> The Secret Diary of an Equestrian Rich Pony: Diamond Tiara edition > by discord7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > How It Began > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many ponies see me as another rich pony, and well I guess they'd be right for the most part. I am after all the daughter of one of the richest ponies in Ponyville, one of the richest ponies in Equestria for that matter. Filthy Rich is my father, and although yes I have a great life, sometime I wish I had something more. Every day when my horse drawn carriage comes to drop me off at school, I see what I long for, Applebloom and her sister, Applejack. I always wanted a sister... or at least a sibling to call my own. It's hard sometimes because feel that it's my fault. I may only be a filly but there are things I have heard from my parents' arguments. They fight a lot mainly the business and how it should be run, but a few of the fights from when I was younger were because of me. During my delivery my mother had.... complications. The surgery she had to get afterwards made it so that she could no longer have any more children. And although she treated me as if I was the best thing she could ever hope for, sometimes out of the corner of my eye I could see the sadness in her eyes. My father’s head is always in the clouds so he doesn't see when my mother or I are sad. I don't have many real friends, any at all for that fact. I know it's a harsh thing to say I have plenty of friends but none of them are true friends, Silver Spoon is only there because my parents buy cutlery and silverware from them. She's the only one who can stand to be around me for more than ten minutes– or so I've been told. My entire life I've only had one true friend, he was the Colt who helped me to get my cutie mark, this diamond tiara. To everyone else it’s my special talent what I'm meant to be, but for me it's a constant reminder of the times I was acctually happy... in those times. ... I was an even younger filly, maybe 4 or 5, I'm not even sure I kept track at the time. My father had decided to add a bronze statue of himself over a fountain so ponies could admire him at our "social gatherings" he called them. He had hired a crew to weld together the materials they needed he said that they would be here for a few months to do the work. In the mean time I had to stay out of there way. I watched from my second story balcony as my father barked orders at the colt working. "I WANT THIS STATUE SEVEN FEET TALL,AND THE FOUNTAIN TO BE TWELVE!!!" he boomed at who was aparently the top construction worker. "Not a problem mista' Filthy we are gettin' paid for it afta all." said the gruff and gravelly voice of a large colt I had never seen before. "I prefer Rich, and I expect so worker, I am paying good money for this statue" my father laughed and turned away. The colt stuck his toungue out at my father as he trotted off, I giggled at this colts brash daringness. He apparently heard me because he looked up and saluted. As I waved back he turned and began to work. This colt was different than others I had met, and I hadn't even met this one, but I knew from his pesonality that I hadn't quite met anyone like him. I had no idea then how big of a role he would play in the rest of my life. > Two Halves of the Sames Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was early in the morning and I awoke to a very loud racket going on downstairs. I got out of bed put on my robe, and gazed sleepily at what all the racket was, it was coming from some shed, but the workers weren't here working on daddy's statue. "HEY!" I called out, but the racket continued, "HEEEEY!" I called louder but nopony could here by cries over the loud clanging and banging of metal. I decided whoever they were, was about to be confronted by a very angry and sleepy pony. I trotted downstairs briskly, trying not to trip over the many winding stairs that made up our second story staircase. I walked over to the big sliding glass door opened it, and then trotted over the many piles of scrap metal and tools lying around. Ugh, I thought, how could anypony work in such disasterous conditions. I walked over to the shed and knocked on the door. "HEY!" No response, only more clanging and banging. "HEEEY!" I banged on the door as hard as my perfectly filed hoof could handle, but still no response. What I did get though, was a creak from the door as it opened This is going to be one sorry pony. I thought. “HEY YOU!" The sounds stopped as I saw a pony with a welders mask turn to face me, I lost a little confidence, this colt was a lot bigger than I imagined, "Umm... could you possibly keep it down, some ponies are trying to sleep." He lifted his welders mask to reveal his grungy, dirty, over-bitten face. "Sorry 'bout that kiddo, usually nopony distoybs me in here." he said with his inner-city Manehatten accent. "What is this place", I said gazing at all the red dirty curtains draped over almost every inch of the dark shed. "Well, it’s my woyk shop uh course." he said proudly. "Uh-huh... and what exactly do you do around here in this 'woyk shop'." I mocked. "Well," he said looking around, as if anypony was watching, "ya have ta promise not ta tell a single soul." "Ya, whatever I guess." I shrugged his promise off. As if it were important enough to be shared as news, whatever it was. "Ya see this kid?" He asked stepping away from whatever it was he was working on. All I saw was a glowing blob of hot metal. "What is that?" I said not attempting to hide my disgust of what this atrocity. He laughed "Not many ponies can see the diamond in the rough," he said grabbing a pair of big metal tongs; he grabbed the glowing blob and dipped it in water on the other side of the room. I heard it go 'TSSSSSSsssssss' as it cooled. "But with a little creativity," he glanced back and smiled at me, "you can make somethin' beautiful." He grabbed the tongs and pulled out the metal he had submerged. It truly was beautiful a miniature model of Princess Celestia, and she was quite gallant. "Now all it needs is a quick buff to bring out its shine," he said bringing the model over to a machine with a big wheel with a piece of fabric on it. He flipped a switch and I watched as he ran the small statuette under the fabric. When he was done he placed it on the table and dabbed it with a wet cloth, it shined almost as brightly as when it was hot. I walked over to it and gazed at the amazing details of it, the eyes, the mane, the horn, even the golden necklace she wore was perfect. "Wooooow," I gaped "this is amazing." Again he laughed, "Yup, it's pretty cool isn't it." He leaned over the table, grabbed it and placed it in front of me. "Here kid, you seem to like it a lot not many ponies can appreciate this kind of thing so, you can have it." He told me. I felt a smile spread across my face as I said "Really?" he laughed his wheezy laugh again "Ya kid, all yours" "But don't you want to