> The Pages of Red Diamond > by Katie052014 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lilly Belle is a young earth pony who lives four diffnerent lifes. Two of her lifes are because of her divorced parents. Her third life is her school life. And her last, but favorite, life is when she stays with her aunt and leaves for another world . So let me explain a little bit more. Lily Belle's parents got a divorce when she was a little filly. Her dad is a very powerful business colt. He doesn't like smiling too much, unless he's sealing a large deal or meeting with someone very important He's always worrying about things like where to be and what time to be there and if he's going to be home in time to check his stocks, or whatever he does in his office late at night. Bottom line,he is a very busy colt. Lily Belle is scheduled to stay with him Thursday and Fridays, though he normally has some excuse to cancel. Even when she is at his house, he is typically at some meeting or locked in his office Not to mention, since she started up dance on Thursday, it has been hard to fit in time to see her father. When Lily Belle does stay with her dad she is treated - and has to act -like a princess. There are maids who live in her father's grand house and part of their job is to make sure that Lily Belle stays in line. They make sure that she wears the right dresses for the right dinners and dances. When Lily Belle is just hanging around the house she has to wear a dress or a skirt. She can't wear jeans or shorts, because its not "proper," as her father puts it. That is her life at her dad's house. Lily Belle's mom has become one of the best lawyers in the world. When Lily Belle is at her mom's house, she doesn't see her too much either. Her mother always has to work to do. But, her mom loves her work, so Lily Belle doesn't complain. She likes to brinng Lily Belle along to almost all the important meetings. She has the impression that Lily Belle wants to be a lawyer, which Lily Belle has no intention of doing, but Lily Belle tags along to make her mom happy. Whenever Lily Belle and her mom have their "Mother-Daughter Days" Lily Belle tries to tell her mom that she has no interest whatsoever, in becoming a lawyer. Her mom never seems to really be listening to what Lily Belle is saying, though. She always seems to find some work to do suddenly or starts thinking about work that need to be done. Because her mom has lots of last minute meetings, that means Lily Belle''s mane and makeup have to alwaysy be perfect. Worst of all, she has always wear a nice business suit. Her third life, which most kids have, is her school life. Due to the fact that Lily Belle I has two well-known parents, she is the most popular girl in school. Now, she’s not one of the mean popular girls. It’s just that everybody knows her and likes to invite her to their parties – which she hardly ever goes to because half of the time she doesn’t even know the pony. There are three ponies, in particular, who she always hangs around with. They are the J girls. They like to be called that because their names are Junebug, Jewel Sparkle, and Jade Magic. The three girls do everything together. They eat the same food, do the same activities, and even get the same grades. If one of them is failing and doesn’t have time to bring up her grade, they would all fail. Lily Belle isn’t like that at all, though. She likes to do her own thing and not have anybody tell her when and what she can and can’t do. Unfortunately, Lily Belle isn’t too happy with the way her life is going. For some reason the J girls think she is just like them. Lily Belle is an A plus student no matter what their grades are. They even tried to get all the same classes s Lily Belle so they could "match", but luckily they only got few of them. Lily Belle takes karate and doesn't tell them because she's afraid that they might sign up too. They have no interest in karate, but knowing the J girls they would sign up just because Lily Belle was in it. Lily Belle's not the best at standing up herself. She lets the J girls talk into going to parties, shopping, signing up dance committiee and dressing like a total girlly girl. Now I'm not saying that Lily Belle's not interested in fashion-after all, she loves to stay up to date with the latest style. But we are talking about high heal, makeup everyday, check the mirror between every class girly girl. Lily Belle doesn't like to stand out to much at school. That's why she lets the J girls do gossiping. She just wanted to get through the school day so she could go to her Aunt Emerald Bell house to live her fourth life, the only life that truly matters to her. In that life, no one tells her what to wear or how to act. This is the life where she can leave for a different world. Lily Belle jumped when the school bell ring. "Now don't forget class, November third, I want a one page paper on where you want to be in the next fifteen years. And don't get so wrapped up with Nightmare Night that you forget about it!" Mrs.Honey Bloom said as the ponies collected their stuff and left the class room. Lily Belle thought about it. Where did she want to be inn fifteen years? She knew she sure wasn't going to be a lawyer like her mom wanted her to be. And she wasn't going to be married to some rich colt like her dad wanted. And she sure wasn't going to be a model like the J girls wanted her to be . Lily Belle really had no idea what she would write that paper about. She grabbed her book bag and headed for her locker, as quickly as she could so she wouldn’t run in to the J girls. This was one of the few classes that she had without them and she wanted to leave before they talked her into going somewhere after school. She opened up her locker, put away some of her books and grabbed her jacket and house key. As she shut her locker door she saw the J girls standing in their usual formation – Junebug in the front, Jewel Sparkle in the middle and Jade Magic right behind. “Hey, hey! Did you just get out of creative writing? We all took that after gym. We were thinking that we would all write the same thing: How we’re going to become a super model, get married to a hot guy and live in a big house with a pool!” Junebug said as the other girls nodded their heads in agreement. Lily Belle gave a small laugh. “Yah, sounds cool, but I don’t know…” Lily Belle said as she started to walk to the door of the school. She sighed, annoyed with herself. It’s not that Lily Belle didn’t have a mind of her own – she did, she just wasn’t the best at standing up for herself. She was always letting people tell her what to do, and she never said no. Her life has been like that ever since she was ten. She just wanted to fit in at school and get it over with. Instead of just hanging out with the J girls she was sort of becoming the fourth J girl. Just the other day she put lip gloss on right before gym! Something the J girls do all the time. And Lily Belle didn’t even take gym with them! Lily Belle was starting to get sick of it, but she didn’t know what to do to fix it. She tried hanging out less with the J girls after school but they didn’t seem to be taking the hint. Besides, they were in quite a few classes together. They even took the same after-school dance class, so that didn’t help much. