Midnight sat on the bed in his room reading a book on advanced magic. As Cadence came in, “Time for bed Midnight.” Cadence said softly as Midnight sat the book on the nearby desk, as he laid down on the bed. Cadence used her magic to pull the blanket up and tuck Midnight in.

“I`ll come in the morning and wake you up before the sun comes up, okay?” Cadence asked Midnight nodded as he yawned as he fell a sleep, Cadence turned of the lamp on Midnight`s desk as she slowly walked out of the room turning to look at Midnight smiling, before she stepped out of the room.

~~~~~~~~~~In the morning~~~~~~~~~~

“Midnight! Midnight!” Cadence called looking out the window in Midnight`s room. Midnight groaned as he got up out of the bed rubbing his eyes.

“The sun should be up soon!” Cadence said as Midnight soon stood next to her, around ten minutes past and the sun still wasn't up.

“You don’t think that Nightmare moon is keeping the sun from coming up?” Midnight asked as Cadence looked outside the window with a look of concern.

“That’s probably what’s happening, but I’m sure Twilight has it under control. She did do her research on ‘The Mare in the moon.’” She said as soon a beam of rainbows came from the Everfree Forest, once the beam faded the sun started to slowly come up from the horizon.

“Betcha ten to none that was Twilight using the elements of harmony to stop Nightmare moon!” Midnight says smiling while looking out the window.

“There's no doubt about it, Twilight was ready and handled this problem with great care.” Cadence said smiling.

“I love my big sister, she just got forty percent cooler!” Midnight says to himself, with a big smile on his face.