keep it I mean as a trophy of your hard work and effort." I asked him. "Haha, don't worry about that kid" He told me. He walked over to a rope hanging from one of the many dirty drapes. "B'sides." He said, pulling on it. The drapes fell to the ground bringing dust with it. I coughed and gagged until it cleared he walked over with and fanned some of it away to help me out. "Haha, sorry 'bout that kiddo forgot how dusty it can get in here." He apologized. I looked up at the walls and was immediately captivated by what I saw, dozens if not hundreds of pony statuettes littered shelves on the walls. All of them were a little dusty but still quite beautiful. There was one that caught my eye, one embroidered in a flowing gold and silver dress with diamonds and sapphires all over it. "Who is this?" I peered closely to the little figure; he walked over with a smile on his face "Was it somepony special? Is that why she's so decorated?" This pony statuette was quite the beauty, a tall unicorn with the slightest of smiles. He looked at it and sighed, looked up, gazing at I don't know what. "Ya," he said sounding sad, it made me curious, "She was special... really special" He looked down and I felt bad asking now as I saw a tear well up in his eye. He rubbed it and turned around sniffing as if to play it off. "Just got some doyt in my nose." "Well I guess you should get goin' kid, it's still early you don't wanna be sleepy in school right?" He said. "Uh, right I said." I trotted towards the door. "I'll try and keep it down from now on OK, kid? Sorry 'bout that." He turned back to the statue and sat down. I looked at him he seemed so lonely, and who was the mare in the statue? "Um, sir?" "Ha, names not sir kid that just what ya daddy calls me 'cuz he doesn't wanna bother himself with names," He said looking back to me, "real names Chisel," he said with pride "Chisel Cuts." "Well Chisel, I was thinking, maybe some time you can teach me how to make those statues? I'd really like to learn." "Haha" he laughed again "I don’t think daddykins'll approve a his poyfect little girl gettin' a hammer on her flank for Blacksmithing." He laughed. "I don't care what my father thinks of me," I said "besides who says it’s going to be my special talent I already know I'm taking over the family business." I said smugly, I didn't even convince myself. Again he laughed "Alright kid, what's tamorra... Friday?" "Yes." I told him "Why?" "How about Saturday, early morning, say 8 o'clock sharp, and don't wear anythin' fancy, it’s a doity job" he glared at me seriously and smiled, he knew I had no work clothes. But oh well, I would just wear something from last year’s line. "You got it Chisel, I'll be here." I was so excited I galloped back to my room. Wow. I would get to make something as beautiful as that statue of Celestia. If I was lucky maybe I would find out whom that beautiful sapphire encrusted Mystery Mare was. For once I was so excited to learn something. > Behind The Diamond Tiara > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up early the next morning for school too early I still had an hour to get ready, I peered out my window. Chisel was nowhere to be seen, he must have left. I pulled the covers over my head and tried to sleep, I couldn't, HOW COULD I? I was going to learn how to create beautiful bronze statuettes. I threw the sheets off and looked across the room at the model of Princess Celestia that Chisel had given me. I trotted over and took it from its shelf, and looked over it once more. The details of it was amazing, spectacular even, it was as if Celestia herself was there to take my problems away. I giggled to myself as I thought of the statue talking to me, I put on my best Celestia voice, "Come Diamond Tiara we shall make our leave of your old home, you will live with me in the Canterlot Castle." I giggled again hehe "OK Celestia as the ruler of Equestria, we your subjects must obey your commands" My thoughts were interrupted by my parents, arguing... again. "HOW CAN THIS BE MY FAULT?" My mother screamed. I could hear them they were close right around the corner; I replaced my statue of Celestia and trotted over to eavesdrop. "IT IS YOUR FAULT BECAUSE YOUR THE ONE WHO BORE ME A DAUGHTER INSTEAD OF A SON!" my father yelled back to her. It was one of those fights again, they hadn't argued about this issue for a while. Not since they caught me spying...just like now, but I refused to leave. "I can't live forever; I need a son to take over my business. Diamond Tiara is your child," he pointed his hoof at her,” how can she know how to deal with new employees, manage the upkeep of sales you have already spoiled her mind you saw her last report card?" He ranted. "Diamond Tiara is our child and she can't be expected to perform as well as she can in a public school setting. I told you we have to get her a private school education." My mother fired back. "IF SHE CAN'T HANDEL A SITUATION SHE'S UNWILLINGLY DELT HOW DO YOU THINK THAT REFLECTS ON HER ABILITY TO PREFORM UNDER PRESSURE!!! Look at it from my point of view will you woman. A business point of view Diamond Tiara is not ready for such quandaries, all she will be good for is a housewife just like you." My father sneered. I was going to interject but my mother fired first. "You don't even seem to be able to handle your own personal problems much less business I've seen your chart reports in the last two years productivity has gone down more than 75%, it seems the only thing keeping YOU afloat is that Apple family giving you some of their Zap apple Jam. How's that for a housewife Filthy?" My father gazed at her angrily began to move toward her with his hoof raised, "Why you little--" I couldn’t hold my silence any longer I could not allow my mother to be struck. "STOOOP!" I yelled. My father recoiled hearing the sound of my voice knowing he had been caught in not only a bad situation but as looking like a terrible father too. "Uh, sweetheart," he looked shocked to see me, "uh, munchkins? How long have you been there?" my father said nervously. I looked at my mother she had fear in her eyes and looked at me, pleading to pretend I didn't hear anything. "Enough to know you'd sell me for the next cider harvest if it came to it." I shot at him. "Now sweetie, I didn’t mean all of what I said as harshly as it sounded I just--" I interrupted him. "Can it, old man I don't want your business anyways I've got bigger plans." The truth was I was bluffing to make him nervous "Whatever son you choose is going to fail guaranteed and I'll be sure to be there to watch it happen." I shot him a menacing stare. He knew his business was starting to fail we all did and all it would take was a small bit competition to rise up and knock his business down. I stormed to my room and got ready I think I'd walk today. At school the same usual boring lectures, a few assignments and homework. After school I was surprised to see a carriage waiting for me, my