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Do you want to hang out before or after dance?” Lily Belle heard Junebug ask from behind her. “Oh, I can’t today. Sorry. I have homework to do before dance and then I have to make dinner tonight because my Aunt has to work late,” Lily Belle said, turning her head so she could see Junebug. “That’s fine. We can do homework together!” Junebug said happily. “Sorry, I can’t tonight. I’ll talk to you guys at dance!”Lily Belle said, waving goodbye and turning before they could find some way to change her mind. Lily Belle walked out of the school and headed over to the Pod garage. A Pod was sort of like a wagon and a scooter mixed together. Almost every kid had one. One of the cool things about them was that they came in every color. Lily Belle had a light blue Pod because that was her favorite. Other kids had orange, black, purple and even tie-died. Almost every place she went had a Pod garage because they were so popular with the ponies. Lily Belle got on her pod, put her key in, turned it on and headed home. About five minutes later, she arrived at her Aunts house. She put her Pod in the garage and went inside. On the table Lily saw a note. Sweetheart, I won’t be home until 8:30 tonight. I’m so sorry! You don’t have to wait to eat. There’s steak, mashed potatoes, salad, and corn in the fridge. And don’t forget – you have dance at 5:30 pm. Amber Shine's mom is going to take you. For a snack, I bought some popcorn and Fruit Waters. See you when I get home! Love, Aunt Emerald Bell P.S. Don’t forget to feed Snowball! Lily Belle read the note out loud. Right when she finished, a white fluffy bunny ran into the room. Lily Belle laughed. “Are you hungry, girl? Let’s go get some food!” Lily Belle said walking into the kitchen with Snowball trotting behind her. She put some food in the dog bowl and got her some water. Then she popped some popcorn in the microwave for herself and grabbed a Fruit Water from the fridge. Lily Belle headed to her room to wait for the popcorn. They really needed to get a new microwave. This one took twice as long to cook everything because it had trouble heating up. Right when she walked into her room she went over to her bookshelf, took a couple books off and saw a sticker of a big tooth with the words “I went to the dentist!” written on it. She gets one of those stickers in her little take-home bag whenever she goes to the dentist gently pushed on the sticker and a square panel of the bookshelf slid aside to reveal a key pad. Punching in the correct password would reveal a secret compartment. Lily Belle's Aunt Emerald Bell had bought the bookshelf for Lily Belle when she was ten. She thought Lily Belle would want new furniture in her new room, though when she bought the bookshelf she had no idea about the key pad or the secret spot. Lily Belle didn’t know about it either until she was eleven and decided to put her dentist sticker on it. When she pressed the sticker to the shelf, she saw the key pad appear. She figured that this was where you enter a password, so thinking for a moment about what password she should use, Lily Belle finally settled on 4lives, since that’s what she was living. The secret compartment was just big enough to fit a book, so Lily Belle kept a special one there that her dad had given her when her parents got their divorce. He told her that she could write her thoughts down in it. It was a big beautiful purple book with different sized colorful sequins on the front, and the thick pages were a cream color with tiny sparkles in them. For about a year Lily Belle didn’t even look at the book because she was so angry with her dad and her mom for breaking up the family. But when she finally opened it, much to her surprise, it took her to another world, a world called Red Diamond, where they had been expecting her. Legend spoke of a girl with eyes of hazel brown, who would travel to Red diamond with the help of a magic book. It also said that she would be a master of the martial arts and would help Red Diamond when it was in need. Lily Belle met all of the requirements. It was a lot for her to take in but she got used to it. Now, whenever someone in red Diamond needed help, whether it was getting a cat down from a tree or stopping a bank robbery, she did what she had to do. When Lily Belle told all of this to her best friend Amber Shine, she called Lily Belle an undercover-secret-agent-ninja-thingy, which was actually pretty close. Lily Belle was a brown belt in martial arts and would be a black belt in a day. She had always impressed the teacher with how good she was. She had started about four months ago and already she was a brown belt. Lily Belle didn’t know why, but she was naturally good at martial arts, even before she had begun her classes. But her aunt (the only other person, besides Amber Shine, who knew about Red Diamond) made Lily Belle sign up for the classes when things started to get dangerous in Red Diamond. Lily Belle typed “4lives” on the keypad. She heard a click and then the keypad swung up to revel a spot just big enough for her book. Lily Belle took it out, opened it and saw the word Trouble. Whenever there was a problem in Red Diamond, the word “Trouble” would appear in big red letters on the first page of her book. A paragraph underneath would then describe what was wrong. To get to their world, Lily Belle had to hold the book, close her eyes and think about Red Diamond. She would feel a slight breeze, and then when she opened her eyes she would be there. She sighed and looked at the clock. It was three fifteen. “I’ve got time,” she said quickly. She got up and ran over to her closet. She walked in and pulled on her black stretch pants, a baby blue tank top and a black jacket which held her gadgets. She slipped on a pair of black sneakers and pulled her hair back into a pony tail and quickly looked in the mirror and smiled. This was the outfit that she wore every time she had to go to Red Diamond. She liked it because it was comfortable and she could easily move around in it. Her Aunt and best friend Amber Shine called it her crime fighting outfit. She headed over to her book and read more about what was going on.