father already inside, I said goodbye to my one and only friend Silver Spoon, and got into the carriage and looked out the window to let him know I was still upset with him. He began his usual 'It's not always how it sounds' lecture that I'd only heard a thousand times. He knew I wasn't A real threat to his business, he only wanted to comfort me after saying such terrible things, and like always I would shrug it off and continue my life as always. When we finally got home he stopped me. "Sweetheart" he said, I still didn't turn around to look at him "I love you Diamond, more than you know." "Ya," I told him shrugging off his hoof, "whatever." I hopped out of the cart and galloped to my room and slammed the door ran to my pillow and screamed at the top of my lungs. How could he actually believe I would forgive him that easily? Then I began to think, I caused this, it's my fault they fight all the time if I hadn't come along there wouldn't be that kind of arguing anymore. I began to cry, I didn't know for how long but it was long enough for me to get tired and fall asleep. When I woke up I heard the Town Hall bell ringing, I counted the rings...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8... AHHHHH! It was eight o' clock I'd be late I told Chisel I'd be there. I grabbed my bath robes threw it on and ran down the stairs almost tripping over the gown. As I ran outside gasping for air I saw Chisel. "Oh hey kid, ya made it." he looked at me and laughed. "What, what is it?" I asked questioningly, trying to catch my breath. "I thought I told ya ta wear somethin' less fancy." "Wha?" I began as I realized I had grabbed the present my mom had given me for my birthday. It had a large capital D embroidered on the side and many other fine treading’s and stitching that made it a one of a kind. "Ha-ha, I expected something' like this," he said chuckling, "don't worry kid, Chisel always comes prepared." he threw me a kid sized pair of overalls. "Where'd this come from?" I asked staring at the tacky denim weave. "It was uh... mine when I was a kid," he said "come on kid let’s get started we're already late" I pulled on the overalls and fastened them under the gown walked inside and pulled the gown off and put it on the coat rack inside. Chisel was already at a work bench. "Over here kid." he called I walked over and saw a bunch of wires and bands of metal and several odd tools. "What's all this? I thought I was gonna make a statue." "Eventually you will but foist I gotta see where you're at creativity wise, let's see what you can make out of this. Now remember when you use the soldering iron," he said pointing his hoof at a pen looking instrument that was held up in a spring, "do not touch the tip. Put it and one of these wires between two pieces a metal, got it?" He demonstrated for me "Got it." I replied. "Good I'll be back in a half an hour gotta get some breakfast." he said as he left. When the door was shut behind him I sighed and looked at the pieces of metal, what in the world am I gonna make with this junk. I looked around the room and saw at the edge of my table was a wooden box. Was this part of the materials I was allowed to use? I looked around and opened it, out fell a piece of paper; I opened it and read the chicken-scratch handwriting. Hey kid, Looks like you got a little curious of my box. Ha-ha all according to plan, I knew an amateur would have trouble, no offense kid. So just get the stuff in here follow the instructions and you'll have something beautiful for yourself in no time at all. ---Chisel Pretty short and sweet, there were instructions and well-drawn pictures depicting the more complex actions. Inside the box though is what shocked me. A few diamonds and a small filly-sized model bust. I knew exactly what he wanted me to make and it was time to get to work. > Chisels Story: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chisel returned a couple hours later, satisfied with his breakfast. He saw Diamond Tiara at the work table with a cloth over her creation, he smiled. "So you made somethin' huh," his eyes glancing to the wooden box, "and you found my box too, good eye kid didn't think you were that sharp." "Well, just because my school grades aren't too much to speak for doesn't mean I'm not smart." I told him smiling. "Ya got a little dirty in the process though." he said pointing at the mirror. Oh no, I thought, my dad was going to freak when he saw me like this: 'What have you been doing young lady?' he'd say, this wasn't good. "Don't worry kid, I got a washroom in the back you can use it in a minute, in the meantime let’s see what ya got here." I unveiled my creation it wasn't properly buffed or soldiered together perfectly but I didn't care I liked it. "Wudda you think Chisel?" I asked him. "For ya foist time, it’s really good. Go ahead and go use the shower, I'll have it fixed up in a jiff if ya don't mind." He replied. "Wow, I really did well?" I said happily. "Heck ya kid, you definitely got potential." He told me with an encouraging tone. I grabbed my robe and trotted to the shower room and looked back before I entered, I looked back, and he was sanding down some of the excess solder I used. As I washed I thought it quite though knew when to put the solder pen on, it melted the metal wire really fast. I wondered what he was doing to my tiara, and what it would look like after I got out. The excitement was too much I turned off the water, I hopped out, dried off and put on my robe and left the washroom. "Tadaaa!" Chisel had my tiara on a fancy pillow it looked beautiful all the places where it looked burned or lopsided were gone; it was beautiful, almost like a new tiara. "WOOOW! How did you do that?" I asked. "I'll start teachin' ya my fixit methods in ya next lesson next week same time, right now you betta be gettin' home it's gettin' late almost eleven." "Wait Chisel" I pleaded. "Wassup kid?" he looked at me. "I was wondering if you could tell me who that pony was?" I pointed at the sapphire coated statuette. He sighed, "Well kid, a long time ago, mmm... bout twelve years ago to be exact, I was a teenager. Back then I was a real punk, mean to everypony." The way he said it made him sound like me, "But one day in class 'she' walked in." He said pointing at the statue. Chisel sat at his desk leaning back in his chair. "OK listen up everypony we have a new student joining us today, please welcome Fluier." Chisel caught her eye as she walked in her head down a single purple morning glory flower in her mane. "Fluier you can sit right over there." She took her seat two rows next to Chisel; he didn't take his eyes off her for a second. When she saw him she smiled, Chisel felt a flutter in his stomach. He'd never had that happen, what was it? The class passed quickly and Chisel could not wait for it either, he kept glancing over at Fluier, but she did not return any of them, she was dead set focused on the teacher. She was stunning a light blue and sapphire colored mane over a pure white coat; if he were any sappier he would have said she was beautiful. Finally she glanced over to him and he saw she had lightning blue colored eyes, once again his stomach fluttered, and the bell rang as students began to leave he broke eye contact. When his focus returned, she was gone, already out the door. He spent the rest of the day wondering about her. The next day he was early for class, for once even his teacher was surprised. "Chisel what are you doing here so early" Mr.McMath said. "Eh, I uh... just had nothin' betta to do that's all Mista M" "Hmm, well alright, do you have your homework?" he asked. "Oh, ya got that right here." I said pulling out my math sheet from my saddlebag. He looked over it and then back at me, "Ok Chisel, what's going on here?" Mr. M said. "Watcha mean teach" I said making my way to my desk and sitting down, "Well first you come to my class early, AND you have your homework when I assign it, something’s up Chisel." He said leaning on my desk "Is it a girl?" I blushed at the thought of it "What!? NO!" "The new girl?" he asked. I stuttered. "Ya, ok whateva Mr. M I gotta go, I'll see ya in a bit" I stormed out of the room but Mr. M stopped me, he grabbed my shoulder. "Chisel you be careful, with your past there's no telling what'll happen." I shrugged him off and turned to look him in the eye, "I will never be like my fatha, if that's what yer implyin', McMath." I told him. "I know Chisel, of course you won't" He turned and began organizing papers at his desk, I looked down and ran home, or at least what left of a home I had, my shack. I ditched school that day, so that I could be alone, I didn't want to think of the past but everything I had would remind me. The basketball I had with a knife pushed into it that laid on my desk for the last five years, my father gave it to me. The picture of my mother in the corner half burned, except for the face of my mother, my father did that until I stopped him. He'd taken so much from me, but now there was nothing else he could take. One because he was no longer in my life, and two because this shed, the picture and the ruined basketball was all I had left. To make money I had a part time job at a metal refinery. Making casts of things and pouring liquid molten metal into those casts. I was supposed to be too young, but the manager knew me, he knew my situation, and he knew my mother before... well let's just say he knew her. I heard a knock on my door, I was shocked, and nopony ever came to visit me. Nopony knew where I even lived, except for Mr. McMath. I walked over to the door and opened it and what I saw shocked me, it was Fluier, at my house. "Hello." She said almost mutely. > Chisels Story: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several months had passed since Fluier had come to my shed, she told me that Mr.McMath had told her where I lived. I hung out with her almost everyday. I told her many things from my life as we became closer including why Mr.McMath knew me so closely. I couldn't blame the old man, he was more of a father to me than my real dad. I had known the old coot since kindergarten. He said I was the same stubborn foal back then too, and I guess was, stealing other ponys sandwiches, luchboxes, just about anything I could get my hooves on. After all even back then there wasn't much for me to eat, I had to find a way to get something. I remember one day a red pony by the name of Macintosh was being picked on, he really wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, but that didn't give foals the the right to mess with him. I trotted over to break it up. "Leave him alone," I told them. The bullies turned around, Macintosh looked at me tears welling up in his eyes from the insults they had tossed to him. It just didn't seem right to me, even though I had never stuck up for anypony except myself. "Oh ya?" said Topz the leader of the bullies, he thought he was better than everypony else because he was bigger, but that also had to do with the fact that he was held back three times. I knew I could take him though, "You gunna stop me, 'lil bitty Chisel" His cronies howled with laughter as if it were the best joke they had ever heard. "Maybe I will." I glared at him, he lowered his head to me and squinted that's when I made my move. I scooped up some dirt in my hoof and threw it in his eyes. "AHHHHH," he screamed, "NO FAIR YOU CHEATED." He ranted backing up and tripping over his cronies. "Who told you I fought by the rules!?" I yelled I rammed my forehoof into his jaw, then bucked him in his rib, he howled with pain. I enjoyed watching the bully suffer, well at least until Mr.McMath stopped me. He picked me up by the scruff of my nape and carried me off to his office. "Ya that's right have the teacher step in, I was gunna kick your flank." Topz said. Before Mr.McMath slammed the door shut I saw Macintosh kick Topz in the face and then knock out the other two with a quick buck to the face. I sneered, looks like Mac's had enough too. "What the hay just happened out there Chisel?" Mr.M asked. "I was sticken up for Mac." I told him, he opened his mouth to say something and stopped when he processed what I said. "Well that is very valient of you Chisel, but rules are rules and-" he began. "Rules are ment to be broken" I stated. He chuckled "Yes well the school has a strict zero tolerance policy, so I have to suspend you." he told me. "Ya, whatever..." I said looking down. "Chisel I know everything isn't ok at home but I can't do anything if you don't tell me." He told me with concern, I knew the old man wanted to help but I didn't want anypony to, it was something I had to do myself. I went to the office got my pink slip and began to leave when a red colt ran after me screaming his head off. "HEEEEY" he yelled. "Whatsup Macintosh" I greeted. "Nopony's ever stood up fer me before." he said with his down-home accent. "Ya, well don't get used to it, world's fulla jerks" I turned around. "Chisel," he said, "If ya ever get hungry you can come to my ranch, my Granny Smith makes the best Zapapple Jam in all of Equestria. I've seen ya takin muh PB 'n J bufore, I know ya like mine the best." I chuckled a bit, "Is that what that was?" I asked, Macintosh smiled encouragingly, "ya sure I'll swing by sometime." "Great," Macintosh said "Remember it's Sweet Apple Acres, ok?" "Ya ok got it, Macintosh." I said. "Call me lil' Mac, that's what muh family calls me at least." "Haha, ok lil' Mac." "Wow so you knew Big Macintosh back when he was," Fluier giggled "'Little Macintosh'?" "E'yup." I said just like Mac. "Hey let's go see what my old buddies up to huh?" "I'd love to." She said It was a weekend Fluier and I spent a lot of time together I had asked her to go on a date with me two weeks after she came to my shed. When she arrived she asked me why I lived here, I told her it was my house and she began to laugh, then she saw I was serious and hid her face a bit in shame. I told her there was nothing to worry about, most of these other rich pony's would laugh if they saw him living here too. She asked me many questions over the time we dated those first two months, I would answer shyly and eventually open up to the whole story when I found out she wasn't lauging at me but acctually interested in what I had to say. She was my very first marefriend, and I knew she was different from other mares. There was one problem though, I had told her many times but she said it didn't matter, I knew it would and it would lead to the ultimate downfall of our romance. Her father was rich and I knew as soon as he tired of dingy old Ponyville he would leave back to Canterlot. She told me if he moved than she would stay here with me. No, I told her, there was no place for her she could never stay here she had blue-blood. When I told her she asked what it ment, I told her it ment she was rich, and couldn't handel the harsh middle-class life. She laughed at my comment and told me that she'd find a way to stay, or at least find a way for me to come to Canterlot, it was my turn to laugh. Imagine that, me in Canterlot. I could probably find my niche as a comedian, all I'd have to do was go up on stage and say 'I live here' they'd get a kick out of that. ... Two years had passed and she was still here, and we were still dating. Yes sirie it was looking up for old Chisel, he had gotten promoted at the metal refinery, he was assistant manager now he had salery, he had a house of his own and finally, spending cash for his beautiful marefriend Fluier. But soon she would be much more, in fact after today he could look forward to spending the rest of his life with her, finally happy. He was in the jewlery shop trying to find the perfect diamond for his sweetheart. Finally he found it, a big heart-shaped diamond that shined blue due to the baby-blue sapphires that surrounded it, the band of which was white gold with a yellow gold trim. It was beautiful. "This one" I told the jeweler. "Ok sir, wonderful choice, come over here and we can set up a payment program." he told me. "Not necessary." I told him. He laughed as if I told a joke "Sir that single ring is worth over ten thousand bits." "Like I said," pouring the entire contents of both my saddlebags filled with my life savings, " not...necessary!" His mouth dropped as he saw the tremendous pile of cash on his counter, I waited in a chair as he counted it, gave me my change and brought me my bride-to-be's ring. "Anything else for you today sir?" He said. "Nope that's all, thanks." I told him. "Come back anytime now." He yelled after me as I exited. Ppft, what kind of idiot was this guy, a colt like me didn't find a mare this unique every day? I gallopped across the single trail through Ponyville to Fluier's house, that was until I saw her galloping straight towards me, a look of worry on her face. We stopped, "What's the matter?" I asked. She gasped for breath, she looked as if she were about to cry when she finally looked up at me, "My father is leaving and he won't let me stay, the guards are looking for me as we speak." She said, she broke out into tears. My heart sank like a ton of bricks, the ring in my saddlebag weighed heavily. "We..." She sobbed "we're going overseas, to Trottingham." she said. As I my hopes could get no lower, my legs could hardly hold the weight now. I put the ring back in my bag. "Go home Fluier, but remember, I will always love you." it was the first time I had told her that. "One day Fluier, one day I'll save some money and I'll come looking for you I promise." She nodded her head and kissed me, "I know you will," she said "and when you do get there," she pulled out a quill sribbled on a piece of paper for a minute and stuffed it in an envelope which she gave to me an, "I will wait for you, every day, do not open the envalope until you are in Trottingham though." We shared one last smile and hug. I nodded and she turned tail and trotted home. > My Little Statue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wow," I said, "so she was your marefriend?" "Ya, she was." Chisel sighed, "She was the only pony I eva loved." Diamond Tiara felt heartbroken, "Well how come you never went back to see her?" "I still don't have enough money, after this job fer ya dad is done I do..." he trailed off. "Wait, so... you mean after this I'm never going to see you ever again?" I asked. "That's right kid, and before I go I wanna leave somethin' behind, you can continue on makin' these statues alright kid?" He said looking at me proudly. "But why me?" I asked him. "Kid you got a lot of potential keep practicin' until I leave, and I'll keep teachin' ya. Before I leave I'll give ya one more present, that way you can keep doin' metal work all ya want? K?" He smiled at me. I smiled back and ran back to my room, when I got there I threw off my robe and raced to my bed but before I did something caught my eye. My mirror, I gazed into it I thought I saw a really big smudge but as usual it was clean. I turned to go but it caught my eye again, I looked back and there it was my cutie mark. I squealed with excitement, it was a diamond tiara, just like the one I was wearing. I must not have noticed because I was dirty last time but now I saw it was beautiful. My special talent was making tiaras; well at least that's what everypony would think it was. For me every time I look at it I would think of the pony that helped me earn it. Chisel the best friend I would ever meet. But then I thought about it, daddy said the job would be done in three months. Then in three months I would never get to see Chisel again. I got sad thinking about it, what would it be like, not having a real friend to talk to, somepony who could tell me stories of their life. Then again, it wasn't fair of her to ask Chisel to stay; after all he did have that mare to marry in Trottingham. I only wished I could be a part of that life too. The weeks passed quickly, and so did the lessons, but Chisel said I could practice anytime I wanted. So far I had worked with wiring, forging and casting. Chisel said this would be my last lesson, after this I could make my very own statue. Speaking of which my fathers was ahead of schedule, I didn't want it to be but I did feel happy for Chisel. I walked into the shed and was greeted by the usual Chisel working in a furnace. "Hey Chisel." I called. "Hey kid, how ya been?" He replied without turning around. "Great," I said gleefully, "so what's my last lesson?" I inquired. He turned around with a big metal stick and an orange gloopy, glowing blob at the end of it. "This." He told me placing it on a burned steel platform. "Whoa," I said gazing at the orange mess; I was confused, "What is it?" I asked "Glass!" He replied placing big oven mitts on my hooves, "red hot, molten glass. Now the foist thing ya gotta rememba is that glass is REEAAALLY fragile if it gets to cool and you try to shape it it'll shatter or crack" He explained. "Ok, so what do I do to keep it from breaking?" I asked him. "Good question, just grab these," He said picking up a pair of metal tongs, "and put it back into the furnace." "OK." I told him "So what kind of tools are we using today?" I asked, eager to get started. He placed a small curved knife in front of me. "That's all ya need kid, that and the two gloves." I looked at him puzzled then smiled; I had questioned him only once before on his choice of tools, Chisel knew what he was talking about though. I looked around the room for inspiration, when my eyes came to rest on the sapphire and gold statuette of Fluier. I knew what I would make. I began to carve but only a few minutes in I had to put it in the furnace, the scraping was getting rough and I didn't want to break the glass. When I did I realized Chisel was gone, must have gone out for breakfast again. As the glass heated up I wondered where he went I had never seen him at any of the cafes or at Sugar Cube Corner. Oh well, I had some more work to do before he came back if he was gone I wanted it to be a surprise. I wiped my forehead and got back to work on the structure I had mapped out in my head. Chisel returned a few hours later, and again Diamond Tiara had a veil over her creation. "Ok kid takes the sheet off; let's see what ya got for me." Chisel told her. I shook my head, "You do it this time Chisel." I replied. And he chuckled and went with it that was until he lifted the veil. He gazed at what I had done in awe, his statue stood on a glass platform and surrounding it was a big glass heart with Fluier's name in cursive. It was almost as stunning as the statue of Fluier herself. "What do you think?" I asked. "Kid... this is amazing. All this time I knew something was missing from the statue, you finished it." He looked on the verge of tears. "Thanks kid, now you’re ready to make your own statue next time." That's when I heard the one thing that could turn this entire thing crashing to the ground. "CHISEEEEELLLL" It was my father, he sounded really mad. "Uh-oh kid use the back door gets outta here." He said, I ran to the back door and barely made it out. I could still here my father through the thin wooden door. "CHISEL!!! What in the world is that?" He yelled. "Oh uh, nothin' sir just a hobby I have." Chisel stammered. "Well enough with the hobbies have you see my statue? “My father yelled. "Yes sir, my men and I have been woykin on it every day." He told him. "Well then maybe you can explain why my chin is so HUGE!?" He was screaming now. "Look the statue is almost done if you want me to fix it after-" Chisel was interrupted. "Fix!" My father yelled, "After, oooh I'm afraid Chisel there will not be a finish to your little project, you leave now your fired. I'm going to have a new set of people working first thing tomorrow, and they are tearing that THING down." "FINE!" Chisel yelled. "When do I get my money?" My father laughed I felt my heart sink, he was firing Chisel early, "money oh you want money for what you did, oh" he laughed again "I am not paying you for that." He told Chisel. I could feel the anger and hurt resonating from Chisel. My father left, I walked back in, I looked at Chisel sitting staring at his statue of Fluier. "I'm sorry," he said to the statue, "It won't happen this time," He started to sob; I'd never seen him like this. I had to do something, tonight before Chisel left he would have his money... and more, he would be reunited with his bride by morning. > Breakfast With the Apples > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My father and mother were both asleep, but I stayed awake I only had a few more hours to go. Daddy wanted Chisel gone by sunrise, which meant I only had a short time to put my plan into action. If there was one thing my father distrusted more than competition, it was banks. He kept his fortune in a vault deep in the confines of a secret tunnel beneath the mansion. I made the decent and when I got to the door I stopped, my heart racing. If daddy wasn't going to give Chisel the money he owed him I was going to make sure he got it. Dad didn't have a combination to the vault, only my mother and I even knew about it, only we knew of the secret entrance. He even had his brother build it, and still pays him every month to keep his muzzle shut about it. I opened the vault, it creaked loudly, note to self 'bring oil next time'. I ran in and filled the two saddle bags I had with me and lifted the heavy gold onto my back. It was very heavy, but for my only true friend, I had to do this. My legs wobbled with every step and eventually I was all but crawling my way to the exit. Then I saw a faint shimmer of light, father would be up soon, and Chisel would be gone. I pushed through and lifted myself with my newfound second wind. As I walked outside and into the shed I saw Chisel. I placed the two saddle bags down, Chisel looked over at me. I gasped for air. "Kid what are you doing here?" he asked questioningly. "I couldn't let you leave without my father paying you it wouldn't be right." I wheezed. "That's real nice kid, but I can't take this it'd be stealing I could get in a lot of trouble." he looked down at me obviously touched that anypony would try to help him. "Actually it wouldn't be." A new voice said from the door, I jumped in surprise and spun around. There in the doorway, was my mother. "I'm married to him, which makes his money mine also, which means I can also pay you Chisel." she told him. I had never thought she even knew any of the workers. "I've been watching you two for quite some time and I really must thank you sir, if you had not come my poor daughter might not have known what true friendship was." I didn't even know she was watching us. "You have shown my daughter who she really is, and although only we three will ever know this secret, we will all be forever indebted to you Mr. Chisel." She laughed. "My husband can be a bit stubborn at times, and although he may not want to admit, he does have a rather prominent chin." We all chuckled at my mother’s joke. "Come, let us go to town and have breakfast shall we?" My mother offered. Chisel pondered the idea for only seconds. "Mm, na, I got a better idea." He said. He picked up the bags full of bits and placed them on his desk, he opened a dusty box on a shelf and pulled some papers out and stuffed them in one of the pockets of his own saddlebag. He transferred the money slung it over his back. "Ok I'm ready just follow me ladies." We followed him to an old train that ran through town; we took the train for about ten minutes until Chisel said "Ok this is our stop." We got off at Sweet Apple Acres Ranch; we were immediately greeted by a maroon pony I knew as Big Macintosh. "A little late today are we Chisel ol' buddy?" The two wrestled playfully for a bit, then Chisel introduced us, "Big Mac this is Diamond Tiara and her mother, I've been doin some work for little miss Tiara's dad." "Really?" Big Mac looked interested to hear the news "Well come on in then now, we got plenty of breakfast fer all of ya." As we walked Chisel and Big Mac got caught up. I looked around I saw Apple Bloom and her sister playing in the field, once again I felt that old sense of loneliness. I would always be an only foal. We entered the dining room/kitchen of the Apple family, it was small and cramped, but still had an airy warm feeling that I never got at my dinner table. Granny Smith came in and rang a bell that hung outside the window. "SOOOUUPS UP LITTLE FILLIES!" Her old voice cracked a bit. Apple Bloom immediately saw me and paused, she glared at me and said, "What's she doin' here?" "Calm down there AB she's my guest, I'll explain ova breakfast ok?" Chisel assured her. As we ate, Chisel told her the story how my father had hired her, refused to pay how I had bravely stolen the money from my father to pay him, he of course left out the part where I started metal work. "WOW," Apple Bloom said, "Diamond Tiara I always took you for a bully not a saint." "I just didn't think it was right that's all," I told her shyly, "please don't tell anypony else I don't want my father to be ridiculed." I pleaded. "Don't worry Diamond, yer secrets safe with us," Applejack assured, Apple Bloom nodded, "after all honesty like that is held high in the Apple family, an' you got it kiddo." I smiled, wow more friends, I've never felt happier in my life. "How's the food compared to fancy livin' Mrs. Rich?" Granny Smith asked my mother. "I absolutely love it; I haven't had a home cooked meal since... before I married Filthy. Ever since then it's been gourmet this and imported that." She said mulling over the rich foods as if it was all old hashed potatoes. Once more everyone laughed at my father’s expense. It was the best breakfast I had ever had and eventually it ended. It was time to say goodbye to Chisel. We were at the dock with Chisel saying our goodbyes. "Well kid this is it. By the way when you get home my shed's gonna be gone. I already told my guy's to move it, it's yours now." He told me, he handed me a key. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, "But I don't know where it is." I told him. "Don't worry kid." He looked up and nodded at my mom. I looked over and she eyed me, she nodded. I smiled, she knew where it was, and she’d probably been in on the loop the whole time too. As the boat left the dock we waved him off. We watched it go until we could no longer see the boat. "He's gone," I said putting my head down "forever." "Now, now Diamond, that's not how he'd want you to remember him, is it?" My mother assured. I looked up, and smiled. No, no it was not the way he'd want me to remember him. "Come on, mom I've got a statue to make." I told her, more confident than I had been since... well... ever. ... As the boat came into the pier at Trottingham I opened my saddlebag. It was time. As I walked across the boardwalk and opened the envelope, inside were a note, and a map. I read the note first: Dearest Chisel, If you are reading this, you are in Trottingham. Here is a map to the fountain, as I said I will wait every day from ten until noon. Come my love, I will await every day until you arrive, please do not keep me waiting. ---With love, yours always, Fluier. I looked up to the clock, it was three thirty. I'd missed her deadline but I would not tomorrow. Either way I followed the map. I found the fountain half an hour later. It was a rather small fountain, propped in the middle of a crystal blue pond. I found a motel near the fountain. I rented a room for one night; I'd be out by morning. I laid my head down and went to sleep, a rest I hadn't experienced in thirteen long, long years. When I woke it was to the sound of a knock on the door, "Sir, as per request, we are waking you up at ten of the hour." I got up put on my saddlebag and opened the door, I handed the bellhop a hoof-full of bits, and he was shocked. "Keep the change." I said as I galloped happily out the doors. Finally I would see my fiancé. I raced to the fountain, but when I arrived I saw that the fountain held not a single soul. Had I wasted my time all these years? No, she was just late that's all. She would arrive see me and run to my arms that’s how it would be. I waited, and waited, and waited until I finally looked back to the clock, twelve o' one. She wasn't coming; I hung my head in defeat. I saw a small circular stain on one of the tiles. "Chisel?" A voice said. I looked up. > Fluier's Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I waited everyday just like I promised. It had been twelve years since I left Ponyville, departing from my dear Chisel. I had a little filly now her name was Deliae, and of course she was his. She'd often asked why we waited for two hours at the fountain and, though I had told her the story countless times she always smiles at the end of the story. She was head over hooves the very first time I told her the story of her father. She'd always tell me, 'I can't wait to meet him.' We waited every day from ten until noon and then a little longer, just in case. Then we would go home, I would rest while Deliae did her chores and homework. During the time I had spent in Trottingham I had fallen ill, the veterinarians told me it wasn't good for my health to go outside but, how else would I wait for him. Every day, but each time a let a single tear falls. I looked forward to the day when that one tear would not hit the fountain tile, after so long it left a small circular stain. I knew I could get better if Chisel came to my aid, I could finally get the rest I needed. But I worked, I had to. My family did not approve of having a filly out of wedlock. I tried to explain it to my father would not hear it. Somehow my little pony came up with a way to bring in extra money, I did not question her. As if she would tell me, she was stubborn like her father. Every day she'd leave at five in the afternoon and come back around eight. Deliae did not accompany me during weekdays seeing as she had school. But as soon as it was a weekend and ten rolled around, she'd drop everything, even playing with her friends. She'd always wait patiently smile on her face, waiting for me to recognize somepony. I never did. I knew it though one day, I could feel it. I was slipping, my health was failing me. But I couldn't break my promise to Chisel. Every day though I felt my energy sapped, one day it was time, I knew it was but somehow I had to pass on the tradition. I had to let Chisel know tell him one last time that I still loved him. It was 9:58; I didn't have much time, on cue as she had done more recently than ever at 10:01. "Mother? Aren't you coming?" Deliae asked me she looked at me curiously. I handed her the envelope, it had Chisel’s name written on it. "Mother?" She said tearing up. "Deliae, the both of us knew this would happen soon," I said choking up not because of the disease but from the emotion, I too had begun to cry. "You must wait for him in my place Deliae, and when you see him, give him that note. And tell him....that I love him." My daughter was in all out bawling now, I comforted her hearing her fade as I was now, and I didn't have much longer. "Deliae, my love," I told her "when you leave this house, please do not cry dear, call the doctor. Do not return here, go to your grandmothers, she will understand and take you in." She nodded and left, and for the first time in twelve years I closed my eyes, and saw Chisel smiling at me. I felt at peace, I knew it was not him but still. I nodded at my mother’s instructions, I knew she was dying, but I always had faith that my father would come. But now it was up to me. I had to tell him that she kept her promise as best as she could. I left the room, and cried. After a few minutes I got up and walked sadly to the fountain, I was late. Many things came to my thoughts how would I be here during school, how would my grandmother know to take care of me, how much longer would I have to carry this on. I shook those thoughts aside, from the stories my mother had told me, I knew my father was out there somewhere, trying to get to my mother. It saddened me a bit to think of the fact that I would be the one to tell him this news. I was very deep in thought, apparently deeper than I had known. I guard tapped me and asked, "Aye there young lass, shouldn't you be home now?" I looked up at him; I noticed it was very dark. I looked at the clock it was almost eight. I panicked and ran home, when I got to the door I paused and remembered. I slowly walked to the doctor's house which was only a few blocks away. I knocked solemnly on the door with my hoof. Dr. Heal-all opened the door, "Well hello there Deliae, and come to refill your mother’s prescription?" He asked. I shook my head and looked up at him with tears welling up in my eyes, his expression changed. "Oh, my," he said, "well then come inside I'll fix you some tea" He said, I accepted. As I told him what happened he listened intently, he would nod and grunt every now and again to let me know he was listening. He didn't have to; I had come to him with many problems of mine. Dr. Heal-all was one of the most trusted doctors in Trottingham; he also specialized in emotional and physical therapy. One of the reasons his sign said The Heal All Doctor. When I finished my story he offered no response, he only waited quietly for a few minutes. He eventually got up and left the house. I waited quietly for a few hours, after that he returned. "Well Deliae, did your mother tell you to go to any family?" He asked I told him my grandmother's. "Well almighty then off ya go, I have a carriage outside waiting just tell them and they will take you there." I walked outside with him and got into the carriage. I told the coach the address and he began to drive. I thought a lot about how my life had changed so suddenly what would it be like. Would I be able to keep my job that Ms. Tulip allowed me to have. I had never told my mother about it and she never asked but for a few hours each day I would help Ms. Tulip down the street arrange flowers. She told me I had a knack for it. My cutie mark was even that of the Fleur de Lis, the flower of Trottingham. About a month after my mother died so did my grandmother; she went quietly the same way. She too had fallen ill; this disease seemed to follow me. Would it take me also? Before I could even see my father, no, I seemed to be unaffected; even though the doctors claimed me at "High Exposure" I seemed to be fine. For eight months I carried on my mother's tradition, through everything, no matter what. I'd repeat the same pattern. I'd wake up at nine thirty, get dressed, grab my envelope, and go wait by the fountain. And one day as the clock struck two I looked over my shoulder at it. I thought of my mother, how every time she would wait five extra minutes... just in case, and then, a single tear. After a while I noticed it had left a small stain. I looked down, no stain. I panicked where was my mother's tear stain? Then after all this time I realized when I was small we would face AT the clock. I was on the wrong side of the fountain!!! I raced to the other side, and, as if by magic or some other force. I knew him, I knew it was him I could feel it. My trembling hooves moved slowly as I walked toward him, as I faced him he noticed my shadow and looked up. He looked surprised. I was quite surprised too. I could only utter one word. "Chisel?" I sat there looking at Fluier. At least it looked like her, she was far too young. But she had said my name. Who was this lookalike pony? I’d heard of Changelings who took the form of a loved one and fed on your love for them. If that's what this was than it was cruel. But I didn't believe it was them, before I could speak the filly pulled out an envelope from her saddlebag. Oh, no I thought another note. I opened it; the handwriting alone was enough to make me cry. Dearest Chisel. If you are reading this than I have already passed on. I stopped, it couldn't be possible. I looked at the little pony in front of me tears in my eyes begging her to let me stop already. She said only one thing that kept me reading. "She wanted you to read it", I had to. ` I do not want you to be sad for me, do you remember our promise all those years ago. We swore under the stars that whichever one of us dies first the other will smile and be happy and the other will tell them 'I'll see you soon'. Well unfortunately we cannot keep it in time we wanted but right now I want you to smile, smile for me Chisel. I did. And remember I will see you soon. The little filly in front of you is your daughter Chisel, her name is Deliae. I had her here in Trottingham please take her in. She can be a bit stubborn at times; then again you were as well. Hopefully she will fill your life with the joy she's filled mine with. I have told her all about you, so you don't have to impress her. She absolutely adores you, let her be your whole world Chisel just as I was, and always will be. ----Yours forever, Fluier I looked up at the little filly, she smiled at me and I smiled back. She jumped into my arms and I hugged her back, although I didn't know her, this note made me feel as if I had raised her. She really did look like Fluier, her mane and coat were the same; she even had the same lightning blue eyes. She was mine and I would be there for her forever. We shared the silent hug for so long. When we finally broke she looked at me and said, "I'm so happy you’re finally here" "Kid," I said "I'll be here forever, you can count on it. From now on the both of us are gonna live happily eva afta." And that's what we did; as we walked the street not knowing what was ahead of us I knew one thing. Fluier wanted me to take care of my beautiful daughter Deliae until I saw her again, and I would. The End